20 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2020
  2. Feb 2020
    1. As society and technology change, so does literacy.

      Literacy isn't just about being able to read text, its about expanding and growing your knowledge in multiple fields.

    1. based on evidence that the most resilient, adaptive, and effective learning involves individual interest as well as social support to overcome adversity and provide recognition.

      We should take the time to make our classrooms that place that fosters growth for learning.

    1. this peer culture can produce learning that’s engaging and powerful.

      I feel like we often forget how important involving peer interactions can be. It is a great way to connect with one another, share and give feedback, and produce learning that is engaging and powerful.

    2. when the topic is personally interesting and relevant, learners achieve much higher-order learning outcomes.

      Teachers should find ways to create an interest to learn a topic, they should incorporate more hands on and technology rather than just lecture and notes.

    3. Young people learn best when actively engaged, creating, and solving problems they care about, and supported by peers who appreciate and recognize their accomplishments.

      I feel like as future teachers we need to take this into account, there needs to be a change in all of this testing, fixed subjects, etc.

    1. Collaborative Online Reading and Writing Practices Appear to Increase Comprehension and Learning

      positive things

    2. Online Contexts May Be Especially Supportive for Some Struggling Reader

      technology can be especially beneficial for some students and help them in many positive ways instead of hindering them like lots of people assume technology does to kids.

    3. Teachers Become More Important, Though Their Role Changes, Within New Literacy Classrooms

      In a way teachers become less hands on with their students in their learning, however; its the role of the teacher to tech them to become literate in technology and they are responsible for creating internet smart children.

    4. information is much more widely avail-able from people who have strong political, economic, religious, or ideological stances that profoundly influence the nature of the information they present to others. As a result, we must assist students to become more critical consumers of the information they encounter

      Wow, the internet is such a powerful tool when you think about it, it can be used for many reasons, which is also a reason why its important to teach students about information they may encounter

    5. Over 70% of these students used the Internet as the primary source for infor-mation on their most recent school report or project, while only 24% of these students reported using the library for the same task.

      Its crazy to think about how easy it is for students to locate information with just the tip of their fingers. This makes it easier for students to learn and access things faster. With this more horizons can be expanded.

    6. . Today, global economic competition requires organizations to abandon these traditional command and control structures to leverage all of their intellectual capital, oper-ate more productively, and become more competitive

      Being literate in technology has become so important that even organizations have to be literate to stay in competition.

    7. The rapid appearance of the Internet in both our professional and personal

      Makes me think of what you want/should your digital identity to be. Your online image plays a big role in todays society.

    8. To be literate tomorrow will be defined by even newer technologies that have yet to appear and even newer discourses and social practices that will be created to meet future needs. Thus, when we speak of new literacies, we mean that literacy is not just new today; it becomes new every

      Can we ever truly be 100% literate in technology since it is literally growing, evolving, and changing everyday?

    1. Yet, as early adopters, history’s first generation of “always connected” individuals do not have the knowledge and skills to critically explore, build, and connect online. Simply stated, students are often not provided with opportunities in school to practice the web literacies necessary to read, write, and participate on the web.

      Its crazy to think about how children are using technology more and more but yet its used so rarely in the classroom, which should be the place its used the most to show them how to grow in it.

    1. focus teacher training on how to use technology to enhance learning and meet curricular outcomes; and

      I love this idea especially since more and more children are using technology everyday, teachers need to adjust the use of it in their class work.

    2. without guidance they remain amateur users of information and communications technology (ICT), which raises concerns about a generation of youth who are not fully digitally literate, yet are deeply immersed in cyberspace. Therefore, “it is not… enough to assume that young people automatically have all of the skills, knowledge and understanding that they need to apply to their use of technology. All young people need to be supported to thrive in digital cultures; they need help making sense of a rapidly changing world of technology which gives them access to vast amounts of information, which is infused with commercial agendas and which for many reasons can be difficult to interpret.”[1

      I found this to be interesting because we automatically assume the younger generations know everything about technology but in reality they don't and need guidance to realize the capacity technology has.

  3. Jan 2020
    1. views digital literacy as having three buckets: 1) finding and consuming digital content; 2) creating digital content; and 3) communicating or sharing it.

      I like the way Hiller Spires broke down what digital technology is and how it serves three purposes.