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  1. Sep 2016
    1. (G) Doublets directed at a freeze-thawed fish under agar without the plastic bag or stimulator did not elicit eel attack volleys or strikes (10 trials each of two eels).

      Fig. 4 tab G: Also without the plastic bag isolation, frozen fish weren't attacked by the eels. Conclusion from G and H: eel's don't attack fish when they see them, they need the fish's movement stimulated by their doublet or the experimenter to attack the fish

    2. (C) When stimulator triggered fish twitch after doublets, eels attacked (10 trials each for two eels).

      Fig. 4 tab C: The fish's movement following the eel's doublet is stimulated by the experimenter. The eel recognises this movement and attacks. Conclusion: the eel always attacks when there is movement from the fish

    3. Paradigm and controls showing eels attack doublet-generated movements.

      Fig.4 GENERAL - panel A: plastic bag: isolates the fish electrically from the eels attacks. Thus the fish isn't affected by the attack, and doesn't move. stimulater: a movement of the fish can be stimulated to simulate a fish's reaction to the eel's attack

    4. hese latter conditions, along with (H) trials with Plexiglas barrier, show that visual cues did not generate eel attacks. Examples are provided in movie S6 and (10).

      Fig. 4 tab H. The eel doesn't react to visual signals. the fish behind the glass moved, but the eel didn't attack, because he couldn't feel the movement through the thick glass barrier.

    5. (F) Likewise, no attack volleys were elicited after stimulation of a freeze-thawed fish (10 trials each of two eels).

      fig. 4 tab F: Frozen fish don't move as well, so like in E no attack

    6. (E) Doublets that triggered stimulator leads in bag did not elicit attack (10 trials for each of two eels).

      Fig. 4 tab E: When there is no fish to be moved, no attack follows

    7. (D) Without doublets, fish twitches also elicited attack volleys (10 trials each of two eels).

      fig. 4 tab D: the eel even reacts to fish movement with an attact, when it didn't send out it's question "Is there living fish?". The doublet represents this question.

    8. B) Without fish twitch, eels did not follow doublets with attack (10 trials each for two eels).

      Fig. 4 tabB: Fish doesn't move after the eel's doublet because of the plastic bag isolation. Thus no response for the eel that there is a fish behind the agar barrier and no attack.