1 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2023
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we're also showing that these tipping elements are interconnected in 00:10:41 so-called Cascades
- for: interdependent, emptiness, cascading tipping points
- the Arctic which is warming three times faster than the planet on average
- and releases cold fresh water into the North Atlantic slowing down the whole overturning of heat in the North Atlantic
- which pushes the monsoon further south
- which can explain droughts and forest fires over the Brazilian part of the Amazon
- moreover the slowing down of overturning of heat means that more warm water is stuck in the Southern Ocean
- which can explain why the West Antarctic ice sheet is melting faster than we had expected so there's a connection between the North Pole and the South Pole in this web of interactive tipping elements so
- This is something we have to recognize we are today a big world on a very small planet and it's all interwired and we are interdependent now
- for: interdependent, emptiness, cascading tipping points