19 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2022
    1. Gambar I. 1 Lokasi daerah penelitian

      gambar kabur. harus dicek semua. ini mungkin karena ekspor dari docx ke pdf.

    2. perjalanan


    3. berkisar

      berkisar antara

    4. Secara geografis

      secara geografis daerah penelitian ...

    5. ini agar ruang lingkup penelitian tidak keluar jalur dan tetap bisa mencapai tujuan penelitian meliputi permasalahan geologi dan hidrogeologi antara lain


    6. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk memenuhi persyaratan kelulusan sarjana Strata Satu (S-1) di Program Studi Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian, Institut Teknologi Bandung.


    7. Masalah yang sering terjadi ketika musim kemarau berkepanjangan adalah kekurangan air bersih dan ketika musim hujan sumber air sering keruh. Masyarakat yang masih menggunakan sumber mata air untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air sehari-hari sering terdampak. Faktor ini disebabkan oleh dua faktor yaitu faktor alami dan faktor manusia. Faktor alami ketika beberapa mata air yang sudah difungsikan menjadi sumber air bagi masyarakat mengalami kekeringan. Faktor manusia disebabkan oleh pengelolaan sumber daya air yang masih konvensional sehingga mengakibatkan distribusi air kepada masyarakat tidak merata, tekanan air sampai di rumah masyarakat kecil, dan sistem penampungan yang terbuka sangat rentan tercemari oleh polutan.

      par ini mestinya naik jadi par ke-2.

    8. Perlunya evaluasi kerentanan pencemaran air tanah bisa membantu pemerintah desa untuk mengantisipasi dan mengedukasi masyarakat akan pentingnya menjaga sumber daya air tanah


    9. Pencemaran air tanah tidak hanya disebabkan oleh pihak industri tapi mungkin saja disebabkan dari limbah rumah tangga atau lahan perkebunan.

      sisipkan diduga

    10. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi pencemaran air tanah yaitu dengan mempelajari dan mengkaji tentang pencemaran itu sendiri.


    11. Lack of clean water supply in the long summer season has happened and become a problem for local people. Centralized water management concept with using water mater in each

      Water shortage during the long summer season can be fixed with a centralized water distribution by tapping existing groundwater sources. By installing a proper water faucet and meter system, the community can store the excess water to be used in the dry season.

    12. The Susceptibility index map is made based on the Susceptibility index method which involves 5 parameters, the parameters are the depth of groundwater level, precipitation, lithology of aquifer, slope, and land use. After doing modeling groundwater vulnerability the results are the area that has very low index cover 12% research area with SI score 8.98-52.31, low index covered 20% with SI score is between 52.69-60.14, medium index covered 40% area with SI index score is between 60.25-67.7, high index covered 25% with its SI score between 67.85-75.21 and very high index 3% covered area with its SI score between 75.47-82.98. the validation of this model using correlation between the value of TDS and Cl in the observation station with the value of susceptibility index in the map. The correlation of TDS and SI is 0,46 and the correlation between Cl and SI is 0,63.

      TDS has a value between 11 and 70 ppm and the value of pH between 4,3 and 8,1. The groundwater vulnerability model shows a very low index in 12% of the area with SI score 8.98 to 52.31, low index in 20% of the area with SI score is between 52.69 and 60.14, medium index in 40% of the area with SI score between 60.25 and 67.7, high index in 25% of the area with SI score between 67.85 and 75.21, and very high index in 3% of the area with its SI score between 75.47 and 82.98. To validate the model, we correlate the value of TDS and Cl in the observation station with the value of susceptibility index in the map. The correlation of TDS and SI is 0,46 and the correlation between Cl and SI is 0,63.

    13. Hydrogeology system in the research area has a volcanic deposit system, the aquifer of this research is focused on unconfined aquifers that lithology consists of pyroclastic breccia aquifer, andesitic lava aquifer, and laharic breccia aquifer. The groundwater flows from Southeast to North. Groundwater quality is determined based on the value of TDS and pH parameters, the result of measurement of TDS has value between 11-70 ppm and the value of pH between 4,3-8,1.

      Hydrogeology system in the research area is mainly composed of volcanic aquifer systems in the form of unconfined aquifers. The aquifer consists of pyroclastic breccia aquifer, andesitic lava aquifer, and laharic breccia aquifer. From water table maps, we observe groundwater flows from Southeast to North.

