10 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2022
elifesciences.org elifesciences.org
Li, Z., Tomlinson, A. C., Wong, A. H., Zhou, D., Desforges, M., Talbot, P. J., Benlekbir, S., Rubinstein, J. L., & Rini, J. M. (2019). The human coronavirus HCoV-229E S-protein structure and receptor binding. ELife, 8, e51230. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.51230
- Jun 2021
github.com github.com
If you do need to passthrough your mydomain.com cookies to a thirdparty.com domain, you can technically already do that now by implementing it as an endpoint and calling fetch('/my-endpoint')
- Mar 2020
github.com github.com
In order to retrieve consent and share it across multiple websites and domains you will need to activate the Power Opt-In aka POI.
support.cookiebot.com support.cookiebot.com
By default, your users will be asked for their consent on each of your domains and sub domains since Cookiebot treats domains and sub domains separately. By enabling the Bulk Consent feature, however, your users will only be prompted for a consent the first time they visit any one of your websites (and again after 12 months when the consent needs to be renewed).
support.cookiebot.com support.cookiebot.com
Yes, the identified cookies and trackers from all the domains and sub domains which the Bulk Consent is valid for will automatically be pooled together in the Cookie Declaration as well as in the cookie consent banner.
support.cookiebot.com support.cookiebot.com
You can add both the two domains to the same domain group. That way they will share the same script and behave in the same way.
it is possible to use ‘Bulk Consent’ for all the domains and subdomains within one domain group to ensure that a website visitor is asked for a joint consent covering all the domains/subdomains only the first time he visits one of those domains
support.cookiebot.com support.cookiebot.com
Also, it is possible to use ‘Bulk Consent’ for all the domains and subdomains within one domain group to ensure that a website visitor is asked for a joint consent covering all the domains/subdomains only the first time he visits one of those domains
They will share the same cbid (‘CookiebotIdentifier, which is the serial number that is included in the script. Each domain group has a unique cbid), use the same cookie consent banner template, the same logo, the same styling of the banner etc.
github.com github.com
Cross-Domain Cookie Library This library is intended for cases where you have scripts running on different domains (i.e. domain-a.com, domain-b.com) that need to be able to set/share a cookie value across those domains. A few example use cases would be a third-party script that wants to set/share a user identifier across both domains, or a company that wants to track if a user signed up for a newsletter across both their main website and blog that resides on a different TLD. This library also offers a way of writing data to a cookie from a third-party script