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The questions which our theory of language hasto discuss are hardest of all to write clearly about.They are the meeting points of tremendous pressurescoming from rival philosophic systems used con-sciously or unconsciously by those who discuss them.We should expect not only great divergences of viewbut persistent drastic misinterpretations among theirstudents.
Theory of Language and its discussion is one composed of numerous philosophical intersections, making it a subject difficult to write about for anyone outside of the philosophical field. Especially as the reader has to contend with such an expansive explanation of a narrow topic.
There is no agreed theory of language--aselementary mechanics, for example, is an agreed the-ory. Later on in this book we will see why there can-not be.
In this small section the writer claims to understand that when pertaining to the Theory of Language there is no universal code/law that readers or philosophers can come together and claim. The theory isn't a static subject with its own concrete law and order that's followed like the agreed upon elementary mechanics.
- Jan 2025
history of labor
for - paraphrase - history of labor - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2 - to - stats - Gallup Chairman's Blog - world poll 2024 - 15% of employees worldwide are engaged - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
paraphrase - history of labor - Michel gives a nice succinct summary of the broad strokes of the history of labor over the last few millennia: - Civilizations have begun as slave-based societies first - Then when the Christian revolution occurred after the fall of the Roman Empire, "Ora et Labora (Pray and Work)" was adopted to transform work into a spiritually meaningful endeavor - Then in the 16th century, this philosophy was replaced by turning labor into a commodity, where it has remained ever since, - resulting in a world where 85% of those surveyed say they are not engaged with their job
to - stats - Gallup Chairman's Blog - world poll 2024 - 15% of employees worldwide are engaged - https://hyp.is/iOlXbNBOEe-t6hdOWtvTYw/news.gallup.com/opinion/chairman/212045/world-broken-workplace.aspx
- paraphrase - history of labor - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- to - stats - Gallup Chairman's Blog - world poll 2024 - 15% of employees worldwide are engaged - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the soul can use the mind right and the mind is using the emotional body and so so now the the the journey is becoming more and more integrated
for - paraphrase - Buddhist framework - 4 turnings - 4 stages of initiation - John Churchill
paraphrase - Buddhist framework - 4 turnings - 4 stages of initiation - John Churchill - The fourth stage of "soul" - interdependent origination - systems thinking - can make use the knowledge of the third stage "mind" - which in turn uses the knowledge of the second stage "emotional body" - which uses the knowledge of the first stage "body"
- Mar 2024
www.usatoday.com www.usatoday.com
This game allows you to escape into a peaceful rural setting where the rhythmic tasks of farming provide a soothing break from the stresses of the real world.
With this game, you can take a relaxing break from the concerns of the outside world and play a game that has a peaceful rural setting.
Online gaming has emerged as a surprisingly effective method of stress relief, offering an accessible escape into worlds where challenges are enjoyable and victories are rewarding.
Online game is a way that has been emerged very easily and effectively, people are able to escape the real world and it's challenges.
- Oct 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
If you’re asleep you may not wake up, but your body is still responding if you hear a loud sound,” says Stansfeld
Stansfeld said , "If you’re asleep you may not wake up, but your body is still responding if you hear a high sound,”
Josi Livingston, a developer at a technology startup in London, often uses the silencing feature to block out office chatter while she’s coding, but likes how she can still hear if someone talks to her.
often uses the silencing advantage to block out office chatter while she’s coding, but likes how she can still hear if someone talks to her, said by Jose Livingston , a developer at a technology startup in London.
- Aug 2023
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This term comes from Ramon Llull's definition of a man in the Ars Brevis (1303)-the humanifying animal. "Homificans is produced through the realization of the three main activities of the human soul, which for Llull are knowing, remembering, and loving, which correspond to the three superior faculties of the soul: understanding, memory, and will." https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/llull/). An interesting thought exercise that sums up other semi-nebulous terms like "actualized" and "sapient".
- Mar 2023
www.npr.org www.npr.org
"The air you breathe, the job you have, the income and social connections you have, are a much larger driver of health outcomes than how many primary care visits or surgeries you get access to as a patient," Boozary says.
Boozary says."The air you respire the function you have, the revenue and social communication you have, are a much larger driver of health outcomes than how many basic care visits or surgeries you get access to as sufferer ,"
And, remember: "sleep is very individualized," says Dr. Dasguptao if – so, if one strategy doesn't work for you, try another.
Iif one plan doesn't work for you, try one more. And, recollect : "sleep is greatly personal," says Dr. Dasguptao.
Here are some strategies to break the cycle of bedtime procrastination and reclaim some of those precious hours of sleep.
To smach the cycle of bedtime temporization and recover some of those valuable hours of sleep, here are some plans.
- Jan 2023
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We cannot risk giving up being the medium ourselves, to delegateonly to technics, in its substitutive potentialities, our mediality, especially our embodied affectivity. Wewill physically go back to the squares, the classrooms, the bars and cafes, with the awareness thatliving up to being radical mediators means opening up a new experimental stage in order to create anincreasingly integrative mediality, which can never be completely substituted by technics.
Our reality is so intermingled with technics that, in the aftermath, we must remember to be the medium ourselves or create space for both the technics and our own relationality.
By now, we know thathands are the first medium of the virus (that’s why we need to wash them often and accurately), buthands are also the touchpoint between us and the world, which is now literally at hand, through themedia devices that we constantly utilize.
We as humans are the reason that the virus is able to spread and impact as hard as it does. But, without us there is no "us" to impact. We are encouraging a virus through our daily lives that also potentially has the power to stop our daily lives.
because our post-media life is constitutively hybrid
Media has developed to the point in which the way we represent reality has nearly become reality itself.
devices which are nothing more than bodily and mentalextensions.
Our overuse of technology has gotten to a point that our personal technological items have become directly apart of us and our identities.
reintegrate our own mediality with the sociotechnicalnetworks that are for the time being substituting for our embodied relationality.Maiello 3
In Covid, the embodied relationality between humans was substituted by sociotechnical networks (i.e. common beliefs or definitions of media as being a medium separated from physical human networks) cause a hybrid post-media life in which media interacts with the individual and the collective in the process of distinguishing between communications (medical from political media).
In other words, we are the mediators of thecollective affectivity that unifies the nation,
This claim of human being mediators of the collective affectivity is relevant to how representation and reality in media are intertwined making humans the medium through which humans must continue to create an increasingly integrative mediality.
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Bui scnsmg 1s not 1us1a pro1cc1 of protecnng or avernng ea1as1rophe, bu1 also 1s used to fae1hta1e opum1za11onand euracnon operations.
The goal of the project is not simply to prevent or avoid these events but to gain a deeper understanding in how responses to future events can be revised or enhanced.
he \111,111d1g11alplane, 1ha1 ma1enah,cs here "one diJIrequ1r(:.)addressing the war~ 111 whtlh cnnronmenial data and momtonng m1gl11fnn:dO\l. J\much as propose d1ffcrc111planc1.iry 1nh.1h11.1lion
This claim of the sensors data and monitoring of the common planet creates a sense-able Earth digital planet which requires a review of how environmental data and monitoring might arrive and exhibit different planetary inhabitations and relations. Thus these sensors express how observation practices are both experiences of the Earth and expressions of how to collectively inhabit Earth. This kinda of relates to Imbler's idea of collectively actively inhabiting the Earth through anthropomorphism.
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When you encounter a life-form so unfamiliar that you find ituninteresting or repulsive, reach inward to find glimmers of resonance.
Every life form is connected in a way that we can learn from one another. There is something to offer from each living thing and if we cannot see it immediately, dig deeper. Empathy for others is key.
arguing that intimacy should hold space for strangeness, where all beings canbe their full selves, however incomprehensible those selves may be to others
The concept of intimacy here provides an alternative response to our "instinct" or tendency to distance ourselves from the things we find strange. Rather than fleeing from the strange thing, one makes intentional, deep contact with it.
I believe building these connections with strange, baffling or even discomfiting organisms is a practiceof radical empathy you can try in your everyday life
The idea of "radical empathy" suggests a disposition that is not only open but marked by a certain humility or vulnerability.
ourfutures entangled together.Imbler 4
We are still rapidly discovering new species and beings that we did not know to exist before on our planet. Their evolutionary trajectory may have split but they are ultimately tied to us by ancestry. However, we often look at creatures, especially new ones, and label them as alien, unsightly, repulsive, gross, creepy, etc. This destructive rhetoric leads to an irreverence toward their being. We do not know what the blob may feel, think, or do so why do we create this disconnect between them and ourselves? Respect can still be present without a connection but may take more effort. We must put in this effort, however, as they are ultimately our neighbors (evolutionarily and physically).
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as though one were looking at the cosmos from afixed perspective, but rather to capture the temporal unfolding of a visualawareness that unites us with the cosmos in the very moment that it dividesus from ourselves.
This claim of the art capturing the temporal unfolding of a visual awareness that unites us with the cosmos in the very moment and divides us from ourselves furthers his later statements on the art both opening the visual field that (in the instance of the stars in the painting) gives the atmosphere of the sky as long as it merges with the field of the viewer or artists attention connecting ourselves with the cosmos.
But in fission, I have escaped from myself and am abroad in thecosmos, in among the elements. I am with them - with the sun and the stars,with wind and storm, with stone - while my body has become a ghost.
Concluding claim that in fusion the atmosphere is with you and in fission you are with them while your body has become a ghost.
- Oct 2021
www.npr.org www.npr.org
This is hardly the first time that Minneapolis has erupted into protests about police brutality and the killings of black people.
This isn't the first time Minneapolis has seen rocked over police violence and the deaths of black people.
Many protesters, including journalists, have captured police on tape pointing guns, shooting rubber bullets and tear gas at them.
Many demonstrators and reporters, have recorded police aiming guns at them and firing rubber bullets and tear gas.
Racism has evolved over the past 50 years, and our collective understanding of what constitutes justice, how discrimination functions and how to best address it needs updating.
Over the last 50 years, racism has developed, and our shared understanding of what it means to be just, how discrimination works, and how to effectively combat it has to be updated as well.
to achieve racial equity, we need to be able to do three things
We need to be able to do three things to accomplish racial justice.
- Sep 2021
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It reveals the private identity
Again, the idea that language is part of your identity and how important it is is always interesting to me
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In similar fashion, been patterns with other verb forms to suggest emphatic assertion. He BEEN gon
This grammatical rule is very interesting how been is used in AAVE, especially with the different ways to stress is to create different meanings and uses
Black Idiom speakers throughout the United States have cer- tain grammatical structures in common — despite the region of the country, and in some instances despite the social class level. Middle-class blacks from Detroit, for example, were found to de- lete -ed in verbs more frequently than middle-class whites from Detroit
It's interesting how there is also differences in AAVE depending on where you are, I never really thought about that before.
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language and style.
I thought that this idea was interesting, along with the rest of the paragraph that discussed how when analyzing Black Language, more than just the grammar that is used should be taken into account
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.comAbbyy1
of something beyond itself; it functiotis ultimately to produce actionor change in the world; it perfonns some task. In short, rhetoric is amode of altering reality, not by the direct applicatioti of energy toobjects, but by the CTcation of discotuse which changes realitythrough the mediation of thought aiid action
In other words, Bitzer's view is h̶o̶r̶s̶e̶s̶h̶i̶t̶ rhetoric is a tool
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So controlling is situation that we shouldconsider it the very ground of rhetorical activity, whether that activ-ity is primitive and productive of a simple utterance or artistic andproductive of the Gettysburg Address.
Sounds as though Bitzer is getting at rhetoric being any domain in which someone puts a spin on a situation.
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Linguistic hegemony and the standard language ideology are useful frameworks
Another interesting topic that the author brought up is that the idea of "standard" english is truly a good model and framework for the other languages that exist in the country.
he policing of Black Language and literacies in schools is not separate from the ways in which Black bodies have historically been policed and surveilled in U.S. society, and the ubiquitous assault and murder of Black-bodies is not independent of the symbolic linguistic violence and spirit-murder that Black students experience daily in classrooms
Again, it is very upsetting to see how racism is a part of almost every faculty of life for people of color.
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White Mainstream English in place of standard English
This helps me out because I'm aware that there is no true standard english but I wasn't sure what to refer to it as. Although I believe that there are multiple names for it, similar to AAVE
d2l.msu.edu d2l.msu.edu
Gives kids the idea of if someone doesn't speak like this, then they're less intelligent than you.
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Thus a child’s language may be a disadvantage in his educa- tional progress: not because his language is itself “deficient,” but because it is different.
I thought this was a very sad statement that can often be applied to many other areas of life. I was also thinking that I am very privileged and lucky to not be looked down upon due to any of my traits or characteristics that I have developed due to my culture.
he point is that British people are very sensitive to the social implications of dialect and accent, and the characteristic speech of our large cities, especially Birmingham, East London, Liverpool, Newcastle and Glasgow, is often regarded as “slovenly” and “ugly.”
I thought it was somewhat interesting to read about other forms of discrimination based on linguistics, as the only one I have put research into is it based off of AAVE
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he same is true for what has been called, to this point, Standard American English. A comparison of published definitions for this term reveals some common themes. From Pocket Fowler’s Modern English Usage:
I thought that it was interesting to see how there are still multiple definitions of "standard english", although still are both somewhat faulty
Children who are from lower-income homes are not going to get the same opportunities for developing their linguistic skills. Is that because of their parents? Or do more socio-economic factors come into play here?
A discourse is how we act and speak in a social setting.
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And, in that process of renewing yourself, there has to be a debate, there has to bestruggle. As you do that, you move towards a consensus, and you agree that what wenow have is in the best interest of the society. I may have my differences, but I will haveto subordinate them.
The process of ubuntu draws out one's qualities to support and supply the greater common good as opposed to their own personal needs, which avoids selfish decisions and pride. There is a struggle that comes with avoiding being selfish, and debating this within yourself is a difficult process.
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"hidden transcript.
The hidden transcript is reminiscent of the the "hidden curriculum" that Jessica McCrory Calarco aims to shed light on in her A Field Guide to Grad School. Although McCrory Calarco's binary is more about those with access to knowledge of the ins and outs of academia vs those who don't, the dynamic for Scott is similar in its separating those for whom the system works and those for whom it outwardly seems an obstacle to education.
a vision of a better world.
To recap, Friere revisits the professor whose process has been streamlined by the university bureaucracy, and whose value and legitimacy has been questioned by those outside of the academy, and re-voices the profession's worth.
Here, Miller says that it is wrong to suggest that successful students have internalized the oppressive structure of academia. In other words, just because they follow it, does not mean that they mindlessly believe and adhere to it. Rather, Miller suggests that they follow it because they have no other choice. They lack the means needed "to change the system" so they are forced to adhere to it.
- Aug 2021
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Coupled with the moral position of striving to please parents and teachers and avoid the public ridicule of classmates, the style of reading we engage these simple narratives becomes the foundation for how we eventually read all other things. Because we like suspense and the slow reveal of character and plot development, we read in a linear fashion that allows the author of a written work to set the pace. Of course, simple narratives are not the only reading we encounter in school and life, but all those other reading materials—dictionaries, instruction sets, academic writing—lack the formalized instruction that accompanies our first reading experiences. All reading becomes based in the style of one type of reading material.
Boyle is introducing the issue of the educational paradigm of reading instruction, which insinuates a moralistic trauma. The trauma then informs the way in which students are taught how to read and how further instruction in reading defers back to this one point of how one was taught to read. Boyle does this to set up her proposal for a resolution of this issue in pedagogy.
These ethics are far less concerned with what oneoughtto do and much more concerned with the practical and pragmatic techniquesone might use forreading and/as responding.
Boyle is creating a distinction between ethics and morality in which he rejects the binary of good versus bad in favor of a process-based approach that prioritizes the results of reading as opposed to the act of finishing.
- Feb 2021
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So for a child, it matters where you live. It matters how much foul air you breathe in on days when there are no fires at all. It matters whether your family can afford an air purifier at home or whether they can whisk you away when ash rains down from the sky
Emphasis on the right for clean air, and that whether or not a family can afford an air purifier impacts their health.
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The death of Ella, who was Black, shed a new, harsh light in Britain on howpollution disproportionately affects minoritiesand deprived families.
The impact of of air pollution based on who it may impact the most
The United Nations Environment Programwrote last yearthat if air pollution were to be declared a cause of Ella’s death, it would be “the first time that air pollution has ever been explicitly linked to a named individual’s death.”
The United Nations Environment Program emphasizes the main point that air pollution being linked to Ella's death would be the first of its kind.
Ambient air pollution, which contributed to Ella’s death, “accounts for an estimated 4.2 million deaths per year due to stroke, heart disease, lung cancer and chronic respiratory diseases,” according to the W.H.O.
Pollution related deaths come from more than people with asthma, but also strokes, heart disease, lung cancer, and chronic respiratory disease.
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there are charismatic mega-ideas. “Flatten the curve” could be one of them.
Robinson is drawing a comparison between the idea of "flattening the curve" and charismatic megafauna. People concerned with wildlife conservation use lovable animals like pandas, elephants, etc. as a "poster child" for their cause. It's just a given for many people that they should be protected, thus spurring action from people who may not be as interested in the nitty-gritty scientific details. I think the idea of flattening the curve definitely has a similar effect.
- Dec 2019
outline.com outline.comSestina1
foretold by the almanac
May pertain to the fact that the grandmother believes in horoscopes or zodiac signs that may be the reason for her sadness.
outline.com outline.com
so many things seem filled with the intent to be lost that their loss is no disaster.
Some things in the world are meant to be lost, were created for that purpose, or they just innately want to be lost. So when you lose something, it's really not that big of a deal and you shouldn't cry over it because the thing was going to get lost in the first place.
She seems to affirm that loss is part of the human condition: we lose both significant and insignificant things constantly and should thus accept this as a natural part of life, and even master this practice so as to remove any sensation of disaster we may take from it. These two points will be repeated throughout the poem so as to emphasise them.
Then practice losing farther, losing faster: places, and names, and where it was you meant to travel. None of these will bring disaster.
In this stanza, the poet is almost treating losing something as a sort of skill or talent. Lose more of the association and background of that thing, and do it in a short amount of time.She's saying do it deliberately now, this time with things which aren't concrete, which is easier to lose farther and faster. We have moved on to the next level, losing something from the mind. It's an art that you've got to hone it until you are essentially you become someone with Alzheimer's. But do not worry (none of these will bring disaster) we can manage the loss just fine.
I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster, some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
Ideas are getting more and more abstract. These mentions of place are perhaps symbolic of the memories she had of them, or of the relationships she once had there.
She misses them but it she is still okay and everything is fine.
Elizabeth BishopOne Art by Elizabeth Bishop
Elizabeth Bishop’s One Art is a poem whose apparent detached simplicity is undermined by its rigid villanelle structure and mounting emotional tension. Perhaps her most well-known poem, it centres around the theme of loss and the way in which the speaker – and, by extension, the reader – deals with it. Here, Bishop converts losing into an art form and explores how, by potentially mastering this skill, we may distance ourselves from the pain of loss. At eight months old, Elizabeth Bishop lost her father, her mother then succumbed to mental illness and she later lost her lover to suicide. Therefore, we may see this poem as in part autobiographical. In it, the poet presents a list of things we may lose in life, increasing in importance, until the final culmination in the loss of a loved one.
One Art Analysis
The title should not be overlooked. With these two small words, Elizabeth Bishop encompasses the poem’s entire purpose: to remove the pain of loss by first levelling out everything that we lose; from door keys to houses to people (One), and second by mastering the fact of losing through practise (Art).
The art of losing isn’t hard to master; so many things seem filled with the intent to be lost that their loss is no disaster. In the first stanza, Bishop sets out her intentions. She seems to affirm that loss is part of the human condition: we lose both significant and insignificant things constantly and should thus accept this as a natural part of life, and even master this practice so as to remove any sensation of disaster we may take from it. These two points will be repeated throughout the poem so as to emphasise them.
Lose something every day.
In the second stanza, she invites the reader in by naming two extremely common things to lose: keys and time. The enjambment between the first and second lines causes us to pause and contemplate how ridiculous is this ‘fluster’ that occurs when we lose our keys. She eases us slowly into her idea: the universality of these two occurrences allows us to relate and thus agree that indeed, this is not too hard to master and is certainly not a disaster.
Then practice losing farther, losing faster: places, and names, and where it was you meant to travel. The emotional tension begins to subtly build in the third stanza as Bishop incites us to further our practise, broadening the scope of our loss. Here, the things we lose are more related to thought and memory: people, places and plans that, with time, naturally escape our head and no longer form part of our lives. This is harder for the reader to accept and the familiar affirmation that this will not bring disaster becomes less comforting. House keys and an hour here and there seem commonplace and natural and to consciously lose these things to aid our mastering of losing does not seem too difficult. Places, names and plans require a larger effort and a degree of emotional distancing that the second stanza did not call for.
There is a subtle change from the third to the fourth stanza, a perfect split in keeping with the poem’s rigid structure. Almost imperceptibly, the speaker switches from addressing the reader to drawing on her own experience. It is here that Bishop begins to undermine her meticulous structural details and carefully impassive tone. “I lost my mother’s watch”, she states, an admission that seems to come from nowhere. However, the casual tone is disappearing; the inexplicable mention of this personal aspect of the speaker’s life has upped the emotional stakes. As the stanza continues, it becomes clear that this is a further attempt to demonstrate the universality of loss. The picture becomes bigger and the distance larger. The exclamation: “And look!” betrays yet more emotion, despite it’s apparent offhand tone. Now Bishop tells us to look at our losses on a bigger scale: the houses we lived in – not so disastrous except for the use of the word “loved” here. Indeed, these were just places we lived in, but we nonetheless also loved in them.
The first person speaker continues in the fifth stanza as the poet attempts to further distance herself from loss. She is stepping further and further back and the picture she is painting reaches a higher geographical level: to cities and continents. Nevertheless, this is undermined by a wistful tone: the cities she lost were “lovely ones” and, although she maintains that their loss was not a disaster, she does admit that she misses them. Faced with this unusual outlook, the reader is forced to ask at this point: if the loss of a continent is no disaster, what would thus constitute one?
Bishop is also a traveller and called a lot of places home
—Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident the art of losing's not too hard to master though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
he fifth stanza leads us to a brief look at the structure of the poem. The villanelle allows for a break in its pattern of tercets and tight rhyme, giving away to one quatrain with a repeated rhyme. Just as the structure cracks, as does the poetic voice. The final stanza opens with a dash, which could perhaps be seen as an attempt at a casual tone but in fact serves to slow the poem down here, allowing for yet more emotion to permeate the final words. The reader is forced to consider this “you”, and we see how the poem has taken a journey: starting with the little objects, going through thought and memory, to houses, places and continents forming one huge picture until at the end, zooming in on and pinpointing this “you”. A “you” with, as we infer from the parentheses, a personality, a memorable tone of voice and gestures. A person lost; an irreplaceable entity, in fact.
Lose something every day. Accept the fluster of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
This stanza is somewhat urging you to just lose things on a daily basis, because why not? Just accept that emotion, how flustered you get from first realizing that you lost something and then that unsettling feeling of not finding it yet, whether it be keys or time you decided to use unwisely.
The gracious royal couples were warm in red and ermine; their feet were well wrapped up in the ladies' ermine trains. They invited Arthur to be the smallest page at court. But how could Arthur go, clutching his tiny lily, with his eyes shut up so tight and the roads deep in snow?
The speaker assumes that the British royalty in the paintings have invited Arthur to become a page at court. This is a comforting thought but then she questions how he could possibly go if his eyes shut tight and the roads deep in snow.
Arthur was very small. He was all white, like a doll that hadn't been painted yet. Jack Frost had started to paint him the way he always painted the Maple Leaf (Forever). He had just begun on his hair, a few red strokes, and then Jack Frost had dropped the brush and left him white, forever.
The fifth stanza describes Arthur's body. He is described as a doll that hasn't been painted yet by Jack Frost except for his hair.
"Come," said my mother, "Come and say good-bye to your little cousin Arthur." I was lifted up and given one lily of the valley to put in Arthur's hand. Arthur's coffin was a little frosted cake, and the red-eyed loon eyed it from his white, frozen lake.
The mother calls the child to say goodbye to Arthur. The child understands that Arthur is departing for somewhere but I din't think she fully understood the concept of death and how he was dead. He/she gives Arthur lilies. Then describes his coffin as well as the loon eyeing it
Since Uncle Arthur fired a bullet into him, he hadn't said a word. He kept his own counsel on his white, frozen lake, the marble-topped table. His breast was deep and white, cold and caressable; his eyes were red glass, much to be desired.
In the second stanza, the child refers and focuses on the stuffed loon. The speaker, being a child, animates the loon, hoping that it had something to say. But it doesn't so he tells himself that he is merely keeping his thoughts to himself. The child likens the marble topped table to its original environment. Then talks about the features of the stuffed animal. It's breast being cold and caressable referring the fact that it's stuffed. Cold because it was lifeless but still caressable because the body is still there, almost frozen in time.
She also mentions that its red glass eye is much to be desired. I'm not sure what this means but with reference to Arthur's dead body and the last line in the poem as well as both the picture of the royalty and the loon having open eyes - what's desirable is the despite not being there at all, these things seem immortalized because their eyes are open while Arthur had his eyes closed clearly signifying the harsh reality that he is dead.
In the cold, cold parlor my mother laid out Arthur beneath the chromographs: Edward, Prince of Wales, with Princess Alexandra, and King George with Queen Mary. Below them on the table stood a stuffed loon shot and stuffed by Uncle Arthur, Arthur's father.
Arthur has recently passed away. In the opening scene, we see him being laid out by the speaker's mother in the parlor under what are essentially pictures or photographic prints of British royalty. And then under those pictures is a stuffed loon (aquatic bird). Bishop then follows this with the detail of the loon being shot and stuffed with the dead boy's dad of the same name - Arthur.
I find it interesting that the speaker would notice that he is placed under static objects which don't even embody life. The prints of royalty and the loon - including Arthur, all of them seem so still and dead. Like mere shells left behind of what they once were.
- Jan 2019
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Cartographies also fulfil a methodological function by providingdiscursive objects of exchange for a dialogical, but also potentiallyantagonistic exchange
So, the mapping of knowledge in which she engages helps serve the purpose of identifying topics to study and discuss.
- Nov 2018
thebaffler.com thebaffler.com
Meanwhile, environmentalists of the professional class will continue growing fruitless tomato plants in yogurt containers (they call it “permaculture”) while weed workers actually succeed at growing shit in locally appropriate ways every day, and can build and rewire structures in twenty-four hours. Clearly, any effective social movement would find one pot grower more useful than all “anarchoprimitivists” combined.
The author basically says the weed workers are more useful than some of today's workers. The way they think and act are smarter than others
The fact is that people grow, traffic, and sell pot outside of the economic mainstream for a reason—the pot sector actually grants living wages whereas legal employment options do not. Everyone who currently makes a living off pot will still be poor and needing to make a living tomorrow when Monsanto buys the DNA sequence for Skunk. For this reason, there will continue to be an underground pot trade, and there is every reason to think that pre-existing pot workers will be persecuted even more heavily than before.
The author speaks about how people sell weed illegally for a reason. If weed became legal, they still wouldn't be able to sell it or they would have to sell it for a low price.
Consider further the plight of our typical legal-pot patient, Mary Jane. One reason she originally wanted her marijuana prescription was to avoid buying the typical purchase of a “quarter” (seven grams) from delivery, so she doesn’t smoke more than she needs. But the Licensed Producer was worse: she was told she had to buy her entire thirty-day prescription in one massive load, because the website commands that the next order be thirty days after the last purchase (rather than within a given thirty-day time period). Such a system serves no practical purpose except to mobilize patients’ anxiety disorders—which they are supposedly trying to heal—so that they buy more overpriced product than necessary at any given time.
the author speaks about how the system works doesn't actually help people at all, just makes things worse.
Throughout the underground pot trade “producers” and “consumers” still often look each other in the face, and know each other as people, wherein one’s relevant “credit” relates to one’s true character and reputation.
The author is speaking about how somebody's credit or record doesn't actually define who they truly are. The author says how the buyers actually get to know the seller and the type of person they really are.
It is also pot workers, not the State, who consistently provide interest-free loans (the “fronting” of an ounce, say) to those with no credit at banks, whose only other recourse is the treachery of payday lenders. It is the pot-peddlers, not the State, who provide daily home-check-ups for unemployed youths suffering mental health challenges, and who run errands for seniors when the streets get icy. (Not all pot delivery guys pick up prescriptions for their elderly clients, but most will at least pass by the corner store as they make their rounds.)
The author talks about how pot workers benefit us and how they help other people.
It is the State that requires, say, a dyslexic laid-off worker to fill out a seventeen-page webform in her second language to receive access to food. It is the State that asks the poor to continually re-live, narrate, and fetishize in proper form the traumatic violence they have experienced in order to convince food-bearing-authorities that their lives might actually have value. It is certainly not underground pot workers who demand such dehumanizing performances of the “deserving poor” in order to acquire a job or a loan. It is the State that offers a cruel minimum wage, demands student interns work for free, and offers welfare checks so small they should come in an envelope saying “Please die as soon as possible.”
The author explains how it is the government who makes us go through these tough situations, just to obtain food, or a job. to get money, work experience, and other things we need to live in the country.
The Mexican “drug cartels” we always hear about do profit nicely from moving weed around. But they are making the vast majority of their money from smuggling migrants over the border, selling women and children into sex slavery, moving cocaine from Colombia that used to arrive by air, cooking meth, and “taxing” Canadian and American mining companies.
The author explains that the cartels doesn't just make by weed, they make money by doing all these other illegal things.
It should be no surprise, for example, to hear that the Central Intelligence Agency would have cocaine flown into into the United States while supposedly fighting the “War on Drugs” in Colombia.
The author is trying to say that we shouldn't be surprised by some of the government actions because they are hypocrites.
If a corporation happens to rename a Pink Kush strain “Tranquillamen,” this does not make it that company’s invention.
The author talks about taking credit for things. Some people take other people's ideas or work, give it another name and call it their own but that's not how it works.
- Oct 2018
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move;
At this point in the poem, More has begun to cry. John Donne is trying to comfort More by telling her not to cry or sigh because it would "cause" floods and storms that would only make his journey more difficult. This is showing the idea of a Petrarchan woman. A Petrarchan women is a lady who is able to control the power of her lover through her emotions. He is saying that More's love for him is so powerful that it can actually cause physical disasters , so if she begins to grieve his death it will actually cause his death. This is also an example of a hyperbole.
If they be two, they are two so As stiff twin compasses are two; Thy soul, the fixed foot, makes no show To move, but doth, if the other do. And though it in the center sit, Yet when the other far doth roam, It leans and hearkens after it, And grows erect, as that comes home. Such wilt thou be to me, who must, Like th' other foot, obliquely run; Thy firmness makes my circle just, And makes me end where I begun.
One of John Donne conventions is using conceits, or extended metaphors in his writing. In this case he is comparing his and More's for love for each other to a compass. This is a very unique conceit and is very well known due to its uniqueness. Donne claims that Anne More is the foot on the compass that remains still and unchanging and he is the foot that moves (his travelling). He then goes on to say that while he moves away from More, as the feet on the compass do, he will always find his way back to her.
- Jun 2017
When reading on screen, they thought they absorbed information readily, but tests showed otherwise.
Student: "I can't focus with a text book, it is easier if I read it on my phone, or computer" Me: "You will get distracted if you read it on your phone or computer" Student: " you just dont understand, that is how we learn" Me: "ok, go ahead, but your being quized over this" student: (trys reading on phone or computer, doesnt focus, plays games, texts) student: "I got a 40 on the quiz?? Thats not fair, you cant quiz us on just the reading, I don't understand it" me: (facepalm)
- May 2017
instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com
This will require anunderstanding of the nature of the relationship between discursive prac-tices and material phenomena, an accounting of “nonhuman” as well as“human” forms of agency, and an understanding of the precise causalnature of productive practices that takes account of the fullness of matter’simplication in its ongoing historicity
We need to understand the influence of language and matter together in order to more properly understand the world around us as well as fully understand the history of matter's influence on the development of culture and society.
- Apr 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
technological thinking diminishes our attunement to the fourfold, and in so doing,
Technology threatens our ability to see the bigger picture (in Heidegger's view).
Put this in the crown of your hats, gentlemen! A fool of either sex is the hardest animal to drive that ever required a bit. Better one who jumps a fence now and then, than your sulky, stupid donkey, whose rhinoceros back feels neither pat or goad.
Rough paraphrase: “Get this through your heads! An idiot, male or female, is the hardest thing to convince to change their mind. It is better to have someone that completely surprises you now and again with his or her ideas, instead of someone who remains so stubbornly close-minded they cannot feel good or bad about it.”
This is the closing “emotional punch” required to grab a reader, perhaps even agitate them. as long as it draws attention, it can be an effective tactic to illustrate the point the author wishes to make. With an approach that is both emotional and even mildly condescending, this is the form of editorial form Fern is talking about women needing to apply themselves to throughout the body of her own editorial.
- Mar 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
t the goal of all thought and argument is to emulate the purity and objec-tivity and rigor of science, in order to protect oneself from the errors that passion and desire
Booth disagrees with the Enlightenment ideas of rhetoric, reflected by rhetoricians such as Astell and Hume, that the goal of rhetoric is to be as logical and rational as possible and disregard the importance of emotion, which he defines here as scientism.
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Discourse, they say, facilitates the exchange of knowledge but does not create it
Lovely thought in itself. It's seems to be that it is being stated that, a;though discourse can mold an idea and present in a manner that is approachable and interesting, it does not create the idea. The idea is originated in the mind and simply spread through successful discourse.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
So that A may become non-A. But not merely by a leap from one state to the other. Rather, we must take A back into the ground of its existence, the logical substance that is its causal ancestor, and on to a point where it is con-substantial with non-A; then we may return, this time emerging with non-A instead.
The idea that in order to reinvent something, you must take it back to its basic form. Once it is in its basic form, you can better understand it; once you have an understanding of it, only then can you transform it into something else.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Words, whenever they cannot directly ally themselves with and support themselves upon gestures, are at present a very imperfect means of communication.
Gestures (which is another form of symbolism) give weight to words that may otherwise go unnoticed in a purely written sense. Words, by themselves, carry significantly less rhetorical weight.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Strange spaces of silence seem to separate
Nice alliteration. On another note, she's making reference to how female writing seems to only prop up every few centuries. There were various reasons for this, but oppression and silence of opinion were major components. But a renaissance of female fiction helped kick this trend into the dust.
for it is a very strange thing that people will give you a motor car if you will tell them a story.
People spend their money on frivolous things, such as stories, yet she's also the one who just bought a Persian cat. Humans will tend to financially support the superficial, but these things can also have unseen deeper meanings, such as the companionship a cat provides or the rhetorical experience a novel brings.
- Feb 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
for bona fide communications,
It feels like this is a distinction between Nietzsche's social lies and anti-social lies. If I'm glossing this correctly, bona fide communications are those social lies which we have all agreed upon to enable communication. "Misdirection" is the anti-social lie for the purpose of trickery.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
We need women commentators lo bring out the women's side of the book; we need the stereoscopic view of truth in general, which can only be had when woman's eye and man's together shall discern the perspec-tive of the Bible's full-orbed revelation.
Willard is saying that women are necessary to discover truth, and that a reason that truth has not been realized so far is because women have been excluded from interpreting the bible in their own way and instead are told what is said in the bible by men. Reflects her earlier statement, which states that men generally interpret the bible in their self-interest and to ensure they maintain power and minimize competition (1124).
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Each paragraph has a plan dictated by the nature of the composition. According to such plan, ey,:ry P~!1it1el},t statement has a suitable place; in that place, it contributes to the general cff ect; and, out of that place, it makes confusion.
Paragraphs need to create a plan and stick to it! No ramblin' men!
As regards increasing the pupils' fund of ex-pression, the English teacher can do compara-tively little. The reason is obvious. The command or language is a grand total, resulting from the practice of a life; a small fraction of that total is all that can grow up within the limits of a Course of English Composition
To paraphrase what is being said here. He believes that mastering the English major is something that must be done through a lifetime of usage, not something that can be crammed into a composition class.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
and if we consider that the same process must have gone on with the words of our mother tongue from childhood upwards, we shall clearly see that the earliest learnt and of-tenest used words, will, other things equal, call up images with less loss of time and energy than their later learnt synonyms.
Spencer states that the simple words we first learn as children are more efficient than the synonyms we learn later in life. There are less connections to be made with the original word that we use, and therefore using original language is more economic.
In this, as in other cases, conviction will be greatly strengthened when we understand the why.
The "why," or the analysis, is important to emphasize because you will be more likely to persuade your audience. Is he saying that analysis is essential to successful rhetoric? As my AP English teacher always said, "Your analysis is where your paper "lives."
Hence, the more time and attention it takes to receive and understand each sentence, the less time and attention can be given to the. contained idea; and the Jess vividly will that idea be conceived
The longer it takes for the reader to decipher the sentence, the more time is taken away from the reader receiving the authors message.
brevity is the soul of wit.
This phrase is really quite interesting as it means that a zinger or witty statement is only witty if it is presented in a succinct manner.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
I rejoice, because I am persuaded that the rights of woman, like the rights of slaves, need only be examined to he un-derstood and asserted, even hy some of those, who arc now endeavoring lo smother the irre-pressible desire for mental and spiritual freedom which glows in the breast of many, who hardly dare to speak their sentiments.
She's ecstatic that women, like the slaves, will be able to fight for more rights and free themselves from oppression, even if that end result is still far down the road. At least people are starting to "wake up" to how subservient and lower class women are seen as in this time, even those most adamant on keeping those customs.
Until our inlercourse is purified by the \ \ forgelfulness of sex,-until we rise above the present low and sordid views which entwine themselves around our social and domestic inter-change of senliment and feelings, we never can derive lhat benefit from each other's society which it is the design of our Creacor that we should.
Grimke is saying that we will not live to our full potential, what God has destined for us, if we continue to live our lives in extreme separation between the sexes. Interesting point to suggest that society was living against what God manifested for humanity.
In thal book I find nothing like the soflness of woman, nor the sternness of man: both arc equally commanded to bring forth the fruits of lhe Spirit, love, meekness, gentle-ness, &c.
Grimke is (finally) moving away from the idea that women are "soft;" she states that men and women are equal in the eyes of the Lord in spreading His Word, thereby suggesting that women had the right to speak publicly on religious grounds.
No one can desire more earnestly than I do, that woman may move exactly in the sphere which her Creator Imo; a'isigncd her: and I hclicvc her having been displaced from that sphere has intro· duccd confusion into the world.
I believe this to be a key phrase in the writing as she is pointing out the demeaning role that man has placed women as opposed to the dignity filled role that God meant for her.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Wherefore, my respected friends, let us no longer talk of prejudice, till prejudice becomes extinct at home. Let us no longer talk of opposition, till we cease to oppose our own. For while these evils exist. to talk is like giving breath to the air, and labor to the wind.
Discussing prejudice ironically keeps it alive; it is only through action and relationships that prejudice can be phased out.
This sentiment is slightly concerning, though. If one never discusses how they may be prejudiced against, will they ever be able to recognize it and act appropriately? Can prejudice by solved through action and character alone?
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Composition, however, of the Argumentative II )\)fe kind, may be considered (as has been above stated) as coming under the province of Rhetoric. And this view of the subject is the less open to objection, inasmuch as it is not likely to lead to discussions that can be deemed superfluous, even by those who may chuse to consider Rhetoric in the most restricted sense, as relating only to "Per-suasive Speaking"; since it is evident that Arg11• me/II must be, in most cases at least, the basis of Persuasion.
It can generally be agreed that the composition of an argument also befalls under the general umbrella of rhetoric.
www.csicop.org www.csicop.org
When an alleged fact is debunked, the conspiracy meme often just replaces it with another fact. One of the producers of Loose Change, Korey Rowe, stated, “We don't ever come out and say that everything we say is 100 percent [correct]. We know there are errors in the documentary, and we've actually left them in there so that people [will] discredit us and do the research for themselves” (Slensky 2006).
"Campbell makes a similar point about the dangers of paraphrase: Since we must be in doubt about the precise meaning of the original, any paraphrase must be consid· ered an interpretation."
- Oct 2016
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
This paper explores how Pixar films (Wall-E and the Toy Story trilogy [1995, 1999, 2010]) expand the limitations that have traditionally bound “family enter-tainment” under the G-rating by em-ploying a postmodern adaptation of the “principle of deniability,” a producer-designed multivalence that flourished in Hollywood from 1930–1968 under the Production Code (Vasey 104–13).
This spec-tatorial distance, “making strange,” as Brecht would have it, allows the paren-tal viewer to process these narratives as an “other,” “unintended” audience and thus relieves them of the burden of full-frontal spectatorship (Brecht 93).
Giving the audience a taste of the film’s “navigable space,” this shot evinces the phenomenological power of the digital to depict scale of a breathtaking breadth (Manovich 248; Whissel, 91).8
- Sep 2016
brightspace.nyu.edu brightspace.nyu.edu
However, it is not clear whether the development of steps within the major periods occurs in an invariant sequence in all cul-tures. Even if some or all of the sequences identified by Piaget prove to be universal, we would still expect some variation in the rate of progress through the cognitive stages. This variation can arise from differences in physical maturation, physical experience, or social experience.
These stages are not truly universal and vary according to many factors. (Are they still useful to educators/psychologists if not universal? If so, in what ways?)
- Jan 2016
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
It's unrealistic for individuals that posses money to be placed in the same category or respected in the same fashion as individuals that do not posses money.
It is impossible that the man with capital and the man without capital should be equal. To affirm that they are equal would be to say that a man who has no tool can get as much food out of the ground as the man who has a spade or a plough; or that the man who has no weapon can defend himself as well against hostile beasts or hostile men as the man who has a weapon. If that were so, none of us would work any more.
The sentence highlights the social inconsistency within the age of the second industrial revolution. At this time, social inequality was due to political corruption and how wealth was distributed. Thus, the man with capital had more power and wealth than the man who does not have capital. Also, what I found distinct about this quote is that Sumner contrasted it with the idea of the first paragraph, in which he stated and acknowledges that equality was possible if everyone could "share" the wealth and power, then inequality would be solved. However, by stating the quote (highlighted), there would be no work and that it was necessary to have men with capital because they are the propellers of success in society.
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
the evils arising from the unjust and unequal distribution of wealth, which are becoming more and more apparent as modern civilization goes on, are not incidents of progress, but tendencies which must bring progress to a halt
Paraphrase: There is no coincidence that inequality is occurring in the world due to certain evils that are becoming more apparent as time passes and will lead to the end of progress.
Context: People are beginning to recognize and voice their opinions about social inequality during this time period, such as unequal distribution of wealth. When before only a few people spoke out about this injustice. The inequality that is occurring is not an accident that occurs as time moves forward, but is the direct result of the corrupt mindset of some individuals. This mindset will cause civilization to stop progressing.
Example: For example, some people still have the mindset that only prestigious citizens (meaning political figures or people whose family has had a legacy of being wealthy or well known) should be wealthy. This mindset hinders a community because everyone does not have equal access to resources and this inequality is the very thing that leads to poverty and an accumulation of poverty does not equal progress.
- Nov 2015
doc-0g-ag-prod-03-apps-viewer.googleusercontent.com doc-0g-ag-prod-03-apps-viewer.googleusercontent.com
multi-sited ethnography
Following people and things (objects, cultural assumptions, etc) across different contexts to see "what takes hold"
- Oct 2015
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
Trains were platforms for other concepts as well, in science and in other domains.
Islands of expertise can be used as tools of analogy to learn and discuss other things/knowledge/topics outside of its sphere. Interesting
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
A learning ecology describes a system ofpeople, practices, technologies, and values in a local environment, and individu-als typically participate in multiple such ecologies across time. The frameworkhighlights how people actively create learning opportunities for themselves asthey strive to pursue their evolving interests (in this case, in technological mat-ters), in the process crossing boundaries of several settings (e.g., school, home,and after-school programs). As we will see, tracking how individual hobbyists’practices change over time is one of the methodological/analytical strategiesto inferring the immutable/persistent aspects of people’s short- and long-termpractice, which therefore are central to both a structural and process account ofengaged participation
A long highlight, but I think important to framing how the author pulls out "resources" and frames the analysis to come. What seems to be the most important part of the concept of a "learning ecology" is that it is distributed over time as well as people, places and things. The aspect of time again brings me back to my earlier annotation about the dynamic aspect of participation and (as the author argues at the end of this quote) central to engaged participation.
Learning, therefore, is seen in the different rolesthat a newcomer progressively takes on, in the process becoming accountable tomore central aspects of the practice.
Learning not as a set of objects ("knowledge") to be had but as a process or development and action of and by the learner towards a particular practice.