    14. The landscape of the study area is part of the Malabar Mountain region. The old Malabar peak is located in the Southeasternmost part of research study. Haruman and Puntang hills are located in Northwest and Northeast Malabar Mountain respectively. Research area has Quaternary Volcanic deposits that consist of pyroclastic breccia, lava andesitic, and laharic breccia. Primely geological structure that developed in the research area is a sheeted joint. Secondary geological structures developed in the research area are Cigeruh Strike-Slip Fault, Citiis Strike-slip Fault, and Normal Fault Cipadarek.

      The landscape of the study area is part of the Malabar Mountain region. The old Malabar peak is located in the Southeasternmost part of the area, while Haruman and Puntang hills are located in Northwest and Northeast Malabar Mountain respectively. The Quaternary Volcanics consist of pyroclastic breccia, lava andesitic, and laharic breccia. Primary geological structure that developed in the research area is sheet joints. We also find faults: Cigeruh Strike-Slip Fault, Citiis Strike-slip Fault, and Normal Fault Cipadarek.

    15. Research study area is located at North-West Malabar Mountain slope, specifically in Bandung Regency. The area of this study is 72 km2. Clean water scarcity has often happened when a long dry season occurred. The purpose of this study is to find out the hydrogeological system of the study area, evaluating groundwater susceptibility, and giving recommendations about water management systems that are more effective. The methods of this study are ground checking with 19 observation points, analysis of water quality using TDS and pH parameters with 46 observation points, and analysis susceptibility index (SI) using secondary data for evaluating groundwater susceptibility.

      Research study area is located at North-West Malabar Mountain slope (72 km2). Clean water scarcity has occurred during dry seasons in the area. The purpose of this study is to identify the hydrogeological system of the study area, to evaluate groundwater susceptibility, and to give recommendations about effective water management. The methods of this study are field observations at 19 locations, analysis of water quality using TDS and pH parameters at 46 locations, and Susceptibility Index (SI) analysis using secondary data for evaluating groundwater susceptibility, based on five parameters, the parameters are the depth of groundwater level, precipitation, lithology of aquifer, slope, and land use.

    16. Konsep pengelolaan air terpusat yang dikelola oleh bumdes dan penggunaan meteran air di setiap rumah warga menjadi saran yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah air di musim kemarau.

      bagus ada solusi.

    17. Bentang alam daerah penelitian merupakan daerah pegunungan Malabar.

      kalimat ini tidak "masuk" :)

    18. Masalah yang sering terjadi di daerah penelitian adalah kekurangan persediaan air bersih saat musim kemarau berkepanjangan.

      masalah penting


      catatan umum

      1. sesuai dengan penjelasan saya saat pertama membimbing dulu, bahwa kita harus berbagi tanggung jawab. draf adalah tanggung jawab mahasiswa.
      2. gambar-gambar harus jelas resolusinya. kesalahan teknis kompresi gambar saat ekspor dari docx ke pdf dapat dihindari dengan cara memeriksa kembali pdfnya.
      3. versi teks yang ditayangkan dan yang diberikan kepada penguji HARUS SAMA. kalaupun anda telah melakukan beberapa perbaikan ke docx, tetap yang ditayangkan saat diskusi adalah versi yang lama.
      4. isi ppt dan draf harus sama.
      5. setiap gambar dan tabel harus disitir di dalam teks. misal: geologi dapat dilihat pada gambar 1. peringatan ini kan sudah sering saya sampaikan, kenapa tidak dilakukan.
      6. penggunaan keterangan waktu, misal akan harus dipakai dengan tepat. metode adalah sesuatu yang telah dilakukan, bukan akan dilakukan.
      7. setiap kata, kalimat, paragraf harus dibaca kembali. banyak sekali kesalahan yang sangat mudah terbaca di draf farhan.
      8. SPOK dalam kalimat harus jelas. dalam draf farhan banyak kalimat yang subyeknya tidak jelas atau tidak diulang.
      9. setiap gambar harus memiliki makna, dan mahasiswa harus paham kenapa gambar itu dibuat dan ditampilkan.
      10. ...
      11. ...