2 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2020
    1. My students think that we read, read, read, read, and THEN WHAM BAM, there’s a paper.

      Making a manuscript isn’t just reading and reading and reading and then magically writing it. I think it’s scary to write something academic and know that its purpose is to be read because quoting Dr. Pacheco Vega "research is social" and the manuscript begins to make sense when people comment and occupy it. The process to get to that paper is long and from what is explained in their blogs and academic twitter threads, we must be patient and go step by step. It amazes me and at the same time excited the tips and strategies to achieve writing a manuscript and it is comforting to see that even those who already have more experience do this amazing process, the basic scheme and memorandums to reach their goal, It seems to me that students think that our teachers already have mastery of the techniques for writing a scientific article. My question is why even putting together a detailed outline is so complicated for students?

  2. Oct 2020
    1. There are questions that cannot be answered through a single method, either quantitative or qualitative, that is why day by day, the barriers between these two types of research are falling down.

      In the context in which we live we need answers that can explain our events and for that necessarily the question has to be looked at from quantitative and qualitative research; and in 2020 must be mediated by technological tools.

      The transmission of information through the new networks allows generating a space for debate and proximity to the topic, explains how tweets are analyzed through APIs and it is important to mention that the purpose of the article is not to talk about simple triangulation by combining both research techniques, but to realize that technological tools and qualitative data analysis can work together and give better results to the case study.

      . Existen preguntas que no pueden ser contestadas a través de un solo método, ya sea cuantitativo o cualitativo, es por eso que día a día, las barreras entre estos dos tipos de investigación se van cayendo.

      En el contexto en que vivimos necesitamos respuestas que puedan explicar nuestro acontecer y para eso necesariamente la pregunta tiene que ser mirada desde la investigación cuantitativa y cualitativa; y en pleno 2020 debe ser mediada por las herramientas tecnológicas.

      La transmisión de información a través de las nuevas redes permite generar un espacio de debate y cercanía con el tema, se nos explica la forma en que los tuits son analizados a través de los API y es importante mencionar que el objetivo del artículo no es hablar de una triangulación simple por el hecho de combinar ambas técnicas de investigación, sino darnos cuenta de que las herramientas tecnológicas y el análisis cualitativos de datos pueden trabajar juntos y dar mejores resultados al estudio de casos.