2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2017 Nov 30, Alejandro Montenegro-Montero commented:

      I read this very interesting review summarizing recent global studies aimed at characterizing circadian gene expression in mammals. It presents a nice summary of the different ways in which the clock can impact gene expression and additionally, briefly discusses various statistical methods currently used for the identification of rhythmic genes from global data sets. This is a very welcome review on the subject.

      Readers might also be interested in our discussion of the relative contributions of the different stages of gene expression, in determining rhythmic profiles in eukaryotes. In our commentary, "In the Driver's Seat: The Case for Transcriptional Regulation and Coupling as Relevant Determinants of the Circadian Transcriptome and Proteome in Eukaryotes", we discuss several scenarios in which gene transcription (even when apparently arrhythmic) might play a much relevant role in determining oscillations in gene expression than currently estimated, regulating rhythms at downstream steps. Further, we argue that due to both biological and technical reasons, the jury is still out on the determination of the relative contributions of each of the different stages of gene expression in regulating output molecular rhythms.

      We hope that reviews like the one by Mermet et al., and commentaries like the one presented in this post, stimulate further discussions on this exciting topic: there are still many important challenges ahead in the field of circadian gene regulation.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. On 2017 Nov 30, Alejandro Montenegro-Montero commented:

      I read this very interesting review summarizing recent global studies aimed at characterizing circadian gene expression in mammals. It presents a nice summary of the different ways in which the clock can impact gene expression and additionally, briefly discusses various statistical methods currently used for the identification of rhythmic genes from global data sets. This is a very welcome review on the subject.

      Readers might also be interested in our discussion of the relative contributions of the different stages of gene expression, in determining rhythmic profiles in eukaryotes. In our commentary, "In the Driver's Seat: The Case for Transcriptional Regulation and Coupling as Relevant Determinants of the Circadian Transcriptome and Proteome in Eukaryotes", we discuss several scenarios in which gene transcription (even when apparently arrhythmic) might play a much relevant role in determining oscillations in gene expression than currently estimated, regulating rhythms at downstream steps. Further, we argue that due to both biological and technical reasons, the jury is still out on the determination of the relative contributions of each of the different stages of gene expression in regulating output molecular rhythms.

      We hope that reviews like the one by Mermet et al., and commentaries like the one presented in this post, stimulate further discussions on this exciting topic: there are still many important challenges ahead in the field of circadian gene regulation.

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.