5,205 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      There is mounting evidence pointing towards an association of HSV with ApoE and Alzheimer's disease. Although it has been shown that ApoE impacts HSV-1 spread in animal models in an isoform specific fashion, the molecular relationship between the virus and ApoE is unclear. The present study probes the role of ApoE on the viral life cycle, clearly an important aspect if one is to better understand how the virus may influence the disease. Using assays monitoring various steps of viral replication, the authors report that ApoE perturbs the interaction of the virus with the cell surface, both during the initial binding and following viral release. Furthermore, they show that ApoE 3 and 4 exert a proviral effect, with a smaller impact with ApoE 2.

      General Comments

      The comprehensive study addresses an important point that may help clarify the interaction between HSV-1 and Alzheimer's disease. It major strength is that it is systematic and elegantly performed. The paper convincingly shows that ApoE impact cell adhesion at the cell surface. In general, the data have properly been analyzed statistically. Some aspects are however enigmatic. First of all, how can ApoE be proviral if it prevents the initial binding of the virus to the cells? Second, less viral binding should mean less entry (as shown in figure 2) and subsequently fewer genome copies, but that is not what is reported in figure 3. This is not clearly stated in the discussion (lines 457-459 and again in lines 490-491). Finally, if ApoE is unstable as indicated on lines 495-497, how can it be active later on at 24 hpi and prevent viral release? How do the authors reconcile these observations? Of interest, ApoE 3 has a slightly greater impact on viral growth than other isoforms (fig 1), which is not quite fitting the model that ApoE4 is the main culprit for Alzheimer's disease. Could the authors comment? Where are the ApoE proteins normally expressed in cells? At the cell surface or intracellularly? This may provide a hint as to where the virus picks it up when incorporating it. Immunofluorescence would be a great addition (e.g., Huh-7 cell line). Similarly, does the virus impact the expression level of ApoE? One could resolve the dilemma that ApoE blocks the initial binding of the virus but stimulates viral release at later time points if the virus induces ApoE at those late times. Furthermore, if the Vero or SH-SY5Y cells don't normally express ApoE, then it should not be important for the virus in that context. How about keratinocytes, the normal host of the virus? These considerations should be addressed in the manuscript by Western blotting at different time points.


      This study adds an interesting twist and advances the infectious etiology model of Alzheimer's disease and should appeal to a broad authorship ranging from the neurobiology to virology.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the manuscript "Recruitment of apolipoprotein E facilitates Herpes simplex virus 1 release", by Liu et al, the authors investigate the effect of ApoE protein on HSV-1 replication. Treatment of infected cultures with ApoE proteins appeared to increase the production of infectious titer. The authors perform several experiments to determine which steps of the virus replication cycle are affected. ApoE proteins reduce virus attachment, but subsequent reductions in entry are explained by the reduction in attachment, suggesting that the efficiency of entry is not affected. Viral DNA replication and cell-surface virus amounts appear to be unaffected, but the release of virus titer to the supernatant is increased. These results suggest that ApoE effects virus replication in two ways: reduces attachment if inoculum, but subsequently increases release of progeny. To determine whether this is the case, the authors then measure the release of attached virus particles from native membranes in the presence or absence of ApoE4, and derived from cells inducibly expressing ApoE4.

      The manuscript is generally well written and the experiments generally appear to be performed well. However, the importance and impact of this manuscript are limited by two major weaknesses:

      1. It seems that effects are only seen with high concentrations of ApoE. How does this concentration compare to what would be found in blood plasma/tissues/secreted by Huh-7 cells? Thus, these results may not be biologically relevant. It is difficult to determine what concentrations of ApoE are used in some cases, e.g. Fig 6. Please provide this information in the figure or figure caption.
      2. While there are some interesting results here, this manuscript does not get to the point of establishing mechanism. In the discussion, it is speculated that ApoE functions via GAGs/HSPGs, which are known to affect HSV-1 attachment/release. It would make the manuscript much stronger to include experiments adding soluble heparin or treating cells with heparinase, or producing gC-null virus particles, to see if this abolishes the attachment/release effects of ApoE.

      Minor points:

      Fig. 3B: It is difficult to compare virus genomes by qPCR to virus titer of supernatants. If ApoE is promoting release of cell surface virus, why does an increase in titer in the supernatants not show a corresponding decrease in cell surface virus?

      Fig. 6B: "Spdi I" term is not used in the results section or figure legend. I do not know what "Spdi I" means.

      Fig. 6E, Fig 7: Normalized values can be misleading. Please provide raw values. Please show dissociation curves, as in Fig. 6D, for Fig.7.

      It would be nice to perform the same analysis of supernatant vs. cell surface vs. intracellular virus as in Fig. 3B, and the release on ice measures as in Fig 4, using the inducible expression HEK cell line.

      Discussion: Degradation of ApoE (line 495-500). The degradation of ApoE in these infection experiments could be measured by e.g. western blot of cell supernatants. This suggestion is a bit troubling: If the ApoE is degraded during the first replication cycle, how is it able to have an ongoing effect? How can ApoE simultaneously be present to promote release of progeny, while being degraded so as not to prevent attachment to subsequent cells.

      I do not see that "GMK AH-1" cells are available from ATCC, as stated in the methods. Is this a synonym for Vero cells?

      Although I understand what is meant, "dissolvent" is not a common term. "diluent" or "vehicle" is more common.


      General assessment: The manuscript is generally well written and the experiments generally appear to be performed well. However, the significance of this manuscript are limited by two major weaknesses:

      1. It seems that effects are only seen with high concentrations of ApoE. How does this concentration compare to what would be found in blood plasma/tissues/secreted by Huh-7 cells? Thus, these results may not be biologically relevant. It is difficult to determine what concentrations of ApoE are used in some cases, e.g. Fig 6. Please provide this information in the figure or figure caption.
      2. While there are some interesting results here, this manuscript does not get to the point of establishing mechanism. In the discussion, it is speculated that ApoE functions via GAGs/HSPGs, which are known to affect HSV-1 attachment/release. It would make the manuscript much stronger to include experiments adding soluble heparin or treating cells with heparinase, or producing gC-null virus particles, to see if this abolishes the attachment/release effects of ApoE.
    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript attempts to identify the molecular basis for the reported interactions between apolipoprotein E (ApoE) and herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1), known to be a significant marker for Alzheimer's disease. The authors employ a combination of cellular and in vitro assays designed to assess the effect of ApoE on different stages of the HSV1 life cycle. These experiments reveal an effect of ApoE on virus binding to and detachment from cell membranes, but not in other aspects of the viral life cycle. Further, the isoform ApoE4 was found to be the most effective in exerting these changes, possibly due to competitive binding with cell surface receptors that can associate with both ApoE and HSV1. Prior studies were referenced appropriately. For the most part, sufficient details about the data acquisition and analysis workflow were included in the study, although a couple of exceptions have been noted. More information about number of data sets for each panel and statistical analysis need to be included in the manuscript (figure legends and a separate section in Materials & Methods). Some of the key conclusions from the data require additional context and information to justify their interpretation in the present form. The additional experiments suggested are reasonable in terms of time and resources and are critical for strengthening the key conclusions in the manuscript. These have been noted below. Comments on evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Major Comments:

      1. The authors mention in the Discussion section that they have ruled out interaction of ApoE with HSV1 glycoproteins B, C, D, and E based on immunoprecipitation data that is not included in the manuscript. In view of this, how do they justify using HSV1 gC as a marker for checking for association of HSV1 with ApoE (Fig 5)? Further, the authors should consider including said immunoprecipitation data in the manuscript, since those would be of immense value in further studies looking for other interaction partners of ApoE (as the authors have stated in the Discussion section).
      2. How strong are the interactions between ApoE and HSV-1? In other words, what fraction of the available ApoE could be expected to associate stably with HSV1? Can ApoE or ApoE-associated complexes act as a trap for the virus and therefore represent latent virus pools in cells? How were possible contributions to HSV1 detachment from other cellular factors associated with ApoE ruled out?
      3. The Discussion section of the manuscript clearly places the detected interaction of ApoE with HSV1 in the context of previous literature on related facets of the crosstalk between ApoE and viral infections. The authors may also consider including a paragraph on the more physicochemical attributes of ApoE interaction with HSV1, which would make the Discussion section more well-rounded and provide some background for understanding the biophysical experiments reported here (Fig. 6, 7). For example, how do the dissociation rates they report in Fig. 6 compare to those reported earlier for viruses on SLBs or cellular membranes? Could these dissociation rates be readily converted to (at least semi-quantitative) estimates of the thermodynamics of ApoE binding to HSV1 or would other factors need to be explicitly considered for such analytical exercises? Would it be difficult to measure binding affinities using HSV1 and purified ApoE by complementary approaches such as calorimetry or surface plasmon resonance? On a related note, what kind of ApoE concentration could HSV1 encounter in a cellular milieu and would it be in the range (5 μM) at which they report significant effects of ApoE on HSV1? What could be expected to happen at even higher concentrations of ApoE (reported for other cellular pathologies)?<br /> Why is the isoform dependence of ApoE effects observed predominantly in case of HSV1? Could this be related to the more complex fusion machinery available to this virus?
      4. It is strongly recommended that details about ApoE purification and characterization are included in the manuscript, along with appropriate references. It is also not clear how a 4h period was deemed to be sufficient for incubation with ApoE (Fig. 2).
      5. The data in Fig 4 is not entirely sufficient to support claims of ApoE enrichment in virus particles released into the supernatant. The authors may consider including additional experiments to check for (and quantify, if possible) ApoE levels in these virus fractions (since these conditions are drastically different than that used for reporting co-sedimentation of ApoE and HSV-gC in Fig. 6B).
      6. Fig 5: It is not clear why the authors tested only for gC (especially when they note that co-immunoprecipitation experiments have ruled out gC as a possible interaction partner for ApoE; also see comment 1). Is the shift in the ApoE band to higher kD values from fraction 1 to 6 significant? What do the error bars in Fig 5B represent, if data was generated from two independent replicates? How do you reconcile the very high viral titer of fraction 3 (Fig 5C) with the moderate level of gC_HSV-1 in the same fraction (Fig 5B)? Does this indicate heterogeneity in gC content across seemingly equivalent viral titers (fractions 1-3, based on Fig 5C) ?
      7. Several inconsistencies were noted in figures and figure legends that could affect a clear understanding of the data by readers. For all figures, please indicate clearly if no notation for statistical tests denote an absence of significance (ns) or that significance was not tested (such as for Fig. 2B, C). Please include sufficient information regarding number of independent replicates for each panel (i.e., what do error bars represent). For t-tests, please indicate clearly the reference data sets used for testing statistical significance and define symbols used for different p-values only for that specific figure. For example, a p-value corresponding to * is defined in the legend to Fig. 2, although that p-value is not indicated in the figure.

      Minor Comments:

      1. P. 4: abbreviation HSPG is not defined
      2. Inconsistent figure formatting noted in terms of non-uniform axis labels, color coding, inclusion of error bars, clear label of all lanes in blots. These should be reviewed and modified as appropriate.
      3. Fig 1A: The authors may consider reverting the order of ApoE concentration (ascending, instead of descending) in X-axis label to make it more intuitive.
      4. Line 167: please specify that data in Fig S1b refers only to SH-SY5Y cells.
      5. In Fig 2A, value for dissolvent should be set to 100%, since rest of the data are normalized with respect to that.
      6. Line 279 refers to Fig. 3C (not present in the manuscript).
      7. Ladders not clearly visible in some blots, such as that for 50 kD in Fig S1 and Fig 5A (HSV1 infected panel).
      8. Please indicate clearly in the Materials & Methods if ApoE induction (Fig. 7) is performed in HEK cells or HEK-293T cells.


      This study sheds light on the molecular basis of the interaction between HSV1 and ApoE and represents a conceptual advance in the field. Since such interactions have been reported to be a marker for patients at high risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, these findings would be important in designing future clinical studies on prognostic and diagnostic advances in neurodegenerative diseases. As such, this manuscript would be of interest to a broad spectrum of scientists and clinicians including virologists, biochemists, and biophysicists.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Hermanns et al. report a robust biochemical and structural characterization of the TSSM virulence effector of Burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis, with TSSM being the only USP-type deubiquitinase of bacterial origin. The authors demonstrate ubiquitin specificity, and the capacity of the DUB to cleave most Ubiquitin chain types in vitro. By solving crystal structures of TSSM in isolation as well as in covalent complex with Ubiquitin, the authors rationalize how the truncated fold (compared to all other eukaryotic USPs) is capable of binding ubiquitin. The most surprising finding is the conformation of the so-called little finger loop, unique to TSSM, which engages the distal Ubiquitin in a manner not seen in any other DUB. These findings are convincingly validated by point mutations in biochemical assays and bioinformatic analyses. The structures also yielded information on the fold an N-terminal Ig-like domain with unknown function.

      The authors are encouraged to address the following main points before publication can be supported:

      • On page 6, the authors state "the little finger loop contacts hydrophobic residues around Ile-44 of ubiquitin, an important interaction interface that is not observed in USP7 and is not part of the canonical USP: ubiquitin interface". The latter statement I believe is simply wrong as Ile44 is at the centre of the large canonical USP:ubiquitin interaction interface observed in all structurally studied USP proteins so far (the recognition is through varying residues, that are not always strictly hydrophobic, but it is always contacted). This is occurring at the hinge between thumb and fingers. In USP7, this is for example occurring through the hydrophobic part of Arg301. The authors are referred to O'Dea et al. Nat Chem Biol 2023, where same conformation of the equivalent residue in USP36 is discussed in the context of Ile44-Ubiquitin vs. Fubi recognition.

      We thank reviewer #1 for this detailed explanation. Initially we made this statement based on the fact that in other USPs, the interaction is not always hydrophobic. However, we now agree with reviewer #1 and have removed this statement from the manuscript.

      • This should also be phrased very precisely, as Ile44 itself is not actually contacted by the little finger loop (see Fig. 3c), but other hydrophobic residues commonly included in the Ile44 patch are. However, also those are always in the Ubiquitin:USP interface.

      These section was removed in line with the previous point. Additionally, we added the information that Ile44 itself is not contacted to the main text.

      • It appears as if the little finger loop takes up the exact position of what is commonly referred to as blocking loop 1 (terminology introduced by Hu et al EMBO J 2005, which the authors could also use when referring to canonical USPs). The connectivity in the domain is not equivalent to BL1 though (this could be shown with topology diagrams of a canonical USP and of TSM), but the relative position is. Importantly, BL1 in USPs typically engage the Ile36 patch with a large aromatic residue (e.g., a Trp in USP30 or a Tyr in USP7), however, in TSSM Ubiquitin is rotated such that the Ile44 patch is recognised at the exact spot where normally Ile36 is engaged. Can the authors comment on this interpretation? This reviewer would also find a comparison to the canonical USP recognition mode in the main figures beneficial (however one that is less crowded than in the SI) to make this very important finding come across well. Even if the loop is more like a BL1 (which is highly diverse in the USP family, see reference above), it can still be called "little finger", but the analogies should be carefully phrased throughout the text (e.g., page 9: "functionally but not structurally analogous" would not be correct if it does not replace the fingers which contact Phe4 as BL1 is not part of the fingers).

      The reviewer is correct. The positioning of BL1 from canonical USPs and the TssM Littlefinger loop is superficially similar. Since the Littlefinger is derived from a different part of the sequence (Fig 1a) and contacts a different patch of ubiquitin, it is still distinct from the BL1. We have incorporated this information into the main text and generated a new superposition to show the structural similarities (Supplementary Fig 3c). Additionally, we highlighted BL1 and Littlefinger in Fig1a to show the different position within the amino acid sequence. Since BL1 and Littlefinger are distinct from each other we still classify the Littlefinger as functionally (but not structurally) analogous to the fingers domains. Both serve as the main contacts to ubiquitin and (partially) interact with the Ile44 patch, while BL1 contacts the Ile36 patch.

      • The assessment of the molecular weight of apo TSSM in solution by SEC is flawed in its current form (page 7, Fig. 4b). There are only two, seemingly randomly chosen, comparison proteins, and the GST-Ub is unsuitable for 36 kDa because it is an obligate dimer (due to the GST) and as a fusion protein has a much higher hydrodynamic radius than a globular protein. There are commercial reference proteins that can be used which have defined oligomerisation states and are (reasonably globular) so that the retention times can be quantitatively analysed. Such a reference, which also includes proteins of smaller sizes, must be used. Alternatively, the authors should use light-scattering (SEC-MALS or SEC-RALS) to unequivocally demonstrate the molecular weight / oligomeric state of TSSM.

      The experiment has been re-done using commercially proteins routinely used for the calibration of SEC columns. Additionally, a 75pg column was used to achieve a better resolution of the proteins. The new data confirm the original conclusion that TssM behaves like a monomer in solution.

      • The abstract ends with speculation on the presence of the strand-swapping in live cells and of the role of the Ig-fold domain, but not a proper conclusion. The same applies to the ending of the results section (page 8), where it is not clear where the structural analysis of the Ig-like domains is leading. The authors then speculate about sugar binding (page 10) in the discussion. The latter could be substantiated by an analysis of the residues in the possible sugar binding site (if present in their TSSM), and the text be more rounded off at these regions.

      We admit that our manuscript does not reveal the function of the Ig-like domain and the strand swap observed in the apo structure. To really address these questions, an infection model would be required, which is outside the scope of our manuscript focussing on the TssM mechanism. As have showed that deletion of the Ig-domain does not alter the DUB properties, the remaining questions cannot be addressed in vitro. To address the concerns of the reviewer, we have changed the ending of the result section (page 8) to summarize our in vitro data on the Ig-like domain. We have also clarified the paragraph discussing the possibility of sugar binding on pages 10/11. In brief, this speculation was not based on the identification of a possible sugar binding site, but rather on the presumed positioning of the Ig-like domain relative to the bacterial surface and its evolutionary relationship to other sugar-binding domains.

      • The authors show in Fig. 1b TSSM reactivity with both Ubiquitin and Nedd8 probes but then qualify the Nedd8-reactivity with the assays shown in Figs. 1cd, which currently looks like it is an issue with the comparison of probe to substrate. However, their probe assay is very long with 18 h. It should be repeated at shorted times (for Ub and Nedd8-PA only) to test if the strong Ub preference seen in the kinetic assay can also be visualized with the probes.

      We measured the requested time curve and added the data to the newly generated Supplementary Figure 1. Using very short time points of 3 – 20min, a preferential reactivity with the ubiquitin probe became visible, which supports the AMC results.

      • Moreover, the authors prepare Ubl-PA probes by aminolysis of C-terminal thioesters but at very different stoichiometries as reported for Ub-PA (e.g., in Gersch et al. NSMB 2017). The precise amounts should be cross-checked. This reviewer would not be surprised if the conditions of only 2-fold excess of propargylamine over Ubl thioester and the high amount of NaOH led also to hydrolysis of the C-terminus, which by size exclusion chromatography would not be separated. For all probes, intact mass spectra of the used aliquots must be shown to demonstrate the identity of the used reagents. The presence of other species of course does not per se disqualify the assay in Fig. 1b.

      Our protocol for generating the Ub-PA probe follows exactly the one described in Gersch et al 2017. While this publication describes the amounts and concentrations of the individual reagents, our description of the protocol documents their final concentration in the reaction mixture. We double-checked the data and found them to be identical. Thus, there is no reason to assume elevated amounts of hydrolysis products. Moreover, the purity of our probes is regularly controlled by intact mass spectrometry (shown below for Ub-PA). The observed ~5% of hydrolysis product should not pose a problem for the assays, which routinely involve a 10x excess of probe over DUB. As documented in the Materials section, the Nedd-PA probe was obtained from Monique Mulder in Leiden.

      In addition, the following minor points should be addressed:

      • On page 2, the authors state that the 1-2 DUBs typically present in bacteria either target K63-chains or lack specificity (without reference), but on page 10 they state that bacteria typically only have 1 DUB with little specificity. This is contradicting and should be fixed.

      We have rephrased the introductory sentence on page 2 and added a reference. The issue on page 10 has been corrected

      • On page 3, the authors make the case for TSSM from B. pseudomallei by calling it representative. This reviewer would appreciate if the authors could expand on this towards the end of the manuscript and comment on whether they expect the identified Ubiquitin recognition mode to be present also in all (!) other DUB-TSSM proteins, at least all analysed bioinformatically. Importantly, they should include the sequence of TSSM of B. mallei (the only in vitro studied TSSM so far) into their analyses in the SI.

      We have expanded the paragraph (page 9) where we discuss the conservation of the Littlefinger-based ubiquitin recognition mode. Among the TssM-like DUBs that we identified, only those from other Burkholderia species contain the Littlefinger conservation and are predicted (by alphafold) to use this region for S1-ubiquitin recognition. The two non-Burkholderia TssM-like DUBs (one from Chromobacterium sinusclupearum, the other from an unidentified bacterial metagenome) lack the Littlefinger region and the associated ubiquitin recognition mode. This is documented in Supplementary Fig 4. We also added B. mallei to the alignment in Supplementary Fig 4a, although it is almost identical to the B. pseudomallei sequence.

      • On page 4, the authors start with TSSM (193-490) but do not comment on the role of the first 192 residues. What was the rational for these boundaries?

      The N-terminal 192 amino acids are predicted to be unstructured (by alphafold, IUPRED, etc). We therefore decided to use the entire folded part of TssM for the first experiments. The information has been added to the manuscript and a domain scheme was added to the supplementary data (Supplementary Figure 1a).

      • On page 4, the authors introduce the use of the fluorogenic AMC substrates with "more quantitative analysis", however, the experiments are rather minimalistic. Only one substrate concentration, and two enzyme concentrations (at least for one substrate) are used, and the data are not really analysed in a quantitative manner. Through curve fitting of the existing data (with fixed restraints) the authors may be able to determine an estimate of the Ub/Nedd8-specificity factor. Moreover, negative controls should be shown in Figure 1c to demonstrate that the Nedd8-curve is above a possible baseline drift.

      Following this reviewer’s suggestion, we estimated a 116x better cleavage of ubiquitin-AMC by determination of the initial velocities using the linear range of the data presented in Figure 1c.

      For ensuring better clarity, we have omitted the negative control data from Fig 1 panel c (comparing Ub-AMC and Nedd8-AMX) but are showing them in panel 1d (comparing Nedd8-AMC to negative control). This figure clearly shows that Nedd8-AMC is really cleaved, whereas no baseline drift is visible.

      • On page 4, the authors mention a possible relationship with the Josephin family (which they later disprove through structural comparisons, page 6). It may be helpful to briefly explain the rational (i.e., why one would even consider a relationship with the Josephin family DUB given the higher homology to the USP fold).

      The rationale for considering a relationship to the Josephin family is explained at the end of the introduction section (page 3). We never considered TssM to be closer related to Josephins than to USPs. We rather speculated that the entire USP and Josephin families are distantly related to each other, and that TssM-like USPs might form a kind of missing link. This latter aspect has been disproved (page 6), since the TssM structure is no more Josephin-like than that of any other USP.

      • On page 5, the "shortened C-terminus" compared to USP7 is mentioned. This is misleading, as USP7 has an elongated C-terminus compared to most other USPs, and so the TSSM C-terminus is the canonical ending of the USP fold.

      The section has been rephrased and now points out that TssM shares the canonical USP C-terminus.

      • On page 6, "ubiquitin has multiple specific contacts" - why are the contacts named "specific"?

      We have removed the word ‘specific’

      • On page 10, the TSSM from C. sinusclupearum appears without any context. Chromobacterium should be spelled out, and it should be discussed if this is the odd one out. It would also be appreciated if the authors could state whether their bioinformatic analysis is comprehensive (i.e., do only the known or all Burkholderia strains have TSSM with a DUB profile). And why is there a A0A1J5... sequence included in Supp Fig. 3a without any context?

      We agree that this part of the text was confusing. We have now bundled all information on other TssM-like sequences on page 9. There, we explain that TssM-like DUBs are only found in selected Burkholderia lineages, and spell out some examples. We also introduce Chromobacterium sinusclupearum with its full name and explain that the remaining non-Burkholderia TssM homolog is from an unidentified metagenomic sequence. This is also the reason why we refer to this sequence by its Uniprot accession number.

      • Some minor polishing in the methods would increase consistency (cloning is only mentioned for pOPIN-K, but TSSM is also expressed from pOPIN-S; mutants are only mentioned for the 292-490 construct, but Fig. 2d shows one in the 193-490 construct; Hampton Additive Screens I-III are likely an internal name and not used by Hampton itself; "different TSSM concentrations (as indicated in the figure legends" are mentioned in the methods, but e.g. in the caption to Fig. 1 no concentration is given).

      We have added the pOPIN-S cloning method and corrected the name of the additive screen. We now provide all mutant data in the 292-490 background (Figure 2d was updated accordingly). We made sure that all figure captions mention the enzyme concentrations.

      • Likewise, Table 1 needs polishing as commas and points are used interchangeably.

      Table 1 has been corrected

      • In Fig. 2c, it looks like the catalytic His is built such that there is no hydrogen bonding between Cys and Asp - is there a particular reason for this? If not, the side chain should be flipped so that the nitrogens are positioned for ideal hydrogen bonding.

      Fig 2c had been accidentally exported from an early version of the structure. It has now been replaced by a panel that uses the final and deposited version of the structure. Here, the His position is correct.

      • In Fig. 3, dotted lines are introduced as "hydrophobic interactions" as per the captions, but some are clearly hydrogen bonds (e.g., from the amide backbone), and for some others one does not see as they emerge from a cartoon.

      In Fig 3, dotted lines are not generally introduced as "hydrophobic interactions". Instead, the individual panels have their own definition for the dotted lines. c) hydrophobic d) hydrogen bonds e) hydrophobic.

      • In Fig. 4, context should be given to "3VYP" and why it is used here.

      We have added an explanation of 3VYP to the figure legend (The reason for showing it is also explained in the main text)

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      Reviewer comments appear to be fair, balanced and complementary.

      Re Reviewer 2's comment on the pre-print: It includes a structure of TSSM bound to ubiquitin (but not of the apo protein). I am not sure if it is appropriate to follow up on the esterase activity. Firstly, there are no tools for it commercially available or readily made in vitro, and secondly it would appear a bit "copycat"-like. Especially since the molecular determinants of what makes a DUB a good esterase are still elusive. A narrower focus of this manuscript, but done very well (also according to what reviewer 3 suggested), might be a more fitting option.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The findings are novel and of high relevance to the broad ubiquitin and bacterial pathogen communities as the study addresses an enigmatic USP-type deubiquitinase which, as the authors reveal, recognizes Ubiquitin in an entirely different way than its eukaryotic counterparts. This is basic research of pronounced conceptual and mechanistic advance, as it demonstrates that the USP domain can be much more diversified than previously assumed. The structural analysis is very thorough, the data are scholarly presented, and interactions/mechanisms carefully validated by mutations.

      The strongest point is clearly the structural analysis of Ubiquitin recognition by this extremely truncated USP fold, and the introduction of the little finger motif. The manuscript does not provide cellular validation of the findings, which is fine to this reviewer for the DUB catalysis part. For the part of the N-terminal domain, the manuscript would benefit from a cellular validation or some localisation studies, however, this is beyond what is established in the authors' lab, and therefore has not been asked. This in turn limits the study to a very thorough in-vitro analysis of this DUB for TSSMs with DUB activity, using conventional substrates like polyUb chains and fluorogenic substrates, and providing convincing conclusions.

      My expertise lies in DUBs, biochemistry, and structural biology, and I this believe to have sufficient expertise to evaluate the majority of the findings except the bioinformatic algorithms used which are however not an emphasis in this manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this manuscript, the authors solved crystal structures of apo-TssM and its complex with Ubiquitin. Together with the biochemical assays, the authors highlighted the differences of TssM from other USP family. TssM do not contain the classical finger domain while it has little finger domain that authors defined. The Ile44 patch on the ubiquitin is mainly used for interacting with TssM.

      For the clarity of there findings several points should be edited.

      1) In Fig 2d, the authors used different constructs for testing catalytic residues. It will be better to be consistent. Though the authors showed that the deletion of Ig-like domain does not affect the catalytic activity of TssM by showing the AMC assay, it does not guarantee that the effect of mutation on catalytic sites is same for both construct.

      The experiment has been repeated with TssM292-490 C308A and the panel in Fig 2d has been replaced


      2) In fig 2d, authors need to put the label to indicate which linkage of di-Ub is used. Authors did it for figure 2f.

      Chain type was already stated in the legend, but was now also added to the respective panel.

      3) By showing AMC assay (fig 2e) and K63 Ub2 cleavage assay (fig 2f), authors concluded that the deletion of Ig-like domain does not affect the activity of TssM. However, as authors found that the Ig-like domain forms dimer at least in their crystallization condition, one cannot exclude the possibility of the role of Ig-like domain in recognising different ubiquitin chains. I would clarify the words by saying "The Ig-like domain does not affect the cleavage K63-Ub2), or authors can expand the cleavage assay with all the linkages.

      We agree with reviewer #2 and rephrased the corresponding sentence.

      4) In the apo structure, authors found a domain swapped dimer. One can expect that this dimer is crystallographic artifact and not found in the nature. Indeed, authors could not observe this dimer in the solution when they performed SEC analysis and there was no effect on the catalytic activity when the Ig-like domain is deleted. Because there is no clear evidence of functional importance of this dimer in the manuscript, authors need to clarify about this dimer.

      We agree with reviewer #2 that there is no evidence for functional importance of the dimer. We had already addressed this issue in our discussion section, where we hypothesized a potential in vivo function. We have now rephrased this section of the discussion in order to make it more precise.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      Agree with Reviewer #1's comment on my points.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The structure of TssM is recently reported in a preprint ( https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2986327/v1) from Pruneda (OHSU). In this preprint, they suggested the role of TssM as Ubiquitin esterase which is not explored in the this manuscript. As it is already published and freely available, authors can explore the role of TssM in that direction as well. Because the preprint do not contain the complex structure of TssM with Ubiquitin, authors can also examine the roles of Ile44 patch-interacting residues on the catalytic activities.

      Said preprint contains the TssM~Ub complex structure, but not the structure of the apo form. The role of the Ile44-patch contacting residues is also already analysed in regards of esterase activity. As explained in the ‘general points’ at the top of the rebuttal letter, the two manuscripts were meant to be submitted simultaneously. Due to a delay in our PDB deposition/validation, we submitted our version two weeks later. Thus, we share the opinion of reviewer #1 that it would be inappropriate to use our competitors’ data and analyse esterase activity in our manuscript. Instead, we added a reference to the competing preprint to our discussion section and briefly compare the key findings. The authors of the preprint have agreed to reciprocate and reference our preprint in their revised manuscript.

      Also, authors can compare their little finger structure with the preprint.

      See point above.

      In general, this manuscript is providing several interesting points to the readers working on the ubiquitin, structures of proteins, host-pathogen interactions and especially those who studying deubiquitinases.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this study, Hermanns et al. have examined the Burkholderia TssM deubiquitinase (DUB) for its ubiquitin chain cleavage specificity using in vitro analyses and for a structural rationalization of its specificity by solving crystal structures with and without covalently bound ubiquitin. TssM was previously shown to be a DUB of the USP family capable of cleaving several ubiquitin chain types. From bioinformatic comparisons, the authors inferred that TssM lacks the 'fingers' domain of classic USP enzymes, and this was shown in the co-crystal structure to be replaced by a 'Littlefinger' loop. The work here is well described and appears to be overall technically solid.

      My enthusiasm is reduced for several reasons. First, there is no analysis in an (infected) cell model to evaluate the significance of the TssM mutations, for example, the mutations in ubiquitin-interacting surfaces that are not seen in classic USPs. Second, there is very little quantitation of cleavage rates; while I would not demand derivation of kinetic values for all mutants, the qualitative treatment was not always convincing. For example, Y443A was said to cause "strongly reduced cleavage" (Fig. 4h) whereas E378A was said to "only mildly affect cleavage" (Fig. 4i): to my eye, these cleavage rates are only slightly different (2-3 fold?).

      In order to support the findings of our gel based assay and to get more quantitative data, we tested all mutants against Ub-AMC. The results are depicted in supplementary figures 3d/f/g and correspond to results of the chain cleavage assays.

      Finally, there is a preprint available on Research Square (doi: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2986327/v1) that shows a potent esterase activity of TssM against ubiquitinated LPS, which is probably its key role in avoiding surveillance and elimination by the host. This paper, although still a preprint, is far more quantitative, includes similar crystallographic data as in the current paper, and describes cellular assays of function. Even without the RS preprint, the Hermanns et al. study provides a fairly modest advance in our knowledge of TssM function; with the preprint, its novelty is, unfortunately, severely reduced.

      As explained in the ‘general points’ at the top of the rebuttal letter, the two manuscripts were meant to be submitted simultaneously. Due to a delay in our PDB deposition/validation, we submitted our version two weeks later. The competing work is currently under review at a top-tier journal and far from being accepted. We therefore ask to consider the significance of our own manuscript based on the peer-reviewed state-of-the-art.

      In our revised manuscript, we have added a brief discussion of the pre-published results. The authors of the preprint have agreed to reciprocate and address our data in their revised manuscript.

      Minor comments:

      Full genus names should be spelled out when they first appear in the text (such as Burkholderia and Chromobacterium).

      Genus names are now spelled out.

      Fig. 3a is described out of sequence.

      A reference to figure 3a was missing in the beginning of the chapter. The reference was added and the figure is now described in sequence.

      In Fig 4a, there still seem to be extensive contacts between monomers but the viewing angle could be misleading.

      There are no extensive contacts between the two DUB monomers in the right panel (complex structure). We slightly changed the viewing angle in Fig 4a to make this clearer.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I also agree with Reviewer #1's comments

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      Even without the Research Square preprint (doi: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2986327/v1), the Hermanns et al. study provides a fairly modest advance in our knowledge of TssM function; but with the preprint, its novelty is, unfortunately, severely reduced.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study, Hermanns et al. have examined the Burkholderia TssM deubiquitinase (DUB) for its ubiquitin chain cleavage specificity using in vitro analyses and for a structural rationalization of its specificity by solving crystal structures with and without covalently bound ubiquitin. TssM was previously shown to be a DUB of the USP family capable of cleaving several ubiquitin chain types. From bioinformatic comparisons, the authors inferred that TssM lacks the 'fingers' domain of classic USP enzymes, and this was shown in the co-crystal structure to be replaced by a 'Littlefinger' loop. The work here is well described and appears to be overall technically solid.

      My enthusiasm is reduced for several reasons. First, there is no analysis in an (infected) cell model to evaluate the significance of the TssM mutations, for example, the mutations in ubiquitin-interacting surfaces that are not seen in classic USPs. Second, there is very little quantitation of cleavage rates; while I would not demand derivation of kinetic values for all mutants, the qualitative treatment was not always convincing. For example, Y443A was said to cause "strongly reduced cleavage" (Fig. 4h) whereas E378A was said to "only mildly affect cleavage" (Fig. 4i): to my eye, these cleavage rates are only slightly different (2-3 fold?). Finally, there is a preprint available on Research Square (doi: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2986327/v1) that shows a potent esterase activity of TssM against ubiquitinated LPS, which is probably its key role in avoiding surveillance and elimination by the host. This paper, although still a preprint, is far more quantitative, includes similar crystallographic data as in the current paper, and describes cellular assays of function. Even without the RS preprint, the Hermanns et al. study provides a fairly modest advance in our knowledge of TssM function; with the preprint, its novelty is, unfortunately, severely reduced.

      Minor comments:

      Full genus names should be spelled out when they first appear in the text (such as Burkholderia and Chromobacterium).

      Fig. 3a is described out of sequence.

      In Fig 4a, there still seem to be extensive contacts between monomers but the viewing angle could be misleading.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I also agree with Reviewer #1's comments


      Even without the Research Square preprint (doi: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2986327/v1), the Hermanns et al. study provides a fairly modest advance in our knowledge of TssM function; but with the preprint, its novelty is, unfortunately, severely reduced.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, the authors solved crystal structures of apo-TssM and its complex with Ubiquitin. Together with the biochemical assays, the authors highlighted the differences of TssM from other USP family. TssM do not contain the classical finger domain while it has little finger domain that authors defined. The Ile44 patch on the ubiquitin is mainly used for interacting with TssM.

      For the clarity of there findings several points should be edited.

      1. In Fig 2d, the authors used different constructs for testing catalytic residues. It will be better to be consistent. Though the authors showed that the deletion of Ig-like domain does not affect the catalytic activity of TssM by showing the AMC assay, it does not guarantee that the effect of mutation on catalytic sites is same for both construct.
      2. In fig 2d, authors need to put the label to indicate which linkage of di-Ub is used. Authors did it for figure 2f.
      3. By showing AMC assay (fig 2e) and K63 Ub2 cleavage assay (fig 2f), authors concluded that the deletion of Ig-like domain does not affect the activity of TssM. However, as authors found that the Ig-like domain forms dimer at least in their crystallization condition, one cannot exclude the possibility of the role of Ig-like domain in recognising different ubiquitin chains. I would clarify the words by saying "The Ig-like domain does not affect the cleavage K63-Ub2), or authors can expand the cleavage assay with all the linkages.
      4. In the apo structure, authors found a domain swapped dimer. One can expect that this dimer is crystallographic artifact and not found in the nature. Indeed, authors could not observe this dimer in the solution when they performed SEC analysis and there was no effect on the catalytic activity when the Ig-like domain is deleted. Because there is no clear evidence of functional importance of this dimer in the manuscript, authors need to clarify about this dimer.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Agree with Reviewer #1's comment on my points.


      The structure of TssM is recently reported in a preprint ( https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2986327/v1) from Pruneda (OHSU). In this preprint, they suggested the role of TssM as Ubiquitin esterase which is not explored in the this manuscript. As it is already published and freely available, authors can explore the role of TssM in that direction as well.

      Because the preprint do not contain the complex structure of TssM with Ubiquitin, authors can also examine the roles of Ile44 patch-interacting residues on the catalytic activities.

      Also, authors can compare their little finger structure with the preprint.

      In general, this manuscript is providing several interesting points to the readers working on the ubiquitin, structures of proteins, host-pathogen interactions and especially those who studying deubiquitinases.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Hermanns et al. report a robust biochemical and structural characterization of the TSSM virulence effector of Burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis, with TSSM being the only USP-type deubiquitinase of bacterial origin. The authors demonstrate ubiquitin specificity, and the capacity of the DUB to cleave most Ubiquitin chain types in vitro. By solving crystal structures of TSSM in isolation as well as in covalent complex with Ubiquitin, the authors rationalize how the truncated fold (compared to all other eukaryotic USPs) is capable of binding ubiquitin. The most surprising finding is the conformation of the so-called little finger loop, unique to TSSM, which engages the distal Ubiquitin in a manner not seen in any other DUB. These findings are convincingly validated by point mutations in biochemical assays and bioinformatic analyses. The structures also yielded information on the fold an N-terminal Ig-like domain with unknown function.

      The authors are encouraged to address the following main points before publication can be supported:

      • On page 6, the authors state "the little finger loop contacts hydrophobic residues around Ile-44 of ubiquitin, an important interaction interface that is not observed in USP7 and is not part of the canonical USP: ubiquitin interface". The latter statement I believe is simply wrong as Ile44 is at the centre of the large canonical USP:ubiquitin interaction interface observed in all structurally studied USP proteins so far (the recognition is through varying residues, that are not always strictly hydrophobic, but it is always contacted). This is occurring at the hinge between thumb and fingers. In USP7, this is for example occurring through the hydrophobic part of Arg301. The authors are referred to O'Dea et al. Nat Chem Biol 2023, where same conformation of the equivalent residue in USP36 is discussed in the context of Ile44-Ubiquitin vs. Fubi recognition.
      • This should also be phrased very precisely, as Ile44 itself is not actually contacted by the little finger loop (see Fig. 3c), but other hydrophobic residues commonly included in the Ile44 patch are. However, also those are always in the Ubiquitin:USP interface.
      • It appears as if the little finger loop takes up the exact position of what is commonly referred to as blocking loop 1 (terminology introduced by Hu et al EMBO J 2005, which the authors could also use when referring to canonical USPs). The connectivity in the domain is not equivalent to BL1 though (this could be shown with topology diagrams of a canonical USP and of TSM), but the relative position is. Importantly, BL1 in USPs typically engage the Ile36 patch with a large aromatic residue (e.g., a Trp in USP30 or a Tyr in USP7), however, in TSSM Ubiquitin is rotated such that the Ile44 patch is recognised at the exact spot where normally Ile36 is engaged. Can the authors comment on this interpretation? This reviewer would also find a comparison to the canonical USP recognition mode in the main figures beneficial (however one that is less crowded than in the SI) to make this very important finding come across well. Even if the loop is more like a BL1 (which is highly diverse in the USP family, see reference above), it can still be called "little finger", but the analogies should be carefully phrased throughout the text (e.g., page 9: "functionally but not structurally analogous" would not be correct if it does not replace the fingers which contact Phe4 as BL1 is not part of the fingers).
      • The assessment of the molecular weight of apo TSSM in solution by SEC is flawed in its current form (page 7, Fig. 4b). There are only two, seemingly randomly chosen, comparison proteins, and the GST-Ub is unsuitable for 36 kDa because it is an obligate dimer (due to the GST) and as a fusion protein has a much higher hydrodynamic radius than a globular protein. There are commercial reference proteins that can be used which have defined oligomerisation states and are (reasonably globular) so that the retention times can be quantitatively analysed. Such a reference, which also includes proteins of smaller sizes, must be used. Alternatively, the authors should use light-scattering (SEC-MALS or SEC-RALS) to unequivocally demonstrate the molecular weight / oligomeric state of TSSM.
      • The abstract ends with speculation on the presence of the strand-swapping in live cells and of the role of the Ig-fold domain, but not a proper conclusion. The same applies to the ending of the results section (page 8), where it is not clear where the structural analysis of the Ig-like domains is leading. The authors then speculate about sugar binding (page 10) in the discussion. The latter could be substantiated by an analysis of the residues in the possible sugar binding site (if present in their TSSM), and the text be more rounded off at these regions.
      • The authors show in Fig. 1b TSSM reactivity with both Ubiquitin and Nedd8 probes but then qualify the Nedd8-reactivity with the assays shown in Figs. 1cd, which currently looks like it is an issue with the comparison of probe to substrate. However, their probe assay is very long with 18 h. It should be repeated at shorted times (for Ub and Nedd8-PA only) to test if the strong Ub preference seen in the kinetic assay can also be visualized with the probes.
      • Moreover, the authors prepare Ubl-PA probes by aminolysis of C-terminal thioesters but at very different stoichiometries as reported for Ub-PA (e.g., in Gersch et al. NSMB 2017). The precise amounts should be cross-checked. This reviewer would not be surprised if the conditions of only 2-fold excess of propargylamine over Ubl thioester and the high amount of NaOH led also to hydrolysis of the C-terminus, which by size exclusion chromatography would not be separated. For all probes, intact mass spectra of the used aliquots must be shown to demonstrate the identity of the used reagents. The presence of other species of course does not per se disqualify the assay in Fig. 1b.

      In addition, the following minor points should be addressed:

      • On page 2, the authors state that the 1-2 DUBs typically present in bacteria either target K63-chains or lack specificity (without reference), but on page 10 they state that bacteria typically only have 1 DUB with little specificity. This is contradicting and should be fixed.
      • On page 3, the authors make the case for TSSM from B. pseudomallei by calling it representative. This reviewer would appreciate if the authors could expand on this towards the end of the manuscript and comment on whether they expect the identified Ubiquitin recognition mode to be present also in all (!) other DUB-TSSM proteins, at least all analysed bioinformatically. Importantly, they should include the sequence of TSSM of B. mallei (the only in vitro studied TSSM so far) into their analyses in the SI.
      • On page 4, the authors start with TSSM (193-490) but do not comment on the role of the first 192 residues. What was the rational for these boundaries?
      • On page 4, the authors introduce the use of the fluorogenic AMC substrates with "more quantitative analysis", however, the experiments are rather minimalistic. Only one substrate concentration, and two enzyme concentrations (at least for one substrate) are used, and the data are not really analysed in a quantitative manner. Through curve fitting of the existing data (with fixed restraints) the authors may be able to determine an estimate of the Ub/Nedd8-specificity factor. Moreover, negative controls should be shown in Figure 1c to demonstrate that the Nedd8-curve is above a possible baseline drift.
      • On page 4, the authors mention a possible relationship with the Josephin family (which they later disprove through structural comparisons, page 6). It may be helpful to briefly explain the rational (i.e., why one would even consider a relationship with the Josephin family DUB given the higher homology to the USP fold).
      • On page 5, the "shortened C-terminus" compared to USP7 is mentioned. This is misleading, as USP7 has an elongated C-terminus compared to most other USPs, and so the TSSM C-terminus is the canonical ending of the USP fold.
      • On page 6, "ubiquitin has multiple specific contacts" - why are the contacts named "specific"?
      • On page 10, the TSSM from C. sinusclupearum appears without any context. Chromobacterium should be spelled out, and it should be discussed if this is the odd one out. It would also be appreciated if the authors could state whether their bioinformatic analysis is comprehensive (i.e., do only the known or all Burkholderia strains have TSSM with a DUB profile). And why is there a A0A1J5... sequence included in Supp Fig. 3a without any context?
      • Some minor polishing in the methods would increase consistency (cloning is only mentioned for pOPIN-K, but TSSM is also expressed from pOPIN-S; mutants are only mentioned for the 292-490 construct, but Fig. 2d shows one in the 193-490 construct; Hampton Additive Screens I-III are likely an internal name and not used by Hampton itself; "different TSSM concentrations (as indicated in the figure legends" are mentioned in the methods, but e.g. in the caption to Fig. 1 no concentration is given).
      • Likewise, Table 1 needs polishing as commas and points are used interchangeably.
      • In Fig. 2c, it looks like the catalytic His is built such that there is no hydrogen bonding between Cys and Asp - is there a particular reason for this? If not, the side chain should be flipped so that the nitrogens are positioned for ideal hydrogen bonding.
      • In Fig. 3, dotted lines are introduced as "hydrophobic interactions" as per the captions, but some are clearly hydrogen bonds (e.g., from the amide backbone), and for some others one does not see as they emerge from a cartoon.
      • In Fig. 4, context should be given to "3VYP" and why it is used here.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Reviewer comments appear to be fair, balanced and complementary.

      Re Reviewer 2's comment on the pre-print: It includes a structure of TSSM bound to ubiquitin (but not of the apo protein). I am not sure if it is appropriate to follow up on the esterase activity. Firstly, there are no tools for it commercially available or readily made in vitro, and secondly it would appear a bit "copycat"-like. Especially since the molecular determinants of what makes a DUB a good esterase are still elusive. A narrower focus of this manuscript, but done very well (also according to what reviewer 3 suggested), might be a more fitting option.


      The findings are novel and of high relevance to the broad ubiquitin and bacterial pathogen communities as the study addresses an enigmatic USP-type deubiquitinase which, as the authors reveal, recognizes Ubiquitin in an entirely different way than its eukaryotic counterparts. This is basic research of pronounced conceptual and mechanistic advance, as it demonstrates that the USP domain can be much more diversified than previously assumed. The structural analysis is very thorough, the data are scholarly presented, and interactions/mechanisms carefully validated by mutations.

      The strongest point is clearly the structural analysis of Ubiquitin recognition by this extremely truncated USP fold, and the introduction of the little finger motif. The manuscript does not provide cellular validation of the findings, which is fine to this reviewer for the DUB catalysis part. For the part of the N-terminal domain, the manuscript would benefit from a cellular validation or some localisation studies, however, this is beyond what is established in the authors' lab, and therefore has not been asked. This in turn limits the study to a very thorough in-vitro analysis of this DUB for TSSMs with DUB activity, using conventional substrates like polyUb chains and fluorogenic substrates, and providing convincing conclusions.

      My expertise lies in DUBs, biochemistry, and structural biology, and I this believe to have sufficient expertise to evaluate the majority of the findings except the bioinformatic algorithms used which are however not an emphasis in this manuscript.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript Salvador-Garcia et al. examine how several mutations in the Dynein heavy chain (DHC) influence Dynein function in an in vitro reconstituted system and in Drosophila embryos. Most importantly, they identify a novel substitution mutation (S3372C, generated as a by-product of a targeted CRISPR mutagenesis screen) that leads to a novel phenotype specifically in early Drosophila embryos (metaphase arrest) and that only impairs DHC function under load in vitro. Most surprisingly, the metaphase arrest in embryos does not appear to be due to a failure to inactive the spindle-assembly-checkpoint (SAC), a known DHC function. This suggests that DHC has a hitherto unappreciated function in allowing spindles in the Drosophila embryo to progress from metaphase-to-anaphase.

      The manuscript is generally well written and conveys the major conclusions clearly and concisely. The data is generally of high quality, and largely supports the main conclusions, although there is one set of relatively straight-forward experiments that I think would be an important addition (see major comment #1, below).

      Major Comments

      1. The observation that the S3372C mutation causes a mitotic arrest that is not SAC dependent (i.e. it still largely occurs even in a Mad2 mutant background) is very surprising, and is the basis of the authors claim of a new, DHC-dependent, mechanism that allows embryo spindles to progress into anaphase. I think it would be important to assess whether the SAC components are still localising to the kinetochores in these S3372C, Mad2 double mutants (e.g. is Rod still recruited to high-levels in the double mutant?). If the SAC components are still being recruited to the spindle (suggesting that they are still detecting that the spindle is not ready to go into anaphase), is it worth considering that Mad2 may not be essential for SAC function in these embryos? I say this because I find it hard to imagine how any, presumably mechanical, failure at the kinetochore that leads to the improper metaphase/anaphase transition in the S3372C mutants, would signal to the rest of the spindle to not transition to anaphase if the SAC is truly inactivated. Do the authors think these embryos have a completely unrelated surveillance system that detects the S3372C-dependent error (whatever that is) and arrests the spindles specifically in embryos? Or is the error itself sufficient to cause a spindle-wide arrest, which seems improbable?
      2. I was surprised the authors made no attempt to quantify the level of over-accumulation of Dlic (Figure 6) or Rod (Figure 7) (and the lack of over-accumulation in other regions of the spindle). The images are convincing, so I don't doubt that this is the case, but I think some sort of quantification would be useful and I don't think it would be hard to come up with a way to do this (even just drawing a ROI around the approximate areas of interest). It would also be interesting to know whether other proteins like Spc25 (Figure 6) and Cdc20 (Figure S6) are recruited to normal levels at kinetochores.

      Minor Comments

      1. In the Discussion the authors state: "Our discovery of a missense mutation that strongly affects nuclear divisions in the embryo without disrupting other dynein functions offers a unique tool to study the mitotic roles of the motor". This should be reworded, as it suggests that the mutation effects all mitotic functions of DHC, which is clearly not the case (and also applies only to the embryo).
      2. I think it worth more explicitly stating that there is no evidence that the defects the S3372C mutation lead to in the in vitro reconstituted system are the cause of the in vivo defects observed in the embryo. The authors are careful not to directly claim this, and I agree with their assertion that this is the most "parsimonious explanation" for their data, but I'm sure they would agree that this is far from proven, and it might be worth emphasising this point a little more.


      This is a well conducted study that significantly extends the author's previous work on how mutations in DHC (initially indentified in human patients) effect DHC function (Hoang et al., PNAS, 2017). The paper reports the striking central finding that the S3372C mutation produces a very unusual mitotic arrest phenotype specifically in Drosophila embryos, and the authors link this to the also striking finding that this mutation only disrupts DHC function in vitro when DHC is working under load. As mentioned above, this link is not proven here, but this is a solid working hypothesis that is potentially of significant interest to those working on molecular motors and their role in fundamental cell biology and human disease.

      I am a cell biologist with expertise in the cytoskeleton, particularly during early Drosophila embryogenesis.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the manuscript by Salvador-Garcia et al., the authors assess the physiological consequences of dynein mutations in flies and in vitro. In addition to characterizing the manner by which disease causing mutations affect fly development and some aspects of their cell physiology, the authors focus on sporadic mutations that arose during the course of generating their mutant fly lines. Of particular interest was a mutation in the dynein MTBD: S3722C. This mutation caused very interesting phenotypes in flies (e.g., infertility in females likely due to mitotic arrest) as well as in reconstituted motility assays (e.g., reduced stall force). The authors posit that the mitotic arrest phenotype is a consequence of a dynein's role in initiating anaphase onset, and that this role is distinct from its well established role in silencing the spindle assembly checkpoint.

      The paper is very well written, and the data are of high quality. Most of the claims - with one major exception (described below) - are well supported by the data. I have a few comments that might help to strengthen the conclusions.

      Major comment:

      1. In brief, I'm not convinced the mitotic arrest phenotype is not a consequence of impaired SAC silencing by the mutant dynein. The main tool the authors use to support their claim is a Mad2 mutant. They use this to determine if preventing SAC function (with the mutant Mad2) can override the ability of S3722C cells to progress into anaphase. The Mad2 mutant does in fact increase the proportion of cells exiting mitosis (from 0.8 to 14% of cells); however, the low number (14%) suggests that an inability to silence the SAC is not the reason the cells are not entering anaphase (i.e., it is SAC silencing-independent). My question is how penetrant the Mad2 mutant is? For example, how many cells with this Mad2 mutant would exit mitosis if the authors perturbed mitosis some other way (e.g., treatment with high concentrations of nocodazole)? If the number is still low (~14%), then this might be why the mutant can't rescue the mitotic exit phenotype for S3722C cells, and would challenge the following statements: "...it suggests that this can make, at best, a minor contribution to the mitotic arrest phenotype"; and "Remarkably, the MTBD mutation does not appear to block anaphase progression in embryos by preventing the well-characterized role of kinetochore-associated dynein in silencing the SAC, as the defect persists when the checkpoint is inactivated by mutation of Mad2. Collectively, these observations indicate that kinetochore dynein has a novel role in licensing the transition from metaphase to anaphase." Although previous studies might have assessed the penetrance of this mutant in other cell types, given the cell specificity of the mitotic arrest phenotype for S3722C (in embryonic cells, but not L3 neuroblasts), it will be important to provide such additional evidence in embryonic cells (e.g., nocodazole treatment of embryonic cells) to support these statements, especially in light of the bold conclusions and hypotheses they are making (e.g., "For example, the apparent variability in tension between sister kinetochores in S3372C embryos, which could reflect abnormal force generation by the mutant motor complex, might prevent APC/C activation through the complex series of signaling events that respond to chromosome biorientation."). Although it would be fascinating if the authors are correct that dynein provides another role in licensing anaphase onset, the well-established role for dynein in checkpoint silencing currently seems like the most parsimonious explanation.

      Minor comments:

      1. The S3722C mutant appears to accumulate to higher-than-normal levels at KTs and to some extent along the spindle MTs. In addition to the representative images, it would be helpful to see a quantitation of this phenomenon for WT, S3722C, and S3722C/+ along with statistics.
      2. Although the mean inter-KT distance was unchanged between WT and S3722C cells, the authors note that the deviation from the mean was higher. Could this simply be a consequence of more highly dynamic oscillations of KT pairs (similar to that seen with Hec1-S69D in DeLuca et al., JCB 2018)? More dynamic oscillations could potentially lead to more variable distances between KT pairs.
      3. It is interesting that the S3722C/Mad2-mutant cells are enriched in telophase (Fig. 7G). Does this not suggest another arrest point for these cells?
      4. The authors state: "Immunostaining revealed that whereas α1-tubulin was present throughout the spindle apparatus, α4-tubulin was enriched at the spindle poles (Figure S7A)." Although I agree the a4-tubulin appears somewhat enriched at the poles with respect to a1-tubulin, a quantitation (with statistics) would be needed to support this claim. That being said, I agree the isotype is unlikely to account for the S3722C phenotype.
      5. Trapping data show reduced stall force, yet increased stall time at low resistive forces for the mutant. This finding could potentially account for the reduced velocity of GFP-Rod noted in cells; however, I wonder if the authors noted altered velocity for dynein-driven bead movement under load in their trapping assays? This information would be useful to include in their manuscript.
      6. Is there a defocused spindle pole phenotype in the mutant cells? The cells in Video 1 and Fig. S6c appear to show as much, although other cells do not.
      7. The authors state: "This may reflect the relatively short length of Drosophila neurons making them less sensitive to partially impaired cargo transport." Could the extent of the phenotypes also be related to the lifespan of the flies? Do any of the diseases caused by these mutations have late-onset in patients? I wonder if a subtle defect in dynein behavior might not manifest for numerous years due to only minor changes in motility?

      Referees cross-commenting

      I wanted to reiterate my skepticism regarding the possibility that their data strongly support a SAC-independent role for dynein in the metaphase-to-anaphase transition (it seems Reviewer #3 might agree with me). I don't think it's impossible, but I'm not convinced they've made a very strong case for this model, which is noted in the title. The fact that proteins are accumulating at aligned kinetochores in the mutant cells (e.g., Rod and DLIC) in fact are consistent with a SAC silencing defect. Along these lines, I think reviewer #1's point regarding RZZ is a good one (that the mutant dynein is incapable of evicting RZZ specifically from aligned KTs), and should be tested prior to publication.

      My primary concern is that their conclusion is based entirely on the fact that the Mad2 mutant does not fully restore mitotic exit to the dynein mutant cells. Given the cell-specificity of their dynein phenotype (in embryonic cells, but not L3 neuroblasts), I think testing the penetrance of their Mad2 mutant in the embryonic cells would need to be assessed. In my review I suggested nocadazole, when I realized I meant to say reversine (oops!).


      The manuscript by Salvador-Garcia et al. is a very interesting study dissecting the physiological consequences of dynein mutations in flies and in vitro. This study will be of high interest to those in the dynein/molecular motor field, as well as those that study mitosis and kinetochore function. One of the most interesting findings in the study is the identification of a mutation in dynein that specifically impacts its motility in conditions of high load. This mutant provides a novel tool to dissect load-dependent transport for dynein in other systems. Moreover, the study suggests a novel role for dynein in promoting anaphase onset; if the authors can provide additional support for this claim, the impact of this study would be greater.

      Field of expertise: molecular motors, kinetochore function

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors start out by examining the cellular and organismal effects of 6 human disease-linked mutations, as well as the mouse legs-at-odd-angles (Loa) mutation, after introducing the mutations into the D. melanogaster dynein heavy chain (Dhc) by genome editing. This reveals an overall correlation between the severity of the effect on dynein motor activity in vitro (determined in a previous study) and the penetrance of the corresponding mutant phenotype in the fly, with a couple of interesting exceptions that illustrate the value of performing structure-function analysis of dynein in animal models. The authors then focus on an additional missense mutation in the Dhc microtubule binding domain, fortuitously generated by imprecise editing, that results in a striking phenotype. The S3372C mutation supports normal development, including normal axonal transport of mitochondria and asymmetric mitosis of larval neuroblasts, but female flies are infertile. Through elegant genetics, ectopic disulfide bond formation with a nearby residue is ruled out as the cause of the maternal effect. S3372C results in metaphase arrest of early embryonic divisions, characterized by over-accumulation of dynein light intermediate chain (Dlic) and the dynein recruitment factor Rod at kinetochores, as well as by reduced poleward streaming of Rod along spindle microtubules. Surprisingly, the S3372C-induced metaphase arrest cannot by bypassed by inhibiting the spindle assembly checkpoint, implying that dynein promotes the metaphase-to-anaphase transition not solely through its known function in spindle assembly checkpoint silencing. In vitro motility and optical trapping experiments show that the mutant motor performs normally in a load-free regime but exhibits reduced peak force production and excessive pausing under load. Furthermore, molecular dynamics simulations reveal how the mutation affects dynein's interaction with microtubules, including a change in the positioning of the stalk. The authors conclude that the S3372C mutation specifically perturbs high-load functions of dynein, explaining the selective phenotype observed in vivo.

      The experiments are technically on a very high level, the results are presented in a clear manner, and the conclusions are fully supported by the data.

      Minor suggestions (optional):

      • In the first part of the paper, where Dhc mutations associated with neurological disease are examined, the H3808P and F579/Loa mutations are shown to cause mis-accumulation of synaptic vesicles in axons. The authors may want to perform this assay for the K129I, R1557Q, and K3226T mutations, as this would strengthen the comparative analysis of in vitro versus in vivo effects, summarized in Figure 1C. For example, K129I has a more severe effect in vitro than the Loa mutation, but the Loa mutation has a more pronounced phenotype on the organismal level. Would this also be the case in a cell-based assay?
      • The observation that the metaphase arrest of S3372C mutant embryos cannot be alleviated by the checkpoint-defective Mad2 mutant is very intriguing, as is the observation that Dlic and the RZZ subunit Rod over-accumulate at/near kinetochores. As discussed by the authors, one possibility is that the arrest is a consequence of dynein's failure to disassemble the corona by stripping, but, surprisingly, in a manner unrelated to dynein's role in SAC silencing. In this regard, it is interesting to note that fly RZZ mutants do not undergo metaphase arrest in the early embryo (Williams and Goldberg, 1994; Défachelles et al., 2015), whereas knockdown of Spindly, which functions in dynein recruitment downstream of RZZ, does lead to arrest (see Figure 2 in Clemente et al., 2018; PMID 29615558). Taken together, this raises the possibility that it is the failure to remove RZZ (and other associated corona components) from kinetochores that inhibits anaphase onset in S3372C embryos. It would therefore be interesting to test whether the metaphase arrest in S3372C embryos is alleviated in RZZ mutants.

      Referees cross-commenting

      The Mad2 mutant the authors use is a P-element insertion that was described by Buffin et al 2007 as a null mutant with regards to SAC signaling (it also does not produce any detectable protein by Western blot; Figure 1b). Nevertheless, since the analysis in Buffin et al was restricted to larval brains, I agree with reviewer #2 that it remains to be formally demonstrated that this Mad2 mutant fully abolishes the SAC in the early embryo. Unfortunately, as far as I am aware, reversine does not work well in Drosophila. An alternative would be to combine Dhc(S3372C) with the other Mad2 mutant used by Buffin et al, which (besides not producing detectable protein) lacks the Mad1 binding domain and can therefore be expected to be a definitive checkpoint null in all tissues.


      The cytoplasmic dynein 1 motor complex participates in a multitude of cellular processes that require microtubule minus-end-directed motility. Whereas in vitro reconstitution efforts have led to a detailed understanding of the motor's motile properties, the essential requirement of dynein for development has made it challenging to dissect how the motor contributes to specific aspects of intracellular organization and cell division in vivo. The need for a mechanistic understanding of how dynein motility is used for diverse functions in vivo is underscored by missense mutations in the motor subunit that cause human neurological disease. In this interesting and insightful study, Salvador-Garcia and colleagues characterize several missense mutations in dynein heavy chain (Dhc) using biochemical assays and genetic approaches is the fly, which reveals the distinct effects of disease-causing mutations in vivo and uncovers an unanticipated novel function of dynein in regulating mitotic progession.

      This beautifully executed study has important implications for dynein's role in mitosis, in particular its role at the kinetochore, and is of broad interest to cell biologists studying the cytoskeleton, as it demonstrates that examining motor mutants with altered mechanical properties in vivo can reveal specific motor functions.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Response to Reviewers

      We are grateful to the Reviewers for their insightful thoughts and suggestions for improving the manuscript for publication. We have addressed all Reviewers’ comments, and detailed responses have been provided below (in blue font). We have uploaded a revised manuscript version, and have made a few small improvements to the text to improve readability. Line and figures numbers refer to the revised version of the manuscript.

      ‘Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this study, Wenner et al. used various in vitro methods, including transposon mutagenesis, screening of known regulatory proteins and isolation of spontaneous mutants to discover 11 mutations in genes that promote bacterial growth under succinate-mediated inhibition. Through additional experiments, the manuscript provides evidence for factors that underlie several layers of succinate regulation. These layers include sRNAs, OxyRS, succinate transport antibiotics and rRNA. The study then characterized the molecular mechanisms regulating succinate utilization by these mutations, revealing a RpoS-independent mechanism for succinate uptake via the dctA transporter and mechanisms for RpoS regulation.

      Overall, the manuscript is very unfocused and uneven in the level of details of each of these factors and could be much more compelling if more focus was given to several factors and providing more mechanistic insight of these factors.

      We thank Reviewer #1 for the constructive criticism and suggestions. We do recognize the limitations of our study, clearly more work is required to unravel the complex phenomenon of the inhibition of succinate utilisation by Salmonella. We welcome Reviewer #1’s suggestions to shorten the manuscript, which has allowed us to focus the paper on our key findings.

      Major comments

      1. The authors discuss virulence-mediated succinate but disregard some important features of succinate utilization, only referring to dctA and disregarding the overlap with other C4-dicaroxy transporters (Spiga, wolf, PMID). Furthermore, the study found that a mutation in the IscR binding site on the DctA promoter region reversed the effects of succinate-dependent growth inhibition generated under aerobic conditions but other succinate transporters are expressed under different physiological conditions (Janausch et al. 2002, Spiga et al. 2017). Does the IscR binding site motif can be found in promoters of other succinate transporters? Analysis of IscR in aerobic/ anaerobic conditions can be useful. Do mutations in IcsR lead to increased expression of other succinate transporters in aerobic or anaerobic conditions?

      The Reviewer’s question of the regulatory role of IscR on anaerobic C4-dicarboxylate transporters is particularly relevant in the context of the role of succinate catabolism in pathogenesis and could be studied in a follow-up investigation. However, further analysis of the influence of mutations that modulate the expression or activity of IscR are beyond the scope of our study. Here, we have focused on succinate utilisation under in vitro, aerobic conditions: under these conditions, growth upon succinate is robustly repressed, allowing the selection of Succ+ mutants. To emphasise that our study was done under aerobic conditions, we have rephrased the Introduction (line 93).

      Transposon screen - There is no comprehensive description of the results and it is not clear why mutations found in the evolution experiments or regulatory proteins that were shown to allow bacteria growth under succinate treatment were not detected in the transposon screening?

      Different selection protocols were used to isolate the Succ+ mutants and the experimental approaches are detailed in the Methods and in the strain list for each mutant (Supplementary_Resource_Table S1). Selection was performed in liquid M9+Succ for Tn5 mutagenesis (in the rpoS2X background), or in solid and liquid M9+Succ media for the spontaneous mutants (the mutations are all listed and detailed in Table 1).

      Therefore, the different selection conditions and the presence of an extra rpoS copy may have favored certain mutants, especially when the pools of Tn5 mutants were grown with succinate together (mutants in competition).

      We recognize that our experimental approach had limitations, and that a Tn-seq methodology would have been more comprehensive. However, the robustness of the phenotypes of the mutants (all re-constructed and complemented, when possible) demonstrated that the genes of interest had direct impact upon the control of succinate metabolism with novel implications for the field.

      Figure 4: The authors claim: "that the fast growth of the Δhfq and Δpnp strains reflected both the dysregulation of the sRNA-mediated repression of sdh and the activation of rpoS translation". However, they provide no evidence for SDH regulation. The experiment is correlative, the activity of pnp regulating rpoS was done with overexpression without the proper controls. The authors should look at rpoS expression in Δpnp. It does not seem reasonable that transcription of SDH mRNA can explain lack of succinate utilization. What about the SDH protein? is it at all changed? The authors claim "none of the sRNA mutants tested displayed the same fast-growing pattern of the Δhfq mutant" but they action can involve completely different mechanisms, that the authors do not study. This part does not seem to contribute any novel information on Δhfq and Δpnp on Succ+ with the sRNAs seem not to provide any clear mechanism. The authors should consider removing this part or moving to supplementary.

      We appreciate this comment, and agree that this section does not provide critical novel insight. However, our findings provide valuable data concerning the role that Hfq, PNPase and sRNAs play in succinate utilisation. Therefore, we have briefly mentioned the role of Hfq, PNPase and sRNAs in the main text (Lines 333-338) and moved the original Figure 4 to the Supplementary (Figure S5), with a supplementary text section (Supplementary Text T1).

      If OxyS, an Hfq-binding sRNA, is related to Succ+ in Δhfq, then why all the other sRNAs are relevant? This is not clear. The authors could have focused here on the oxyS instead of other sRNAs. "The same plasmid did not stimulate the growth of the ΔoxyR strain indicating that a functional OxyR is required for growth in M9+Succ (Fig 5D)" - is it because of other targets of OxyR?

      The reviewer’s interpretation is correct. To clarify this point, we have rephased the sentence (Lines 274-276) to “The same plasmid did not stimulate the growth of the ∆oxyR strain indicating that other OxyR-dependent genes are required to grow under this condition”

      It seems that an RNA-seq analysis in the conditions of succinate growth with OxyRmut vs. WT could hint towards this.

      Indeed, it would be very interesting to compare the transcriptomic landscape of the WT and of the oxyRmut mutant and other Succ+ mutants in succinate minimal medium. However, the lack of growth of S. Typhimurium WT in M9+Succ, would make these experiments unlikely to succeed.

      "We previously showed that Hfq inactivation boosted succinate utilization (Fig 4A), but in the oxyRmut genetic background the same Hfq inactivation dramatically reduced growth and extended the duration of lag time in M9+Succ (Fig 5 E)"

      The reviewer is correct, we had hypothesised that Hfq is necessary to stimulate succinate utilisation by OxyS. Therefore, we have rephrased to: “We previously showed that Hfq inactivation boosted succinate utilisation, but in the oxyRmut genetic background the same Hfq inactivation dramatically reduced growth and extended the duration of lag time in M9+Succ (Fig 4E). Collectively, our findings show that the OxyS sRNA orchestrates the de-inhibition of succinate utilisation in concert with Hfq” (Lines 278-281)

      • this seems like an interesting finding, but the authors don't offer any follow-up? Is it related to oxyS activity?

      The role of Hfq on succinate utilisation appeared to be dual, we have added a sentence to this effect (Lines 335-338).

      Figure 6: "OxyS acts as an indirect repressor of RpoS expression, probably via the titration of Hfq". the yobF::sfgfp activity was significantly lower in the oxyRmut strain (~2-fold repression), confirming that OxyS represses the expression of the yobF cspC operon in Salmonella - can the authors show this directly with oxyS in succinate?

      Because Salmonella WT and ∆oxyS strains do not grow in succinate media (M9+Succ), we had to investigate the regulation of yobF-cspC operon with a translational gene fusion in non-selective LB media.

      Why use OxyRmut here? This is indirect.

      In Figure 5C we first used the oxyRmut Succ+ strain to demonstrate that this mutation leads to the repression of yobF-cspC. In Figure 6F, we used the oxyRmut allele to allow a constitutive expression of oxyS WT or oxySGG : allele oxySGG was introduced into the chromosome and relies on an active OxyR to be transcribed. The direct role of OxyS is demonstrated in Figure 5 E &F.

      The authors already show that OxyRmut does not act solely via Oxys...can the authors directly show RpoS and SDH levels by qRT-PCR in ΔcspC? Again - the appropriate control for RpoS overexpression in the WT was not done (Fig. 6G). Furthermore, expression analysis of the sdhCDAB operon over the background of the oxyR mutant will confirm the author suggestion for the mechanism by which the OxyS-driven inhibition of CspC expression impacts upon the catabolism of succinate.

      The reviewer’s comments are valid, more work is required to understand how OxyS stimulates succinate utilisation via the repression of cspC. The fact that Salmonella WT does not grow with succinate as a sole carbon source makes such comparisons technically challenging. Yes, the repressive role of CspC remains enigmatic. However, RNA-seq data following growth in LB media have already been provided by others, suggesting that CspEC may repress TCA cycle genes in Salmonella (PMID: 28611217), consistent with the repression of succinate catabolism by CspC.

      The fact that the plasmid-borne overexpression of rpoS completely represses growth upon succinate in the ∆rpoS background (Figure S3 B) validated the usage of the prpoS plasmid in other genetic backgrounds, in order to reveal whether the other Succ+ mutations were stimulating succinate utilisation via rpoS repression or not. Because WT Salmonella does not grow in M9+Succ, presenting the growth curve of the WT strain carrying the prpoS plasmid would not be informative here, and would make the figure overly complex.

      Figure 7: the authors check growth in M9+succ in the absence of DctA - but the experiment duration should be carried out for longer, as previous experiments with WT (intact dctA in Fig. 2A) and check if in the absence of dctA there are mutations that allow succinate growth.

      We agree with the reviewer’s comment and we have performed a new growth curve (over 65 hours) of the ∆dctA strain to clarify that DctA is the only succinate transporter involved in Salmonella growth under our experimental conditions (Figure S8).

      It seems that the results here contradict some of the previous - if succinate uptake through dctA is intact then there is no repression of SDH? rpoS? In figure 7E - is this difference only through dctA activity?

      The reviewer is raising an important point and it is possible that the de-repression of succinate uptake via DctA could impact upon the expression of the succinate catabolic genes and more work is required to understand this phenomenon. We have discussed this possibility in the main text (Lines 424-432) and in Figure 8C.

      It seems that icsR is not repressing dctA expression to WT levels - are there other factors? Can the authors show that dctA repression by IscR is direct?

      We agree with the reviewer, we have not shown that IscR represses dctA directly. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays could be performed to prove that IscR interacts with the dctA promoter region, but this would be beyond the scope of the paper. We have clearly stated in the discussion that indirect effects of iscR on dctA expression cannot be ruled out (Lines 419-422).

      Figure 9 is very descriptive and does not provide any evidence to support the authors hypothesis. The authors should either provide more substantial evidence connecting ribosomal RNA levels and succinate utilization and similarly Cm concentrations or either remove this part or move it to the supplementary.

      We agree that the data do not conclusively support the hypothesis, but we believe that the impact of anti-SD mutation and chloramphenicol on Salmonella carbon metabolism are valuable observations for the community. Therefore, we have moved the data to supplementary Figures S11 and S12 in the revised version, with a supplementary text section (Supplementary Text T2). We also removed this aspect from the model Figure (Figure 8) and only mentioned the phenomenon briefly in the main text, Lines 482-485.

      Can any of the mutations characterized in this work be found in the genome of Newport or LT2 strains that can grow with succinate as a sole carbon source? (Fig 1)

      Very good questions. Yes, S. Typhimurium strain LT2 has an altered rpoS allele that attenuates virulence of the strain in the murine infection model (PMID: 8975913) and promotes growth with succinate (PMID: 33593945). We have added a sentence and cited the reference at Lines 129-131.

      To address the S. Newport question, we performed an analysis of the genome of the S. Newport strain LSS-48, and did not identify any mutations in regulatory or catabolic genes that could explain the faster growth on M9+succinate. However, in comparison with fast-growing enteric bacteria (i.e. E. coli MG1655) or Succ+ S. Typhimurium mutants, S. Newport LSS-48 grows much slower on succinate and has an intermediate growth phenotype. It remains unclear why S. Newport does grow better than other serovars.

      Although the author suggested that regulation of succinate uptake is critical for Salmonella colonization and virulence in various metabolic conditions, the study lacks sufficient evidence to support these claims and further research is necessary to establish these statements.

      We agree that our findings are not directly linked to Salmonella host colonisation or virulence. However, we do believe that our study will contribute to a better understanding of Salmonella metabolic control, in the context of pathogenesis. To address Reviewer #3’s comment, we have moderated our claims about the likely impact of our findings on the understanding of Salmonella pathogenesis in the Perspective section.

      Minor comments

      1. Table summarizing the growth curves lag phase of the different mutants might help in the data interpretation.

      We appreciate the Reviewer’s suggestion and have prepared a supplementary figure (Figure S4) indicating the average lag time of the Succ+ mutants and of the complemented mutants.

      In lines 245-248 the author describes the eleven novel Succ+ mutations however in this gene list only ten gene names are mentioned. DctA is missing from this list.

      We appreciate the Reviewer’s comment and we have modified the sentences in the revised manuscript (Line 244).

      ** Referees cross-commenting**

      I agree with both reviewer that there is a large amount of data in the paper, and willing to accept their point that asking for further experiments would exceed the scope of the paper. In that case, the authors should address the mechanistic options in the discussion

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      In this work, Wenner et al. characterized the molecular mechanisms regulating Salmonella growth inhibition when succinate is the sole carbon source in the culture. This work revealed new layer of regulations for rpoS activation, the sigma factor previously characterized to control this growth inhibition mechanism. In addition, this work revealed novel RpoS-independent mechanisms for succinate utilization and highlighted the crucial role of succinate processing in Salmonella physiology.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In the manuscript titled "Salmonella succinate utilisation is inhibited by multiple regulatory systems", Wenner et al., explored how Salmonella regulates the utilization of succinate, an important carbon source for Salmonella gut colonization as well as a molecule that regulates intracellular adaptation in the SCV. As Salmonella exhibits a slow growth rate when succinate is provided as the sole carbon source, the authors explored the underlying genetic regulation by isolating fast-growing mutants (Succ+) using an experimental evolution approach. By combining the screen for mutants lacking key regulatory proteins, an elegantly designed Tn5 transposon mutagenesis, and selection of spontaneous Succ+ mutants, the authored identified a library of mutations that led to the Succ+ phenotype. Using classical bacterial genetics, Wenner et al characterized how Hfq, PNPase and cognate sRNA inhibit succinate utilization. They went on to show, clearly and convincingly, that IscR inhibits growth upon succinate by repressing DctA expression, and succinate utilization can also be repressed by RbsR and FliST via RpoS. Lastly, they provided evidence supporting that anti-Shine-Dalgarno mutations and low concentrations of chloramphenicol can boost succinate utilization. Overall, this paper is well written, and the experiments were rigorously designed and executed. This is a beautiful example of deciphering complex regulatory nodes in the succinate utilization using elegant genetics approaches. Very nicely done!

      We thank the Reviewer #2 for the very positive evaluation of our work and the constructive comments.

      Minor issues:

      1. While rpoS2X strain is an clever way to avoid the selection of Succ+ rpoS mutants, it is unclear why "identified an iraP::Tn5 mutant was an effective validation of the use of the rpoS2X genetic background". IraP stabilizes Rpos, and this mutant could have been selected in the wild-type background (rpoS1X).

      The reviewer’s comment is helpful, we have removed this sentence from the revised manuscript.

      The description between line 356-357 is confusing as it reads like the author constructed a "oxyRmut oxySGG pPL-OxySGG" strain, while the experiments that followed actually used a " ∆oxyS, yobF::sfgf, pPL-OxySGG" strain.

      We have modified these sentences in the revised manuscript (Lines 303-308).

      An alternative explanation for the Succi+ phenotype in aSD mutant and bacteria treated with low Cm is the reduced translation fidelity, which leads to selectively degradation of inhibitors of succinate utilization.

      We thank Reviewer #2 for the suggestion. This phenomenon is really enigmatic and as previously discussed in Reviewer #1’s section, we have now moved Figure 9 to supplementary data. Further discussion of how the aSD mutations and chloramphenicol can affect Salmonella succinate metabolism would require a lot more experimental data.

      ** Referees cross-commenting**

      Most of the comments from Reviewer 1 are valid but excessive. Most of the experiments presented in this paper were rigorously controlled and executed. While some parts of the paper could be more mechanistic but they could also leave room for future studies. Also, some of the points raised, the 1st major concern, for example, may have exceeded the scope of the paper.

      We agree. We have performed a new experiment (Figure S8) to address Reviewer #1’s comments.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Overall, this paper is well written, and the experiments were rigorously designed and executed. This is a beautiful example of deciphering complex regulatory nodes in the succinate utilization using elegant genetics approaches.

      We appreciate Reviewer #2’s feedback that the quality of the text and our experiments was viewed so highly.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this work, Wenner and colleagues use experimental evolution to define a range of spontaneous mutations in Salmonella that allow it to overcome its aversion to using succinate as a carbon source in vitro.

      This work cites the literature extensively and the scholarship is very very good. I appreciate the effort they put into the manuscript, which made it easy to read. Quite a relief to get a paper in this good of shape compared to most.

      We appreciate Reviewer #3’s positive comments on our work and the constructive suggestions.

      Shortcomings - although I don't think they are necessary for *this* paper to be published include:

      • not defining what could be 'bad' about eating succinate in the wrong place. The fact that succinate import is a problem (dctA is what is being regulated ant its a transporter) suggests one of the following: (1) excess succinate would block the utilization of fumarate by fumarate reductase, (2) succinate is a powerful buffer and, if protonated, would acidify the cytoplasm of Salmonella if it were brought in - note that there is a lot of work on RpoS controlling cytoplasmic acidification, (3) a drop in succinate (because Salmonella eats it) would allow more flux by macrophages or the microbiota in a bad way...maybe the Salmonella 'wants' macrophages to have lots of succinate *because* its pro-inflammatory (and therefore more tetrathionate for its friends...etc), (4) it could be the transporter that also bring in antimicrobial itaconate?...so the succinate phenotype is a red herring and really this is about preventing taconite from getting into the cell?

      We thank the reviewer for all these suggestions and for highlighting the reasons why the avoidance of Salmonella utilising succinate is a key point. We have emphasized this key question to conclude our manuscript (Lines 500-501). Whilst all the hypotheses are valid, we believe that further speculation should not be added to the “Perspective” section.

      • no proof that any of this is relevant in infection except citing old papers. Again - this work is already VERY expansive and we could propose experiments until the end of time. Next paper should take the dctA and other mutations and put them into mice to see if they fail in either germ free mice (no microbial produced succinate around) or in systemic infections.

      The reviewer’s comment is welcomed. As discussed in our response to Reviewer #1, we have scaled back our discussion of the impact of our findings for the understanding of Salmonella pathogenesis*. *

      Most of the mutations they find are 'regulatory' and the only proximal effector of succinate utilization seems to be dctA...suggesting that dctA expression is the 'rate limiting' or 'blocked' step that decides whether succinate is being used or not.

      We agree that dctA regulation is a central element of the story. As discussed in Reviewer #1 comments, it is not clear how de-repression of dctA leads to the increased catabolism of succinate in the presence of RpoS (particularly because RpoS represses several succinate catabolic genes, PMID: 24810289 and PMID: 25578965). We also discovered other Succ+ mutants that did not affect DctA expression but stimulated growth on succinate as a sole carbon source. Consequently, it is uncertain whether the uptake of succinate is really the limiting factor. We have added sentences about this paradox, Lines 424-432.

      The data is extensive and generally well controlled. Where appropriate they either complement mutations or reconstruct them denovo. The findings of the various genes range in novelty but many are new.

      ** Referees cross-commenting**

      I agree that the work was valid and well controlled. The 'story' was a bit disjointed at times primarily because the range of mutations identified were diverse and pleiotropic. Given the large amount of data already in the paper and the nature of the mutations identified I worry about embarking on an endless cycle of new experiments. I think it's at a publishable stopping point.

      In response to Reviewer #3 & #1’s comments, we have now improved the flow of the manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This seemingly mundane phenotype (Salmonella 'choosing' to not use succinate even though it's perfectly capable of doing so) has been known for years but only recently has its potential relevance become more clear in the context of infection and microbiota metabolism.

      The authors propose that succinate utilization is to be used at the right time and right place.

      I sympathize with the authors that they keep hitting very pleiotropic regulators (RpoS has ten million upstream inputs and outputs. The ribosome? How is that going to be figured out in one or two simple experiments?). My money is on figuring out exactly how dctA is regulated and whether there's differences in the dctA regulation between E. coli and Klebsiella/Salmonella.

      So I think the work is extensive and generally well done. I think the paper will be well cited...and I think it's importance will grow over time and it will continue to be relevant years from now. I can't say that about most work in the field.

      We agree with Reviewer #3’s assessment that other scientists in the Salmonella field are likely to cite our paper, and to perform experiments that will build on our findings in the future.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this work, Wenner and colleagues use experimental evolution to define a range of spontaneous mutations in Salmonella that allow it to overcome its aversion to using succinate as a carbon source in vitro.

      This work cites the literature extensively and the scholarship is very very good. I appreciate the effort they put into the manuscript, which made it easy to read. Quite a relief to get a paper in this good of shape compared to most.

      Shortcomings - although I don't think they are necessary for this paper to be published include:

      • not defining what could be 'bad' about eating succinate in the wrong place. The fact that succinate import is a problem (dctA is what is being regulated ant its a transporter) suggests one of the following: (1) excess succinate would block the utilization of fumarate by fumarate reductase, (2) succinate is a powerful buffer and, if protonated, would acidify the cytoplasm of Salmonella if it were brought in - note that there is a lot of work on RpoS controlling cytoplasmic acidification, (3) a drop in succinate (because Salmonella eats it) would allow more flux by macrophages or the microbiota in a bad way...maybe the Salmonella 'wants' macrophages to have lots of succinate because its pro-inflammatory (and therefore more tetrathionate for its friends...etc), (4) it could be the transporter that also bring in antimicrobial itaconate?...so the succinate phenotype is a red herring and really this is about preventing taconite from getting into the cell?
      • no proof that any of this is relevant in infection except citing old papers. Again - this work is already VERY expansive and we could propose experiments until the end of time. Next paper should take the dctA and other mutations and put them into mice to see if they fail in either germ free mice (no microbial produced succinate around) or in systemic infections.

      Most of the mutations they find are 'regulatory' and the only proximal effector of succinate utilization seems to be dctA...suggesting that dctA expression is the 'rate limiting' or 'blocked' step that decides whether succinate is being used or not.

      The data is extensive and generally well controlled. Where appropriate they either complement mutations or reconstruct them denovo. The findings of the various genes range in novelty but many are new.

      ** Referees cross-commenting**

      I agree that the work was valid and well controlled. The 'story' was a bit disjointed at times primarily because the range of mutations identified were diverse and pleiotropic. Given the large amount of data already in the paper and the nature of the mutations identified I worry about embarking on an endless cycle of new experiments. I think it's at a publishable stopping point.


      This seemingly mundane phenotype (Salmonella 'choosing' to not use succinate even though it's perfectly capable of doing so) has been known for years but only recently has its potential relevance become more clear in the context of infection and microbiota metabolism.

      The authors propose that succinate utilization is to be used at the right time and right place.

      I sympathize with the authors that they keep hitting very pleiotropic regulators (RpoS has ten million upstream inputs and outputs. The ribosome? How is that going to be figured out in one or two simple experiments?). My money is on figuring out exactly how dctA is regulated and whether there's differences in the dctA regulation between E. coli and Klebsiella/Salmonell.

      So I think the work is extensive and generally well done. I think the paper will be well cited...and I think it's importance will grow over time and it will continue to be relevant years from now. I can't say that about most work in the field.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the manuscript titled "Salmonella succinate utilisation is inhibited by multiple regulatory systems", Wenner et al., explored how Salmonella regulates the utilization of succinate, an important carbon source for Salmonella gut colonization as well as a molecule that regulates intracellular adaptation in the SCV. As Salmonella exhibits a slow growth rate when succinate is provided as the sole carbon source, the authors explored the underlying genetic regulation by isolating fast-growing mutants (Succ+) using an experimental evolution approach. By combining the screen for mutants lacking key regulatory proteins, an elegantly designed Tn5 transposon mutagenesis, and selection of spontaneous Succ+ mutants, the authored identified a library of mutations that led to the Succ+ phenotype. Using classical bacterial genetics, Wenner et al characterized how Hfq, PNPase and cognate sRNA inhibit succinate utilization. They went on to show, clearly and convincingly, that IscR inhibits growth upon succinate by repressing DctA expression, and succinate utilization can also be repressed by RbsR and FliST via RpoS. Lastly, they provided evidence supporting that anti-Shine-Dalgarno mutations and low concentrations of chloramphenicol can boost succinate utilization. Overall, this paper is well written, and the experiments were rigorously designed and executed. This is a beautiful example of deciphering complex regulatory nodes in the succinate utilization using elegant genetics approaches. Very nicely done!

      Minor issues:

      1. While rpoS2X strain is an clever way to avoid the selection of Succ+ rpoS mutants, it is unclear why "identified an iraP::Tn5 mutant was an effective validation of the use of the rpoS2X genetic background". IraP stabilizes Rpos, and this mutant could have been selected in the wild-type background (rpoS1X).
      2. The description between line 356-357 is confusing as it reads like the author constructed a "oxyRmut oxySGG pPL-OxySGG" strain, while the experiments that followed actually used a " ∆oxyS, yobF::sfgf, pPL-OxySGG" strain.
      3. An alternative explanation for the Succi+ phenotype in aSD mutant and bacteria treated with low Cm is the reduced translation fidelity, which leads to selectively degradation of inhibitors of succinate utilization.

      ** Referees cross-commenting**

      Most of the comments from Reviewer 1 are valid but excessive. Most of the experiments presented in this paper were rigorously controlled and executed. While some parts of the paper could be more mechanistic but they could also leave room for future studies. Also, some of the points raised, the 1st major concern, for example, may have exceeded the scope of the paper.


      Overall, this paper is well written, and the experiments were rigorously designed and executed. This is a beautiful example of deciphering complex regulatory nodes in the succinate utilization using elegant genetics approaches.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study, Wenner et al. used various in vitro methods, including transposon mutagenesis, screening of known regulatory proteins and isolation of spontaneous mutants to discover 11 mutations in genes that promote bacterial growth under succinate-mediated inhibition. Through additional experiments, the manuscript provides evidence for factors that underlie several layers of succinate regulation. These layers include sRNAs, OxyRS, succinate transport antibiotics and rRNA. The study then characterized the molecular mechanisms regulating succinate utilization by these mutations, revealing a RpoS-independent mechanism for succinate uptake via the dctA transporter and mechanisms for RpoS regulation.

      Overall, the manuscript is very unfocused and uneven in the level of details of each of these factors and could be much more compelling if more focus was given to several factors and providing more mechanistic insight of these factors.

      Major comments

      1. The authors discuss virulence-mediated succinate but disregard some important features of succinate utilization, only referring to dctA and disregarding the overlap with other C4-dicaroxy transporters (Spiga, wolf, PMID). Furthermore, the study found that a mutation in the IscR binding site on the DctA promoter region reversed the effects of succinate-dependent growth inhibition generated under aerobic conditions but other succinate transporters are expressed under different physiological conditions (Janausch et al. 2002, Spiga et al. 2017). Does the IscR binding site motif can be found in promoters of other succinate transporters? Analysis of IscR in aerobic/ anaerobic conditions can be useful. Do mutations in IcsR lead to increased expression of other succinate transporters in aerobic or anaerobic conditions?
      2. Transposon screen - There is no comprehensive description of the results and it is not clear why mutations found in the evolution experiments or regulatory proteins that were shown to allow bacteria growth under succinate treatment were not detected in the transposon screening?
      3. Figure 4: The authors claim: "that the fast growth of the Δhfq and Δpnp strains reflected both the dysregulation of the sRNA-mediated repression of sdh and the activation of rpoS translation". However, they provide no evidence for SDH regulation. The experiment is correlative, the activity of pnp regulating rpoS was done with overexpression without the proper controls. The authors should look at rpoS expression in pnp. It does not seem reasonable that transcription of SDH mRNA can explain lack of succinate utilization. What about the SDH protein? is it at all changed? The authors claim "none of the sRNA mutants tested displayed the same fast-growing pattern of the Δhfq mutant" but they action can involve completely different mechanisms, that the authors do not study. This part does not seem to contribute any novel information on Δhfq and Δpnp on Succ+ with the sRNAs seem not to provide any clear mechanism. The authors should consider removing this part or moving to supplementary.
      4. If OxyS, an Hfq-binding sRNA, is related to Succ+ in Δhfq, then why all the other sRNAs are relevant? This is not clear. The authors could have focused here on the oxyS instead of other sRNAs. "The same plasmid did not stimulate the growth of the ΔoxyR strain indicating that a functional OxyR is required for growth in M9+Succ (Fig 5D)" - is it because of other targets of OxyR? It seems that an RNA-seq analysis in the conditions of succinate growth with OxyRmut vs. WT could hint towards this. "We previously showed that Hfq inactivation boosted succinate utilization (Fig 4A), but in the oxyRmut genetic background the same Hfq inactivation dramatically reduced growth and extended the duration of lag time in M9+Succ (Fig 5 E)" - this seems like an interesting finding, but the authors don't offer any follow-up? Is it related to oxyS activity?
      5. Figure 6: "OxyS acts as an indirect repressor of RpoS expression, probably via the titration of Hfq". the yobF::sfgfp activity was significantly lower in the oxyRmut strain (~2-fold repression), confirming that OxyS represses the expression of the yobF cspC operon in Salmonella - can the authors show this directly with oxyS in succinate? Why use OxyRmut here? This is indirect. The authors already show that OxyRmut does not act solely via Oxys...can the authors directly show RpoS and SDH levels by qRT-PCR in ΔcspC? Again - the appropriate control for RpoS overexpression in the WT was not done (Fig. 6G). Furthermore, expression analysis of the sdhCDAB operon over the background of the oxyR mutant will confirm the author suggestion for the mechanism by which the OxyS-driven inhibition of CspC expression impacts upon the catabolism of succinate
      6. Figure 7: the authors check growth in M9+succ in the absence of DctA - but the experiment duration should be carried out for longer, as previous experiments with WT (intact dctA in Fig. 2A) and check if in the absence of dctA there are mutations that allow succinate growth. It seems that the results here contradict some of the previous - if succinate uptake through dctA is intact then there is no repression of SDH? rpoS? In figure 7E - is this difference only through dctA activity? It seems that icsR is not repressing dctA expression to WT levels - are there other factors? Can the authors show that dctA repression by IscR is direct?
      7. Figure 9 is very descriptive and does not provide any evidence to support the authors hypothesis. The authors should either provide more substantial evidence connecting ribosomal RNA levels and succinate utilization and similarly Cm concentrations or either remove this part or move it to the supplementary.
      8. Can any of the mutations characterized in this work be found in the genome of Newport or LT2 strains that can grow with succinate as a sole carbon source? (Fig 1)
      9. Although the author suggested that regulation of succinate uptake is critical for Salmonella colonization and virulence in various metabolic conditions, the study lacks sufficient evidence to support these claims and further research is necessary to establish these statements.

      Minor comments

      1. Table summarizing the growth curves lag phase of the different mutants might help in the data interpretation.
      2. In lines 245-248 the author describes the eleven novel Succ+ mutations however in this gene list only ten gene names are mentioned. DctA is missing from this list.

      ** Referees cross-commenting**

      I agree with both reviewer that there is a large amount of data in the paper, and willing to accept their point that asking for further experiments would exceed the scope of the paper. In that case, the authors should address the mechanistic options in the discussion


      In this work, Wenner et al. characterized the molecular mechanisms regulating Salmonella growth inhibition when succinate is the sole carbon source in the culture. This work revealed new layer of regulations for rpoS activation, the sigma factor previously characterized to control this growth inhibition mechanism. In addition, this work revealed novel RpoS-independent mechanisms for succinate utilization and highlighted the crucial role of succinate processing in Salmonella physiology.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      __Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      The manuscript investigates the role of PAT1 gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana. Though the PAT1 protein has been previously investigated and displayed immune-related and developmental phenotypes, the other two members of the family, PATH1 and PATH2, have not been well studied. The authors set out to understand the role of these proteins in relation to the role of PAT1. They thus generated single, double, and triple mutants of the possible combinations of PAT1 genes and examined their phenotypes. As the study focused on the developmental effects of PAT1, the mutants were generated on the background of the summ2 mutant to avoid phenotypes related to immune response. The authors notice a developmental difference between the pat1 mutant combinations, suggesting that PAT1 acts differently than PATH1 and PATH2 and that the PATH proteins serve a redundant function. They also performed RNA-seq analysis to identify differentially-regulated genes in the mutant combinations. The study is interesting and well-executed, yet I believe some questions should still be addressed:

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for acknowledging the significance of our findings. Please see our detailed answers to the reviewer’s suggestions in the following.

      1. The research mainly focuses on the developmental phenotype of pat mutants but also tests the interaction of PATH proteins with RNA decapping enzymes to check their function and localization during different treatments. I found it a bit confusing since Figure 1 also shows the developmental phenotype of the mutants. I think editing the order of the figures would make the overall story more coherent.

      __Our response: __We agree with the reviewer thus we moved old Fig 1C to new Fig 3A, we believe the new figure orders make the overall story more coherent.

      My main concern is the correlation between the developmental phenotype of the mutants and the gene expression. Leaf samples for RNA extraction were taken when the plants were 6 weeks old, and the developmental phenotype is very evident. It is thus not possible to tell whether the differences in gene expression are a cause or effect of the developmental phenotype. I think performing qPCR of selected candidates at earlier developmental times might help solve this issue, as well as the characterization of younger plants for the developmental phenotypes (such as leaf number).

      __Our response: __We followed the reviewer’s suggestions and performed qRT-PCR on IAA19, IAA29, SAUR23 and PIL2 in pats mutants under different developmental stages (Line 162, 169; Fig S4), we also characterized leaf number of pats mutants from younger stages (Line 109; new Fig 3C).

      Overall, the manuscript is missing data regarding replicate numbers in the IP and confocal microscopy experiments.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for pointing this it out, the replicate numbers are provided now in our new figure legends.

      Minor comments:

      1. Figure 1C - the authors should add a picture of Col0 plants as well as the mutants.

      Our response: To be reader friendly, the picture of Col-0 plant is added in Fig S1A. For the reviewer’s information, plant pictures in FigS1A and old Fig1C (new Fig 3A) were taken at the same time. 2.

      Figure 3 - Calculating the leaf-to-petiole ratio in the different mutants would be good.

      Our response: We now calculate PBR (petiole blade ratio) of all pats mutants in Fig3F (Line 121).

      Figure 4 - the details in the figure are very unclear, especially in the PCA. It would be good to display the data in 2D for PC1 and PC3 and change the colors a bit.

      Our response: We agree with the reviewer; thus, we remade the PCA plot from RNA-seq reads data in a 2D style and also changed the colors for each mutant (Fig 4A). We need to point out that the PCs number also changed because the old PCA plot were made by mistake from expression data.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): Both PATH proteins have been less investigated than PAT1, and in that sense, the work is novel. However, it seems that most of the phenotype is attributed to PAT1 rather than the other family members, limiting the interest to the broad plant science community.

      Our response: We appreciate the reviewer think our work is novel. We agree that PAT1 plays the main role during plant development (old Line 171), however the pat triple mutant exhibit the most severe dwarfism as well as the most mis-regulated genes compared to any single or double mutants, indicating all 3 PATs are essential for development.

      __Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      Zuo et al., characterize the role of three cytoplasmic mRNA-decay activator proteins PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 in the context of plant development and leaf morphology in Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana benthamiana. The authors show that the triple pat mutant displays the most severe dwarfism of all combinatorial mutants. Through treatment with different stimulants the authors found that only IAA treatment induces the three homologues to form condensates (possibly PBs), while PAT1 forms condensates upon every tested stimulus. An extensive RNA seq experiment revealed miss-regulation of several hundred genes in the higher order mutants, several of which were involved in auxin responsive and leaf morphology determinant genes.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for the peer review. Please see our detailed answers to the reviewer’s suggestions in the following.

      Major points: 1.Title is not meaningful as is and, in my opinion, does not reflect the main findings in the manuscript.

      Our response: We now changed our title into “PAT mRNA decapping factors are required for proper development in Arabidopsis”.

      The results section could benefit from improved flow between the paragraphs and more reasoning for the next steps taken to help readers understand the aims of the authors.

      Our response: We followed the reviewer’s suggestion and modified the wording in our result part(Line 79,81,94,146-151).

      L46: "So far little is known about the functions of these three PATs in plant development.", The authors themselves have studied these proteins in the context of seed germination and ABA control, as well as apical hook formation and auxin responses. Should at least be mentioned and the results discussed in this context.

      Our response: We thank the reviewer for noticing our other work and we now included this information in the new introduction and discussion part (Line56&237).

      What are the expression levels and patterns of PATH1 and PATH2 compared to PAT1? Is anything known about spatial or temporal regulation of these proteins?

      Our response: All three PATs are expressed in roots, stems, leaves, flowers, siliques, and seeds during the whole developmental stages, PAT1 has higher expression level in leaves but lower expression levels in petals. (Klepikova et al., 2016;

      https://www.arabidopsis.org/servlets/TairObject?id=138009&type=locus for PAT1; https://www.arabidopsis.org/servlets/TairObject?id=38646&type=locus for PATH1 and https://www.arabidopsis.org/servlets/TairObject?id=128694&type=locus for PATH2).

      Figure 1:

      o I do not agree that the authors have shown that "PATH1 and PATH2 are also mRNA decapping factors", rather that these proteins can co-localize (and possibly interact) with LSM1. Decapping assays for example with the known PAT1 de-capping targets from their previous work and their extensive mutant collection could be used to test this.

      Our response: We thank the reviewer for pointing it out and reminding us about the characterized mRNA decapping target from our previous work, we now include the decapping assays in new Fig5 (Line 197).

      From the BiFC experiment (Figure 1B) it looks like PATs are mostly soluble in the cytoplasm (like LSM1) and might be stress-induced components of PBs (like LSM1). Do PATs co-localize with other canonical PB markers that are more prone to condensation, like DCPs or VCS? BiFC could be performed after IAA treatment to confirm that the cytoplasmic foci are indeed LSM1-positive PBs.

      Our response: We agree with the reviewer that PATs behave more like LSM1. Given time limit of the project, we unfortunately are not able to check the colocalization of PATs with DCPs or VCS. However, we performed BIFC after IAA treatment, and the cytoplasmic foci are indeed LSM1-positive foci (new Fig1B).

      A: please provide uncropped images of all Western blots in supplemental data.

      Our response: To be reader friendly, we decide to show the original western blots here (see in the file named "RC-Full-revision"), instead of in supplemental data. However, we will leave the final decision to the editor.

      I applaud the authors for establishing this great higher order mutant collection that will be very useful for researchers in the field. However, I am confused about the description of these mutants. If I understood it correctly, these mutants were already used in a previous study by the authors, namely “Zuo, Z., et al., Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 35(2), 125-130.” & Zuo, Z., et al., (2021). FEBS letters, 595(2), 253-263.” In this study the authors refer to a BioRxiv “Zuo, Z., et al., (2019).” As the reference for these Arabidopsis lines. Is this current manuscript a continuation of the BioRxiv? Please elaborate whether these lines have been used and described In previous studies.

      Our response: We truly appreciate the reviewer for acknowledging the significance of our work. These pats mutants have been used in the FEBS letters paper (2021), MPMI paper (2022), and the new published paper in Life Science Alliance (2023, but preprinted in BioRxiv 2019 and 2022). However, they have not been fully described or characterized in any of the mentioned published stories. Characterization of these pats mutants were originally only included in preprint 2019 which was cited in FEBS letters paper (2021) and MPMI paper (2022).

      L72: Is the strong developmental phenotype of the higher order mutants persistent under long day conditions? Considering the strong developmental phenotypes of the mutants, the flowering transition and morphology could be an interesting trait to study. Why did you choose short day conditions for this study?

      Our response: The pat triple mutant also has strong developmental phenotype under long day condition and exhibits early flowering phenotype. We are currently preparing a manuscript regarding mRNA decay and flowering. We did not “choose” short day condition, we just started with short day condition and observed phenotypical differences hence we kept this condition.

      L78: This statement is hard to see in Figure 1C and best described for Figure 3A.

      Our response: We now change this statement for Fig 3.

      L82: Please include a reasoning for testing PATs localization after hormone treatment. Do you have any indication that other PB proteins behave similar to either PAT1 or the PATHs after hormone treatment to substantiate that these foci observed are indeed PBs? What is known about PBs after hormone treatment in planta?

      Our response: We were interested in investigating if all three PAT proteins may also form PBs in Arabidopsis thus we tested PATs localization with/without hormone treatment (old Line 84, new line 81). For the reviewer’s interest we also observe LSM1 localization after hormone treatment (Fig 2). PBs have been published to respond to light, cold treatment, PAMPs, ABA, ACC and auxin (Line 39-42).

      Figure 2:

      o How does the localization of LSM1 change under the same treatments? Does ist behave like PAT1 or the homologues?

      Our response: Please see our new Fig 2 for LSM1 localization, and it behaves more like PAT1.

      Which part of the root was imaged for this experiment? Is it possible that the observed foci are ARF-condensates as reported by Jing et al., 2022? Do you observe a gradual change in numbers or morphology along the root?

      Our response: We use root elongation zone for this experiment. We don’t know if the foci are ARF-condensates, but it’s possible to study in the future. If the reviewer is interested, we are happy to share our materials. We do observe more foci in the cell division zone and less in the mature zone.

      How did the authors decide on the concentrations for the stimulant treatments? Have you tried different doses, and could the responses be dose-dependent?

      Our response: We did not try different doses; we searched for and applied the commonly used concentrations for different hormones.

      A representative image is not sufficient for quantitative responses, like RNA granule condensation. Please provide a quantification of stimulant-induced foci after the different treatments.

      Our response: Please see the quantification in our new Fig 2.

      L91: Does that mean that most co-precipitated signal comes from the soluble fraction and not PB-localized? Would an RNAse treatment step eliminate the co-precipitation (optional)?

      Our response: We believe it means LSM1 and PATs are in the same complex regardless of PB localization.

      L92/93: Or alternatively that PAT1 localizes to PBs independent of the stress, while PATHs are signal-specific PB components?

      Our response: We think PAT1 aggregates upon broad stimuli/stress, while PATHs respond to specific/limited stimuli, for example, auxin.

      Figure 3:

      o I wonder if these results fit better in conjunction with Figure 1, either as a combined figure or move before Figure 2.

      Our response: We agree with the reviewer thus we moved old Fig 1C into Fig 3.

      It is interesting that path2/pat1, while being dwarfed, is less serrated compared to pat1 or path1/pat1. Can you find any indications in your RNAseq set which genes might be involved?

      Our response: ANAC016 might be involved, but more research needs to be done to confirm it and this is not the focus of the current project.

      Indicate statistical test used to determine p-value

      Our response: We now indicate the statistic test in Materials and Methods part (Line 369).

      L116/L117: Doesn't the result in Figure 3E indicate that PATH1 and PATH2 are not fully redundant, but that PATs have specific and narrow roles in leaf development? L116 goes against your statement in L150 & L160. What is known about the expression patterns of PAT1, PATH1 and PHATH2?

      Our response: We agree and thus modified our statement (Line 137). All three PATs are expressed in roots, stems, leaves, flowers, siliques, and seeds during the whole developmental stages. Please also see our answer to major comment #4.

      L123: PC3 only explains 0.55% of the variance, so differences along this axis will be overinflated. In my interpretation the pat1/path2 mutant is clustering apart from the other higher order mutants, which is also reflected in the leaf phenotypes. A 2D PCA would be sufficient to describe most of the variation.

      Our response: We agree and thus we changed the PCA plot into a 2D style, please also see our response to reviewer 1 minor comment #3.

      Figure 4: o A: The 3D-PCA inflates the differences between higher order mutants along PC3, even though this axis explains only 0.55% of the variance, maybe a 2D-PCA would more intuitively cluster the samples together?

      Our response: Please see our new PCA plot in Fig4A.

      B: Please explain the scale in the figure legend and which genes were included? Only DEGs between triple mutant and summ2-8 or DEGs that were different in at least one higher order mutant?

      Our response: We now explained more details in the figure legends. The genes which were included in Fig4B were DEGs that were differently expressed in at least one of the pat mutants.

      C: several comparisons are missing from the upset-plot. Please show the complete plot, also is there a white box laid over the second bar in the upper graph? It would help the reader, if the results section would explain the plots and the comparisons took. Which differences are the authors interested in?

      Our response: We covered all the comparisons we wanted to show, but we thank the reviewer for suggesting a more detailed explanation and we therefore explain Fig4C more in detail in Line 146. There is no white box over the second bar, it’s only 1 gene mis-regulated specifically by PATH1 (mis-regulated in plants with path1 mutation).

      From Figure 4B, the triple mutant has an almost inverted expression of mis-regulated genes. High expression genes are now lowly expressed and vice-versa. Has this been reported for other RNA decay mutants before?

      Our response: Our RNA-seq data indicate the pat tripe mutant has more than 1000 mis-regulated genes and based on microarray data on 2-week-old lsm1alsm1b plants (Perea-Resa et al, 2012), more than 600 genes are misregulated in lsm1alsm1b mutant.

      How do you explain that mutants in RNA decay have a large group of repressed transcripts and a large group of enriched transcripts? Wouldn't you suspect a general higher expression in RNA decay mutants or which kind of feedback loop would you propose is happening here? Also, since both kinds of expression changes are recorded in your RNA seq can you speculate on the specificity? Why are some genes up- and others downregulated? Would you suspect that transcription factors are under PATs control?

      Our response: We assume that the mRNA decapping machinery target genes should accumulate in mRNA decapping mutants, pat mutants in our case. On the other hand, the down-regulated genes could be target genes of other mRNA degradation pathways such as exosome pathway (Line 257); We agree with the reviewer that the down regulated genes in pat triple could also be negatively regulated by the mRNA decapping targets which could be transcription factor genes. For example, our previous research indicates the transcription factor gene ASL9/LBD3 is mRNA decapping targets under PATs control.

      Where is the sequencing data deposited? This dataset can be of great value for researchers in the field, but the raw data needs to be made commonly available.

      Our response: We thank the reviewer for acknowledging the significance of our work. The raw data has been submitted to NCBI, accession number is PRJNA1006171(Line 307)

      Minor points:

      1. Check order and nomenclature for protein / gene names in Abstract and Introduction

      Our response: We now carefully double check the order and nomenclature for protein / gene names in abstract and introduction (Line 8,11,14,18,19,24)

      L26 / L83 "aggregate" implies non-functionality, I would use "concentrate", "condensate" or "accumulate".

      Our response: We thank the reviewer for pointing it out, we now use “concentrate” (Line 29&80)

      L35, L45 & L54 all state the same. Maybe remove at least one mention to reduce redundancy?

      Our response: We modified these statements hopefully in a satisfactory way. (Line 56)

      L211: Did you use the same imaging settings for all lines?

      Our response: We used the same settings for all the lines and treatment (Line 284)

      L217: RNA quality "control" word missing?

      Our response: The word “control” is added in Line 296

      L477: Authors should cite the newest version of their BioRxiv: Zuo, Z., Roux, M. E., Chevalier, J. R., Dagdas, Y. F., Yamashino, T., H�jgaard, S. D., ... & Petersen, M. (2022). The mRNA decapping machinery targets LBD3/ASL9 to mediate apical hook and lateral root development in Arabidopsis. bioRxiv, 2022-07.

      Our response: The latest version is cited in our new manuscript (Line 42)

      Figure 3B-F, Figure 4C: check spelling on the axis titles.

      Our response: We carefully checked the spelling on the axis titles in our new manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      This manuscript represents a continuation of the author's characterization of the 3 PAT1s in Arabidopsis development after Zuo et al., 2021; Zuo et al., 2022a; Zuo et al., 2022b. The mutants and the corresponding RNA sequencing experiments are of value to the community working on RNA regulation and degradation or plant development. While the initial findings are interesting, the authors do not explore the stimulus-induced condensation differences between the homologues or try to link the extreme differences in expression profiles mechanistically or functionally. I think the manuscript could greatly benefit from contextualizing their work within the frame of their previous studies and what is known about PBs in terms of plant development. While the RNA seq is a comprehensive data set, a closer examination and a better representation of the results would help readers to access the findings.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for the constructive criticism. We hope the reviewer is satisfied by our modified manuscript.

      Reviewer expertise: RNA granule biology, Arabidopsis, molecular biology

      __Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __


      In the study "PAT mRNA decapping factors function specifically and redundantly during development in Arabidopsis" authors investigate potential specific functions of Arabidopsis PAT1 orthologs in plant development. Authors observe differences in rosette phenotypes (leaf size, serration and number) of single and multiple mutants of PAT1 gene family, show variation in translocation of the corresponding PAT1 proteins to processing bodies under a set of stress conditions and perform transcriptomics on the established mutants to elucidate the impact of individual PATs on posttranscriptional regulation of plant gene expression. Authors conclude that PAT1 orthologs have both overlapping and specific roles in plant development.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for the peer review. Please see our detailed answers to the reviewer’s suggestions in the following.

      Major comments:

      1. The study contains intersting transcriptomics data that will be of use for the scientific community. However, analysis of the transcriptomics results could be discussed a bit more in depth. Authors could express their opinion about what gene expression changes might be caused by direct degradation via PAT1-dependent decapping mechanism and what changes are more likely to have occurred indirectly via other factors.

      __Our response: __We followed the reviewer’s suggestion and thus we analysed and discussed more in depth about the transcriptomic data (Line145, 220 &232)

      The intersting phenotypic observations are currently poorly linked to the transcriptomics/qPCR data provided, resulting in a somewhat fragmented story flow.

      __Our response: __We appreciate the reviewer thought the pat mutants’ phenotype are interesting, however we disagre with the reviewer on the statement of “poorly linked to the transcriptomics/ qPCR data”. For instance, downregulation of developmental and auxin responsive genes could explain the stunt growth phenotype in the pat triple mutant. Furthermore, the published petiole elongation regulator genes XTR7/XTH15 and PIL2/PIF6 exhibit decreased expression level only in mutants with shorter petioles. Nevertheless, we hope our new data and analysis will satisfy the reviewer.

      The transcriptomics was performed on the 6-weeks old plants. It would be helpful to learn more about authors reasoning for choosing this developmental stage for sampling. Why did authors decide against sampling at the earlier stages, before the observed leaves phenotypes were established?

      __Our response: __The pat mutants growth phenotypes showed bigger difference among each other at the late stage, therefore we performed RNA-seq on these samples. But we agree with the reviewer (also reviewer 1, major comment #2), transcriptomic shift at earlier stage could also be responsible for the observed phenotype, thus we performed qRT-PCR on the pat mutants at earlier stages for certain genes to examine this (Line 162 &169)

      Authors obtained intriguing results on specific translocation of PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 to processing bodies in the root cells upon various stresses. Perhaps root transcriptomics of single PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 knockouts under control conditions, treatment that translocate all three proteins to PBs(IAA) and selectively translocate only PAT1 (e.g. cytokinin) could shed more light on the redundancy an specificity of these proteins as the mRNA decapping factors.

      __Our response: __We appreciate the reviewer found our findings interesting. The specific translocation of PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 to PBs in the root cells upon various stimuli indicates functional specificity and redundancy in cellular level which correlates with mutants’ growth phenotype. However, we agree with the reviewer that root transcriptomic data on pat mutants are very interesting, we are more than willing to share these mutants with peers who want to persue this in more detail.

      Do authors consider PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 to be localized to different PBs sub-populations? It could be intersting to check co-localization of PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 under various stress conditions. Could authors elaborate on their view of PBs composition and fate to which different PAT1s are recruited?

      __Our response: __We agree with the reviewer that it’s interesting to check co-localization of PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2. We observed partial localization of CFP-PATH2(in blue) and Venus-PAT1(in yellow) when transiently expressed in Benthmiana. But for permanent lines, we failed at observing separate CFP-PATH2(Blue) signal due to too much signal leakage from Venus-PAT1(Green). Given the fact that PATs function redundantly, we would assume they are partially co-localized in cellular level.

      Could authors speculate what features in the PAT1 protein might cause it being recruited to PBs more efficiently (or better to say, under a broader range of stresses) in comparison to PATH1 and 2?

      __Our response: __The release of ribosome-free mRNPs induces PB formation (Brengues et al., 2005). We suspect PAT1 could bind broader mRNAs compared to PATH1 and PATH2, therefor PAT1-mRNPs could form PBs more efficiently. Moreover, Sachdev et al found yeast PAT1 enhances the condensation of Dhh1 and RNA and PAT1-DHH1 interaction is essential for PB assembly (Sachdev et al., 2019), we assume PAT1 might have better interaction with DHH1 compared to PATH1 and PATH2 thus promote PB formation more efficiently. Please see our discussion part (Line 252)

      Are all three Arabidopsis PAT paralogs co-expressed in the same tissues /developmental stages?

      __Our response: __Please see our response to reviewer 2 major comment #4.

      Could authors elaborate a bit more why the triple pat1 knockout has a much more severe phenotype in comparison to a single pat1 loss-of-function mutant or any of the double pat1 mutants. Do authors observe complementary changes in the PAT1 genes expression in the mutant lines, e.g. is PATH1 expressed at a higher level in the absence of PAT1 and PATH2?

      __Our response: __We now elaborate more about the reason why triple pat1 knockout has the most severe phenotype in the multiple pat mutants (Line 210). We do see higher transcriptional level of PAT1 in path1-4path2-1summ2-8 and also higher transcriptional level of PATH1 in pat1-1path2-1summ2-8 but the same PATH2 transcriptional level in pat1-1path1-4summ2-8 compared to summ2-8 (Fig S1C, Line 104)

      Please provide the name of the used statistical test in all figure legends.

      __Our response: __We now provide the statistical test in “Material and Methods” part (Line 367).

      Minor comments:

      1. Authors might want to reconsider the title as it is somewhat too vague in its current form.

      __Our response: __We now changed our title into “ PAT mRNA decapping factors are required for proper developmental in Arabidopsis

      Line 9: explanation of PAT1 and PATH1 and 2 abbreviations is best placed at the first mentioning of the name.

      __Our response: __We carefully followed the reviewer’s suggestion (Line 10)

      Line 10: mRNA degradation is rather a posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression.

      __Our response: __We agree and changed our statement in the new ms (Line 9).

      Lines 11 and 12: path1 and path2 abbreviation are not explained. Please note that on the Figure 1A the same proteins are labelled as PAT1H1 and PAT1H2

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for pointing it out, we now have PATH1 and PATH2 abbreviations explained in Line 10 and also correct the labels in Fig 1A.

      Lines 22-25: Would you be so kind to rephrase or elaborate on what yoPBu mean. LSM1-7/PAT1 complex are known to bind oligoadenylated transcripts indeed and even stabilize their 3' ends, it is not clear what "engage transcripts containing deadenylated tails" means in this context.

      __Our response: __We hope we now rephrase the statement in a clear way (Line 25)

      Line 29: for the sake of clarity, it might be beneficial to list the known activators of the decapping DCP2 enzyme, including the VCS. Generally the introduction could benefit from a bit more in depth review of the decapping mechanism.

      __Our response: __We hope the more detailed introduction will satisfy the reviewer (Line 27).

      Line 51:"other 2 PATs" => "other two PATs". Generally the text is quite well written, but might need a bit of polishing.

      __Our response: __The text is corrected now (Line 64).

      Authors are absolutely correct in their attempt to provide full information about mutant backgrounds. However, for the sake of comprehension, it would be great to grant the double and triple mutants in the summ2 background shorter and more legible names. For example, the pat1-1path1-4path2-1summ2-8 mutant could be named as pat1/h1/h2/s.

      __Our response: __We originally used pat1/h1/h2/s for the triple but a colleague pointed out “h1” or “h2” are not proper gene names and suggested us to rename them. But we agree that the double and triple pat names are comprehensive, to compromise we change the triple pat mutants into pat triple.

      Figure 1B:

      • it would be intersting to have authors opinion on why PBs are formed in this case under non-stress(?) conditions.

      __Our response: __Forming PBs is a dynamic process, and we assume that even under normal conditions, there is still ongoing mRNA decay and translational repression which should be seen as some background level of PBs (Line 85).

      Please note that expressing only the N-terminal part of CFP is a weak negative control for BiFC. No restoration of CFP can occur in such case and thus it is a given that no fluorescence can be observed in these samples. For example, co-expression of nCFP-PAT1 with cCFP-GUS, would be a more rigorous negative control, better aligned with the coIP experiments.

      __Our response: __We had nCFP-Gus with cCFP-LSM1 as real negative control in old Fig 1B (bottom lane). We also agree with the reviewer that only the N-terminal part of CFP is a weak negative control for BiFC, therefore we removed the weak control and only left the rigorous negative control (new Fig 1B).

      Please note that some arrows point at a structure that seems to be not discernible a signal.

      __Our response: __It’s due to the poor quality of the picture from the PDF file, arrows in the original high-resolution figure do point at discernible foci.

      Figure 1C: It might be helpful to also include a Col-0 WT plant

      __Our response: __Col-WT plant is now included in Fig S1A.

      It is not clear how qPCR data and complementation lines help to characterize the established PATH1 and PATH2 loss-of-function mutants. There is no immunodetection of the corresponding proteins in the knockouts, qPCR shows no dramatic decrease in the transcript level of PATH1 and H2 and the phenotypes of complemented lines presented in the Fig S1E at a glance look quite similar to the phenotypes of the corresponding knockout mutants. Complementation lines are not used for any other experiments in this study and it is not clear why authors decided to include this material into the article.

      __Our response: __To characterize the path1 and path2 mutants, we first did qRT-PCR to check the transcriptional level expression, but like the reviewer mentioned, there was no dramatic decrease indicating the mutations of path1-4 and path2-1 did not change PATH1 and PATH2 transcriptional level expression. We also tried to raise antibodies against PATH1 and PATH2, however the antibodies failed to recognize any PAT proteins. Therefore, we used the complementation lines to characterize the mutations in PATH1 and PATH2. Since path1 and path2 single mutants don’t have obvious growth phenotype and the dwarf pat triple is barely possible to transform, we had to complement the pat1path1 and pat1path2 double mutants. If the reviewer takes a closer look, the growth phenotype of the complementation lines Venus-PATH1/ pat1-1path1-4summ2-8 and Venus-PATH2/ pat1-1path2-1summ2-8 are similar to pat1-1summ2-8 but not the background pat double mutants. The complementation lines were also used to study PATH1 and PATH2 cellular localization.

      Figure S1C misses labels indicating what detection of what gene is shown on what chart.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for pointing it out, the gene names are indicated now in new FigS1C.

      Experiments to visualize PBs under various stress stimuli were conducted on roots for the Figure 2 while coIP was performed on the green tissue. Could authors elaborate on whether PB formation could be expected to be the same in different plant organs? Somewhat related to the same topic, Figure 2 contains micrographs obtained on meristematic, transition and elongation root zones, in which epidermal cells are present at various developmental stages. Since PAT proteins are suggested to impact plant development, it might be prudent to obtain observations for all samples at the same developmental stage. Could authors provide their opinion about how representative the provided micrographs are for all root zones? Furthermore, Venus-PATH2 under ACC treatment shows punctate localization only in a single cell out of the three-ish cells visible on the micrograph, potentially indicating differences in PAT2 recruitment to PBs in trichoblasts and atrichoblasts. This in itself could be an intersting observation helpful for elucidating the specific roles of PAT1 orthologs.

      __Our response: __CoIP results from Benthamiana leaves indicate Arabidopsis PATs and LSM1 are in the same complex, and PB visualization in root area suggests PATs respond to different hormone treatments. flg22 treatment has been published to induce PB formation in Arabidopsis root but dissemble PBs in Arabidopsis protoplasts, indicating a tissue specific manner of PB formation. We randomly chose 1 picture/treatment from 9 (3 plants * bio-triplicates) which showed the same. However, we thank the reviewer for pointing out the confocal pictures we chose were not all from elongation zone, we now carefully checked all our confocal pictures and made sure they are from the same developmental stages. We also discuss more of PATH2 localization in response to ACC (Line 251).

      Figure 4C would greatly benefit from a more detailed description in the main text and figure legend of what authors show/conclude.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for the suggestion hence we describe Fig 4C in more detail in our new manuscript (Line 146).

      Figure 5, please avoid using the same color for the bars for the triple pat knockout and the control summ2-8 line

      __Our response: __We changed the colour scheme for all the mutants (new Fig 4E).

      Figure 5B legend should include the name of the statistical test.

      __Our response: __We now include the name of the statistical test in “Material and Methods” (Line 367).

      Figure S2: The coIP experiment is a bit difficult to interpret due to the extremely low protein quantities in some of the input samples. Perhaps a repetition with more balanced input quantities would be beneficial. The figure legend does not contain information on how normalized intensity values were obtained.

      __Our response: __We used the same amount of total protein for each sample (3mg) for each IP, PATH1 and PATH2 don’t express as high as PAT1. The numbers indicate the comparative ratio between PAT-HA protein signal and LSM1-GFP signal, and PAT1-HA/LSM1-GFP under non-treatment condition is normalized as 1.

      Line 130: Fig S2 is referenced but Fig S3 is meant

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for pointing out our mistake, the correct figure is now referenced.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):


      Regulation of gene expression by mRNA decay is an extremely intersting topic and is highly relevant in plant stress and developmental biology. This study provides a more in depth view on the potential specific roles of the three PAT1 orthologs in Arabidopsis plants. Authors established loss-of-function mutants of the corresponding genes and performed transcriptomics analysis that will be a valuable source for future studies. Furthermore, microscopy analysis of PATH1 and PATH2 translocation to PBs indicates their potential specific roles in plant stress response.

      Weakness: The current version of this study suffers from vague presentation of the results. Starting from the title and ending with discussion authors provide a "general" view on their results and do not go into detailed interpretations. Thus, no mechanistic insight has been derived or at least suggested from the wealth of the transcriptomics, phenotypic and microscopy data.

      The introduction should provide more detailed information on what is known on the PAT1 role in the mRNA decapping pathway and its relevance for plant stress response and development.

      Please note, that the above mentioned suggestion of different sampling for transcriptomics analysis is not meant as a request for this particular study, but rather as an illustration of an expectation a reader would built while following the current version of the text. A thorough description of the strategy for transcriptomics and a more in depth analysis might significantly strengthen the study's coherence and impact.


      At this stage, the study looks more like an incremental advance of the work from the same laboratory performed for the single PAT1 protein. However, as mentioned in the comments above, the study might be made significantly stronger by elaborating the results analysis and highlighting potential discoveries.


      The topic of this study is of a significant interest to a broad audience performing research in plant stress biology and also developmental plant biology.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for acknowledging the significance of our work and the structural criticism. We hope our detailed answers to the reviewer’s suggestions and the additional data we included in the manuscript will satisfy the reviewer.

      Reviewer's and co-reviewer's fields of expertise:

      Molecular Biology, Plant cell biology, Plants Stress response, Autophagy, Stress granules

      __Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      PAT1 (Protein Associated with Topoisomerase II) are RNA-binding proteins involved in the control of mRNA decay in the cytoplasm. Plants possess multiple PAT1 family members, three in Arabidopsis, PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2. According to the literature, the pat1 mutant shows dwarfism and de-repressed immunity. In this paper, Zou et al. describe the function of PATH1 and PATH2. Two pieces of evidence are consistent with their role in the control of mRNA decay. First, Co-IP and bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation assays in tobacco indicate physical interaction and co-localization of PAT1, PATH1 or PATH2 with LSM1 (Fig. 1), which is a protein present in decapping complexes that form the cytoplasmic foci involved in mRNA decay. Second, PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 are present in these cytoplasmic Processing Bodies (Fig. 2). Zou et al. generated path1 and path2 mutants, double mutants with pat1 and the triple mutant using independent alleles and the summ2 background to avoid autoimmunity interference. The mutants show leaf growth (Fig. 3) and gene expression (Fig. 4) phenotypes that are not exactly similar among the different family members, but there is significant redundancy revealed by these phenotypes.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for the peer review. Please see our detailed answers to the reviewer’s suggestions in the following.

      1. The conclusions are straight forward and, apparently, well supported by the data. However, the authors should confirm that when they provide the number of replicates (n) in the legends to the figures, this actually refers to the number of biological replicates. The statements should be based on true biological replicates (not technical replicates). The statistical tests should also be explicitly indicated (including that used to identify DEG in the RNAseq experiment).

      __Our response: __We carefully went through our figures and made sure the number of replicates (n) were correctly stated in figure legends and the statistical tests were indicated (Line 367)

      Reviewer #4 (Significance (Required)):

      The results are useful but mainly descriptive. Personally, I am interested in the mechanisms involved in the control of growth and the manuscript does not mechanistically link the action of PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 to the transcriptome and the latter to the growth patterns.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for acknowledging the significance of our work of characterizing PATs and we hope our new data could satisfy the reviewer in regarding to “mechanistical link”.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      PAT1 (Protein Associated with Topoisomerase II) are RNA-binding proteins involved in the control of mRNA decay in the cytoplasm. Plants possess multiple PAT1 family members, three in Arabidopsis, PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2. According to the literature, the pat1 mutant shows dwarfism and de-repressed immunity. In this paper, Zou et al. describe the function of PATH1 and PATH2. Two pieces of evidence are consistent with their role in the control of mRNA decay. First, Co-IP and bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation assays in tobacco indicate physical interaction and co-localization of PAT1, PATH1 or PATH2 with LSM1 (Fig. 1), which is a protein present in decapping complexes that form the cytoplasmic foci involved in mRNA decay. Second, PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 are present in these cytoplasmic Processing Bodies (Fig. 2). Zou et al. generated path1 and path2 mutants, double mutants with pat1 and the triple mutant using independent alleles and the summ2 background to avoid autoimmunity interference. The mutants show leaf growth (Fig. 3) and gene expression (Fig. 4) phenotypes that are not exactly similar among the different family members, but there is significant redundancy revealed by these phenotypes.

      The conclusions are straight forward and, apparently, well supported by the data. However, the authors should confirm that when they provide the number of replicates (n) in the legends to the figures, this actually refers to the number of biological replicates. The statements should be based on true biological replicates (not technical replicates). The statistical tests should also be explicitly indicated (including that used to identify DEG in the RNAseq experiment).


      The results are useful but mainly descriptive. Personally, I am interested in the mechanisms involved in the control of growth and the manuscript does not mechanistically link the action of PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 to the transcriptome and the latter to the growth patterns.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In the study "PAT mRNA decapping factors function specifically and redundantly during development in Arabidopsis" authors investigate potential specific functions of Arabidopsis PAT1 orthologs in plant development. Authors observe differences in rosette phenotypes (leaf size, serration and number) of single and multiple mutants of PAT1 gene family, show variation in translocation of the corresponding PAT1 proteins to processing bodies under a set of stress conditions and perform transcriptomics on the established mutants to elucidate the impact of individual PATs on posttranscriptional regulation of plant gene expression. Authors conclude that PAT1 orthologs have both overlapping and specific roles in plant development.

      Major comments:

      • The study contains intersting transcriptomics data that will be of use for the scientific community. However, analysis of the transcriptomics results could be discussed a bit more in depth. Authors could express their opinion about what gene expression changes might be caused by direct degradation via PAT1-dependent decapping mechanism and what changes are more likely to have occurred indirectly via other factors.
      • The intersting phenotypic observations are currently poorly linked to the transcriptomics/qPCR data provided, resulting in a somewhat fragmented story flow.
      • The transcriptomics was performed on the 6-weeks old plants. It would be helpful to learn more about authors reasoning for choosing this developmental stage for sampling. Why did authors decide against sampling at the earlier stages, before the observed leaves phenotypes were established?
      • Authors obtained intriguing results on specific translocation of PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 to processing bodies in the root cells upon various stresses. Perhaps root transcriptomics of single PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 knockouts under control conditions, treatment that translocate all three proteins to PBs(IAA) and selectively translocate only PAT1 (e.g. cytokinin) could shed more light on the redundancy an specificity of these proteins as the mRNA decapping factors.
      • Do authors consider PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 to be localized to different PBs sub-populations? It could be intersting to check co-localization of PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 under various stress conditions. Could authors elaborate on their view of PBs composition and fate to which different PAT1s are recruited?
      • Could authors speculate what features in the PAT1 protein might cause it being recruited to PBs more efficiently (or better to say, under a broader range of stresses) in comparison to PATH1 and 2?
      • Are all three Arabidopsis PAT paralogs co-expressed in the same tissues /developmental stages?
      • Could authors elaborate a bit more why the triple pat1 knockout has a much more severe phenotype in comparison to a single pat1 loss-of-function mutant or any of the double pat1 mutants. Do authors observe complementary changes in the PAT1 genes expression in the mutant lines, e.g. is PATH1 expressed at a higher level in the absence of PAT1 and PATH2?
      • Please provide the name of the used statistical test in all figure legends.

      Minor comments:

      • Authors might want to reconsider the title as it is somewhat too vague in its current form.
      • Line 9: explanation of PAT1 and PATH1 and 2 abbreviations is best placed at the first mentioning of the name.
      • Line 10: mRNA degradation is rather a posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression.
      • Lines 11 and 12: path1 and path2 abbreviation are not explained. Please note that on the Figure 1A the same proteins are labelled as PAT1H1 and PAT1H2
      • Lines 22-25: Would you be so kind to rephrase or elaborate on what you mean. LSM1-7/PAT1 complex are known to bind oligoadenylated transcripts indeed and even stabilize their 3' ends, it is not clear what "engage transcripts containing deadenylated tails" means in this context.
      • Line 29: for the sake of clarity, it might be beneficial to list the known activators of the decapping DCP2 enzyme, including the VCS. Generally the introduction could benefit from a bit more in depth review of the decapping mechanism.
      • Line 51:"other 2 PATs" => "other two PATs". Generally the text is quite well written, but might need a bit of polishing.
      • Authors are absolutely correct in their attempt to provide full information about mutant backgrounds. However, for the sake of comprehension, it would be great to grant the double and triple mutants in the summ2 background shorter and more legible names. For example, the pat1-1path1-4path2-1summ2-8 mutant could be named as pat1/h1/h2/s.
      • Figure 1B:
      • it would be intersting to have authors opinion on why PBs are formed in this case under non-stress(?) conditions.
      • Please note that expressing only the N-terminal part of CFP is a weak negative control for BiFC. No restoration of CFP can occur in such case and thus it is a given that no fluorescence can be observed in these samples. For example, co-expression of nCFP-PAT1 with cCFP-GUS, would be a more rigorous negative control, better aligned with the coIP experiments.
      • Please note that some arrows point at a structure that seems to be not discernible a signal.
      • Figure 1C: It might be helpful to also include a Col-0 WT plant
      • It is not clear how qPCR data and complementation lines help to characterize the established PATH1 and PATH2 loss-of-function mutants. There is no immunodetection of the corresponding proteins in the knockouts, qPCR shows no dramatic decrease in the transcript level of PATH1 and H2 and the phenotypes of complemented lines presented in the Fig S1E at a glance look quite similar to the phenotypes of the corresponding knockout mutants. Complementation lines are not used for any other experiments in this study and it is not clear why authors decided to include this material into the article.
      • Figure S1C misses labels indicating what detection of what gene is shown on what chart.
      • Experiments to visualize PBs under various stress stimuli were conducted on roots for the Figure 2 while coIP was performed on the green tissue. Could authors elaborate on whether PB formation could be expected to be the same in different plant organs? Somewhat related to the same topic, Figure 2 contains micrographs obtained on meristematic, transition and elongation root zones, in which epidermal cells are present at various developmental stages. Since PAT proteins are suggested to impact plant development, it might be prudent to obtain observations for all samples at the same developmental stage. Could authors provide their opinion about how representative the provided micrographs are for all root zones? Furthermore, Venus-PATH2 under ACC treatment shows punctate localization only in a single cell out of the three-ish cells visible on the micrograph, potentially indicating differences in PAT2 recruitment to PBs in trichoblasts and atrichoblasts. This in itself could be an intersting observation helpful for elucidating the specific roles of PAT1 orthologs.
      • Figure 4C would greatly benefit from a more detailed description in themain text and figure legend of what authors show/conclude.
      • Figure 5, please avoid using the same color for the bars for the triple pat knockout and the control summ2-8 line
      • Figure 5B legend should include the name of the statistical test.
      • Figure S2: The coIP experiment is a bit difficult to interpret due to the extremely low protein quantities in some of the input samples. Perhaps a repetition with more balanced input quantities would be beneficial. The figure legend does not contain information on how normalized intensity values were obtained.
      • Line 130: Fig S2 is referenced but Fig S3 is meant


      Strength: Regulation of gene expression by mRNA decay is an extremely intersting topic and is highly relevant in plant stress and developmental biology. This study provides a more in depth view on the potential specific roles of the three PAT1 orthologs in Arabidopsis plants. Authors established loss-of-function mutants of the corresponding genes and performed transcriptomics analysis that will be a valuable source for future studies. Furthermore, microscopy analysis of PATH1 and PATH2 translocation to PBs indicates their potential specific roles in plant stress response.

      Weakness: The current version of this study suffers from vague presentation of the results. Starting from the title and ending with discussion authors provide a "general" view on their results and do not go into detailed interpretations. Thus, no mechanistic insight has been derived or at least suggested from the wealth of the transcriptomics, phenotypic and microscopy data.<br /> The introduction should provide more detailed information on what is known on the PAT1 role in the mRNA decapping pathway and its relevance for plant stress response and development. Please note, that the above mentioned suggestion of different sampling for transcriptomics analysis is not meant as a request for this particular study, but rather as an illustration of an expectation a reader would built while following the current version of the text. A thorough description of the strategy for transcriptomics and a more in depth analysis might significantly strengthen the study's coherence and impact.

      Advance: At this stage, the study looks more like an incremental advance of the work from the same laboratory performed for the single PAT1 protein. However, as mentioned in the comments above, the study might be made significantly stronger by elaborating the results analysis and highlighting potential discoveries.

      Audience: The topic of this study is of a significant interest to a broad audience performing research in plant stress biology and also developmental plant biology.

      Reviewer's and co-reviewer's fields of expertise:

      Molecular Biology, Plant cell biology, Plants Stress response, Autophagy, Stress granules

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Zuo et al., characterize the role of three cytoplasmic mRNA-decay activator proteins PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 in the context of plant development and leaf morphology in Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana benthamiana. The authors show that the triple pat mutant displays the most severe dwarfism of all combinatorial mutants. Through treatment with different stimulants the authors found that only IAA treatment induces the three homologues to form condensates (possibly PBs), while PAT1 forms condensates upon every tested stimulus. An extensive RNA seq experiment revealed miss-regulation of several hundred genes in the higher order mutants, several of which were involved in auxin responsive and leaf morphology determinant genes.

      Major points:

      • Title is not meaningful as is and, in my opinion, does not reflect the main findings in the manuscript.
      • The results section could benefit from improved flow between the paragraphs and more reasoning for the next steps taken to help readers understand the aims of the authors.
      • L46: "So far little is known about the functions of these three PATs in plant development.", The authors themselves have studied these proteins in the context of seed germination and ABA control, as well as apical hook formation and auxin responses. Should at least be mentioned and the results discussed in this context.
      • What are the expression levels and patterns of PATH1 and PATH2 compared to PAT1? Is anything known about spatial or temporal regulation of these proteins?
      • Figure 1:
        • I do not agree that the authors have shown that "PATH1 and PATH2 are also mRNA decapping factors", rather that these proteins can co-localize (and possibly interact) with LSM1. Decapping assays for example with the known PAT1 de-capping targets from their previous work and their extensive mutant collection could be used to test this.
        • From the BiFC experiment (Figure 1B) it looks like PATs are mostly soluble in the cytoplasm (like LSM1) and might be stress-induced components of PBs (like LSM1). Do PATs co-localize with other canonical PB markers that are more prone to condensation, like DCPs or VCS? BiFC could be performed after IAA treatment to confirm that the cytoplasmic foci are indeed LSM1-positive PBs.
        • A: please provide uncropped images of all Western blots in supplemental data.
      • I applaud the authors for establishing this great higher order mutant collection that will be very useful for researchers in the field. However, I am confused about the description of these mutants. If I understood it correctly, these mutants were already used in a previous study by the authors, namely "Zuo, Z., et al., Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 35(2), 125-130." & Zuo, Z., et al., (2021). FEBS letters, 595(2), 253-263." In this study the authors refer to a BioRxiv "Zuo, Z., et al., (2019)." as the reference for these Arabidopsis lines. Is this current manuscript a continuation of the BioRxiv? Please elaborate whether these lines have been used and described in previous studies.
      • L72: Is the strong developmental phenotype of the higher order mutants persistent under long day conditions? Considering the strong developmental phenotypes of the mutants, the flowering transition and morphology could be an interesting trait to study. Why did you choose short day conditions for this study?

      • L78: This statement is hard to see in Figure 1C and best described for Figure 3A.

      • L82: Please include a reasoning for testing PATs localization after hormone treatment. Do you have any indication that other PB proteins behave similar to either PAT1 or the PATHs after hormone treatment to substantiate that these foci observed are indeed PBs? What is known about PBs after hormone treatment in planta?
      • Figure 2:
        • How does the localization of LSM1 change under the same treatments? Does ist behave like PAT1 or the homologues?
        • Which part of the root was imaged for this experiment? Is it possible that the observed foci are ARF-condensates as reported by Jing et al., 2022? Do you observe a gradual change in numbers or morphology along the root?
        • How did the authors decide on the concentrations for the stimulant treatments? Have you tried different doses, and could the responses be dose-dependent?
        • A representative image is not sufficient for quantitative responses, like RNA granule condensation. Please provide a quantification of stimulant-induced foci after the different treatments.
      • L91: Does that mean that most co-precipitated signal comes from the soluble fraction and not PB-localized? Would an RNAse treatment step eliminate the co-precipitation (optional)?
      • L92/93: Or alternatively that PAT1 localizes to PBs independent of the stress, while PATHs are signal-specific PB components?
      • Figure 3:
        • I wonder if these results fit better in conjunction with Figure 1, either as a combined figure or move before Figure 2.
        • It is interesting that path2/pat1, while being dwarfed, is less serrated compared to pat1 or path1/pat1. Can you find any indications in your RNAseq set which genes might be involved?
        • Indicate statistical test used to determine p-value
      • L116/L117: Doesn't the result in Figure 3E indicate that PATH1 and PATH2 are not fully redundant, but that PATs have specific and narrow roles in leaf development? L116 goes against your statement in L150 & L160. What is known about the expression patterns of PAT1, PATH1 and PHATH2?
      • L123: PC3 only explains 0.55% of the variance, so differences along this axis will be overinflated. In my interpretation the pat1/path2 mutant is clustering apart from the other higher order mutants, which is also reflected in the leaf phenotypes. A 2D PCA would be sufficient to describe most of the variation.
      • Figure 4:
        • A: The 3D-PCA inflates the differences between higher order mutants along PC3, even though this axis explains only 0.55% of the variance, maybe a 2D-PCA would more intuitively cluster the samples together?
        • B: Please explain the scale in the figure legend and which genes were included? Only DEGs between triple mutant and summ2-8 or DEGs that were different in at least one higher order mutant?
        • C: several comparisons are missing from the upset-plot. Please show the complete plot, also is there a white box laid over the second bar in the upper graph? It would help the reader, if the results section would explain the plots and the comparisons took. Which differences are the authors interested in?
        • From Figure 4B, the triple mutant has an almost inverted expression of mis-regulated genes. High expression genes are now lowly expressed and vice-versa. Has this been reported for other RNA decay mutants before?
      • How do you explain that mutants in RNA decay have a large group of repressed transcripts and a large group of enriched transcripts? Wouldn't you suspect a general higher expression in RNA decay mutants or which kind of feedback loop would you propose is happening here? Also, since both kinds of expression changes are recorded in your RNA seq can you speculate on the specificity? Why are some genes up- and others downregulated? Would you suspect that transcription factors are under PATs control?
      • Where is the sequencing data deposited? This dataset can be of great value for researchers in the field, but the raw data needs to be made commonly available.

      Minor points:

      • Check order and nomenclature for protein / gene names in Abstract and Introduction
      • L26 / L83 "aggregate" implies non-functionality, I would use "concentrate", "condensate" or "accumulate".
      • L35, L45 & L54 all state the same. Maybe remove at least one mention to reduce redundancy?
      • L211: Did you use the same imaging settings for all lines?
      • L17: RNA quality "control" word missing?
      • L477: Authors should cite the newest version of their BioRxiv: Zuo, Z., Roux, M. E., Chevalier, J. R., Dagdas, Y. F., Yamashino, T., Højgaard, S. D., ... & Petersen, M. (2022). The mRNA decapping machinery targets LBD3/ASL9 to mediate apical hook and lateral root development in Arabidopsis. bioRxiv, 2022-07.
      • Figure 3B-F, Figure 4C: check spelling on the axis titles.


      This manuscript represents a continuation of the author's characterization of the 3 PAT1s in Arabidopsis development after Zuo et al., 2021; Zuo et al., 2022a; Zuo et al., 2022b. The mutants and the corresponding RNA sequencing experiments are of value to the community working on RNA regulation and degradation or plant development. While the initial findings are interesting, the authors do not explore the stimulus-induced condensation differences between the homologues or try to link the extreme differences in expression profiles mechanistically or functionally. I think the manuscript could greatly benefit from contextualizing their work within the frame of their previous studies and what is known about PBs in terms of plant development. While the RNA seq is a comprehensive data set, a closer examination and a better representation of the results would help readers to access the findings.

      Reviewer expertise: RNA granule biology, Arabidopsis, molecular biology

    5. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript investigates the role of PAT1 gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana. Though the PAT1 protein has been previously investigated and displayed immune-related and developmental phenotypes, the other two members of the family, PATH1 and PATH2, have not been well studied. The authors set out to understand the role of these proteins in relation to the role of PAT1. They thus generated single, double, and triple mutants of the possible combinations of PAT1 genes and examined their phenotypes. As the study focused on the developmental effects of PAT1, the mutants were generated on the background of the summ2 mutant to avoid phenotypes related to immune response. The authors notice a developmental difference between the pat1 mutant combinations, suggesting that PAT1 acts differently than PATH1 and PATH2 and that the PATH proteins serve a redundant function. They also performed RNA-seq analysis to identify differentially-regulated genes in the mutant combinations. The study is interesting and well-executed, yet I believe some questions should still be addressed:

      • The research mainly focuses on the developmental phenotype of pat mutants but also tests the interaction of PATH proteins with RNA decapping enzymes to check their function and localization during different treatments. I found it a bit confusing since Figure 1 also shows the developmental phenotype of the mutants. I think editing the order of the figures would make the overall story more coherent.
      • My main concern is the correlation between the developmental phenotype of the mutants and the gene expression. Leaf samples for RNA extraction were taken when the plants were 6 weeks old, and the developmental phenotype is very evident. It is thus not possible to tell whether the differences in gene expression are a cause or effect of the developmental phenotype. I think performing qPCR of selected candidates at earlier developmental times might help solve this issue, as well as the characterization of younger plants for the developmental phenotypes (such as leaf number).
      • Overall, the manuscript is missing data regarding replicate numbers in the IP and confocal microscopy experiments.

      Minor comments:

      • Figure 1C - the authors should add a picture of Col0 plants as well as the mutants.
      • Figure 3 - Calculating the leaf-to-petiole ratio in the different mutants would be good.
      • Figure 4 - the details in the figure are very unclear, especially in the PCA. It would be good to display the data in 2D for PC1 and PC3 and change the colors a bit.


      Both PATH proteins have been less investigated than PAT1, and in that sense, the work is novel. However, it seems that most of the phenotype is attributed to PAT1 rather than the other family members, limiting the interest to the broad plant science community.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The study largely focuses on the use of a 293 cell line that lacks a functional Dicer gene originally identified by the Cullen group. Baldaccini use this cell line, referred to as NoDice cells, to reconstitute various Dicer isoforms that have thus far been described in a variety of settings (e.g., stem cells and oocytes). Collectively, these data demonstrate the capacity of certain N-terminal truncations of Dicer to inhibit Sindbis virus and reduce the presence of viral dsRNA, supporting some of the observations made thus far concerning an antiviral role for mammalian Dicer. For other viruses, this impact was significantly more modest (SFV reduction is less than a log) or was not observed at all (VSV and SARS-CoV-2). The authors then go on to characterize the nature of the observed antiviral activity and ultimately implicate PKR and the induction of NF-kB in priming the cell's antiviral defenses. Importantly, the group also found that this antiviral activity neither required the nuclease activity of Dicer nor the kinase activity of PKR - providing evidence against antiviral RNAi in mammals. In all, the data would seem to suggest that Dicer can act as a dsRNA sensor and can mediate the activation of an NF-kB response - akin to what is observed in response to NOD or some TLR engagement. In all, it is the opinion of this reviewer that this work brings additional clarity to a concept that remains controversial in the field and therefore embodies something meaningful for the community.

      With that said, there are a few issues that require additional attention. The first of these is textual. The introduction of the paper accurately describes the evidence in support of mammalian RNAi but does not invest the same time in discussing the data to the contrary. For example, Seo et al demonstrated that virus infection results in poly-adp-ribosylation of RISC preventing RNAi activity (PMID: 24075860), Uhl et al showed that IFN-induced ADAR1 resolves dsRNA in the cell and prevents RNAi (PMID: 37017521), and Tsai et al showed that virus-derived small RNAs are not loaded into the RISC in a manner that would enable antiviral activity (PMID 29903832). None of this work is referenced in this manuscript and it generates an unbalanced introduction as it relates to the controversy surrounding the idea of RNAi in mammals.

      Reply: We thank the reviewer for their positive comments and suggestions. In the revised version of this manuscript, we will rewrite the introduction to take into account the published data that are not in favor of an antiviral role of RNAi in mammals and we will add the suggested references

      The second issue that would further strengthen this paper relates to the fact that the authors spend a considerable amount of time discussing the data of Figure 6 and 7 as conditions that are defined by a Dicer that can not be processive in its nuclease activity (WT) vs. one that can (N1). However, there seems to be little consideration about the fact that the introduction of WT Dicer into these cells also restores miRNA biology whereas N1 appears to remain only partially functional (based on the data of Fig 3E). Given this, it seems the authors should verify that the high baseline of NFkB signaling that is being observed when comparing WT to N1 is not a product of restored miRNA function in WT cells, in contrast to the hypotheses outlined in the manuscript. This could be addressed by silencing Drosha or DGCR8 in the Dicer knockout cells prior to their reconstitution of Dicer. In the opinion of this reviewer, this experimental control would significantly strengthen the conclusions the authors are making here.

