- Jan 2023
www.miraclecenter.org www.miraclecenter.org
Miracles are everyone's right, but purification is necessary first.
Fear not the images related to this word your memories have brought. Recall what author said in introduction: removing blocks to love is Course's one concern. You're not in need of adding content to your mind. A sculptor's masterpiece is ready, when everything unnecessary is removed. Let all illusions be dispelled off you and there is nothing left but love.
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. T-16.4.6
You are only love, but when you deny this, you make what you are something you must learn to remember. T-6.3.2
Healing is not creating; it is reparation. T-5.2.1
The miracle does nothing. All it does is to undo ... It does not add, but merely takes away. T-28.1.1
The Atonement does not make holy. You were created holy. It merely brings unholiness to holiness; or what you made to what you are. Bringing illusion to truth, or the ego to God, is the Holy Spirit's only function. T-14.9.1
All your past except its beauty is gone, and nothing is left but a blessing. T-5.4.8
- Jan 2022
www.miraclecenter.org www.miraclecenter.org
Miracles represent freedom from fear. "Atoning" means "undoing." The undoing of fear is an essential part of the atonement value of miracles.
This is a very crucial topic. Fear stands among the leaders of bad decisions' motivators so when you'll grasp the depth of meaning for this subject your life will never be the same.
Let us consider briefly what reasons make you scared. First and foremost you must be thinking that this event or person is absolutely real. The follow up is the idea: this situation threatens you somehow. And final step to get you frightened is to assure you that you have no control.
The combo of these reasons leads you to conclusion you might become a victim so you need react preventively right now. This is a very nasty hook which you can dodge by realizing: all of those statements are equally untrue.
Take time to learn what's in the quotes related, without this solid foundation forgiveness can't be understood.
The correction of fear is your responsibility. When you ask for release from fear, you are implying that it is not. You should ask, instead, for help in the conditions that have brought the fear about. T-2.6.4
God did not create a meaningless world. W-14
I am not the victim of the world I see. W-31
I have invented the world I see. W-32
The world you see is an illusion of a world. God did not create it, for what He creates must be eternal as Himself. Yet there is nothing in the world you see that will endure forever. C-4.1
Forgive yourself the thought He wanted this for you. W-99.7
What if you recognized this world is an hallucination? What if you really understood YOU made it up? T-20.8.7
The end of dreaming is the end of fear T-28.3.4
If I defend myself I am attacked. W-135
How safe the world will look to me when I can see it! It will not look anything like what I imagine I see now. Everyone and everything I see will lean toward me to bless me. I will recognize in everyone my dearest Friend. What could there be to fear in a world that I have forgiven, and that has forgiven me? W-60.3
I thank You, Father, for Your plan to save me from the hell I made. It is not real. And You have given me the means to prove its unreality to me. The key is in my hand, and I have reached the door beyond which lies the end of dreams. W-342.1