- Jan 2023
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namely,that light needs no eyes to exist; it only needs eyes to establish its relevance.
This reminds me of ideas from Maiello's article "Post-Media Virality." Such as humans being a medium for the Coronavirus. The virus does not need humans specifically to exist. But, without humans there would not be a nearly as large spread, and the virus itself would not be documented.
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The quote "infinitely distant and yet touch the soul" draws in similar ideas seen in Imbler's article "Are We Really So Different?" Both this quote and Imbler talking of Dr. Morton's perception of deep sea creatures touch on the idea of distance. Although we are far apart from both space and deep sea, we are connected to them because we as beings are connected. Although we are physically far from the stars we feel connected through emotion and art. Although we are far from the deep sea, we are connected beings through empathy and emotional connection. Both articles bring the idea of distance, and turn it into something new.
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These1echn1ques for "1ouch111gwith light'' use iechnolog1Cal mfrasiructures de,dopcd 1hroughm1licari• research to ensc wa1er undtrground 111drough1-pronc region
this reminded me of a slightly more scientific / modern / sophisticated sentiment to the one that was presented in the seeing with sunbeams text. Both challenge the limits of the senses and what mediums can convey them, specifically in regards to light
- May 2017
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Barad's use of parentheses reminds me of Gate's article on signifyin(g). While he used parentheses a lot at the end of the word "signifyin(g); he also used them throughout the article around the prefix "re-", denoting "again". I think Barad is suggesting that there are always new ways to articulate something, so it is not necessarily always "re-articulated," but rather is sometimes re-articulated and other times is said in a completely different manner.
- Apr 2017
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Although thc standard models of rhetorical situation can tell us much about the elements that are involved in a particular situation, these same models can also mask the fluidity of rhetoric.
It seems like Edbauer is attempting to reverse what Quintillian did many years ago by compartmentalizing rhetoric, which in his mind would be a better way to understand it and practice it. However, rhetoricians have since argued that this has been problematic to the field, with which I think Edbauer would agree. In order to display a truer form of rhetoric, Edbauer wants to create a model that will showcase all of its aspects.
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This would be different depending on what type of rhetoric one is examining, according to Gates. He argues that the speaker-audience relationship in white rhetoric is vastly different from the relationship in black rhetoric. In white rhetoric, the audience listens to the speaker; in black rhetoric, the audience listens and is actively involved in the rhetorical discourse through affirmations, comments of support, etc.
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my people, the Indians, did not split the artistic from the functional,
Diverts from all Enlightenment rhetoric of the Anglo tradition, which valued efficiency and straightforwardness over artistic "fluff."
Gates' idea of different cultural rhetorics can be also applied here.
Language is a male discourse.
Similar to Woolf's idea that the sentence is a male construct of rhetoric, Anzaldua takes the argument a step further by suggesting that language itself is masculine. It takes us back to the question throughout history of "who can do rhetoric?"; the answer was primarily rich white males for thousands of years, which stifled the development of language. I think this is, in part, why Anzaldua argues that language is inherently male.
- Mar 2017
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the stoic Cato's characteri-zation of the rhetorician as a good man skilled at speaking
The idea that a good rhetorician is a good man (and is not an evil man). An evil man cannot be successful in engaging rhetoric. This has been mentioned before in our readings, specifically Lanham's The Q Question in reference to Quintilian's thoughts on rhetoric.
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The whole problem is reduced, as Hume said, to determining who are the quali-fied judges.
Hume would say the qualified judges are those with good taste, who have experiences that have influenced them to have a refined sense about the world, and therefore are qualified with a better judgment of all things.
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Writing is undeniably a sign function
I think Foucault would not be comfortable with the use of the word "undeniably." He says that language is a sign, but he also says it isn't because it depends on exactly what one means by "sign" (1448). I wonder how his theory of language would translate to writing?
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Two people may say the same thing at the same time, but since there are two people there will be two distinct enunciations.
Reflects Locke's idea that language is not standard and cannot convey a universal meaning because individuals apply their own backgrounds and experiences to the meanings of words, so their perceptions and understandings of a statement will vary.
This is the reason, I assume, that Nietzsche would give for why language is a lie.
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l\lere suddenly twofold in-Austen and Emily Bronte :ing than in their power to d solicitations and to hold rbed by scorn or censure. serene or a very powerful emptation to anger. The he assurance of inferiority which were lavished upon an art, provoked such reac-h. One sees the effect in ignation, in George Eliot's 1 again one finds it in the women writers-in their in their unnatural self-as-natural docility. Moreover, most unconsciously. They ence to authority. The vi-;;culine or it becomes too Jerf'ect integrity and, with quality as a work of art. tat has crept into women's :em, a change of attitude. 10 longer bitter. She is no no longer pleading and :s. We are approaching, if :d, the time when her writ-10 foreign influence to dis-le to concentrate upon her ~tion from outside. The :e within the reach of ge-only now coming within 1en. Therefore the average far more genuine and far than it was a hundred or that before a woman can wishes to write, she has :e. To begin with, there is ·-so simple, apparently; -that the very form of the r. It is a sentence made by heavy, too pompous for a 1 novel, which covers so 1d, an ordinary and usual to be found to carry the aturally from one end of And this a woman must make for herself, altering and adapting the cur-rent sentence until she writes one that takes the natural shape of her thought without crushing or distorting it.
You can apply Burke's idea of breaking something down to its absolute basic level in order to fully understand it; once you understand it, only then you can recreate it to make it your own.
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Traditional language philosophy treats language as an imperfect expression of logic.
Interesting to note that in Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther, the protagonist Werther mentions multiple times that words/language could not accurately describe his feelings or the world around him; this takes the stance that not only does language not accurately convey logic, but also lacks the ability to explain one's emotions. It's similar to Locke's (and other Enlightenment thinkers') idea that language cannot allow us to express what we want to express because it does not accurately capture anything in the world around us, whether that be objects, emotions, other people, etc.
he purpose of rhetoric, in other words, is lo convey knowledge clearly and efficiently.
Reflects Astell's (and other Enlightenment thinkers) view that writing should be clear, concise, and without superfluity.
- Feb 2017
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To obtain suitable exercises for practice in writing English, is a prime consideration with the teacher.
Wouldn't this inverted sentence structure go against Spencer's principle of economy? The comma in between clauses really threw me off, personally.
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Spencer is not at all opposed to artful writing, to rhetorical nourish, or to poetry.
Contrasts general enlightenment thought, but especially Astell:
"But we shou'd fold up our Thoughts so closely and neatly, expressing them in such significant tho few words, as that the Readers Mind may easily open and enlarge them. And if this can be done with facility we are Perspicuous as well as Strong, if with difficulty or not at all, we're then perplext and Obscure Writers" (852).