- Oct 2020
tarunagoel.blogspot.com tarunagoel.blogspot.com
I love this quote by Pike!
uta.pressbooks.pub uta.pressbooks.pub
one downside is that using OER materials unlocks the possibility of change. Consider what would happen if you link to materials that become outdated… or even removed from the web.
Totally time consuming but I wonder if this actually helps us ensure that we are using the best possible options.
lives of faculty
This is especially the case for contract academic staff or those in precariously positions.
open educational practice captures the true potential of OER to improve teaching and learning
I think this is where the real power of open education can be felt. Sure free textbooks are great, but how can we leverage them to inform our teaching.
- Sep 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Susceptibility to bias
For a class called "Women, Art, and Society" students were assigned artists to research and either add to Wikipedia or edit and expand their current pages. It was surprising to see the number of women, and other marginalized artists that were rejected because they were not "established" enough.
Viewing Wikipedia as fitting the economists' definition of a perfectly competitive marketplace of ideas, George Bragues (University of Guelph-Humber), examined Wikipedia's articles on seven top Western philosophers: Aristotle, Plato, Immanuel Kant, René Descartes, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Thomas Aquinas, and John Locke. Wikipedia's articles were compared to a consensus list of themes culled from four reference works in philosophy. Bragues found that, on average, Wikipedia's articles only covered 52% of consensus themes. No errors were found, though there were significant omissions
Yes, these are accurate but I think this example does point to the extent to which Wikipedia marginalizes the contributions of women, and people of colour.
www.virtualsalt.com www.virtualsalt.com
There is no such thing as pure objectivity, but a good writer should be able to control his or her biases
I am glad this was pointed out!
Local file Local file
a perpetually incomplete and potentially unfulfilled process
www.literacyworldwide.org www.literacyworldwide.org
Digital skills would focus on which tool to use (e.g., Twitter) and how to use it (e.g., how to tweet, retweet, use TweetDeck), while digital literacy would include in-depth questions: When would you use Twitter instead of a more private forum? Why would you use it for advocacy? Who puts themselves at risk when they do so?
An analogy that resonated with me is that in a studio class a student might learn how to draw, but in an art history class with a focus on visual literacy, that same student might learn about the history of drawing and its social, political, economic etc. ramifications. #lida101