- Jan 2024
www.x17.de www.x17.de
via u/runslack at https://www.reddit.com/r/bulletjournal/comments/18rghxp/comment/kg8fv4t/
I see, that’s nice. I asked for a7 format since I want a portable « device ». I currently am following the today system method with my stuff from https://www.x17.de/de/mind-papers/karteikarten-lernkarten-karteikartenbox-karteikartenkasten-lernkartei-mindpapers/.
- May 2022
javascript.plainenglish.io javascript.plainenglish.io
```css .long-text { margin-bottom: 10px; }
.clamp { -webkit-line-clamp: 5; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow-wrap: break-word; } ```
```js import { LoremIpsum } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/lorem-ipsum@2.0.3"; import classnames from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/classnames@2.3.1"; import * as lodash from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/lodash@4.17.21";
const getText = (paragraphs) => { const lorem = new LoremIpsum(); return lorem.generateParagraphs(paragraphs); };
const ReadMoreText = ({ text }) => { const [clamped, setClamped] = React.useState(true); const [showButton, setShowButton] = React.useState(true); const containerRef = React.useRef(null); const handleClick = () => setClamped(!clamped);
React.useEffect(() => { const hasClamping = (el) => { const { clientHeight, scrollHeight } = el; return clientHeight !== scrollHeight; };
const checkButtonAvailability = () => { if (containerRef.current) { // Save current state to reapply later if necessary. const hadClampClass = containerRef.current.classList.contains("clamp"); // Make sure that CSS clamping is applied if aplicable. if (!hadClampClass) containerRef.current.classList.add("clamp"); // Check for clamping and show or hide button accordingly. setShowButton(hasClamping(containerRef.current)); // Sync clamping with local state. if (!hadClampClass) containerRef.current.classList.remove("clamp"); } }; const debouncedCheck = lodash.debounce(checkButtonAvailability, 50); checkButtonAvailability(); window.addEventListener("resize", debouncedCheck); return () => { window.removeEventListener("resize", debouncedCheck); };
}, [containerRef]);
return ( <> <div ref={containerRef} className={classnames("long-text", clamped && "clamp")} > {text} </div> {showButton && ( <button onClick={handleClick}>Read {clamped ? "more" : "less"}</button> )} <br /> ); };
const App = () => { const text = getText(2); return <ReadMoreText text={text} />; };
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("App")); ```
- Jun 2020
tools.ietf.org tools.ietf.org
To implement the X25519(k, u) and X448(k, u) functions (where k is the scalar and u is the u-coordinate), first decode k and u and then perform the following procedure
For X25519, in order to decode 32 random bytes as an integer scalar, set the three least significant bits of the first byte and the most significant bit of the last to zero, set the second most significant bit of the last byte to 1 and, finally, decode as little-endian.