3 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2022
www.nature.com www.nature.com
process of dPCR is, for the most part, the same as that of qPCR; the key difference is that the nucleic acid sample is diluted and separated into numerous individual partitions that are independently amplified
qPCR vs dPCR
- Dec 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
ஒவ்வையாரும் விக்ரமாதித்யனும்
- ஏற்றுக உலையே ஆக்குக சோறே
- இவ்வரி சங்க இலக்கிய மொழியியல் கூறுகளில் இருந்து வேறுபடுகின்றது
- ஆழ்ந்த படிமங்கள் வகையில் அழகியல் இல்லாமால் நேரடி தன்மையில் உள்ளது
- classic poetry ∨ romantic poetry
www.thehindu.com www.thehindu.com
Modern courts insist that a case being discussed must be seen in isolation, and not contaminated by other pending cases. For the crime of murder, it does not matter if the killer is a king or a beggar, if he is kind or cruel. But in the dharma discourse, all contexts have to be considered. The focus must be balanced with perspective. The king is reminded constantly that he has no role in natural conflicts, only in cultural ones. Arjuna is asked to behave with greater grace than an entitled brat.
difference between justice and dharma