28 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2023
    1. Students will write a 4-5 page paper that assess the memoir Coming of Age in Mississippiandcontextualizes withinthe larger history of the civil rights movement.Students may use only materials from the class, such as readings, lectures, and primary sources for this paper—no outside sources permitted.Additional information on this assignment will be provided duringthe semester. No extensions are allowed except as permitted by the university’s excused absence policy.

      I as well had questions about the format and when these assignments will be posted in Canvas?

    2. he University of Texas at San Antonio in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act provides “reasonable accommodations” to students with disabilities. Only students who have officially registered with Student Disability Services and requested accommodations for this course will be eligible for disability accommodations. Instructors must be provided an official notification of accommodation through Student Disability Services. Information regarding diagnostic criteria and policies for obtaining disability-based academic accommodations

      Not a question but I do want to express how I love the disability service information for UTSA students. I learned in one of my previous classes being and education major how this is very informative and resourceful to do for our future classrooms.

  2. Aug 2022
    1. Our group opted for Voyant because it is an easy to use visualization tool that presents data in a variety of clear and concise ways.

      I found the research statement of this collaborative effort a compelling one for a multitude of reasons, but especially because of the emerging news on the Supreme Court's latest ruling on the abortion rights of women and because of my stance as a female students. I'm delighted that Voyant is utilized as a part to help with the analysis of the press from studied educational institutions on the reproductive rights throughout the timeline. Totally agree that this tool is one of the easiest ways that provide both insightful and exciting information on the data that it is given. I very much enjoy looking at different visualizations and getting the picture of what the findings are regarding this social aspect. Thank you so much for all the hard work!

  3. Feb 2022
    1. He knows that this particular construction will evoke in the perception more than mere information of the hour of night.
      1. Montage is a Gestalt.
    2. in their combination and Juxtaposition, shall evoke in the consciousness and feelings of the spectator, reader, or auditor, that same initial general image which orig­inally hovered before the creative artist.

      3b. He makes the emotional aspect of montage explicit here.

    3. Before the inner vision, before the perception of the creator, hovers a given image, emotionally embodying his theme. The task that confronts him is to transform this image into a few basic partial representations which


    4. Another example that I will cite is quite typical for cinematography, no longer concerned with an individual object, but instead, with an image of a whole phenom­enon-composed, however, in exactly the same way. This example is a certain remarkable "shooting­script." In it, from a cumulative massing of contributory details and pictures, an image palpably arises before us.

      Similar idea from 2. but applied to film composition instead of acting. "From a cumulative massing of contributory details and pictures, an image palpably arises before us" is key here.

    5. are the more pointed and more interesting and, perhaps, the most instructive.

      it is more interesting to look at classical examples of montage, where the dearth of art form necessitated a use of montage that is informative to us about a classical worldview.

    6. The woman, to return to our first example, is a rep­resentation, the n10urning robe she is wearing is a repre­sentation-that is, both are objectively representable. But "a widow," arising from a juxtaposition of the two representations, is objectively unrepresentable-a new idea, a new conception, a new image

      Representable vs unrepresentable image - critical distinction for argument

    7. I think it is apparent that the phenomenon we are dis­cussing is more than widespread-it is literally universal.

      Possible thesis for this section

    8. We are certainly not criticizing all these facts, nor their noteworthiness, nor universality

      "Facts", not arguments. Maybe none of these are his main idea?

    9. in Freud:

      Connection to Benjamin and the Slip? What is it? Evidence for its applicability to literature need not come from literature, (psych journals in this case)? Did Freud develop literature?

    10. there is no inconsistency be­tween the method whereby the poet writes, the method whereby the actor forms his creation within hi1nself, the method whereby the same actor acts his role witbin the frame of a single shot, and that method whereby his actions and whole performance, as well as the actions surrounding him, forming his environment ( or the whole material of a film) are made to flash in the hands of the director through the agency of the montage ex­position and construction of the entire film.

      by directing the effect of an actor on a film through montage, the director of a film has an effect on the piece as a whole that is equivalent to the actors effect on themself through internal acting

    11. in this instance we do not gain a new con­cept, or a new quality

      argues that not all montage is constructive?

