1 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2022
www.hughrundle.net www.hughrundle.net
Nevertheless, the basic principles have mostly held up to now: the culture and technical systems were deliberately designed on principles of consent, agency, and community safety. Whilst there are definitely improvements that could be made to Mastodon in terms of moderation tools and more fine-grained control over posting, in general these are significantly superior to the Twitter experience. It's hardly surprising that the sorts of people who have been targets for harrassment by fascist trolls for most of their lives built in protections against unwanted attention when they created a new social media toolchain.
Agreed, M allows more agency to accountholders. I see how agency and community safety are part of the technical design. What tech / functionality in M is aimed at consent? You can determine the audience for each message more granularly than elsewhere, but that to me is not an implementation of consent, more one of signalling intent.