15 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
  2. Nov 2018
    1. With the approach above, we essentially just converted a unicast Observable execution to multicast, through the Subject. This demonstrates how Subjects are the only way of making any Observable execution be shared to multiple Observers.


    2. The reason why we use Rx types like Observable, Observer, and Subscription is to get safety (such as the Observable Contract) and composability with Operators.


    3. It is a good idea to wrap any code in subscribe with try/catch block that will deliver an Error notification if it catches an exception:


    4. Next notifications are the most important and most common type: they represent actual data being delivered to an Observer.


    5. This is drastically different to event handler APIs like addEventListener / removeEventListener. With observable.subscribe, the given Observer is not registered as a listener in the Observable. The Observable does not even maintain a list of attached Observers.


    6. This shows how subscribe calls are not shared among multiple Observers of the same Observable. When calling observable.subscribe with an Observer, the function subscribe in Observable.create(function subscribe(observer) {...}) is run for that given Observer. Each call to observable.subscribe triggers its own independent setup for that given Observer.


    7. Some people claim that Observables are asynchronous. That is not true. If you surround a function call with logs, like this:


    8. This happens because both functions and Observables are lazy computations. If you don't call the function, the console.log('Hello') won't happen. Also with Observables, if you don't "call" it (with subscribe), the console.log('Hello') won't happen. Plus, "calling" or "subscribing" is an isolated operation: two function calls trigger two separate side effects, and two Observable subscribes trigger two separate side effects. As opposed to EventEmitters which share the side effects and have eager execution regardless of the existence of subscribers, Observables have no shared execution and are lazy.


    9. Contrary to popular claims, Observables are not like EventEmitters nor are they like Promises for multiple values. Observables may act like EventEmitters in some cases, namely when they are multicasted using RxJS Subjects, but usually they don't act like EventEmitters.


    10. Observables are like functions with zero arguments, but generalize those to allow multiple values.


    11. RxJS introduces Observables, a new Push system for JavaScript. An Observable is a Producer of multiple values, "pushing" them to Observers (Consumers).


    12. What is Push? In Push systems, the Producer determines when to send data to the Consumer. The Consumer is unaware of when it will receive that data. Promises are the most common type of Push system in JavaScript today. A Promise (the Producer) delivers a resolved value to registered callbacks (the Consumers), but unlike functions, it is the Promise which is in charge of determining precisely when that value is "pushed" to the callbacks.


    13. Producer Consumer Pull Passive: produces data when requested. Active: decides when data is requested. Push Active: produces data at its own pace. Passive: reacts to received data.


    14. ES2015 introduced generator functions and iterators (function*), another type of Pull system. Code that calls iterator.next() is the Consumer, "pulling" out multiple values from the iterator (the Producer).
