4 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2023
    1. An outer join, on the other hand, can be thought of as an inclusive join because unmatched rows from either side of the join (the left side or the right side) can be included

      TLDR outer join = inclusive join that can contained rows that dont match to the key column?

    2. We used an inner join in the previous query, so non-matched rows are discarded

      inner joins I think match two rows based on a common column

    3. recursive join (joining rows in a table to other rows in the same table)

      Recursive join = joining rows in a table to other rows in the same table.


      Where clauses can be used to specify join matching logic. A where clause can be used to indicate that a column in table A is equal to a column in table B, and that equivilancy can be used to join table A rows to table B rows. THe format is as simple as

      TableA.MatchingColumn = TableB.MatchingColumn