      Reply: This would indeed be an ideal experiment to rule out the contribution of miRNAs in the observed phenotype. We believe however that this particular experiment would prove difficult to realize given that we reconstitute Dicer expression by lentiviral transduction and keep the cells under selection for a couple of weeks before using them for further experiments. This time frame is therefore not compatible with the use of siRNA to knock-down Drosha or DGCR8. Alternatively, we could knock them out by CRISPR-Cas9, but this would take too long and is not feasible in the frame of this work.

      We can however address the concern regarding the role played by miRNAs in the observed phenotype of the Dicer N1 cells. Indeed, we can determine the miRNA profile from our small RNA sequencing data and compare them between the Dicer WT and Dicer N1 cells. We have done this comparison and could not find striking differences in miRNA expression between the two cell lines. We will add this additional piece of evidence in our revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      In the manuscript entitled, "Canonical and non-canonical contributions of human Dicer helicase domain in antiviral defense" Baldaccini et al. describe their findings concerning the ability of certain N-terminal deletion variants of Dicer in contributing to mammalian antiviral activity. The concept of a functional antiviral RNAi system in mammals is a contentious one with many publications including data both in support of its existence and opposing this idea. In this manuscript, Baldaccini et al. perform a wide range of well-controlled experiments to specifically address aspects of those reports to both provide clarity in what has been documented thus far and to expand on those concepts further.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      Whether RNAi is used as an antiviral mechanism in mammals has been a hotly debated issue. The research team previously published several papers on the roles of Dicer in siRNA/miRNA biogenesis and in antiviral responses. They have recently reported that the helicase domain of human Dicer specifically interacts with several proteins that are involved in the IFN response, including PKR. In this study, Baldaccini et al. investigated the involvement of Dicer in antiviral response using various mutants of human Dicer. They showed that deletion mutants of helicase domain exhibit antiviral activity that requires the presence of PKR. They further demonstrated that one of the mutants, N1-Dicer showed antiviral activity in an RNAi-independent manner but depending on the presence of either native PKR or kinase deficient mutants. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that numerous genes involved the IFN and inflammatory response were upregulated in the cells that express N1-Dicer, which is likely due to an increased activation of the NFκB pathway. Based on these findings, the authors propose that Dicer may act as antiviral molecule using its helicase domain, which representing a novel non-canonical function of Dicer.

      Major comments:

      1.The results from experiments with SARS-CoV2 are intriguing (Fig.2). The authors speculated that NFkb activation is in favor of the replication of this virus. It would be interesting to see the infection and replication of SARS-CoV2 in PKR deficient cells and cells expressing PKR mutants (as described in Fig.5). The results may prove/disapprove the authors' speculation and yield additional findings.

      Reply: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have cells that are double knock-out for Dicer and PKR (NoDice/∆PKR) that were transduced to stably express Dicer WT or Dicer N1 and further transduced to express ACE2. We will infect those cell lines with SARS-CoV-2, which will allow us to see whether the difference in viral accumulation can still be observed in the absence of PKR. However, it might prove more difficult to reconstitute PKR expression (WT or mutants) in these cells since they are already transduced twice with two different constructs (Dicer and ACE2).

      Western blot analysis. In the method section, it is stated that proteins were quantified with Bradford method and equal loading was verified by Ponceau S staining. The members of also probed with gamma-tubulin (It was stated that antibodies against alpha-tubulin was used in the method section) as a loading control, however, the bend intensity of tubulin shows great variations among different lanes in several figures while Ponceau S staining is similar (Fig.s, 4, 5, and 8). The differences compromise the accuracy of the results.

      Reply: We apologize for the difference in Tubulin signal in some of our western blots. There are several possibilities to explain those inconsistencies between Ponceau staining and Tubulin blotting, including an effect of viral infection on Tubulin expression. To remove ambiguities around this issue, we could quantify the signal across several blot replicates and provide the quantification after normalization. In addition, we would like to stress that regarding quantification of the infection, we think that the plaque assay experiments are more reliable than quantification of western blot signals.

      3.RNA-seq analysis revealed that Dicer N1 cells have significantly increased expression levels of signaling molecules in type I IFN response even in uninfected cells. While this provides a potential explanation for the antiviral phenotype of N1-Dicer cells. I wonder why the expression levels of type I IFNs (probably the most potent antiviral molecules) were not analyzed in WT and Dicer N1 cells. Measurement of the levels of IFNα and IFNβ by ELISA in the cells before and after infection could provide the important and direct data to support their conclusion.

      Reply: This an interesting suggestion but unfortunately, we do not believe that it would possible to quantify IFNα and IFNβ by ELISA in the cell line that we used in our experiments. Indeed, the level of expression might just be too low to be able to measure something meaningful. We could measure the induction of IFNβ expression at the mRNA level by RT-qPCR though. However, we do not believe that the observed increased expression of genes that belong to the type I IFN response is solely the effect of an increased production of IFN. These genes are also under the control of other transcription factors, including NF-kB for some of them, and it might prove difficult to make a direct link with IFNα or IFNβ production.

      4.While the data presented in Fig. 5 provides convincing evidences that the antiviral activity of mediated by PKR against SINV is independent of its kinase activity in N1-Dicer cells. An interesting question is that whether antiviral activity associated with PKR is N1-Dicer dependent, which could be addressed by comparing the viral infection of NoDice∆PKR and NoDicer expressing PKR mutants.

      Reply: Yes indeed, we have generated NoDice/∆PKR cells expressing PKR WT or mutant and we will infect them with SINV to confirm whether the presence of Dicer N1 is needed for the observed phenotype.

      5.In the concluding paragraph of the discussion, the authors presented an oversimplified discerption of a complex model that involves a crosstalk between IFN-I and RNAi and Dicer-PKR interaction, which is difficult for the reader to compose a clear picture of mechanisms involved. It could be helpful to use a schematic illustration to summarize the action model of PKR incorporated with the canonical and non-canonical Dicer functions.

      Reply: We will add a schematic model in the revised version of our manuscript to summarize our main findings.

      Minor comments:

      1.It stated that NoDice FHA-Dicer WT #4 and NoDice FHA:Dicer N1 110 #6 are referred to as Dicer WT and Dicer N1 cells (p.6). For simplicity, Dicer WT and Dicer N1 cells should be used throughout manuscript, including in all figures. The labels in the figures are difficult to read and are confusing in some cases.

      Reply: This will be changed in the revised version to increase the clarity of the figures.

      2.It is to note that p-PKR was only detected at in N1-Dicer cells at 24 hpi (Fig.8A). This is an interesting observation that was not discussed. It appears that this could be due to a delayed viral replication since these cells are already in an elevated antiviral state. This possibility could be tested by examining viral replication and dsRNA accumulation at more time points in the experiments described in Fig.1.

      Reply: We have performed a kinetic of infection at more time points and we will incorporate these experiments in the revision.

      3.The authors may point out the limitations of the studies. For examples, all cells used in the study are engineered HEK cell lines and were tested with limited number of viruses. As such, the observations may reflect Dicer-PKR interaction under artificially overexpressed conditions, but how the model established from the current study applies to primary cells require further investigation.

      Reply: This is indeed important, we will add a sentence about this in the discussion.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The findings reported in this study shed some new light on a long-debated issue regarding the potential roles of RNAi as physiologically relevant antiviral mechanism in mammals. Identification of a new antiviral function of Dicer helicase domain via interaction with PKR is a new advancement of the field, and it also adds a new dimension to a complex subject that overlaps of innate immunity , RNA biology, and developmental biology associated with Dicer.

      Field of expertise: Innate immunity, cell signaling, cytokine biology

      Areas that that I do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate: Small RNA cloning, sequencing and, analysis.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This work by Baldaccini et al. explores the interplay between Dicer and the antiviral protein PKR in the context of viral infection. It builds on a previous publication of the team which demonstrates that the Dicer helicase interacts with multiple RNA binding proteins, including PKR (see Montavon et al.). In this work from 2021, they demonstrate that an artificially-truncated form of Dicer (Dicer-N1) lacking part of the helicase is antiviral against RNA viruses in a PKR-dependent fashion. This was an interesting finding because the field largely assumed that Dicer-N1 performs its antiviral function via canonical dicing of dsRNA, as part of an antiviral RNAi pathway. The present manuscript follows up on this initial discovery and deciphers the specifics of Dicer-N1 antiviral phenotype, as well as delineates the interplay between Dicer's helicase and PKR. The authors main claims are as follow:

      1. i) Dicer-N1 antiviral effect does not require its catalytic activity, therefore is completely RNAi-independent.
      2. ii) Neither does it require canonical PKR activation, but relies instead on NF-kB-driven inflammation. The origin of this inflammation is not studied.
      3. ii) Truncated Dicers other than Dicer-N1 are antiviral through RNAi, but are also PKR-dependent. The authors claims are mostly supported by the data, although I suggest below some improvements regarding experimental approaches and data presentation. This work details in an interesting manner the interplay between the machinery of RNAi and the classical pathway of innate immunity (PKR). As explained by the authors, there is solid data in the literature demonstrating the mutual exclusivity of IFN and antiviral RNAi in differentiated cells. This mostly goes through the receptors LGP2, which inhibits dsRNA dicing by Dicer. The authors data suggest that, conversely, Dicer may play a role in preventing the unwanting activation of PKR (a non-canonical activation leading to inflammation). Given that PKR activation does not depend on virus, the authors discuss potential mechanisms of PKR triggering. This is an interesting topic that deserves further investigation (not necessarily within the frame of this work - it can be a follow-up). Another interesting piece of information is that different truncated Dicers behave differently with respect to implementing antiviral RNAi. Whilst Dicer-N1 isn't proficient in doing so, the other forms are. It shows that lab-generated truncations do not fully recapitulate what is observed with existing truncated Dicers (DicerO and aviD).

      Experimental design and data interpretation

      1. The authors should compare infection between different cell lines across a range of time points (ie, a virus growth curve). In Fig 4E for example, I worry that cells expressing or not PKR will reach the plateau of viral particle accumulation at different time points. One could imagine that cells lacking PKR do not show any differences in particle production at 24h, but do at earlier time points.

      Reply: This is an interesting suggestion, we can perform a kinetic experiment by looking at more time points to address this point. This will allow us to determine the time needed for every cell line to reach the plateau of infection.

      Western blots should be accompanied with proper quantifications plotted as bar graph with biological replicates (p-PKR, p-eIF2a and capsid).

      Reply: We have biological replicates for our western blot experiments, and we will quantify those to better determine the observed changes. However, in the case of p-eIF2a, we do not think it is pertinent to measure it since there are other kinases than PKR that are known to induce eIF2a phosphorylation upon SINV infection. It might therefore not prove very informative to precisely quantify this particular signal.

      Microscopy images should be properly quantified across biological replicates (Fig 1&2 for the J2 staining, for example).

      Reply: We could do a proper quantification of the J2 signal across replicates, but we do not think it would bring much to our message. Here, we mostly used J2 staining as a qualitative indication that the infection was impacted or not. We have a proper quantification of the effect with our plaque assay experiments, which are way more robust to determine the levels of infection between conditions.

      Confounding factors hinder the interpretation of siRNA accumulation (Suppl Fig 2): i) the efficiency of dsRNA dicing from different Dicers will generate different amounts of siRNAs from a given amount of dsRNA and ii) the higher antiviral response translates into decreased infection, so decreased dsRNA substrate. I suggest that the authors normalise the amount of viral siRNAs over the total amount of viral genomes. This should allow to assess if Dicer-N1 is better at dicing dsRNA than WT in these conditions.

      Reply: This is a valid concern and we agree that it is important to be able to normalize small RNA reads between conditions before reaching a conclusion. The problem is that there is no easy way to do this since we do not get a direct measurement of viral genomes accumulation from our small RNA sequencing data. To better compare the two conditions, we could normalize the individual viral siRNA to the total number of viral reads. Another problem that we face is that we are looking here at the AGO-loaded small RNAs, which makes it more difficult to assess dicing efficiency since not every generated siRNA might be loaded into an Argonaute protein. In fact, this has been proposed by the Cullen laboratory in a paper published in 2018 (Tsai et al. doi: 10.1261/rna.066332.118). They showed that although viral siRNAs were generated during IAV infection, those were inefficiently loaded and thus did not significantly impacted the infection.

      In Fig 8, the authors should verify that phospho-p65 increase depends on PKR by repeating the experiment in PKR KO cells.

      Reply: Yes, good point. We will check what happens to phosphorylation of p65 in PKR KO cells. In addition, we can also measure the effect on a known NF-kB target by RT-qPCR (e.g. PTGS2).

      Data representation

      1. Levels of phospho-PKR and eIF2a need to be normalised on the total amount of PKR and eIF2a, respectively. The authors should quantify the blots and present bar graphs with biological replicates and statistics.

      Reply: As mentioned above in our reply to point 2, we can add the quantification for phospho PKR, but we do not think it is pertinent to do it for eIF2a.

      Could the authors add the names of representative genes on the volcano plots of Fig 7?

      Reply: Yes, this will be done.

      Points of discussion

      1. In Fig 4C, catalytically-dead mutants of truncated Dicers (other than N1) do not display an antiviral effect. Presumably, such proteins implement canonical antiviral RNAi. Is there a reason why the authors interpret this data as Dicers being "partially" antiviral through RNAi (l. 92). This data instead suggest that is it totally dependent on RNAi.

      Reply: Indeed, and we do not say the contrary. It seems that some of this helicase-truncated Dicer proteins can act through RNAi. However, they also depend on PKR, so in the end it might be a combination of the two that allows their antiviral effect.

      Gurung et al. demonstrate that PKR is activated in Dicer KO mouse ES cells, which results in phosphorylation of eIF2a at steady-state. This is different from the authors' data, in which PKR activation does not affect eiF2a phosphorylation. Could the authors discuss this discrepancy?

      Reply: The problem that we face here is that SINV is known to also activate GCN2 and therefore eIF2a phosphorylation does not strictly rely on PKR in our experimental conditions. In addition, we did not check eIF2a phosphorylation in Dicer KO cells, but we always compare Dicer WT and Dicer N1 expressing cells.

      Do the authors expect that truncated Dicers other than N1 trigger an inflammatory response such as the one described for N1? Would it be possible to have this antiviral inflammatory response in conjunction with antiviral RNAi?

      Reply: This goes back to Point 1 mentioned previously. We think indeed that there might be a dual action of Dicer and that it will be important to check whether in other cellular systems or animal model such a phenomenon can be observed as well. This is a point that we did address in the discussion of our manuscript (line 522-525).

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This is a study that conceptually advances the field of antiviral RNAi in mammals, including its interplay with the machinery of innate immunity. It is of interest for virologists and immunologists. My expertise is centered on the mechanisms of innate immunity in mammalian cells, including antiviral RNAi.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This work by Baldaccini et al. explores the interplay between Dicer and the antiviral protein PKR in the context of viral infection. It builds on a previous publication of the team which demonstrates that the Dicer helicase interacts with multiple RNA binding proteins, including PKR (see Montavon et al.). In this work from 2021, they demonstrate that an artificially-truncated form of Dicer (Dicer-N1) lacking part of the helicase is antiviral against RNA viruses in a PKR-dependent fashion. This was an interesting finding because the field largely assumed that Dicer-N1 performs its antiviral function via canonical dicing of dsRNA, as part of an antiviral RNAi pathway. The present manuscript follows up on this initial discovery and deciphers the specifics of Dicer-N1 antiviral phenotype, as well as delineates the interplay between Dicer's helicase and PKR. The authors main claims are as follow:

      i) Dicer-N1 antiviral effect does not require its catalytic activity, therefore is completely RNAi-independent.

      ii) Neither does it require canonical PKR activation, but relies instead on NF-kB-driven inflammation. The origin of this inflammation is not studied.

      ii) Truncated Dicers other than Dicer-N1 are antiviral through RNAi, but are also PKR-dependent.

      The authors claims are mostly supported by the data, although I suggest below some improvements regarding experimental approaches and data presentation. This work details in an interesting manner the interplay between the machinery of RNAi and the classical pathway of innate immunity (PKR). As explained by the authors, there is solid data in the literature demonstrating the mutual exclusivity of IFN and antiviral RNAi in differentiated cells. This mostly goes through the receptors LGP2, which inhibits dsRNA dicing by Dicer. The authors data suggest that, conversely, Dicer may play a role in preventing the unwanting activation of PKR (a non-canonical activation leading to inflammation). Given that PKR activation does not depend on virus, the authors discuss potential mechanisms of PKR triggering. This is an interesting topic that deserves further investigation (not necessarily within the frame of this work - it can be a follow-up). Another interesting piece of information is that different truncated Dicers behave differently with respect to implementing antiviral RNAi. Whilst Dicer-N1 isn't proficient in doing so, the other forms are. It shows that lab-generated truncations do not fully recapitulate what is observed with existing truncated Dicers (DicerO and aviD).

      Experimental design and data interpretation

      1. The authors should compare infection between different cell lines across a range of time points (ie, a virus growth curve). In Fig 4E for example, I worry that cells expressing or not PKR will reach the plateau of viral particle accumulation at different time points. One could imagine that cells lacking PKR do not show any differences in particle production at 24h, but do at earlier time points.
      2. Western blots should be accompanied with proper quantifications plotted as bar graph with biological replicates (p-PKR, p-eIF2a and capsid).
      3. Microscopy images should be properly quantified across biological replicates (Fig 1&2 for the J2 staining, for example).
      4. Confounding factors hinder the interpretation of siRNA accumulation (Suppl Fig 2): i) the efficiency of dsRNA dicing from different Dicers will generate different amounts of siRNAs from a given amount of dsRNA and ii) the higher antiviral response translates into decreased infection, so decreased dsRNA substrate. I suggest that the authors normalise the amount of viral siRNAs over the total amount of viral genomes. This should allow to assess if Dicer-N1 is better at dicing dsRNA than WT in these conditions.
      5. In Fig 8, the authors should verify that phospho-p65 increase depends on PKR by repeating the experiment in PKR KO cells.

      Data representation

      1. Levels of phospho-PKR and eIF2a need to be normalised on the total amount of PKR and eIF2a, respectively. The authors should quantify the blots and present bar graphs with biological replicates and statistics.
      2. Could the authors add the names of representative genes on the volcano plots of Fig 7?

      Points of discussion

      1. In Fig 4C, catalytically-dead mutants of truncated Dicers (other than N1) do not display an antiviral effect. Presumably, such proteins implement canonical antiviral RNAi. Is there a reason why the authors interpret this data as Dicers being "partially" antiviral through RNAi (l. 92). This data instead suggest that is it totally dependent on RNAi.
      2. Gurung et al. demonstrate that PKR is activated in Dicer KO mouse ES cells, which results in phosphorylation of eIF2a at steady-state. This is different from the authors' data, in which PKR activation does not affect eiF2a phosphorylation. Could the authors discuss this discrepancy?
      3. Do the authors expect that truncated Dicers other than N1 trigger an inflammatory response such as the one described for N1? Would it be possible to have this antiviral inflammatory response in conjunction with antiviral RNAi?


      This is a study that conceptually advances the field of antiviral RNAi in mammals, including its interplay with the machinery of innate immunity. It is of interest for virologists and immunologists. My expertise is centered on the mechanisms of innate immunity in mammalian cells, including antiviral RNAi.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Whether RNAi is used as an antiviral mechanism in mammals has been a hotly debated issue. The research team previously published several papers on the roles of Dicer in siRNA/miRNA biogenesis and in antiviral responses. They have recently reported that the helicase domain of human Dicer specifically interacts with several proteins that are involved in the IFN response, including PKR. In this study, Baldaccini et al. investigated the involvement of Dicer in antiviral response using various mutants of human Dicer. They showed that deletion mutants of helicase domain exhibit antiviral activity that requires the presence of PKR. They further demonstrated that one of the mutants, N1-Dicer showed antiviral activity in an RNAi-independent manner but depending on the presence of either native PKR or kinase deficient mutants. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that numerous genes involved the IFN and inflammatory response were upregulated in the cells that express N1-Dicer, which is likely due to an increased activation of the NFκB pathway. Based on these findings, the authors propose that Dicer may act as antiviral molecule using its helicase domain, which representing a novel non-canonical function of Dicer.

      Major comments:

      1.The results from experiments with SARS-CoV2 are intriguing (Fig.2). The authors speculated that NFkb activation is in favor of the replication of this virus. It would be interesting to see the infection and replication of SARS-CoV2 in PKR deficient cells and cells expressing PKR mutants (as described in Fig.5). The results may prove/disapprove the authors' speculation and yield additional findings. 2. Western blot analysis. In the method section, it is stated that proteins were quantified with Bradford method and equal loading was verified by Ponceau S staining. The members of also probed with gamma-tubulin (It was stated that antibodies against alpha-tubulin was used in the method section) as a loading control, however, the bend intensity of tubulin shows great variations among different lanes in several figures while Ponceau S staining is similar (Fig.s, 4, 5, and 8). The differences compromise the accuracy of the results. 3.RNA-seq analysis revealed that Dicer N1 cells have significantly increased expression levels of signaling molecules in type I IFN response even in uninfected cells. While this provides a potential explanation for the antiviral phenotype of N1-Dicer cells. I wonder why the expression levels of type I IFNs (probably the most potent antiviral molecules) were not analyzed in WT and Dicer N1 cells. Measurement of the levels of IFNα and IFNβ by ELISA in the cells before and after infection could provide the important and direct data to support their conclusion. 4.While the data presented in Fig. 5 provides convincing evidences that the antiviral activity of mediated by PKR against SINV is independent of its kinase activity in N1-Dicer cells. An interesting question is that whether antiviral activity associated with PKR is N1-Dicer dependent,, which could be addressed by comparing the viral infection of NoDice∆PKR and NoDicer expressing PKR mutants. 5.In the concluding paragraph of the discussion, the authors presented an oversimplified discerption of a complex model that involves a crosstalk between IFN-I and RNAi and Dicer-PKR interaction, which is difficult for the reader to compose a clear picture of mechanisms involved. It could be helpful to use a schematic illustration to summarize the action model of PKR incorporated with the canonical and non-canonical Dicer functions.

      Minor comments:

      1.It stated that NoDice FHA-Dicer WT #4 and NoDice FHA:Dicer N1 110 #6 are referred to as Dicer WT and Dicer N1 cells (p.6). For simplicity, Dicer WT and Dicer N1 cells should be used throughout manuscript, including in all figures. The labels in the figures are difficult to read and are confusing in some cases. 2.It is to note that p-PKR was only detected at in N1-Dicer cells at 24 hpi (Fig.8A). This is an interesting observation that was not discussed. It appears that this could be due to a delayed viral replication since these cells are already in an elevated antiviral state. This possibility could be tested by examining viral replication and dsRNA accumulation at more time points in the experiments described in Fig.1. 3.The authors may point out the limitations of the studies. For examples, all cells used in the study are engineered HEK cell lines and were tested with limited number of viruses. As such, the observations may reflect Dicer-PKR interaction under artificially overexpressed conditions, but how the model established from the current study applies to primary cells require further investigation.


      The findings reported in this study shed some new light on a long-debated issue regarding the potential roles of RNAi as physiologically relevant antiviral mechanism in mammals. Identification of a new antiviral function of Dicer helicase domain via interaction with PKR is a new advancement of the field, and it also adds a new dimension to a complex subject that overlaps of innate immunity , RNA biology, and developmental biology associated with Dicer.

      Field of expertise: Innate immunity, cell signaling, cytokine biology

      Areas that that I do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate: Small RNA cloning, sequencing and, analysis.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The study largely focuses on the use of a 293 cell line that lacks a functional Dicer gene originally identified by the Cullen group. Baldaccini use this cell line, referred to as NoDice cells, to reconstitute various Dicer isoforms that have thus far been described in a variety of settings (e.g., stem cells and oocytes). Collectively, these data demonstrate the capacity of certain N-terminal truncations of Dicer to inhibit Sindbis virus and reduce the presence of viral dsRNA, supporting some of the observations made thus far concerning an antiviral role for mammalian Dicer. For other viruses, this impact was significantly more modest (SFV reduction is less than a log) or was not observed at all (VSV and SARS-CoV-2). The authors then go on to characterize the nature of the observed antiviral activity and ultimately implicate PKR and the induction of NF-kB in priming the cell's antiviral defenses. Importantly, the group also found that this antiviral activity neither required the nuclease activity of Dicer nor the kinase activity of PKR - providing evidence against antiviral RNAi in mammals. In all, the data would seem to suggest that Dicer can act as a dsRNA sensor and can mediate the activation of an NF-kB response - akin to what is observed in response to NOD or some TLR engagement. In all, it is the opinion of this reviewer that this work brings additional clarity to a concept that remains controversial in the field and therefore embodies something meaningful for the community.

      With that said, there are a few issues that require additional attention. The first of these is textual. The introduction of the paper accurately describes the evidence in support of mammalian RNAi but does not invest the same time in discussing the data to the contrary. For example, Seo et al demonstrated that virus infection results in poly-adp-ribosylation of RISC preventing RNAi activity (PMID: 24075860), Uhl et al showed that IFN-induced ADAR1 resolves dsRNA in the cell and prevents RNAi (PMID: 37017521), and Tsai et al showed that virus-derived small RNAs are not loaded into the RISC in a manner that would enable antiviral activity (PMID 29903832). None of this work is referenced in this manuscript and it generates an unbalanced introduction as it relates to the controversy surrounding the idea of RNAi in mammals.

      The second issue that would further strengthen this paper relates to the fact that the authors spend a considerable amount of time discussing the data of Figure 6 and 7 as conditions that are defined by a Dicer that can not be processive in its nuclease activity (WT) vs. one that can (N1). However, there seems to be little consideration about the fact that the introduction of WT Dicer into these cells also restores miRNA biology whereas N1 appears to remain only partially functional (based on the data of Fig 3E). Given this, it seems the authors should verify that the high baseline of NFkB signaling that is being observed when comparing WT to N1 is not a product of restored miRNA function in WT cells, in contrast to the hypotheses outlined in the manuscript. This could be addressed by silencing Drosha or DGCR8 in the Dicer knockout cells prior to their reconstitution of Dicer. In the opinion of this reviewer, this experimental control would significantly strengthen the conclusions the authors are making here.


      In the manuscript entitled, "Canonical and non-canonical contributions of human Dicer helicase domain in antiviral defense" Baldaccini et al. describe their findings concerning the ability of certain N-terminal deletion variants of Dicer in contributing to mammalian antiviral activity. The concept of a functional antiviral RNAi system in mammals is a contentious one with many publications including data both in support of its existence and opposing this idea. In this manuscript, Baldaccini et al. perform a wide range of well-controlled experiments to specifically address aspects of those reports to both provide clarity in what has been documented thus far and to expand on those concepts further.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Authors used organoid technology to study the effects of the serum from lupus patients on intestinal epithelium. By culturing organoids derived from human colon crypts, they specifically determined the response of epithelial cells to inflammatory mediators present in lupus serum. Using bulk and scRNA-seq, authors found that secretory cells function and differentiation were impaired as well as the mitochondrial metabolism. These effects were shown to be mediated by type 1 interferon in combination with other pro-inflammatory cytokines present in lupus serum.

      The reduction of mucus secretion after SLE-serum treatment and the downregulation of tight junctions' genes seem to indicate an increased permeability of the epithelial barrier, thus it would be interesting to determine the expression and distribution of tight junction proteins and to test in the organoids whether the paracellular permeability is increased upon SLE-serum treatment. These analyses will give a functional result of this in vitro model.

      If the organoids take a few days to culture and the material is available, the measurement of paracellular permeability may take no more than 2 weeks. It is true that they will need a microneedle to inject the FITC-Dextran 4K into the organoids and record the images for 24h.

      • We thank the reviewer for suggesting this experiment. Reviewer #2 had the same suggestion. The results obtained elevate our overall results and the quality of our research.
      • Tight junction protein expression is cell-type dependent as shown in literature1,2 and in our scRNA-seq analysis (Suppl. Table 7). Additionally, we observed that the expression changes of ZO-1(TJP1; Fig. 7A) are accumulated in colonocytes. That might be the reason we could not detect significant changes in organoid sections with staining for tight junction proteins ZO-1 and Occludin and analyzing all cell types. The data of the permeability assay however was able to show that the function of the tight junctions is altered. If this change is caused by changes in protein abundance as suggested by reported transcriptomic changes remains to be elucidated in future research using single-cell proteomic approaches.
      • For the permeability assay we stimulated organoid monolayers for 72h with SLE or control serum. The measured translocation of FITC showed an increased barrier leakiness in SLE compared to control condition. These functional results not only support our findings presented in our study that the epithelial barrier is altered upon SLE serum stimulation, but they also provide the definitive proof of concept highlighting the crucial connection between SLE and intestinal barrier integrity. Furthermore, it shows that changes on transcriptional level and alterations in cell type composition translate into a barrier dysfunction which could have potentially detrimental effects in vivo. The data has been added to Figure 1H, line 722-731; 746-751.

        I would like to know which of the donor's cells were used from figure 2 on and why.

      • Organoid line I was used for the 24h stimulation and for the 72h stimulation whereas organoid line II was used for the 72h stimulation only. Due to limitations in serum availability we had to limit the experiments that exceeded the initial transcriptomic analysis to one organoid line. After confirming that the serum was affecting both organoid lines, we continued using organoid line II.

        The bioinformatics analyses using gene expression data and scRNASeq were well done. No comments.

        Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

        For the field of autoimmunity, to study the crosstalk between the systemic response and the gut epithelium response results quite important as the increased permeability of the gut epithelial barrier has been suggested to fuel the systemic inflammation in lupus. However, as the author mention, there is not enough information about the interaction of epithelial cells and the systemic inflammatory mediators in lupus. This system can be useful to determine a personalized treatment for patients by testing the effect of individual serum on organoids. Moreover, the use of organoids can be extended to study the gut epithelium response in other autoimmune diseases mediated by type 1 interferon.

        Increased permeability of the gut epithelial barrier has been related with lupus development. In humans, it is not known whether it is a cause or consequence, but in lupus mouse models it has been demonstrated that there is a reduction of the systemic autoimmune response concomitant with a reduction of gut permeability. The authors have validated an in vitro model that can be used to study how gut epithelium is affected by systemic inflammatory mediators and that will help to develop novel therapeutic approaches or personalize treatments.

      Thank you for your insightful comments. We are encouraged to see that the reviewer has accurately grasped the core purpose and implications of our research. The intricate relationship between gut epithelial barrier permeability and lupus development is indeed vital for expanding our scientific knowledge and for future therapeutic breakthroughs. We are happy that the overall message we aimed to convey with our research was well captured and appreciated by the reviewer. We believe our in vitro model will serve as a foundation for further detailed studies and for the development of therapeutic strategies in this field. Your acknowledgment of our work inspires us to persist in our research efforts.

      Interest stakeholders: Clinical and basic researchers in autoimmunity, gastroenterology, and rheumatology.

      My field of expertise is systemic and organ-specific autoimmunity at cellular and molecular level. My work covers autoimmunity and gut microbiota. I study how B cells regulate the microbiota composition and how that microbiota impacts gut permeability and inflammation in mouse lupus models. On the other hand, the bioinformatics analyses are well-done for both bulk RNASeq and scRNASeq.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The group of Dr. Resnik-Docampo provides a very elegant study on two patient lines for SLE. The study is definitely very interesting and opens many scientific avenues that are worthy of being explored further. Major comments: -Barrier integrity or its alterations can be tested in organoids with specific dyes, I feel this would give definitive proof of concept.

      • We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. Reviewer #1 had the same suggestion. The results obtained elevate our overall results and the quality of our research.
      • For the permeability assay we stimulated organoid monolayers for 72h with SLE or control serum. The measured translocation of FITC showed an increased barrier leakiness in SLE compared to control condition. These functional results not only support our findings presented in our study that the epithelial barrier is altered upon SLE serum stimulation, but they also provide the definitive proof of concept highlighting the crucial connection between SLE and intestinal barrier integrity. Furthermore, it shows that changes on transcriptional level and alterations in cell type composition translate into a barrier dysfunction which could have potentially detrimental effects in vivo. The data has been added to Figure 1H, line 722-731; 746-751.

        -In supplementary figure 1 a caspase 3 staining is presented, please show a positive control for caspase 3 staining on organoids or alternstively use a different method to prove no differential cell death.

      • Due to the processing of the organoids it is difficult to have a positive control. However, we can confirm that the used cleaved Caspase 3 antibody is able to detect cell death by the following staining. There are positive cells in the center of the organoid where dead cells accumulate. Additionally in Figure 1C we show with a cytotoxicity assay measuring LDH release that there is no significant difference between both groups. Furthermore, brightfield imaging showed no obvious differences and the DEGs show also no evidence of increased cell death.

        -Serum from SLE patients reduces drastically Edu positivity, it would be interesting to see a clonogenicity assay to see whether this reflects on reduced stem cell clonogenic potential

      • We agree. However, this analysis goes beyond the time and material limitations we have in our project.

        -Goblet cells in the colon are very heterogeneous, which subpopulations of goblet cell are reduced? how does this affect mucus composition?

      • We see that subpopulation GC4 is significantly reduced upon SLE serum stimulation (Fig. 7C and Suppl. Fig. 7C). Overall, we see a trend of a general reduction of all GC subpopulation and an indication that there might be also a shift in subtype abundance. We would need to increase the study population to be able to draw any conclusions on how exactly the GC subpopulations change. So far not much is known about how the different GC subpopulations affect mucus composition. This field is completely understudied especially in the human intestine. Future projects should focus on mucus composition and how it is changed with changes of the subpopulations (even under physiological conditions).

      • We thank the reviewer for the question about the mucus composition. We included the analysis of FCGBP protein abundance (Fig. 4C and Suppl. Fig. 4D; line 245-247) in our study. The increased FCGBP protein abundance upon SLE serum stimulation which is in line with our transcriptomic changes complements our data and supports our hypothesis that the mucus composition is altered. This new data improves the quality of our research.

        Minor comments: - Please provide an hypothesis on how mitochondrial alterations are linked to altered lineage progeny of stem cells. This should be discussed more in depth.

      • It is known that cells in the crypt compartment that undergo rapid division depend on glycolysis for ATP production once the cell differentiates it switches to oxidative phosphorylation.3 In vitro it has been shown that differentiation coincides with the switch to oxidative phosphorylation.4 There is a complex interplay between Notch signaling and FoxO transcription factors which is driving differentiation and cell fate decision.5 Especially the differentiation towards the secretory lineage highly depends on the metabolic switch from glycolysis to oxidative phosphorylation. Furthermore, even mucus secretion itself is dependent on oxidative phosphorylation.6 This is in line with our differentiation experiment where less oxidative phosphorylation coincided with the absence of goblet cells. We hypothesize that the changed cellular composition upon SLE serum stimulation is at least partly reflected in the altered mitochondrial function. If the decrease in the secretory lineage alone can explain the seen mitochondrial changes needs to be further elucidated. While a detailed examination at single-cell level analysis of mitochondrial function might be able to answer if they drive the altered cell differentiation, such an in-depth analysis is beyond the scope of this article and would be best addressed in a dedicated study on the topic. Within the scope of our analysis and considering the still limited knowledge of mitochondrial function in specific cell types of the human colon we included some more discussion (line 696-698 and 702-703).

        -Many antimicrobial peptides are changed, this could reflect on microbiome composition as well as mucus composition and properties, which I am sure will be the topic of future studies. This should be discussed more in depth.

      • We hypothesize that the alterations in antimicrobial peptide expression along with the seen changes in major mucus components would be translated into changes in mucus composition. Since the mucus serves as the niche for gut microbiota this could lead to changes in microbiome composition. It is of high interest to analyze the mucus composition of the stimulated organoids. Furthermore, assays analyzing the killing capacity of the potentially secreted antimicrobial peptides could help us to understand the relevance of the observed changes. We addressed this in line 714-715 and line 750-752.

        Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

        The study is useful for both broad and specialized audiences. The findings are interesting and of relevance to the field of SLE, gut epithelial biology. The strength of the manuscript is that it opens many scientific avenues, its weakness is that they are not mechanistically dissected to the fullest rendering the study a bit descriptive. Nonetheless, I consider positively the manuscript after a minor revision given the major message of the paper can be proven.

      Thank you for your constructive feedback. We are genuinely encouraged by your recognition of the utility and relevance of our study for both broad and specialized audiences in the fields of SLE and gut epithelial biology. Your acknowledgment resonates with our larger objectives: beyond merely exploring the specific connection between SLE and intestinal leakiness, our aim has been to create a methodological approach that illuminates novel avenues to study complex diseases. It is deeply heartening to realize that this overarching message and intent were clearly understood and agreed upon by the reviewer. We recognize and appreciate your insights into the strengths and areas for improvement of our manuscript, and we are committed to addressing the highlighted points to further enhance our contribution to the field.

      __ Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):__

      Inga Viktoria Hensel et al. used colon organoid to study the impact of lupus patients' serum on gut epithelial barrier. The exposure of SLE serum on colon organoids increased gene expression related to cell cycle, chromosome organization, mitochondrial function as well as interferon signaling, but downregulated that related to secretion, cytoskeleton, and anchoring junctions of the cells. Higher type I IFN in the SLE serum and unregulated interferon signature genes post stimulation suggest a potential role of type I interferon in this process. The addition of a type 1 interferon receptor (IFNAR1) antagonist, Anifrolumab, blocked the stimulation function of SLE serum but the combination of IFN-2α and control serum failed to recapitulate the results from SLE serum, suggesting that more than one cytokine was involved. SLE serum exposure altered metabolic profiles of organoids with a significant increase of basal respiration and ATP production. Stimulating organoid with SLE serum confirmed an alteration in cell differentiation with a loss of secretory lineage. scRNA-seq analysis revealed that colon organoid had all major cell types from colon in vivo. SLE serum stimulation shifted cell differentiation with decreased number of goblet cells and downregulated mucin, AMP and other components that were required for gut barrier integrity.

      Finally, the authors performed a gene expression analysis of colon biopsies derived from SLE patients and healthy controls. While the authors should be commended to attempt a validation of the results obtained with organoids, the small sample size and patient heterogeneity prevented a statistical analysis. Some genes involved in absorption and ion transport as well as secretory lineage showed a similar trend with organoid assay, suggesting that colon organoids may be a good tool for future studies. However, it is noticeable that the biopsies from SLE patients did not show the IFN signature and the decreased in Muc2 expression, which dominated the gene signature of organoids exposed to SLE serum. There is no information about the disease activity of the SLE patients, as well as their IFN activity, which makes difficult to interpret these results.

      • We thank the reviewer for the questions and suggestions. They helped us to improve our manuscript and make it more concise for the reader.

      Specific concerns: 1. Line 107, Why did The authors use 72 hours post treatment. Are other timepoints available and have similar results?

      • We used two different time points, 24h and 72h. The nature of the organoid culture limits the total length of the experiment. Organoids can be cultured for a maximum of 5-7 days. Differentiation from the stem cell to the fully differentiated cell takes 5-7 days. Preliminary results showed that serum stimulation prior to day 2 led to a decrease in organoid survival, most likely because serum stimulation in general induces differentiation. We therefore chose 72h as the stimulation that mimics a chronic exposure as a differentiating cell would face in vivo. With this time span we were able to see manifestations in cell differentiation changes but avoided beginning cell death to prolonged culture. However, we also wanted to understand a more acute exposure to the serum. Therefore, we chose 24h as a second stimulation duration. With this time point we were able to detect initial changes in cell fate decision which was important in the interpretation of the accumulated effects seen after 72h.

      Figure 1D, how do the authors explain the heterogeneity among SLE samples (2, 3, 4, 5) on organoid line II? These samples do not seem to correlate with cytokine levels shown in Fig. 2. This issue may be worth exploring further, such as correlation between cytokine levels and gene expression.

      • The heterogeneity seen among the SLE samples most likely reflects the complex composition of the serum itself. A similar heterogeneity (PC1 axis) is also seen for the controls. The epithelial cells eventually will react to all contained factors showing an integrated response that makes it difficult to correlate to a single cytokine.

      Line 144, the 2 outlier SLE serum samples are not same between organoid lines with NO. 1&5 in Organoid line II and with NO. 1&4 in Organoid line I. The statement is misleading.

      • We corrected the statement according to the suggestions (Line 146-148).

      Line 169, IFN-a2 and IL-6 are not significantly different.

      • The statement was rephrased (Line 166-174).

      Line 179-180, Reduced fitness of organoids exposed to SLE serum is an overstatement. It was not directly tested, and there is no difference in apoptosis.

      • The term ‘reduced fitness’ referred to the results seen in the mitochondrial stress test. We rephrased the parts to make the statement more concise (Line 182).

      Line 242-243: SLE serum stimulation induced MUC2 high expression in Organoid II but lower level in organoid I (Figure 4B & Figure S4C). This is a major discrepancy that needs to be addressed.

      • This discrepancy comes from the different differentiation dynamics observed in both organoid lines. Therefore, for the downstream analysis we considered the results from both lines to have a robust analysis. With the results from the 24h timepoint and the scRNA-seq which were performed with either of the lineages respectively, we can be certain that the overall seen effect on the secretory lineage is a valid finding (we addressed this in line 229-232).

      Line 251-252: How do authors make sure that "we were facing an effect on the differentiation process rather than cell type loss"?

      • We can exclude an increase of cell death since we did not see changes in LDH release (Fig. 1C) and cleaved Caspase 3 abundance (Suppl. Fig. 1A) when we compared both conditions. Additionally, the data from the 24h stimulation time point showed the reduction of transcription factors (Fig. 4J) important for differentiation which manifested in a reduction of secretory cell markers upon longer stimulation (72h) (edited statement in line 256-258).

      Line 259, How about apoptosis gene levels here?

      • Apoptosis markers BAX and BCL2 are not amongst the differentially expressed genes. (see Suppl. Table 4).

      Line 290 : It has been shown that the response of colon explants to IFN-α was variable among donors (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352345X16301084#undfig1). This study should be cited. Was the response to IFNa tested on both organoids?

      • The reference was included (Line 669-671). The response to IFNα was only tested in organoid line II given the limited availability of the serum that was used for co-stimulation. Overall, however, we saw an effect in both donor lines and less response was rather connected to the serum, not the organoid donor. In the publication reported interindividual heterogeneity depends on the therewith connected release of IL-18. Future studies could include analysis of cytokine release from the organoids after serum stimulation and a higher number of organoid lines to validate our findings.

      Line 305-307: Is single cell sequencing from single organoid line or from combined? Do two organoid lines show different distributions?

      • scRNA-seq was performed using organoid line II. Due to limited resources, we unfortunately could not include another organoid line.

        Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

        While there is mounting evidence of an altered intestinal barrier integrity in SLE patients, there is little insights in the mechanisms. Using colon organoids is a novel approach with great potentials to investigate this issue. The strongest signature found by the authors was type IFN, which is indicates that the colon epithelial cells respond in a similar manner to other cell types. The secretory and absorption genes are of potential greater interest to unraveling mechanisms to gut alteration in SLE. This study is of interest for audiences interested in lupus basic and clinic research, as well as investigators working of gut barrier integrity.

      Thank you for your constructive feedback. We are encouraged by your acknowledgment of our novel approach using colon organoids to explore the altered intestinal barrier integrity in SLE patients. Your emphasis on the significance of the type IFN signature and the importance of secretory and absorption genes aligns with our perspective.

      Incorporating the intestinal barrier functional experiment emphasizes the translational nature of our study. We agree with your view that our findings are relevant for those involved in both basic and clinical lupus research, as well as specialists in intestinal biology. Your encouraging feedback strengthens our conviction in the wider significance of our work. We are motivated to keep bridging the gap between these two essential areas of study.


      1. Pearce, S. C. et al. Marked differences in tight junction composition and macromolecular permeability among different intestinal cell types. BMC Biol. 16, 1–16 (2018).
      2. Kishida, K., Pearce, S. C., Yu, S., Gao, N. & Ferraris, R. P. Nutrient sensing by absorptive and secretory progenies of small intestinal stem cells. Am. J. Physiol. Liver Physiol. 312, G592–G605 (2017).
      3. Rath, E., Moschetta, A. & Haller, D. Mitochondrial function — gatekeeper of intestinal epithelial cell homeostasis. Nat. Rev. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 15, 497–516 (2018).
      4. Rodríguez-Colman, M. J. et al. Interplay between metabolic identities in the intestinal crypt supports stem cell function. Nature 543, 424–427 (2017).
      5. Ludikhuize, M. C. et al. Mitochondria Define Intestinal Stem Cell Differentiation Downstream of a FOXO/Notch Axis. Cell Metab. 32, 889-900.e7 (2020).
      6. Sünderhauf, A. et al. Loss of Mucosal p32/gC1qR/HABP1 Triggers Energy Deficiency and Impairs Goblet Cell Differentiation in Ulcerative Colitis. Cmgh 12, 229–250 (2021).
    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Inga Viktoria Hensel et al. used colon organoid to study the impact of lupus patients' serum on gut epithelial barrier. The exposure of SLE serum on colon organoids increased gene expression related to cell cycle, chromosome organization, mitochondrial function as well as interferon signaling, but downregulated that related to secretion, cytoskeleton, and anchoring junctions of the cells. Higher type I IFN in the SLE serum and unregulated interferon signature genes post stimulation suggest a potential role of type I interferon in this process. The addition of a type 1 interferon receptor (IFNAR1) antagonist, Anifrolumab, blocked the stimulation function of SLE serum but the combination of IFN-2α and control serum failed to recapitulate the results from SLE serum, suggesting that more than one cytokine was involved. SLE serum exposure altered metabolic profiles of organoids with a significant increase of basal respiration and ATP production. Stimulating organoid with SLE serum confirmed an alteration in cell differentiation with a loss of secretory lineage. scRNA-seq analysis revealed that colon organoid had all major cell types from colon in vivo. SLE serum stimulation shifted cell differentiation with decreased number of goblet cells and downregulated mucin, AMP and other components that were required for gut barrier integrity.

      Finally, the authors performed a gene expression analysis of colon biopsies derived from SLE patients and healthy controls. While the authors should be commended to attempt a validation of the results obtained with organoids, the small sample size and patient heterogeneity prevented a statistical analysis. Some genes involved in absorption and ion transport as well as secretory lineage showed a similar trend with organoid assay, suggesting that colon organoids may be a good tool for future studies. However, it is noticeable that the biopsies from SLE patients did not show the IFN signature and the decreased in Muc2 expression, which dominated the gene signature of organoids exposed to SLE serum. There is no information about the disease activity of the SLE patients, as well as their IFN activity, which makes difficult to interpret these results.

      Specific concerns:

      1. Line 107, Why did The authors use 72 hours post treatment. Are other timepoints available and have similar results?
      2. Figure 1D, how do the authors explain the heterogeneity among SLE samples (2, 3, 4, 5) on organoid line II? These samples do not seem to correlate with cytokine levels shown in Fig. 2. This issue may be worth exploring further, such as correlation between cytokine levels and gene expression.
      3. Line 144, the 2 outlier SLE serum samples are not same between organoid lines with NO. 1&5 in Organoid line II and with NO. 1&4 in Organoid line I. The statement is misleading.
      4. Line 169, IFN-a2 and IL-6 are not significantly different.
      5. Line 179-180, Reduced fitness of organoids exposed to SLE serum is an overstatement. It was not directly tested, and there is no difference in apoptosis.
      6. Line 242-243: SLE serum stimulation induced MUC2 high expression in Organoid II but lower level in organoid I (Figure 4B & Figure S4C). This is a major discrepancy that needs to be addressed.
      7. Line 251-252: How do authors make sure that "we were facing an effect on the differentiation process rather than cell type loss"?
      8. Line 259, How about apoptosis gene levels here?
      9. Line 290 : It has been shown that the response of colon explants to IFN-α was variable among donors (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352345X16301084#undfig1). This study should be cited. Was the response to IFNa tested on both organoids?
      10. Line 305-307: Is single cell sequencing from single organoid line or from combined? Do two organoid lines show different distributions?


      While there is mounting evidence of an altered intestinal barrier integrity in SLE patients, there is little insights in the mechanisms. Using colon organoids is a novel approach with great potentials to investigate this issue. The strongest signature found by the authors was type IFN, which is indicates that the colon epithelial cells respond in a similar manner to other cell types. The secretory and absorption genes are of potential greater interest to unraveling mechanisms to gut alteration in SLE. This study is of interest for audiences interested in lupus basic and clinic research, as well as investigators working of gut barrier integrity.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The group of Dr. Resnik-Docampo provides a very elegant study on two patient lines for SLE. The study is definitely very interesting and opens many scientific avenues that are worthy of being explored further.

      Major comments:

      • Barrier integrity or its alterations can be tested in organoids with specific dyes, I feel this would give definitive proof of concept.
      • In supplementary figure 1 a caspase 3 staining is presented, please show a positive control for caspase 3 staining on organoids or alternstively use a different method to prove no differential cell death.
      • Serum from SLE patients reduces drastically Edu positivity, it would be interesting to see a clonogenicity assay to see whether this reflects on reduced stem cell clonogenic potential
      • Goblet cells in the colon are very heterogeneous, which subpopulations of goblet cell are reduced? how does this affect mucus composition?

      Minor comments:

      • Please provide an hypothesis on how mitochondrial alterations are linked to altered lineage progeny of stem cells. This should be discussed more in depth.
      • Many antimicrobial peptides are changed, this could reflect on microbiome composition as well as mucus composition and properties, which I am sure will be the topic of future studies. This should be discussed more in depth.


      The study is useful for both broad and specialised audiences. The findings are interesting and of relevance to the field of SLE, gut epithelial biology. The strength of the manuscript is that it opens many scientific avenues, its weakness is that they are not mechanistically dissected to the fullest rendering the study a bit descriptive. Nonetheless, I consider positively the manuscript after a minor revision given the major message of the paper can be proven.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Authors used organoid technology to study the effects of the serum from lupus patients on intestinal epithelium. By culturing organoids derived from human colon crypts, they specifically determined the response of epithelial cells to inflammatory mediators present in lupus serum. Using bulk and scRNA-seq, authors found that secretory cells function and differentiation were impaired as well as the mitochondrial metabolism. These effects were shown to be mediated by type 1 interferon in combination with other pro-inflammatory cytokines present in lupus serum.

      The reduction of mucus secretion after SLE-serum treatment and the downregulation of tight junctions' genes seem to indicate an increased permeability of the epithelial barrier, thus it would be interesting to determine the expression and distribution of tight junction proteins and to test in the organoids whether the paracellular permeability is increased upon SLE-serum treatment. These analyses will give a functional result of this in vitro model.

      If the organoids take a few days to culture and the material is available, the measurement of paracellular permeability may take no more than 2 weeks. It is true that they will need a microneedle to inject the FITC-Dextran 4K into the organoids and record the images for 24h.

      I would like to know which of the donor's cells were used from figure 2 on and why.

      The bioinformatics analyses using gene expression data and scRNASeq were well done. No comments.


      For the field of autoimmunity, to study the crosstalk between the systemic response and the gut epithelium response results quite important as the increased permeability of the gut epithelial barrier has been suggested to fuel the systemic inflammation in lupus. However, as the author mention, there is not enough information about the interaction of epithelial cells and the systemic inflammatory mediators in lupus. This system can be useful to determine a personalized treatment for patients by testing the effect of individual serum on organoids. Moreover, the use of organoids can be extended to study the gut epithelium response in other autoimmune diseases mediated by type 1 interferon.

      Increased permeability of the gut epithelial barrier has been related with lupus development. In humans, it is not known whether it is a cause or consequence, but in lupus mouse models it has been demonstrated that there is a reduction of the systemic autoimmune response concomitant with a reduction of gut permeability. The authors have validated an in vitro model that can be used to study how gut epithelium is affected by systemic inflammatory mediators and that will help to develop novel therapeutic approaches or personalize treatments.

      Interest stakeholders: Clinical and basic researchers in autoimmunity, gastroenterology, and rheumatology.

      My field of expertise is systemic and organ-specific autoimmunity at cellular and molecular level. My work covers autoimmunity and gut microbiota. I study how B cells regulate the microbiota composition and how that microbiota impacts gut permeability and inflammation in mouse lupus models. On the other hand, the bioinformatics analyses are well-done for both bulk RNASeq and scRNASeq.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank the reviewers to appreciating the depth and quality of the results presented in our manuscript. We are happy that he/she has appreciated our contemporary approach to addressing an important problem but also a thorny and debated topic in the field that has lasted for over 30 years since it was first proposed by Mike Berridge. Our work not only addresses mechanisms in cultured human cells but also for the very first time addresses the key problem of Li action in the human brain using human iPSC derived forebrain cortical neurons.

      We are delighted with the reviewer’s comment that “This effort highlighted the author's commendable goal to develop a thoughtful story and not just another publication.” We thank the reviewer for appreciating our detailed multi-disciplinary approach to addressing a long standing (> 4 decades) problem of key significance in human psychiatry and neuroscience. We thank him/her for noting that the work deserves to be presented in a journal with a cross-disciplinary focus. A few technical points that have been noted by the reviewer have been addressed below. Most of these can be effectively addressed by modest rewriting of text to make certain points clearer. The one experiment that has been suggested can be done and will be completed within 1 month.

      1. Description of the planned revisions

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      The authors functionally define in the inositol monophosphate phosphatase IMPA1, as the true target of lithium regulating phosphatidylinositol turnover and calcium signalling. While the observed IMPA1 inhibition by lithium led to the historical 'inositol depletion hypothesis' over the past 30+ years were published evidence both in support and against this concept. These contradictory sets of results have led to decreased interest in phosphoinositides as the signalling pathway affected by the therapeutic action of lithium in bipolar disorder (BD) patients. The remarkable results shown here will revert this trend since the data clearly demonstrate a key role of IMPA1 in setting the rate of phosphatidylinositol turnover, and consequentially the extent of calcium signalling. While the data are consistent with the 'inositol depletion hypothesis' the authors do not prove or disprove the validity of this hypothesis since the actual levels of inositol were not measured in their experiments. However, this is not a criticism, since quantifying cellular inositol is complex, it is just a suggestion for future work. After clarifying the points listed below this work will be suitable for publication.

      • The experiments using inositol rich DMEM (reported on page 17 and in Fig 2I,J) require a better explanation and an adequate material and method section. It is not clear if the 'normal/control' condition uses inositol-free DMEM. The standard concentration of inositol in DMEM is 40uM. Thus, are the ~155uM (28 mg/litre) added by the authors at the high end of the 40uM? Given that FBS contains inositol have the authors used dialyzed serum? While adding 155uM of inositol on either inositol-free medium or to medium containing 40uM inositol does not alter the author's message, this technical information are important for the reproducibility of the data presented and to understand how HEK293T manages inositol homeostasis.

      The standard concentration of inositol in DMEM high Glucose media (Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium; Life Technologies) is 40 µM (7 mg/ litre) and our HEK293T cells were maintained under standard conditions at (37oC, with 5% CO2) in this media, supplemented with 10% Foetal bovine serum (FBS). This FBS was not dialyzed, so it might contain trace amounts of inositol.

      For our inositol rich DMEM, 117 μl of 100 μM of inositol (18 mg/ml) was added to 100 ml of DMEM high Glucose media, supplemented with 10% FBS- this led to the final effective concentration of inositol in the media ~155 µM (28 mg/ litre). This media was referred to as the inositol rich media and used for the inositol supplementation in Fig. 2I-J.

      Therefore, the inositol supplementation we refer to is effectively raising the extracellular inositol concentration from ca. 40mm to 155mM which is 3X elevation. This information has been added to the results section.

      • It would be helpful to know if store operated calcium entry is altered in impa1-/--M1 cells. This information would nicely complement Fig.3 C-E data.

      We have studied store operated calcium entry in IMPA1-/- cells and it is decreased. The quantification of this reduction can be added to the paper.

      • In the Introduction at the end of page 4, the evidence not supporting the inositol depletion hypothesis is correctly discussed. This section lacks the discussion of another work questioning this theory (PMID: 30171184). The conclusion of this work is also in agreement with the authors finding that lithium affects the rare/turnover (lines 490/506) of PIP2 synthesis.

      Saiardi A, Mudge AW. Lithium and fluoxetine regulate the rate of phosphoinositide synthesis in neurons: a new view of their mechanisms of action in bipolar disorder. Transl Psychiatry. 2018 Aug 31;8(1):175. doi: 10.1038/s41398-018-0235-2. PMID: 30171184.

      This paper suggests that lithium mediated inhibition of IMPase leads to an accumulation of IP1 and this elevated IP1 leads to a competitive inhibition of the rate of synthesis of PI, and hence turnover of PIP2. Combined with lithium’s inhibition of inositol uptake, this inhibition of PI synthesis can lead to the mood stabilizing effect of lithium, rather than the inositol depletion. This point will be added to our manuscript and the reference cited.

      • In the material and methods, Liquid Chromatography Mass spectrometry is abbreviated to LCMS while in the main text (line 493) LC-MS is used. The dashed version should be used throughout the manuscript.

      Liquid Chromatography Mass spectrometry will be abbreviated to LC-MS throughout the text in the revised version.

      • I suggest to define (line 500) phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate as (PI(4)P simplified as PIP). This will be consistent with the phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate abbreviation as (PIP2) as reported in the introduction (line 97)

      PIP refers to all the functional isoforms of Phosphatidylinositol phosphate- PI 3P, PI 4P and PI 5P. By the LC-MS/MS analysis, we had measured the total PIP masses but we cannot distinguish between the individual functional isomers of PIP. However, pre-existing literature suggests that PI 4P is the most abundant isoform of PIP present in cell- its level is approximately 50 folds higher than that of PI 5P (Rameh et al., 1997). Hence we can suggest that the change in the total mass of PIP (as seen by the LC-MS/MS) is mainly reflective of the PI 4P.

      • Line 646: Instead of using [this study] the authors should refer to the Figure panels supporting the discussed argument.

      The identity of the channels mediating Ca2+ transients in this system was shown by us in Sharma et al., 2020. In the revision, we will cite this paper.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Reviewer #2 main message is identical to my. The work is a "contemporary re-evaluation of the inositol depletion hypothesis" but it does settle the debate. Say that reviewer #2 also recognises the importance of the work in defining IMPA1 as the only lithium target affecting the PI cycle removing GSK3 from the picture. Additionally, we agree that the thorough transcriptional analysis of the effect of lithium on human cortical neurons will be very informative for any researcher interested in psychiatric disorders.

      Reviewer #2 requests are rational and not demanding. Most queries require extra information or the reformatting of the data presented.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      The submitted manuscript addresses an important topic. The authors developed HEK293 stable expressing muscarinic receptor to study the effect of lithium (without or after receptor activation) on PI(4,5)P2 turnover using two approaches, by microscopy and biochemically by LC-MS. These analyses were followed by a thorough characterization of the effect of lithium on calcium signalling. The generation of HEK293 impa1-/- line has allowed the authors to demonstrate that the observed effect of lithium on PI(4,5)P2 turnover and calcium signalling were IMPA1 dependent. The authors pushed the work to a higher level by studying the effect of lithium on iPSC-derived human cortical neurons demonstrating that lithium reduces neurons excitability and calcium signalling. Although previously published attempts failed to generate IMPA1 deficient human cortical neurons the authors managed to produce iPSC impa1-/- but, as reported and consistent with previous literature, this cell line failed to differentiate into neurons. This effort highlighted the author's commendable goal to develop a thoughtful story and not just another publication. The work is complemented by a very informative transcriptional analysis characterising the effect of lithium on human cortical neurons. Noteworthy is also the author's efforts to functionally and transcriptionally define the effect of another lithium target, GSK-3. These experiments emphasize that GSK-3 does not phenocopy the effect of lithium. This is another utterly important message of the paper.

      In conclusion, the authors presented an easily readable, comprehensive, and experimentally convincing story. Furthermore, the developed experimental tools (HEK293-m1AchR) and the extensive data set (transcriptomic analysis) will be instrumental to further studies aimed at elucidating mechanistically how phosphoinositide signalling affects BD pathophysiology.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      This manuscript seeks to test if inhibition of the phosphoinositide (PI) cycle is the relevant pathway targeted by lithium in bipolar affective disorder (BPAD). Firstly, a cultured model system (HEK293T) is used to test the effects of lithium on the PI cycle. Using PI(4,5)P2 probes along with mass spectrometry, Li is shown to inhibit PI(4,5)P2 re-synthesis after PLC activation, though not to perturb pre-stimulus levels. Release of calcium from intracellular stores along with refilling from extracellular calcium is also inhibited - though there are no effects on stored calcium capacity. Crucially, with the exception of the calcium refilling step, these effects if Li can be abolished by genetic ablation of IMPA1, the proposed molecular target of Li. Having established the affected pathway, the manuscript then studies the effects of Li treatment on iPSC-differentiated cultured cortical neurons. Spontaneous and muscarinic evoked calcium transients are shown to be abolished by Li. None of these effects in HEK293T or neurons can be recapitulated by an inhibitor of GSK3beta, another proposed target for Li. Finally, a transcriptomic analysis of Li treated neurons is presented, showing down regulation of relevant genes, especially genes involved in neuronal calcium signaling and glutamatergic signaling.

      The inositol depletion hypothesis has been debated for nearly four decades. As it stands, this manuscript does not settle this debate once and for all, but it does add some novel and important insights: that 1) IMPA1 is certainly the target of lithium, at least in terms of the PI cycle and 2) Lithium treatment can lead to longer-term transcriptional changes in neuronal calcium and glutamatergic signaling that can dampen excitability. The paper is on the whole clearly written, and the data are easy to follow. That said, there are a number of areas where the manuscript is lacking key details, or where the results do not fully support the conclusions. Specific suggestions for amendment are as follows:

      (1) The PH-PLCdetla1 PH domain has been used to follow PI(4,5)P2 turnover in HEK293T cells. Although long established, the manuscript does not discuss the fact that this domain also binds to IP3, which given high enough concentrations, can compete the PH domain off the membrane. As such, what is being measured is the convolution of PI(4,5)P2 decreases and IP3 increases (see for example doi: 10.1083/jcb.200301070 ). Ideally, a non-IP3 binding probe would have been used, such as the Tubby c-terminal domain (doi: 10.1186/1471-2121-10-67; doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2008.153791). As it stands, the failure of the PH domain to return to the membrane after Li treatment reported in figures 1G, 3F and 3L could either be due to a failure of PI(4,5)P2 re-synthesis, or a failure to breakdown IP3 - either of which are plausible explanations given inhibition of IMPA1. This concern is somewhat mitigated by the inclusion of mass determinations of the lipids in figure 1H-J, which support the PI(4,5)P2 re-synthesis defect. However, the potential problems with interpretation of the data with the PH domain should be discussed.

      PH-PLCδ-GFP probe is used in the field as a biosensor for PI 4,5-P2 (Chakrabarti et al., 2015; Várnai and Balla, 1998) and has been used to monitor the PIP2 turn-over rate. However, as the reviewer has pointed out, this probe also has an affinity towards IP3 (Xu et al., 2003) and therefore the failure of the probe to return to the plasma membrane could also, in principle, reflect the accumulation of IP3.

      We are well aware of this discussion in the field and to make sure that our measurements using the PH-PLCδ-GFP probe are indeed a true reflection of PIP2 re-synthesis , we have also used a biochemical method to establish the levels of PIP2. Our measurements of the total mass of PIP2 by LC-MS/MS corroborate our findings using the probe, on the delay in PIP2 resynthesis. Nonetheless, we will explicitly mention this point in the discussion.

      Drawback of the Tubby c-terminal domain-

      Most of the biosensors for PI 4,5-P2 have distinctive advantage and disadvantages- PH-PLCδ-GFP probe is a more sensitive reporter but its IP3 binding may compromise its accuracy to measure PI 4,5-P2 changes. However, the Tubby c-terminal domain has exhibited lower sensitivity to report on changes of PI 4,5-P2 during PLC activation, although being more specific in its affinity towards PI 4,5-P2 (Szentpetery et al., 2009). Furthermore, recent studies have revealed that Tubby c-terminal domain can also bind to PI 3,4-P2 as well as PI 3,4,5-P3 (Hammond and Balla, 2015). Lastly a very recent study has noted that in contrast to PH-PLCδ-GFP probe, the tubby domain binds selectively to certain domains of the plasma membrane at membrane contact sites making it not a detector of PIP2 levels across the plasma membrane (Thallmir et,al., 2023, PMCID: PMC10445746 DOI: 10.1242/jcs.260848 ).

      (2) The strongest evidence for the effects of IMPA1 inhibition coming from inositol depletion are given by the experiment reported in figure 2I and J, where inositol supplementation rescues calcium mobilization. This should also be performed for the PIP2 re-synthesis experiments.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion.

      We will perform this experiment and add the results to the revised manuscript. Duration estimated for this experiment- 30 days.

      (3) It is implicit in the manuscript that DMEM does not contain inositol. This is not true; Life technologies' formulation for DMEM contains 40 micromol/l myo-inositol, which is sufficient to support activity of both proton/myo-inositol and sodium/myo-inositol symporters (HMIT and SMIT). On the face of it, therefore, inositol depletion seems unlikely. The reviewer wonders what concentration of added inositol mediated the rescue? This key fact is missing from the manuscript. At the very least, the details should be included and the reason for rescue of already inositol replete cells discussed. Ideally, the key experiments would be repeated with inositol-free medium and supplementation.

      Repeated cycles of GPCR linked PLC signalling depend on a stable and on a continuous supply of PIP2 at the cell membrane, which in turn depends on the cytoplasmic pool of inositol in the cell. Inositol pool can be maintained by three avenues- via the recycling of the inositol by the stepwise dephosphorylation of IP3, de novo synthesis of inositol from glucose 6-phosphate and the transport of inositol from the extracellular environment across the plasma membrane. Li inhibits IMPase, an enzyme that dephosphorylates inositol monophosphate to generate free inositol.

      Due to Li’s inhibition of IMPase, the inositol pool cannot be regenerated by the first two avenues since both of them need IMPase. However, restriction of the inositol pool by Li’s inhibition of IMPase can be bypassed by the transport of inositol from the extracellular media via SMIT (Sodium-dependent myo-inositol co-transporter) and/or HMIT (Proton-dependent myo-inositol co-transporter). At steady state, the low amount of inositol in the DMEM media (the inositol concentration in normal DMEM media being approximately 7 mg/litre or 40 µM) might be sufficient for maintaining the inositol pool and thereby PIP2 levels at the steady state. But this amount of inositol in the DMEM media appeared to be limiting to sustain the inositol pool and thereby PIP2 levels under conditions of hyperactivated PIP2 cycle. This is likely the reason why Li mediated inositol depletion (by inhibition of IMPA1) leads to a decreased rate of PIP2 synthesis at the plasma membrane as well as decreased PLC mediated Ca2+ release, in the background of activated PLC.

      However, when the cells were grown in an inositol rich DMEM media (inositol concentration is ca. 28 mg/litre or approximately 155 µM; which is similar to the inositol concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid (Swahn, 1985; Shetty et al., 1996)); transport of extracellular inositol by SMIT/HMIT could sustain a continuous level of PIP2 levels even in a PLC activated background. This explains the rescue of the decreased PLC mediated Ca2+ release phenotype in the control-M1 cells grown in inositol supplemented DMEM despite the Li treatment.

      This section can be added to the Results section (page 17) in the revised version.

      (4) The introduction refers to lithium as a "non-competitive" inhibitor of IMPA1. This is erroneous, as lithium is in fact an uncompetitive inhibitor. This is a key distinction: since the uncompetitive inhibitor blocks the enzyme:substrate complex, it is most effective where substrate accumulates the most - in this context, sites of intense PLC activity. This was central to Berridge's inositol depletion hypothesis. Also, the Allison et al citation is incorrect here. The correct citation is PMID: 2833231.

      Li inhibits IMPA1 in an uncompetitive manner.

      This will be corrected in the revised version of the manuscript, with the appropriate references.

      Ref cited by reviewer- Gee NS, Ragan CI, Watling KJ, Aspley S, Jackson RG, Reid GG, Gani D, Shute JK. The purification and properties of myo-inositol monophosphatase from bovine brain. Biochem J. 1988 Feb 1;249(3):883-9. doi: 10.1042/bj2490883. PMID: 2833231; PMCID: PMC1148789.

      Ref- Hallcher LM, Sherman WR. The effects of lithium ion and other agents on the activity of myo-inositol-1-phosphatase from bovine brain. J Biol Chem. 1980 Nov 25;255(22):10896-901. PMID: 6253491.

      (5) other key experimental details are missing from the figures/figure legends/results and or methods. Namely, what concentration of carbachol was used? What was the optimum concentration of thapsigargin? For figure 2 B-C, was carbachol used to evoke calcium mobilization?

      For the agonist mediated Ca2+ release, 20 µM of carbachol was used. This is mentioned in the Materials and Methods section (line 238); however, we will mention this in the figure legends and results for clarity, in the revised version.

      For the store depletion in the SOCE experiments, 10 µM of thapsigargin was used. This is mentioned in the Materials and Methods section (line 249); however, we will mention this in the figure legends and results for clarity.

      In Fig. 2B, C, Carbachol was used to evoke calcium mobilization in the cells. This is mentioned in the Results section (line 510)- we will mention this in the figure legends for clarity.

      (6) The effects of IMPA1 knockout and rescue in figure 3F are rather unconvincing. All treatment groups' means fall within 1 SD; are the changes statistically significant? Plotting 95% C.I. or standard error may be more informative for these experiments.

      This can be addressed in the revised version.

      Minor comments:

      () There are some inconsistencies in the figure panels. Arrows labelled "CCh" are used to denote CCh addition in e.g. Fig. 3D, whereas simple arrows are used elsewhere e.g. Fig. 3F or no arrow at all e.g. Fig. 3B.

      All the points where CCh has been added to stimulate PLC will be denoted with an arrow labelled Cch for clarity and consistency. This will be addressed in the revised version.

      () Details of what the error denotes is missing in Figs. 2B-C, 3B-C, F - as is N for 3A.

      Whiskers in box plots show the minimum and maximum values with a line at the median. This will be addressed in the revised version.

      () Fig. 2D: It should be made explicit that arrows indicate TTX addition in the figure. More importantly, it should be clarified whether this is also the case for Fig. 5D? Transients do not appear to be depleted by this addition.

      This has been mentioned in the figure legends for the figure (line 1077)- we will address this in the revised version.

      Few of the neuronal transients are not abolished by TTX- this variability can be addressed by other representative traces.

      () In figure 6C, it is stated that "there was no down regulation in transcripts for SCN1A (Nav1.1) or SCN9A (Nav7.1)" but this is not strictly true from the data; the Li-treated cells definitely trend lower. The effect is clearly not statistically significant, so although it is not possible to state that they reduced, this is not the same thing as being able to assert that they are not reduced. Perhaps it could be more helpful to plot the size of the reduction between these transcripts?

      This will be addressed as- “there was no significant downregulation in transcripts for SCN1A (Nav1.1) or SCN9A (Nav7.1)".

      The difference in the transcript level for SCN1A (Nav1.1) or SCN9A (Nav7.1) can be plotted for further clarification.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      The manuscript is ultimately a contemporary re-evaluation of the inositol depletion hypothesis for Li treatment of BPAD, first proposed by Berridge in 1989. The manuscript certainly does not end the debate - other pathways and mechanisms for lithium's actions on a complex human behavioral phenotype will surely persist. However, it does add some important new insights: firstly, that IMPA1 is certainly the target mediating the effects of Li on the PI cycle; and secondly, that long-term, Li may exert effects at the transcriptional level to down regulate calcium and glutamatergic signaling in the brain. However, there is no mechanism presented to link these two findings. The work is therefore of interest to researchers with an interest on studying psychiatric disorders, basic mechanisms of neuronal excitability as well as molecular mechanisms of cell signaling. It therefore deserves to be published in a journal with a cross disciplinary focus.

      2. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Please insert a point-by-point reply describing the revisions that were already carried out and included in the transferred manuscript. If no revisions have been carried out yet, please leave this section empty.

      3. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out


    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript seeks to test if inhibition of the phosphoinositide (PI) cycle is the relevant pathway targeted by lithium in bipolar affective disorder (BPAD). Firstly, a cultured model system (HEK293T) is used to test the effects of lithium on the PI cycle. Using PI(4,5)P2 probes along with mass spectrometry, Li is shown to inhibit PI(4,5)P2 re-synthesis after PLC activation, though not to perturb pre-stimulus levels. Release of calcium from intracellular stores along with refilling from extracellular calcium is also inhibited - though there are no effects on stored calcium capacity. Crucially, with the exception of the calcium refilling step, these effects if Li can be abolished by genetic ablation of IMPA1, the proposed molecular target of Li. Having established the affected pathway, the manuscript then studies the effects of Li treatment on iPSC-differentiated cultured cortical neurons. Spontaneous and muscarinic evoked calcium transients are shown to be abolished by Li. None of these effects in HEK293T or neurons can be recapitulated by an inhibitor of GSK3beta, another proposed target for Li. Finally, a transcriptomic analysis of Li treated neurons is presented, showing down regulation of relevant genes, especially genes involved in neuronal calcium signaling and glutamatergic signaling.

      The inositol depletion hypothesis has been debated for nearly four decades. As it stands, this manuscript does not settle this debate once and for all, but it does add some novel and important insights: that 1) IMPA1 is certainly the target of lithium, at least in terms of the PI cycle and 2) Lithium treatment can lead to longer-term transcriptional changes in neuronal calcium and glutamatergic signaling that can dampen excitability. The paper is on the whole clearly written, and the data are easy to follow. That said, there are a number of areas where the manuscript is lacking key details, or where the results do not fully support the conclusions. Specific suggestions for amendment are as follows:

      1. The PH-PLCdetla1 PH domain has been used to follow PI(4,5)P2 turnover in HEK293T cells. Although long established, the manuscript does not discuss the fact that this domain also binds to IP3, which given high enough concentrations, can compete the PH domain off the membrane. As such, what is being measured is the convolution of PI(4,5)P2 decreases and IP3 increases (see for example doi: 10.1083/jcb.200301070 ). Ideally, a non-IP3 binding probe would have been used, such as the Tubby c-terminal domain (doi: 10.1186/1471-2121-10-67; doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2008.153791). As it stands, the failure of the PH domain to return to the membrane after Li treatment reported in figures 1G, 3F and 3L could either be due to a failure of PI(4,5)P2 re-synthesis, or a failure to breakdown IP3 - either of which are plausible explanations given inhibition of IMPA1. This concern is somewhat mitigated by the inclusion of mass determinations of the lipids in figure 1H-J, which support the PI(4,5)P2 re-synthesis defect. However, the potential problems with interpretation of the data with the PH domain should be discussed.
      2. The strongest evidence for the effects of IMPA1 inhibition coming from inositol depletion are given by the experiment reported in figure 2I and J, where inositol supplementation rescues calcium mobilization. This should also be performed for the PIP2 re-synthesis experiments.
      3. It is implicit in the manuscript that DMEM does not contain inositol. This is not true; Life technologies' formulation for DMEM contains 40 micromol/l myo-inositol, which is sufficient to support activity of both proton/myo-inositol and sodium/myo-inositol symporters (HMIT and SMIT). On the face of it, therefore, inositol depletion seems unlikely. The reviewer wonders what concentration of added inositol mediated the rescue? This key fact is missing from the manuscript. At the very least, the details should be included and the reason for rescue of already inositol replete cells discussed. Ideally, the key experiments would be repeated with inositol-free medium and supplementation.
      4. The introduction refers to lithium as a "non-competitive" inhibitor of IMPA1. This is erroneous, as lithium is in fact an uncompetitive inhibitor. This is a key distinction: since the uncompetitive inhibitor blocks the enzyme:substrate complex, it is most effective where substrate accumulates the most - in this context, sites of intense PLC activity. This was central to Berridge's inositol depletion hypothesis. Also, the Allison et al citation is incorrect here. The correct citation is PMID: 2833231.
      5. other key experimental details are missing from the figures/figure legends/results and or methods. Namely, what concentration of carbachol was used? What was the optimum concentration of thapsigargin? For figure 2 B-C, was carbachol used to evoke calcium mobilization?
      6. The effects of IMPA1 knockout and rescue in figure 3F are rather unconvincing. All treatment groups' means fall within 1 SD; are the changes statistically significant? Plotting 95% C.I. or standard error may be more informative for these experiments.

      Minor comments:

      • There are some inconsistencies in the figure panels. Arrows labelled "CCh" are used to denote CCh addition in e.g. Fig. 3D, whereas simple arrows are used elsewhere e.g. Fig. 3F or no arrow at all e.g. Fig. 3B.
      • Details of what the error denotes is missing in Figs. 2B-C, 3B-C, F - as is N for 3A.
      • Fig. 2D: It should be made explicit that arrows indicate TTX addition in the figure. More importantly, it should be clarified whether this is also the case for Fig. 5D? Transients do not appear to be depleted by this addition.
      • In figure 6C, it is stated that "there was no down regulation in transcripts for SCN1A (Nav1.1) or SCN9A (Nav7.1)" but this is not strictly true from the data; the Li-treated cells definitely trend lower. The effect is clearly not statistically significant, so although it is not possible to state that they reduced, this is not the same thing as being able to assert that they are not reduced. Perhaps it could be more helpful to plot the size of the reduction between these transcripts?


      The manuscript is ultimately a contemporary re-evaluation of the inositol depletion hypothesis for Li treatment of BPAD, first proposed by Berridge in 1989. The manuscript certainly does not end the debate - other pathways and mechanisms for lithium's actions on a complex human behavioral phenotype will surely persist. However, it does add some important new insights: firstly, that IMPA1 is certainly the target mediating the effects of Li on the PI cycle; and secondly, that long-term, Li may exert effects at the transcriptional level to down regulate calcium and glutamatergic signaling in the brain. However, there is no mechanism presented to link these two findings. The work is therefore of interest to researchers with an interest on studying psychiatric disorders, basic mechanisms of neuronal excitability as well as molecular mechanisms of cell signaling. It therefore deserves to be published in a journal with a cross disciplinary focus.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors functionally define in the inositol monophosphate phosphatase IMPA1, as the true target of lithium regulating phosphatidylinositol turnover and calcium signalling. While the observed IMPA1 inhibition by lithium led to the historical 'inositol depletion hypothesis' over the past 30+ years were published evidence both in support and against this concept. These contradictory sets of results have led to decreased interest in phosphoinositides as the signalling pathway affected by the therapeutic action of lithium in bipolar disorder (BD) patients. The remarkable results shown here will revert this trend since the data clearly demonstrate a key role of IMPA1 in setting the rate of phosphatidylinositol turnover, and consequentially the extent of calcium signalling. While the data are consistent with the 'inositol depletion hypothesis' the authors do not prove or disprove the validity of this hypothesis since the actual levels of inositol were not measured in their experiments. However, this is not a criticism, since quantifying cellular inositol is complex, it is just a suggestion for future work. After clarifying the points listed below this work will be suitable for publication.

      The experiments using inositol rich DMEM (reported on page 17 and in Fig 2I,J) require a better explanation and an adequate material and method section. It is not clear if the 'normal/control' condition uses inositol-free DMEM. The standard concentration of inositol in DMEM is 40uM. Thus, are the ~155uM (28 mg/litre) added by the authors at the high end of the 40uM? Given that FBS contains inositol have the authors used dialyzed serum? While adding 155uM of inositol on either inositol-free medium or to medium containing 40uM inositol does not alter the author's message, this technical information are important for the reproducibility of the data presented and to understand how HEK293T manages inositol homeostasis.<br /> It would be helpful to know if store operated calcium entry is altered in impa1-/--M1 cells. This information would nicely complement Fig.3 C-E data.<br /> In the Introduction at the end of page 4, the evidence not supporting the inositol depletion hypothesis is correctly discussed. This section lacks the discussion of another work questioning this theory (PMID: 30171184). The conclusion of this work is also in agreement with the authors finding that lithium affects the rare/turnover (lines 490/506) of PIP2 synthesis.<br /> In the material and methods, Liquid Chromatography Mass spectrometry is abbreviated to LCMS while in the main text (line 493) LC-MS is used. The dashed version should be used throughout the manuscript.<br /> I suggest to define (line 500) phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate as (PI(4)P simplified as PIP). This will be consistent with the phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate abbreviation as (PIP2) as reported in the introduction (line 97)<br /> Line 646: Instead of using [this study] the authors should refer to the Figure panels supporting the discussed argument.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Reviewer #2 main message is identical to my. The work is a "contemporary re-evaluation of the inositol depletion hypothesis" but it does settle the debate. Say that reviewer #2 also recognises the importance of the work in defining IMPA1 as the only lithium target affecting the PI cycle removing GSK3 from the picture. Additionally, we agree that the thorough transcriptional analysis of the effect of lithium on human cortical neurons will be very informative for any researcher interested in psychiatric disorders.

      Reviewer #2 requests are rational and not demanding. Most queries require extra information or the reformatting of the data presented.


      The submitted manuscript addresses an important topic. The authors developed HEK293 stable expressing muscarinic receptor to study the effect of lithium (without or after receptor activation) on PI(4,5)P2 turnover using two approaches, by microscopy and biochemically by LC-MS. These analyses were followed by a thorough characterization of the effect of lithium on calcium signalling. The generation of HEK293 impa1-/- line has allowed the authors to demonstrate that the observed effect of lithium on PI(4,5)P2 turnover and calcium signalling were IMPA1 dependent. The authors pushed the work to a higher level by studying the effect of lithium on iPSC-derived human cortical neurons demonstrating that lithium reduces neurons excitability and calcium signalling. Although previously published attempts failed to generate IMPA1 deficient human cortical neurons the authors managed to produce iPSC impa1-/- but, as reported and consistent with previous literature, this cell line failed to differentiate into neurons. This effort highlighted the author's commendable goal to develop a thoughtful story and not just another publication. The work is complemented by a very informative transcriptional analysis characterising the effect of lithium on human cortical neurons. Noteworthy is also the author's efforts to functionally and transcriptionally define the effect of another lithium target, GSK-3. These experiments emphasize that GSK-3 does not phenocopy the effect of lithium. This is another utterly important message of the paper.

      In conclusion, the authors presented an easily readable, comprehensive, and experimentally convincing story. Furthermore, the developed experimental tools (HEK293-m1AchR) and the extensive data set (transcriptomic analysis) will be instrumental to further studies aimed at elucidating mechanistically how phosphoinositide signalling affects BD pathophysiology.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this work, the authors generate a multi-omic dataset (RNA, proteomic and metabolomic) from fibroblast cell-lines of human and bat origins, in study of the specific differences in bat that allows them to have a good cancer resistance and longevity. They specifically focus on metabolic differences between humans and bats. They perform differential analysis followed by GO enrichment analysis to highlight differences related to the electron transport chain both at the level of RNA and protein abundance. They then use FBA sampling and specific constraints to propose an hypothesis of reverse direction of the second complex of the ETC, as well as better resistance to ROS, which they support with several subsequent experiments.

      Overall, the paper is very well written, the findings are presented clearly and efficiently. For the most part, the assumption and limits of the study are clearly stated by the author (notably with respect to the limits of using only cell lines). In my opinion, the goal of the paper, which is presented as a stepping stone into further characterisation of the metabolic differences between human and bat for potential oncological research benefits, is clearly stated and appropriate.

      There are however several points that I think are important to address inorder to improve the quality of the scientific work and its interest for the rest of the scientific community.


      The authors state:<br /> "We then set the lower bound of the PaLung Complex I reaction flux to a value equal to 70% of its theoretical maximum. Similarly, we set the upper bound of the WI-38 Complex I reaction at a value equal to 30% of its theoretical maximum value. This ensured that the PaLung model would have higher flux through the Complex I reaction, in comparison to the WI-38 model."

      How do the results hold with different thresholds ? Are these findings robust with e.g. in ranges between 10 to 50% (90-50%) (instead of only 30% and 70%). Furthermore, the histogram figures doesnt seem to reflect a 70% of maximum lower bound for complex I (threshold at a value of 30 seems like extremity of tail).

      Number of differentially expressed genes is extremely high because such cutoffs are not really meaningful given the comparison between two organisms. No need to refer to the 6247 above cutoff as differentially regulated genes (see: https://elevanth.org/blog/2023/07/17/none-of-the-above/ and https://daniel-saunders-phil.github.io/imagination_machine/posts/if-none-of-the-above-then-what/ for pointers toward current best practice in biological statistics). Enough to simply note that 6247 are above the cutoffs, which suggest a drastic (and expected) difference in expression profiles between the two organisms.

      Please highlight the RNA and proteomic analysis assumption and present results within those boundaries (e.g. how are the transcript matched between human and bat, the use of human gene ontologies, etc...). Are the human GO set definitions relevant in bat (it is a common practice with mice and rats, are bats close ?)?

      Are oxphos and hypoxia responses the most extreme pathway scores in the GSEA ? Instead of barcode plots that are generally not a very useful use of figure space, use fig 1C to show the top e.g.20 (positive and negative) pathway scores so that we can see how much those two actually stand out. Same for the proteomic analysis. Also, need to show an unbiased side by side comparison of the pathway enrichments for RNA and proteomic, the reported results in main text and figures are too cherry picked to be of interest as they stand.

      Finally, and very importantly, please upload ALL the code used for the analysis, with instructions to run it and all the required inputs and source files. The computational analysis is only as credible as it is easy to reproduce.


      Introduce GeTMM, what are its key specificities ?

      Fig 1C code bar plot useless, simply report ES and NES and pathway absolute rank in text.

      Report Foldchange/p-value/rank of complex-I members and other genes of interest for the narrative of the paper.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I also think the comments from the other reviewers are appropriate.


      In my opinion, the goal of the paper, which is presented as a stepping stone into further characterisation of the metabolic differences between human and bat for potential oncological research benefits, is clearly stated and appropriate.

      Broadly interesting for oncological research.

      My espertise is multi-omic data analysis and integration with prior knowledge in the context of complexe diseases.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Jagannathan et al. performed a multi-omics comparative analysis between fibroblast cells from bats of the species P. alecto and humans. Using a combination of transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics, the authors showed differences in central metabolism between the cells of the two species. Specifically, the authors noted higher expression of Complex I components of the electron transport chain, as well as low activity of the Complex II. The computational modeling suggested that the latter is indicative of a state resembling the state of ischemia. Furthermore, the expression of antioxidant components was interpreted as higher in the bat compared to human cells, which is in accordance with previous reports.

      Overall, it is a comprehensive multi-omics approach performed with a very interesting biological object, such as a bat. However, some aspects, especially the part of bioinformatic analysis, needs to be enhanced. The existence of differences in mitochondrial metabolism is also not surprising, given the evolutionary distance and very different ecology and lifestyle between the two species, but a more mechanistic follow-up would be of greater interest. Nevertheless, it is the first study using integrated omics approach of that sort done on bats.


      1. The authors compared a fibroblast cell line derived from adult bats with a human embryonic cell line. Please discuss whether mitochondrial metabolism in embryonic cells might be different and how it could have affected the obtained results. Please describe in more detail how the cells were established, what population doubling they were used at (both bat and human cells). Were the cells cultured in atmospheric oxygen or low-oxygen conditions. The exposure of cells to atmospheric oxygen might affect the many mitochondrial parameters measured in this study and could influence the main finding about ischemic-like state. Additionally, please mention in the limitations of the study that only biological n=1 was compared (since cells only from 1 individual per species was used in experimental groups), despite n=3 technical replicates.
      2. Reference genomes for bats are not as well annotated as for human. Downregulation of a pathway may result from some genes being excluded from the analysis because of poor annotation of the P. Alecto genome compared to human. The authors state: "Genes with counts per million (CPM) < 1 in more than 3 out of 6 samples were discarded from downstream analysis". So, if the gene was not annotated, was it assigned a zero value and discarded? Was it discarded if it was zero in one species (e.g. bat) or set to 0? If such genes were excluded, while in reality not being mapped, they could have skewed the pathway analysis.
      3. All conclusions are based on high-throughput data, however it is accepted that some validation should be provided. Please provide qPCR or WB (if good antibodies are available) validation for several most significantly differentially expressed genes supporting the pathways identified in Figure 2 (preferably supporting the conclusions about Complexes I/II).
      4. The major findings of this paper were based on the omic data, followed by some experimental validations. However, the quality of these omic data or the results are not solid enough to motivate the authors to validate these findings. For example, both of the GO terms enriched by the DEGs in Fig.1 are not the top terms as claimed by the authors (not even significant after multiple test correction). Also, even though the 2 GO terms in Fig.2 are quite significant, the expression pattern seems not very consistent among the replicates, which make the enrichments not so solid. This highlights an inconsistency among different omic datasets, which may generate some conflicting results. For example, the low level of metabolites from TCA cycle (Fig.4c) seems not consistent with the high level of TCA-related protein, as described in Fig.2c & d. For the purpose of improving the manuscript quality, the authors may have to evaluate the consistency among the multiple omic datasets or to optimize their bioinformatic pipeline to enhance the results.
      5. The dominant up-regulation of complex I in ETC is interesting and is the main finding of this paper. However, no experimental evidence was provided to prove the greater activity of Complex I, for example, metabolites changes. In addition, the genes encoding proteins belong to ETC complex I, II, III and IV vary a lot, with much more genes encoding complex I. Therefore, the author should consider the background gene number when they compare the up-regulated gene number differences in each complex. For example, a fisher-exact test could be done to see if complex I has significantly more genes been up-regulated than a random expectation.
      6. If the main findings of this paper can be further confirmed by additional experiments or data, it will be a very nice paper. This could be a potential mechanism that bats used to switch metabolism modes between two metabolic extremes: flight and hibernation, which require high and low energy. However, the usage of only the lung fibroblasts of human and bat may limit the ability of generalizing this 'ischemic-like state' of ETC in most of the bats tissue/organs. While I agree what the authors mentioned in the discussion section, that to extend to primary cells of other species can help generalize this finding, studying the metabolism state of different cell type of bats (e.g., muscle cells responsible for flight; myocytes and neurons for hibernation) probably can provide more insights into the evolution of various interesting phenotypes of bats.


      • the author may have to add the p value or FDR for each GSEA plot, even though some of the FDR are not significant. Also, it will be better to show the normalized enrichment score (NES) instead of the ES.
      • the gene set name in several supplementary tables contains many '%' characters and those needs to be removed.
      • in Line 302, "...combined with the earlier findings of downregulated OxPhos expression and low OCR, we conclude...". If my understanding is right, the authors only mentioned the up-regulation of Oxphos expression, instead of down-regulation. This sentence may need to be clarified.
      • How did mitochondrial DNA content per cell compared between the two species? Could the results be affected by the number and size of the mitochondria per cell in each species? An indirect measurement of mitochondrial DNA yield in the fractionation experiment would be the total DNA amount that was obtained in mitochondrial fractions per cell lysed.


      The work is significant considering the limitations stated above. This may be considered a pilot study of brand significance.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this study, the authors conducted a multi-omics analysis comparing cells from the long-lived bat, Pteropus alecto, and human cells. Their findings revealed that bat cells express higher levels of mitochondrial complex I components and exhibit a lower rate of oxygen consumption. Moreover, computational modeling suggested that the activity of complex II in bat cells might be low or even reversed, similar to the conditions observed during ischemia. The decrease in central metabolites and the increased ratio of succinate to fumarate in bat cells might indicate an ischemia-like metabolic state. Despite having high mitochondrial ROS levels, bat cells exhibit higher levels of total glutathione and a higher ratio of NADPH to NADP. Additionally, bat cells showed resistance to glucose deprivation and induction of ferroptosis.

      Major comments

      1. Regarding Figure 1A, the authors mention 'n = 3' for a single cell line. Does this refer to three different passages or three independent experiments? Please provide a more detailed description to clarify.
      2. In relation to Figures 1C and 1D, the authors state in the figure legend that the 'GSEA analysis identifies Respiratory electron transport and Cellular response to hypoxia as the top metabolic pathways that are differentially regulated between PaLung and WI-38 cells.' (Lines 140-144). However, the criteria for selecting these terms as the top metabolic pathways is not clear. In the lists in Supplementary Tables 2 and 3, the authors' proposed term, 'Respiratory electron transport,' is ranked 126th, and 'Cellular response to hypoxia' is ranked 79th. Conversely, terms related to the TCA cycle are ranked 66th and 82nd, and another term that seems to be related to hypoxia, 'OXYGEN-DEPENDENT PROLINE HYDROXYLATION OF HYPOXIA-INDUCIBLE FACTOR ALPHA,' is ranked 62nd. Could the authors please provide a clarification for their choice of 'Respiratory electron transport' and 'Cellular response to hypoxia' as the top metabolic pathways?
      3. In the Materials and Methods section (lines 419-421), the authors mention, 'GSEA was run against the complete Gene ontology biological process (GO BP) gene set list (containing 18356 gene sets).' However, they narrow down the gene dataset for analysis (lines 136-138, 'we filtered our gene dataset to contain only genes listed under the Gene ontology category Cellular Metabolic Process (GO ID:0044237), resulting in a truncated list of 4794 genes.'). I'm concerned that this selective approach might introduce bias into the resultant pathways. Is this selective approach commonly employed in this type of analysis? And isn't there a need for adjustments to avoid potential bias?
      4. The authors noted that the number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) is quite high (6,247 out of 14,986) as per lines 134-135, stating that "The number of differentially expressed genes (6,247) was extremely high, suggesting that multiple pathways are differentially regulated between the two species." However, this large number of DEGs could indicate either an improper correction procedure or a need for a more stringent threshold. The authors should address this issue to avoid potential misinterpretation of the results.
      5. In Figure 2B, the samples labeled as W1 and P1 appear to be outliers. This raises questions about the integrity of the sampling or analysis process. Please describe about this.
      6. Regarding the GSEA analysis of Fig. 2, they are using the full set of GSEA. However, this reviewer is wondering if this is appropriate when analyzing mitochondrial fractions, as I believe using the entire GSEA set could introduce a bias. Is this a common approach? Shouldn't the authors be focusing on mitochondrial-related sets within the GSEA, and then determining the upregulated and downregulated pathways from there?
      7. The authors describe in lines 195-197, "GSEA-flagged upregulation in OxPhos was driven mostly by the upregulation of Complex I subunits, for both the proteomic and transcriptomic data (Figure 2G, Supplementary Figure S1D)." However, within this analysis, the number of genes composing each subgroup of the mitochondrial Complexes are 44 for Complex I, 4 for Complex II, 10 for Complex III, and 19 for Complex IV (https://www.genenames.org/data/genegroup/#!/group/639). The authors mention that the genes of Complex I were dominant in the ETC, but, might this just be reflecting the original difference in the number of genes? As this reviewer believes this could have a significant impact on the authors' current claims, this reviewer suggest the authors to carefully reconsider this point, comparing the actual results with the proportion expected from the difference in gene numbers. (Even in Fig. S1D, it appears to correlate with the number of genes: C1 39.3%, C3 10.7%, C4 10.7%, C2 3.5%)
      8. As pointed out in Major Point 7, if the authors' claim of enrichment in Complex I is indeed due to the large number of genes included in the Complex I subgroup (https://www.genenames.org/data/genegroup/#!/group/639), can the assumption of High Complex I flux truly be considered valid? In that case, this constraints model would become inappropriate, and the validity of the inferred low or reverse activity of Complex II would be diminished. Therefore, a careful re-examination is desirable.
      9. (option, takes about 1-2 months). This reviewer believes that the authors' most important claim, concerning the high activity of Complex I and the low activity of Complex II, lacks strong evidence as no biochemical data of the activities of each mitochondrial complex are presented to substantiate this. Unless additional biochemical experimental data is provided, the assertions should be toned down. While the abstract mentions "complex II activity may be low or reversed," it is stated with certainty in line 108 of the introduction, "associated with the low or reverse activity of Complex II." Based on the present data, this reviewer believes that the claim remains speculative. Therefore, I suggest moderating the overall argument or adding the biochemical data. While the results from metabolomics are supportive, they do not serve as direct evidence.
      10. Regarding Figure 5, the title of the figure states "lower antioxidant response", but it doesn't seem that the data in the figure actually shows a lower antioxidant response.
      11. In lines 109-110 of the Introduction, the authors state, "we confirmed our prediction of ischemic-like basal metabolism in PaLung cells by characterizing the response of bat cells to cellular stresses such as oxidative stress, nutrient deprivation, and a type of cell death related to ischemia, viz. ferroptosis." However, can the assertion that the cells are in an ischemic-like state be confirmed simply because they are resistant to several types of cellular stress?

      Minor points:

      1. The authors mention the use of cufflinks/Tophat for mapping/quantification. However, support for these software programs has ended and the creators of these programs themselves recommend using the successor programs. I recommend re-analysis using a more current pipeline (such as HISAT2/StringTie, STAR/RSEM, etc.). Furthermore, the transcriptomics section of the methods should also include the program used for cleaning and trimming.
      2. As for the Oxygen Consumption Rate (OCR) data presented in Figure 2F, it makes sense that it's low at the basal level. However, it's perplexing that it is also low even under uncoupled conditions, especially considering the high energy demand associated with flight in this species. Could the authors provide their interpretation on this apparent contradiction?
      3. In line 156, the authors mention that 'Profiling detected a total of 1,469 proteins.' Please provide more details in the explanation. Specifically, does this total of 1,469 proteins represent a combined count from both humans and bats, or is this the number of proteins for which orthologs could be identified in both species, just like the authors did with the transcript results.
      4. In Supplementary Table 4, only 127 mitochondrial proteins are listed out of the 405 proteins mentioned in "Of these 405 proteins, we identified 127 to be core mitochondrial proteins (lines 161-163)". As there is no explanation for this within Supplementary Table 4, it would be better to include one.
      5. In line 472, the phrase "GO BB gene set list" is used. Could this potentially be a typographical error, and should it instead be "GO BP gene set list"?
      6. In the volcano plot of Fig. S3B, it appears that the side with lower P/W values generally corresponds with lower p-values. I wonder if there might have been any oversight or mistake in the data analysis process that could explain this observation?
      7. In lines 249-252, it is stated, "The low or negative flux values for Complex II in our PaLung simulations indicate that the electrons obtained from Complex I may accumulate at Complex II or potentially even get consumed by Complex II operating in reverse (bypassing the rest of the ETC) in PaLung cells." However, isn't the basic process of electron transfer done through Complex I-III-IV, independent of Complex II?
      8. Regarding Figure 4F, the authors state, 'PaLung cells displayed higher viability than WI-38 cells after glucose deprivation (Figure 4F).' However, in addition to the cell images, it would be beneficial to perform experimental quantification of cell death to provide more rigorous data. Additionally, the cells appear to be over-confluent, which might influence the results. Also, scale bars should be included in all photos, including Fig. 6.
      9. Regarding Figure 5B, it is stated that 'the expression levels of differentially expressed antioxidant genes' are shown, but it includes those that are not significant. It would be helpful if the authors could clarify how this gene set was selected.
      10. Regarding Figure 6C, the values for total glutathione seem to significantly differ from those in Figure 5C. An explanation for this discrepancy would be appreciated to ensure the consistency and reliability of the data.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I think the comments from the other reviewers are appropriate.


      Collectively, these intriguing results from the interspecies comparison provide novel insights into the differences in metabolism and cellular characteristics between bat and human cells. However, the study has some limitations, notably certain weaknesses in the data and potential overstating of certain interpretations. Addressing these issues would enhance the overall quality and robustness of the manuscript. Furthermore, if feasible, conducting a biochemical analysis of each mitochondrial complex activity would solidify the authors' main conclusions.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This paper provides an elegant investigation into the dysmorphology of skeletal structures upon loss of the extracellular Fraser Complex through use of a zebrafish fras1 mutant. The adult phenotypes of this mutant had not been previously explored in detail. The authors use transgenics, histological staining and immunostaining to visualize the morphological defects, then examine Fraser Complex localization and effects on Shh signaling upon loss of Fras1. They analyse both steady state and regeneration contexts. Most importantly, they demonstrate the blistering that has been shown to occur in larval fins, also occurs during regeneration of the adult fins, and that there is a disorganization of the pre-osteoblasts due to basement membrane corruption. This work provides novel investigation into how Fraser Complex leads to skeletal defects.

      Major comments:

      Overall the data presented by the authors is logical and very well presented. They make reasonable claims that are supported by sound experimentation. Statistics are used appropriately and the authors combine different approaches to make their points. For example they draw on previous single cell RNA-seq Data sets to define the cell type expressing Fraser complex components but then also use immunostaining and ins situ hybridisation to localise expression domains. I thought the analysis using the ptch1:kaede line to be particularly elegant and informative.

      My first major question relates to Figure 7. The authors cage their analysis under the impetus of understanding how the distal anomalies and skeletal defects in Fraser Syndrome arise in development. They present convincing images of distal blistering during regeneration. Were similar blisters seen at any stage during adult fin development prior to the full fin formation? The authors might have noted this during their imaging of the ptch1 reporter Figure 6 Supplement 1. Or they might need to look earlier. Figure 7 is informative analysis. It's a shame to limit it to regeneration and not look during adult fin formation which would have direct inferences for human development.

      Secondly, was osteoblast morphology affected as well as their patterning in the fras1 mutants? Perhaps the authors could look at zns-5 antibodies or sp7:egfp line in transverse cryosections to assess if there was a change in osteoblast morphology. Figure 5B' certainly suggests they might be more cuboidal and have lost their flattened shape. This change in osteoblast morphology has been noted in other ECM mutants affecting the lepidotrichia.

      Minor comments:

      I have only a few minor comments.<br /> Line 55 Introduction. For clarity change this sentence to "variable expressivity and incomplete penetrance reminiscent of the variability seen in distal limb defects in humans with Fraser Syndrome."

      Referring to Figure 2, is each fin ray thicker in fras1 mutants than in WT? It appears so but might be just an optical illusion. Would be easy to measure and state in the text.

      Line 242, 243 and Figure 5. The text refers to Fig 5C' and Fig 5D', but I could only find Fig 5C' and Fig 6C'. Do you mean E, F??

      Related you claim that in fras1 mutants, frem2 protein remains intracellular. How do you know that protein signal is intracellular yet in the WT it is extracellular? Please reword this or show more conclusively. This is also repeated on line 360 in the discussion.

      Fig 6B, D are not referred to in the main text.

      I couldn't find details of the Runx2 antibody in the materials and methods


      This paper provides novel insights into how loss of Fraser Complex might alter morphology of post-embryonic structures, and gives novel, visual indication of the effect basement membrane disruption has on osteoblast patterning. This will give novel guidance to explaining the basis of skeletal presentations of Fraser Syndrome for basic researchers interested in the importance of osteoblast environment on patterning and clinicians examining similar rare skeletal congenital syndromes.

      It elegantly demonstrates that cellular topology, organisation and morphology is just as important as signalling in defining organ growth and shape. The authors also suggest this model of an indirect disruption of osteoblast patterning might explain why there is such variability in distal skeletal phenotype severity in Fraser patients. This is a valid and reasonable hypothesis.

      My background directly relates to mutant analysis of zebrafish fins

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript, Robbins et al. develop the adult zebrafish caudal fin as a model for limb deformities in Fraser syndrome. They show that the zebrafish fras1 mutant can survive to adulthood and investigate how loss of fras1 influences the caudal fin during its regeneration. The fin ray branching defects and chondral bone defects examined in this study show a degree of variability akin to many defects found in Fraser syndrome, including limb defects. The paper is an easy read, has beautiful imaging, and shows compelling quantification. As such, the authors set up the zebrafish fras1 mutant caudal fin as a novel and interesting platform to investigate the onset and variability of limb defects in Fraser syndrome.

      Major comments:

      Figure 7 makes some critical claims based solely on H&E staining; better markers are needed. I also strongly recommend that the authors repeat this Figure 7 experiment with immunolabel or other techniques that mark the epithelial and mesenchymal layers distinctly. In particular, since the author's discussion focuses on osteoblast positioning, it seems important to mark the osteoblasts alongside the epithelium.

      The authors posit that background mutations explain Fraser syndrome variation, but it's worth also considering non-genomic origins of variation, including potential micro-environmental differences and/or stochasticism. The caudal fin seems like an ideal system to test the idea - one could injure the fin and test how well initial defects predict defects after regeneration. It looks like the authors started to do so in panel 3R, but don't comment on the finding. Also, it looks like the initial severity doesn't completely predict regenerated severity - for instance, the least severe fin pre-injury becomes the most severe fin post-injury. I recommend explaining panel 3R in results text and returning to it in the discussion, to contextualize how this finding might influence understanding of fras1-dependent variability. OPTIONAL: Variability could also be compared between different fins in the same animal; does the severity of caudal fin defect correlate with severity in the pelvic or dorsal fin? If so or if not, what might this suggest about the origins of phenotypic variation in this model?

      The study is focused on core Fraser complex, particularly fras1 and the Frem genes which are mutually-stabilizing components of anchoring cords that link nascent epithelia to underlying mesenchyme. The authors could broaden the paper's impact and scope by considering other proteins bound by the core Fraser complex, such as AMACO, Integrins, Npnt, fibrillin, etc. Likewise, examination of Collagen expression, such as collagen VII, may help explain why there is a dissipation over time for the requirement for fras1 to prevent blistering. It may be outside the scope of this study to delve deep into these 'nearby genes' but it seems reasonable to examine them bioinformatically in the scRNA-seq (perhaps adding a supplemental figure if the results are unsatisfying), or at least to discuss them and thereby contextualize the overall findings.

      Minor comments:

      Figure 8 feels like a visual abstract, summarizing findings and contextualizing existing models to the caudal fin, instead of putting forward a truly new model. It focuses on the concept that Fras1 is needed for epithelial-mesenchymal attachments and that Fraser-components stabilize one another; both of these ideas are over a decade old. Although the concepts are cited appropriately within the discussion narrative, it would be nice if Figure 8 did a bit more. The model could be revised in a way that offers new insights into how the specific defects seen in this study arise, by hinting at answers to some of the many questions raised by the study. What is the source of variation? Why do the fin rays fail to branch in the mutant? (could there be more to that decision than simple osteoblast mispositioning?) Why does defect severity change during regeneration vs. development? Why does an extra hypural cartilage form in the mutant? Is there any similarity between the failure to branch fin rays and the presence of fusions in chondral skeleton? These fusions could also be compared and contrasted with non-limb skeletal fusions? It's certainly optional to tackle all of these issues, but discussing any of them could increase the manuscript's impact and establish interesting fodder for future papers. These changes are important, but I place this remark in 'minor comments', because an improved final figure would not be critical to publication in some journals.

      This sentence on line 273-274 is confusing and should be revised: "However, the Fraser Complex at least supports the Shh/Smo downstream cell behaviors that split pre-osteoblasts given frequent ray branching defects in fras1-/- mutants." What do the authors mean by "at least supports"? The phrasing may imply 'Provides physical support essential to,' but that reading does not explain why the fin rays branch in Shh expressing cells regardless of the presence of Fras1. (this comment is actually 'minor')

      The Figure 7 title states that the Fraser complex is needed for normal "epithelial-mesenchymal tissue layering." I am not certain what the authors mean by this. The phrase written in the figure title implies that mesenchymal cells start appearing inside of epithelial regions, but that interpretation doesn't match the figure nor results text. An alternative read - one consistent with the final figure - is that the authors are simply trying to show that the blisters form at the interface of the fin and underlying mesenchyme. If this is the primary thrust of the argument, then it could be stated plainly - and shown more clearly in the results section. (this comment is also truly 'minor')


      This manuscript establishes the zebrafish adult caudal fin as a new model to investigate epithelial-mesenchymal interaction defects and skeletal variation caused by loss of the central Fraser complex gene. It is an important contribution to existing models because of the similarity between patterning mechanisms in the caudal fin and tetrapod limbs, which are variably disrupted in Fraser's syndrome. This variability is itself of interest, because the profound variability of Fraser phenotype offers an experimental model for high-variance diseases, which remain poorly understood. The caudal fin is an exciting system to study variation, in particular because it can be cut and regrown rapidly with phenotypic severity compared between regenerates in a clonal system; that regenerative tractability is particularly potent when paired with the zebrafish transgenic toolbox, as the authors show in Figure 6. The present manuscript feels almost complete and yet it opens up many questions, suggesting that it can serve as a good foundation for future studies.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Robbins and colleagues present a new zebrafish model for studying the rare disorder Fraser Syndrome in a well written manuscript. The authors present an interesting phenotype caused by a mutation in fras1: mutants have small, misshapen fins with rays that frequently fail to form branches. The authors show that the Fras1 protein localizes to the distal portions of regenerating fin rays and that in its absence, another component of the Fraser Complex (Frem2) is decreased and mislocalized. The authors show that Fras1 is not required for Shh/Smo signal transduction but that branching is nonetheless disrupted.

      Major comments:

      Since the basement membrane ends up being such a big part of the story, it would add support to the model to specifically present a laminin stain in both WT and the mutant. This could potentially support to the idea that the FPC is integrating the BM with the osteoblasts and it would be helpful to see where the BM is relative to the 'blisters.'

      The fras1-/- mutants show a near-absence of Frem2 protein; the authors conclude that Fras1 supports Frem2 secretion and assembly into Fraser Complex-containing BM. However have the authors considered the possibility that Fras1 directly or indirectly regulates Frem2 transcription? (The model in Fig 8 seems to show a relative increase in Frem2, which should be altered)<br /> Do the other components of the FPC (Frem1a/b, Frem3) show similarly disrupted levels and localization? As presented, since the Frem1a/b, Frem3 are not actually examined in a fras1-/- context, it is not justified to show their intracellular localization in the model in Fig 8b.

      The relative activities of osteoblasts and osteoclasts may regulate the relative location of branches (Cardeira-da-Silva et al 2022). In the fras1 system mutant, it would be beneficial to examine osteoclasts to rule out the idea that Fras1 is simply required for osteoclast activity. This could additional lend support to the idea that disrupted integration between the BE and Obs underlies that failure of fras1-/- mutants to form branches. This could be done within a few months by crossing the mutant into an osteoclast reporter, or more rapidly by using an osteoclast specific antibody or ISH.

      The authors look only at the meristic presence/absence of fin ray branches, and do not take fin length into account. Longer rays are more likely to form branches and the fras1-/- have shorter fins. Some of the branches may be absent in the mutant background simply because the rays are not long enough to have formed them. How far are the branches from the body in each background? Where do the branches form along the total length of the rays?<br /> In the regeneration experiments, do the mutants regenerate at the same relative rate as WTs? Could the decrease in the number of branched rays simply be due to the fact that the mutants may not have not regenerated to their original length by 28 dpa? Has the distance from the body to branch changed? These are all addressable with the data the authors have already collected.

      Minor comments:

      The protruding lower jaw phenotype mentioned in the results should either be shown, or if it is redundant with previous publications please add the citation here.

      Please show Amputation planes in Fig 4E-G. It is notable that Fras1 seems to be present in the proximal region (proximal to the amputation plane?). This seems like it deserves mention in the manuscript.

      In line 195, please clarify what you mean by ray proportions. The proportion of longest/shortest, presumably?

      Please change the title of Fig 3: Fras1 mutants robustly restore skeletal patterning. Also, the ray length ratio in Fig 3Q has been tested with an unpaired t test. It should be a paired test as in R.

      This is an unbelievably a minor point, but for consistency with the other panels I think that in Fig 5 E and F should be C' and D'.

      The titles of Fig 6 and Fig 7 should indicate indicate Fras1 not the Fraser Complex. Eg. Fras1 is not essential for sonic hedgehog/smoothed signal transduction during fin regeneration

      There are also a few grammar errors that should be fixed.


      Robbins and colleagues present a new zebrafish model for studying the rare disorder Fraser Syndrome.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      First and foremost, we would like to extend our thanks to the two referees and managing editor of Review Commons for their constructive feedback and careful consideration of this manuscript. We have taken into consideration all of the suggestions from the reviewers and address all points below and in the following sections.

      Minor comments from Reviewer #1:

      “It is not clear why the authors used cell number as a measure of viability compared to the MTS assay used in figure 2.”


      In Fig. 2, both MTS assay and CellTiter-Blue assay are used to assess cell viability at 24h and 72h, respectively, whereas counterstaining with DAPI is used to quantify cell number in viral infection assays. Quantification of viral infection using immunofluorescence requires fixation and permeabilization of the cells which is not compatible with assessment of metabolic activity through either the MTS assay or CellTiter-Blue assay post-imaging. One can perform these assays (e.g., MTS and CellTiter-Blue) prior to imaging, however there were concerns regarding viral assay image quantification after running these assays due to the metabolic demand of dye processing which may influence susceptibility to viral infection/propagation, and fluorescence of the metabolic sensor interfering with subsequent IF staining.

      DAPI staining is not meant to show viability per se, however, one can gate for fragmented cell nuclei (indicative of lysed cell) to remove dead cells or nuclear debris from the measurement. However, pre-apoptotic or dying cells cannot be accounted for in this measurement.

      In our case, due to the rapid doubling time of the immortalized cell lines used (e.g., Vero E6 ~24h, Calu-3 ~35-48h, L929 ~24h), we are able to see large differences in cell number as infected or lysed cells fail to replicate over the 48h experiment. Thus, DAPI staining can be used as a proxy to determine the overall health of the culture but is not directly a measure of cell viability.

      Minor comments from Reviewer #1:

      “Why did the authors adopt a different pre-treatment infection protocol for SARS-CoV-2 compared to MHV and OC43?”


      The pre-treatment protocol was developed by collaborators in the BSL3 facility as standard practice for rapid treatment/screening of multiple compounds in a BSL3 lab where hands-on time was limited due to immense research focus on infectious disease (e.g., SARS-CoV-2) at the time. We screened many different nanoparticle formulations with this protocol before assessing nanoparticle effect on MHV and OC43 where we also used standardized protocols.

      In reference to comments from Reviewer #2:

      “The substance of the work is very interesting, but experience shows that the idea that by testing one isolate you can generalize about all other viruses is not accurate. Viruses mutate. SARS-CoV-2 has shown an exceptional capacity for mutation, and the mechanism by which viruses enter cells by endocytosis or membrane fusion plays a role in their exposure to products concentrated in the lysosome. Viruses that enter by membrane fusion (including certain isolates of SARS-CoV-2) should not a priori be as sensitive because they are not subject to phagolysosome fusion.”

      “In this sense, it is important to evaluate efficacy on several viral strains and not on a single strain, as has long been the case for acute viral infections. As with HIV, viruses can present natural or acquired resistances linked to evolution under selection pressure or not.<br /> In practice, we cannot rely on testing two viruses, one that has disappeared (Wuhan) and the first virus of the Omicron generation (B1), to assess the therapeutic capacity of a new strategy.”


      We would like to highlight that MFQ-NP efficacy was evaluated in several different coronavirus models (MHV, HCoV-OC43 and SARS-CoV-2) in addition to two distinct viral strains (SARS-CoV-2 WT-WA1 and Omicron BA.1) in this study. Not only this, but we have selected viruses from distinct Betacoronavirus lineages which infect different species (homo sapiens and mus musculus). At the time, we had chosen Omicron BA.1 as our model strain as it was the dominant strain in circulation and was temporally separated and genetically distinct from the original WT-WA1 strain.

      We can appreciate that viruses mutate, and SARS-CoV-2 has exemplified this through its life cycle. Due to this rapid mutation rate, it is challenging to assess the current dominant variant (e.g., XBB.1.16 as of writing this) and complete manuscript preparation in addition to full peer-review prior to the emergence of a new, potentially more relevant, dominant variant. Additionally, it remains challenging to accurately predict the emergence and genotypic/phenotypic changes of new strains before they arise, necessitating investigation on ancestral strains or, at the least, the current dominant strain.

      Lastly, we do not wish to speculate/generalize that MFQ-NPs or a similar approach works for “all other viruses”. As exemplified by efficacy studies in three Betacoronavirus lineages, and one of which using two distinct strains, we do argue that this approach is an effective means to inhibit Betacoronavirus infection. We speculate in the discussion that MFQ-NPs may be used as either a prophylactic or treatment for an array of other respiratory coronaviruses, however we neither show data or speculate efficacy against viruses outside of the coronavirus family.

      In reference to comments from Reviewer #1:

      “The claim that MFQ may impact cell entry is not supported by the data in the paper. At minimum, the impact of treatment on expression of viral entry receptors for all 3 viruses should be performed, viral attachment assays (see PMID 35176124) and viral pseudoparticle assays. Further the conclusion that MFQ inhibits replication as well as entry is not fully supported by the data presented. This could be improved using a single cycle infection experiment using a synchronised infection protocol. The gold standard to determine impacts on replication would be the use of a viral replicon however I appreciate the technical difficulties in performing these experiments.”


      We agree that the mechanism by which MFQ-NPs inhibit coronavirus infection has not been fully interrogated through this work. We do have preliminary evidence addressed in Fig. 4 which suggests that mechanistically MFQ-NPs may work through targeting pH-dependent protease activity and lysosomal function downstream of viral uptake. However, we have not yet investigated the effect that MFQ-NPs may have on viral entry receptors or viral attachment.

      To that end, we are proposing to perform RT-qPCR to measure changes in expression level of key membrane bound proteins responsible for viral uptake. For these assays, we plan to treat Calu-3 cells with MFQ-NPs, unloaded PGC-NPs, equivalent concentration of molecular MFQ, or DMSO as control to gauge expression level of ACE2 (Hs01085333_m1), TMPRSS2 (Hs01122322_m1), sialate O-acetyltransferase gene (CasD1, Hs01082700_m1), and sialic acid acetylesterase gene (SIAE, Hs00405149_m1) relative to expression of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH, Hs02786624_g1) using TaqMan probes (ThermoFisher, USA). Additionally, we will also measure the expression level of Cathepsin L (Hs00964650_m1). Cathepsin L is not a transmembrane protein, however strong evidence suggests that this lysosomal protease is essential for S protein processing and viral membrane – endolysosomal membrane fusion in the SARS-CoV-2 endocytic infection route.

      These proteins are chosen as ACE2 and TMPRSS2 are known mediators of SARS-CoV-2 uptake and fusion, and HCoV-OC43 relies on uptake via sialoglycan-based receptors with 9-O-acetylated sialic acid (9-O-Ac-Sia) as a key component. Although CasD1 and SIAE themselves are not transmembrane receptors for HCoV-OC43, they regulate the addition or removal of O-acetyl ester groups from sialic acids, respectively.

      Similarly, we plan to treat L929 cells with MFQ-NPs, unloaded PGC-NPs, equivalent concentration of molecular MFQ, or DMSO as control to gauge expression level of CEACAM1 (Mm04204476_m1) relative to expression of GAPDH (Mm99999915_g1). MHV spike protein binds to murine carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1a (mCEACAM1a) facilitating infection. NP treatment duration will be consistent with viral infection assays (e.g., 48 h) prior to RNA isolation and qPCR.

      Results from PCR measurements may warrant further investigation into protein level expression measured by Western Blotting. However, we plan to begin with PCR as blotting for multiple membrane bound proteins is considerably challenging and higher cost than qPCR.

      In addition to expression of viral entry receptors, we will also perform a viral attachment assay and internalization assay to further interrogate MFQ’s mechanism of action. To determine whether mefloquine inhibits SARS-CoV-2 binding/attachment, we will perform viral binding assays in Calu-3/ Vero E6-TMPRSS2-T2A-ACE2 cells that express ACE2 at high levels, and HEK293T cells that express ACE2 at lower levels. Assays will be performed using SARS-CoV-2 Spike pseudo-typed lentivirus which expresses a fluorescent reporter upon mammalian cell infection. SARS-CoV-2 Spike pseudo-virus is advantageous as it mimics SARS-CoV-2 entry mechanisms; however, it can be handled at BSL2, and it can be used to accurately quantify viral uptake since this virus is not replication competent.

      SARS-CoV-2 can be internalized primarily via receptor-mediated endocytosis in cells which do not express TMPRSS2 (e.g., Vero E6) or via direct plasma membrane fusion in cells which do express TMPRSS2 (e.g., Calu-3 and Vero E6-TMPRSS2-T2A-ACE2). To test whether mefloquine inhibits the endocytosis of SARS-CoV-2, Vero E6 cells will be pre-treated with effective concentrations of MFQ-NPs, equivalent concentration of molecular MFQ, or unloaded PGC-NPs/DMSO as controls. Next, cells will be inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 Spike pseudo-virus at MOI 0.5 at 37 oC for 1 h. Cells will then be washed with PBS to remove unbound virus, media containing treatments will be reintroduced, and the pseudoviral reporter fluorescence will be measured 18-24 h after inoculation.

      To test whether mefloquine inhibits TMPRSS2-mediated fusion during SARS-CoV-2 infection we will use TMPRS2 expressing Vero E6-TMPRSS2-T2A-ACE2 and Calu-3 cells. Cells will be pre-treated with Leupeptin/Pepstatin (inhibitors of endolysosomal proteases), camostat mesylate (serine protease inhibitor), MFQ-NPs, molecular MFQ, unloaded PCG-NPs, or DMSO as control for 1 h, and then inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 Spike pseudo-virus (MOI = 0.5). Cells will then be washed with PBS to remove unbound virus, media containing treatments will be reintroduced, and the pseudoviral reporter fluorescence will be measured 18-24 h after inoculation.

      Minor comments from Reviewer #1

      _<br /> “Further discussion in the introduction as to the potential mechanism of action of MFQ should be included. I would also suggest the authors read the work by Elizabeth Campbell and Bruno Canard concerning the potential difficulties in designing direct acting antivirals for coronaviruses.”

      “The figure legends lack detail concerning the number of replicates and statistical comparisons. For viral infections MOIs used are also absent.”_


      We have included a brief summary describing what the field knows of the mechanism of action of MFQ. Namely that MFQ does not directly inhibit the virus/cell membrane attachment process, rather MFQ somehow inhibits viral entry after attachment. We speculate a few mechanisms by which this may occur, which include: (1) inhibiting viral membrane fusion with the cell membrane or endolysosomal membrane, (2) inhibiting proteases responsible for processing SARS-CoV-2 S protein and exposing the fusion peptide, (3) modulating expression levels of ACE2, TMPRSS2, and/or cathepsin, or (4) promoting exocytosis of SARS-CoV-2 particles after uptake.

      While it is not the primary goal of the manuscript to determine this mechanism of action, we have evidence currently that MFQ inhibits endolysosomal proteolysis (e.g., mechanism 2 above). Through viral attachment assays and evaluation of receptor expression levels we will also probe mechanism 3 in the revision process.

      We have updated the figure legends and methods section to include further details concerning replicates and statistical comparisons. For viral infections we had previously listed the MOIs used in the Materials & Methods section but have also included them in the figure legends.

      In reference to comments from Reviewer #2:

      “On the one hand, both the introduction and the abstract contain too many elements that give a biased view of the extremely controversial literature. For example, the activity of Hydroxychloroquine and its toxicity have been explored most extensively on the "C19Early" website, which reports on trials carried out in a multitude of countries, including more than 300 trials with Hydroxychloroquine, and it is unreasonable in a scientific paper, designed to last, to report on the major beliefs at a given moment in order to develop a work that has nothing to do with this debate. The same applies to the efficacy of the vaccine. It is difficult to say that the vaccine was poorly distributed, with 20 billion doses, making it the most widely distributed vaccine in the history of mankind in such a short space of time, with results that were not as spectacular as the studies predicted, since the epidemic continued at a comparable level. I suggest that the authors concentrate on their work rather than getting involved in the controversies that are developing around treatments and vaccination.”


      When possible, we have tried to highlight the mixed/controversial results, both positive and negative, of pre-existing therapeutics targeting SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 and cited them accordingly. Conjectural phrases such as “selective pressure may lead to 3CLpro mutations conferring nirmatrelvir resistance to new viral mutants” or “there is a growing concern that Molnupiravir, especially when administered at sub therapeutic doses, may result in the creation of more virulent SARS-CoV-2 mutants” are supported by observations in the literature and have been proposed by other experts in the field. Otherwise, we have revised the text to remove any unsupported speculative phrases.

      We believe it is worth noting the existing therapeutic strategies in the field to provide context and rationale for our differentiated approach. We have extensively explored the C19Early site as well, and although it does a fantastic job of compiling relevant literature, this site also appears to have a biased view. Throughout preparation of this manuscript, we have considered FDA recommendations and clinical practice in prophylactic protection/treatment of COVID-19 paramount in guiding our introduction and discussion.

      We have removed phrasing regarding the limited distribution of vaccines.

      In reference to comments from Reviewer #1:

      _“The authors claim that MFQ loaded nanoparticles have reduced cytotoxicity compared to 'free MFQ' dissolved in DMSO, however with the NP data and free MFQ data not plotted with the same units this conclusion is hard to reach (Fig.2). While I appreciate the molar units are presented in the text - the reduction in cytotoxicity with MFQ-NP appears to be relatively minor in the both the Calu3 and Vero cell models (doubling in IC50 in both instances). This may indicate quite a narrow therapeutic window for antiviral efficacy without unwanted cytotoxicity. Can the authors replot the data on scales using either molar or ug/ml and use the same dose range for all treatments to enable statistical determination as to whether MFQ-NP significantly reduce cytotoxicity.

      To test the antiviral efficacy of the MFQ-NP the authors adopt 2 infection systems, either treating cells pre or post infection. The authors either use fluorescently tagged reporter viruses (OC-43/MHV) or immunofluorescence to visualise and quantify viral infection in cell-line models. Given a key aim of this paper is to determine whether MFQ-NP rather than free MFQ is a superior treatment option, it is challenging to assess this with the data presented in figures 5-6. The units of treatment between NP, MFQ-NP and free MFQ again differ, and the molar dose range of MFQ-NP and free NP is not the same. This makes it very hard to conclude whether MFQ-NPs are more effective then free MFQ. Formal dose response curves with the same dose of empty-NPs, MFQ-NPs and free MFQ are needed here, preferably with match cell viability data using the same assay as figure 2.”_


      We will include additional plots with axis scaling for MFQ-NPs as concentration of MFQ in µM rather than concentration of NPs in µg/mL for further comparison to the free MFQ group. We chose concentration of NPs to match with the equivalent unloaded NP controls. Unfortunately, it would not be possible to create a formal dose response curve with the same dose of empty-NPs and free MFQ as those entities only co-exist in the MFQ-NPs treatment group.

      We agree with the observation that the therapeutic window is likely narrow in vitro. This is observed in the viral inhibition and cytotoxicity experiments, where the most efficacious dosing of NPs (e.g., 50 – 100 µg/mL) in inhibiting viral infection is similar to the IC50 value (e.g., 54 µg/mL in Calu-3) at 24 h. Similarly, we see a biphasic dose response in our protease activity assay, suggesting that low doses actually increase endolysosomal protease activity which may promote viral infection.

      We speculate this dose limiting toxicity and narrow therapeutic window will likely be improved more drastically in vivo (ongoing continuation of this study), however in vitro we still see at least a minor improvement in MFQ tolerability.

      In reference to comments from Reviewer #1:

      “Finally while animal experiments are likely beyond the scope of this study, use of air-liquid interface cultures of lung epithelial cells would be a significant improvement to the work and provide further support to their conclusions in a physiologically relevant system.”


      While we appreciate the suggestion of ALI models and animal models to further assess MFQ-NPs in a more physiologically relevant system, we agree that these studies would be beyond the scope of this study. This investigation is planned as a continuation of the current study.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This work is interesting but poses two problems.

      On the one hand, both the introduction and the abstract contain too many elements that give a biased view of the extremely controversial literature. For example, the activity of Hydroxychloroquine and its toxicity have been explored most extensively on the "C19Early" website, which reports on trials carried out in a multitude of countries, including more than 300 trials with Hydroxychloroquine, and it is unreasonable in a scientific paper, designed to last, to report on the major beliefs at a given moment in order to develop a work that has nothing to do with this debate. The same applies to the efficacy of the vaccine. It is difficult to say that the vaccine was poorly distributed, with 20 billion doses, making it the most widely distributed vaccine in the history of mankind in such a short space of time, with results that were not as spectacular as the studies predicted, since the epidemic continued at a comparable level. I suggest that the authors concentrate on their work rather than getting involved in the controversies that are developing around treatments and vaccination.<br /> The substance of the work is very interesting, but experience shows that the idea that by testing one isolate you can generalize about all other viruses is not accurate. Viruses mutate. SARS-CoV-2 has shown an exceptional capacity for mutation, and the mechanism by which viruses enter cells by endocytosis or membrane fusion plays a role in their exposure to products concentrated in the lysosome. Viruses that enter by membrane fusion (including certain isolates of SARS-CoV-2) should not a priori be as sensitive because they are not subject to phagolysosome fusion.

      In this sense, it is important to evaluate efficacy on several viral strains and not on a single strain, as has long been the case for acute viral infections. As with HIV, viruses can present natural or acquired resistances linked to evolution under selection pressure or not.<br /> In practice, we cannot rely on testing two viruses, one that has disappeared (Wuhan) and the first virus of the Omicron generation (B1), to assess the therapeutic capacity of a new strategy.


      This work is interesting but poses two problems.

      On the one hand, both the introduction and the abstract contain too many elements that give a biased view of the extremely controversial literature. For example, the activity of Hydroxychloroquine and its toxicity have been explored most extensively on the "C19Early" website, which reports on trials carried out in a multitude of countries, including more than 300 trials with Hydroxychloroquine, and it is unreasonable in a scientific paper, designed to last, to report on the major beliefs at a given moment in order to develop a work that has nothing to do with this debate. The same applies to the efficacy of the vaccine. It is difficult to say that the vaccine was poorly distributed, with 20 billion doses, making it the most widely distributed vaccine in the history of mankind in such a short space of time, with results that were not as spectacular as the studies predicted, since the epidemic continued at a comparable level. I suggest that the authors concentrate on their work rather than getting involved in the controversies that are developing around treatments and vaccination.<br /> The substance of the work is very interesting, but experience shows that the idea that by testing one isolate you can generalize about all other viruses is not accurate. Viruses mutate. SARS-CoV-2 has shown an exceptional capacity for mutation, and the mechanism by which viruses enter cells by endocytosis or membrane fusion plays a role in their exposure to products concentrated in the lysosome. Viruses that enter by membrane fusion (including certain isolates of SARS-CoV-2) should not a priori be as sensitive because they are not subject to phagolysosome fusion.

      In this sense, it is important to evaluate efficacy on several viral strains and not on a single strain, as has long been the case for acute viral infections. As with HIV, viruses can present natural or acquired resistances linked to evolution under selection pressure or not.<br /> In practice, we cannot rely on testing two viruses, one that has disappeared (Wuhan) and the first virus of the Omicron generation (B1), to assess the therapeutic capacity of a new strategy.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Petcherski et al describe a nanoparticle delivery system to deliver mefloquine, a inhibitor of viral endocytosis, into cell line models of coronavirus replication. They describe the generation of these nanoparticles and test their antiviral efficacy against 3 different beta coronaviruses OC43, MHV and SARS-CoV-2, including the omicron variant.

      Major Comments

      The authors claim that MFQ loaded nanoparticles have reduced cytotoxicity compared to 'free MFQ' dissolved in DMSO, however with the NP data and free MFQ data not plotted with the same units this conclusion is hard to reach (Fig.2). While I appreciate the molar units are presented in the text - the reduction in cytotoxicity with MFQ-NP appears to be relatively minor in the both the Calu3 and Vero cell models (doubling in IC50 in both instances). This may indicate quite a narrow therapeutic window for antiviral efficacy without unwanted cytotoxicity. Can the authors replot the data on scales using either molar or ug/ml and use the same dose range for all treatments to enable statistical determination as to whether MFQ-NP significantly reduce cytotoxicity.

      To test the antiviral efficacy of the MFQ-NP the authors adopt 2 infection systems, either treating cells pre or post infection. The authors either use fluorescently tagged reporter viruses (OC-43/MHV) or immunofluorescence to visualise and quantify viral infection in cell-line models. Given a key aim of this paper is to determine whether MFQ-NP rather than free MFQ is a superior treatment option, it is challenging to assess this with the data presented in figures 5-6. The units of treatment between NP, MFQ-NP and free MFQ again differ, and the molar dose range of MFQ-NP and free NP is not the same. This makes it very hard to conclude whether MFQ-NPs are more effective then free MFQ. Formal dose response curves with the same dose of empty-NPs, MFQ-NPs and free MFQ are needed here, preferably with match cell viability data using the same assay as figure 2.

      The claim that MFQ may impact cell entry is not supported by the data in the paper. At minimum, the impact of treatment on expression of viral entry receptors for all 3 viruses should be performed, viral attachment assays (see PMID 35176124) and viral pseudoparticle assays. Further the conclusion that MFQ inhibits replication as well as entry is not fully supported by the data presented. This could be improved using a single cycle infection experiment using a synchronised infection protocol. The gold standard to determine impacts on replication would be the use of a viral replicon however I appreciate the technical difficulties in performing these experiments.

      Finally while animal experiments are likely beyond the scope of this study, use of air-liquid interface cultures of lung epithelial cells would be a significant improvement to the work and provide further support to their conclusions in a physiologically relevant system.

      Minor Comments

      It is not clear why the authors used cell number as a measure of viability compared to the MTS assay used in figure 2.

      Why did the authors adopt a different pre-treatment infection protocol for SARS-CoV-2 compared to MHV and OC43?

      Further discussion in the introduction as to the potential mechanism of action of MFQ should be included. I would also suggest the authors read the work by Elizabeth Campbell an Bruno Canard concerning the potential difficulties in designing direct acting antivirals for coronaviruses.

      The figure legends lack detail concerning the number of replicates and statistical comparisons. For viral infections MOIs used are also absent.


      This work has good potential but is let down by the execution of the experimental design. The use of NP for antiviral drugs is a very interesting area and could greatly contribute to drug design for this viral family.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      In this study, the authors made a two-component homing modification gene drive in Anopheles coluzii with a different strategy than usual. The final drive itself targets and disrupts the saglin gene that is nonessential for mosquitoes, but important for the malaria parasite. The drive uses several gRNAs, and some of these target the Lp gene where an anti-malaria antibody is added, fused to the native gene (this native gene is also essential, removing nonfunctional resistance alleles at this locus). In general, the system is promising, though imperfect. Some of the gRNAs self-eliminate due to recombination of repetitive elements, and the fusion of the antimalaria gene had a modest fitness cost. Additionally, the zpg promoter was unable to operate at high efficiency, requiring use of the vasa promoter, which suffers from maternal deposition and somatic expression (the latter of which increased fitness costs at the Lp target). The manuscript has already undergone some useful revisions since its earliest iteration, so additional recommended revisions are fairly modest.

      Line 43-45: The target doesn't need to be female sterility. It can be almost any haplosufficient but essential target (female sterility works best, so it has gotten the most study, but others have been studied too).

      --- We agree. However, this paragraph focused on previous achievements in malaria mosquitoes, for which suppression gene drives spreading lethality rather than female sterility have not been reported to our knowledge. Even the targeting of doublesex, which is a sex determination rather than female fertility gene, results in female sterility (Kyrou et al. 2018). However, we inserted the possibility of female killing by X-shredder GD (Simoni et al., 2020).

      Line 69: A quick motivation for studying Anopheles coluzii should be added here (since gambiae is discussed immediately before this).

      ---Thank you for drawing our attention to this point. We modified the sentence to:

      _Here, we present the engineering of the Lipophorin (Lp) essential gene in Anopheles coluzzii, a prominent member of the A. gambiae species complex and a major malaria vector in sub-Saharan Africa.


      Introduction section: It might be helpful to break up the introduction into additional paragraphs, rather than just two.

      --- We followed this suggestion and broke up the introduction into 5 paragraphs to make it more breathable.

      Introduction last part: The last part of the introduction reads more like an abstract or conclusions section. Perhaps a little less detail would fit better here, so the focus can be on introducing the new drive components and targets

      --- We have followed this suggestion and substantially shortened this last part of the introduction.

      Line 207-213: This material could go in the methods section. There are some other examples in the results that could be similarly shortened and rearranged to give a more concise section.

      --- We moved the long description from lines 207-213 to the Methods as suggested, and summarized it simply as:

      Only mosquitoes displaying GFP parasites visible through the cuticle were used to infect mice.

      We emphasize this point because in subsequent experiments using Saglin knockout mosquitoes, this enrichment for infected mosquitoes will probably attenuate the Plasmodium-blocking phenotype caused by Saglin KO, since mosquitoes lacking Saglin tend to be less infected (Klug et al., 2023). Elsewhere in the Results, we still provide detailed descriptions of procedures because we believe they aid understanding and assessing the quality of the experiments.

      Line 283-287: I couldn't find the data for this.

      --- Indeed we only summarized the data about the progeny of the [zpg-Cas9; GFP-RFP] line crossed to WT, as we didn’t judge these results worth detailing. Here is our record from one such cross:

      GFP-RFP females x WT males  486 (50.7%) GFP+ and 472 (49.3%) GFP- larvae

      GFP-RFP males x WT females  1836 (48.9%) GFP+ and 1925 (51.1%) GFP- larvae

      This shows no significant gene drive. However in these progenies, a few GFP+ and non-RFP larvae, and a few RFP+ non-GFP larvae were noted by visual examination under the fluorescence microscope, without counting them precisely. Their existence testified to some weak homing activity mediated by zpg-Cas9 in the Lp locus.

      We modified the sentence as follows to support our conclusion, and we propose to leave these detailed numbers here in our response, which will be published along with the paper.

      In spite of the presence of the zpg-Cas9 and gRNA-encoding cassettes in the GFP-RFP allele, it was inherited in about 50% of male or female progenies, demonstrating little homing activity of the GFP-RFP locus after crosses to WT, except for the appearance of rare GFP-only or RFP-only progeny larvae, …

      Line 291: Replace "lied" with "was".


      Line 356: Homing in the zygote would be considered very unusual and is thus worthy of more attention. While possible (HDR has been shown for resistance alleles in the zygote/early embryo), this would be quite distinct from the mechanism of every other reliable gene drive that has been reported. Is the flow cytometry result definitely accurate? By this, I mean: could the result be explained by just outliers in the group heterozygous for EGFP, or perhaps some larvae that hatched a little earlier and grew faster? Perhaps larvae get stuck together here on occasion or some other artifact? Was this result confirmed by sequencing individual larvae?

      ---- We agree with your skepticism, especially given that the same is not seen in Suppl Fig 2A with a similar genotype setup, i.e., the vasa gene drive at the Lp locus, or in the G1 of populations 6 or 8 at the Saglin locus (Suppl. File 2). Unfortunately, it would take too much time at this point to re-create this line (which has been discarded) to re-examine this issue. Therefore, we acknowledge that another explanation than homing in the zygote may account for this result. Based on our empirical experience COPAS outputs are reliable: such outliers from the heterozygous population are usually not seen, and we always sort neonate larvae a few hours from hatching. Those 6% homozygous-looking larvae may come from a contamination with male pupae when female pupae were manually sorted for the cross to WT males, a human error that we cannot exclude. In this case, the true GFP inheritance would be closer to 79% than to 85%. For these reasons, we must back up from our initial statement as follows:

      The progeny of these triple-transgenic females crossed to WT males showed markedly better homing rates (>79% GFP inheritance)

      And edit the figure legend of Figure 4B to account for the alternative possibility of a contamination with males:

      6% of individuals appeared to be homozygous, revealing either unexpected homing in early embryos due to maternal Cas9 deposition, or accidental contamination of the cross with a few transgenic males.

      Results in general: Why is there no data for crosses with male drive heterozygotes? Even if some targets are X-linked, performance at others is important (or did I miss something and they are all X-linked). I see some description near line 400, but this sort of data is figure-worthy (or at least a table).

      --- For the only example of functioning split gene drive at the Lipophorin locus on chromosome III, we do show homing results from heterozygous GD males in Suppl. Fig. 2A (91.2% homing in males inferred from ((40.7+53.1+1.8)-50)x2). We added this calculation of the homing rates in the figure legend. For full drive constructs in the Saglin locus on chromosome X (our final functional design), in addition to the data described in the text near line 400, male data showing “teleguided” homing at the Lipophorin locus on chromosome II is shown in Suppl. File 2 (see G2 of population 7, showing close to 100% homing at the GFP locus); the same data (less easy to assess) being converted into the G2 point of the graphs in Figure5.

      Lines 362-367: What data (figure/table) does this paragraph refer to?

      --- We apologize for the fact that this sentence was misleading. In this population, the genotype frequencies were not tracked at each generation but measured once after 7 generations. We rephrased (now lines 401-403) and now provide the measured values directly in the text:

      We maintained one mosquito population of Lp::Sc2A10 combined with SagGDzpg (initial allele frequencies: 25% and 33%, respectively) and measured genotype frequencies after 7 generations. This showed an increase in the frequency of both alleles (G7: GFP allelic frequency = 59.2%, phenotypic expression of DsRed in >90% of larvae, n=4282 larvae),

      Lines 405-406: There may be a typo or miscalculation for the DsRed inheritance and homing rate here. Should DsRed inheritance be 90.7%?

      --- Thank you for spotting this. You are right, DsRed inheritance would be 90.7% if the homing rate were 81.4% as we mistakenly wrote. Actually DsRed inheritance was really 80.7% so our mistake was in calculating the homing rate: 61.4% is the correct value ((80.7-50)x2), now corrected in the manuscript.

      Figure 5: The horizontal axis font size for population 8 is a little smaller than the others.

      --- True. Corrected.

      Line 454: In addition to drive conversion only occurring in females and the somatic fitness costs, embryo resistance from the vasa promoter would prevent the daughters of drive females from doing drive conversion. This means that drive conversion would mostly just happen with alleles that alternate between males and females.

      --- We agree with this idea, although the impact of this phenomenon will depend on the extent of resistance allele formation in early embryos. We observed (Fig. 6) that failed homing mutagenesis in Saglin is not that intense, the sequenced non-drive alleles that were exposed 1-4 times to mutagenic activity in females either being mostly wild-type, or carrying mutations that often still left one or two gRNA target sites intact and vulnerable to another round of Cas9 activity. Therefore, alleles passed on from female to female may still undergo drive conversion to a large extent, that future experiments may be able to quantify.

      Line 481: Deletions between gRNAs certainly happen, but I wouldn't necessarily expect this to be the "expectation". In our 2018 PNAS paper, it happened in 1/3 of cases. There were less I think in our Sciences Advances 2020 and G3 2022 paper. All of these were from embryo resistance from maternal Cas9 (likely also the case with your drive due to the vasa promoter). When looking at "germline" resistance alleles, we have recently noticed more large deletions.

      --- We agree that the early embryo with maternally deposited Cas9 is probably the most prominent source of mutations at gRNA target sites. Perhaps naïvely we imagined that it would be easier for cells to repair two closely spaced DNA breaks by eliminating the intervening sequence, rather than stitching each break individually. Given that we sequenced many alleles carrying a single mutation, the lack of larger deletions may be explained by lower rates of Cas9 activity in Saglin, with mostly a single break at a time, due to limiting Cas9 amounts and their partial saturation with Lp gRNAs, and/or lesser accessibility of the Saglin locus compared to Lipophorin… We deleted the phrase “Contrarily to our expectation”.

      Figure 6C: It may be nice to show the wild-type and functional resistance sequence side-by-side.

      --- done

      Lines 642-644: This isn't necessarily the case. At saglin, the nonfunctional resistance alleles may still be able to outcompete the drive allele in the long run. This wasn't tested, but it's likely that the drive allele has at least some small fitness costs.

      --- We agree. We inserted this comment in a parenthesis in the text (now lines 644-645):

      Unlike the first approach, this design may allow Cas9 and gRNA-coding genes to persist indefinitely within the invaded mosquito population (unless nonfunctional resistance alleles outcompete the drive allele in the long run).

      A few comments on references to some of my studies:

      Champer, Liu, et al. 2018a and 2018b citations are the same paper.

      --- Duplicate in our reference library. Corrected.

      For Champer, Kim, et al. 2021 in Molecular Ecology, there was a recent follow-up study in eLife that shows the problem is even worse in a mosquito-specific model (possibly of interest as an alternate or supporting citation): https://elifesciences.org/articles/79121

      --- Citation added (line 68).

      One of my other previous studies was not cited, but is quite relevant to the manuscript: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.aaz0525<br /> This paper demonstrates multiplexed gRNAs and also models them, showing their advantages and disadvantages in terms of drive performance. Additionally, it models and discusses the strategy of targeting vector genes that are essential for disease spread but not the vectors themselves (the "gene disruption drive"), showing that this can be a favorable strategy if gene knockout has the desired effect (nonfunctional resistance alleles contribute to drive success).

      --- your 2020 study will indeed now be useful to inform the design of multiplex gRNAs for various gene drives designs, in terms of number of gRNAs, distribution of their target sites, necessity to generate loss-of-function rather than functional resistance allele in the target gene (such as our Lp and Saglin pro-parasitic genes)… The notion of Cas9 saturation with increasing gRNA numbers is also important. When we initiated this project in 2018, we only had intuitive notions that multiplex gRNAs could improve the durability of GD and increase the chances of resistance alleles to be loss-of-function. We thus arbitrarily maximized the number of gRNAs for each of the two targets: 3 for each target in one design, 3 and 4 in another, which, according to your modelling, is luckily close to the optimal numbers for each locus. We now cite your paper as a GD design tool in the discussion about pathways to optimizing our system:

      To further optimize GD design, modeling studies can now aid in determining the optimal number of gRNAs in a multiplex, depending on the specific GD design and purpose (Champer et al., 2020)__.

      In addition to this and to the stabilization of multiplex gRNA arrays, other paths to improvement (…)

      This one is less relevant, but is still a "standard" homing modification rescue type drive that could be mentioned (and owes its success to multiplexing): https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.2004373117<br /> The recoded rescue method was also used in mosquitoes (albeit without gRNA multiplexing) by others, so this may be a better one to mention: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19426-0

      --- We added the two references on what is now Line 663:

      Lp::Sc2A10 depends on SagGD for its long-term persistence and spread in a population, and SagGD depends on Lp::Sc2A10 as a rescue allele of the essential Lp target for its survival. This design can be seen as a two-locus variation of rescue-type GDs (Adolfi et al., 2020; Champer et al., 2020)

      Sincerely,<br /> Jackson Champer

      Referees cross-commenting<br /> Other comments look good. One thing that I forgot to mention: for the 7-gRNA construct with tRNAs, the authors mentioned that it was harder to track, but it sounds like they obtained some data for it that showed similar performance. Even if this one is not featured, perhaps they can still report the data in the supplement?

      --- This GD required examination of the mosquitoes at late developmental stages, such as the pupa, to score red fluorescence under control of the OpIE2 promoter, that is unfortunately late-active when expressed from the Lp locus. We precisely scored only the first 128 pupae arising from the progeny of the first obtained G1 [SagGD/+ ; Lp-2A10/+] females crossed to WT males. Among these:

      • 115 were GFP+, DsRed+ (89.8%)

      • 12 were GFP+, DsRed- (9.3%)

      • 1 was GFP-, DsRed- (<1%)

      This allowed us to roughly estimate the homing rates at 98.2% at the Lipophorin locus and 79.7% at the Saglin locus, which is similar to the other construct without tRNA spacers.

      These approximate rates were confirmed by visual examination of progenies in two subsequent generations of [SagGD/+; Lp-2A10/+] males and females backcrossed to WT.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      Overall, this study represents a useful advance. Aside from being the first report for gene drive in A. coluzii, it also is the first that investigates the gene disruption strategy and is the first report of gRNA multiplexing in Anopheles. The study can thus be considered high impact. There are also other aspects of the study that are of high interest to gene drive researchers in particular (several drives were tested with some variations).

      --- We are grateful for your positive, constructive and in-depth analysis of our study!

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      The authors initially created a transgenic mosquito colony expressing the Sc2A10 antibody fused to the lipid transporter Lipophorin, and tested the transmission-blocking activity of this transgene. Building off of previous findings that the Sc2A10 antibody inhibits sporozoite infectivity when expressed in mosquito salivary glands, the authors showed that found it was also efficient at inhibiting sporozoite infectivity when secreted into the hemolymph expressed under the lipophorin endogenous promoter in An. coluzzii. They then designed and tested two different gene drives utilizing the Sc2A10-Lipophorin fusion protein. In the first, the authors used a recoded allele of Lp-Sc2A10 while simultaneously utilizing gRNAs that targeted endogenous Lp in an effort to select for mosquitoes that expressed transgenic Lp-Sc2A10 due to the essential nature of Lp. However, this drive was unsuccessful because recoded Lp is necessarily heterozygous while the GD is entering the population, and Lp proved to be largely haploinsufficient. Further, the zpg promoter expressing cas9 was not effective in promoting homing of the gRNAs. In the second gene drive that was tested, authors made use of the endogenous Saglin locus, which expresses a natural agonist for Plasmodium, and is thus desirable to target for disruption in a gene drive that aims to reduce vector competence for Plasmodium. This gene drive also uses recoded Lp-Sc2A10 to replace the wild-type Lp allele, thus selecting for Sc2A10 expression, however this drive is not dependent on fitness of individuals with only one functional copy of Lp.<br /> The authors discovered that the efficacy of the zpg promoter to drive homing of cas9 is locus-dependent, limiting the success of their gene drive designs. They do show, however, that the Saglin gene drive succeeds at reaching high frequencies in mosquito populations using instead the vasa promoter to express cas9, and that these transgenic mosquitoes are able to reduce infectivity of sporozoites in a bite-back mouse model. However, they observe gene drive refractory mutations in the Lp gene, despite its highly conserved nature, showcasing the difficulty of avoiding drive resistance even in small populations of mosquitoes, and also observed deletions of gRNAs targeting both Lp and Saglin, further highlighting possible shortcomings in gene drive approaches. Together, these findings are useful to the field in walking the readers through an interesting and promising approach for a novel gene drive, and illustrating the challenges in engineering an efficacious and long-lasting drive.

