1 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2019
    1. For fungal cultures, spores were harvested from 72 hour old cultures grown on PDA/Tannic acid agar slants by adding 10 ml of sterilized normal saline and a few drops of sterilized Tween-80 followed by vortexing. The spore suspension was filtered through sterile cotton filter to ensure that mycelial filaments are removed. The spores were counted using a haemocytometer (Neubaeur). Approximately, 5X106 spores were inoculated in 50 ml of tannase production medium in 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks. These flasks were then incubated at 30±1 and 37±1°C in an incubator shaker (model G25KC, New Brunswick Scientific, NJ, USA) at 200 rpm