2 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2018
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
will monitor and learn the writing styles of individual students and flag up content which shows considerable divergence from their previous work.
because god-forbid they significantly improve their writing skills over time.
blog.hansdezwart.nl blog.hansdezwart.nl
My work can only be used by Turnitin to check for plagiarism. As I see no reason for it being my responsibility to help Turnitin get better at doing their job (by giving them the ability to recognise when somebody plagiarizes my work), I want Turnitin to delete my work as soon as the check has been done. If Turnitin relies on third parties to do the plagiarism check, then I would need a limitative list of these parties and the assurance that the above two conditions will also count for them.
Seems reasonable!