14 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2024
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Monday had been a walk around the deer park within the walls ofMagdalen College. C. S. Lewis had said that the circular path was the perfectlength for any problem. It was true.
- Jan 2020
Loss of landscape/aesthetic degradation, Soil contamination, Soil erosion, Deforestation and loss of vegetation cover, Surface water pollution / Decreasing water (physico-chemical, biological) quality, Mine tailing spills
these are the problems that the community and environment are suffering because of the mines.
www.google.com www.google.com
Lead isotopes are the end products of each of the three series of naturally occurring radioactive elements.
lead is radioactive, so when you touch it, it can effect your body.
www.google.com www.google.com
Keep work areas clean. Do not use compressed air to remove lead dust.
when you use compressed air to remove lead dust, can blow the lead into the air, causing people to breath it in.
new.hindawi.com new.hindawi.com
large amount of waste rock, tailings, and smelting slags are produced during the Sb mining, processing, and smelting. These are partly used for filling the underground voids and piled up in the waste slack yard. The tailings produced in mineral processing are piped to the tailings dam located in the southwest of the mining area, which is located in the natural depression between two mountain bodies in the southwest of the mining area. Downstream is a large area of farmland, at risk from contamination from tailings release.
What happens to waste produced during Sb refining.
www.lenntech.com www.lenntech.com
Europium has no known biological role. Europium salts could be mildly toxic by ingesiton, but its toxicity has not been fully investigated.
Health and Community Problems
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
A 2009 study published in PLOS One concluded that the global warming potential of mining and processing nickel was the eighth highest of 63 metals over the previous year.
The mining and processing of nickel has one of the biggest effects on global warming out of 63 metals.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The pond, owned by the Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare-Earth Hi-Tech Company, or Baotou Steel, lacks a proper lining and for the past 20 years its toxic contents have been seeping into groundwater, according to villagers and state media reports.
Lanthanum Toxins have been leaking into the ground water which people use for tap water.
www.hrw.org www.hrw.org
Damage to water sources that residents attribute to mining, as well as increased demand due to population migration to mining sites, reduces communities’ access to water for drinking, washing and cooking. Women, who are primarily responsible for fetching water, are forced to walk longer distances or wait for long periods to obtain water from alternative sources. The dust produced by bauxite mining and transport smothers fields and enters homes, leaving families and health workers worried that reduced air quality threatens their health and environment.
Mining is contaminating our water sources and water is one of the most important things for survival.
11geokatieevans.weebly.com 11geokatieevans.weebly.com
Tin mining on and offshore off Bangka island has a devastating effect on its environment.
Good information about environmental issues
- May 2019
corporatejustice.org corporatejustice.org
Cities such as Lubumbashi and Likasi face serious air pollution because of the thousands of trucks that travel to and from the mines throughout the day. Chronic exposure to such dusts can lead to severe lung diseases. Water is unfit for human consumption and agriculture because soil and water in the immediate vicinity of the mines are polluted by discharges of wastewater.
rctom.hbs.org rctom.hbs.org
Codelco is a state-owned Chilean mining company and the world’s largest copper producer. Based on their annual report and USGS statistics, they produced ~10% of the world’s copper in 2015 and own 8% of global reserves. They are also a large producer of greenhouse gas emissions. Last year, Codelco produced 3,2 t CO2e/millions tmf from both indirect and direct effects, and in 2011 it consumed 12% of the total national electricity supply.
Goddamn they should start recylcling
What can Codelco do, then? In addition to cost cutting, Codelco could consider entering the recycling copper industry, as energy prices are driving “virgin” copper costs up.
thats good
copper mining significantly contributes to climate change.