- Sep 2015
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important issues for ourunderstanding of visual communication. It directs our attention towards theidea of an ‘active spectator’ who constitutes the sense and significance ofobjects and artefacts
This reminds me of something someone (I'm sorry I couldn't find the post) highlighted in the AA chapters. This idea that there are people outside the immediate Figured world (Last week it as AA and those who are family members/friend, here it is the art makers and those who look at/experience the art) that play a role in what goes on in the FW. So cool.
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"fluid reality" ofthe households, the changes in household composition, residence,jobs, and social relations; it is within this fluidity that the experiencesof families must be understood.
This idea reminds me a lot of Holland et. al. when they first introduced Figured Worlds (FW) as cultural worlds. That so much of what a person is has to do with what goes on in their predominant FWs and further, what makes sense in one FW (language, action, interaction) may make no sense in another - so we can't copy and paste actions/interactions/language/etc. from one FW to the next and expect it to explain anything.
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edufw_5.pdf1
Most of the hundreds of gender-marked terms the students used desig-nate problematic types of men and women-problematic in relation to the taken-for-granted progress orilliilvfemale relations posited by the cultural model.
Defining who/what is a part of the FW developing ways to point out who/what is not.
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edufw_4.pdf1
As a cultural system, and one that no one is born into, this entire figured world of AA is new to neophytes.
I.e., no one is born into the FW, but instead must learn about it and how to be a part of it.
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It is a landscape of objectified (materially and percepti-bly expressed) meanings, joint activities, and structures of privilege and influence-all partly contingent upon and partly independent of other figured worlds, the interconnections among figured worlds, and larger societal and trans-societal forces. Figured worlds in their conceptual dimensions supply the ccmtexts of meaning for actions, cultural produc-tions, performances, disputes, fo;:'the understandings that people come to make of themselves, and for the capabilities that people develop to direct their own behavior in these worlds.l9 Materially, figured worlds are manifest and practices; the idioms of the world realize selves and others in and everyday perform-ances that constantiate relative positions of influence and prestige. Fig-ured worlds provide the contexts of meaning and action in which social positions and social relationships are named and conducted. They also provide the loci in which people fashion senses of self-that is, develop identities.
Long, but a nice summary of FW.
By "figured world," then, we mean a socially and culturally con-structed realm of interpretation in which particular characters and actors are recognized, significance is assigned to certain acts, and particular outcomes are valued over others. Each is a simplified world populated by a set of agents (in the world of romance: attractive women, boyfriends, lovers, fiances) who engage in a limited range of meaningful acts or changes of state (flirting with, falling in love with, dumping, having sex with) as moved by a specific set of forces (attractiveness, love, lust). 3
So then, what are the characteristics of the "figured world" of school? Particular characters/agents: students/teachers/administration broadly, and certain types of each of these (bad/good/smart/mean/strict/etc). Valued outcomes: achievement, good grades, attendance, etc. And forces: smartness, behavior, etc.
With this perspective we can see what probably gets left out if we say this particular world is the only place students can/do learn. What about other figured worlds they are probably a part of? (The playground - or play more generally; their family setting; their religion/church; etc.)