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- Jan 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
change our relationship to the physical world – to end an era of profligate consumption by the few that has consequences for the many – means changing how we think about pretty much everything: wealth, power, joy, time, space, nature, value, what constitutes a good life, what matters, how change itself happens
who's the we here? Just the few (rich countries) or also the many. Then lists aspects systems / ethics and what method of change you think to deploy.
The Ponzi scheme that is western society is centered as cause and its end the remedy. Vgl [[De externe input cheat 20091015070231]] where I formulate the same. We've run out of being able to ignore [[Geexternaliseerde effecten 20200914204533]]. Is this a [[Ethics of Agency 20201003161155]]?