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  1. Jun 2021
    1. Anne: That’s really tragic, and I'm hoping that you'll be able to soon go over. But sort of leading up to all that, so when you crossed the border, did you end up living in Arizona?Mike: Yes. I remember the first place I got to was Tucson. We had gone to Taco Bell. I love Taco Bell. That's why I love Taco Bell. I remember that now. I was like, "Damn, why do I like Taco Bell?" But yeah, I remember I came in a Taco Bell and I had thorns from the cactus stuck in my feet and I remember they got infected.Mike: All this green and pus was coming out and a lady from the Taco Bell gave us some food, and let us stay with her. Really good people too. I remember that every time I think about that. But we started living with them and then we started getting side jobs here and there. There was also a point in time where my dad and my mom really didn't get along.

      Time in the US, Arriving in the United States, First impressions, Living situation