      Major comments:

      As the authors are able to observe Plasmodium within mosquitoes, it would be useful to have these data in the manuscript pertaining to the prevalence and intensity of infection in mosquitoes prior to bite-back assays. If there are data or images that the authors could include, it would be helpful to show if there is a possibility that infection intensity is a variable that contributes to whether or not mice develop an infection. It would also be interesting to note whether there is a different in infection (oocysts or sporozoites) between transgenic mosquitoes and wild type mosquitoes.

      --- This is a valuable suggestion. Please note that, in order to evaluate the transmission-blocking properties of the Lp-2A10 allele (acting at the sporozoite level), we discarded non-infected mosquitoes prior to bite-back experiments, so that infection prevalence was 100% in the mosquitoes retained for the bite-back. We have not systematically compared parasite loads between transgenic and control mosquitoes. In some experiments comparing Lp-2A10 mosquitoes and their control, we dissected a subset of the mosquito midguts after bite-back to visually ascertain that they showed roughly equivalent oocyst numbers between transgenic and controls. However, we have not precisely recorded these data. It is possible that slightly decreased lipid availability in Lp::2A10 mosquitoes (their lipophorin allele producing slightly less Lp than the WT) negatively affects the parasite, as suggested by previous studies highlighting the role of host lipophorin-derived lipids for parasite development in the mosquito (Costa et al, Nat Commun 2018; Werling et al. Cell 2019; Kelsey et al. PLoS Path 2023).

      In the case of Lp-2A10 mosquitoes additionally containing a GD in Saglin, it is expected that they should carry lower parasite numbers than their controls, an effect of the Saglin knockout mutation alone (Klug et al., PLoS Path 2023). Re-inforcing the transmission blocking effect of the 2A10 antibody by reducing parasite loads via the Saglin KO was indeed our intention. Hence, having selected the most infected mosquitoes for our bite-back experiments likely attenuated this desired effect, but we still observed a 90% transmission decrease when the two modifications were combined, compared to a 70% decrease with Lp-2A10 alone. We do not plan to perform additional infections experiments for the current manuscript on Plasmodium berghei expressing Pf-CSP, but we do intend to record parasite counts in a follow-up study with an optimized SagGD transgene and Plasmodium falciparum infections. This will be of high relevance for potential future applications in malaria control.

      The authors also go into significant detail in the discussion exploring ideas of how to optimize or improve this specific gene drive design. The authors should also stress further the applicability of their discoveries in other gene drive designs, and emphasize the lessons they learned in the difficulties encountered in this study and how these findings could guide others in their decision making process when choosing targets or elements to include in a potential gene drive approach.

      --- We feel that we already emphasized these lessons in the manuscript, in the discussion and when justifying the chosen strategies in the Results section. Lessons for future designs include:

      • inserting an antimalarial factor into an essential endogenous gene, preserving its function, can provide many benefits (high expression level, secretion signal that can be hijacked, endogenous introns can be hijacked to host a marker, inactivation by mutagenesis or epigenetic silencing being more difficult…);

      • a distant-locus gene drive (as here in Saglin) could potentially drive several antimalarial cargoes at the same time, inserted in different loci;

      • non-essential mosquito genes agonistic to Plasmodium are attractive host loci for a GD, an already old idea illustrated here by the case of Saglin;

      • multiplex gRNAs are a viable approach to reduce the formation of GD-resistant alleles in essential genes and/or to increase the frequency of loss-of-function alleles, which will either disappear if the gene is essential or decrease vector competence if the gene is pro-parasitic. Hence gRNAs targeting intron sequences should be avoided in order to preserve this benefit, as illustrated by one of our Lp gRNAs targeting the first intron and that contributed to generate the only Lp viable resistance allele identified in this study;

      • To increase long-term stability of the GD construct, repeats should be minimized in gRNA multiplexes through the use of a single promoter and various spacers (tRNAs, ribozymes?) – it remains to be seen if the 76-nucleotide gRNA constant sequence itself, necessarily repeated, will stimulate unit losses in a gRNA multiplex;

      • The best promoter to restrict Cas9 expression to the germ line may be zpg in some but not all loci; the vasa promoter causing maternal Cas9 deposition may still be envisaged if resistance allele formation can be prevented by other means (targeting hyper-conserved essential sequence, multiplexing the gRNAs against an essential gene…).

      Minor comments:

      Line 44 - female sterility but also female killing approaches to crash pop. like X shredder, if authors would like to expand

      --- Female killing citation of Simoni et al, 2020 added (line 45).

      Lines 48-60 - Authors should add some references from the literature surrounding ethics and ecology studies related to gene drive release

      --- we added: (e.g., National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, 2016; Courtier-Orgogozo et al., 2017; de Graeff et al., 2021) on lines 49-51.

      Line 114 - Given the only moderate impacts of Saglin's role in Plasmodium invasion, I am not sure this saglin deletion is a convincing benefit for GD as it is probably not impactful enough alone - can the authors soften this statement?

      --- while it’s correct that Saglin KO mosquitoes show a significant decrease only in P. berghei oocyst counts and not in prevalence when mosquitoes are heavily infected, they do show a significant decrease in both counts and prevalence upon infection with P. berghei and, most importantly_, P. falciparum_ when parasite loads are lower —a situation that is more physiological (e.g. prevalence of 65% and 13% in WT and Sag(-)KI mosquitoes, respectively, upon infection with P. falciparum - Klug et al., PLoS Path 2023). Therefore, for human-relevant P. falciparum infections, an impactful decrease in vector competence can be legitimately expected.

      Line 126 -Can the authors provide rationale for expressing Sc2A10 with Lp instead of expressing it from salivary glands?

      --- There are three reasons for this. First, we knew from the cited Isaacs et al. papers that the 2A10 antibody was efficient against transmission when expressed in the fat body, and from unpublished work (Maria Pissarev, Elena Levashina and Eric Marois) that anti-CSP ScFvs expressed in the fat body of transgenic mosquitoes blocked sporozoite transmission as efficiently as when expressed from salivary glands. This is certainly favored by the easy sporozoite accessibility to the antibody when both are in mosquito hemolymph. Of note, the transmission blocking results suggest that the binding of ScFv to CSP withstands the crossing of the salivary gland epithelium by sporozoites. Second, we were looking for a host gene expressed as high as possible to produce high levels of Sc2A10 antibody. Third, the host gene must be essential so that resistance alleles would not be viable.

      We agree that it would also be possible to use a salivary gene instead of Lp as a host for this antimalarial factor. In this case, a same-locus gene drive may have functioned, but the advantages of the host locus being an essential gene would be lost, at least partially, as genetic ablation of the salivary gland, albeit slowing blood uptake, does not prevent mosquito viability and reproduction (Yamamoto et al., PLoS Path 2016).

      Line 140 - Can authors give any comment on why these regions of Lp were chosen to be recoded / targeted with gRNAs?

      --- inserting Sc2A10 just after the cleaved Lp secretion signal, and N-terminally to the rest of the Lp protein, was the goal, so that 2A10 would be secreted together with Lp and separated from both signal peptide and Lp by naturally occurring proteolysis. This constrained the choice of the target site to be at the junction between signal peptide and the remainder of Lp protein. An alternative design could have been to insert it between the two subunits ApoLpI and ApoLpII, with duplication of the protease cleavage site, or on the C-terminal extremity of the protein, but there would have been no intron in the immediate vicinity to knock-in a selection marker at the same time.

      Line 171 - "stoichiometric"

      --- Corrected.

      Line 186 - Can the authors comment or speculate on why the expression levels of the fusion protein are expected to be lower than endogenous Lp?

      --- We did not expect this. It is hard to predict whether and explain how insertion of exogenous sequences in a gene can alter its expression. Possible explanations include: the existence of harder-to-translate mRNA sequences in the Sc2A10 moiety; the addition of seven exogenous amino acids on the N-terminal side of ApoLpII (mentioned in M&M) possibly modifying the stability of the Lp protein; the modification of the intron sequence perturbing efficient intron excision and/or pre-mRNA expression due to the disruption of regulatory elements or to the new presence of the GFP gene in the antisense orientation (albeit expressed in the nervous system and not in the fat body); the presence of the exogenous Tub56D transcription terminator used to arrest GFP transcription possibly possessing bidirectional termination activity and lowering the mRNA level of the Lp allele…

      Line 211 - Why were 6 mosquitoes used for these assays, and 10 mosquitoes used in later assays (Line 223)?

      --- Mice were always exposed to groups of 10 mosquitoes, but not all 10 mosquitoes were necessarily biting the mice. We retained mice bitten by at least 6 mosquitoes for further analysis (M&M, lines 871-873 of the revised file).

      Line 212 - I would also suggest using letters (Suppl. Table 2A,B,C etc) to refer the specific experiments and sections in the Table.

      --- Implemented.

      Line 225- 228 - The authors should mention in the text that homozygotes and heterozygotes do not differ in infection assays.

      --- Added: Therefore, heterozygous mosquitoes showed a transmission blocking activity comparable to that seen in homozygotes.

      Line 249 - Can the author comment on the impacts of population influx / exchange on the idea that the GD cassette need only be transiently in the population?

      --- If Lp::Sc2A10 is fixed in the population and the GD gone, indeed an influx of WT alleles through mosquito immigration will begin to replace the antimalarial factor and drive it to extinction due to its fitness cost. As mentioned in the final paragraph of the discussion, this could be seen as an advantage to restore the original natural state—hopefully after malaria eradication! However, we regard a situation where Lp::2A10 never reaches fixation as more likely, with its spread being re-ignitable by updated GDs (line 741 of the revised file).

      Line 273 - Can the authors comment on why this may have occurred more frequently than the expected integration of the GD cassette?

      --- When a chromosome break is repaired, each side of the cut must recombine with the repair template. A possible explanation for our observation is that one side of the break recombined with the injected repair plasmid, while the other recombined with the intact sister chromosome (physiologically probably the preferred option). Since this situation still leaves truncated chromosomes, another repair event can join the plasmid-bearing chromosome end to the sister chromosome. The observation that complex rearrangement occurred frequently suggests that such events can be very common, but will usually go undetected due to the absence of genetic markers. Here, GFP on the intact sister chromosome served as a genetic marker to betray its unexpected involvement in the repair process.

      Line 314 - Not all fitness costs are apparent through standard laboratory rearing as was performed in Klug et al. Authors could consider "no known fitness cost" instead.

      --- We agree. This is what we meant by “no fitness cost in laboratory mosquitoes”. We changed this to “no fitness cost at least in laboratory conditions (Klug et al., 2023)” to make clear that this was tested.

      Line 407 - don't start new paragraph (same with 409)

      --- we removed these two lines, as we realized they contained an error, and made a correction on line 420 of the revised manuscript.

      Line 408 - I'm not sure it's clear why all these populations were kept for a different number of generations - can the authors clarify?

      --- Populations 1 and 2 were the oldest founder populations, therefore maintained for the longest time. As described in the text, all other populations were derived from populations 1 and 2 later in time by outcrossing a subset of individuals to WT mosquitoes. For these derived populations, we reset the clock of generation counting to 0 as we monitored the homing phenomenon “from scratch” in transgenic males crossed to WT, and in transgenic females crossed to WT. Resetting the clock resulted in an apparent lower number of generations for these derived populations. In addition, some of them were discarded early, usually after reaching a stable state, as it was difficult to maintain so many populations in parallel over a long period of time.

      Line 558 - "10/12 mice" not immediately clear - the authors could be more specific about how data was combined here

      --- Thank you for pointing out this ambiguity. We replaced by: the absence of infection in a total of 10 out of 12 mice showed… (line 561)

      Line 586 - Since there do appear to be some fitness costs associated with the Sc2A10 version of Lp, might it be expected that fitness costs imposed by the transgene itself could lead to selection pressures leading to its loss? Or do the authors think that these fitness costs are prevented from causing selection against Sc2A10 due to the design of the transgene such that its translation is a prerequisite for Lp's translation? Is the fact that its removal occurs more rapidly than Lp's any indication that selection against the persistence of Sc2A10 may occur?

      --- Yes, we believe that Lp::Sc2A10 will progressively disappear, replaced by the WT allele, as shown in Figure 1C, in the absence of a GD stimulating its maintenance and spread. In the Lp::Sc2A10 transgene, translation of Sc2A10 is indeed a prerequisite for Lp translation, imposing a degree of genetic stability of this transgene in terms of sequence integrity, but this does not mean that the locus cannot be outcompeted by the WT under natural selection, so that long-term persistence of Lp::Sc2A10 depends on the presence of the GD, as outlined in lines 669-672. As the GD itself can disappear due to the accumulation of resistance alleles, we expect a progressive lift of its pressure to maintain Lp::Sc2A10 and both loci to be progressively lost, a form of reversibility that may be regarded as desirable (lines 773-776 in v2, 741-743 in v3). Alternatively, both transmission blocking alleles could be maintained by releasing an updated version of the dual GD.

      Line 659 - add some further detail to this - how do you envision this to occur?

      --- We have deleted this paragraph, as it hypothesized that SagGD could frequently be transmitted to the next generation in the absence of Lp::2A10, which is not the case (it would be lethal, and Lp::2A10 homing is anyway extremely efficient). After a putative field release of [SagGD / Y; Lp::2A10/ Lp::2A10] males, both transgenes should rapidly be introgressed in the field’s genetic background.

      Line 635 - Long paragraph, should be broken up or removal of text. Some of these ideas could possibly be made more concise to improve readability. There are many different hypotheticals that are expanded upon in the discussion.

      --- We admit that this paragraph in the discussion was long and dense. We have split it into 4 smaller paragraphs to better separate the concepts that we want to discuss, and have deleted the part mentioned in the above point.

      Line 677 - This scenario seems potentially unrealistic considering the only subtle impacts of Saglin deletion on vector competence, and the potential for population exchange in mosquito populations to dilute out these alleles if the drive begins to fail. Can the author comment or potentially decrease emphasis on such scenarios?

      --- while Saglin KO mosquitoes show a moderate decrease of infection prevalence in the context of high infections, the Saglin KO decreases parasite loads in all cases, and most importantly, also prevalence upon physiological infections with P. falciparum (Klug et al., PLoS Path 2023 and see our response to your comment to line 114 above). This yields a higher proportion of non-infected mosquitoes. Therefore, the impact of Saglin mutations should be stronger for the epidemiology of human infections with P. falciparum than in laboratory models of infections where parasite loads are very high.

      We agree that mosquito migration in natural populations would progressively dilute out the beneficial alleles once the GD effect ceases. The epidemiological impact is difficult to predict and will strongly depend on the durability of the GD and on the intensity of genetic influx from adjacent mosquito populations.

      Line 708 - Can the authors speculate on why zpg is sensitive to local chromatin and elaborate on possible solutions or consequences for other drive ideas? This seems broadly important.

      --- We do not precisely know why the zpg promoter is more sensitive to local influences than the vasa promoter, but this phenomenon seems common for other promoters as well (e.g., the sds3 promoter as opposed to the shu promoter in Aedes aegypti (Anderson et al., Nat Comm 2023)). It is possible that the vasa promoter is better insulated from local repressive influences, perhaps by insulating elements akin to gypsy insulators in Drosophila. Knowledge of genetic insulators active for mosquito genes is lacking as far as we know. Characterization of efficient mosquito insulators, for example if one could be identified within vasa, and their combination with zpg or sds3 promoter elements, could potentially improve the locus-independent activity of such promoters. Alternatively, a natural and ideal promoter may still be found showing both an optimal window of expression of Cas9 in the germline, and little susceptibility to local repression.

      Line 737 - The suggestion of releasing laboratory-selected resistance alleles in the absence of further context may be provocative and unnecessary here.

      --- We didn’t intend to sound provocative, but are interested in the idea of simple resistance alleles with limited sequence alteration that could be selected in the lab, and released to block a gene drive that turned undesirable, so we wanted to share it with the reader. Mutations in the Lp and Saglin loci, preserving their functions, can be limited to one or few nucleotide changes in the gRNA target sites, as illustrated by the mutants we sequenced. Lab population of GD mosquitoes can, therefore, be a source of GD refractory mutants that could be leveraged in recall strategies.

      Line 850 - unnecessary comma

      --- Corrected.

      Line 854 - change to "after infection, moquitoes were "

      --- Changed.

      Figure 1 - Not clear what is intended to be communicated by shapes portraying proteins / subunits - consider more detailed illustration of mosquito fat body cells synthesizing and secreting proteins rather than words in text box with arrow to clearly demonstrate the point of this figure.

      --- We propose a new version of figure 1 to better illustrate the fat body origin of Lp and 2A10. We have also re-worked the graphic design to improve several figures.

      Figure 3 - I recommend rearranging this figure so that B comes before C, visually. The proportions for the design of in B should also match those used for A.

      --- We have followed these recommendations in the new Figure 3, and also used more logical color codes for the gRNAs and their target genes.

      Figure 5 - It is unclear to me why some Populations were maintained for such different lengths of time.

      --- Same point as above for line #408: Populations 1 and 2 are the oldest founder populations, therefore maintained for the longest time. As described in the text, all other populations were derived from populations 1 and 2 later in time by outcrossing to WT mosquitoes, resulting in a lower number of generations for these derived populations. In addition, some of them were discarded earlier, usually after reaching a stable state, as it was not possible to maintain so many populations in parallel for a long period of time.

      Figure 7 - Ladder should be labeled on the gel. It may also be helpful for the author to indicate clearly exactly which mosquitoes were shown by sequencing to have these different deletions, as it is occasionally unclear based on band sizing.

      --- we have added the ladder sizes as well as a numbering of individual mosquitoes on Figure 7. We sequenced 4 gel-purified small -type B- amplicons of Population 1 individually (#1, 2, 4, 6), and a pool of 4 type B amplicons from Population 7 (pooled #2, 4, 5, 6) as well as two samples of several pooled gel-purified large -type A- amplicons from Population 2 (pool of samples #2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12) and from Population 7 ( pool of #1, 3, 7, 11, 12). This information now also appears in the material and methods section (PCR genotyping of the SagGDvasa gRNA array).

      Line 996 - given that there is a size band on the right line of this gel also, can authors crop the gel image to eliminate unnecessary lanes a and b from this figure without losing information needed to interpret this blot?

      --- we agree that this would make the message easier to understand, but cropping lanes a and b would place WT control and Lp::Sc2A10 homozygotes on two separate images, even if a size marker is present on each. We prefer keeping the raw image to facilitate direct comparison of the band sizes, making clear that this was a single protein gel.

      Line 1070 - 12 out of how many sequenced mosquitoes?

      --- 12 mosquitoes from each of these four populations served as PCR templates to generate figure 7. A subset of amplicons were sequenced individually or pooled, as described above and now in Methods. All sequencing reactions of type A and type B amplicons showed consistent results.

      Line 1078 - Can remove some detail like % of agarose, and replication of results with different polymerase as these are already in methods.

      --- Done.

      Line 1098 - "Unbless"

      --- Corrected

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      This study illustrates a wide range of issues pertinent for gene drive implementation for malaria control, and as such is of value to the field of entomologists, genetic engineers, parasitologists and public health professionals. The gene drive designs explored for this study are interesting largely from a basic biology perspective pertinent mostly to specialists in the field of genetic engineering and vector biology, but highlight challenges associated with this technology that could also be of interest to a broader audience. A transmission blocking gene drive has not yet been achieved in malaria mosquitoes, and is thus a novel space for exploration. As a medical entomologist that works predominantly outside of the genetic engineering space, I have appreciated the detail the authors have provided with regard to their rationale and findings, even when these findings were inconsistent with the authors' primary objectives or expectations.

      --- Thank you for your positive assessment and for this in-depth evaluation of our data.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      The study by Green et al. generated a gene drive targeting both Saglin and Lipophorin in the Anopheles mosquito, with a view to blocking Plasmodium parasite transmission. This is a highly complex but elegant study, which could significantly contribute to the design of novel strategies to spread antimalarial transgenes in mosquitoes.<br /> Overall, this is a complex study which, for a non-specialist reader gets quite technical and heavy in most parts. Despite this, there are key points showing that suppression gene drive may not be the way forward in this instance. However, I would advise explaining certain elements in more detail for the benefit of the general readers. I only have minor points for the authors to address:<br /> 1) Please point out for the general reader that Anopheles coluzzii belongs to the gambiae complex, since you explain that gambiae are the major malaria spreaders in sub-Saharan Africa.

      --- done in the introduction (lines 71-73) also in response to Rev. 1

      2) The authors pretty much give all results in the last part of the introduction, could the intro be shortened by removing these parts, or just highlighting in a single paragraph the main take home message?

      --- We have condensed this part to highlight the take home messages in the last paragraph, also in response to Rev. 1.

      3) Why is Vg mentioned? It is only mentioned once and doesn't have any other mention through the manuscript.

      --- this introduces the two proteins that are by far the most abundant, and present at similar levels, in the hemolymph of blood-fed females, Vg being also prominent on the Coomassie stained gel of fig.1. We mention Vg also because it represents another excellent candidate locus to host anti-plasmodium factors, as discussed later on lines 600-610 of the Discussion section.

      4) Please make it clearer for non-specialists why Cecropin wasn't used.

      ---On lines 630-636 we explain that we decided to leave out Cecropin to avoid potential additional fitness costs due to expression at all life stages in the fat body, as opposed to solely in the midgut after blood meal (Isaacs et al. PNAS 2012); and to avoid complexifying the anti-Plasmodium Lipophorin locus in a way that could further reduce the functionality of the Lp gene. We also had prior knowledge from unplublished work that Sc2A10 alone was sufficient to block sporozoite infectivity.

      5) Why were homozygous and not heterozygous transgenics transfected if there is such as fitness cost to homozygous mosquitoes?

      --- the fitness cost of homozygous mosquitoes is actually mild, unnoticeable if homozygotes are bred in the absence of competing heterozygotes and wild-types (lines 151-156). Microinjection experiments to obtain the different versions of SagGD were, therefore, performed on either the heterozygous or homozygous line. As for infection assays, the anticipated effect of gene drive is to promote homozygosity at the Lp::Sc2A10 locus. For this reason, it made sense to test the vector competence of homozygotes, in addition to the fact that the Plasmodium-blocking phenotype was expected to be stronger (and thus, easier to document) with two copies of the transgene. Only after obtaining a large dataset from infection assays with homozygotes did we test heterozygotes and found that they actually had a similar phenotype.

      6) Line 211 - what was the average number of infected mosquitoes used per infection for each mosquito strain?

      --- As described in the text (lines 204-206 of v2; 208-212 of the revision) and in the Methods (lines 868-873), non-infected mosquitoes were discarded prior to performing the experiment using 10 infected mosquitoes per mouse, and we discarded mice bitten by fewer than 6 mosquitoes. So at least 6 infected mosquitoes bit each mouse (often 8-9).

      7) Line 219 - please be clearer regarding this being infection detected in the blood.

      --- We replaced « infection » with « detectable parasitemia in the blood »

      8) Line 320 - please clarify why the zpg promoter was used.

      --- The advantages of zpg are mentioned in lines 257-258 and 320-322 (revised file).

      9) Line 375 - what was the rationale for using so many gRNAs?

      --- 3 or 4 gRNAs against Lipophorin and 3 gRNAs against Saglin, amounting to a total of 6 or 7 gRNAs against the two loci. The rationale is explained on lines 249-253 : the goal was to maximize the chance of causing loss-of-function mutations in the essential Lp gene and to favor elimination of GD resistant alleles by natural selection, in case of failed homing. For Saglin which is a non-essential gene, we wanted to ensure loss-of-function of failed homing alleles to achieve a reduction in vector competence, even if GD-resistant alleles accumulate. We sought to make this rationale clearer by adding a sentence on lines 328-332:

      Multiplexing the gRNAs was intended to promote the formation of loss-of-function alleles in case of failed homing at the Lp and Saglin loci: non-functional alleles of the essential Lp gene would be eliminated by natural selection while non-functional Saglin alleles would reduce vector competence.

      Line 555 - please state how long post bite back parasite appears in infected mice.

      --- We changed this sentence to : …two of these six mice developed parasitemia six days after infection<br /> (line 556).

      Reviewer #3 (Significance):

      This is potentially a highly significant study that could provide a vital mechanism for generating efficient gene drives. Although highly technical and complex in most parts, with a little clarification in certain areas this manuscript could be of great value to a general readership.

      --- Thank you for your appreciation and thoughtful evaluation of our manuscript.

      Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      The authors hijacked the Anopheles coluzzii Lipophorin gene to express the antibody 2A10, which binds sporozoites of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The resulting transgenic mosquitoes showed a reduced ability to transmit Plasmodium.

      The authors also designed and tested several CRISPR-based gene drives. One targets Saglin gene and simultaneously cleaves the wild-type Lipophorin gene, aiming to replace the wildtype version with the Sc2A10 alele while bringing together the Saglin gene drive.

      Drive-resistant alleles were present in population-caged experiments, the Saglin-based gene drive reached high levels in caged mosquito populations though, and simultaneously promoted the spread of the antimalarial Lp::Sc2A10 allele.

      This work contributes to the design of novel strategies to spread antimalarial transgenes in mosquitoes. It also displays issues related to using multiplexing gene-drive designs due to DNA rearrangements that could prevent the efficient spread of the gene drive in the long term.

      This is tremendous work considering how many transgenic lines and genetic crosses are performed using mosquitoes. The conclusions are supported by the data presented, and some modifications regarding the experimental design description through text/figure improvements would facilitate the reading and flow of the paper.

      Here some questions/comments:

      • Line 124-125: Reference?

      --- added

      • Line 133-134: Reference?

      --- added

      • Table 1: It seems the authors have some issues recovering a good amount Sc2A10 from hemolymph samples. Is this a problem of the antibody per se? Is it the Lp endogenous promoter weak? Could this be improved by placing the antibody in a different genomic region? Alternatives could be discussed.

      --- The 2A10 antibody must be initially produced in the same, very high, amounts as the Lp endogenous protein with which it is co-translated. Therefore, its low relative abundance must result from faster turnover or stickiness to tissue, as hypothesised on lines 176-177. We believe that virtually any other endogenous promoter would be weaker than Lp and produce lower Sc2A10 levels.

      • Fig.1B: It would be nice to have a representation of the genome after integration. You could add a B' panel or just another schematic under the current one.

      --- In agreement with this suggestion and that of rev. 3, we added a new panel in 1B.

      • Supplementary Fig.1b: Could the authors explain the origin of the (first) zpg promoter used? Is it from An. Coluzzii? It seems they use a different one in the gene drive designs later (see comments below too).

      --- We initially cloned a PCR-amplified zpg promoter region of the same size as the version published by Kyrou et al., from genomic DNA from our colony of A. coluzzii. The resulting promoter fragment harbored several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) compared to published sequences, as typically observed when cloning genomic fragments due to high genetic diversity in Anopheles species. Such SNPs are not usually expected to affect promoter activity, but are difficult to distinguish from PCR mutations which, in turn, could decrease or abolish promoter activity if mutating an essential transcription factor binding site. For this reason, our next constructs were based on the validated zpg sequences from Kyrou et al. The first cloning strategy was described in the results section but was missing in the material and method section. This is now corrected (lines 773-779).

      • Fig.3: Please, correct to A, B, C order. Current one is A, C, B.

      --- Done.

      Could the authors include a schematic of the final mosquito genome after integration? I can see they are targeting two different locations (Saglin and Lp). It is unclear though from the figure where the Sc2A10-GFP is coming from. I understand this represents the mosquito genome as you injected heterozygous animals already containing the Sc2A10-GFP. Maybe label the Sc2A10-GFP as mosquito genome or similar? A schematic showing mosquito embryos already carrying this and then the plasmid being injected could help.

      --- Figure 3 does not represent the injection of new transgenic constructs. Instead, it shows the conversion process of chromosomes X and II in a germ cell carrying both transgenes in the heterozygous state, to illustrate how the dual gene drive can spread in a population after WT mosquitoes mated with transgenics carrying both the SagGD and Lp-2A10 alleles. We have re-worked the graphic design of this figure and modified its title to make this more clear.

      • Line 330-331: Do you know the transgenesis efficiency? Did the authors make single or pools for crossing and posterior screening? It would be interesting to know about transgenesis rates to inform the community.

      --- we no longer perform single crosses for transgenesis, as batch crosses ensure higher recovery of transgenics due to the collective reproductive behavior (swarming) in Anopheles. Therefore, we cannot precisely calculate the transgenesis efficiency. However, >60 positive G1s from a pool of 36 G0 males crossed to WT females is indicative of a rather high integration efficiency. We consistently observe high efficiency of transgene integration when using the CRISPR/Cas9 system, that we estimate to be about 5-fold more efficient than docking site transgenesis, and much more efficient than piggyBac mediated transgenesis.

      • Line 357/Fig.4B: Could the authors explain in the text GFP+ vs. GFP++?

      --- GFP++ was meant to indicate higher intensity of GFP fluorescence than GFP+, due to two copies of the transgene versus one, but see our response to reviewer 1’s comment to line 356 about the questionability of homing in the zygote.

      • Line 357: Where is the vasa promoter that made the "rescue" coming from? Is it amplified from Coluzzii? Please, include this explanation for clarification. Why the authors think the zpg from Kyrou et al 2018 works for the cassette integration but not for homing? They discuss positional effects, any references showing that?

      --- We amplified the vasa promoter from A. coluzzii using primers CggtctcaATCCcgatgtagaacgcgagcaaa and CggtctcaCATAttgtttcctttctttattcaccgg (annealing sequence underlined) to have a fragment equivalent to that (vas2) characterized in Papathanos et al, 2009. We have now added this information in the Methods under Plasmid construction. This is the only source of vasa promoter used in this work.

      About zpg promoter activity : we have past experience suggesting that promoters, such as the hsp70 promoter from Drosophila, can be sufficient to express enzymatic activities in embryos injected with helper plasmids, even though the same promoters appear to become inactive once integrated in the genome. This may be due to injected “naked” plasmids being readily accessible to the transcription machinery, unlike organized chromatin. A recent reference showing genomic positional influences on promoter efficiency is Anderson et al., 2023, which we have added on line 710 of the Discussion.

      • Line 362: No reference to figure nor table.

      --- These data (numbers from a COPAS analysis) are provided directly in the text in this sentence (which has been clarified in response to Reviewer 1). See lines 364-369 of the revision.

      • Line 417: The text brings the reader back to Fig.3C. Could the authors move this panel for easier flow of the paper?

      --- We agree that positioning of this panel in Figure 3 is a bit awkward, but this western blot pertains to the characterization of the insertion shown in Fig. 3. Placing it after COPAS analyses would be equally awkward.

      • Line 472-474: How many WT alleles were recovered? It is not stated unless I missed anything, which is possible.

      --- We refrained from providing a quantification of this, and focussed on qualitative results, as we didn't trust the quantitative representativity of our high-throughput amplicon sequencing results in terms of allele frequency in the sampled mosquito population. A large fraction of sequenced reads corresponded to PCR artefacts such as primer dimers and unspecific short amplicons, potentially affecting the relative frequencies of gene-specific amplicons. However, among the sequenced gene-specific amplicons, WT alleles were the majority (lines 474-475).

      • Fig.5. Could the authors discuss why the observed DsRed-gene drive drop in population 1 at ~18 generation? The population gets to the point where only 50% of the population carries the Cas9-DsRed cassette. Considering that the Saglin gene drive only converts through females (inserted into the X chr.), and some indels could be generated by generation 20, how do you explain the great recovery until fully spreading into the population?

      --- We agree that this is somewhat puzzling. We don’t have a satisfactory explanation beyond stochastic effects, possibly promoted by population bottlenecks: although we strived to maintain these populations at a high number of individuals at each generation, we cannot exclude that at a given generation only a relatively small fraction of individuals contributed to the next generation, leading to fluctuations in allelic frequencies. This would be possible particularly for populations 1 and 2, which were not monitored frequently between generations 10 and 18, at which point additional populations 5-8 were established and it was decided that close monitoring of all populations was important.

      It seems to me populations 3-8 are new cage experiments by randomly picking mosquitoes from populations 1 and 2 (at a specific generation) and mixing them with WT individuals. Could the authors explain the reasoning for these experiments? I believe populations 3-8 deserves a different figure (main or supplementary) describing how they were seeded. It is confusing having everything together as these experiments were performed differently way and for a different reason compared to populations 1 and 2. Some cage schematics and drawings would help in understanding the protocol strategy for populations 3-8.

      --- This is correct for populations 3 and 4 that indeed originated from randomly picking mosquitoes from populations 1 and 2 at generation 10 and mixing them with WT individuals. Populations 5, 6, 7 and 8 are crosses between generation 16 transgenic partners of one sex to WT of the other sex, as indicated above the COPAS diagrams provided in Suppl. File 2. We apologize for having insufficiently described how each population was assembled and now provide more details (lines 422-429, in the figure 5 legend, and G0 crosses spelled out on top of each population diagram). In setting up these populations, we wanted to test the effects of various routes by which the transgenes may be introduced into a wild mosquito population: release of unsorted transgenic males + females, or release of one sex only (probably males in the field, but the crosses with transgenic females as with transgenic males also served to re-quantify homing in the second generation of each cross).

      The modified text reads as follows:

      Populations 3 and 4 were established by mixing randomly selected transgenic mosquitoes (both males and females of generation 10) from populations 1 and 2, respectively, with wild-types, to mimic what may occur in a mixed-sex field release. Populations 5-8 were established by crossing single-sex transgenic mosquitoes to WT of the opposite sex, both to mimic a single-sex field release and to re-assess homing efficiency after 16 generations.

      Also, could you add homozygous and heterozygous labels in the figure legend to help understanding the different lines.

      --- As indicated on the side of the figure and in the figure legend, lines don’t represent homozygous vs. heterozygous frequency, but allele frequency (continuous lines), and frequency of mosquitoes carrying the transgene (dotted lines). In the figure legend we now provided the calculation formulas for gene frequency: [ 2 x (number of homozygotes) + (number of heterozygotes)] / 2 x (total number of larvae) for the autosomal Lp::2A10 transgene, and [ 2 x (number of homozygotes) + (number of heterozygotes) ] / 1.5 x (total number of larvae) for the X-linked SagGD transgene.

      • Fig.6: The authors sequenced non-DsRed individuals from generations 3-4. The authors also mentioned they sequenced mosquitoes from generation 32 (Fig.7). Interestingly, they observed that these mosquitoes were missing a piece of the cassette (they contained 2 gRNAs instead of 7). Since the amplicons only cover the gRNA portion, a PCR covering the Zpg-Cas9 portion would be ideal to confirm that only the gRNAs are missing. Sampling DsRed+ mosquitoes from generations 3, 18 and 31 (populations 1 and 2) and carrying out these experiments is recommended. Although unlikely, I would be worried about the Cas9 being deleted due to unexpected DNA rearrangements; in that case, the cassette would contain the DsRed marker alone.

      --- Thank you for this suggestion. We no longer have DNA samples from the earlier generations. Thus, we genotyped 7 DsRed positive male mosquitoes from each of current populations 1, 2 and 7 (generation 41 since transgenesis) for the presence of Cas9. We detected a Cas9-specific amplicon of 1.6 kb in 21/21 sampled DsRed positive mosquitoes, in parallel to the same shortened gRNA arrays detected in earlier generations. This suggests that the Cas9 part of the transgene was not affected by the loss of gRNA units. We made a panel C in Figure 7 showing these results and mentioned them on lines 537-538. Of note, the Cas9 moiety of the gene drive construct shows no repetitive sequence and should therefore not be as unstable as the gRNA multiplex array. The observed excisions of gRNA expression units were strictly due to recombinations between repeated U6 promoter sequences (Fig. 7).

      The authors employ 3 different gRNAs that are 43 and 310 nts apart. It has been shown that only 20 nt lack of homology produces an important reduction on gene drive performance (Lopez del Amo et al 2020, Nat Comms). Also, it has been shown that gRNA multiplexing approaches should be kept with a low number of gRNAs, 2 being maybe the best one depending on the design (Samuel Champer 2020, Sciences Advances). This could be discussed more.

      --- Thank you for this suggestion. These results were not published when this study was initiated, so that our gene drive constructs could only be designed on empirical bases. For gRNA numbers, see the new discussion point and inclusion of a reference to the study by S. Champer et al., on line 700-702. The reduction of drive performance with longer non-homologous stretches is indeed also a very important point, that we now discuss on lines 713-717, citing your study:

      Finally, tighter clustering of gRNA target sites at target homing loci, especially Saglin, should improve gene drive performance by reducing the length of DNA sequences flanking the cut site that bear no homology to the repair template on the sister chromosome and need to be resected by the repair machinery to allow homing (López Del Amo et al., 2020)__.

      Reviewer #4 (Significance):

      There are different novelty aspects from my point of view in this work. While most of the scientists focus on developing CRISPR-based gene drives in An. Stephensi and gambiae, this work employs An. Coluzzii. Some limitations regarding fitness cost associated with the Lp gene were also noted and discussed by the authors.

      --- To be fair, earlier gene drive studies were performed on the G3 laboratory strain, traditionally named A. gambiae, although it is probably itself a hybrid strain from gambiae and coluzzii. Still, the Ngousso strain from Cameroon that was used in this study is thought to be a bona fide A. coluzzii. We have also added a reference to a recent paper (Carballar-Lejarazu et al., 2023) that also describes a population modification GD in A. coluzzii.

      First, they show that An. Coluzzii mosquitoes infect less when containing the antimalarial effector cassette inserted in their genomes. Second, a gene drive is showing super-Mendelian inheritance in An. Coluzzii, which would be the second example of a gene drive in these mosquitoes so far to my knowledge.

      I believe this is the first manuscript experimentally using multiplexing approaches (multiple gRNAs) in mosquitoes (all previous works I saw were performed in flies). While previous gene-drive works employ only one gRNA in mosquitoes, this works explores the use of different gRNAs targeting nearby locations to potentially improve HDR rates and gene drive spread. Although they observe gene drive activity, they also show DNA rearrangements due to the intrinsic nature of multiplexing gene drives that can generate multiple DNA double-strand breaks, impeding proper HDR and clean replacement of the wildtype alleles. This is important from a technical point of view as it shows this approach requires optimization. They included 3 gRNAs targeting the Saglin gene, and trying 2gRNAs instead could be interesting for future investigations.

      --- We now discussed optimization with the help of modeling, in response to Reviewer 1, on lines 701-702.

      This work will be very useful for the CRISPR-based gene drive field, which seeks to develop genome editing tools to control mosquito populations and reduce the impact of vector-borne diseases such as malaria.

      This reviewer intended to understand the work and provide constructive feedback to the best of my abilities. I apologize in advance if I misunderstood anything.

      --- Thank you for your appreciation, insight, and constructive evaluation of our manuscript.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors hijacked the Anopheles coluzzii Lipophorin gene to express the antibody 2A10, which binds sporozoites of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The resulting transgenic mosquitoes showed a reduced ability to transmit Plasmodium.

      The authors also designed and tested several CRISPR-based gene drives. One targets Saglin gene and simultaneously cleaves the wild-type Lipophorin gene, aiming to replace the wildtype version with the Sc2A10 alele while bringing together the Saglin gene drive.

      Drive-resistant alleles were present in population-caged experiments, the Saglin-based gene drive reached high levels in caged mosquito populations though, and simultaneously promoted the spread of the antimalarial Lp::Sc2A10 allele.

      This work contributes to the design of novel strategies to spread antimalarial transgenes in mosquitoes. It also displays issues related to using multiplexing gene-drive designs due to DNA rearrangements that could prevent the efficient spread of the gene drive in the long term.

      This is tremendous work considering how many transgenic lines and genetic crosses are performed using mosquitoes. The conclusions are supported by the data presented, and some modifications regarding the experimental design description through text/figure improvements would facilitate the reading and flow of the paper.

      Here some questions/comments:

      • Line 124-125: Reference?
      • Line 133-134: Reference?
      • Table 1: It seems the authors have some issues recovering a good amount Sc2A10 from hemolymph samples. Is this a problem of the antibody per se? Is it the Lp endogenous promoter weak? Could this be improved by placing the antibody in a different genomic region? Alternatives could be discussed.
      • Fig.1B: It would be nice to have a representation of the genome after integration. You could add a B' panel or just another schematic under the current one.
      • Supplementary Fig.1b: Could the authors explain the origin of the (first) zpg promoter used? Is it from An. Coluzzii? It seems they use a different one in the gene drive designs later (see comments below too).
      • Fig.3: Please, correct to A, B, C order. Current one is A, C, B.<br /> Could the authors include a schematic of the final mosquito genome after integration? I can see they are targeting two different locations (Saglin and Lp). It is unclear though from the figure where the Sc2A10-GFP is coming from. I understand this represents the mosquito genome as you injected heterozygous animals already containing the Sc2A10-GFP. Maybe label the Sc2A10-GFP as mosquito genome or similar? A schematic showing mosquito embryos already carrying this and then the plasmid being injected could help.
      • Line 330-331: Do you know the transgenesis efficiency? Did the authors make single or pools for crossing and posterior screening? It would be interesting to know about transgenesis rates to inform the community.
      • Line 357/Fig.4B: Could the authors explain in the text GFP+ vs. GFP++?
      • Line 357: Where is the vasa promoter that made the "rescue" coming from? Is it amplified from Coluzzii? Please, include this explanation for clarification. Why the authors think the zpg from Kyrou et al 2018 works for the cassette integration but not for homing? They discuss positional effects, any references showing that?
      • Line 362: No reference to figure nor table.
      • Line 417: The text brings the reader back to Fig.3C. Could the authors move this panel for easier flow of the paper?
      • Line 472-474: How many WT alleles were recovered? It is not stated unless I missed anything, which is possible.
      • Fig.5. Could the authors discuss why the observed DsRed-gene drive drop in population 1 at ~18 generation? The population gets to the point where only 50% of the population carries the Cas9-DsRed cassette. Considering that the Saglin gene drive only converts through females (inserted into the X chr.), and some indels could be generated by generation 20, how do you explain the great recovery until fully spreading into the population?

      It seems to me populations 3-8 are new cage experiments by randomly picking mosquitoes from populations 1 and 2 (at a specific generation) and mixing them with WT individuals. Could the authors explain the reasoning for these experiments? I believe populations 3-8 deserves a different figure (main or supplementary) describing how they were seeded. It is confusing having everything together as these experiments were performed differently way and for a different reason compared to populations 1 and 2. Some cage schematics and drawings would help in understanding the protocol strategy for populations 3-8.

      Also, could you add homozygous and heterozygous labels in the figure legend to help understanding the different lines.

      • Fig.6: The authors sequenced non-DsRed individuals from generations 3-4. The authors also mentioned they sequenced mosquitoes from generation 32 (Fig.7). Interestingly, they observed that these mosquitoes were missing a piece of the cassette (they contained 2 gRNAs instead of 7). Since the amplicons only cover the gRNA portion, a PCR covering the Zpg-Cas9 portion would be ideal to confirm that only the gRNAs are missing. Sampling DsRed+ mosquitoes from generations 3, 18 and 31 (populations 1 and 2) and carrying out these experiments is recommended. Although unlikely, I would be worried about the Cas9 being deleted due to unexpected DNA rearrangements; in that case, the cassette would contain the DsRed marker alone.

      The authors employ 3 different gRNAs that are 43 and 310 nts apart. It has been shown that only 20 nt lack of homology produces an important reduction on gene drive performance (Lopez del Amo et al 2020, Nat Comms). Also, it has been shown that gRNA multiplexing approaches should be kept with a low number of gRNAs, 2 being maybe the best one depending on the design (Samuel Champer 2020, Sciences Advances). This could be discussed more.


      There are different novelty aspects from my point of view in this work. While most of the scientists focus on developing CRISPR-based gene drives in An. Stephensi and gambiae, this work employs An. Coluzzii. Some limitations regarding fitness cost associated with the Lp gene were also noted and discussed by the authors.

      First, they show that An. Coluzzii mosquitoes infect less when containing the antimalarial effector cassette inserted in their genomes. Second, a gene drive is showing super-Mendelian inheritance in An. Coluzzii, which would be the second example of a gene drive in these mosquitoes so far to my knowledge.

      I believe this is the first manuscript experimentally using multiplexing approaches (multiple gRNAs) in mosquitoes (all previous works I saw were performed in flies). While previous gene-drive works employ only one gRNA in mosquitoes, this works explores the use of different gRNAs targeting nearby locations to potentially improve HDR rates and gene drive spread. Although they observe gene drive activity, they also show DNA rearrangements due to the intrinsic nature of multiplexing gene drives that can generate multiple DNA double-strand breaks, impeding proper HDR and clean replacement of the wildtype alleles. This is important from a technical point of view as it shows this approach requires optimization. They included 3 gRNAs targeting the Saglin gene, and trying 2gRNAs instead could be interesting for future investigations.

      This work will be very useful for the CRISPR-based gene drive field, which seeks to develop genome editing tools to control mosquito populations and reduce the impact of vector-borne diseases such as malaria.

      This reviewer intended to understand the work and provide constructive feedback to the best of my abilities. I apologize in advance if I misunderstood anything.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The study by Green et al. generated a gene drive targeting both Saglin and Lipophorin in the Anopheles mosquito, with a view to blocking Plasmodium parasite transmission. This is a highly complex but elegant study, which could significantly contribute to the design of novel strategies to spread antimalarial transgenes in mosquitoes.<br /> Overall, this is a complex study which, for a non-specialist reader gets quite technical and heavy in most parts. Despite this, there are key points showing that suppression gene drive may not be the way forward in this instance. However, I would advise explaining certain elements in more detail for the benefit of the general readers. I only have minor points for the authors to address:

      1. Please point out for the general reader that Anopheles coluzzii belongs to the gambiae complex, since you explain that gambiae are the major malaria spreaders in sub-Saharan Africa.
      2. The authors pretty much give all results in the last part of the introduction, could the intro be shortened by removing these parts, or just highlighting in a single paragraph the main take home message?
      3. Why is Vg mentioned? It is only mentioned once and doesn't have any other mention through the manuscript.
      4. Please make it clearer for non-specialists why Cecropin wasn't used.
      5. Why were homozygous and not heterozygous transgenics transfected if there is such as fitness cost to homozygous mosquitoes?
      6. Line 211 - what was the average number of infected mosquitoes used per infection for each mosquito strain?
      7. Line 219 - please be clearer regarding this being infection detected in the blood.
      8. Line 320 - please clarify why the zpg promoter was used.
      9. Line 375 - what was the rationale for using so many gRNAs?<br /> Line 555 - please state how long post bite back parasite appears in infected mice.


      This is potentially a highly significant study that could provide a vital mechanism for generating efficient gene drives. Although highly technical and complex in most parts, with a little clarification in certain areas this manuscript could be of great value to a general readership.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors initially created a transgenic mosquito colony expressing the Sc2A10 antibody fused to the lipid transporter Lipophorin, and tested the transmission-blocking activity of this transgene. Building off of previous findings that the Sc2A10 antibody inhibits sporozoite infectivity when expressed in mosquito salivary glands, the authors showed that found it was also efficient at inhibiting sporozoite infectivity when secreted into the hemolymph expressed under the lipophorin endogenous promoter in An. coluzzii. They then designed and tested two different gene drives utilizing the Sc2A10-Lipophorin fusion protein. In the first, the authors used a recoded allele of Lp-Sc2A10 while simultaneously utilizing gRNAs that targeted endogenous Lp in an effort to select for mosquitoes that expressed transgenic Lp-Sc2A10 due to the essential nature of Lp. However, this drive was unsuccessful because recoded Lp is necessarily heterozygous while the GD is entering the population, and Lp proved to be largely haploinsufficient. Further, the zpg promoter expressing cas9 was not effective in promoting homing of the gRNAs. In the second gene drive that was tested, authors made use of the endogenous Saglin locus, which expresses a natural agonist for Plasmodium, and is thus desirable to target for disruption in a gene drive that aims to reduce vector competence for Plasmodium. This gene drive also uses recoded Lp-Sc2A10 to replace the wild-type Lp allele, thus selecting for Sc2A10 expression, however this drive is not dependent on fitness of individuals with only one functional copy of Lp.

      The authors discovered that the efficacy of the zpg promoter to drive homing of cas9 is locus-dependent, limiting the success of their gene drive designs. They do show, however, that the Saglin gene drive succeeds at reaching high frequencies in mosquito populations using instead the vasa promoter to express cas9, and that these transgenic mosquitoes are able to reduce infectivity of sporozoites in a bite-back mouse model. However, they observe gene drive refractory mutations in the Lp gene, despite its highly conserved nature, showcasing the difficulty of avoiding drive resistance even in small populations of mosquitoes, and also observed deletions of gRNAs targeting both Lp and Saglin, further highlighting possible shortcomings in gene drive approaches. Together, these findings are useful to the field in walking the readers through an interesting and promising approach for a novel gene drive, and illustrating the challenges in engineering an efficacious and long-lasting drive.

      Major comments:

      As the authors are able to observe Plasmodium within mosquitoes, it would be useful to have these data in the manuscript pertaining to the prevalence and intensity of infection in mosquitoes prior to bite-back assays. If there are data or images that the authors could include, it would be helpful to show if there is a possibility that infection intensity is a variable that contributes to whether or not mice develop an infection. It would also be interesting to note whether there is a different in infection (oocysts or sporozoites) between transgenic mosquitoes and wild type mosquitoes.

      The authors also go into significant detail in the discussion exploring ideas of how to optimize or improve this specific gene drive design. The authors should also stress further the applicability of their discoveries in other gene drive designs, and emphasize the lessons they learned in the difficulties encountered in this study and how these findings could guide others in their decision making process when choosing targets or elements to include in a potential gene drive approach.

      Minor comments:

      Line 44 - female sterility but also female killing approaches to crash pop. like X shredder, if authors would like to expand

      Lines 48-60 - Authors should add some references from the literature surrounding ethics and ecology studies related to gene drive release

      Line 114 - Given the only moderate impacts of Saglin's role in Plasmodium invasion, I am not sure this saglin deletion is a convincing benefit for GD as it is probably not impactful enough alone - can the authors soften this statement?

      Line 126 -Can the authors provide rationale for expressing Sc2A10 with Lp instead of expressing it from salivary glands?

      Line 140 - Can authors give any comment on why these regions of Lp were chosen to be recoded / targeted with gRNAs?

      Line 171 - "stoichiometric"

      Line 186 - Can the authors comment or speculate on why the expression levels of the fusion protein are expected to be lower than endogenous Lp?

      Line 211 - Why were 6 mosquitoes used for these assays, and 10 mosquitoes used in later assays (Line 223)?

      Line 212 - I would also suggest using letters (Suppl. Table 2A,B,C etc) to refer the specific experiments and sections in the Table.

      Line 225- 228 - The authors should mention in the text that homozygotes and heterozygotes do not differ in infection assays.

      Line 249 - Can the author comment on the impacts of population influx / exchange on the idea that the GD cassette need only be transiently in the population?

      Line 273 - Can the authors comment on why this may have occurred more frequently than the expected integration of the GD cassette?

      Line 314 - Not all fitness costs are apparent through standard laboratory rearing as was performed in Klug et al. Authors could consider "no known fitness cost" instead.

      Line 407 - don't start new paragraph (same with 409)

      Line 408 - I'm not sure it's clear why all these populations were kept for a different number of generations - can the authors clarify?

      Line 558 - "10/12 mice" not immediately clear - the authors could be more specific about how data was combined here

      Line 586 - Since there do appear to be some fitness costs associated with the Sc2A10 version of Lp, might it be expected that fitness costs imposed by the transgene itself could lead to selection pressures leading to its loss? Or do the authors think that these fitness costs are prevented from causing selection against Sc2A10 due to the design of the transgene such that its translation is a prerequisite for Lp's translation? Is the fact that its removal occurs more rapidly than Lp's any indication that selection against the persistence of Sc2A10 may occur?

      Line 659 - add some further detail to this - how do you envision this to occur?

      Line 635 - Long paragraph, should be broken up or removal of text. Some of these ideas could possibly be made more concise to improve readability. There are many different hypotheticals that are expanded upon in the discussion.

      Line 677 - This scenario seems potentially unrealistic considering the only subtle impacts of Saglin deletion on vector competence, and the potential for population exchange in mosquito populations to dilute out these alleles if the drive begins to fail. Can the author comment or potentially decrease emphasis on such scenarios?

      Line 708 - Can the authors speculate on why zpg is sensitive to local chromatin and elaborate on possible solutions or consequences for other drive ideas? This seems broadly important.

      Line 737 - The suggestion of releasing laboratory-selected resistance alleles in the absence of further context may be provocative and unnecessary here.

      Line 850 - unnecessary comma

      Line 854 - change to "after infection, moquitoes were "

      Figure 1 - Not clear what is intended to be communicated by shapes portraying proteins / subunits - consider more detailed illustration of mosquito fat body cells synthesizing and secreting proteins rather than words in text box with arrow to clearly demonstrate the point of this figure.

      Figure 3 - I recommend rearranging this figure so that B comes before C, visually. The proportions for the design of in B should also match those used for A.

      Figure 5 - It is unclear to me why some Populations were maintained for such different lengths of time.

      Figure 7 - Ladder should be labeled on the gel. It may also be helpful for the author to indicate clearly exactly which mosquitoes were shown by sequencing to have these different deletions, as it is occasionally unclear based on band sizing.

      Line 996 - given that there is a size band on the right line of this gel also, can authors crop the gel image to eliminate unnecessary lanes a and b from this figure without losing information needed to interpret this blot?

      Line 1070 - 12 out of how many sequenced mosquitoes?

      Line 1078 - Can remove some detail like % of agarose, and replication of results with different polymerase as these are already in methods.

      Line 1098 - "Unbless"


      This study illustrates a wide range of issues pertinent for gene drive implementation for malaria control, and as such is of value to the field of entomologists, genetic engineers, parasitologists and public health professionals. The gene drive designs explored for this study are interesting largely from a basic biology perspective pertinent mostly to specialists in the field of genetic engineering and vector biology, but highlight challenges associated with this technology that could also be of interest to a broader audience. A transmission blocking gene drive has not yet been achieved in malaria mosquitoes, and is thus a novel space for exploration. As a medical entomologist that works predominantly outside of the genetic engineering space, I have appreciated the detail the authors have provided with regard to their rationale and findings, even when these findings were inconsistent with the authors' primary objectives or expectations.

    5. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study, the authors made a two-component homing modification gene drive in Anopheles coluzii with a different strategy than usual. The final drive itself targets and disrupts the saglin gene that is nonessential for mosquitoes, but important for the malaria parasite. The drive uses several gRNAs, and some of these target the Lp gene where an anti-malaria antibody is added, fused to the native gene (this native gene is also essential, removing nonfunctional resistance alleles at this locus). In general, the system is promising, though imperfect. Some of the gRNAs self-eliminate due to recombination of repetitive elements, and the fusion of the antimalaria gene had a modest fitness cost. Additionally, the zpg promoter was unable to operate at high efficiency, requiring use of the vasa promoter, which suffers from maternal deposition and somatic expression (the latter of which increased fitness costs at the Lp target). The manuscript has already undergone some useful revisions since its earliest iteration, so additional recommended revisions are fairly modest.

      Line 43-45: The target doesn't need to be female sterility. It can be almost any haplosufficient but essential target (female sterility works best, so it has gotten the most study, but others have been studied too).

      Line 69: A quick motivation for studying Anopheles coluzii should be added here (since gambiae is discussed immediately before this).

      Introduction section: It might be helpful to break up the introduction into additional paragraphs, rather than just two.

      Introduction last part: The last part of the introduction reads more like an abstract or conclusions section. Perhaps a little less detail would fit better here, so the focus can be on introducing the new drive components and targets

      Line 207-213: This material could go in the methods section. There are some other examples in the results that could be similarly shortened and rearranged to give a more concise section.

      Line 283-287: I couldn't find the data for this.

      Line 291: Replace "lied" with "was".

      Line 356: Homing in the zygote would be considered very unusual and is thus worthy of more attention. While possible (HDR has been shown for resistance alleles in the zygote/early embryo), this would be quite distinct from the mechanism of every other reliable gene drive that has been reported. Is the flow cytometry result definitely accurate? By this, I mean: could the result be explained by just outliers in the group heterozygous for EGFP, or perhaps some larvae that hatched a little earlier and grew faster? Perhaps larvae get stuck together here on occasion or some other artifact? Was this result confirmed by sequencing individual larvae?

      Results in general: Why is there no data for crosses with male drive heterozygotes? Even if some targets are X-linked, performance at others is important (or did I miss something and they are all X-linked). I see some description near line 400, but this sort of data is figure-worthy (or at least a table).

      Lines 362-367: What data (figure/table) does this paragraph refer to?

      Lines 405-406: There may be a typo or miscalculation for the DsRed inheritance and homing rate here. Should DsRed inheritance be 90.7%?

      Figure 5: The horizontal axis font size for population 8 is a little smaller than the others.

      Line 454: In addition to drive conversion only occurring in females and the somatic fitness costs, embryo resistance from the vasa promoter would prevent the daughters of drive females from doing drive conversion. This means that drive conversion would mostly just happen with alleles that alternate between males and females.

      Line 481: Deletions between gRNAs certainly happen, but I wouldn't necessarily expect this to be the "expectation". In our 2018 PNAS paper, it happened in 1/3 of cases. There were less I think in our Sciences Advances 2020 and G3 2022 paper. All of these were from embryo resistance from maternal Cas9 (likely also the case with your drive due to the vasa promoter). When looking at "germline" resistance alleles, we have recently noticed more large deletions.

      Figure 6C: It may be nice to show the wild-type and functional resistance sequence side-by-side.

      Lines 642-644: This isn't necessarily the case. At saglin, the nonfunctional resistance alleles may still be able to outcompete the drive allele in the long run. This wasn't tested, but it's likely that the drive allele has at least some small fitness costs.

      A few comments on references to some of my studies:

      Champer, Liu, et al. 2018a and 2018b citations are the same paper.

      For Champer, Kim, et al. 2021 in Molecular Ecology, there was a recent follow-up study in eLife that shows the problem is even worse in a mosquito-specific model (possibly of interest as an alternate or supporting citation): https://elifesciences.org/articles/79121

      One of my other previous studies was not cited, but is quite relevant to the manuscript: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.aaz0525<br /> This paper demonstrates multiplexed gRNAs and also models them, showing their advantages and disadvantages in terms of drive performance. Additionally, it models and discusses the strategy of targeting vector genes that are essential for disease spread but not the vectors themselves (the "gene disruption drive"), showing that this can be a favorable strategy if gene knockout has the desired effect (nonfunctional resistance alleles contribute to drive success).

      This one is less relevant, but is still a "standard" homing modification rescue type drive that could be mentioned (and owes its success to multiplexing): https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.2004373117<br /> The recoded recuse method was also used in mosquitoes (albeit without gRNA multiplexing) by others, so this may be a better one to mention: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19426-0

      Sincerely,<br /> Jackson Champer

      Referees cross-commenting<br /> Other comments look good. One thing that I forgot to mention: for the 7-gRNA construct with tRNAs, the authors mentioned that it was harder to track, but it sounds like they obtained some data for it that showed similar performance. Even if this one is not featured, perhaps they can still report the data in the supplement?


      Overall, this study represents a useful advance. Aside from being the first report for gene drive in A. coluzii, it also is the first that investigates the gene disruption strategy and is the first report of gRNA multiplexing in Anopheles. The study can thus be considered high impact. There are also other aspects of the study that are of high interest to gene drive researchers in particular (several drives were tested with some variations).

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We are grateful to the Referees for their detailed evaluation of our data and insightful remarks. We have now addressed all comments and amended the manuscript accordingly. Below we detail how we have addressed each point.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):


      In this manuscript Lafzi et al. present a novel computational framework (ISCHIA) for the analysis of spatial occurrence patterns, be it of cells or transcript species, found in spatial transcriptomics datasets. The authors also show its applications in finding differentially co-occurring ligand-receptor pairs, as well as inter-species analysis to find conserved cell signalling pathways. ISCHIA consists of a well-documented R package and utilizes empirical probabilistic estimations of non-random co-occurrence, as used in the field of ecology, which to my knowledge is novel in the field. The authors also validate their predictions using an orthogonal technology (in situ hybridization-based spatial transcriptomics), which is a nice addition to the computational work presented in the manuscript.


      When determining the composition classes, the authors discard 4 out of 8 clusters of composition classes, partly due to being highly patient-specific. It's unclear how sensitive ISCHIA is for batch effects which might affect the measured cellular fractions. Given that the presence of batch effects is highly likely with ST methods, due to the sample processing procedures, it would help the reader/potential user to estimate the impact these could have on the resulting output. It would also be useful to plot a version of the UMAP with sample labels as to see if the remaining clusters are properly mixed (at least between replicates of the same condition).

      We thank the reviewer for the comment. We have included in Supplemental Figure S1c a UMAP colored by sample (patients), and a barplot in d) that illustrates how CC8 and CC4 are quite specific to patients 2 and 3. These graphs illustrate how the composition classes 1, 3, 5 and 6 are represented in all patients, albeit in different abundances. We would like to point out that the choice to exclude 4 out of 8 composition classes was not dictated by batch effects, but rather by the specific morphology of the samples available to us. Indeed, we excluded composition classes that were mapping to submucosal and muscular areas because only 2 out of 4 colon resections contained these anatomical compartments, and because we wanted to focus on cell type co-occurrences in the epithelial and subepithelial layers.<br /> Additionally, in order to explain the sensitivity of ISCHIA for batch effects or sample-specific variation, we performed principal component (PC) analysis, and measured the standard deviation explained by each PC on the cell type deconvolution matrix (which is used to calculate composition clusters). Next, we tried to find an association of the covariate “batch” with the PCs that explain a high amount of variation in the data. In the deconvoluted matrix, while the first 4 PCs explain more than 80% of the variation in the data, we couldn’t find association of the covariate “batch” to any of the first 4 PCs. We now include this analysis in the Result section:

      Principal component analysis of the deconvolution matrix reveals no association of a particular sample with the first 4 principal components, which cumulatively explain 80% of the variance in the data (Supplemental Figure 2c, d). K-means clustering of the deconvolution matrix revealed 8 CCs of co-localizing cell types present in all samples (Fig 1c, d).

      While other methods assign a cell-type identity to spots based on the most abundant cell type detected by deconvolution algorithm, ISCHIA summarizes spot gene expression data in a presence-absence matrix. ISCHIA is therefore robust to variation in expression levels due to batch effects. This was also recently reported in the analytical tool Starfysh (He et al. 2022), which performs similar clustering of spots based on cell type composition. This is included in the Discussion:

      While preserving the complexity of the cell type composition of the analyzed tissue, composition-based clustering of spots also confers robustness towards variations in expression levels due to batch effects. Indeed, other spatial analysis methods such as Starfysh66 have found that finding inter-sample commonalities using composition-based clusters is easier compared to finding common transcriptome-based clusters between samples. Still, batch analysis and, if needed, correction of the ST data is recommended prior to analysis with ISCHIA.

      Additionally, it would help to illustrate that the biological findings reported in the manuscript are supported across more than 1 biological replicate.

      We agree with the reviewer that the sample size of Visium and Resolve datasets is limited, however greater than 1 (3 and 4 patients, respectively). ISCHIA is meant as a tool for hypothesis generation. Its findings require independent functional validation in model systems and bigger patient cohorts.

      In the LR analysis, the authors state that ISCHIA's predictions are agnostic to gene expression levels, as the authors model expression as a Boolean (gene count threshold > 0). Wouldn't low expression levels result in increased drop-out due to imperfect sensitivity? This would likely inflate false negative predictions at low expression levels.

      We agree with the reviewer that dropouts due to low capture rate of Visium will lead to false negative predictions. Indeed, we chose to set the threshold for gene count > 0 to account for the sparsity of captured transcripts. In single cell RNA sequencing analysis, gene expression is analyzed in cell clusters rather than in single cells. Similarly, ISCHIA calculates LR co-occurrence in composition classes, that is clusters of spots of similar cell composition. Aggregating spots in composition classes thus mitigates the effects of low capture rate and consequent false negative predictions. We now include a sentence explaining this concept in the Results section:

      The count threshold is a user defined parameter that can be increased to restrict the co-occurrence analysis to highly expressed ligands and receptors. To account for the sparsity of ST data, ISCHIA calculates LR co-occurrence within composition classes, that is clusters of spots with similar cell mixtures. Aggregating spots in composition classes thus mitigates the effects of low transcript capture rate and consequent false negative predictions.

      The authors show the enrichment of particular pathways/genesets in differential gene expression comparing interacting vs noninteracting spots (through LR expression) within the same CC. It is however unclear if this enrichment stems from a random sampling of the CC (with possible confounding factors such as batch effect, QC metrics, which might also have a spatial component such as localized tissue degradation) or from the actual interaction. Adding a measure of uncertainty, such as by permuting over interaction-labels to generate a proper null distribution, would help the user to ascertain the robustness of the results. For clarity, it would also be good to add how this is exactly computed to the Methods section.

      We thank the reviewer for this remark and now perform a gene expression noise estimation. As suggested by the reviewer, we employed a permutation-based approach to assess the significance of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) identified by comparing spots that are double positive for expression of a ligand-receptor pair vs spots that are not expressing any of the genes in a specific CC. To do so, we performed 1000 random sampling of spots into two groups, and calculated DEGs between these groups, consequently generating a null distribution of DEGs. We next calculated Monte Carlo p-values for the LR-associated DEGs, comparing the initially computed p-values DEG with the null distribution, and adjusting them for multiple testing using FDR. Significant adjusted p-values were indicative of genes whose differential expression was robust and unlikely to result from random spot sampling.

      From the Method section:<br /> For the calculation of L-R-associated DEGs, ISCHIA computes differential gene expression between spots that are double positive or double negative for a given L-R pair. The significant DEGs are then used for pathway enrichment with any tool of choice, such as EnrichR (https://bio.tools/enrichr). We employed a permutation-based approach to assess the significance of the obtained DEGs. Specifically, we generated a null distribution of DEGs (noise estimation) by 1000-fold random sampling of spots into two groups, and calculating DEGs between these groups. Next FDR-adjusted Monte Carlo p-values were calculated for each LR-associated DEG, comparing the initially computed p-values DEG from with the null distribution, and subsequently adjusting for multiple testing. DEGs with Monte Carlo FDRs < 0.05 are likely specific to the presence of a given LR and unlikely to result from random spot sampling.

      It's unclear if the p-values in the manuscript are adjusted for multiple comparisons or not. Given the number of hypotheses being tested here, this is a crucial issue.

      We agree with the reviewer that this is a crucial issue. In the ecology papers we consulted and in the original co-occur R package (Griffith et al. 2016), multiple testing correction was not applied when computing co-occurrence of species. We believe however, that it is necessary to correct p values when computing co-occurrence of ligands and receptor pairs, and now implement FDR correction in the ISCHIA pipeline. We have amended all the relative figures and tables.

      The authors don't really mention any of the existing state-of-the-art methods (e.g. Squidpy, Spacemake, Giotto, ...). This doesn't necessitate a full benchmark, but at least the authors should then state qualitatively what the difference is between the chosen approach and already available packages, with their respective added advantages/disadvantages.

      We thank the reviewer for the remark and we have compared the analysis performed by ISCHIA with other state-of-the-art tools. The main difference between ISCHIA with respect to other methods such as Spacemake (Sztanka-Toth et al. 2022), Squidpy (Palla et al. 2022) and Giotto (Del Rossi et al. 2022), is that ISCHIA computes cell-type and LR co-occurrence within individual spots, not between neighboring spots. We include here an extensive comparison with other methods for this reviewer, and now discuss the differences between ISCHIA and other tools in the manuscript.

      For neighborhood analysis, Spacemake and Squidpy use spatial coordinates of spots to identify neighbors among them (neighborhood sets are defined as a fixed number of adjacent spots in a square or hexagonal grid). Squipdy computes co-occurrence of clusters in spatial dimensions, however it uses the coordinates of spots and clusters to calculate co-occurrence of entire clusters of spots, not of cell-types within spots. This approach ignores the missing data between spots, as well as the multicellular nature of each spot. Similarly to Squidpy, Giotto assigns a score of a cell type to each spot upon deconvolution, to further identify the spatial patterns of the major cell taxonomies across all the spots on the tissue. For image-based spatial technologies with single cell resolution, Giotto creates a neighborhood graph of the single-cells to study gene expression patterns. This is similar to the approach we used to validate our predictions from Visium data in the Resolve dataset.

      Tangram (Biancalani et al. 2021) is a deep learning approach to harmonize sc/snRNA-seq data with in situ, histological, and anatomical data, toward a high-resolution, integrated atlas. Tangram focuses on learning spatial gene-expression maps transcriptome-wide at single-cell resolution, and relating those to histological and anatomical information from the same specimens. However, it does not address cell-cell and ligand receptor interactions, nor co-occurrences from spatial data. Therefore, Tangram can be used to improve the deconvolution step of ISCHIA, to improve the definition of cellular composition in multicellular spatial spots.

      Starfysh (He et al. 2022) is a computational toolbox for joint modeling of ST and histology data, dissection of refined cell states, and systematic integration of multiple ST datasets from complex tissues. It uses an auxiliary deep generative model that incorporates archetypal analysis and any known cell state markers to avoid the need for a single-cell-resolution reference. Starfysh also clusters spots based on cell type composition, and terms group of spots with similar composition “spatial hubs”. They use spatial hubs to integrate multiple samples, and to uncover regions with varying composition of cell states. As we propose in ISCHIA, the Starfysh authors also suggest that finding inter-sample commonalities using spatial hubs is easier compared to finding common clusters between samples. Starfysh addresses the co-localization of cell states by calculating the spatial correlation index (SCI) within a certain hub and penalizing the calculated correlation with a weight matrix τ in a way that : τ_(between two spots i,j)=1 if the coordinate distance of spot i and spot j was less than √3 else τ_(between two spots i,j)=0 . While this approach provides a measure of cell state co-localization across a spatial hub, it looks at the problem from an inter-spot perspective, similar to Squipdy and Giotto. Again, this is different from ISCHIA that calculates co-occurrence within spots.

      In conclusion, none of the current approaches focuses on addressing the co-occurrence of cell types and molecules within individual Visium spots. As the analysis is fundamentally different, we did not perform a full quantitative benchmark. We agree, however, that these differences need to be addressed in the manuscripts. To illustrate the different results obtained, we ran ISCHIA on a Visium slide of a coronal section of the mouse brain, which was also analyzed using Squidpy (https://squidpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/notebooks/tutorials/tutorial_visium_hne.html) and Giotto (https://rubd.github.io/Giotto_site/articles/mouse_visium_brain_201226.html#part-9-spatial-network). We clustered the spots based on cell composition and then ran celltype co-occurrence analysis within each composition class (Supplementary Figure 1).

      From the Results section:

      State-of-the-art analysis tools for Visium data often treat every spot as a single datapoint, and compute co-localization, network or cell-cell interactions analysis between neighboring spots (inter-spot analysis). We hypothesized that CNs would be best reconstructed within individual spots (intra-spot analysis), as their mixed transcriptome contains information about locally occurring cell types, expressed ligands and receptors, and activated signaling pathways. As inferring CNs in each individual spot separately would be noisy, sparse, computationally intensive, and would lack statistical power, ISCHIA first divides the tissue into clusters of spots with similar cellular composition - termed composition classes (CCs) (Fig 1a). CCs are thus groups of spots containing similar mixtures of cells, or cellular communities, e.g, all spots capturing colonic crypts. To achieve the division of the tissue into CCs, spot transcriptomes are deconvoluted, yielding a cell type composition matrix (spot × contribution of each cell type), which is then subjected to dimensionality reduction and k-means clustering. ISCHIA allows for both reference-based deconvolution, with tools such as SPOTlight7 or RCTD8, and reference-free deconvolution9. Upon deconvolution, ISCHIA summarizes spot gene expression data in a cell type presence-absence matrix, where each listed cell type is associated with a probability to be present in a given spot (p > 0.1). Each spot is thus represented as a mixture of cell types, and similar mixtures are then clustered together in CCs. We applied ISCHIA on a publicly available Visium slide of a coronal section of the mouse brain (10x Genomics), using as a reference for deconvolution a scRNA-seq dataset of ~14,000 adult mouse cortical cells from the Allen Institute10. Composition-based clustering of the spots yielded 5 CCs, which broadly reflect the annotated anatomical regions (Supplemental Figure 1a). ISCHIA then computes cell type co-occurrence for every CC separately, identifying spatial association of cells in close proximity (Supplemental Figure 1b). Intra-spot analysis reconstructs cellular networks with cell types as nodes, and is distinct from inter-spot networks analysis employed by other tools on this sample, in which spots are used as nodes11,12.

      We also discuss differences between ISCHIA and other tools in the Discussion:

      ISCHIA differs from other analysis tools for Visium data in that it predicts CNs within spots and not across spots. Indeed, spot data from sequencing-based ST methods such as Visium, simultaneously captures information about 1) cell types, 2) expressed LR genes, and 3) associated transcriptional responses at multiple spatially restricted locations. As proximity is a prerequisite for juxtacrine and paracrine cell-cell communication, which in turn constitutes the basis for the coordinated function of CNs, we hypothesized that CNs would best be reconstructed within individual spots, rather than across neighboring spots. To increase robustness, spots are grouped in clusters of similar cellular composition, termed composition classes. Composition-based clustering of the tissue represents a major advantage of this method, and distinguished it from other methods, such as Squidpy11 or Giotto12, that assign an identity to each spot based on marker gene expression or on the most abundant cell type. While preserving the complexity of the cell type composition of the analyzed tissue, composition-based clustering of spots also confers robustness towards variations in expression levels due to batch effects. Indeed, other spatial analysis methods such as Starfysh66 have found that finding inter-sample commonalities using composition-based clusters is easier compared to finding common transcriptome-based clusters between samples. Still, batch analysis and, if needed, correction of the ST data is recommended prior to analysis with ISCHIA. Composition-based clustering of spots allows to restrict downstream analysis to similar mixtures of cells, filtering out transcriptome heterogeneity arising from distinct cellular compositions, which might act as a confounder variable when performing differential gene expression or cell-cell interaction predictions.<br /> To reconstruct CNs, ISCHIA performs co-occurrence analysis of cell types within CCs. Other tools build a neighborhood graph using spatial coordinates of spots and a fixed number of adjacent spots11,12,66, and therefore ignoring the missing data between spots as well as the multicellular nature of each spot, ISCHIA leverages the inherent proximity of mixed transcriptomes within individual spots to infer cellular neighborhoods. Hence, the cell types within the spots, rather than the spots themselves, are the nodes of the CN. This approach allows for reconstruction of much smaller CNs, operating in close spatial proximity, a prerequisite for juxtacrine and paracrine signaling between cells. ISCHIA further predicts LR interaction as edges connecting cell types within spots, not across multiple spots. Finally, by integrating co-occurrence of cell types, co-occurrence of LR pairs, and associated gene signatures, ISCHIA infers CN function.


      When a priori testing for LR interactions without restricting these interactions to predicted interactions, it would be informative to have an estimate of how many of the positively co-occurring interactions coincide with their predictions. As the authors state, it's hard to judge novel interactions without orthogonal validation, but a large overlap between predictions and the results presented here might instill confidence in the novel findings.

      We thank the reviewer for the comment and now label in green, in Fig 4a, the positively co-occurring interactions that are also predicted by Omnipath, NicheNet or CellTalkDB.

      Fig 4D: It's hard to judge very small p-values on this plot, might be better to plot -log10(pval).

      We have now changed this plot to display the differential co-occurrence score, calculated as FDRinflamed - FDRnon-inflamed.

      The axes on some of the plots should be better defined in the figure legends (e.g. Fig 4D, 5C)

      We have included better axis descriptions.

      I'm not an expert in inflammation or IBD biology, so I will defer that to other reviewers more suited to comment on this.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      The proposed method provides a reasonable framework for studying co-occurences of cell types and transcripts (particularly ligand-receptor pairs), which are currently questions of great interest to the community applying novel spatial transcriptomics technologies in many different domains of life sciences. The manuscript is very well written, and provides a clear and consistent logical flow. The manuscript can be easily read and understood both by specialized users as well as biologist/clinical end-users wanting to apply the proposed technique. The addition of experimental data using an orthogonal technology to validate computational predictions illustrates nicely the power of the proposed approach.

      Although the presented approach is methodologically rather simple (which is not necessarily a disadvantage), it is novel in the field as far as I know and a good implementation is likely to see great adoption by the field, especially if it's well documented, maintained and integrated into existing data processing workflows. The authors should however compare their approach fairly with the rest of the available packages in order to convince the reader.

      Although the presented data seems convincing to me, the authors should take greater care of defining good practice statistical reporting of their findings. Even though these tools are often hypothesis-generating and predictions should always be experimentally validated, some end-users might interpret p-values literally. As such, proper multiple-testing correction and analysis of critical confounding factors should be carried out as to set an example.

      I'm a computational biologist with expertise in method development (machine learning and statistical modelling) for spatial multi-omics assays. I'm not an expert in inflammation or IBD biology, so I will defer that to other reviewers more suited to comment on this.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      The authors developed ISCHIA to study co-occurence of cell types and transcript species. This work was further extended to study cell-cell interactions based on ligand-receptor co-expression. The observation by ISCHIA was further validated using hybridization based spatial transcriptomics approaches. ISCHIA was applied to study healthy and inflamed human colons.

      Referees cross-commenting

      As the reviewer #1 pointed, there is no description about existing methods. The reviewer #1 only asked stating qualitative differences.

      If the manuscript is mainly for IBD and ISCHIA is the bioinformatics steps they followed, I would agree with the reviewer #1. However, the authors wanted to say that it is a new software. I still think that full benchmarking is needed in this circumstance.

      We thank the reviewer for the remark and we have compared the analysis performed by ISCHIA with other state-of-the-art tools. The main difference between ISCHIA with respect to other methods such as Spacemake (Sztanka-Toth et al. 2022), Squidpy (Palla et al. 2022) and Giotto (Del Rossi et al. 2022), is that ISCHIA computes cell-type and LR co-occurrence within individual spots, not between neighboring spots. We include here an extensive comparison with other methods for this reviewer, and now discuss the differences between ISCHIA and other tools in the manuscript.

      For neighborhood analysis, Spacemake and Squidpy use spatial coordinates of spots to identify neighbors among them (neighborhood sets are defined as a fixed number of adjacent spots in a square or hexagonal grid). Squipdy computes co-occurrence of clusters in spatial dimensions, however it uses the coordinates of spots and clusters to calculate co-occurrence of entire clusters of spots, not of cell-types within spots. This approach ignores the missing data between spots, as well as the multicellular nature of each spot. Similarly to Squidpy, Giotto assigns a score of a cell type to each spot upon deconvolution, to further identify the spatial patterns of the major cell taxonomies across all the spots on the tissue. For image-based spatial technologies with single cell resolution, Giotto creates a neighborhood graph of the single-cells to study gene expression patterns. This is similar to the approach we used to validate our predictions from Visium data in the Resolve dataset.

      Tangram (Biancalani et al. 2021) is a deep learning approach to harmonize sc/snRNA-seq data with in situ, histological, and anatomical data, toward a high-resolution, integrated atlas. Tangram focuses on learning spatial gene-expression maps transcriptome-wide at single-cell resolution, and relating those to histological and anatomical information from the same specimens. However, it does not address cell-cell and ligand receptor interactions, nor co-occurrences from spatial data. Therefore, Tangram can be used to improve the deconvolution step of ISCHIA, to improve the definition of cellular composition in multicellular spatial spots.

      Starfysh (He et al. 2022) is a computational toolbox for joint modeling of ST and histology data, dissection of refined cell states, and systematic integration of multiple ST datasets from complex tissues. It uses an auxiliary deep generative model that incorporates archetypal analysis and any known cell state markers to avoid the need for a single-cell-resolution reference. Starfysh also clusters spots based on cell type composition, and terms group of spots with similar composition “spatial hubs”. They use spatial hubs to integrate multiple samples, and to uncover regions with varying composition of cell states. As we propose in ISCHIA, the Starfysh authors also suggest that finding inter-sample commonalities using spatial hubs is easier compared to finding common clusters between samples. Starfysh addresses the co-localization of cell states by calculating the spatial correlation index (SCI) within a certain hub and penalizing the calculated correlation with a weight matrix τ in a way that : τ_(between two spots i,j)=1 if the coordinate distance of spot i and spot j was less than √3 else τ_(between two spots i,j)=0 . While this approach provides a measure of cell state co-localization across a spatial hub, it looks at the problem from an inter-spot perspective, similar to Squipdy and Giotto. Again, this is different from ISCHIA that calculates co-occurrence within spots.

      In conclusion, none of the current approaches focuses on addressing the co-occurrence of cell types and molecules within individual Visium spots. As the analysis is fundamentally different, we did not perform a full quantitative benchmark. We agree, however, that these differences need to be addressed in the manuscripts. To illustrate the different results obtained, we ran ISCHIA on a Visium slide of a coronal section of the mouse brain, which was also analyzed using Squidpy (https://squidpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/notebooks/tutorials/tutorial_visium_hne.html) and Giotto (https://rubd.github.io/Giotto_site/articles/mouse_visium_brain_201226.html#part-9-spatial-network). We clustered the spots based on cell composition and then ran celltype co-occurrence analysis within each composition class (Supplementary Figure 1).

      From the Results section:

      State-of-the-art analysis tools for Visium data often treat every spot as a single datapoint, and compute co-localization, network or cell-cell interactions analysis between neighboring spots (inter-spot analysis). We hypothesized that CNs would be best reconstructed within individual spots (intra-spot analysis), as their mixed transcriptome contains information about locally occurring cell types, expressed ligands and receptors, and activated signaling pathways. As inferring CNs in each individual spot separately would be noisy, sparse, computationally intensive, and would lack statistical power, ISCHIA first divides the tissue into clusters of spots with similar cellular composition - termed composition classes (CCs) (Fig 1a). CCs are thus groups of spots containing similar mixtures of cells, or cellular communities, e.g, all spots capturing colonic crypts. To achieve the division of the tissue into CCs, spot transcriptomes are deconvoluted, yielding a cell type composition matrix (spot × contribution of each cell type), which is then subjected to dimensionality reduction and k-means clustering. ISCHIA allows for both reference-based deconvolution, with tools such as SPOTlight7 or RCTD8, and reference-free deconvolution9. Upon deconvolution, ISCHIA summarizes spot gene expression data in a cell type presence-absence matrix, where each listed cell type is associated with a probability to be present in a given spot (p > 0.1). Each spot is thus represented as a mixture of cell types, and similar mixtures are then clustered together in CCs. We applied ISCHIA on a publicly available Visium slide of a coronal section of the mouse brain (10x Genomics), using as a reference for deconvolution a scRNA-seq dataset of ~14,000 adult mouse cortical cells from the Allen Institute10. Composition-based clustering of the spots yielded 5 CCs, which broadly reflect the annotated anatomical regions (Supplemental Fig 1). ISCHIA then computes cell type co-occurrence for every CC separately, identifying spatial association of cells in close proximity (Supplemental Fig xx). Intra-spot analysis reconstructs cellular networks with cell types as nodes, and is distinct from inter-spot networks analysis employed by other tools on this sample, in which spots are used as nodes11,12.

      We also discuss differences between ISCHIA and other tools in the Discussion:

      ISCHIA differs from other analysis tools for Visium data in that it predicts CNs within spots and not across spots. Indeed, spot data from sequencing-based ST methods such as Visium, simultaneously captures information about 1) cell types, 2) expressed LR genes, and 3) associated transcriptional responses at multiple spatially restricted locations. As proximity is a prerequisite for juxtacrine and paracrine cell-cell communication, which in turn constitutes the basis for the coordinated function of CNs, we hypothesized that CNs would best be reconstructed within individual spots, rather than across neighboring spots. To increase robustness, spots are grouped in clusters of similar cellular composition, termed composition classes. Composition-based clustering of the tissue represents a major advantage of this method, and distinguished it from other methods, such as Squidpy11 or Giotto12, that assign an identity to each spot based on marker gene expression or on the most abundant cell type. While preserving the complexity of the cell type composition of the analyzed tissue, composition-based clustering of spots also confers robustness towards variations in expression levels due to batch effects. Indeed, other spatial analysis methods such as Starfysh66 have found that finding inter-sample commonalities using composition-based clusters is easier compared to finding common transcriptome-based clusters between samples. Still, batch analysis and, if needed, correction of the ST data is recommended prior to analysis with ISCHIA. Composition-based clustering of spots allows to restrict downstream analysis to similar mixtures of cells, filtering out transcriptome heterogeneity arising from distinct cellular compositions, which might act as a confounder variable when performing differential gene expression or cell-cell interaction predictions.

      To reconstruct CNs, ISCHIA performs co-occurrence analysis of cell types within CCs. Other tools build a neighborhood graph using spatial coordinates of spots and a fixed number of adjacent spots11,12,66, and therefore ignoring the missing data between spots as well as the multicellular nature of each spot, ISCHIA leverages the inherent proximity of mixed transcriptomes within individual spots to infer cellular neighborhoods. Hence, the cell types within the spots, rather than the spots themselves, are the nodes of the CN. This approach allows for reconstruction of much smaller CNs, operating in close spatial proximity, a prerequisite for juxtacrine and paracrine signaling between cells. ISCHIA further predicts LR interaction as edges connecting cell types within spots, not across multiple spots. Finally, by integrating co-occurrence of cell types, co-occurrence of LR pairs, and associated gene signatures, ISCHIA infers CN function.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      As the authors wanted to introduce ISCHIA as a new tool, discussion and comparison with the previous approaches are essential. The manuscript lacks discussion and the comparison with others. Co-localization has been discussed already in many articles including [PMID:325799]. It does not seem to require additional packages to study co-localization for cell type. There are many cell-cell interaction studies using ligand-receptor co-localization [ref; stLern, SpaGene, and many]. It is not well documented about the relationships with the previous works. Given the advances in algorithms for spatial transcriptomics, it is very uncertain that ISCHIA can provide additional knowledge or contribute to algorithmic development.

      We agree with the reviews that there is an increasing body of work addressing co-localization of cell type and cell-cell interactions in spatial transcriptomic data. However, we assert that the introduction of our method holds substantial relevance and adds value to the field, notwithstanding its ostensible simplicity. Our method has been well-received within the scientific community, indicating its applicability and potential significance in deciphering complex cellular ecosystems. We believe our approach offers a distinct conceptual advantage by enabling the analysis of cellular communities within individual Visium spots, rather than solely between them, allowing for a more refined exploration of cellular interactions and co-localizations within specific spatial domains.

      Previously, Visium data were generated by Elmentaite et al. (Nture 2021) against healty and IBD samples. what are the new findings of the manuscript?

      Visium data generated by Elmentaite et al is from pediatric Crohn's disease, not adult Ulcerative colitis. Spatial analysis of IBD samples has been performed by Nanostring and by CODEX (Garrido-Trigo et al. 2022; Mayer et al. 2023). Publication of our datasets (both Visium and Resolve) will increase the body of patient data available to the community, and should be considered positively.

      Here, we use our dataset to demonstrate the ability of ISCHIA to reconstruct cellular networks within Visium spots, and identify a M-cell-fibroblast network in inflamed regions of UC patients. We further identify differentially co-occurring LRs in the inflammatory CC5 centered around EDN1, SEMA3C, and CXCL5. We further reveal inflammation-induced, protective responses from the colonic crypt involving the complement cascade and the immuno-modulator SECTM1. Finally, we apply co-occurrence analysis to an independent mouse Visium dataset and uncover differentially co-occurring LR pairs shared between the inflamed human and murine colon. ISCHIA is an hypothesis generating tool, and its findings should be extensively characterized and validated in larger cohorts.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):


      The authors provide a framework to analyze spatial transcriptomics (ST) data in terms of spatial co-occurrence of cell types, and ligand-receptor pairs. The method was applied to an ulcerative colitis sequencing-based data set (10x Visium) and validated using a matched hybridization-based data set (Molecular Cartography).

      Major Comments

      The Visium data set consisted of a single slide with four samples. The authors should clarify if the current implementation of their method is limited to a single Visium slide.

      We thank the reviewer for the remark and now state in the text that ISCHIA can be applied to any Visium, Resolve or other spatial transcriptomic dataset. Visium samples originating from different slides and datasets can be fed into the ISCHIA pipeline, as it is quite robust to batch effects. Indeed, while other methods assign a cell-type identity to spots based on the most abundant cell type detected by deconvolution algorithm, ISCHIA summarizes spot gene expression data in a presence-absence matrix. ISCHIA is therefore robust to variation in expression levels due to batch effects. This was also recently reported in the analytical tool Starfysh (He et al. 2022), which performs similar clustering of spots based on cell type composition. This is included in the Discussion:

      While preserving the complexity of the cell type composition of the analyzed tissue, composition-based clustering of spots also confers robustness towards variations in expression levels due to batch effects. Indeed, other spatial analysis methods such as Starfysh66 have found that finding inter-sample commonalities using composition-based clusters is easier compared to finding common transcriptome-based clusters between samples. Still, batch analysis and, if needed, correction of the ST data is recommended prior to analysis with ISCHIA.

      In Supplementary Table 1, I think it would be useful to include the minimum number of counts for the Ligand-Receptor genes. Given that the current threshold is 1, I think it warrants a discussion if the minimum number of counts has an effect on whether the ligand-receptor pair is significantly co-occurring (i.e. if ligand-receptor pairs with more counts are more likely to be significant).

      We agree with the reviewer that increasing the threshold to >1 will reduce the number of significantly co-occurring LRs, but also increase false negative predictions. We chose to set the threshold for gene count > 0 to account for the sparsity of captured transcripts. Indeed, dropouts due to low capture rate of Visium will lead to false negative predictions. In single cell RNA sequencing analysis, gene expression is analyzed in cell clusters rather than in single cells. Similarly, ISCHIA calculates LR co-occurrence in composition classes, that is clusters of spots of similar cell composition. Aggregating spots in composition classes thus mitigates the effects of low capture rate and consequent false negative predictions. We now include a sentence explaining this concept in the Results section:

      The count threshold is a user defined parameter that can be increased to restrict the co-occurrence analysis to highly expressed ligands and receptors. To account for the sparsity of ST data, ISCHIA calculates LR co-occurrence within composition classes, that is clusters of spots with similar cell mixtures. Aggregating spots in composition classes thus mitigates the effects of low transcript capture rate and consequent false negative predictions.

      Given the effect of outliers in the Pearson correlation and the nature of the expression values for VIsium data, I think that the Spearman rank correlation is better suited to estimate the correlation between the expression values of the ligand-receptor pairs than the Pearson correlation (the default in R).

      We thank the reviewer for the comment and now rank positively co-occurring LR based on Spearman correlation. See Fig 3a and Supplementary Table 1.

      In the section titled "Differential co-occurrence identifies niche-specific response programs", it is unclear whether the spatial co-occurrence analysis was done within each CC.

      We now specify that we computed co-occurrence analysis of ligands and receptor genes in all spots of our dataset across all CCs. We now include FDR corrected p-values in this analysis. Only after computing this broad co-occurrence analysis, we focus on differential co-occurrence comparing conditions or composition classes.

      Minor Comments

      I found a few typos in the manuscript

      In the Abstract, "tecniquee" instead of "techniques"

      On page 10, under "Integration and annotation of scRNASeq data.", "W" instead of "We"

      On page 11, there is an equation rendering error: P(lt) = $p_lt

      We thank the reviewer for these comments and have now corrected the typos.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance):

      The method proposed takes advantage of work done in ecology to leverage the spatial context of ST data. Furthermore, the methods proposed goes beyond describing spatial patterns present in the data, but allows for the comparison between two conditions of interest. The method proposed will be of interest to the growing number of researchers generating ST data.

      My expertise is in statistical methods for single cell and spatial transcriptomics data. Furthermore, I have extensive experience analyzing single cell and spatial transcriptomics data in the context of liver diseases.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors provide a framework to analyze spatial transcriptomics (ST) data in terms of spatial co-occurrence of cell types, and ligand-receptor pairs. The method was applied to an ulcerative colitis sequencing-based data set (10x Visium) and validated using a matched hybridization-based data set (Molecular Cartography).

      Major Comments

      The Visium data set consisted of a single slide with four samples. The authors should clarify if the current implementation of their method is limited to a single Visium slide.

      In Supplementary Table 1, I think it would be useful to include the minimum number of counts for the Ligand-Receptor genes. Given that the current threshold is 1, I think it warrants a discussion if the minimum number of counts has an effect on whether the ligand-receptor pair is significantly co-occurring (i.e. if ligand-receptor pairs with more counts are more likely to be significant).

      Given the effect of outliers in the Pearson correlation and the nature of the expression values for VIsium data, I think that the Spearman rank correlation is better suited to estimate the correlation between the expression values of the ligand-receptor pairs than the Pearson correlation (the default in R).

      In the section titled "Differential co-occurrence identifies niche-specific response programs", it is unclear whether the spatial co-occurrence analysis was done within each CC.

      Minor Comments

      I found a few typos in the manuscript

      In the Abstract, "tecniquee" instead of "techniques"

      On page 10, under "Integration and annotation of scRNASeq data.", "W" instead of "We"

      On page 11, there is an equation rendering error: P(lt) = $p_lt


      The method proposed takes advantage of work done in ecology to leverage the spatial context of ST data. Furthermore, the methods proposed goes beyond describing spatial patterns present in the data, but allows for the comparison between two conditions of interest. The method proposed will be of interest to the growing number of researchers generating ST data.

      My expertise is in statistical methods for single cell and spatial transcriptomics data. Furthermore, I have extensive experience analyzing single cell and spatial transcriptomics data in the context of liver diseases.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors developed ISCHIA to study co-occurence of cell types and transcript species. This work was further extended to study cell-cell interactions based on ligand-receptor co-expression. The observation by ISCHIA was further validated using hybridization based spatial transcriptomics approaches. ISCHIA was applied to study healthy and inflamed human colons.

      Referees cross-commenting<br /> As the reviewer #1 pointed, there is no description about existing methods. The reviewer #1 only asked stating qualitative differences.

      If the manuscript is mainly for IBD and ISCHIA is the bioinformatics steps they followed, I would agree with the reviewer #1. However, the authors wanted to say that it is a new software. I still think that full benchmarking is needed in this circumstance.


      As the authors wanted to introduce ISCHIA as a new tool, discussion and comparison with the previous approaches are essential. The manuscript lacks discussion and the comparison with others. Co-localization has been discussed already in many articles including [PMID:325799]. It does not seem to require additional packages to study co-localization for cell type. There are many cell-cell interaction studies using ligand-receptor co-localization [ref; stLern, SpaGene, and many]. It is not well documented about the relationships with the previous works. Given the advances in algorithms for spatial transcriptomics, it is very uncertain that ISCHIA can provide additional knowledge or contribute to algorithmic development.

      Previously, Visium data were generated by Elmentaite et al. (Nture 2021) against healty and IBD samples. what are the new findings of the manuscript?

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript Lafzi et al. present a novel computational framework (ISCHIA) for the analysis of spatial occurrence patterns, be it of cells or transcript species, found in spatial transcriptomics datasets. The authors also show its applications in finding differentially co-occurring ligand-receptor pairs, as well as inter-species analysis to find conserved cell signalling pathways. ISCHIA consists of a well-documented R package and utilizes empirical probabilistic estimations of non-random co-occurrence, as used in the field of ecology, which to my knowledge is novel in the field. The authors also validate their predictions using an orthogonal technology (in situ hybridization-based spatial transcriptomics), which is a nice addition to the computational work presented in the manuscript.


      • When determining the composition classes, the authors discard 4 out of 8 clusters of composition classes, partly due to being highly patient-specific. It's unclear how sensitive ISCHIA is for batch effects which might affect the measured cellular fractions. Given that the presence of batch effects is highly likely with ST methods, due to the sample processing procedures, it would help the reader/potential user to estimate the impact these could have on the resulting output. It would also be useful to plot a version of the UMAP with sample labels as to see if the remaining clusters are properly mixed (at least between replicates of the same condition). Additionally, it would help to illustrate that the biological findings reported in the manuscript are supported across more than 1 biological replicate.
      • In the LR analysis, the authors state that ISCHIA's predictions are agnostic to gene expression levels, as the authors model expression as a Boolean (gene count threshold > 0). Wouldn't low expression levels result in increased drop-out due to imperfect sensitivity? This would likely inflate false negative predictions at low expression levels.
      • The authors show the enrichment of particular pathways/genesets in differential gene expression comparing interacting vs noninteracting spots (through LR expression) within the same CC. It is however unclear if this enrichment stems from a random sampling of the CC (with possible confounding factors such as batch effect, QC metrics, which might also have a spatial component such as localized tissue degradation) or from the actual interaction. Adding a measure of uncertainty, such as by permuting over interaction-labels to generate a proper null distribution, would help the user to ascertain the robustness of the results. For clarity, it would also be good to add how this is exactly computed to the Methods section.
      • It's unclear if the p-values in the manuscript are adjusted for multiple comparisons or not. Given the number of hypotheses being tested here, this is a crucial issue.
      • The authors don't really mention any of the existing state-of-the-art methods (e.g. Squidpy, Spacemake, Giotto, ...). This doesn't necessitate a full benchmark, but at least the authors should then state qualitatively what the difference is between the chosen approach and already available packages, with their respective added advantages/disadvantages.


      • When a priori testing for LR interactions without restricting these interactions to predicted interactions, it would be informative to have an estimate of how many of the positively co-occurring interactions coincide with their predictions. As the authors state, it's hard to judge novel interactions without orthogonal validation, but a large overlap between predictions and the results presented here might instill confidence in the novel findings.
      • Fig 4D: It's hard to judge very small p-values on this plot, might be better to plot -log10(pval).
      • The axes on some of the plots should be better defined in the figure legends (e.g. Fig 4D, 5C)

      I'm not an expert in inflammation or IBD biology, so I will defer that to other reviewers more suited to comment on this.


      The proposed method provides a reasonable framework for studying co-occurences of cell types and transcripts (particularly ligand-receptor pairs), which are currently questions of great interest to the community applying novel spatial transcriptomics technologies in many different domains of life sciences. The manuscript is very well written, and provides a clear and consistent logical flow. The manuscript can be easily read and understood both by specialized users as well as biologist/clinical end-users wanting to apply the proposed technique. The addition of experimental data using an orthogonal technology to validate computational predictions illustrates nicely the power of the proposed approach.

      Although the presented approach is methodologically rather simple (which is not necessarily a disadvantage), it is novel in the field as far as I know and a good implementation is likely to see great adoption by the field, especially if it's well documented, maintained and integrated into existing data processing workflows. The authors should however compare their approach fairly with the rest of the available packages in order to convince the reader.

      Although the presented data seems convincing to me, the authors should take greater care of defining good practice statistical reporting of their findings. Even though these tools are often hypothesis-generating and predictions should always be experimentally validated, some end-users might interpret p-values literally. As such, proper multiple-testing correction and analysis of critical confounding factors should be carried out as to set an example.

      I'm a computational biologist with expertise in method development (machine learning and statistical modelling) for spatial multi-omics assays. I'm not an expert in inflammation or IBD biology, so I will defer that to other reviewers more suited to comment on this.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Major comments:

      • 1/ The model system used in this work is referred to as "organoids", with the premise that organoids, as representatives of the original tissue, can be used to study tissue development. However, the organoids presented in the study are spherical structures, and the paper does not provide any information about how and to what extent these organoids represent the original tissue. Furthermore, it would be difficult to expect these organoids to accurately represent human breast tissue, as they are derived, to the best of the reviewer's understanding (it is not explicitly noted, but rather the text refers the reader to several previous works), from primary human breast epithelial cells that had been cultured for 6 passages in 2D culture. The CD24/CD44 flow cytometry profile of these 2D cultures, as well as the organoids derived from them, shows a unimodal distribution of CD24 and CD44 expression, and does not show distinct cell populations, as typical in primary breast epithelial cells that have not been cultured in 2D
      • Response 1:

        We understand the concern raised by the reviewer. Before initiating the study we have carefully characterized our model (See Revision Section part 2.2, for the revisions that have already been carried out).

        In parallel, to further address this point, we plan to perform an extensive characterization of our mammary primary cells as well as our 3D-matrigel embedded culture. This will be achieved through flow cytometry using other multiple lineage-specific surface markers for luminal progenitor cells (such as CD49f−/low/EpCAM+), and basal/myoepithelial cells (such as CD49f+/EpCAM−/low).

        Thus, overall our experiments will confirm that our growth conditions (which we intend to describe in greater details in the methods section) for multipotent mammary stem cells can generate multi-lineage organoids.

      2/ There appears to be confusion between concepts: primarily confusing a basal phenotype with a stem cell phenotype, and progenitor activity with stem cell activity. Because the 3D organoid model does not display a replication of luminal differentiation, it cannot be used as a proxy for stem cell function. The results from the miRNA screen and the subsequent experiments support two conclusions: 1. miR-160b-3p leads to an enhanced mesenchymal phenotype, manifested by reduced CD24 and enhanced CD44 expression. 2. miR-160b-3p leads to increased organoid formation. The latter may be interpreted, at best, as higher basal progenitor activity, but is not a measure of stem cell activity, as that would require the cells to give rise to more than one lineage, which is not shown here.

      • Response 2:

      We agree with the reviewer on the confusions between several concepts that we did not discriminate enough. The planned characterization of our cultures will allow us to better define the nature of our primary cell population and avoid any confusion (See Response 1). Indeed, an organoid is a self-organized 3D tissue that typically originates from stem cells (pluripotent, fetal or adult). Therefore, we will replace the term “stem cell activity” through the article by “stem/progenitor activity”.

      3/ Overall, the information from figures 1-4 indicate that miR-160b-3p is driving and is associated with mesenchymal differentiation, possibly with EMT.

      Response 3:

      We agree with the reviewer that our data suggest that miR-160b-3p is driving and is associated with mesenchymal differentiation. As suggested by reviewer, to further evaluate the possible involvement of EMT, we will analysed using RT-qPCR, as we described in Fessart et al, (May 30, 2016 https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.13887), the expression of the main EMT genes in miR-106a-3p cells. These results will be also confirmed at the protein level.

      4/ In contrast to the work in the breast 3D culture model, the experiments with hESCs are interesting and do support a role of this miR in stemness.

      Response 4:

      We would like to extend our gratitude to the reviewer for their valuable comments on this aspect of our work.

      There are several relatively minor comments that cumulatively somewhat undermine the strength of the work:

      5/ Abstract: the sentence "organoids can be directly generated from human epithelial cells by only one miRNA, miR-106a-sp" needs better clarification.

      • We agree with the reviewer, this sentence will be modified accordingly.

      6/ Page 5 line 103: HMECs is a term that generally refers to human mammary epithelial cells, not a specific derivation or subpopulation thereof.

      • We will replace HMEC by human primary mammary epithelial cells.

      7/ The graph in Fig. 1A is unnecessary, it shows only one bar.

      • We will remove this panel in the revised version of the manuscript.

      8/ It is unclear if all the HMECs were derived from the same donor, or several donors. There is no information about the donor and how the tissue and cells were derived. In general, it is not entirely clear how the cells were collected, processed, stored, and cultured from the time they were obtained from the donor until their use in the current study.

      • We will include in the material section the details information on our primary cells and our culture conditions

      9/ The key for Fig. 2D is unclear. The axes read "density" but the text refers to "intensity". Fluorescence intensity in flow cytometry is usually measured on a log scale. Differences on a linear scale are not usually considered meaningful. The authors should clarify why they chose a linear scale for this screen.

      • The screening was conducted using a high throughput microscope that measures the relative signal intensity, thus the scale is based on linear signal intensity.

      10/ In the miRNA screen, how long were the cells cultured after transfection, and was it enough time for them to shift phenotype?

      • The timeline of the screening process is detailed in the Material section. The cells were cultured for 6 days following transfection for the CD44/CD24 staining and 8 days following transfection for the 3D culture, which provides sufficient time for shifting the phenotype.

      11/ Page 6 line 154: The authors likely mean z-score, not z factor (two different things).

      • We thank the reviewer for pointing this, this will be corrected.

      12/ Page 7 line 161: "mir-106a-3p directly promotes the "transdifferentiation" of CD44low/CD24high cells phenotype into CD44high/CD24low cell phenotype" - is an unsupported statement, given that there could be several alternative explanations for the observed change in population ratios, including effects on survival or growth of cells of a certain population.

      • Transdifferentiation (also known as lineage reprogramming, or -conversion), is a process in which one mature, specialized cell type changes into another without entering a pluripotent state. This process involves the ectopic expression of transcription factors and/or other stimuli. We agree with the reviewer's observation that we did not fully demonstrate the transdifferentiation process in terms of lineage. Therefore, we will use flow cytometry to analyse multiple lineage-specific surface markers for luminal progenitor cells (such as CD49f−/low/EpCAM+), and basal/myoepithelial cells (such as CD49f+/EpCAM−/low) following miR-106a-3p expression.
      • Additionally, we acknowledge that there may be other alternative explanations; so we have already assessed the impact of mir-106a-3p on the population doubling time in culture to determine whether it affects the cells' survival or growth of the cells (See Section Part 2.2 for a description of experiments already carried out).

      13/ There is need for quantification of the phenotypes described in Fig. 3C

      • We thank the reviewer for this valuable suggestion and we will indeed characterize the 3D structure using flow cytometry.

      14/ Figures 3 D-F it is not clear if the graphs display percentage or mean number (there is discrepancy between figure text and figure legend text), and when percentage, not clear for figure 3F out of what.

      • We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion, and we have replaced the term 'axis' with 'Organoid Formation Capacity (OFC),' which is the commonly used nomenclature for this measure. OFC corresponds to the percentage of organoids per cell seeded, as explained in the legend.

      15/ Fig. 5B, what is the statistical significance of the enrichment?

      • In Figure 5B, the statistical significance of the enrichment is an FDR value of 0.024 and it is based on the multiple rotation gene-set testing (mroast) from the Limma R package (https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btq401). This information will be included in the figure legend.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      In this work, Robert et al. utilize mammary organoid culture as an in vitro model of stem cell renewal and maintenance. Authors show that a putative mammary stem cell population, characterized as CD44high CD24low, is enriched in organoid culture relative to 2D monolayer culture. They conduct a microRNA (miR) screen and identify miR-106a-3p as a miRNA that enriches for stem cell (CD44high CD24low) and organoid formation capacity, confirming these findings using miR-106a-3p overexpressing cells. Authors also show that CBX7 overexpression achieves a similar enrichment in CD44high CD24low and organoid formation capacity in an miR-106a-3p dependent manner, though the rationale behind the connection between CBX7 and miR-106a-3p is not well defined. Finally, the manuscript conducts a transcriptomic analysis on miR-106a-3p-OE cells and aims to functionally validate its role in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) as a model that is versatile for renewal and differentiation studies. How this relates to mammary adult stem cells (ASCs) is not entirely clear. Overall, the manuscript contains significant technical and conceptual limitations, and the data presented do not support the major conclusions of the study. There are two overarching issues that question the validity of most of the findings in this study. Firstly, there is no clear demonstration that the structures reported as 3D organoids are indeed driven by multipotent stem cells (in all data and experimental approaches associated with this). Secondly, there is a lack of evidence to support the claim that CD44high CD24low cells are stem cells with an exclusive or enhanced capacity to generate multi-lineage organoids.

      In addition to these general points, there are several specific major issues summarized below:

      1/ Authors base their findings about mammary ASC renewal using a poorly defined organoid culture system that they claim is driven by ASC renewal and differentiation. These organoid growth conditions were originally developed to support growth of bronchial epithelial cells, and the authors have not presented data to objectively assess the validity of this extrapolation to expansion of mammary organoids. The authors did not present data to support the notion that these growth conditions generate multi-lineage organoids that expand from multipotent mammary stem cells.

      • Response 1:
      • This concern has been also raised by the 1st reviewer (See Response 12 from Reviewer 1).
      • Our experiments will confirm that our growth conditions (which will be more comprehensively described in the methods section) can generate multi-lineage organoids from multipotent mammary stem cells. We will include these characterizations in the new version of the manuscript.

      2/ Authors claim that miR-106a-3p downregulates stem cell differentiation and utilize 'organoid' culture to track the temporal expression of OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG during phases of organoid renewal and differentiation. However, mammary stem cell differentiation is associated with the emergence of luminal progenitor, mature luminal and myoepithelial lineages that are characterized by the expression of a well-defined set of markers. The authors did not investigate the expression of these markers in their 'differentiation' settings. Furthermore, modulators of major pathways reported to be critical for mammary ASC maintenance are lacking, including modulators of WNT, TGF/BMP, Notch and other pathways. As such, it is difficult to ascertain that organoids emerging under such culture conditions are the result of stem cell renewal and differentiation, as opposed to lineage-restricted proliferative non-ASCs, thus questioning the validity of many of the findings in this work.

      • Response 2:
      • As suggested by the reviewer, we will investigate the expression of emergence of luminal progenitor, mature luminal and myoepithelial lineages in our 'differentiation' settings using flow cytometry. This analysis will involve the examination of multiple lineage-specific surface markers, including CD49f−/low/EpCAM+ for luminal progenitor cells and CD49f+/EpCAM−/low for basal/myoepithelial cells in the 3D context.

      • Secondly, we agree with the reviewer that major pathways such as Wnt, TGFb/BMP and Notch have been reported to be critical for mammary ASC maintenance. As suggested by the reviewer, to further evaluate the possible involvement of these pathways, we have analyzed our transcriptomic data, using PROGENy pathway, to investigate which pathways are regulated. The major pathways are depicted in a new figure and will be included in the manuscript (See Revision Section part 2.2, for the revisions that have already been carried out).

      • There was significant enrichment indicating down-regulation of TGFβ, MAPK, WNT, PI3K genes along with gene sets representing other oncogenic pathways, are up-regulated such as the hypoxia response, JAK/STAT pathway, and p53 pathway activity (Figure A and B). Stem cells possess self-renewal activities and multipotency, characteristics that tend to be maintained under hypoxic microenvironments [1], thus this is not surprising to observe an up-regulation of Hypoxia pathway and activation of HIF1α transcription factor. In mammary stem cells, it has also been shown that p53 is critical to control the maintenance of a constant number of stem cells pool [2, 3]. Remarkably, it has been shown that cell sorting of the cells with a putative cancer stem cell phenotype (CD44+/CD24 low) express a constitutive activation of Jak-STAT pathway [4], which we observed as up-regulated along with STAT1 and STAT2 transcription factors. In parallel, we observe a down-regulation of Wnt signaling as well as PI3K pathways. Wnt is known to play important role in the maintenance of stem cells; its inhibition has been shown to lead to the inactivation of PI3 kinase signaling pathways to ensures a balance control of stem cell renewal [5]. Moreover, we observe a down-regulation of SMAD4 and SMAD3 transcription factors correlated with a down-regulation of TGFβ pathway. Signals mediated by TGF-β family members have been implicated in the maintenance and differentiation of various types of somatic stem cells [6].
      • References

      • Semenza GL. Dynamic regulation of stem cell specification and maintenance by hypoxia-inducible factors. Molecular aspects of medicine2016 Feb-Mar;47-48:15-23.

      • Solozobova V, Blattner C. p53 in stem cells. World journal of biological chemistry2011 Sep 26;2(9):202-14.
      • Cicalese A, Bonizzi G, Pasi CE, Faretta M, Ronzoni S, Giulini B et al. The tumor suppressor p53 regulates polarity of self-renewing divisions in mammary stem cells. Cell2009 Sep 18;138(6):1083-95.
      • Hernandez-Vargas H, Ouzounova M, Le Calvez-Kelm F, Lambert MP, McKay-Chopin S, Tavtigian SV et al. Methylome analysis reveals Jak-STAT pathway deregulation in putative breast cancer stem cells. Epigenetics2011 Apr;6(4):428-39.
      • He XC, Zhang J, Tong WG, Tawfik O, Ross J, Scoville DH et al. BMP signaling inhibits intestinal stem cell self-renewal through suppression of Wnt-beta-catenin signaling. Nature genetics2004 Oct;36(10):1117-21.
      • Watabe T, Miyazono K. Roles of TGF-beta family signaling in stem cell renewal and differentiation. Cell research2009 Jan;19(1):103-15.

      3/ The authors base their work on the claim that CD44high CD24low cells represent bona fide mammary ASCs. This claim is not support by functional work to show that organoid generation is exclusive to or enhanced in CD44high CD24low cells relative to other cells. The claim of differentiation of this stem cell population in vitro is not supported by data to show emergence of luminal progenitor, mature luminal and myoepithelial lineages that are characterized by the expression of a well-defined set of reported markers as abovementioned. Although miR-106a-3p is claimed to downregulate stem cell differentiation based on a gene set enrichment analysis, authors did not investigate the expression of mammary differentiation markers or the association of miR-106a-3p-transfected HMECs with gene set pathways involved in mammary gland differentiation.

      • Response 3:
      • This concern has been also raised by the 1st reviewer (See Response 1 from Reviewer 1). As explained in response 1, to address this point, we will perform an extensive characterization of our mammary primary cells as well as our 3D-matrigel embedded cultures using flow cytometry This analysis will involve multiple lineage-specific surface markers, including luminal alveolar progenitor (such as CD49f−/low/EpCAM+) and basal/myoepithelial cells (such as CD49f+/EpCAM−/low).
      • Secondly, as suggested by the reviewer, we will investigate the expression of mammary differentiation markers or the association of miR-106a-3p-transfected human mammary epithelial cells with gene set pathways involved in mammary gland differentiation by bioinformatics using our transcriptomic data.

      4/ Line 129: "Together, these results indicate that cells grown as organoids acquired a CD44high / CD24low expression pattern similar to that of stem/progenitor cells, which suggests that 3D organoids can be used to enrich breast stem cell markers for further screening". This conclusion is not supported by the data presented. It is not clear if the expression of these markers was acquired upon 3D culture. It could be that 3D culture better maintained and expanded already existing CD44high CD24low cells in 2D culture. It is also unclear if these cells are indeed organoid-forming. Authors have not isolated and tested the organoid-forming capacity of CD44high CD24low cells relative to other cells. Along the same line, the conclusion that " mir-106a-3p directly promotes the "transdifferentiation" of CD44low/CD24high cell phenotype into CD44high/CD24low cell phenotype" isn't justified. Experiments required to conclude that 'transdifferentiation' is involved are lacking. miR-106a-3p overexpression could be creating conditions that are permissive for expansion of already existing CD44high CD24low cells as opposed to 'transdifferentiation' of other cell types into this phenotype. The authors could FACS-isolate CD44low CD24low cells and treat these with control or miR-106a-3p to conclusively establish 'transdifferentiation'.

      • Response 4:
      • This concern has been also raised by the 1st reviewer (See Response 12 from Reviewer 1). Transdifferentiation (lineage reprogramming, or -conversion), is a process in which one mature, specialized cell type changes into another without entering a pluripotent state. This process involves the ectopic expression of transcription factors and/or other stimuli. We agree with the reviewer that we did not demonstrate the transdifferentiation process in terms of lineage. Therefore, we will use flow cytometry to analyze multiple lineage-specific surface markers for luminal progenitor (CD49f−/low/EpCAM+), and basal/myoepithelial cells (CD49f+/EpCAM−/low) following miR-106a-3p expression.
      • Additionally, we cannot exclude the possibility that the 3D culture better maintained and expanded the pre-existing CD44high CD24low cells, as suggested by the reviewer. The reviewer recommends FACS-isolating CD44low CD24low cells. We apologise for any lack of clarity in our description. Technically, our primary cells have a low percentage of colony-forming efficiency (CFE) in 3D and not enough cells for FACS isolation of CD44low and CD24low cells. Therefore, we leveraged our knowledge that the expression of CBX7 potentiates the growth of 3D structures. We decided to FACS-isolate the different subpopulations of CD44 and CD24 cells to further elucidate the expression of miR-106a-3p in the different CD44/CD24 cell subpopulations. CBX7-transfected human mammary epithelial cells showed enrichment in CD44high/CD24low cells as compared to empty vector-transfected human mammary epithelial cells (Figure 4A-B). Subsequently, we separated the CD44high/CD24low (green) population from the CD44high/CD24high cell populations (blue) using flow cytometry to analyze the role of the endogenous expression of miR-106a-3p. The CD44high/CD24low population was the only one to exhibit endogenous expression of miR-106a-3p (Figure 4C). Blocking the endogenous expression of miR-106a-3p with LNA-anti-miR-106a-3p or LNA-control (Figure 4D) impacted organoid generation (Figure 4E-F). We will modify the text accordingly to include this point and this figure will be moved in the supplemental figure.

      5/ Line 242: "These data demonstrate that miR-106a-3p is involved in the early cell differentiation process into the three germ layers ". The authors have not conducted functional or mechanistic work to show that miR-106a-3p is involved in morphological or transcriptomic differentiation changes in ESCs. This and other data would be necessary to substantiate this conclusion.

      • Response 5:
      • Indeed, we agree that we cannot conclude that the miR-106a-3p is involved in the early cell differentiation process into the three germ layers without demonstrating the differentiation changes in ESCs through transcriptomic analysis. To clarify the take-home message, we did not include the transcriptomic characterization of the differentiation changes in ESCs. Instead, we focused on assessing the impact on Oct4, Sox2, and Nanog expression. However, to further understand the impact of miR-106a-3p depletion on hESCs differentiation, we have also monitored the expression of specific genes upon induction of the three embryonic germ layers (See Section Part 2.2 for a description of the experiments already carried out).

      Selected technical points:

      6) Figure 1A: The Y-axis label is misleading and suggests multiple organoids seeded per cell? Organoid Formation Efficiency (OFE) or Organoid Formation Capacity (OFC) are the commonly used nomenclature for this.

      • Response 6:
      • Since reviewer 1 found that the graph in Fig. 1A to be unnecessary, we have decided to remove this panel in the revised version of the manuscript. Furthermore, as suggested, we will replace the axis “Number of organoids per cell seeded” with “Organoid Formation Capacity” (OFC), which is the commonly used nomenclature for this measure in the article.

      7) Figure 2G: X-axis unclear. Is this meant to investigate the percentage of cells expressing CD44/CD24 as double high, double low, high/low and low/high?

      • Response 7:
      • We thank the reviewer for this careful examination of the manuscript. We apologize for this error, and will make the corresponding adjustment in Figure 2G.

      8) Figure 4C: In HMEC-CBX7 cells, it is unclear whether the high miR-106a-3p levels in CD44high CD24low cells are due to CBX7 expression. An important control, HMEC-Control Vector, is missing.

      • Response 8:
      • This control has been done (see Section 3, for details on experiments that have been carried out).

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      In this study the authors identify miR-106a-3p as a potent inducer of organoid formation from HMECs. Overexpression of miR-106a-3p induced formation of more organoids, increased the number of stem/progenitor cells and overall positively affected the stemness properties of the organoids, likely by affecting SOx2, Oct4 and Nanog expression.

      Major comments:

      1/ the flow of the paper is confusing, it appears that the authors are trying to combine several non-completed studies into one paper. It is not immediately evident how is the rationale or the conclusion supported by published data. For example, is there published evidence that Sox2/Oct4/Nanog are expressed in healthy mammary gland stem cells in vivo, or whether they have a role in establishment of stem cell population?

      • Response 1:
      • There is still a controversy about the existence of unipotent, bipotent or multipotent stem cells in mammary gland tissue [7-9]. Notably, OCT4, SOX2, and NANOG collectively form the core transcriptional network responsible for maintaining pluripotency in embryonic stem cells [10]. Evidence has accumulated over the past few years, accumulating evidence has supported the presence of stem cells in both mouse and human mammary [11]. Various strategies have been used to identify and isolate human breast stem/progenitor cells, including FACS sorting based on cell surface antigen expression. In addition, an in vitro cell culture system has been described allowing the propagation of human mammary epithelial cells in an undifferentiated state through their ability to proliferate in suspension as non-adherent mammospheres [12].. Simoe et al have demonstrated that stem cells isolated from both normal human breast and breast tumor cells display an increased expression of the embryonic stem cell genes NANOG, OCT4 and SOX2 [13]. Moreover, they have shown that the ectopic expression of any one of these factors, but in particular NANOG and SOX2, in breast cancer cells increases the pool of stem cells and enhances the cells' ability to form mammospheres. They observed higher expression of NANOG, OCT4, and SOX2 in the stem cell populations CD44+CD24−/low and EMA+CALLA+ compared to the rest of the sample population. Cells overexpressing these factors displayed an increase in the stem cell populations, thereby confirming the role of Nanog, Oct4, and Sox2 in the maintenance of human mammary stem cells. We will include this rationale in the manuscript.
      • References

      • Van Keymeulen A, Rocha AS, Ousset M, Beck B, Bouvencourt G, Rock J et al. Distinct stem cells contribute to mammary gland development and maintenance. Nature2011 Oct 9;479(7372):189-93.

      • Deome KB, Faulkin LJ, Jr., Bern HA, Blair PB. Development of mammary tumors from hyperplastic alveolar nodules transplanted into gland-free mammary fat pads of female C3H mice. Cancer research1959 Jun;19(5):515-20.
      • Shackleton M, Vaillant F, Simpson KJ, Stingl J, Smyth GK, Asselin-Labat ML et al. Generation of a functional mammary gland from a single stem cell. Nature2006 Jan 5;439(7072):84-8.
      • Boyer LA, Lee TI, Cole MF, Johnstone SE, Levine SS, Zucker JP et al. Core transcriptional regulatory circuitry in human embryonic stem cells. Cell2005 Sep 23;122(6):947-56.
      • LaMarca HL, Rosen JM. Minireview: hormones and mammary cell fate--what will I become when I grow up? Endocrinology2008 Sep;149(9):4317-21.
      • Dontu G, Abdallah WM, Foley JM, Jackson KW, Clarke MF, Kawamura MJ et al. In vitro propagation and transcriptional profiling of human mammary stem/progenitor cells. Genes & development2003 May 15;17(10):1253-70.
      • Simoes BM, Piva M, Iriondo O, Comaills V, Lopez-Ruiz JA, Zabalza I et al. Effects of estrogen on the proportion of stem cells in the breast. Breast cancer research and treatment2011 Aug;129(1):23-35.

      2/ The organoids are all spherical, while mammary gland is characterized by branching. Therefore, the organoids are not recapitulating the gland morphology and the validation should include wider range of molecular markers.

      • Response 2:
      • This concern has been also raised by both reviewers 1 and 2. As explained in response 1 to reviewer 1, we will perform a comprehensive characterization of our mammary primary cells as well as our 3D-matrigel embedded culture culture using flow cytometry to examine multiple lineage-specific surface markers, including luminal alveolar progenitor (such as CD49f−/low/EpCAM+), and basal/myoepithelial cells (such as CD49f+/EpCAM−/low). As a result, our experiments will collectively confirm that our growth conditions (which will be more thoroughly described in the methods section) for multipotent mammary stem cells can indeed generate multi-lineage organoids.

      3/ The choice of control is not clear. For example, why was miR-106a-5p chosen as a control? And why choose miR-106a-5p when a better candidate would be miR-106b-3p, that produces very high number of organoids as well? And how did the other miRNAs affected the CD44/24 profile?

      • Response 3:
      • We apologize for any lack of clarity in our description. It's important to note that miRNAs consist of two strands, -5p and -3p, and both strands can coexist and play distinct roles. For example, paired species of members in the let-7 and mir-126 families coexist and have different regulatory functions in reprogramming and differentiation of embryonic stem cells [1]. Several deep sequencing studies have demonstrated the coexistence of 5p/3p pairs in approximately half of the miRNA populations analyzed [2, 3]. Therefore, to determine whether the biological effect specifically resulted from the -3p strand, we also assessed the -5p strand.
      • References

      • Koh W, Sheng CT, Tan B, Lee QY, Kuznetsov V, Kiang LS et al. Analysis of deep sequencing microRNA expression profile from human embryonic stem cells derived mesenchymal stem cells reveals possible role of let-7 microRNA family in downstream targeting of hepatic nuclear factor 4 alpha. BMC genomics2010 Feb 10;11 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):S6.

      • Jagadeeswaran G, Zheng Y, Sumathipala N, Jiang H, Arrese EL, Soulages JL et al. Deep sequencing of small RNA libraries reveals dynamic regulation of conserved and novel microRNAs and microRNA-stars during silkworm development. BMC genomics2010 Jan 20;11:52.
      • Kuchenbauer F, Mah SM, Heuser M, McPherson A, Ruschmann J, Rouhi A et al. Comprehensive analysis of mammalian miRNA* species and their role in myeloid cells. Blood2011 Sep 22;118(12):3350-8.

      4/ What is the CD44/CD24 profile in the organoid cultures from Figure 7?

      • Response 4:
      • The CD44/CD24 profile from the organoid cultures from Figure 7 will be assessed in the revised manuscript.

      Part 2.2 Following the experiment that have been already carried out that will be included in the manuscript after revisions.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Major comments:

      The model system used in this work is referred to as "organoids", with the premise that organoids, as representatives of the original tissue, can be used to study tissue development. However, the organoids presented in the study are spherical structures, and the paper does not provide any information about how and to what extent these organoids represent the original tissue. Furthermore, it would be difficult to expect these organoids to accurately represent human breast tissue, as they are derived, to the best of the reviewer's understanding (it is not explicitly noted, but rather the text refers the reader to several previous works), from primary human breast epithelial cells that had been cultured for 6 passages in 2D culture. The CD24/CD44 flow cytometry profile of these 2D cultures, as well as the organoids derived from them, shows a unimodal distribution of CD24 and CD44 expression, and does not show distinct cell populations, as typical in primary breast epithelial cells that have not been cultured in 2D.

      • Response:
      • First, we assessed the aldehyde dehydrogenase activity (ALDH) [14] in our primary cells to demonstrate that these culture conditions preserve stem/progenitor properties (See Figure A, below). Additionally, we conducted immuno-staining of primary cells in 2D culture for lineage-specific luminal markers (CK18, MUC1) and basal markers (CK14, CK5), which revealed the heterogeneity of our population (See Figure B, below).


      • Reference

      • Ginestier C, Hur MH, Charafe-Jauffret E, Monville F, Dutcher J, Brown M et al. ALDH1 is a marker of normal and malignant human mammary stem cells and a predictor of poor clinical outcome. Cell stem cell2007 Nov;1(5):555-67.

      • For the characterization of the 3D culture, we have presented early time points of 3D cell growth, which are mainly spherical (until Day 8). However, differentiation occurs in a stepwise manner, where single stem cells proliferate to form small spheroids before undergoing multilineage differentiation into organoids that initiate branching (Day 10). Subsequently, ducts undergo budding and lobule formation (Day 20). We have included a time-course representation of this 3D growth to illustrate the differentiation process (See Figure 1C).

      • Under these culture conditions, the 3D structure retains its self-renewal activity and the ability to reseed and regenerate secondary tissues. We have also assessed the self-renewal capacity of our 3D structure (See Figure 1D).


      Page 7 line 161: "mir-106a-3p directly promotes the "transdifferentiation" of CD44low/CD24high cells phenotype into CD44high/CD24low cell phenotype" - is an unsupported statement, given that there could be several alternative explanations for the observed change in population ratios, including effects on survival or growth of cells of a certain population.

      • Indeed, we cannot exclude the possibility of other alternative explanations. Therefore, we have already assessed the impact of miR-106a-3p on population doubling in culture to determine whether it has an effect on the survival or growth of the cells. We observed that miR-V cells stopped growing after approximately 15 population doublings, indicating their limited proliferative potential. In contrast, we found that miR-106a extended the lifespan of the cells, suggesting an effect on cell survival (Figure below). We will include this information in the manuscript.


      • Why was GATA3 not included in the last analysis depicted in Fig. 7?
      • We apologize for any lack of clarity in our description. It's important to note that GATA3 was not included in Figure 7. As explained in the text, GATA3 plays a role in regulating Nanog expression. However, it's worth noting that the cells did not form organoids when GATA3 was depleted, as illustrated in the results below. We will include these results in the revised version of the manuscript.


      Reviewer #2:

      2/ Authors claim that miR-106a-3p downregulates stem cell differentiation and utilize 'organoid' culture to track the temporal expression of OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG during phases of organoid renewal and differentiation. However, mammary stem cell differentiation is associated with the emergence of luminal progenitor, mature luminal and myoepithelial lineages that are characterized by the expression of a well-defined set of markers. The authors did not investigate the expression of these markers in their 'differentiation' settings. Furthermore, modulators of major pathways reported to be critical for mammary ASC maintenance are lacking, including modulators of WNT, TGF/BMP, Notch and other pathways. As such, it is difficult to ascertain that organoids emerging under such culture conditions are the result of stem cell renewal and differentiation, as opposed to lineage-restricted proliferative non-ASCs, thus questioning the validity of many of the findings in this work.

      • We agree with the reviewer that major pathways such as Wnt, TGFβ/BMP and Notch have been reported to be critical for mammary ASC maintenance. As suggested by the reviewer, to further evaluate the possible involvement of these pathways, we have analyzed our transcriptomic data, using the PROGENy R package (version 1.16.0) (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-017-02391-6) and DoRothEA (version 1.6.0)-decoupleR (version 2.1.6) computational pipeline (https://doi.org/10.1101/gr.240663.118, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioadv/vbac016), to investigate the differential activation of major signaling pathways and transcriptional factors. The major pathways are depicted in the figure below and will be included in the manuscript.


      • There was significant enrichment indicating down-regulation of TGFβ, MAPK, WNT, PI3K genes along with gene sets representing other oncogenic pathways, are up-regulated such as the hypoxia response, JAK/STAT pathway, and p53 pathway activity (Figure A and B). Stem cells possess self-renewal activities and multipotency, characteristics that tend to be maintained under hypoxic microenvironments [15], thus this is not surprising to observe an up-regulation of Hypoxia pathway and activation of HIF1α transcription factor. In mammary stem cells, it has also been shown that p53 is critical to control the maintenance of a constant number of stem cells pool [16,17]. Remarkably, it has been shown that cell sorting of the cells with a putative cancer stem cell phenotype (CD44+/CD24 low) express a constitutive activation of Jak-STAT pathway [18], which we observed as up-regulated along with STAT1 and STAT2 transcription factors. In parallel, we observe a down-regulation of Wnt signaling as well as PI3K pathways. Wnt is known to play important role in the maintenance of stem cells; its inhibition has been shown to lead to the inactivation of PI3 kinase signaling pathways to ensure a balance control of stem cell renewal [19]. Moreover, we observe a down-regulation of SMAD4 and SMAD3 transcription factors correlated with a down-regulation of TGFβ pathway. Signals mediated by TGF-β family members have been implicated in the maintenance and differentiation of various types of somatic stem cells [20].
      • References

      • Semenza GL. Dynamic regulation of stem cell specification and maintenance by hypoxia-inducible factors. Molecular aspects of medicine2016 Feb-Mar;47-48:15-23.

      • Solozobova V, Blattner C. p53 in stem cells. World journal of biological chemistry2011 Sep 26;2(9):202-14.
      • Cicalese A, Bonizzi G, Pasi CE, Faretta M, Ronzoni S, Giulini B et al. The tumor suppressor p53 regulates polarity of self-renewing divisions in mammary stem cells. Cell2009 Sep 18;138(6):1083-95.
      • Hernandez-Vargas H, Ouzounova M, Le Calvez-Kelm F, Lambert MP, McKay-Chopin S, Tavtigian SV et al. Methylome analysis reveals Jak-STAT pathway deregulation in putative breast cancer stem cells. Epigenetics2011 Apr;6(4):428-39.

      • He XC, Zhang J, Tong WG, Tawfik O, Ross J, Scoville DH et al. BMP signaling inhibits intestinal stem cell self-renewal through suppression of Wnt-beta-catenin signaling. Nature genetics2004 Oct;36(10):1117-21.

      • Watabe T, Miyazono K. Roles of TGF-beta family signaling in stem cell renewal and differentiation. Cell research2009 Jan;19(1):103-15.

      5) Line 242: "These data demonstrate that miR-106a-3p is involved in the early cell differentiation process into the three germ layers ". The authors have not conducted functional or mechanistic work to show that miR-106a-3p is involved in morphological or transcriptomic differentiation changes in ESCs. This and other data would be necessary to substantiate this conclusion.

      • Response:
      • Indeed, we cannot conclude that miR-106a-3p is directly involved in the early cell differentiation process into the three germ layers without demonstrating the differentiation changes in ESCs through transcriptomic analysis. To clarify the take-home message, it's important to note that we did not include the transcriptomic characterization of differentiation changes in ESCs. Instead, we focused on assessing the impact of miR-106a-3p depletion on the expression of Oct4, Sox2, and Nanog. However, to gain a deeper understanding of the effects of miR-106a-3p depletion on hESCs differentiation, we also monitored the expression of specific genes upon the induction of the three embryonic germ layers (see Figure A, B, and C below). We observed that the expression of endodermal genes was not or only weakly affected by the level of miR-106a-3p expression (Figure A), whereas the expression of mesoderm- and ectoderm-specific genes increased upon miR-106a-3p down-regulation (Figure B and C). We will include these findings in the manuscript.


      Reviewer 2 (Minor points)

      3) Figure 4C: In HMEC-CBX7 cells, it is unclear whether the high miR-106a-3p levels in CD44high CD24low cells are due to CBX7 expression. An important control, HMEC-Control Vector, is missing.

      • Response
      • The control HMEC-Vector is shown in panel Figure 4A for the FACS analysis. In Figure 4C, we did not include the control since there is no expression of miR-106a-3p, but it's important to note that this control was included in the experiment. As illustrated, there is no miR-106a-3p expression in the HMEC control cells. We intend to include this panel in Figure 4 of the manuscript.


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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study the authors identify miR-106a-3p as a potent inducer of organoid formation from HMECs. Overexpression of miR-106a-3p induced formation of more organoids, increased the number of stem/progenitor cells and overall positively affected the stemness properties of the organoids, likely by affecting SOx2, Oct4 and Nanog expression.

      Major comments: the flow of the paper is confusing, it appears that the authors are trying to combine several non-completed studies into one paper. It is not immediately evident how is the rationale or the conclusion supported by published data. For example, is there published evidence that Sox2/Oct4/Nanog are expressed in healthy mammary gland stem cells in vivo, or whether they have a role in establishment of stem cell population?<br /> The organoids are all spherical, while mammary gland is characterized by branching. Therefore, the organoids are not recapitulating the gland morphology and the validation should include wider range of molecular markers.<br /> The choice of control is not clear. For example, why was miR-106a-5p chosen as a control? And why choose miR-106a-5p when a better candidate would be miR-106b-3p, that produces very high number of organoids as well? And how did the other miRNAs affected the CD44/24 profile?<br /> What is the CD44/CD24 profile in the organoid cultures from Figure 7?


      The study provides a novel methodology to enrich for the mammary stem cells. However, many of the experiments need further clarification.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this work, Robert et al. utilize mammary organoid culture as an in vitro model of stem cell renewal and maintenance. Authors show that a putative mammary stem cell population, characterized as CD44high CD24low, is enriched in organoid culture relative to 2D monolayer culture. They conduct a microRNA (miR) screen and identify miR-106a-3p as a miRNA that enriches for stem cell (CD44high CD24low) and organoid formation capacity, confirming these findings using miR-106a-3p overexpressing cells. Authors also show that CBX7 overexpression achieves a similar enrichment in CD44high CD24low and organoid formation capacity in an miR-106a-3p dependent manner, though the rationale behind the connection between CBX7 and miR-106a-3p is not well defined. Finally, the manuscript conducts a transcriptomic analysis on miR-106a-3p-OE cells and aims to functionally validate its role in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) as a model that is versatile for renewal and differentiation studies. How this relates to mammary adult stem cells (ASCs) is not entirely clear.

      Overall, the manuscript contains significant technical and conceptual limitations, and the data presented do not support the major conclusions of the study. There are two overarching issues that question the validity of most of the findings in this study. Firstly, there is no clear demonstration that the structures reported as 3D organoids are indeed driven by multipotent stem cells (in all data and experimental approaches associated with this). Secondly, there is a lack of evidence to support the claim that CD44high CD24low cells are stem cells with an exclusive or enhanced capacity to generate multi-lineage organoids.

      In addition to these general points, there are several specific major issues summarized below:

      1. Authors base their findings about mammary ASC renewal using a poorly defined organoid culture system that they claim is driven by ASC renewal and differentiation. These organoid growth conditions were originally developed to support growth of bronchial epithelial cells, and the authors have not presented data to objectively assess the validity of this extrapolation to expansion of mammary organoids. The authors did not present data to support the notion that these growth conditions generate multi-lineage organoids that expand from multipotent mammary stem cells.
      2. Authors claim that miR-106a-3p downregulates stem cell differentiation and utilize 'organoid' culture to track the temporal expression of OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG during phases of organoid renewal and differentiation. However, mammary stem cell differentiation is associated with the emergence of luminal progenitor, mature luminal and myoepithelial lineages that are characterized by the expression of a well-defined set of markers. The authors did not investigate the expression of these markers in their 'differentiation' settings. Furthermore, modulators of major pathways reported to be critical for mammary ASC maintenance are lacking, including modulators of WNT, TGF/BMP, Notch and other pathways. As such, it is difficult to ascertain that organoids emerging under such culture conditions are the result of stem cell renewal and differentiation, as opposed to lineage-restricted proliferative non-ASCs, thus questioning the validity of many of the findings in this work.
      3. The authors base their work on the claim that CD44high CD24low cells represent bona fide mammary ASCs. This claim is not support by functional work to show that organoid generation is exclusive to or enhanced in CD44high CD24low cells relative to other cells. The claim of differentiation of this stem cell population in vitro is not supported by data to show emergence of luminal progenitor, mature luminal and myoepithelial lineages that are characterized by the expression of a well-defined set of reported markers as abovementioned. Although miR-106a-3p is claimed to downregulate stem cell differentiation based on a gene set enrichment analysis, authors did not investigate the expression of mammary differentiation markers or the association of miR-106a-3p-transfected HMECs with gene set pathways involved in mammary gland differentiation.
      4. Line 129: "Together, these results indicate that cells grown as organoids acquired a CD44high / CD24low expression pattern similar to that of stem/progenitor cells, which suggests that 3D organoids can be used to enrich breast stem cell markers for further screening".

      This conclusion is not supported by the data presented. It is not clear if the expression of these markers was acquired upon 3D culture. It could be that 3D culture better maintained and expanded already existing CD44high CD24low cells in 2D culture. It is also unclear if these cells are indeed organoid-forming. Authors have not isolated and tested the organoid-forming capacity of CD44high CD24low cells relative to other cells. Along the same line, the conclusion that " mir-106a-3p directly promotes the "transdifferentiation" of CD44low/CD24high cell phenotype into CD44high/CD24low cell phenotype" isn't justified. Experiments required to conclude that 'transdifferentiation' is involved are lacking. miR-106a-3p overexpression could be creating conditions that are permissive for expansion of already existing CD44high CD24low cells as opposed to 'transdifferentiation' of other cell types into this phenotype. The authors could FACS-isolate CD44low CD24low cells and treat these with control or miR-106a-3p to conclusively establish 'transdifferentiation'.<br /> 5. Line 242: "These data demonstrate that miR-106a-3p is involved in the early cell differentiation process into the three germ layers "

      The authors have not conducted functional or mechanistic work to show that miR-106a-3p is involved in morphological or transcriptomic differentiation changes in ESCs. This and other data would be necessary to substantiate this conclusion.

      Selected technical points:

      1. Figure 1A: The Y-axis label is misleading and suggests multiple organoids seeded per cell? Organoid Formation Efficiency (OFE) or Organoid Formation Capacity (OFC) are the commonly used nomenclature for this.
      2. Figure 2G: X-axis unclear. Is this meant to investigate the percentage of cells expressing CD44/CD24 as double high, double low, high/low and low/high?
      3. Figure 4C: In HMEC-CBX7 cells, it is unclear whether the high miR-106a-3p levels in CD44high CD24low cells are due to CBX7 expression. An important control, HMEC-Control Vector, is missing.


      The findings in this report do not represent a sufficient conceptual advance in mammary stem cell biology. There are some interesting data on the role of miR-106a-3p in differentiation and regulation of pluripotency-inducing factors OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG. This is, however, more relevant to ESC biology. The data presented do not sufficiently explain the proposed transcriptional and molecular influences of miR-106a-3p on ESC maintenance and differentiation. Furthermore, there are multiple instances in the manuscript of overstating conclusions in a manner that is not supported by the data presented, as well as several instances of a conceptually premature extrapolation of various aspects of ESC biology to mammary ASC biology. It is not clear what literature or experimental findings serve as the basis for the author's connection between these two developmentally and temporally distinct aspects of tissue biology.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Major comments:

      • The model system used in this work is referred to as "organoids", with the premise that organoids, as representatives of the original tissue, can be used to study tissue development. However, the organoids presented in the study are spherical structures, and the paper does not provide any information about how and to what extent these organoids represent the original tissue. Furthermore, it would be difficult to expect these organoids to accurately represent human breast tissue, as they are derived, to the best of the reviewer's understanding (it is not explicitly noted, but rather the text refers the reader to several previous works), from primary human breast epithelial cells that had been cultured for 6 passages in 2D culture. The CD24/CD44 flow cytometry profile of these 2D cultures, as well as the organoids derived from them, shows a unimodal distribution of CD24 and CD44 expression, and does not show distinct cell populations, as typical in primary breast epithelial cells that have not been cultured in 2D.
      • There appears to be confusion between concepts: primarily confusing a basal phenotype with a stem cell phenotype, and progenitor activity with stem cell activity. Because the 3D organoid model does not display a replication of luminal differentiation, it cannot be used as a proxy for stem cell function. The results from the miRNA screen and the subsequent experiments support two conclusions: 1. miR-160b-3p leads to an enhanced mesenchymal phenotype, manifested by reduced CD24 and enhanced CD44 expression. 2. miR-160b-3p leads to increased organoid formation. The latter may be interpreted, at best, as higher basal progenitor activity, but is not a measure of stem cell activity, as that would require the cells to give rise to more than one lineage, which is not shown here.
      • Overall, the information from figures 1-4 indicate that miR-160b-3p is driving and is associated with mesenchymal differentiation, possibly with EMT.
      • In contrast to the work in the breast 3D culture model, the experiments with hESCs are interesting and do support a role of this miR in stemness.<br /> There are several relatively minor comments, that cumulatively somewhat undermine the strength of the work:
      • Abstract: the sentence "organoids can be directly generated from human epithelial cells by only one miRNA, miR-106a-sp" needs better clarification.
      • Page 5 line 103: HMECs is a term that generally refers to human mammary epithelial cells, not a specific derivation or subpopulation thereof.
      • The graph in Fig. 1A is unnecessary, it shows only one bar.
      • It is unclear if all the HMECs were derived from the same donor, or several donors. There is no information about the donor and how the tissue and cells were derived. In general, it is not entirely clear how the cells were collected, processed, stored, and cultured from the time they were obtained from the donor until their use in the current study.
      • The key for Fig. 2D is unclear. The axes read "density" but the text refers to "intensity". Fluorescence intensity in flow cytometry is usually measured on a log scale. Differences on a linear scale are not usually considered meaningful. The authors should clarify why they chose a linear scale for this screen.
      • In the miRNA screen, how long were the cells cultured after transfection, and was it enough time for them to shift phenotype?
      • Page 6 line 154: The authors likely mean z-score, not z factor (two different things).
      • Page 7 line 161: "mir-106a-3p directly promotes the "transdifferentiation" of CD44low/CD24high cells phenotype into CD44high/CD24low cell phenotype" - is an unsupported statement, given that there could be several alternative explanations for the observed change in population ratios, including effects on survival or growth of cells of a certain population.
      • There is need for quantification of the phenotypes described in Fig. 3C
      • Figures 3 D-F it is not clear if the graphs display percentage or mean number (there is discrepancy between figure text and figure legend text), and when percentage, not clear for figure 3F out of what.
      • Fig. 5B, what is the statistical significance of the enrichment?
      • Why was GATA3 not included in the last analysis depicted in Fig. 7?


      This manuscript describes experiments that aim to explore the role of miR-160b-3p in stem cells. It uses primarily a model of breast epithelial cells in 3D Matrigel culture, termed organoids.

      The first part of the paper describes a screen that identified miR-160b-3p as changing the expression profile of the two surface markers CD24 and CD44 in breast epithelial cells, which the authors refer to as a stem cell population, and enhancing organoid formation capability, which the authors interpret as stem cell capacity. In the second part of the paper, the experiments use another cell model - human embryonic stem cells (ESCs). In the second part, the authors link the expression of miR-160b-3p to the expression of Nanog, Sox2, and Oct4, which are key transcription factors that play essential roles in maintaining pluripotency and self-renewal of ESCs.<br /> The premise of the work is strong, namely that genetic screens that use an organoid model have the potential to uncover genes and pathways that direct tissue development and regulate stem cell fate and function. Several issues make it difficult to draw conclusions about stem cell function from the first part of the paper, namely the experiments with breast epithelial organoids. The second part of the paper is stronger and more convincing of the main claim, which is that miR-160b-3p has a role in stem cell maintenance.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      'The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.' The response has been included in a PDF

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This manuscript attempts to answer how the maternal and paternal chromosomes are organized, and probe the determinants of this organization.

      The authors use two divergent strains of worms - Bristol(N2) and Hawaiian - and hybrids progeny to study this as there are large regions of sequence variants between chromosome V in the two strains, making it an ideal candidate to design specific FISH probes. The authors build on their previously published work and optimize a protocol to trace chromosomes by using a multiple-probe FISH approach to investigate chromosome architecture. This approach is well illustrated in Figure 1.

      Overall, this manuscript does a good job of describing a potentially useful technique with wide application. The claims about differences (and similarities) require statistical analysis to be appreciated, and much work is necessary to make the analysis approachable to readers outside the immediate field.

      Major comments:

      Nearly all claims regarding the organization, compactness and pair-wise distances of chromosomes lack any statistical measures of significance. This is particularly important for the clustering and scaling analysis. This makes interpretation of the claims made in the text impossible. For example, claims such as "the step size remained virtually unchanged" or "the paternal chromosomes adopt the maternal conformation in hybrids" cannot be currently analyzed.

      Throughout the manuscript (including in the abstract), the authors use the term "sister chromosomes" to (presumably) refer to the maternal and paternal chromosomes. This is a confusing term, since "sister chromatids" usually refers to the identical products of DNA replication, and "homologous chromosomes" is usually used to describe the parental chromosomes. The term would ideally be changed, and at the very least, it should be clearly defined.

      Presentation: The manuscript in its current state (excluding figure one) is essentially impossible to interpret by readers who are unfamiliar with this subfield. The authors could include a blurb on the methodology behind each data type to help the manuscript reach a larger audience. The pipeline, meaning, and potential caveats of the clustering analysis should also be explicated.

      Other suggestions:

      The use of Hi-C-like heatmaps is good, since they are commonly used and are clear and easy to understand. However, it would be best to explain how the FISH data were used to construct the maps. The implications of the map could also be better explained (e.g., that the red cluster means relatively looser regions, and the blue means more tightly compacted ones).

      The last sentence in the Introduction does not make clear sense. How does the similarity between N2 & HI open up the possibility of interrogating inheritance effects?

      Several of the additional analysis that could improve the paper are: 1. Measure the nucleus diameter in N2/HI hybrid and HI/N2 hybrid. 2. Normalize the spatial distance to the nucleus size, rather than directly using the distance. 3. Explore some of the patterns in the spatial distance plots (e.g., red/blue lines and boxes). Are the sequences that are in them any different between N2 and HI in a way that might be able to account for these patterns?


      The manuscript introduces a technical advance in the study of chromosomal territories - an important area of study that benefitted from recent advances in microscopy and in development of FISH approaches. However, it lacks mechanistic analysis and remains almost purely descriptive. It is also not clear what motivated the work beyond the technical feasibility. These issues make it impossible to assign biological significance to the seemingly minor differences that are documented.

      However, as a report of a technical advance, it could be useful to many chromosome biologists who might apply it to diverse organisms and biological questions.

      I am a chromosome biologist working on worms. However, my research does not directly deal with parental effects or with the development of novel FISH methodologies, so I did not examine claims regarding these specific points.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Building on their previous work using sequential fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to follow the path of entire chromosomes in C. elegans (Sawh et al. 2020; Sawh and Mango 2020), the authors developed and then applied a method that distinguishes maternal and paternal homologs. In particular, they designed probes specific for ChrV in two strains, N2 and HI, and then demonstrated their effectiveness in homozygotes and hybrids. They found that HI ChrV is more compact in HI homozygotes as compared to N2 homozygotes, but decompacts in the F1 of N2 hermaphrodites x HI males. A different outcome was observed with respect to decompaction in the reverse cross, where both N2p and HIm ChrV chromosomes (p=paternal, m=maternal) exhibit decompaction. Through unsupervised clustering, the authors further found both dominant and minor patterns of chromosome-wide organization, with maternal chromosomes similar in terms of their dominant clusters regardless of the direction of the cross, but paternal chromosomes less so. Finally, the authors measured the degree to which homologous chromosomes interact, concluding that, although homologs overlap quite frequently, they rarely align (pair).

      In sum, the significance of the authors' work lies in its chromosome-level observations and the application of computationally designed probes that distinguish homologs by targeting strain-specific insertions. While homolog distinction by FISH has been previously demonstrated, this study is the first to demonstrate this approach in C. elegans as well as implement it via insertions in a chromosome-wide manner. As such, the manuscripts should be of interest to a broad range of researchers, especially those in the fields of genetics, genomics, and 3D genome organization. That said, the study falls short in several ways, and we recommend the authors i) present a more thorough summary of what is known about homolog positioning across species, ii) describe how homologs have been previously distinguished by FISH and, thus, more clearly elucidate the specific advances they have enabled, iii) ground their work in more rigorous quantitation, and iii) provide a better description of the technologies (strengths as well as limitations) carried over from their previous studies so that readers can better evaluate the current study. We detail our suggestions and questions, below:

      Major Comments:

      1. Page 1: We suggest the authors broaden the reach of their introduction to include well-known examples outside of C. elegans of the impact of parent-of-origin on 3D genome organization. Such examples would include X-inactivation, selective silencing of paternal genomes, the physical elimination of paternal chromosomes, and the like.
      2. Page 1: We also suggest the authors consider including mention of observations from the following research publications and review:

      Mayer W et al. Spatial separation of parental genomes in preimplantation mouse embryos. 2003 PMC2169371

      Reichmann J et al. Dual-spindle formation in zygotes keeps parental genomes apart in early mammalian embryos. 2018 PMID: 30002254

      Nagele R, Freeman T, McMorrow L, Lee HY. Precise spatial positioning of chromosomes during prometaphase: evidence for chromosomal order. 1995 PMID: 8525379

      Hua LL et al. Mitotic antipairing of homologous and sex chromosomes via spatial restriction of two haploid sets. 2018 PMID: 30530674

      Hua LL, Casas CJ, Mikawa T. Mitotic antipairing of homologous chromosomes. 2022 PMC9731508 3. Page 5: The authors designed their strain-specific probes to target 172 insertions that are over 1 kb in size and distributed across ChrV. We ask the authors to describe these insertions in greater detail, especially as, later in the manuscript, the authors touch on the possibility that sequence differences between the two strains may account for differences in chromatin architecture. How many insertions were on the N2 and HI chromosomes, respectively? What is the range and distribution of insertion sizes for all insertions as well as specifically for the N2 and HI ChrV chromosome? Do the insertions contain repetitive sequences, or are they predominantly composed of unique sequences? What is their distribution with respect to genes, active regions, TADs? Is there an explanation for why some are clustered? If they contain genes, are the genes enriched in certain GO categories? Do the insertions differ in their characteristics across the different chromosomes? This information could be included as graphs and/or tables. 4. Page 5: Given that N2 and HI ChrV chromosomes differ by the number of insertions and, ultimately, probes, how might these differences have skewed the authors' results, especially with respect to overlap between the homologs? Here, simulations of different ratios of insertions between N2 and HI could be clarifying. 5. What difficulties were encountered when tracing the paths of overlapping homologs, and how were these difficulties accounted for and/or solved? Did the different numbers and distributions of insertions between N2 and HI exacerbate the challenge? What confidence levels accompanied their findings? 6. Page 4: It would be helpful if the authors to put their insertion-based method into the context of other studies that have developed and used FISH to distinguish homologs. 7. Pag 6: It would clarifying if the authors provided details about the mis-annotation of the Thompson genome and how it is pertains to probe design. 8. Page 6: The authors state that "...N2 and HI...harbor sequence differences, some of which are predicted to affect chromatin architecture" and that HI lacks ppw-1. We ask the authors to provide a more thorough discussion. To what extent might such predictions rest on the insertional differences between the strains? 9. Page 7: How much smaller is the HI genome and what percent of this difference is due to insertions (deletions)? Related to this, how much smaller is the HI ChrV chromosome as compared to N2? 10. Page 7 and throughout: For those readers who have not read Sawh and Mango 2020 and Sawh et al. 2020, or who are unfamiliar with the broader category of imaging technologies that support the current study, we ask the authors to provide much more background and citations to key methods. Without this information, many readers will neither sufficiently understand the strategies used for imaging acquisition, processing, and analysis nor grasp the relevance of terms such as step size, polymer step size, power-law fitting, etc. and therefore be less able to assess the authors' data and conclusions. 11. General statement: When the authors infer similarity or differences between power-law fittings, scaling exponents, step sizes, etc. what is the statistical significance of those comparisons? 12. Experiments in general: We suggest the authors provide considerably more quantitation. For example, we urge them to provide the number of trials, sample sizes, numbers of embryos examined for all experiments. Equally important would be information regarding the stage of embryos examined and, where more than one embryonic stage was involved, the number of embryos for each stage. Are there stage-specific changes? We are also concerned about the impact of mixed populations of embryos on studies using unsupervised clustering. In other words, what was the contribution of developmental stage to the outcome of the clustering? Furthermore, if not all nuclei in an embryo were captured, we ask the authors to give the percent of nuclei captured from an embryo and reasons why only a subset of nuclei were included in the analysis. 13. With regard to cluster analyses both here and elsewhere, will the authors please include statements of statistical significance whenever they note differences and/or similarities? 14. Page 8: It would be helpful if the authors explained how they implemented the nearest-neighbor approach, including caveats and limitations (success rates, drop-out rates, etc.) and providing statistical assessment wherever possible. 15. Page 8: "In some instances (6-8% of traces), traces were ambiguous and excluded from further analysis". We ask the authors to provide more detail. For example, what does ambiguous mean and, with respect to the 6-8% value, what was the total number of traces? What was the distribution of all traces (prior to filtering) with respect to percent of targets detected? Also, how coincident were the two homologs of a nucleus to each other in terms of capturing all the targets? 16. Page 8: "...we classified traces into N2 or HI based on whether the trace was located closest to a strain marking volume for N2 or HI." Will the authors please quantify "closest" and explain what this means, whether there was a cut-off and, if there had been, how it was determined and implemented? What percent of cells were problematic, and were there traces that did not overlap the strain marking volumes at all? As stated in the Materials and Methods, only a subset of traced chromosomes were analyzed for overlap - why were only a subset analyzed for overlap, how was the subset selected, and how many/what percentage did these traces represent? It would also be helpful if the authors provided a quantitative summary of the traces. 17. Page 8: Did the authors account for chromatic aberration and, if so, what protocol did they use? 18. Page 8: "...counting how often more than two N2 or HI traces were detected in one nucleus." This is puzzling, and we suggest that the authors include explanations for how this might have happened. Did the nuclei not contain signal from the other strain marking probe at all? Was there a bias for this to happen with N2 or HI chromosomes? Could this have been a consequence of biology or of the algorithm for tracing? The authors' observations are reminiscent of the many implications raised by Jia et al. (2023; A spatial genome aligner for resolving chromatin architectures from multiplexed DNA FISH. PMID: 36593410), and we ask the authors to comment on the relevance of their observations to those in this recent publication. 19. Page 8: "We found only a minority of 2% of HI traces and 7% of N2 traces were mis-assigned and excluded these from downstream analysis." 2% and 7% of what total? 20. Page 8: How do pairwise distances remain almost identical between N2 and HI and yet generate different scaling exponents? 21. Page 9: Figure 1F shows images of embryos derived from N2 hermaphrodites x HI males. It would be helpful if the authors added analogous images from the reciprocal cross as a supplementary figure. 22. Page 2, 9, 9, and 12: The authors make several comments regarding the action of factors in trans: "... factors from the mother impact chromosome folding in trans (p. 2)"; "... the HIp decompacts when subjected to the N2m environment and implies that the paternal chromosome is influenced by the maternal environment in trans (p. 9)"; "...N2 chromosomes influence HI chromosomes in trans, while N2 chromosome structure seems to be resistant to influences by the HI chromosomes (p. 9)"; and "...implicating maternal factors that act in trans (p. 12). While provocative, these statements call for more concrete consideration. Are the authors using "in trans" in lieu of "indirectly", or are they alluding to factors, such as ppw-1, or direct physical contact? Without further substantiation or argument, mention of in trans activity might best be reserved for the Discussion. 23. Page 10: "While HIp subpopulations were characterized by folding of one or the other chromosome arm, N2p clusters were more open and a subpopulation with a highly folded right arm was not present" (Figure 5CD). Was there a significant correlation between left vs. right arm folding and overall genome organization and function? 24. Page 11: Will the authors please provide a more explicit definition of alignment as well as a more detailed description of how alignment is quantified in the main text? 25. Page 11: With respect to direct physical contact, the authors mention transvection, which they conclude in the abstract is unlikely because pairing between homologs was observed to be rare. As transvection and pairing can both be short-lived, and the data are not compelling, the statement may need to be toned down considerably and/or be moved to the discussion. 26. Page 11: The authors draw a distinction between % territory overlap and physical distances between homologs. In particular, the differences between % overlap across different stages is quite interesting and potentially suggests embryo stage-specific changes. Could the authors explore this further by breaking down mean pairwise distances into different embryo stages (Figure 6B and C)? 27. Pages 2, 11-13: When the authors use "sisters", do they mean "homologs"? If the latter, we recommend they use "homologs", only, as "sisters" refers to the sister chromatids after replication. If, however, the authors are using "sisters" to mean sister chromatids, will they please explain how their data can distinguish sisters? 28. Discussion: We encourage the authors to speculate further regarding the basis of decompaction. Is it a hybrid-specific phenomenon?

      Minor comments:

      1. Page 1: Although the introduction focuses on C. elegans, the genome length that is mentioned (2 meters) is more aligned with that of mammalian species. The authors could cite a range of lengths or make more clear which species is being discussed.
      2. Page 5: As the figures label the strains as Hawaiian and Bristol, the authors might wish to include this nomenclature in the main text. Curiously, the authors use several different spellings for the Hawaiian/Hawai'ian/Hawaiin/Hawaii strain.
      3. Page 5: Will the authors please explain why the common whole-chromosome tracing probes have only one tail, while the strain-specific probes have two tails, as shown in Figure 1D?
      4. Figures in general: The axes of a number graphs and heat maps need to be labeled.
      5. Materials and Methods: The section on "Cluster analysis" is missing units for the resolution.
      6. Page 8: Will the authors please give a reference for and explain watershed segmentation?


      In sum, the significance of the authors' work lies in its chromosome-level observations and the application of computationally designed probes that distinguish homologs by targeting strain-specific insertions. While homolog distinction by FISH has been previously demonstrated, this study is the first to demonstrate this approach in C. elegans as well as implement it via insertions in a chromosome-wide manner. As such, the manuscript should be of interest to a broad range of researchers, especially those in the fields of genetics, genomics, and 3D genome organization. That said, the study falls short in several ways, and we recommend the authors i) present a more thorough summary of what is known about homolog positioning across species, ii) describe how homologs have been previously distinguished by FISH and, thus, more clearly elucidate the specific advances they have enabled, iii) ground their work in more rigorous quantitation, and iii) provide a better description of the technologies (strengths as well as limitations) carried over from their previous studies so that readers can better evaluate the current study.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors designed an elegant series of FISH probes taking advantage of insertions that are divergent between HI and N2 strains of C. elegans to identify the maternal versus paternal chromosomes in hybrid embryos. Overall, the conclusions are well supported by the data. I only have minor comments, which are numbered below in relation to each figure.

      In figure 1 they demonstrate that the probes can specifically recognize their corresponding chromosome in hybrid embryos

      In figure 2 they demonstrate that overall chromosome 5 adopts a similar shape from both strains.

      In figure 3, they demonstrate that in the hybrids, the chromosomes are generally the same as in the homozygous embryos. However, when the HI chromosome is brought in paternally in the hybrids, it is more decompacted. In this cross, the maternal N2 chromosome is normal. In figure 5, when the N2 chromosome is now brought in paternally, it is similarly decompacted. However, in this cross, the HI chromosome that is brought in maternally is also decompacted. This appears to be the biggest difference, but is somewhat mitigated by a decrease in the scaling component, which I believe means it takes a straighter path? This is in contrast to the reciprocal cross where the maternal N2 chromosome is normal.

      1. In figures 2-4, it is important to note what stages of embryos are being analyzed and whether any analysis was done to determine if the chromosomes varied with embryonic stage?
      2. The authors need to clearly define chromosomal step size, scaling coefficient and pair wise distance and then describe the difference between these measurements. For example, it would be nice in relation to figure 4F if it was described exactly what it means to have an increase in step size along with a decrease in scaling exponent. This will enable the reader to more easily interpret the results.
      3. Is there any way to determine if changes in the step size and scaling are significant? It would be good to know if the changes are actually significant.

      In figure 5, the authors examine sub-clusters of where individual chromosomes locate. 4. In figure 5 (and maybe in earlier figures as well), it would also be helpful to mark the different clusters in the figures to show what is meant by a folder arm or a compacted central domain and refer to every panel in the text (only some descriptions in the text reference specific panels).

      In figure 6, the authors determine whether the two chromosomes 5's overlap in nuclear territory and whether they the align along the length of the chromosome. From this analysis, they conclude that the chromosomes overlap a fair amount of time, but do not align. This makes it unlikely that transvection might occur. 5. In figure 6, the authors need to do a better job of describing how the data is being presented. The % overlap is being graphed by density, but density of what? Also, the text mentions the total number of nuclei that overlap, but how is that number derived from the presented data? Finally, the data are broken down by embryonic stage, but there is no mention of this in the text. It is not mentioned until the discussion. Overall, this makes it very difficult to determine what the data are showing. 6. In the discussion, the authors perhaps should spend more time interpreting their results in light of others work on the maternal and paternal inheritance of chromatin in C. elegans. For example, Arico et al 2011 Plos Genetics from the Kelly Lab. In addition to examining chromatin in the early embryo, in this paper the authors examine translocations, which might be interesting to look at using the technique presented here. Also, a number of recent papers from the Strome lab have examined chromatin inheritance from sperm. It would be interesting to interpret the finding that paternal chromosomes are influenced by the maternal environment, in light of this work.


      These studies are the important extension of the elegant chromosome tracing that the Mango lab has pioneered. The authors have clearly demonstrated that the technique works well to identify individual chromosomes in a hybrid background. This provides the opportunity for the system to be used in numerous different ways, not just in C. elegans. This is the most significant advance of this paper and should be of interest to a fairly broad audience. However, using this technique, the authors also provide the initial characterization of sister chromosomes in C. elegans embryos and draw important initial conclusions, such as finding that the chromosomes do not pair, as they do in Drosophila. This makes the paper of interest to the C. elegans audience, as well as the general field of chromosomal organization. My expertise is in C. elegans biology and chromatin biology in general. I also am familiar with the field of chromosome biology. As a result, I believe I am capable of judging the significance of this paper in these areas.

  2. Sep 2023
    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Point-by-point response to reviewers, including our plans for the revision:

      ­­­Review____er #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      * Summary: In this manuscript by the Sanson group, Lye and colleagues try to definitively answer the question of whether pulling forces from the ventral mesoderm have significant effects on convergent extension in the Drosophila germband (germband extension). While germband extension does occur in mutant embryos lacking mesoderm invagination, it has long been an open question in the field as to whether ventral pulling forces from the mesoderm have significant effects (positive or negative) on cell intercalation during germband extension. To definitely address this question, Lye and colleagues generated high-quality, directly comparable datasets from wild-type and twist mutant embryos, and then systematically assessed nearly all aspects of cell intercalation, myosin recruitment, and tissue elongation over time. They demonstrate that pulling forces from the ventral mesoderm have negligible impacts on the course of germband extension. While there are indeed some interesting differences between wild-type and twist embryos with respect to cell intercalation and myosin recruitment, such differences are relatively minor. They conclude that the events of germband extension neither require nor are strongly affected by external forces from the mesoderm. While this is largely a negative results paper, I believe that it should be published and that it will be an impactful paper within the field. Namely, it will settle once and for all the question of whether mesoderm invagination is required for optimal germband extension in the early Drosophila embryo, and it suggests that tissues are largely autonomous developmental units that are buffered from outside mechanical inputs.*

      • * *Major comments: *

      * It seems to me that the one obvious omission from this paper is a general measure of convergent extension over time. I think it would be useful to the reader to include some measure of change in tissue aspect ratio over time between wild-type and twist embryos. This could be included in Figure 5 or 6. *

      • *

      We are happy to include a graph with what we call “tissue strain rate”, which measures the deformation of the germ-band in the direction of extension (along AP) over time, and propose to add it as a panel in Supplementary Figure 6. Note that in our measures, the “tissue” strain rate is decomposed into contributions from two cell behaviors, the “cell intercalation” strain rate and the “cell shape” strain rate (Blanchard et al., 2009). “Tissue” and “cell shape” strain rate are directly measured, and “cell intercalation” strain rate is what remains when “cell shape” strain rate is removed from “tissue” strain rate. The “cell intercalation” strain rate calculated in that way is a “continuous” measure of cell intercalation, measuring the progressive shearing of cells during convergent extension. We also use a “discrete” measure of cell intercalation, which measures the number of cell neighbor exchanges, also called T1 swaps. We found that both “continuous” and “discrete” measures of cell intercalation are unchanged in twist mutant compared to wild-type embryos (Fig. 6F and 6E, respectively). In contrast, we find that the “cell shape” strain rate is increased in twist mutants (Fig. 5B and Fig. 5S1A). Consistent with this finding, the “tissue” strain rate is also increased in twist mutants (see graph below).

      Otherwise, I have no major comments on the experimental approach or the findings of this manuscript. It seems to me a straightforward and systematic approach for determining whether mesoderm invagination affects germband extension. I do have several minor comments that should be addressed prior to publication (below).

      *Minor comments: *

      *I understand why cells would initially stretch more along the DV axis in wild-type embryos compared with twist embryos, but why do cells become so much more stretched along the AP axis (and become smaller apically) after 10 minutes of GBE in wild type compared with twist (Figure 2C and E). *

      *I think this is an interesting and non-intuitive result that would warrant a bit of explanation/conjecture. *

      This is not what Fig. 2C and E show, and we realize now that our schematics on the graphs might have been confusing. We will work on those to improve their clarity (or remove them), and also review our text.

      Figure 2C shows how cells deform along DV (cell shape strain rate projected onto the DV axis). So the graph does not show that the cells are elongating in AP, as only the DV component of the strain rate is shown in this figure. In the wild type, the DV strain rate is positive (the cells are elongating in DV) at developmental times when the mesoderm invaginate (from about -10 minutes to until 7.5 minutes). The DV strain shows an acceleration until about 5 mins, then decelerates, crossing the x-axis to become negative at 7.5 minutes. From this timepoint and until the end of GBE, the DV strain rate is negative (the cells are contracting along DV). Mirroring the positive section of the curve, the DV contraction of the cells accelerate until about 12 mins and then slows down. The strong rate of DV contraction between 7.5 and 20 mins could in part be due to the endoderm invagination pulling in the orthogonal direction (AP) and helping the cells regaining a more isotropic shape. We could add a mention about this in the discussion.

      In Figure 2E, the rate of change in cell area follows a similar time course in the wild type, showing that the cells are increasing their areas until about 10 mins (positive values) and then reduce their areas again until the end of GBE (negative values). Note that the graph does not show raw (instantaneous) cell areas as suggested by the comment, but rather a rate of change.

      So in wild type, the cells get stretched by the invaginating mesoderm, and once the mesoderm is not pulling anymore, the cells appear to relax back. As there is no stretching in twist mutants, there is no equivalent relaxation of the cells along DV. Note that in twist, there is a milder increase in cell area in the first 15 mins of GBE (Fig. 2E). This could again be caused by the pull from endoderm invagination stretching the cells along AP, which, as we have shown before, increases both cell shape strain rates along AP and cell areas (Butler et al., 2009). So the pull from endoderm invagination (along AP) will have an impact on cell area rates of change and possibly also, indirectly, on DV cell shape strain rates, in both twist and wild type embryos, during most of GBE. Therefore cell area and DV cell shape strain rates are affected by more than one process during GBE. In this paper, we are focusing on the impact of mesoderm invagination, which happens around the start of GBE, so have focused our analysis of the graphs in the results section to this period, and the differences between wildtype and *twist. *

      *I don't understand how you are defining cell orientation in Figure 2G. How are you choosing the cell axis that you are then comparing with the body axis? Is it the long axis, or something more complicated than that? I think you should briefly provide this information in the results section. If it is included in the methods, I wasn't able to locate it. *

      Yes, it is the orientation of the long axis of the cell relative to the antero-posterior embryonic axis. We will clarify this in the text, in particular in the Methods, and also try improve our schematics.

      Figure 2: Since you have the space, it might help the reader if you simply wrote out "strain rate" for panels B, D, and F, rather that used the abbreviation "SR." Thank you for this suggestion, we will reduce use of abbreviations where space permits.

      *Please ensure that all axis labels are fully visible in the final figures. In several figures, the Y-axis labels were cut off (e.g., Fig 2I, 4A, 4D, 6B, 6C). *

      These were visible to us in our submitted version, but of course we will ensure everything is visible on the final version.

      *Where space permits, I would suggest using fewer abbreviations in axis labels to increase readability of the figures (e.g., in Figures 3H or 4D). *

      Thank you for this suggestion, will do.

      * In Figure 7, I would move the wild-type panels to the left and the twist panels to the right. I think it is more conventional to describe the normal wild-type scenarios first, and then contrast the mutant state.*

      Will do.

      To be consistent with the literature, "wildtype" should be hyphenated (wild-type) when used as an adjective, or two separate words (wild type) when used as a noun. Thank you, we will change this.

      Review*er #1 (Significance (Required)): *

      * Advance: The advances in this manuscript are largely methodological, but the experiments and analyses are quite rigorous and allow the authors to make strong conclusions concerning their hypotheses. Their findings are based on a high-quality collection of movies from control and twist mutant embryos expressing a cell membrane marker and knock-in GFP-tagged myosin. Importantly, I think the researchers were correct in choosing to analyze twist single-mutant embryos (as opposed to snail or twist, snail double-mutant embryos), as the overall embryo geometry of these mutants is fairly similar to wild-type embryos, allowing the researchers to directly compare cell behaviors and myosin dynamics during germband extension. This approach also allows them to avoid indirect effects on the germband due to a completely non-internalized mesoderm. *


      Audience: The primary audience for this article will be basic science researchers working in the early Drosophila embryo who are interested in the interplay between the germband and neighboring tissues. Secondary audiences will include developmental biologists more broadly who are interested in biomechanical coupling (or in this case decoupling) of neighboring tissues. *


      Describe your expertise: I have been a Drosophila developmental geneticist for over twenty years, and I have been working directly on Drosophila germband extension for over a decade. I have published numerous papers and reviews in this field, and I am very familiar with the genetic backgrounds and types of experimental analyses used in this manuscript. Therefore, I believe I am highly qualified to serve as a reviewer for this manuscript.*


      Review____er #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      In the present manuscript, Lye et al. describe a highly detailed quantification of cell shape changes during germband extension in Drosophila melanogaster early embryo. During this process, ectodermal tissue contracts along the dorso-ventral axis, simultaneously expanding along the perpendicular antero-posterior direction, migrating from the ventral to the dorsal surface of the embryo as it extends. This important morphogenetic event is preceded by ventral furrow formation when mesodermal tissue (located in the ventral part of the embryo) contracts along the dorso-ventral axis and invaginates into the embryonic interior. The study compares cell shape dynamics in the wildtype Drosophila with that in the twist mutant, which largely lacks mesoderm and does not form ventral furrow. The major motivation of the study is to examine whether cellular behaviors and myosin recruitment in the ectoderm is cell autonomous, or if those cellular behaviors depend on mechanical interactions between mesoderm and ectoderm.*

      • The authors first examine whether transcriptional patterning of key genes involved in germband extension is different between the wildtype and the twist mutant and find no significant difference. Next, the authors thoroughly quantify cellular behaviors and patterns of myosin recruitment in the two genetic backgrounds. A number of different measures are investigated, notably the rate of change in the degree of cellular asymmetry, rate of cell area change, rate of change of cell orientation, differences in myosin recruitment to cell edges of various orientation, as well as the rates of growth, shrinkage, and re-orientation of the various cellular interfaces. It is thoroughly documented how these quantities change as a function of developmental timing and spatial position within the embryo. These data serve basis for quantitative comparison between cellular dynamics in the two genetic backgrounds considered.*

      • Overall, the study shows that cellular behaviors observed in the ectoderm are largely the same during the period of time following ventral furrow formation, as would be expected if those cellular behaviors were predominantly cell autonomous and not dependent on stresses generated in the mesoderm.*

      • The data presented in the manuscript are of excellent quality and presentation is very clear.

      Minor comments: none *

      * Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)): *

      * I find that the study provides a thorough quantification of cell behaviors in a widely studied important model of morphogenesis. The work may be of particular interest for future model-to-data comparison, perhaps providing a basis for future modeling work. I therefore certainly think that this work warrants publication.*

      • However, the results of the study largely parallel previous findings and do not appear novel or surprising. It is well established that in snail mutant that lack mesoderm entirely, germband extension proceeds largely normally. This well-established fact suggests that since tissue dynamics in complete absence of mesoderm are largely unaffected, behaviors of individual cells are likely to not be affected either*.

      *The work is pretty much entirely observational, and for most part provides a more detailed documentation/quantification of previous findings. I do not think it is appropriate for high profile publication. *

      We are not sure which evidence the reviewer is referring to here specifically. We agree that the single mutants twist or snail, or the double twist snail mutants do extend their germ-band. However, the question we are asking here, is how well do they extend their germband and to answer this question, quantitation is needed. The first quantitation of GBE were performed by (Irvine and Wieschaus, 1994). While they quantified GBE in various mutant contexts, they did not perform quantitation for snail, twist, or twist snail mutants. Instead, they refer to these mutants once in p839, with the following sentence: Additionally, twist and snail mutant embryos, which lack mesoderm, extend their germbands almost normally (Leptin and Grunewald, 1990; Simpson, 1983)*.” *

      Following these earlier qualitative observations, various studies have quantified different aspects of GBE in mesoderm invagination mutants, with contradictory results. For example, some studies, including from our own lab, report a reduction in cell intercalation in the absence of mesoderm invagination (Butler et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2020), but there have also been reports that tissue extension and T1-transistions occur normally (Farrell et al., 2017)(see also introduction of our manuscript). These contradictory results have motivated our present study, and we have implemented rigorous comparison between wild type and mesoderm invagination mutants, being careful i) to check that the regions analyzed were comparable in terms of cell fate, and ii) to control for any confounding effects between experiments (see also response to reviewer 4, main question 2). We have also considered which mesoderm invagination mutants to use. We rejected snail or twist snail mutants because the absence of snail means that the mesodermal cells do not contract and thus stay at the surface of the embryo, which changes the spatial configuration of the embryo considerably and would make a fair quantitative comparison very difficult. Instead, we decided to use twist mutants, as in those, cell contractions still happen so the cells do not take as much space at the surface of the embryo, but the contractions are uncoordinated which means that there is no invagination (and we demonstrate here, no significant pulling on the ectoderm). We note that reviewer 1 highlights the merit of settling the question of the impact of mesoderm invagination on GBE and the pertinence of choosing twist mutants versus the alternatives (see also response to reviewer 4, suggestion 1).


      __Review____er #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      During morphogenesis, the final shape of the tissue is not only dictated by mechanical forces generated within the tissue but can also be impacted by mechanical contributions from surrounding tissues. The way and extent to which tissue deformation is influenced by tissue-extrinsic forces are not well understood. In this work, Lye et al. investigated the potential influence of Drosophila mesoderm invagination on germband extension (GBE), an epithelial convergent extension process occurring during gastrulation. Drosophila GBE is genetically controlled by the AP patterning system, which determines planar polarized enrichment of non-muscle myosin II along the DV-oriented adherens junctions. Myosin contractions drive shrinking of DV-oriented junctions into 4-way vertices, followed by formation of new, AP-oriented junctions. This process results in cell intercalation, which causes tissue convergence along the DV-axis and extension along the AP-axis. In addition, GBE is facilitated by tissue-extrinsic pulling forces produced by invagination of the posterior endoderm. Interestingly, some recent studies suggest that the invagination of the mesoderm, which occurs immediately prior to GBE, also facilitates GBE. In the proposed mechanism, invaginating mesoderm pulls on the germband tissue along the DV-axis; the resulting strain of the germband cells generates a mechanotransduction effect that promotes myosin II recruitment to the DV-oriented junctions, thereby facilitating cell intercalation. Here, the authors revisited this proposed mechanotransduction effect using quantitative live imaging approaches. By comparing the wildtype embryos with twist mutants that fail to undergo mesoderm invagination, the authors show that although the DV-oriented strain of the germband cells was greatly reduced in the absence of mesoderm pulling, this defect had a negligible impact on junctional myosin density, myosin planar polarity, the rate of junction shrinkage or the rate of cell intercalation during GBE. A mild increase in the rate of new junction extension and a slight defect in cell orientation were observed in twist mutants, but these differences did not cause obvious defects in cell intercalation. The authors conclude that myosin II-mediated cell intercalation during GBE is robust to the extrinsic mechanical forces generated by mesoderm pulling.

      • * *Overall, I found that the results described here are very interesting and of high quality. The data acquisition and analyses were elegantly performed, statistics were appropriately used, and the manuscript was clearly written. However, there are a few points where some further explanation or clarification is necessary, as detailed below: *

      • The main conclusion of the manuscript relies on appropriate quantification of myosin intensity at cell junctions. It is therefore important that the methods of quantification are well justified. Below are a few questions regarding the methods used in the analyses:*
      • -For myosin quantification, the authors state that "Background signal was subtracted by setting pixels of intensities up to 5 percentile set to zero for each timepoint" [Line826]. The rationale for selecting 5 percentile as the threshold for background should be explained. Also, how does this background value change over time? *

      • *

      For our normalization method, we stretched the intensity histogram of images to use the full dynamic range for quantification and enable meaningful comparison of intensities between different movies. The 5th percentile was chosen to set to zero intensity as this removed background signal without removing any structured Myosin signal (i.e., non-uniform, low level fluorescence - this was assessed by eye). We will provide some before and after normalization images at different timepoints to illustrate this (See reviewer 3, minor point 4 below). Since the cytoplasmic signal is uniform, it is difficult to discern from true ‘background’, therefore some cytoplasmic signal might be set to zero with this method, but all medial and junctional Myosin structures will still be visible and have none-zero intensity values. However, since cytoplasm takes up a large majority of pixels in the image, and we only set 5% of pixels to zero, the majority of the cytoplasm will have non-zero pixel values. ‘Background’ changes increases slightly as Myosin II levels increase in general over time, as expected from the embryo accumulating Myosin II as they develop.

      -The authors mention that "Intensities varied slightly between experiments due to differences in laser intensity and therefore histograms of pixel intensities were stretched" [Line828]. The method of intensity justification should be justified. For example, does this normalization result in similar cytoplasmic myosin intensity between control and twist mutant embryos?

      • *

      As stated above, we stretched the intensity histogram of images to enable meaningful comparison of intensities between different movies, as stretching the histograms would bring Myosin II structures of similar intensities into the same pixel value range. We chose to stretch histograms using a reference timepoint (30 minutes, the latest timepoint analyzed), rather than on a per timepoint basis, because we saw a general increase in Myosin II over time, and we wanted to ensure that this increase was preserved in our analysis.

      • *

      Note that we quantify Myosin from 2 µm above to 2 µm below the level of the adherens junctions (see Methods), not throughout the entire cell, and therefore we have no true measure of cytoplasmic Myosin. However, we can plot non-membrane Myosin from this same apicobasal position in the cell. Non-membrane Myosin will include both the cytoplasmic signal and the Myosin II medial web (see above). When plotting these, we find that Myosin II intensities in this pool are similar in wildtype and twist (see graph below, dotted lines show standard deviations), confirming that that we are not inappropriately brightening one set of images compared to the other (e.g., twist versus wildtype).

      Finally, our observations of rate of junction shrinkage and intercalation are consistent with our Myosin II quantification results (see Figures 4A, 4D and 6F). This further validates our methods.

      • *

      • *

      - A previous study demonstrates that the accumulation of junctional myosin is substantially reduced in twist mutant embryos compared to the wild type (Gustafson et al., 2022). In that work, junctional myosin was quantified as (I_junction - I_cytoplasm)/I_cytoplasm. In contrast, the cytoplasmic myosin intensity does not appear to be subtracted from the quantification in this study. How much of the difference in the conclusions of the two studies can be explained by this difference in myosin quantification?

              As explained above, we choose to normalize our data by stretching histograms, rather than subtracting and dividing intensities between different pools of Myosin. The setting pixels of intensities up to 5 percentiles set to zero for each will have a similar effect to subtracting a small fraction of the cytoplasmic pool. We note that the intensity measurements in (Gustafson et al., 2022) are in the apical-top 5µm of the cell, and therefore their ‘cytoplasmic’ signal is likely to also include the apical medial web of Myosin. Also, after subtraction they use division by the cytoplasmic intensity in an attempt to bring pixel intensities between different movies into a comparable range, whereas we do this by stretching the histograms themselves (see above).  We carefully designed our method to preserve the increase in Myosin levels that we see over time in our post-normalization data. This is something that their method of normalization would not be predicted to capture, if their ‘cytoplasmic’ signal increase over time as well as their junctional signal.  Indeed, in FigS6D of their paper, Myosin II levels do not appear to increase over time in these (presumably normalized) images.

      Additionally, we note that in (Gustafson et al., 2022), not all Myosin II is fluorescently tagged since they use a sqhGFP transgene located on the balancer chromosome. This means that the line they use will have a pool of exogeneous Myosin tagged with GFP (expressed from the CyO balancer) and a pool of endogenous Myosin (expressed from the sqh gene on the X chromosome. It is not known whether endogenous and exogeneous GFP-tagged Myosin II will be recruited equally to cell junctions when in competition with each other. Therefore, in their genetic background, the ratio of junctional/cytoplasmic sqhGFP might not reflect the true ratio. To avoid this potential caveat, in our study we have used a new knock-in of Myosin, which tags the sqh gene at the endogenous locus (Proag et al., 2019). The line is homozygous viable and thus all the molecules of Myosin II Regulatory Light Chain (encoded by sqh), and thus the Myosin II mini-filaments, are labelled with GFP.

      Additionally, we note that when comparing their images of Myosin II in wildtype and twist (Figure 5D and D’), the overall Myosin signal appears reduced in twist mutants (including in the head and posterior midgut, which is outside the area that they are claiming Myosin II is recruited in response to mesoderm invagination). This suggests that Myosin II is generally reduced in their twist mutants (or images thereof), which is not expected and might indicate issues with their methods.

      Therefore differences in the methods may explain the discrepancies between studies. Importantly, we have quantified junctional shrinkage rates and intercalation, and our analysis of these rates is consistent with our Myosin II quantification results (see above).

      -The authors used the tissue flow data to register the myosin channel and the membrane channel, which were acquired at slightly different times. The accuracy of this channel registration should be demonstrated.

      As stated in our methods: “the channel registration was corrected post-acquisition in order that information on the position of interfaces in the Gap43 channel could be used to locate them in the Myosin channel. Therefore the local flow of cell centroids between successive pairs of time frames in the Gap43 channel is used to give each interface/vertex pixel a predicted flow between frames. A fraction of this flow is applied, equal to the Myosin II to Gap43 channel time offset, divided by the frame interval. Because cells deform as well as flow, the focal cell’s cell shape strain rate is also applied, in the same fractional manner as above.”

      The images in Figure 3C and C’ show the Myosin II, with quantified membrane Myosin superimposed on the image as a color-code. Images in Figure 3B and B’ show the (normalized) Myosin II. Comparison of these images demonstrates that the channel registration is accurate. We will add a reference to these images in the methods.

      • The authors show that cell intercalation is not influenced in twist mutant embryos. However, a previous study demonstrates that the speed of GBE is substantially reduced in twist mutants (Gustafson et al., 2022). It would be interesting to see whether a similar reduction in the speed of GBE was observed in this study. *

      We do not see a reduction in the speed of GBE as reported by (Gustafson et al., 2022), we will add “tissue strain rate” graphs to demonstrate this. On the contrary, we find a slight increase in the “tissue strain rate”, because there is a slight increase in the “cell shape strain rate” contributing to extension (while “cell intercalation strain rate” is unchanged). See also response to Reviewer 1 (major comment) .

      • It has been previously shown that contractions of medioapical myosin in germband cells also contribute to cell intercalation. The authors should explain why medioapical myosin was not included in the comparison between wildtype and twist mutant embryos. *

      • *

      Indeed, it has been shown that there is a flow of medial Myosin towards the junctions (Rauzi et al., 2010). However, and as described in that paper, this flow ‘feeds’ the enrichment of Myosin II at shrinking junctions, and thus the junctional Myosin II can be taken as a readout of polarized Myosin II behavior. Additionally, medial flows are more technically challenging to quantify, especially when quantification is required in a large number of cells as is the case for our study.

      Importantly, our junctional Myosin II and junctional shrinkage rate results are consistent with each other, therefore it is very unlikely that analyzing medial Myosin II would lead us to form a different conclusion. We will add a sentence to explain why we chose to quantify junctional, and not medial, Myosin II.

      *Minor points: *

      1. * Fig. 1-S1 panel C: the number of cyan cells changes non-monotonically. It first decreases from -10 min to 10 min, then increases from 10 min to 20 min. This is confusing since in theory the number of tracked cells should not increase over time if the cells are tracked from the beginning of the movie. *
      2. *

      The cyan cells highlight tracked mesodermal and mesectodermal cells, which are not included in the analysis. The low number of mesodermal cells highlighted at 10mins germband extension is because mesodermal and mesectodermal cells are not always tracked successfully at this time. Note that the legend includes a note that ‘”Unmarked cells are poorly tracked and excluded from the analysis”. Also see Methods: “Note on number of cells in movies, for notes on changes to the number of tracked ectodermal cells throughout the timecourse of the movies.”

      • Fig. 1-S2: the vnd band in panel A appears to be much narrower than in panel B. *

      • *

      These are fixed embryos, therefore this could be (at least partially) due to slight differences in exact developmental age of the embryo. Note that we wanted to check that vnd and ind are expressed in the correct places in the ectoderm. We were motivated to check this because the width of mesoderm is reduced in twist, so we thought it was important to verify that there is not a population of ‘ectodermal’ cells with a strange fate (i.e., negative for both vnd and ind). Our experiments show that vnd abuts the mesoderm/mesectoderm in twist as in wildtype, and that the cells immediately lateral to the vnd cell population express ind as expected.

      It is possible that there is a slight difference in the number of vnd cells in twist mutants compared to wildtype, but we see no differences in Myosin II bipolarity that would coincide with the vnd/ind boundary (Fig3-S1). Therefore, this would not change the interpretation of our results. Counting the number of rows of vnd cells prior to any cell intercalation (the number of rows will reduce as cells intercalate) would be technically challenging as the lateral border of vnd expression is hard to discern at this time due to lower levels of vnd expression laterally within the vnd expression domain.

      • The schematic in Fig. 2J suggests that at the onset of mesoderm pulling the germband cells have a uniform angle of rotation (towards bottom right). Is this the case?*

      • *

      No, this schematic is purely supposed to show that as cells stretch, they also reorient. Note that we will review our schematics in Fig. 2 to increase clarity (see response to reviewer 1, first minor comment).

      • The description of myosin intensity normalization in the Methods section is somewhat difficult to follow [Line 829 - 832]. It would be helpful if the authors can show one or two images before and after intensity normalization as examples. *

      We will add some examples of before and after normalization images to this section. We will also review the Methods to improve the text’s clarity.

      • Line 704: "Z-stacks for each channel were collected sequentially" - the step size in Z-axis should be reported. *

      Thank you for this, the step size was 1µm. We will add this information.

      • Fig. 4C: what are the thin, black lines in the image? *

      This image is a 2D representation of the Gap43Cherry signal at the level of the adherens junctions extracted for tracking, not a simple confocal z-slice. When viewing these representations, you can see lines showing borders between where information from different z-stacks was used for the tracking layer. Unfortunately, our software does not allow us to remove these lines, but they do not affect tracking, quantification etc.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      While most previous work on tissue mechanics and morphogenesis focuses on tissue-intrinsic mechanical input, recent studies have started to emphasize the contribution of tissue-extrinsic forces. An important challenge in understanding the function of tissue-extrinsic forces lies in the difficulties in properly comparing the wild type and the mutant samples that disrupt extrinsic forces, in particular when cell fate specification is altered in the mutants. In this work, the authors addressed this challenge by employing a number of approaches to warrant a parallel comparison between genotypes, including examining the AP- and DV-patterning of the tissue, selecting sample regions with comparable cell fate for analysis, and carefully aligning the stage of the movies. With these approaches, the authors provide compelling evidence to support their main conclusions. By teasing apart the role of the intrinsic genetic program and the extrinsic tissue forces, the work provides important clarifications on the function of mesoderm pulling in GBE and adds new insights into this well-studied tissue morphogenetic process. This work should be of interest to the broad audience of epithelial morphogenesis, tissue mechanics and myosin mechanobiology.

      • *

      Review____er #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      *Lye and colleagues investigate the impact of tissue-tissue interactions on morphogenesis. Specifically, they ask how disrupting mesoderm internalization affects convergence and extension of the ectoderm (germband) in Drosophila embryos. Using twi mutants in which mesoderm invagination fails, the authors find that the invagination of the mesoderm deforms germband cells, but does not significantly contribute to patterning, cell alignment, myosin polarization and cell-cell contact disassembly (which drive germband convergence). The authors find modest effects of mesoderm invagination on new junction formation and orientation (which drive extension), but these changes do not have a significant effect on germband elongation. The authors conclude that germband extension is robust to external forces from the invagination of the mesoderm. *

      *MAIN 1. The authors clearly show that myosin density is not different in wild-type and twi mutant embryos, and subsequently argue that the pulling force from the mesoderm does not elicit a mechanosensitive response in early germband extension. But if the cell density is constant, doesn't that mean that the longer, DV-oriented interfaces in the wild type accumulate more total myosin than their shorter counterparts in twi mutants? Assuming that the total number of myosin molecules per cell is not greater in the wild type, wouldn't increased total myosin at the membrane suggest a response to the increased deformation? Certainly the cells are able to maintain the same cell density despite the pulling force from the mesoderm, so can the authors rule out a mechanosensing mechanism? *

      • *

      We do not rule out a mechanosensing mechanism. We agree the total Myosin at stretched interfaces is higher than at unstretched interfaces and proposed a homeostatic mechanism to maintain Myosin II density on the cortex upon rapid stretching (summarized in Fig. 7). Indeed it is possible that this mechanism could itself be due to mechanosensitive recruitment of Myosin II (though there are also other possibilities). We have tried to address this in our discussion (under “Mechanisms regulating Myosin II density at the cortex and consequences for cell intercalation” and “Restoration of DV cell length after being stretched by mesoderm invagination”), but we will amend the wording the make the possibility of mechanosensitive recruitment of Myosin II to maintain cortical density more explicit.

      *What happens to the Gap43mCherry signal? From Figure 2A, it seem to be diluted ventrally in the wild type as compared to twi mutants? Comparing myosin and Gap43 dynamics may shed light on whether myosin accumulates more or less than one would expect simply on the basis of having longer contacts. *

      We quantify the density of Myosin, rather than the total amount. Therefore, the length of the contact should not matter. The suggestion of comparing Myosin density to Gap43Cherry density is in principle a good one, as it would allow us to compare a protein which is not diluted as cell contact length increases (Myosin) to one which appears to be (Gap43). However, it is not essential for the conclusions that we make. However, in practice quantifying the Gap43Cherry signal would not be straightforward on our existing movies due to the imaging parameters used. We capture the Gap43Cherry channel (but not the Myosin channel) with a ‘spot noise reducer’ tuned on in the camera software, due to very occasional bright spot noise, which confuses the tracking software. Therefore, our Gap43Cherry signal is manipulated during acquisition and to quantify from these images would not be appropriate. Therefore, we would have to acquire, track and quantify some new movies, which is not possible within the timeframe of a revision.

      In summary, we think that we have sufficient evidence from our analysis that Myosin II is not diluted upon junctional stretching without comparing to quantification of Gap43Cherry, and the time investment required to quantify the Gap43Cherry would not be worthwhile as it would require more data to be acquired and processed.

      • The authors previously argued that mesoderm invagination was required for the fast phase of cell intercalation [Butler et al., 2009]. However, here the authors interpret that loss of twi does not significantly slow down interface contraction, but accelerates the elongation of junctions and cells along the AP axis, which overall would mean that mesoderm invagination is (slightly) detrimental for axis elongation. The discrepancy between their previous and current results should be discussed. *

      We are happy to add more information about these discrepancies in the discussion. In a nutshell, we think that these discrepancies arise from the challenges of comparing wildtype and twist mutant embryos relative to each other, and as a consequence we have made various improvements to our methods since (Butler et al., 2009). These improvements included using markers that would be expressed at the same levels in wildtype and twist embryos. Additionally, we did not use overexpressed cadherin-FPs (namely, the ubi-CadGFP transgene), which may have confounding effects, and we used a knock-in sqhGFP to ensure we could all Myosin II molecules were labelled by GFP. We also carefully controlled the temperature at which we acquired the movies, standardized the level at which to track cells and quantify Myosin between movies, as well as improving the accuracy of our image segmentation and cell type identification since our previous study (Butler et al., 2009). See also response to reviewer 2.

      • Related to the previous point, it is surprising that the differences shown in Figure 4A-B are not significant. This is particularly troubling when in Figure 5B the authors claim a significant difference in cell elongation rate, which is higher in twi mutants (but only in very short time intervals and actually switches sign at the end of germband extension). These are just two examples, but I think the analysis of significance on a per-time point basis is problematic. *

      *Have the authors considered analyzing their results as time series rather than comparing individual time points? Or perhaps integrating the different metrics over the duration of germband extension (e.g. using areas under the curve)? That way they would not have to arbitrarily decide if significant differences in a few time points should or not be interpreted as significant overall differences. *

      • *

      For graphs plotted against time of germband extension, we do not think it is appropriate to analyze as a time series rather than comparing individual time points, since different developmental events (such as mesoderm invagination) occur at different times. For graphs plotted against time to/from cell neighbor swap, these can also change over time (e.g., ctrd-ctrd orientation, Fig6D). Therefore we do not feel that it appropriate to run statistical analyses as a timeseries for these comparisons either. Statistically cut-offs are by their nature arbitrary. We have tried to highlight non-significant trends throughout the text (including for Fig4A&B), in addition to stating where we see significant differences to highlight where there may be minor (but not significant) differences.

      • While the number of cells analyzed is impressive, the number of embryos is relatively low, particularly for the wild type (only four embryos analyzed). If I understood correctly (if not, please clarify) the authors ran their statistics using cells and not embryos as their measurement unit. But I could not find any evidence that cells from the same embryo can be considered as independent measurements. This could be easily done by demonstrating that the variance of any of the measurements (e.g. elongation, area change rate, etc.) for cells in an embryo is comparable to that calculated when mixing cells from different embryos. *

      • *

      We do not simply use the number of cells as an n for our experiments. We use a mixed effects model for our statistics as previously (Butler et al., 2009; Finegan et al., 2019; Lye et al., 2015; Sharrock et al., 2022; Tetley et al., 2016). This estimates the P value associated with a fixed effect of differences between genotypes, allowing for random effects contributed by differences between embryos within a given genotype. We will make sure that this is clear in the Methods.

      MINOR 1. Figure 4D: the authors show no difference in the proportion of neighbor swaps per minute between wild-type and twi- mutant embryos. But how about the absolute number of neighbour swaps per minute? Does that change in twi mutants (and if so, why?).

      The number of interfaces involved in a T1 swap are expressed as a proportion of the total number of DV-oriented interfaces for all tracked ectodermal germband cells, to take account of differences in the number of tracked cells between different timepoints and different movies. Presenting the absolute number of swaps per minute could lead to misleading interpretations.

      • I was a bit confused about the reason why in Figure 4A the authors measure the rate of interface contraction in units of “proportion/min”, but in Figure 5A they measure interface elongation in units of “um/min”. Unless there is a good reason not to, these two metrics should be reported using the same units. Is there a difference in the rate of interface contraction when measured in absolute units (um/min)? *

      Thank you, we will amend so that both measures are expressed in the same units.

      • The discussion of previous work on cell deformation within the mesoderm (page 16, first paragraph) should probably include recent work from Adam Martin's lab (e.g. [Heer et al., 2017]; or [Denk-Lobnig et al., 2021]). *

      Thank you, and apologies for this oversight, we will add these references__.__

      SUGGESTIONS 1. While I appreciate the arguments that the authors provide to use twi mutants rather than sna mutants or twi sna double mutants, as the authors indicate, in twi mutants there is still contractility in the mesoderm (albeit not ratcheted). Therefore, it is possible that contractile pulses from the mesoderm in twi mutants could still facilitate cell alignment and polarization of myosin in the germband. Given the previous results from the Zallen lab using twi sna double mutants (see above) this is unlikely to be the case, but the findings in this manuscript would be significantly stronger if they included similar analysis in the double mutants.

      We had concerns about using sna or twi sna double mutants due to the large amount of space the un-internalized mesoderm takes up on the exterior of the embryo. This concern is also shared by reviewer 1 “Importantly, I think the researchers were correct in choosing to analyze twist single-mutant embryos (as opposed to snail or twist, snail double-mutant embryos), as the overall embryo geometry of these mutants is fairly similar to wild-type embryos, allowing the researchers to directly compare cell behaviors and myosin dynamics during germband extension. This approach also allows them to avoid indirect effects on the germband due to a completely non-internalized mesoderm.” * In addition to this concern, imaging of snail or twist snail* embryos by confocal imaging to include the ventral midline (which is required to define embryonic axes) is problematic as the un-constricted mesodermal cells occupy virtually all the field of view, leaving very few ectodermal cells to analyze.

      Whilst we acknowledge that there are some (un-ratcheted) contractions of mesodermal cells in twist mutants, we have clearly shown that there is no DV stretch and very little reorientation of cells. Therefore, any residual contractile activity in the mesodermal cells of twist mutants does not appear to have a mechanical impact on the ectoderm. We cannot exclude the possibility that there is some transmission of forces between contracting cells of the mesoderm and the ectoderm in twist mutants. However, our evidence suggests that the large tissue scale force that transmits to the ectoderm from the invaginating mesoderm is missing in twist mutants, and it was the effects of that force that we wished to investigate (See also response to reviewer 2).

      Review*er #4 (Significance (Required)): *

      *This is an interesting study, with careful quantitative analysis of cellular and subcellular dynamics. The results follow previous findings from Jennifer Zallen and the authors themselves. The Zallen lab showed that cell alignment, myosin polarization and germband extension are normal in sna twi mutants [Fernandez-Gonzalez et al., 2009], a result that the authors fail to cite. The results in the present manuscript are similar, but the analysis is much more in depth here, so the findings by Lye and colleagues certainly warrant publication. *

      We did not specifically cite this result from (Fernandez-Gonzalez et al., 2009), because the subject of their study is the formation of multicellular rosettes, not whether a pull from mesoderm affects Myosin II polarity and cell intercalation. The formation of multicellular rosettes occurs later in germband extension, and therefore these results are not directly relevant to our study. Additionally, their measures of alignment are defined as linkage to other approximately DV oriented interfaces, rather than directly measuring orientation compared to the embryonic axes as we do here, as a different question is being addressed. Specifically, the quoted sna twi experiment is interpreted as extrinsic forces from the mesoderm not being required for linkage of Myosin enriched DV-oriented interfaces together. Myosin II quantification is more rudimentary with edges being assigned as Myosin positive or Myosin negative, as opposed to quantifying the density of Myosin on each interface and we cannot see any comparison of Myosin II quantification between wildtype and twist embryos.­

      So, although the results are consistent with each other, they are not directly comparable due to methods used and we are happy that the reviewer acknowledges that our analysis is more in depth, which was necessary to address the specific questions that we investigate in our study.

              In general, there have been inconsistencies in results between previous studies, leading reviewer one to recognize that *“…it should be published and that it will be an impactful paper within the field. Namely, it will settle once and for all the question of whether mesoderm invagination is required for optimal germband extension in the early Drosophila embryo.”  *The high amount of conflicting information in the literature led us to not exhaustively describe individual findings, but we will ensure the results from the Zallen lab are appropriately cited.

      However, there are a number of experimental points that I think need to be addressed to solidify the manuscript, particularly in terms of statistical analysis.

      Please see more details above (main points 3 and 4) regarding specific concerns about experimental points and statistics. Additionally, we note that reviewer 3 states “statistics were appropriately used”, and our statistical methods are the same as we have used in previous studies comparing live imaging data (Butler et al., 2009; Finegan et al., 2019; Lye et al., 2015; Sharrock et al., 2022; Tetley et al., 2016).

      • *



      Blanchard, G. B., Kabla, A. J., Schultz, N. L., Butler, L. C., Sanson, B., Gorfinkiel, N., Mahadevan, L. and Adams, R. J. (2009). Tissue tectonics: morphogenetic strain rates, cell shape change and intercalation. Nat Methods 6, 458-464.

      Butler, L. C., Blanchard, G. B., Kabla, A. J., Lawrence, N. J., Welchman, D. P., Mahadevan, L., Adams, R. J. and Sanson, B. (2009). Cell shape changes indicate a role for extrinsic tensile forces in Drosophila germ-band extension. Nat Cell Biol 11, 859-864.

      Farrell, D. L., Weitz, O., Magnasco, M. O. and Zallen, J. A. (2017). SEGGA: a toolset for rapid automated analysis of epithelial cell polarity and dynamics. Development 144, 1725-1734.

      Fernandez-Gonzalez, R., Simoes Sde, M., Roper, J. C., Eaton, S. and Zallen, J. A. (2009). Myosin II dynamics are regulated by tension in intercalating cells. Dev Cell 17, 736-743.

      Finegan, T. M., Hervieux, N., Nestor-Bergmann, A., Fletcher, A. G., Blanchard, G. B. and Sanson, B. (2019). The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension. PLoS Biol 17, e3000522.

      Gustafson, H. J., Claussen, N., De Renzis, S. and Streichan, S. J. (2022). Patterned mechanical feedback establishes a global myosin gradient. Nat Commun 13, 7050.

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      Simpson, P. (1983). Maternal-Zygotic Gene Interactions during Formation of the Dorsoventral Pattern in Drosophila Embryos. Genetics 105, 615-632.

      Tetley, R. J., Blanchard, G. B., Fletcher, A. G., Adams, R. J. and Sanson, B. (2016). Unipolar distributions of junctional Myosin II identify cell stripe boundaries that drive cell intercalation throughout Drosophila axis extension. Elife 5.

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    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Lye and colleagues investigate the impact of tissue-tissue interactions on morphogenesis. Specifically, they ask how disrupting mesoderm internalization affects convergence and extension of the ectoderm (germband) in Drosophila embryos. Using twi mutants in which mesoderm invagination fails, the authors find that the invagination of the mesoderm deforms germband cells, but does not significantly contribute to patterning, cell alignment, myosin polarization and cell-cell contact disassembly (which drive germband convergence). The authors find modest effects of mesoderm invagination on new junction formation and orientation (which drive extension), but these changes do not have a significant effect on germband elongation. The authors conclude that germband extension is robust to external forces from the invagination of the mesoderm.


      1. The authors clearly show that myosin density is not different in wild-type and twi mutant embryos, and subsequently argue that the pulling force from the mesoderm does not elicit a mechanosensitive response in early germband extension. But if the cell density is constant, doesn't that mean that the longer, DV-oriented interfaces in the wild type accumulate more total myosin than their shorter counterparts in twi mutants? Assuming that the total number of myosin molecules per cell is not greater in the wild type, wouldn't increased total myosin at the membrane suggest a response to the increased deformation? Certainly the cells are able to maintain the same cell density despite the pulling force from the mesoderm, so can the authors rule out a mechanosensing mechanism? What happens to the Gap43mCherry signal? From Figure 2A, it seem to be diluted ventrally in the wild type as compared to twi mutants? Comparing myosin and Gap43 dynamics may shed light on whether myosin accumulates more or less than one would expect simply on the basis of having longer contacts.
      2. The authors previously argued that mesoderm invagination was required for the fast phase of cell intercalation [Butler et al., 2009]. However, here the authors interpret that loss of twi does not significantly slow down interface contraction, but accelerates the elongation of junctions and cells along the AP axis, which overall would mean that mesoderm invagination is (slightly) detrimental for axis elongation. The discrepancy between their previous and current results should be discussed.
      3. Related to the previous point, it is surprising that the differences shown in Figure 4A-B are not significant. This is particularly troubling when in Figure 5B the authors claim a significant difference in cell elongation rate, which is higher in twi mutants (but only in very short time intervals and actually switches sign at the end of germband extension). These are just two examples, but I think the analysis of significance on a per-time point basis is problematic. Have the authors considered analyzing their results as time series rather than comparing individual time points? Or perhaps integrating the different metrics over the duration of germband extension (e.g. using areas under the curve)? That way they would not have to arbitrarily decide if significant differences in a few time points should or not be interpreted as significant overall differences.
      4. While the number of cells analyzed is impressive, the number of embryos is relatively low, particularly for the wild type (only four embryos analyzed). If I understood correctly (if not, please clarify) the authors ran their statistics using cells and not embryos as their measurement unit. But I could not find any evidence that cells from the same embryo can be considered as independent measurements. This could be easily done by demonstrating that the variance of any of the measurements (e.g. elongation, area change rate, etc.) for cells in an embryo is comparable to that calculated when mixing cells from different embryos.


      1. Figure 4D: the authors show no difference in the proportion of neighbor swaps per minute between wild-type and twi-mutant embryos. But how about the absolute number of neighbour swaps per minute? Does that change in twi mutants (and if so, why?).
      2. I was a bit confused about the reason why in Figure 4A the authors measure the rate of interface contraction in units of "proportion/min", but in Figure 5A they measure interface elongation in units of "um/min". Unless there is a good reason not to, these two metrics should be reported using the same units. Is there a difference in the rate of interface contraction when measured in absolute units (um/min)?
      3. The discussion of previous work on cell deformation within the mesoderm (page 16, first paragraph) should probably include recent work from Adam Martin's lab (e.g. [Heer et al., 2017]; or [Denk-Lobnig et al., 2021]).


      1. While I appreciate the arguments that the authors provide to use twi mutants rather than sna mutants or twi sna double mutants, as the authors indicate, in twi mutants there is still contractility in the mesoderm (albeit not ratcheted). Therefore, it is possible that contractile pulses from the mesoderm in twi mutants could still facilitate cell alignment and polarization of myosin in the germband. Given the previous results from the Zallen lab using twi sna double mutants (see above) this is unlikely to be the case, but the findings in this manuscript would be significantly stronger if they included similar analysis in the double mutants.


      This is an interesting study, with careful quantitative analysis of cellular and subcellular dynamics. The results follow previous findings from Jennifer Zallen and the authors themselves. The Zallen lab showed that cell alignment, myosin polarization and germband extension are normal in sna twi mutants [Fernandez-Gonzalez et al., 2009], a result that the authors fail to cite. The results in the present manuscript are similar, but the analysis is much more in depth here, so the findings by Lye and colleagues certainly warrant publication. However, there are a number of experimental points that I think need to be addressed to solidify the manuscript, particularly in terms of statistical analysis.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      During morphogenesis, the final shape of the tissue is not only dictated by mechanical forces generated within the tissue but can also be impacted by mechanical contributions from surrounding tissues. The way and extent to which tissue deformation is influenced by tissue-extrinsic forces are not well understood. In this work, Lye et al. investigated the potential influence of Drosophila mesoderm invagination on germband extension (GBE), an epithelial convergent extension process occurring during gastrulation. Drosophila GBE is genetically controlled by the AP patterning system, which determines planar polarized enrichment of non-muscle myosin II along the DV-oriented adherens junctions. Myosin contractions drive shrinking of DV-oriented junctions into 4-way vertices, followed by formation of new, AP-oriented junctions. This process results in cell intercalation, which causes tissue convergence along the DV-axis and extension along the AP-axis. In addition, GBE is facilitated by tissue-extrinsic pulling forces produced by invagination of the posterior endoderm. Interestingly, some recent studies suggest that the invagination of the mesoderm, which occurs immediately prior to GBE, also facilitates GBE. In the proposed mechanism, invaginating mesoderm pulls on the germband tissue along the DV-axis; the resulting strain of the germband cells generates a mechanotransduction effect that promotes myosin II recruitment to the DV-oriented junctions, thereby facilitating cell intercalation. Here, the authors revisited this proposed mechanotransduction effect using quantitative live imaging approaches. By comparing the wildtype embryos with twist mutants that fail to undergo mesoderm invagination, the authors show that although the DV-oriented strain of the germband cells was greatly reduced in the absence of mesoderm pulling, this defect had a negligible impact on junctional myosin density, myosin planar polarity, the rate of junction shrinkage or the rate of cell intercalation during GBE. A mild increase in the rate of new junction extension and a slight defect in cell orientation were observed in twist mutants, but these differences did not cause obvious defects in cell intercalation. The authors conclude that myosin II-mediated cell intercalation during GBE is robust to the extrinsic mechanical forces generated by mesoderm pulling.

      Overall, I found that the results described here are very interesting and of high quality. The data acquisition and analyses were elegantly performed, statistics were appropriately used, and the manuscript was clearly written. However, there are a few points where some further explanation or clarification is necessary, as detailed below:

      1. The main conclusion of the manuscript relies on appropriate quantification of myosin intensity at cell junctions. It is therefore important that the methods of quantification are well justified. Below are a few questions regarding the methods used in the analyses:
        • For myosin quantification, the authors state that "Background signal was subtracted by setting pixels of intensities up to 5 percentile set to zero for each timepoint" [Line826]. The rationale for selecting 5 percentile as the threshold for background should be explained. Also, how does this background value change over time?
        • The authors mention that "Intensities varied slightly between experiments due to differences in laser intensity and therefore histograms of pixel intensities were stretched" [Line828]. The method of intensity justification should be justified. For example, does this normalization result in similar cytoplasmic myosin intensity between control and twist mutant embryos?
        • A previous study demonstrates that the accumulation of junctional myosin is substantially reduced in twist mutant embryos compared to the wild type (Gustafson et al., 2022). In that work, junctional myosin was quantified as (I_junction - I_cytoplasm)/I_cytoplasm. In contrast, the cytoplasmic myosin intensity does not appear to be subtracted from the quantification in this study. How much of the difference in the conclusions of the two studies can be explained by this difference in myosin quantification?
        • The authors used the tissue flow data to register the myosin channel and the membrane channel, which were acquired at slightly different times. The accuracy of this channel registration should be demonstrated.
      2. The authors show that cell intercalation is not influenced in twist mutant embryos. However, a previous study demonstrates that the speed of GBE is substantially reduced in twist mutants (Gustafson et al., 2022). It would be interesting to see whether a similar reduction in the speed of GBE was observed in this study.
      3. It has been previously shown that contractions of medioapical myosin in germband cells also contribute to cell intercalation. The authors should explain why medioapical myosin was not included in the comparison between wildtype and twist mutant embryos.

      Minor points:

      1. Fig. 1-S1 panel C: the number of cyan cells changes non-monotonically. It first decreases from -10 min to 10 min, then increases from 10 min to 20 min. This is confusing since in theory the number of tracked cells should not increase over time if the cells are tracked from the beginning of the movie.
      2. Fig. 1-S2: the vnd band in panel A appears to be much narrower than in panel B.
      3. The schematic in Fig. 2J suggests that at the onset of mesoderm pulling the germband cells have a uniform angle of rotation (towards bottom right). Is this the case?
      4. The description of myosin intensity normalization in the Methods section is somewhat difficult to follow [Line 829 - 832]. It would be helpful if the authors can show one or two images before and after intensity normalization as examples.
      5. Line 704: "Z-stacks for each channel were collected sequentially" - the step size in Z-axis should be reported.
      6. Fig. 4C: what are the thin, black lines in the image?


      While most previous work on tissue mechanics and morphogenesis focuses on tissue-intrinsic mechanical input, recent studies have started to emphasize the contribution of tissue-extrinsic forces. An important challenge in understanding the function of tissue-extrinsic forces lies in the difficulties in properly comparing the wild type and the mutant samples that disrupt extrinsic forces, in particular when cell fate specification is altered in the mutants. In this work, the authors addressed this challenge by employing a number of approaches to warrant a parallel comparison between genotypes, including examining the AP- and DV-patterning of the tissue, selecting sample regions with comparable cell fate for analysis, and carefully aligning the stage of the movies. With these approaches, the authors provide compelling evidence to support their main conclusions. By teasing apart the role of the intrinsic genetic program and the extrinsic tissue forces, the work provides important clarifications on the function of mesoderm pulling in GBE and adds new insights into this well-studied tissue morphogenetic process. This work should be of interest to the broad audience of epithelial morphogenesis, tissue mechanics and myosin mechanobiology.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the present manuscript, Lye et al. describe a highly detailed quantification of cell shape changes during germband extension in Drosophila melanogaster early embryo. During this process, ectodermal tissue contracts along the dorso-ventral axis, simultaneously expanding along the perpendicular antero-posterior direction, migrating from the ventral to the dorsal surface of the embryo as it extends. This important morphogenetic event is preceded by ventral furrow formation when mesodermal tissue (located in the ventral part of the embryo) contracts along the dorso-ventral axis and invaginates into the embryonic interior. The study compares cell shape dynamics in the wildtype Drosophila with that in the twist mutant, which largely lacks mesoderm and does not form ventral furrow. The major motivation of the study is to examine whether cellular behaviors and myosin recruitment in the ectoderm is cell autonomous, or if those cellular behaviors depend on mechanical interactions between mesoderm and ectoderm. The authors first examine whether transcriptional patterning of key genes involved in germband extension is different between the wildtype and the twist mutant and find no significant difference. Next, the authors thoroughly quantify cellular behaviors and patterns of myosin recruitment in the two genetic backgrounds. A number of different measures are investigated, notably the rate of change in the degree of cellular asymmetry, rate of cell area change, rate of change of cell orientation, differences in myosin recruitment to cell edges of various orientation, as well as the rates of growth, shrinkage, and re-orientation of the various cellular interfaces. It is thoroughly documented how these quantities change as a function of developmental timing and spatial position within the embryo. These data serve basis for quantitative comparison between cellular dynamics in the two genetic backgrounds considered. Overall, the study shows that cellular behaviors observed in the ectoderm are largely the same during the period of time following ventral furrow formation, as would be expected if those cellular behaviors were predominantly cell autonomous and not dependent on stresses generated in the mesoderm.

      The data presented in the manuscript are of excellent quality and presentation is very clear.

      Minor comments: none


      I find that the study provides a thorough quantification of cell behaviors in a widely studied important model of morphogenesis. The work may be of particular interest for future model-to-data comparison, perhaps providing a basis for future modeling work. I therefore certainly think that this work warrants publication. However, the results of the study largely parallel previous findings and do not appear novel or surprising. It is well established that in snail mutant that lack mesoderm entirely, germband extension proceeds largely normally. This well-established fact suggests that since tissue dynamics in complete absence of mesoderm are largely unaffected, behaviors of individual cells are likely to not be affected either. The work is pretty much entirely observational, and for most part provides a more detailed documentation/quantification of previous findings. I do not think it is appropriate for high profile publication.

    5. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: In this manuscript by the Sanson group, Lye and colleagues try to definitively answer the question of whether pulling forces from the ventral mesoderm have significant effects on convergent extension in the Drosophila germband (germband extension). While germband extension does occur in mutant embryos lacking mesoderm invagination, it has long been an open question in the field as to whether ventral pulling forces from the mesoderm have significant effects (positive or negative) on cell intercalation during germband extension. To definitely address this question, Lye and colleagues generated high-quality, directly comparable datasets from wild-type and twist mutant embryos, and then systematically assessed nearly all aspects of cell intercalation, myosin recruitment, and tissue elongation over time. They demonstrate that pulling forces from the ventral mesoderm have negligible impacts on the course of germband extension. While there are indeed some interesting differences between wild-type and twist embryos with respect to cell intercalation and myosin recruitment, such differences are relatively minor. They conclude that the events of germband extension neither require nor are strongly affected by external forces from the mesoderm. While this is largely a negative results paper, I believe that it should be published and that it will be an impactful paper within the field. Namely, it will settle once and for all the question of whether mesoderm invagination is required for optimal germband extension in the early Drosophila embryo, and it suggests that tissues are largely autonomous developmental units that are buffered from outside mechanical inputs.

      Major comments:

      It seems to me that the one obvious omission from this paper is a general measure of convergent extension over time. I think it would be useful to the reader to include some measure of change in tissue aspect ratio over time between wild-type and twist embryos. This could be included in Figure 5 or 6.

      Otherwise, I have no major comments on the experimental approach or the findings of this manuscript. It seems to me a straightforward and systematic approach for determining whether mesoderm invagination affects germband extension. I do have several minor comments that should be addressed prior to publication (below).

      Minor comments:

      I understand why cells would initially stretch more along the DV axis in wild-type embryos compared with twist embryos, but why do cells become so much more stretched along the AP axis (and become smaller apically) after 10 minutes of GBE in wild type compared with twist (Figure 2C and E). I think this is an interesting and non-intuitive result that would warrant a bit of explanation/conjecture.

      I don't understand how you are defining cell orientation in Figure 2G. How are you choosing the cell axis that you are then comparing with the body axis? Is it the long axis, or something more complicated than that? I think you should briefly provide this information in the results section. If it is included in the methods, I wasn't able to locate it.

      Figure 2: Since you have the space, it might help the reader if you simply wrote out "strain rate" for panels B, D, and F, rather that used the abbreviation "SR."

      Please ensure that all axis labels are fully visible in the final figures. In several figures, the Y-axis labels were cut off (e.g., Fig 2I, 4A, 4D, 6B, 6C).

      Where space permits, I would suggest using fewer abbreviations in axis labels to increase readability of the figures (e.g., in Figures 3H or 4D).

      In Figure 7, I would move the wild-type panels to the left and the twist panels to the right. I think it is more conventional to describe the normal wild-type scenarios first, and then contrast the mutant state.

      To be consistent with the literature, "wildtype" should be hyphenated (wild-type) when used as an adjective, or two separate words (wild type) when used as a noun.


      Advance: The advances in this manuscript are largely methodological, but the experiments and analyses are quite rigorous and allow the authors to make strong conclusions concerning their hypotheses. Their findings are based on a high-quality collection of movies from control and twist mutant embryos expressing a cell membrane marker and knock-in GFP-tagged myosin. Importantly, I think the researchers were correct in choosing to analyze twist single-mutant embryos (as opposed to snail or twist, snail double-mutant embryos), as the overall embryo geometry of these mutants is fairly similar to wild-type embryos, allowing the researchers to directly compare cell behaviors and myosin dynamics during germband extension. This approach also allows them to avoid indirect effects on the germband due to a completely non-internalized mesoderm.

      Audience: The primary audience for this article will be basic science researchers working in the early Drosophila embryo who are interested in the interplay between the germband and neighboring tissues. Secondary audiences will include developmental biologists more broadly who are interested in biomechanical coupling (or in this case decoupling) of neighboring tissues.

      Describe your expertise: I have been a Drosophila developmental geneticist for over twenty years, and I have been working directly on Drosophila germband extension for over a decade. I have published numerous papers and reviews in this field, and I am very familiar with the genetic backgrounds and types of experimental analyses used in this manuscript. Therefore, I believe I am highly qualified to serve as a reviewer for this manuscript.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements

      We thank the editors for sending our manuscript for peer review and the reviewers for careful reading and their critical comments to improve the manuscript. Below, we describe the experiments that have been carried out in response to the reviewers and incorporated in the preliminary revision. We also describe our plan for the revisions that will address the remaining comments of the reviewers. Most of the comments are addressable with additional experiments (some of which are already ongoing) and these experiments will surely strengthen the study reported in this manuscript without affecting the fundamental findings. We would require up to 4-6 weeks to complete these experiments.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Insert here a point-by-point reply that explains what revisions, additional experimentations and analyses are planned to address the points raised by the referees.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      ­Summary: The authors used a conditional transgenic mouse model to demonstrate that deletion of serum response factor (SRF) from adult astrocytes provides neuroprotection in various insult/ diseases contexts without promoting any obvious phenotypic deficiencies. The work builds on the group’s previous study where SRF was embryonically deleted from astrocytes and their precursor cells. Given the role of SRF in promoting glial cell differentiation, the adult conditional KO used in the current study was designed to circumvent the limitations of the previous approach. The authors used a variety of complementary approaches (including immunohistochemistry, electrophysiology, transcriptomics, and behavior) to demonstrate the therapeutic potential of their approach. However, I have questions regarding the validity of the behavioral analyses as well as some of the imaging results that dampen my overall enthusiasm.

      Major Comment #1

      The synaptogenic factors probed in Figure 3C (e.g. glypicans, thrombospondins, etc.) are not likely to play major roles in the adult brain in a non-injury context, so I do not know that these analyses provide any significant insight into potential functional changes in the mutant mice. Along the same lines, the analysis of synapse count (Figure 3D-E) seems inconsequential given that SRF was knocked out well after the period of developmental synaptogenesis. It would have been much more interesting to have performed these analyses following insult (such as the kainate injury model used by the authors) or in one of the disease models presented later in the manuscript. As it stands, I don't think they add very much to the study.

      Response: We are grateful to the reviewer for the careful reading of the manuscript. Astrocytes are known to regulate the formation, maintenance, and elimination of synapses. It has been previously shown that LPS-induced reactive astrocytes exhibit reduced expression of several synaptogenic factors, were unable to promote synapse formation and showed reduced phagocytic activity (PMID: 28099414). We wanted to determine whether the SRF-deficient reactive-like astrocytes were likely compromised in their ability to produce pro-synaptogenic factors and/or adversely affect synapse maintenance. We agree with the reviewer that analysis of synapses in the adult brain may not address the role of these mutant astrocytes in synaptogenesis. But our results indicate that the mutant astrocytes are likely not affecting synapse maintenance or exhibit altered phagocytotic activity that would result in increased or decreased synapse numbers. We will make this clearer in the revised manuscript.

      Minor Comment #2:

      The authors should note that the use of GluA1 as a postsynaptic marker will not identify silent synapses (i.e. structurally "normal" but functionally inert).

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that GluA1 will not identify silent synapses. To study silent vs functional synapses, we will stain for Piccolo (presynaptic) and NMDA receptor NR1 subunit (post-synaptic) to label all synapses and compare this with Piccolo/GluA1 co-localized synapses to identify the functional synapses.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required):

      The manuscript addresses the important area of the cellular mechanisms that underlie neuroprotection. The ms adds to our understanding of genetic control of neuroprotection and should be of significant interest to others in the field. The experimental approach systematic and the data presented are generally of high quality and believable. While the ms presents quite a bit of overall cellular data that underlies various areas of neuronal and brain function that may be affected by loss of SRF, it is still somewhat descriptive. It is unclear what aspect of astrocyte reactivity is determinative, how mechanistically in normal cells SRF suppresses reactivity, and how SRF -negative reactive astrocytes confer such broad neuroprotection. While the latter is well beyond the scope of this study, the authors do propose SRF may be involved in regulating oxidative stress and amyloid plaque clearance as a potential pathway to account for SRF's role, however a more systematic discussion based on the gene expression data and known pathways would be welcome. Overall, this is a high quality ms that should be of interest to the field that identifies a SRF as a novel player in neuroprotection.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the careful reading of the manuscript and for the positive comments. We will include a more detailed discussion on the genes and pathways based on our gene expression data that may provide insights into how SRF may regulate astrocyte reactivity and neuroprotection.

      Additional considerations:

      1. Quantification of the extent of SRF loss in astrocytes in conditional tamoxifen knockout would strengthen the quality of the data.

      Response: We will provide this data in the revised manuscript.

      While the authos did use a Sholl analysis to show hypertophic changes in SRF negative astrocytes, given that SRF is an important regulator of actin and other cytoskeletal related proteins in other cell types, and that cytoskeletal components can play an important role in cell signaling, it is somewhat surprising that the gene array analysis did not include actin and other cytoskeletal proteins, nor did the authors consider a more careful analysis of intracellular cytoskeletal changes and the potential mechanistic implications of this for observed reactivity and neuroprotection.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that SRF is a well-established regulator of actin cytoskeleton. However, we did not any significant changes in gene expression for actin or actin-regulatory proteins. We would have expected a decrease in astrocyte morphology similar to the neurite/axon defects exhibited by SRF-deficient neurons. It is unclear whether the hypertrophic morphology is due to transcriptional regulation of actin/actin-binding proteins or due to astrocyte reactivity. This would be a very interesting question and we will investigate these aspects in future studies.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required):

      Summary: The study by Thumu et al., suggests that astrocytic specific deletion of SRF in mice results in morphological changes in these cells that does not affect neuronal survival, synapse number, plasticity or cognition. However, in in vivo mouse models of excitotoxic damage and neurodegenerative disease, deletion of SRF reduced neurotoxicity. The authors provide sufficient evidence to suggest that astrocytic SRF contributes to neurotoxicity in various models however some claims are made that are currently not supported by evidence.

      Major comments:

      2) The authors claim that SRF KO astrocytes undergo hypertrophy. However, the quantification of the number of intersections gives information about morphology rather than hypertrophy. Quantification of cell size (area of S100B staining) should be provided.

      Response: We will provide the data suggested by the reviewer.

      6) For the RNAseq of isolated astrocytes did the authors confirm that other cell types (e.g microglia) did not contaminate their samples?

      Response: We will provide the information requested by the reviewer.

      Reviewer #3:

      Minor comments:

      1) The authors say that in Figure 1B many astrocytes did not show any SRF expression. However, overall averages of SRF intensity are plotted in Figure 1C. It would support their claim to instead to calculate the percentage of SRF expressing cells above a certain threshold in each condition, rather than plotting the mean intensity. As a control for their method of quantifying SRF intensity in Figure 1B, demonstrating no change in SRF in neurons would provide confidence for the specificity of the knockout.

      Response: We will provide the quantification of the extent of SRF loss in astrocytes (percent astrocytes that are deleted for SRF) as suggested by Reviewer 2. We will also provide SRF intensity from neurons as suggested by the reviewer.

      2) The authors use the term "reactivation" throughout the manuscript. This could be misconstrued as re-activation and so I would suggest using the terms "reactivity" or "reactive transformation". Furthermore, only one region is quantified in Figure 1C while in later figures multiple regions are quantified. The authors should justify this decision or update the figures with data from missing regions.

      Response: We will make this change in using the term “reactivity” as suggested by the reviewer.

      3) In Figure S2 the authors should provide a positive control for their staining.

      Response: We will provide the positive control data for this experiment.

      4) Can the authors explain the large amount of variability in number of synapses in 15 mpi in Figure 3E?

      Response: We will perform more immunostainings and update the data presented in this figure.

      5) Images in Figure 2C are poorly visible and should be improved in terms of either quality or magnification.

      Response: We will provide better quality image for Figure 2C.

      8) The authors should provide a list of differentially expressed genes from RNAseq of SRF KO mice. No information is currently given in the text about the number of differentially expressed genes in the conditional knockout.

      Response: We will include this information in the revised manuscript.

      9) In figure 5A data would be better illustrated as a volcano plot (similar to Fig. S7C).

      Response: We will provide this in the revised manuscript.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Please insert a point-by-point reply describing the revisions that were already carried out and included in the transferred manuscript. If no revisions have been carried out yet, please leave this section empty.

      Reviewer #1: Major Comment #2

      There is considerable variability in the behavioral results, particularly the fear conditioning and Barnes maze tasks (Figures 4F-G). Given the extremely low sample size for mouse behavior (n=5 in on group, n=7 in the other), it is highly likely that the behavioral tests were done with a single cohort of animals (which would be far from ideal) and that these experiments are significantly underpowered. Furthermore, it does not appear that the fear conditioning task was properly optimized. For example, in the control mice in context A, there were two animals that were at or very close to 0 percent freezing; these were likely outliers, or even an indication that the foot shock conditioning protocol was not working as it should. The highest percent freezing of either group was ~70%, which would have been an ideal starting place as an average for the control group. In addition, sex of the animals was not reported for these experiments. If the authors combined sexes as they did in other analyses in this paper, it is possible that they missed reaching the appropriate reaction threshold for the foot shock for some of the animals, as sex differences have previously been demonstrated in mice (DOI: 10.1037/bne0000248). Given the age at which the animals are assessed with these tasks, these specific revisions would require greater than 6 months to complete. However, as currently presented, there simply are not enough data points to make any conclusions regarding behavior.

      Response: We have performed the behavioural experiments with an additional cohort of animals for both control and mutant groups and reanalysed the data. We now have n=11 for control and n=9 for mutant group. Only males were used for the behaviour experiments, and we do not see any significant difference in behaviour between the two groups. These results are included in revised Figure 4E-G in the Preliminary Revision of the manuscript. However, we are waiting to perform the remote recall memory for the fear conditioning experiment and will include this date in the revised manuscript.

      Minor Comment #1:

      The representative GFAP images (Figure 1 E/G) do not appear to have been taken at the same magnification. This was particularly apparent in the comparison between the control and CKO hippocampus at 12mpi. It is difficult to say with certainty, due to the lack of fiducial markers in many of the images. Inclusion of a nuclear stain (DAPI) would be highly beneficial to allow the reader to make a more informed comparison.

      Response: These images were taken at the same magnification. We have included the DAPI staining for these images in Suppl. Figure 2 in the Preliminary Revision of the manuscript.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      After reading the comments of the other reviewer, I think we're in agreement that the cellular and molecular data, while descriptive, is of mostly excellent quality. Moreover, the significance of the study is high, and the potential readership broad. However, I stand by my initial assessment of the behavioral data and find the manuscript quite lacking in this regard. Proper revisions would take at least half a year or more, so the authors may be disinclined to go this route. That being said, if the behavioral data were to be excised, I would be happy to sign off on the rest of the manuscript provided that the other major criticisms are addressed.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the appreciation of our work. We have increased the number of animals in the behavioural experiments and do not see any significant difference between the two groups. These results are included in revised Figure 4E-G in the Preliminary Revision of the manuscript.

      In response cross-comment of Rev 2:

      Agreed that if properly conducted and presented, the behavioral data would indeed provide a nice functional correlate to the cellular work. In its current state, I'm afraid that it is instead a hindrance to the study and I would recommend that they just remove it if they choose not to address my concerns with the quality (particularly the extreme variability and the complete lack of freezing by several of the animals, especially in the controls).

      Response: We hope that the revised behaviour data would provide a strong functional correlate to the other findings in the study.

      Additional cross-comments:

      I agree with the added criticisms raised by Reviewer #3, and I think that the manuscript would be greatly improved by revisions that address those and the original criticisms from myself and Reviewer #2. I still think that the behavioral data should be omitted, provided that the authors are not capable or willing to appropriately address those concerns within a reasonable time frame.

      Response: We will address all the concerns raised by the reviewers with the required experiments to further strengthen the findings in this study.

      Reviewer #3

      Major Comment

      3) In Figure S1 the authors provide evidence showing lack of B-gal in cell types other than astrocytes (neurons/OPCs). However, microglia are missing, which could be important as later they show that microglia undergo changes in the SRF knockout model. This staining should be provided.

      Response: We have performed double immunostaining for b-gal and IbaI and do not see any overlap between IbaI and b-gal, suggesting that there is no Cre expression in microglia. We have included this data in revised Figure S1F in the Preliminary Revision of the manuscript.

      5) The authors claim in the text that microglia have thicker processes and an amoeboid shape however no evidence of this is provided in Figure S5.

      Response: We have provided data to show larger microglia area and morphology in revised Figure S5 in the Preliminary Revision of the manuscript.

      7) In the text "Enrichment analysis of Gene Ontology terms for Biological Process (GO BP) revealed that Srf deficient astrocytes showed enrichment of pathways related to cellular response to beta amyloid and beta-amyloid clearance." This is not shown in fig 5. It would be more accurate to say that there is a downregulation of genes involved in B amyloid metabolic process.

      Response: We apologize for the omission in showing that this data was presented in Suppl. Fig. S8E. We have now indicated this in the main text.

      Minor Comments:

      4) Figure 1E is missing body weight data noted in the figure legend.

      Response: We apologize for this oversight. This data was actually included in Suppl. Figure S3E and not in Figure 1. We have made the appropriate correction to Figure legend 1.

      6) In Figure 2B figure labels are missing.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing out this omission. We have added the missing labels.

      7) Details of houskeeping gene normalisation are missing from qPCR data.

      Response: We apologize for not providing this information. We have included this in the revised Methods section.

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      Please include a point-by-point response explaining why some of the requested data or additional analyses might not be necessary or cannot be provided within the scope of a revision. This can be due to time or resource limitations or in case of disagreement about the necessity of such additional data given the scope of the study. Please leave empty if not applicable.

      Reviewer #3, Major Comment 1:

      1) The title of the manuscript is "SRF-deficient astrocytes provide neuroprotection in mouse models of excitotoxicity and neurodegeneration". It would be more accurate to say that SRF is involved in neurotoxicity in these models. To make a comment on the role of SRF in neuroprotection, experiments should be performed in spinal cord injury or ischaemia, where deficiency of SRF would be hypothesised to worsen recovery.

      Response: We disagree with the reviewer with this assessment. There is no evidence to suggest that SRF is involved in neurotoxicity. What our data suggests is that SRF deficiency results in a reactive astrocyte state that is neuroprotective in these models. We hypothesize that in injury/infection/disease conditions that would result in generation of neuroprotective astrocytes, SRF expression or function may be negatively regulated. It would be interesting to see whether the SRF-deficient astrocytes alleviate or exacerbate pathology and recovery following spinal cord injury and ischaemia.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: The study by Thumu et al., suggests that astrocytic specific deletion of SRF in mice results in morphological changes in these cells that does not affect neuronal survival, synapse number, plasticity or cognition. However, in in vivo mouse models of excitotoxic damage and neurodegenerative disease, deletion of SRF reduced neurotoxicity. The authors provide sufficient evidence to suggest that astrocytic SRF contributes to neurotoxicity in various models however some claims are made that are currently not supported by evidence.

      Major comments: The title of the manuscript is "SRF-deficient astrocytes provide neuroprotection in mouse models of excitotoxicity and neurodegeneration". It would be more accurate to say that SRF is involved in neurotoxicity in these models. To make a comment on the role of SRF in neuroprotection, experiments should be performed in spinal cord injury or ischaemia, where deficiency of SRF would be hypothesised to worsen recovery.

      The authors claim that SRF KO astrocytes undergo hypertrophy. However, the quantification of the number of intersections gives information about morphology rather than hypertrophy. Quantification of cell size (area of S100B staining) should be provided.

      In Figure S1 the authors provide evidence showing lack of B-gal in cell types other than astrocytes (neurons/OPCs). However, microglia are missing, which could be important as later they show that microglia undergo changes in the SRF knockout model. This staining should be provided.

      Can the authors explain the large amount of variability in number of synapses in 15 mpi in Figure 3E?

      The authors claim in the text that microglia have thicker processes and an amoeboid shape however no evidence of this is provided in Figure S5.

      For the RNAseq of isolated astrocytes did the authors confirm that other cell types (e.g microglia) did not contaminate their samples?

      In the text "Enrichment analysis of Gene Ontology terms for Biological Process (GO BP) revealed that Srf deficient astrocytes showed enrichment of pathways related to cellular response to betaamyloid and beta-amyloid clearance." This is not shown in fig 5. It would be more accurate to say that there is a downregulation of genes involved in B-amyloid metabolic process.

      OPTIONAL: Figure 6 would be greatly strengthened by functional in vivo experiments showing reversal of motor/ cognitive phenotypes.

      OPTIONAL: The study would be improved by isolating astrocytes from the models used in figure 6 and performing RNAseq to provide information about how SRF knockout affects astrocyte reactivity in these models.

      Minor comments: The authors say that in Figure 1B many astrocytes did not show any SRF expression. However, overall averages of SRF intensity are plotted in Figure 1C. It would support their claim to instead to calculate the percentage of SRF expressing cells above a certain threshold in each condition, rather than plotting the mean intensity. As a control for their method of quantifying SRF intensity in Figure 1B, demonstrating no change in SRF in neurons would provide confidence for the specificity of the knockout.

      The authors use the term "reactivation" throughout the manuscript. This could be misconstrued as re-activation and so I would suggest using the terms "reactivity" or "reactive transformation".

      Furthermore, only one region is quantified in Figure 1C while in later figures multiple regions are quantified. The authors should justify this decision or update the figures with data from missing regions.

      In Figure S2 the authors should provide a positive control for their staining.

      Figure 1E is missing body weight data noted in the figure legend.

      Images in Figure 2C are poorly visible and should be improved in terms of either quality or magnification.

      In Figure 2B figure labels are missing.

      Details of houskeeping gene normalisation are missing from qPCR data.

      The authors should provide a list of differentially expressed genes from RNAseq of SRF KO mice. No information is currently given in the text about the number of differentially expressed genes in the conditional knockout. In figure 5A data would be better illustrated as a volcano plot (similar to Fig. S7C).


      The strength of the manuscript is that the authors demonstrate in more than one model that astrocyte specific knockout of SRF rescues neuronal death, implicating SRF in astrocyte mediated neurotoxicity. The limitations of the study are that the mechanism by which SRF deletion reduces excitotoxicity is not addressed and there is no supporting data beyond neuronal survival in the excitotoxicity/OHDA models or plaque density in the APP/PS1 model.

      This study adds SRF to an expanding understanding of the neurotoxic capacity of astrocytes in certain reactive states. It will be of broad interest to the astrocyte reactivity field.

      My field of expertise is in astrocyte and microglia interactions in neurodegenerative diseases.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript, "SRF-deficient astrocytes provide neuroprotection in mouse models of excitotoxicity and neurodegeneration" by Thumu et al., describes the observation astrocyte specfic SRF deficient mice exhibit neuroprotection against a broad range of brain pathologies. The current ms follows up on previous work done by the corresponding author Ramanan and colleagues in which they showed that astrocyte-specific deletion of SRF early during mouse development resulted in persistent reactive-like astrocytes throughout the postnatal mouse brain. In the current ms the authors present data that adult astrocyte specific conditional deletion of serum response factor results in reactive-like hypertrophic astrocytes that localize throughout the mouse brain. They further show that SRF deficient astrocytes do not affect neuron survival, synapse numbers, synaptic plasticity or learning and memory. Strikingly, they further show that brains of Srf knockout mice exhibit protection against neurodegenerative disease related pathologies including induced excitotoxic cell death and that SRF-deficient astrocytes abrogate dopaminergic neuron death and reduce beta-amyloid plaques in mouse models of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Based on their results, the authors proposes that SRF is a key molecular switch for the generation of reactive astrocytes with neuroprotective functions can attenuate neuronal injury in the setting of neurodegenerative diseases.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Reviewer #1 raises an important concern regarding the quality of the behavioral studies. I would also agree that the ms is still strong and the findings are significant without them, although they do extend the functional dimensions of the overall study.


      The manuscript addresses the important area of the cellular mechanisms that underlie neuroprotection. The ms adds to our understanding of genetic control of neuroprotection and should be of significant interest to others in the field. The experimental approach systematic and the data presented are generally of high quality and believable. While the ms presents quite a bit of overall cellular data that underlies various areas of neuronal and brain function that may be affected by loss of SRF, it is still somewhat descriptive. It is unclear what aspect of astrocyte reactivity is determinative, how mechanistically in normal cells SRF suppresses reactivity, and how SRF -negative reactive astrocytes confer such broad neuroprotection. While the latter is well beyond the scope of this study, the authors do propose SRF may be involved in regulating oxidative stress and amyloid plaque clearance as a potential pathway to account for SRF's role, however a more systematic discussion based on the gene expression data and known pathways would be welcome. Overall, this is a high quality ms that should be of interest to the field that identifies a SRF as a novel player in neuroprotection.

      Additional considerations:

      1. Quantification of the extent of SRF loss in astrocytes in conditional tamoxifen knockout would strengthen the quality of the data.
      2. While the authos did use a Sholl analysis to show hypertophic changes in SRF negative astrocytes, given that SRF is an important regulator of actin and other cytoskeletal related proteins in other cell types, and that cytoskeletal components can play an important role in cell signaling, it is somewhat surprising that the gene array analysis did not include actin and other cytoskeletal proteins, nor did the authors consider a more careful analysis of intracellular cytoskeletal changes and the potential mechanistic implications of this for observed reactivity and neuroprotection.
    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: The authors used a conditional transgenic mouse model to demonstrate that deletion of serum response factor (SRF) from adult astrocytes provides neuroprotection in various insult/diseases contexts without promoting any obvious phenotypic deficiencies. The work builds on the group's previous study where SRF was embryonically deleted from astrocytes and their precursor cells. Given the role of SRF in promoting glial cell differentiation, the adult conditional KO used in the current study was designed to circumvent the limitations of the previous approach. The authors used a variety of complementary approaches (including immunohistochemistry, electrophysiology, transcriptomics, and behavior) to demonstrate the therapeutic potential of their approach. However, I have questions regarding the validity of the behavioral analyses as well as some of the imaging results that dampen my overall enthusiasm.

      Major Comments:

      1. The synaptogenic factors probed in Figure 3C (e.g. glypicans, thrombospondins, etc.) are not likely to play major roles in the adult brain in a non-injury context, so I do not know that these analyses provide any significant insight into potential functional changes in the mutant mice. Along the same lines, the analysis of synapse count (Figure 3D-E) seems inconsequential given that SRF was knocked out well after the period of developmental synaptogenesis. It would have been much more interesting to have performed these analyses following insult (such as the kainate injury model used by the authors) or in one of the disease models presented later in the manuscript. As it stands, I don't think they add very much to the study.
      2. There is considerable variability in the behavioral results, particularly the fear conditioning and Barnes maze tasks (Figures 4F-G). Given the extremely low sample size for mouse behavior (n=5 in on group, n=7 in the other), it is highly likely that the behavioral tests were done with a single cohort of animals (which would be far from ideal) and that these experiments are significantly underpowered. Furthermore, it does not appear that the fear conditioning task was properly optimized. For example, in the control mice in context A, there were two animals that were at or very close to 0 percent freezing; these were likely outliers, or even an indication that the foot shock conditioning protocol was not working as it should. The highest percent freezing of either group was ~70%, which would have been an ideal starting place as an average for the control group. In addition, sex of the animals was not reported for these experiments. If the authors combined sexes as they did in other analyses in this paper, it is possible that they missed reaching the appropriate reaction threshold for the foot shock for some of the animals, as sex differences have previously been demonstrated in mice (DOI: 10.1037/bne0000248). Given the age at which the animals are assessed with these tasks, these specific revisions would require greater than 6 months to complete. However, as currently presented, there simply are not enough data points to make any conclusions regarding behavior.

      Minor Comments:

      1. The representative GFAP images (Figure 1 E/G) do not appear to have been taken at the same magnification. This was particularly apparent in the comparison between the control and CKO hippocampus at 12mpi. It is difficult to say with certainty, due to the lack of fiducial markers in many of the images. Inclusion of a nuclear stain (DAPI) would be highly beneficial to allow the reader to make a more informed comparison.
      2. The authors should note that the use of GluA1 as a postsynaptic marker will not identify silent synapses (i.e. structurally "normal" but functionally inert).

      Referees cross-commenting

      After reading the comments of the other reviewer, I think we're in agreement that the cellular and molecular data, while descriptive, is of mostly excellent quality. Moreover, the significance of the study is high, and the potential readership broad. However, I stand by my initial assessment of the behavioral data and find the manuscript quite lacking in this regard. Proper revisions would take at least half a year or more, so the authors may be disinclined to go this route. That being said, if the behavioral data were to be excised, I would be happy to sign off on the rest of the manuscript provided that the other major criticisms are addressed.

      In response cross-comment of Rev 2:

      Agreed that if properly conducted and presented, the behavioral data would indeed provide a nice functional correlate to the cellular work. In its current state, I'm afraid that it is instead a hindrance to the study and I would recommend that they just remove it if they choose not to address my concerns with the quality (particularly the extreme variability and the complete lack of freezing by several of the animals, especially in the controls).

      Additional cross-comments:

      I agree with the added criticisms raised by Reviewer #3, and I think that the manuscript would be greatly improved by revisions that address those and the original criticisms from myself and Reviewer #2. I still think that the behavioral data should be omitted, provided that the authors are not capable or willing to appropriately address those concerns within a reasonable time frame.


      General assessment: Overall strengths of this study are the implications of SRF as a broad spectrum anti-neurodegeneration agent and the variety of techniques used. Limitations of this study include a lack of meaningful synaptic comparisons and underpowered behavioral assays.

      Advance: Provided the above limitations are addressed, this study would provide a meaningful advance in our understanding of controlled reactive astrogliosis as a potential therapeutic strategy for neuroprotection.

      Audience: This study would be of interest to a wide audience, particularly neuro- and gliobiologists as well as clinicians who deal with brain disorders and injury.

      Expertise: imaging; behavior; synaptic development

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We appreciate the valuable suggestions and the overall highly positive review of our manuscript. We have now included many suggestions provided by the reviewers, which have made our manuscript much stronger and more rigorous. One reviewer acknowledged, “This study uncovers sex-dependent mechanisms underlying cold sensitivity between male and female mice. The detailed IHC analysis of MHCII expression in DRG neurons is a clear strength of this study and supports flow cytometry results as well as existing literature. The specificity of MHCII expression on small diameter is well characterized and supported by conditional knockout mouse models of MHCII in TRVPV1-lineage neurons.”

      R1: It is not, yet, possible to conclude that all experiments are adequately powered as N's for some studies are not provided.

      All experiments include N’s both in the text and in the figure legend.

      R1: It is unclear what is meant by "novel" expression, used throughout the manuscript.

      MHCII is traditionally thought to be constitutively expressed on antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and induced by inflammation on some non-APCs, including endothelial, epithelial, and glial cells (van Velzen et al., 2009). RNA seq data sets (Nguyen et al., 2021, Tavares- Ferreira et al., 2022, Usoskin et al., 2015, Lopes et al., 2017) demonstrate that mouse and human DRG neurons express transcripts for MHCII and MHCII-associated genes. However, there are no reports to date that demonstrate MHCII protein expression in terminally differentiated neurons. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first group to show that MHCII protein is expressed in DRG neurons.

      R1: The statement at the end of the abstract, "and that neuronal MHCII may also contribute to many other neurological disorders" seems premature, beyond the scope of the present study.

      We agree with the reviewer’s comment and have changed the sentence to the following: “Collectively, our results demonstrate expression of MHCII on DRG neurons and a functional role during homeostasis and inflammation” (pg. 1).

      R1: While cold allodynia (hypersensitivity) is a clinically important feature of CIPN, especially in CIPN associated with the platinum based chemotherapeutic agents, it is less so taxane CIPN. Do 60% of patients with PTX CIPN express cold allodynia or does that number refer to CIPN in general?

      This statistic is based on a study that conducted a meta-analysis of CIPN incidence and prevalence with paclitaxel, bortezomib, cisplatin, oxaliplatin, vincristine or thalidomide. However, we now include another reference (PMID: 15082135) that demonstrates patients receiving PTX experience cold hypersensitivity (pg.3).

      R1: Again, the future direction of expanding studies of the role of MHCII in other aspects of the CIPN phenotype might bear mention.

      We have included future directions regarding other aspects of CIPN phenotype in the discussion. We state, “Reducing the expression of MHCII in TRPV1-lineage neurons exacerbated PTXinduced cold hypersensitivity in both male and female mice. Future studies will evaluate the role of MHCII in PTX-induced mechanical hypersensitivity, another prominent feature of CIPN” (pg. 29).

      R1: Is there any evidence that IL-4 and/or IL-10 influence cold sensitivity?

      IL-10 and IL-4 have been shown to suppress spontaneous activity from sensitized nociceptors (Krukowski et al., 2016; Laumet et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2020) and to reduce neuronal hyperexcitability (Li et al., 2018), respectively. In addition, IL-10 has been shown to reduce mechanical hypersensitivity (Krukowski et al., 2016); however, cold sensitivity has not been evaluated. IL-4 KO mice do not have an increase in tactile allodynia or cold sensitivity after CCI; however, there is an increase in anti-inflammatory cytokines, specifically IL-10, and opioid receptors, which may be a compensatory mechanism that protects against enhanced pain after injury (Nurcan Üçeyler et al. 2011).

      R1: Are these experiments run blinded?

      Yes, this is discussed in the materials and methods section (pg. 31).

      R1: The term "directly contacts" is unclear. No synaptic structure is identified. It might be more accurate to estimate the actual proximity between the two cells, especially as direct contact would not be necessary for the type of intercellular communication they are studying. This is not an EM study.

      We agree with the reviewer’s comment and have changed the wording to “in close proximity” (pgs. 1,5, 7, 27).

      R1: Two abbreviations are used for immunohistochemistry, ICC and IHC.

      IHC refers to immunohistochemistry, and ICC refers to immunocytochemistry. We accidently wrote ICC in the immunohistochemistry section in the materials and methods section. We have now corrected it to say IHC (pg. 32).

      R1: In some figure, group sizes are not indicated (e.g., Fig. 4D).

      All group sizes are indicated in the text and figure legends.

      R1: "small non-nociceptive neurons" - seems to refer to TRPV1+ neurons. There are, however, TRPV1-nociceptors. "Therefore, the majority of MHCII+ neurons in the DRG of naïve female mice were not TRPV1- lineage neurons but non-nociceptive C-LTMRs." Could use some clarification here. Are the authors suggesting that being TRPV1- defines a neuron a non-nociceptive?

      We never said small non-nociceptive neurons are TRPV1+ neurons. We crossed TRPV1 lineage mice with td-tomato to label TRPV1 lineage neurons, which include TRPV1 neurons, IB4, and a subset of Aẟ neurons. We found that TRPV1 lineage neurons comprise about 65% of small diameter neurons, so 35% of small diameter neurons are not TRPV1 lineage cells. These non- TRPV1 lineage small diameter neurons are non-nociceptive LTMRs, most likely TH and MrgB4 neurons.

      R2: The most pressing concern regarding this study is a lack of a vehicle control group. It is not appropriate to be comparing paclitaxel treated mice to naïve mice. Please include a vehicle treatment (cremophor:ethanol 1:1 diluted 1:3 in PBS) group for all experiments involving paclitaxel.

      We believe the most appropriate control to paclitaxel treatment is the naïve control because clinically, paclitaxel is always administered to the patient in a formulation of 50% Cremophor and 50% ethanol. In clinical studies, the controls are healthy no-pain individuals and patients receiving paclitaxel without pain. However, the percentage of patients receiving paclitaxel that do not develop CIPN is low, emphasizing the need for healthy individuals not taking paclitaxel.

      R2: Figure 1A only includes representative images of a small number of T cells in presumable contact with DRG neurons in female Day 14 paclitaxel mice but does not include images from other groups. Similarly, B-D show a single CD4+ T cell in contact with DRG neurons in Day 14 paclitaxel and naïve female mice. Please include quantification of the frequency of CD4+ T cells interacting with DRG neurons in the different experimental groups utilized in this study.

      We have now quantified the number of CD4+ T cells per mm2 of DRG tissue, which is found in the text (pg. 5) and figures (Fig. S1 and Fig. 1A). We plan to add the quantification of CD4+ T cells per mm2 of DRG tissue for naïve and day 14 PTX-treated male mice. This data will be included in the text (pg. 5) and in Fig. S1.

      R2: Please include entire blot for Figure 2A (or at least more of the blot). There is plenty of space in the figure and as it currently appears is not free from apparent manipulation.

      We included a larger area of the western blot in Fig 2A (pg. 9).

      R2: The authors conclude that MHCII helps to suppress chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, resolving cold allodynia following paclitaxel treatment. To support this conclusion, I think it is necessary to include a time-course experiment highlighting whether cKO of MHCII in TRPV1 neurons indeed increases the duration for cold hypersensitivity to resolve following paclitaxel treatment.

      We conclude that neuronal MHCII suppresses cold hypersensitivity in naïve male mice and reduces the severity of PTX-induced cold hypersensitivity at the peak of the response (day 6) (pg. 1-2). In addition, knocking out one copy of MHCII in male TRPV1-lineage mice reduced total neuronal MHCII in naïve and PTX-treated mice (day 7 and 14) (pgs. 21-22; Fig.7). Moreover, knocking out one copy of MHCII in female TRPV1-lineage mice reduced surface- MHCII in female 7 days post-PTX (pgs. 19-20; Fig.6). Future studies will investigate the distinct roles of surface and intracellular neuronal MHCII and the contribution of MHCII to the resolution of CIPN.

      R2: The graphical abstract is misleading. The authors suggest paclitaxel is acting exclusively via TLR4 and that signaling is resolved at Day 14 which their data does not support. Please adjust to reflect findings from the experiments included in this study.

      We have removed TLR4 from our graphical abstract as we do not investigate the role of TLR4 in this manuscript. However, we do not suggest paclitaxel is acting exclusively through TLR4. We modified our wording to indicate both pro-inflammatory cytokines and PTX act on neurons to induce hyperexcitability and neurotoxicity: “Pro-inflammatory cytokines and PTX act on DRG neurons inducing hyperexcitability (Li et al., 2018, Boehmerle et al., 2006, Li et al., 2017) and neurotoxicity (Goshima et al., 2010, Flatters and Bennett, 2006), which manifests as pain, tingling, and numbness in a stocking and glove distribution (Rowinsky et al., 1993)” (pg. 9).

      R2: Figure 4 and 6 MHCII labelling is oversaturated in most of the images, creating a blurry hue in the representative images. This should be fixed.

      The signal intensity of immune cell MHCII is >5 times greater than neuronal MHCII; therefore, in order to visualize neuronal MHCII, the immune cell MHCII is oversaturated. We reference this in the discussion (pg. 26).

      R2: The effects of the PTX cHET group are very mild in both the male and female cohorts, and specific to 1 trial. R3: Furthermore, the behavioral effect is seemingly variable, with only one of the three trials being significantly different between groups. This variable response needs to be discussed further.

      This behavioral assay was developed by the UNE COBRE Behavior Core, under the guidance of Dr. Tamara King, who has extensive experience in using learning and memory measures to determine changes in pain such as development of thermal hypersensitivity (1-3, King et al, Nat Neuro 2009). Methodologically, the process is as follows: In the temperature placed preference assay, mice are placed on the reference plate (25 °C) to begin each 3-minute trial. For the habituation trial, both the test and reference plates are set to 25 °C, and the mice are allowed to explore for 3 minutes. The following 3 trials are the acquisition trials where the reference plate is set to 25 °C and the test plate to 20 °C. If the animals have cold hypersensitivity, modeling cold allodynia, then they will demonstrate faster acquisition of a learned avoidance response compared to the WT controls. For the results, we will clarify our findings, which are outlined below: 1) We will change the axis labels to better distinguish BL/habituation trial from reference trials in the graphs. 2) We will add graphs comparing naïve versus PTX for male and female WT mice. 3) The changes in the graphs will now reflect 3 key findings: First, we note that PTX-treated mice learn to avoid the cold test plate faster than the naive controls in the WT mice reflecting PTX-induced cold hypersensitivity. Of interest, both males and females demonstrate learned avoidance by trial 2 and that the percent of time on the cold plate continued to decline only in the PTX-treated mice. We had not graphed this in the original figure and plan to add graphs for both male and female WT mice. These graphs are important to include as it validates that this TPP can capture the expected PTX-induced cold hypersensitivity in WT mice. Second, in terms of the naïve cHET mice, these data show that both female and male cHET mice demonstrate faster learning to avoid the cold (20 °C) plate compared to the WT mice (Fig. 8A, B. We note that the males demonstrate a more robust effect, (faster learned avoidance of the cold plate) with significant avoidance to the cold plate emerging in the cHET mice by trial 3 compared to trial 4 in the females (sig diff compared to BL trial). Third, we observed that cHET mice treated with PTX demonstrate even more accelerated learning to avoid the cold plate compared to WT mice treated with PTX. This observation suggests that PTX-treated cHET mice have heightened cold allodynia compared to the WT mice.

      R2: The statistical analysis (for the behavior) should also have been a mixed-effects repeated measures between groups ANOVA.

      We agree and re-analyzed our behavior data using repeated measures mixed-effects model (REML) with Dunnett’s multiple comparison test comparing trials 2-4 to trial 1 within same group, and Sidak’s multiple tests for significance between groups at the same trial (pgs. 23-25; Fig. 8)

      R3: Presented in Figure 3, the authors present data to show surface expression of MHCII, along with the ability of MHCII to present OVA peptide, on naïve and PTX-treated DRG neurons. These data are probably the most relevant in terms of expression as they look at the surface expression of MHCII along with the potential of MHCII to function; therefore, it is unclear why the authors only conducted this analysis on female neurons, and not both male and female neurons. Given the claims of the paper in terms of sex differences for MHC expression, I strongly suggest this is done in order to put the other observations into context.

      We completely agree and have added male mice data in Figs. 2 and 3. By western blot, we show that PTX increased the amount of MHCII protein 14 days post-PTX in DRG neurons from female mice, but there’s no change in MHCII protein after PTX in male mice (Fig. 2). In agreement with the western blot, surface-MHCII determined by flow cytometry did not increase after PTX on DRG neurons from male mice (Fig. 3B). Moreover, the frequency of DRG neurons from male mice with surface-MHCII (determined by ICC) and OVA peptide did not change after PTX treatment (Fig. 3D, E). However, the percent area with polarized MHCII on DRG neurons from male mice increased 14 days post-PTX, indicating a modest PTX-induced response in males (Fig. 3F). We have now included the frequency of surface-MHCII on DRG neurons from male and female mice after PTX treatment, and again there was no change in surface-MHCII in male mice (Fig. 6). Collectively, our data demonstrates that neuronal MHCII in male mice is not strongly regulated by PTX treatment.

      R3: Given the data presented in Figure 3, it is not clear what the relevance of investigating the subcellular puncta expression of MHCII neurons is, particularly when considering the sex differences observed, and how this was not been performed for surface expression.

      We now include surface and total MHCII quantification for male and female WT and cHET mice (Figs. 6,7). In the text, we describe the significance of surface versus endosomal MHCII. “While endosomal MHCII can promote TLR signaling events(Liu et al., 2011), expression of MHCII on the cell surface is required to activate CD4+ T cells.” (pg. 10). “Although the major role for surface MHCII is to activate CD4+ T cells, cAMP/PKC signaling occurs in the MHCII-expressing cell(Harton, 2019). In addition, it has recently been shown that endosomal MHCII plays an important role in promoting TLR responses(Liu et al., 2011), and since DRG neurons are known to express TLRs (Lopes et al., 2017, Wang et al., 2020, Cameron et al., 2007, Barajon et al., 2009, Xu et al., 2015, Zhang et al., 2018), this suggests the potential for T-independent responses in MHCII+ neurons. Knocking out one copy of MHCII in TRPV1- lineage neurons (cHET) from female mice did not change total MHCII 7 days post-PTX but reduced surface-MHCII. Accordingly, PTX-treated cHET female mice were more hypersensitive to cold than PTX-treated WT female mice, suggesting a role for neuronal MHCII in CD4+ T cell activation and/or neuronal cAMP/PKC signaling. In contrast, knocking out one copy of MHCII in TRPV1-lineage neurons (cHET) from male mice did not change surface-MHCII in naïve or PTX-treated mice but reduced total MHCII, indicating endosomal MHCII and potentially a role in TLR signaling. Future studies are required to delineate MHCII surface and endosomal signaling mechanisms in naïve and PTX-treated female and male mice.” (pg. 28).

      R3: Furthermore, the authors should provide details of what the abundant non-neuronal structures are within the DRG images that appear positive for MHCII staining.

      We now include an image of the high MHCII+ cells in mouse DRG co-stained with macrophage and dendritic cell markers (CD11b/c), indicating the presence of immune cells (Fig. S6).

      R3: The behavioral data presented in Figure 7 is somewhat confusing. Can the authors confirm how many alleles of MHCII were knocked out from the Trpv1-lineage neurons for these experiments? In Figure 7, it states cKO Het, which suggests that only one allele was deleted within the Trpv1 population. If this is the case, this needs to be clearly outlined within the results section and not simply referred to as "knocking out MHCII in Trpv1-lineage neurons". In addition, an explanation as to why heterozygous cKO were used rather than homozygous cKO needs to be provided. This is particularly relevant when discussing potential sex differences.

      The mouse behavior is performed in wild type and TRPV1lin MHCII+/- heterozygote mice (Fig 8). Instead of saying we knocked out MHCII, we changed the text to “knocking out one copy of MHCII in TRPV1-lineage neurons” (pgs. 23, 29). In the methods section, we state that “cHET×MHCIIfl/fl crosses only yielded 8% cKO mice (4% per sex) instead of the predicted 25% (12.5% per sex) based on normal Mendelian genetics. Thus, cKO mice were only used to validate MHCII protein in small nociceptive neurons” (pg. 30) (Fig 7).

      R3: A significant gap in the current manuscript is the functional assessment of MHCII protein expressed on DRG neurons in terms of T cell activity. I would suggest the authors consider performing a co-culture DRG-T cell (i.e. Treg) assay where anti-inflammatory cytokine release can be measured in the presence and absence of MHCII on DRG neurons.

      The functional implication of MHCII protein on DRG neurons in terms of T cell activity is out of the scope of this manuscript. We currently have another manuscript in progress investigating CD4+ T cell signaling and cytokine production when co-cultured with DRG neurons. R3: Within the first paragraph of the results section, the authors reference Goode et al, 2022, stating that they have previously shown that CD4+ T cells in the DRG secrete anti-inflammatory cytokines. I have read this paper and could not find any data that showed increased secretion of cytokines, only that there is an increase in T-cell populations that contain anti-inflammatory markers. Please consider rewording to reflect the observations made in the original paper. We have changed “secrete” to “produce” (pg. 5) because we detected anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10 and IL-4) within CD4+ T cells using intracellular staining and multi-color flow cytometry.

      R3: Figure 1A states that it is "day 14 PTX", however, there is no reference to this in the corresponding text - please state what Figure 1A is showing in the main text and legend regarding PTX treatment.

      We have now included text and Fig. 1. legend that states that the images in Fig1A are of DRG tissue collected from female mice 14 days after PTX treatment (pg. 5).

      R3: Throughout the results section (Figure 3-Figure 6), the authors provide percentage changes in observed difference in expression, however, in addition to this, it would be valuable to have the actual number of neurons analysed for each group and sex.

      We now report in the materials and methods section the number of neurons that were analyzed (pg. 33).

      R3: For Figure 5, can the authors confirm whether this was performed on tissue sections or dissociated cell culture?

      This analysis was performed in DRG tissue sections. The legend now states, “Gaussian distribution of the diameter of MHCII+ DRG neurons in DRG tissue from naïve (pink), day 7 (orange) and day 14 PTX-treated (blue) (A) female and (E) male mice (n=8/sex, pooled neurons).”

      R3: Can the authors comment on why surface expression for MHCII was not performed on the these reporter neurons?

      In the future, we plan to delineate which subsets of neurons express MHCII by co-staining for MHCII and specific neuronal markers. However, these studies are beyond the scope of the current manuscript.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript sets out to investigate the mechanism by which the previously reported infiltration CD4+ T cells into the DRG parenchyma can mediate analgesia in the paclitaxel (PTX) model of chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain (CIPN). The authors provide good rationale for the purpose of the study and make a number of interesting observations, including the expression of MHCII on DRG neurons, the effect of PTX on MHCII expression on DRG neurons, and the effect of targeted deletion of MHCII on Trpv1-expressing putative nociceptive neurons in exacerbating the effect of PTX-induced cold hypersensitivity. These data culminate to a hypothesis that MHCII expression on DRG neurons may drive T-cell mediated anti-inflammatory effects (and analgesia) in models where their recruitment is notable. Overall I enjoyed reading the manuscript, however, I believe there are a number of points that need to be considered further.

      Major comments.

      • Presented in Figure 3, the authors present data to show surface expression of MHCII, along with the ability of MHCII to present OVA peptide, on naïve and PTX-treated DRG neurons. These data are probably the most relevant in terms of expression as they look at the surface expression of MHCII along with the potential of MHCII to function; therefore, it is unclear why the authors only conducted this analysis on female neurons, and not both male and female neurons. Given the claims of the paper in terms of sex differences for MHC expression, I strongly suggest this is done in order to put the other observations into context.
      • Given the data presented in Figure 3, it is not clear what the relevance of investigating the subcellular puncta expression of MHCII neurons is, particularly when considering the sex differences observed, and how this was not been performed for surface expression. Furthermore, the authors should provide details of what the abundant non-neuronal structures are within the DRG images that appear positive for MHCII staining.
      • The behavioural data presented in Figure 7 is somewhat confusing. Can the authors confirm how many alleles of MHCII were knocked out from the Trpv1-lineage neurons for these experiments? In Figure 7, it states cKO Het, which suggests that only one allele was deleted within the Trpv1 population. If this is the case, this needs to be clearly outlined within the results section and not simply referred to as "knocking out MHCII in Trpv1-lineage neurons". In addition, an explanation as to why heterozygous cKO were used rather than homozygous cKO needs to be provided. This is particularly relevant when discussing potential sex differences. Furthermore, the behavioural effect is seemingly variable, with only one of the three trials being significantly different between groups. This variable response needs to be discussed further.
      • A significant gap in the current manuscript is the functional assessment of MHCII protein expressed on DRG neurons in terms of T cell activity. I would suggest the authors consider performing a co-culture DRG-T cell (i.e. Treg) assay where anti-inflammatory cytokine release can be measured in the presence and absence of MHCII on DRG neurons.

      Minor comments.

      • Within the first paragraph of the results section, the authors reference Goode et al, 2022, stating that they have previously shown that CD4+ T cells in the DRG secrete anti-inflammatory cytokines. I have read this paper and could not find any data that showed increased secretion of cytokines, only that there is an increase in T-cell populations that contain anti-inflammatory markers. Please consider rewording to reflect the observations made in the original paper.
      • Figure 1A states that it is "day 14 PTX", however, there is no reference to this in the corresponding text - please state what Figure 1A is showing in the main text and legend regarding PTX treatment.
      • Throughout the results section (Figure 3-Figure 6), the authors provide percentage changes in observed difference in expression, however, in addition to this, it would be valuable to have the actual number of neurons analysed for each group and sex.
      • For Figure 5, can the authors confirm whether this was performed on tissue sections or dissociated cell culture? In addition, can the authors comment on whey surface expression for MHCII was not performed on the these reporter neurons?


      This paper presents interesting data on the expression of MHCII on DRG neurons, which corroborates existing and published RNA expression data from the literature. In addition, this paper builds on our current understanding of how T-cells may be able to interact with DRG neurons in order to modulate their responses in instances of nerve injury. However, there are significant gaps in the data presented which prevent a more informative conclusion being drawn regarding the role of MHCII in modulating neuronal responses following PTX-induced CIPN.

      Audience: I would suggest basic scientists working within the field of pain and neuroimmunology would be interested in this work.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Whitaker EE and co-authors implicate MHCII expression in DRG neurons in the resolution of pain following paclitaxel treatment. The authors demonstrate that CD4 T cells closely interact with DRG neurons, which also express MHCII proteins. They further characterize neuronal MHCII expression in naïve and paclitaxel treated mice in small diameter TRPV1+ neurons. Utilizing genetic animal models with MHCII knockout in TRPV1-lineage neurons, the authors highlight that loss of MHCII in TRPV1 neurons exaggerates cold sensitivity in naïve male mice, and in both sexes following paclitaxel treatment.

      Major concerns:

      The most pressing concern regarding this study is a lack of a vehicle control group. It is not appropriate to be comparing paclitaxel treated mice to naïve mice. Please include a vehicle treatment (cremophor:ethanol 1:1 diluted 1:3 in PBS) group for all experiments involving paclitaxel. This would also improve statistics as unpaired T tests comparing naïve vs paclitaxel is not convincing.

      Figure 1A only includes representative images of a small number of T cells in presumable contact with DRG neurons in female Day 14 paclitaxel mice, but does not include images from other groups. Similarly, B-D show a single CD4+ T cell in contact with DRG neurons in Day 14 paclitaxel and naïve female mice. Please include quantification of the frequency of CD4+ T cells interacting with DRG neurons in the different experimental groups utilized in this study.

      Please include entire blot for Figure 2A (or at least more of the blot). There is plenty of space in the figure and as it currently appears is not free from apparent manipulation.

      The authors conclude that MHCII helps to suppress chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, resolving cold allodynia following paclitaxel treatment. To support this conclusion, I think it is necessary to include a time-course experiment highlighting whether cKO of MHCII in TRPV1 neurons indeed increases the duration for cold hypersensitivity to resolve following paclitaxel treatment.

      Minor concerns:

      The graphical abstract is misleading. The authors suggest paclitaxel is acting exclusively via TLR4 and that signaling is resolved at Day 14 which their data does not support. Please adjust to reflect findings from the experiments included in this study.

      Figure 4 and 6 MHCII labelling is oversaturated in most of the images, creating a blurry hue in the representative images. This should be fixed

      The effects of the PTX cHET group are very mild in both the male and female cohorts, and specific to 1 trial. I believe these assessments were conducted at Day 6 post injection. Why was this timepoint chosen considering differences in MHCII expression in small neurons was only present at Day 14 relative to naïve? The statistical analysis should also have been a mixed-effects repeated measures between groups ANOVA.


      This study uncovers sex-dependent mechanisms underlying cold sensitivity between male and female mice. The detailed IHC analysis of MHCII expression in DRG neurons is a clear strength of this study, and supports flow cytometry results as well as existing literature. The specificity of MHCII expression on small diameter is well characterized and supported by conditional knockout mouse models of MHCII in TRVPV1-lineage neurons. The clear limitations of this study is the lack of a vehicle control group and limited behavioral analysis. They undermine the conclusions made by the author, and in extension, the significance of this study.

      This study adds to the understanding of neuro-immune signaling in peripheral neuropathic pain. As far as I am aware, this is the first study to investigate MHCII expression in DRGs in relation to development of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Thus this study provides an incremental advance in neuroimmune mechanisms contributing to the development of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in mice.

      This study would be of interest to basic researchers interested in neuropathic pain, with particularly researchers with a focus on neuroimmunology and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy models. The sex differences observed in naïve mice would also be of interest to basic researchers within the wider pain field. Given the preliminary nature of the findings, I do not think this would be of interest to broader neuroimmunology or clinical audiences.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Section A:

      The key conclusions of this study are quite robust and compelling.

      While no claims need qualification clarification of some conclusions could improve the impact of this study.

      Additional experiments are not essential to support the claims of this study.

      Sufficient details are provided to allow reproduction of the key findings of this study.

      It is not, yet, possible to conclude that all experiments are adequately powered as N's for some studies are not provided.


      Section B:

      • State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.

      This study should be of broad interest not only in the field of the neurobiology of pain but in broader issues related to neuroimmunology.<br /> - Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      I am a clinician-scientist with clinical responsibilities in immunologic disorders and a basic scientist with expertise in the area of pain, including chemotherapy-induced painful peripheral neuropathies and neuroimmune mechanisms.<br /> - Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.<br /> - Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).

      The authors provide compelling evidence that MHCII expression of MHCII in primary sensory neurons, is regulated in painful chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) induced by the commonly used taxane class of chemotherapy drugs, paclitaxel (PTX).

      The present studies build on recent literature demonstrating that PTX CD4+ T cells in DRG. This is key to their hypothesis as T cells and anti-inflammatory cytokines protect against CIPN. In the present study these investigators studied how CD4+ T cells are activated role of cytokines released from these cells on CIPN. To key findings of the present study: the expression of functional MHCII protein in DRG neurons and the proximity of the DRG neurons and CD4+ T cells. While the MHCII protein was expressed in small-diameter, nociceptive, DRG neurons, in male mice, in females it was induced by PTX. Compatible with the hypothesis that the anti-inflammatory CD4+ T cells attenuate CIPN. Finally, in support of the contribution of this mechanism to CIPN pain, they demonstrated that attenuation of MHCII protein from nociceptors produced the predicted increase in cold hypersensitivity. Taken together their findings support suppression of CIPN by MHCII

      While the experiments are well designed and executed and the results clearly presented, I have some relatively minor concerns that, if addressed, might improve the ability of a general scientific audience to appreciate the impact of the findings presented (possibly a penultimate paragraph covering caveats and limitations of the present study).

      It is unclear what is meant by "novel" expression, used throughout the manuscript.

      The statement at the end of the abstract, "and that neuronal MHCII may also contribute to many other neurological disorders" seems premature, beyond the scope of the present study.

      While cold allodynia (hypersensitivity) is a clinically important feature of CIPN, especially in CIPN associated with the platinum based chemotherapeutic agents, it is less so taxane CIPN. Do 60% of patients with PTX CIPN express cold allodynia or does that number refer to CIPN in general? Again, the future direction of expanding studies of the role of MHCII in other aspects of the CIPN phenotype might bear mention. Is there any evidence that IL-4 and/or IL-10 influence cold sensitivity? Are these experiments run blinded?

      The term "directly contacts" is unclear. No synaptic structure is identified. It might be more accurate to estimate the actual proximity between the two cells, especially as direct contact would not be necessary for the type of intercellular communication they are studying. This is not an EM study.

      Two abbreviations are used for immunohistochemistry, ICC and IHC.

      In some figure, group sizes are not indicated (e.g., Fig. 4D).

      "small non-nociceptive neurons" - seems to refer to TRPV1+ neurons. There are, however, TRPV1-nociceptors.

      "Therefore, the majority of MHCII+ neurons in the DRG of naïve female mice were not TRPV1-lineage neurons but non-nociceptive C-LTMRs." Could use some clarification here. Are the authors suggesting that being TRPV1- defines a neuron a non-nociceptive?

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We would like to thank all reviewers for their highly valuable comments, reviewing the article, and suggesting changes to improve its overall structure, clarity, and comprehension. Please find below our point-by-point responses to each reviewer’s comments. Lines, figures, and tables we refer to in the responses correspond to the clean copy of the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #1:

      1) In the introduction the authors list 4 databases of ultra-conserved non-coding elements, and choose to work with the UCNEbase that detects UCNE regions by comparing human and chicken, as they state that it is one of the most comprehensive resources. Can the authors comment on the extent of overlap of UCNE regions identified in this database compared to other databases. It would also be helpful to add an explanation in the Introduction on the advantage of comparing the human genome to the chicken genome, e.g., is chicken the most distant vertebrate with a high quality genome, or another reason? And can the authors comment on the extent of conservation of the UCNEs compared to other species - in the UCNEbase paper, orthologues for the UCNEs are identified in 18 vertebrate species including reptiles, amphibians and fish.

      We have addressed these comments and incorporated them in the introduction (lines 46-47; 49-52). As stated, it is not straightforward to evaluate to which extent UCNE regions overlap with those collected in other databases due to the different scopes and methods of these resources. We clarified why we selected this database, which was precisely based on the comments mentioned by the reviewer, i.e., sufficient evolutionary distance to identify functional regions confidently and high quality genome assemblies. Regarding the extent to which UCNEs are conserved in other species, the UCNEdatabase indeed provides additional information with respect to UCNE orthologues in other vertebrate species, including reptiles, amphibians, and fish. As we consider that this comparison is beyond the scope of the present study, it was not included in the main manuscript. However, to address this interesting point raised by the reviewer, we evaluated the proportion of UCNEs found in different species with respect to those annotated for human-chicken. As show in the figure below, UCNEs are conserved to a larger extent up to Xenopus tropicalis, for which most of the UCNEs annotated for human-chicken have corresponding orthologues in this species. Although to a minor extent, UCNEs are also conserved across more distant species (e.g., fish), for which approximately half of the UCNEs annotated for human-chicken have orthologues.

      2) The authors briefly describe how potential target genes were assigned to UCNEs in the Method section (section begins on page 21, line 407 and on lines 379-381). They note that they used the Genomic Regions Enrichment of Annotations Tool (GREAT). Can the authors provide additional details on what this method does and also provide a high level sentence in the Results section on page 8, lines 144-146, on how target genes were assigned to UCNEs, as well as in the Discussion on page 16, line 289. Based on the Methods description on lines 409-414, a UCNE was associated with any gene within 1Mb of the UNCE that was expressed in retina and whose curated regulatory domains overlapped the UNCE. Is this correct? How were the regulatory domains curated (line 411-412)? Can the authors please clarify this important point.

      Additional details about the GREAT algorithm have been included in the Methods section (lines 410-424) as well as a high-level sentences in the Results (lines 140-141) and Discussion (lines 276-280). It is correct that a UCNE was associated with any gene within 1Mb of the UCNE that was expressed in retina and whose curated regulatory domains overlapped the UCNE. As stated now (lines 420-424), these regulatory domains are supported by experimental evidence demonstrating that a gene is directly regulated by an element located beyond of its putative regulatory domain. We specified these domains for the utilized version of GREAT as well.

      3) There are other approaches for linking putative transcriptionally active genomic regions with target genes in specific tissues or cell types through correlation analysis of ATAC-seq peaks (chromatin accessibility) and gene expression in RNA-seq data. A commonly used peak-to-gene linkage method is implemented in ArchR (Granja et al, 2021, PMID: 33633365). The authors note that they used scATAC-seq gene scores and scRNA-seq gene expression to further characterize the proposed target genes of UCNEs. It is not clear what the authors mean by "scATAC-seq gene scores". Please define "scATAC-seq gene score" and add a reference. Can the authors compare the target gene mapping to UCNEs using GREAT and gene expression filtering to that using peak-to-gene linkage based on retina tissue or single cell ATAC-seq and RNA-seq data?

      We have defined explicitly what scATAC-seq gene scores are in the Methods section (lines 436-437) along with its reference. We have also addressed this important point and compared the overlap between the set of target genes predicted by GREAT and those assigned by the peak-to-gene linkage method implemented by ArchR. Details of this analysis, its results, interpretation are included in the Methods (lines 441-446), Results (lines 158-163; Supplementary Table 4), and Discussion (lines 280-282) sections.

      4) For gene expression filtering (line 419) the authors quantify transcript expression of retina from FASTQ samples using the Kallisto method, and then note that they did the filtering on gene expression levels (TPM<0.5). Please add details on how you went from transcript expression levels to gene expression levels for the filtering, or was the filtering performed at the transcript level?

      We have added details on how transcript-level quantification estimates were summarized at gene level, for which the filtering was performed (lines 429-430).

      5) The authors use the words "active UCNE", first mentioned in the Results on line 144. Can the authors define what they mean by "active UCNE". What information/evidence is used to ascertain that a UCNE is indeed active. Overlap of a UCNE with a chromatin accessibility region from ATAC-seq or DNAase-Seq would only suggest that the UCNE may be active. Intersection with enhancer activity measured with in vivo enhancer reporter assays in transgenic mice from the VISTA enhancer browser provides stronger evidence of transcriptional activity. The authors might want to distinguish between putatively actively and active based on the functional support.

      We thank the reviewer for this relevant comment to address the nuances of defining active UCNEs. The reviewer’s assumptions are correct and hence these terms were clarified throughout the entire text. The term functional is now only used when referring to UCNEs for which there is functional support (e.g., PAX6-associated UCNE in line 193) .

      6) The authors assessed the significance of depletion of common variation (MAF>1%) in the UCNE regions compared to a background of randomly selected genomic regions. In generating the random distribution of regions, did the authors match on the distribution of distances of the UNCEs to the TSS of genes in the randomly selected regions? This may be a confounder. Also, in the legend of Figure 3, lines 191-192, it is stated: "Variant population frequencies within putative retinal UCNEs normalized to a background composed of randomly selected sequences (see Methods).", but we did not find a description of this analysis in the Methods section.

      Evaluating the potential confounding effect of the genomic background was indeed a very important point. We have now incorporated the details showing the suitability of such background well as a detail description of how such background was generated (lines 479-481; Figure S1). Additionally, to further support our analysis demonstrating the depletion of common variation within UCNEs, we have included an evaluation of the distribution of genome-wide residual variation intolerance score (gwRVIS) values (PMID: 33686085) compared to this background of randomly selected genomic regions in a human reference cohort (lines 173-178; 487-495; Fig. 3C).

      7) In regards to intersecting UCNEs with epigenetic marks that detect active or repressed enhancers in retina, the authors used data from Aldiri et al 2017 that measured epigenetic changes during retinal development. Did this dataset contain epigenetic measurements in adult retina? The authors might want to consider using the epigenetic marks/ChIP-seq data from adult human retina in Cherry et al. PNAS 2020 (PMID: 32265282)

      We have incorporated the adult-stage data suggested by the reviewer to provide a more comprehensive characterization. Details about the integration of this dataset as well as the results and their corresponding interpretation have been incorporated in the Methods (lines 372-374), Results (lines 115-117; Supplementary Table 2), and Discussion (lines 271-273) sections accordingly.

      8) With respect to the examination of rare variants that may be associated with rare eye disease in retina active UCNEs, for the interpretation of the results, it would be helpful to get more information on the distribution of rare variants found in UCNEs associated in this study to known IRD genes in all affected individuals in families, if this information is available in the 100,000 Genomes Project.

      Although it is indeed a relevant point, this information cannot be retrieved in the 100,000 Genomes Project. As it is a restricted research environment, we are only allowed to query sequencing data corresponding to participants enrolled within the framework of our specific sub-domain, namely “Hearing and Sight”, and therefore evaluating the distribution of rare variants in all affected individuals is not feasible.

      9) In the Methods section on lines 450-451, the authors mention that they performed variant screening of retinal disease genes, referencing the Genomics England Retinal Disorder panel and Martin et al., 2019. Can the authors add to the Methods and Results sections how many retinal disease genes were initially tested. Also, to get a sense of the specificity of the overlap of rare variants in the 100k Genome Project cohort with UNCE regions, it would be informative to show a distribution of the number of rare variants <0.5% that passed the filtering in gnomAD per eye disease gene before the overlap with UNCEs.

      We specified the number of retinal genes that were tested in the Method section (line 471). In addition, as suggested by the reviewer, we generated allele frequency distributions for all variants retrieved within a selection of 25 disease-gene associated loci and their corresponding UCNEs in order to assess the specificity of the overlap between rare variants and UCNE regions (lines 181-182, 496-501; Figure S2).

      10) The authors found "an ultrarare SNV (chr11:31968001T>C) within a candidate cis-regulatory UCNE located ~150kb upstream of PAX6. This variant was found in four individuals of a family segregating autosomal dominant foveal abnormalities". They tested the functional effect of this element with a reporter assay in zebrafish and found that the UNCE affects expression in the eye, forebrain, and neural tube. It would add further value if the authors were to test the effect of this SNV in the UCNE on the reporter expression pattern, using CRISPR/cas9?

      That is a very relevant point. We have tested the effect of this SNV in the UCNE on the reported expression pattern using the same experimental setup that we used for testing the wild-type construct, namely transgenic enhancer zebrafish assays. However, we could not obtain conclusive results, most likely due to the limitations posed by testing these regions outside their native genomic context. Therefore, additional experimental work (e.g., CRISPR-based) should be performed to address this question. This is, however, beyond the scope of the present study, for which the main focus was the identification and functional annotation of ultraconserved cCREs. We have incorporated the details, results, and interpretation of the assays performed mutant construct in the Methods (lines 525-527; Supplementary Table 12), Results (lines 235-238; Supplementary Table 10), and Discussion (lines 350-353) sections.

      11) The authors found rare variants in UCNEs linked to 45 IRD genes. Can the authors provide additional information on the functional genomic annotations of these UCNEs and distance to the target genes. The UCNEs were characterized with respect to their genic features in the original paper (UCNEbase, Dimitrieva et al., NAR, 2013), e.g., intergenic, intronic and 3'/5' UTR. Also, it would be useful for clinical applications to provide the start and end positions of the UCNEs that contain the rare variants associated with their 45 IRD genes in Supplementary Table 6.

      Additional functional genomic annotations, genic features following those of the original UCNE paper, and the distance to the TSS of these 45 target disease-associated genes have been incorporated in (new) Supplementary Table 5. The start and end positions of the UCNEs that contain the rare variants have also been indicated in new Supplementary Table 7.

      12) A total of 724 target genes were assigned to 1,487 UCNEs that displayed candidate cis-regulatory activity. Given the interest in using UCNEs to help identify potential pathogenic mutations that lead to IRDs, can the authors note in the Results section how many of the 724 target genes are IRDs.

      We thank the reviewer for this important point. From the total of 724, a total of 27 genes are annotated as IRD genes, of which (interestingly) 23 were kept as found to be expressed in the retina. This has been clarified in the Results section (line 166-168).

      13) In the Discussion on page 15 line 259, can the authors clarify if variation found in UCNEs were only associated with rare disease or also with common diseases.

      We have clarified that variation found in UCNEs has only been associated with rare diseases (line 247).

      Minor edits:

      1) In abstract, the authors might consider changing the words "rare eye diseases" on lines 20 and 22 to "rare retina degeneration diseases", and on lines 88-89.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. However, we consider that rare eye diseases is a more suitable term for our purpose as it includes diseases primarily characterized by stationary and non-progressive phenotypes such as North Carolina Macular Dystrophy and fovea hypoplasia.

      2) In the Introduction on line 49, there seems to be a typo in the number of UCNE regions reported. 4,135 UCNE regions is supposed to be 4,351, based on the original paper (https://academic.oup.com/nar/article/41/D1/D101/1057253).

      We have corrected this typo accordingly.

      3) In the introduction on lines 75-76, these references: Lyu et al., Cell Reports 2021, PMID: 34788628, and Zhang et al., Trends in Genetics 2023, PMID: 37423870, could be added to the following sentence to provide additional: "This cellular complexity is the result of spatiotemporally controlled gene expression programs during retinal development”.

      We have now included these relevant references.

      4) On lines 77 and 84, I would write IRD as plural: IRDs.

      This has been amended in the new version.

      5) In introduction on lines 89-90, it can be further added that you provide experimental support for an ultra rare SNV in a cis regulatory UCNE affecting PAX6.

      We have explicitly stated that we provided functional evidence for this UCNE.

      6) On line 98, the authors refer to Figure 1A when noting that the integration of UCNEs with multi-omics data in human retina allows to evaluate the regulatory capacity of UCNEs across the major developmental stages of human retina. However panel A in figure 1 does not seem to show this point. It shows the comparison of elements across species. Please make appropriate changes to the main text and figure legend.

      We have made the appropriate changes and located the reference to this figure in a more relevant part of the text (line 87).

      7) Please explain what the names appended to the gene symbols in the first column "UCNE ID" in Supplementary Tables 1 and 2 refer to.

      We have clarified what these refer to.

      8) On line 145, can the authors clarify what they mean by "active gene expression in the retina". Is this just another way of referring to genes found to be expressed in retina? If so, it might be clearer just to write: "We annotated the identified active UCNEs to assign them potential target genes and thus assess their association with genes expressed in the retina"

      We indeed meant genes found to be expressed in retina. As this phrasing might not be completely clear, we have now changed to the wording suggested by the reviewer.

      9) One line 156, I would write "regulation of transcription" as listed in the gene ontology terms in Figure 2C, instead of "regulation of gene expression". The authors might want to add this to the Discussion. Can the authors include the full gene set enrichment results from Enrichr in a supplementary table at Padj<0.05 since only the top gene sets are shown in Fig. 2C (at P<1E-13)?

      We changed the term to “regulation of transcription” to keep the nomenclature consistent to that of Figure 2C. We have also provided a full gene set enrichment from Enrichr as well (Supplementary Table 3).

      10) On page 12, line 214, what does "EH38E1530321" Stand for? It seems to specify a distal enhancer-like signatures in bipolar neurons, but I couldn't find this ID in any database.

      This refers to the identifier of ENCODE:


      Additionally, when mentioning a specific UCNE, VISTA enhancer, or ENCODE cCRE (as in this case), we have explicitly included its corresponding identifier.

      11) In the Methods section on lines 391-392, can the authors give some high-level explanation of the unconstrained integration method: "Single-nucleus RNA-seq of the same tissue and timepoints (GSE183684) were integrated using the unconstrained integration method". Also, can they comment on how retinal cell class identities were assigned (line 393). Was it based on known markers or on previous identification of cell classes and highly variable genes between clusters?

      We have included a high-level explanation of the unconstrained method in the Methods section (lines 387-392). We also clarified that the assignment of cell class identities was based on known markers (line 394).

      12) In the integration of UCNEs with bulk and single cell ATAC-seq and Dnase hypersentitivity regions, can the authors note in the Methods section (lines 400-404) what peak width was used to test for overlap with the UCNEs.

      We have specified the peak widths that were used for the overlap with UCNEs (lines 397 and 403).

      13) On line 436, the word 'and' is missing between "(SNVs, and indels < 50bp)" and "large structural variants".

      This has been corrected.

      14) On lines 443-444, please provide references to the computational tools listed. Please note if default settings/parameters were used.

      We have specified that default parameters were used in the analysis (line 464).

      15) In the following sentence in the Methods section on lines 447-449, it is not clear in the Results section how this was used in the flow of the analysis, and how many cases showed such a similarity in phenotype: "For each candidate variant, we compared the similarities between the participant phenotype (HPO terms) and the ones known for its target gene through literature search and clinical assessment by the recruiting clinician when possible." Can the authors add more detail to the Results section.

      As the evaluation of the candidate variants was essentially performed on a case-by-case basis, we opted to include a rather general description of the workflow, which indeed included a comparison of the reported phenotypes with those associated with the putative target gene. An example of such comparison has been included in the Results (lines 186-187) section regarding the cases for which a NCMD-like phenotype was suspected.

      16) It would be helpful to have a table that describes the different omics datasets used in the paper, with some basic annotations (tissue type, sample size, reference).

      This has now been incorporated in Supplementary Table 11.

      17) Can the authors add references to their sentence in the Discussion on page 17 lines 299-301: "As has been shown before, the phenotype caused by a coding mutation of a developmental gene can be different from the phenotype caused by a mutation in a CRE controlling spatiotemporal expression of this gene."

      We clarified that this phrase referred to the case of PRDM13, for which bi-allelic coding pathogenic variants are linked to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and perinatal brainstem dysfunction in combination with cerebellar hypoplasia (Whittaker et al., 2021), while non-coding variants within its regulatory regions are associated with NCMD.

      Reviewer #2:

      Minor discretionary suggestions for improving the presentation:

      1) Wherever a specific UCNE, Vista enhancer or ENCODE cCRE is mentioned, the element should be identified by name or accession code: For instance (Iine 212): "this variant is located within a UCNE (PAX6_Veronica) that is catalogued as a cCRE in ENCODE (EH38E1530321)". UCNE names are particularly important, because they are systematically used as identifiers in the supplemental Tables and thus would enable the reader to easily find additional information about the element mentioned in the main text.

      We have now explicitly included all corresponding identifiers throughout the text.

      2) I also recommend inclusion of the UCNE, Vista and ENCODE cCRE tracks in all genome browser screen shots. The UCNE track is currently included only in Figure 1. Vista and ENCODE cCRE tracks are missing in all browser views.

      We have now included UCNE, VISTA, and ENCODE cCREs tracks in the main genome browser figures (Figures 1 and 4).

      3) Supplementary Table 6: It would be useful to indicate for each variant, the type of ophthalmological disorder (Table S5, column C) it is associated with.

      We agree this is a relevant point. However, due to limitations in the (bulk) export of clinical information from the protected Research Environment of Genomics England, inclusion of this type of information is not feasible.

      4) Fig S2 and supplementary Table 3 are not referred to in the main Text.

      We have corrected this and updated the figure and table accordingly.

      5) Supplementary Table 8: The Table caption should be expanded.

      The contents of each column should be explained. For instance, column F: what means Homo_sapiens|M01298_1.94d|Zoo_01|2337? Where does this information come from, what data and software resources were used?

      We have expanded the caption of this table to clarify this output, which is derived from the QBiC-Pred tool, a software used for predicting quantitative TF binding changes due to nucleotide variants.

      6) Line 401 probable typo: 103-105 days (103-125?)

      Indeed, this typo has now been corrected.

      Reviewer #3:

      1) Given that UCNE only accounts for a small fraction of gene regulatory elements, this study is likely with low sensitivity in terms of identifying potential regulatory mutations. Although one would expect that variants in UCNE are more likely to be pathogenic, it is hard to extrapolate from the results to assess the contribution of gene regulatory variant to the disease.

      We agree that restricting our analysis to these particular regions is one of the limitations of the study, as stated in the Discussion section (line 304-311). However, one of our main aims was to provide a strategy to reduce the search space for pathogenic variants with a potential regulatory effect. Given the substantial body of literature supporting a regulatory role for these regions and, particularly, the availability of already-existing functional data, we considered that this set of regions could represent a suitable target for such analysis. Indeed, the features evaluated, and the methods presented in this study could be extrapolated and applied in other settings involving other candidate regulatory regions and/or tissues of interest, and their associated disease-phenotypes, for which, in any case, the overall contribution of regulatory pathogenic variation to disease might vary greatly.

      2) I am wondering how many UCNE overlaps with open chromatin regions specific to the fetal retina and how many UCNE overlaps with adult only. Are UCNEs enriched for developmental genes? If so, how many patients are due to developmental defect?

      We have now integrated into our analysis epigenetic measurements in adult retina, in particular the candidate cis-regulatory elements nominated by Cherry et al. PNAS 2020 (PMID: 32265282) based on accessible chromatin and enrichment for active enhancer-related histone modifications in adult human retina. Details about the integration of this dataset as well as the results and their corresponding interpretation have been incorporated in the Methods (lines 372-374), Results (115-117; Supplementary Table 2), and Discussion (lines 271-273) sections accordingly. In particular, out of the 111 UCNEs identified to display the active enhancer mark H3K27ac, 33 were found to maintain this signature at adult stage. Regarding the specific question from the reviewer, the majority of UCNEs overlapping with open chromatin regions are specific to the fetal retina (1,346), with only 7 UCNEs overlapping with open chromatin regions exclusively in adult state. This indeed further supports the major role of the identified candidate cis-regulatory UCNEs in the regulation of developmental gene expression programs, which was already suggested by the Gene Ontology enrichment analysis performed using the set of UCNE target genes as input (Figure 2C; new Supplementary Table 3). As far as the number of patients with development defects that were included in this study, these included: corneal abnormalities (n=62), Leber congenital amaurosis (n=142), ocular coloboma (n=111), developmental foveal and macular dystrophy (n=230), developmental glaucoma (n=94), anophthalmia or microphthalmia (n=120).

      3) I am wondering if the 431 ultrarare variants found in the UCNEs is higher than expected. This can be tested by comparing patients without visual disorders.

      Although it is indeed a relevant point, retrieving sequencing data from patients without visual disorders is not feasible for us. As it is a restricted research environment, we are only allowed to query sequencing data corresponding to participants enrolled within the framework of our specific sub-domain, namely “Hearing and Sight”, and therefore evaluating additional patients from other sub-domains is not doable. Based on previous studies and our observations, common variants are precisely the ones depleted within UCNEs, while ultrarare variation seems to occur at levels comparable to those observed elsewhere in the genome. Therefore, it is reasonable to speculate that this amount of ultrarare variants is not higher than expected as compared to patients without visual disorders. To further demonstrate the high intolerance of UCNEs to common variation, we have included an evaluation of the distribution of genome-wide residual variation intolerance score (gwRVIS) values compared to a set of randomly selected genomic regions in a human reference cohort (lines 173-178; 487-495; Fig. 3C). Additionally, to address this question further, we have also generated allele frequency distributions for all variants retrieved within a selection of 25 disease-gene associated loci and their corresponding UCNEs in order to assess the specificity of the overlap between rare variants and UCNE regions (lines 181-182, 496-501; Figure S2).

      4) It seems that the ultrarare variants listed in sup table 6 are more abundant in a small number of genes. Is this due to the number/size of UCNEs is larger in these genes?

      Indeed, the clustering of UCNEs in genomic regions containing genes coding for transcription factors and developmental regulators (e.g., OTX2, PAX6, ZEB2) seems to be one of their intrinsic properties, hence the observed enrichment for a small number of genes. One reason can be that these neighboring UCNEs cooperate to achieve higher degrees of tissue-specific regulatory accuracy needed for these genes.

      5) The variant in the putative Pax6 gene regulatory element is intriguing. It would be much more informative if the enhancer with and without the variant is tested in parallel in fish.

      That is a very relevant point. We have now tested the effect of this SNV in the UCNE on the reported expression pattern using the same experimental setup that we used for testing the wild-type construct, namely transgenic enhancer zebrafish assays. However, we could not obtain conclusive results, most likely due to the limitations posed by testing these regions outside their native genomic context. We have incorporated the details, results, and interpretation of the assays performed mutant construct in the Methods (lines 525-527; Supplementary Table 12), Results (lines 235-238; Supplementary Table 10), and Discussion (lines 350-353) sections.

      6) (optional) it would be quite interesting to check the phenotype in fish or mice with the element repressed via technique such as CRISPRi.

      Indeed, we fully agree that CRISPR-based techniques would be the ideal experimental approaches to further validate the functionality of the PAX6-associated UCNE and the identified variant in their native genomic context. Conducting these detailed and focused mechanistic studies is, however, beyond the scope of the present work, for which the main focus was the identification and functional annotation of ultraconserved cCREs.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the report, the authors combined bulk and single cell multi-omics data from the retina to identify ultraconserved noncoding elements (UCNE) that might function as regulatory elements based on chromatin openness, DNAse sensitive regions, and histone marks. The candidate UCNEs are intersected with whole genome sequencing data from 3.220 patients with rare eye disease to identify potential rare variants that might affect the activity of UNCE. The goal of the project is intriguing.

