- Feb 2023
corecursive.com corecursive.com
Richard was a contractor for Bath Iron Works working on software for the DDG-79 Oscar Austin.
- Sep 2022
www.theouts.com www.theouts.com
In the article, "The New Normative: Queer Politics in The Outs," author John Sherman, a freelance writer from Brooklyn, implores reader's to give credit to show's casually- revolutionary representation of queer characters. Sherman indicates to reader's that this is a rarely great representation for its time (2012) because it gives gay characters a non-stereotypical story line. It allows it's characters to be people who just happen to be gay. In just the pilot episode, it's not hard to see this truth. With the first four queer male characters being introduced, they all have different characteristics, priorities, and dynamics with eachother that don't center around their gayness. This gives a depth to the queer character being represented without relying on the fact that their gay to do so. I think that the positive reaction to this show bodes very well for the style of queer representation being presented and will hopefully inspire more writing and content making of this kind which non-chalently gives a voice gay to story lines in a relatable- human way instead of a stereotypical and tokenising way.
I believe that Shitt's Creek also does this fairly well. Although I've only seen a couple episodes myself- I saw the character of David as a complete person and story line not defined by his gayness or partner choices although it is an obvious part of his identity.
- Oct 2020
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.neteog.pdf1
According to google firament means the heavens or the sky, especially when regarded as a tangible thing.
- May 2019
oll.libertyfund.org oll.libertyfund.org
Paduans is a Venetian Italian city that was founded by the Trojan price Antenor in 1185 B.C after the destruction of Troy. Antenor who was the founder of the city was said to be a tradior of the Trojans and he delivered Palladio who was the tailsmans of troy to Odysseus and Diomedes and in exchange he recieved salvation for himself and his family. Today Paduans in known to be one of the most beautiful cities in Veneto.