9 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2023
    1. can exist only through itsessential correspondence with the eye

      The emphasis on a sense of relation or the act of relating to the world around us is a concept Ingold's piece shares with Imbler's work on the "blue blob." Both authors point towards a necessity to recognize the inherent relation one has to the world around them.

    2. cosmos

      n. the universe seen as a well-ordered whole

      Originating from Greek kosmos = "order of world"

    3. "‚=μ ²@˜μ ›\@–@옪‡μ Œ‡y@–μ2“@μ “@2xx±μ ‡‚@ μ Nμ 2˜μ žV@μ ™@}f„2³™_‡‚μ‡Gμ™T@_μJ––b‡ƒμ 8‡ƒ˜l‚£@–μ*@{@2Ÿ-‡‚˜±μ (μ8‡}Eμ 629wμ ›‡μ€²–@zF

      In his work The Sickness unto Death, Soren Kierkegaard describes a similar polarity, describing how people wrestle with the conception of themselves as being both finite and infinite. Similar to Merleau-Ponty, Kierkegaard explains that the acknowledgement of these two "poles" results in a deeper understanding and sense of ones self.

    4. The painting appeals to us preciselybecause it both chimes with our experience of what it feels like to be underthe stars and affords us the means to dwell upon it - perhaps to discoverdepths in this experience of which we would otherwise remain unaware .

      This experience is reminiscent of an approach in the Spiritual Exercises (a series of meditations constructed into a 4-week retreat, written by St. Ignatius of Loyola). Within the Exercises, the retreatant is instructed to make an "application of the senses," revisiting their meditations and paying closer attention to what they hear, feel, taste, smell, etc. Ignatius writes that in meditating this way, the experience and awareness of one's sensations allows them to "draw more profit" from the meditation, prompting a deeper, more revelatory prayer.

    1. requires pol111calwork10 contend with 1he 1horny relauom 1hat form

      Is there a best lens to "read" this data and information through? (i.e., ethics, meteorology, some other field?)

    2. Bui scnsmg 1s not 1us1a pro1cc1 of protecnng or avernng ea1as1rophe, bu1 also 1s used to fae1hta1e opum1za11onand euracnon operations.

      The goal of the project is not simply to prevent or avoid these events but to gain a deeper understanding in how responses to future events can be revised or enhanced.

    1. When I think about the blue goo, I think about how wonderful it is that we share some ancientancestor yet found ourselves on such divergent evolutionary paths. It’s funny that we call thesecreatures aliens; we know about them only because they exist on this planet, alongside us — ourfutures entangled together.Imbler 4

      In reading this piece from Imbler and the overarching tone and movement of her article, I couldn't help but think of a discourse in the series Ted Lasso (Jason Suedeikis, AppleTV). Over a game of darts, Lasso talks about the need to "be curious, not judgmental." A simple suggestion, not dissimilar to the one put forth by Imbler, but one that points towards a deeper, more intentional engagement with the beings that we are confronted with.

    2. arguing that intimacy should hold space for strangeness, where all beings canbe their full selves, however incomprehensible those selves may be to others

      The concept of intimacy here provides an alternative response to our "instinct" or tendency to distance ourselves from the things we find strange. Rather than fleeing from the strange thing, one makes intentional, deep contact with it.

    3. I believe building these connections with strange, baffling or even discomfiting organisms is a practiceof radical empathy you can try in your everyday life

      The idea of "radical empathy" suggests a disposition that is not only open but marked by a certain humility or vulnerability.