      My comments are listed below:

      1. Given that UCNE only accounts for a small fraction of gene regulatory elements, this study is likely with low sensitivity in terms of identifying potential regulatory mutations. Although one would expect that variants in UCNE are more likely to be pathogenic, it is hard to extrapolate from the results to assess the contribution of gene regulatory variant to the disease.
      2. I am wondering how many UCNE overlaps with open chromatin regions specific to the fetal retina and how many UCNE overlaps with adult only. Are UCNEs enriched for developmental genes? If so, how many patients are due to developmental defect?
      3. I am wondering if the 431 ultrarare variants found in the UCNEs is higher than expected. This can be tested by comparing patients without visual disorders.
      4. It seems that the ultrarare variants listed in sup table 6 are more abundant in a small number of genes. Is this due to the number/size of UCNEs is larger in these genes?
      5. The variant in the putative Pax6 gene regulatory element is intriguing. It would be much more informative if the enhancer with and without the variant is tested in parallel in fish.
      6. (optional) it would be quite interesting to check the phenotype in fish or mice with the element repressed via technique such as CRISPRi.


      Given that UCNE only accounts for a small fraction of gene regulatory elements, this study is likely with low sensitivity in terms of identifying potential regulatory mutations. Although one would expect that variants in UCNE are more likely to be pathogenic, it is hard to extrapolate from the results to assess the contribution of gene regulatory variant to the disease.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Starting with a comprehensive analysis of multi-omics data, the authors identify a subset of ultra-conserved non-coding elements (UCNEs) likely to play a role in retinal development. Restricting subsequent analyses to these genomic regions, they identify ultra-rare mutations associated with eye disease, using data from the 100k genome project. They then follow-up on one newly discovered, disease associated UCNE and a presumably causal mutation within this UCNE. The follow-up experiments involve fine mapping of the spatiotemporal expression pattern of a UCNE-driven reporter gene in zebra fish, as well as a re-examination of the disease phenotype in carriers of the mutation.

      The computational pipeline used for prioritization of UCNEs is sound. The evidence supporting the claim that the identified ultra-rare SNV is causal is highly convincing. This study also constitutes proof of concept for a novel methodology to search for causal disease associated mutations in the nowadays still under-investigated non-coding part of the genome.

      The paper is clearly written. Methods are described in enough detail to allow for reproduction of the results. Overall, this study is of high scientific quality, self-contained, and complete. Publication in a peer-reviewed journal should not be delayed by additional, perhaps interesting but non-essential experiments.

      However, if the authors intend to undertake similar studies in the future, I would recommend to carry out the reporter-gene assays in zebrafish with both the wild-type and the mutant version of the UCNE. Comparison of the spatiotemporal expression patterns of the two alleles could provide valuable insights into the mechanism of action of the deleterious mutation under investigation.

      Minor discretionary suggestions for improving the presentation:

      Wherever a specific UCNE, Vista enhancer or ENCODE cCRE is mentioned, the element should be identified by name or accession code: For instance (Iine 212):

      "this variant is located within a UCNE (PAX6_Veronica) that is catalogued as a cCRE in ENCODE (EH38E1530321)"

      UCNE names are particularly important, because they are systematically used as identifiers in the supplemental Tables and thus would enable the reader to easily find additional information about the element mentioned in the main text.

      I also recommend inclusion of the UCNE, Vista and ENCODE cCRE tracks in all genome browser screen shots. The UCNE track is currently included only in Figure 1. Vista and ENCODE cCRE tracks are missing in all browser views.

      Supplementary Table 6: It would be useful to indicate for each variant, the type of ophthalmological disorder (Table S5, column C) it is associated with.

      Fig S2 and supplementary Table 3 are not referred to in the main Text.

      Supplementary Table 8: The Table caption should be expanded. The contents of each column should be explained. For instance, column F: what means Homo_sapiens|M01298_1.94d|Zoo_01|2337? Where does this information come from, what data and software resources were used?

      Line 401 probable typo: 103-105 days (103-125?)


      This work is of interest to different research communities: Biomedical researchers working on neural disorders, human geneticists engaged in GWAS studies, computational biologists trying to make sense out of omics data, molecular biologists exploring the "dark matter" of the genome, and finally the small community tackling the enigma of UCNEs. As with many omics papers, the most valuable parts of this study are in the supplemental tables, in particular tables 1,4, and 6. It can be hoped that some prospective readers will follow up on the leads presented in these tables.

      The detailed computational and experimental characterization of a likely causal ultra-rare disease associated mutation may serve as a guiding and motivating example for medical geneticists working on other syndromes.

      Back to UCNEs: They are enigmatic entities, which so far have largely resisted molecular and physiological characterization. It took 10 years to finally uncover a phenotype in ko mice missing one or several UCNEs, after the surprising initial observation that such mice were viable and fertile. The difficulties in studying the function of UCNEs may be due to their conjectured pleiotropic activity in different cell types at different developmental stages, their apparent cooperative interactions with many other control elements (limiting the power of reporter gene assays with single elements), and their putative involvement in morphogenetic processes (minimizing the relevance of epigenetic data collected from cell lines). In view of these considerations, I consider UCNE research starting from human disease phenotypes more promising, than ab initio approaches using reverse genetics in model organisms.

      The impact of this paper is potentially very high. Note the following statement in the paper:

      "For each instance for which only the UCNE variant remained as candidate, we placed a clinical collaboration request with Genomics England."

      We thus can expect more exiting stories from the same team. The strategy and computational pipeline introduced here are of course applicable to other congenital diseases, and it can reasonably be hoped that researchers inspired by this study will apply components of the methodology in other contexts. The prioritization of UCNEs in studying the "dark matter" of the genome and the "missing heredity" would likely lead to new insights into the function of these enigmatic elements and the reasons for their extreme conservation.

      My background: I'm a bioinformatician with first training in molecular genetics. My research focus is on gene regulation: promoters, enhancers, transcription factor binding sites. I also made some contributions to the UCNE field, having co-developed UNCEbase with Slavica Dimitrieva. On the other hand, I don't claim to be an expert in medical genetics, and more specifically, I know very little about eye diseases and retinal development.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the manuscript entitled "Multi-omics analysis in human retina uncovers ultraconserved cis-regulatory elements at rare eye disease loci", Soriano et al. explore the role of ultraconserved noncoding elements (UCNEs) as candidate cis-regulators (cCREs) in developing and adult human retina by integrating UCNEs with multi-omic data from fetal and adult human retina. They further examine the potential contribution of UCNEs to rare eye diseases by testing for rare variants that fall in UCNEs that are potentially active in retina in patients with inherited retina degeneration diseases (IRDs), using whole genome sequencing (WGS) data from Genomics England. This work is based on the assumption that genomic regions under strong evolutionary constrain are good predictors of important functionality. The authors use 4,135 UCNEs identified in Dimitrieva and Bucher, 2013, defined as sequences with more than 95% identity between human and chicken with >200bp in length. By integrating bulk tissue RNA-Seq, single cell (sc)RNA-Seq, DNAase-Seq, scATAC-Seq and ChIP-Seq from retinal tissues from different developmental stages and adulthood with the 4,135 UCNEs, they identified one third of UCNEs (1,487) that may be associated with various retinal development stages. Using bioinformatic approaches they identify potential target genes for 724 UCNEs that may be regulated in cis. Based on ATAC-Seq, the authors show that 834 UCNEs fall in open chromatin regions, and of these 111 have active histone markers, supporting an active functional role for the identified UCNEs. The authors demonstrate an application of this approach in identifying potential pathogenic noncoding variants for rare eye diseases. Using WGS from 100,000 Genomes project the authors identify 45 UCNEs that were bioinformatically associated with mendelian IRD genes that contain rare variants, proposing potential solutions for unsolved cases. They demonstrate the utility of their analysis by highlighting an ultra-rare SNP they identified in a UCNE candidate CRE located upstream of PAX6 that belongs to a family of genes with foveal abnormalities. They confirm the effect of the UCNE 150k upstream of PAX6 on gene expression in the eye, forebrain and neuronal tube using an enhancer reporter assay in Zebrafish.

      The authors demonstrate a strategy for narrowing down the genomic space to putative functional noncoding regions involved in development and that may contribute to rare disease. This work that integrates various genomic modalities is of broad interest and can be applied to other diseases and tissues. There are several points that should be addressed to assess the robustness of the results and strengthen the conclusions of the paper, and in some places to better clarify the analyses conducted.

      Major edits:

      1. In the introduction the authors list 4 databases of ultra-conserved non-coding elements, and choose to work with the UCNEbase that detects UCNE regions by comparing human and chicken, as they state that it is one of the most comprehensive resources. Can the authors comment on the extent of overlap of UCNE regions identified in this database compared to other databases. It would also be helpful to add an explanation in the Introduction on the advantage of comparing the human genome to the chicken genome, e.g., is chicken the most distant vertebrate with a high quality genome, or another reason? And can the authors comment on the extent of conservation of the UCNEs compared to other species - in the UCNEbase paper, orthologues for the UCNEs are identified in 18 vertebrate species including reptiles, amphibians and fish.
      2. The authors briefly describe how potential target genes were assigned to UCNEs in the Method section (section begins on page 21, line 407 and on lines 379-381). They note that they used the Genomic Regions Enrichment of Annotations Tool (GREAT). Can the authors provide additional details on what this method does and also provide a high level sentence in the Results section on page 8, lines 144-146, on how target genes were assigned to UCNEs, as well as in the Discussion on page 16, line 289. Based on the Methods description on lines 409-414, a UCNE was associated with any gene within 1Mb of the UNCE that was expressed in retina and whose curated regulatory domains overlapped the UNCE. Is this correct? How were the regulatory domains curated (line 411-412)? Can the authors please clarify this important point.

      There are other approaches for linking putative transcriptionally active genomic regions with target genes in specific tissues or cell types through correlation analysis of ATAC-seq peaks (chromatin accessibility) and gene expression in RNA-seq data. A commonly used peak-to-gene linkage method is implemented in ArchR (Granja et al, 2021, PMID: 33633365). The authors note that they used scATAC-seq gene scores and scRNA-seq gene expression to further characterize the proposed target genes of UCNEs. It is not clear what the authors mean by "scATAC-seq gene scores". Please define "scATAC-seq gene score" and add a reference. Can the authors compare the target gene mapping to UCNEs using GREAT and gene expression filtering to that using peak-to-gene linkage based on retina tissue or single cell ATAC-seq and RNA-seq data?

      For gene expression filtering (line 419) the authors quantify transcript expression of retina from FASTQ samples using the Kallisto method, and then note that they did the filtering on gene expression levels (TPM<0.5). Please add details on how you went from transcript expression levels to gene expression levels for the filtering, or was the filtering performed at the transcript level?<br /> 3. The authors use the words "active UCNE", first mentioned in the Results on line 144. Can the authors define what they mean by "active UCNE". What information/evidence is used to ascertain that a UCNE is indeed active. Overlap of a UCNE with a chromatin accessibility region from ATAC-seq or DNAase-Seq would only suggest that the UCNE may be active. Intersection with enhancer activity measured with in vivo enhancer reporter assays in transgenic mice from the VISTA enhancer browser provides stronger evidence of transcriptional activity. The authors might want to distinguish between putatively actively and active based on the functional support.<br /> 4. The authors assessed the significance of depletion of common variation (MAF>1%) in the UCNE regions compared to a background of randomly selected genomic regions. In generating the random distribution of regions, did the authors match on the distribution of distances of the UNCEs to the TSS of genes in the randomly selected regions? This may be a confounder.

      Also, in the legend of Figure 3, lines 191-192, it is stated: "Variant population frequencies within putative retinal UCNEs normalized to a background composed of randomly selected sequences (see Methods).", but we did not find a description of this analysis in the Methods section.<br /> 5. In regards to intersecting UCNEs with epigenetic marks that detect active or repressed enhancers in retina, the authors used data from Aldiri et al 217 that measured epigenetic changes during retinal development. Did this dataset contain epigenetic measurements in adult retina? The authors might want to consider using the epigenetic marks/ChIP-seq data from adult human retina in Cherry et al. PNAS 2020 (PMID: 32265282)<br /> 6. With respect to the examination of rare variants that may be associated with rare eye disease in retina active UCNEs, for the interpretation of the results, it would be helpful to get more information on the distribution of rare variants found in UCNEs associated in this study to known IRD genes in all affected individuals in families, if this information is available in the 100,000 Genomes Project.<br /> 7. In the Methods section on lines 450-451, the authors mention that they performed variant screening of retinal disease genes, referencing the Genomics England Retinal Disorder panel and Martin et al., 2019. Can the authors add to the Methods and Results sections how many retinal disease genes were initially tested. Also, to get a sense of the specificity of the overlap of rare variants in the 100k Genome Project cohort with UNCE regions, it would be informative to show a distribution of the number of rare variants <0.5% that passed the filtering in gnomAD per eye disease gene before the overlap with UNCEs.<br /> 8. The authors found "an ultrarare SNV (chr11:31968001T>C) within a candidate cis-regulatory UCNE located ~150kb upstream of PAX6. This variant was found in four individuals of a family segregating autosomal dominant foveal abnormalities". They tested the functional effect of this element with a reporter assay in zebrafish and found that the UNCE affects expression in the eye, forebrain, and neural tube. It would add further value if the authors were to test the effect of this SNV in the UCNE on the reporter expression pattern, using CRISPR/cas9?<br /> 9. The authors found rare variants in UCNEs linked to 45 IRD genes. Can the authors provide additional information on the functional genomic annotations of these UCNEs and distance to the target genes. The UCNEs were characterized with respect to their genic features in the original paper (UCNEbase, Dimitrieva et al., NAR, 2013), e.g., intergenic, intronic and 3'/5' UTR. Also, it would be useful for clinical applications to provide the start and end positions of the UCNEs that contain the rare variants associated with their 45 IRD genes in Supplementary Table 6.<br /> 10. A total of 724 target genes were assigned to 1,487 UCNEs that displayed candidate cis-regulatory activity. Given the interest in using UNCEs to help identify potential pathogenic mutations that lead to IRDs, can the authors note in the Results section how many of the 724 target genes are IRDs.<br /> 11. In the Discussion on page 15 line 259, can the authors clarify if variation found in UNCEs were only associated with rare disease or also with common diseases.

      Minor edits:

      1. In abstract, the authors might consider changing the words "rare eye diseases" on lines 20 and 22 to "rare retina degeneration diseases", and on lines 88-89.
      2. In the Introduction on line 49, there seems to be a typo in the number of UCNE regions reported. 4,135 UCNE regions is supposed to be 4,351, based on the original paper (https://academic.oup.com/nar/article/41/D1/D101/1057253).
      3. In the introduction on lines 75-76, these references: Lyu et al., Cell Reports 2021, PMID: 34788628, and Zhang et al., Trends in Genetics 2023, PMID: 37423870, could be added to the following sentence to provide additional: "This cellular complexity is the result of spatiotemporally controlled gene expression programs during retinal development,"
      4. On lines 77 and 84, I would write IRD as plural: IRDs.
      5. In introduction on lines 89-90, it can be further added that you provide experimental support for an ultra rare SNV in a cis regulatory UCNE affecting PAX6.
      6. On line 98, the authors refer to Figure 1A when noting that the integration of UCNEs with multi-omics data in human retina allows to evaluate the regulatory capacity of UCNEs across the major developmental stages of human retina. However panel A in figure 1 does not seem to show this point. It shows the comparison of elements across species. Please make appropriate changes to the main text and figure legend.
      7. Please explain what the names appended to the gene symbols in the first column "UCNE ID" in Supplementary Tables 1 and 2 refer to.
      8. On line 145, can the authors clarify what they mean by "active gene expression in the retina". Is this just another way of referring to genes found to be expressed in retina? If so, it might be clearer just to write: "We annotated the identified active UCNEs to assign them potential target genes and thus assess their association with genes expressed in the retina"
      9. One line 156, I would write "regulation of transcription" as listed in the gene ontology terms in Figure 2C, instead of "regulation of gene expression". The authors might want to add this to the Discussion. Can the authors include the full gene set enrichment results from Enrichr in a supplementary table at Padj<0.05 since only the top gene sets are shown in Fig. 2C (at P<1E-13)?
      10. On page 12, line 214, what does "EH38E1530321" Stand for? It seems to specify a distal enhancer-like signatures in bipolar neurons, but I couldn't find this ID in any database.
      11. In the Methods section on lines 391-392, can the authors give some high-level explanation of the unconstrained integration method: "Single-nucleus RNA-seq of the same tissue and timepoints (GSE183684) were integrated using the unconstrained integration method". Also, can they comment on how retinal cell class identities were assigned (line 393). Was it based on known markers or on previous identification of cell classes and highly variable genes between clusters?
      12. In the integration of UCNEs with bulk and single cell ATAC-seq and DNase hypersentitivity regions, can the authors note in the Methods section (lines 400-404) what peak width was used to test for overlap with the UCNEs.
      13. On line 436, the word 'and' is missing between "(SNVs, and indels < 50bp)" and "large structural variants".
      14. On lines 443-444, please provide references to the computational tools listed. Please note if default settings/parameters were used.
      15. In the following sentence in the Methods section on lines 447-449, it is not clear in the Results section how this was used in the flow of the analysis, and how many cases showed such a similarity in phenotype: "For each candidate variant, we compared the similarities between the participant phenotype (HPO terms) and the ones known for its target gene through literature search and clinical assessment by the recruiting clinician when possible." Can the authors add more detail to the Results section.
      16. It would be helpful to have a table that describes the different omics datasets used in the paper, with some basic annotations (tissue type, sample size, reference)
      17. Can the authors add references to their sentence in the Discussion on page 17 lines 299-301: "As has been shown before, the phenotype caused by a coding mutation of a developmental gene can be different from the phenotype caused by a mutation in a CRE controlling spatiotemporal expression of this gene."


      General assessment: This is the first study to our knowledge to integrate ultraconserved noncoding elements (UNCEs) with a range of multi-omic data to identify UNCEs that may be active and their target genes in a specific tissue, in this case human retina. They also experimentally test one of the UNCE predicted to affect the expression of a given gene in retina (and potentially other tissues) in Zebrafish and confirm its transcriptional activity in the eye, to provide some functional support to their strategy. This study also demonstrates the potential value of inspecting UCNEs in prioritizing pathogenic mutations for rare disease. One limitation is the lack of statistical significance assessment of the potential causal effect of a rare variant found in a UCNE on the expression of its predicted target gene, which is a rare eye disease gene, since the linkage of the UCNE to the disease gene was performed based on bioinformatic analysis of multi-omic data. Experimental testing of the effect of some of these mutations on their target gene expression could provide additional support.

      Advance: This study addresses an important unsolved problem in the field of human genetics and rare diseases, namely the challenge of identifying pathogenic mutations that lead to rare Mendelian diseases, in particular, in noncoding regions in unsolved cases. This is the first study to consider UCNEs together with tissue or cell type specific expression, epigenetics and chromatin accessibility in detecting pathogenic mutations for retina degeneration diseases. See for example Ellingford et al., Genome Medicine 2023 (PMID: 35850704). Their demonstration of rare variants in UCNE associated with inherited retinal degeneration diseases in patients with IRD in the 100k Genomics Project suggests that the role of UCNEs in disease should be further investigated and functionally tested. This work could have important clinical implications, and also proposes a strategy for integrating UCNEs with multi-omic and genomic data.

      Audience: This work will be of interest to the human genetics and genomics community, in particular to researchers interested in uncovering the genetic basis and causal mechanisms of rare diseases, and to scientists interested in clinical applications of genetic variation. This work will also be of interest to scientists interested more broadly in understanding the regulatory effects of the noncoding regions in the genome.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1:

      1. If doable, image dynein and dynactin simultaneously in the Halo-DYNC1H1/DCTN4-SNAP iNeurons. Co-movement of dynein and dynactin towards the somatodendritic compartment and their separate movement in the anterograde direction along the axon would provide the most convincing evidence for the key claims of the manuscript.

      Please see the planned revision section for our response

      Reviewer #2:

      Major comment (requires additional experimentation)

      1. While the data presented do certainly suggest that dynein and Lis1 are transported anterogradely on separate vesicular cargoes from dynactin and Ndel1, the study would be much stronger if supported by dual imaging of dynein and dynactin to prove that these proteins do indeed move in association with separate vesicular populations. I would like to see dual-color kymograph traces showing that the proteins move independently. The authors should be able to accomplish this using their dual Halo-DYNC1H1/DCTN4-SNAP hESC line. To acquire and analyze this data might take several months, but it would greatly strengthen this paper. If the authors do this experiment, they may also be able to address the mechanism of reversal of anterograde cargoes which they speculate about in the Discussion, which would add even more interest and insight.

      Please see the planned revision section for our response

      Minor comments (addressable without additional experimentation)

      1. The authors deduce that 1-4 Halo fluorochromes corresponds to 1-2 dynein molecules. This implies that the cells are homozygous for the Halo tag, but I do not see this addressed explicitly. The authors should state explicitly whether the lines generated for their study are heterozygous or homozygous for the tag. If the cells are heterozygous, which would seem most likely, then they may be underestimating the number of dyneins per spot and should take this into account.

      We have added whether lines are homozygous or heterozygous to the manuscript. We also include a new Supplementary Figure panel (Fig S6) showing the genotyping data. In summary, all lines are homozygous except for PAFAH1B1-Halo (hESCs) which is heterozygous.

      1. Why are the moving spots lower in intensity than the NEM-treated static spots. It appears to suggest that they may be associated with different structures. This should be clarified and discussed.

      Our data suggest that the fast-moving spots have fewer dyneins than NEM treated static spots. We suggest this is because the fast-moving cargos are smaller than the average cargo and therefore have fewer dyneins on them. This is also supported by the smaller number of dyneins reported previously on endosomes as compared to the large lysosomes. We have clarified this in the discussion (page 7-8).

      1. The authors state in the Results that most of the dynein spots were diffusing, often along microtubules, but they do not visualize microtubules so how do they know this? They may need to remove the phrase "often along microtubules".

      This has been removed.

      1. At the end of the Introduction the authors state that their data "allow us to understand how the dynein machinery drives long-range transport in the axon". This is an overstatement. The "how" in this sentence is not addressed in this study.

      We have softened the sentence by adding the phrase “better understand”.

      1. The conclusion that dynein binds to cargos stably throughout their transport along the axon is based on measurements of the fastest moving cargoes but the authors do not provide data on the distribution of velocities for the entire population of retrograde cargoes. It is not valid to extrapolate the behavior of a small number of cargoes to the entire population. The average may be much slower than the fastest cargoes. Moreover, even for the fastest organelles the authors cannot say that the dynein is stably bound because they did not track single cargoes and thus do not know that the cargoes moved continuously in one single bout of movement for 500 µm; it is possible that the cargoes moved in multiple consecutive bouts interrupted by brief pauses and dynein motors may have exchanged between bouts.

      We have added a section to the discussion to highlight that other cargos may behave differently from the fastest ones (page 7). We have also clarified the assumptions that lead us to expect a slower arrival time of the first signal (page 5).

      1. The authors say that "it is clear that at least some dyneins remain on cargoes throughout their transport along the axon". As explained above, the data do not prove this so this statement should be removed.

      We have softened this sentence from “it is clear” to “our results suggest” and explained in more detail why we make this conclusion

      1. The authors note that most of the dynein spots were not moving processively and state that this is consistent with prior studies showing that only a subset of dynein is actively involved in transport. However, as they note elsewhere, dynein is both motor and cargo and most axonal dynein is transported at slow average velocities so maybe they should be more explicit about what they mean by "involved in transport".

      We have clarified we mean fast axonal transport and thank the reviewer for highlighting this point.

      1. When the authors note that most of the dynein in axons is transported in the slow component of axonal transport, they should also cite the work of Pfister and colleagues who were the first to show this (PMID 8824315 and 8552592).

      This was an omission on our part. The references have now been added.

      1. The authors propose that dynein and Lis1 are transported together but there were significantly fewer anterogradely transported Lis1 particles than dynein particles. This should be discussed.

      We have added more information to the discussion. Although we cannot rule out this effect being due to the heterozygous tagging of our LIS1 cell line, we do not witness the same decrease in events in the retrograde direction. Therefore, we believe there is a subset of anterogradely moving dynein lacking LIS1. As discussed in the manuscript, this subset may already be bound to dynactin and therefore not require LIS1.

      1. For the statistical analysis, the authors should provide p values in the legends for the comparisons that are judged to be "not significant". The authors should also be consistent in how they label differences that are not significant - they mark them as "ns" in Fig. 1, but in the other figures they do not, leaving some ambiguity about whether particular comparisons were not tested or were found to be not significant. For example, in Fig. 4C the average speed of the dynactin is about 0.5 µm/s greater than for the other proteins and the spread in the data suggest that this could be significant, but no significance is indicated on the plot, implying p>0.05. It is not clear how confident we can be that there is no difference.

      We have now included all p values in the figure legends and have removed the “ns” in Fig 1D. In our revised manuscript, only significant differences are highlighted in the figures.

      Reviewer #3:

      • if I look at the kymographs, trajectories appear rather complex, pausing, standing still, moving and everything mixed. The explanation of how actual trajectories are extracted and on what basis is very short, too short for me. I think the authors should expand this. Furthermore, I think it would be good if the authors would present, in their kymographs examples of the tracked (and also the not included) tracks. Maybe in supplementary info.

      The analysis of this data used the Trackmate Fiji plugin. This tracks spots frame to frame in a movie and then outputs the data of the tracks. No data was extracted from kymographs but they were used as a graphical illustration of the moving spots. To better explain our analysis pipeline, we have expanded our methods section and have added an example of a tracked movie (Video 15) as well as highlighted the tracked spots in one kymograph example (Figure 7S).

      • I found 'velocity' ill defined. I get the impression, judging from the number of points (compared to the other parameters) that the authors determine the average velocity of each individual trajectory. That is an important parameter (but should indeed be called 'trajectory averaged' velocity), but might not be the only one useful to learn from the data, where trajectories do not always appear to have constant speeds (pausing, etc.). Why do the authors not determine point-to-point velocities and plot histograms of those for all the trajectories (simply plot histograms of all the displacements between subsequent data points in trajectories)? This might provide great insight into the actual maximum velocity and the fraction of pausing or moving in opposite direction etc., providing much more molecular detail than currently extracted from the data.

      The reviewer is correct. We have measured the average velocity of the spots from the beginning of the track to the end. We have clarified this in the text. Furthermore, as stated above in the revision plan, we are currently doing the additional analysis and will include it in the final revision

      • I was a bit surprised to read that the authors have gone to the effort to create a dual-color labeled cell line, but did not do actual correlative two-color measurements (or at least show them). It would be so insightful to see dynein and dynactin move separately in the anterograde direction.

      Please see the planned revision section for our response.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Fellows and coauthors present a signle-molecule study toward dynein regulation in axons. They observe that dynein in vivo makes very long runs and that regulators LIS1 and NDEL1 cotransport with dynein all the (retrograde way). Remarkably, different components of the dynein complex appear to be transported in different ways/velocities in the antorograde direction. Overall experiments are well conducted, I only have a couple of important questions regarding data analysis. Some aspects should be explained better, more steps should be shown and here and there I think the authors could, with minimal effort, obtain much more out of their data (see below). Nevertheless, I think this is an important study, on of the first single-molecule efforts to understand axonal transport in the cell (see below). Key findings are important for our understanding of dynein regulation.

      My concerns:

      • if I look at the kymographs, trajectories appear rather complex, pausing, standing still, moving and everything mixed. The explanation of how actual trajectories are extracted and on what basis is very short, too short for me. I think the authors should expand this. Furthermore, I think it would be good if the authors would present, in their kymographs examples of the tracked (and also the not included) tracks. Maybe in supplementary info.
      • I found 'velocity' ill defined. I get the impression, judging from the number of points (compared to the other parameters) that the authors determine the average velocity of each individual trajectory. That is an important parameter (but should indeed be called 'trajectory averaged' velocity), but might not be the only one useful to learn from the data, where trajectories do not always appear to have constant speeds (pausing, etc.). Why do the authors not determine point-to-point velocities and plot histograms of those for all the trajectories (simply plot histograms of all the displacements between subsequent data points in trajectories)? This might provide great insight into the actual maximum velocity and the fraction of pausing or moving in opposite direction etc., providing much more molecular detail than currently extracted from the data.
      • I was a bit surprised to read that the authors have gone to the effort to create a dual-color labeled cell line, but did not do actual correlative two-color measurements (or at least show them). It would be so insightful to see dynein and dynactin move separately in the anterograde direction.

      Referee Cross-Commenting

      I think we agree on the key points:<br /> - in principle, great study<br /> - quantification / tracking could go a bit further and should be explained better<br /> - manuscript / conclusions would be strengthened substantially if the authors could do some 2-color experiments to correlated dynein / dynactin movements in anterograde vs retrograde direction.


      I think this is an important and exciting manuscript. As an in vivo single-molecule biophysicist with great interest in intracellular transport, I have been astonished in the lack of people trying to take single-molecule data on the motor involved, in particular neurons. I believe this is the only way to find out how transport actually works and what role motors play. Mutants is not enough, bulk data is not enough, in vitro is not enough. This is what the field needs (and many in the field do not seem to be aware of this...). Great that Fellows and coauthors took on this task and show some really exciting data. I am not an expert on their stem-cell labeling approach so cannot judge on that. The imaging seems to be done well. As discussed above, I think there might be much more in the data than the authors now get out, so I would encourage them to do some additional analysis. But overall, this effort is important and I think the conclusions will stand and provide important new insights in dynein regulation in the cell.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary - The authors use a CRISPR knock-in gene editing strategy to label endogenous dynein, dynactin (p62 or Arp11) and dynein regulators (Ndel1 and Lis1) with Halo or SNAP tags. They do this in human iPSC and ESC cell lines engineered to express doxycycline-inducible NGN2 cloned into a "safe harbor" site of the genome. They induce the cells to differentiate into iNeurons using doxycycline and image the tagged proteins in axons with single molecule sensitivity using HILO illumination. The paper is clearly written, the description of the methods is thorough, and the data and figures (including the videos) are of good quality. The use of gene editing to knock the tags into the endogenous gene loci is a superior strategy to classic overexpression strategies. The authors also make effective use of microfluidic chambers to ensure the axons are uniformly orientated and coaligned over a distance of 500µm.

      Major comment (requires additional experimentation)

      1. While the data presented do certainly suggest that dynein and Lis1 are transported anterogradely on separate vesicular cargoes from dynactin and Ndel1, the study would be much stronger if supported by dual imaging of dynein and dynactin to prove that these proteins do indeed move in association with separate vesicular populations. I would like to see dual-color kymograph traces showing that the proteins move independently. The authors should be able to accomplish this using their dual Halo-DYNC1H1/DCTN4-SNAP hESC line. To acquire and analyze this data might take several months, but it would greatly strengthen this paper. If the authors do this experiment, they may also be able to address the mechanism of reversal of anterograde cargoes which they speculate about in the Discussion, which would add even more interest and insight.

      Minor comments (addressable without additional experimentation)

      1. The authors deduce that 1-4 Halo fluorochromes corresponds to 1-2 dynein molecules. This implies that the cells are homozygous for the Halo tag, but I do not see this addressed explicitly. The authors should state explicitly whether the lines generated for their study are heterozygous or homozygous for the tag. If the cells are heterozygous, which would seem most likely, then they may be underestimating the number of dyneins per spot and should take this into account.
      2. Why are the moving spots lower in intensity than the NEM-treated static spots. It appears to suggest that they may be associated with different structures. This should be clarified and discussed.
      3. The authors state in the Results that most of the dynein spots were diffusing, often along microtubules, but they do not visualize microtubules so how do they know this? They may need to remove the phrase "often along microtubules".
      4. At the end of the Introduction the authors state that their data "allow us to understand how the dynein machinery drives long-range transport in the axon". This is an overstatement. The "how" in this sentence is not addressed in this study.
      5. The conclusion that dynein binds to cargos stably throughout their transport along the axon is based on measurements of the fastest moving cargoes but the authors do not provide data on the distribution of velocities for the entire population of retrograde cargoes. It is not valid to extrapolate the behavior of a small number of cargoes to the entire population. The average may be much slower than the fastest cargoes. Moreover, even for the fastest organelles the authors cannot say that the dynein is stably bound because they did not track single cargoes and thus do not know that the cargoes moved continuously in one single bout of movement for 500 µm; it is possible that the cargoes moved in multiple consecutive bouts interrupted by brief pauses and dynein motors may have exchanged between bouts.
      6. The authors say that "it is clear that at least some dyneins remain on cargoes throughout their transport along the axon". As explained above, the data do not prove this so this statement should be removed.
      7. The authors note that most of the dynein spots were not moving processively and state that this is consistent with prior studies showing that only a subset of dynein is actively involved in transport. However, as they note elsewhere, dynein is both motor and cargo and most axonal dynein is transported at slow average velocities so maybe they should be more explicit about what they mean by "involved in transport".
      8. When the authors note that most of the dynein in axons is transported in the slow component of axonal transport, they should also cite the work of Pfister and colleagues who were the first to show this (PMID 8824315 and 8552592).
      9. The authors propose that dynein and Lis1 are transported together but there were significantly fewer anterogradely transported Lis1 particles than dynein particles. This should be discussed.
      10. For the statistical analysis, the authors should provide p values in the legends for the comparisons that are judged to be "not significant". The authors should also be consistent in how they label differences that are not significant - they mark them as "ns" in Fig. 1, but in the other figures they do not, leaving some ambiguity about whether particular comparisons were not tested or were found to be not significant. For example, in Fig. 4C the average speed of the dynactin is about 0.5 µm/s greater than for the other proteins and the spread in the data suggest that this could be significant, but no significance is indicated on the plot, implying p>0.05. It is not clear how confident we can be that there is no difference.

      Referee Cross-Commenting

      There seems to be agreement among all three reviewers that the authors should perform dual imaging of dynein and dynactin to prove that these proteins do indeed move together in the retrograde direction but separately in the anterograde direction. This would strengthen the study greatly.


      General assessment - There are now multiple papers that have analyzed axonal transport of cargoes in iPSC-derived neurons, but this one appears to be the first to do it by tagging dynein motors and with single-molecule sensitivity. The principal conclusions are (1) that dynein is capable of long-range movement in axons and (2) that dynein moves dynein/Lis1 complexes are transported anterogradely in association with distinct cargoes from dynactin/Ndel1 complexes. The former is a modest conclusion and is entirely expected so not very impactful, but the latter is interesting and novel. The difference between the average velocities for the four proteins in the anterograde and retrograde directions is striking. All four move at similar velocities in the retrograde direction but in the anterograde direction, dynein and Lis1 move significantly faster than dynactin and Ndel1. Given these data, it is reasonable to infer that these proteins are being transported in two separate sets of cargoes. As the authors note in their Discussion, this is important because it could provide a mechanism for transporting dynein components anterogradely in a less active form that could then be activated when the components come together in the distal axon. However, I feel that one critical experiment is missing, which is to perform dual labeling of anterogradely transported dynein and dynactin in the same cells (see major comment). Without this experiment, the evidence is indirect.

      Audience - If confirmed by the dual labeling experiment, the authors' conclusions would represent a conceptual and mechanistic insight into the mechanism of bidirectional transport in axons that would be of broad interest to neuronal cell biologists studying neuronal trafficking.

      Expertise - This reviewer has expertise in the neuronal cytoskeleton, live imaging and axonal transport and has some experience working with iPSC-derived neurons.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      To image dynein in the axon at a single-molecule level, Fellows et al. used neuron-inducible human stem cell lines to Halo/SNAP tag endogenous dynein components by gene editing, and visualized fluorescently labeled protein molecules in differentiated neurons in microfluidic chambers by HILO microscopy-based live imaging. Using those cutting edge technologies, the authors demonstrate that in the axon, not only dynein and dynactin but also the dynein regulators LIS1 and NDEL1 can move long distance retrogradely towards the somatodendritic compartment. They also show that dynein /LIS1 move faster than dynactin/NDEL1 in the anterograde direction, suggesting that they are delivered separately to the distal end of the axon. The approach to study subcellular motility of endogenous dynein/dynactin is creative, the data are solid. I would like to suggest one experiment to support more strongly the authors' conclusions:<br /> If doable, image dynein and dynactin simultaneously in the Halo-DYNC1H1/DCTN4-SNAP iNeurons. Comovement of dynein and dynactin towards the somatodendritic compartment and their separate movement in the anterograde direction along the axon would provide the most convincing evidence for the key claims of the manuscript.

      Referee Cross-Commenting

      I agree with Reviewer 2 that the authors should clarify whether the knockin lines for dynein are homozygous. I also agree with both Reviewers 2 and 3 that the authors should do more analysis of the kymographs to obtain more information.


      This is an elegant study on dynein motility and transport in vivo. The experimental approaches and findings presented in this manuscript are very valuable contributions to the field of dynein/dynactin and axonal transport. The results showing that dynein/dynactin can move long-range retrogradely in the axon are in good agreement with previous findings that dynein-driven cargo transport is highly processive, and the data suggesting that dynein and dynactin/NDEL1 are trafficked separately to the distal tip of the axon provide new insights into the regulatory mechanisms for the subcellular distribution and activity of molecular motors. Together these findings provide conceptual advances for understanding axonal transport. They will be of great interest to not only scientists in the field of intracellular transport but also those in cellular neurobiology.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):


      The article titled "The tRNA thiolation-mediated translational control is essential for plant immunity" by Zheng et al. highlights the critical role of tRNA thiolation in Arabidopsis plant immunity through comprehensive analysis, including genetics, transcriptional, translational, and proteomic approaches. Through their investigation, the authors identified a cbp mutant, resulting in the knockout of ROL5, and discovered that ROL5 and CTU2 form a complex responsible for catalyzing the mcm5s2U modification, which plays a pivotal role in immune regulation. The findings from this study unveil a novel regulatory mechanism for plant defense. Undoubtedly, this discovery is innovative and holds significant potential impact. However, before considering publication, it is necessary for the authors to address the various questions raised in the manuscript concerning the experiments and analysis to ensure the reliability of the study's conclusions.

      Response: Thank you very much for your support and suggestions!

      Here is Comments:

      Line 64-65:

      The author mentioned that 'While NPR1 is a positive regulator of SA signaling, NPR3 and NPR4 are negative regulators.' However, several recent discoveries are suggesting that it may not be a definitive fact that NPR3 and NPR4 are negative regulators. Therefore, I recommend the authors to review this section in light of the findings from recent papers and make necessary edits to reflect the most current understanding.

      Response: Thank you for your feedback. Since we mainly focused on NPR1 in this study, we removed this sentence to avoid confusion. We provided additional information about NPR1 in the Introduction section to emphasize the importance of NPR1 (Line 64-68).

      Line 182- & Figure 4:

      The author conducted RNA-seq, Ribo-seq, and proteome analysis. Describing the analysis as "transcriptional and translational" using RNA-seq and proteome data seems not entirely accurate. Proteome data compared with RNA-seq not only reflects translational changes but may also encompass post-translational regulations that contribute to the observed differences. To maintain precision, the title of this section should either be modified to "transcriptional and protein analysis" or, alternatively, compare RNA-seq and Ribo-seq data to demonstrate the transcriptional and translational changes more explicitly.

      Responses: Thank you for your suggestions. We agree with you and thus change the description accordingly throughout the manuscript.

      Line 229-235 and Figure 5C:

      The interpretation of Figure 5C's polysome profiling results is inconclusive. There does not seem to be a noticeable difference in polysomal fractions between the cab mutant and CAM. The observed differences in the overlay of multiple polysome fractions between cab and COM could be primarily influenced by baseline variations rather than a significant decrease in the polynomial fractions in cpg. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully review other relevant papers that discuss polysome fraction data and their analysis. By doing so, the authors can make the appropriate corrections to ensure accurate interpretations.

      Responses: Thank you for your comments. We agree that the difference between cgb and COM was not dramatic visually. This is a common feature of polysome profiling assay (e.g. Extended Data Fig. 1f in Nature 545: 487–490; Fig. 1c in Nature Plants, 9: 289–301). In our case, the difference between polysome fractions was unlikely due to the baseline variation for two reasons. First, baseline variation affects monosome and polysome fractions in the same way. However, our results showed the monosome fraction of cgb is higher than that of COM, whereas the polysome fraction of cgb is lower than that of COM. Second, this result was repeatedly detected. For better visualization, we adjusted the scale of Y axis in the revised manuscript (Figure 5D).

      Line 482 Ion Leakage assay:

      I could not find the ion leakage assay in this manuscript, so I wonder why it is mentioned.

      Response: We are sorry for the mistake. The Ion leakage data were included in previous visions of the manuscript. We removed the data but forgot to remove the corresponding method in the present version.

      Materials and Methods:

      To enhance the reproducibility of the study, the authors should provide a more detailed description of the materials and methods, especially for critical experiments like the Yeast-two-hybrid assays. Clear documentation of specific reagents, strains, and protocols used, along with information on controls, will bolster the validity of the results and facilitate future research in this area.

      Response: Thank you for your suggestions. We provided more details in the methods. For yeast two-hybrid assays, the vector information was included in “Vector constructions” section.

      Minor Point:

      Line 61: There is a space between ')' and '.', which needs to be edited.

      Response: The space was deleted.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance): This study holds significant importance within the field of plant immunity research. The authors have made valuable contributions through their comprehensive analysis, encompassing genetics, transcriptional, translational, and proteomic approaches, to elucidate the critical role of tRNA thiolation in plant immunity. One of the major strengths of this study lies in its ability to shed light on a previously unknown regulatory mechanism for plant defense. By identifying the cbp mutant and investigating the role of ROL5 and CTU2 in catalyzing the mcm5s2U modification, the authors have unveiled a novel aspect of plant immune regulation. This innovative discovery provides a deeper understanding of the intricate molecular processes governing immunity in plants.

      Moreover, the study's findings are not limited to the immediate field of plant immunity but also have broader implications for the scientific community. By employing diverse methodologies, the authors have demonstrated how tRNA thiolation exerts control over both transcriptional and translational reprogramming, revealing intricate links between these processes. This integrative approach sets a precedent for future research in the field of plant molecular biology and opens up new avenues for investigating other aspects of immune regulation.

      In terms of its relevance, the study's findings have the potential to captivate researchers across various disciplines, such as plant biology, molecular genetics, and translational research. The insights gained from this study may inspire researchers to explore further the role of tRNA in other regulation.

      Response: Thank you very much for your positive comments and support!

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity): The authors presented an intriguing and previously unknown mechanism that the tRNA mcm5s2U modification regulates plant immunity through the SA signaling pathway, specifically by controlling NPR1 translation. The manuscript was well-written and logically structured, allowing for a clear understanding of the research. The authors provided strong and persuasive data to support their key claims. However, further improvement is required to strengthen the conclusion that mcm5s2U regulates plant immunity by controlling NPR1 translation.

      Response: Thank you very much for your positive comments and support!

      Major comments:

      1. NPR1 translation should be examined to verify the Mass Spec (Figure 5B) and polysome profiling data (Figure 5D) by checking the NPR1 protein and mRNA level using antibodies and qPCR, respectively, in the cgb mutant background to establish a concrete confirmation of CGB regulation in NPR1 translation.

      Response: This is a very constructive suggestion. We performed these experiments and found that the transcription levels of NPR1 were similar between COM and cgb both before and after PsmES4326 infection (Figure S2), which is consistent with RNA-Seq data. Consistent with the Mass Spec and polysome profiling data, the NPR1 protein level was much higher in COM than that in cgb(Figure 5C) after Psm ES4326 infection. Together, these data further supported our conclusion that translation of NPR1 is impaired in cgb.

      1. Analyzing the genetic epistasis of CGB and NPR1 to check if CGB regulates plant immunity through the NPR1-dependent SA signal pathway. If the authors' claim is valid, I would expect no addictive effect on bacterial growth in the cgb/npr1 double mutant compared to the single mutants. Due to the broad impact of CGB on plant signaling (Figures 4E and 4F), the SA protection assay, which concentrates on the SA signal pathway, needs to be tested in WT, cgb and npr1 plants as an alternative assay to the genetic epistasis analysis. I expect that the SA-mediated protection is also compromised in cgb mutant background.

      Response: Thank you for your suggestions. We did examine the growth of Psm ES4326 in the cgb npr1_double mutant and found that _cgb npr1 was significantly more susceptible than npr1 and cgb (Figure below). Although the additive effects were observed, this result was not against our conclusion for the following reasons. First, the translation of NPR1 was reduced rather than completely blocked in cgb. In other words, NPR1 still has some function in cgb. But in the cgb npr1 double mutant, the function of NPR1 is completely abolished, which explains why cgb npr1 was more susceptible than cgb. Second, in addition to NPR1, some other immune regulators (such as PAD4, EDS5, and SAG101) were also compromised in cgb(Figure 5B), which explained why cgb npr1 was more susceptible than npr1. Since the result of the genetic analysis was not intuitive, we decided not to include it in the manuscript.

      SA signaling is known to regulate both basal resistance and systemic acquired resistance (SA-mediated protection). We have shown that cgb is defective in the defect of basal resistance, which cgb is sufficient to support our conclusion that the tRNA thiolation is essential for plant immunity. We agree that it is expected that the SA-mediated protection is also compromised in cgb. We will test this in the future study.

      1. Could the authors comment on why using COM instead of WT as a control to perform the majority of the experiments?

      Response: Thank you for your comments. In addition to ROL5, the cgb mutant may have other mutations compared with WT.COM is a complementation line in the cgb background. Therefore, the genetic background between COM and cgb may be more similar than that of WT and cgb.

      1. In Figure 5E, why does ACTIN2 have an enhanced translation while NPR1 shows a compromised one in cgb mutant? How does the mcm5s2U distinguish NPR1 and ACTIN2 codons? Does mcm5s2U modification have both positive and negative roles in regulating protein translation?

      Response: Thank you for raising this question. As previously reported, loss of the mcm5s2U modification causes ribosome pausing at AAA and CAA codons. Therefore, the translation of the mRNAs with more GAA/CAA/AAA codons (called s2 codon) is likely to be affected more dramatically in cgb. We have analyzed the percentage of s2 codon at whole-genome level (Figure below). The average percentage is 8.5%, while NPR1 contains 10.1% s2 codon and actin contains only 4.5% s2 codon. When fewer ribosomes are used for translation of the mRNAs with high s2 codon percentage, more ribosomes are available for translation of the mRNAs with low s2 codon percentage, which may account for the enhanced translation efficiency. To focus on NPR1 and to avoid confusion, we removed the ACTIN data in the revised manuscript.

      1. Specify the protein amount used for the in vitro pull-down assay and agrobacteria concentration used for the tobacco Co-IP assay in the protocol section.

      Response: We added this information in Method section in the revised manuscript.

      4. Delete the SA quantification and Ion leakage assay in the protocol, which are not used in the study.

      Response: We are sorry for the mistake. The SA quantification and ion leakage data were included in previous visions of the manuscript. We removed the data but forgot to remove the corresponding method in the present version. We deleted them in the revised manuscript.

      1. The strain Pst DC3000 avrRPT2 was not used in this study. Please remove it.

      Response: We are sorry for the mistake. The strain Pst DC3000 avrRPT2 was used for ion leakage assay in previous visions of the manuscript. We deleted it in the revised manuscript.

      1. In Figure 5F, did the 59 genes tested overlap with the 366 attenuated proteins in the cgb mutant? Were the 59 genes translationally regulated?

      Response: Thank you for your suggestion. Venn diagram analysis revealed that 12 genes (about 20%) are also attenuated proteins, suggesting that the mcm5s2U modification regulates the translation of some SA-responsive genes.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance): The authors' study is significant as it establishes the first connection between tRNA mcm5s2U modification and plant immunity, specifically by regulating NPR1 protein translation. This research expands our understanding of the biological role of tRNA mcm5s2U modification and highlights the importance of translational control in plant immunity. It is likely to captivate scientists working in this field.

      Response: Thank you very much for your positive comments and support!

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      In this manuscript, the authors identified a cgb mutant that carries a mutation in the ROL5 gene Both the cgb mutant and the newly created rol5-c mutant are susceptible to the bacterial pathogen Psm. The authors showed that ROL5 interacts with CTU2, the Arabidopsis homologous protein of the yeast tRNA thiolation enzyme NCS2. A ctu2-1 mutant is also susceptible to Psm, suggesting the tRNA thiolation may play a role in plant immunity. Indeed, tRNA mcm5S2U levels are undetectable in rol5-c and ctu2-1 mutants. The authors found that the cgb mutation significantly attenuated basal and Psm-induced transcriptome and proteome changes. Furthermore, it was found that the translation efficiency of a group of SA signaling-related proteins including NPR1 is compromised.

      The manuscript provides solid evidence for the involvement of ROL5 and CTU2 in plant immunity using the rol5 and ctu2 mutants. The authors may consider the following suggestions and comments to improve the manuscript.

      Response: Thank you very much for your support and suggestions!

      1. The function of the Elongator complex in tRNA modification/thiolation has been extensively studied. In Arabidopsis Elongator mutants, mcm5S2U levels are very low, similar to the levels in the rol5 and ctu2 mutants (Mehlgarten et al., 2010, Mol Microbiology, 76, 1082-1094; Leitner et al., 2015 Cell Rep). In elp mutants, the PIN protein levels are reduced without reduced mRNA levels (Leitner et al., 2015), indicating that Elongator-mediated tRNA modification is involved in translation regulation. The Elongator complex plays an important role in plant immunity, though the reduced mcm5S2U levels in elp mutants were not proposed as the exclusive cause of the immune phenotypes. In fact, it would be difficult to establish a cause-effect relationship between tRNA modification and immunity. These results should be discussed in the manuscript.

      Response: Thank you very much for your insightful comment on the role of the ELP complex in tRNA modification and plant immunity. We added a paragraph discussing the ELP complex in the revised manuscript (Line 280-295).

      In addition to tRNA modification, the ELP complex has several other distinct activities including histone acetylation, α-tubulin acetylation, and DNA demethylation. Therefore, it is difficult to dissect which activity of the ELP complex contributes to plant immunity. However, the only known activity of ROL5 and CTU2 is to catalyze tRNA thiolation. Considering that the elp, rol5, and ctu2 mutants are all defective in tRNA thiolation, it is likely the tRNA modification activity of the ELP complex underlies its function in plant immunity.

      1. The interaction between CTU2 and ROL5 in Y2H has previously been reported (Philipp et al., 2014). The same report also showed reduced tRNA thiolation in the ctu2-2 mutant using polyacrylamide gel. These results should be mentioned/discussed in the manuscript.

      Response: Thank you for pointing them out. We added this information in the revised version (Line 146-147).

      1. tRNA modification unlikely plays a unique role in plant immunity. It can be inferred that mutations affecting tRNA modification (rol5, ctu2, elp, etc.) would delay both internal and external stimulus-induced signaling including immune signaling.

      Response: We agree with you that tRNA modification has other roles in addition to plant immunity. In the Discussion section, we have mentioned that “it was found that tRNA thiolation is required for heat stress tolerance (Xu et al., 2020). ……It will also be interesting to test whether tRNA thiolation is required for responses to other stresses such as drought, salinity, and cold.” (Line276-279).

      1. It would be interesting to conduct statistical analyses on the genetic codons used in the CDSs whose translation was attenuated as described in the manuscript. Do these genes including NPR1 use more than average levels of AAA, CAA, and GAA codons? If not, why their translation is impaired?

      Response: Thank you for your suggestion. We called GAA/CAA/AAA codons s2 codon. We have analyzed the percentage of s2 codon at whole-genome level (Figure below). NPR1 does contain more s2 codon (10.1%) than the average level (8.5%). We are preparing another manuscript, which will report the relationship between s2 codon and translation.

      Referees cross-commenting

      It is important to put current research in the context of available knowledge in the field. The digram in Figure 3C shows that the Elongator complex functions upstream of ROL5 & CTU2 in modifying tRNA. The function of Elongator in plant immunity has been well established. The similarities and differences should be discussed. Additionally, it may no be a good idea to claim that the results are novel.

      Response: Thank you for your comments. We added a paragraph discussing the ELP complex in the revised manuscript (Line 280-295). The ELP complex catalyzes the cm5U modification, which is the precursor of mcm5s2U catalyzed by ROL5 and CTU2. In addition to tRNA modification, the ELP complex has several other distinct activities including histone acetylation, α-tubulin acetylation, and DNA demethylation. Therefore, it is difficult to dissect which activity of the ELP complex contributes to plant immunity. However, the only known activity of ROL5 and CTU2 is to catalyze tRNA thiolation. Considering that the elp, rol5, and ctu2 mutants are all defective in tRNA thiolation, it is likely the tRNA modification activity of the ELP complex underlies its function in plant immunity. Therefore, our study improved our understanding of the ELP complex in plant immunity. We have deleted the words “new” and “novel” throughout the manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance): The manuscript provides solid evidence for the involvement of ROL5 and CTU2 in plant immunity. However, the authors did not acknowledge the existing results about the Elongator complex that functions in the same pathway in modifying tRNA. The involvement of Elongator in plant immunity has been well established. The cause-effect relationship between tRNA modification and plant immunity is difficult to demonstrate.

      Response: We think that the cause-effect relationship between the activities of the ELP complex and plant immunity is difficult to demonstrate because the ELP complex has several distinct activities other than tRNA modification. However, since the only known activity of ROL5 and CTU2 is to catalyze tRNA thiolation, the cause-effect relationship between tRNA thiolation and plant immunity is clear, which indicated that the tRNA modification activity of the ELP complex contributes to plant immunity.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, the authors identified a cgb mutant that carries a mutation in the ROL5 gene Both the cgb mutant and the newly created rol5-c mutant are susceptible to the bacterial pathogen Psm. The authors showed that ROL5 interacts with CTU2, the Arabidopsis homologous protein of the yeast tRNA thiolation enzyme NCS2. A ctu2-1 mutant is also susceptible to Psm, suggesting the tRNA thiolation may play a role in plant immunity. Indeed, tRNA mcm5S2U levels are undetectable in rol5-c and ctu2-1 mutants. The authors found that the cgb mutation significantly attenuated basal and Psm-induced transcriptome and proteome changes. Furthermore, it was found that the translation efficiency of a group of SA signaling-related proteins including NPR1 is compromised.

      The manuscript provides solid evidence for the involvement of ROL5 and CTU2 in plant immunity using the rol5 and ctu2 mutants. The authors may consider the following suggestions and comments to improve the manuscript.

      1. The function of the Elongator complex in tRNA modification/thiolation has been extensively studied. In Arabidopsis Elongator mutants, mcm5S2U levels are very low, similar to the levels in the rol5 and ctu2 mutants (Mehlgarten et al., 2010, Mol Microbiology, 76, 1082-1094; Leitner et al., 2015 Cell Rep). In elp mutants, the PIN protein levels are reduced without reduced mRNA levels (Leitner et al., 2015), indicating that Elongator-mediated tRNA modification is involved in translation regulation. The Elongator complex plays an important role in plant immunity, though the reduced mcm5S2U levels in elp mutants were not proposed as the exclusive cause of the immune phenotypes. In fact, it would be difficult to establish a cause-effect relationship between tRNA modification and immunity. These results should be discussed in the manuscript.
      2. The interaction between CTU2 and ROL5 in Y2H has previously been reported (Philipp et al., 2014). The same report also showed reduced tRNA thiolation in the ctu2-2 mutant using polyacrylamide gel. These results should be mentioned/discussed in the manuscript.
      3. tRNA modification unlikely plays a unique role in plant immunity. It can be inferred that mutations affecting tRNA modification (rol5, ctu2, elp, etc.) would delay both internal and external stimulus-induced signaling including immune signaling.
      4. It would be interesting to conduct statistical analyses on the genetic codons used in the CDSs whose translation was attenuated as described in the manuscript. Do these genes including NPR1 use more than average levels of AAA, CAA, and GAA codons? If not, why their translation is impaired?

      Referees cross-commenting

      It is important to put current research in the context of available knowledge in the field. The digram in Figure 3C shows that the Elongator complex functions upstream of ROL5 & CTU2 in modifying tRNA. The function of Elongator in plant immunity has been well established. The similarities and differences should be discussed. Additionally, it may no be a good idea to claim that the results are novel.


      The manuscript provides solid evidence for the involvement of ROL5 and CTU2 in plant immunity. However, the authors did not acknowledge the existing results about the Elongator complex that functions in the same pathway in modifying tRNA. The involvement of Elongator in plant immunity has been well established. The cause-effect relationship between tRNA modification and plant immunity is difficult to demonstrate.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors presented an intriguing and previously unknown mechanism that the tRNA mcm5s2U modification regulates plant immunity through the SA signaling pathway, specifically by controlling NPR1 translation. The manuscript was well-written and logically structured, allowing for a clear understanding of the research. The authors provided strong and persuasive data to support their key claims. However, further improvement is required to strengthen the conclusion that mcm5s2U regulates plant immunity by controlling NPR1 translation.

      Major comments:

      1. NPR1 translation should be examined to verify the Mass Spec (Figure 5B) and polysome profiling data (Figure 5D) by checking the NPR1 protein and mRNA level using antibodies and qPCR, respectively, in the cgb mutant background to establish a concrete confirmation of CGB regulation in NPR1 translation.
      2. Analyzing the genetic epistasis of CGB and NPR1 to check if CGB regulates plant immunity through the NPR1-dependent SA signal pathway. If the authors' claim is valid, I would expect no addictive effect on bacterial growth in the cgb/npr1 double mutant compared to the single mutants. Due to the broad impact of CGB on plant signaling (Figures 4E and 4F), the SA protection assay, which concentrates on the SA signal pathway, needs to be tested in WT, cgb and npr1 plants as an alternative assay to the genetic epistasis analysis. I expect that the SA-mediated protection is also compromised in cgb mutant background.

      Minor comments:

      1. Could the authors comment on why using COM instead of WT as a control to perform the majority of the experiments?
      2. In Figure 5E, why does ACTIN2 have an enhanced translation while NPR1 shows a compromised one in cgb mutant? How does the mcm5s2U distinguish NPR1 and ACTIN2 codons? Does mcm5s2U modification have both positive and negative roles in regulating protein translation?
      3. Specify the protein amount used for the in vitro pull-down assay and agobacterial concentration used for the tobacco Co-IP assay in the protocol section.
      4. Delete the SA quantification and Ion leakage assay in the protocol, which are not used in the study.
      5. The strain Pst DC3000 avrRPT2 was not used in this study. Please remove it.
      6. In Figure 5F, did the 59 genes tested overlap with the 366 attenuated proteins in the cgb mutant? Were the 59 genes translationally regulated?


      The authors' study is significant as it establishes the first connection between tRNA mcm5s2U modification and plant immunity, specifically by regulating NPR1 protein translation. This research expands our understanding of the biological role of tRNA mcm5s2U modification and highlights the importance of translational control in plant immunity. It is likely to captivate scientists working in this field.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The article titled "The tRNA thiolation-mediated translational control is essential for plant immunity" by Zheng et al. highlights the critical role of tRNA thiolation in Arabidopsis plant immunity through comprehensive analysis, including genetics, transcriptional, translational, and proteomic approaches. Through their investigation, the authors identified a cbp mutant, resulting in the knockout of ROL5, and discovered that ROL5 and CTU2 form a complex responsible for catalyzing the mcm5s2U modification, which plays a pivotal role in immune regulation. The findings from this study unveil a novel regulatory mechanism for plant defense. Undoubtedly, this discovery is innovative and holds significant potential impact. However, before considering publication, it is necessary for the authors to address the various questions raised in the manuscript concerning the experiments and analysis to ensure the reliability of the study's conclusions.

      Here is Comments:

      Line 64-65:<br /> The author mentioned that 'While NPR1 is a positive regulator of SA signaling, NPR3 and NPR4 are negative regulators.' However, several recent discoveries are suggesting that it may not be a definitive fact that NPR3 and NPR4 are negative regulators. Therefore, I recommend the authors to review this section in light of the findings from recent papers and make necessary edits to reflect the most current understanding.

      Line 182- & Figure 4:<br /> The author conducted RNA-seq, Ribo-seq, and proteome analysis. Describing the analysis as "transcriptional and translational" using RNA-seq and proteome data seems not entirely accurate. Proteome data compared with RNA-seq not only reflects translational changes but may also encompass post-translational regulations that contribute to the observed differences. To maintain precision, the title of this section should either be modified to "transcriptional and protein analysis" or, alternatively, compare RNA-seq and Ribo-seq data to demonstrate the transcriptional and translational changes more explicitly.

      Line 229-235 and Figure 5C:<br /> The interpretation of Figure 5C's polysome profiling results is inconclusive. There does not seem to be a noticeable difference in polysomal fractions between the cab mutant and CAM. The observed differences in the overlay of multiple polysome fractions between cab and COM could be primarily influenced by baseline variations rather than a significant decrease in the polynomial fractions in cpg. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully review other relevant papers that discuss polysome fraction data and their analysis. By doing so, the authors can make the appropriate corrections to ensure accurate interpretations.

      Line 482 Ion Leakage assay:

      I could not find the ion leakage assay in this manuscript, so I wonder why it is mentioned.

      Materials and Methods:

      To enhance the reproducibility of the study, the authors should provide a more detailed description of the materials and methods, especially for critical experiments like the Yeast-two-hybrid assays. Clear documentation of specific reagents, strains, and protocols used, along with information on controls, will bolster the validity of the results and facilitate future research in this area.

      Minor Point:

      Line 61: There is a space between ')' and '.', which needs to be edited.


      This study holds significant importance within the field of plant immunity research. The authors have made valuable contributions through their comprehensive analysis, encompassing genetics, transcriptional, translational, and proteomic approaches, to elucidate the critical role of tRNA thiolation in plant immunity. One of the major strengths of this study lies in its ability to shed light on a previously unknown regulatory mechanism for plant defense. By identifying the cbp mutant and investigating the role of ROL5 and CTU2 in catalyzing the mcm5s2U modification, the authors have unveiled a novel aspect of plant immune regulation. This innovative discovery provides a deeper understanding of the intricate molecular processes governing immunity in plants.

      Moreover, the study's findings are not limited to the immediate field of plant immunity but also have broader implications for the scientific community. By employing diverse methodologies, the authors have demonstrated how tRNA thiolation exerts control over both transcriptional and translational reprogramming, revealing intricate links between these processes. This integrative approach sets a precedent for future research in the field of plant molecular biology and opens up new avenues for investigating other aspects of immune regulation.

      In terms of its relevance, the study's findings have the potential to captivate researchers across various disciplines, such as plant biology, molecular genetics, and translational research. The insights gained from this study may inspire researchers to explore further the role of tRNA in other regulation.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      General Statements

      In this manuscript, we describe a LINC complex-dependent centrosome positioning mechanism that takes place during the early stages of mitotic spindle assembly. We are grateful to the reviewers for their comments and suggestions and hope the proposed revision plan addresses all concerns raised. We are pleased that reviewers recognize the excellent technical quality of the experiments and the significance of the work presented in this manuscript.

      Description of the planned revisions

      Reviewer 1

      • “Moreover, we demonstrate this mechanism is altered in cancer cells, leading to increased chromosome segregation errors. » Here the authors infer that the identified mechanism is absent in cancer cells and that its absence contributes to chromosome segregation errors. Both conclusions are not supported by the presented data. First, the authors did not test whether any members of the LINC complex or dynactin is present at lower levels on the nuclear membranes of the cancer cells. Such a direct validation would be essential to make such a strong statement. Second, the authors conclude that this mechanism prevents chromosome segregation errors, based on the fact that depletion or impairment of the LINC complex (shSUN1, shSUN2, DN-KASH) results in chromosome segregation errors. These perturbations lead, however, as noted by the authors themselves to pleiotropic effects, including insufficient retraction of nuclear membrane, which can all contribute to chromosome segregation errors. It is therefore impossible to estimate the contribution of the centrosome positioning mechanism to these segregation errors using this type of perturbations. One could even argue that this mechanism might not be that important, since depletion of SUN2, which also impairs centrosome positioning has no significant effect on chromosome segregation.

      We agree with the reviewer that an analysis of the levels of LINC complex components and dynactin in cancer cells is lacking. For this reason, we propose to analyze the levels of SUN1, SUN2, dynactin and Nesprins by immunofluorescence in all cell lines. In addition, we have now re-written the manuscript regarding the chromosome segregation phenotype, to clarify that the observed phenotypes are not necessarily due to centrosome positioning defects.

      Reviewer 2

      “The authors need some other NE protein as a control to show that the reduction of dynein by DN-KASH is a specific defect and not a broad impact on the NE. The dynein data in Figs. 5J-L need to be extended to SUN1/2”.

      We thank the reviewer for these suggestions. To clarify this point, we will analyze the levels of lamin B following expression of DN-KASH or DPPPL-KASH. This will allow us to determine whether expression of the DN-KASH construct only affects dynein and not other NE proteins. In addition, we will analyze dynactin levels following SUN1 and SUN2 depletion.

      Reviewer 3:

      “Fig. 3: I suggest to quantify the lamin B1 and LBR overexpression levels”.

      According to the reviewer´s suggestion, we will perform a WB analysis of the cells overexpressing lamin B1 and LBR and quantify its levels.

      Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript.

      Reviewer 1

      • “The authors conclude based on three cell lines that the centrosome positioning mechanisms is present in non-transformed cells and not in cancerous cells. The authors have, however, only analysed 1 non-cancerous cell line, and they compare cells originating from vastly different tissues (retina, bones and breast) and origins (epithelial vs. mesenchymal cartilage cells). Such a general statement is not possible, without a systematic comparison of several healthy cells vs cancerous cells from the same tissue”.

      We agree with this reviewer´s comment, which is also shared by the other reviewers. Accordingly, we have now extensively rewritten the manuscript to tone down this statement and focus on the role of the LINC complex in determining centrosome positioning.

      • “While the data showing that centrosome positioning depends on the LINC complex is solid and robust, some of the "negative" examples identified by the authors are less convincing. One the process the authors study is cell rounding. Based on the fact that Rap1 transfection or treatment with Calyculin A does not lead to differences that are statistically different, the authors conclude that cell rounding is not involved. However, absence of statistical difference does not mean that there is no difference. Indeed, when comparing the raw data in Figure 2L and 2Q to the positive hit shSun2 in Figure 4J, one could conclude that cell rounding does make a difference, and that this statistical difference would emerge if the authors would count a high number of cells. Therefore the authors should interpret these results in a more differentiated manner, and also instead of just stating nonsignificant, state also the real p-values for the different experiment”.

      According to the reviewer´s suggestion, we have now added all p values to the respective graphs and interpreted these results in a more step-by-step manner. Moreover, while we understand the reviewer`s comment regarding our sample size, it should be noted that this is a single-cell, high-resolution imaging approach which, in combination with certain treatments makes it very challenging to obtain data for a high number of cells. In this regard, we point out that interfering with cell rounding was extremely difficult to achieve. When highly overexpressed, Rap1* completely impairs mitotic cell de-adhesion, and this blocks mitotic entry (Marchesi et al., 2014). Furthermore, CalA treatment induces a fast and drastic rounding, which makes it very challenging to accurately track centrosome and nuclear positions. Nevertheless, we filmed additional cells treated with CalA and added the data to the figures. Our results still confirm that interfering with cell rounding does not significantly change centrosome positioning during this stage. It should be noted that the sample size in all conditions is within the range normally used when performing single-cell high resolution imaging.

      • The second major concerns emerges when looking at the data in Figure 5, when the authors test for the abundance of the dynein complex on the nuclear envelope in cells treated with DPPPL-KASH or DN-KASH. Yes, there is a statistical difference, but the absolute difference is tiny (I estimated a normalized intensity of 1.44 vs 1.35). This is a difference of less than 10%. How do the authors think that such a small change in dynein could have such a strong effect on centrosome positioning? Would a partial dynactin depletion by 10% give an equivalent result? Does the depletion of other proteins involved in the late recruitment of dynein at the NE also affect centrosome positioning?

      We thank the reviewer for this important point. Originally, we quantified dynactin intensity by selecting three unbiased random regions of the NE. However, this approach might underestimate the overall fluorescence intensity across the entire structure. For this reason, we have now measured dynactin fluorescence intensity over the entire NE using the same dataset. We have replaced Fig. 5K and L with this data and a description of the method has been added to the Materials and Methods section. As can be seen from the new graph, there is a reduction of approximately 50% in dynactin NE fluorescence intensity.

      The reviewer also asks whether depletion of other proteins involved in the late recruitment of dynein at the NE would also affect centrosome positioning. However, extensive previous work done by us and others, has shown that depletion of either BicD2 or NudE/NudEL, which are the main adaptors for dynein loading during the G2/M transition, significantly affect prophase centrosome positioning, since they detach centrosomes from the NE (Splinter et al., 2010; Bolhy et al., 2011; Hu et al., 2013; Baffet et al., 2015; Nunes et al., 2020). Once detached, centrosomes are no longer able to orient according to nuclear cues. Therefore, we do not believe such an approach would provide additional information regarding the role of the LINC complex in this process.

      Reviewer 2:

      • “Figure 1 is insufficiently explained. The authors have to describe in an understandable way how they measured centrosome-centrosome angle and centrosome-nucleus angle. They should show a cartoon in which these angles are clearly shown. The small cartoons in Fig. 1C are not helpful at all; they are also not explained. The authors should explain the meaning of the black dots (are these centrosomes?) and the even smaller dots. The short nuclear axis should be indicated, e.g., by a red line”.

      We apologize for the lack of sufficient explanation in Figure 1. We have now re-written the text. We have also added a scheme explaining how centrosome-nucleus and centrosome-centrosome angles are quantified, according to the reviewer´s suggestion. We have added this to Fig. S1. We believe this makes our data more understandable and easier to follow.

      “On the first page of the manuscript: "Consequently, at the NEP, centrosomes are positioned on the shortest nuclear axis (Fig. 1C) as can be seen in Fig. 1A. This means that the centrosome-nucleus angle relative to the shortest nuclear axis should be 0. However, in Fig. 1C, this angle is between 45 and 90 degrees. This is also the case for Fig. 1D. Please clarify”.

      We thank the reviewer for noticing this error. In fact, the graphs reflect positioning of centrosomes relative to the longest nuclear axis. Therefore, when the values are close to 90º, this means they are oriented on the shortest nuclear axis. We understand this could be confusing to the readers. We have now clarified this information throughout the text.

      • “I find it confusing that in Fig. 1, depending on the subfigure, the short or longest nuclear axis is used as a reference point: Fig. 1C: shortest; D: shortest; F: shortest; G: longest; I: shortest; J: longest. Thus, even within the same cell line, the reference point is changing. What is the rational for this variation”?

      Again, we refer to the point above. The reference point is always the shortest nuclear axis. However, we apologize for the lack of clarity. This has all been changed, according to the explanation provided in the previous point.

      • Fig. 4K, L, M: in figure, y-axis: "shortest nuclear axis". In legend: "relative to the longest nuclear axis". I guess the longest nuclear axis is correct. Same in Fig. 5D and E. Fig. 5C lacks the WT control.

      This information has been clarified in the text and panels have been corrected accordingly. Regarding Fig. 5C, we believe the correct control is the expression of PPPL-KASH, since it has been shown extensively that Nesprins localize to the NE in control, unmanipulated cells. Nevertheless, we have added a WT control to Supplementary Figure 5, showing localization of Nesprins in unmanipulated prophase cells.

      “The cells in Fig. 5J are not comparable: one has a monopolar spindle, the other a bipolar. The authors need some other NE protein as a control to show that the reduction of dynein by DN-KASH is a specific defect and not a broad impact on the NE. The dynein data in Figs. 5J-L need to be extended to SUN1/2”.

      We agree with the reviewer´s comment that the cell in the top panel might appear as a monopolar. However, it is not. In fact, this cell has centrosomes on the top and bottom of the nucleus, in a vertical configuration (check Magidson et al., Cell, 2011). To clarify this, we have now added lateral projections of all cells, highlighting the centrosomes to clearly show they are positioned on opposite sides of the nucleus. The other points related to the effects of DN-KASH on other NE proteins and dynactin levels following shSUN1 and shSUN2 are being addressed (please see comments above in the section “description of planned reviews”).

      “The title of the paper is misleading: the authors do not provide any indication for a nuclear signal in prophase that determines centrosome positioning”.

      We have changed the title of the manuscript according to the reviewer´s suggestion.

      “It would make sense to use the same time scale in Figs. 1A and B (either min.sec. or sec.) to allow direct comparison”.

      We have now changed the time scale to seconds in all figures to allow direct comparison.

      “2nd section: Mitotic cell rounding "The authors state: Given that cancer cells failed... I would be careful with this generalization; only one cancer cell was used in this study”.

      Given the limited number of cells that we used, and following the concern raised by all reviewers, we have now re-written the text to avoid generalizations. Instead, we now focus on the role of the LINC complex in determining centrosome positioning.

      “The authors say: "However, they did not place the centrosomes at the shortest nuclear axis (Figure 4K-M)." Centrosomes are still on the shortest nuclear axis but not as frequent as in control”.

      This has been corrected.

      “The white color in Fig. 6B cannot be seen and needs to be changed to something else”.

      We apologize for this oversight. During the upload and pdf conversion process, we did not realize the color of this bar, corresponding to the DN-KASH group had changed to white. This has now been corrected.

      The paper has neither line nor page numbers.

      This has been added.

      Reviewer 3

      “it would make sense to indicate the test used for each p-value in all the figure legends”.

      We have now added the statistical test used and the p-value in the figure legends.

      “Figure legends are quite repetitive and could be shortened. E.g. in Fig. 1 the description for E, F, H and I repeats what has been explained for B and C. Same applies between figure legends. The authors might refer to previous legends if the analysis was done in a similar way”.

      The legends have been simplified.

      “How is nuclear solidity defined and analyzed in Fig S3D”?

      Nuclear solidity was analyzed using Fiji. In short, nuclei are outlined using the polygon tool and nuclear area is measured. To calculate nuclear solidity, the nuclear area is then divided by the corresponding nuclear convex hull area. Irregular nuclei will typically show a lower nuclear solidity value. This information was added to the text.

      “The references to Fig S3 in figure legend 3 ("see Fig S3") do not enlighten the message and could be removed. The same applies to Fig5 - here it is not clear why the author refer to Fig S4”.

      We agree with this reviewer´s comment. We have now removed these references from the legends.

      “Fig. 5: Consider reordering the panel: Start with the current panel C (as in the text) as it is the necessary control prior to the experimental data”.

      We have now changed the order of the panel according to the reviewer´s suggestion.

      “Fig 5 I: what means "before"? Can the authors give a time window they use for analysis”.

      We have now replaced the term “before” with a defined time.

      “Page 20: "... shortest nuclear axis (Fig. 1C, 5D-G; n.s. - not significant). However, DN-KASH-expressing cells showed compromised separation and positioning of centrosome (Fig. 5D-G, * p=0.0155 and * p=0.0237, respectively). - rather point to the specific panels, i.e. Fig. 1C, 5D and F as well as and Fig. 5E and G”.

      We have now clarified these points in the text.

      “Fig 6B. The DN- KASH bars are on my pdf not visible - use a darker grey”.

      As mentioned above, we apologize for this oversight. We did not realize that during the pdf conversion process the bar corresponding to the DN-KASH group had changed to white. We have now corrected this.

      “Fig S6, albeit mentioned in the text, is not included in the supplementary info”.

      We apologize for this error. In fact, where it reads Fig. S6, should be Fig. S5. We have now corrected this.

      “a. GlutaMAX instead of GlutaMAXE (page 29)

      b. What means "as described previously"? No reference is given. Do you refer to the upper part of the method section? (page 30)

      c. 20 nM HEPES should most probably read 20 mM (page 32)

      d. "1:50 protease inhibitor; 1:100 Phenylmethylsulfonul fluoride" - which protease inhibitor (mixture)? Rather phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride.

      e. exact composition of the cytoskeleton buffer used to prepare 4% paraformaldehyde could be given”.

      All these suggestions/corrections have been introduced in the text.

      Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: Centrosomes separate early in mitosis to allow faithful spindle assembly and chromatin segregation. In the current study the author show that in RPE-1 cells the separated centrosomes typically position each other along the shorter axis of the nucleus while in cancer derived U2OS and MDA-MB-486 this is rather random. Mitotic cell rounding is not causal for this effect. Rather, the LINC (linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton) complex, a protein complex spanning both membranes of the nuclear envelope, is required for this. The data indicate that this is dynactin1 recruitment to the nuclear envelope. The work suggest that proper arrangement of the centrosomes along the short nuclear axis via the LINC complex contributes to chromatin segregation fidelity in RPE-1 cells.

      Major comments: The data, derived mostly by life cell imaging of cell culture lines, are of very high quality, carefully controlled and analyzed. They fully support the claims of the study and are well presented, both in text and figures. Statistical analysis seems adequate, but since the authors show different kinds of data sets including time series and use several kinds of statistical tests, it would make sense to indicate the test used for each p-value in all the figure legends. I have no major criticism or experiments to suggest.

      Minor comments:

      1. Figure legends are quite repetitive and could be shortened. E.g. in Fig. 1 the description for E, F, H and I repeats what has been explained for B and C. Same applies between figure legends. The authors might refer to previous legends if the analysis was done in a similar way.
      2. How is nuclear solidity defined and analyzed in Fig S3D?
      3. The references to Fig S3 in figure legend 3 ("see Fig S3") do not enlighten the message and could be removed. The same applies to Fig5 - here it is not clear why the author refer to Fig S4.
      4. Fig. 3: I suggest to quantify the lamin B1 and LBR overexpression levels.
      5. Fig. 5: Consider reordering the panel: Start with the current panel C (as in the text) as it is the necessary control prior to the experimental data.
      6. Fig 5 I: what means "before"? Can the authors give a time window they use for analysis.
      7. Page 20: "... shortest nuclear axis (Fig. 1C, 5D-G; n.s. - not significant). However, DN-KASH-expressing cells showed compromised separation and positioning of centrosome (Fig. 5D-G, * p=0.0155 and * p=0.0237, respectively). - rather point to the specific panels, i.e. Fig. 1C, 5D and F as well as and Fig. 5E and G.
      8. Fig 6B. The DN- KASH bars are on my pdf not visible - use a darker grey
      9. Fig S6, albeit mentioned in the text, is not included in the supplementary info.
      10. Material and Methods: in general very clear and carefully written
      11. a. GlutaMAX instead of GlutaMAXE (page 29)
      12. b. What means "as described previously"? No reference is given. Do you refer to the upper part of the method section? (page 30)
      13. c. 20 nM HEPES should most probably read 20 mM (page 32)
      14. d. "1:50 protease inhibitor; 1:100 Phenylmethylsulfonul fluoride" - which protease inhibitor (mixture)? Rather phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride.
      15. e. exact composition of the cytoskeleton buffer used to prepare 4% paraformaldehyde could be given

      Referees cross-commenting

      I also mentioned in teh significance section the two weak points (only one non-cancer cell line (RPE-1); the precise role of the LINC complex). I thus think all three reviewers come to a similar conclusion: technically well done albeit some improvements are possible (reviewer 2). Manuscript is interesting but whether the findings can be generalized remains open and the overall impact is limited. Personally, I think a good strategy for the authors might be to stay with the three cell lines and avoid too general statements.


      General assessment: This is a very elaborate analysis of centrosome positioning at the entry of mitosis. The experiments are carefully controlled and the findings supported by multiplied experiments, e.g. the aspect of mitotic cell rounding by analysis of unperturbed cells but also by manipulation accelerating and inhibiting cell rounding. Contribution of the LINC complex is evaluated by shRNA against SUN1/2, i.e. main LINC components, but also by the KASH-DN fragment, which acts as dominant negative. On the downside the study is limited to one untransformed cell line. Given that the treatments interfering with LINC complex function most likely affect all aspects of LINC-centromere interplay, it remains open what precise function of the LINC-complex contributes to chromatin segregation fidelity

      Advance: The work clearly shows that at least in RPE-1 cells the separated centrosomes arrange each other along the shorter axis of the nucleus and that the LINC complex is required for this.

      Audience: The work is certainly interesting for researches interested in mitosis, most precisely in spindle assembly. It enlightens a very specific aspect of spindle assembly but this very convincing. The work is basic research.

      Our experience is basic research of mitosis, nuclear structure and function both using biochemical assays and life cell imaging.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      A nuclear signal in prophase determines centrosome positioning and ensures efficient mitotic spindle assembly.<br /> Lima and Ferreira investigate in this manuscript the regulation of centrosome positioning in early mitosis. The authors first analyze the position of the two centrosomes either relative to the cell length axis or the shortest or longest axis of the nucleus and describe differences between RPE1, U2OS, and MDA-MB cells. Next, they analyze whether mitotic cell rounding determines the position of centrosomes; however, delayed cortical retraction (Rho-kinase inhibition), adhesion disassembly inhibition (Rap1Q63E), and inducing premature rounding (CalA) did not impact centrosome positioning in RPE1, U2OS, and MDM-MB cells. In addition, the nuclear lamina and LBR were also not required for centrosome positioning on the shortest nuclear axis. In contrast, depletion of SUN1 or SUN2 and overexpression of a dominant-negative DN-KASH affected the nuclear positioning of centrosomes in RPE1 cells. Finally, the authors analyze whether the LINC complex impacts mitotic fidelity. This is indeed the case when SUN1 is depleted, but it is not the case for SUN2 depletion or DN-KASH overexpression. This difference between LINC complex components is not discussed in the manuscript. Since SUN1, SUN2, and DN-KASH affect centrosome positioning in a similar way (Figs. 4 and 5), the chromosome segregation defect in SUN1-depleted cells is most likely not caused by a centrosome position defect but probably by another defect caused by SUN1 depletion.

      Major comments

      1. Figure 1 is insufficiently explained. The authors have to describe in an understandable way how they measured centrosome-centrosome angle and centrosome-nucleus angle. They should show a cartoon in which these angles are clearly shown. The small cartoons in Fig. 1C are not helpful at all; they are also not explained. The authors should explain the meaning of the black dots (are these centrosomes?) and the even smaller dots. The short nuclear axis should be indicated, e.g., by a red line.
      2. On the first page of the manuscript: "Consequently, at the NEP, centrosomes are positioned on the shortest nuclear axis (Fig. 1C) as can be seen in Fig. 1A. This means that the centrosome-nucleus angle relative to the shortest nuclear axis should be 0. However, in Fig. 1C, this angle is between 45 and 90 degrees. This is also the case for Fig. 1D. Please clarify.
      3. I find it confusing that in Fig. 1, depending on the subfigure, the short or longest nuclear axis is used as a reference point: Fig. 1C: shortest; D: shortest; F: shortest; G: longest; I: shortest; J: longest. Thus, even within the same cell line, the reference point is changing. What is the rational for this variation?
      4. Fig. 4K, L, M: in figure, y-axis: "shortest nuclear axis". In legend: "relative to the longest nuclear axis". I guess the longest nuclear axis is correct. Same in Fig. 5D and E. Fig. 5C lacks the WT control.
      5. The cells in Fig. 5J are not comparable: one has a monopolar spindle, the other a bipolar. The authors need some other NE protein as a control to show that the reduction of dynein by DN-KASH is a specific defect and not a broad impact on the NE. The dynein data in Figs. 5J-L need to be extended to SUN1/2.
      6. The title of the paper is misleading: the authors do not provide any indication for a nuclear signal in prophase that determines centrosome positioning.

      Minor comment

      1. It would make sense to use the same time scale in Figs. 1A and B (either min.sec. or sec.) to allow direct comparison.
      2. 2nd section: Mitotic cell rounding "The authors state: Given that cancer cells failed... I would be careful with this generalization; only one cancer cell was used in this study.
      3. The authors say: "However, they did not place the centrosomes at the shortest nuclear axis (Figure 4K-M)." Centrosomes are still on the shortest nuclear axis but not as frequent as in control.
      4. The white color in Fig. 6B cannot be seen and needs to be changed to something else.
      5. The paper has neither line nor page numbers.

      Referees cross-commenting

      My comments are more or less reflected by the comments and concerns of reviewer 1 (only one cancer cell line; the role of the LINC complex). This reduced the impact of this manuscript that is certainly intresting and has novel aspects.


      The manuscript analysis an early step in spindle assembly: the positioning of the two centrosomes on the NE. As such, the paper is interesting and important. They exclude cell rounding and lamin disassembly as mechanisms for centrosome positioning. The SUN1/2 and KASH data on centrosome positioning are convincing, and they provide a novel finding on the function of the LINC complex in centrosome positioning, probably via dynein recruitment to the NE. It remains unclear whether LINC recruits dynein directly or functions via one of the two known dynein/NE recruitment pathways. LINC-dynein at the NE binds centrosome microtubules and dynein pulls them towards the NE. However, how LINC-dynein spatially positions centrosomes relative to the short axis of the nucleus remains unclear (dynein uniformly decorates the NE (Fig. 5J)). The data on chromosome missegregation are not so clear because the defect only occurs in SUN1-depleted cells. Thus, this phenotype indicates most likly a function of SUN1 but not the LINC complex and is probably not related to centrosome positioning since all LINC components affect centrosome positioning. The paper falls short in explaining how parameters were measured and contains mistakes in the figures, as outlined above. The paper lacks a coherent story (a little bit on cancer, some negative data, LINC-dynein, but it stops on the surface).

      It will be relatively easy to improve some aspects of the manuscript (explaining the angles, correcting the figures: one week). Measuring dynein at the NE in SUN1/2-depleted cells is also easy to do (1-2 months). To get more mechanistic insides into how LINC-dynein positions centrosomes probably will not be possible during revision time.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: in this study, Lima and colleagues, investigate the mechanisms controlling the position of the two centrosomes at nuclear envelope breakdown. The authors show that in the non-cancerous human epithelial RPE1-cell line, the centrosomes are generally positioned in the short axis of the nucleus; in contrast in two cancer cell lines, they did not find an equivalent pattern. When the authors set out to identify potential molecular players required for this positioning, they find that the LINC complex is required , possibly by recruiting dynein to the nuclear membrane. Finally, the authors show that disruption of the LINC complex is associated with chromosome segregation errors.

      Major Comments:

      In general, the presented experiments are of excellent technical quality. The main conclusions of the manuscript, are however, not always well supported by the experimental data. They should be either interpreted more cautiously or supported by additional experimental evidence. I highlight these here, using the main conclusions of the abstract.

      1. "We show that in untransformed cells, centrosome positioning is regulated by a nuclear signal, independently of external cues. »

      The authors conclude based on three cell lines that the centrosome positioning mechanisms is present in non-transformed cells and not in cancerous cells. The authors have, however, only analysed 1 non-cancerous cell line, and they compare cells originating from vastly different tissues (retina, bones and breast) and origins (epithelial vs. mesenchymal cartilage cells). Such a general statement is not possible, without a systematic comparison of several healthy cells vs cancerous cells from the same tissue.<br /> 2. "This nuclear mechanism relies on the linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton (LINC) complex that controls the loading of dynein on the nuclear envelope (NE), providing spatial cues for robust centrosome positioning on the shortest nuclear axis, prior to nuclear envelope permeabilization (NEP). »

      While the data showing that centrosome positioning depends on the LINC complex is solid and robust, some of the "negative" examples identified by the authors are less convincing. One the process the authors study is cell rounding. Based on the fact that Rap1 transfection or treatment with Calyculin A does not lead to differences that are statistically different, the authors conclude that cell rounding is not involved. However, absence of statistical difference does not mean that there is no difference. Indeed, when comparing the raw data in Figure 2L and 2Q to the positive hit shSun2 in Figure 4J, one could conclude that cell rounding does make a difference, and that this statistical difference would emerge if the authors would count a high number of cells. Therefore the authors should interpret these results in a more differentiated manner, and also instead of just stating non-significant, state also the real p-values for the different experiment.<br /> The second major concerns emerges when looking at the data in Figure 5, when the authors test for the abundance of the dynein complex on the nuclear envelope in cells treated with DPPPL-KASH or DN-KASH. Yes, there is a statistical difference, but the absolute difference is tiny (I estimated a normalized intensity of 1.44 vs 1.35). This is a difference of less than 10%. How do the authors think that such a small change in dynein could have such a strong effect on centrosome positioning? Would a partial dynactin depletion by 10% give an equivalent result? Does the depletion of other proteins involved in the late recruitment of dynein at the NE also affect centrosome positioning?<br /> 3. « Moreover, we demonstrate this mechanism is altered in cancer cells, leading to increased chromosome segregation errors. »

      Here the authors infer that the identified mechanism is absent in cancer cells and that its absence contributes to chromosome segregation errors. Both conclusions are not supported by the presented data. First, the authors did not test whether any members of the LINC complex or dynactin is present at lower levels on the nuclear membranes of the cancer cells. Such a direct validation would be essential to make such a strong statement. Second, the authors conclude that this mechanism prevents chromosome segregation errors, based on the fact that depletion or impairment of the LINC complex (shSUN1, shSUN2, DN-KASH) results in chromosome segregation errors. These perturbations lead ,however, as noted by the authors themselves to pleiotropic effects, including insufficient retraction of nuclear membrane, which will can all contribute to chromosome segregation errors. It is therefore impossible to estimate the contribution of the centrosome positioning mechanism to these segregation errors using this type of pertubrations. One could even argue that this mechanism might not be that important, since depletion of SUN2, which also impairs centrosome positioning has no significant effect on chromosome segregation.

      Minor comments:

      The author state in the Material and methods that all the figure legends contain the number of replicates. This is, however, not the case, the authors only indicate the total number of analyzed cells.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree that all three reviewers come to similar conclusions - strong technical quality, novel results and concepts, but some limitations due to lack of precise tools or the limited number of model cell lines investigated.<br /> I recommend that the authors prioritize which are the suggested experiments that could be done within a few months, and otherwise rephrase their conclusions in less general terms.


      This study establishes for the first time that some cell lines set up the mitotic spindle at predefined positions of the nucleus and they identify a first molecular complex controlling this complex.

      The strength of this study is the high technical quality of the data - a limitation is the over-interpretation of the current data (see major comments), and the fact that the authors do not have a tool that specifically only disrupts centrosome positioning, which would allow them to probe the importance of this mechanism.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2023-02111

      Corresponding author(s): Moira O’Bryan

      1. General Statements

      We thank the Review Commons editor and the three reviewers for their overall positive responses in assessing this manuscript. Further, we appreciate and would like to reiterate the similarities across our three reviewers’ comments regarding the significance of this work, where our examination of epsilon tubulin (TUBE1) during mammalian spermatogenesis will be valuable for both microtubule/cytoskeletal and developmental/ reproductive fields. Below, we have made point-by-point responses to the reviewers’ comments, and outlined by the revisions we plan to make, or have made. All line numbers refer to the transferred manuscript file with tracked changes.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Reviewer 1:* The authors claim that because the TUBE1 knockout mouse have abnormal centrosome numbers during meiosis, there is a role for TUBE1 in suppressing supernumerary centriole formation. While this is one possibility, it's also possible that abnormal centrosome numbers arose as a result of cell division defects, especially because binucleate cells are present in mutants. The authors should edit the text to state that abnormal centrosome numbers may arise from either supernumerary centriole formation (by the templated or de novo pathways) or from failure to complete cell division. *

      *OPTIONAL: to test these possibilities, the authors may choose to 1) count the number of centrioles in meiosis with two different centriole markers 2) stain for markers of mature centrioles, such as Cep164, to determine the number of parental centrioles. *

      Response: This is a good point. Published data indicates that the Stra8-cre is active within a subset of undifferentiated spermatogonia, and in differentiated spermatogonia through to pre-leptotene spermatocytes (Sadate-Ngatchou et al., 2008). This raises the possibility that the increase in centriole numbers could be due to a failure to complete cell division if cre is active in mitotically active spermatogonia populations. The text has been appropriately modified in lines 207-209 and 352 to reflect these insights. We appreciate the Reviewer’s optional suggestion to perform additional immunolabeling experiments and intend to examine the number of parental centrioles in spermatocytes during meiotic division using a marker of the distal or subdistal appendages. This data will be included in the final revised document.

      Reviewer 2:* Considering the suggested non-canonical function of Epsilon tubulin outside the centriole in mice sperm, it is critical to know the localization of the protein in spermatocytes during meiosis and spermatids during differentiation. *

      Response: We agree with Reviewer 2 that determining the localization of TUBE1 in spermatocytes and spermatids would be desirable. However, we are yet to find an appropriate available antibody for this. We have previously assessed the specificity of a TUBE1 antibody (PA5-56917, Invitrogen), however, this antibody was not suitable for use in our mouse model. This aside, we have recently acquired a new TUBE1 antibody which we plan to evaluate its specificity during this revision period. If it appears to bind specifically to TUBE1, we will perform the requested localization experiments.

      For clarification we have previously defined the location of TUBE1 in spermatids to the manchette and basal body in elongating spermatids (lines 72-74) (Dunleavy et al., 2017). Unfortunately, the antibody used in this study is now discontinued. The phenotypes observed as a consequence of TUBE1 loss of function in this study are, however, consistent with these patterns of localization.

      Reviewer 2:* Localization of Epsilon tubulin is needed to distinguish between mutant sperm cells and those that are not Epsilon tubulin mutants in the Tube1GCKO/GCKO mice. E.g., are the 28.07% of Tube1GCKO/GCKO tubules that showed a Sertoli cell only (SCO) phenotype the one where all the cells are mutants? *

      Response: As per our response to Reviewer 2’s comment above, we plan to test a new TUBE1 antibody to determine TUBE1 localization in this model. Outlined in our response to Reviewer 2 below, we also plan to sequence DNA from mature epididymal sperm from our mutant mice to further confirm the deletion of Tube1 exon 3.

      Reviewer 2:* The generated conditional germ cell-specific mutants are demonstrated by mRNA expression spermatocytes. It would help if DNA sequencing, western, and Immunohistochemical staining were used to show the gene and protein are affected. *

      Response: We thank Reviewer 2 for their suggestions. Should we successfully validate an appropriate TUBE1 antibody for use in our model, we will perform immunohistochemical staining during the revision process. Our qPCR results from purified spermatocytes however, strongly suggest that the Tube1 gene is deleted in our model, noting that such purifications are on average 81% pure with the major contaminants being Sertoli cells and spermatids (Dunleavy et al., 2019). To further confirm the deletion of Tube1 exon 3, we plan to sequence DNA from mature epididymal sperm from our mutant mice.

      Reviewer 2:* "Suggesting a core TUBE1 function that can be supplemented by either z-tubulin or TUBD1." Can you test what happens to mice Z and D tubulin isoforms in the mutant? Did their level increase in the centrioles? This is informative since there is no clear centriolar phenotype (other than centriole number that may be due to cell division failure) in mice spermatogenesis and the paper's central hypothesis in the introduction. *

      Response: We appreciate this question by Reviewer 2. Zeta tubulin is not present in the mouse genome as outlined in our introduction (lines 38-39). We do acknowledge that exploring Tubd1 will be informative in our mutant and thereby plan to examine its expression in round spermatids.

      Reviewer 2: The authors looked at the Metaphase stage cells to assess meiosis. It would be more interesting to look at the meiosis prophase I. Since the Stra8 acts very early leptotene stage, it would be interesting to see if meiosis is defective from the very beginning. Also, some suggest that the manchette is nucleated at the pachytene stage. Is the manchette defective from the very early stage of nucleation?

      Response: We thank Reviewer 2 for this suggestion. To this end, we plan to examine juvenile mouse testes at days 10 and 17 post-partum where leptotene and pachytene spermatocytes are the most mature germ cells respectively.

      In regard to the Reviewer’s comment of the manchette being nucleated in pachytene stage spermatocytes, we acknowledge that the precise mechanism of manchette nucleation has not been confirmed. We are aware of the alternative hypothesis introduced by Moreno and Schatten (2000), which postulates manchette microtubules may be nucleated prior to pachytene period, through their examination of bovine male germ cells. This hasn’t, however, been supported by evidence and with more recent data, others have suggested that the manchette is nucleated at the centrosomal adjunct (Lehti and Sironen, 2016). Indeed, our unpublished data suggests this is the case (another study). Regardless, the origin of the microtubule seeds that ultimately extend to form the manchette is not relevant to the hypothesis we have proposed. As we note that in our manuscript and mouse model, manchettes appear to assemble normally in step 8 spermatids. Rather, their movement and disassembly is abnormal i.e. TUBE1 serves critical roles more manchette movement and disassembly rather than manchette formation.

      Reviewer 2:* Is the acetylation of manchette microtubules affected in the absence of TUBE1? *

      Response: Reviewer 2 raises an interesting question, which we plan to answer through immunolabeling of testis sections for acetylated tubulin in our control and mutant groups.

      Reviewer 3: *Minor points, a substantial percentage of sperm produced had a normal head shape in the KO (Figure 1I), which undermine the function of tube1 in nuclear shaping, the author should address this point in their manuscript. It is also curious whether there are phenotype in other tissues, can the authors comment on that? *

      Response: We thank Reviewer 3 for highlighting this point. As reported in Fig. 1I, 28.5% of sperm from Tube1GCKO/GCKO epididymides have abnormal nuclear shape. This is a 4.4-fold increase over that seen in wild type sperm. These data clearly highlight the role of TUBE1 in defining nuclear morphology. Variations between cells does not undermine this conclusion. It appears that prior to sperm release from the testis, the majority of TUBE1 null spermatids heads are abnormally shaped. However, in the epididymis there appears to be an increase in the proportion of normally shaped heads. We thus hypothesize that the high rates of spermiation failure in the TUBE1 null mice reflect the preferential removal of abnormally shaped sperm by Sertoli cells, thus enriching for normally shaped heads that are released. During the revision process, we will quantify the percentage of spermatids with normal versus abnormally shaped heads prior to spermiation in testis sections. All Tube1 null mice were sterile.

      To Reviewer 3’s second point - we have not examined other tissues in this conditional male germ cell knockout mouse model, as the cre used in this manuscript is only expressed in the testis (Sadate-Ngatchou et al., 2008). Consistent with the specificity of the deletion, null male mice are overtly healthy, with the exception of male fertility, and exhibit normal body weight as detailed on line 123 and in Fig S1D.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Reviewer 1:* In figure 5, based on quantification of fluorescence intensity, the authors conclude that loss of epsilon-tubulin results in an increase in the levels of KATNAL1, KATNAL2, and KATNB1. Given the inherent variability in immunofluorescence staining, the authors should at a minimum normalize their intensity measurements to those of an unrelated control protein stained in the same cell (ex: alpha-tubulin). It would be more convincing to quantify the levels of these proteins by Western blot (again, normalized to a control protein or to total cellular protein), which should be feasible given that the authors can isolate elongating spermatids. *

      Response: We thank Reviewer 1 for this suggestion to better account for any potential variability between immunofluorescence staining in cells. In this instance, alpha-tubulin would be a related protein in our model, making it unsuitable for normalization - the longer manchette phenotypes in our mutant spermatids indicate more tubulin present in mutant cells. We have therefore normalized the fluorescence intensity in our cells to DNA content (DAPI staining). This has provided comparable results to our initial analysis, and we have edited our text accordingly at lines 303, 307-310, 563-564, 845, 850 and Fig. 5. We respectfully disagree that western blotting would be informative, as the point is that katanin proteins are accumulating abnormally on the elongating sperm manchette. This does not necessarily mean that overall katanin levels will be increased. This aside, given the low numbers of elongating spermatids in the Tube1GCKO/GCKO mice, obtaining sufficient materials of western blotting is prohibitive. With the severity of germ cell loss indicated by our daily sperm production calculations, we predict the isolated spermatids of up to 5 Tube1GCKO/GCKO animals would be required to make up one biological replicate. It would not be feasible to collect the large number of animals required for at least three biological replicates in the revision timeframe.

      Reviewer 1:* A major claim of the paper is that epsilon-tubulin plays a different role within mammalian germ cells (abstract, line 22; p9, lines 167-168; p15 lines 315-316), because the Tube1GCKO/GCKO mice can form some sperm with relatively normal ciliary ultrastructure, whereas ciliates lacking epsilon-tubulin fail to form cilia. However, it's unclear whether the centrioles that templated these normal cilia were formed before or after epsilon-tubulin loss. Given that centrioles are inherited from one generation to the next, it's possible that the few normal cilia may be templated by relatively normal parental centrioles. These parental centrioles would have been present in spermatogonia prior to Cre expression/epsilon-tubulin deletion, and inherited by a fraction of sperm after the mitotic and meiotic divisions, resulting in sperm with normal ciliary ultrastructure. Other spermatocytes may have inherited centrioles formed in the absence of epsilon-tubulin, resulting in aberrant centrioles similar to those reported in human somatic cells, but these would not form any sperm flagella due to a loss of cell viability, as has been reported for acentriolar cells in a p53+ background. Underscoring this point, Chlamydomonas and human somatic mutant cells constitutively lack epsilon-tubulin. In these systems, the parental centrioles were diluted from the population over many cell divisions, and phenotypic analysis would only include the centrioles that formed in the absence of epsilon-tubulin. To make their major claim, the authors need to demonstrate that the basal bodies of sperm flagella with normal ultrastructure were formed in the absence of epsilon-tubulin, and were not normal parental centrioles. Given the difficulty of this experiment, the authors may instead choose to remove their claim that epsilon-tubulin plays a different role within mammalian germ cells. *

      Response: The authors thank Reviewer 1 for their detailed input regarding TUBE1’s centriolar importance across species. From their feedback, we recognize the need to modulate our interpretation of this result. We have also added a line to our manuscript highlighting that the normal axonemal structure observed may be due to the inheritance of normal centrioles (lines 328-329). We note however, that sperm produced within the null animals were immotile and that motility could not be recovered by the addition of exogenous ATP thus revealing that TUBE1 is required to form functional sperm tails.

      Reviewer 2:* It will help if the introduction summarizes the knowledge on Epsilon tubulin in spermatogenesis with emesis on its localization and the method used to find the localization. *

      Response: We have modified the introduction accordingly in lines 72-73.

      Reviewer 2:* How many independent mutant animals were studied, and what was the elfishness of generating mutants with a complete mutant testis? From Fig s1c, it appears all mutants generated were total mutations in almost all cells - is this correct? *

      Response: We have updated the number of animals studied as per the comment below. Regarding the mutant status of our mouse model, we used Stra8-Cre which is active between early (postnatal day 3) spermatogonia to pre-leptotene spermatocytes (Sadate-Ngatchou et al., 2008) thus all spermatocytes, spermatids, and sperm will carry the deletion. As shown in Fig. S1C we measured a 90.1% reduction in Tube1 mRNA expression from purified spermatocytes. As mentioned above, we note that the purified germ cells always contain a low percentage of contaminating cells. Using our optimized Staput method we obtain isolated germ cell populations of high purity, where in spermatocyte populations we calculate 19% contamination with other testicular cell types (e.g. somatic Sertoli/interstitial cells, spermatogonia, spermatids) (Dunleavy et al., 2019). We therefore believe the 9.9% Tube1 mRNA expression detected in our Tube1GCKO/GCKO group are the origin of that residual mRNA. We have included this information in the materials and methods section (lines 491-493).

      Reviewer 2:* Add a definition to "ZED-tubulins." *

      Response: A definition to the ZED-tubulins can be found on line 32.

      Reviewer 2:* From the paper, it is unclear if Epsilon tubulin is dispensable for centriole function only in sperm cells or if the same is true in mice somatic cells in vivo. *

      Response: In this study we have used a conditional male germ cell knockout mouse model to examine TUBE1’s function specifically in male germ cells. As mentioned in our introduction, the function of TUBE1 has not been examined in murine somatic cells in vivo (lines 68-70). To avoid confusion, we have reiterated this point in lines 356-358 of our discussion.

      Reviewer 2:* Fig. S1 and other figures: "n {greater than or equal to} 3 samples/genotype" - this is unclear - please indicate the number of independent animals tested. *

      Response: We have modified the figure legends accordingly in lines 11-13 and 33-35 of the transferred supplementary information file and lines 787-788 and 810-811 of the transferred manuscript file.

      Reviewer 2:* "suppressing supernumerary centriole formation" is this due to access centriole formation or failed mitosis? *

      Response: We acknowledge Reviewer 2’s comment is similar to the comment made by Reviewer 1 above and note we have modified the associated text in lines 207-209 in response to the above comment.

      Reviewer 2:* The KATNAL1, KATNAL2, and KATNB1 staining in Fig 5 show multiple foci in the nucleus. Are these foci-specific staining or nonspecific? It is surprising to see such a large complex. *

      Response: As outlined in the materials and methods and the Fig. 5 legend, Fig. 5 displays three-dimensional (3D) z-stack images of whole elongating spermatids presented as 2D maximum intensity projections. The katanin subunit staining is around the nucleus rather than inside of it, however the flattening of the image from 3D to 2D make the foci appear inside the nucleus. To clarify this, we have modified the Fig. 5 legend in lines 845 and 848.

      Reviewer 2:* How the staging of spermatids was performed needs to be explained in the method. *

      Response: We have included additional explanation the materials and methods section (lines 513-514).

      Reviewer 3: The experimental part is of the highest quality and the manuscript is very well written. My only reservation with the manuscript is concerning the model proposed for manchette migration in the Discussion section (Figure 6). I find the proposed model highly speculative and pre-mature, not supported enough by data, as even admitted by the authors (lines 415-427). Having it as a figure and concluding remark gives it too match weight, my suggestion would be to remove figure 6 and tone down the discussion.

      Response: The authors thank Reviewer 3 for their complimentary overview of our manuscript. We agree that some unanswered questions remain in our proposed model of manchette migration. This study has however, added several critical missing pieces. With respect, we prefer to keep Figure 6 in the manuscript as explaining manchette function to non-experts is very difficult without a visual aide. To ensure transparency with the audience that our model is indeed hypothetical, we have edited our discussion and Figure 6 legend to reflect this (lines 406, 417, 428, 435, 463, 860, 863, 869).

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out



      DUNLEAVY, J. E., GRAFFEO, M., WOZNIAK, K., O’CONNOR, A. E., MERRINER, D. J., NGUYEN, J., SCHITTENHELM, R. B., HOUSTON, B. J. & O’BRYAN, M. K. 2022. Male mammalian meiosis and spermiogenesis is critically dependent on the shared functions of the katanins KATNA1 and KATNAL1. bioRxiv, 2022.11.11.516072.

      DUNLEAVY, J. E. M., O’CONNOR, A. E. & O’BRYAN, M. K. 2019. An optimised STAPUT method for the purification of mouse spermatocyte and spermatid populations. Molecular Human Reproduction.

      DUNLEAVY, J. E. M., OKUDA, H., O’CONNOR, A. E., MERRINER, D. J., O’DONNELL, L., JAMSAI, D., BERGMANN, M. & O’BRYAN, M. K. 2017. Katanin-like 2 (KATNAL2) functions in multiple aspects of haploid male germ cell development in the mouse. PLOS Genetics, 13.

      LEHTI, M. S. & SIRONEN, A. 2016. Formation and function of the manchette and flagellum during spermatogenesis. Reproduction, 151__,__ R43-54.

      MORENO, R. D. & SCHATTEN, G. 2000. Microtubule configurations and post-translational alpha-tubulin modifications during mammalian spermatogenesis. Cell Motil Cytoskeleton, 46__,__ 235-46.

      SADATE-NGATCHOU, P. I., PAYNE, C. J., DEARTH, A. T. & BRAUN, R. E. 2008. Cre recombinase activity specific to postnatal, premeiotic male germ cells in transgenic mice. Genesis, 46__,__ 738-42.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study Stathatos et al looked at the function of epsilon tubulin (tube1), specifically in male germ cells. Previous work showed that tube1 is an important member of the tubulin family but its function is more enigmatic compared to alpha, beta and gamma tubulin. The authors produced a mouse KO line of tube1 and the data presented in this manuscript concerns the effects on spermatogenesis. They found that tube1 is essential for multiple microtubule dependent functions, including meiosis, nuclear shaping and sperm motility.

      The experimental part is of the highest quality and the manuscript is very well written. My only reservation with the manuscript is concerning the model proposed for manchette migration in the Discussion section (Figure 6). I find the proposed model highly speculative and pre-mature, not supported enough by data, as even admitted by the authors (lines 415-427). Having it as a figure and concluding remark gives it too match weight, my suggestion would be to remove figure 6 and tone down the discussion. Minor points, a substantial percentage of sperm produced had a normal head shape in the KO (Figure 1I), which undermine the function of tube1 in nuclear shaping, the author should address this point in their manuscript. It is also curious whether there are phenotype in other tissues, can the authors comment on that?


      The observations reported are novel and will be highly valuable specifically for the sperm biology field but also very interesting to the microtubule field in general.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The paper "Epsilon tubulin is an essential determinant of microtubule-based structures in male germ cells" provides the first insight into the essential function of Epsilon tubulin. TUBE1 (epsilon tubulin) is a non-canonical tubulin localized at the pericentriolar material of somatic and germ cell centrosome. TUBE1 has been primarily studied in unicellular organisms and cell lines, and multiple studies have shown its role in ciliogenesis and flagellum formation. However, its role in mammals, specifically in fertility, is unknown. Here, Stathatos et al address the critical question of whether TUBE1 plays a role in mammalian spermatogenesis and fertility. The authors show by germline inactivation of TUBE1 that the mice lacking TUBE1 are sterile, defective in meiosis, form abnormal manchette, and sperms are nonmotile. The authors further correlate that the TUBE1 functions together with KATNAL-1, KATNAL-1, and KATNB1, the microtubule severing protein. As little is known about the role of non-canonical tubulin like TUBE1 in fertility, this manuscript addresses a significant knowledge gap and generates an exciting hypothesis that TUBE1 regulates the KATNAL1-KATNB1 and KATNAL2-KATNB1 dynamic at manchette microtubules and perinuclear ring to control the manchette microtubule severing and migration.

      Overall, the paper suggests that Epsilon tubulin is essential for multiple complex microtubule arrays, including the meiotic spindle, axoneme, and manchette; however, in the absence of Epsilon tubulin localization data, it is unclear which microtubule array is affected directly and which indirectly (e.g., is the axoneme defect is due to Epsilon tubulin in the axoneme or centriole?). In particular, it is interesting that in mice sperm, Epsilon tubulin is dispensable for centriole-mediated axoneme formation, its primary function in single-cell organisms (can this be due to compensation by the other tubulin isoforms?). Once the concerns below are resolved, the paper will be significant for the cytoskeleton and reproductive research fields.

      Major comment

      • Considering the suggested non-canonical function of Epsilon tubulin outside the centriole in mice sperm, it is critical to know the localization of the protein in spermatocytes during meiosis and spermatids during differentiation.
      • Localization of Epsilon tubulin is needed to distinguish between mutant sperm cells and those that are not Epsilon tubulin mutants in the Tube1GCKO/GCKO mice. E.g., are the 28.07% of Tube1GCKO/GCKO tubules that showed a Sertoli cell only (SCO) phenotype the one where all the cells are mutants?

      Minor comment

      • It will help if the introduction summarizes the knowledge on Epsilon tubulin in spermatogenesis with emesis on its localization and the method used to find the localization.
      • The generated conditional germ cell-specific mutants are demonstrated by mRNA expression spermatocytes. It would help if DNA sequencing, western, and Immunohistochemical staining were used to show the gene and protein are affected.
      • How many independent mutant animals were studied, and what was the elfishness of generating mutants with a complete mutant testis? From Fig s1c, it appears all mutants generated were total mutations in almost all cells - is this correct?
      • Add a definition to "ZED-tubulins."
      • "Suggesting a core TUBE1 function that can be supplemented by either z-tubulin or TUBD1." Can you test what happens to mice Z and D tubulin isoforms in the mutant? Did their level increase in the centrioles? This is informative since there is no clear centriolar phenotype (other than centriole number that may be due to cell division failure) in mice spermatogenesis and the paper's central hypothesis in the introduction.
      • From the paper, it is unclear if Epsilon tubulin is dispensable for centriole function only in sperm cells or if the same is true in mice somatic cells in vivo.
      • Fig. S1 and other figures: "n {greater than or equal to} 3 samples/genotype" - this is unclear - please indicate the number of independent animals tested.
      • "suppressing supernumerary centriole formation" is this due to access centriole formation or failed mitosis?
      • The KATNAL1, KATNAL2, and KATNB1 staining in Fig 5 show multiple foci in the nucleus. Are these foci-specific staining or nonspecific? It is surprising to see such a large complex.
      • How the staging of spermatids was performed needs to be explained in the method.
      • The authors looked at the Metaphase stage cells to assess meiosis. It would be more interesting to look at the meiosis prophase I. Since the Stra8 acts very early leptotene stage, it would be interesting to see if meiosis is defective from the very beginning. Also, some suggest that the manchette is nucleated at the pachytene stage. Is the manchette defective from the very early stage of nucleation?
      • Is the acetylation of manchette microtubules affected in the absence of TUBE1?


      Overall, the paper suggests that Epsilon tubulin is essential for multiple complex microtubule arrays, including the meiotic spindle, axoneme, and manchette; however, in the absence of Epsilon tubulin localization data, it is unclear which microtubule array is affected directly and which indirectly (e.g., is the axoneme defect is due to Epsilon tubulin in the axoneme or centriole?). In particular, it is interesting that in mice sperm, Epsilon tubulin is dispensable for centriole-mediated axoneme formation, its primary function in single-cell organisms (can this be due to compensation by the other tubulin isoforms?). Once the concerns are resolved, the paper will be significant for the cytoskeleton and reproductive research fields.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The ZED (zeta-, epsilon-, and delta-) tubulins are important, yet understudied, members of the tubulin superfamily. Here, Stathatos et al. build upon previously published work and leverage their expertise to uncover the roles of epsilon-tubulin in mouse male germ cells. The authors create a germ cell-specific Tube1 knockout mouse, using Stra8-Cre, which is active in spermatogonia before the meiotic divisions. The authors report that knockout of Tube1 results in a range of defects during spermatogenesis, including: 1) a loss of male germ cells 2) sperm motility defects 3) abnormally shaped sperm heads 4) abnormal meiotic spindle morphology and abnormal centrosome numbers 5) some defects in sperm axoneme ultrastructure, 6) disrupted manchette migration 7) increased levels of katanin subunits at the manchette. Most of the experiments are convincing and well done, and based on this work, the authors propose a novel model for regulation of the manchette. I believe this work is of interest and should be published with revisions addressing the following major and minor comments.

      Major comment:

      1. A major claim of the paper is that epsilon-tubulin plays a different role within mammalian germ cells (abstract, line 22; p9, lines 167-168; p15 lines 315-316), because the Tube1GCKO/GCKO mice can form some sperm with relatively normal ciliary ultrastructure, whereas ciliates lacking epsilon-tubulin fail to form cilia. However, it's unclear whether the centrioles that templated these normal cilia were formed before or after epsilon-tubulin loss. Given that centrioles are inherited from one generation to the next, it's possible that the few normal cilia may be templated by relatively normal parental centrioles. These parental centrioles would have been present in spermatogonia prior to Cre expression/epsilon-tubulin deletion, and inherited by a fraction of sperm after the mitotic and meiotic divisions, resulting in sperm with normal ciliary ultrastructure. Other spermatocytes may have inherited centrioles formed in the absence of epsilon-tubulin, resulting in aberrant centrioles similar to those reported in human somatic cells, but these would not form any sperm flagella due to a loss of cell viability, as has been reported for acentriolar cells in a p53+ background. Underscoring this point, Chlamydomonas and human somatic mutant cells constitutively lack epsilon-tubulin. In these systems, the parental centrioles were diluted from the population over many cell divisions, and phenotypic analysis would only include the centrioles that formed in the absence of epsilon-tubulin. To make their major claim, the authors need to demonstrate that the basal bodies of sperm flagella with normal ultrastructure were formed in the absence of epsilon-tubulin, and were not normal parental centrioles. Given the difficulty of this experiment, the authors may instead choose to remove their claim that epsilon-tubulin plays a different role within mammalian germ cells.

      Minor comments:

      1. The authors claim that because the TUBE1 knockout mouse have abnormal centrosome numbers during meiosis, there is a role for TUBE1 in suppressing supernumerary centriole formation. While this is one possibility, it's also possible that abnormal centrosome numbers arose as a result of cell division defects, especially because binucleate cells are present in mutants. The authors should edit the text to state that abnormal centrosome numbers may arise from either supernumerary centriole formation (by the templated or de novo pathways) or from failure to complete cell division.

      OPTIONAL: to test these possibilities, the authors may choose to 1) count the number of centrioles in meiosis with two different centriole markers 2) stain for markers of mature centrioles, such as Cep164, to determine the number of parental centrioles. 2. In figure 5, based on quantification of fluorescence intensity, the authors conclude that loss of epsilon-tubulin results in an increase in the levels of KATNAL1, KATNAL2, and KATNB1. Given the inherent variability in immunofluorescence staining, the authors should at a minimum normalize their intensity measurements to those of an unrelated control protein stained in the same cell (ex: alpha-tubulin). It would be more convincing to quantify the levels of these proteins by Western blot (again, normalized to a control protein or to total cellular protein), which should be feasible given that the authors can isolate elongating spermatids.


      The strengths of this study lie in the careful phenotypic analysis of loss of epsilon-tubulin, which is well-done and very thorough. The limitations of the study are in interpretation of the results, specifically as relates to centriole formation, but can be addressed as indicated above. This work will be of interest to cell and developmental biologists, especially those interested in centrosomes, cilia, and spermatogenesis.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer 1 major comments:

      The authors show one configuration of the E1-E2 heterodimer in Figure 4d. As shown, the E1 protein is exterior to the E2 protein and would suggest E1 is on the surface on the spike complex and virus surface. However, another configuration of the glycoproteins has E2 on the exterior of E1 and also on the exterior of the virus. The latter conformation is what has been observed in cryoEM studies of alphaviruses. The first configuration represents the E1-E2 between the three heterodimers which are important for spike assembly. The reason the orientation of the E2-E1 dimer is important is the authors speculate on the importance of the 6 CHIK residues not found in ONNV based on the structure, but the structural interpretation is, in my opinion, not correct.

      We thank reviewer 1 for pointing out the correct E2-E1 heterodimer configuration. To address this, we corrected the position of E2 and E1 in Figure 4 based on previous cryoEM study1, keeping E2 always on the exterior in the E2-E1 heterodimer. We also replaced the Indian Ocean Lineage (IOL) E2-E1 structure1 in the original Figure 4 with the CHIKV 181/clone 25 structure which was recently analyzed by Katherine Basore et al.2. In a single E2-E1 heterodimer, all six unique CHIKV positive selection sites are located on the outside of the structure after correcting the configuration. In addition, we investigated two of the unique CHIKV positively selected sites that are important for virion production, E2-V135 (V460 in the original manuscript version) and E1-V220 (V1029 in the original manuscript version), in trimerized structure of E2-E1 heterodimers. We found that the E2-V135 and E1-V220 residues in one heterodimer are facing E2 of the neighboring heterodimer on either side. Interestingly, while V135 is embedded between the E2 proteins of two different heterodimers, E1-V220 is partially embedded by E1 and the neighboring E2 and partially exposed to the outside. This suggests that even though both E2-V135 and E1-V220 might be crucial for CHIKV E2-E1 trimerization, E1-V220 provides an additional docking site for host factor interactions. We thank review 1 again for this important comment leading to these new findings. We have updated Figure 4F-4G and the corresponding result section (lines 201-209) in this partially revised manuscript.

      1. Validation of E1 interaction with SPSC3 and eIF3k needs to be stronger. Some concerns/questions are listed below. A myc tag was inserted between E3 and E2. How efficiently does furin cleave E3 from E2 in this virus and how are viral titers of the myc-tagged virus compared to the non-tagged virus? I ask because is the IP looking at what is being pulled down by E2 or E3-myc-E2 that could be part of the spike polyprotein? The authors found E2 interacts with E3, E1 and a list of other host proteins. These results suggest several interactions including E2-host factor, E2-E1, E2-E3, E2-E1-host factor, E2-E3-E1, E2-E3-host factor. In figure 6d, and the subsequent conclusions, the authors suggest E1 is interacting with the host factor and do not see E2 alone and very low amounts of E3-E2-6K-E1. based on how the IP was performed I am not sure how an interaction between E1 and SPCS3 alone, without E2, would be detected. I would also like to see a reciprocal pull down using E1 and also E2 to see if these host factors are pulled down.

      We thank the reviewer for these concerns. Given the low viral protein expression in macrophages (Figure 1A), we need an efficient system to enrich for large amounts of CHIKV glycoproteins for identifying host interactors through mass spectrometry. Adding tag/reporter proteins, such as mCherry, between E3 and E2 have been used to label alphavirus glycoproteins in previous study2, which is why we chose to use this myc tag labeling strategy coupled with myc Ab-conjugated agarose beads for AP-MS. However, like reviewer 1 speculated, inserting myc tag between E3 and E2 does attenuate CHIKV infectivity according to the reduced supernatant viral titers of 293T cells transfected with CHIKV/myc-E2 genomic RNA in comparison to those of cells transfected with unmodified CHIKV vaccine strain 181/clone 25 genomic RNA (shown in revision plan). Despite the attenuation, CHIKV/myc-E2 harvested from transfected 293T cells still reaches a titer over 108 pfu/ml, which allowed us to identify interactors by AP-MS.

      We further analyzed the cleavage efficiency of glycoproteins by comparing the expression levels of E3-E2-6K -E1, E3-E2 (p62), E2, and E3 in 293T cells transfected with unmodified CHIKV or CHIKV/myc-E2 genomic RNA (result shown in revision plan). We didn’t detect any uncleaved forms of glycoproteins in cells transfected with either unmodified CHIKV or CHIKV/myc-E2 RNA when we probed with E2 antibody. However, probing with E3 antibody prior to longer exposure of the immunoblot showed higher E3-E2-6k-E1 and E3-E2 (p62) levels in cells transfected with CHIKV/myc-E2 RNA, suggesting that both mature E2 and E2-containing precursor polyproteins are available to be pulled down. Overall, the expression levels of mature E2 detected by E2 antibody are similar.

      We thank reviewer 1 for providing a thorough dissection of all the possible interactions between the identified host factors and cleaved/uncleaved glycoproteins. This is a very interesting question. As reviewer 1 mentioned that E1 usually appears with E2 or E3-E2 in heterodimer forms, we were also surprised to find that E2 does not interact with either of the two host factors. To address this, we plan to conjugate E2 and E1 to protein A/G beads, respectively, for a reciprocal pulldown to validate CHIKV glycoprotein interactions with SPCS3 and eIF3k. Results from this experiment will be included in the fully revised manuscript.

      1. If CHIK E1 is interacting with the host factors and that is antagonizing the antiviral response of SPSC3 (as one example), then what do pull downs using ONNV structural proteins look like? One would expect reduced interactions because the different amino acid causes a different E2-E1 dimer or attenuates the E1-host factor binding site.

      We thank Reviewer 1 for this insightful suggestion. We agree that it would be informative to examine the interactions between ONNV glycoproteins and identified host factors (SPCS3 and eIF3k). Unfortunately, there is no commercial ONNV glycoprotein antibody available making this experiment unfeasible. Interestingly, we did observe reduced interactions between the host factors SPCS3 and eIF3k and the CHIKV E1-V220I mutant (V1029I in original manuscript version) where the positively selected site in E1 was mutated to the homologous ONNV residue (please refer to our response to Reviewer 3’s major comment #1). This result suggests that the ONNV glycoproteins likely have an attenuated E1-host factor binding site as the reviewer speculated.We have included this as Figure 7A in partially revised manuscript.

      1. E1 and E2 are thought to interact during polyprotein translation and the initial dimer forms in the ER. If E1 is interacting with SPSC3 in the ER, is E2 also present? Or is a population of E1 not interacting with E2 in order to inhibit SPSC3? I would love a model of how the authors see all these factors coming together for this new role of E1.

      We thank Reviewer 1 for proposing this interesting hypothesis. Given the unexpected absence of E2 in our validation of host factor-E1 pulldown, we speculate that a group of free E1 proteins with distinct function is interfering with host factors in the ER, which is a model worth further investigation and discussion. A great example of this is the alphavirus nonstructural protein 3 (nsP3) that plays essential roles in RNA replication, although depending on the alphavirus not all of the nsP3 in the cell colocalizes with dsRNA, suggesting there is a separate distinct pool of nsP3 outside of active viral replication complex that interacts with host factors in these observed larger cytoplasmic aggregates3. To address this, we plan to use laser confocal microscopy to observe the interactions between host factors (SPCS3, eIF3k), and CHIKV E2 and E1. We will include this result as well as our proposed model in the fully revised manuscript.

      Reviewer 1 minor comments:

      1. In Figure 1c, (-) RNA is shown but in the rest of the figures (+) RNA is shown. Show both or select one. I do find it interesting the (-) RNA levels are similar over time, even at 4 hours post transfection (early time). Related to this, ONNV has higher levels of (-) RNA but what is known about structural protein levels in ONNV and CHIK in macrophages? Are there comparable levels of CP and GP being produced?

      We thank Reviewer 1 for this comment. The (-) RNA is synthesized before the synthesis of subgenomic mRNA and therefore can reflect more accurately early viral replication and nonstructural protein functions. This is the reason why we consider the (-) RNA levels evaluated by specific nsP1 TaqMan probes to be more appropriate for determining early stage differences between ONNV and CHIKV replication in Figure 1 as the goal of that figure is to define the steps in CHIKV life cycle that are more efficient than those of ONNV in THP-1 derived macrophages. On the other hand, the (+) RNA evaluated by E1 primers that we used in the later figures monitors viral RNA synthesis over time in the reflection of genomic (+) RNA and subgenomic mRNA transcribed from (-) RNA templates. Similar levels of (+) RNA and contrasting virion titers really point the difference to the later stages of subgenomic mRNA translation, viral glycoprotein secretion, and assembly.

      We have generated ONNV/myc-E2 reporter virus and assessed viral glycoprotein expression through flow cytometry using a FITC -conjugated anti-myc antibody in the THP-1 derived macrophages transfected with CHIKV/myc-E2 and ONNV/myc-E2 (shown in revision plan). The results show that the expression of ONNV glycoproteins is more inhibited than that of CHIKV glycoproteins, though both of their expression levels in macrophages seem to be suppressed. Since there is no commercial ONNV antibody available, we were unable to compare capsid expression levels between the two viruses. Overall, differences in the myc-tagged glycoprotein expression levels of the two viruses reveals ONNV defect in either structural protein translation or glycoprotein maturation .

      1. Figure 2e and figure 3 have ONNV has the first bar followed by CHIK. In figure 1 and 2b, CHIK is first and then ONNV. helps the reader to have the controls in the same order.

      We thank Reviewer 1 for this suggestion. We have changed the order of ONNV and CHIKV bars in figure 2E and figure3 so the CHIKV bar consistently comes first in all the figures.

      1. Line 143-145 the authors discuss that when ONNV is the backbone and CHIK proteins are inserted the infection is more attenuated because of the E2 and E1 are from CHIK and ONNV, not the same virus (could also be E2-CP interactions are disrupted). However the chimeras made with the CHIK backbone (in Figure 2) have a mismatch between E2 and E1 as well.

      We thank Reviewer 1 for this informative comment. We agree that the incompatible E2-E1 heterodimer formation may not be the only reason that causes attenuation of ONNV/CHIKV E1 and ONNV/CHIKV E2. There may be multiple factors contributing to the fitness of the chimeras, which requires more in-depth mechanistic investigations and is out of the scope of this study. We have now removed the explanation “potentially due to incompatible heterodimer formation between ONNV E2 and CHIKV E1” in line 144.

      1. When discussing the residues that were found in the FEL and MEME analysis, the authors start the amino acid numbering from CP and continue along the polyprotein. Usually when discussing amino acids in the structural proteins, each protein starts at amino acid 1. So V460 would be E2-V135. It would also be useful to know what the residues in ONNV were at these positions to see if amino acids changed in charge, size, bond forming potential, etc. Showing these residues in the E2-E1 conformation found in the virion would also allow one to find adjacent residues that could explain differences in spike assembly and potentially where/how E1 is binding to a host protein.

      We thank Reviewer 1 for this comment. We revised the amino acid numbers in the manuscript to start from the beginning of each structural protein. To look more into these residues in ONNV, we aligned CHIKV and ONNV from different lineages and compared the 6 positively selected sites (refer to our response to Reviewer 1’s minor comment #5). We found that E2-135 and E1-220 which are essential for CHIKV production are valines in all the aligned CHIKV strains. For the aligned ONNV strains, E2-135 are all leucines and E1-220 are all isoleucines. While valine, leucine and isoleucine are all amino acids with hydrophobic side chains, valine has the shortest side chain. The length of the side chains may lead to different hydrophobic properties that affect protein folding, which warrants further structural analysis.

      1. How effective is a non-attenuated CHIK strain in infecting macrophages? Could you make a SINV-La Reunion chimeric virus (which is BSL2) to see if a higher percentage of macrophages are infected and is this potentially contributing to the increased pathogenesis of La Reunion? Also how different is 181/25 with a pathogenic strain in the E2 and E1 residues? and compared to ONNV?

      We thank Reviewer 1 for this question, which is also raised by Reviewer 2. In order to address this question, we plan to use the virulent CHIKV La Reunion strain to study the infection of THP-1 derived macrophages with non-attenuated CHIKV in BSL-3. We are getting trained in the BSL-3 facility and will soon be certified.

      We thank Reviewer 1 for this insightful suggestion on investigating the conservation of these positively selected sites in different strains. We have aligned the sequences of ONNV and CHIKV strains from different lineages, including CHIKV vaccine strain 181/clone 25 and Thai strain AF15561 (the parental strain of CHIKV 181/clone 25) (alignment shown in revision plan). We found that the two positively selected sites with negative effects on virion production, E2-135 and E1-220 (sites 460 and 1029 in original manuscript version), are very conserved in either CHIKV or ONNV strains. CHIKV E2-135 is always valine (V) regardless of the lineages, while ONNV E2-135 is always leucine (L). CHIKV E1-220 is always V, while ONNV E1-220 is always isoleucine (I).

      We also analyzed the amino acid heterogeneity of E2-135 and E1-220 in 397 CHIKV patient sequences from NCBI Virus database. Most of the amino acids at these 2 sites are V. The counts of each amino acid at E2-135 and E1-220 is summarized in table below. This result suggests that valine residues at E2-135 and E1-220 are crucial for CHIKV fitness and strongly selected during viral evolution. The sequence alignment and table will be included and discussed in the fully revised manuscript .



      Valine (V)



      Alanine (A)



      Methionine (M)



      Glutamic acid (E)



      Glycine (G)



      Isoleucine (I)



      1. When describing the last results section, "CHIKV E1 binding proteins exhibit potent anit-CHIV activities" the authors use macrophages. In the rest of the text they consistently use THP-1 macrophages or human primary monocyte derived macrophages. The details of the cell type are extremely useful to the reader and having those in the last results section would be great.

      We thank Reviewer 1 for pointing out the importance of cell type clarification in the last results section. We now consistently use “THP-1 derived macrophages” instead of “macrophages” in this section.

      1. The paper is well-written. There is a slight disconnect as the authors go from discussing results in Figure 4 to Figure 5.

      We thank Reviewer 1 for the comment regarding the disconnection of the last two figures in this paper which is also shared by the other reviewers. We have taken 3 approaches to address this comment: 1) We performed a pulldown of the host factors (SPCS3, eIF3k) identified in Figure 5 with CHIKV positively selected mutants examined in Figure 4 with deficient virion production. The result is presented in our response to Reviewer 3’ s major comment #1, suggesting that the positively selected site in E1 is essential for CHIKV glycoprotein interaction with host factors. 2) To complement our first experiment, we will also determine structural protein expression and processing of parental and E1 mutant CHIKV in eIF3k CRISPR knockout 293T cells. 3) Finally, we plan to perform CORUM analysis to identify high confidence functional protein complexes using our 14 hits found in both mass spec experiments, which will provide mechanistic insights into how these identified cellular complexes and processes might modulate CHIKV infection.

      Reviewer 2’s major comments

      The authors elegantly demonstrate that CHIKV structural proteins confer an advantage over ONNV structural proteins in a step in the replication cycle downstream of virus RNA synthesis, possibly virion assembly. This point would be strengthened determining the particle-to-PFU ratio of the parental viruses and the chimeras . Presumably, the ratio would increase in the chimeras containing CHIKV structural proteins.

      We thank Reviewer 2 for this comment. We agree that determining particle-to-PFU ratios of parental and chimeric viruses will strengthen this study. To obtain the particle-to-PFU ratio, we infected THP-1 derived macrophages with CHIKV, ONNV and chimeras containing CHIKV glycoproteins (Chimera I, and ONNV/CHIKV E2+E1) for 24 h. To quantify the secreted viral particles, we extracted viral RNA in the supernatant and detected (+) viral RNA through TaqMan assay with specific nsp1 probes. The released infectious virions were evaluated through plaque assay. The particle-to-PFU ratios are summarized in the table below. The results show that ONNV has the highest particle-to-PFU ratio (41398), suggesting defective ONNV genome encapsidated in particles leading to defective virion production. On the other hand, the particle-to-PFU ratio of CHIKV (747) is 55-fold lower than that of ONNV. Replacing E3-E2-6K-E1 of ONNV with CHIKV homologous proteins reduces the particle-to-PFU ratio by 8 fold to 4875. Replacing E2 and E1 of ONNV with the ones from CHIKV (ONNV/CHIKV E2+E1) reduces the particle-to-pfu ratio by 20 fold to 2017, suggesting that CHIKV glycoproteins enhance the infectivity of viral progenies produced by THP-1 derived macrophages. We have included the results in Figure 3D-3E in our partially revised manuscript and described in lines 149-158.

      1. Additionally, the authors should consider performing virion assembly blocking assays with a small molecule inhibitor to determine if this abrogates the virus production advantage of CHIKV structural proteins within the ONNV backbone.

      We thank Reviewer 2 for this insightful comment. As the secretory pathway is commonly important for alphavirus glycoprotein maturation and assembly, it will be informative to interrogate CHIKV glycoprotein trafficking and assembly through this pathway using specific inhibitors, such as dihydropyridine FLI-06 and golgicide A . Golgicide A is a reversible inhibitor of the cis-Golgi GBF1, which leads to rapid disassembly of the Golgi and trans-Golgi network (TGN)4. FLI-06 is a new inhibitor that interferes with cargo recruitment to ER-exit sites and disrupts Golgi without depolymerizing microtubules or interfering GBF15. We pretreated THP-1 derived macrophages with 10 uM FLI-06 or golgicide A for 30 mins prior to infection with CHIKV, ONNV, Chimera I, or ONNV/ CHIKV E2+E1. After 1 hour of virus adsorption in PBS with 1% FBS in the absence of the inhibitors, the cells were treated with the inhibitors at the same concentration (10uM) in complete medium for 24 h. The plaque assay result shows that all the viruses are sensitive to secretory pathway inhibition, however, the production of viruses containing CHIKV glycoproteins is significantly more attenuated by FLI-06 and golgicide A. This suggests that CHIKV glycoproteins-mediated trafficking and assembly is more heavily dependent on the host secretory pathway . We will include this result in the fully revised manuscript.

      1. Finally, the authors should perform competition experiments with the chimeric viruses and ONNV in macrophages to determine if the chimeras can outcompete the parental ONNV strain. Based on their data, the chimeric viruses should outcompete.

      We thank Reviewer 2 for this inspiring suggestion. The competition experiment is an innovative and informative way to evaluate whether CHIKV glycoproteins confer a selective advantage on virion production in THP-1 derived macrophages. We plan to infect THP-1 derived macrophages with ONNV and ONNV/CHIKV E2+E1 and detect the viral glycoproteins secreted in the supernatant by western blot, although there is a possibility that this experiment might not work due to superinfection exclusion. Given that there is no commercial antibody of ONNV available, we need to use tagged viruses for this competition experiment. We constructed ONNV/CHIKV myc-E2+E1 that has a myc tag at the N-terminus of CHIKV E2, and ONNV/HA-E2 that has a HA tag at the N-terminus of ONNV E2. Our first attempt at concentrating the viral progenies released by THP-1 derived macrophages infected with the two tagged viruses has not been successful. We performed sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation of the supernatant viral particles but the myc and HA tags were not detected in the expected sucrose layer. Next, we plan to use myc-Ab and HA-Ab conjugated beads to pull down the supernatant viral particles to detect the ratio of ONNV/CHIKV myc-E2+E1 and ONNV/HA-E2 secreted by THP-1 derived macrophages. This will determine whether ONNV containing CHIKV glycoproteins can outcompete ONNV in co-infected cells due to increased viral fitness.

      1. The authors use both primary macrophages and macrophage cell lines as their in vitro model system and make one of their major points (listed in the title) that the determinants they identified in the CHIKV structural proteins convert macrophages into dissemination vessels; however, they do not show: 1) an in vivo model that the CHIKV-ONNV chimeras disseminate more efficiently than the parental ONNV; and 2) that these chimeras generate virus more efficiently specifically in macrophages. It would be useful to show that ONNV and CHIKV have equivalent virion production in other cell lines and that the advantage conferred by CHIKV structural proteins in the ONNV backbone is specific to macrophages. The authors should also change their title to reflect that dissemination is not directly being addressed in their study; the implications of their in vitro experimentation in a mammalian host would be more appropriate for the discussion.

      We acknowledge the limitations of the study, which include a lack of direct demonstration of in vivo dissemination. To address these concerns, we will include further discussion of our in vitro findings in the context of viral dissemination in mammalian hosts in the fully revised manuscript. We are also testing ONNV, CHIKV, Chimera I and ONNV/CHIKV E2+E1 infections in 293T cells to investigate whether the advantage conferred by CHIKV glycoproteins are macrophage specific.

      We have also updated the title to accurately reflect the significance of this research: “Chikungunya virus glycoprotein targeting of host factors increases viral fitness in human macrophage”.

      Reviewer 2’s optional comments

      1. The authors use CHIKV-ONNV chimeras but it would be interesting to test other chimeras to determine if CHIKV structural proteins confer the same advantage in the backbone of other arthritogenic alphaviruses. The study would also be strengthened by using a pathogenic strain of CHIKV instead of the vaccine strain, as this is significantly attenuated in vivo.

      We thank Reviewer 2 for this suggestion which is also suggested by Reviewer 1 in their minor comment #5. We plan to use virulent CHIKV La reunion strain and carry out infection experiments in BSL-3 to strengthen this study. We are getting trained in the BSL-3 facility and will be certified soon.

      1. In Figure 4, the authors identify residues in the CHIKV structural proteins that appear to be under positive selection in human subjects and generate point mutants in these residues with the corresponding ONNV residues. They find that one mutation, V1029I located in E1, completely abolishes virion production in THP-1 macrophage cell lines. However, in their previous chimeric experiments, they find that neither CHIKV E1 or E2 was sufficient to increase virus production in the ONNV backbone. The authors should address this discrepancy, otherwise they should consider moving the data in their point mutation experiments to a supplementary figure. While worthy of reporting, especially given the patient data, these experiments do not buttress the points made in the previous figures.

      We thank Reviewer 2 for this insightful comment. According to previous studies, E2 and E1 always interact with each other from the step of the formation of single heterodimer in the ER to heterodimer trimerization before viral particle assembly. Although the E1-V220 site (previously called V1029) on the exterior of a single E2-E1 heterodimer appears to not be engaged in the E2-E1 interaction E1-V220 is partially exposed and protruding into the groove formed by E1 and the E2 of neighboring heterodimer, accessible to host factors. As such, mutating CHIKV E1-V220 to the ONNV residue (E1-V220I) may not only disrupt E2-E1 trimerization but also interfere viral glycoprotein interaction with host factors(presented in our response to Reviewer 1’s major comment #1). Similarly, solely swapping E2 or E1 with CHIKV substitute in the ONNV backbone would also affect the interaction between neighboring E2 and E1 in trimerized spike, which may explain why neither ONNV/CHIKV E2 or ONNV/CHIKV E1 rescues virion production in THP-1 derived macrophages . We have included this in the partially revised discussion section lines __ __296-313.

      1. The authors conclude their manuscript with an assessment of several host proteins, namely SPCS3 and eIF3k, that were identified by mass spectrometry and whose knockdown results in increased virion production. The authors speculate about the role of these proteins but do not provide any mechanistic detail on how they might be playing a role. It is unclear that the putative antiviral role of these proteins involves steps downstream of virus replication, especially given that the authors speculate translation might be affected by eIF3k which, if the case, RNA synthesis should also be expected to be affected.

      We thank Reviewer 2 for this comment. We acknowledge that we have yet a full mechanistic understanding of how SPCS3 and eIF3k impact virion production. We plan to investigate their antiviral roles in our follow-up studies. For our partial revision, we have constructed several single eIF3k knockout (KO) clones of 293T cells. The eIF3k sgRNA we designed targets exon 3 which would eliminate expression of all 3 splice isoforms of eIF3k (KO schematic and sequence verification of CRISPR KO shown in revision plan). Unfortunately, we failed to obtain single clones of 293T cells with SPCS3 complete KO, consistent with a previous study by Rong Zhang et al6 that were unable to recover SPCS3 KO clones likely due to the importance of SPCS3 in cell survival. We infected an eIF3k KO clone (clone 9) with CHIKV vaccine strain 181/clone 25, ONNV SG650, and SINV Toto1101. Interestingly, we found that the antiviral activity of eIF3k is specific to CHIKV as CRISPR KO of eIF3k increases CHIKV production by 2.5 fold but not ONNV or SINV production (shown in revision plan). We have included this in the partially revised manuscript in__ line 272-282 (Figure 7B-7D).__

      We presume that Reviewer 2’s inference of eIF3k’s potential effects on viral RNA synthesis is based on our speculation of its antiviral role in viral translation, which may affect viral nonstructural gene expression. We would like to clarify that eIF3k is not an initiation factor traditionally needed for cap-dependent translation. It is also not clear what translation process (nonstructural polyprotein translation from viral genomic RNA or structural polyprotein translation from viral subgenomic mRNA) involves eIF3k if it indeed affects viral protein expression. Notably, previous SINV studies imply that alphavirus structural polyprotein translation may employ unique mechanisms without the requirement of several crucial initiation factors4,5. It will be interesting to see whether eIF3k participates in viral subgenomic mRNA translation as that would affect viral glycoprotein expression leading to reduced virion production. We have now included additional discussion on eIF3k antiviral mechanisms in the partially revised manuscript in lines 345-353.

      1. Overall, while the initial chimeric virus and domain swap approach is strong, the manuscript would benefit with a more thorough examination of virion assembly steps and a mechanistic link to virion production. Otherwise, the authors should revise the structure of their manuscript by de-emphasizing points about virion assembly and leave room for other mechanistic explanations of their chimeric data that more clearly link the host antiviral factor/E1 binding studies.

      We thank the reviewer for these positive comments and suggestions. We have addressed this by further interrogating the production kinetics of CHIKV, ONNV, and the chimeras containing CHIKV glycoproteins through determining their particle-to-PFU ratios as well as treating infected cells with secretory pathway inhibitors (refer to our responses to Reviewer 2 major comments #1 and #2). We have also included additional discussion on eIF3k antiviral mechanisms specifically on how it may affect other steps of the viral life cycle in the partially revised manuscript in lines 345-353 (refer to our response to Reviewer 2 optional comment #3).

      Reviewer 3’s critique comments

      1. Overall, the manuscript is well written but in its current state it is more like two different stories because the effects of envelope proteins and list of interactors are not brought together in one story. A possible fix to this problem would be inclusion of ONNV and CHIKV containing env mutations that do and do not restore viral release from macrophages into the pulldown/association experiments shown in Figure 6.

      We thank Reviewer 3 for the insightful suggestions to better connect the first (CHIKV determinants) and second (CHIKV glycoprotein interactors) parts of the manuscript. In response to the Reviewer’s comment, we tested the binding of SPCS3 and eIF3k to CHIKV E1 with E1-V220I (V1029I in original manuscript version) mutation (shown in revision plan) which was shown to abrogate virion production in THP-1 derived macrophages in Figure 4E. We transfected plasmids expressing 3XFLAG-tagged SPCS3/eIF3k or empty vector for 24 h followed by transfection with plasmids expressing either the parental CHIKV vaccine strain 181/clone 25 poly-glycoproteins (E3-myc-E2-6K-E1) or poly-glycoproteins with the E1-V220I mutation. Interestingly, we found that mutating CHIKV E1-V220 to the homologous ONNV residue reduces the binding to either SPCS3 or eIF3k. This result strongly suggests that the positively selected E1-V220 is located in the interaction interface between E1 and SPCS3/eIF3k, confirming the genetic conflict between E1 and these host factors to be one of the major drivers of CHIKV evolution observed at site E1-V220. We have included this result in partially revised manuscript in Figure 7A and in lines 265-271.

      1. The other major issue is the lack of protein data for the viral mutants relative to WT ONNV and CHIKV and assessment of viral RNA in the supernatants to determine whether the block is release or an earlier event since viral RNA levels in the cell seems to be the same or at least normalized.

      We thank Reviewer 3 for pointing out the insufficient clarification of the block leading to defective CHIKV mutant virion production. We previously detected E2 expression from 293T cells transfected with poly-glycoproteins (E3-myc-E2-6K-E1) containing E2-V135L (V460L in original manuscript version), E2-A164T (A489T in original manuscript version), E2-A246S (A571S in original manuscript version) and E1-V220I (V1029I in original manuscript version). We found that only E2-V135L mutation can lead to unexpected E2 cleavage (shown in revision plan) as we mentioned but not shown in the original manuscript. This explains why E2-V135L mutation attenuates infectious CHIKV production.

      The E2 expression of E1-V220I appears to be not affected in 293T cells transfected with poly-glycoproteins with E1-V220I (shown in revision plan ). In addition, the E1-host factor binding result in our response to Reviewer 3’s major comment #1 showed that E1 with the positively selected site mutation V220I can also be successfully expressed in 293T cells after transfection with poly-glycoprotein. Based on these current data, E1-V220I mutation likely abrogates virion production without affecting glycoprotein expression.

      Our previous result of the ONNV particle-to-PFU ratio reveals that ONNV RNA is released but encapsidated in defective particles causing its attenuation in infected macrophages. Thus, even though the glycoproteins of E1-V220I can be expressed, the diminished virion production of CHIKV E1-V220I can still be ascribed to 1) blocked viral particle release and 2) production of defective particles like ONNV. Given that it is not feasible to obtain particle-to-PFU ratio of E1-V220I mutant which fails to form plaques, Reviewer 3’s suggestion to assess the supernatant viral RNA will be a nice approach to address this question. To further address this concern, we plan to transfect THP-1 derived macrophages with CHIKV E1-V220I mutant RNA to detect the intracellular viral glycoprotein expression and supernatant viral RNA levels through western blot and TaqMan assay, respectively.

      1. Lastly, knockdown experiments indicate an effect of things like OAS3 or other innate immune modulators. There are no controls to demonstrate that these are specific to CHIKV infection or if knockdown would assist growth of ONNV as well.

      We also thank Reviewer 3 for the suggestion to check whether the identified host factors specifically target CHIKV or inhibit the infection of ONNV as well. We previously tried but were facing some issues. Since only a small fraction of macrophages can be infected with CHIKV and even a smaller fraction can be infected with ONNV (Figure 1A), it is hard to elucidate the roles of these identified host factors in ONNV infection by siRNA knockdown. We decided to take a more rigorous approach to investigate the antiviral specificity of identified host factors, especially understudied SPCS3 and eIF3k, to different alphaviruses by generating complete knockout 293T single cell clones. Despite the fact that we did not successfully generate SPCS3 complete KO, we obtained an eIF3k KO single cell clone and infected it with CHIKV, ONNV and SINV (refer to our response to Reviewer 2 optional comment #3). We found that eIF3k only has antiviral activity against CHIKV with almost no effects on ONNV or SINV infection. We have included this in our partially revised manuscript in line 272-282 (Figure 7B-7D).

      Reviewer 3's minor comments:

      Other points to consider:

      1. The title does not fit the manuscript findings and should be modified.

      We thank Reviewer 3 for this important comment, which was also brought up by Reviewer 2. We have now changed our title to “Chikungunya virus glycoprotein targeting of host factors increases viral fitness in human macrophage”, which more accurately reflects the significance of our research.

      1. It is unclear why the authors show results for SINV and RRV in Figure 1. Either these should be removed or the viruses should be carried throughout the experiments described in the Figure. Better yet would be to add additional alphaviruses to this analysis to determine if there are additional viruses that act similarly to CHIKV.

      We apologize for the confusion caused by including SINV and RRV results in Figure 1. We intended to show the superiority of CHIKV in infecting primary monocyte derived macrophages among arthritogenic alphaviruses, which we speculate may provide the molecular basis for macrophage-mediated CHIKV dissemination and disease. We would like to keep the SINV and RRV infection results in Figure 1 to highlight the relative susceptibility of macrophages to CHIKV. To echo the additional alphaviruses tested in Figure 1 and bring the story full circle, we included the result of SINV infection of eIF3k CRISPR KO 293T cells in Figure 7B-7D. These results uncover inhibitory activities of eIF3k that are specific to CHIKV.

      1. Is the data presented in Figure 1A significant?

      We thank Reviewer 3 for this question. We infected both THP-1 derived macrophages and primary monocyte derived macrophages with EGFP-expressing alphaviruses each in duplicates for two independent times. The general low expression of EGFP in all virus-infected groups refrains us from drawing conclusions based on statistically significant differences observed with MFI, hence we chose to show representative scatter plots in the original manuscript. To address Reviewers 3's question, we plotted the infected cell (EGFP+) based on the percentages of the experimental duplicates (shown in revision plan), and found CHIKV infection to be the most significantly different from that of the other alphaviruses in primary monocyte derived macrophage . The numbers above the bar charts are the mean percentages of EGFP+ cells.

      1. The justification for inclusion of Figure 4A is lacking. It is unclear what this panel is supposed to be demonstrating.

      This is an excellent suggestion as the host factors identified by AP-MS not only contain interactors of CHIKV mature E2 but also those of uncleaved E2-containing precursor polyproteins. We modified Figure 4A to reflect all E2/E2-containing poly-glycoproteins present in CHIKV-infected cells (shown in revision plan).

      1. There is little justification for the candidates assessed in

      We understand Reviewer 3’s concern. Due to the nature of mass spectrometry studies which predict protein-protein interactions rather than direct functional validation, we acknowledge that we may miss some host candidates that have anti- or pro-CHIKV activities. Although justification of hit selection from mass spectrometry datasets is more difficult than that from CRISPR KO screen datasets, we set up specific criteria to identify host protein candidates with the greatest potential to functionally interact with CHIKV glycoproteins. Most of the proteins we chose to validate (Figure 6a) were identified in both of our independent AP-MS experiments, which both pass through a P-value threshold of 0.05 and log2 fold change of 0.

      1. Extended data Figure 3 is very difficult to read due to the small font size.

      We apologize for the small font in Extended data Figure 3. We plan to replace Figure EV3 ( Extended data 3 in unrevised version) with a CORUM protein-protein interaction network that centers on the significant hits identified by both AP-MS experiments, but includes hits from either one of the two experiments in these functional protein complexes. The figure will be more concise and centralized, and the font will be bigger.

      1. Just to be clear, the blots shown in Figure 6D are different from those depicted in Extended data Figure 4b, because some of them look very similar.

      We thank Reviewer 3 for this question. In Figure 6D, we expressed CHIKV glycoproteins through transfecting CHIKV genomic RNA into 293T cells, while, in Figure 4B, we expressed CHIKV glycoproteins through transfecting poly-glycoprotein plasmid (pcDNA3.1-E3-myc-E2-6K-E1) into 293T cells, which are complementary approaches to express CHIKV glycoproteins to validate their interactions with identified host factors. We have now added schematics to illustrate the different experimental strategies above the figures in this partially revised manuscript (shown in revision plan).


      Voss, J. E. et al. Glycoprotein organization of Chikungunya virus particles revealed by X-ray crystallography. Nature 468, 709–712 (2010). Jose, J., Tang, J., Taylor, A. B., Baker, T. S. & Kuhn, R. J. Fluorescent Protein-Tagged Sindbis Virus E2 Glycoprotein Allows Single Particle Analysis of Virus Budding from Live Cells. Viruses 7, 6182–6199 (2015). Götte, B., Liu, L. & McInerney, G. M. The Enigmatic Alphavirus Non-Structural Protein 3 (nsP3) Revealing Its Secrets at Last. Viruses 10, 105 (2018). Saenz, J. B. et al. Golgicide A reveals essential roles for GBF1 in Golgi assembly and function. Nat. Chem. Biol. 5, 157–165 (2009). Krämer, A. et al. Small molecules intercept Notch signaling and the early secretory pathway. Nat. Chem. Biol.9, 731–738 (2013). Zhang, R. et al. A CRISPR screen defines a signal peptide processing pathway required by flaviviruses. Nature 535, 164–168 (2016).

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Review: In this manuscript the authors generated macrophages derived from the THP-1 cell line or human peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with MCSF and infected them with alphaviruses some containing GFP expression cassettes. In Figure 1, they demonstrate that CHIKV infected these cells more robustly than RRV, SINV or the related ONNV. The authors generated an extensive array of CHIKV/ONNV chimeras to identify the viral proteins that dictate release from infected macrophages and narrowed it down to the envelop proteins E1 and E2. Fine mapping identified a couple of single mutations that affected macrophage infection outcomes. The authors then shifted their approach to identifying env protein interactors using a myc-tag pulldown methods followed by mass spectrometry. The assay identified a number of proteins including those involved in vesicular transport and interferon pathways. siRNA knockdown experiments were performed to identify interactors and many of them were shown to improve virus output.

      Critique: Overall, the manuscript is well written but in its current state it is more like two different stories because the effects of envelop proteins and list of interactors are not brought together in on one story. A possible fix to this problem would be inclusion of ONNV and CHIKV containing env mutations that do and do not restore viral release from macrophages into the pulldown/association experiments shown in Figure 6. The other major issue is the lack of protein data for the viral mutants relative to WT ONNV and CHIKV and assessment of viral RNA in the supernatants to determine whether the block is release or an earlier event since viral RNA levels in the cell seems to be the same or at least normalized. Lastly, knockdown experiments indicate an effect of things like OAS3 or other innate immune modulators. There are no controls to demonstrate that these are specific to CHIKV infection or if knockdown would assist growth of ONNV as well.

      Other points to consider:

      1. The title does not fit the manuscript findings and should be modified.
      2. It is unclear why the authors show results for SINV and RRV in Figure 1. Either these should be removed or the viruses should be carried throughout the experiments described in the Figure. Better yet would be to add additional alphaviruses to this analysis to determine if there are additional viruses that act similarly to CHIKV.
      3. Is the data presented in Figure 1A significant?
      4. The justification for inclusion of Figure 4A is lacking. It is unclear what this panel is supposed to be demonstrating.
      5. There is little justification for the candiates assessed in
      6. Extended data Figure 3 is very difficult to read due to the small font size.
      7. Just to be clear, the blots shown in Figure 6D are different from those depicted in Extended data Figure 4b, because some of them look very similar.


      The study provides a fresh look at Alphavirus replication in macrophages. There are a number of issues that should be worked out that would enhance impact and interpretation of this study.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: The authors utilize: 1) chimeric arthritogenic alphaviruses; evolution selection analyses with virus sequences isolated from human patients; and 3) mass spectrometry and proteomics to interrogate determinants of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) permissiveness in primary human macrophages and the human macrophage cell line, THP-1. The authors find that the vaccine strain, CHIKV 181/clone 25 replicates the most efficiently in primary monocyte-derived macrophages compared to other arthritogenic alphaviruses. Using o'nyong o'nyong (ONNV) as a comparison, the authors generate several chimeric viruses with CHIKV structural proteins and ONNV non-structural proteins (and vice versa) and perform a series of E1 and E2 domain swap experiments. They determine that both CHIKV structural proteins, E2 and E1, are necessary to confer efficient virus production over ONNV in the absence of a difference in viral RNA production. The authors also identify a specific residue in E1 that appears to be important for efficient virus production in THP-1 macrophage cell lines. Finally, using mass spectrometry, the authors identify two host proteins, SPCS3 and eIF3k, that bind to CHIKV E1 structural protein and appear to act as antiviral host factors.

      Major comments: The authors elegantly demonstrate that CHIKV structural proteins confer an advantage over ONNV structural proteins in a step in the replication cycle downstream of virus RNA synthesis, possibly virion assembly. This point would be strengthened determining the particle-to-PFU ratio of the parental viruses and the chimeras. Presumably, the ratio would increase in the chimeras containing CHIKV structural proteins. Additionally, the authors should consider performing virion assembly blocking assays with a small molecule inhibitor to determine if this abrogates the virus production advantage of CHIKV structural proteins within the ONNV backbone. Finally, the authors should perform competition experiments with the chimeric viruses and ONNV in macrophages to determine if the chimeras can outcompete the parental ONNV strain. Based on their data, the chimeric viruses should outcompete. These experiments would likely take 3-4 weeks to complete.

      The authors use both primary macrophages and macrophage cell lines as their in vitro model system and make one of their major points (listed in the title) that the determinants they identified in the CHIKV structural proteins convert macrophages into dissemination vessels; however, they do not show: 1) an in vivo model that the CHIKV-ONNV chimeras disseminate more efficiently than the parental ONNV; and 2) that these chimeras generate virus more efficiently specifically in macrophages. It would be useful to show that ONNV and CHIKV have equivalent virion production in other cell lines and that the advantage conferred by CHIKV structural proteins in the ONNV backbone is specific to macrophages. The authors should also change their title to reflect that dissemination is not directly being addressed in their study; the implications of their in vitro experimentation in a mammalian host would be more appropriate for the discussion.

      OPTIONAL: The authors use CHIKV-ONNV chimeras but it would be interesting to test other chimeras to determine if CHIKV structural proteins confer the same advantage in the backbone of other arthritogenic alphaviruses. The study would also be strengthened by using a pathogenic strain of CHIKV instead of the vaccine strain, as this is significantly attenuated in vivo. In Figure 4, the authors identify residues in the CHIKV structural proteins that appear to be under positive selection in human subjects and generate point mutants in these residues with the corresponding ONNV residues. They find that one mutation, V1029I located in E1, completely abolishes virion production in THP-1 macrophage cell lines. However, in their previous chimeric experiments, they find that neither CHIKV E1 or E2 was sufficient to increase virus production in the ONNV backbone. The authors should address this discrepancy, otherwise they should consider moving the data in their point mutation experiments to a supplementary figure. While worthy of reporting, especially given the patient data, these experiments do not buttress the points made in the previous figures.

      The authors conclude their manuscript with an assessment of several host proteins, namely SPCS3 and eIF3k, that were identified by mass spectrometry and whose knockdown results in increased virion production. The authors speculate about the role of these proteins but do not provide any mechanistic detail on how they might be playing a role. It is unclear that the putative antiviral role of these proteins involves steps downstream of virus replication, especially given that the authors speculate translation might be affected by eIF3k which, if the case, RNA synthesis should also be expected to be affected.

      Overall, while the initial chimeric virus and domain swap approach is strong, the manuscript would benefit with a more thorough examination of virion assembly steps and a mechanistic link to virion production. Otherwise, the authors should revise the structure of their manuscript by de-emphasizing points about virion assembly and leave room for other mechanistic explanations of their chimeric data that more clearly link the host antiviral factor/E1 binding studies.

      Minor comments: In Figure 3e, the line under "with CHIKV E1" should be moved over to include the E2-II+E1 virus.

      Figure 5a, 5b, and 6a should be replaced with higher resolution images.


      Strengths of the study include the initial chimeric virus and domain swap approach to determine factors that allow for the productive replication of chikungunya virus in macrophages compared to other arthritogenic alphaviruses. This approach yielded useful insights and could be adapted to other viruses. The study is limited, however, by the lack of mechanistic detail linking the antiviral host factors identified which bind to the E1 structural protein, and the advantage conferred by CHIKV structural proteins in the ONNV backbone. The study would be greatly improved by structural studies of the chimeric viruses that directly demonstrate more efficient virion production and that knockdown of the identified factors specifically affects virion production. This point could be addressed either through additional experimentation or tempering of the authors' conclusions about the mechanism by which CHIKV structural proteins provide an advantage over those of ONNV.

      The study advances knowledge in the field on what might advantage different pathogenic alphaviruses and explain differences in disease pathology. Additionally, the authors devise a simple and clever strategy that could be applied across different alphaviruses and would be useful to test in vivo in future studies. This study would be useful to a virology-specific audience.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this work Yao et al. show CHIK is able to infect macrophages in contrast to other arthritogenic alphaviruses RRV, ONNV, and SINV. They use a series to chimeric viruses made with ONNV, the closest species to CHIK, and determine the E2-E1 proteins are important viral determinants which allow CHIK to replicate in machophages compared to ONNV. By comparing 397 CHIK sequences from infected patients, they identified 14 residues under pervasive and positive selection. Of these, 3 residues in E2 and 3 residues in E1 (amino acids) were different between CHIK and ONNV suggesting these residues contributed to the difference in macrophage tropism of CHIK compared to ONNV. The authors go on to determine what host factors the CHIK E2 protein is interacting with to presumably connect the viral and host determinants for CHIK infection in macrophages.

      Major concerns:

      1. The authors show one configuration of the E1-E2 heterodimer in Figure 4d. As shown, the E1 protein is exterior to the E2 protein and would suggest E1 is on the surface on the spike complex and virus surface. However, another configuration of the glycoproteins has E2 on the exterior of E1 and also on the exterior of the virus. The latter conformation is what has been observed in cryoEM studies of alphaviruses. The first configuation represents the E1-E2 between the three heterodimers which are important for spike assembly. The reason the orientation of the E2-E1 dimer is important is the authors speculate on the importance of the 6 CHIK residues not found in ONNV based on the structure, but the structural interpretation is, in my opinion, not correct.
      2. Validation of E1 interaction with SPSC3 and eIF3k needs to be stronger. Some concerns/questions are listed below. A myc tag was inserted between E3 and E2. How efficeintly does furin cleave E3 from E2 in this virus and how are viral titers of the myc-tagged virus compared to the non-tagged virus? I ask because is the IP looking at what is being pulled down by E2 or E3-myc-E2 that could be part of the spike polyprotein? The authors found E2 interacts with E3, E1 and a list of other host proteins. These results suggest several interactions including E2-host factor, E2-E1, E2-E3, E2-E1-host factor, E2-E3-E1, E2-E3-host factor. In figure 6d, and the subsequent conclusions, the authors suggest E1 is interacting with the host facor and do not see E2 alone and very low amounts of E3-E2-6K-E1. based on how the IP was performed I am not sure how an interaction between E1 and SPCS3 alone, without E2, would be detected. I would also like to see a reciprocal pull down using E1 and also E2 to see if these host factors are pulled down.
      3. If CHIK E1 is interacting with the host factors and that is antagonizing the antiviral response of SPSC3 (as one example), then what do pull downs using ONNV structural proteins look like? One would expect reduced interactions because the different amino acid causes a different E2-E1 dimer or attenuates the E1-host factor binding site.
      4. E1 and E2 are thought to interact during polyprotein translation and the initial dimer forms in the ER. If E1 is interacting wht SPSC3 in the ER, is E2 also present? Or is a population of E1 not interacting with E2 in order to inhibit SPSC3? I would love a model of how the authors see all these factors coming together for this new role of E1.

      Minor concerns:

      1. In Figure 1c, (-) RNA is shown but in the rest of the figures (+) RNA is shown. Show both or select one. I do find it interesting the (-) RNA levels are similar over time, even at 4 hours post transfection (early time). Related to this, ONNV has higher levels of (-) RNA but what is known about structural protein levels in ONNV and CHIK in macrophages? Are there comparable levels of CP and GP being produced?
      2. Figure 2e and figure 3 have ONNV has the first bar followed by CHIK. In figure 1 and 2b, CHIK is first and then ONNV. helps the reader to have the controls in the same order.
      3. Line 143-145 the authors discuss that when ONNV is the backbone and CHIK proteins are inserted the infection is more attenuated because of the E2 and E1 are from CHIK and ONNV, not the same virus (could also be E2-CP interactions are disrupted). However the chimeras made witht he CHIK backbone (in Figure 2) have a mismatch between E2 and E1 as well.
      4. When discussing the residues that were found in the FEL and MEME analysis, the authors start the amino acid numbering from CP and continue along the polyprotein. Usually when discussing amino acids in the structural proteins, each protein starts at amino acid 1. So V460 would be E2-V135. It would also be useful to know what the residues in ONNV were at these positions to see if amino acids changed in charge, size, bond forming potential, etc. Showing these residues in the E2-E1 conformation found in the virion would also allow one to find adjeacent residues that could explain differences in spike assembly and potentially where/how E1 is binding to a host protein.
      5. How effective is a non-attenuated CHIK strain in infecting macrophages? Could you make a SINV-La Reunion chimeric virus (which is BSL2) to see if a higher percentage of macrophages are infected and is this potentially contributing to the increased pathogenesis of La Reunion? Also how different is 181/25 with a pathogenic strain in the E2 and E1 resdiues? and compared to ONNV?
      6. When describing the last results section, "CHIK E1 binding proteins exhibit potent anit-CHIV activities" the authors use macrophages. In the rest of the text they consistently use THP-1 macrophages or human primary monocyte derived macrophages. The details of the cell type are extremely useful to the reader and having those in the last results section would be great.
      7. The paper is well-written. There is a slight disconnect as the authors go from discussing results in Figure 4 to Figure 5.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with R#2 that having some Particle:PFU data would add some data to determine why such differences in titers/infectivity.

      I also see how this m/s could be split into two different m/s. One that focuses on the chimeric viruses and another that identifies the host factors important and goes in more depth with mechanism



      The authors have tackeled an intriguing question: why do some alphaviruses infect macrophages and others do not. They have used a chimeric approached to very systematically identify the viral determinants E2 and E1 as being important in macrophage infection. Using AP-MS they identify host factors that interact with E2 (possibly E2 and E1, see comments above) but if their findings that E1 has a role in attenuating a host antiviral factor, this would be fantastic.

      More and more examples of viral proteins having multiple roles during infection are in the literature. The idea that structural proteins also attenutate host antivirals is a developing field and vastly understudied. By fleshing out the results some more the authors might be onto something ery important in alphavirus virology.


      The study has it is presented is limited in the validation of host factors and their interacting partners. I have many questions about the methodology, validation, and model from this last section.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank the reviewers for their careful reading of the document and feedback which will help us to improve our manuscript. We will go through their comments one by one.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This study would be much convincing if additional line of eukaryotic cells can be used to demonstrate the GEF-GAP synergy tis important for cell physiology. In addition, it would be best to demonstrate the spatiotemporal interaction of GEF-GAP using high-resolution live cell imaging.

      Response from the authors:

      The reviewer requests additional in vivo data to support our in vitro findings:

      (1) The reviewer requests in vivo data showing that GEF-GAP synergy is important for cell physiology. We believe that in order to show GEF-GAP synergy in vivo, Cdc42 cycling rates would need to be measured in vivo. For that single-molecule resolution is required – to track a single Cdc42 molecule and measure its GTPase cycling. We agree that such data would indeed be interesting, but are unaware of established techniques that would facilitate measurements of Cdc42 cycling rates in vivo.

      (2) The reviewer requests in vivo data showing the spatiotemporal interaction of GEF-GAP. Cdc24 and Rga2 are shown to interact (direct or mediated by another protein) (McCusker et al. 2007, Breitkreutz et al. 2010, Chollet et al. 2020). Cdc24 and Rga2 share 11 binding partners (https://thebiogrid.org/31724/table/saccharomyces-cerevisiae-s288c/cdc24.html, https://thebiogrid.org/32438/table/saccharomyces-cerevisiae-s288c/rga2.html) and have been found at the polarity spot (Gao et al. 2011). Live cell imaging of fluorescently tagged Cdc24 and Rga2 will show that they exhibit some interaction, but not specify the role of the interaction nor if the interaction is direct or mediated by one of the shared binding partners. In order to show a direct interaction between Cdc24 and Rga2, one could consider (A) super-resolution imaging or (B) FRET experiments: For both fluorescently tagged Cdc24 and Rga2 cell lines would need to be constructed.

      (A) Super-resolution imaging could show direct interaction between Cdc24 and Rga2, but even with the techniques available this would be on the limit. Further, it is usually done in fixed cells, and not in live cells (as requested from the reviewer).

      (B) To show a direct interaction of Cdc24 and Rga2 using FRET, suitable protein constructs would need to be engineered. We believe that the main obstacle in showing direct binding of Cdc24 and Rga2 using FRET is to design the fluorophore linker. The linker would need to be designed in such a way that it is flexible enough to give a FRET signal even if the two large proteins bind on the opposite sites of the fluorophore, but also is stiff/short enough to not show binding if both proteins are in close proximity through binding to a common binding partner.

      __We believe that an investigation of GEF GAP binding in vivo is beyond the scope of this study. Instead, we will further explore one possible mechanism underlying GEF GAP synergy - Cdc24 Rga2 binding - through conducting Size-Exclusion Chromatography Multi-Angle Light Scattering experiments with purified Cdc24 and Rga2 (alone and in combination). __

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The revised study would provide first line evidence that GEF-GAP synergy to be general regulatory property in eukaryotic kingdom.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The study entitled, "The GEF Cdc24 and GAP Rga2 synergistically regulate Cdc42 GTPase cycling" by Tschirpke et al., uses an in vitro GTPase assay to examine the GTPase cycle of Cdc42 in combination with its GEF and GAP effectors. The authors find that the Cdc24 GEF activity scales non-linearly with its concentration and the GAP Rga2 has substantially weaker effect on stimulating Cdc42 GTPase activity. Not surprisingly, the combined addition of Cdc24 and Rga2 lead to a substantial increase in Cdc42 GTPase activity.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      In Zheng, Y., Cerione, R., and Bender, A. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269: 2369-2372 (Fig. 3C), the authors show that Cdc24 combined with the GAP Bem3 lead to a large synergy in boosting Cdc42 GTPase activity.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      There is very little new information in this manuscript. Previous studies (Rapali et al. 2017) have shown that the scaffold protein Bem1 enhances the GEF activity of Cdc24. It is expected that the reconstitution of a GEF and GAP protein promote the GTPase cycle and indeed Zheng et al. (1994) showed that that Cdc24 combined with the GAP Bem3 lead to a large synergy in boosting Cdc42 GTPase activity. Hence the only potentially interesting finding in this work is that, in solution Cdc24 activity scales non-linearly with its concentration. However as this GEF and Cdc42 are associated with the membrane, the relevance of solution studies are less clear and furthermore the mechanistic basis for the non-linearity is not explored in detail. Given the limited new information from this work, the findings are, in their current form, too preliminary.

      Response from the authors:

      __We appreciate the reviewer recognizing our work on the non-linear concentration-dependence of Cdc24’s activity. We disagree that this is the only new finding in our study: __

      We explore the effect of Cdc24 and Rga2 on Cdc42’s entire GTPase cycle and show that Cdc24 and Rga2 synergistically upregulate Cdc42 cycling. So-far Cdc42 effectors were only characterized in isolation (with the exception of Cdc24-Bem1 (Rapali et al. 2017)) and through how they affect a specific GTPase cycle step. The regulation of single GTPase cycle steps through an effector yields mechanistic insight into this specific GTPase cycle step. However, it does not show how the effector affects overall GTPase cycling of Cdc42 – a process Cdc42 constantly undergoes in vivo. Our approach allows us to study synergistic effects between proteins affecting different GTPase cycle steps. Synergies are another regulatory layer of the polarity system, adding further complexity: Which polarity proteins exhibit synergy, to which extend? The assay employed here, which studies the entire GTPase cycle, enables studying the effect of any GTPase cycle regulator, alone and in combination with another regulator.

      The reviewer states that the GEF GAP synergy is to be expected, as it was already shown in Zheng et al. 1994. In Fig. 3C Zheng et al. shows the time course of the GTPase activity of Cdc42 in presence of Cdc24, Bem3, and Cdc24 plus Bem3. Fig. 3C is the only data in which the combined effect of a GEF (Cdc24) and a GAP (Bem3) is investigated. The data indicates synergy, but is neither discussed as such in the text of the publication, nor analyzed quantitatively. Further, only one concentration of each effector (GEF/GAP) is used and the study uses a Bem3 peptide containing codons 751-1128 (30%) of the full-length BEM3 gene. Zheng et al. 1994 gives an early indication of GEF GAP synergy, but does not claim, discuss, or further investigate the synergy as such. In contrast, we use full-length Rga2 (not Bem3) as GAP, conduct several concentration-dependent assays, and analyze them quantitatively. We thank the reviewer for pointing out the pioneering character of Zheng et al.‘s study and will mention it more prominently in our report. However, we disagree that Zheng et al. sufficiently studied the GEF GAP interaction. To our awareness no theoretical studies include a GEF GAP synergy term, which we would expect if GEF GAP synergy is well-established in the field.

      The reviewer criticizes the relevance of bulk in vitro studies (lacking membranes) of proteins that bind to membranes in vivo. We agree that the presence of a membrane can affect the protein’s property, and we can not exclude that membrane-binding could alter the magnitude of a GEF GAP synergy. However, we believe that membrane-binding does not impede the GEF GAP synergy altogether. If membrane binding would influence GTPase properties that strongly, other studies on Cdc42’s GTPase activity and GEF and GAP activity, that do not include a membrane, would be inconclusive as well (e.g. Zheng et al. 1993, Zheng et al. 1994, Zheng et al. 1995, Zhang et al. 1997, Zhang et al. 1998, Zhang et al. 1999, Zhang et al. 2000, Zhang et al. 2001, Smith et al. 2002, Rapali et al. 2017). Both studies mentioned by the reviewer (Zheng et al. 1994, Rapali et al. 2017) were also conducted without membranes present.

      We believe that an inclusion of membrane-binding into reconstituted Cdc42 systems will enhance our understanding of Cdc42 and recognize it as a next step, which could be enabled by the assay used in our study.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This work reports a biochemical analysis of the effects of a recombinant yeast GEF (Cdc24) and GAP (Rga2) on Cdc42 GTPase cycling in vitro. The central conclusion is that the GEF and GAP act "synergistically", which occurs "due to proteins enhancing each other's effects". By this they appear to mean that the GEF enhances the GAP's activity and vice versa. I was not persuaded that this is correct, and was confused by many aspects of the approach and interpretation, as outlined below.

      1. GEF and GAP are expected to accelerate GTPase cycle synergistically even with no effect on each other's activity:

      The Cdc42 GTPase cycle is understood to occur via distinct steps (GDP release, GTP binding, and GTP hydrolysis): GDP release and GTP hydrolysis are intrinsically slow steps that are accelerated by GEFs (GDP release) and GAPs (GTP hydrolysis). This fundamental biochemistry was established in the 1990s using biochemical assays that measure each step independently. Here instead the authors use an assay that measures [GTP] decline in a mix with 5 uM starting GTP, 1 uM Cdc42, plus or minus some amount of GEF or GAP. They assume exponential decline of [GTP] with time, yielding a cycling "rate". If that is so, then one would expect that added GEF would accelerate only the first step, leaving a slow GTP hydrolysis step that limits the overall cycling rate, while added GAP would accelerate only the last step, leaving a slow GDP release step that limits the overall cycling rate. Adding both together would speed up both steps, and should therefore "synergistically" accelerate cycling. This would be expected based on previous work and does not imply that GEF or GAP are affecting each other's action (except trivially by providing substrate for the next reaction). If the authors wish to demonstrate that something more complex is indeed happening, they need to use assays that directly measure the sub-reaction of interest, as done by prior investigators.

      Response from the authors:

      The reviewer raises the point that we do not consider a simpler, rate-limiting model and that this rate-limiting model could explain our synergy between GAP and GEF in accelerating the GTPase cycle.

      We very much welcome this consideration of the reviewer! We will add a clarification to our manuscript to explain why a rate-limiting model/interpretation does not match our data.

      Intuitively, the rate-limiting model is appealing, as it permits interpretation of cycle rate increases in terms of individual biochemical steps. So, a consideration of this model is indeed relevant. However, as also noted by the reviewer in the next points, data from e.g., figure 3e are not compatible with a simple rate-limiting model with two steps (hydrolysis and nucleotide exchange). We will explain how the acceleration of the total rate by both GAP and GEF individually does not match the rate-limiting model, even if we assume maximal effects of adding GAPs and GEF to the cycle. For this purpose, we consider the rate-limiting model scenario where the sensitivity of the GTPase cycle to adding GAP/GEF is maximized, so the best case-scenario for the rate limiting step-model.

      In the rate-limiting step model, we assume that we have a GTPase cycle in which at least one of the three GTPase cycle steps is rate-limiting: (A) GTP binding, (B) GTP hydrolysis, and (C) GDP release.

      We assume that the addition of a GEF and GAP only accelerates GDP release and GTP hydrolysis respectively. Biochemically, all three steps in the GTPase cycle are expected to be relevant. However, here we will consider only the final two steps, as sensitivity to rate limitation by GAP/GEF is maximized when time spent in the GAP/GEF-independent step in the cycle (step A: GTP) is negligible (i.e. never rate-limiting). The two-step model thus consists of (1) a nucleotide exchange step (step C+A) which is dominated by GDP release (step C) and assumed to be accelerated exclusively by the GEF, and (2) a GTP hydrolysis step (step B) exclusively enhanced by the GAP.

      In the rate limiting step model GEF-GAP synergy can appear if one of the conditions applies:

      1. the addition of a GAP speeds up the GTP hydrolysis step so much that the hydrolysis step stops (or almost stops) being the rate-limiting step, or
      2. the addition of a GEF speeds up the GDP release step so much that the release step stops (or almost stops) being the rate-limiting step. In these conditions, the acceleration of the GTPase cycle, accomplished by adding only a GAP or adding only a GEF, is interdependent. Therefore, we consider the possible acceleration of the GTPase cycle by GAP and GEF individually, and compare these to our observations to determine whether the rate-limiting step model can explain our data.

      The GTPase cycle time Tc is thus composed of hydrolysis Th and nucleotide exchange time Te, and the rates r are connected through:

      1/rc=1/rh + 1/re

      If we compare the ratio of the rates with protein (GAP/GEF) added in the assay (index 1) with the basal rate without protein added (index 0), we obtain the cycle acceleration factor alpha:

      alpha=rc1/rc0=(1/rh0 + 1/re0)/(1/rh1 + 1/re1)=(re0 + rh0)/(re0*rh0/rh1 + rh0*re0/re1)

      Here, rc1 and rc0 are the total GTPase cycle rate with and without effector respectively, rh1 and rh0 are the GTP hydrolysis rate with and without effector respectively, and re1 and re0 are the nucleotide exchange rate with and without effectors respectively.

      There is indeed an interdependence created between how much the GAP and GEF can both accelerate the total cycle, if the GAP and GEF are assumed to only accelerate GTP hydrolysis and nucleotide exchange respectively. E.g., how much the total GTPase cycle rate rc is accelerated by an increase in GTP hydrolysis rate rh depends on and can be limited by the current nucleotide exchange rate re. However, this interdependence is too strict to match the data in Figure 3e, as we will explain in the next paragraphs:

      When we only add a GAP and the GAP accelerates only the GTP hydrolysis rate (re1=re0), then the maximal total GTPase cycle rate acceleration alphaGAP that the GAP can accomplish is when rh1>>rh0,re0:

      alphaGAP=rc1/rc0=(1/rh0 +1/re0)/(1/rh1+1/re0)=(re0+rh0)/(re0*rh0/rh1+rh0)

      ~(re0+rh0)/rh0=1+ re0/rh0

      We thus assume the GAP accelerates the cycle so much that the hydrolysis step is much faster than the exchange step, at which point the effect of adding more GAP would saturate. We note that we do not consider the GAP concentration regime where we see saturation, thus in reality the acceleration by the GAP is more restricted than predicted here.

      Analogously, if the GEF accelerates only the nucleotide exchange rate (rh1=rh0), then the maximum GTPase cycle rate ratio will be when re1>>re0,rh0 , yielding acceleration factor alphaGEF :

      alphaGEF= rc1/rc0=1+ rh0/re0

      Again, note we assume the GEF accelerates the cycle so much that the exchange step is much faster than the hydrolysis step, at which point the effect of adding more GEF would saturate. We note that we do not observe the GEF concentration regime where we see saturation, thus in reality the acceleration by the GEF is more restricted than predicted here.

      We see that the maximum gain in rates for GAP-only and GEF-only assays is limited by the same basal GTP hydrolysis and nucleotide exchange rates (rh0 and re0), leading to the following interdependence:

      alphaGAP=1+ 1/(alphaGEF -1)=alphaGEF/(AlphaGEF -1)

      In our GAP-only and GEF-only assays (Fig. 3e, Tab. 2), we see both a 2-fold and 100-fold increase in the total rate respectively. A 100-fold acceleration factor of the GEF would maximize the GAP acceleration factor to 1.01 (or alternatively, the 2-fold GAP acceleration would maximize the GEF acceleration to 2), which are both significantly lower than what we observe. So even though we made favorable assumptions for the rate-limiting model to maximize rate sensitivity to GAP/GEF, namely neglecting nucleotide binding and assuming GAP/GEF concentrations that saturate in their effects, we still cannot reproduce the acceleration factors in our GAP-only and GEF-only assays.

      Moreover, a rate-limiting step model would also imply saturation effects as stated in the next point of the reviewer. While we observe saturation in total rate acceleration for certain GAP concentrations, we use GEF and GAP concentrations in the combined protein assays for which no saturation effects were observed. Absence of saturation in both cycle steps simultaneously is also not reconcilable with the rate-limiting step model, as will be further discussed in the next point of the reviewer.

      In summary, this means that the rate-limiting model is not sufficient to explain our results: the GAP/GEF synergy we observe is not simply resulting from GEF and GAP independently lifting two different rate-limiting steps.

      Model-based interpretation of the GTPase assay is poorly supported:

      The assay employed measures overall GTP concentration with time. It is assumed (but not well documented-see below) that [GTP] declines exponentially, and that the rate constant for a particular condition can be fit by the sum of a series of terms that are linear or quadratic in the concentrations of Cdc42, GEF, and GAP. There is no theoretical derivation of this model from the elementary reactions, and the assumptions involved are not well articulated.

      As discussed in point 1 above, one would expect that a GEF or GAP alone could only accelerate the cycle to a certain point, where the other (slow) reaction becomes rate limiting. But that does not appear to be true for their phenomenological model, where slow steps (small terms in the sum) will always be overwhelmed by fast steps. This is not the traditional understanding of how GTPases operate.

      Response from the authors:

      The reviewer expresses the concern that because we do not derive our coarse-grained model from elementary reactions, we miss important effects that can occur when adding GAP and GEFs, particularly saturation.

      We understand the concern of the reviewer that if a rate-limiting step model is considered, saturation effects of GAP/GEF will limit the amount with which these effectors can speed up the total cycle. Our coarse-grained model indeed does not account for this saturation. However, as discussed in the previous point of the reviewer, we do not opt for the rate-limiting model interpretation, as the GAP and GEF effects are not compatible with the rate-limiting step model.

      Secondly, we agree that for high enough concentrations of GEF and GAPs, we would experience a saturation in the effect of adding the effectors. We are aware of this possibility, and we verify that we are not in saturation regimes with our added proteins by checking the plots of the individual protein titrations (see Figure 3a-d). If we enter the saturation regime, we expect a negative second derivative in the rate as function of protein concentration (the curve shallows off). We do not see this for any protein except for Rga2 at some point, as discussed in our main text of the manuscript. However, for this protein we only use the data in the linear regime for further analysis. In short, we understand the concern of the author but we empirically check that we are not in the saturation regime.

      Data that do not conform to expectation are not explained: Strangely, the data (as interpreted by the model assumptions) also appear inconsistent with the expectation of rate-limiting steps. GEF addition (alone) is said to accelerate cycling 100-fold, while GAP addition (alone) accelerates it 2-fold. But that would seem to imply that GDP release takes up >99% of the basal cycle (so accelerating that step alone reduces cycling time 100-fold), while GTP hydrolysis takes up >50% of the basal cycle (so accelerating that step alone reduces cycling time 2-fold). In the conventional understanding of GTPase cycles, these cannot both be be true (as the steps would then add to >100% of the basal cycle). There is no attempt to reconcile these findings with previous work.

      Response from the authors:

      The reviewer raises the point that our findings do not match the expectations of the rate-limiting model perspective.

      We fully agree with the reviewer that our data is not compatible with the rate-limiting step model. The 100-fold and 2-fold gain of the total cycle rates for GEF-only and GAP-only assays are one of our arguments against the rate-limiting model view, as described in the first point of the reviewer. Also, our lack of saturation as described in the previous point of the reviewer provides another argument against using expectations based on rate-limiting steps to interpret our findings.

      Lack of detailed timecourse data:

      The decline in [GTP] with time is stated to be exponential, allowing extraction of an overall cycling "rate". But this claim is supported only weakly (S3 Fig. 1 uses only 3 timepoints, is not plotted on semi-log axis, and does not report fit to exponential vs other models) and only for the Cdc42-alone scenario: no data at all are presented to support exponential decline in reactions with GEF or GAP. Most assays seem to measure only a single timepoint, so extraction of a "rate" is very heavily influenced by the unsupported assumption of exponential decline. And if the decline is not exponential, it becomes extremely difficult to interpret what a single timepoint means.

      Response from the authors:

      The reviewer requests additional timeseries data with GEF and GAP to support the assumption of an exponential decline of GTP in the assay and requests to plot it on a semi-log axis.

      We will add data for Cdc42 + Cdc24 and for Cdc42 + Rga2 with two to three time points, and plot it as requested on a semi-log axis.

      Other issues with interpretation of the data:

      (i) It is unclear why the authors chose to employ an assay that is much harder to interpret than the biochemical assays used by others. In biochemical studies, assays that report an output of multiple reactions are always harder to interpret than assays targeting a single reaction. As well-established assays are available for each individual step in GTPase cycles, any conclusions must be supported using such assays.

      Response from the authors:

      The reviewer wonders why an assay that investigates several GTPase steps at once was chosen over assays that investigate sub-steps of the GTPase cycle, given that these give more mechanistic insights.

      We agree that assays investigating GTPase cycle substeps can give more mechanistic insights into these specific steps. However, they do not allow to study how proteins affecting different steps act together. We were interested in investigating the overall GTPase cycle of Cdc42 and a possible interplay of GEFs and GAPs. Cdc42 GTPase cycling was found to be a requirement for polarity establishment (Wedlich-Soldner et al. 2004) and Cdc42 GTPase cycling is physiologically relevant. Ultimately, we hope that in vitro results provide stepping stones towards understanding the complex and less controlled in vivo environment. The in vivo environment often entails the output of many reactions combined, so there is every incentive to study aggregated effects of a full cycle which are not necessarily the sum of individual outputs.

      __We believe that both assay types – assays that investigate sub-steps and yield mechanistic details, and assays that investigate the entire cycle – are important and disagree that one assay type is superior to the other. Instead, we believe they complement each other. __

      (ii) The reported basal (and GEF/GAP-accelerated) rates are very slow, perhaps due to poor folding of recombinant proteins. This raises the possibility that much of the Cdc42 is inactive. If so, then accelerated GTP hydrolysis could come from increasing the active fraction of Cdc42, rather than catalyzing a specific step.

      Response from the authors:

      The reviewer wonders whether the reported rates are slow due to poor folding of recombinant Cdc42. We used S. cerevisae Cdc42, for which it has been shown that it has a significantly lower basal GTPase activity than Cdc42 of other organisms (see Zhang et al. 1999). Many other studies on Cdc42 were conducted with human Cdc42, which has a significantly higher basal GTPase activity (Zhang et al. 1999). We assessed the activity of several recombinantly expressed Cdc42 constructs previously (Tschirpke et al. 2023). We there observed that most constructs had a similar GTPase activity, only some purification batches and constructs had a significantly reduced GTPase activity (which might be linked to poor folding). The Cdc42 construct used here shows a similar activity as the active Cdc42 constructs in Tschirpke et al. 2023, and we therefore believe that it exhibits proper folding. If recombinant Cdc42 folds poorly, we would expect greater variations between Cdc42 constructs and purification batches (caused by different levels of folding/ a different fraction of active Cdc42) than what we observed previously (see Tschirpke et al. 2023).

      Tschirpke et al. 2023:

      Tschirpke et al. A guide to the in vitro reconstitution of Cdc42 activity and its regulation (2023) BioRxiv. (https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.24.538075) (in submission at Current Protocols)

      (iii) The GEF and GAP preparations include multiple partial degradation products and it is unclear whether the measured activities come from full-length proteins or more active fragments.

      Response from the authors:

      We agree with the reviewer that the Cdc24 and Rga2 preparations contain degradation products.

      It would be more ideal if the protein purifications were entirely pure, but this is experimentally very difficult to achieve for the used proteins (which are large and partially unstructured, making them prone to partial degradation). Further, it is not uncommon to use protein preparations where some degradation products were present (e.g. Zheng et al. 1993, Zheng et al. 1994). Other studies did not show their purified preparations.

      The vast majority of the Cdc24 preparation is the full-length protein. We therefore expect that the degradation fragments only contribute in a small extend to the overall protein behavior.

      The Rga2 preparation contains a higher amount of degradation product, but only larger size protein fragments (> 60kDa), suggesting that the fragments contain at least and more than 1/3 of the full-length protein (the protein fragments are thus the size or larger than of the GAP peptides used previously). The fragments could in principle have a higher or lower activity. We account for fragments of no/lower activity by comparing our cycling rates to those of BSA/Casein, which has no specific effect on Cdc42. The cycling rate Rga2 is almost an order of magnitude greater than that of BSA/Casein, suggesting that the effect of the full-length protein dominates. We could only imagine that a Rga2 fragment has a higher GAP activity if the fragment consists mainly of the GAP domain and if in Rga2 the activity of the GAP domain is downregulated. Nevertheless, we will do an additional experiment using a purified GAP domain peptide to assess that if a GAP domain by itself has a higher GAP activity than our Rga2 preparation. Using that data, we will discuss possible implication of the GAP fragments in our manuscript.

      (iv) Cdc42 cycling is also accelerated by BSA and casein, suggesting that there are poorly understood aspects of the assay and that GEF and GAP actions may (like BSA and casein) involve non-canonical effects on Cdc42. As GEF and GAP are expected to interact better with Cdc42 than BSA or casein, these effects could dominate the observed changes in GTP levels.

      Response from the authors:

      The reviewer raises the concern that the effects of the added effector proteins on the rates could be caused by non-canonical effects. We do not believe non-canonical effects play a relevant role in our assays. While BSA and casein accelerate the GTPase cycle in our assays, the GAP effect and GEF effect are orders of magnitude stronger.

      (v) Cdc42-alone cycling assays are said to be reproducible. However, assays with added GEF/GAP/BSA/Casein yield rates that vary almost an order of magnitude between replicates. This poor reproducibility further reduces confidence in the findings.

      Response from the authors:

      The reviewer is concerned about the variations in Cdc42 effector rates.

      __We disagree that the variations are concerning and believe to have accounted for them in our analysis: __The Cdc42 (Cdc42 alone) data is very reproducible (see Tschirpke et al. 2023). The GTPase assay is generally sensitive to small concentration changes and errors introduced through pipetting small volumes (as required for the assay). We believe that the small variation observed for Cdc42 alone is because Cdc42 has such a low basal rate and therefore the small concentration changes due to pipetting have a smaller effect. Once other effectors are added, especially highly GTPase stimulating ones as Cdc24, small concentration changes due to pipetting can lead to larger variations between assays (small variations in Cdc24 concentration lead to larger changes in remaining GTP due to Cdc24’s strong and non-linear effect on Cdc42). We conduct the assays multiple times to account for these variations. In our analysis we do not compare single rate numbers but the orders of magnitude of the rate, and report the variations present. Even given the present variations, the differences in effect sizes are still significant. We map and discuss assay variation in (Tschirpke et al. 2023), to which we refer to several times throughout the manuscript.

      Tschirpke et al. 2023:

      Tschirpke et al. A guide to the in vitro reconstitution of Cdc42 activity and its regulation (2023) BioRxiv. (https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.24.538075) (in submission at Current Protocols)

      (vi) It is unclear what timepoint was used for the different assays. 1.5 h at 30 degrees seems to be the standard here for the Cdc42-alone assays, but I assume that cannot be what was measured to assess GTP decline for GEF-containing assays as there would be very little GTP left at 1.5 h.

      Response from the authors:

      We used 60-100 min as incubation times for all assays. The assay data will be published on a data server, where all these numbers can be checked. We further added a clarification to the materials and methods section. In order to still have remaining GTP for the Cdc42 GEF mixtures after 60-100 min, we lowered the used protein concentrations.

      (vii) The graph reporting GEF activity is plotted only for [GEF]Response from the authors:

      The graphs show the full range of protein concentrations used.

      In order to calculate K1, K2, K3,Cdc24, K3,Rga2, K3,Cdc24,Rga2 from k1, k2, k3,Cdc24, k3,Rga2, k3,Cdc24,Rga2, …, a protein concentration has to be included in the term (as K1 = k1 [Cdc42], ….). In order to make K comparable, we chose to use 1uM for all protein concentrations. This was done to compare the cycling rate values of different proteins. 1uM was a choice, in the same fashion 0.2uM could have been chosen.

      __We will further discuss in the manuscript how the choices in protein concentration affect the effector strength on Cdc42. __

      (viii) S8 Data with casein seems very noisy and it is no longer at all clear that the quadratic fit for [Cdc24] is justified. Also, the symbol colors are very similar so it is hard to tell what data corresponds to what condition. The synergy between Cdc24 and Rga2 is also very noisy and the fits seem arbitrary.

      Response from the authors:

      The reviewer is concerned with (1) the noise in the S8 data, and (2) the Cdc42-Cdc24-Rga2 fits.

      (1) We acknowledge in the manuscript that the S8 data is noisy and should be viewed with caution. We do not put much emphasis on these data sets and their interpretation and show them only in the supplement.

      (2) We disagree that the Cdc42-Cdc24-Rga2 fits are arbitrary. The fits contain several data points per protein, and reproduce the rate values from Cdc42-Cdc24 and Cdc42-Rga2 assays well.

      The reviewer is concerned with the color scheme choice in the fits.

      __We will adapt the color scheme of the fits to make the colors more distinguishable. __

      (ix) It is disturbing that different Cdc42 constructs behave quite differently (S4). This suggests that protein behavior is influenced by the various added epitope tags and protease cleavage sites (they also leave the C-terminal CAAX box rather than removing the AAX as would happen in vivo). These features raise the concern that these findings may not be directly relevant to the situation with endogenous yeast Cdc42. Of course, it is also the case that relevant Cdc42 biochemistry occurs with prenylated Cdc42 on membranes.

      Response from the authors:

      The reviewer is concerned that the behavior of the Cdc42 constructs is influenced by their tags. In a previous manuscript (Tschirpke et al. 2023) we explored the effect of various N- and C-terminal tags on Cdc42, by comparing it to Cdc42 that is not tagged in that position. We found that most tags, including the tags present in the Cdc42 construct used here, do not affect Cdc42’s properties.

      Instead, we found a general, tag independent, heterogeneity in Cdc42 behavior (which can occur between purification batches and between constructs (but not between different assays)): in some batches GTPase activity depended quadratically on its concentration, others showed a linear relationship. Most batches exhibited a mixed behavior. The differences between the batches are generally small, and only visible in the activity to concentration plots and because of the assay’s high accuracy. We use a two-parameter fit (k1 [Cdc42] + k2 [Cdc42]2) to phenomenologically account for this heterogeneity, and to estimate the basal Cdc42 GTPase activity. We do not interpret this heterogeneity, as more research is needed. We believe that Cdc42 still has unexplored properties, of which this heterogeneous behavior can be one. We speculate in Tschirpke et al. 2023 that it is linked to Cdc42 dimerization mediated by its polybasic region, a relationship that is far from being fully understood yet. __We believe that it is of scientific interest to point out heterogeneous behaviors to encourage more research. __

      Tschirpke et al. 2023:

      Tschirpke et al. A guide to the in vitro reconstitution of Cdc42 activity and its regulation (2023) BioRxiv. (https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.24.538075) (in submission at Current Protocols)

      The reviewer is concerned that our findings are biologically not relevant, as our experiments (1) included Cdc42 that was not prenylated and (2) did not include membranes.

      (1) We here used recombinantly purified proteins, which do not contain posttranslational modifications, such as prenylations. So-far Cdc42’s prenyl group, which is responsible for binding it to membranes, has not been linked to its GTPase properties. We therefore believe that unprenylated Cdc42 is an equal choice to prenylated Cdc42 when studying Cdc42’s GTPase cycle. Further, the use of recombinantly purified proteins can be of advantage: when proteins are purified from their native host, the post-translationally modified protein is purified. However, many proteins contain a multitude of post-translational modifications (PTMs). Thus, the purified protein is a mixture of protein with different PTMs. For example, S. cerevisae Cdc42 undergoes ubiquitinylation (Swaney et al. 2013, Back, Gorman, Vogel, & Silva 2019), phosphorylation (Lanz et al. 2021), farnesylation and geranyl-geranylation (Caplin, Hettich, & Marshall 1994). We here used protein preparations that do not contain PTMs, and show how they behave. Natively purified proteins would be mixtures of various PTMs, and the observed protein behavior would be that of the mixture. If Cdc42’s PTMs affect it’s GTPase behavior, the observed behavior of natively purified Cdc42 would represent the average behavior of the mixture. It then would require additional work to disentangle which PTMs affect the GTPase cycling in which way. The use of recombinantly expressed Cdc42 does not require this work, and can set the baseline for how Cdc42 without PTMs behaves. If in the future a link between Cdc42’s GTPase behavior and PTMs are found, the work here could be used as a baseline for Cdc42’s behavior when it is without PTMs.

      (2) The concern about missing membranes was also raised by reviewer 2 (significance), and we like to refer to our response there.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The basic biochemistry of Cdc42 cycles was figured out about 30 years ago. However, those studies did not examine how combinations of Cdc42 regulators (as opposed to individual regulators) might interact to produce effects not expected from combining their individual actions. Recently, this combination approach did lead to interesting findings by Rapali et al. This approach is worthwhile and addresses a major question of interest to the broader field of GTPase biochemistry.

      One main limitation of this study is technical: the main assay is less informative (though perhaps easier) than traditional assays, and it is unclear whether the recombinant proteins employed retain their normal activities. Another limitation is the model-based interpretation of the assay that does not include the potential for rate-limiting steps.

      Response from the authors:

      We thank the reviewer for the detailed comments.

      One important point of confusion originated from our lack of discussion concerning a rate-limiting step model, which is an obvious starting point for modelling the GTPase cycle. We thank the reviewer for pointing this out, and we will include an explanation in our manuscript why we reject this model and instead opt for a coarse-grained model.

      Firstly, a rate-limiting model would generate saturation effects that we would observe when adding GEF and/or GAPs. In assays exploring GEF GAP synergy we use GEF and GAP concentrations for which no saturation effects were observed.

      Secondly, in our data we observed a two-fold increase of the total GTPase cycling rate when adding a GAP and a 100-fold rate increase when a GEF is added. These increases are not compatible with a model where either hydrolysis or nucleotide exchange limits the GTPase cycle. While a synergy could arise from the rate-limiting model perspective, the incompatibility of the rate-limiting model with the GAP-only and GEF-only assay data excludes this synergy explanation. Finally, through coarse-graining our model we avoid using single step parameters from literature which are incompatible in terms of proteins/buffers used. (For example; the mayor studies that kinetically characterized the individual GTPase steps of Cdc42 used human Cdc42 (Zhang et al. 1997, Zhang et al. 2000). Because human Cdc42 exhibits a higher basal GTPase activity (Zhang et al. 1999) we are skeptical how useful it is to transfer these parameters to S. cerevisae Cdc42.)

      At the same time, coarse-graining our model permits absorbing unidentified molecular details which is essential when we wish to incorporate BSA and casein rate contributions.

      The reviewer finds our assay, which investigates the GTPase cycle as a whole, less informative. Assays investigating single GTPase cycle sub-steps give more mechanistic insights into these steps. We opted for an assay that studies GTPase cycling as a whole instead, as we were interested in studying how proteins effecting different steps act together. We believe that both assay types are important as they complement each other.

      The reviewer is concerned about our use of recombinant proteins, and whether they retain their normal activities. We assessed Cdc42’s GTPase activity and the influence of added purification tags extensively (Tschirpke et al. 2023), and found that added tags do not affect Cdc42’s GTPase properties. We checked Cdc24’s GEF activity using the GTPase assay and found that it bound strongly to Bem1, as expected (Tschirpke et al. 2023). The Cdc24 concentrations needed to affect Cdc42’s GTPase activity were similar to those used previously (Rapali et al. 2017), suggesting that it is fully active. A similar comparison for Rga2 was not possible, as so-far only domains of Rga2 were used (Smith et al. 2002). We here used recombinantly purified proteins, which do not contain posttranslational modifications (PTMs). To our knowledge the PTMs of the herein used proteins are not linked to their GTPase/GEF/GAP properties. Thus, a lack of PTMs does not diminish our findings. Further, when proteins are purified from their native host, the post-translationally modified protein is purified. However, many proteins contain a multitude of post-translational modifications in vivo. Natively purified proteins would be mixtures of various PTMs, and the observed protein behavior would be that of the mixture. We here used protein preparations that do not contain PTMs, and show how they behave, setting the baseline for proteins without PTMs behaves. If in the future a link between GTPase behavior and PTMs are found, the work here could be used as a baseline for the proteins behavior when it is without PTMs.

      Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      The GTPase cdc42 is a key determinant of yeast polarization. Its activity is amplified at the site of polarization through a poorly defined positive feedback mechanism, and depends on numerous GAPs regulating GTP hydrolysis and the GEF cdc24 that regulates GDP release. These components have previously been evaluated for their quantitative effects on the individual steps in the GTPase cycle that they modulate, but potential interactions between the cdc24 GEF and any GAP could not be examined based on these assays. The authors validate and employ a bulk assay of the total GTPase cycle based on GTP consumption to study the activities of and potential interactions between cdc24 and the GAP Rga2. Fitting their data to a mathematical model, they come to three central conclusions: (1) the activating activity of cdc24 to activate cdc42 GTPase activity is nonlinear, showing a quadratic relationship, (2) Rga2 shows a much lower activating activity that is linear at low levels before saturating, and (3) there is a strongly synergistic interaction between the activating activities of cdc24 and Rga2. Some hypotheses for the mechanistic bases of these findings are hypothesized, but not further investigated. Their conclusions are well supported by the data which appears to be of sufficient rigor.

      Major comments

      The three main conclusions of the manuscript are well supported by the data and associated modeling.

      One unresolved issue is the discrepancy between the authors' conclusion that the non-linear activation by cdc24 is likely a result of oligomerization, whereas Mionnet et al 2008 reach the opposite conclusion. It seems that the authors wish to discount the Mionnet results because they used truncated constructs to test deficient oligomerization and an engineered construct to test induced oligomerization. If the authors are correct, then a relatively easy test would be to introduce the oligomerization deficient mutants defined by Mionnet into their fuill length construct and compare to wild type protein. While the authors' measured results don't depend on the offered mechanism and this experiment is therefore optional, their explanation is quite unsatisfying, especially since an experiment to resolve the difference is entirely feasible and not very strenuous.

      Response from the authors:

      __The reviewer suggests to conduct experiments with oligomerization deficient Cdc24 mutants to test our hypothesis that the non-linear concentration dependence of Cdc24’s activity is due to Cdc24 oligomerization. __

      We agree that this is an insightful experiment, and will conduct it. In order to observe the effect in our GTPase assays, we require a mutant that is oligomerizes substantially less than wild-type protein. Mionnet et al. constructed several Cdc24 mutants, but none were entirely oligomerization deficient. However, the DH5 (L339A/E340A) mutant showed a 10-fold reduction in oligomerization and the DH3 (F322A) mutant exhibited 2.5-fold reduction in oligomerization. We will therefore use the DH5 and DH3 mutant for two additional experiments.

      Minor comments

      The results in Fig S4 serve as assay validation, and this should be pointed out early in the Results section. I was initially concerned when the assay was described as based on consumption of GTP that a significantly diminished pool would alter the rate and thereby distort results, and being made aware of the S4 result would have alleviated that concern as I read further.

      Response from the authors:

      We believe that the reviewer refers to S3 (not S4). We appreciate this suggestion and now mention it earlier.

      On page 4 and Fig S4 the authors mention several cdc42 constructs, some of which show linear activity curves and others slightly non-linear curves. I was unable to find where these constructs or their differences are discussed. The authors should also tell us if the construct used for the remaining experiments was one of the two shown in S4, or a different one.

      Response from the authors:

      We added the requested information and explanations to the manuscript.

      It seems that in Fig 4 and Fig S8, some points are missing from the graphs. Were all concentrations for each condition not always assayed, or is some data omitted for some reason? For example, for the 0.125 microM Rga2 condition, only two points are shown vs 4 for some other conditions, and the two missing ones are expected to not be excluded by the >5% GTP remaining criterion.

      Response from the authors:

      The reviewer wonders whether Fig.4 and Fig. S8 miss data points. This is not the case, and __we added clarifying information to the manuscript. __

      In detail: Not all assays contain the same amount of data points/ concentrations for each protein. We first assessed Cdc42 alone using several Cdc42 concentration. We then examined the individual Cdc42 – effector mixtures, using a larger number of effector concentrations. We included a reduced number of effector concentrations in the assays containing two effectors and Cdc42. It would be ideal to include more concentrations, but this is not always feasible: The assay involves a multitude of pipetting steps and is sensitive to any pipetting errors. Further, assays can vary slights from each other, therefore all samples that ought to be compared need to be included in each assay.

      Each three-protein assay contains samples shown (Cdc42, Cdc42 + effector 1, Cdc42 + effector 2, Cdc42 + effector 1 + effector 2) and additional ‘buffer’ wells used for normalization. Each data point shown corresponds to the average of 3-4 replica samples per assay. We therefore did not include all concentrations in all conditions. As pointed out, Fig. 4a only shows two data points for the 0.125uM Rga2 axis (Rga2 + Cdc42 and Rga2 + Cdc24 + Cdc42). The rational was the following: We included three Cdc24 concentrations (for proper fitting for K3,Cdc24), three Rga2 concentrations (for proper fitting for K3,Rga2), and 5 mixtures of the used Cdc24 and Rga2 concentrations (for proper fitting for K3,Cdc24,Rga2).

      The Cdc42-Rga2-BSA and Cdc42-Rga2-Casein data is rather sparse and would benefit from additional data points. However, we only use those as control experiments and are cautious in their interpretation.

      In these graphs, a diamond symbol of slightly varying color is used for the different conditions. The different colors are hard to distinguish. Please use different shape symbols for the different conditions, and choose colors that are more distinct.

      Response from the authors:

      We will adapt the color scheme of the fits to make the colors more distinguishable.

      There are a few sentences that are of unclear meaning, for example on page 10, "It was suggested that each GAP plays a distinct role in Cdc42 regulation, of which the level of GAP activity could be a part of [Smith et al., 2002]." There are also typos and grammatical errors that should be fixed.

      Response from the authors:

      __We will further check the document for potentially unclear sentences and will try to clarify them, as well as further check for grammatical and spelling errors. __

      Reviewer #4 (Significance (Required)):


      The most novel and important finding is the strong synergy observed between cdc24 and Rga2 in activating cdc42 GTPase activity. This is undoubtedly an important mechanism underlying positive feedback in polarization. The measured non-linear activity of cdc24 alone is also quite important given that availability of cdc24 is thought to be a critical in vivo stimulus for polarization. However, the unexplained discrepancy between this result and that of Mionnet leaves one to wonder which result is more reliable. Only Mionnet attempts to directly test whether oligomerization is important in cdc24 activity.

      The conclusions are of importance to a broad audience of cell biologists, though the lack of any mechanism for the synergy or the non-linearity of cdc24 activity somewhat diminishes significance.

      Note that my expertise and that of my co-reviewer is in the biology, and while we are able to follow the contributions of the modeling, we do not have the expertise to critically evaluate for potential errors or weaknesses in the modeling itself.

      The reviewer wonders whether our data or the data of Mionnet et al. on the link between Cdc24 oligomerization and its GEF activity is more reliable and suggests to conduct experiments with oligomerization deficient Cdc24 mutants.

      We thank the reviewer for this recommendation and we will do the suggested experiments to resolve the seemingly contradicting observations by us and Mionnet et al..

      The reviewer would find mechanistic insights into (2) the non-linear concentration dependence of Cdc24’s activity and (2) the Cdc24-Rga2 synergy useful.

      (1) We will conduct experiments with partially oligomerization deficient Cdc24 mutants, as suggested by the reviewer.

      (2) We speculate that Cdc24-Rga2 binding could lead to the synergy. ____We will add data on Cdc24 – Rga2 binding (in vitro: Size-Exclusion Chromatography Multi-Angle Light Scattering) to this study.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The GTPase cdc42 is a key determinant of yeast polarization. Its activity is amplified at the site of polarization through a poorly defined positive feedback mechanism, and depends on numerous GAPs regulating GTP hydrolysis and the GEF cdc24 that regulates GDP release. These components have previously been evaluated for their quantitative effects on the individual steps in the GTPase cycle that they modulate, but potential interactions between the cdc24 GEF and any GAP could not be examined based on these assays. The authors validate and employ a bulk assay of the total GTPase cycle based on GTP consumption to study the activities of and potential interactions between cdc24 and the GAP Rga2. Fitting their data to a mathematical model, they come to three central conclusions: (1) the activating activity of cdc24 to activate cdc42 GTPase activity is nonlinear, showing a quadratic relationship, (2) Rga2 shows a much lower activating activity that is linear at low levels before saturating, and (3) there is a strongly synergistic interaction between the activating activities of cdc24 and Rga2. Some hypotheses for the mechanistic bases of these findings are hypothesized, but not further investigated. Their conclusions are well supported by the data which appears to be of sufficient rigor.

      Major comments

      The three main conclusions of the manuscript are well supported by the data and associated modeling.

      One unresolved issue is the discrepancy between the authors' conclusion that the non-linear activation by cdc24 is likely a result of oligomerization, whereas Mionnet et al 2008 reach the opposite conclusion. It seems that the authors wish to discount the Mionnet results because they used truncated constructs to test deficient oligomerization and an engineered construct to test induced oligomerization. If the authors are correct, then a relatively easy test would be to introduce the oligomerization deficient mutants defined by Mionnet into their fuill length construct and compare to wild type protein. While the authors' measured results don't depend on the offered mechanism and this experiment is therefore optional, their explanation is quite unsatisfying, especially since an experiment to resolve the difference is entirely feasible and not very strenuous.

      Minor comments

      The results in Fig S4 serve as assay validation, and this should be pointed out early in the Results section. I was initially concerned when the assay was described as based on consumption of GTP that a significantly diminished pool would alter the rate and thereby distort results, and being made aware of the S4 result would have alleviated that concern as I read further.

      On page 4 and Fig S4 the authors mention several cdc42 constructs, some of which show linear activity curves and others slightly non-linear curves. I was unable to find where these constructs or their differences are discussed. The authors should also tell us if the construct used for the remaining experiments was one of the two shown in S4, or a different one.

      It seems that in Fig 4 and Fig S8, some points are missing from the graphs. Were all concentrations for each condition not always assayed, or is some data omitted for some reason? For example, for the 0.125 microM Rga2 condition, only two points are shown vs 4 for some other conditions, and the two missing ones are expected to not be excluded by the >5% GTP remaining criterion.

      In these graphs, a diamond symbol of slightly varying color is used for the different conditions. The different colors are hard to distinguish. Please use different shape symbols for the different conditions, and choose colors that are more distinct.

      There are a few sentences that are of unclear meaning, for example on page 10, "It was suggested that each GAP plays a distinct role in Cdc42 regulation, of which the level of GAP activity could be a part of [Smith et al., 2002]." There are also typos and grammatical errors that should be fixed.


      The most novel and important finding is the strong synergy observed between cdc24 and Rga2 in activating cdc42 GTPase activity. This is undoubtedly an important mechanism underlying positive feedback in polarization. The measured non-linear activity of cdc24 alone is also quite important given that availability of cdc24 is thought to be a critical in vivo stimulus for polarization. However, the unexplained discrepancy between this result and that of Mionnet leaves one to wonder which result is more reliable. Only Mionnet attempts to directly test whether oligomerization is important in cdc24 activity.

      The conclusions are of importance to a broad audience of cell biologists, though the lack of any mechanism for the synergy or the non-linearity of cdc24 activity somewhat diminishes significance.

      Note that my expertise and that of my co-reviewer is in the biology, and while we are able to follow the contributions of the modeling, we do not have the expertise to critically evaluate for potential errors or weaknesses in the modeling itself.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This work reports a biochemical analysis of the effects of a recombinant yeast GEF (Cdc24) and GAP (Rga2) on Cdc42 GTPase cycling in vitro. The central conclusion is that the GEF and GAP act "synergistically", which occurs "due to proteins enhancing each other's effects". By this they appear to mean that the GEF enhances the GAP's activity and vice versa. I was not persuaded that this is correct, and was confused by many aspects of the approach and interpretation, as outlined below.

      1. GEF and GAP are expected to accelerate GTPase cycle synergistically even with no effect on each other's activity:

      The Cdc42 GTPase cycle is understood to occur via distinct steps (GDP release, GTP binding, and GTP hydrolysis): GDP release and GTP hydrolysis are intrinsically slow steps that are accelerated by GEFs (GDP release) and GAPs (GTP hydrolysis). This fundamental biochemistry was established in the 1990s using biochemical assays that measure each step independently. Here instead the authors use an assay that measures [GTP] decline in a mix with 5 uM starting GTP, 1 uM Cdc42, plus or minus some amount of GEF or GAP. They assume exponential decline of [GTP] with time, yielding a cycling "rate". If that is so, then one would expect that added GEF would accelerate only the first step, leaving a slow GTP hydrolysis step that limits the overall cycling rate, while added GAP would accelerate only the last step, leaving a slow GDP release step that limits the overall cycling rate. Adding both together would speed up both steps, and should therefore "synergistically" accelerate cycling. This would be expected based on previous work and does not imply that GEF or GAP are affecting each other's action (except trivially by providing substrate for the next reaction). If the authors wish to demonstrate that something more complex is indeed happening, they need to use assays that directly measure the sub-reaction of interest, as done by prior investigators. 2. Model-based interpretation of the GTPase assay is poorly supported:

      The assay employed measures overall GTP concentration with time. It is assumed (but not well documented-see below) that [GTP] declines exponentially, and that the rate constant for a particular condition can be fit by the sum of a series of terms that are linear or quadratic in the concentrations of Cdc42, GEF, and GAP. There is no theoretical derivation of this model from the elementary reactions, and the assumptions involved are not well articulated.

      As discussed in point 1 above, one would expect that a GEF or GAP alone could only accelerate the cycle to a certain point, where the other (slow) reaction becomes rate limiting. But that does not appear to be true for their phenomenological model, where slow steps (small terms in the sum) will always be overwhelmed by fast steps. This is not the traditional understanding of how GTPases operate. 3. Data that do not conform to expectation are not explained: Strangely, the data (as interpreted by the model assumptions) also appear inconsistent with the expectation of rate-limiting steps. GEF addition (alone) is said to accelerate cycling 100-fold, while GAP addition (alone) accelerates it 2-fold. But that would seem to imply that GDP release takes up >99% of the basal cycle (so accelerating that step alone reduces cycling time 100-fold), while GTP hydrolysis takes up >50% of the basal cycle (so accelerating that step alone reduces cycling time 2-fold). In the conventional understanding of GTPase cycles, these cannot both be be true (as the steps would then add to >100% of the basal cycle). There is no attempt to reconcile these findings with previous work. 4. Lack of detailed timecourse data:

      The decline in [GTP] with time is stated to be exponential, allowing extraction of an overall cycling "rate". But this claim is supported only weakly (S3 Fig. 1 uses only 3 timepoints, is not plotted on semi-log axis, and does not report fit to exponential vs other models) and only for the Cdc42-alone scenario: no data at all are presented to support exponential decline in reactions with GEF or GAP. Most assays seem to measure only a single timepoint, so extraction of a "rate" is very heavily influenced by the unsupported assumption of exponential decline. And if the decline is not exponential, it becomes extremely difficult to interpret what a single timepoint means. 5. Other issues with interpretation of the data:

      (i) It is unclear why the authors chose to employ an assay that is much harder to interpret than the biochemical assays used by others. In biochemical studies, assays that report an output of multiple reactions are always harder to interpret than assays targeting a single reaction. As well-established assays are available for each individual step in GTPase cycles, any conclusions must be supported using such assays.

      (ii) The reported basal (and GEF/GAP-accelerated) rates are very slow, perhaps due to poor folding of recombinant proteins. This raises the possibility that much of the Cdc42 is inactive. If so, then accelerated GTP hydrolysis could come from increasing the active fraction of Cdc42, rather than catalyzing a specific step.

      (iii) The GEF and GAP preparations include multiple partial degradation products and it is unclear whether the measured activities come from full-length proteins or more active fragments.

      (iv) Cdc42 cycling is also accelerated by BSA and casein, suggesting that there are poorly understood aspects of the assay and that GEF and GAP actions may (like BSA and casein) involve non-canonical effects on Cdc42. As GEF and GAP are expected to interact better with Cdc42 than BSA or casein, these effects could dominate the observed changes in GTP levels.

      (v) Cdc42-alone cycling assays are said to be reproducible. However, assays with added GEF/GAP/BSA/Casein yield rates that vary almost an order of magnitude between replicates. This poor reproducibility further reduces confidence in the findings.

      (vi) It is unclear what timepoint was used for the different assays. 1.5 h at 30 degrees seems to be the standard here for the Cdc42-alone assays, but I assume that cannot be what was measured to assess GTP decline for GEF-containing assays as there would be very little GTP left at 1.5 h.

      (vii) The graph reporting GEF activity is plotted only for [GEF]<0.2 uM, but the rates used in the subsequent experiments are reported for mixtures with 1 uM GEF. The full range of GEF data should be plotted.

      (viii) S8 Data with casein seems very noisy and it is no longer at all clear that the quadratic fit for [Cdc24] is justified. Also, the symbol colors are very similar so it is hard to tell what data corresponds to what condition. The synergy between Cdc24 and Rga2 is also very noisy and the fits seem arbitrary.

      (ix) It is disturbing that different Cdc42 constructs behave quite differently (S4). This suggests that protein behavior is influenced by the various added epitope tags and protease cleavage sites (they also leave the C-terminal CAAX box rather than removing the AAX as would happen in vivo). These features raise the concern that these findings may not be directly relevant to the situation with endogenous yeast Cdc42. Of course, it is also the case that relevant Cdc42 biochemistry occurs with prenylated Cdc42 on membranes.


      The basic biochemistry of Cdc42 cycles was figured out about 30 years ago. However, those studies did not examine how combinations of Cdc42 regulators (as opposed to individual regulators) might interact to produce effects not expected from combining their individual actions. Recently, this combination approach did lead to interesting findings by Rapali et al. This approach is worthwhile and addresses a major question of interest to the broader field of GTPase biochemistry.

      One main limitation of this study is technical: the main assay is less informative (though perhaps easier) than traditional assays, and it is unclear whether the recombinant proteins employed retain their normal activities. Another limitation is the model-based interpretation of the assay that does not include the potential for rate-limiting steps.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The study entitled, "The GEF Cdc24 and GAP Rga2 synergistically regulate Cdc42 GTPase cycling" by Tschirpke et al., uses an in vitro GTPase assay to examine the GTPase cycle of Cdc42 in combination with its GEF and GAP effectors. The authors find that the Cdc24 GEF activity scales non-linearly with its concentration and the GAP Rga2 has substantially weaker effect on stimulating Cdc42 GTPase activity. Not surprisingly, the combined addition of Cdc24 and Rga2 lead to a substantial increase in Cdc42 GTPase activity.

      Referees cross-commenting

      In Zheng, Y., Cerione, R., and Bender, A. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269: 2369-2372 (Fig. 3C), the authors show that Cdc24 combined with the GAP Bem3 lead to a large synergy in boosting Cdc42 GTPase activity.


      There is very little new information in this manuscript. Previous studies (Rapali et al. 2017) have shown that the scaffold protein Bem1 enhances the GEF activity of Cdc24. It is expected that the reconstitution of a GEF and GAP protein promote the GTPase cycle and indeed Zheng et al. (1994) showed that that Cdc24 combined with the GAP Bem3 lead to a large synergy in boosting Cdc42 GTPase activity. Hence the only potentially interesting finding in this work is that, in solution Cdc24 activity scales non-linearly with its concentration. However as this GEF and Cdc42 are associated with the membrane, the relevance of solution studies are less clear and furthermore the mechanistic basis for the non-linearity is not explored in detail. Given the limited new information from this work, the findings are, in their current form, too preliminary.

    5. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This study would be much convincing if additional line of eukaryotic cells can be used to demonstrate the GEF-GAP synergy tis important for cell physiology. In addition, it would be best to demonstrate the spatiotemporal interaction of GEF-GAP using high-resolution live cell imaging.


      The revised study would provide first line evidence that GEF-GAP synergy to be general regulatory property in eukaryotic kingdom.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We would like to thank Review Commons for their innovative approach to scientific peer-review and publishing. We thank all the Reviewers for their positive, highly complementary assessment of the manuscript and for highlighting the high quality and reproducibility of the work and the novelty and significance of the results: “The experiments are well-designed and perfectly executed and presented”; “I felt that this is a strong manuscript for peer-review as it serves diversified interests in modern cell biology.”; “The manuscript would be of interest to basic researchers working on epithelial development. Also potentially to basic researchers working on cancer, due to the mitotic errors described.”. We are grateful for the Reviewers’ comments and suggestions that have contributed to improving the revised manuscript. We have addressed all the Reviewers’ concerns, as detailed below in the point-by-point response to the Reviewers. Textual changes in the revised manuscript are marked in Blue.

      __Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      *The manuscript "Crosstalk between the plasma membrane and cell-cell adhesion maintains epithelial identity for correct polarised cell divisions" by Dr. Hosawi and colleagues reports the characterisation of the mitotic connection between plasma membrane dynamics and division orientation in polarised mammalian epithelial cells in culture. The authors start from the comparison of mitotic events of human mammary MCF10A cells grown at optimal density or at low density. They observed that only at optimal density MCF10A cells polarise by E-cadherin mediated cell-cell contacts, and display uniform membrane enrichment at the cortex, whereas cells grown at low density do not show cortical E-Cadherin enrichment, and distribute aberrantly the plasma membrane at one side and in cytoplasmic vesicles, generating daughter cells with unequal size. Consistently, further analyses revealed that low-density MCF10A cells undergo misoriented mitosis, with chromosome congression and misegregetion defects. Mechanistically, low density MCF10A cells fail to organise a symmetric mitotic spindle and center it in metaphase. This is due to an increased cortical actomyosin thickness coupled to abnormal astral microtubule stability. Building on previous data from the Elias lab, the authors uncover a role of the membrane-associated S100A11 protein in maintaining correct plasma membrane dynamics and E-cadherin localisation in mitosis. Further dissection of the molecular mechanism underlying this mitotic function od S10011A revealed that it enriches at the cortex only in optimal-density MCF10A cells, and promotes spindle orientation by association with LGN and E-cadherin, upstream of E-cadherin. This evidence depicts the plasma membrane and S100A11 proteins as a key mechanical sensors of cell-cell adhesion orchestrating the recruitment of E-cadherin and LGN-dependent force generators to ensure correct division orientation. *

      *Major points: *

      *- Important information is presented in Supplementary Figure S3. I suggest to move these panels in the main figures. Specifically, I would replace figure 4A with S3A showing the distribution of endogenous S100A11 in MCF10A cells, rather than the one of the GFP-tagged version which is over-expressed. *

      __Authors response: __We thank the Reviewer for this suggestion. We have now moved Figure S3A to Figure 4, to replace Figure 4A and show the localisation of endogenous S100A11 during mitosis and included new quantifications in new Figure 4B. We have moved Figure 3A to supplementary figures (new Figure S4A). We have amended the text of the results section and the Source Data file accordingly.

      *- The mechanisms of division orientation governed by S100A11 seems to impinge on the control of cortical F-actin and astral microtubule dynamics. This is illustrated in figure S3C, which in my opinion should be shown in the main figures with some more explanation / experiments. The authors mention the " tight actin F-actin bundles at the cell-cell contacts" that are lost in S100A11-depleted cells, and that interact with astral microtubules. However this is not fully clear in figure S3C. I think the authors should find a way to present better these evidence which is key in supporting their molecular model. *

      __Authors response: __As requested by the Reviewer we have now moved Figure S3C to the main manuscript, as new Figure 5. To clarify further the effect of S100A11 depletion on the tight actin bundle formation at the cell-cell contacts, we have now included a new illustration in new Figure 5C. Additionally, we have clarified further these findings in the results section (page 11). While we agree with the Reviewer that additional experiments, for example using live imaging of MCF-10A cells co-labelled for F-actin and tubulin, would help assess further the crosstalk between cortical actin and astral microtubules, based on our experience these live imaging experiments are challenging and can take up to several months to optimise and may not warrant successful outcome.

      *- I think the discussion would benefit from the addition of a graphical cartoon model illustrating the role of S100A11 in controlling plasma membrane dynamics in mitosis and spindle orientation. *

      __Authors response: __We thank the Reviewer for this suggestion. We have now added a graphical cartoon (new Figure 7), summarising the role of S100A11-mediated regulation of plasma membrane dynamics in polarised cell division orientation, progression and outcome. We hope this new illustration clarifies further the mechanisms described in this study.

      *- Finally, to understand the relevance of S100A11 in the context of 3D polarised mammary epithelia, it would be very interesting to analyse the effect of S100A11 knock-downn in mouse mammary epithelial acini grown in matrigel. This is not essential for the proposed studies, but would add biological relevance to the mechanisms characterised in 2D colture. *

      __Authors response: __We agree with the Reviewer that validating our findings in 3D cultures of mammary epithelial cells will be important to determine the influence of S100A11-mediated regulation of plasma membrane dynamics during mitosis on lumen formation and tissue morphogenesis. This is exactly the direction where the follow-up of these findings will go. While the first author who led this work has graduated and left our lab, we have recently recruited a new PhD student to address this important question, which will need a few years of investigation to provide important insights, similarly to what we did in our previous work (Fankhaenel et al., 2023 Nat Commun).

      *Minor comments: *

      *- It would be preferable to mention the known functions of S100A11 in the introduction rather than at the beginning of the paragraph at pg. 9. *

      __Authors response: __In response to the Reviewer’s suggestion, we have now moved the paragraph describing known functions of S100A11 to the introduction of the revised manuscript (see page 5).

      *- at pg 10, beginning of paragraph, I find it a weird phrasing that "LGN interacts with F-actin". As reported in the reference cited here, this is through Afadin, which binds simultaneously LGN and cortical F-actin. I would rephrase it. *

      __Authors response: __We thank the Reviewer for clarifying this point, which we have now rectified in the revised manuscript (see page 11).

      __Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): __

      *The description of cell adhesion as key factor instructing correct mitotic progression and execution of oriented division of vertebrate epithelial cells by controlling plasma membrane dynamics is novel and interesting for scientist in the spindle orientation/polarity field. The experiments are well-designed and perfectly executed and presented. I am in favour of publication of the manuscript, providing that a few points are addressed. *

      Authors response: We thank the Reviewer for their very positive evaluation of our work.

      __Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      *Establishment and maintenance of cell polarity are fundamental processes for physiology in multi-cellular organism given the fact that more than 380 million epithelial cell renewal for every second in human adults. However, the precise mechanisms linking plasma membrane polarity and cortical cytoskeleton dynamics of epithelial cells during mitotic exit and interphase remain ill-illustrated. Salah Elias and her colleagues experimentally manipulated the density of mammary epithelial cells in culture, which led to several mitotic defects. Specifically, they found that perturbation of cell-cell adhesion integrity impairs the dynamics of the plasma membrane during mitosis, affecting the shape and size of mitotic cells and resulting in defects in mitosis progression and generating daughter cells with aberrant cytoarchitecture. In these conditions, F-actin-astral microtubule crosstalk is impaired leading to mitotic spindle misassembly and misorientation, which in turn contributes to chromosome mis-segregation. Mechanistically, they identified the S100 Ca2+-binding protein A11 as a key membrane-associated regulator that forms a complex with E-cadherin and LGN to coordinate plasma membrane remodelling with E-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion and LGN-dependent mitotic spindle machinery. I felt that this is a strong manuscript for peer-review as it serves diversified interests in modern cell biology. *

      Authors response: We thank the Reviewer for their overall very positive feedback on our manuscript.

      __Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)): __

      Several key cellular experiments should be repeated using a second line of epithelial cells such as RPE1.

      __Authors response: __We agree with the Reviewer it will be interesting to test our findings in other epithelial cells, including RPE1 cells, a widely used epithelial cell model to study the mechanisms controlling cell division. Nonetheless, we would like to emphasise that while our work demonstrates the importance of the interplay between plasma membrane dynamics and cell-cell adhesion for correct execution of polarised cell divisions in mammary epithelial cells, our aim is not to generalise the role of these S100A11-mediated mechanisms. An elegant study has shown that the mechanisms controlling plasma membrane remodelling and elongation during mitosis to ensure correct positioning of the mitotic spindle and symmetric division differ between HeLa cells and RPE1 cells (Kiyomitsu and Cheeseman, 2013 Cell). Additional experiments in a second cell line will require a thorough characterisation of the expression and localisation of S100A11 during the cell cycle, as well as the use of extensive and time-consuming knockdown and imaging experiments over several months and may lead to different observations requiring further mechanistic investigation, which is beyond the initial scope of this study. Additionally, the PhD student who led this study has graduated and left the lab and presently we don’t have capacity or resources to conduct these suggested experiments. Finally, to precisely address the Reviewer’s concern, we have now amended the revised manuscript to make our statements more specific to mammary epithelial cells throughout the text.

      __Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      *Summary: your understanding of the study and its conclusions. *

      *The scope of the study is to understand the links between cell-cell adhesion integrity, plasma membrane dynamics and mitotic spindle in mammalian epithelial tissues. To test this, the authors cultured mammary epithelial cells at optimal or low density as a way of perturbing cell-cell adhesion. The authors conclude that perturbing cell-cell adhesion alters plasma membrane dynamics, causing mitotic defects and that S100A11 coordinates this link via E-cadherin. Whilst this is an interesting manuscript, illustrating the differences of mitotic success in optimal density vs. low density cell cultures, I do not think that the conclusions are supported by the evidence presented for the reasons stated below. *

      *Major comments: major issues affecting the conclusions. *

      *- The manuscript clearly shows that culturing cells at a lower density results in a higher incidence of asymmetric division (figure 1) and mitosis defects (figure 2). Cells round more and faster and there is more actin at the cortex during rounding (figure 3). However, whilst differences in cell-cell adhesion are likely to play a role in mediating these effects, I don't think that it is possible to claim from the data presented that these defects are specifically due to cell-cell adhesion differences. This is because the morphology of cells at low density is also very different - cells appear more mesenchymal, with migratory front-rear polarity instead of apical-basal polarity. These cells will therefore have many differences between them, cell-adhesion being just one. The data is also not showing a 'loss' of cell-cell adhesion integrity but are rather illustrating the differences between cells that have formed cell-cell adhesions and those that have not. To really test the specific role of cell-cell adhesions, the authors would need to inhibit adhesions directly but without altering the cell density - for example via chemical or genetic perturbation within a confined environment. I suggest that the authors either need to do these experiments or to requalify what their data is telling us. *

      __Authors response: __We thank the Reviewer for their insightful discussion of the proposed mechanisms described in our manuscript. Several of the Reviewer’s comments pinpoint and exactly match the messages that we would like to convey to the scientific community. Therefore, to address the Reviewer’s comments, we have carefully requalified our statements in several places in the revised manuscript, to ensure they are more clear and more precise.

      We agree with the Reviewer’s comment that our experiments using sub-optimal density of mammary epithelial cells rather prevents the formation of cell-cell adhesions than disturbing them. The Reviewer is right, our experiments in low-density cultures suggest that perturbation of cell-cell adhesion formation impairs mammary epithelial identity, where cells lose their polarity and adopt a more mesenchymal phenotype, associated with plasma membrane remodelling defects. This affects the dynamics and progression of cell division. Nonetheless, our observations suggest an interplay between cell-cell adhesion and the plasma membrane to maintains correct cell shape during mitosis. To test this hypothesis, we explored the function of S100A11 which we have identified in the LGN interactome in mitotic mammary epithelial cells (Fankhaenel et al., 2023 Nat Commun), and which has been shown to interact with E-cadherin at adherens junctions in MDCK cells (Guo et al., 2014 Sci Signal). This, together with the fact that S100A11 controls plasma membrane repair (Jaiswal et al., 2014 Nat Commun), suggested S100A11 as an interesting candidate to investigate the interplay between cell-cell adhesion and membrane remodelling during mitosis. The data presented here suggest that we were right and the perturbation of our membrane-bound target, S100A11, indeed leads to the same mitotic phenotypes. S100A11 RNAi-mediated knockdown (48h) affects E-cadherin localisation at the plasma membrane and impairs cell-cell adhesion formation with effects on plasma membrane dynamics that phenocopy the defects observed in our low-density culture experiments. Remarkably, perturbation of cell-cell adhesions persisted in cell treated with si-S100A11 for 72h (see Figure S3). Of note, all our siRNA experiments have been carried out in cells cultured at optimal density to establish cell-cell adhesions. Thus, S100A11 knockdown allows genetic perturbation of E-cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion and recapitulates the plasma membrane and mitotic defects observed in sub-optimal cultures of mammary epithelial cells. Future experiments will be key to dissect these S100A11-mediated mechanisms to further understand how plasma membrane remodelling and cell-cell adhesions are coordinated during mitosis. Finally, as suggested by the Reviewer, we have now requalified our conclusions as appropriate in the revised manuscript.

      *- The current manuscript also demonstrates that cell adhesion is affected when S100A11 is knocked down (figure 4). It shows binding between and colocalization of S100A11 and E-cadherin, and shows that LGN cortical distribution is affected when S100A11 is knocked down (Figure 5). The results presented are suggestive of S100A11 being upstream of E-cadherin. However, I don't understand how the data shows "crosstalk between the plasma membrane, cell-cell adhesion, and the cell cortex during mitosis". For example, on P9: "We observed unequal distribution of CellMaskTM in a vast majority of S100A11-depleted cells (si-S100A11#1: ~79% versus si-Control: ~26%), indicating defects in plasma membrane remodelling (Figures 4B and 4C)." I don't agree that this demonstrates a defect in PM remodelling. Rather the cells in the representative images are less adherent and have adopted a more migratory cell state similar to that seen in figure 1 when seeded at low density. The fluidity of the much larger cells shown in knock down cells in panel F also appears higher, again suggesting an adhesion defect. *

      • *

      __Authors response: __The Reviewer has raised very important points here, which we would like to clarify.

      We agree with the Reviewer that our results in S100A11-depleted cells indicate impaired cell adhesions which generates cells displaying an invasive/migratory behaviour. However, our analysis of S100A11-depleted mitotic cells labelled with CellMaskTM reveals abnormal plasma membrane elongation generating two daughter cells displaying defective geometry as compared to control cells. These defects in the plasma membrane and cell shape were not noticeable upon E-cadherin knockdown (see previous Figures 5K and 5L; now new Figures 6K and 6L). Thus, our results strongly suggest that S100A11 acts as an upstream cue that coordinates plasma membrane dynamics with E-cadherin-mediated cell adhesions, and that additional mechanisms may be regulated by S100A11 to coordinate cell-cell adhesion with plasma membrane remodelling. How S100A11 ensures such a dynamic interplay between the plasma membrane and E-cadherin during mitosis remains a key question that we have not fully addressed in this initial study. An attractive mechanism could be mediated by the function of S100A11 in regulating the dynamic interaction between F-actin and the plasma membrane, as previously reported (Jaiswal et al., 2014 Nat Commun). Increasing evidence shows the importance of the crosstalk between the plasma membrane, the cortex and cell shape for correct execution of mitosis (Rizzelli et al., 2020 Open Biol). In our experiments, we show that impaired plasma membrane remodelling and cell shape are associated with defects in F-actin and astral microtubule organisation. Thus, our findings reinforce a model whereby S100A11 is a key membrane-associated protein that coordinates the crosstalk between the plasma membrane, cell-cell adhesion, and the cell cortex during mitosis. It will be key to characterise the interactome of S100A11 during mitosis to provide important mechanistic insights into this new role of S100A11; it is our intention to investigate this in the future.

      To address the points raised by the Reviewer, we have changed and clarified the statements they highlighted above, in the revised manuscript (pages 10 and 11).

      *- An earlier paper from the same lab this year identified Annexin A1 as directing mitotic spindle orientation via localising LGN at lateral cortex. During this earlier paper they also identified S100A11, which is a partner for Annexin A1. The authors could more clearly explain what S100A11 is in the current manuscript and how the current study builds on this earlier study. *

      __Authors response: __We thank the Reviewer for highlighting our previous work characterising the interactome of LGN in mitotic mammary epithelial cells (Fankhaenel et al., 2023 Nat Comms), and identifying Annexin A1 (ANXA1) as a polarity cue regulating the localisation and function of the evolutionarily conserved mitotic spindle orientation LGN complex. We also showed that ANXA1 direct partner S100A11 co-purifies with LGN and that perturbation of the ANXA1-S100A11 complex impairs the localisation of the LGN complex at the cell cortex during mitosis. Thus, as rightly pointed out by the Reviewer, this work builds on our previous work discussed above, but also on previous studies establishing S100A11 as a key regulator of plasma membrane repair by regulating the dynamic interplay between F-actin and the plasma membrane (Jaiswal et al., 2014 Nat Commun), and studies showing that S100A11 interacts with E-cadherin at adherens junctions (Guo et al., 2014 Sci Signal). To address the Reviewer’s point (also raised by Reviewer 1), we have now included a paragraph in the introduction (page 5) and results (page 10) of the revised manuscript describing these and other functions of S100A11 to provide a strong rational to our decision to investigate this protein.

      *- Based on the data presented, I suggest that the authors should requalify their data. I suggest that the conclusions that can be drawn from the data are that cellular state is important for regulating mitosis orientation and fidelity (i.e. adherent epithelia cells vs. less adherent more migratory cells). S100A11 is important for promoting cell-cell adhesions and might be upstream of the known role of E-cadherin in regulating spindle orientation. Whilst I suggest that more quantified experiments would need to be included in order to assess possible effects on plasma membrane remodelling, the manuscript could be generally improved by a clearer explanation of the open question that they are addressing and what specific advance this manuscript has made in relation to the current literature, including their own. I do not currently feel that the title of the manuscript is appropriate since I don't think that a crosstalk between the plasma membrane and cell-cell adhesion has been shown here. *

      __Authors response: __We would like to reiterate our agreement with the Reviewer’s suggestion about the conclusions drawn from our data. In the initial submission we proposed that perturbation of S100A11-mediated regulation of cell adhesion and plasma membrane impairs the identity of mammary epithelial cells, which affects their shape during mitosis leading to aberrant mitotic progression and outcome. While we have not checked the migratory behaviour of cells not forming cell-cell adhesions, we suggested that the cells adopted a mesenchymal phenotype. Furthermore, we discussed the implication of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition on chromosome segregation fidelity and execution of mitosis, and how precisely they link with our study (see initial submission’s pages 14 and 19). As suggested by the Reviewer, we have now clarified further these observations in the results (pages 7 and 11) and discussion (pages 15 and 19) of the revised manuscript.

      We have quantified several aspects of the changes in plasma membrane dynamics and remodelling throughout, in the initial manuscript (Figure 1D-H; Figure 4C). To address the Reviewer’s point, we have now added quantifications of membrane blebbing (new Figure 1I).

      We would like to emphasise that the introduction of the initial manuscript has included the open questions that led to this study. These questions have been addressed further in the discussion, where we have also formulated new hypotheses and discussed what we think are the important outstanding questions for future investigations, in light of our findings. In this study we demonstrate that maintaining epithelial identity is essential for correct execution of polarised cell divisions. Our findings indicate that mammary epithelial cells grown at sub-optimal density lose their epithelial identity, which results in several mitotic defects. We propose a novel mechanism in which S100A11 acts as a molecular sensor of external cues coordinating the interplay between plasma membrane dynamics and cell-cell adhesion to maintain epithelial identity and integrity, thereby ensuring correct progression, orientation, and outcome of cell division. As suggested by the Reviewer, we have clarified further the advances made in this study, in the revised Results and Discussion sections.

      To address the Reviewer’s final point, we would like to suggest the following revised title “Interplay between the plasma membrane and cell-cell adhesion maintains epithelial identity for correct polarised cell divisions”, which we hope reflects better the results described in our studies.

      *Minor comments: important issues that can confidently be addressed. *

      - P3: I wouldn't describe the junctional proteins listed as polarity proteins.

      __Authors response: __We have now made this rectification in page 3, as suggested by the Reviewer.

      *- Figure 1 - can the membrane blebbing phenotype by quantified? At the moment this part is observational so can't really be used to determine the role of plasma membrane remodelling. *

      • *

      __Authors response: __We have now included quantifications of blebbing in the revised manuscript, as suggested by the Reviewer (new Figure 1I).

      *- Figure 3. I'm not sure what the 'subcortical actin cloud' measurement is. Figure 3G suggests it may be the distance from the cortex to the spindle pole but how does this relate to actin? *

      __Authors response: __The Reviewer is right, the subcortical actin cloud includes a pool of dynamic subcortical actin that extends from the cortex (excluding the stiff cortical actin) to the cytoplasm, interacting with the centrosomes and concentrating near the retraction fibres. The subcortical actin cloud has been shown to mediate cortical forces and to concentrate force-generating proteins at the retraction fibres acting on centrosome dynamics and pulling on astral microtubules to orient the mitotic spindle (for example, please see Kwon et al., 2015 Dev Cell). We have now included this clarification in the revised manuscript (page 10).

      *- Figure 4A. I can't see GFP-S100A11 accumulating at the cell surface. To me these images suggest that it is relatively ubiquitously expressed throughout the cytoplasm and surface, which is different to the later antibody stains, that show localisation at the cell surface. *

      __Authors response: __A similar point has been raised by Reviewer 1. Although our retroviral-mediated transduction allows to avoid excessive expression of GFP-S100A11, the ectopic S100A11 is expressed at higher levels as compared to its endogenous counterpart. Our live images show an accumulation of the protein at the cell surface, but relatively high levels are also visible in the cytoplasm (previous Figure 4A, new Figure S4A). By contrast immunolabelling for endogenous S100A11 shows an obvious accumulation of the protein at the plasma membrane. This difference could also be due to a dynamic behaviour of the protein translocation of GFP-S100A11 between the cell surface and cytoplasm that is captured in our live imaging. Similar slight differences between immunofluorescence and live imaging of cortical proteins involved in mitosis, such as Dynein, NuMA, LGN and CAPZB, have been reported in several studies (to cite a few: di Pietro et al., 2017 Curr Biol; Elias et al., 2014 Stem Cell Rep; Fankhaenel et al., 2023). To address this point, we have now moved the panel showing S100A11 immunofluorescence in Figure S3A to new Figure 4A (also see response to Reviewer 1 Major Point 1).

      *- Fig 4H doesn't show an active process of translocation of E-Cadherin to the cytoplasm. It shows representative images with slightly higher levels of E-Cadherin in the cytoplasm. This could be due to translocation or it could be to do with lack of E-Cadherin assembly. *

      • *

      __Authors response: __We thank the Reviewer for pointing this out. We have rectified this statement accordingly (page 11).

      *- 4I I don't understand where the line profile is derived from - where is apical and where is basal in the images? Could a diagram be included? *

      __Authors response: __We have now included an illustration of this quantification, in the revised manuscript (new Figure 4J).

      - The discussion could be shortened and more clearly written - perhaps with subheadings of the main findings.

      __Authors response: __We have clarified several ideas and statements, based on the specific points addressed above. While it is challenging to reduce the size of this section, given that the study addresses several mechanisms of mitosis, we have now shortened the discussion in the revised manuscript.

      *- Methods: Why is cholera toxin used in the cell culture medium? *

      • *

      __Authors response: __Cholera toxin is a key component of MCF-10A medium, which has been shown to stimulate cAMP activation promoting cell proliferation in culture. This culture protocol is a gold standard in the field (Debnath et al., 2023 Methods). Given that cholera toxin is a highly regulated chemical and takes several months to purchase, we have tried culturing MCF-10A without the toxin, but this negatively affected proliferation and passage of this cells. Therefore, we concluded that adding it to the culture medium is important.

      __Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): __

      *In general, this is an interesting paper about the fidelity of mitosis in cells in adherent monolayers vs. in more migratory, non-adherent states. There is existing literature on this topic (some cited in the manuscript, alongside reviews of the topic). *

      • *

      *The main conceptual advance, as far as I can see, is that S100A11 is important for promoting cell-cell adhesions and might be upstream of the known role of E-cadherin in regulating spindle orientation via LGN. The main limitation is that plating cells at different densities is not a direct 'perturbation' of cell-cell adhesion. This means that the phenotypes seen could be due to many factors, not just cell adhesion. Assessment of plasma membrane and cytoskeletal dynamics are also often observational and not conclusive. *

      • *

      *The manuscript would be of interest to basic researchers working on epithelial development. Also potentially to basic researchers working on cancer, due to the mitotic errors described. *

      • *

      *I have expertise in epithelial cell biology. *

      I estimate the authors would need between 3 and 6 months for revisions if they decide to do further experiments and between 1 and 3 months if they decide to re-qualify their claims.

      • *

      __Authors response: __We thanks the Reviewer for their overall positive feedback on our work and its broader importance for researchers in epithelial development and cancer biology.

      We would like to reiterate our agreement with the Reviewer’s assessment of the conceptual advances of our work. We show that S100A11 complexes with E-cadherin and LGN during mitosis to control cell-cell adhesion assembly and the mitotic spindle machinery, respectively, which in turn ensures faithful chromosome segregation. Our results also suggest that S100A11 lies upstream of E-cadherin in the regulation of the LGN-mediated mitotic spindle machinery. We also agree with the Reviewer that plating epithelial cells at low density does not directly affect cell-cell adhesion, because, in these culture conditions, cells are not dense enough to establish cell-cell contacts necessary to assemble stable adherens junctions. Rather, and as rightly pointed out by the Reviewer, cells grown at low density fail to maintain their epithelial identity and adopt a more mesenchymal and elongated behaviour, which is accompanied by dramatic changes in plasma membrane remodelling throughout mitosis. Interestingly, our results show that both S100A11 and E-cadherin do not localise at the plasma membrane in these sub-optimal culture conditions. This along with our results showing that depletion of S100A11 phenocopies the effect of low-density culture conditions on plasma membrane remodelling and E-cadherin mediated cell-cell adhesion assembly, allow us to propose a mechanism whereby the membrane-associated S100A11 protein acts as a molecular sensor of external cues bridging plasma membrane remodelling to E-cadherin-dependent cell adhesion to coordinate correct progression and outcome of mammary epithelial cell divisions.

      We are grateful for the Reviewer’s insightful discussion of our findings. As we discussed above in our responses to their specific points, we have requalified many of our statements to clarify further our main findings and conclusions throughout the revised manuscript. We have also added new quantifications in response to the Reviewer’s suggestions. We believe, that together, these revisions have advanced further the initial manuscript.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: your understanding of the study and its conclusions.

      The scope of the study is to understand the links between cell-cell adhesion integrity, plasma membrane dynamics and mitotic spindle in mammalian epithelial tissues. To test this, the authors cultured mammary epithelial cells at optimal or low density as a way of perturbing cell-cell adhesion. The authors conclude that perturbing cell-cell adhesion alters plasma membrane dynamics, causing mitotic defects and that S100A11 coordinates this link via E-cadherin. Whilst this is an interesting manuscript, illustrating the differences of mitotic success in optimal density vs. low density cell cultures, I do not think that the conclusions are supported by the evidence presented for the reasons stated below.

      Major comments: major issues affecting the conclusions.

      The manuscript clearly shows that culturing cells at a lower density results in a higher incidence of asymmetric division (figure 1) and mitosis defects (figure 2). Cells round more and faster and there is more actin at the cortex during rounding (figure 3). However, whilst differences in cell-cell adhesion are likely to play a role in mediating these effects, I don't think that it is possible to claim from the data presented that these defects are specifically due to cell-cell adhesion differences. This is because the morphology of cells at low density is also very different - cells appear more mesenchymal, with migratory front-rear polarity instead of apical-basal polarity. These cells will therefore have many differences between them, cell-adhesion being just one. The data is also not showing a 'loss' of cell-cell adhesion integrity but are rather illustrating the differences between cells that have formed cell-cell adhesions and those that have not. To really test the specific role of cell-cell adhesions, the authors would need to inhibit adhesions directly but without altering the cell density - for example via chemical or genetic perturbation within a confined environment. I suggest that the authors either need to do these experiments or to requalify what their data is telling us. The current manuscript also demonstrates that cell adhesion is affected when S100A11 is knocked down (figure 4). It shows binding between and colocalization of S100A11 and E-cadherin, and shows that LGN cortical distribution is affected when S100A11 is knocked down (Figure 5). The results presented are suggestive of S100A11 being upstream of E-cadherin. However, I don't understand how the data shows "crosstalk between the plasma membrane, cell-cell adhesion, and the cell cortex during mitosis". For example, on P9: "We observed unequal distribution of CellMaskTM in a vast majority of S100A11-depleted cells (si-S100A11#1: ~79% versus si-Control: ~26%), indicating defects in plasma membrane remodelling (Figures 4B and 4C)." I don't agree that this demonstrates a defect in PM remodelling. Rather the cells in the representative images are less adherent and have adopted a more migratory cell state similar to that seen in figure 1 when seeded at low density. The fluidity of the much larger cells shown in knock down cells in panel F also appears higher, again suggesting an adhesion defect. An earlier paper from the same lab this year identified Annexin A1 as directing mitotic spindle orientation via localising LGN at lateral cortex. During this earlier paper they also identified S100A11, which is a partner for Annexin A1. The authors could more clearly explain what S100A11 is in the current manuscript and how the current study builds on this earlier study.

      Based on the data presented, I suggest that the authors should requalify their data. I suggest that the conclusions that can be drawn from the data are that cellular state is important for regulating mitosis orientation and fidelity (i.e. adherent epithelia cells vs. less adherent more migratory cells). S100A11 is important for promoting cell-cell adhesions and might be upstream of the known role of E-cadherin in regulating spindle orientation. Whilst I suggest that more quantified experiments would need to be included in order to assess possible effects on plasma membrane remodelling, the manuscript could be generally improved by a clearer explanation of the open question that they are addressing and what specific advance this manuscript has made in relation to the current literature, including their own. I do not currently feel that the title of the manuscript is appropriate since I don't think that a crosstalk between the plasma membrane and cell-cell adhesion has been shown here.

      Minor comments: important issues that can confidently be addressed.

      P3: I wouldn't describe the junctional proteins listed as polarity proteins. Figure 1 - can the membrane blebbing phenotype by quantified? At the moment this part is observational so can't really be used to determine the role of plasma membrane remodelling.

      Figure 3. I'm not sure what the 'subcortical actin cloud' measurement is. Figure 3G suggests it may be the distance from the cortex to the spindle pole but how does this relate to actin?

      Figure 4A. I can't see GFP-S100A11 accumulating at the cell surface. To me these images suggest that it is relatively ubiquitously expressed throughout the cytoplasm and surface, which is different to the later antibody stains, that show localisation at the cell surface.

      Fig 4H doesn't show an active process of translocation of E-Cadherin to the cytoplasm. It shows representative images with slightly higher levels of E-Cadherin in the cytoplasm. This could be due to translocation or it could be to do with lack of E-Cadherin assembly.

      4I I don't understand where the line profile is derived from - where is apical and where is basal in the images? Could a diagram be included?

      The discussion could be shortened and more clearly written - perhaps with subheadings of the main findings.

      Methods: Why is cholera toxin used in the cell culture medium?


      In general, this is an interesting paper about the fidelity of mitosis in cells in adherent monolayers vs. in more migratory, non-adherent states. There is existing literature on this topic (some cited in the manuscript, alongside reviews of the topic).

      The main conceptual advance, as far as I can see, is that S100A11 is important for promoting cell-cell adhesions and might be upstream of the known role of E-cadherin in regulating spindle orientation via LGN. The main limitation is that plating cells at different densities is not a direct 'perturbation' of cell-cell adhesion. This means that the phenotypes seen could be due to many factors, not just cell adhesion. Assessment of plasma membrane and cytoskeletal dynamics are also often observational and not conclusive.

      The manuscript would be of interest to basic researchers working on epithelial development. Also potentially to basic researchers working on cancer, due to the mitotic errors described.

      I have expertise in epithelial cell biology.

      I estimate the authors would need between 3 and 6 months for revisions if they decide to do further experiments and between 1 and 3 months if they decide to re-qualify their claims.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Establishment and maintenance of cell polarity are fundamental processes for physiology in multi-cellular organism given the fact that more than 380 million epithelial cell renewal for every second in human adults. However, the precise mechanisms linking plasma membrane polarity and cortical cytoskeleton dynamics of epithelial cells during mitotic exit and interphase remain ill-illustrated. Salah Elias and her colleagues experimentally manipulated the density of mammary epithelial cells in culture, which led to several mitotic defects. Specifically, they found that perturbation of cell-cell adhesion integrity impairs the dynamics of the plasma membrane during mitosis, affecting the shape and size of mitotic cells and resulting in defects in mitosis progression and generating daughter cells with aberrant cytoarchitecture. In these conditions, F-actin-astral microtubule crosstalk is impaired leading to mitotic spindle misassembly and misorientation, which in turn contributes to chromosome mis-segregation. Mechanistically, they identified the S100 Ca2+-binding protein A11 as a key membrane-associated regulator that forms a complex with E-cadherin and LGN to coordinate plasma membrane remodelling with E-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion and LGN-dependent mitotic spindle machinery. I felt that this is a strong manuscript for peer-review as it serves diversified interests in modern cell biology.


      Several key cellular experiments should be repeated using a second line of epithelial cells such as RPE1.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript "Crosstalk between the plasma membrane and cell-cell adhesion maintains epithelial identity for correct polarised cell divisions" by Dr. Hosawi and colleagues reports the characterisation of the mitotic connection between plasma membrane dynamics and division orientation in polarised mammalian epithelial cells in culture. The authors start from the comparison of mitotic events of human mammary MCF10A cells grown at optimal density or at low density. They observed that only at optimal density MCF10A cells polarise by E-cadherin mediated cell-cell contacts, and display uniform membrane enrichment at the cortex, whereas cells grown at low density do not show cortical E-Cadherin enrichment, and distribute aberrantly the plasma membrane at one side and in cytoplasmic vesicles, generating daughter cells with unequal size. Consistently, further analyses revealed that low-density MCF10A cells undergo misoriented mitosis, with chromosome congression and misegregetion defects. Mechanistically, low density MCF10A cells fail to organise a symmetric mitotic spindle and center it in metaphase. This is due to an increased cortical actomyosin thickness coupled to abnormal astral microtubule stability. Building on previous data from the Elias lab, the authors uncover a role of the membrane-associated S100A11 protein in maintaining correct plasma membrane dynamics and E-cadherin localisation in mitosis. Further dissection of the molecular mechanism underlying this mitotic function od S10011A revealed that it enriches at the cortex only in optimal-density MCF10A cells, and promotes spindle orientation by association with LGN and E-cadherin, upstream of E-cadherin. This evidence depicts the plasma membrane and S100A11 proteins as a key mechanical sensors of cell-cell adhesion orchestrating the recruitment of E-cadherin and LGN-dependent force generators to ensure correct division orientation.

      Major points:

      • Important information is presented in Supplementary Figure S3. I suggest to move these panels in the main figures. Specifically, I would replace figure 4A with S3A showing the distribution of endogenous S100A11 in MCF10A cells, rather than the one of the GFP-tagged version which is over-expressed.
      • The mechanisms of division orientation governed by S100A11 seems to impinge on the control of cortical F-actin and astral microtubule dynamics. This is illustrated in figure S3C, which in my opinion should be shown in the main figures with some more explanation / experiments. The authors mention the " tight actin F-actin bundles at the cell-cell contacts" that are lost in S100A11-depleted cells, and that interact with astral microtubules. However this is not fully clear in figure S3C. I think the authors should find a way to present better these evidence which is key in supporting their molecular model.
      • I think the discussion would benefit from the addition of a graphical cartoon model illustrating the role of S100A11 in controlling plasma membrane dynamics in mitosis and spindle orientation.
      • Finally, to understand the relevance of S100A11 in the context of 3D polarised mammary epithelia, it would be very interesting to analyse the effect of S100A11 knock-downn in mouse mammary epithelial acini grown in matrigel. This is not essential for the proposed studies, but would add biological relevance to the mechanisms characterised in 2D colture.

      Minor comments:

      • It would be preferable to mention the known functions of S100A11 in the introduction rather than at the beginning of the paragraph at pg. 9.
      • at pg 10, beginning of paragraph, I find it a weird phrasing that "LGN interacts with F-actin". As reported in the reference cited here, this is through Afadin, which binds simultaneously LGN and cortical F-actin. I would rephrase it.


      The description of cell adhesion as key factor instructing correct mitotic progression and execution of oriented division of vertebrate epithelial cells by controlling plasma membrane dynamics is novel and interesting for scientist in the spindle orientation/polarity field. The experiments are well-designed and perfectly executed and presented. I am in favour of publication of the manuscript, providing that a few points are addressed.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This MS contains carefully carried out and well controlled experiments describing a new pFFAT in ELYS. There is a similarly convincing demonstration of functionally relevant colocalisation by proximity ligation assay (PLA), particularly that both ELYS and VAP are nuclear envelope proteins in interphase without interacting (neg control in Fig 4D).

      Major Issue: Functional significance

      A key conclusion is that experiments prove that "ELYS serves as the crucial initiation factor for post-mitotic NPC-assembly" (p5). However, evidence for this is lacking as this would require reconstitution of NPC assembly with a mutant form of ELYS carefully changing the FFAT motif (e.g. 1321A 1324E) and exclusion of other probable VAP targets in experiments with mutant VAP. VAPs are among the proteins with the highest number of documented interactors (see Huttlin 2015/7 etc, e.g. PMID 26186194), so knocking down VAP may have pleiotropic effects and quite indirect read-outs in many aspects of cell function. In addition, for this work specifically there are other NE proteins that are known interactors of VAP: Emerin (EMD) and LBR both interact with VAP (high-throughput data, VAPA and VAPB). EMD has a motif similar to the canonical phospho-FFAT: 98 SYFTTRT 104. LBR has no motif. These findings should not be overlooked in this work. For example, was the interaction with emerin (page 4) sensitive to mutating VAP or ELYS? Could the effect seen in Figure 5 result from interactions with proteins other them ELYS?

      Further experiments should be carried out to justify all statements in the current MS of functional significance. Instead of doing more experiments, an alternative for the authors would be to describe the current set of results more cautiously. However, that would require changing much of the impact of the current MS, from the title onwards.

      Moderate Issue: VAPA

      From the start of the Introduction and some elements of the Discussion, include VAPA in equal measure with VAPB. When describing interactions of ELYS with VAP note that Huttlin et al., reported interactions twice for each of VAPA and VAPB. When describing own results (James et al. 2019) and those of others (Saiz-Ros et al., 2019) that focused on VAPB, clarify if the authors' view is that VAPA would (or would not) have the same interaction.

      Is there any evidence that only VAPB is on NE? Note that some refs in the Introduction relate to VAPA: Mesmin (not VAPB); ACBD5: although article titles refer to VAPB, early work (10.1083/jcb.201607055) showed almost identical involvement of VAPA. Also, this redundancy likely explains "function of VAPB in mitosis is not essential," (in Discussion). The lack of effect of VAPA knock-down may indicate that in these cells VAPB is dominant, but does not exclude a role for VAPA when VAPB is reduced. That might be tested by depleting both. Even following that, there is MOSPD2 to consider

      Other aspects of the writing

      "two amino acid residues are crucial for the interaction (VAPB K87 and M89)." This is wrong. Many residues are critical, these are merely 2 of possibly >10 that were chosen by Kaiser et al (2005) to create their non-binder.. Others have used different mutations to block FFAT binding.

      "They may exhibit a certain binding preference to specific members of the VAP ... family...". I cannot think of any example. I note no citation is given.

      When listing many or all MSP proteins, the text should state that MOSPD2 is uniquely close to VAPA/B. CFAP65 is typically not mentioned in the VAP-like lists as it does not have any of the conserved sequence that binds FFAT. If however the authors wish to include all human MSP domain protein, they should also include Hydin.

      Slightly wrong to cite De Vos et al., 2012 about PTPIP51's FFAT as that paper makes no mention of the motif. Better pick Di Mattia (again)

      On VAPB (and also A) on INM: there are references to be cited esp. relating to intranuclear Scs2 in yeast (Brickner et al 2004, Ptak et al 2021)

      Citations for VAP at ER-mito contacts "De Vos et al., 2012; Gómez-Suaga et al., 2019; Stoica et al., 2014)". These all refer to the same bridging protein, PTPIP51. Reduce to one citation. Then mention other proteins at the same site VPS13A, mitoguardin(MIGA)-2 ...

      "The domain interacts with characteristic peptide sequences ..." add citation to this sentence

      "Several variants of such motifs have been described: (i)" ... "(ii)": (i) and (ii) are entirely unlinked. Delete these and also "Several variants of such motifs have been described." Which is repeated later

      "FFAT-like motifs come in different flavors and may even lack the two phenylalanine residues (Murphy and Levine, 2016)": while motifs can tolerate variation at both positions, this text is misleading as it implies much more variation than is known. The 1st F can only be conservatively substituted (Y).

      Minor aspects in Results:

      ORP1L peptide as positive control: cite Kaiser 2005

      Was phosphoproteomics done in such a way as to find peptides that have both S1314 and S1326?

      Figure 4D, row 2: Comment on intranuclear staining in Prophase (at approx 4 o'clock) of both ELYS & VAP that is PLA positive

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with this point from Reviewer #1. We all agree that the main issue can be resolved experimentally to determine the effect of subtle point mutations in ELYS. Both other reviewers have done a good job in finding issues with the experiments that can also be addressed.


      This work documents an interaction between the protein ELYS, that is involved in the reformation of nuclear pore complexes after mitosis, and the ER membrane protein VAPB. The interactions was previously known through high-throughput studies, along with many 100's of others for VAP, but here it is studied in detail and with care, identifying how the motif is induced by phosphorylation of ELYS. The two proteins are co-localised using convincing proximity ligation assays. This biochemistry and cell biological localisation is well done.

      Functional experiments then show that VAP (in this case VAPB) knock-down affects mitosis and chromosome segregation. While the result is incontrovertible, it has many possible interpretations, mainly because VAP has hundreds of interactions, including with multiple proteins involved in mitosis beyond just ELYS. This means that there are major limitations on how the interaction and co-localisation should be interpreted, reducing the advance associated with the current manuscript to incremental, and the limiting the audience to specialized.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this study, James et al. follow up on their prior discovery that the ER contact site protein VAPB localizes to the nuclear envelope and is a putative binding partner of the nucleoporin ELYS, which coordinates nuclear envelope reformation (NER) with nuclear pore complex (NPC) biogenesis at mitotic exit and is also a constituent of the nuclear facing Y-complexes of mature NPCs. Using a series of complementary biochemical approaches the authors 1) demonstrate that VAPB and ELYS directly interact, 2) map the binding sites on ELYS that are sufficient to bind VAPB, 3) show that mutations that disrupt VAPB-FFAT motif binding also abrogate binding to ELYS including of the full-length protein, 4) define mitotic phosphorylation sties on VAPB-bound ELYS, 5) demonstrate that phosphorylation of ELYS, specifically at the FFAT2 motif, is required for binding to VAPB, and 6) demonstrate that the phosphorylation of ELYS that regulates VAPB binding occurs in mitosis. Turning to cell biology, the authors find that VAPB, which is an established ER protein, has some preference for non-core regions during NER (like ELYS). In addition, PLA analysis suggests that the interaction of VAPB and ELYS is most robust during anaphase and is somewhat disrupted when the binding of VAPB to FFAT motifs is lost due to targeted mutation. Last, the authors demonstrate that depletion of VAPB leads to metaphase delay and lagging chromosomes.

      Major comments:

      The data supporting direct binding of peptides encoding the FFAT 1 and FFAT2 motif derived from ELYS to VAPB in a manner similar to other FFAT sequences is strong, as is the effect of phosphorylation of FFAT1 on the strength of this interaction.

      The evidence supporting the mitotic-specific nature of the ELYS-VAPB interaction is strong, and that this interaction is direct, is also strong, and was rigorously tested using a combination of endogenous expression, heterologous expression, and recombinant protein approaches. Moreover, the sensitivity of this interaction to established mutations in VAPB abrogating FFAT interactions reinforces the outlined underlying biochemical interaction mechanism. The essentiality of ELYS phosphorylation (and therefore the mechanism underlying the mitotic specificity of the interaction) is also strongly supported by the data using phosphatase treatment. Although it is an intuitive model, whether the cell biological evidence support the simplest view that the ELYS-VAPB complex bridges the nuclear envelope to chromatin during NER in late anaphase / at mitotic exit is far less solid and, at a minimum, alternative models should be considered/discussed. For example, how a delay in metaphase in the siVAPB condition is consistent with a role in NER, which occurs exclusively post-metaphase, is unclear. Is it not possible that the VAPB-ELYS complex is regulated by phosphorylation during mitotic progression such that VAPB and/or ELYS can only exert their biological effects when released from the complex? In other words, might ELYS be licensed to act in NER only when it is released from VAPB, which could prevent premature NER/NPC biogenesis? Subtleties of when during mitosis the phosphorylation occurs is challenging, and it could be that the anaphase A to anaphase B transition, when many mitotic entry phosphorylation events begin to be reversed, could be relevant here. Along these lines, in Fig. 5 how the VAPB knock-down does or does not recapitulate the phenotype of an ELYS knock-down in this cell type (and the effect of the combination, to address epistasis) is needed for context, as is whether VAPB knock-down affects ELYS distribution in mitosis. ELYS knock-down would also be very beneficial for the PLA analysis to establish the "floor" of measurable signal. Last, it is also possible that VAPB has other roles in mitosis that should be acknowledged - for example although it is in yeast, it is relevant that a VAPB orthologue Scs2 is required for normal nuclear envelope expansion in mitosis by regulating SUMOylation (Ptak, Saik et al., JCB, 2021 and Saik et al., JCB, 2023) - this work should be referenced as well. Of course, the ideal experiment would be one in which an ELYS knock-down is complemented with a resistant form that encodes the S to A mutations in the FFAT2 region to assess its localization and to see if it can complement the knock-out function of ELYS in post-mitotic NPC assembly or, as suggested by a sequestration model, it can drive the same metaphase delay seen upon VAPB knock-down. This is technically challenging for sure, particularly given the size of the ELYS gene, but it would address the cell biological function of this interaction in the most direct manner. Several other observations that could warrant further comment or study include 1) is there a VAPB signal at the metaphase poles as suggested by Fig. 4A and, if so, could this represent aa distinct mitotic function?; 2) Does the HA-VAPB KD/MD mutant localize differently in mitosis compared to the WT - it appears that it might be less enriched in non-core regions (Fig. 4E)?; 3) does VAPB alter post-mitotic NPC biogenesis/number?

      Minor comments:

      I would suggest avoiding the use of "novel" when describing newly assembled NPCs or post-mitotic nuclear envelope reformation, as its other meaning of "non-standard" makes this wording confusing. It is unclear whether when the authors state that ELYS localizes "to the nuclear side of the nuclear envelope" they are referring to the nuclear aspect of the NPC and/or a separate pool at the INM - please edit to clarify. More descriptive y-axes for the plots in Fig. 4F and 5F and related legends would be useful; although the details are in the methods section, it would be nice not to have to hunt them down. Also, please clarify the meaning of blue and orange points in Fig. 4F.


      General assessment: The biochemical analysis is rigorous and compelling and establishes the mitotic-specific interaction of VAPB and ELYS including detailed information about the binding interface and its regulation by phosphorylation. The new insight provided into the function of this VAPB-ELYS interaction is somewhat less well developed as the current manuscript, in its current form, does not yet mechanistically define the function of the VAPB-ELYS interaction in mitosis.

      Advance: Conceptually, to the best of my knowledge, the idea that VAPB contributes to mitosis in mammalian cells is novel and is therefore impactful and will motivate further work. As the authors connect VAPB biochemically to ELYS, an established factor that promotes the coordination of NER and NPC biogenesis, this interaction is likely to be mechanistically important, although the specific details by which this interaction facilitate normal mitotic progression is not yet clear.

      Audience: This work will be of interest to a broad swath of cell biologists including those interested in NPCs, the nuclear envelope, the ER, membrane remodeling, and chromosome segregation.

      My expertise is in nuclear envelope dynamics, nuclear pore complexes, and chromatin organization.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The VAP proteins are well established as tail anchored proteins of the ER membrane. VAPs mediates co-operation between the ER and other organelles by creating a transient molecular tether with binding partners on opposing organelles to form a membrane contact site over which lipids and metabolites are exchanged. Proteins which bind VAPs generally contain a short FFAT motif, of varying sequence which binds the MSP domain of VAP. More recently the FFAT motif has been more extensively analysed in multiple different proteins and differential phosphorylation of the FFAT motif has been shown to either enhance or block VAP binding depending on the position of the phosphosite.

      Recent work conducted by the authors demonstrated that a small population of VAPB is not exclusively localised to the ER and can also reach the inner nuclear membrane. They also identified ELYS as a potential interaction partner of VAPB in a screening approach. ELYS is a nucleoporin that can be found at the nuclear side of the nuclear envelope where it forms part of nuclear pore complexes. During mitosis, ELYS serves as an assembly platform that bridges an interaction between decondensing chromosomes and recruited nucleoporin subcomplexes to generate new nuclear pore complexes for post-mitotic daughter cells. In this manuscript, James et al seek to explore this enigmatic potential interaction between ELYS and VAPB to address why VAPB may be found at the inner nuclear membrane.

      Peptide binding assays and some co-immunoprecipitation experiments are used to demonstrate that interactions occur via the MSP-domain of VAPB and FFAT-like motifs within ELYS. In addition, it is demonstrated that, for the ELYS FFAT peptides, the interaction is dependent on the phosphorylation status of serine residues of a particular FFAT-motif that can either promote or reduce its affinity to VAPB. Of most relevance is a serine in the acidic tract (1314) which, when phosphorylated increases VAPB binding. This is completely in line with what is already known about the FFAT motif and so is not surprising, in particular when using a peptide in an in vitro assay.

      The authors then utilise cell synchronisation techniques to provide evidence that both phosphorylation of ELYS and its binding to VAPB are heightened during mitosis. Immunofluorescence and proximity ligation assays are used to demonstrate that the proteins co-localise specifically during anaphase and at the non-core regions of segregating chromosomes.

      The manuscript is concluded by investigating the effect of VAPB depletion on mitosis with some evidence to suggest that transition from meta-anaphase is delayed and defects such as lagging chromosomes are observed.

      Major comments

      Overall, this manuscript is well written and the data presented in Figures 1-3 convincingly show the nature of the interaction between ELYS and VAPB. Clearly the proteins interact via FFAT motifs and this interaction appears to be enhanced during mitosis. However, the work as is, relies heavily on peptide binding assays and would benefit from additional experiments to further support the results. The authors need to more clearly show that this specific phosphorylation happens during mitosis, they may have this data but it is not clearly explained. In addition, the data that VAPB-ELYS interaction contributes to temporal progression of mitosis (as per the title) is not sufficiently clear. VAPB silencing appears to have some impact on mitosis but this is not the same thing. So this section needs to be strengthened before this statement can be made.

      The authors claim that the study "suggests an active role of VAPB in recruiting membrane fragments to chromatin and in the biogenesis of a novel nuclear envelope during mitosis". Given the data presented in Figures 4 and 5, this appears to be rather speculative with little evidence to support it, so data should be provided or this statement toned down. Currently, without additional supporting data the authors may wish to revise the overarching conclusions of the study and change the title.

      Specific points.

      Peptide pull down assays clearly show which FFAT-like motifs are important in facilitating binding. The co-immunoprecipitation systems used in Figure 2 also provide useful information on the interaction in a cell context. The authors should combine these findings by introducing full length ELYS mutants with altered FFAT-like motifs into their stably expressing GFP-VAPB HeLa cell line and then performing Co-IPs to help identify which FFAT motif/s drive the mitotic interaction. Other mutants of ELYS harbouring either phosphomimetic or phospho-resistant residues may also be introduced to further investigate mechanisms of the molecular switch in a cellular environment to support the work currently done with peptides alone. This is an obvious gap in the work which, based on the other data the authors have shown, should presumably be straightforward and would also lead directly into the next major point.

      • Whilst silencing VAPB does appear to delay mitosis, no reference is made to ELYS throughout Figure 5 nor as part of its associated discussion. Given that VAPB has more than 250 proposed binding partners, the observed aberration of mitotic progression could result from a huge number of indirect processes. Further work is needed to link the experiment specifically to the VAPB-ELYS interaction and not just loss of VAPB. We would suggest generating a complementation system where ELYS is either knocked out or silenced and then wild-type ELYS and an ELYS FFAT mutant (which cannot interact with VAPB),and/or a phospho mutant (whose interaction cannot be regulated during mitosis) are introduced. Then the observed effects can be better attributed to the VAPB-ELYS interaction and not just loss of VAPB.
      • The immunofluorescence and PLA results in Figure 4 could be strengthened by including other ER markers. This would show that co-localisation of ELYS at the non-core region is specific to VAPB protein, not any ER protein or rather than an artefact of the ER being pushed out of the organelle exclusion zone during mitosis and therefore 'bunching' at the periphery of the nuclear envelope. It would be worthwhile repeating these experiments with candidates such as VAPA, other ER membrane proteins or at least GFP-KDEL, to make this phenomenon more convincing. As part of this the authors should ideally generate a complemented ELYS KO (see point above) to avoid the residual activity attributed to endogenous background in the PLA Figure 4E.
      • Authors should clarify if the phosphorylation events (in particular S1314) only occur or are increased during mitosis. This may be data they have from the MS experiment in Figure 3 or it could also be shown using a phospho-antibody (although this can be challenging if a suitable antibody cannot be made).
      • The authors should clarify why they need to do these semi in-vitro assays with purified GST-VAPB-MSP on beads and then lysates added and not just a standard co-IP. If this is simply signal intensity due to a very small proportion of VAPB binding to ELYS then this is fine but this should be stated and it should be made clear that ELYS is not a major binding partner - most of VAPB is on the ER. Otherwise, this is misleading.

      I estimate that the suggested alterations above would incur approximately 3-6 months of additional experimental work, depending on if KO cell lines were required.

      Minor comments

      • To show that the observed interactions and potential role of VAPB-ELYS interaction is universal it would be useful to have at least a subset of experiments also shown in another cell line or system - this is now also a requirement for some journals.
      • Consider re-wording the title of the manuscript to better reflect the data presented within the study. Alternatively, provide further evidence that VAPB-ELYS interactions directly affect temporal progression of mitosis to validate this claim, as discussed above.
      • Quantification of blots in Figure 2A could allow measurement of relative binding affinities between VAPB-ELYS throughout the cell cycle. The same could be applied to the effect of phosphorylation on binding affinity in Figure 2D.
      • The cells used are never clearly mentioned in the text - I assume this is always in HeLa but this should be added in all cases for clarity
      • Page 8: "As shown in Fig. 2A,a large proportion of GFP-VAPB was precipitated under our experimental conditions." - I don't understand how this is shown in this figure as the non-bound fraction is not shown?
      • Please provide some controls to demonstrate the extent to which the samples used are asyn, G1/M or M.
      • Page 9 - why are Phos-tag gels not shown as this would make this result more convincing?
      • Figure 3A - I find the SDS-PAGE gel confusing. Why not show the whole gel and why is the band size apparently reduced in the mitotic fraction when previously it was increased (by phosphorylation)? It would also be useful to see if there were any other band shifts.
      • "FFAT-2 of ELYS is regulated by phosphorylation" The way you have setup the experiment leads the reader to think you are going to show which sites are differentially phosphorylated in mitosis, but then this is not the case - so there seems no purpose to doing the experiment this way. If you used TMT MS approach you would be able to potentially quantify the change in phosphorylation at the FFAT motif sites in mitosis. Otherwise what is the purpose of using these 2 samples, mitotic and AS?
      • For all of the antibodies used, in particular for the PLA, please provide evidence of validation of the antibodies.
      • Just a minor point to consider - In the methods for your lysis buffer you use 400mM NaCl - might this slightly reduce the VAPB-FFAT interaction? Worth considering reducing this?
      • "The rather small difference observed between the wild-type and the mutant protein observed in this experiment probably results from the presence of endogenous VAPB in the stable cell lines, which could form dimers with the exogeneous HA-tagged versions." If this is the case then please demonstrate that this is happening, or use the KO approach in the major points above.
      • "we now show that the proteins can indeed interact with each other, without the need for additional bridging factors (Figs. 1 and 3)." You show that the peptides can bind - but this is not the same thing as the peptide in the full context of the protein - so this should be toned down or removed.
      • "Remarkably, this region is highly conserved between species, suggesting that it is important for protein functions (data not shown)". Please show the alignments so the reader can judge for themselves. It is conserved in ALL species and the phosphosites are also conserved??
      • "In our experiments, knockdown of VAPA alone did not lead to a delay in mitosis (data not shown). " Why not show this data - as this is a very interesting and potentially important observation? Also add the validation of knockdown of VAPA.
      • I find the end to the discussion to the paper rather abrupt. It would be interesting to discuss further how VAPB, but not apparently VAPA reaches the INM and if so why this function is required of an ER adaptor and not another more obvious adaptor protein. In short - why would VAPB be performing this role?

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with the comments of the other reviewers, and they are very much in line with my own review. We all seem convinced that VAPB binds ELYS via a pFFAT, and that this interaction is enhanced during mitosois. However the role of this interaction in mitotic progression remains unclear and based on this data should not be claimed in the title or discussion of the paper.


      Overall, if the manuscript could be improved with the suggested changes, then this could be a considerable conceptual advance in how we understand the VAP proteins, showing functions beyond those as an ER adaptor. This would be significant for the field.

      In the context of the existing literature the work does not advance our knowledge of FFAT-VAP interactions, this has already been shown, but it would give a nice example of how this can be regulated during mitosis and how VAP can contribute beyond just as an ER adaptor at membrane contact sites.

      There would be a wide audience in the cell biology field and more widely as mutations in VAPB cause a form of ALS, and many people are working in this area.

      My field of expertise is in organelle cell biology and membrane contact sites.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This work uses state-of-the art cell imaging and careful image quantification to study early secretory pathway dynamics during budding yeast gametogenesis. The work builds on previous findings of roles for Sec16 in ER exit site formation, Sec-body formation during specific developmental stages, and for Vps13 in lipid homeostasis. The work appears to be carefully conducted and is nicely presented.

      Much of the early work - here relating to meiosis in budding yeast, reflects that from studies of mitosis in other systems. This work therefore adds nicely to our understanding of membrane dynamics during cell division. Figures 1 and 2 are useful additions to the literature in this regard. I would have preferred images to be presented in magenta/green rather than red/green for wider accessibility.

      The advance is therefore not conceptual but functional. It would, in my view, be unfair to dismiss this as incremental.


      My major comment here relates to the FRAP data - the difference in half-life of recovery is clear but there are also substantial differences in the immobile fraction. It is vital that this is expanded on and discussed - it has direct relevance to the conclusions relating to the ongoing functional activity of ERES and the comparison to Sec bodies. Is it not possible that the immobile element here is a functional "reserve" like with Sec bodies? This might be consistent with multiple pools of COPII proteins acting at different stages to maintain then promote secretory activity. Some consideration needs to be given to expanding this and possibly including these data in the main figure. Further analysis and controls should also be included here, other COPII proteins and other markers that one might predict would not alter dynamics in these conditions.

      The key mechanistic advance in the manuscript relates to the role of Gip1 with clearly defined outcomes showing its role in ERES remodelling in nascent spores, regeneration of the Golgi and PSM elongation. The context of this part of the work is most important. Specifically, the comparison to VPS13 mutant needs to be expanded on and better explained. The analysis in Fig.4 needs a clearer explanation within the figure of how localization to the PSM is defined. The detail in the methods is also insufficient and the "custom R script" should be published with the work (or on a publicly accessible repository such as Git/Zenodo etc).

      The development of this work with the delta-sep mutant gives useful insight and the analysis of Sec16 does indeed support a model where this is an early marker for the process. Despite the link to septins no direct analysis of YSW1 is included (which suppresses the sporulation defect in gip1 ts alleles.


      Figure 3 introduces new data on reticulons and their impact on ER membrane shape. Again, this reflects findings in other systems but does not add much to the specific narrative of this story but is useful for those in the field. Similar to this, the data on Sec4 are of interest to the specialist but add little to the overall story.

      The discussion is quite lengthy and speculative dealing with themes and ideas that are not addressed directly by this work. My comments on the FRAP data relate directly to the models in Figure 8 and this discussion. Given the emphasis on nutrient starvation in the final discussion more detail is needed on the relative experimental conditions used here and in flies/mammals.

      Some relevant prior work should also be cited e.g. on the role of Sec16 on exit from mitosis PMID: 21045114, other work relating to gip1 mutants (PMID: 19465564).

      Consider presenting images as magenta/green.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree broadly with the other reviewers comments.

      While there are elements that could be developed much further. I am not familiar with the role of GIP1 in transcriptional regulation - is this from work in yeast or solely Arabidopsis (is GIP1 here - GBF1 interacting protein, a true equivalent?).

      I agree with the comments on the need for further - and well explained - statistical analyses.


      Overall, the work is solid and adds nicely to our understanding. It is likely to be of most interest to a quite specialist audience. The work on PSM formation and spore formation is a clear advance with significant sections of the work being of interest to a wider audience working on early secretory pathway (notably COPII dynamics). Deeper mechanistic insight is missing but non-trivial. More depth would be added by studying further deletion mutants but I am not entirely convinced that this will rapidly advance the field further than this current presentation.

      My expertise is in early secretory pathway function.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Suda et al. conducted an in-depth investigation of gametogenesis in budding yeast, focusing on the formation of the prospore membrane (PSM) through membrane trafficking rearrangement. They made an interesting observation that the number of endoplasmic reticulum exit sites (ERES) fluctuates during PSM formation, transitioning from decreasing to increasing. The study proposed that ERES regeneration, facilitated by protein phosphatase-1 and its specific subunit, Gip1, plays a crucial role in this process. However, the mechanism by which Gip1 regulates ERES numbers remains unclear, and the authors primarily used Gip1 mutants that may affect transcriptional regulation through Glc7, raising concerns about potential indirect effects. It is essential for the authors to experimentally validate the key mechanisms underlying their findings to strengthen their conclusions.

      Major Points:

      1. The conclusion that the loss of ERES causes a transient stall in membrane trafficking and leads to Golgi loss is based on the phenotype of GIP1 KO and SED4 KO cells. However, how Gip1 regulates ERES numbers remains unclear. The authors need to define whether Gip1 mediates this regulation through Glc7 dephosphorylation or via transcriptional regulation.
      2. The claim of ERES fluctuation during gametogenesis lacks statistical validation (Figure 1D). Since the difference is very small, the authors should perform a statistical analysis to determine if there is a significant difference in ERES numbers during different stages of gametogenesis.
      3. The conclusion regarding the loss and regeneration of the Golgi apparatus is based on qualitative observations of Mnn9, Sys1, and Sec7 signals. A quantitative analysis is necessary to strengthen these findings, as some cells may retain these signals despite their disappearance in representative images.
      4. Based on phenotypic similarity between GIP1 KO and SED4 KO cells, they concluded that Gip1 regulates the ERES number required for PSM expansion. They demonstrated that the number of ERES and Golgi dramatically decreased in GIP1 KO cells. The authors also need to do this experiment in SED4 KO cells? Since Sed4 affects ER function in general, the authors should demonstrate that SED4 KO cells are appropriate to make a conclusion about ERES regulation and PSM expansion.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Consistent with the other two reviewers, we feel our comments should be addressed prior to publication of this manuscript.


      Overall, the study presents a high-quality imaging analysis of gametogenesis in budding yeast. However, the authors should experimentally validate the mechanisms underlying ERES regulation by Gip1 and conduct rigorous statistical analyses to support their observations. Additionally, since gametogenesis and Gip1 are yeast specific, the significance of this study might be limited.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: Yeast gametogenesis requires major membrane reorganization to ensure proper spore formation for survival during starvation, but many questions remain for how this process occurs. This current manuscript by Suda et al. uses fluorescence live imaging to visualize the dynamics of secretory pathway components which are critical for contributing lipids to the prospore membrane (PSM) in the developing spore. The authors find that ER exit sites (ERES) initially decrease and then gradually increase, coinciding with their appearance inside the PSM, suggesting that new lipids for PSM growth are trafficked through the secretory pathway from within the PSM. By screening through known genetic mutants that cause meiosis defects, the authors identify Gip1p, an adaptor for protein phosphatase 1, as a master upstream factor for prospore-associated ERES formation. Interestingly, the authors additionally identify a non-essential component of ERES in vegetative cells, sed4, to be important for sporulation and ERES PSM localization.

      Overall, the biological question is interesting and the imaging quality is appropriate. The general conclusion that ERES foci localize inside developing PSMs in a gip1- and sed4- dependent manner is supported by the data. However, the manuscript is purely descriptive; not much molecular insight is gleaned into how secretory pathway components localize to the inside of the PSM, nor is it clear how important this localization is in contributing new lipids to the PSM. Additionally, there are multiple points within the writing and presentation of the results, some specified below, that require clarification; more details in the quantifications also need to be included to ascertain whether the data robustly support the authors' current conclusions.

      Major comments:

      • The loss of gip1 affects multiple aspects of sporulation and leads to an early termination of spore formation, giving little insight into how ERES are established inside the PSM. The most intriguing result is that loss of sed4, a nonessential paralog of the membrane-bound Sar1 GEF, leads not only to sporulation defects, but also affects the localization of Sec13/ERES to the spores. Given that some spores still form in the sed4 cells, more experiments detailing ERES and golgi localization within the forming spores could be done. Does the golgi no longer localize within the PSM in sed4 cells? Is there are a PSM size difference between those that do and do not have ERES foci in this genetic background? Where does Sed4 localize in gip1 cells?
      • While Vps13 is introduced as an additional pathway for supplying lipids, this manuscript does not address the relative contribution of vesicular trafficking versus vps13 lipid transport in PSM formation. Where does Vsp13 localize in the sed4 cells? Are they enriched around/within those spores that do form?
      • The clarity of writing in the results and discussion section could be improved, some of which I point out below. The discussion could also be shortened.

      Specific comments:

      • For all quantifications, more information is necessary, including sample sizes, mean/median values, and number of biological replicates. It may be helpful to include these values in a separate supplemental table.
      • Relatedly, for 1D, 3C, and 4C graphs: It is difficult to judge whether the changes of ERES # are significantly different across the various genetic backgrounds as displayed, and given the large spread and small changes, statistical analyses are required to make such conclusions. Could the authors comment on why there is a minor yet noticeable percent of cells with very high ERES numbers?
      • To make specific conclusions that ERES 'regenerate' inside PSMs, more detailed quantifications of ERES foci # inside the developing prospores should be included, with appropriate statistical analysis.
      • Figure 6A, B: The localization of Glc7 does not look different to me, as claimed. The septin-like cable localization presumably occurs during elongation, as seen in 6A, and gip1D cells do not enter this phase, then it should be expected that there would be no septin-like localization. In 6B, the lower panels seem to show mature, closed PSMs; can the authors label the phases and explain why this is?
      • Figure 8, Top panels, indicate the purple coverage is PSM. It is unclear why the authors suddenly say that ERES are 'transiently inactivated' here and in the discussion to describe the lower # of ERES foci, whereas the appearance of PSM-associated ERES foci is considered 'regenerated' (which implies de novo assembly). In general, from the present data, one cannot conclude inactivation vs. formation/regeneration, so some caution in terminology is warranted.

      Minor comments:

      • A schematic showing the different stages of meiosis and of PSM formation would be useful.
      • Scale bar dimensions are missing for most of the figures.
      • It may be helpful to use an alternate color combination for merged images (i.e. cyan/yellow, red/cyan, or magenta/green), to accommodate colorblind readers.
      • For Figure 1C, authors should show orthogonal views along the z plane at timepoint 8 to show that ERES foci are indeed inside the PSM.
      • Figure 1E legend, define closed arrowhead; additionally, include an explanation in the main text of what the Spo20(51-91) marker is.
      • For kymograph displays (Figures 1E, 5A, 7E), please include time points in each frame.
      • Figure 4D, 4E legend, the multiple terms describing PSM circumference length is confusing: 'cell perimeter, 'PSM perimeter' and 'PSM length'. Please choose one term and describe this fully in the text.
      • Fig 5: The images in Fig 5 are dim and the gain should be adjusted accordingly. Figure 5B, is this an intensity trace of one punctum, or punctae from multiple cells as implied in the text?
      • More details, not just references, in methods for sporulation induction and image analysis should be included.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I also agree that our comments should be addressed prior to publication. Of the existing data, the need for further statistical analysis is a high priority.


      The data and conclusions presented here are for a specialized, basic audience interested in yeast meiosis, especially focused on how membranes and the secretory pathway are remodeled during this process. The paper's results have some implications for the reproductive aging field, but this area is not directly investigated in this current manuscript. The paper uses mostly established organelle markers and gene mutants previously known to be involved. The finding of Sed4's involvement in sporulation is, to my knowledge, novel and intriguing.

      Reviewer Expertise: organelle morphology, the secretory pathway, protein aggregation, stress responses, aging, fluorescence microscopy, yeast, C. elegans, mammalian cells, biochemistry

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      Reply to the reviewers

      I - General criticisms

      Reviewer #1: My main criticism is unfortunately inherent to the approach: comparative studies are absolutely critical, but they can only provide a very sparse sampling of diversity. Fortunately, thanks to high-throughput sequencing, bioinformatic analyses can now be performed on a large number of species, but experimental validation is typically restricted to two or three species. The consequence of this for the present manuscript is that while the functional conservation of the Gwl site is convincingly shown, the exact mechanisms responsible for the reduced effect of PKA phosphorylation remain relatively vaguely defined. Indeed, in their Discussion the authors list a number of experimental approaches to address this - but I understand that these would all involve substantial efforts to address. In particular, testing chimeric constructs around the consensus PKA site and from multiple species could be very informative.

      We completely agree with the reviewer that comparative approaches are critical to understanding biological mechanisms, and are excited by the increasing possibilities to perform not only sequence and descriptive comparisons but functional studies across a range of emerging model organisms. We hope that more and more researchers in cell and molecular biology will profit from experimental tools and techniques now available in such species, and to pioneer new ones. Of course, and he/she rightly points out, conclusions are currently limited by the number of species studied, but comparisons between two judiciously chosen species can already be very informative. Thus, in our study, the use of Xenopus and Clytia allowed us to make significant progress towards our main objective of understanding the cAMP-PKA paradox in the control of oocyte maturation; specifically by showing both that PKA phosphorylation of Clytia ARPP19 is lower in efficiency and that the phosphorylated protein has a lower effect on oocyte maturation than the Xenopus protein. As the reviewer points out, unravelling the exact mechanisms underlying these differences will require a large amount of additional work and is beyond the scope of the current study. Actually, we have embarked on several series of experiments to this end using some of the approaches listed in the Discussion. Specifically, we are testing the biochemical and functional properties of chimeric constructs containing the consensus PKA site from various species. This is a substantial undertaking which will require one to two years to complete, but is already giving some very interesting findings.

      Reviewer #1: The figures and text could be slightly condensed down to about 6 figures.

      We have reduced the number of figure panels but we prefer to maintain the number of figures, because the experimental data presented in them is essential to the interpretation of our results and the overall conclusions of the article. If the journal editor would like us to reduce the number of figures, we could do this by displacing Figure 4 and some panels of other figures (to then fuse some of them) to supplementary material, but this would be a pity.

      ____________II - Abstract

      As recommended by Reviewer #2, we have reworked the Abstract to make it more accessible to new readers, attempting to bring out more clearly and simply the main results and conclusions of the study. We correspondingly simplified and shortened the title of the article. Changes: Page 2.

      ____________III- Introduction points

      Reviewer #2: I believe that it would be interesting to include some time-references when introducing the prophase arrest of Clytia and Xenopus oocytes. How long is prophase arrest in Xenopus compared to Clytia or other organisms? How can this affect the prophase arrest mechanisms? It seems that the prophase arrest in Xenopus oocytes is found to be significantly more prolonged compared to Clytia and various other organisms, and also meiotic maturation proceeds much more rapidly in Clytia than in Xenopus. This should be indicated in the introduction with a short introduction of why, and not others, were these species chosen for this study.

      Differences in timing of oocyte prophase arrest and in maturation kinetics across animals are indeed highly relevant in relation to the underlying biochemical mechanisms. Unfortunately, not enough information is currently available concerning the duration of the successive phases of oocyte prophase arrest across species to make any meaningful correlations with PKA regulation of maturation initiation. We have nevertheless expanded the Introduction to cover this issue as follows:

      • We start the introduction by mentioning how the length of the prophase arrest varies across species. Changes: Page 3, lines 5-11.
      • We have added examples of species which likely have similar durations of prophase arrest but show cAMP-stimulated vs cAMP-inhibited release. Changes: Page 4, lines 28-35.
      • We have specified the temporal differences in meiotic maturation in Xenopus (3-7 hrs) and Clytia (10-15 min). Changes: Page 5, lines 32-33.

      Reviewer #2: why, and not others, were these species [Xenopus, Clytia] chosen for this study. A brief justification is included in lines 1-page 5 "..a laboratory model hydrozoan species well suited to oogenesis studies", but it does not explain why this and not other hydrozoan species like Hydra, that has also been used for meiosis studies.

      As requested by Reviewer #2, fuller details are now included about the advantages of Clytia compared to other hydrozoan species, citing several articles and recent reviews here and also in the Discussion. Changes: Page 5, lines 21-32 & 37-39.

      Hydra is a classic cnidarian experimental species and has proved an extremely useful model for regeneration and body patterning, but is not suitable for experimental studies on oocyte maturation because spawning is hard to control and fully-grown oocytes cannot easily be obtained, manipulated or observed. In contrast many hydromedusae (including Clytia, Cytaeis, and Cladonema) have daily dark/light induced spawning and accessible gonads, so provide great material for studying oogenesis and maturation. Of these, Clytia has currently by far the most advanced molecular and experimental tools.

      Reviewer #2: The proteins MAPK is not introduced properly, as it is first mentioned in the results section in line 12. Given the importance of the results provided with it, it should be presented in the introduction prior to the results section.

      As requested by Reviewer #2, the involvement of MAPK activation during Xenopus oocyte meiotic maturation is now introduced, explaining how its phosphorylation serves as a marker of Cdk1 activation. Changes: Page 5, lines 1-5.

      Reviewer #2: These sentences need a more elaborate explanation: Page 4 Lines 16-17 "... no role for cAMP has been detected in meiotic resumption, which is mediated by distinct signaling pathways" Which pathways?

      We now give the example of the well-characterized pathway Gbg-PI3K pathway for oocyte maturation initiation in the starfish. Changes: Page 4, lines 1-15.

      Reviewer #2: Page 4 line 34-39. Introduction indicates that the phosphorylation of ARPP19 on S67 by Gwl is a poorly understood molecular signaling cascade (line 34). However, the positive role of ARPP19 on Cdk1 activation, through the S67 phosphorylation by Gwl, appears to be widespread across all eukaryotic mitotic and meiotic divisions studied (lines 36-37). These two sentences seem a little contradictory. If the general pathway has been identified but the signaling cascade is still not well described, please indicate that in a clearer way.

      We apologise that the wording we used was not clear and implied that the mechanisms of PP2A inhibition by Gwl-phosphorylated ARPP19 were poorly understood. On the contrary, they are very well studied. The part that remains mysterious concerns the upstream mechanisms. We have reworded the paragraph to make this point unambiguous. Changes: Page 5, lines 1-8.

      ____________IV - Results

      Reviewer #2: The text of the results is generally well described; however, all the sections start with a long introductory paragraph. I believe this facilitates the contextualization of the experiments, but please try to summarize when possible. For example, in page 5 lines 12-25, or page 7 lines 30-37, are all introduction information.

      As requested by Reviewer #2, we have shortened or removed the introductory passages of the Results section paragraphs, which were redundant with the information given in the introduction. We did not restrict to the two examples cited by the reviewer, but have shortened all the Results passages that repeat information already provided in the Introduction. Changes: Page 7, lines 3-4 & 14-16 & 36-37 - Page 8, lines 12-15 - Page 8, lines 37-40 & Page 9, lines 1-6.

      Reviewer #2: Page 7, Lines 14-19 present a general conclusion of the findings explained in lines 20-27. I think these results are important and they should be explained better, in my opinion they are slightly poorly described.

      We have followed the reviewer's recommendation. The explanation of the experiments and the results are more detailed and the paragraph ends with a general conclusion which came too early in the previous version. Changes: Page 8, lines 22-24 & 32-34.

      Reviewer #2: Page 8, lines 16-17: "It was not possible to increase injection volumes or protein concentrations without inducing high levels of non-specific toxicity". What are the non-specific toxicity effects? How was this addressed? What fundaments this conclusion?

      Clytia oocytes are relatively fragile. Sensitivity of oocytes to injection varies between batches, while in general increasing injection volumes or protein concentrations increases the levels of lysis observed. We do not know exactly what causes this but lysis can happen either immediately following injection or during the natural exaggerated cortical contraction waves that accompany meiotic maturation, suggesting that it relates to mechanical trauma. We have expanded this paragraph and the legend of Fig. 3C to explain these injection experiments more fully in the text and to clarify these issues. Changes: Page 9, lines 16-29 - Page 32, lines 34-41 & Page 33, lines 1-11 - Supplementary Table 1.

      Same paragraph: Lines 25-27 of page 8. Text reads, "These results suggest that PP2A inhibition is not sufficient to induce oocyte maturation in Clytia, although we cannot rule out that the quantity of OA or Gwl thiophosphorylated ARPP proteins delivered was insufficient to trigger GVBD.". Please provide evidence if higher concentrations of OA or Gwl were tested to state this conclusion.

      As explained above, we could not increase the concentrations of ARPP19 protein beyond 4mg/ml. It is important to note that at the same concentration, both Clytia and Xenopus proteins induce activation of Cdk1 and GVBD in the Xenopus oocyte.

