4 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2023
gigabytejournal.com gigabytejournal.com
Raw reads are available in the SRA via bioproject PRJNA955401. Additional data is in the GigaDB repository [25 Reference25WangJ, WuY, WangS Supporting data for “The genome assembly and annotation of the Chinese cobra, Naja atra”. GigaScience Database, 2023; http://dx.doi.org/10.5524/102476 .].
Nanopublication: RAt6pmOk9T "Organism of ?term=txid8656 - sequenced nucleotide sequence - PRJNA955401" https://w3id.org/np/RAt6pmOk9T4pCGTI5HTJ3hntFoIWRNv5zpGSNxX0JTYVk
- Dec 2018
www.nanopub.org www.nanopub.org
The Open PHACTS Nanopublication GuidelinesThe Open PHACTS RDF/Nanopublication Working GroupV1.81 26-03-2012
www.w3.org www.w3.org
We begin with a core set of definitions:•Concept - a concept is the smallest, unambiguous unit of thought. A concept is uniquely identifiable.•Triple – is a tuple of three concepts (subject, predicate, object)•Statement – A triple that is uniquely identifiable. •Annotation – A triple such that the subject of the triple is a statement. •Nanopublication – A set of annotations that refer to the same statement and contains a minimum set of (community) agreed upon annotation
- Jun 2015
content.iospress.com content.iospress.comuntitled1
Malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes.