2 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Nice. This is a doc I downloaded from the web (public resource). DocDrop allows me to upload it by dragging and dropping, and start annotating as usual. This complementary functionality of Hypothesis makes social annotation complete.
DocDrop 的特點是,允許上傳某一文件,存於雲端。每個使用者有多少空間?能存續多久?這些都是未知數。
-- 註記實例:
翻譯體 translationese
docdrop.org docdrop.org
we believe that that annotation is a really important 00:05:05 uh potential tool and we think it's inevitable we could you know have our product teams develop an annotation layer you know or service um this just seems a such a better way to to go about 00:05:16 doing that um and as i said before to to invest in open at the same time makes a lot of sense so we're thinking about um how do we make the best use of our resources
Docdrop is another tool enabled by Hypothesis (Hypothes.is). Here's I'm annotating a portion of transcript of a YouTube video clip.