    12. He rejects not merely the exaggerated representation of ac­tuality, but even the representation of actuality in en­tirety! In its place he counsels suggestion. But what is "suggestion" if it not be an element, a detail of actuality, a "close-up" of actuality, which, in juxtaposition with other details, serves as a. determination of the entire frag­ment of actuality?
      1. We are starting to see the idea that film (and hence narrative) does better with restraint. In fact the representation being shown to the watcher/reader is more effective when it is suggestive i.e. when it is montage. Because montage is, in its essence, suggestive.
    13. we must approach its problems simply and afresh.
    14. there is no inconsistency be­tween the method whereby the poet writes, the method whereby the actor forms his creation within hi1nself, the method whereby the same actor acts his role witbin the frame of a single shot, and that method whereby his actions and whole performance, as well as the actions surrounding him, forming his environment ( or the whole material of a film) are made to flash in the hands of the director through the agency of the montage ex­position and construction of the entire film.


    15. An extreme instance of this can be found in that in­ventor of the "portmanteau word,"

      first claim that montage technique can also be applied to writing, not strictly language

    16. he whole effect of this is built upon the circum­stance that the grave and the woman in mourning be­side it lead to the inference, from established conven­tion, that she is a widow mourning her husband, whereas in fact the man for whom she is weeping is her lover.

      montage can be used to mislead, if the naturally constructed image is far from the truth

    17. For example, take a grave, juxtaposed with a woman in mourning weeping beside it, and scar�ely anybody will fail to jump to the con­clusion: a widow.

      First argues that montage is a function of perception, not strictly film

    18. that two {ihn pieces of any kind, placed together, inevitably combine into a new concept, a new quality, arising out of tbat jux!aposition.

      Effect under discussion. His argument is something ABOUT this phenomenon, not just that it exists

    19. faced with the task of present­ing not only a narrative that is logically connected, but one that contains a maxhnum of e1notion and sthnulating power. Montage is a mighty aid in the resolution of this task.


    20. I consider it opportune at this juncture to recall that montage is just as indispensable a component feature of film production as any other element of film effectiveness

      Not a thesis, just an assertion of how important this discussion is

  4. Feb 2018
    1. . Wal-Mart, McDon- alds, Snickers, and Bubble Yum bubble gum were all words my stu- dents could see and recognize with excitement. What an important con- nection for the children to make be- tween the letters being learned in school and the way language looks in the world outside of school

      Using environmental print that is recognized by your students is useful because they already hsve made a literacy connection. They have made the connection because items like candy and gum are synonymous with childhood. An example of an activity that can exploit this connection would be to have the students cut out the letters from the old wrapper and boxes to create new names for the candy they created. They can then discuss with each other the whats and whys.

  5. Sep 2017
    1. We all believe it very important that mothers should know how to direct and govern their children

      This emphasizes the importance of traditional gender roles (mother as nurturer, mother in the private sphere) in relation to marriage.

    2. criminality, which may disgrace your home through the paternal inheritance that you chose for them.

      The belief that criminal behaviour was genetically passed down was a common eugenicist claim.

  6. Oct 2016
  7. atlspaceplacerhetf16.robinwharton.net atlspaceplacerhetf16.robinwharton.net
    1. progressive criminalization of“quality of life issues” ’and an increasing tendency to censure legal behaviors (barbequingin public, fixing cars on the street, playing loud music in public)

      Why would these behaviors need to be censured? Perhaps because they are associated with the low-income neighborhoods and we automatically associate low-income with lower quality of life throughout.

    2. A major goal of these efforts is to integrate low-income and public housing residentsinto the fabric of the developments and the surrounding (regenerating) community,among higher-income residents, and in contexts of greater stability, safety, opportunityand order

      This is what Ryan Gravel had envisioned for his BeltLine project. Sadly, he felt as though his original vision isn't being met, which is why he and Nathaniel Smith have resigned from the board.