1 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2018
    1. n recent years, college instructors have begun to abandon traditional approaches to instruction, which merely transfer knowledge from faculty to students, for cutting-edge strategies, which allow students to construct their own learning. This change in instructional strategy has also brought about a change in the tools which are used for instruction. As students gain more control over their learning, they also want to have more control over the tools that guide their learning. In many way

      This article discusses some of the advantages of ebooks, but the conclusion at the end mentions that it hasn't caught on very much (at that point, this was published in 2009). The authors hypothesize that there would be a combination of printed and ebooks.

      There are some helpful ideas in this article. It is a little outdated considering there have been new enough software to help with some of the downsides (such as making annotations!), but some relevant ideas are included. Rating 7/10