- Aug 2021
"what is the beginning of Civilization?" and "Y?"
This is the question, the answer is ... because I know that if I am then so are you--understanding what it is the change wrought by my life and us all watching it.
Understanding how law and order have become a thing of archaic mideival horror stories in the world we see, and that's pretty much all that was possible in reality.
In Heaven, in our "rael world" that's not true, and the line ... the minimum we can allow--
- Jun 2019
www.ksl.com www.ksl.com
“I really assumed that because there was a death threat, that it would be taken seriously.” — Amy Simpson, mother
I would assumed that everyone who reads this will feel some sort of way regarding threats and how serious it is. Amy Simpson, a mother of the bullied victim, had also ASSUMED threats to her child would be taken seriously. To read on that it wasn't makes me feel the indignation for Amy. As a mother myself, I would also assumed that serious actions would be taken upon the offender who physically, emotionally, and mentally abused my child. In most cases, parents of victims feel their cases is unresolved and still fear for their child safety. Why in this case was it not taken seriously when all lines are crossed topping it with the threats? Why?
- Feb 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
By the way an amazing movie that not enough people saw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELKsrUssyQE