3 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2019
iphysresearch.github.io iphysresearch.github.io
Using Pre-Training Can Improve Model Robustness and Uncertainty
此 paper 回应并补充了去年何神的一篇说 pre-training 对 performance 鸟用不大的文章 (Rethinking ImageNet Pre-training)。你问是怎么回应的?瞅一眼此 paper 的题目就晓得了。。。。
- Nov 2018
iphysresearch.github.io iphysresearch.github.io
How Many Samples are Needed to Learn a Convolutional Neural Network?
Conclusion 里说:"Our paper only considered CNN with linear activation.“ 啥?linear activation?我不知道还有什么理由让我继续读下去[允悲]。。。另有 reddit 上对此文的讨论:http://t.cn/ELKbsjx
Rethinking ImageNet Pre-training
何神的新paper!欲最快速通晓文章的 insights,请直接阅读文章的 discussions 部分即可!