3 Matching Annotations
- May 2023
www.tech-invite.com www.tech-invite.com
each S-NSSAI may contain a Subscribed DNN
Subscription for one S-NSSAI: 1. a list of Subscribed DNN 1. one default DNN
- May 2022
triplydb.com triplydb.com
- Oct 2018
homes.cs.washington.edu homes.cs.washington.edu
iving in the Past, Present, andFuture: Measuring TemporalOrientation With Language
Messages were rated on their temporal distance from the present, with 0 representing current moments, negative values representing the past and positive values denoting the future. • Extraversion positively associated with future & negatively with the past • Openness negatively with the past • Conscientiousness negatively with the present, pos with others • Agreeableness negatively with the present, pos w future • Life satisfaction present neg future pos • Neuroticism none • Depression present pos, future neg