- Oct 2023
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Quantitatively, SPRING with GPT-4 outperforms all state-of-the-art RLbaselines, trained for 1M steps, without any training.
Them's fighten' words!
I haven't read it yet, but we're putting it on the list for this fall's reading group. Seriously, a strong result with a very strong implied claim. they are careful to say it's from their empirical results, very worth a look. I suspect that amount of implicit knowledge in the papers, text and DAG are helping to do this.
The Big Question: is their comparison to RL baselines fair, are they being trained from scratch? What does a fair comparison of any from-scratch model (RL or supervised) mean when compared to an LLM approach (or any approach using a foundation model), when that model is not really from scratch.
- Mar 2021
Szabelska, A., Pollet, T. V., Dujols, O., Klein, R. A., & IJzerman, H. (2021). A Tutorial for Exploratory Research: An Eight-Step Approach. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/cy9mz
- Aug 2020
jasp-stats.org jasp-stats.org
Introducing JASP 0.11: The Machine Learning Module. (2019, September 24). JASP - Free and User-Friendly Statistical Software. https://jasp-stats.org/2019/09/24/introducing-jasp-0-11-the-machine-learning-module/
- Nov 2018
www.technologyreview.com www.technologyreview.com
The vast majority of machine-learning applications rely on supervised learning.
So then we know that most people will use supervised learning that requires less computational power and knowledge.