2 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. for - polycrisis - crime - drug cartel - source: Endvr - The Netherlands - A Failed Narco State? Mocro Mafia - The Netherlands - The New Cocaine Mafias - 2024, Dec

      // - Summary - This documentary makes one thing clear, the solutions for the drug problem are inadequate because they are failing to address the root causes - The most insightful part of the entire documentary is near the end when the political leaders in Antwerp are discussing the problem - The leader of the conservative right hints at the right direction to look when he said that - there is a huge cognitive dissonance between - the drug users and - the drug suppliers - The meaning crisis is at the root of the drug crisis and until that is addressed in a systemic and meaningful way, it won't go away

  2. Dec 2018
    1. Al aproximarse al rancho de Guzmán por primera vez, Flores dijo estar muy nervioso y ponerse aún más tenso al ver en el camino el cadáver de un hombre desnudo atado con cadenas a un árbol.

      Y al aproximarse, vio que en un árbol...

      Esto es un boquete de la realidad. O quizás un lugar de hiperrealidad. Esto ya no debe ser.