3 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2022
www.qimaone.com www.qimaone.com
hain collaboration mirror the benefits of customer retention: long-term relatio
- Oct 2019
ieeexplore.ieee.org ieeexplore.ieee.org
the CMfg paradigm and concept provides a collaborative network environment (the Cloud) where users can select the suitable manufacturing services from the Cloud and dynamically assemble them into a virtual manufacturing solution to execute a selected manufacturing task
Cloud Computing in SCM
- Dec 2016
medium.com medium.com
Git, the version control system released in 2005, made those processes even easier.
Among many others DVCS / SCM (for Distributed Version Control Systems and Software Configuration Management). The coupling between Linux Kernel and Git make the last gain a lot of visibility, becoming the de-facto standard and choice, despite of its fitness for any community or workflow.
In my case, after testing several DVCS / SCM, arch, git, bazaar, mercurial and fossil, I choose the last one, because I think it fits better small communities and individual projects, without the gratuitous complexity of Git and similar ones.