3 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2017
    1. The users of a website known as Ashleymadison.com which was used by people who wanted to have secret relationships had 30 million of its users names released. This resulted in 2 suicides which were linked to the disclosure. The article talks about the “illusion” of internet securuity and if someone knows how to they can steal sensitive data and ruin lives. It shows that internet data is never truly safe. Related posts:

      i completely agree that today hackers can get into almost any device or software and this needs to be dealt with asap as people who do get exposed suffer miserably not only with depression but so much pressure too.

    2. i completely agree that today hackers can get into almost any device or software and this needs to be dealt with asap as people who do get exposed suffer miserably not only with depression but so much pressure too.

  2. Sep 2017
    1. Passive Wi-Fi is a way to generate Wi-fi transmissions that use 10,000 times less power than the current battery-draining standard. Developed at the University of Washington, it is an exponential increase in connectivity, which will enable other types of advances. However, this technology will be very expensive and not available for many people.

      I agree with the lower energy consumption, but dont you think that it should be made cheaper for the people so that the mass population can use it for truly having an effect ?