- Jan 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
we believe that that annotation is a really important 00:05:05 uh potential tool and we think it's inevitable we could you know have our product teams develop an annotation layer you know or service um this just seems a such a better way to to go about 00:05:16 doing that um and as i said before to to invest in open at the same time makes a lot of sense so we're thinking about um how do we make the best use of our resources
Docdrop is another tool enabled by Hypothesis (Hypothes.is). Here's I'm annotating a portion of transcript of a YouTube video clip.
- Nov 2023
glasp.co glasp.co
楣樑(柱頂楣構) Note: 主要用於古典建築物,是古典柱頭頂部三大主要部份中位置最低的一個,擱在圓柱頂板上,包含以過樑方式橫跨圓柱或角柱的水平橫樑。古典柱頭頂部的另外兩個部份為挑檐和檐壁。環繞門或窗,類似柱頂過樑的鑄模框架,稱為「楣樑飾邊」。環繞拱門外部弧線的裝飾板條,則稱「拱門緣飾」。
example of meta/hypothesis-on-glasp annotation
entablature 楣樑;柱頂楣構
order: 古典建築柱式(style, rule) e.g. Doric order
omnivore.app omnivore.app
城市蔓延(英語:urban sprawl),或稱郊區蔓延(suburban sprawl),俗稱攤大餅,是指郊區城市化過程中,都市人口大幅向外發展,侵佔都市邊緣的鄉郊地區並形成低密度、單功能,且通常依賴小汽車的社區。除了描述特定的城市化過程的模式外,該術語也常常涉及其社會和環境上的後果。歐洲大陸常用「邊緣城市化」(peri-urbanisation)一詞來表示類似的過程,而歐洲環境署仍使用術語「城市蔓延」(urban sprawl)。關於何為蔓延以及如何量化蔓延存在廣泛分歧,例如一些評論員只用每英畝的居住單位數來度量蔓延,但也有人認為蔓延與非中心化(沒有明顯的中心,人口分散)、不連續性(蛙跳式發展,如下定義)和功能分離等有關。
example of meta/hypothesis-on-omnivore annotation
- Jun 2021
material-ui.com material-ui.com
- Mar 2021
Szabelska, A., Pollet, T. V., Dujols, O., Klein, R. A., & IJzerman, H. (2021). A Tutorial for Exploratory Research: An Eight-Step Approach. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/cy9mz
- May 2020
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Hypothesis/Brave login now works seamlessly there, and will on any other sites I unblock.
I'm ngl I'm not a huge fan of either of the proposed solutions for this. Just because I'm happy to allow third party cookies provided by hypothesis.is on example.com, doesn't mean I'm happy to allow all the other third party cookies on example.com, which is what the more conservative of the two solutions suggests.
Maybe there's some form of whitelisting we can do so that Brave automatically unblocks all hypothesis.is third party cookies, regardless of URL?
- Nov 2017
steelwagstaff.info steelwagstaff.info
We know that there are few sticky security and implementation issues
Which is probably why @judell’s tate doesn’t show up in Chrome on my system and there’s weirdness with the scrolling once we accept to load unsafe scripts.
opencontent.org opencontent.org
Students often lose access to their materials at the end of the semester Students also often lose access to their own work as well, in the form of highlights, notes, and other annotations
Hence the need for #OpenAnnotation to pair up with some of the other opens. Hypothes.is people are doing their part, but still.
- Feb 2017
0-quod.lib.umich.edu.mercury.concordia.ca 0-quod.lib.umich.edu.mercury.concordia.ca
That was the way I learned
We learn by doing. (And annotations do work on the text version. Neat!)
0-quod.lib.umich.edu.mercury.concordia.ca 0-quod.lib.umich.edu.mercury.concordia.ca
Didn’t expect to find [h] embedded here. Problem is, it doesn’t allow for annotations of the actual content.
- Aug 2016
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
I Annotate 2016 shows that it’s ready for prime time.
Will 2017 be “the year of annotations”?
- Jun 2016
boffosocko.com boffosocko.com
I think it would be easier/better if Hypothes.is both accepted and sent webmentions.
Cool thing is. Udell and the gang are pretty open to suggestions, it sounds like. At the same time, it’s quite possible that webmentions wouldn’t fit in their overall vision of the tool.
- Apr 2016
glog.glennf.com glog.glennf.com
The editor of News Genius joined in with snarky and hostile comments.
Funny how frequently this terms comes up, when talking about Genius. The difference between annotation platforms is significantly a matter of usage. Usage of Genius has a lot to do with snarky comments made by “the smart kid at the back of the class”. My perception of Hypothesis is that it’s much more oriented towards diversifying voices. But that has less to do with technical features of the platform than with the community adopting it.
- Mar 2016
gamesandlearning.wordpress.com gamesandlearning.wordpress.com
somewhere between close reading and distributed commentary
In my wishlist to Jon Udell (still in draft), these two modes can be separate phases with Hypothesis. But in reverse order. First pass is the distributed commentary about the whole piece, similar to social bookmarking and potentially affording a very cursory look (or even just a glance at a headline). It says: “Hey, please read this and tell me what you think!” The second pass could be the deep reading, with one’s personal comments visible, but not influenced by other comments. Then comes the “fun part”, which is also a form of distributed commentary, but is much more conversational. “Distributed” might not be as appropriate, though. At least in computer lingo.