5 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2024
news.yale.edu news.yale.edu
The reconstructed specimen — about 14 feet long from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail — demonstrates the importance of the preparators to the museum’s scientific and educational missions, said Vanessa Rhue, the Peabody’s collections manager for vertebrate paleontology.
This is amazing!
- Jul 2023
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
a ravenous Repenomamus, an ancient mammal the size of an opossum, pounced on an unsuspecting Psittacosaurus—an herbivorous dinosaur more than three times its size.
- Jul 2022
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
The limb, complete with skin, is just one of a series of remarkable finds emerging from the Tanis fossil site in the US State of North Dakota.
- Dec 2018
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
An analysis of two fossils would push back the origins of feathers by about 70 million years, but more specimens may be needed for confirmation.
My mind is continually blown by these incredible discoveries in paleontology. Again, wish I could time travel to tell this to my 8 yo self!
- Feb 2018
allthatsinteresting.com allthatsinteresting.com
"We don't just have a skeleton," said one of the nodosaur researchers involved. "We have a dinosaur as it would have been."
No matter now many times I read about this--I still think it's so cool!