- Jul 2024
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nav visit to Centre Pompidou Metz [[Daglog 22-07-2024]] [[Différence et répétition by Gilles Deleuze]] 1968 (fr, eng tr. 1994)
Deleuze: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilles_Deleuze 1925-1995
n:: Repetition is set apart from generalities (cycli, gelijksoortigheid, laws also of nature, meaning disconnected events / situations behaving the same way because of e.g. gravity) Repetition is series of events or things, with a provenance (B repeats A, is repeated by C). This makes such a train of things/events unique. Art has a lot of such repetition because [[Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon]]
He defines repetition as 'a difference without a concept' p13. Difference precedes repetition, also repetition further creates difference. n:: Posits difference as an affirmation rather than Hegelian negation / opposition, and it seems sees both differences and repetition as building blocks of identity, rather than resulting from comparing identities / things that exist. Posits to see differences more like differentials and derivatives, i.e. as part of a thing itself yet slightly outside it too, rather than comparison with something else. I like that, both point towards the role of [[Feedback Cybernetics 20200402161040]] and derivatives as function sensitivity between inputs and outputs, also point to an actor (in a network of feedbacks) and autonomous response. All this at first glance puts differences (and repetition by extension) in the realm of conscious actors, networks and social systems ([[Sociale Systeemdefinitie van Luhmann 20230211132804]]) Talks about repetition as complex repetition, which puts it in the realm of [[Hoe emergence tot stand komt 20040513173612]]
Zie ook H III en IV, V on how he relates this to thought and ideas.
https://openlibrary.org/books/OL1493822M/Difference_and_repetition https://www.amazon.nl/Difference-Repetition-Bloomsbury-Revelations-English-ebook/dp/B08X1YMSC6/ Kindle version 20Euro. Bloomsbury version, people warn it lacks the index / table of content.