- Feb 2021
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- Apr 2017
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- Oct 2015
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The articles obtained to review Trick Your Brain into Thrift by Paying with Cash by Crack Articles is a theory that can be held at both ends. The articles provided have several brushed details of numerous researches that have been done that links the psychological human being into using credits card. Vis versa there is not much details on how to make, trick, or psychologically change one’s mind into purchasing with cash. The psychological research lead to how one views cash and a credit card or how the individual’s emotions are effected by their economic stand point when making purchases. The types of sources influence by the credit card companies to encouraging the public into using their credit card are endless, but the top mechanism used today is earning money back while spending. A real soother to human ear, when one does not like to see cash disappear from their wallet. Acknowledging, the basis of the title that Cracked Article uses is clearly avoiding using cash. The title shouldn’t be Trick Your Brain into Thrift by Paying with Cash, but the Tricks Your Brain Uses to Have You Pay with Credit Cards or When Not to Shop to Be Thrift.