9 Matching Annotations
- Mar 2019
luis-miguel-villar-angulo.es luis-miguel-villar-angulo.es
studies within the science classroom resound-ingly demonstrate that the most effective strategies for teaching students tothink and act like scientists (to generate hypotheses, to design sound ex-periments, to analyze and interpret data) involve their active engagementin collaborative, inquiry-based learning activities, rather than their passiveengagement in traditional lectures, where the scientific method is merelydiscussed or modeled (Handelsman, Miller, and Pfund 2007)
What does it meanto think and act like a literary critic or a biologist? And how can we cre-ate these situations in class? Teaching the “attitudes, values, and disposi-tions” of a discipline or profession (Shulman 2005, 55) is not somethingthat can be accomplished through traditional “transfer of information” lec-tures alone. Numerous studies from multiple disciplines now indicate thatdeep disciplinary learning takes place when students are challenged withlearning activities that actively engage them in the habits of mind that drivetheir discipline.
- Jul 2018
"Active Learning" Has Become a Buzzword (and Why That Matters)
resourcecenter.odee.osu.edu resourcecenter.odee.osu.edu
Active Learning in an Online Course
- Feb 2018
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
We have more than 100 years of research emphasizing that learning for life is about finding what is relevant and applicable in all the vast array of material covered and finding out how that helps one to understand oneself or the world.
- Jan 2018
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
active learning and technology engagement.
- Sep 2017
Using Active Learning Techniques in Large Classes
- Aug 2017
www.physport.org www.physport.org
How do I help students engage productively in active learning classrooms?
- May 2017
cft.vanderbilt.edu cft.vanderbilt.edu
Active learning
Getting students involved