1 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. So far we have considered only just the MainHeadings and the Sub-Headings. But it would bepossible, and it would be advisable, if the work has tobe carefully done, to apply the Card-System to ' Con-nexions',i.e. to write on Cards the connecting link be-tween each Idea and the Idea that follows ; and it maybe as well to apply the System even to Paragraphs,that is to say, before you write a Paragraph to write onCards the Headings for the different sections of it.

      Connexions definition

      Miles is specifically advising the card system user to write down the "connecting link between each Idea ad the Idea that follows".

      He does this in the context of using headings and sub-headings as a means of organizing and re-organizing material for writing. There isn't much of a jump from here to the idea of folgezettel. Which is happening in many people system in a looser fashion than Luhmann's.