      Concerning OA, it is well documented in many systems including Xenopus, starfish and mouse oocytes as well as mammalian cell cultures, that high concentrations lead to cell lysis/apoptosis as a result of a massive deregulation of protein phosphorylation (Goris et al, 1989; Rime & Ozon, 1990; Alexandre et al, 1991; Boe et al, 1991; Gehringer, 2004; Maton el al, 2005; Kleppe et al, 2015). Specific tests in Xenopus oocytes, have shown that injecting 50 nl of 1 or 2 mM OA specifically inhibits PP2A, while injecting 5 mM also targets PP1 and higher OA concentrations inhibit all phosphatases. For these reasons, we did not increase OA concentrations over 2 mM. When injected in Xenopus oocyte at 1 or 2 mM, OA induces Cdk1 activation, GVBD but then the cell dies because PP2A has multiple substrates essential for cell life. When injected at 2 mM in Clytia oocytes, OA does not induce Cdk1 activation nor GVBD but promotes cell lysis. This supports the conclusion that 2 mM OA is sufficient to inhibit PP2A (and possibly other phosphatases) but that PP2A inhibition is not sufficient to induce oocyte maturation in Clytia.

      We have reworded the relevant text to make these points clearer. The previous statement that “we cannot rule out that the quantity of OA or Gwl thiophosphorylated ARPP proteins delivered was insufficient to trigger GVBD” has been removed because it was unnecessarily cautious in the context of the literature cited above, as now fully explained_._ Changes: Page 9, lines 31-35 - Page 32, lines 34-41 & Page 33, lines 1-11 - Supplementary Table 1.

      References: Alexandre et al, 1991, doi: 10.1242/dev.112.4.971; Boe et al, 1991, doi: 10.1016/0014-4827(91)90523-w; Gehringer, 2004, doi: 10.1016/s0014-5793(03)01447-9; Goris et al, 1989, doi: 10.1016/0014-5793(89)80198-x; Kleppe et al, 2015, doi: 10.3390/md13106505; Maton el al, 2005, doi: 10.1242/jcs.02370; Rime & Ozon, 1990, doi: 10.1016/0012-1606(90)90106-s

      Reviewer #2: Lines 12-13: the sentence "This in vitro assay thus places S81 as the sole residue in ClyARPP19 for phosphorylation by PKA." is overstated. As not all residues had been tested, please indicate that "it is likely that" or "among the residues tested", in contrast to "the sole residue in ClyARPP19".

      We realise that we had not explained clearly enough how the thiophosphorylation assay works. In this assay, γ-S-ATP will be incorporated into any amino acid of ClyARPP19 phosphorylatable by PKA. The observed thiophosphorylation of the wild-type protein, demonstrates that one or more residues are phosphorylated by PKA. This thiophosphorylation was completely prevented by mutation of a single residue, S81. This experiment thus shows that S81 is entirely responsible for phosphorylation by PKA in this assay. We have rewritten this section more clearly. Changes: Page 10, lines 18-28.

      ____________V - Figures and text related to the figures

      Figure 1A

      Reviewer #2: Why is mouse not included in Figure 1A? Although it might be very similar to human, given that mouse is the species that is most commonly use as a mammalian model, I believe it could be included. However, this is optional upon decision by the authors.

      We have replaced the human sequence in Figure 1A with the mouse sequence as suggested. The sequences of each of the mouse and human ENSA/ARPP19 proteins are indeed virtually identical across mammals. Changes: Fig. 1A.

      Figure 1C

      Reviewer #2: There should be a better explanation in the text of the results sections for the image included in in Fig1 C. Note that Clytia is not a commonly used species, therefore images should be properly explained for general readers. Please indicate in the text that ClyARPP19 mRNA is expressed in previtellogenic oocytes and not in vitellogenic, plus any additional information needed to understand the image. In addition, the detection of ARPP19 in the nerve rings is intriguing. This is mentioned in the discussion section, any idea of its function there? Please include some additional information or additional references, if they exist.

      We have expanded the explanations of Fig. 1C in the text and in the figure legend. We have also added cartoons to the figure to help readers understand the organisation of the Clytia jellyfish and gonad. As now explained, ClyARPP19 mRNA is detected in oocytes at all stages, but the signal is much stronger in pre-vitellogenic oocytes because all cytoplasmic components including mRNAs are significantly diluted by high quantity of yolk proteins as the oocytes grow to full size. Changes: page 7, line 40 & page 8, lines 1-9 - Fig. 1C - Legend page 31, lines 19-31.

      Nothing is known about the function of ARPP19 in the Clytia nervous system. The only data linking ARPP19 and the nervous system concerns mammalian ARPP16, an alternatively spliced variant of ARPP19. ARPP16 is highly expressed in medium spiny neurons of the striatum and likely mediates effects of the neurotransmitter dopamine acting on these cells (Andrade et al, 2017; Musante et al, 2017). This point is included in the Discussion in relation to the hypothesis that PKA phosphorylation of ARPP19 proteins in animals first arose in the nervous system and only later was coopted into oocyte maturation initiation. Changes: page 16, lines 12-13 & 17-20 - page 19, lines 6-9.

      Figure 2A

      Reviewer #1: Fig. 2A (and similar plots in subsequent figures): is it really necessary to cut the x axis? Would it be possible to indicate the number of oocytes for each experiment (maybe in the legend in brackets)?

      As requested by reviewer #1, the x-axis is no longer cut. The number of oocytes for each experiment is now provided in the legend of Fig. 2A and in similar plots of Fig. 5A and 5D. Changes: Fig. 2A - Legends page 31, lines 37-38 (Fig. 2A), page 33, line 25 (Fig. 5A) - page 33, line 34 (Fig. 5D).

      Figure 2D-E (as well as Figure 6C-D and Figure 8B-C)

      Reviewer #1: Fig. 2D (and all similar plots below): I am lacking the discrete data points that were measured. Without these it is impossible to evaluate the fits. The half-times shown in 2E are somewhat redundant, and the information could be combined on a single plot.

      We added all the data points to the concerned plots: 2D, 6C and 8B. As recommended by reviewer #1, we combined on a single plot the phosphorylation levels and the half-times. 2D-E => 2D, 6C-D => 6C and 8B-C => 8B. Changes: Figs 2D, 6C and 8B - Legends page 32, lines 9-14 (Fig. 2D), page 34, lines 24-30 (Fig. 6C) - page 35, lines 13-18 (Fig. 8B).

      Figure 3A and 3B

      Reviewer #1: Fig. 3: why is the blot for PKA substrates cut into 3 pieces? It would be clearer to show the entire membrane.

      In western blot experiments using Clytia oocytes, the amount of material was limited so the membranes were cut into three parts. The central part was incubated sequentially in distinct antibodies. We finally incubated all three parts of the membrane with the anti-phospho-PKA substrate antibody to reveal the full spectrum of proteins recognized by this antibody. The 3 pieces in Fig. 3A therefore together make up the same original membrane. We had separated them on the figure to make it clear that the membrane had been cut. In the new presentation, the 3 pieces are shown next to each other, making it clear that all the membrane is present, with dotted lines indicating the cut zone as explained in the legend. Changes: Fig. 3A and 3B - Legend page 32, lines 22-25 (Fig. 3A), lines 30-33 (Fig. 3B) - Page 24, lines 3-6 (Methods).

      Figure 3C

      Reviewer #2: Fig. 3C needs a better explanation in the text. The way these graphs are presented is somehow confusing. The meaning of the dots is not self-explanted in the graph, and it seems that each experiment was done independently but then the complete set of results is presented. Legend says that "each dot represents one experiment" but this is difficult to read as in every analysis the figure also indicates the average and the total number of oocytes. If authors wish so, they can keep the figure as it is, but then please explain this graph better in the text, and please include statistical analysis. These results are very robust, but a comparison between the number of oocytes that go through spontaneous GVBD of lysis in the different conditions will benefit their understanding.

      This figure is intended to provide an overview of all the Clytia oocyte injection experiments that we performed, for which full details are given in Supplementary Table 1. Since these experiments were not equivalent in terms of exact timing and types of observation (or films) made and oocyte sensitivity to injection -as ascertained by buffer injections-, it is not justified to make statistical comparisons between groups. We apologise that the presentation was misleading in this respect and hope that the new version is easier to understand. We removed from the figure the average percentage of maturation for each condition between experiments to avoid any misunderstanding of the nature of the data, and rather represent the values of each experiment independently. We also now explain the data included in the figure fully in the text and figure legend. Changes: Page 9, lines 16-39 - Fig. 3C and Supplementary Table 1 - Legend page 32, lines 34-41 & page 33, lines 1-11.

      Reviewer #2: Also, please provide in the text a plausible explanation for the cause of oocyte lysis for all experimental conditions (Fig 3C). Given that in the control experiments with buffer this effect is also observed in some oocytes, please explain if this is caused by a mechanical disruption of the oocyte during the injection. In contrast, okadaic acid induces the lysis in all the 14/14 oocytes analyzed, is this due also to the mechanical approach? Or is there other reason more related to the PP2A inhibition? Please explain.

      These points are treated above in the response to this reviewer concerning the Results section.

      Figure 5

      Reviewer #2: In Figure 5 D-F, cited in page 9 lines 35-35. Can you provide an explanation of why the time course of meiosis resumption was delayed?

      The binding partners/effectors of XeARPP19-S109D that are involved in maintaining the prophase arrest have not yet been identified. The most probable explanation of the delay in meiotic maturation induced by ClyARPP19-S109D is that Clytia protein recognizes less efficiently these unknown ARPP19 effectors that mediate the prophase arrest. As a result, maturation would be delayed, but not blocked. This explanation was provided in the Discussion (page 17, lines 14-17) and is now mentioned in the Results section. Changes: page 11, lines 16-19.

      ____________VI - Discussion

      Reviewer #2: Although it presents highly interesting suggestions, discussion may border on being overly speculative, especially from line 37 of page 15 till the end.

      We agree and have reduced the speculation in this part of the discussion, in particular regrouping and reformulating ideas about evolutionary scenarios in a single paragraph. Changes: page 17, lines 37-41 - page 18, lines 1-41 - page 19, lines 1-18.

      SUMMARY - Point by point responses to individual reviewers’ comments in their order of appearance.

      Reviewer 1

      • The figures and text could be slightly condensed down to about 6 figures.

      We have reduced the number of figure panels but we prefer to maintain the number of figures, because the experimental data presented in them is essential to the interpretation of our results and the overall conclusions of the article. If the journal editor would like us to reduce the number of figures, we could do this by displacing Figure 4 and some panels of other figures (to then fuse some of them) to supplementary material, but this would be a pity.

      • The exact mechanisms responsible for the reduced effect of PKA phosphorylation remain relatively vaguely defined. Indeed, in their Discussion the authors list a number of experimental approaches to address this - but I understand that these would all involve substantial efforts to address. In particular, testing chimeric constructs around the consensus PKA site and from multiple species could be very informative.

      As the reviewer points out, unravelling these exact mechanisms will require a large amount of additional work and is beyond the scope of the current study.

      • 2A (and similar plots in subsequent figures): is it really necessary to cut the x axis? Would it be possible to indicate the number of oocytes for each experiment (maybe in the legend in brackets)?

      Fig. 2A has been changed in line with the reviewer's request (as well as similar plots in Fig. 5A and 5D). Changes: Fig. 2A - Legends page 31, lines 37-38 (Fig. 2A), page 33, line 25 (Fig. 5A) - page 33, line 34 (Fig. 5D).

      • 2D (and all similar plots below): I am lacking the discrete data points that were measured. Without these it is impossible to evaluate the fits. The half-times shown in 2E are somewhat redundant, and the information could be combined on a single plot.

      Fig. 2D has been changed in line with the reviewer's request (as well as similar plots in Figs 6C-D and 8B-C). Changes: Fig. 2D, 6C and 8B - Legends page 32, lines 9-14 (Fig. 2D), page 34, lines 24-30 (Fig. 6C) - page 35, lines 13-18 (Fig. 8B).

      • 3: why is the blot for PKA substrates cut into 3 pieces? It would be clearer to show the entire membrane.

      In western blot experiments using Clytia oocytes, the amount of material was limited so the membranes were cut into three parts. The central part was incubated sequentially in distinct antibodies. We finally incubated all three parts of the membrane with the anti-phospho-PKA substrate antibody to reveal the full spectrum of proteins recognized by this antibody. The 3 pieces in Fig. 3A therefore together make up the same original membrane. In the new presentation, the 3 pieces are shown next to each other, making it clear that all the membrane is present, with dotted lines indicating the cut zone as explained in the legend. Changes: Fig. 3A and 3B - Legend page 32, lines 22-25 (Fig. 3A), lines 30-33 (Fig. 3B) - Page 24, lines 3-6 (Methods).

      Reviewer 2

      • Abstract needs to be simplified if wants to reach a broader range of readers.

      We have reworked the Abstract to make it more accessible to new readers. Changes: Page 2.

      • It would be interesting to include some time-references when introducing the prophase arrest of Clytia and Xenopus oocytes. This should be indicated in the introduction with a short introduction of why, and not others, were these species chosen for this study.

      We have expanded the Introduction to cover the issue of time-references. Fuller details are now included about the advantages of Clytia compared to other hydrozoan species. Changes: Page 3, lines 5-11, page 4, lines 28-35, page 5, lines 32-33, page 5, lines 21-32 & 37-39.

      • The proteins MAPK is not introduced properly, as it is first mentioned in the results section.

      The involvement of MAPK activation during Xenopus oocyte meiotic maturation is now introduced. Changes: Page 5, lines 1-5.

      • Page 4 Lines 16-17 "... no role for cAMP has been detected in meiotic resumption, which is mediated by distinct signaling pathways" Which pathways?

      We now give the example of the well-characterized pathway Gbg-PI3K pathway for oocyte maturation in starfish, also mentioning that in many species the pathways are still unknown. Changes: Page 4, lines 1-15.

      • Page 4 line 34-39. Introduction indicates that the phosphorylation of ARPP19 on S67 by Gwl is a poorly understood molecular signaling cascade (line 34). However, the positive role of ARPP19 on Cdk1 activation, through the S67 phosphorylation by Gwl, appears to be widespread across all eukaryotic mitotic and meiotic divisions studied (lines 36-37). These two sentences seem a little contradictory.

      The mechanisms of PP2A inhibition by Gwl-phosphorylated ARPP19 are very well studied. The part that remains mysterious concerns the upstream mechanisms. We have reworded the paragraph to make this point unambiguous. Changes: Page 5, lines 1-8.

      • Why is mouse not included in Figure 1A?

      We have replaced the human sequence in Figure 1A with the mouse sequence. Changes: Fig. 1A.

      • 1C: There should be a better explanation in the text of the results sections for the image included in in Fig1 C. Please indicate in the text that ClyARPP19 mRNA is expressed in previtellogenic oocytes and not in vitellogenic.

      We have expanded the explanations of Fig. 1C in the text. We have also added cartoons to the figure to help readers understand the organisation of the Clytia jellyfish and gonad. As now explained, ClyARPP19 mRNA is detected in oocytes at all stages, but the signal is much stronger in pre-vitellogenic oocytes because all cytoplasmic components are significantly diluted by high quantity of yolk proteins. Changes: page 7, line 40 & page 8, lines 1-9 - Fig. 1C - Legend page 31, lines 19-31.

      • In addition, the detection of ARPP19 in the nerve rings is intriguing. Any idea of its function there?

      The only data linking ARPP19 and the nervous system concerns a mammalian variant of ARPP19 that is highly expressed in the striatum. This point is included in the Discussion_. Changes: page 16, lines 12-13 & 17-20 - page 19, lines 6-9._

      • Figure 3C. The way these graphs are presented is somehow confusing. If authors wish so, they can keep the figure as it is, but then Also, please provide in the text a plausible explanation for the cause of oocyte lysis for all experimental conditions. please explain this graph better in the text, and please include statistical analysis.

      This figure is intended to provide an overview of all the Clytia oocyte injection experiments, for which full details are given in Supplementary Table 1. We have modified the figure and now clarified this fully in the text and figure legend. Clytia oocytes are relatively fragile. Sensitivity of oocytes to injection varies between batches, while in general increasing injection volumes or protein concentrations increases the levels of lysis observed. We do not know exactly what causes this but it probably relates to mechanical trauma. We now explain these injection experiments more fully in the text. Changes: Page 9, lines 16-39 - Fig. 3C and Supplementary Table 1 - Legend page 32, lines 34-41 & page 33, lines 1-11.

      • In Figure 5 D-F, cited in page 9 lines 35-35. Can you provide an explanation of why the time course of meiosis resumption was delayed?

      The most probable explanation is that Clytia protein recognizes less efficiently the unknown ARPP19 effectors that mediate the prophase arrest in Xenopus. This explanation is provided in the Results section. Changes: page 11, line 16-19.

      • All the sections start with a long introductory paragraph. I believe this facilitates the contextualization of the experiments, but please try to summarize when possible.

      As requested, we have shortened or removed the introductory passages of the Results section paragraphs, which were redundant with the information given in the introduction. Changes: Page 7, lines 3-4 & 14-16 & 36-37 - Page 8, lines 12-15 - Page 8, lines 37-40 & Page 9, lines 1-6.

      • Page 7, Lines 14-19 present a general conclusion of the findings explained in lines 20-27. I think these results are important and they should be explained better, in my opinion they are slightly poorly described.

      The explanation of the experiments and the results are now more detailed and the paragraph ends with a general conclusion which came too early in the previous version. Changes: Page 8, lines 22-24 & 32-34.

      • Page 8, lines 16-17: "It was not possible to increase injection volumes or protein concentrations without inducing high levels of non-specific toxicity". What are the non-specific toxicity effects? How was this addressed? What fundaments this conclusion?

      As explained above, increasing injection volumes or protein concentrations increases the levels of lysis observed due probably to mechanical trauma. But it is important to note that at the same concentration, both Clytia and Xenopus proteins induce activation of Cdk1 and GVBD in the Xenopus oocyte. Changes: Page 9, lines 16-29 - Page 32, lines 34-41 & Page 33, lines 1-11 - Supplementary Table 1.

      • Lines 25-27 of page 8. "These results suggest that PP2A inhibition is not sufficient to induce oocyte maturation in Clytia, although we cannot rule out that the quantity of OA or Gwl thiophosphorylated ARPP proteins delivered was insufficient to trigger GVBD." Please provide evidence if higher concentrations of OA or Gwl were tested to state this conclusion.

      High OA concentrations lead to cell lysis/apoptosis as a result of a massive deregulation of protein phosphorylation. For these reasons, we cannot increase OA concentrations over 2 µM. When injected in Xenopus oocyte at 1 or 2 µM, OA induces Cdk1 activation, but then the cell dies because PP2A has multiple substrates essential for cell life. When injected at 2 µM in Clytia oocytes, OA does not induce Cdk1 activation but promotes cell lysis. This supports the conclusion that 2 µM OA is sufficient to inhibit PP2A but that PP2A inhibition is not sufficient to induce oocyte maturation in Clytia. We have reworded the relevant text. Changes: Page 9, lines 31-35 - Page 32, lines 34-41 & Page 33, lines 1-11 - Supplementary Table 1.

      • Lines 12-13: the sentence "This in vitro assay thus places S81 as the sole residue in ClyARPP19 for phosphorylation by PKA." is overstated. As not all residues had been tested, please indicate that "it is likely that" or "among the residues tested", in contrast to "the sole residue in ClyARPP19".

      The observed thiophosphorylation of the wild-type protein demonstrates that one or more residues are phosphorylated by PKA. This thiophosphorylation was completely prevented by mutation of a single residue, S81. This experiment thus shows that S81 is entirely responsible for phosphorylation by PKA in this assay. We have rewritten this section more clearly. Changes: Page 10, lines 18-28.

      • Some parts of the discussion are a bit speculative.

      We have reduced the speculation in this part of the discussion, in particular regrouping and reformulating ideas about evolutionary scenarios into a single paragraph. Changes: page 17, lines 37-41 - page 18, lines 1-41 - page 19, lines 1-18.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary of the main findings of the study.

      This work presents very interesting data about the maintenance and release of the prophase arrest of oocytes during sexual reproduction. Authors approach some of the remaining questions about oocyte maturation in animals by taking a comparative approach between two species (Clytia and Xenopus) that use opposing cAMP/PKA signaling pathways to trigger oocyte maturation. To do it they focused on phosphorylation characteristics and function of the regulatory protein ARPP19 from the amphibian Xenopus and its orthologue in the hydrozoan Clytia. Results suggest that the low capacity of Clytia ARPP19 to be phosphorylated by PKA. Moreover, Clytia ARPP19 is inherently a poorer PKA substrate than Xenopus ARPP109 both in vivo and in vitro, despite the presence of a functional PKA site. In addition, the absence of functional interactors mediating its negative effects on Cdk1 activation may provide a double security allowing induction of meiosis resumption in Clytia by elevated PKA activity despite the presence of ARPP19, while additional and yet unidentified mechanisms ensure the Clytia oocyte prophase arrest.

      Minor comments: read detailed review below. Figure 1 and Figure 3 need a better explanation of the results. Abstract needs to be simplified if wants to reach a broader range of readers. Some parts of the discussion are a bit speculative.

      Overall, this work used a robust set of molecular experiments that strongly support the conclusions of the study.


      Strengths and limitations of this work:

      The primary strength of this work lies in its innovative use of two distinct species and the integration of molecular experiments to extract conclusions from their different signaling pathways. The well-designed and executed experiments, particularly those of figures 5-9, contribute to an elaborated exploration of the topic, elucidating the underlying mechanisms with clarity. The explanation of each experiment in the results section further adds to the clarity and depth of the study.

      The abstract requires improvement, particularly from lines 10 to 21, as it becomes fully understood only after reading the entire manuscript. To make the work more accessible to new readers, it would be good to present the abstract in a more approachable manner. Figures 1C and 3C need a better explanation in the text. Additionally, some sentences would benefit from citations or further clarification in the results or discussion section. Although is presents highly interesting suggestions, discussion may border on being overly speculative, especially from line 37 of page 15 till the end.

      Detailed review

      Introduction:<br /> I believe that it would be interesting to include some time-references when introducing the prophase arrest of Clytia and Xenopus oocytes. How long is prophase arrest in Xenopus compared to Clytia or other organisms? How can this affect the prophase arrest mechanisms? It seems that the prophase arrest in Xenopus oocytes is found to be significantly more prolonged compared to Clytia and various other organisms, and also meiotic maturation proceeds much more rapidly in Clytia than in Xenopus. This should be indicated in the introduction with a short introduction of why, and not others, were these species chosen for this study. A brief justification is included in lines 1-page 5 "..a laboratory model hydrozoan species well suited to oogenesis studies", but it does not explain why this and not other hydrozoan species like Hydra, that has also been used for meiosis studies.<br /> The proteins MAPK is not introduced properly, as it is first mentioned in the results section in line 12. Given the importance of the results provided with it, it should be presented in the introduction prior to the results section.

      These sentences need a more elaborate explanation:<br /> Page 4 Lines 16-17 "... no role for cAMP has been detected in meiotic resumption, which is mediated by distinct signaling pathways" Which pathways?

      Page 4 line 34-39. Introduction indicates that the phosphorylation of ARPP19 on S67 by Gwl is a poorly understood molecular signaling cascade (line 34). However, the positive role of ARPP19 on Cdk1 activation, through the S67 phosphorylation by Gwl, appears to be widespread across all eukaryotic mitotic and meiotic divisions studied (lines 36-37). These two sentences seem a little contradictory. If the general pathway has been identified but the signaling cascade is still not well described, please indicate that in a clearer way.

      Results section: this review will first comment the figures, and then the text.<br /> Figure 1<br /> Why is mouse not included in Figure 1A? Although it might be very similar to human, given that mouse is the species that is most commonly use as a mammalian model, I believe it could be included. However, this is optional upon decision by the authors.<br /> There should be a better explanation in the text of the results sections for the image included in in Fig1 C. Note that Clytia is not a commonly used species, therefore images should be properly explained for general readers. Please indicate in the text that ClyARPP19 mRNA is expressed in previtellogenic oocytes and not in vitellogenic, plus any additional information needed to understand the image. In addition, the detection of ARPP19 in the nerve rings is intriguing. This is mentioned in the discussion section, any idea of its function there? Please include some additional information or additional references, if they exist.

      Figure 3<br /> The way these graphs are presented is somehow confusing. The meaning of the dots is not self-explanted in the graph, and it seems that each experiment was done independently but then the complete set of results is presented. Legend says that "each dot represents one experiment" but this is difficult to read as in every analysis the figure also indicates the average and the total number of oocytes. If authors wish so, they can keep the figure as it is, but then please explain this graph better in the text, and please include statistical analysis. These results are very robust, but a comparison between the number of oocytes that go through spontaneous GVBD of lysis in the different conditions will benefit their understanding.

      Also, please provide in the text a plausible explanation for the cause of oocyte lysis for all experimental conditions (Fig 3C). Given that in the control experiments with buffer this effect is also observed in some oocytes, please explain if this is caused by a mechanical disruption of the oocyte during the injection. In contrast, okadaic acid induces the lysis in all the 14/14 oocytes analyzed, is this due also to the mechanical approach? Or is there other reason more related to the PP2A inhibition? Please explain.

      Figure 5<br /> In Figure 5 D-F, cited in page 9 lines 35-35. Can you provide an explanation of why the time course of meiosis resumption was delayed?

      • The text of the results is generally well described; however, all the sections start with a long introductory paragraph. I believe this facilitates the contextualization of the experiments, but please try to summarize when possible. For example, in page 5 lines 12-25, or page 7 lines 30-37, are all introduction information.<br /> Page 7, Lines 14-19 present a general conclusion of the findings explained in lines 20-27. I think these results are important and they should be explained better, in my opinion they are slightly poorly described.

      Page 8, lines 16-17: "It was not possible to increase injection volumes or protein concentrations without inducing high levels of non-specific toxicity". What are the non-specific toxicity effects? How was this addressed? What fundaments this conclusion?

      Lines 25-27 of page 8. Text reads, "These results suggest that PP2A inhibition is not sufficient to induce oocyte maturation in Clytia, although we cannot rule out that the quantity of OA or Gwl thiophosphorylated ARPP proteins delivered was insufficient to trigger GVBD.". Please provide evidence if higher concentrations of OA or Gwl were tested to state this conclusion.

      Lines 12-13: the sentence "This in vitro assay thus places S81 as the sole residue in ClyARPP19 for phosphorylation by PKA." is overstated. As not all residues had been tested, please indicate that "it is likely that" or "among the residues tested", in contrast to "the sole residue in ClyARPP19".

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In their present manuscript Meneau and coworkers investigate the evolutionary conserved functions of ARPP19 in regulation of meiotic maturation of oocytes. During meiotic maturation, the maturation hormone induces a signaling cascade ultimately leading to the activation of the master regulator, cdk1-cyclin B. within this signaling network, the phosphatase PP2A prevents cdk1 activation in immature oocytes. Upon the action of the maturation hormone, ARPP19 is activated through phosphorylation by the kinase Gwl, and then functions as a potent inhibitor of PP2A, thereby contributing to cdk1 activation. Additionally, ARPP19 is subject to a second layer of regulation: a second site is phosphorylated by the kinase PKA. Interestingly, in vertebrates this cAMP/PKA pathway prevents maturation, while in many other species the same pathway has an opposite effect and cAMP/PKA is indeed sufficient to drive maturation -- referred to as the cAMP paradox.

      The authors' major aim was to reveal the molecular basis of these diverse functions of ARPP19 in triggering meiotic maturation. Firstly, they show that the Gwl site is extremely well-conserved all across eukaryotes. They then functionally validate this by comparing the functions of Xenopus ARPP19 to its orthologue in the jellyfish Clytia hemisphaerica. They confirm that the jellyfish ARPP19 is phosphorylated on the conserved Gwl site in vitro and in frog and jellyfish oocytes, acting as a PP2A inhibitor and contributing to cdk1 activation. However, while this is sufficient to drive maturation in Xenopus, PP2A inhibition alone is not sufficient to trigger entry to meiosis in Clytia oocytes, indicating the existence of additional mechanisms. Secondly, they show that the PKA site exists and is phosphorylated both in Xenopus and Clytia. However, the Clytia protein appears to be a much worst substrate for PKA and other interactors, which explains why PKA-phosphorylated ARPP19 does not inhibit maturation either in jellyfish oocytes or when exogenously injected into Xenopus oocytes.

      I find the manuscript well-written and easy to follow. The experiments are carefully performed, well-controlled and well-documented. The data shown on the figures fully supports the conclusions drawn -- although the figures and text could be slightly condensed down to about 6 figures. Overall, I would highly recommend the manuscript for publication.

      My main criticism is unfortunately inherent to the approach: comparative studies are absolutely critical, but they can only provide a very sparse sampling of diversity. Fortunately, thanks to high-throughput sequencing, bioinformatic analyses can now be performed on a large number of species, but experimental validation is typically restricted to two or three species. The consequence of this for the present manuscript is that while the functional conservation of the Gwl site is convincingly shown, the exact mechanisms responsible for the reduced effect of PKA phosphorylation remain relatively vaguely defined. Indeed, in their Discussion the authors list a number of experimental approaches to address this - but I understand that these would all involve substantial efforts to address. In particular, testing chimeric constructs around the consensus PKA site and from multiple species could be very informative.

      In addition, I would have a few small suggestions for improving the figures:

      • Fig. 2A (and similar plots in subsequent figures): is it really necessary to cut the x axis? Would it be possible to indicate the number of oocytes for each experiment (maybe in the legend in brackets)?
      • Fig. 2D (and all similar plots below): I am lacking the discrete data points that were measured. Without these it is impossible to evaluate the fits. The half-times shown in 2E are somewhat redundant, and the information could be combined on a single plot.
      • Fig. 3: why is the blot for PKA substrates cut into 3 pieces? It would be clearer to show the entire membrane.


      Overall, I find this study extremely important, because it is only possible to entangle the diversity of cellular mechanisms though such comparative studies. Oocyte maturation perfectly exemplifies this issue: without doubt, oocyte maturation is a fundamental process and its detailed understanding is critical. However, researchers are often discouraged by diversity across species, which indeed complicates and hinders progress, well-reflected by the name "cAMP paradox". Combined with careful bioinformatic analyses, comparative studies can elegantly resolve such "paradoxes" through resolving the evolutionary history of molecular mechanisms.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this interesting paper Bideau et al. report an antero-posterior gradient in the plasticity of tail tissues during tail regeneration in the annelid worm Platynereis dumerilii. The experiments are well designed and thoroughly quantified, the figures are of high quality.

      Major comments:

      The microscopic images lack scale bars. These should be added to all figures.

      The authors should provide the source data for all quantifications as txt files. They should also provide as supplement representative confocal stacks for the various stainings.

      The authors use LatrunculinB treatment to investigate the role of cell migration in regeneration. However, since LatB inhibits f-actin, it could also interfere with cell proliferation and other processes. The authors should check if this is the case and provide control data.

      Minor comments:

      Sometimes the language is a bit quite cryptic. For example, the title of Figure 4 is "Cell proliferation and migration, as well as tissue maturity modulate the plasticity of posteriorized gut progenitors through regeneration"<br /> in short: 'cell migration modulates the plasticity of progenitors' - this is just to say that inhibiting cell migration reduces regeneration

      The authors should attempt to simplify the language.


      "is an tremendous and essential process in animals" - not clear what 'tremendous' means here - please revise

      "Those regeneration processes have been studied from a long" - for a long time

      "more EdU+ cells in S1 than in S6 or S7 regardless the EdU incubation time" - regardless of the

      "It showed that the gut is composed of" - The stainings showed that

      "Indeed, cell labelled with a rather short EdU" - cells labelled

      "tissues plays a major role on the reformation" - in the formation

      The paper will be of interest to animal developmental biologists and scientists working on the plasticity of tissues during regeneration.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with the comments made by the other reviewers. The authors need to be more clear and careful in interpreting their data. I don't think that new data are needed (unless they would like to demonstrate a 'gradient' with more positions) and the comments could be addressed by substantially rewriting the text and revising the claims.


      The paper will be of interest to animal developmental biologists and scientists working on the plasticity of tissues during regeneration.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Bideau et al. studied the origin, plasticity and fate of the cells participating in blastema formation during posterior regeneration in the annelid Platynereis dumerilii. To label and track the fate of proliferative cells, the authors applied EdU/BrDU incorporation coupled with mRNA in situ hybridization and fluorescent beads labelling, on a wide array of regeneration assays. They also performed drug treatments to assess the role of proliferation and cell migration during posterior regeneration. Interestingly, the Authors showed that some proliferative gut cells can participate in the formation of ectodermal and mesodermal tissues during regeneration, in case of two successive posterior regeneration events, suggesting that gut cycling cells residing in a regenerating segment are more plastic than those located in a non-regenerating segment. They also suggested the existence of two different cell populations - "slowly" and "quickly" cycling cells - acting during regeneration. Overall, the experiments are well presented, and methods clearly described. The Authors concluded that posterior regeneration in Platynereis relies on a gradient of cell plasticity and cell proliferation, along the antero-posterior axis of the animal.

      Major comments

      Two of the main conclusions of this study are, in my opinion, not supported by the data:

      As indicated in the title of the manuscript, the Authors put forward a cellular model for posterior regeneration relying on gradients of cell proliferation, cell differentiation and cell plasticity along the the antero-posterior axis of the animal. I am not convinced that the Authors have provided strong enough evidence to prove any of these gradients. They showed that there are differences between the region directly adjacent the most posterior segment and a region located more anteriorly (6 or 7 segments from the posterior end). However, by comparing only two positions, they cannot distinguish between graded or clearly regionalized contexts. To prove the existence of a gradient along the animal's antero-posterior axis, the authors would need to compare cell proliferation, cell dynamics and cell differentiation between multiple regions at increasing anterior positions, and show that their responses are indeed graded. This would represent a quite substantial amount of work. Instead, I would suggest removing the reference to a gradient in the paper entirely.

      Using "short" (5h) and "long" (48h) EdU pulses, the Authors claim they have established the existence of two cell populations, namely "slowly-cycling cells" and "quickly-cycling cells" (first paragraph of the result section - pages 5/6 "We exposed uninjured worms to EdU, either for 5 or 48h to discriminate quickly-cycling cells from cells harboring a slower replication rate"). I am not convinced that the Authors provide strong enough evidence to demonstrate the existence of two such cell populations. Given that about 20% of cells incorporated EdU after 5h of exposure, that almost all of them have done so after 48h, and that only a fraction of proliferative cells are in S-phase at any given time, it is well possible that a majority of cells stained after 5h and 48h are from the same cell cycling population. To show the existence of different populations of cells, cycling at different rates, the Authors would need to compare staining after an equal EdU exposure time, following a period of chase of different duration. Without this set of experiments, I would refrain from distinguishing between several slower and faster cell cycling populations.

      Minor comments

      Page 1. Please correct "is an tremendous" into "is a tremendous".

      Page 7. "The huge majority of the EdU+ cells colocalize with FoxA". Please provide quantification.

      Page 11 "Quickly-cycling gut progenitors.... cannot give rise to neural progenitors and probably not to stem cells from the ectodermal growth zone"; Page 12 "cannot regenerate neural tissues"; Page 20 "posterior gut progenitors cannot produce nervous system or putative posterior stem cells". What the authors show in their experiments, is that labeled gut cycling cells likely do not generate neural cells or stem cells, in the assessed context. However, the Authors do not show that those cells 'cannot' do so. Please rephrase.

      Page 11. "migration, through actin polymerization (LatrunculinB or LatB) widely used inhibitors". Please add a reference to justify the use of LatB as a cell migration inhibitor.


      This is a thorough, well executed and interesting study on a tractable annelid regeneration model. The experiments are neatly performed and the manuscript reads well. As stated in my major comments, two of the main conclusions of the study (gradient of cell proliferation/plasticity/differentiation; identification of two types of progenitors differing in their cell cycle rates) have not been demonstrated properly and would need to be either strengthened or deleted from the manuscript. Several other findings, notably the increased plasticity of cells that recently participated in posterior regeneration (notably gut cells) are well demonstrated and of interest. Overall, this manuscript significantly advances our understanding of the cellular mechanisms that occur during posterior regeneration in Platynereis. It will be of interest to anyone working on comparative regeneration, but may be of lesser interest to researchers working outside this field.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Bideau et al. describe posterior regeneration in the annelid Platynereis. The authors aimed to identify patterns of proliferative cells. Pulse-chase and double labeling by EdU/BrdU was used to track cells. Finally, they attempted to reveal the identity of cycling cells and their contribution to regeneration. Platynereis is a relatively new regeneration model. Understanding the cellular source of regeneration in this annelid would be of considerable interest.

      The authors performed EdU labeling of intact worms to find a posterior-anterior decreasing gradient of S-phase cells. Histological sections showed that proliferative cells are located in all tissues in the posterior-most segment, but mostly restricted to the gut epithelium in more anterior segments. Using fluorescent beads that are taken up specifically by gut epithelial cells, they show that gut epithelial cells of the intact animal contribute only to gut regeneration, i.e., they are lineage restricted. The authors also performed immunostaining and mRNA in situ hybridization experiments to better understand the tissue identity of proliferative cells.

      The following are my specific comments:

      1. I am not sure I understand how the authors identify slow- or fast-cycling cells. EdU gets incorporated in S-phase; the longer the incubation time the more cells will be labeled until saturation is reached. The length of the cell cycle and the number of different populations cannot be directly derived from this experiment. I think it would be fair to conclude that there are more cycling cells in posterior segments and in the gut of anterior segments but the conclusion of two distinct populations is unsupported in my opinion.
      2. The Results and Discussion sections will have to be revised to address the above issue. The two supported conclusions are (1) the gradient of proliferative cells (but w/o reference to the number of distinct populations); (2) the fate-restricted nature of gut epithelial cells. The plasticity gradient is unsupported because worms can regenerate if amputated at segment #5. This suggests the presence of either resident stem cells (with broad potential or lineage-specific), cells that can dedifferentiate, or a combination of both. The authors' experiments cannot discriminate between the alternatives.
      3. The text would benefit from copy editing to improve the language and making it more accessible. In its current form, it is rather difficult to read, with descriptions of experiments that are not easy to follow.
      4. The figures and their legends can be improved. Re the legends, one has to read the full text to understand what each panel shows. The figures are very complex. It would already be easier if usage of A', A', A' was avoided. The figures could also be improved by direct annotation. Finally, consider simplifying the main figures and moving some material to the supplement.
      5. How do the authors know that proliferative cells in the gut are "gut progenitors"? They might simply be proliferative gut epithelial cells.
      6. The conclusions drawn from the drug experiments are overstated.

      Referees cross-commenting

      The comments made by the two other reviewers are complementary to mine. Either the authors extensively revise the text to remove unsupported conclusions or they perform additional experiments.


      Little is known about the cellular basis of Platynereis posterior regeneration.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank the Reviewers for their helpful and constructive comments. In response to these suggestions we have performed new experiments and amended the manuscript, as we describe in our detailed response below.

      Reviewer #1:

      1. The Reviewer notes that while our analysis of centrosome size was comprehensive, we provided no analysis of centrosomal MTs, pointing out that while centrosome size declines as the embryos enter mitosis, the ability of centrosomes to organise MTs might not. This is a good point, and we now provide an analysis of centrosomal-MT behaviour (Figure 2). We find that there is a dramatic decline in centrosomal MT fluorescence at NEB, although the pattern of centrosomal MT recruitment prior to NEB is surprisingly complex.

      2. The Reviewer questions how PCM client proteins can be recruited in different ways by the same Cdk/Cyclin oscillator. We apologise for not explaining this properly. It is widely accepted that Cdk/Cyclins drive cell cycle progression, in part, by phosphorylating different substrates at different activity thresholds (e.g. Coudreuse and Nurse, Nature, 2010; Swaffer et al., Cell, 2016). Moreover, it is also clear that Cdk/Cyclins can phosphorylate the same protein at different sites at different activity thresholds (e.g. Koivomagi et al., Nature, 2011; Asafa et al., Curr. Biol., 2022; Ord et al., Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 2019). Thus, we hypothesise that rising Cdk/Cyclin cell cycle oscillator (CCO) activity phosphorylates multiple proteins at different times and/or at different sites to generate the complicated kinetics of centrosome growth. We now explain this point more clearly throughout the manuscript.

      3. The Reviewer is puzzled as to how we conclude that Cdk/Cyclins phosphorylate Spd-2 and Cnn at all the potential Cdk/Cyclin phosphorylation sites we mutate in our study. The Reviewer is right that we cannot make this conclusion, and we did not intend to make this claim. As we now clarify (p11, para.1), although it is unclear if Cdk/Cyclins phosphorylate Spd-2 or Cnn on all, some, or none of these sites, if either protein can be phosphorylated by Cdk/Cyclins, then these mutants should not be able to be phosphorylated in this way—allowing us to address the potential significance of any such phosphorylation. We now also note that several of these sites have been shown to be phosphorylated in embryos in Mass Spectroscopy screens (Figure S6).

      4. The Reviewer highlights differences in how Spd-2 and Cnn help recruit γ-tubulin to centrosomes (Figure 6). They ask for a more detailed description, and are puzzled as to how this is compatible with direct regulation by a single oscillator. We now explain our thinking on this important point in much more detail. It appears that Spd-2 helps recruit γ-tubulin throughout S-phase, while Cnn has a more prominent role in late S-phase (Figure 6). This is consistent with our overall hypothesis of CCO regulation, as we postulate that low-level CCO activity promotes the Spd-2/γ-tubulin interaction in early S-phase, while higher CCO activity promotes the Cnn/γ-tubulin interaction in late-S-phase, potentially explaining the increase in the rate of γ-tubulin (but not γ-TuRC) recruitment we observe at this point (see minor comment #1, below, for an explanation of the various γ-tubulin complexes in flies). This is consistent with recent literature showing that CCO activity promotes γ-tubulin (but not γ-TuRC) recruitment by Cnn/SPD-5 in worms and flies (Ohta et al., 2021; Tovey et al., 2021).

      5. The Reviewer was not convinced by our model (Figure 8, now Figure 9), raising two major concerns. First, they were unsure how a single oscillator could generate different patterns of protein recruitment. We addressed this in point #2 and #4, above, where we explain how different thresholds of CCO activity trigger different events, so there is no expectation that we should observe steady changes in recruitment over time as CCO activity rises. Second, they questioned how modest levels of Cdk/Cyclin activity can promote recruitment, while high levels of activity can inhibit recruitment. In point #1, above, we cite several examples where such positive and negative regulation by different Cdk/Cyclin activity levels have been described. We also now explain throughout the manuscript why this hypothesis provides a plausible explanation for our results: with moderate CCO activity promoting Spd-2-dependent PCM-client recruitment in early S-phase; higher CCO activity promoting a decrease in Spd-2 recruitment in mid-late-S-phase (so centrosomal Spd-2 levels decline); and even higher levels of CCO activity leading to a decrease in the interactions between the client proteins and the Spd-2/Cnn scaffold as the embryos enter mitosis (so the client proteins are rapidly released from the centrosome).

      The Reviewer also raised the important point here that our model does not explain why the mutant forms of Spd-2 and Cnn accumulate to higher levels at the start of S-phase, and not just at the end of S-phase/entry into mitosis. We apologise for not explaining this properly. The accumulation of the mutant proteins (particularly Spd-2, Figure 5C) in early-S-phase occurs because the excess mutant protein that accumulates at centrosomes in _late-_S-phase/mitosis is not removed properly from centrosomes during mitosis (presumably because there is insufficient time). Thus, centrosomes still have too much mutant Spd-2 at the start of the next S-phase. We show this in Reviewer Figure 1 (attached to this letter), which tracks Spd-2 behaviour further into mitosis, and now explain this in more detail in the text (p12, para.1).

      1. The Reviewer questions how the CCO can both induce centrosome growth and also switch it off, as it is unclear how an oscillator that only phosphorylates sites to decrease centrosome binding could also promote growth. They ask if we can identify and mutate any Cdk/Cyclin sites in centrosome proteins that promote centrosome recruitment. As we now clarify, we did not intend to claim that the CCO only phosphorylates sites that decrease the centrosome binding of proteins, although we do hypothesise that such phosphorylation is important for switching off centrosome growth in mitosis. In addition, we hypothesise that moderate levels of CCO initially promote centrosome growth, and our data suggests that the CCO does this, at least in part, by promoting Polo recruitment (Figure 8). We speculate that the CCO phosphorylates specific Polo-box-binding sites in Ana1 and Spd-2, the main proteins that recruit Polo to centrioles. We agree that identifying these sites is an important next step, but it is complicated as our studies indicate that multiple sites contribute in a complex manner. Importantly, it is well established that the CCO triggers centrosome growth as cells prepare to enter mitosis, so our hypothesis that moderate levels of CCO activity initiate centrosome growth is not new or controversial.

      Minor Comments

      1. The reviewer asks how we explain the different incorporation profiles we observe for the different subunits of the γ-tubulin ring complex. We apologise for not discussing this point. In flies there is a “core” γ-tubulin-small complex (γ-TuSC) and a larger γ-tubulin-ring complex (γ-TuRC) that contains the Grip71, Grip75 and Grip128 subunits we analyse here (Oegema et al., JCB, 1999). The γ-TuSC functions independently of the γ-TuRC so γ-tubulin and γ-TuRC components can behave differently.

      2. The Reviewer questions why we claim an “inverse-linear” relationship between S-phase length and the centrosome growth rate when the relationship is not linear (Figure 3, now Figure S3). I was originally confused by this as well but, mathematically, a linear relationship means y is proportional to x, whereas an inverse-linear relationship means y is proportional to 1/x. Thus, an inverse-linear relationship between x and y does not plot as a straight line, but rather as the curves we show on the graphs. We now explain this in text (p9, para.2).

      Reviewer #2:

      This Reviewer found the manuscript hard to follow, so we are very grateful that they took the time to try to understand it. We agree that the subject matter is complicated, and that our presentation was not always helpful. The Reviewer’s comments have been very useful in helping us to identify (and hopefully improve) areas of particular difficulty.

      Major points:

      1. The Reviewer highlights that the two experimental approaches underpinning our main conclusions are problematic: (1) Experiments with mutants of Spd-2 and Cnn that theoretically cannot be phosphorylated by Cdk/Cyclins are hard to interpret as these mutations may have other effects; (2) It is unclear whether reducing Cyclin B levels reduces peak CDK activity or simply slows the time it takes to reach peak levels. They suggest a more direct test of our model would be to analyse PCM recruitment in embryos arrested in S-phase or mitosis. (1) We agree that the mutations designed to prevent Cdk/Cyclin phosphorylation could perturb function in other ways, but this is true for any such mutation, and there are many papers that infer a function for Cdk/Cyclin phosphorylation from such experiments. Importantly, the centrosomal accumulation of the phospho-null mutants actually slightly increases compared to WT (Figure 5C and I), and we now show that the centrosomal accumulation of a phosphomimicking Spd-2-Cdk20E mutant slightly decreases (Figure S8). We now acknowledge the potential caveat of a non-specific perturbation of protein function, but feel that the reciprocal behaviour of the phospho-null and phospho-mimicking mutants somewhat mitigates this concern (p12, para.2). (2) Fortunately, and as we now clarify, it has recently been shown that reducing Cyclin levels does not reduce peak Cdk activity, but rather slows the time it takes to reach peak activity (Figure 2A, Hayden et al., Curr. Biol., 2022). Thus, the cyclin half-dose experiments provide an excellent alternative test of our hypothesis as they show that the WT proteins can exhibit similar behaviour to the mutants if the rate of Cdk/Cyclin activation is slowed. We feel the evidence supporting our hypothesis is strong enough that it warrants serious consideration.

      The suggestion to look at PCM recruitment in embryos arrested in either S-phase or M-phase is a good one, but these experiments produce complicated data. In M-phase arrested embryos, for example, Cnn levels continue to rise (see Figure 1G, Conduit et al., Dev. Cell, 2014), but the other PCM proteins do not (unpublished); in S-phase arrested embryos (arrested by mitotic cyclin depletion) centrosomes continue to duplicate, but now do so asynchronously, greatly complicating the analysis (McCleland and O’Farrell, Curr. Biol.., 2008; Aydogan et al., Cell, 2020). The centrosomes that don’t duplicate, however, reach a constant steady-state size (where the rate of centrosome protein addition is balanced by the rate of loss). These observations are consistent with our recent mathematical modelling of mitotic PCM assembly (Wong et al., 2022) if we additionally account for cell cycle regulation (which was not considered in our original model). We believe such analyses are beyond the scope of the current paper and we plan to publish a second paper incorporating our new hypothesis into our mathematical modelling.

      1. The Reviewer questions whether our methods accurately measure centrosomal protein accumulation, pointing out that γ-tubulin and Grip128 occupy different centrosomal areas—which should not be possible if they are part of the same complex. They suspect that our use of different transgenes with different promotors could explain these differences. As we should have described (see point #1 in our response to the minor comments of Reviewer #1), γ-tubulin exists in two complexes in flies, only one of which contains Grip128, so γ-tubulin and Grip128 exhibit different localisations. Moreover, as we now show (Figure S2), using different promotors does not seem to make a difference to overall recruitment kinetics. Thus, we are confident that our methods measure centrosome protein recruitment dynamics accurately.

      2. The Reviewer is concerned that our measurements of centrosome size based on fluorescence intensity (Figure 1) and centrosomal area (Figure S1) do not always match. They suggest a potential reason for this is that proteins are not uniformly distributed within centrosomes, and this may impact our ability to measure protein accumulation based on 2D projections (noting, for example, that Polo and Spd-2 are concentrated at centrioles and in the PCM, potentially explaining the different shape of their growth curves compared to the client proteins). When the centrosome-fluorescence-intensity and centrosome-area recruitment profiles of a protein do not match, the average “centrosome-density” of that protein must be changing over time. In some cases, we understand why density changes. Cnn, for example, stops flaring outwards on the centrosomal MTs during mitosis so its centrosomal area decreases even as its fluorescence intensity increases (leading to an increase in its centrosomal-density). We agree (and now discuss—p19, para.3) that the prominent accumulation of Spd-2 and Polo at centrioles could help to explain why Spd-2 and Polo accumulation dynamics differ from the client proteins.

      Other points:

      1. The Reviewer suggests it would be good to know how much Polo at the centrosome is active. We agree, but although commercial antibodies against PLK1 phosphorylated in its activation loop work in cultured fly cells, we cannot get them to work in embryos. Moreover, the recruitment of Polo/PLK1 to its site of action by its Polo-Box Domain is sufficient to partially activate the kinase independently of phosphorylation (Xu et al., NSMB, 2013). Thus, it seems likely that all the Polo/PLK1 recruited to centrosomes will be at least partially activated, even if it is not necessarily phosphorylated on its activation loop.

      2. The Reviewer asks if it is clear that less Spd-2 and Cnn are recruited to centrosomes in the half gene-dosage embryos. We apologise for not mentioning that this is indeed the case. We showed this previously for Cnn (Conduit et al., Curr. Biol., 2010) and we now state that this is also the case for Spd-2. We do not show the Spd-2 data as we plan to publish a comprehensive dose-response curve of Spd-2 (and Cnn) recruitment in our next modelling paper.

      3. Would it not be relevant to examine Polo ½ dosage embryos? We do have this data (Reviewer Figure 2), attached to this letter, but it is quite complicated to interpret (as we explain in the legend). We feel it would be more appropriate to include this in our next modelling paper where we can properly explain the behaviours we observe. Publishing this data here would distract from our main message without changing any of our conclusions.

      4. The Reviewer asks why the non-phosphorylatable Spd-2 protein is also present at higher levels on centrosomes at the start of S-phase (not just the end of S-phase). This was also raised by Reviewer #1 (point #5), so please see the second paragraph of our response there.

      Minor/Discussion Points:

      1. We thank the Reviewer for highlighting that absolute and relative centrosome size control are different things and we have amended the manuscript accordingly.

      2. The Reviewer questions whether it is accurate to describe Spd-2 and Polo as scaffold proteins, noting that only Cnn has been shown to have scaffolding properties. There is strong evidence that Spd-2 has Cnn-independent scaffolding properties in flies (e.g. Conduit et al., eLife, 2014), but this is a fair point for Polo. We think it is justified to separate Polo from other client proteins as Polo is essential for scaffold assembly, whereas other client proteins are not. We now define our scaffold/client terminology to avoid confusion (p4, para.3).

      3. The Reviewer highlights several points related to differences in recruitment kinetics (also touched on in points #2 and #3, above), noting we don’t discuss properly the idea of two different modes of PCM recruitment. These are all good points, largely addressed in our response to points #2 and #3, above. We now discuss much more prominently the two different modes of client protein recruitment throughout the manuscript.

      4. As we now clarify, in all our experiments we use centrosome separation and nuclear envelope breakdown (NEB) to define the start and end of S-phase, respectively.

      5. The Reviewer quotes the landmark Woodruff paper (Cell, 2017) as showing that the ability to concentrate client proteins (including ZYG-9, the worm homologue of Msps) is an intrinsic property of the PCM scaffold, so how do we explain that Msps departs prior to NEB while Cnn continues to accumulate? It is indeed a striking observation of our study that all PCM client proteins (not just Msps) start to leave the centrosome prior to NEB, even as Cnn levels continue to accumulate. Our hypothesis is that this ‘leaving’ event is triggered by a threshold level of Cdk/Cyclin activity—explaining why these client proteins all start to leave the PCM at the same time (just prior to NEB) irrespective of nuclear cycle length. This is not incompatible with the Woodruff paper, which did not attempt to reconstitute any potential regulation by Cdk/Cyclins in their in vitro studies.

      6. The Reviewer questions why Spd-2 that cannot be phosphorylated by Cdk/Cyclins (Spd-2-Cdk20A) accumulates abnormally at centrosomes in late S-phase, yet γ-tubulin (which is recruited by Spd-2) seems to leave centrosomes more slowly in the presence of the mutant protein. As we now explain more clearly, there is no contradiction here. Spd-2-Cdk20A accumulates to abnormally high levels in late-S-phase/early mitosis (Figure 5C), and this reduces the γ-tubulin dissociation rate, as we would predict (Figure 7B, right most graph). It does not “prevent” dissociation, however, (as the Reviewer seems to suggest it should?), but this is probably because these experiments have to be performed in the presence of large amounts of the WT Spd-2 (Figure 5A).

      7. The referencing error has been corrected.

      8. The Reviewer asks why in Figure 1 not all of the centrosome proteins could be followed for the full time period (as we mention in the legend, but do not explain). There are different reasons for different proteins: (1) Polo cannot be followed in mitosis as it binds to the kinetochores, making it impossible to accurately track centrosomes (so the data for mitosis is missing for Polo); (2) Cnn exhibits extensive flaring at the end of mitosis/early S-phase (Megraw et al., JCS, 1999), so we cannot track individual separating centrosomes labelled with NG-Cnn in early S-phase until they have moved sufficiently far-apart (so the early S-phase time-points are missing for Cnn); (3) In addition, several of the client proteins bind to the mitotic spindle, so although we can still track and measure the centrosomes in late mitosis in the graphs, we don’t show pictures of these late mitosis centrosomes in the montage in Figure 1A as the images look a bit odd. We now explain these reasons in the Materials and Methods.

      9. We now indicate that nuclear cycle 12 (NC12) is being analysed in Figures 4-8.

      10. The reviewer questions why we don’t show the decrease rate for γ-tubulin in Figure 6 (the Spd-2 and Cnn half-dose experiments), when we do show it in Figure 7 (the Spd-2 and Cnn Cdk-mutant experiments), suspecting that it is slowed in both cases. The reviewer is correct and we now show this data for both sets of experiments.

      11. We have corrected the labelling error in Figure S1.

      12. The Reviewer suggest moving some of the data from the main Figures, and the entirety of Figures 2 and 3 to the Supplemental Information. We understand this point, and agree that the amount of data presented in Figures 1-3 is somewhat overwhelming. We have played around with the Figures a lot—in particular trying to show a few examples of the data and moving the rest to Supplementary—but it is hard to pick a “typical” example, and the power of comparing the behaviour of so many different centrosome proteins is somewhat lost. We have tidied up several Figures and, as a compromise, we keep Figure 2 (now Figure 3) in the main text, but have moved Figure 3 to Supplementary (now Figure S5).

      13. The Reviewer suggests that we should repeat the analysis of Spd-2, Polo and Cnn dynamics that we show here, as we already presented this data in a previous publication (Wong et al., EMBO. J, 2022). We understand this point, but feel this would be a less accurate comparison, as essentially all of the data shown in Figure 1 was obtained several years ago during a contiguous ~6month period. Since then, the lasers and software on our microscope system have been updated, so it would probably be less fair of a comparison to obtain new data for a subset of these proteins (and it seems overkill to perform the entire analysis again). We clearly state that this data has been presented previously, so we hope the Reviewer will agree that it is acceptable to present it again here so readers can more easily compare the data.

      Reviewer #3:

      This Reviewer is broadly supportive of the manuscript, but to publish in a prestigious journal they think additional experimental evidence will be required to support our hypothesis.

      The Reviewer notes that our only evidence that Cdk/Cyclins directly phosphorylate Spd-2 comes from our analysis of the Spd-2-Cdk20A mutant, as the effect of reducing Cyclin B dosage on WT Spd-2 behaviour is very modest. They request that we analyse the behaviour of a Spd-2-Cdk20E phospho-mimicking mutant. The effect of halving the dose of Cyclin B on Spd-2 behaviour is modest, but this is what we would predict as all we are doing in this experiment is slowing S-phase by ~15%, so Spd-2 should accumulate at centrosomes for a slightly longer time and to a slightly higher level (as we observe, Figure 5E). A great advantage of the early fly embryo system is that we can compare the behaviour of many hundreds of centrosomes, so even subtle differences like this are usually meaningful. To illustrate this point, we have now repeated the Spd-2 analysis in WT and CycB1/2 embryos (but now using a CRISPR/Cas9 Spd-2-NG knock-in line) and we see the same subtle differences (Figure S9). In addition, as requested, we have now analysed the behaviour of a Spd-2Cdk20E mutant protein using an mRNA injection assay (as it would have taken too long to generate and test new transgenic lines). In this assay we injected embryos with mRNA encoding either WT Spd-2-GFP, Spd-2-Cdk20A-GFP or Spd-2-Cdk20E-GFP. The mRNA is quickly translated, and we computationally measured the fluorescence intensity of the centrosomes in mid-S-phase (i.e. at the Spd-2 peak) (Figure S8). This analysis confirms that Cdk20A accumulates to slightly higher levels, and reveals that Cdk20E accumulates to slightly lower levels, than the WT protein. Together, these new experiments strongly support our original conclusions.

      The Reviewer notes that we propose that the CCO initially promotes centrosome growth by stimulating Polo recruitment to centrosomes, but states that we only provide indirect evidence for this by showing that centrosomal Polo levels are strongly reduced in Cyclin B half-dose embryos. They suggest we determine Spd-2 levels in Polo half-dose embryos, and/or the centrosome levels of mutant forms of Spd-2 that cannot be phosphorylated by Polo. We believe the Cyclin B half-dose experiment provide direct support for our hypothesis that Cdk/Cyclin activity influences Polo recruitment (Figure 8), although, clearly, we have not identified the mechanism. We do, however, suggest a plausible mechanism: Ana1 and Spd-2 are largely responsible for recruiting Polo to centrosomes, and we have previously shown that several of the potential phosphorylation sites in these proteins that help recruit Polo to centrosomes are Cdk/Cyclin or Polo phosphorylation sites (Alvarez-Rodrigo et al., eLife, 2020 and JCS, 2021; Wong et al., EMBO J., 2022). We are currently testing this hypothesis, but progress is slow as it is clear that multiple sites in both proteins can influence this process.

      As the Reviewer requests, we have now also examined how Spd-2 and Cnn behave in Polo half-dose embryos (Reviewer Figure 2, attached to this letter). As we describe in the Figure legend, this data is informative, but is complicated. With relatively minor, but mechanistically important, tweaks to our previous mathematical modelling we can explain these behaviours, but introducing such a significant mathematical modelling element would be beyond the scope of this paper. As described above, these findings will form the basis of a follow-up paper that is more mathematically oriented.

      It is a great idea to look at mutant forms of Spd-2 that cannot be phosphorylated by Polo, but the consensus Polo phosphorylation site (N/D/E-X-S, with the N/D/E at -2 and the S at 0 being preferences, rather than a strict rule) is less well-defined than the consensus Cdk/Cyclin phosphorylation site (where the Pro at -1 is essentially invariant). Thus, we cannot accurately predict which sites would need to be mutated to generate such a mutant.

      The Reviewer requests that we analyse the behaviour of TACC in embryos expressing the Spd-2-Cdk20A and Cnn-Cdk6A (as we do in Figure 7 for γ-tubulin). This is a reasonable request, but we prefer not to show this data as we have recently identified an interesting interaction between TACC, Spd-2 and Aurora A that will be the subject of another paper we hope to submit shortly. This data is hard to interpret without explaining these interactions properly, which is beyond the scope of the current manuscript.

      We hope the Reviewers will agree that these changes have improved the manuscript substantially, and that it is now suitable for publication. We would like to thank them again for taking the time to read this rather complicated paper so thoroughly.

      We look forward to hearing from you.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, the authors investigated growth control of PCM at the mitotic centrosomes in late stages of the Drosophila syncytial embryos. They observed that mitotic centrosomes reach to the correct sizes through 13 rounds of nuclear division by reciprocally slowing their growth rate and increasing their growth period. They assumed that the Cdk/Cyclin cell cycle oscillator (CCO) is a main controller, based on their previous works (Aydogan et al., 2018, 2020; 2022). They determined the recruitment dynamics of the key mitotic PCM scaffolding proteins (Spd-2, Polo and Cnn) and PCM-client proteins (γ-tubulin, Msps, TACC, GFP, Grip75, Grip128 and Aurora A) in living embryos, and proposed that moderate levels of the CCO activity promote centrosome growth by stimulating Polo recruitment to centrosomes, while higher levels of activity subsequently inhibit centrosome growth by phosphorylating centrosome proteins, such as Spd-2, to decrease their centrosome recruitment and/or maintenance as the embryos enter mitosis.

      Experiments were cleverly designed and carefully executed. The results are nicely presented, the manuscript is clearly written, and their proposal draws a strong attention. However, in order to publish the manuscript in a prestigious journal, the authors may provide additional experimental evidence to support their proposal.

      • It is very significant that the centrosome levels of Spd-2-Cdk20A-NG is stronger than Spd-2-NG throughout the cell cycle (Figure 5B,C). However, this is only an experimental evidence to support that Cdk/Cyclins directly phosphorylate Spd-2 in the run-up to mitosis to help reduce Spd-2's centrosome recruitment and/or maintenance. As the authors confessed, recruitment of Spd-2-NG to the centrosomes in CycB1/2 embryos (Figure 5D,E) may be moderate or not significant at least in this reviewer's eyes. It is worth to perform the same experiments with a phospho-mimetic Spd2-Cdk20E-NG mutant.
      • The authors proposed that moderate levels of CCO activity promote centrosome growth by stimulating Polo recruitment to centrosomes. They provided an indirect evidence that centrosome levels of polo were strongly reduced in CycB1/2 embryos (Figure 4E,F). It is worth to determine the centrosome levels of Spd-2 in the Polo1/2 embryos and/or the centrosome levels of Polo phospho-resistant Spd-2 (Spd-2-Polo#A-NG).
      • TACC may be an ideal PCM-client protein, apart from its importance in spindle formation in comparison to γ-tubulin (Figure 4C,D). Therefore, it is worth to perform the Figure 7 experiments with TACC.


      Experiments were cleverly designed and carefully executed. The results are nicely presented, the manuscript is clearly written, and their proposal draws a strong attention. However, in order to publish the manuscript in a prestigious journal, the authors may provide additional experimental evidence to support their proposal.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Control of organelle size has been an active field of research for many years for a large variety of cellular structures and in a range of experimental models. Here, Jordan Raff and colleagues examine the mechanisms underlying centrosome (PCM) size control in Drosophila syncytial embryos, building on their previous work (Wong, EMBOJ 2022) to propose a role for CDK in both promoting (at intermediate levels) and inhibiting (at high levels) PCM expansion.

      I found this a difficult manuscript to review, not only because the subject matter is complicated, but so is the writing. Having read and re-read the manuscript some clarity eventually emerges, but it shouldn't be that inaccessible. As for the authors' model I find it intriguing, but not fully supported by the data currently presented.

      Major points

      1. Central to the authors' model is the proposed dual function of Cdk (or CCO in the authors' terminology) in both promoting and inhibiting centrosomal protein accumulation. This the authors test by reducing the gene dosage of cyclin B and using putatively non-phosphorylatable versions of Spd-2 and Cnn. Both approaches to me appear quite problematic. The latter perturbation is hard to interpret given that whether these are indeed Cdk phosphosites that they have mutated is unknown and there are plenty of other possibilities how this might perturb protein function, as the authors' lack of success doing the same for gamma-tubulin illustrates. The former perturbation also lacks context. Does reducing cyclin B gene dosage reduce peak CDK activity or does it merely take longer to reach the same maximum, as appears to occur naturally as the cell cycle slows between embryonic cycles 11 and 13 (Edgar, Genes Dev 1994)? A more direct way to test their model would be to arrest the embryo in S phase (which in their model should lead to indefinite growth) or mitosis using suitable drugs/genetic perturbations. Is this not feasible in the fly system?
      2. Similarly critical is that centrosomal protein accumulation is accurately measured. I am not entirely convinced that this is so. If one takes their estimations of centrosome size at face value, then the space occupied by gamma-tubulin (slightly over 1 µm2 peak area according to Fig. S3) is significantly smaller than that occupied by Grip128 (4µm2). How is this possible if these form part of the same gamma-tubulin complex? This likely reflects the fact that the dynamics of many proteins is being assessed using transgenic reporters under the control of heterologous regulatory sequences (not all of which are fully functional, eg Polo), which could result in wildly inappropriate centrosomal protein levels. It may then not be a coincidence that the centrosomal domain for Grip128 (endogenously tagged) is larger than that for gamma-tubulin (transgene).
      3. Another concern is that centrosome size and integated signal intensity do not always match, as demonstrated by Grip71 (increasing as expected during centrosome maturation in cycle 13 based on fluorescence intensity but not area
      4. compare Figs. 1B and S1). A potential reason for this is that proteins are not uniformly distributed within centrosomes. For example, Polo and Spd2 are highly concentrated at centrioles. This impacts the ability to accurately measure protein accumulation based on 2D projections. Such inaccuracies likely will not affect estimation of when peak protein accumulation occurs, but may explain apparent differences in the kinetics of recruitment/dissociation of different components. Thus, the differences in the shape of the PCM client growth curves compared to those of Polo and Spd-2 (p6) may simply reflect the centriole concentration of the latter.

      Other points<br /> 4. In C. elegans much of Polo at centrosomes is apparently inactive, particularly in the vicinity of centrioles (Cabral, Dev Cell 2019). Knowing whether this is also the case in flies would seem like important information to have, particularly when comparing signal intensities across the cell cycle.<br /> 5. Is it clear that there is less Spd2/Cnn at centrosomes in Spd-2/Cnn 1/2 gene dosage embryos, as the authors assume?<br /> 6. Would it not be relevant to also examine Polo 1/2 dosage embryos?<br /> 7. Based on the authors model, Cdk phosphorylation first drives PCM accumulation, then at higher levels inhibits. Yet, their non-phosphorylatable Spd2 mutant exhibits not only a delayed decline in centrosomal levels, but also higher initial levels (Fig. 5B). If Cdk initially promotes Spd2 activity what is their explanation for this?

      Minor/discussion points

      1. p4 "In typical somatic cells the two mitotic centrosomes need to grow to approximately the same size, as mitotic centrosome size asymmetry can lead to asymmetric spindle assembly and so to defective chromosome segregation. How centrosome growth is regulated in somatic cells is unclear, but in early C. elegans embryos, mitotic centrosome size appears to be set by a limiting pool of the PCM-scaffolding protein SPD-2."<br /> The authors here conflate absolute and relative size. Relative size matters to avoid spindle asymmetries, and centriole involvement in PCM recruitment helps to prevent this (Zwicker et al., PNAS 2014). Absolute size, which is what the authors are concerned with in this manuscript, may be important for spindle scaling, but this is not the same thing.
      2. p5 "The centrosomal levels of Polo, Spd-2 and Cnn all started to increase at the start of S-phase, but whereas Cnn levels continued to rise and/or plateau as the embryos entered mitosis, the centrosomal levels of Polo and Spd-2 started to decrease before the entry into mitosis (Wong et al, 2021) (Figure 1A,B). Thus, the components of the mitotic PCM scaffold exhibit different growth kinetics, making it hard to use these proteins to define centrosome "size" at any particular point in the cell cycle."<br /> It is misleading and confusing for the reader to describe Polo and Spd2 as scaffold proteins as opposed to regulators of scaffold assembly. Presently Cnn is the only PCM protein demonstrated to have self-assembly/scaffolding properties based on the authors' own work (conduit, Dev Cell 2014; Feng, Cell 2017). There is little evidence that Polo and Spd2 form anything other than a nucleus for PCM growth.
      3. p7 "The centrosomal levels of Grip71, Grip75, Grip128, and Aurora A tended to increase steadily through most of NC13, whereas TACC, Msps and γ-tubulin exhibited a noticeable increase in their recruitment rate towards the end of S-phase, shortly before their recruitment levels peaked (compare NC13 graphs in Fig. 1B). This difference was also obvious if we used centrosome area as a measure of centrosome size (Fig. S1). We conclude that PCM client proteins can be recruited to centrosomes in at least two different ways."<br /> As discussed above apparent differences in kinetics may reflect limitations in the way protein accumulation is measured. It is hard to conceive of a reason why the Grips would display a different mode of protein accumulation from gamma-tubulin, nor is the idea of two different modes of protein accumulation picked up again later in the manuscript.
      4. Since the authors mention that the duration of S phase increases between cycles 11 and 13 (p9), are there any measures for the timing of the beginning/end of S phase in each cycle?
      5. One of the main findings in the landmark Woodruff paper from 2017 Cell paper was that PCM scaffold polymer could dynamically concentrate client proteins in the absence of any other factors, to an extent similar to that observed in vivo. This list did not include gamma-tubulin, which was later shown to require PLK1 phosphorylation of SPD-5 (Ohta, JCB 2021). However, it did include ZYG-9, the C. elegans ortholog of Msps. If client protein accumulation is an intrinsic property of the PCM scaffold, how do the authors explain that Msps departs prior to NEBD while Cnn continues to accumulate?
      6. p13 "The expression of the mutant proteins did not appear to dramatically perturb the centrosomal recruitment of γ-tubulin-GFP, except that the rate at which γ-tubulin-GFP left the centrosome as the embryos entered mitosis was reduced in both mutants compared to WT (Figure 7). This phenotype was subtle, but it was statistically significant, and it seems likely that the presence of large amounts of WT Spd-2 and Cnn in the mutant embryos (Figure 5A,F) would help to mask the potential severity of this phenotype."<br /> This does not quite make sense. Fig. 5 shows that Spd2 dissociation is significantly slowed in the mutant condition. If Spd2 drives gamma-tubulin accumulation (as Fig 6 shows), then the continued presence of Spd2 should prevent dissociation. Yet it apparently does not. Why?


      1. p3 and following. The reference for the authors' prior work on PCM recruitment (Wong et al, 2021) should probably be for the final, published article in EMBO J, not the 2021 preprint.
      2. Fig. 1. legend "Note that for technical reasons not all of the centrosome proteins could be followed for the full time period." Why not?
      3. Figs 4-6. Which cycle is being assessed here?
      4. Fig 6. Not plotted here is the rate of dissociation of gamma-tubulin, unlike eg in Fig 7. It is notable that both accumulation and dissociation appear to be slowed in the Spd2 1/2 gene dosage condition.
      5. Fig S1B. Some of the graphs in this figure are not labeled (based on Fig.1 presumably gamma-tubulin and Msps).
      6. Some of the data in the main figures, including the entirety of Figs. 2 and 3, could be moved to Supplemental to present a more crisp and accessible manuscript.
      7. While I sympathize with the authors needing to repeat entire sets of experiments I am not entirely sure it is appropriate to recycle entire sets of data from a previous publication of theirs (Cnn, Spd-2 and Polo recruitment kinetics, reproduced from Wong et al., EMBOJ 2022), since this manuscript is largely concerned with apparent differences between the kinetics of those components and the PCM client proteins now being analysed.


      Control of organelle size has been an active field of research for many years for a large variety of cellular structures and in a range of experimental models. Here, Jordan Raff and colleagues examine the mechanisms underlying centrosome (PCM) size control in Drosophila syncytial embryos, building on their previous work (Wong, EMBOJ 2022) to propose a role for CDK in both promoting (at intermediate levels) and inhibiting (at high levels) PCM expansion.

      I found this a difficult manuscript to review, not only because the subject matter is complicated, but so is the writing. Having read and re-read the manuscript some clarity eventually emerges, but it shouldn't be that inaccessible. As for the authors' model I find it intriguing, but not fully supported by the data currently presented.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Wong et al. investigates how cells regulate the increase in the size of the centrosomes (more specifically the size of the pericentriolar material or PCM) that occurs during preparation for mitosis. They use the Drosophila syncytial embryo as a model, focusing on nuclear cycles 11-13, during which cell cycle progression gradually slows. The authors find that centrosomes grow to a consistent size at each cycle by adjusting to the slowed cell cycle, reducing the growth rate and increasing the growth period. This adjustment is proposed to be regulated by the Cdk/Cyclin cell cycle oscillator. Curiously, Cdk/Cyclin activity seems to both promote and inhibit the increase in centrosome size, depending on whether its activity is moderate or very high, respectively. Both effects are proposed to depend on the phosphorylation of centrosome proteins by Cdk/Cyclin.

      1. While being comprehensive in the number and type of markers that are being analyzed, there is no analysis of the centrosome's MTOC activity. In my opinion this is missing since centrosome size alone is not necessarily indicative of its MTOC activity, but MTOC activity is what ultimately matters for its role during mitosis. For example, it was observed that centrosome size declines already before mitotic entry, but it is possible that centrosome MTOC activity does not (similar to differences in the timing of the decline of PCM scaffold vs PCM client proteins). While not strictly related to size control, centrosome activity is biologically more relevant than solely size. I would consider it optional, if the authors decide to talk only about centrosome size, but then it should be made clear that size here may not be the most relevant factor.
      2. The authors say that during NC13 PCM client proteins can be recruited in "at least two different ways" (p. 7), including a way (rapid increase before peak) that does not resemble PCM scaffold recruitment (steady increase during NC13). How can these two different ways and kinetics be determined by the same Cdk/Cyclin oscillator?
      3. I am puzzled by the conclusion that Cdk/Cyclin directly phosphorylates Spd-2 or Cnn at the sites used for mutagenesis. This cannot be concluded based on the presented data.
      4. Fig. 6: Doesn't the data show that Cnn does not affect the initial rate of g-tub recruitment, but only the later rapid recruitment shortly before mitosis? In contrast Spd-2 seems to affect the initial phase. This should be described more precisely. Again, I am wondering how this is compatible with direct regulation by a single oscillator, as suggested by the authors (see also point 2 above.
      5. I don't find the proposed model very convincing and not fully supported by the presented data.<br /> First, the recruitment kinetics of different centrosome proteins are not all the same, arguing against a simple relationship based on phosphorylation by Cdk/Cyclin. For example, kinases (or phosphatases) may be recruited (or displaced) by Cdk/Cylclin at the centrosome and then locally regulate binding or maintenance of certain centrosome proteins. This could explain profiles that do not display a steady change over time, as would be expected by direct regulation by Cdk/Cyclin.<br /> Second, it is not clear from the description in the text or from Fig. 8 how moderate Cdk/Cyclin activity can promote recruitment and high activity induce loss of proteins at centrosomes. In fact, the experiments with Spd-2 and Cnn phospho-mutants suggest that phosphorylations at the mutated sites also reduce centrosome binding during S phase (at moderate activity) and not only shortly before mitosis (at high activity), since alanine mutants of both Spd-2 and Cnn are increased at centrosomes also during S phase. The model seems to ignore this observation. If these sites are already phosphorylated to decrease centrosome binding in S phase, then what triggers the rapid decrease shortly before mitosis?
      6. Can the authors identify and mutate CdK/Cyclin dependent phospho-sites in centrosome proteins that promote centrosome recruitment at moderate Cdk/Cyclin activity? As an alternative to the "protein availability" model for regulation of centrosome size, the proposed model needs to explain how a steadily increasing activity (Cdk/Cyclin) can first induce growth and then turn growth off, when the desired size is reached. This is obvious in the "protein availability" model, where the available protein steadily decreases as centrosomes grow, but this is not at all obvious for an oscillator that behaves in the opposite way during the same period and that can only phosphorylate sites that decrease centrosome binding.


      1. The authors observe differences in the intensity profiles for different subunits of the gamma-tubulin complex. How do they explain this? Are they not in the same complex? The authors should mention and comment on this.
      2. The authors refer at various points in the manuscript to an "inverse-linear" relationship between S phase length and centrosome growth rate, but according to the graphs the rate does not change linearly.


      This is an interesting manuscript that reaches somewhat different conclusions regarding centrosome size control when compared to previous studies in other organisms. In particular, work in C. elegans has proposed that centrosome growth regulation is controlled by the limited cytoplasmic availability of PCM building blocks, whereas the current study proposes a different model based on the activity of a cell cycle oscillator. The model system and approaches are well presented and the data is of good quality. The authors monitor a large number of centrosome markers, each with detailed quantifications of intensity and distribution over time during the different cycles. They also employ two different ways of quantifying centrosome size with similar results, making their quantifications more robust. While the authors include phospho-mutants in their analyses that presumably cannot be phosphorylated by Cdk/Cyclin, the study is largely descriptive. Still, the authors present interesting observations and propose the "oscillator model" an alternative to the "limited availability model" for the regulation of centrosome size, and perhaps that of other organelles. Assuming the authors can clarify inconsistencies and/or provide additional data to support the proposed model, this could be an important finding that expands cell biologists' understanding of organellar size control.

      I have expertise in centrosome biology and the role of centrosomes as MTOCs, as well as more general expertise regarding the function of the microtubule cytoskeleton in cell division and differentiation.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      In their manuscript „Live-cell super-resolution nanoscopy reveals modulation of cristae<br /> dynamics in bioenergetically compromised mitochondria", Golombek et al. tested the effects of different mitochondrial toxins on cristae dynamics. The main focus of their work lies on live STED imaging, which they use to visualize cristae merging and splitting. They found swelling of mitochondria and reduced cristae density in response to most toxins, but cristae dynamics remained largely unaffected. Depletion of the membrane potential by administration of CCCP increased cyristae dynamics, while inhibition of ANT had a negative effect on cristae dynamics at least in a subset of mitochondria.

      1. The authors state that the used concentrations of mitochondrial toxins commonly result in a change in oxygen consumption. While this is believable, it is not guaranteed that the specific chemicals used for the experiments were working properly (freeze/thawing or simply incorrect storage or aliquotation may have an effect on the compounds). This is even more important in the case of results where no significant change after the administration of the toxins is seen. In Figure 5, the authors report no change in membrane potential after oligomycin administration, this is unexpected. I therefore suggest to include a supplementary figure, in which the functionality of the compounds is verified. This could be done by respiratory measurements (e.g. Seahorse). A Mito Stress Test was performed for Figure 6, but this was done using the Seahorse kit chemicals, which were probably different from the chemicals used in the microscopy experiments.

      Response: We appreciate the valid concerns of the reviewer in this point.

      A) In order to show the functionality of compounds which were used for performing our experiments including STED imaging, we now performed respiratory measurements employing the concentrations of mitochondrial toxins (Oligomycin A, CCCP, rotenone/antimycin A) which were used during imaging conditions as well as commercially available mitochondrial toxins (Oligomycin A, FCCP, rotenone/antimycin A) with respective concentrations used as a standard for the Mito stress Kit. The new figures are included in Fig S1A & B. HeLa cells treated with seahorse compounds or those used during imaging conditions showed similar results including basal, maximal and spare respiratory capacity. Further, in order to overcome the inefficiency of mitochondrial toxins employed, due to freeze/thaw cycles, we used fresh aliquots (stored at -20°C) as a general strategy. This is clearly observed by a drastic reduction of ΔΨm upon treating HeLa cells with CCCP, antimycin A as well as rotenone (Fig S6A & B). A reduction of mitochondrial ATP levels was also observed upon employing rotenone, antimycin A and oligomycin A confirming that active mitochondrial toxins were used. These experiments demonstrate that the mitochondrial toxins employed throughout our manuscript are functional as expected.

      New Figure S1A & B

      B) The Fig 6 (now Fig 5 due to Reviewer # 2, Point 7) respirometry experiments which initially employed seahorse compounds and BKA has now been replaced with new experiments where we used mitochondrial toxins similar to STED imaging. Needless, to say, the results are similar to what were observed with seahorse compounds. The new figures are replaced in Fig 5A & 5B.

      New Figure 5A & B

      C) Oligomycin A inhibits ATP synthase which results in decreased ATP synthesis as observed (Fig 4A & B). Further, oligomycin A is expected to hyperpolarise mitochondria (2). In Fig S6, despite some cells having more ΔΨm, there was no overall significant change when compared to untreated cells. Previous publications also show that there is no significant difference in ΔΨm upon treatment with oligomycin (1) demonstrating that the ΔΨm depends on the concentration of oligomycin, treatment time and cell type.

      1. Figure 1 would benefit from a more detailed description of merging/splitting events. Maybe a cartoon plus a zoomed in image of an exemplary event?

      Response: Thank you for the suggestion. In order to clearly explain/simplify the understanding of cristae merging and splitting events, we added a cartoon in Fig 1B. The green and magenta arrows show sites of imminent merging and splitting with the green and magenta asterisks representing them respectively in the subsequent frames. The zoomed in images in Fig1A (leftmost panel) are shown to the right as time-lapse images.

      New Figure 1B

      1. Could the reduced cristae density be an effect of mitochondrial swelling? It is curious that all toxins appear to have the same effect on mitochondrial architecture. What is the fait of an enlarged mitochondrion over time? Mitophagy? And does the percentage of enlarged mitochondria change with increasing treatment time?

      Response: Thank you for the comment.

      A) We agree that the reduced cristae density is due to mitochondrial swelling. We added the relevant text in the results section ‘Cristae structure is altered in a subset of mammalian cells treated with mitochondrial toxins’. Treatment of HeLa cells, with all the mitochondrial toxins mentioned, uniformly result around 50 % of mitochondria undergoing enlargement (Fig 2B). In enlarged mitochondria where the mitochondrial width is ≥ 650 nm, there is no change in cristae area occupied per mitochondria (Fig S3C & D) and as a result reduced cristae density (Fig 2H). Therefore, it indicates that reduced cristae density occurs due to mitochondrial enlargement.

      Figure 2B-F

      Figure S3C and D

      B) In order to address the fate of mitochondria with increasing time upon treatment with various mitochondrial toxins, we treated the HeLa cells for 4 hrs with mitochondrial toxins. Untreated cells maintained normal mitochondrial morphology while cells treated with various mitochondrial toxins displayed fragmented and swollen mitochondrial morphology. The new Fig S5 is included in the supplementary. Cristae morphology was abnormal displaying interconnected cristae in swollen mitochondria. Since mitochondrial fragmentation is already observed at 4 hours and accompanied by interconnected cristae, the number of cristae merging and splitting were severely reduced.

      Our imaging performed within 30 mins of addition of respective toxins overcomes the additional aberrancy of mitochondrial fragmentation which would not allow a reliable analysis of cristae dynamics as too few cristae would be visible within one mitochondrion.

      New Figure S5

      1. Figure 4C: How was the mitochondrial width determined in the LSM images? Especially in the perinuclear area it will be difficult to determine this parameter without the super-resolution provided by STED. Was this parameter determined manually for selected mitochondria? In the methods part it says that only a maximum of two mitochondria per cell were analyzed. How were these chosen? Was the process blinded?

      Response: Thank you for the comment. We could imagine the reason for the ambiguity in understanding.

      A) For LSM confocal images involving FRET-based microscopy to determine the ATP levels, we calculated the cell population as belonging to either normal or enlarged category. The confocal images of HeLa cells displayed clear separation of mitochondria even in the perinuclear area (representative images are shown in Fig 4A) and thus it was possible to measure the width of individual mitochondria. The methods section ‘FRET-based microscopy to measure ATP levels’ describes that ‘the cut off for swollen mitochondria was set to 650 nm in congruence with STED SR nanoscopy. If 85% of the mitochondrial population featured enlarged mitochondria, the cells were designated as swollen. Similarly, if 85% of the mitochondrial population featured mitochondria whose width was less than 650 nm, the cell was considered as having normal mitochondria’.

      Figure 4A

      B) The cristae morphology of various mitochondria is fairly uniform in individual cells. Thus, the mitochondria are representative of the individual cells. Therefore, in order to increase the coverage of various cells, we considered a maximum of two mitochondria from each cell which were randomly chosen. This part is modified in the methods section ‘Quantification of various parameters related to cristae morphology’ to make it clear. Thus, while the quantification of various parameters including dynamics involved individual mitochondria, various cells were classified as belonging to normal or enlarged category while measuring ATP levels.

      1. What is the average size of all mitochondria per cell? Is this addressed in Figure 2B or are only analyzed mitochondria included? Please carify. Were the mitochondria chosen for analysis representative for the respective cell?

      Response: The data obtained by super-resolution imaging of mitochondria is used for quantifying cristae dynamics which is a very challenging and time-consuming method done in a blind-manner. As mentioned in response 4B, the cristae morphology is fairly uniform in individual cells, therefore, we only included the mitochondria which were analysed for various cristae parameters in our analysis which are really huge data-sets already. Thus, the average size of individual mitochondria per cell are not represented while analysing images obtained with STED SR imaging. Please also check response 4B.

      1. explain the mt-Go-AT team2, what is GFP (green fluorescent protein) and OTP (?)

      Response: GFP is Green Fluorescent Protein and OFP is Orange Fluorescent protein and included in the revised text.

      1. the graphs show in principle, e.g. Fig.1B, 3B-E show events/mitochondrion as far as I understand, not per cristae.

      Response: Thank you for pointing this out. It is actually the average number of events per cristae per mitochondria. We have changed the Y-axis to events/cristae/mito in Fig 1C (previous 1B), Fig 3B-E and wherever applicable for other figures throughout the manuscript.

      Figure 1C

      Figure 3B-E

      1. I would recommend changing the legend of the x-axis of Fig.2B-F to mito-width (y-axis could be probability density function, PDF).

      Response: We have now changed the X-Axis to mito width (originally width) in Fig 2B-F. The Y-axis are still retained as percentage mitochondria where cells treated with few mitochondrial toxins do not show a gaussian distribution of mitochondrial width.

      Figure 2B-F

      Referees cross-commenting

      both expert opinions address similar concerns and therefore a revision should be requested

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      The study is thorough and the experiments and results are well described. Overall, however, it remains a descriptive study and does not provide mechanisms. There is also no discussion of how MMP-dependent proteins, such as Opa1, which was previously studied by the Reichert group, might be affected. For swelling mechanisms, the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore was discussed. This could be tested using inhibitors, but perhaps not within the scope of this publication. Nevertheless, the information provided by the study is of interest to the bioenergetics community and should be made available.

      Response: Thank you for the overall inputs.

      We tested the processing of OPA1 forms and found that after 30 mins, only CCCP treatment led to the processing of long isoforms to short forms (Fig S6C). We now included in the discussion that it is possible that short OPA1-forms are correlative to increased cristae merging as well as splitting events upon treatment with CCCP.

      New Figure S6C

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Summary:<br /> The authors investigated cristae merging and splitting events using ultra-resolution STED. The goal was to test if cristae membrane remodeling is dependent on OXPHOS complexes, mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), and the ADP/ATP nucleotide translocator. To do this the authors utilized several mitochondrial toxins with known mechanisms of action. Interestingly, many changed overall cristae density but did not change the cristae remodeling events. Inhibition of ANT did change cristae morphology and cristae dynamics.

      Major Concerns

      1. Many conclusions and concepts need more clarification. For example, a major take home from the abstract is that various ETC inhibitors and protonophores reduce cristae density but not did not change cristae remodeling events. If cristae density is reduced, how can this occur without cristae remodeling events? Remodeling events need to be clearly defined in the introduction and abstract.

      Response: Thank you for pointing out this lack of sharpness in our terminology which indeed can cause a misunderstanding. To avoid this, we have now included ‘changes in cristae morphology’ as well as ‘dynamic merging and splitting events of cristae’ under the broader term cristae remodelling. Thus, we had changed the wording ‘cristae remodeling’ to cristae dynamics in the abstract and wherever appropriate in the manuscript text.

      The cristae morphology analysis showed no change in cristae area (Fig S3C) which was accompanied by mitochondrial enlargement. Therefore, cristae density was reduced. For the purpose of clarity, we added a sentence in the introduction section while giving a peek into our results that ‘cristae dynamic events are ongoing despite reduced cristae density’. In addition, we have now included in the results section the following statement: ‘Cristae membrane remodeling has been used to describe cristae dynamic events (i.e. cristae merging and splitting) as well as overall changes in cristae morphology within a single mitochondrion in this manuscript’.

      Figure S3C and D

      1. Other interpretations are also unclear such as how ETC inhibitors which reduce ATP levels did not impact cristate remodeling events, yet inhibiting ATP/ADP exchange did greatly impact this phenomenon. It seems likely that the inhibition of ANT has nothing to do with ATP/ADP exchange since most of the ETC inhibitors no doubt greatly impact overall ATP/ADP exchange. This interpretation needs clarification.

      Response: We agree that further clarification is needed, in particular to explain why ATP/ADP exchange is actually ongoing even when OXPHOS inhibitors are applied and to explain why reduced ATP levels do not mean that there is no ATP/ADP exchange occuring. Treatment of HeLa cells with various mitochondrial toxins inhibiting the function of OXPHOS complexes leads to decreased ATP levels due to ongoing ATP consumption within the cell (Fig 4). One should also consider that two things can and do happen when most of these toxins are applied regarding ATP exchange. First, the ATPase can act in reverse mode which is a (partial) compensatory mechanism to restore ΔΨm and which will further decrease ATP levels (Note: not in the presence of oligomycin). Second, under these conditions ADP/ATP exchange is still ongoing in order to transport ATP derived from glycolysis in the cytosol to the mitochondrial matrix which also causes an (partial) compensatory increase in membrane potential. After ATP import ATP is hydrolysed to ADP for reverse proton pumping via the F1FO-ATPase or alternatively by the F1-part alone without proton pumping. In all these cases it is essential and possible to exchange ADP with ATP constantly. Therefore, the overall exchange of ADP and ATP is not necessarily grossly expected to be different when compared to untreated cells (due to compensatory glycolysis and subsequent ATP import and hydrolysis in the matrix). On the other hand, BKA treatment which clearly impairs the exchange of ADP and ATP will lead to a completely different situation compared to only treating with OXPHOS inhibitors. With BKA the mitochondrial matrix cannot anymore be resupplemented with ATP derived from glycolysis and metabolite flux is grossly hampered. Consistent with this a strong reduction in ΔΨm and oxygen consumption is accompanied with BKA treatment (Fig. 5AB & SFig 7F). Thus, w.r.t cristae dynamic events, in the time-frame we used for imaging, a reduction of ATP levels does not impede occurrence of cristae merging and splitting events while BKA treatment does (Fig S7). We discuss this indeed interesting and unexpected finding in the discussion section. We propose that rather ongoing metabolite flux (ATP/ADP exchange) is critical for maintaining cristae dynamics and blocking it is detrimental for it. We adapted the discussion in this direction to make it more clear.

      Figure S7A, B and D

      1. Why did the authors wait 30 min to image after the addition of mitochondrial toxins? I would have guessed there is a more rapid change in response to these inhibitors. Is there is a chance he authors missed the most dramatic events?

      Response: Since we were inclined to observe early responses, cells were imaged within the first 30 mins after addition of the respective mitochondrial toxins (Please see methods ‘cell culture transfection and mitochondrial toxin treatment’). Thus, to answer this question we want to emphasize that we did not wait 30 minutes but we restricted our time frame of analysis to 30 min. Therefore, we think that we did not miss out on any rapid changes occurring early on. Regarding this point, Reviewer #1 (Query 3) asked for responses at a later time-point. Please read the Reviewer #1, response 3B.

      1. How do these mitochondrial toxins that are known to cause mitochondrial swelling not induce changes in cristate density?

      Response: Thank you for the question. Probably, there is a misunderstanding. In Fig S3E, we clearly show that as the mitochondrial width increases in cells after treatment with mitochondrial toxins, there is a clear decrease in cristae density. In fact, the reduced cristae density is observed exclusively in enlarged mitochondria. Figure S3E-I

      5. It's interesting that inhibition of the ANT translocator by BKA treatment led to increased percentage of mitochondria with abnormal cristae morphology. It's accepted that inhibition of ANT profoundly reduces mitochondrial swelling. Do the authors have any data suggesting that abnormal cristae morphology actually is a mechanism for reducing cell death events such as permeability transition? Did the authors utilize cyclosporin A concomitantly with any of the mitochondrial toxins?

      Response: This is a very interesting question! As the reviewer might be aware, there is evidence connecting cristae remodelling to induction of apoptosis (3). Cristae transitioned to a highly interconnected state after tBID treatment within minutes. However, it is unclear what is the contribution of cristae dynamics in this regard. Within 30 mins, there were no visual signs of cell death in our experiments as observed under a microscope. Hence, we did not use cyclosporin A in our experiments. In our opinion, this question will form part of a very interesting future study and is currently beyond the scope of this manuscript.

      1. Are the authors confident in the data given many of the experiments utilized quantification of 10-20 mitochondria? How are you sure this sampling is sufficient for phenomenon being studied?

      Response: Please see Reviewer 1, Response 4B. As pointed in the response to reviewer #1, the cristae morphology is fairly uniform in individual cells. Therefore, in order to maximise the cell population covered, we randomly used a maximum of two mitochondria from each cell. In addition, we included cristae analysis from at least three biological replicates in order to observe the reproducibility of the data. Taking these factors into consideration, we are confident that our results reflect a sufficient sample size. Further, we would like to point out while our group performs STED super-resolution imaging routinely, the quantification of cristae merging and splitting events done in a blind yet manual manner is a really laborious and time-consuming process. In the future, we are also looking to optimise this at least in a semi-automated manner.

      1. Figure 4 and 5 merely confirm current dogma and don't really contribute to the overall conclusions and can be moved to supplemental data.

      Response: We agree that Fig 5 is confirming to the current dogma. Therefore, we moved it to Fig S6. Regarding Fig 4, we would like to highlight that there is a decrease of ATP levels before mitochondria enlarge. Thus, we would like to retain it as part of the main figure.

      1. It's interesting that BKA dose dependently decreased ATP-linked respiration and all doses limited maximal respiratory capacity. It would be interesting to know if the BKA normal vs. abnormal mitochondria have differential membrane potential?

      Response: Thank you for the interesting question. Overall, BKA treatment leads to a significant decrease of ΔΨm in the whole cell population (Fig S7). Further, the abnormal cristae morphology is only seen in one-third of the population of mitochondria (Fig shown in Response 2). Thus, a drop in ΔΨm seems to be a very early response upon exposure to BKA and independent of cristae morphology. An ideal experiment to address this question would be to image cristae dynamics and ΔΨm using super-resolution imaging which is challenging according to the state-of-art and available chemicals.

      Figure S7E and F

      1. Overall, this is an interesting study and seems appropriately performed but the results and conclusions are unclear. More discussion should include physiological relevance and impact and how this data influences previous work. Some physiological perturbations beyond the mitochondrial toxins and or utilization of genetic models would strengthen the interpretation and overall impact.

      Response: Thank you. We added an OPA1 blot showing the different L-OPA1 and S-OPA1. (Reviewer #1, response in significance section) where we observed that S-OPA1cleavage is selectively enhanced in CCCP-treated cells which could be correlated with enhanced cristae dynamics. We also included these results in the main text.

      New Figure S6C

      Referees cross-commenting

      Yes, I conclude that given the significant overlap in reviwer comments and general need for clarification of concepts and data that a revision is in order.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      Overall, a highly specialized study with audience limited to mitochondriacs. Although, I'll note tis is a hot area of study and there is high interest in the field. Some of the data interpretation is difficult to understand and overall more context is needed to explain the results, impact and relevance. Defining exactly what a cristae remodeling event is and how this differs from cristae density and how the two aren't directly connected is unclear.

      Review by a mitochondrial biologist specializing in mitochondrial signaling and connection to physiology.


      1. Baker MJ, Lampe PA, Stojanovski D, Korwitz A, Anand R, et al. 2014. Stress-induced OMA1 activation and autocatalytic turnover regulate OPA1-dependent mitochondrial dynamics. EMBO J 33: 578-93
      2. Farkas DL, Wei MD, Febbroriello P, Carson JH, Loew LM. 1989. Simultaneous imaging of cell and mitochondrial membrane potentials. Biophys J 56: 1053-69
      3. Scorrano L, Ashiya M, Buttle K, Weiler S, Oakes SA, et al. 2002. A distinct pathway remodels mitochondrial cristae and mobilizes cytochrome c during apoptosis. Dev Cell 2: 55-67
    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors investigated cristae merging and splitting events using ultra-resolution STED. The goal was to test if cristae membrane remodeling is dependent on OXPHOS complexes, mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), and the ADP/ATP nucleotide translocator. To do this the authors utilized several mitochondrial toxins with known mechanisms of action. Interestingly, many changed overall cristae density but did not change the cristae remodeling events. Inhibition of ANT did change cristae morphology and cristae dynamics.

      Major Concerns

      1. Many conclusions and concepts need more clarification. For example, a major take home from the abstract is that various ETC inhibitors and protonophores reduce cristae density but not did not change cristae remodeling events. If cristae density is reduced, how can this occur without cristae remodeling events? Remodeling events need to be clearly defined in the introduction and abstract.
      2. Other interpretations are also unclear such as how ETC inhibitors which reduce ATP levels did not impact cristate remodeling events, yet inhibiting ATP/ADP exchange did greatly impact this phenomenon. It seems likely that the inhibition of ANT has nothing to do with ATP/ADP exchange since most of the ETC inhibitors no doubt greatly impact overall ATP/ADP exchange. This interpretation needs clarification.
      3. Why did the authors wait 30 min to image after the addition of mitochondrial toxins? I would have guessed there is a more rapid change in response to these inhibitors. Is there is a chance he authors missed the most dramatic events?
      4. How do these mitochondrial toxins that are known to cause mitochondrial swelling not induce changes in cristate density?
      5. It's interesting that inhibition of the ANT translocator by BKA treatment led to increased percentage of mitochondria with abnormal cristae morphology. It's accepted that inhibition of ANT profoundly reduces mitochondrial swelling. Do the authors have any data suggesting that abnormal cristae morphology actually is a mechanism for reducing cell death events such as permeability transition? Did the authors utilize cyclosporin A concomitantly with any of the mitochondrial toxins?
      6. Are the authors confident in the data given many of the experiments utilized quantification of 10-20 mitochondria? How are you sure this sampling is sufficient for phenomenon being studied?
      7. Figure 4 and 5 merely confirm current dogma and don't really contribute to the overall conclusions and can be moved to supplemental data.
      8. It's interesting that BKA dose dependently decreased ATP-linked respiration and all doses limited maximal respiratory capacity. It would be interesting to know if the BKA normal vs. abnormal mitochondria have differential membrane potential?
      9. Overall, this is an interesting study and seems appropriately performed but the results and conclusions are unclear. More discussion should include physiological relevance and impact and how this data influences previous work. Some physiological perturbations beyond the mitochondrial toxins and or utilization of genetic models would strengthen the interpretation and overall impact.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Yes, I conclude that given the significant overlap in reviewer comments and general need for clarification of concepts and data that a revision is in order.


      Overall, a highly specialized study with audience limited to mitochondriacs. Although, I'll note tis is a hot area of study and there is high interest in the field. Some of the data interpretation is difficult to understand and overall more context is needed to explain the results, impact and relevance. Defining exactly what a cristae remodeling event is and how this differs from cristae density and how the two aren't directly connected is unclear.

      Review by a mitochondrial biologist specializing in mitochondrial signaling and connection to physiology.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In their manuscript „Live-cell super-resolution nanoscopy reveals modulation of cristae<br /> dynamics in bioenergetically compromised mitochondria", Golombek et al. tested the effects of different mitochondrial toxins on cristae dynamics. The main focus of their work lies on live STED imaging, which they use to visualize cristae merging and splitting. They found swelling of mitochondria and reduced cristae density in response to most toxins, but cristae dynamics remained largely unaffected. Depletion of the membrane potential by administration of CCCP increased cyristae dynamics, while inhibition of ANT had a negative effect on cristae dynamics at least in a subset of mitochondria.

      Major comments

      • The authors state that the used concentrations of mitochondrial toxins commonly result in a change in oxygen consumption. While this is believable, it is not guaranteed that the specific chemicals used for the experiments were working properly (freeze/thawing or simply incorrect storage or aliquotation may have an effect on the compounds). This is even more important in the case of results where no significant change after the administration of the toxins is seen. In Figure 5, the authors report no change in membrane potential after oligomycin administration, this is unexpected. I therefore suggest to include a supplementary figure, in which the functionality of the compounds is verified. This could be done by respiratory measurements (e.g. Seahorse). A Mito Stress Test was performed for Figure 6, but this was done using the Seahorse kit chemicals, which were probably different from the chemicals used in the microscopy experiments.
      • Figure 1 would benefit from a more detailed description of merging/splitting events. Maybe a cartoon plus a zoomed in image of an exemplary event?
      • Could the reduced cristae density be an effect of mitochondrial swelling? It is curious that all toxins appear to have the same effect on mitochondrial architecture. What is the fait of an enlarged mitochondrion over time? Mitophagy? And does the percentage of enlarged mitochondria change with increasing treatment time?
      • Figure 4C: How was the mitochondrial width determined in the LSM images? Especially in the perinuclear area it will be difficult to determine this parameter without the super-resolution provided by STED. Was this parameter determined manually for selected mitochondria? In the methods part it says that only a maximum of two mitochondria per cell were analyzed. How were these chosen? Was the process blinded?
      • What is the average size of all mitochondria per cell? Is this addressed in Figure 2B or are only analyzed mitochondria included? Please carify. Were the mitochondria chosen for analysis representative for the respective cell?

      Minor comments

      1. explain the mt-Go-AT team2, what is GFP (green fluorescent protein) and OTP (?)
      2. the graphs show in principle, e.g. Fig.1B, 3B-E show events/mitochondrion as far as I understand, not per cristae.
      3. I would recommend changing the legend of the x-axis of Fig.2B-F to mito-width (y-axis could be probability density function, PDF).

      Referees cross-commenting

      both expert opinions address similar concerns and therefore a revision should be requested


      The study is thorough and the experiments and results are well described. Overall, however, it remains a descriptive study and does not provide mechanisms. There is also no discussion of how MMP-dependent proteins, such as Opa1, which was previously studied by the Reichert group, might be affected. For swelling mechanisms, the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore was discussed. This could be tested using inhibitors, but perhaps not within the scope of this publication. Nevertheless, the information provided by the study is of interest to the bioenergetics community and should be made available.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Major comments<br /> In the paper "Microtubules under mechanical pressure can breach dense actin networks", the authors showed clear evidence that pressure plays an important role in microtubule breaching into dense actin networks using elegant in vitro reconstitution assays. They have argued that the pressure results from polymerization force of microtubules, which builds up when microtubules are immobilized in the opposite end of breaching, by the means of actin microtubule crosslinking factor Tau.

      Authors answer:

      We thank the reviewer for his/her positive comments on our manuscript.

      It would definitely be interesting to see lack of breaching in the presence of crosslinking deficient Tau construct in order to rule out the off -target effect of Tau on microtubule and actin architecture which may possibly facilitate breaching.

      Authors answer:

      This is an interesting suggestion. Unfortunately, we do not have in hand such crosslinking deficient Tau construct. However, please note that we showed two independent ways to demonstrate the role of pressure. One is indeed by crosslinking microtubule to actin bundle with Tau, but the other is by blocking the two opposite ends of microtubules with two dense actin networks. So, we think our conclusion about the role of pressure is solid.

      The authors have also observed microtubule breaching into dense actin networks in living cells. However, in Figure 1C, better cell/ image processing might have been chosen to increase the visibility of actin structures that microtubules encounter on their way to breaching. In Figure S1D, for example, the similar actin structures in lamellipodia are very nicely visible.

      Authors answer:

      We apologize but we don’t understand reviewer’s comment. In figure 1C images of actin networks are shown in black and white and are more visible than in figure S1D where they are shown in magenta and overlaid with microtubules. In any case, we increased the contrast of images to make fine actin structures at the cell edge clearer.

      It is also interesting that on Figure 6A, actin bundles look different than the rest of the figures on the paper. It almost looks like actin bundles become branched, whereas in the other Figures actin bundles are either singular or two-three bundles joined together at the point very close to the edge of micropatterned lipid bilayer.

      Authors answer:

      This is correct. In this experiment several bundles co-aligned. As mentioned by the reviewer this could also be visible in other conditions without Tau (such as in Figure 4E), and, as shown below, this structure of bundle was not visible in all fields we looked at. So we don’t think this structure is responsible for the changes we measured in the ability of microtubules to penetrate the actin network in the presence of Tau.

      Minor comments<br /> In the legend of Figure 4E, it should be written "white arrow" instead of "yellow arrow".<br /> In the Results section "crosslinking between microtubules and actin bundles increase piercing frequency", in the sentence number 7, it should be written "backwards" instead of "reaward".

      Authors answer: We modified the text and legend according to the reviewer suggestions.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      The experimental setup of the paper is quite significant in the field, given the difficulty of observing dynamics of dense cytoskeletal structures in living cells. Moreover, the paper gives insight into how microtubule behavior can vary depending on different morphological states of actin network.

      Authors answer: We thank the reviewer for his/her overall very positive feedback on our manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      The authors developed a novel in vitro system to investigate the interaction of dynamic microtubules with the F-actin network. While this system does produce some interesting results, it is unclear how exactly this replicates or explains what might happen near a cell's leading edge. There is a limited characterization of the produced F-actin networks. For example, it is unclear to what extent the F-actin networks are similar or different to cell lamellipodial networks. What is the density / expected mesh size of these networks and could that be varied / manipulated? The bottomline observation that microtubules can grow into F-actin networks if they have nowhere else to go does not seem particularly ground-breaking, and the discussion is very shallow. Overall writing could be improved; there are lots of typos and grammatical inconsistencies. The second paragraph of the introduction is a bit convoluted.

      Authors answer:

      We thank the reviewer for his/her comments. Figure 1 was used to illustrate the behavior of microtubules encountering actin networks in cells and the fact that they struggle to penetrate actin network. This is only a way to argue that the penetration of actin network is a relevant question, that cannot be easily addressed in cells. However, it is correct that our in vitro systems, as it is the case for all in vitro reconstituted systems, cannot tend exactly to reproduce a lamellipodial cellular network. But it offers a better way to modulate actin network architecture. We have used in vitro systems to characterize the different behavior of microtubules when they encounter dense actin networks in different conditions, guided or not by actin bundles, constraint or not at the two ends.

      The observation that microtubule can penetrate actin network when pressurized might not be “ground breaking”, still it contradicts previous works showing that microtubule under pressure tend to depolymerize (Janson et al, J Cell Biol, 2003), which would obviously prevent them from penetrating actin networks. So, our conclusion was somehow unexpected.

      We found important to discuss the fact that although the microtubule polymerizing forces is sufficient to breach dense actin network, it must be counteracted by another mechanism immobilizing microtubules. This means that in cells, expression level of actin-microtubule crosslinker modulate the penetration of microtubule into the lamellipodium.

      However, we agree that the second paragraph of the introduction is not absolutely necessary and removed it.

      Specific comments:

      Fig. 1 seems a bit anecdotal. The authors revisit an observation that has been made before. I can see how it is used as rationale for the in vitro system, but not sure that this adds much to the overall story. Clearly different cell types are different, but without some sort of quantification this remains meaningless. It should also be noted in the discussion maybe that there are large differences between cells in 2D and 3D. Microtubules much more frequently grow to the cell edge compared with 2D (see Akhmanova SLAIN2 paper from some years ago).

      Authors answer:

      We agree with these comments. Indeed, Figure 1 is used only as an illustration of the behavior of microtubules encountering actin network in cells. As the reviewer said, microtubule penetration and actin architectures will both vary a lot from one cell type to another. So we believe that quantification for these particular cases will not extend the illustrative purpose of this figure where it is already clear that some microtubules can penetrate and other can’t.

      Fig. 2: While Arp2/3 certainly promotes branched F-actin networks, from the data provided it is not clear to me to what extent the produced F-actin networks replicate F-actin organization at the cell edge. If this a the point the authors are trying to make, the ultrastructure of their in vitro networks needs some additional characterization. As far as it is possible to discern from the data provided, the F-actin meshwork on the stripes in E looks pretty much identical in both panels (and not really like a dendritic network that in a cell also would have a certain polarity with barbed ends facing out), and the bundles on the left don't look like anything that normally occurs in a cell.

      Authors answer:

      We also agree with these comments. The networks we assembled are not lamellipodial-like networks, there are branched network of various densities, with or without bundles. It is true that bundles of filaments do not grow out of lamellipodial network in cells. However, bundles of aligned and linear filaments exist in cells, in the form of radial fibers or transverse arcs, along which microtubule tend to align. And these structures might guide microtubules toward cell protrusions, as it is the case in growth cone for example.

      Fig. 4 It is unclear what is going on here. Given that without F-actin bundles, polymerizing microtubules are freely moving around, it does not come as a surprise that they would never penetrate the F-actin network because as the authors correctly state the growing end will push back from the barrier. So, then why do they sometimes penetrate when bundles are present? In 4A it appears that microtubule growth into f-actin only happens once the microtubule minus ends gets stuck between F-actin bundles on the other side. 4D is the same as 4A; so that makes me think this really does not occur that often. Does the microtubule plus end only penetrate the F-actin meshwork when the minus end gets stuck on the other side? This seems important and also means microtubule penetration may not have anything to do with the F-actin network architecture at the plus end. This needs to be quantified.

      Authors answer:

      This is perfectly correct. In figure 4 the two actin networks are distant, and the microtubules only rarely penetrate them because they are rarely in contact with them at both ends. This occurs only when bundles orient microtubules perpendicular to the edges of the actin network, since in this configuration the distance between the two actin networks is shorter. Hence our motivation to bring actin networks closer to each other in figure 5.

      Fig. 5 I guess that sort of solves my confusion with Fig. 4. The quantification graphs in 5B and 5C are flipped with respect to the figure legend (?).

      Authors answer:

      Indeed, in this figure we distinguished the role of pressure (when both microtubule ends are in contact with actin networks) and the role of alignment with actin bundles. And found that the presence of bundles is useless and that only pressure matters.

      I understand the rationale for not considering microtubules that grow at a shallow angle, but there does not seem to be that much of a difference between 5B and 5D. Wouldn't a better quantification simply compare microtubules that contact F-actin at both ends compared with microtubules were the minus end is free. In this case, I would expect a very large difference in penetration.

      Authors answer:

      This is also correct. The difference is so important that when one end is free the microtubule never penetrate. We mention it in the text but did not plot these data. This is why we measured only microtubule with both ends contacting an actin network and did not consider the one at shallow angles.

      We added the illustration of the condition with short distance and actin bundles (shown below) to make this more clear in the figure.

      The small difference between 5B and 5D shows that by eliminating those microtubules there is no more difference between the conditions with or without bundles. And thus that their contribution in favoring microtubule penetration was to favor optimal orientation to get pressurized at the two ends rather than offering a sort of favorable network organization at their base. However, we agree with the reviewer that the absence of difference between the two populations, with or without actin bundle, when considering only microtubule interacting with actin at angles higher than 30° is not quite striking. We tested all angles (see below) and found that actually the absence of difference is more obvious when considering microtubules interacting with more than 60°. And the analysis of angle distribution, now reported in Figure 5D, showed that in both conditions most microtubules interact with more than 60°, so we only exclude few outliers by considering those that interact with more than 60°. So we changed the presentation of our data in Figure 5C by changing the threshold from 30 to 60°.

      Do microtubules under pressure ever bend/buckle in this in vitro situation. As the authors state, in cells, that happens frequently. This difference is interesting. Why?

      In vitro microtubules buckle homogeneously between their two ends. These long buckling wavelengths are not very spectacular. In cells, microtubules are crosslinked to actin filaments or other structures over shorter distances (see quantification below). This leads to buckling with shorter wavelength, which is more striking.

      It is customary to refer to polymerized actin as F-actin.

      The supplementary videos are not referenced in the manuscript.

      Authors answer:

      We apologize and have now referenced the supplementary video in the manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      The manuscript describes results from a novel assay to study interactions between F-actin networks and dynamic microtubules in vitro. While of interest to a specialized audience, the overall finding that microtubules can grow into an F-actin meshwork is somewhat incremental especially because of the limited characterization of the F-actin networks used. It remains unclear to what extent this is relevant to a physiological context in cells.

      My field of expertise is related to cytoskeleton dynamics and quantitative microscopy in live cells.

      Authors answer:

      Although intuitive, the demonstration that the density of actin network can prevent microtubule penetration is novel. More importantly, the demonstration that anchoring of microtubule is sufficient to increase the pressure to such a point that microtubule can then penetrate those networks is also novel and significant to appreciate when and how they do so in cells.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      In this paper, the authors present an in vitro assay designed to explore the dynamic interaction between growing microtubules and pre-existing actin networks. Notably, the presence of linear actin bundles facilitated the movement of polymerizing microtubules along actin filaments. When microtubules were immobilized to two spatially separated actin networks, they exhibited the ability to breach and penetrate dense actin meshworks. This penetration was attributed to the mechanical pressure generated by microtubule polymerization. The authors tested tau as a microtubule-actin crosslinking protein in this process and found that tau promoted microtubule penetration into dense actin meshwork. Although the findings in this paper are potentially significant, the work is still in its preliminary stage and the scope is limited.

      Authors answer:

      We thank the reviewer to summarize properly the main findings of our manuscript.

      1. The authors observed that the inclusion of tau, a microtubule-associated protein known for its role in promoting microtubule polymerization, significantly facilitated microtubule penetration into dense actin meshworks. This enhancement is likely attributed to tau's ability to promote microtubule polymerization, generating stronger forces within the microtubules that enable them to breach the actin meshworks. To validate the involvement of the crosslinking function in the process, the authors should explore the effects of other microtubule-actin crosslinking proteins in their assay.

      Authors answer:

      We thank the reviewer for this interesting suggestion regarding the role of Tau in our experiments. To address this comment, we have analyzed the rate of growth in our experiments in presence and absence of Tau (see quantification below). We found that the construction of Tau we used reduced microtubule growth rate. Therefore, we believe that microtubule growth was not responsible for the improved penetration of microtubule in dense actin networks in our assay, and that it was rather the crosslinking ability of Tau that played a significant role.

      1. The paper highlights the importance of anchoring both ends of microtubules to two adjacent actin networks for successful penetration into the actin meshworks. However, the precise mechanisms by which these microtubule ends are anchored to actin filaments are not elaborated upon. Providing detailed insights into this anchoring process would enhance the readers' comprehension of the experimental setup and its relevance to the observed results.

      Authors answer:

      We apologize for this lack of clarity. We don’t think that microtubule ends are “anchored” to the actin network. They are simply embedded into it. This embedding prevents them from moving rearward and thus lead to pressure increase as they polymerize.

      1. Additional information on the experimental methods is warranted to improve the reproducibility and clarity of the study. Specifically, the authors should elucidate the process through which nucleation-promoting factors were grafted onto lipid bilayers. This detail is crucial for researchers seeking to replicate or build upon the study's findings.

      Authors answer:

      We apologize for this lack of clarity. There was indeed an error in our description of SUV preparation with lipid-biotin. We have now revised our material and method section. In particular we have described more accurately the various steps we used to micropattern WA-streptavidin onto lipid-biotin.

      1. In Fig. 5D, the authors observed no significant difference in the breaching probability between microtubules that contacted the actin meshwork at an angle higher than 30°, with or without actin bundles. To ensure a better comparison, it is advisable to focus on quantifying the microtubules that are contacting two actin meshworks at both ends (the immobilized microtubules), as they would have similar probabilities of being pressurized by their growth. Moreover, further justification is required to explain the choice of 30° as the threshold angle and its significance in the context of microtubule behavior.

      Authors answer:

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. We apologize for the confusion. The quantification we made is precisely the one described by the reviewer. We made this more clear by adding further illustration of the two conditions and the measurement made.

      1. Fig. 5C appears to depict the "Distribution of the angle of the interaction of microtubules in the presence (10nM of Arp2/3 complex) or absence (100 nM of Arp2/3 complex) of actin bundles" instead of the "proportion of microtubules piercing the branched actin network." The alphabet labels in the figure should be updated accordingly. Additionally, the authors should clarify whether a comparison was conducted between the means of the angles in the two conditions and whether any observed differences were statistically significant.

      Authors answer:

      We apologize for this confusion. We updated the figure legend in which 5C and 5D were inverted.

      1. Investigating the potential significant difference in the mean interaction angles between the absence and presence of actin bundles would be intriguing. The presence of actin bundles might indeed influence the interaction angle or contact position, potentially increasing penetration frequency. This insight would further enrich the findings and provide valuable context for understanding the interplay between microtubules and actin networks.

      Authors answer:

      We apologize for this confusion. We now report the statistical difference. And indeed, it accounts for the difference it the penetration frequency, as shown by the absence of difference when we consider only microtubules that are more or less perpendicular to the network. This is indeed one of the most significant conclusion of our work. We added some schematics to make this clearer.

      1. More comprehensive information about the statistical analyses should be provided. This'd be important for the validity and reliability of the study's conclusions.

      Authors answer:

      We apologize for this lack of clarity. The statistical analysis we performed were not described in the Materials and Methods section but in each figure legend.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance):

      The work represents an advance in understanding the mechanism by which microtubules navigate dense actin meshworks.

      Authors answer:

      We thank the reviewer for this positive evaluation of our work.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this paper, the authors present an in vitro assay designed to explore the dynamic interaction between growing microtubules and pre-existing actin networks. Notably, the presence of linear actin bundles facilitated the movement of polymerizing microtubules along actin filaments. When microtubules were immobilized to two spatially separated actin networks, they exhibited the ability to breach and penetrate dense actin meshworks. This penetration was attributed to the mechanical pressure generated by microtubule polymerization. The authors tested tau as a microtubule-actin crosslinking protein in this process and found that tau promoted microtubule penetration into dense actin meshwork. Although the findings in this paper are potentially significant, the work is still in its preliminary stage and the scope is limited.

      1. The authors observed that the inclusion of tau, a microtubule-associated protein known for its role in promoting microtubule polymerization, significantly facilitated microtubule penetration into dense actin meshworks. This enhancement is likely attributed to tau's ability to promote microtubule polymerization, generating stronger forces within the microtubules that enable them to breach the actin meshworks. To validate the involvement of the crosslinking function in the process, the authors should explore the effects of other microtubule-actin crosslinking proteins in their assay.
      2. The paper highlights the importance of anchoring both ends of microtubules to two adjacent actin networks for successful penetration into the actin meshworks. However, the precise mechanisms by which these microtubule ends are anchored to actin filaments are not elaborated upon. Providing detailed insights into this anchoring process would enhance the readers' comprehension of the experimental setup and its relevance to the observed results.
      3. Additional information on the experimental methods is warranted to improve the reproducibility and clarity of the study. Specifically, the authors should elucidate the process through which nucleation-promoting factors were grafted onto lipid bilayers. This detail is crucial for researchers seeking to replicate or build upon the study's findings.
      4. In Fig. 5D, the authors observed no significant difference in the breaching probability between microtubules that contacted the actin meshwork at an angle higher than 30{degree sign}, with or without actin bundles. To ensure a better comparison, it is advisable to focus on quantifying the microtubules that are contacting two actin meshworks at both ends (the immobilized microtubules), as they would have similar probabilities of being pressurized by their growth. Moreover, further justification is required to explain the choice of 30{degree sign} as the threshold angle and its significance in the context of microtubule behavior.
      5. Fig. 5C appears to depict the "Distribution of the angle of the interaction of microtubules in the presence (10nM of Arp2/3 complex) or absence (100 nM of Arp2/3 complex) of actin bundles" instead of the "proportion of microtubules piercing the branched actin network." The alphabet labels in the figure should be updated accordingly. Additionally, the authors should clarify whether a comparison was conducted between the means of the angles in the two conditions and whether any observed differences were statistically significant.
      6. Investigating the potential significant difference in the mean interaction angles between the absence and presence of actin bundles would be intriguing. The presence of actin bundles might indeed influence the interaction angle or contact position, potentially increasing penetration frequency. This insight would further enrich the findings and provide valuable context for understanding the interplay between microtubules and actin networks.
      7. More comprehensive information about the statistical analyses should be provided. This'd be important for the validity and reliability of the study's conclusions.


      The work represents an advance in understanding the mechanism by which microtubules navigate dense actin meshworks.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors developed a novel in vitro system to investigate the interaction of dynamic microtubules with the F-actin network. While this system does produce some interesting results, it is unclear how exactly this replicates or explains what might happen near a cell's leading edge. There is a limited characterization of the produced F-actin networks. For example, it is unclear to what extent the F-actin networks are similar or different to cell lamellipodial networks. What is the density / expected mesh size of these networks and could that be varied / manipulated? The bottomline observation that microtubules can grow into F-actin networks if they have nowhere else to go does not seem particularly ground-breaking, and the discussion is very shallow. Overall writing could be improved; there are lots of typos and grammatical inconsistencies. The second paragraph of the introduction is a bit convoluted.

      Specific comments:

      Fig. 1 seems a bit anecdotal. The authors revisit an observation that has been made before. I can see how it is used as rationale for the in vitro system, but not sure that this adds much to the overall story. Clearly different cell types are different, but without some sort of quantification this remains meaningless. It should also be noted in the discussion maybe that there are large differences between cells in 2D and 3D. Microtubules much more frequently grow to the cell edge compared with 2D (see Akhmanova SLAIN2 paper from some years ago).

      Fig. 2: While Arp2/3 certainly promotes branched F-actin networks, from the data provided it is not clear to me to what extent the produced F-actin networks replicate F-actin organization at the cell edge. If this a the point the authors are trying to make, the ultrastructure of their in vitro networks needs some additional characterization. As far as it is possible to discern from the data provided, the F-actin meshwork on the stripes in E looks pretty much identical in both panels (and not really like a dendritic network that in a cell also would have a certain polarity with barbed ends facing out), and the bundles on the left don't look like anything that normally occurs in a cell.

      Fig. 4 It is unclear what is going on here. Given that without F-actin bundles, polymerizing microtubules are freely moving around, it does not come as a surprise that they would never penetrate the F-actin network because as the authors correctly state the growing end will push back from the barrier. So, then why do they sometimes penetrate when bundles are present? In 4A it appears that microtubule growth into f-actin only happens once the microtubule minus ends gets stuck between F-actin bundles on the other side. 4D is the same as 4A; so that makes me think this really does not occur that often. Does the microtubule plus end only penetrate the F-actin meshwork when the minus end gets stuck on the other side? This seems important and also means microtubule penetration may not have anything to do with the F-actin network architecture at the plus end. This needs to be quantified.

      Fig. 5 I guess that sort of solves my confusion with Fig. 4. The quantification graphs in 5B and 5C are flipped with respect to the figure legend (?). I understand the rationale for not considering microtubules that grow at a shallow angle, but there does not seem to be that much of a difference between 5B and 5D. Wouldn't a better quantification simply compare microtubules that contact F-actin at both ends compared with microtubules were the minus end is free. In this case, I would expect a very large difference in penetration. Do microtubules under pressure ever bend/buckle in this in vitro situation. As the authors state, in cells, that happens frequently. This difference is interesting. Why?<br /> It is customary to refer to polymerized actin as F-actin.<br /> The supplementary videos are not referenced in the manuscript.


      The manuscript describes results from a novel assay to study interactions between F-actin networks and dynamic microtubules in vitro. While of interest to a specialized audience, the overall finding that microtubules can grow into an F-actin meshwork is somewhat incremental especially because of the limited characterization of the F-actin networks used. It remains unclear to what extent this is relevant to a physiological context in cells.

      My field of expertise is related to cytoskeleton dynamics and quantitative microscopy in live cells.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Major comments

      In the paper "Microtubules under mechanical pressure can<br /> breach dense actin networks", the authors showed clear evidence that pressure plays an important role in microtubule breaching into dense actin networks using elegant in vitro reconstitution assays. They have argued that the pressure results from polymerization force of microtubules, which builds up when microtubules are immobilized in the opposite end of breaching, by the means of actin microtubule crosslinking factor Tau.<br /> It would definitely be interesting to see lack of breaching in the presence of crosslinking deficient Tau construct in order to rule out the off -target effect of Tau on microtubule and actin architecture which may possibly facilitate breaching.

      The authors have also observed microtubule breaching into dense actin networks in living cells. However, in Figure 1C, better cell/ image processing might have been chosen to increase the visibility of actin structures that microtubules encounter on their way to breaching. In Figure S1D, for example, the similar actin structures in lamellipodia are very nicely visible.

      It is also interesting that on Figure 6A, actin bundles look different than the rest of the figures on the paper. It almost looks like actin bundles become branched, whereas in the other Figures actin bundles are either singular or two-three bundles joined together at the point very close to the edge of micropatterned lipid bilayer.

      Minor comments

      In the legend of Figure 4E, it should be written "white arrow" instead of "yellow arrow".<br /> In the Results section "crosslinking between microtubules and actin bundles increase piercing frequency", in the sentence number 7, it should be written "backwards" instead of "reaward".


      The experimental setup of the paper is quite significant in the field, given the difficulty of observing dynamics of dense cytoskeletal structures in living cells. Moreover, the paper gives insight into how microtubule behavior can vary depending on different morphological states of actin network.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      General Statements

      We are happy to resubmit our manuscript “The protective function of an immunity protein against the cis-toxic effects of a Xanothomonas Type IV Secretion System Effector” by Gabriel Oka et al. This paper shows that the cohort of immunity proteins associated with the cocktail of toxic effectors secreted by the Xanthomonas citri T4SS are not required to protect against toxins injected by neighboring cells but rather provide protection against endogenous toxins of the cell in which they were produced. To our knowledge, this the first description of an antibacterial secretion system in which the immunity proteins are dedicated to protecting cells against cis-intoxication, a point we emphasize in the revised introduction.

      We thank the reviewers for their thorough revision of the manuscript. Two of the three reviewers clearly expressed the opinion that the manuscript would be of general interest and should be published. We have carried out a number of new experiments and data analyses to respond to most of the suggestions of all three reviewers and believe that the manuscript is significantly improved as a result.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      The manuscript by Oka et al. shows that one effector of X. citri is likely translocated into the periplasm where it cleaves PG unless inhibited by its cognate immunity protein. Interestingly, this effector is required for killing of target cells like E. coli in T4SS-dependent manner but it does not seem to be delivered into X. citri cells by T4SS. Authors show using various assays that cells lacking the immunity protein have various phenotypes including lysis and defect in biofilm formation, however, despite "cis-intoxication" the ability to kill other bacteria or infect plants remains unaffected. The manuscript is well written and in general all the experiments have proper controls and thus the conclusions seem solid. The results described here are novel and interesting as they are unexpected.

      Major issues that should be addressed:

      - Test various deletion variants of the toxin to identify which part of the protein is responsible for its translocation into the periplasm. This may help to identify the possible mechanism of translocation of the toxin into the periplasm. Alternatively, the authors may attempt to select for non-toxic point mutants of the toxin. This could be done by a random PCR mutagenesis of the toxin and a selection of the surviving mutants in the absence of the immunity protein.

      Thank you for your insightful experimental suggestions using PCR mutagenesis to investigate the molecular mechanisms of the alternative translocation of X-Tfes to the periplasm. However, I regret to inform you that the first five authors of this manuscript are no longer a member of my lab. Therefore, please consider accepting the results shown in Figure 5A where we observe that the N-terminal domain of X-TfeXAC2609 that lacks the XVIPCD domain still abolishes biofilm formation in the absence of X-TfiXAC2610. Also, note that the E48A point mutation in the active site of the GH19 domain that abolishes the in vitro activity of X-TfeXAC2609 (Souza et al. 2015), also abolishes X-TFEXAC2609 toxicity in vivo in the absence of X-TfiXAC2610(Figure 5). Furthermore, in the predicted structure of the X-TfiXAC2610(54-267)-X-TfeXAC2609(1-194) complex (Figure 6), A tyrosine side chain in the conserved loop in X-TfiXAC2610 interacts directly with Glu48 in the X-TfeXAC2609 active site. One possibility for further investigation is the remaining region of X-TfeXAC2609(195-306) as a putative translocation domain. Sequence analysis of this region indicates that it encodes a canonical peptidoglycan binding domain. Another possibility is the existing intrinsic leakage of cytoplasmic proteins to the periplasm. As we understand it, the leakage of cytoplasmic proteins to the periplasm is not a well-documented phenomenon, although there is some evidence that suggests it may occur (PMID: 28808000, PMC3016450 references cited in the revised manuscript). This poorly characterized T4SS-independent pathway of translocation as indicated in Figure 1B (pathway 2).

      - Test if localization of the immunity protein to the cytoplasm blocks its activity. An immunity protein mutant that lacks its secretion signal should not protect against cis-intoxication.

      To address the question, we conducted new assays on colony opacity, as shown in Figure S2C. The X. citri ∆X-TfiXAC2610 strain was transformed with a plasmid expressing a cytoplasmic version of X-TfiXAC2610 that lacks the signal peptide and lipobox (X-TfiXAC2610(His-22-267)). Figure S2C shows that this cytosolic version of X-TfiXAC2610 protects X. citri from the toxic effects of X-TfeXAC2609 in the ∆X-TfiXAC2610 background. This suggests that X-TfiXAC2610(His-22-267) may directly interact with X-TfeXAC2609 in the cytoplasm, leading to the inhibition of X-TfeXAC2609 hydrolase activity and/or inhibition of its translocation into the periplasm. This is now mentioned in the results section of the revised manuscript

      While many experiments support the conclusion that the toxin is responsible for "cis-intoxication, the test of "trans-intoxication" should be done again but with the same setup as was used for testing of killing of E. coli. The CPRG based assay is far more sensitive than counting survival by plating to count CFUs. This test should be done at a relatively high initial OD so that there is an immediate contact between the "killer" and the "prey" bacteria (lacking immunity/effector). If needed, LacZ should be over-expressed in X. citri to make use of the CPRG based assay. In addition, such assay could be used also for "cis-intoxication" to supplement the potentially hard to quantify biofilm experiments shown in Fig. 4 (e.g. test all the T4SS mutants for "cis-intoxication").

      We are confident that the X-Tfis do not play a role in protecting against T4SS-mediated trans-intoxication since we continue to observe X-TfeXAC2609-dependent intoxication even in the absence of a functional XT4SS (see experiments using strains lacking X-T4SS subunits in Figures 2, S2, 3, 4 and 5. This is not to say that trans-intoxication does not occur. In fact, it does, and there is an independent mechanism that protects against it. We will provide details of the mechanism that protects against trans-intoxication in a forthcoming manuscript. In the present manuscript, we are addressing the phenomenon of cis-intoxication. To support our conclusion that the immunity proteins are not involved in the prevention of trans-intoxication does not occur in X. citri, we have included one additional supplementary video: Movie S7 shows that wild-type Xanthomonas citri does not kill and X. citri Δ8Δ2609-GFP. The absence of killing events in these experiments indicates that the X-T4SS-associated X-Tfi immunity proteins are not required for protection against X-T4SS-mediated sibling attack.

      In addition, such assay could be used also for "cis-intoxication" to supplement the potentially hard to quantify biofilm experiments shown in Fig. 4 (e.g. test all the T4SS mutants for "cis-intoxication").

      - Fig. 2A needs a positive control. For example, test killing of E. coli under the same conditions.

      Figure 2A of the revised manuscript now shows a CPRG assay competition assay that clearly demonstrates X-T4SS-dependent killing of E.coli MG by X. citri. We have now included the results of CFU experiments of X. citri vs E. coli competitions in a new Supplementary Figure (Figure S1) that are consistent with the CPRG assays. We note that our group has published similar results in the past (Souza et al. 2015; Oliveira et al. 2016; Oka et al. 2022). CFU measurements of X. citri vs E. coli competition assays are performed under slightly different conditions from the X. citri vs X. citri assays shown in Fig 2B. This is because E. coli grows at a significantly faster rate than X. citri so the initial cell ratios in these experiments have to be modified.

      - Authors should look at the paper by Ho et al. PNAS 2017, which describes trafficking of VgrG of V. cholerae into the periplasm of E. coli without an obvious secretion signal. The effector of X. citri may behave similarly.

      We thank the reviewer for this observation and now mention the paper by Ho et al. in the Discussion of the revised manuscript. Using a number of different algorithms (TatP, SignalP 6.0) we do not find any evidence of putative signal sequences. In the Discussion, we also mention the manuscript by Dong et al., 2013 that showed that the immunity protein TsiV3 that neutralizes VgrG3 is critical to prevent trans-intoxication.

      - Provide some form of quantification of the phenotypes (cell rounding and cell death) observed using live-cell imaging.

      As suggested by the reviewer, we performed a quantitative analysis of the propidium iodide (PI) permeability by calculating the percentage of PI permeable cells observed in movies S1-S5. This data is now presented in Figure 3 and Table S4 of the revised manuscript.

      - Provide quantification of biofilm related phenotypes as well as of the citrus canker development assay

      As suggested by the reviewer, we have carried out experiments to quantify the amount of biofilm using a crystal violet assay (absorbance at 570 nm). The results are presented in Figure S5 of the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      The study provides an interesting insight into immunity proteins against anti-bacterial toxins. It points to a need to protect against "cis-intoxication". This is novel and interesting to a wide audience of microbiologists interested in bacterial competition as this could be true also for other toxins.

      We thank the reviewer for his/her positive recommendation.

      It would be however important to identify how is the toxin translocating to the periplasm of the producing bacterium. Some insight into the mechanism would vastly improve the study. My expertise is in understanding bacterial interactions and competition but I lack a direct experience with assays specific for X. citri.

      We agree that an understanding of the mechanism of translocation into the periplasm would be interesting but is beyond the scope of the present manuscript. However, we do point out that this has been observed previously by other groups in the fourth paragraph of the Discussion of the revised manuscript: “... In the case of X-TfeXAC2609, the toxin somehow makes its way into the cell periplasm where, in the absence of X-TfiXAC2610, it degrades the peptidoglycan layer. Analysis of the X-TfeXAC2609 sequence by the SignalP 6.0 (Teufel et al., 2022) and other algorithms failed to detect any putative N-terminal signal peptide. Although the mechanism responsible for X-TfeXAC2609 transfer into the periplasm is at the moment unknown, we have shown that it is independent of a functional X-T4SS and of the XVIPCD secretion signal. Other bacterial proteins have been shown to transfer into the periplasm without any obvious secretion signal, for example VgrG3 from Vibrio cholerae (Ho et al. 2017) and recombinant forms of HdeA and chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (Banes and Pielak, 2011).”

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      This manuscript explores the role of an immunity protein of the Xanthomonas type IV secretion system (X-T4SS). In contrast to most T4SSs that conjugate plasmids or transfer effectors into host cells, this system is able to kill other bacteria similar to the role of T6SSs. Here, the authors tested whether the immunity protein XAC2610 functions to prevent cis-intoxication (by self) and/or trans-intoxication (by sister cells). They provide data that the XAC2610 immunity protein functions to protect cis intoxication, but not trans-intoxication, by the T4SS effector XAC2609 (which functions as a peptidoglycan hydrolase). Based on AlphaFold modeling, they went on to identify a residue in XAC2610 that is critical for inhibiting the activity of the XAC2609 toxin. Overall the data is fairly solid and generally support the conclusions the authors made.

      Major comments:

      One of the major conclusions of the manuscript is that XAC2610 does not prevent trans-intoxication and the data in the manuscript support this conclusion. However, I wonder if this is an oversimplification. Notably, the authors observed that wild type Xantho was unable to kill a target cell lacking 8 different toxin/immunity systems (Fig. 1A). One could conclude that none of these immunity proteins function in preventing trans-intoxication ... or ... perhaps it appears that none perform this role because wild-type Xantho never attacks its siblings? For example, it is conceivable that Xantho uses a general mechanism, perhaps somewhat similar to phage exclusion or plasmid incompatibility, to prevent sibling attack? To me this seems more likely than none of the eight immunity proteins play a role in preventing trans-intoxication. Moreover, the phenotype observed for the ∆2610 mutant in preventing cis-intoxication is somewhat subtle, likely because the toxin and the immunity protein are topologically restricted to the cytoplasm and the periplasm, respectively. This would make sense if this were not the primary role for 2610.

      Ideally the authors will be able to test this theory by demonstrating that a wild-type Xantho strain can attack (but likely not kill) its siblings. Alternatively, could the authors test if related, but not identical, Xantho strains that express 2609/2610 are able to kill their ∆2610 mutant, i.e. do "cousins" attack each other? Not sure about the semantics but this could be described as preventing trans-intoxication. If they are unable to do either experiment, that is ok but they should at least describe this concept in their discussion (assuming they agree).

      We thank the reviewer for his insightful comments. Indeed, this manuscript is focussed solely on the role of X-Tfi immunity proteins which we show to be principally involved in avoiding cis-intoxication (self-intoxication). The question of trans-intoxication will be left to an upcoming manuscript by our group. In fact we have identified a key factor (not an X-Tfi) that is responsible for inhibiting trans-intoxication. As suggested by the reviewer, we have now added the following text to the end of the third paragraph of the Discussion: “Nevertheless, the fact that wild-type X. citri is unable to kill strains lacking immunity proteins is intriguing. That cells in some way avoid trans-intoxication is revealed by the fact that X. citri wild-type cells carrying an X-T4SS and full cohort of X-Tfes do not kill the X. citri Δ8Δ2609-GFP, the X. citri ∆X-TfeXAC2609∆X-TfiXAC2610, or any other X-T4SS-deficient strain tested points to a still-to-be-characterized mechanism of protection against trans-intoxication (fratricide) that will be addressed in future studies by our group.”

      Minor comments:

      1. Figure 1 is a bit confusing in terms of the layout. It would be beneficial if the authors separated parts A and B by a few spaces.

      As suggested, we have modified the layout of Figure 1 to more clearly distinguish between the two mechanisms tested.

      1. Figure 2A should start off by showing that the Xantho T4SS can kill other bacteria (e.g. Fig S4A). This would set up the paper better.

      As suggested, old Figure S4A has now been transferred to Figure 2A in the revised manuscript.

      1. Fig. 2A should include p values.

      As suggested, p values have been provided in the legend of Figure 2B (old Figure 2A).

      1. Fig. 2B is really hard to see and should be removed from the manuscript (although I do appreciate the novelty of the technique using Marilyn Monroe).

      We have transferred the old Fig. 2B to the Supplementary Material (Fig S2) of the revised manuscript. We agree that the effect is subtle, but we want to maintain the figure since the transparency of the ΔXAC2610 X. citri colonies over time were the first observations that led us to investigate this phenomenon. Additionally, to reduce potential human bias and to enhance the objectivity of the assay, we employed a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to analyze all the colonies presented in Fig S2. This method provides a confidence tendency index for opacity and transparency variations. A detailed description of this new methodology is in the "Materials and Methods" section (Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) analysis).

      1. Instead all of the data in Fig. 2B should be shown in a new version of Fig. 2C. Fig. 2C should include additional controls including:
      2. A wild type strain containing 2609 and 2610 mutants
      3. A complete virB operon deletion in combination with 2609 and 2610 mutants
      4. ∆8 strain
      5. 2609 lacking its T4SS signal sequence
      6. 2609 targeted to the periplasm with a sec signal sequence
      7. etc.

      We sincerely value the comprehensive suggestions for improving what was previously presented as Fig. 2D. (Current version of Figure 2B is the Fig S2 as mentioned in the previous observation). We encounter a practical challenge here: the primary authors responsible for these experiments, especially the first five, have since departed from our lab. This situation limits our immediate capacity to execute the extensive set of experiments you've proposed.

      Recognizing the significance of the controls you've outlined for a quantitative analysis of the colony phenotypes (Fig. 2C (current version)) we have instead supplemented our study with a rigorous quantitative analysis of the microscopy assays referenced in Movies S1-S5, Figure 3, Table S4. These analyses further emphasize our observations concerning colony transparency (Fig S2).

      1. Figure 2C. The VirB7 western band looks like in the 2610 complemented strain.

      Thank you for pointing out the discrepancy in our previous manuscript at line 366, which pertains to the description of the mutants in old Fig. 2. The double mutant, ΔX-TfiXAC2610ΔvirB7 strain, was actually complemented with X-TfiXAC2610 (as stated in the current version (Fig S2B), and not with VirB7. Additionally, we have corrected the legend of the figure (line 684 previous version) from (∆X-TfiXAC2610∆VirB7c) to (∆X-TfiXAC2610c∆VirB7). We apologize for the mix-up in our earlier description and are grateful for your meticulous review and feedback in this matter. Furthermore, we agree that, in this particular experiment, the VirB7 band seems weaker but it is clearly visible in the 2610 complemented strain.

      1. Figure 3C should include a comparison of exponential vs. stationary phase cells. In addition, the results for the ∆2610 mutant and the ∆2610 ∆B7 double mutant appear to be different(?). P values should be provided. If it is statistically significant, then this should be explained in the manuscript. It was not clear how the % damaged cells were calculated? # of cells? Stats?

      The statistical analysis that the reviewer suggested has been provided in the new version of the Figure 4C and its legend. In addition, we have also included a supplementary Table S5 that presents the total number of cells analyzed in these experiments.

      1. The majority of Figure 4 should be replaced by assaying the effect of a virB operon deletion rather than showing the individual mutants.

      We believe that retaining old Figure 4 (Figure 5 of the revised manuscript) is important. By showcasing results from this specific set of single mutants, we are able to rule out the possibility that X-TfeXAC2609 translocation into the periplasm is mediated by a distinct X-T4SS subunit or subcomplex. We've expanded on this rationale at the start of the paragraph to provide a more comprehensive justification for our approach.

      1. Discussion:
      2. The last one to two paragraphs of the results belong in the Discussion.
      3. A more detailed description of cis-intoxication would be useful.

      As suggested, the last two paragraphs the Results section of the original manuscript have now been moved to the end of the Discussion.

      As suggested by the reviewer, third paragraph of the Discussion describes cis-intoxication in more detail.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      This work provides a conceptual advance in understanding the protective function of a T4SS immunity protein, X-Tfe XAC2610, against the cis-toxic effects of the T4SS effector, X-Tfi XAC2610. It will likely be of interest to scientists interested in T4SSs & T6SSs and interbacterial competition. Overall this is a thought-provoking manuscript and should be published in a respectable journal.

      We sincerely thank Reviewer #2 for the thoughtful appraisal and positive feedback regarding our work. We are gratified to hear that the reviewer recognizes the conceptual advance our research brings to the understanding of T4SS immunity proteins and are encouraged by the acknowledgment that this manuscript will be of interest to our peers. We truly appreciate the endorsement for publication in a reputable journal.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      In this study, the authors suggest that TfeXAC2609-TfiXAC2610 represent a novel deviation from the established paradigm in contact-dependent interbacterial secretion systems. X. citri strains lacking the predicted immunity protein, TfiXAC2610, do not suffer a competitive disadvantage when grown in T4SS-inducing conditions against a wild-type strain. Furthermore, cells lacking the immunity develop aberrant morphology and auto-lyse. The mechanism for self-intoxication by TfeXAC2609 is independent of a functional T4SS, and intoxication is exacerbated when the toxin's T4SS-signal sequence is removed.

      Major Points

      1. The authors of the study do not provide sufficient evidence that TfeXAC2609 contributes to T4SS mediated killing. Does the toxin behave in a synergistic way, rather than mediate killing independently? Does removing the toxin and immunity change the competitive advantage of X. citri?

      We have shown in a previous publication that X-TfeXAC2609 does contribute to X-T4SS mediated killing (Oka et al, 2022). In that published paper we show that even in the absence of seven other toxin/antitoxin pairs, X-T4SS mediated transfer of only one effector (X-TfeXAC2609 or X-TfeXAC3634) can kill E. coli cells.

      Removing only X-TfeXAC2609 and X-TfiXAC2610 does not significantly reduce the ability of X. citri cells to kill E. coli (Fig. 2A of the revised manuscript). This is expected since this double mutant still retains seven other toxin/immunity pairs.

      Suggested Experiments: Competing, against E. coli, both WT X. citri and X. citri ΔXAC2609 ΔXAC2610, and determining whether there is a change in relative competitive advantage, or expressing TfeXAC2609 in a heterologous system and marking any observed toxic phenotype.

      The results of the experiment suggested by the reviewer have now been included in part A of the revised version of Figure 2. The effect of deleting only one toxin such as X-TfeXAC2609 results in no detectable difference in killing efficiency, most likely due to the presence of the eight other X-Tfes, three of which have been shown (XAC3634) or are predicted (XAC0466 and XAC1918) to have pedptidoglycan hydrolase activity (Oka et al, 2022, Souza, 2015, Sgro et al, 2019).

      1. Authors should directly answer where the toxin is active and localized in the cell.

      Suggested Experiments: Western blot subcellular fractionation (cytoplasm, periplasm, etc) to determine the localization of each protein.

      In response to the query about the toxin's activity and localization within the cell, we acknowledge the importance of such experiments to shed light on these aspects. However, I would like to highlight that the five first authors of this work are no longer affiliated with our lab. Consequently, we are facing constraints in terms of manpower and expertise to undertake comprehensive experiments such as the suggested subcellular fractionation.

      Also, our earlier work demonstrated the importance of the XVIPCD for secretion via X-T4SS (Souza, 2015) and in vivo activity of X-TfeXAC2609 (Oka et al., 2022). Moreover, using heterologous proteins expressed in E. coli (Souza, 2015) and our current observation that the absence of X-TfiXAC2610 induces spheroplast formation (Fig 4A-B, Movie S6) strongly suggest that the peptidoglycan glycohydrolase activity of the N-terminal domain of X-TfeXAC2609 acts in the periplasm.

      1. There is no evidence that TfeXAC2609 plays any role in inter-bacterial killing besides that is predicted from its genetic arrangement and in vitro assays from a previous publication.

      Suggested Experiments: Again, with the available antibodies, detecting whether TfeXAC2609 is being secreted, either in competition settings against X. citri or E. coli; given that there is no killing observed in Fig. 2B, it may also be a suitable control for this experiment.

      We have published in vivo evidence in the past:

      Souza et al, 2015 showed that X-TfeXAC2609 is secreted when in contact with E. coli cells.

      Oka et al, 2022 showed that an X. citri strain expressing X-TfeXAC2609/X-TfiXAC2610 but lacking seven other toxin/antitoxin pairs can still kill E. coli.

      1. The structural and co-evolutionary analysis seems to miss an essential point - that the lack of fratricide protection is not due to a novel protein-protein interaction.

      We do not understand this comment. As we point out in the manuscript, X-TfiXAC2610 does not protect against fratricide (trans-intoxication) but instead does protect against suicide (cis-intoxication). This protection requires a X-TfeXAC2609-X-TfiXAC2610 protein-protein interaction supported by the structural and co-evolutionary analysis as well as the experimental data using the X-TfiXAC2610 Y170A mutant (Fig. 6D of the revised manuscript). Moreover, we believe that the structural and sequence analysis significant expand the knowledge of the broader family of immunity proteins to which X-TfiXAC2610 belongs (Fig. S10 and Fig. S11 of the revised manuscript).

      1. The role of the immunity in biofilm formation is confusing. Cells lacking the immunity die within 96 hours (the auto-lysis phenotype). Given that the immunity is required for viability in this time frame, wouldn't it also be required for viability after five days?

      Suggested Amendments: Remove or de-emphasize.

      In the manuscript we use several different techniques to show that cells lacking the X-TfiXAC2610 immunity protein are less viable than the wild-type strain under certain conditions (growth on LB agar plates, biofilm formation) but perhaps not under others (ie in direct short-term competition experiments against E. coli and in long-term (2 week) in planta citrus canker assays). This is consistent with the fact that ultrastructural analysis by transmission electron microscopy shows that when grown in liquid media, only around 2% of X. citri cells lacking X-TfiXAC2610 present significant damage to their cell envelope (only 0.1% of wild-type cells show damage).

      1. Why does cell permeability increase with the loss of the T4SS signal sequence? Without there being greater evidence to support that an alternative secretion system is secreting or transporting the toxin into the periplasm, which may compete with the T4SS, additional hypotheses should be experimentally probed.

      The reviewer is comparing the propidium iodide permeability results observed for the ΔX-TfiXAC2610 mutant (carrying an empty pBRA plasmid) that expresses full-length X-TfeXAC2609 from its chromossomal gene with the ΔX-TfeXAC2609/ΔX-TfiXAC2610 double mutant carrying the pBRA-X-TfeXAC2609NT plasmid that expresses the X-TfeXAC2609 protein lacking the T4SS signal sequence from a very strong inducible promoter. Therefore, it can be expected that the levels of the truncated effector could be significantly greater than that of the full-length effector, leading to more damage.

