3 Matching Annotations
- Mar 2020
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It is vital to remind students to TEST THESE TECHNOLOGIES before the conference. They need to make they're logged on, volume is up, etc, before they're appointed time. Otherwise, they may run into problems and spend the entire conference time trying to log on.
Sara Webb-Sunderhaus @webbsusa https://twitter.com/webbsusa/status/1237197494410457089
It is vital to remind students to TEST THESE TECHNOLOGIES before the conference. They need to make they're logged on, volume is up, etc, before their appointed time. Otherwise, they may run into problems and spend the entire conference time trying to log on.
Of course, email is an important communication medium, but I put boundaries around it. I only answer email 9-5, Monday-Friday. No email on weekends or breaks. The students get used to it and learn to respect those boundaries. That cuts down on feeling like I am always "on."
Sara Webb-Sunderhaus @webbsusa https://twitter.com/webbsusa/status/1237197494410457089
poorvucenter.yale.edu poorvucenter.yale.edu
Academic Continuity: Your First Continuity Class Session