2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2016 Sep 19, G L Francis commented:

      I have read your publication in PNAS titled ‘Metabolic features of chronic fatigue syndrome’ with much interest, this significant contribution has at last provided a definitive publication of a realistic evidence based diagnostic test based on a panel of blood metabolites - this could provide a more robust diagnostic base for future rational treatment studies in ‘CFS’.

      Athough there are many more complex and critical questions to be asked, I will keep mine simple. I took particular note of the authors comments “When MTHFD2L is turned down in differentiated cells, less mitochondrial formate is produced and one-carbon units are directed through Methylene-THF toward increased SAM synthesis and increased DNA methylation” (from Figure S6. Mitochondrial Control of Redox, NADPH, Nucleotide, and Methylation Pathways legend). I recently read the paper, 'Association of Vitamin B12 Deficiency with Homozygosity of the TT MTHFR C677T Genotype, Hyperhomocysteinemia, and Endothelial Cell Dysfunction' Shiran A et al. IMAJ 2015; 17: 288–292, and wondered whether the gene variations in the individuals described within that publication, could be over represented in your subjects, mind you the size of your study population probably answers my own question; and no doubt many mechanisms that lead to a perturbation of this pathway exist, of which this could conceivable be just one of many, even if a minor contributor. Moreover, there does seem to be a difference between the two papers in terms of the particular pertubations on incidence of cardiovascular disease and outcomes?

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2016 Sep 19, G L Francis commented:

      I have read your publication in PNAS titled ‘Metabolic features of chronic fatigue syndrome’ with much interest, this significant contribution has at last provided a definitive publication of a realistic evidence based diagnostic test based on a panel of blood metabolites - this could provide a more robust diagnostic base for future rational treatment studies in ‘CFS’.

      Athough there are many more complex and critical questions to be asked, I will keep mine simple. I took particular note of the authors comments “When MTHFD2L is turned down in differentiated cells, less mitochondrial formate is produced and one-carbon units are directed through Methylene-THF toward increased SAM synthesis and increased DNA methylation” (from Figure S6. Mitochondrial Control of Redox, NADPH, Nucleotide, and Methylation Pathways legend). I recently read the paper, 'Association of Vitamin B12 Deficiency with Homozygosity of the TT MTHFR C677T Genotype, Hyperhomocysteinemia, and Endothelial Cell Dysfunction' Shiran A et al. IMAJ 2015; 17: 288–292, and wondered whether the gene variations in the individuals described within that publication, could be over represented in your subjects, mind you the size of your study population probably answers my own question; and no doubt many mechanisms that lead to a perturbation of this pathway exist, of which this could conceivable be just one of many, even if a minor contributor. Moreover, there does seem to be a difference between the two papers in terms of the particular pertubations on incidence of cardiovascular disease and outcomes?

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.