19 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2016
    1. When people work together for a common cause one man does not deprive the other of space; rather he incre;ses it for his colleague by giving him support.

      This phenomena can currently be observed on our very own campus.

    2. but to the Russian peas-ants boundless space used to have the opposite meaning. It connoted despair rather than opportunity; it inhibited rather than encouraged action.

      Probably a contributor to this cultural stigma is the fact that it's much harder to grow something on a field covered in snow. The culture comes from somewhere.

    3. Two ac grs co . ___. are I 1cult to ormu a~--son contrast. For examw That the feeling pf spac1ous~ess/~dt d world com

      This ties into what Tuan said earlier about how tools such as air travel can expand the world and make it feel spacious for some. I imagine it could also make the world feel more crowded for those who can not afford air travel.

    1. Perhaps the enjoy-ment of music is always suffused wirll past e;l(perience; fi:>r me, ar least, this is rn1e.

      Music experienced as a group is different from music experienced alone.

    2. l'm ashamed t0 admit, ho~'evcr, that I did not al-ways rcstritt its use tu die de1nands of pleasure or defe1tSe.

      Similar to "The Enormous Radio," technology changes the way we interact with other people. In this story, however, it appears to be more of an interaction, where as in "The Enormous Radio," things are very one sided.

    3. \Ve were living at the tio1e in a ciny ground-floor .. rear aparrn1enr i11 v,ilich I 'vas trying to \Vrite. Isa}' "trying" ad-visedly.

      What does he mean by "I say I was trying to advisedly?"

  2. Mar 2016
    1. understand and care about the people we are designing for.


    2. What will they become in the midst of all this dreadful speed, this organization, this terrible uniformity?

      We mentioned this in class, that although standardized housing allows for equal opportunity, it doesn't allow for expression. It doesn't allow it's inhabitants to have a voice. What's the point of having opportunity if you can no longer take it?

    3. “The Message”


    4. promotional film,

      Almost all the people in that video are white

    5. eliminating the social, economic and political amenities described by LeCorbusier as essential to the inhabitants.


      Also, I feel like this article is formatted a bit like those John Oliver videos online. He starts off with a funny video, then gets down to the nitty gritty of social injustices. This article has a great hook.

    6. while exposing both the conscious and subconscious efforts of our profession to absolve the most powerful shapers of society, architects, from any responsibility.

      This article is making me so angry because this is the shittiest excuse I've ever heard for not liking hip hop. But this point here brings up an interesting point. Part of what drives architects to try and absolve their digressions must be guilt. Even if that is the case, they still need to acknowledge the influence they have, because that's the first step to using that power for good.

    7. Since its’ inception, the hip hop MC, has served as a voice of disenfranchised, underrepresented communities and the often unheard end users of urban renewal initiatives.

      yeah fuck the police! (referring to the nwa song that provides an excellent example of this)

    8. The lyrical dexterity of hip hop MC’s far exceed what’s exhibited in the “I’m An Architect”

      You can stay that again. That song was weak sauce, and you can tell even before he starts rapping.

    9. As professionals continue to argue the academic validity of hip hop and disseminate the social significance of rap,

      Hip hop is an art and I will fight any man woman or child who says otherwise

  3. Feb 2016
  4. apartmentstories2016.files.wordpress.com apartmentstories2016.files.wordpress.com
    1. BuiJding puts up locales that make space and a site for the fourfold. From the simple oneness in which earth and sky, divinities and mortals belong together, building receives the directive for its erect-ing of locales.

      Building informs our sense of being through confirming our connection to the fourfold.

    2. E':'en where the bridge covers the stream, it holds its flow up to the sky by taking it for a moment under the vaulted gateway and then setting it free once more.

      I don't get this

    3. Mortals dwell in that they save the earth-taking the word in the old sense still known to Lessing. Saving does not only snatch some-~hin~ from a danger. To save properly means to set something free mto its own essence. To save the earth is more than to exploit it or even wear it out. Saving the earth does not master the earth and does not subjugate it, which is merely one step from boundless spoliation.

      This may be over optimistic. Man hasn't been doing such a great job of saving the earth as of late.

    4. Real sparing is something positive and takes place when we leave something beforehand in its own essence, when we return it specifically to its essential being, when we "free" it in the proper sense of the word into a preserve of peace. To dwell, to be set at peace, means to remain at peace within the free, the preserve, the free sphere that safeguards each thing in its essence.

      Interesting. Freedom as a requirement for dwelling. This makes a lot of sense in a historical context. Over the years, many peoples and cultured have been exiled and forced to emigrate to a new land. The Irish, for example (I use this example because it is the only one I know a lot about, not because it is the most prevalent today.) Many of the Irish emigrated to America, but some of them still felt the call of the motherland. Because they did not move there freely, it did not feel like a home. Is this what Heidegger is talking about?