5 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2020
In 1901, Eugène-Anatole Demarçay carried out a painstaking sequence of crystallisations of samarium magnesium nitrate, and separated yet another new element: europium.
www.lenntech.com www.lenntech.com
Europium has no known biological role. Europium salts could be mildly toxic by ingesiton, but its toxicity has not been fully investigated.
Health and Community Problems
Europium poses no environmental threath to plants or animals. The metal dust presents a fire and explosion hazard.
Environmental Problems
www.chemistryexplained.com www.chemistryexplained.com
Europium has a strong tendency to absorb neutrons, making it useful in nuclear power production. A nuclear power plant produces electricity from the energy released by nuclear fission. Slow-moving neutrons collide with uranium or Plutonium atoms, breaking them apart and releasing energy as heat. The amount of energy produced in a nuclear power plant is controlled by the number of neutrons present. Europium is used to absorb neutrons in this kind of control system. Chemical properties Europium is the most active of the lanthanides. It reacts quickly with water to give off hydrogen. It also reacts strongly with oxygen in the air, catching fire spontaneously. Scientists must use great care in handling the metal.
www.businessinsider.com.au www.businessinsider.com.au
europium are crucial to your iPhone’s function – they’re used in the phone’s battery, as well as to help give the display screen colour and make the phone vibrate when you get a text,
Needed for normal function in Iphone.