2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2022
    1. This promise does not correspond with reality either. Even if the global fleet of internal combustion vehicles (about 1.5 billion) were to stop growing, “decarbonizing 50 per cent of it by 2030 would require that we manufacture about 600 million new electric passenger vehicles in nine years — that’s about 66 million a year, more than the total global production of all cars in 2019. In addition, the electricity to run those cars would have to come from zero-carbon sources. What are the chances of that?”

      A combination of radical relocalization with subsequent focus on human powered transportation. Velomobiles with battery assist to reduce vehicular weights by an order of magnitude for short hop transportation if walking and biking is not feasible.

  2. May 2022
    1. have no or very low energy and transportation bills.

      This can be structurally accomplished by reimagining community to have a local center of gravity. Redistribution of economic activity to where we live will dramatically reduce the need for high energy transportation.

      Another scalable strategy is to shift from cars to velomobiles for short distance trips. In a car culture, even short trips require high energy transportation vehicles. Instead, replace these short trips with either public transport, walkable neighborhoods or velomobiles with very low weight and high mileage electric or other non polluting propulsion systems.