5 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2023
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the use of the ghoema beat which is strongly associated with the music of the Cape(e.g. ‘Siqhagamshelane Sonke’ or ‘Our House, Our Rules’ by Shepherd)
association with the music of the Cape
Elements of indigenous musics featured in Shepherd’s work include the use of the ghoemabeat in compositions such as ‘Zimology’ and ‘Spirit of Hanover Park’, or his use of the uhadiin this ‘Xam Premonitions (Cape Genesis – Movement 1, 2012)’
- May 2023
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The Music of Africa
youtube videos on marabi, mbaqanga, ghoema
www.mendeley.com www.mendeley.com
ghoema beat in compositions such as ‘Zimology’ and ‘Spirit of Hanover Park’, or his use of the uhadi in this ‘Xam Premonitions (Cape Genesis – Movement 1, 2012)
the use of the ghoema beat which is strongly associated with the music of the Cape (e.g. ‘Siqhagamshelane Sonke’ or ‘Our House, Our Rules’ by Shepherd)