      Note that, in the absence of X-TfiXAC2610, cell permeability increases only if X-TfeXAC2609 is present, with or without its XVIPCD T4SS signal sequence. This is consistent with a cis-intoxication mechanism which is independent of the X-T4SS-mediated transfer of the toxin from one cell to another. As we mention in the revised manuscript, and as pointed out by reviewer 1, Ho et al have also observed that when a lysozyme-containing domain of the T6SS effector VgrG3 is expressed in E. coli or in Vibrio cholerae, it can be detected in the periplasm in spite of the lack of a detectable signal sequence and in the absence of a functional T6SS. Ho et al attributed this observation to a “cryptic” secretion mechanism.

      1. Unclear if the the loss of cell envelope integrity is a direct effect of TfeXAC2609 activity and not an artifact of cell death. The microscopy also does not show a consistent change in morphology amongst intoxicated cells as there are healthy cells adjacent to lysed cells. This needs to be investigated in much more mechanistic detail.

      We observed that the X-TfeXAC2609 toxicity is dependent on its lysozyme domain since a point mutation in the active site residue (E48A) abolishes the toxicity-related phenotype in the biofilm assay (Figure 5).

      1. The role for immunity proteins in cis-intoxication is not novel as proposed by the authors. For example, see PMID:22511866 and PMID:26456113 where the authors used an inducible degradation system to show that in a T6SS null strain, cis-intoxication occurs when immunity is depleted.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out these observations which are now mentioned and cited in the Introduction and in the Discussion of the revised manuscript.

      Minor Revisions

      1. Inconsistent use of the term "self-killing"; either refers to the killing of kin cells, or self (interchangeably used to refer to trans and cis killing).

      The term “self-killing” no longer appears in the manuscript.

      1. Terms trans-intoxication and cis-intoxication are convoluted and not constructive to the points being communicated. Self-killing vs kin-killing seem more intuitive and clearer. We prefer to maintain the use of the terms cis-intoxication and trans-intoxication which we defined in the Introduction, at the beginning of the Results section and in the Discussion as well as in Figure 1.
      2. Readability would be improved by the removal of double negatives.

      We have tried to avoid these whenever possible.

      1. Bacterial competition assay in methods only refers to the E. coli competition, not the one between the different genotypes of X. citri.

      Both methods were described in the same paragraph in the original manuscript. For clarity, this has now been divided into two sections in the revised manuscript: “X. citri vs E. coli competition assays” and “X. citri vs X. citri competition assays”.

      1. Strain naming scheme presented on pg. 16 doesn't conform to traditional, and clearer, nomenclature typically used.

      We have checked the manuscript to make sure that strain naming was consistent throughout the manuscript.

      1. On Pg 25, there is a typo "X-TfiXAC2609" as opposed to X-TfeXAC2609

      Thank you for the observation. This has now been corrected.

      1. Line 619 - "or several other immunity proteins in competition assays"... where was this data shown? No immediate connection to any figures from this paper nor are there any references.

      This is shown in Figure 2B and in Movie S7 which is now cited directly in the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance):

      Overall it is difficult to take paradigm-conflicting conclusions at face-value when they are not presented alongside concrete experimental evidence. Without directly showing that the toxin localizes to the periplasm, the explanation that "the toxin somehow makes its way into the cell periplasm [independent of the T4SS] where it degrades the peptidoglycan layer" hinders the other conclusions presented by the authors. Consequently, my enthusiasm for this work is minimal.

      We deeply appreciate the insightful feedback from Reviewer #3, particularly regarding the concerns about paradigm-conflicting conclusions. We are steadfast in our commitment to ensuring that our findings are both rigorous and scientifically relevant.

      Evidence for Toxin Localization: We understand the criticality of concrete experimental evidence for toxin localization to the periplasm. While our data suggest an yet to be discovered translocation pathway of X-TfeXAC2609 from the cytoplasm to the periplasm, we recognize the importance of providing direct evidence. We are actively working on methodologies to understand this phenomenon. However, we do not believe that answering this question is absolutely necessary to understand the main conclusions of the present manuscript.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study, the authors suggest that TfeXAC2609-TfiXAC2610 represent a novel deviation from the established paradigm in contact-dependent interbacterial secretion systems. X. citri strains lacking the predicted immunity protein, TfiXAC2610, do not suffer a competitive disadvantage when grown in T4SS-inducing conditions against a wild-type strain. Furthermore, cells lacking the immunity develop aberrant morphology and auto-lyse. The mechanism for self-intoxication by TfeXAC2609 is independent of a functional T4SS, and intoxication is exacerbated when the toxin's T4SS-signal sequence is removed.

      Major Points

      1. The authors of the study do not provide sufficient evidence that TfeXAC2609 contributes to T4SS mediated killing. Does the toxin behave in a synergistic way, rather than mediate killing independently? Does removing the toxin and immunity change the competitive advantage of X. citri?<br /> Suggested Experiments: Competing, against E. coli, both WT X. citri and X. citri ΔXAC2609 ΔXAC2610, and determining whether there is a change in relative competitive advantage, or expressing TfeXAC2609 in a heterologous system and marking any observed toxic phenotype.
      2. Authors should directly answer where the toxin is active and localized in the cell.<br /> Suggested Experiments: Western blot subcellular fractionation (cytoplasm, periplasm, etc) to determine the localization of each protein.
      3. There is no evidence that TfeXAC2609 plays any role in inter-bacterial killing besides that is predicted from its genetic arrangement and in vitro assays from a previous publication.<br /> Suggested Experiments: Again, with the available antibodies, detecting whether TfeXAC2609 is being secreted, either in competition settings against X. citri or E. coli; given that there is no killing observed in Fig. 2B, it may also be a suitable control for this experiment.
      4. The structural and co-evolutionary analysis seems to miss an essential point - that the lack of fratricide protection is not due to a novel protein-protein interaction.
      5. The role of the immunity in biofilm formation is confusing. Cells lacking the immunity die within 96 hours (the auto-lysis phenotype). Given that the immunity is required for viability in this time frame, wouldn't it also be required for viability after five days?<br /> Suggested Amendments: Remove or de-emphasize.
      6. Why does cell permeability increase with the loss of the T4SS signal sequence? Without there being greater evidence to support that an alternative secretion system is secreting or transporting the toxin into the periplasm, which may compete with the T4SS, additional hypotheses should be experimentally probed.
      7. Unclear if the the loss of cell envelope integrity is a direct effect of TfeXAC2609 activity and not an artifact of cell death. The microscopy also does not show a consistent change in morphology amongst intoxicated cells as there are healthy cells adjacent to lysed cells. This needs to be investigated in much more mechanistic detail.
      8. The role for immunity proteins in cis-intoxication is not novel as proposed by the authors. For example, see PMID:22511866 and PMID:26456113 where the authors used an inducible degradation system to show that in a T6SS null strain, cis-intoxication occurs when immunity is depleted.

      Minor Revisions

      1. Inconsistent use of the term "self-killing"; either refers to the killing of kin cells, or self (interchangeably used to refer to trans and cis killing).
      2. Terms trans-intoxication and cis-intoxication are convoluted and not constructive to the points being communicated. Self-killing vs kin-killing seem more intuitive and clearer
      3. Readability would be improved by the removal of double negatives.
      4. Bacterial competition assay in methods only refers to the E. coli competition, not the one between the different genotypes of X. citri.
      5. Strain naming scheme presented on pg. 16 doesn't conform to traditional, and clearer, nomenclature typically used.
      6. On Pg 25, there is a typo "X-TfiXAC2609" as opposed to X-TfeXAC2609
      7. Line 619 - "or several other immunity proteins in competition assays"... where was this data shown? No immediate connection to any figures from this paper nor are there any references.


      Overall it is difficult to take paradigm-conflicting conclusions at face-value when they are not presented alongside concrete experimental evidence. Without directly showing that the toxin localizes to the periplasm, the explanation that "the toxin somehow makes its way into the cell periplasm [independent of the T4SS] where it degrades the peptidoglycan layer" hinders the other conclusions presented by the authors. Consequently, my enthusiasm for this work is minimal.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript explores the role of an immunity protein of the Xanthomonas type IV secretion system (X-T4SS). In contrast to most T4SSs that conjugate plasmids or transfer effectors into host cells, this system is able to kill other bacteria similar to the role of T6SSs. Here, the authors tested whether the immunity protein XAC2610 functions to prevent cis-intoxication (by self) and/or trans-intoxication (by sister cells). They provide data that the XAC2610 immunity protein functions to protect cis intoxication, but not trans-intoxication, by the T4SS effector XAC2609 (which functions as a peptidoglycan hydrolase). Based on AlphaFold modeling, they went on to identify a residue in XAC2610 that is critical for inhibiting the activity of the XAC2609 toxin. Overall the data is fairly solid and generally support the conclusions the authors made.

      Major comments:

      One of the major conclusions of the manuscript is that XAC2610 does not prevent trans-intoxication and the data in the manuscript support this conclusion. However, I wonder if this is an oversimplification. Notably, the authors observed that wild type Xantho was unable to kill a target cell lacking 8 different toxin/immunity systems (Fig. 1A). One could conclude that none of these immunity proteins function in preventing trans-intoxication ... or ... perhaps it appears that none perform this role because wild-type Xantho never attacks its siblings? For example, it is conceivable that Xantho uses a general mechanism, perhaps somewhat similar to phage exclusion or plasmid incompatibility, to prevent sibling attack? To me this seems more likely than none of the eight immunity proteins play a role in preventing trans-intoxication. Moreover, the phenotype observed for the ∆2610 mutant in preventing cis-intoxication is somewhat subtle, likely because the toxin and the immunity protein are topologically restricted to the cytoplasm and the periplasm, respectively. This would make sense if this were not the primary role for 2610.

      Ideally the authors will be able to test this theory by demonstrating that a wild-type Xantho strain can attack (but likely not kill) its siblings. Alternatively, could the authors test if related, but not identical, Xantho strains that express 2609/2610 are able to kill their ∆2610 mutant, i.e. do "cousins" attack each other? Not sure about the semantics but this could be described as preventing trans-intoxication. If they are unable to do either experiment, that is ok but they should at least describe this concept in their discussion (assuming they agree).

      Since the cis-intoxication phenotype of the ∆2610 mutant is subtle, it would strengthen the authors' conclusions on cis-intoxication if they artificially targeted XAC2609 to the periplasm with a sec signal sequence. If the authors are correct, this should be a lethal event in the absence of the 2610 immunity protein. This might be useful in terms of figuring out how the 2609 toxin normally gets into the periplasm, a major unanswered question in this manuscript.

      Minor comments:

      1. Figure 1 is a bit confusing in terms of the layout. It would be beneficial if the authors separated parts A and B by a few spaces.
      2. Figure 2A should start off by showing that the Xantho T4SS can kill other bacteria (e.g. Fig S4A). This would set up the paper better.
      3. Fig. 2A should include p values.
      4. Fig. 2B is really hard to see and should be removed from the manuscript (although I do appreciate the novelty of the technique using Marilyn Monroe).
      5. Instead all of the data in Fig. 2B should be shown in a new version of Fig. 2C. Fig. 2C should include additional controls including:
      6. a. A wild type strain containing 2609 and 2610 mutants
      7. b. A complete virB operon deletion in combination with 2609 and 2610 mutants
      8. c. ∆8 strain
      9. d. 2609 lacking its T4SS signal sequence
      10. e. 2609 targeted to the periplasm with a sec signal sequence
      11. f. etc.
      12. Figure 2C. The VirB7 western band looks like in the 2610 complemented strain.
      13. Figure 3C should include a comparison of exponential vs. stationary phase cells. In addition, the results for the ∆2610 mutant and the ∆2610 ∆B7 double mutant appear to be different(?). P values should be provided. If it is statistically significant, then this should be explained in the manuscript. It was not clear how the % damaged cells were calculated? # of cells? Stats?
      14. The majority of Figure 4 should be replaced by assaying the effect of a virB operon deletion rather than showing the individual mutants.
      15. Discussion:
      16. a. The last one to two paragraphs of the results belong in the Discussion.
      17. b. A more detailed description of cis-intoxication would be useful.


      This work provides a conceptual advance in understanding the protective function of a T4SS immunity protein, X-Tfe XAC2610, against the cis-toxic effects of the T4SS effector, X-Tfi XAC2610. It will likely be of interest to scientists interested in T4SSs & T6SSs and interbacterial competition. Overall this is a thought-provoking manuscript and should be published in a respectable journal.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Oka et al. shows that one effector of X. citri is likely translocated into the periplasm where it cleaves PG unless inhibited by its cognate immunity protein. Interestingly, this effector is required for killing of target cells like E. coli in T4SS-dependent manner but it does not seem to be delivered into X. citri cells by T4SS. Authors show using various assays that cells lacking the immunity protein have various phenotypes including lysis and defect in biofilm formation, however, despite "cis-intoxication" the ability to kill other bacteria or infect plants remains unaffected. The manuscript is well written and in general all the experiments have proper controls and thus the conclusions seem solid. The results described here are novel and interesting as they as unexpected.

      Major issues that should be addressed:

      • Test various deletion variants of the toxin to identify which part of the protein is responsible for its translocation into the periplasm. This may help to identify the possible mechanism of translocation of the toxin into the periplasm. Alternatively, the authors may attempt to select for non-toxic point mutants of the toxin. This could be done by a random PCR mutagenesis of the toxin and a selection of the surviving mutants in the absence of the immunity protein.
      • Test if localization of the immunity protein to the cytoplasm blocks its activity. An immunity protein mutant that lacks its secretion signal should not protect against cis-intoxication.
      • While many experiments support the conclusion that the toxin is responsible for "cis-intoxication, the test of "trans-intoxication" should be done again but with the same setup as was used for testing of killing of E. coli. The CPRG based assay is far more sensitive than counting survival by plating to count CFUs. This test should be done at a relatively high initial OD so that there is an immediate contact between the "killer" and the "prey" bacteria (lacking immunity/effector). If needed, LacZ should be over-expressed in X. citri to make use of the CPRG based assay. In addition, such assay could be used also for "cis-intoxication" to supplement the potentially hard to quantify biofilm experiments shown in Fig. 4 (e.g. test all the T4SS mutants for "cis-intoxication").
      • Fig. 2A needs a positive control. For example, test killing of E. coli under the same conditions.
      • Authors should look at the paper by Ho et al. PNAS 2017, which describes trafficking of VgrG of V. cholerae into the periplasm of E. coli without an obvious secretion signal. The effector of X. citri may behave similarly.
      • Provide some form of quantification of the phenotypes (cell rounding and cell death) observed using live-cell imaging.
      • Provide quantification of biofilm related phenotypes as well as of the citrus canker development assay.


      The study provides an interesting insight into immunity proteins against anti-bacterial toxins. It points to a need to protect against "cis-intoxication". This is novel and interesting to a wide audience of microbiologists interested in bacterial competition as this could be true also for other toxins. It would be however important to identify how is the toxin translocating to the periplasm of the producing bacterium. Some insight into the mechanism would vastly improve the study. My expertise is in understanding bacterial interactions and competition but I lack a direct experience with assays specific for X. citri.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We have addressed all the queries and suggestions put forth by the reviewers. Major changes include:

      1. Expansion of PILOT Functionality and Analysis: We have substantially extended the functionality and analysis capabilities of PILOT, particularly in relation to sample clustering. This enhancement now encompasses the incorporation of statistical tests aimed at identifying cell types and genes associated with distinct patient groups. We applied this expanded feature in an exploratory analysis of sub-clusters within pancreas ductal adenocarcinoma data (PDAC).
      2. Clarification of Benchmarking Methods: We have provided clear elucidations of the methods employed for benchmarking PILOT alongside competing methodologies. Our benchmarking approach is notably comprehensive, encompassing twelve different datasets and evaluating four to five competing methods through statistical assessment across three problem domains: clustering, distance measurement, and trajectory estimation. The outcomes of these evaluations consistently demonstrate the superior performance of PILOT's Wasserstein metric across all three problem domains. It is noteworthy that previous studies have often limited their analyses to exploratory evaluations on individual datasets, lacking the level of comprehensive benchmarking undertaken in this study.
      3. Examination of Experimental Factors: We have conducted a thorough investigation into the impacts of batch correction, cluster/cell type resolution, and parameter choices used within the PILOT framework.
      4. Enhancement of Text Description: We have enhanced the textual descriptions to provide a high-level overview of the PILOT methodology, along with justifications for the methodological decisions made.
      5. Improvement of Code and GitHub Repository: To enhance accessibility and promote reproducibility, we have made improvements to the codebase and the associated GitHub repository.

      In summary, PILOT stands as a distinctive and all-encompassing framework. It holds the unique distinction of being the sole method offering comprehensive tools for both clustering and trajectory analysis of samples within multiscale single-cell and pathomics data. Moreover, it incorporates statistical methodologies for the interpretation of results. The effectiveness of these tools has been thoroughly validated through the most extensive benchmarking study performed to date on sample-level analysis. The versatility of PILOT is demonstrated through its successful application in exploratory analyses of three distinct datasets: elucidating trajectories in myocardial infarction single-cell RNA-seq data, uncovering trajectories within pathomics data from kidney IgNA patients, and facilitating the clustering of pancreas adenocarcinoma samples. We firmly believe that these contributions hold significant value for the fields of bioinformatics, single-cell genomics, and pathology.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      The paper describes a computational method, PILOT, that uses optimal transport to compute the Wasserstein distance between two individual single-cell samples. It uses PILOT to detect sample (patient) level trajectories and clusters associated with diseases. The method was applied separately to single-cell genomics data and to digital pathology data. The method was applied to several datasets and compared against other tools.

      Major comments:

      The paper is not easy to follow and should be improved considerably to make it readable and reproducible. Consequently, I was not convinced that the PILOT method is much better than other methods.

      We extend our appreciation to the reviewer for their valuable suggestion. We have further refined the manuscript by incorporating a comprehensive and high-level description of our method. This expansion encompasses methodological justifications and clarifications to enhance the overall clarity. Additionally, we wish to emphasize that, to the best of our knowledge, our benchmarking analysis stands as the most comprehensive within the current literature. The results of this analysis unequivocally demonstrate that PILOT surpasses all competing methods in at least one of the various computational analysis tasks, namely clustering, trajectory estimation, and distance evaluation.

      Furthermore, we have undertaken significant enhancements in the codebase of PILOT, coupled with a reorganization of the associated GitHub repository. This effort includes the development of in-depth and improved tutorials that faithfully replicate the analyses conducted on datasets related to myocardial infarction, pancreas adenocarcinoma, and pancreas pathomics (https://pilot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). This changes guarantee the reproducibility of the PILOT framework.

      See below for specific changes and additional clarifications.

      At first read of the title and abstract, I got the impression that the method analyzes single cell and pathomics data concurrently rather than separately. This should be fixed.

      We have changed the text of the abstract and introduction to make clear that PILOT is either applied to single cell or pathomics data independently.

      The usage of Wasserstein distance to compute distance between single-cell samples is elegant and is the main strength of this study. Given that PILOT is the main achievement, it should be described more carefully and in a detailed manner.

      For example, in the first Results paragraph, "The test indicates for features explaining the predicted pseudotime by fitting either linear or quadratic models" - I could not understand this sentence. Also, which test do the authors refer to? A few sentences down, there is a reference to a Wald test, is that it?

      PILOT has three major parts: (1) a method for measuring distance of samples with optimal transport; (2) an patient level unsupervised analysis part (clustering or trajectory analysis) and (3) a part for explaining predicted trajectories/clustering. The sentence mentioned before, refers to the interpretation approach after trajectory analysis. Here, we fit linear, quadratic or linear quadratic models to find association of predicted sample pseudo-time with data features (gene expression values in scRNA or morphological features in pathomics data). This fit can be done for all cells in the data or only for cells from a specific type. In the case of a cell specific fit, we use a Wald test to check if the cell type fit differs from all other cell types in the data, i.e. the gene is associated with the trajectory and the expression changes are specific to the cluster at hand.

      While these details were found in the method section, we agree with the referee that they can be better introduced in the main manuscript. We have therefore improved the first subsection of the results and Figure 1 to reflect this.

      One of the key aspects of the Wasserstein distance is the cost metric. The determination of the cost metric should be detailed as part of the Results. Have the authors considered and estimated other ways to define the distance?

      This is an interesting question. Currently, PILOT uses the Cosine metric. In our revision, we evaluate other metrics (Euclidean, Manhattan, and Chebyshev). This benchmarking indicates that the Cosine and Manhattan performed best regarding the clustering problem (ARI), while Cosine was better than all metrics for the Silhouette statistic; and Cosine and Euclidean performed best regarding AUPR. Therefore, we adopt the Cosine metric in the paper. We include these results in the revised manuscript and in Sup. Fig. 5F-H.

      Figure 1 provides a schematic view of PILOT. However, there is no explanation of the notation, which makes it confusing rather than helpful. Also, what is the relationship between J and j, if any?

      We understand that the figure 1 was problematic, as it did not introduce the formulation. We have now improved the first sub-section of the results page and figure 1 to improve this.

      The motivation and usage of adjusted Rand index (ARI) and Friedman-Nemenyi tests should be provided. Currently, they are not clear, including why those tests are suitable in the cases shown.

      The adjusted Rand index is a well known metric to evaluate clustering results when labels are known. Among others this metric has many interesting features as it does not require an association of clusters with class labels. Moreover, it has a correction for random clustering solutions, therefore values lower than zero indicate poor solutions and values of 1 a perfect solution.

      The Friedman-Nemenyi test allows us to compare the performance of several algorithms whenever evaluated in the same data sets. Here, the null hypothesis is that all algorithms have the same performance (same ARI statistic). The test is nonparametric and is based on the rank of the algorithm at each data set. This is important, as ARI values (or any other evaluation statistic) are data set specific, e.g. some clustering problems are more difficult than others. By evaluating the rank, the test indicates which methods perform relatively better than others. Moreover, it follows a rigorous statistical framework including correction for multiple testing. This test has an increasing adoption in the machine learning community (Demsar et al., JMLR, https://jmlr.org/papers/v7/demsar06a.html).

      We have added phrases with these justifications in the main text (subsection Evaluation of patient-level clustering and trajectory analysis) and included a new section in the materials and methods with more information in the experimental design of the benchmarking analysis.

      Fig. 2 the use of method colors should be constant across panels.

      We have changed the colors of panels in figure 2A-C (and equivalent panels everywhere else) to avoid confusions.

      The proportions method works at least as well as PILOT in 2B and 2C (silhouette and AUPR). Explain why PILOT is better.

      The benchmarking analysis shows that PILOT has the highest ARI value (clustering performance) at absolute and ranking levels (Fig. 2A). Moreover the Friedman-Neymeni test indicates this PILOT has significantly higher ranking than all evaluated methods. Regarding Silhouette (distance evaluation) and AUPR (trajectory evaluation) both proportion and PILOT have similar absolute values (Fig. 2B and 2C; panel left), while PILOT has a superior ranking in both cases (Fig. 2B and 2C panel right). Friedman-Neymeni test indicates higher ranking of PILOT than PhEMD for Silhouette and higher ranking of PILOT than PhEMD and pseudo-Bulk regarding trajectory evaluation. The difference in the results on absolute and ranking values can be understood by looking at the statistics in table Table S1. PILOT has highest AUPR in 8 out 12 data sets; proportion has highest values in 5 (including 4 ties with PILOT); proportion-PHATE had 3 best results (including 3 ties with both PILOT and proportions), while PhEMD is best in one data set and Pseudo-bulk in 3 (including 1 tie with PILOT). Altogether, PILOT obtained a higher or equal AUCPR in 9 out of the 12 data sets. We have also changed Fig.2A, 2B and 2C to include all data points and to show the mean, as this provides a better visualization of the previously reported results.

      Altogether, these results indicate that PILOT outperforms all competing methods in at least one of the evaluated problems (clustering, trajectory and distance estimation) and ranks favorably in all evaluated scenarios. We have changed the manuscript text to reflect these results.

      Likewise, Figure 2C,D and Figures S1 and S2 don't show a clear and consistent advantage for PILOT over other methods. Explain what advantage of PILOT do the fraction panels highlight in Fig. 2E and Fig. S3. Fig. 2C is not mentioned in the text.

      Figure 2D, 2E, and now figures S2 and S3 represent visualizations of the results, which were statistically evaluated in panels of Fig.2A-2C. As discussed in the previous point, PILOT does perform better than all methods for the clustering problem and performs better or as good as the proportion test on 9 of the 12 evaluated data sets in the trajectory problem. We also have improved the text to include references to all figures in the main text.

      I assume Kidney IgAN (text) and Kidney IgA (fig. 2) are the same.

      The correct name is IgAN and this has been corrected in Figure 2.

      Fig. 3B fix the p-value notation (what is p=1.05E?) and R2 (R square?). Nrte tha both this problem also occurs in other figs. Fig. 3B shows the major cellular changes.

      We now adopt the term “R-squared” in the figures. Also, the previous version did not display p-values properly. We apologize for this. This has been fixed now.

      Are these changes consistent with known ones? Explain and provide references. Are there cell types that were expected to show a change and did not? Same questions for Fig. 3C wrt genes. Is this an exploratory analysis highlighting interesting candidate genes? If so, it should be described as such.

      Cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction is characterized by loss of cardiomyocytes, infiltration by immune cells (myeloid and lymphocytes) and increase in myofibroblast populations (doi.org/10.1038/s41392-022-00925-z;doi.org/10.3389/fcvm.2019.00026). PILOT indicates these populations, with the exception of lymphocytes, are most relevant at both clustering levels (see Sup. Fig, 6). Particularly important are results from the low granularity analysis, as this indicates particular macrophage/fibroblast sub-populations (SPP1+ Mac. and Myofibroblast) with increase in disease. PILOT could not detect changes in lymphocyte cells, but this is explained by the poor coverage of these cells in the data set (>3%). We have updated the main manuscript to reflect this.

      We also explicitly mention that the analysis of genes and cells are exploratory analysis.

      The point of Fig. S6 and its major findings should be mentioned in the text (or it can be removed).

      We now make the reference to the gene ontology analysis presented in the new Figure S7 more explicit in the text.

      Fig. 4B legend - eGFR not GFR. What do the high-low values of Fig. 2B refer to?

      We have fixed these points.Hhigh and low values of panel 4B refer to the eGFR.

      Fig. S12 is out of order in supp file.

      This has been fixed.

      AUCPR - explain.

      The AUCPR stands for area under the curve of the precision recall (AUCPR) curve. We have now improved the explanation of the evaluation metric in the main text and methods section.

      The github looks like work in progress with many internal comments (eg, add ,edit, etc). I could not find the tutorials.

      We have removed all the comments, improved the repository organization and code. The tutorials are explicitly mentioned in the main github page (https://github.com/CostaLab/PILOT/) and in readthedocs webpage (https://pilot.readthedocs.io/). It include tutorials replicating analysis with trajectory inference and clustering problems, which are discussed in the manuscript.

      In the process of code review, we have noticed that while we could replicate all the analysis, the procedure for selection of healthy cardiomyocyte genes was distinct (gene were ranked by regression model fit p-value) than the analysis of the myofibroblast genes (genes were ranked by the Wald test p-value). As explained before, the Wald test, which compares the expression of the regression model fits across samples, is a more appropriate criteria, as it finds cluster and trajectory specific genes. We have changed the analysis of the cardiomyocyte to make the gene selection to be based on the Wald-test p-value. New results recover other sarcomere related genes (MYBPC3 and MYOM1) as being dysregulated during disease progression. These findings are in accordance with observations made in the original study presenting the data (Kuppe et al. 2022). We have updated Fig.3 and respective genes accordingly.

      Minor comments:

      Introduction: "Alternatively, trajectory analysis can be performed to uncover disease progression allowing the characterization of early disease events." Citations should be added (some appear later in the text).

      We included a reference to PhEMD.

      "Currently, there are no analytical methods to compare two single cell experiments from the same tissue from two distinct individuals." There have been several comparisons among data from patients, (e.g. Cain et al, 2023), so the authors should be more careful/accurate in their statements.

      We assume that the referee mentions https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-023-01356-x. Indeed, we were not aware of this recently published study. The manuscript focuses on comparing cell proportion changes (estimated by deconvolution) between distinct phenotypes and does not provide any approach for sample level analysis of single cell data. This is in our view a different problem than the one addressed by PILOT or PhEMD. We refer to it in our manuscript, as its cell community based analysis is an interesting approach for the interpretation of PILOT results.

      "Except for PhEMD, all related methods9, 11, 12 require labels of patients for their analysis and cannot be used in the unsupervised analysis " - this sentence comes immediately after describing ref 13, which can be used in unsupervised analysis and accordingly is not cited in this sentence. The authors did well in describing ref 13 (a bioRxiv paper), and its description should come after this sentence.

      We changed the text to reflect this.

      "These can be clusters", clustered?


      " acquire an injury cell states" remove an.


      "As for scRNA-seq, there is no analytical method which is able to compare two or more histological slides based on morphometric properties of their structures." The sentence seems to refer to pathomics, not to sc data as suggested in "As for scRNA-seq"

      This has been rephrased.

      "Thus PILOT represents the first approach to detect unknown patient trajectories and clusters" patient clusters were also observed by others (eg ref 13, Cain et al).

      This has been rephrased.

      Equation 7 - Cosine(Mi,Mi) should be Cosine(Mi,Mj)


      In the beginning of the Results, PILOT is not referred to as a package but as a researcher ("PILOT explores").

      This has been rephrased.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      In general, the paper is a Methods paper. Hence, likely audience includes computational biologists interested in methodologies, not to biologists interested in the actual findings.

      Although I am among the likely audience, I was not convinced by the merits of the method, potentially due to the way the paper was written.

      I do not have sufficient expertise to check the math.

      In this revision, we have significantly enhanced the text to incorporate high-level descriptions of methods tailored for non-computational experts. Additionally, we have refined the description of the benchmarking process, which, as far as our knowledge extends, stands as the most comprehensive in the literature. This comprehensive analysis strongly underscores the statistical superiority of PILOT when compared to other methods. Lastly, PILOT presents an unique framework, encompassing methods for trajectory analysis, clustering, and interpretation of sample-level analyses within the realm of multiscale single-cell genomics and pathomics data.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Joodaki et al. propose PILOT, a computational method for analysing single-cell genomics and pathomics data. PILOT is a method that enable clustering, trajectory analysis, and feature detection at a patient level using scRNA-seq data. This is an important task and represent the growing application of scRNA-seq to understand diseases and other perturbations to other biological systems. In particular, PILOT enables unsupervised analysis which alleviate the need of patient labels required by many alternative methods. We have the following comments for the authors' consideration.

      1. A key consideration in dealing with scRNA-seq data at a patient level is the batch effect in the data. Typically, each patient sample may be treated as a "batch" especially when they are processed separately to obtain a scRNA-seq dataset that are subsequently combined with scRNA-seq datasets from other patients to form a single dataset. Analysing these data without batch correction may lead to the identification of "cell types" and "states" that are driven by batch effect. In Figure 1. PILOT takes a clustered and integrated scRNA-seq data as input for analysis. I wonder how PILOT would behave if there is a strong batch effect in the data and how would the authors propose to handle them?

      This is an interesting question. Currently, PILOT is using the batch procedure used in the paper proposing the original data. We evaluate now the impact of batch correction methods implemented in scanpy (Harmony, bknn and Scanorama). We focus here on single cell data, which we have access to the original count matrix (Lupus, COVID, and Diabetes). We observe no impact of the batch correction algorithm in these data sets (see Sup. Fig. 5C-E). These results are now included in the manuscript.

      We have noticed however that strong batch effects in the lung cell atlas or the kidney cell atlas.For the lung cell atlas, we observed that single cell data measured from distinct techniques (Seq-well, Drop-seq, 10x 5’ and 10x 3’) or distinct tissue sampling approaches confounded results for all evaluated approaches. Therefore, we restricted the analysis to the technology with more samples (10x genomics 3’) and to lung tissues. This sample selection was previously described in the material and methods. Of note, the use of samples from distinct 10x genomic version kits (v1, v2 or v3) did not impact results. For the kidney cell atlas, we also observed a strong batch between single nuclei and single cell protocols. Here, we opted to focus on the largest cohort of single cell RNA experiments (see Review Fig. 1). Altogether, PILOT and other evaluated methods do require samples to be analyzed with an uniform technique and sampling approaches. We now include a brief discussion about this open point in the “Discussion” section. This is an important topic of future research.

      Review Fig. 1. - Data of the Kidney Precision Medicine Project was measured using either single cell or single nucleus protocols. All evaluated methods were affected by the differences in these technologies and could not separate disease status in this data.

      1. It appears that the Wasserstein distance (W) matrix of the samples was used for patient clustering and also trajectory analysis. However, most of the figures presented in the manuscript are for trajectory analysis. Since the patient clustering were performed prior to trajectory analysis, could the authors visualize the patient data based on the W before performing disease trajectory estimation?

      Indeed, despite the clustering-based analysis (ARI statistics; Fig. 2A) the current manuscript focuses on results of the trajectory analysis. We now include additional features for clustering analysis. This includes heatmap visualizations of the OT distance matrices together with Leiden clustering (Sup. Fig. 1). See points 4 and 5 below for further changes regarding clustering analysis.

      1. In trajectory analysis in figure 2D and E, why not use Multi-scale PHATE which appears to be specifically designed for trajectory analysis? The authors also mentioned SCANCell. While these methods require labels of patients for their analysis, it would be interesting to know how well they perform in comparison to PILOT if such information is available.

      This is an interesting point. Multiscale-PHATE is based on doing a multi-resolution clustering of the cells. It then applies PHATE (instead of diffusion map) to find a non-linear embedding on the cell proportions across samples and resolutions. While this analysis is presented at Multiscale-PHATE manuscript (Fig. 5), we could not find any code or functionality in their github to replicate this (https://github.com/KrishnaswamyLab/Multiscale_PHATE). Moreover, we were not able to find a function to find the cluster/resolution associations of cells to reimplement the above mentioned analysis following the descriptions of the manuscript. We also contacted authors, but obtained no reply. It is also important to state that Multi-PHATE used a supervised filter to select cell types for further analysis.

      Alternatively, we now include an evaluation of the use of cell proportions followed by a PHATE embedding in the trajectory based evaluation, which is close to the method proposed in Multiscale-PHATE. Our benchmarking indicates that Multiscale-PHATE is the third best ranked method being overpassed by proportion and PILOT. Regarding SCANCell, it focuses on the interpretation of cell communities and it uses embedding/distances by exploring PhEMD. Therefore, its performance in the trajectory or clustering performance problem is the same as PhEMD. We refer to these points in the text now.

      1. The current design of PILOT appears to assume that there is always a "smooth" trajectory in the data. Is this going to be the case in reality? What if we have a well separated and distinct groupings of the patients and controls data? In the latter case, imposing a trajectory seems artificial. I am also not sure how meaningful the trajectory analysis would be if, biologically, such a smooth transition is not present in the data.

      The EMD based distance can be used both for clustering or trajectory analysis. Also, PILOT performed quite well in the clustering problem benchmarking (Fig. 2A). The choice of application lies on the problem at hand. In our view, both the kidney pathomics and the myocardial infarction data (explored in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4) represent medical data with potential disease trajectories. We now expand the PILOT framework to include new visualizations and statistical methods to improve the interpretation of the clusterings (see point 2; Fig. S1; and point 5 and new Fig. 5).

      1. The feature analysis is also built on trajectory analysis using regression models. Again, how would this work out if there isn't a smooth trajectory/transition in the data (e.g. the data are obtained from a discrete case-control study)?

      We expanded the PILOT framework to also include statistical tests for accessing changes in cell populations and markers for the clustering problem. First, we use a Welch’s t-test to evaluate cell proportion changes associated with detected clusters. Next, we use a differential analysis test from limma to find genes within a cluster, whose gene expression is changing between the two groups of samples for a given cluster of cells. While these are standard approaches in the literature, this further improves the functionality of PILOT as a general framework for patient level analysis. This is now described in PILOT manuscript (Results subsection “Patient level distance with Optimal Transport” and methods).

      We also include in the manuscript an explorative analysis of a sub-cluster found in the PDAC data. This analysis could find a population of PDAC patients displaying higher levels of malignant cells and marked by both increase in hypoxia and fibrosis pathways. This example highlights how PILOT can be used to find potentially interesting groups of samples. These are implemented in the main manuscript (Fig. 5). We also include a new tutorial of PILOT with this analysis (see https://pilot.readthedocs.io/).

      1. It is not clear from the formulation of PILOT (and also Figure 1) if the cell type labels is required/used or the cluster id of a clustering algorithm was used instead. The author also mentioned that the clustering output does not have much impact on the downstream analysis. I wonder why and if so can we group the data in any way we want for downstream analysis? This can be useful when one would like to focus on certain grouping of cells.

      Clustering at the cells (or structure level) is required. For the benchmarking analysis, we have used the cell annotation reported in the original paper, which were derived via clustering analysis. The use of annotated clusters is crucial for interpretation. We also included in the original manuscript an analysis on the impact of the clustering resolution of the Leiden algorithm. This indicates that the change in resolution did not have a high impact in the clustering (ARI) of the samples (Sup. Fig. 5A-B). However, this analysis could not consider any interpretation of results, as cluster labels were not present.

      We believe, however, that the granularity of the clustering will impact the interpretation of the sample analysis. To investigate this, we evaluate how using higher level annotation/clustering of the heart myocardial infarction (also reported in Kuppe et al. 2022) impacts our ability to find cell specific changes. We observe similar changes whenever using low resolution clustering (decrease of cardiomyocytes, increase in fibroblasts and myeloid cells). However, this analysis loses a lot of important nuances found in the high resolution clustering (see Sup. Fig. 6). For example, it does not recover the fact that damaged cardiomyocyte populations have a slower decay than healthy myocytes. Or the fact that myofibroblasts has an increase in the latter disease trajectory stage, while progenitor fibroblast cells (Fibro_Scara5) have an increase previous to myofibroblasts. These results show how low resolution clustering can lead to loss of interesting information contained in cellular sub-states or cell sub-populations. This is now discussed in the results subsection ‘PILOT trajectories detect events associated with cardiac remodeling in myocardial infarction’.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      PILOT is designed for analyzing scRNA-seq data at a patient level. There is a growing application of scRNA-seq to diseases and the development of computational tools for analyzing such data at phenotype level is critical. The key aspect of PILOT compared to other currently available tools is that it enables unsupervised analysis which alleviate the need of patient labels required by many alternative methods.

      Thanks for this very positive feedback and constructive comments.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Joodaki et al. propose PILOT, a computational method for analysing single-cell genomics and pathomics data. PILOT is a method that enable clustering, trajectory analysis, and feature detection at a patient level using scRNA-seq data. This is an important task and represent the growing application of scRNA-seq to understand diseases and other perturbations to other biological systems. In particular, PILOT enables unsupervised analysis which alleviate the need of patient labels required by many alternative methods. We have the following comments for the authors' consideration.

      1. A key consideration in dealing with scRNA-seq data at a patient level is the batch effect in the data. Typically, each patient sample may be treated as a "batch" especially when they are processed separately to obtain a scRNA-seq dataset that are subsequently combined with scRNA-seq datasets from other patients to form a single dataset. Analysing these data without batch correction may lead to the identification of "cell types" and "states" that are driven by batch effect. In Figure 1. PILOT takes a clustered and integrated scRNA-seq data as input for analysis. I wonder how PILOT would behave if there is a strong batch effect in the data and how would the authors propose to handle them?
      2. It appears that the Wasserstein distance (W) matrix of the samples was used for patient clustering and also trajectory analysis. However, most of the figures presented in the manuscript are for trajectory analysis. Since the patient clustering were performed prior to trajectory analysis, could the authors visualize the patient data based on the W before performing disease trajectory estimation?
      3. In trajectory analysis in figure 2D and E, why not use Multi-scale PHATE which appears to be specifically designed for trajectory analysis? The authors also mentioned SCANCell. While these methods require labels of patients for their analysis, it would be interesting to know how well they perform in comparison to PILOT if such information is available.
      4. The current design of PILOT appears to assume that there is always a "smooth" trajectory in the data. Is this going to be the case in reality? What if we have a well separated and distinct groupings of the patients and controls data? In the latter case, imposing a trajectory seems artificial. I am also not sure how meaningful the trajectory analysis would be if, biologically, such a smooth transition is not present in the data.
      5. The feature analysis is also built on trajectory analysis using regression models. Again, how would this work out if there isn't a smooth trajectory/transition in the data (e.g. the data are obtained from a discrete case-control study)?
      6. It is not clear from the formulation of PILOT (and also Figure 1) if the cell type labels is required/used or the cluster id of a clustering algorithm was used instead. The author also mentioned that the clustering output does not have much impact on the downstream analysis. I wonder why and if so can we group the data in any way we want for downstream analysis? This can be useful when one would like to focus on certain grouping of cells.


      PILOT is designed for analysing scRNA-seq data at a patient level. There is a growing application of scRNA-seq to diseases and the development of computational tools for analysing such data at phenotype level is critical. The key aspect of PILOT compared to other currently available tools is that it enables unsupervised analysis which alleviate the need of patient labels required by many alternative methods.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The paper describes a computational method, PILOT, that uses optimal transport to compute the Wasserstein distance between two individual single-cell samples. It uses PILOT to detect sample (patient) level trajectories and clusters associated with diseases. The method was applied separately to single-cell genomics data and to digital pathology data. The method was applied to several datasets and compared against other tools.

      Major comments:

      The paper is not easy to follow and should be improved considerably to make it readable and reproducible. Consequently, I was not convinced that the PILOT method is much better than other methods.

      At first read of the title and abstract, I got the impression that the method analyzes single cell and pathomics data concurrently rather than separately. This should be fixed.

      The usage of Wasserstein distance to compute distance between single-cell samples is elegant and is the main strength of this study. Given that PILOT is the main achievement, it should be described more carefully and in a detailed manner.

      For example, in the first Results paragraph, "The test indicates for features explaining the predicted pseudotime by fitting either linear or quadratic models" - I could not understand this sentence. Also, which test do the authors refer to? A few sentences down, there is a reference to a Wald test, is that it?<br /> One of the key aspects of the Wasserstein distance is the cost metric. The determination of the cost metric should be detailed as part of the Results. Have the authors considered and estimated other ways to define the distance?

      Figure 1 provides a schematic view of PILOT. However, there is no explanation of the notation, which makes it confusing rather than helpful. Also, what is the relationship between J and j, if any?

      The motivation and usage of adjusted Rand index (ARI) and Friedman-Nemenyi tests should be provided. Currently, they are not clear, including why those tests are suitable in the cases shown.

      Fig. 2 the use of method colors should be constant across panels. The proportions method works at least as well as PILOT in 2B and 2C (silhouette and AUPR). Explain why PILOT is better. Likewise, Figure 2C,D and Figures S1 and S2 don't show a clear and consistent advantage for PILOT over other methods. Explain what advantage of PILOT do the fraction panels highlight in Fig. 2E and Fig. S3. Fig. 2C is not mentioned in the text.

      I assume Kidney IgAN (text) and Kidney IgA (fig. 2) are the same.

      Fig. 3B fix the p-value notation (what is p=1.05E?) and R2 (R square?). Norte tha both this problem also occurs in other figs. Fig. 3B shows the major cellular changes. Are these changes consistent with known ones? Explain and provide references. Are there cell types that were expected to show a change and did not?<br /> Same questions for Fig. 3C wrt genes. Is this an exploratory analysis highlighting interesting candidate genes? If so, it should be described as such.<br /> The point of Fig. S6 and its major findings should be mentioned in the text (or it can be removed).

      Fig. 4B legend - eGFR not GFR. What do the high-low values of Fig. 2B refer to?<br /> Fig. S12 is out of order in supp file.

      AUCPR - explain.

      The github looks like work in progress with many internal comments (eg, add ,edit, etc). I could not find the tutorials.

      Minor comments:

      Introduction: "Alternatively, trajectory analysis can be performed to uncover disease progression allowing the characterization of early disease events." Citations should be added (some appear later in the text).<br /> "Currently, there are no analytical methods to compare two single cell experiments from the same tissue from two distinct individuals." There have been several comparisons among data from patients, (e.g. Cain et al, 2023), so the authors should be more careful/accurate in their statements.<br /> "Except for PhEMD, all related methods9, 11, 12 require labels of patients for their analysis and cannot be used in the unsupervised analysis " - this sentence comes immediately after describing ref 13, which can be used in unsupervised analysis and accordingly is not cited in this sentence. The authors did well in describing ref 13 (a bioRxiv paper), and its description should come after this sentence.

      "These can be clusters", clustered?

      " acquire an injury cell states" remove an.

      "As for scRNA-seq, there is no analytical method which is able to compare two or more histological slides based on morphometric properties of their structures." The sentence seems to refer to pathomics, not to sc data as suggested in "As for scRNA-seq"

      "Thus PILOT represents the first approach to detect unknown patient trajectories and clusters" patient clusters were also observed by others (eg ref 13, Cain et al).

      Equation 7 - Cosine(Mi,Mi) should be Cosine(Mi,Mj)

      In the beginning of the Results, PILOT is not referred to as a package but as a researcher ("PILOT explores").


      In general, the paper is a Methods paper. Hence, likely audience includes computational biologists interested in methodologies, not to biologists interested in the actual findings.

      Although I am among the likely audience, I was not convinced by the merits of the method, potentially due to the way the paper was written.

      I do not have sufficient expertise to check the math.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, the authors delineate the association of paralog dispensability with the frequency of homozygous deletions (HDs) and thereby show that paralog dispensability can play a significant role in shaping tumor genomes. The authors analyzed the strength of negative selection on the paralogs relative to the singletons using frequencies of the homozygous deletions (HD). The study focused on HDs because they ensure a complete loss of function, unlike other mutational aberrations that can be masked because of haplo-sufficiency. While accounting for potential confounding factors, authors find that paralogs tend to have a relatively high frequency of HDs, suggesting a relaxed negative selection. Furthermore, the authors specifically attribute this association to the dispensable paralogs by analyzing gene inactivation data generated from multiple experimental systems. Overall, the findings of this study can potentially have significant implications in cancer biology field and specifically to the researchers studying cancer genome evolution.

      We thank the reviewer for the careful reading and positive assessment of our manuscript

      Major comments:

      1. To dissect further which dispensable paralogs are more likely to be associated with a high HD frequency, synthetic lethal paralogs could be compared with non-synthetic lethal ones.

      In the section titled 'Homozygous deletion frequency of paralog passengers is influenced by paralog properties' (begins from line #289), authors have shown that paralogs with a high frequency of HDs are more likely to have the properties of dispensability (in Figure 4). It seems that all of those properties are also associated with synthetic lethality as the authors identified in their previous study (DeKegel et al. 2021). Furthermore, as shown in the subsequent section ('Essential paralogs are less frequently homozygously deleted than non-essential paralogs', begins from line #344), the high HD is associated with the dispensable paralogs. Some of those dispensable paralogs are expected to be synthetic lethal. Therefore, the association of paralogs with a high frequency of HDs with experimentally validated or predicted sets of synthetic lethal paralogs could be tested. This may help authors to contextualize their findings in terms of genetic interactions between paralogs.

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting the potential relationship with our previous work. We agree that many of these properties are associated with synthetic lethality, but we note that they are also associated with single gene essentiality. This makes the relationship between synthetic lethality, essentiality, and deletion frequency somewhat difficult to dissect.

      Nonetheless we have tested, in a number of ways, whether there is a relationship between a paralog having a reported/predicted synthetic lethality and being homozygously deleted. We find no obvious connection between the two.

      We first tested using a set of synthetic lethal interactions identified by integrating molecular profiling data with genome wide CRISPR screens in a large panel of cancer cell lines (the data used to train the classifier in De Kegel et al, 2021). As there is an ascertainment bias in this dataset (paralogs must have frequent loss of function alterations / silencing to be tested) we restricted our analysis to only those paralog pairs tested for synthetic lethality. We identified no clear pattern (p>0.05, Fisher's Exact Test).

      We next tested using an integrated set of four combinatorial CRISPR screens (aggregated in De Kegel et al) where we considered a pair to be synthetic lethal if it was a hit in any screen and not synthetic lethal if it was screened at least once and never identified as a hit. Again we restricted our analysis to paralogs that were present in this dataset to prevent issues with ascertainment bias. We found no clear association.

      We further tested using a consensus dataset derived from the same combinatorial screens, where a pair were marked as synthetic lethal if they were identified as a hit in at least two screens and not synthetic lethal if they were screened at least twice and never identified as a hit. Again we restricted our analysis to paralogs that were present in this dataset and found no clear association.

      We finally tested using our predicted synthetic lethal interactions – annotating the top 3% of predictions as synthetic lethal and the remainder as non-synthetic lethal. The 3% threshold is similar to the observed frequency of synthetic lethality in the training set. In this case, as this dataset covers all paralogs considered, no restriction was necessary.

      None of the above analyses revealed a clear relationship between deletion frequency and synthetic lethality. A caveat of these analyses is that none of the experimental datasets are complete (covering only a minority of all paralog pairs) and they are all somewhat noisy. Furthermore, as we show in our modelling analysis (Fig S3) the observed homozygous deletions are far from saturating.

      However we think there may be a simpler explanation, beyond limitations of the data, for why we do not observe a relationship between HDs and synthetic lethality.

      As the reviewer notes, there is evidence in cell lines that one reason paralogs are more dispensable than singletons is because of buffering / redundant relationships as revealed by synthetic lethal interactions. These relationships therefore provide an explanation for why some paralogs are dispensable. As our primary claim is that paralogs are more frequently deleted because they are more dispensable we might anticipate a relationship between deletion frequency and synthetic lethality. However, by definition, synthetic lethal interactions can only be observed for non-essential (dispensable) genes. Therefore when analysing the overlap with synthetic lethal interactions we are primarily restricting our analyses to genes that are already individually dispensable. Consequently we might not anticipate observing any enrichment. The buffering relationship revealed by synthetic lethality provides an explanation for why a paralog is dispensable but once we are restricting our analysis to dispensable paralogs we do not necessarily expect to see further enrichment.

      We think that an ideal way to explore this question further would be to look at selection on deletions of pairs of paralogs – we anticipate that if a gene is dispensable because of paralog buffering then both paralogs should not be deleted simultaneously. However, the current copy number datasets are too small to evaluate such pairwise relationships. This is discussed in manuscript as follows:

      Analyzing the frequency with which two members of a paralog family are lost would provide more direct insight into the contribution of paralog redundancy, but due to the overall rarity of passenger gene HDs, we cannot make a comprehensive assessment of co-deletions here – e.g. among paralog pairs where both genes are non-drivers, and not on the same chromosome, only two pairs are co-deleted in at least one TCGA sample. Larger cohorts would also allow us to search for patterns of mutual exclusivity of HDs to identify genetic interactions – this has been applied for identifying interactions between driver genes [57,58]__, but is more challenging for interactions between non-driver genes, which are much less frequently altered.

      Minor comments:<br /> 1. The number of TCGA and ICGC tumor samples analyzed:<br /> As mentioned in the Results section (line #106), 9966 tumor samples were analyzed. However, the sample size mentioned in Figure 2A is 9951. Is the lower number shown in the figure due to the filtering procedure mentioned in the Methods section (line #455)? The change in sample sizes could be explained. A similar difference in sample sizes exists for the ICGC data also.

      The difference was indeed due to filtering process, but numbers were only provided in the methods. We have now addressed this in the main text :

      After removing a small number of ‘hyper-deleted’ samples (see Methods) we retained 9,951 samples for further analysis.

      1. The rationale behind setting the threshold at 100 HD genes to classify 'hyper-deleted' samples for TCGA (line #462) and ICGC data (line #473) could be explained.

      We excluded hyper-deleted samples to avoid any individual sample having undue influence on the genes observed to be ever deleted or indeed to influence the overall patterns observed. It is also common in analyses of selection in tumours that make use of mutational profiles (rather than copy number profiles) to exclude hypermutated samples (e.g. Martincorena et al, Cell 2017; Lopez et al, Nature 2020). However the exact threshold of 100 samples was somewhat arbitrary and this query prompted us to assess whether it had any significant impact on the results.

      We therefore repeated all analyses using a more stringent threshold (50 samples) and also without thresholding. Although the exact percentages and odds-ratios vary somewhat with the different thresholds, all major conclusions are still supported.

      We appreciate that this was minor comment and that reviewer did not request this new analysis, but in the absence of a strong justification for a single threshold we felt it appropriate to assess multiple thresholds (and none).

      1. Citation for DepMap is missing (caption of Figure 5). We have added the text below to the legend for Figure 5 :

      Essential genes for the DepMap dataset (Meyers et al, 2017) are obtained from a version of the data reprocessed in (De Kegel et al, 2021) to reduce off-target sgRNA effects (see Methods).

      CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS<br /> Along the lines of Reviewer #3's second major comment, I have a suggestion, the possible benefits of which would depend on the target audience to which the authors intend to communicate their study.

      I would suggest including a brief comparison of the findings of this study which deal with human paralogs, with the findings in model organisms such as yeast, perhaps in the discussion section. To facilitate such a comparison, authors could try measuring the enrichments of, for example, molecular functions, gene families, types of genetic interactions, etc., among the paralogs associated with a high frequency of HDs and then discussing their comparison with what is known in the literature for paralogs in other model organisms that tend to be frequently deleted.

      Such a comparison could be of interest to the community of researchers working on other model organisms and put this study in a much broader context. However, as I said before, this would depend on the authors' intended target audience.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We have added an additional section to the discussion highlighting differences and similarities to the observations from yeast as follows:

      Much of our understanding of the factors that influence gene dispensability comes from studies in model organisms, in particular the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae [3,9,10,43,44]__. Analyses of the yeast gene deletion collection, a set of gene deletion mutants systematically generated in a single S. cerevisiae strain, revealed that paralogs were less likely to be essential than singleton genes [3,45]__. Furthermore, more detailed analyses of yeast paralogs revealed that paralogs from large families were less likely to be essential as were genes with highly sequence similar paralogs [43,44]__. Previous analyses, including our own, demonstrated that many of these trends are also evident when analyzing gene essentiality from CRISPR screens in cancer cell lines [12,13,15,35]__. Our results here are also consistent with these findings – many of the features that are associated with paralog dispensability in yeast are also associated with gene deletion frequency in tumor genomes.

      The connection between the budding yeast observations and those in cancer is less clear when it comes to the relative dispensability of WGDs and SSDs. Analyses of the yeast gene deletion collection revealed that SSDs are more likely to be essential than WGDs in the single genetic background studied [43,44]__. In our previous analyses of gene essentiality in hundreds of cancer cell lines we found that SSDs were more likely to be broadly essential (essential in most cell lines) than WGDs but that WGDs were less likely to be never essential (i.e. more likely to be essential in at least one cell line)__[13]__. As the analyses of gene essentiality in budding yeast were generated in a single genetic background the concordance with our cancer cell line results was difficult to assess, but as gene deletion collections are now being generated in additional yeast strains it should become possible to perform a more direct comparison__[46–48]__.

      Here we found that WGDs are less likely to be deleted than SSDs in tumors. This is surprising in light of the yeast gene deletion collection results, where SSDs were more likely to be essential than WGDs in the strain studied, but less so in light of the cancer cell line results, where WGDs were less likely to be never essential. It is also worth noting that experimental evolution studies in yeast found that SSDs accumulate protein-altering mutations at a higher rate than WGDs [49,50]__. These results are perhaps especially relevant when analyzing the influence of paralog features on selection in tumors.

      We note that there are many additional differences in the features of WGDs and SSDs in budding yeast that may alter their relative dispensability in tumors. An obvious large scale difference is that in the ancestor of humans there were two rounds of whole genome duplication compared to a single duplication event in yeast__[51,52]__. Less obvious, but potentially of importance for cancer, is that the two classes of paralogs are enriched in pathways in humans that do not have obvious counterparts in yeast. For example, WGDs are highly enriched in signaling pathways involved in development while SSDs are enriched in immune response genes__[53]__. How the membership of these pathways influences the dispensability and selection of genes in tumors and cancer cell lines warrants further study.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      As the authors note in their manuscript, it is expected that paralog dispensability could be associated with the relaxed negative selection in tumor genomes because (1) paralogs are prevalent in the human genome, and (2) many of them are dispensable, as apparent from the large-scale gene inactivation screens in hundreds of cancer cell lines (Blomen et al. 2015, Wang et al. 2015, Dandage and Landry 2019, De Kegel and Ryan 2019). However, direct mapping of this association, while importantly accounting for potential confounding factors, has been lacking.<br /> As a researcher with prior experience in the research topics such as gene duplication and genetic interactions, it appears to me that this study presents formal proof of the important association between paralog dispensability and tumor genome evolution which could be of major implication for the research community of cancer biology field and specifically to the researchers dealing with the topics such as cancer evolution, copy number alterations in cancer genomes, and synthetic lethality-based precision oncology therapeutics.

      Thank you again for the positive assessment.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):


      Here, De Kegel & Ryan analyse thousands of tumour samples from the TCGA and ICGC projects to identify homozygously deleted genes, finding that about 40% of protein-coding genes are deleted in at least one sample. They find homozygously deleted genes to be enriched for paralogous genes, and further, more frequently deleted genes are increasingly likely to be paralogs. The authors then test the influence of several factors on the likelihood of being deleted, including gene length, distance to a fragile site or chromosomal region, and distance to a recurrently deleted tumour suppressor gene (TSG). They find that proximity of a TSG, telomere, centromere, and fragile site all increase likelihood of being deleted in a sample, as does gene length. Having a paralog also remains an important predictor of deletion after accounting for these other factors. Additionally, the more similar in sequence the closest paralog is to the gene and having a larger gene family size are also predictive of deletion. Conversely, if a gene is a whole genome duplicate as opposed to a small-scale duplicate, it is less likely to be deleted. Finally, the authors test the hypothesis that paralogs that are deleted in cancer are less likely to be essential and find that this is indeed the case.


      The authors have done a good job of identifying trends of paralog deletion in cancer samples and the factors influencing them. The results are well described and presented and support the conclusions. I like the inclusion of the saturation analysis as an estimate of what to expect given current and potential future sample sizes, and I appreciate the inclusion of a WGD/SSD paralog distinction. The data and methods are sufficiently detailed. I have a few minor comments below.

      We thank the reviewer for the careful reading and positive assessment of our manuscript

      1. Around line 160 in the text and supplemental figure 4A, the authors test if the trends they see are observed across individual cancer types. With 9 of 33 cancer types reaching a sample size threshold, 8 of 9 comparisons are significant. The authors do not state correcting for multiple testing.

      We have now also assessed the significance of the results after performing a Holm-Bonferroni correction for multiple hypothesis testing and find that all 8/9 cancer types remain significant.

      1. I initially misunderstood the hemizygously deletion analysis, thinking the analysis in supplement figure 4B/C was asking if a sample has any singleton or any paralog deleted and comparing the number of samples with any deletion of either - given the number of genes deleted per sample this wouldn't make sense as a good test. I think the authors are actually comparing the number of loss-of-hemizygosity events per gene and grouping by paralog/singleton. I think this is a good analysis, but I think it would be helpful to clarify this in the text and figure legend e.g. "Samples w/ gene LOH" could be "LOH events per gene" or something similar.

      As suggested we have now updated the y-axis label in these charts to ‘LOH events per gene’. We note that there are now two additional panels in this figure to address copy neutral LOH, per Reviewer 3’s request.

      1. Occasionally, I wanted some more detail in the text for context, which was sometimes later provided - e.g. I noted when reading about line 125 that I was curious at this point how often TSGs occurred on segments, and this was later provided on line 241. Similarly, around line 114 I was curious how many genes are typically deleted per HD segment, for which the median value was provided on line 206 (and distribution in supplemental figure 1), and again for hemizygous deletions. I think sometimes it would be helpful to provide this context earlier in the text to aid interpretation of the results.

      We thank the reviewer for these suggestions which we have now incorporated into the text.

      On line 115 (previously 114) the relevant sentence now reads:

      Typically an HD that results in the loss of a protein coding gene also results in the loss of several chromosomally adjacent genes – in the TCGA dataset a median of three genes are lost per gene-deleting HD segment

      On line 124 the relevant sentence now reads:

      We found that almost half (49%) of the HDs that result in the loss of at least one protein coding gene overlap a known tumor suppressor.

      1. In the discussion, on line 420, the authors include the point that a paralog might not be required at all in a tumour cell and therefore easily deleted. I think this possibility could be expanded on here and in the introduction/results section, as it is an important point. I think it would be helpful to include more about the possibility that a paralog might be deleted in a tumour cell because it is simply not required or that is more likely to have less of a phenotypic impact compared to a singleton, and that this could be a reason for the observed enrichment of paralogs in deleted genes. A citation to support this point could be Áine N O'Toole, Laurence D Hurst, Aoife McLysaght, Faster Evolving Primate Genes Are More Likely to Duplicate, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Volume 35, Issue 1, January 2018, Pages 107-118, https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msx270. Duplicate genes can be duplicates because copy number variation of them has minimal impact.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this important point.

      We have briefly addressed this in the introduction as follows:

      In multiple model organisms, paralogs have been demonstrated to be more dispensable than singletons (genes without a paralog) [3–5]__. There are a number of reasons for why a paralog might be more dispensable than a singleton gene, including preferential retention of duplications of non-essential genes [6,7]__, but perhaps the most obvious explanation is buffering between paralogs.

      Where references 6 and 7 are as follows:

      1. O’Toole ÁN, Hurst LD, McLysaght A. Faster Evolving Primate Genes Are More Likely to Duplicate. Mol Biol Evol. 2018;35: 107–118.
      2. He X, Zhang J. Higher duplicability of less important genes in yeast genomes. Mol Biol Evol. 2006;23: 144–151.

      We discuss this more comprehensively in the discussion as follows:

      In both yeast and cancer there are a number of reasons for why paralogs might be more dispensable than singleton genes. Perhaps the most obvious is the existence of buffering relationships between paralog pairs, such that when one paralog is lost the other paralog can compensate for this loss. Such buffering relationships between paralogs can be revealed through synthetic lethality screens and a number of recurrently deleted paralogs in cancer have already been reported to display synthetic lethal interactions with their paralog (recently reviewed in [54]__). Supporting this model, in previous work analysing essentiality in cancer cell lines we found that buffering relationships between paralogs could explain 13-17% of cases where a paralog was essential in some cell lines but not others__[13]__. This suggests that at least some of the increased dispensability of paralogs in cancer cells can be attributed to buffering relationships between paralog pairs. However this is not the only explanation for paralogs displaying increased dispensability in tumour cells. An additional explanation is that paralogs may perform essential functions in specific contexts (e.g. within specific tissues or at specific developmental stages) but are not required within the specific context of a tumour. Consistent with this model, human paralogs are more likely to display tissue-specific expression patterns [55]__. Finally we note that there is evidence to suggest that genes whose perturbation has a lower phenotypic impact may more ‘duplicable’ – i.e. rather than paralogs being under weaker selection because they are duplicated, their duplication was tolerated because they were already under weaker selection__[6,7]__. Teasing apart the relative contributions of these factors to the increased dispensability of paralogs in cancer will require further research and potentially new data resources such as gene essentiality profiles in diverse non-cancer cell types [56]__.

      CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS<br /> I agree, that's a helpful suggestion from reviewer 1.

      Reviewer 3's suggestion regarding age of the two whole genome duplication events is quite difficult to unpick as the duplication events seem to have happened relatively close in time to each other while rediploidisation of the first was occurring. Additionally, paralogs from SSDs tend to be more similar in sequence simply because the two WGD events are relatively old while SSDs can occur at any time up to present. They're therefore biased by young duplicates that have not had the opportunity to diverged much and decrease in sequence similarity.

      We appreciate these comments.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      This is a novel study as it examines the frequency of paralog deletion in cancer samples and the factors influencing it, building upon work already conducted in cancer cell lines. This study extends the knowledge of the field confirming previous trends observed in cell lines, this time in actual cancer samples. It confirms that paralogs are more dispensable than singletons, likely because they have a similar counterpart that can provide some level of functional redundancy. The more similar the closest paralog, the more likely it is to be deleted provides support for this.<br /> It is certainly limited by the number of samples currently available in the two cancer sample projects included but the authors attempt to quantify how limiting this sample size is by conducting a saturation analysis using down-sampling to estimate how many gene deletions one can expect from different numbers of samples. This is important as the lack of observance of many gene deletions is likely due to the limited sample size and not due to negative selection. This low observance of gene deletions disappointingly limits further testing beyond single paralogs to consider the deletion effects of multiple gene family members and more directly test evidence of functional redundancy between paralogs. The authors provide a good discussion of the limitations of their study.

      The results are of interest to evolutionary biologists and cancer biologists. Those with an interest in duplicate genes, and/or factors affecting gene loss in tumours will be interested in this work.

      My field of expertise is molecular evolution, gene duplication and copy number variation.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive assessment of the significance of our work.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Thank you review "Paralog dispensability shapes homozygous deletion patterns in tumor genomes" by DeKegel et al. This manuscript uses TCGA and ICGC tumor data to show evidence for paralog dispensability. They analyze the rate of homozygous deletions and show that it is higher for paralogs compared to singletons. Their findings are robust to a number of confounding variables that they take into account e.g. distance to tumor suppressor, telomere, centromere or fragile site. They show that paralogs that belong to large families and have higher sequence identity tend to show more dispensability and these dispensable paralogs are less likely to be WGD.

      We thank the reviewer for the time taken to review our manuscript.

      Major comments.<br /> 1. Does the finding pertaining to lack of enrichment of paralogs in regions LOH take into account whether LOH is copy neutral or not i.e. how does dosage affects this finding? Is it possible that there is a difference in paralog rate in LOH that results in total copy 1 and that the presence of copy neutral LOH masks the effect? Also, Integration of gene expression dataset would be helpful to resolve the difference between dosage paralog that compensate of the lack of their sister by upregulating their gene expression.

      In the submitted manuscript we focussed solely on LOH events where the copy number of one allele was 0 and the other allele was ≥1. These include copy loss events (total copy number = 1), copy neutral events (total copy = 2), as well as amplifications (total copy number > 2). The rationale for this approach was that we were interested in understanding whether the mechanism that was generating deletions was preferentially generating deletions in paralog-rich regions.

      However, we agree that understanding the influence of dosage is of interest here. We have therefore expanded the analysis in the paper to separately assess the enrichment of paralogs in copy neutral LOH regions (total copy number = 2) and copy loss LOH regions (total copy number = 1).

      As shown in the new updated Figure S4B we do not find an enrichment of paralogs in genes subject to either copy neutral LOH or copy loss LOH.

      The relevant section of the text on page 6 now reads :

      We do not find that paralogs are more frequently subject to LOH than singletons in either the TCGA or ICGC cohort (Fig. S4B-C); when considering all LOH segments we even see that singletons are slightly more frequently subject to LOH in the ICGC cohort (Fig. S4C, left), but when considering only focal LOH segments – i.e. segments whose length is less than half of the chromosome arm’s length, which is the case for all HD segments – there is no significant difference between paralog and singleton LOH frequency in either cohort. To assess whether gene dosage influenced the observed LOH frequency we further restricted our analysis to copy neutral LOH events (total copy number = 2) and copy loss LOH events (total copy number = 1) and again found no significant increase in deletion frequency of paralogs compared to singletons (Fig. S4B-C).

      Regarding the integration of gene expression to identify dosage compensation between paralogs – we agree that this is extremely interesting. However, it is quite challenging to address properly. Most paralogs are only observed to be homozygously deleted a single time and so statistically identifying how loss of one gene impacts the mRNA abundance of another is challenging. In the minority of cases where a paralog is recurrently deleted, often these deletions occur in samples from different cancer types and so integrating transcriptomic data still presents some technical challenges. Given this complexity, and as the question of dosage compensation is not central to our key observations, we have not integrated transcriptomic data here.

      1. Is the finding that paralogs are depleted among WGD is influenced by the age of WGD since there are 2 WGD events? Do SSD tend to be more or less similar by seq than WGD? This should be explored further since this observation is the opposite of what is observed in model organisms such as yeast whereby SSD are less functionally similar than WGD and often show properties similar to singletons than WGD.

      As noted by reviewer 2 in the cross commentary, it is extremely challenging to age the duplicates that arose from the WGD due to the close temporal proximity of the two whole genome duplication events. In the dataset of paralogs analysed used here, SSDs have lower average sequence identity than WGDs. However we note that both sequence identity and duplication type are included in our regression analysis (Figure 4D) and both are significantly associated with homozygous deletion frequently.

      This should be explored further since this observation is the opposite of what is observed in model organisms such as yeast whereby SSD are less functionally similar than WGD and often show properties similar to singletons than WGD.

      We do not actually think that our results are in opposition to the findings from model organisms. The bulk of studies on the functional consequences of deletions of SSDs/WGDs in model organisms are derived from analyses of the budding yeast gene deletion collection, which is generated in a single strain and grown in lab conditions. Consequently these studies report on which genes can be lost in a single genetic background when grown in rich media. We think it is not fully clear how these findings will apply in the context of a panel of genetically heterogenous tumours derived from multiple different cell types. We note that there are additional complexities when analysing human genes (tissue types, two rounds of WGD, metazoan specific pathways enriched in either WGDs/SSDs) that make a straightforward comparison with yeast challenging. We also note that although the results of analyses of the yeast gene deletion collection suggest that SSDs are more likely to be essential than WGDs, experimental evolution studies have demonstrated that SSDs are more likely to accumulate protein altering mutations than SSDs (Keane et al, Genome Research 2014; Fares et al, PLoS Genetics 2013). This is not what would expect based on the analyses of the yeast gene deletion collection, but is closer to what we observe for tumour genomes where SSDs are more likely to be homozygously deleted.

      We agree that we did not adequately discuss these issues in the previous version of our manuscript and so have added a new section to the discussion where we compare our results here with those from budding yeast:

      Much of our understanding of the factors that influence gene dispensability comes from studies in model organisms, in particular the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae [3,9,10,43,44]__. Analyses of the yeast gene deletion collection, a set of gene deletion mutants systematically generated in a single S. cerevisiae strain, revealed that paralogs were less likely to be essential than singleton genes [3,45]__. Furthermore, more detailed analyses of yeast paralogs revealed that paralogs from large families were less likely to be essential as were genes with highly sequence similar paralogs [43,44]__. Previous analyses, including our own, demonstrated that many of these trends are also evident when analyzing gene essentiality from CRISPR screens in cancer cell lines [12,13,15,35]__. Our results here are also consistent with these findings – many of the features that are associated with paralog dispensability in yeast are also associated with gene deletion frequency in tumor genomes.

      The connection between the budding yeast observations and those in cancer is less clear when it comes to the relative dispensability of WGDs and SSDs. Analyses of the yeast gene deletion collection revealed that SSDs are more likely to be essential than WGDs in the single genetic background studied [43,44]__. In our previous analyses of gene essentiality in hundreds of cancer cell lines we found that SSDs were more likely to be broadly essential (essential in most cell lines) than WGDs but that WGDs were less likely to be never essential (i.e. more likely to be essential in at least one cell line)__[13]__. As the analyses of gene essentiality in budding yeast were generated in a single genetic background the concordance with our cancer cell line results was difficult to assess, but as gene deletion collections are now being generated in additional yeast strains it should become possible to perform a more direct comparison__[46–48]__.

      Here we found that WGDs are less likely to be deleted than SSDs in tumors. This is surprising in light of the yeast gene deletion collection results, where SSDs were more likely to be essential than WGDs in the strain studied, but less so in light of the cancer cell line results, where WGDs were less likely to be never essential. It is also worth noting that experimental evolution studies in yeast found that SSDs accumulate protein-altering mutations at a higher rate than WGDs [49,50]__. These results are perhaps especially relevant when analyzing the influence of paralog features on selection in tumors.

      We note that there are many additional differences in the features of WGDs and SSDs in budding yeast that may alter their relative dispensability in tumors. An obvious large scale difference is that in the ancestor of humans there were two rounds of whole genome duplication compared to a single duplication event in yeast__[51,52]__. Less obvious, but potentially of importance for cancer, is that the two classes of paralogs are enriched in pathways in humans that do not have obvious counterparts in yeast. For example, WGDs are highly enriched in signaling pathways involved in development while SSDs are enriched in immune response genes__[53]__. How the membership of these pathways influences the dispensability and selection of genes in tumors and cancer cell lines warrants further study.

      Minor comments<br /> 1. There is a missing reference on line 55.

      We thank the reviewer for catching this oversight. We have now added a reference to Zerbino et al, NAR 2018 on this line.

      CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS<br /> That's a good suggestion by reviewer 1. Homozygous deletion collection is available in yeast so these data can be used directly in addition tot he haploid gene deletion collection data.

      Since authors of this manuscript included in their analysis the comparison of WGD and SSD then they should do it more thoroughly. It is not sufficient what they presented here especially given that it contradicts the findings from model organisms.

      As noted above we have now added a significant discussion of the yeast findings and also of the SSD/WGD observations

      Reviewer #3 (Significance):

      This work provides the first systematic assessment of paralog dispensability specifically looking at homozygous deletions of paralogs across primary tumor samples and builds on the existing findings in cancer cell lines. It will be broadly interesting to those studying duplicated gene evolution and genome robustness. My expertise is in complex genetic networks in yeast and human cancer as well as genome evolution.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive assessment of our manuscript.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Thank you review "Paralog dispensability shapes homozygous deletion patterns in tumor genomes" by DeKegel et al. This manuscript uses TCGA and ICGC tumor data to show evidence for paralog dispensability. They analyze the rate of homozygous deletions and show that it is higher for paralogs compared to singletons. Their findings are robust to a number of confounding variables that they take into account e.g. distance to tumor suppressor, telomere, centromere or fragile site. They show that paralogs that belong to large families and have higher sequence identity tend to show more dispensability and these dispensable paralogs are less likely to be WGD.

      Major comments.

      1. Does the finding pertaining to lack of enrichment of paralogs in regions LOH take into account whether LOH is copy neutral or not i.e. how does dosage affects this finding? Is it possible that there is a difference in paralog rate in LOH that results in total copy 1 and that the presence of copy neutral LOH masks the effect? Also, Integration of gene expression dataset would be helpful to resolve the difference between dosage paralog that compensate of the lack of their sister by upregulating their gene expression.
      2. Is the finding that paralogs are depleted among WGD is influenced by the age of WGD since there are 2 WGD events? Do SSD tend to be more or less similar by seq than WGD? This should be explored further since this observation is the opposite of what is observed in model organisms such as yeast whereby SSD are less functionally similarthan WGD and often show properties similar to singletons than WGD.

      Minor comments

      1. There is a missing reference on line 55.

      Referees cross-commenting

      That's a good suggestion by reviewer 1. Homozygous deletion collection is available in yeast so these data can be used directly in addition tot he haploid gene deletion collection data.

      Since authors of this manuscript included in their analysis the comparison of WGD and SSD then they should do it more thoroughly. It is not sufficient what they presented here especially given that it contradicts the findings from model organisms.


      This work provides the first systematic assessment of paralog dispensability specifically looking at homozygous deletions of paralogs across primary tumor samples and builds on the existing findings in cancer cell lines. It will be broadly interesting to those studying duplicated gene evolution and genome robustness. My expertise is in complex genetic networks in yeast and human cancer as well as genome evolution.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Here, De Kegel & Ryan analyse thousands of tumour samples from the TCGA and ICGC projects to identify homozygously deleted genes, finding that about 40% of protein-coding genes are deleted in at least one sample. They find homozygously deleted genes to be enriched for paralogous genes, and further, more frequently deleted genes are increasingly likely to be paralogs. The authors then test the influence of several factors on the likelihood of being deleted, including gene length, distance to a fragile site or chromosomal region, and distance to a recurrently deleted tumour suppressor gene (TSG). They find that proximity of a TSG, telomere, centromere, and fragile site all increase likelihood of being deleted in a sample, as does gene length. Having a paralog also remains an important predictor of deletion after accounting for these other factors. Additionally, the more similar in sequence the closest paralog is to the gene and having a larger gene family size are also predictive of deletion. Conversely, if a gene is a whole genome duplicate as opposed to a small-scale duplicate, it is less likely to be deleted. Finally, the authors test the hypothesis that paralogs that are deleted in cancer are less likely to be essential and find that this is indeed the case.


      The authors have done a good job of identifying trends of paralog deletion in cancer samples and the factors influencing them. The results are well described and presented and support the conclusions. I like the inclusion of the saturation analysis as an estimate of what to expect given current and potential future sample sizes, and I appreciate the inclusion of a WGD/SSD paralog distinction. The data and methods are sufficiently detailed. I have a few minor comments below.

      1. Around line 160 in the text and supplemental figure 4A, the authors test if the trends they see are observed across individual cancer types. With 9 of 33 cancer types reaching a sample size threshold, 8 of 9 comparisons are significant. The authors do not state correcting for multiple testing.
      2. I initially misunderstood the hemizygously deletion analysis, thinking the analysis in supplement figure 4B/C was asking if a sample has any singleton or any paralog deleted and comparing the number of samples with any deletion of either - given the number of genes deleted per sample this wouldn't make sense as a good test. I think the authors are actually comparing the number of loss-of-hemizygosity events per gene and grouping by paralog/singleton. I think this is a good analysis, but I think it would be helpful to clarify this in the text and figure legend e.g. "Samples w/ gene LOH" could be "LOH events per gene" or something similar.
      3. Occasionally, I wanted some more detail in the text for context, which was sometimes later provided - e.g. I noted when reading about line 125 that I was curious at this point how often TSGs occurred on segments, and this was later provided on line 241. Similarly, around line 114 I was curious how many genes are typically deleted per HD segment, for which the median value was provided on line 206 (and distribution in supplemental figure 1), and again for hemizygous deletions. I think sometimes it would be helpful to provide this context earlier in the text to aid interpretation of the results.
      4. In the discussion, on line 420, the authors include the point that a paralog might not be required at all in a tumour cell and therefore easily deleted. I think this possibility could be expanded on here and in the introduction/results section, as it is an important point. I think it would be helpful to include more about the possibility that a paralog might be deleted in a tumour cell because it is simply not required or that is more likely to have less of a phenotypic impact compared to a singleton, and that this could be a reason for the observed enrichment of paralogs in deleted genes. A citation to support this point could be Áine N O'Toole, Laurence D Hurst, Aoife McLysaght, Faster Evolving Primate Genes Are More Likely to Duplicate, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Volume 35, Issue 1, January 2018, Pages 107-118, https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msx270. Duplicate genes can be duplicates because copy number variation of them has minimal impact.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree, that's a helpful suggestion from reviewer 1.

      Reviewer 3's suggestion regarding age of the two whole genome duplication events is quite difficult to unpick as the duplication events seem to have happened relatively close in time to each other while rediploidisation of the first was occurring. Additionally, paralogs from SSDs tend to be more similar in sequence simply because the two WGD events are relatively old while SSDs can occur at any time up to present. They're therefore biased by young duplicates that have not had the opportunity to diverged much and decrease in sequence similarity.


      This is a novel study as it examines the frequency of paralog deletion in cancer samples and the factors influencing it, building upon work already conducted in cancer cell lines. This study extends the knowledge of the field confirming previous trends observed in cell lines, this time in actual cancer samples. It confirms that paralogs are more dispensable than singletons, likely because they have a similar counterpart that can provide some level of functional redundancy. The more similar the closest paralog, the more likely it is to be deleted provides support for this.

      It is certainly limited by the number of samples currently available in the two cancer sample projects included but the authors attempt to quantify how limiting this sample size is by conducting a saturation analysis using down-sampling to estimate how many gene deletions one can expect from different numbers of samples. This is important as the lack of observance of many gene deletions is likely due to the limited sample size and not due to negative selection. This low observance of gene deletions disappointingly limits further testing beyond single paralogs to consider the deletion effects of multiple gene family members and more directly test evidence of functional redundancy between paralogs. The authors provide a good discussion of the limitations of their study.

      The results are of interest to evolutionary biologists and cancer biologists. Those with an interest in duplicate genes, and/or factors affecting gene loss in tumours will be interested in this work.

      My field of expertise is molecular evolution, gene duplication and copy number variation.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this study, the authors delineate the association of paralog dispensability with the frequency of homozygous deletions (HDs) and thereby show that paralog dispensability can play a significant role in shaping tumor genomes. The authors analyzed the strength of negative selection on the paralogs relative to the singletons using frequencies of the homozygous deletions (HD). The study focused on HDs because they ensure a complete loss of function, unlike other mutational aberrations that can be masked because of haplo-sufficiency. While accounting for potential confounding factors, authors find that paralogs tend to have a relatively high frequency of HDs, suggesting a relaxed negative selection. Furthermore, the authors specifically attribute this association to the dispensable paralogs by analyzing gene inactivation data generated from multiple experimental systems. Overall, the findings of this study can potentially have significant implications in cancer biology field and specifically to the researchers studying cancer genome evolution.

      Major comments:

      1. To dissect further which dispensable paralogs are more likely to be associated with a high HD frequency, synthetic lethal paralogs could be compared with non-synthetic lethal ones.<br /> In the section titled 'Homozygous deletion frequency of paralog passengers is influenced by paralog properties' (begins from line #289), authors have shown that paralogs with a high frequency of HDs are more likely to have the properties of dispensability (in Figure 4). It seems that all of those properties are also associated with synthetic lethality as the authors identified in their previous study (DeKegel et al. 2021). Furthermore, as shown in the subsequent section ('Essential paralogs are less frequently homozygously deleted than non-essential paralogs', begins from line #344), the high HD is associated with the dispensable paralogs. Some of those dispensable paralogs are expected to be synthetic lethal. Therefore, the association of paralogs with a high frequency of HDs with experimentally validated or predicted sets of synthetic lethal paralogs could be tested. This may help authors to contextualize their findings in terms of genetic interactions between paralogs.

      Minor comments:

      1. The number of TCGA and ICGC tumor samples analyzed:<br /> As mentioned in the Results section (line #106), 9966 tumor samples were analyzed. However, the sample size mentioned in Figure 2A is 9951. Is the lower number shown in the figure due to the filtering procedure mentioned in the Methods section (line #455)? The change in sample sizes could be explained. A similar difference in sample sizes exists for the ICGC data also.
      2. The rationale behind setting the threshold at 100 HD genes to classify 'hyper-deleted' samples for TCGA (line #462) and ICGC data (line #473) could be explained.
      3. Citation for DepMap is missing (caption of Figure 5).

      Referees cross-commenting

      Along the lines of Reviewer #3's second major comment, I have a suggestion, the possible benefits of which would depend on the target audience to which the authors intend to communicate their study.

      I would suggest including a brief comparison of the findings of this study which deal with human paralogs, with the findings in model organisms such as yeast, perhaps in the discussion section. To facilitate such a comparison, authors could try measuring the enrichments of, for example, molecular functions, gene families, types of genetic interactions, etc., among the paralogs associated with a high frequency of HDs and then discussing their comparison with what is known in the literature for paralogs in other model organisms that tend to be frequently deleted.

      Such a comparison could be of interest to the community of researchers working on other model organisms and put this study in a much broader context. However, as I said before, this would depend on the authors' intended target audience.


      As the authors note in their manuscript, it is expected that paralog dispensability could be associated with the relaxed negative selection in tumor genomes because (1) paralogs are prevalent in the human genome, and (2) many of them are dispensable, as apparent from the large-scale gene inactivation screens in hundreds of cancer cell lines (Blomen et al. 2015, Wang et al. 2015, Dandage and Landry 2019, De Kegel and Ryan 2019). However, direct mapping of this association, while importantly accounting for potential confounding factors, has been lacking.<br /> As a researcher with prior experience in the research topics such as gene duplication and genetic interactions, it appears to me that this study presents formal proof of the important association between paralog dispensability and tumor genome evolution which could be of major implication for the research community of cancer biology field and specifically to the researchers dealing with the topics such as cancer evolution, copy number alterations in cancer genomes, and synthetic lethality-based precision oncology therapeutics.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We would like to thank all reviewers for taking the time to evaluate our manuscript. Many helpful suggestions and discussion points were raised. These comments were instrumental to provide more data that strengthen our conclusion about the relevance of centrin condensation in vivo, expand our findings to other organisms, and improve the manuscript in general. Details are given in the following individual replies.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Voss and colleagues show calcium-dependent assembly of Plasmodium falciparum centrins in vitro and in parasites. This assembly is dependent on the EF-hands of centrin and an N-terminal disordered region.

      Major concerns:

      1. The very definitive title is not wholly supported by the data. This should be qualified by specifying the conditions under which the centrins can accumulate in this way.

      We understand this comment by the reviewer. There are multiple dimensions to the potential of centrins to condensate, such as the specific centrin family member, in vivo vs in vitro situation, and media conditions. Naturally it is difficult to represent these various conditions in a concise and compelling title but in line with the suggestion by Reviewer 2 we are changing the title to “Malaria parasite centrins can assemble by Ca2+-inducible condensation” to reflect the conditionality of this process.

      1. A major concern is whether this behaviour of centrins represents a biologically relevant mechanism in centriolar plaque formation. Is this limited to high overexpression conditions or in vitro high concentrations? Or is it a result of the tagging of the P. falciparum centrins?...

      Centrin accumulation at the centriolar plaque and assembly of the centriolar plaque itself must be differentiated. Although compelling we are already very careful in the text about extrapolating our findings about centrin accumulation in cells to centriolar plaque or centrosomal assembly in general. We, however, thank the reviewer for this important comment and now have carried out hexanediol treatment of wild type parasites to test the effect on centrin in a native context. After IFA staining we failed to detect any centrin foci at the centriolar plaques, suggesting that they can be resolved by inhibiting weak hydrophobic interactions that are typical for phase separation (now Fig. 6, lines 283ff).

      Concerning the effect of tagging we have generated new data of cells overexpressing an untagged version of PfCen1 in parasites, which still shows formation of ECCAs as revealed by IFA (now Fig. 4H-K, lines 243ff). This significantly alleviates the concern that the observed phenomenon is only a consequence of GFP-tagging. Our in vitro data already showed that native and tagged PfCentrin1 & 3 can undergo condensation.

      Concerning the critical concentration of our in vitro assay we find it to be around 10-15 µM without the addition of crowding agents such as PEG (now Fig. S3C, lines 120ff). To our understanding it is challenging to select an in vitro concentration that is adequate to define a threshold for “biological relevance” due to so many additional factors playing a role in vivo. Those factors can also favor a phase separation locally when total saturation concentration is not reached as we now discuss in more detail (lines 440ff). For reference the critical concentration of FUS, which is one of the most studied phase separating proteins in model system, is around 2 µM, but concentrations below 15 µM are well within the range of what is observed for in vitro LLPS. Additionally, it is important to consider that we find Cen1/3 and HsCen2 LLPS is inducible and reversible and that very homologous proteins i.e. Cen2 and 4 serve as an adequate internal control.

      … A convincing approach to addressing this issue would be to knock-in a fluorescent tag to the centrin loci. Roques et al. (ref. 12 in this submission) report the GFP tagging of centrin-4 in P. berghei, although they note that centrins-1 to -3 were refractory to tagging in this organism. It is unclear whether Voss et al. attempted this tagging in P. falciparum. This should be clarified and relevant data presented.

      We indeed attempted several unsuccessful iterations of tagging Cen1/3 with HA and GFP tag and now explain this in the text more clearly (lines 81ff). We did not attempt tagging Cen2 and 4 as they do not display phase separation in vitro or carry IDRs.

      If the tagged molecules used in the biochemical parts of this study are functional, it is challenging to understand why the centrins cannot be tagged in P. falciparum. If the tags render the P. falciparum centrins dysfunctional, the study becomes significantly less useful.

      Our data shows that in vitro Cen1-GFP can undergo Ca2+-inducible and reversible LLPS and that GFP-tagged centrins can still localize to the centriolar plaque. Centrin function, however, certainly goes beyond its ability to condensate and localize. It is easily conceivable that interaction with critical binding partners at the centriolar plaque is inhibited by tagging a protein as small as centrin, which prohibits tagging the endogenous version, while its ability to phase separate remains unaltered. To dynamically study a protein in cells tagging is, however, unavoidable. Even though tagging affects any proteins function to highly variable degree we are still convinced that studying those proteins still provides useful information. Our mutant versions of PfCen1 in vivo shows that non-condensating version display different localization. Importantly, as mentioned above, we now provide images of cells overexpressing an untagged Cen1 version, which still causes ECCA formation (Fig. 5H-K). Ultimately, even though tagged versions might not be fully functional, our observations are compatible with the ability of centrins to condensate in vivo.

      1. If a knock-in cannot be achieved, it must be shown that the transgenic expression of tagged Plasmodium centrins does not confound the analysis of centrin behaviour. It is known that these proteins can behave anomalously when overexpressed (Yang et al. 2010, PMID: 20980622; Prosser et al. 2009, PMID: 19139275), at least in other species.

      Thank you for this comment. Transgenic expression of proteins can in principle influence their behavior. In the context of this study the overexpression is, however, used intentionally since protein concentration correlates with the phase separation. Here, transgenic overexpression is used as a tool, rather than being a confounding factor, and ECCA formation can be used as quantifiable phenotype. The observation that ECCAs appear significantly earlier the higher they are expressed is in our opinion one of the stronger points of evidence that this result from phase separation in vivo. Yet centrins maintain their centriolar plaque localization and no significant impact on growth is observed. To definitely answer whether phase separation of endogenous centrin is occurring during centriolar plaque accumulation is challenging. These challenges and limitations are now addressed in the significantly extended discussion. As explained above untagged Cen1 also forms ECCAs.

      A previous description of centriolar plaque from the authors' lab (Simon et al. 2021, PMID: 34535568) shows an organized structure of an established size. It should be demonstrated whether the structures formed with the GFP tagged centrins show the same dimensions and dynamics as those in wild-type parasites. The extent of the overexpression of the GFP-tagged centrins should also be demonstrated.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have now added spatial measurements of the centrin signal dimensions at the centriolar plaque of mitotic spindle containing nuclei in PfCen1-GFP overexpressing vs non-induced cell lines. We found that the width of the centrin-signal at the centriolar plaque was unaltered while the height only increased by 11% (Fig. S9). Further, we found no significant growth phenotype in overexpressing parasites, which indicates that the centriolar plaque is functional.

      Due to several confounding factors, we were, unfortunately, unable to clearly quantify the extent of overexpression. Most notably the induction of overexpression only works in about 50% of the cells (Fig. S6). The mean intensity after induction further displays quite some variability. Furthermore, the expression kinetics along the IDC of endogenous centrin and our overexpression system that we use as a tool differ. Lastly, our centrin antibodies display crossreactivity (see also Fig. S12) making it impossible to identify how much of the endogenous pool we are labeling in comparison to the GFP- tagged Cen1 protein.

      1. It would also be useful to remove the His tag from the recombinantly expressed and purified centrins for the in vitro analyses, particularly if concern remains about the impact of tags on Plasmodium centrin behaviour.

      Based on the published in vitro studies on other centrins, we did not anticipate the His-tag to change LLPS properties. Also, Cen1 and 3 and Cen2 and 4 would need to be differentially affected by the tag. We further have experimented with N-terminally tagged 6His-Cen3 protein and found no significant differences in our turbidity assays. Nevertheless, we expressed new versions of the recombinant PfCen1-4 proteins with a TEV cleavage site inserted after the His-tag to purify untagged proteins and found no fundamental differences in our LLPS assay aside some slight variation in the kinetics (Fig. S3E).

      1. The discussion is very short and does not consider the findings presented here in the context of the literature, with respect to centrins, Plasmodium MTOC assembly mechanisms, or to general considerations around biological condensates. Andrea Musacchio's recent commentary (ref. 44 in the current submission) advocates caution in ascribing phase separation as an assembly mechanism for organelles in vivo, particularly on the basis of in vitro experiments with high concentrations of homogeneous protein. It is not clear that the concentration dependence of extracentrosomal centrin accumulations (ECCAs) at the onset of schizogony provides sufficient justification of a phase separation model in vivo. The authors' recent description of the involvement of an SFI1-like protein, SIp (Wenz et al. 2023 PMID: 37130129), in the centriolar plaque makes a case for non-homotypic interactions also driving assembly and alternative models for ECCA are not convincingly excluded. The absence of a robust discussion of such considerations is unhelpful to the reader.

      We very much thank the reviewer for this suggestion, which helped to significantly improve the manuscript. We have purposefully included the commentary by Andrea Musacchio to highlight a different (possibly the most antipodal) point of view on the role of biomolecular condensation in membraneless organelle formation for the unfamiliar readers that might be just getting to know the field of phase separation. In the absence of word limitations, the reviewer is right to point out the lack of more extensive discussion. We now have significantly extended this section and address the suggested points including the potential role of the novel centriolar plaque protein Slp, which was not published upon submission of our previous version (lines 450ff.)

      1. It is also unclear whether the analysis of human centrin is suggested to indicate a phase separation mechanism for centrins in human cells. As this is readily testable, this notion could be considered further. Although its experimental examination may lie outside the theme of this study, one would expect some discussion of the significance of the data presented in the study.

      Since it is the first description of phase separation of centrin, it would indeed be interesting to explore the functional relevance in other organisms such as humans. We are considering approaching this in the future. We have, as requested above, significantly extended the discussion and now also include this aspect. Earlier reports have e.g. shown centriole overduplication in human cells upon centrin overexpression.

      Minor points

      1. There are only three centrins in humans. Centrin 4 is a pseudogene (Gene ID: 729338 on NCBI).

      Thank you for detecting this error, which we now corrected (line 60). Centrin 4 seems only to be an expressed gene in mice.

      1. Line 175 should say 'temporally', rather than 'temporarily. The Abstract should say 'evolutionarily conserved', rather than 'evolutionary conserved'. 'To condensate' is not ideal as a phrase- 'to form a condensate' would be clearer.

      Thank you for those suggestions. The text has been modified accordingly.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I think the other 2 reviewers have made fair, cogent and constructive points. There is good convergence between the reviewers on the significant issues around the study. These concern in vivo and in vitro effects of tagging and of high concentrations.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      The biology of the Plasmodium centriolar plaque is of great interest as an alternative MTOC structure, with obvious additional interest deriving from the role of this organism in malaria. Much remains to be learned about this structure, so the topic of this paper is likely to attract a broad readership. Furthermore, the centrins are a widely-expressed and evolutionarily conserved family of eukaryotic proteins, with multiple roles; a new model for their behaviour, such as is suggested here, would be of interest to many cell biologists.

      With that in mind, significant additional data should be provided to substantiate the model proposed by the authors.

      We appreciate that the reviewer considers our manuscript of interest for a broad audience. We feel that our modifications of the text including a more thorough contextualization and addition of some new experimental data now sufficiently supports our claims.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      The authors analyzed the properties of the four Centrin proteins of the malaria parasite using a combination of in vitro and in vivo approaches. Their findings indicate that two of the four Plasmodium Centrin proteins, PfCen1 and PfCen3, as well as the human Centrin protein HsCen2, exhibit features of biomolecular condensates. Moreover, analysis of cells overexpressing PfCen1 indicates that such biomolecular condensates become more numerous as cells approach mitosis and are dissolved thereafter.

      Major comments

      A) A critical point that requires clarification is how the protein concentrations used in the in vitro and in vivo assays (20-200 microM in vitro, and not estimated in vivo) compare to that of the endogenous components. This is important because it may well be that 6His-tagged PfCen1, PfCen3 and HsCen2 can form biomolecular condensates when present in vast excess, but not when present in physiological concentrations. The authors should report the estimated cellular concentration of PfCen1-4, as well as that achieved upon PfCen1-GFP overexpression (on top of endogenous PfCen1), for instance using semi-quantitative immunoblotting analysis. Given this limitation, the authors may also want to temper their title by introducing the word "can" after "centrins".

      In the context of phase separation, protein concentration is of course a critical metric. However, in vitro and in vivo concentrations cannot be directly compared as the composition of the surrounding solute has a significant impact on the effective saturation concentration. In vitro we find a saturation concentration for Cen1 of 10-15 µM (Fig. S3C), which is within a range that is frequently found other in vitro studies as listed in the in vitro LLPS data base (PMID: 35025997). We now more explicitly discuss this in the text (lines 422ff). At this point, unfortunately, we have no means of investigating the absolute concentrations of centrin in vivo and to our knowledge no such data is available for apicomplexan. Additionally, one has to keep in mind the presence of other centrin family members in the cell which can interact and co-condensate as well as other centriolar plaque proteins, like PfSlp, but are difficult to separate through analysis. Further we now discuss several contexts that modify the saturation concentration in vivo (lines 440ff).

      As explained above in a response to Reviewer 1, we were not able to produce a satisfactory quantification of the overexpression levels. We are repasting the previous response here:

      “Due to several confounding factors we were, unfortunately, unable to clearly quantify the extent of overexpression. Most notably the induction of overexpression only works in about 50% of the cells (Fig. S6). The mean intensity after induction further displays quite some variability. Lastly the expression kinetics along the IDC of endogenous centrin and our overexpression system that we use as a tool differ. Lastly, our centrin antibodies display crossreactivity (see also Fig. S12) making it impossible to identify how much of the endogenous pool we are labeling in comparison to the GFP- tagged Cen1 protein. “

      Concerning the title, as explained above, we followed the suggestion and added the word “can”.

      B) Movies S1 and S2 (and the related Fig. 1D and 1E) are not the most convincing to support the notion that the observed assemblies are biomolecular condensates, as not much activity is going on during the recordings. Likewise, Movies S3, and even more so Movie S4, as out of focus for a large fraction of the time, making it difficult to assess what happens at the beginning of the process. Moreover, it appears that fusion events, while occurring, are rather rare. The movies should be exchanged for ones that are in focus, and ideally a rough quantification of fusion events as a function of biomolecular condensate size provided.

      We thank the reviewer for requesting clarification. Movies S1 and S2 are by no means direct evidence for biomolecular condensation and we do not claim them to be but rather say that they are “…reminiscent of biomolecular condensates…”. We think that this is an appropriate entry into the subsequent analyses. For Movie S1 it is noteworthy that the shape of the accumulation, which can only be resolved by super-resolution microscopy in live cells, is round as would be expected for a liquid condensate in the absence of forces and on these short time scales. Nevertheless, the centriolar plaque must be duplicated which might be the process partly depicted in Movie S2. The observation that centrin can be still change its shape at least suggests that it is not a solid aggregate. In the context of centriolar plaque biology and the technological advance of applying live cell STED in P. falciparum, we think these data are still worth reporting.

      Concerning Movies S3 and S4 we have carefully selected the focal plane to highlight all the hallmarks of LLPS. Since the protein droplets freely move in 3D throughout the entire imaged liquid volume there is no z-plane that is in focus. Our positioning of the focal plane presents the best compromise between showing round droplet shape, droplet fusion events, and surface wetting. All those observations demonstrate the liquid nature of the condensates. Fusion events are indeed relatively rare, and we do not go beyond this qualitative statement that it can be seen.

      C) An important control is missing from Fig. 2, namely assaying PfCen1-4 without the 6His tag, to ensure that the tag does not contribute to the observed behavior (although it can of course not be sufficient as evidenced by the lack of biomolecular condensates for PfCen2 and PfCen4).

      Thank you for this suggestion. Since reviewer 1 made a similar comment, I’m reiterating our previous reply here: Generally speaking, and based on the published in vitro studies on other centrins, we didn’t anticipate the very small His-tag to change LLPS properties. Also, Cen1 and 3 and Cen2 and 4 would need to be differentially affected by the tag. We further have experimented with N-terminally tagged 6xHis-Cen3 protein and found no significant differences in our turbidity assays. However, we expressed new versions of the recombinant PfCen1-4 proteins with a TEV cleavage site inserted after the His-tag to purify untagged proteins and found no significant differences in our LLPS assay (Fig. S3E).

      D) The authors should test whether the assemblies formed by PfCen1 and PfCen3 are sensitive to 1,6-hexanediol treatment, as expected for biomolecular condensates.

      This is an interesting and helpful suggestion. We now tested 1,6-hexanediol addition to recombinant PfCen1 and wildtype parasites (now Fig. 6). Interestingly the dissolving effect of hexanediol on PfCen1 in vitro was moderate, which we attribute to the polar component in centrin assembly, which has been documented earlier (Tourbez et al. 2004). In vivo, however, only 5 min of treatment caused a striking dissolution of most centrin foci in wild type parasites, which is compatible with the interpretation that centrin or centriolar plaque assembly could be driven by biomolecular condensation.

      E) The fact that HsCen2 also forms biomolecular condensates is very intriguing, but further investigation would be needed to assess the generality of these findings. For instance, the authors could test in vitro also S. cerevisiae Cdc31, the founding member of the Centrin family of proteins to further enhance the impact of their study.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. It would of course be exciting to investigate in more detail how widely this biochemical property of some centrins is conserved. To take a first step in that direction, we have recombinantly expressed centrins containing some N-terminal IDRs from C. reinhardtii, T. brucei and S. cerevisiae to represent organism of significant evolutionary distance. Using our in vitro phase separation assays, we found a very similar behavior to PfCen1 for two centrins while yeast Cdc31, although forming droplets, had a much higher saturation concentration, which could be explained by the significantly lower intrinsic disorder in its sequence (now new Fig. 3).

      Minor comments

      1) For the experiments reported in Fig. 3D, the same concentrations as those used in Fig. 3A-C (namely 10 microM, and not 30 microM as in Fig. 3D) should be used. Moreover, it would be informative to test whether PfCen2 and PfCen4 as PfCen3 when added to PfCen1.

      Unfortunately, this experiment is not feasible since Cen3 does not produce droplets at 10 µM. Hence, in Fig. 3D we aimed to test if Cen1 is incorporated into preformed droplets i.e. whether there is still some interaction between them. We have, however, tested the addition of Cen2 to Cen1 and Cen3 and as expected from the inability PfCen2 to condensate we did not find the same synergistic effect as for Cen1 and 3 together (now Fig. S6). The combination of Cen1/2/3 still enabled co-condensation while addition of Cen4 did not further improve droplet formation. Taken together this strongly suggests that only Cen1 and 3 contribute to the phase separation in vitro (lines 184ff).

      2) The authors mention that the effect of Calcium in inducing biomolecular condensates is specific, as Magnesium was not effective (lines 94-95). However, an examination of Fig. S3B indicates that the Magnesium also exhibits some activity, albeit less potent than Calcium. The authors should discuss this point and rectify the wording in the main text.

      Thank you for pointing this out. While PfCen1 is not reactive to Magnesium, PfCen3 and HsCen2 do display a small reaction, which we now more clearly mention in the text (lines 118ff). Of note Mg2+ and other divalent cation are known to generally promote phase separation.

      3) Do the authors think that PfCen2 and PfCent4 localize to the centriolar plaque in vivo using another mechanism that deployed by PfCen1 and PfCent3? It would be good to discuss this point.

      This is indeed a point worth discussing. Centrins can of course still interact in the absence of biomolecular condensation and their localization to the centriolar plaque is not dependent on their ability to phase-separate as seen for PfCen2 and 4. We have recently described a novel centriolar plaque protein PfSlp that interacts with centrins and might assist recruitment (Wenz et al. 2023). Cellular condensates are, however, often separated into scaffold proteins, which actually phase separate and client protein which get recruited into those condensates. It is easily conceivable that Cen1 and 3 participate in formation of the biomolecular condensate into which Cen2 and 4 as well as other centriolar plaque proteins might be recruited. Unfortunately, we were not yet able to establish a recruitment hierarchy by e.g. dual-labeling of centrins to test whether PfCen1 and 3 might appear prior to PfCen2 and 4. We now include those aspects in the extended discussion.

      4) Given that the EFh-dead mutant exhibits no activity in vitro and fails to localize in vivo, one potential concern is that the protein is misfolded. The authors should conduct a CD spectrum to investigate this.

      Thank you for suggesting this relevant control experiment. We have carried out CD spectroscopy of wild type and EFh-dead PfCen1 and find no difference in secondary structure distribution. We now added these data to the supplemental information (now Fig. S14).

      5) It is not entirely clear from the main text in lines 103-104, as well as from the legend, what Fig. S3B shows. When was EDTA added in this case?

      Thank you for requesting clarification. We will assume the reviewer is referring to Fig S4B. We wanted to show that contrary to PfCen3 that PfCen1 droplets can still be resolved after an elongated period of incubation with calcium but forgot to mark the timepoint of EDTA addition at 180 min in the graph. We have now corrected this and further reworded the sentence for more clarity (lines 132ff).

      6) Fig. S7: the correlation between PfCen1-GFP expression levels and ECCA appearance is modest at best. What statistical test was applied? This should be spelled out. Moreover, the authors should combine the two data sets, as this will provide further statistical power to assess whether a correlation is truly present.

      Indeed, the correlation is modest but statistically significant, which is why we decided to place this data in the supplemental information. The used statistical test was an F-test provided by Prism, which compares two competing regression models, which we now mention in the legend. Combining the two data sets is unfortunately not possible since they arise from two independent sets of measurements where different imaging settings had to be used to adjust for the very different fluorescent protein levels in both lines after induction.

      7) The authors may want to discuss how their findings can be reconciled with the notion that Centrin assemble into a helical polymer on the inside of the centriole (doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz4137).

      This is an interesting point. Although centrin does localize to the inside of the centriole (https://doi.org/10.15252/embj.2022112107), more precisely one pool at the distal part and one pool at the core, there is no evidence that it is itself part of the helical inner scaffold described by the authors even though it might localize in close proximity to it. Further, there are several examples where polymers such as microtubules act as seeding point for biomolecular condensates or the other way around, and our work suggest this could be a potential working model for centrins. We have discussed our results extensively with the two corresponding authors of the aforementioned study (i.e. Virginie Hamel and Paul Guichard) and agreed that our data are not conflicting. Nevertheless, we include the inner centriole localization and potential association with polymer structures of centrin in our extended discussion.

      9) Likewise, the authors may want to speculate regarding what their findings signify for the role of Centrin proteins in detection of nucleotide excision repair (doi: 10.1083/jcb.201012093).

      We appreciate the comment by the reviewer. Centrins seem to have many different potential roles that remain to be clarified. While we are excited about this, we think it is too early to speculate about the impact of centrin condensation on less well studied aspects of centrins such as nucleotide excision repair. We, however, now cite this study in the discussion to highlight the functional diversity of centrins.

      Small things

      • Fig. 1A: change color for microtubules as red on red is difficult to discern.

      Throughout our publications we use this shade of magenta to label microtubules in schematics and have therefore opted to use a slightly brighter shade of red for the RBCs instead to improve visibility.

      • Fig. 1C: the indicated boxes in the top row do not seem to correspond exactly to the insets shown in the bottom row.

      We have verified the position of the boxes and found them to be accurate. Possibly the different imaging modality used for both panels (confocal vs STED) creates this impression.

      • line 266: typo, promotor > promoter.

      Has been corrected.

      • line 360: a reference should be provided for the GFP-booster, including the concentration at which it was used.

      Has been added.

      • line 363: "an" missing before "HC".

      Has been corrected.

      • line 428: it would be best to deposit the macros on Github or an analogous repository.

      Macros have been deposited on https://github.com/SeverinaKlaus/ImageJ-Macros (line 737)

      • line 461: "to the" is duplicated.

      Has been corrected.

      • Fig. S5A: maybe draw the lines in red (as red in Fig. S5B correspond to the proteins that do not have IDRs).

      Since we cannot easily change the line colors of the IDR graphs, we have inverted the font color for Fig. S5B instead.

      • Movie S7, legend: left frames shows PfCen1-GFP, not microtubules as currently stated.

      Has been corrected.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      This is a provocative study that extends initial observations regarding self-assembly properties of Centrin proteins, and posits that some members of this evolutionarily conserved family can form biomolecular condensates. After the above outstanding issues have been properly addressed, these data could have important implications for understanding Centrin function in centriole biology and DNA repair. Therefore, these findings will be of interest to a cell biology audience.

      Field of expertise: cell biology.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):


      The authors have provided a comprehensive characterisation of centrin proteins in Plasmodium falciparum. Through expression of episomal GFP-tagged centrin for in vitro, they were able to observe co-localisation of centrin with centriolar plaques during the replicative stage of the parasite. They also utilised live cell STED microscopy to track dynamic changes in centrin morphology. They have also demonstrated calcium-dependent phase separation dynamics in bacterially-expressed P. falciparum centrin and human centrin 2. The formation of liquid-liquid phase separation in PfCen1, 3 and HsCen2 tied well with IUPred3 predictions of intrinsically disordered regions in these proteins. Using an inducible DiCre overexpression system with two promoters of varying strengths, the authors have shown accumulation of centrin1 outside of centrosomes and premature appearance of centriolar plaques. Finally, changes on the centrin1 protein, i.e., N-terminal deletion, and mutations in calcium binding sites in the EFh domains, have shown a reduction in the formation of ECCAs during overexpression and inability to form LLPS in vitro, respectively.

      Major comments:

      1. Given that parasites cannot tolerate endogenous C-terminal tagging of some centrins (but not all, as PbCen4 was successfully tagged), has N-terminal tagging been attempted either by the authors or in previous publications? Note that this is not a request for further experimentation; rather, maybe this can be noted in the manuscript; and line 62 can be rephrased for transparency.

      We have not attempted N-terminal tagging ourselves but through personal communication with Rita Tewari we were informed that neither N- nor C-terminal tagging for PbCen1-3 was successful in the context of the study published by Roques et al 2018. We have only unsuccessfully attempted C-terminal tagging in several iterations. Due to importance of N-terminus for interaction and function in other organisms it is plausible that N-terminal tagging is even more unlikely to work. Since we have not exhaustively attempted every tagging strategy on every centrin we, as suggested, rephrased the text accordingly (lines 81ff).

      1. Is there a possibility that by adding a C-terminal tag, centrin may lose a specific function or cause change in the physicochemical properties of the protein (thus making C-terminal tagging lethal)? Was His tag removal attempted so the native protein can be used in the LLPS experiments? IUPred3 analysis showed potential IDR at the C-terminal end of PfCen4. Could the C-terminal tag have caused the protein to not form droplets in the presence of Ca2+?

      As we could show for PfCen1-GFP, the tag did not impair its ability to undergo LLPS which is at least partly mediated by the N-terminus, and that it could still properly localizes to the centriolar plaque. The fact that some endogenous centrins cannot be tagged suggest that there is a functional relevance to the C-terminus that could e.g. be an interaction with other essential centriolar plaque components. As suggested in a reply to Reviewer 1, we consider a substantial and centrin-specific effect of the small His-tag on phase separation unlikely. To be sure, we have repeated our turbidity assays with tag-free versions of PfCen1-4 and found no change in phase separation properties (now Fig. S3E).

      1. It has been shown by the authors that different tagged centrins co-condense which may support the localisation data (Figure 1C). However, is there a way to show that the episomally- and endogenously-expressed centrin co-localise with each other (e.g., confocal microscopy with anti-centrin vs anti-gfp in PfCen-GFP lines, that is if the authors have access to anti-centrin antibodies)? Has endogenous centrin been demonstrated to form ECCAs (in previous publications or by the authors)?

      These are important questions by the reviewer. Due to the high sequence homology centrin antibodies, even if raised against a specific centrin (such as PfCen3 in this study), will likely cross-react with other centrins. So far, we have not been able to produce a staining were the anti-GFP-positive foci are devoid of anti-centrin3 staining, which limits the interpretation of these data. The outer centriolar plaque compartment containing centrin is, however, well defined by now and the localization pattern of endogenous centrin and Centrin1 and 4-GFP seems identical. In a more recent study from our lab Cen1-GFP IP has identified other endogenous centrins as interaction partners (Wenz et al 2023), like the Roques et al. 2018 study did for PbCen4-GFP indicating that the tag does not abolish interaction between centrins. So far, we have never detected any ECCAs, nor have we identified any similar structure in the literature. This suggest that this is indeed a consequence of excessive centrin concentration. Importantly we now have added data from a new parasite line overexpressing untagged PfCen1 using the T2A skip peptide (pFIO+_GFP-T2A-Cen1) which displays ECCAs upon induction, showing that this effect is not a mere consequence of tagging (now Fig. 5H-K).

      Minor comments:

      1. How were the times (post addition of Ca2+) presented in Figure 2A determined?

      We noted down the time of calcium addition and cross-referenced it with the timestamps available in the metadata of the movie files (e.g. file creation timepoint marks the start of the movie). We now mention this in the legend.

      1. Line 126: Figure 1B should be Figure 1C

      2. Line 145: Figure 1C-D should be Figure 1D-E

      3. Line 151: Figure 3A should be Figure 4A

      Thank you for spotting these mistakes, which now have been corrected.

      1. Line 152: Suggest rephrasing "placing the gene of interest in front of the promoter" to "placing the gene of interest immediately downstream of the promoter" or something similar

      Thank you for this good suggestion.

      1. Any growth phenotype changes observed in the overexpressors?

      The parasite lines seem to silence the Cen1-4-GFP expression plasmids readily, which suggest that there might be a growth disadvantage. However, repeated attempts to quantify a growth phenotype were unsuccessful due to high variability in the data, which might be partly connected to the fact that the fraction of GFP positive cells after induction can vary between lines and replicas.

      1. How often are ECCAs observed in pARL strains, or are they not observed at all? This might be good to mention.

      ECCAs in the pArl strains have been observed on very limited instances but are too rare to be quantified. We now mention this in the text (lines 217ff).

      1. Line 192 and Figure S8: n {less than or equal to} 33 (either a typographical error and should have been {greater than or equal to}, otherwise, it may be expressed as a range)

      It was indeed a typographical error that was now corrected.

      1. Line 258: Methods on the generation of FIO/FIO+ was a bit difficult to understand. Maybe a simple plasmid schematic with the restriction sites (at least for the original plasmid) in the supplementary may help clarify this.

      Cloning strategy has been expanded with additional information for clarity.

      1. Line 295: include abbreviation of cRPMI here rather than in Line 303

      Has been corrected.

      1. Line 322: typographical error on WR99210 working concentration?

      Has been corrected.

      1. Line 372: Last sentence on area and raw integrated density measurement is unclear.

      We have reformulated the sentence for more clarity.

      1. Line 461: typographical error in last sentence

      Has been corrected.

      1. Line 532: Figure 4E should be Figure 4F

      Has been corrected.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance):

      DNA replication is vital to the survival of malaria parasites. A deeper understanding on their unusual form of replication may be exploited to find drug targets uniquely directed to the parasite. Biological insights from this work can also provide a jump-off point for unravelling unusual replication in other organisms. Data on the physicochemical analysis of centrin is not just of great interest for those in the field of parasitology, but also for those in the much wider fields of biology, physics and chemistry. Techniques presented in this work (e.g., DiCre overexpression with different promoters) can definitely be utilised for the elucidation of protein function within and outside the field of parasitology.

      My field of expertise is in Plasmodium spp., particularly in parasite replication, molecular and cellular biology, and epigenetics.

      We thank the reviewer for the appreciation of our work in terms of insight and technology development.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors have provided a comprehensive characterisation of centrin proteins in Plasmodium falciparum. Through expression of episomal GFP-tagged centrin for in vitro, they were able to observe co-localisation of centrin with centriolar plaques during the replicative stage of the parasite. They also utilised live cell STED microscopy to track dynamic changes in centrin morphology. They have also demonstrated calcium-dependent phase separation dynamics in bacterially-expressed P. falciparum centrin and human centrin 2. The formation of liquid-liquid phase separation in PfCen1, 3 and HsCen2 tied well with IUPred3 predictions of intrinsically disordered regions in these proteins. Using an inducible DiCre overexpression system with two promoters of varying strengths, the authors have shown accumulation of centrin1 outside of centrosomes and premature appearance of centriolar plaques. Finally, changes on the centrin1 protein, i.e., N-terminal deletion, and mutations in calcium binding sites in the EFh domains, have shown a reduction in the formation of ECCAs during overexpression and inability to form LLPS in vitro, respectively.

      Major comments:

      1. Given that parasites cannot tolerate endogenous C-terminal tagging of some centrins (but not all, as PbCen4 was successfully tagged), has N-terminal tagging been attempted either by the authors or in previous publications? Note that this is not a request for further experimentation; rather, maybe this can be noted in the manuscript; and line 62 can be rephrased for transparency.
      2. Is there a possibility that by adding a C-terminal tag, centrin may lose a specific function or cause change in the physicochemical properties of the protein (thus making C-terminal tagging lethal)? Was His tag removal attempted so the native protein can be used in the LLPS experiments? IUPred3 analysis showed potential IDR at the C-terminal end of PfCen4. Could the C-terminal tag have caused the protein to not form droplets in the presence of Ca2+?
      3. It has been shown by the authors that different tagged centrins co-condense which may support the localisation data (Figure 1C). However, is there a way to show that the episomally- and endogenously-expressed centrin co-localise with each other (e.g., confocal microscopy with anti-centrin vs anti-gfp in PfCen-GFP lines, that is if the authors have access to anti-centrin antibodies)? Has endogenous centrin been demonstrated to form ECCAs (in previous publications or by the authors)?

      Minor comments:

      1. How were the times (post addition of Ca2+) presented in Figure 2A determined?
      2. Line 126: Figure 1B should be Figure 1C
      3. Line 145: Figure 1C-D should be Figure 1D-E
      4. Line 151: Figure 3A should be Figure 4A
      5. Line 152: Suggest rephrasing "placing the gene of interest in front of the promoter" to "placing the gene of interest immediately downstream of the promoter" or something similar
      6. Any growth phenotype changes observed in the overexpressors?
      7. How often are ECCAs observed in pARL strains, or are they not observed at all? This might be good to mention.
      8. Line 192 and Figure S8: n {less than or equal to} 33 (either a typographical error and should have been {greater than or equal to}, otherwise, it may be expressed as a range)
      9. Line 258: Methods on the generation of FIO/FIO+ was a bit difficult to understand. Maybe a simple plasmid schematic with the restriction sites (at least for the original plasmid) in the supplementary may help clarify this.
      10. Line 295: include abbreviation of cRPMI here rather than in Line 303
      11. Line 322: typographical error on WR99210 working concentration?
      12. Line 372: Last sentence on area and raw integrated density measurement is unclear.
      13. Line 461: typographical error in last sentence
      14. Line 532: Figure 4E should be Figure 4F


      DNA replication is vital to the survival of malaria parasites. A deeper understanding on their unusual form of replication may be exploited to find drug targets uniquely directed to the parasite. Biological insights from this work can also provide a jump-off point for unravelling unusual replication in other organisms. Data on the physicochemical analysis of centrin is not just of great interest for those in the field of parasitology, but also for those in the much wider fields of biology, physics and chemistry. Techniques presented in this work (e.g., DiCre overexpression with different promoters) can definitely be utilised for the elucidation of protein function within and outside the field of parasitology.

      My field of expertise is in Plasmodium spp., particularly in parasite replication, molecular and cellular biology, and epigenetics.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors analyzed the properties of the four Centrin proteins of the malaria parasite using a combination of in vitro and in vivo approaches. Their findings indicate that two of the four Plasmodium Centrin proteins, PfCen1 and PfCen3, as well as the human Centrin protein HsCen2, exhibit features of biomolecular condensates. Moreover, analysis of cells overexpressing PfCen1 indicates that such biomolecular condensates become more numerous as cells approach mitosis and are dissolved thereafter.

      Major comments

      • A) A critical point that requires clarification is how the protein concentrations used in the in vitro and in vivo assays (20-200 microM in vitro, and not estimated in vivo) compare to that of the endogenous components. This is important because it may well be that 6His-tagged PfCen1, PfCen3 and HsCen2 can form biomolecular condensates when present in vast excess, but not when present in physiological concentrations. The authors should report the estimated cellular concentration of PfCen1-4, as well as that achieved upon PfCen1-GFP overexpression (on top of endogenous PfCen1), for instance using semi-quantitative immunoblotting analysis. Given this limitation, the authors may also want to temper their title by introducing the word "can" after "centrins".
      • B) Movies S1 and S2 (and the related Fig. 1D and 1E) are not the most convincing to support the notion that the observed assemblies are biomolecular condensates, as not much activity is going on during the recordings. Likewise, Movies S3, and even more so Movie S4, as out of focus for a large fraction of the time, making it difficult to assess what happens at the beginning of the process. Moreover, it appears that fusion events, while occurring, are rather rare. The movies should be exchanged for ones that are in focus, and ideally a rough quantification of fusion events as a function of biomolecular condensate size provided.
      • C) An important control is missing from Fig. 2, namely assaying PfCen1-4 without the 6His tag, to ensure that the tag does not contribute to the observed behavior (although it can of course not be sufficient as evidenced by the lack of biomolecular condensates for PfCen2 and PfCen4).
      • D) The authors should test whether the assemblies formed by PfCen1 and PfCen3 are sensitive to 1,6-hexanediol treatment, as expected for biomolecular condensates.
      • E) The fact that HsCen2 also forms biomolecular condensates is very intriguing, but further investigation would be needed to assess the generality of these findings. For instance, the authors could test in vitro also S. cerevisiae Cdc31, the founding member of the Centrin family of proteins to further enhance the impact of their study.

      Minor comments

      1. For the experiments reported in Fig. 3D, the same concentrations as those used in Fig. 3A-C (namely 10 microM, and not 30 microM as in Fig. 3D) should be used. Moreover, it would be informative to test whether PfCen2 and PfCen4 as PfCen3 when added to PfCen1.
      2. The authors mention that the effect of Calcium in inducing biomolecular condensates is specific, as Magnesium was not effective (lines 94-95). However, an examination of Fig. S3B indicates that the Magnesium also exhibits some activity, albeit less potent than Calcium. The authors should discuss this point and rectify the wording in the main text.
      3. Do the authors think that PfCen2 and PfCent4 localize to the centriole plaque in vivo using another mechanism that deployed by PfCen1 and PfCent3? It would be good to discuss this point.
      4. Given that the EFh-dead mutant exhibits no activity in vitro and fails to localize in vivo, one potential concern is that the protein is misfolded. The authors should conduct a CD spectrum to investigate this.
      5. It is not entirely clear from the main text in lines 103-104, as well as from the legend, what Fig. S3B shows. When was EDTA added in this case?
      6. Fig. S7: the correlation between PfCen1-GFP expression levels and ECCA appearance is modest at best. What statistical test was applied? This should be spelled out. Moreover, the authors should combine the two data sets, as this will provide further statistical power to assess whether a correlation is truly present.
      7. The authors may want to discuss how their findings can be reconciled with the notion that Centrin assemble into a helical polymer on the inside of the centriole (doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz4137).
      8. Likewise, the authors may want to speculate regarding what their findings signify for the role of Centrin proteins in detection of nucleotide excision repair (doi: 10.1083/jcb.201012093).

      Small things

      • Fig. 1A: change color for microtubules as red on red is difficult to discernn.
      • Fig. 1C: the indicated boxes in the top row do not seem to correspond exactly to the insets shown in the bottom row.
      • line 266: typo, promotor > promoter.
      • line 360: a reference should be provided for the GFP-booster, including the concentration at which it was used.
      • line 363: "an" missing before "HC".
      • line 428: it would be best to deposit the macros on Github or an analogous repository.
      • line 461: "to the" is duplicated.
      • Fig. S5A: maybe draw the lines in red (as red in Fig. S5B correspond to the proteins that do not have IDRs).
      • Movie S7, legend: left frames shows PfCen1-GFP, not microtubules as currently stated.


      This is a provocative study that extends initial observations regarding self-assembly properties of Centrin proteins, and posits that some members of this evolutionarily conserved family can form biomolecular condensates. After the above outstanding issues have been properly addressed, these data could have important implications for understanding Centrin function in centriole biology and DNA repair. Therefore, these findings will be of interest to a cell biology audience.

      Field of expertise: cell biology.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Voss, Reinert and colleagues show calcium-dependent assembly of Plasmodium falciparum centrins in vitro and in parasites. This assembly is dependent on the EF-hands of centrin and an N-terminal disordered region.

      Major concerns:

      1. The very definitive title is not wholly supported by the data. This should be qualified by specifying the conditions under which the centrins can accumulate in this way.
      2. A major concern is whether this behaviour of centrins represents a biologically relevant mechanism in centriolar plaque formation. Is this limited to high overexpression conditions or in vitro high concentrations? Or is it a result of the tagging of the P. falciparum centrins? A convincing approach to addressing this issue would be to knock-in a fluorescent tag to the centrin loci. Roques et al. (ref. 12 in this submission) report the GFP tagging of centrin-4 in P. berghei, although they note that centrins-1 to -3 were refractory to tagging in this organism. It is unclear whether Voss et al. attempted this tagging in P. falciparum. This should be clarified and relevant data presented.

      If the tagged molecules used in the biochemical parts of this study are functional, It is challenging to understand why the centrins cannot be tagged in P. falciparum. If the tags render the P. falciparum centrins dysfunctional, the study becomes significantly less useful.<br /> 3. If a knock-in cannot be achieved, it must be shown that the transgenic expression of tagged Plasmodium centrins does not confound the analysis of centrin behaviour. It is known that these proteins can behave anomalously when overexpressed (Yang et al. 2010, PMID: 20980622; Prosser et al. 2009, PMID: 19139275), at least in other species.

      A previous description of centriolar plaque from the authors' lab (Simon et al. 2021, PMID: 34535568) shows an organized structure of an established size. It should be demonstrated whether the structures formed with the GFP tagged centrins show the same dimensions and dynamics as those in wild-type parasites. The extent of the overexpression of the GFP-tagged centrins should also be demonstrated.<br /> 4. It would also be useful to remove the His tag from the recombinantly expressed and purified centrins for the in vitro analyses, particularly if concern remains about the impact of tags on Plasmodium centrin behaviour.<br /> 5. The discussion is very short and does not consider the findings presented here in the context of the literature, with respect to centrins, Plasmodium MTOC assembly mechanisms, or to general considerations around biological condensates. Andrea Musacchio's recent commentary (ref. 44 in the current submission) advocates caution in ascribing phase separation as an assembly mechanism for organelles in vivo, particularly on the basis of in vitro experiments with high concentrations of homogeneous protein. It is not clear that the concentration dependence of extracentrosomal centrin accumulations (ECCAs) at the onset of schizogony provides sufficient justification of a phase separation model in vivo. The authors' recent description of the involvement of an SFI1-like protein, SIp (Wenz et al. 2023 PMID: 37130129), in the centriolar plaque makes a case for non-homotypic interactions also driving assembly and alternative models for ECCA are not convincingly excluded. The absence of a robust discussion of such considerations is unhelpful to the reader.<br /> 6. It is also unclear whether the analysis of human centrin is suggested to indicate a phase separation mechanism for centrins in human cells. As this is readily testable, this notion could be considered further. Although its experimental examination may lie outside the theme of this study, one would expect some discussion of the significance of the data presented in the study.

      Minor points

      1. There are only three centrins in humans. Centrin 4 is a pseudogene (Gene ID: 729338 on NCBI).
      2. Line 175 should say 'temporally', rather than 'temporarily. The Abstract should say 'evolutionarily conserved', rather than 'evolutionary conserved'. 'To condensate' is not ideal as a phrase- 'to form a condensate' would be clearer.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I think the other 2 reviewers have made fair, cogent and constructive points. There is good convergence between the reviewers on the significant issues around the study. These concern in vivo and in vitro effects of tagging and of of high concentrations.


      The biology of the Plasmodium centriolar plaque is of great interest as an alternative MTOC structure, with obvious additional interest deriving from the role of this organism in malaria. Much remains to be learned about this structure, so the topic of this paper is likely to attract a broad readership. Furthermore, the centrins are a widely-expressed and evolutionarily conserved family of eukaryotic proteins, with multiple roles; a new model for their behaviour, such as is suggested here, would be of interest to many cell biologists.

      With that in mind, significant additional data should be provided to substantiate the model proposed by the authors.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript by Schauer et al. uses embryonic explants to study the coordination of Nodal and BMP signaling for embryo morphogenesis. They show that Nodal signaling triggers explant elongation by inducing mesendodermal progenitors that undergo cell intercalation. Looking at the role of BMP signaling, they show that BMP overactivation ventralizes the explants, reducing cell intercalation and therefore explant elongation. Looking at pSmad5, they then establish that BMP signaling in the explant is attenuated by Nodal signaling, through activation of chordin expression, and through some unidentified chordin-independent mechanisms. Moving to the entire embryo, using combinations of BMP overexpression and Nodal inhibition, authors show that Nodal signaling limits BMP signaling on the dorsal side of the embryo, which is key to proper embryo elongation.

      Major comments:

      • The authors used the sebox::EGFP line to show that the growing region of the explant consists mostly of mesendodermal cells. Although this transgenic line had not been used to do so, the authors and others, had previously demonstrated that the extending part of the explant is mostly made of mesoderm and even shows some patterning (1,2). This should be stated and not presented as a new finding.
      • Explant elongation is driven by cell intercalation. The authors analyzed the shape of the mesendodermal tissue to conclude that cells intercalate. While I do not question this conclusion, as it is well known in the embryo, direct observation of cell intercalation, as was done in the embryo (3), would be a better demonstration.
      • Explant elongation is driven by mesendodermal cell intercalation. I certainly agree from the movies and images that the extending region is mostly made of mesendoderm. However, it seemed clear to me that in Movie 1, starting at about 140 minutes, most of the convergence movement is taking place in a non-green region of the explant, fueling the extension of the mesendodermal region. Also, to demonstrate that cell intercalation is occurring in the mesendoderm, the authors performed clone dispersal analysis, comparing clones of mesendodermal and ectodermal cells. However, the selected ectodermal clone is very far from the extending region. To show that the cell intercalation is specific to mesendoderm, I think the authors should try to compare the behavior of mesendodermal and non-mesendodermal cells that are located at the same distance from the extending region. For example, from the image in Figure 1E (235 mpe), it appears that the right side of the base of the extended region is not green and could be compared to the left side. Currently, the quantification shown in 1G mostly demonstrates that the extending region is extending, and that the non-extending region is not.
      • Based on their observations in explants, the authors propose that Nodal signaling maintains an area of low BMP signaling on the dorsal side of the gastrula for robust axis elongation. While I acknowledge that the experiments performed by the authors have not been previoulsy reported, I did not understand how this differs from the very well established fact that Nodal inhibits BMP signaling, in particular through chordin expression. Von der Hardt for instance already reported that overexpression of bmp and inhibition of chordin leads to severe elongation defects (4). More insight could probably be gained by analyzing the effect in more detail: Is the elongation defect due to cell intercalation defects? How are cell fates affected? Is this Nodal effect mediated by Chordin?...

      Minor comments:

      • Fig6B. Are the curves significantly different? If so, how were they compared?
      • Fig6D-E, I found the quantification a bit confusing. The reader is left with the impression of an all-or-nothing answer (effect only with BMP overexpression and strong Nodal inhibition), whereas the effect on the pSmad5 gradient is gradual. Plotting and comparing the pSmad5 intensity gradients would be better.
      • Fig6G. 'Axis length/embryo height' should appear on the x-axis, not the y-axis.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I feel that the three reviews are very much in agreement, recognising that the experiments carried out are well done and calling for a reasonable amount of additional data. The three reviews also agree that the results obtained here in explants were already known from intact embryos, limiting the relevance to ex vivo research.


      Overall, the experiments appear carefully carried out, and very precisely quantified. The paper is well written and easy to read. The results add to our understanding of the morphogenetic events occurring in embryonic explants. I therefore support their publication.

      My main concern is with the significance of the results. I am convinced that embryonic explants are great tools, to reduce the complexity of the embryo and to address questions that cannot be addressed in the embryo, as the authors and others have done, for instance, to address the role of extraembryonic tissues and patterning by maternal contributions. Here, however, I felt that most, if not all, of the experiments essentially demonstrate in embryonic explants, results that have been known for years in the intact embryo. While gathering detailed information on what happens in embryonic explants will certainly prove useful in further understanding the self-organizing abilities of these explants, and is worth publishing, the significance of the results reported here seems limited. Specifically, that elongation is driven by cell intercalation, that BMP-mediated dorsoventral patterning affects cell intercalation, that BMP signaling is attenuated by Nodal through Chordin, that Chordin is required for elongation, has been well established in the embryo over the last 20 years. Again, showing that it works the same way in embryonic explants is of interest, but at this point, does not add to our understanding of embryonic development.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This paper from the Heisenberg lab takes a reductionist approach to understanding how BMP and Nodal signaling interact to coordinate morphogenesis. They mostly use blastoderm explants that they culture in vitro. These explants elongate over time, with Nodal signaling that induces mesendoderm driving the cell intercalations that explain the elongation. They show that increased BMP signaling inhibits this process, but reducing BMP signaling has no effect. They see that reducing Nodal signaling results in an upregulation of BMP activity as read out by phosphorylated Smad5 staining and increasing Nodal signaling has the opposite effect. They explain this mostly by the observation that Nodal induces the expression of the BMP antagonist, Chordin, and validate this idea by demonstrating that a reduction in Chordin expression reduces explant elongation. Returnign to the embryo, the authors show that manipulation of Nodal signaling levels influences the size of the BMP activity gradient as expected from the in vitro results. Finally, they show that reduction of Nodal signaling with SB505124 sensitises the embryos the effects of bmp2b overexpression, and that BMP overeactivation at 90% epiboly reduced C&E movements.

      Major comments

      In general I think the work is well done and the data justify the conclusions.

      I have several suggestions for additional experiments and discussion that I think would improve the paper.

      1. In Figure S1 they present data on elongation of explants treated with a Nodal inhibitor. It would be good to show some examples of images of the explants.
      2. In Figure 1G and 3A, the same wildtype images are shown. This is mentioned and I assume therefore that the results were all part of the same experiment. How many times were these experiments performed? It would be much better to use different biological replicates in the two figures.
      3. It is important for the authors to make clear how many biological replicates each of the experiments correspond to.
      4. In Figure 4E, it would be good to show the levels of P-Smad2 in the Oep and MZ lefty1, 2 explants.
      5. On page 11 the authors mention chordin-independent inhibition of BMP signaling. The most likely candidate would be noggin as it too is expressed dorsally and is at least in part activated by Nodal. This should be tested in their model.
      6. The authors focus on Chordin as downstream of Nodal signaling, and discuss the role of Nodal signaling in inducing chordin as being due to peak Nodal signaling. However, Chordin has been shown to also be downstream of Fgf signaling and Bozozok (PMIDs 23499658 and 16873584), which likely explains its dorsal expression domain. Furthermore, Rogers et al, (PMID 33174840) who the authors refer to, also show that to disrupt BMP signaling in embryos, inhibition of Nodal and Fgf is required. These issues need to be discussed in more detail. It is the combinatorial signaling that is thought to be responsible for the dorsal location of the chordin (and noggin) expression domains.

      Minor comments

      I think in general the manuscript is well written and the figures are clear. Previous data is generally well cited. My only comment is that there is a wealth of data from Xenopus and zebrafish that BMP antagonists are induced as a result of combinatorial Nodal signaling and other pathways (dorsal wnt and fgf) that inhibit BMP signaling. I think this could be better referenced.


      The paper is well done and provides important information about the interactions between Nodal and BMP signaling to induce axis elongation. I think the work would be improved if the authors revise it along the lines suggested above. In terms of novelty, many of the component parts of the paper are known (Nodal signaling is important for elongation via cell intercalation and Nodal and BMP can antagonize on another by the induction of BMP antagonists by Nodal), but it is novel to put them together to investigate axis extension using explants. The paper will be of interest to those interested in how these signaling pathways operate in early vertebrate development and to those interested in morphogenesis.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors presented intriguing observations on the molecular mechanisms regulating morphogenic cell movement, with a particular focus on convergent-extension (CE) movement associated with cell type specification in the zebrafish blastoderm explant. In this manuscript, Schauer et al. identified the CE movement of the mesendoderm as triggering the elongation of the zebrafish embryonic explant. In this process, the Nodal signal represses the BMP signal, which negatively regulates the movement of the mesendoderm precursors, through the induction of its inhibitor chordin. This suggests that the Nodal signal is the key factor coordinating cell fate specification and morphogenesis in the zebrafish blastoderm explant. Finally, suppression of Nodal signalling increases sensitivity to BMP signalling in the CE movement of intact embryos. This suggests that promotion of mesendoderm cell intercalation via BMP suppression by Nodal may be involved in conferring robustness to morphogenic cell movement in vivo.

      Major comments

      1. While one of the main conclusions of this manuscript is that "Nodal signaling regulates CE movement of mesendodermal cells by promoting their intercalation through inhibition of BMP signaling". However, this was predicted by changes in individual cell morphology and cell dispersal, and the authors didn't directly examine the behavior of individual cells. It would be better to confirm intercalation during the process of explant elongation by cell tracking analysis.
      2. Although the authors discuss that Nodal signaling inhibits BMP signaling in the later gastrulation stage, this has not been experimentally tested. If possible, the time window in which Nodal signaling acts should be investigated by temporal inhibition of Nodal signaling using chemical inhibitors.
      3. Only the signal gradient of pSmad5 and axis elongation were examined in the intact embryo part of the study (Fig. 6 and Fig. S7). The information on the domain of pSmad2 and the expression of chordin would be helpful for the comparison of the blastoderm explant and the intact embryos.

      Minor concerns

      The first letter of a gene name should be in lowercase. ( ex. Fig.S3C; Smad5 MO)


      The zebrafish blastoderm explant assay has the potential to elucidate the molecular mechanisms regulating the complex processes of morphogenesis during vertebrate gastrulation, as the authors demonstrate in this paper. In this manuscript, the authors addressed the molecular mechanism coordinating cell fate specification and morphogenic cell movement in the blastoderm explant. All of the experiments are well-designed, the interpretation of the results is convincing and the paper is well-written. Also, the conclusion is very clear and well supported by the presented data. These findings provide fundamental and important insights for studying morphogenic cell movements in early vertebrate embryos using zebrafish blastoderm explants. On the other hand, most of the molecular mechanisms reported in this manuscript are already predicted by previous studies using intact embryos. Therefore, the impact of this work may be limited to ex vivo research.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Summary: This manuscript describes molecular mechanisms by which ACBD3 is recruited to the Golgi complex. ACBD3 recruits PI4KIIIb which is required to generate PI4P, a phosphoinositide which is key for the recruitment of essential Golgi proteins and hence is key to Golgi identity. The authors have used a combination of mass spectrometry, high quality fluorescence imaging, transient CRISPR knockdowns, and biochemical approaches such as IPs to identify the key determinant for recruitment of ACBD3 to the Golgi complex. They map the interaction between ACBD3 and the Golgi as a unique region (UR) upstream of its GOLD domain, identifying, in particular, an MWT motif as key for this recruitment. Using mass spectrometry they identify several novel interactors of ACBD3 as well as some established binding partners. Knockdown of these interactors reveal a key role for the SNARE, SCFD1, where reduced levels lead to complete loss of ACBD3 localisation to the Golgi without apparent disruption of Golgi structure. They further validate this interaction and that of another SNARE (Sec22b), which is part of the same SNARE complex as SCFD1, mapping the interaction to the longin domain of Sec22b. Surprisingly however they demonstrate that the UR domain does not mediate the interaction between ACBD3 and these SNAREs suggesting an alternative mechanism of recruitment. Previously identified ACBD3 interactors, Golgi proteins giantin and golgin-45 were also identified in the mass spectrometry screen and the authors demonstrate that these two proteins can recruit ACBD2 to the Golgi and this is dependent on the MWT motif identified in the UR domain. By knocking down SCFD1, they show reduced recruitment of ACBD3 leading them to propose a model of sequential recruitment of ACBD3 by SCFD1 followed by interactions with the golgins.

      Major points: This study is a well-executed and rigorous study of the molecular requirements for the recruitment of ACBD3 to the Golgi. The experimental approaches are state-of-the-art and the data are clean and convincing. The only caveat, raised by the authors themselves, is their interpretation that there are two sequential steps for Golgi recruitment of ACBD3. While they show that loss of SCFD1 reduces the interaction of ACBD3 with giantin and golgin 45, their model depends on doing the reverse experiment, i.e. assessing the effects of knocking down either giantin or golgin-45. This is especially relevant given the demonstration that golgin-45 is sufficient to recruit ACBD3 to mitochondria. It may well be that recruitment involves a tripartite complex, which is not uncommon in vesicular transport mechanisms Giantin is not an essential protein do it should be feasible to perform this experiment. The authors are equipped in the quantitative fluorescence microscopy which would be required and which would help resolve whether sequential or redundant mechanisms are required for ACBD3 recruitment.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive comments and are glad that they consider our study "well-executed and rigorous". We totally agree with the reviewer that our conclusions regarding the sequential aspect of the recruitment of ACBD3 in the original submission could be better supported. We have worked to strengthen this in our resubmission. As the reviewer states, this limitation was already discussed in the original submission. To further support our model, we have performed the experiment suggested by the reviewer, in which we test the effects of knocking down both giantin and golgin45 (double knockdown) on the binding of ACBD3 to SCFD1.

      The results of this experiment further support our sequential model with little to no effect of loss of the Golgins on ACBD3. As we already knew, a large effect of SCFD1 KO on the binding of the Golgins to ACBD3 was also observed here. We should note that this was performed in a different cell line than before (HeLa cells rather than HEK cells), as the efficiency of multiple knockdowns was much lower in HEK cells, as determined by qPCR. Taken together, the new data in Figure 7 supports a sequential model for Golgi recruitment. We also agree that other, less likely models could explain our data and have included this openly in the discussion. In conclusion, we thank the reviewer for their comments and have revised the manuscript with a new experiment with the relevant repeats, which supports our model.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      Significance PI4P is a phosphoinositide that is important for the recruitment of Golgi proteins. As with most PIs it is likely to act by coincidence detection in that Golgi associated proteins will recognise PI4P as well as other factors on Golgi membranes. This results in different local membrane environments which will be specific for particular functions. PI4KIII__b_ is key for PI4P production although the absolute levels of PI4P are likely to be determined by a balance of lipid kinases and phosphatases. However, since ACBD3 is key for the recruitment of PI4KIII__b, it is important to understand the molecular mechanisms by which it is recruited. The manuscript thus makes a significant contribution to understanding one of the underlying mechanisms for PI4KIII__b _recruitment although, as indicated above, stops short of establishing a clear model for the roles SCDF1 and Sec22b versus golgin 45 and giantin. For the future it will be of interest to determine why either a sequential or a redundant mechanism is required for the recruitment of ACBD3 as a scaffold protein.

      We thank the reviewer for this set of positive comments on the manuscript and for agreeing that this is a significant contribution. Our revised version further supports our sequential model of ACBD3 recruitment to the Golgi apparatus, and the comments here have helped us further to strengthen the quality and clarity of the manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Summary This is a very interesting and potentially important paper for the field of membrane biology and membrane trafficking, in which the authors have studied the molecular mechanisms by which ACBD3 (and consequently PI4KIIIb) is recruited to the cis-Golgi membranes. The authors suggest that this recruitment is based on a two-step process, mediated by interactions to, on the one hand, SCFD-1 (SLY1) and, on the other hand, two redundant golgins (golgin-45 and giantin).

      We once again thank the reviewer for the positive comments and are glad that they consider our manuscript important.

      Comments:- Pg.1 : arfaptins, as far as I know, have not been shown to be involved in intra-golgi trafficking but rather in Golgi export (see e.g. ref. 12)

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have corrected the text accordingly.

      • Pg. 1: reigon --> region

      We thank the reviewer for noticing this typo. We have corrected the text accordingly.

      • Arf1 also recruits PI4KIIIb right?

      This is correct. The De Matteis lab has shown that PI4KIIIβ associates with the Golgi complex in an Arf1-dependent manner (Godi et al. 1999). We think this is excellent work. However, Arf1 is somewhat of a master regulator of the Golgi, affecting the recruitment and localisation of many different Golgi proteins. It has also previously been reported that Arf1 does not directly interact with PI4KIIIβ (Klima et al. 2016). Overall, the molecular relationship between Arf1 and the kinase remains unclear. We do not exclude, however, that there are factors other than ACBD3 important for recruiting and regulating PI4KIIIβ levels at the Golgi. We have changed the wording in the manuscript to reflect that there are multiple ways that PI4KIIIβ is recruited to the Golgi apparatus.

      Fig. S1: the information about the number of cells per experiment is missing. Also, please add the information about what exactly is represented in the box plots (is it the distribution of the mean value of R per experiment? or the total distribution on a cell-by-cell basis of a representative experiment?)

      For each experiment, a minimum of 100 cells per condition were imaged. The Pearson's correlation was then calculated, and the average was taken for each biological repeat. The plot in Fig. S1B represents 3 independent biological repeats. We have included this information in the revised manuscript.

      • The definition of Avg. Golgi int/avg. cell int. (a.u.) in Fig 1E,F is a bit difficult to understand to me. If I understand correctly, the total fl. int in the Golgi mask was computed and divided by the area of the Golgi mask (this is the av. Golgi intensity). A similar computation is done for the entire cell (including the Golgi), i.e., total fl. intensity in the cell mask is computed and divided by the area of the cell mask. Then the two av. intensities are divided (ratio = av. Golgi int / av. cell int.). This ratio, for a protein that is enriched in the Golgi area, should be larger than 1. For a protein that is equally distributed all over the cell, it should be 1, and for a protein that is excluded from the Golgi area, smaller than 1. Then to this value, the authors subtract the value of the ratio found for an inert construct (GFP of Halo alone), which I imagine should have an original ratio value of the order of 1, and hence, after this subtraction, norm. ratio values larger than 0 mean that they are more enriched at the Golgi area than GFP/HaloTag themselves. Is this correct? In principle, I don't see anything entirely wrong with this way of thought, but I just found it a bit difficult to understand, and in general one has to be careful when computing rations (quotients) and then subtract another ratio. Also, the units are not a.u., the value is dimensionless, what is "arbitrary" is the definition of 0 value and the based on this definition, also the actual value. I think it would probably be much clearer for the readers to compute somthing like the relative enrichment in the Golgi area as compared to the rest of the cell (excluding the Golgi area). That is, a value r'=(Int. Golgi mask / Area Golgi mask) / [(Int. Cell mask - Int. Golgi mask)/(Area cell mask - Area Golgi mask)]. This can be computed directly or defining a mask that is the cell mask - the Golgi mask. Also, some maths (unless I made a mistake) give that this r'= r (1-aG)/(1-r aG); where r is the ratio (before subtraction) defined by the authors, and aG=Area cell mask/Area Golgi mask. In any case, I'd suggest the authors to either adopt this other quantitation (without subtraction of the GFP/HAloTAG), which gives directly the fold-enrichment in the intensity density in the Golgi area with respect to the rest of the cell; or explain in more detail the maths of the value they are plotting now.

      We thank the reviewer for these well-reasoned and thoughtful suggestions for our imaging analysis. These are issues that we have also considered when quantifying this dataset. At the heart of it, the second method of calculation (Golgi/outside of Golgi), results in a non-linear distribution, as the pool of proteins re-distribute from inside the Golgi to the cytosol. This is why we have chosen to use the first method of Golgi/total, as it provides a linear distribution.

      The reviewer is also correct that the GFP (inert protein) ratio is 1 without adjustment. We have chosen to normalise to GFP/HaloTag (inert protein) as we think this is the clearest way of conveying our conclusions from these experiments. We have included the non-normalised graph here for the reviewer to see; however we thought that this conveys the key result less clearly. Overall, we agree this was poorly communicated in the manuscript and we have clarified it in the revised version.

      • Fig. 1C&F: Besides the MWT mutant, the FKE mutant also seems to have a somewhat compromised Golgi localization. Have the authors followed on that, or what is the reason that they have just focused on the MWT mutant?

      In contrast to the MWT mutant, the FKE mutant does not affect ACBD3 localisation significantly. In addition, when having a close look at the pdb structure of the GOLD domain of ACBD3 with 3A protein of Aichivirus A (5LZ3), the MWT patch, in particular residues M and T, make clear contact with protein 3A, which is not the case for FKE residues. Therefore we focused on the MWT residues, which we hypothesised to interact with a Golgi resident protein which competes with protein 3A to interact with ACBD3.

      • Very minor point, and without wanting to sound pedant at all, but I think (I might be wrong of course, so apologies if I am) that the plural of apparatus in latin is not apparati, but apparatus (fourth declination). So, I'd change the word in page 2 (or just rephrase the sentence: e.g. "resulting in Golgi fragmentation"). But of course, I'd leave this to the authors' discretion.

      We thank the reviewer for this precision, do not consider it pedantic, and have made the suggested change to the text.

      • Fig. 3A: have the authors tried or been able to perform IF of the endogenous SCFD1 protein?

      As suggested by the reviewer, we attempted to perform IF of endogenous SCFD1, as shown below. Despite trying several different antibodies, we were not satisfied that we were detecting real SCFD1 signal as there was no change in this staining upon SCFD1 CRISPR KO. Please see an example of this IF below (ProteinTech, 12569-1-AP). We have contacted the antibody manufacturers to inform them of this issue.

      • Similarly to what has been done for other panels, could you quantify Fig. 3C? Are PI4KIIIb protein levels affected upon the different KOs?

      As suggested by the reviewer, we are now showing in Figure S2D the percentage of cells with a partial or total loss of PI4KIIIβ at the Golgi in CRISPR-Cas9 KO cells of either PI4KIIIβ, ACBD3 or SCFD1. 3 independent biological repeats were performed and approximately 150 cells were quantified (~50 cells per condition). The results show that the PI4KIIIβ antibody used (BD Bioscience, 611816) is specific (93.22% of cells lose the antibody signal) and that ACBD3 and SCFD1 KO affects PI4KIIIβ recruitment to the Golgi in 88% and 73% of the cells, respectively._-

      The last paragraph of the "SCFD1 and ACBD3 interact upstream of PI4KIIIβ recruitment to the Golgi apparatus" section reads a bit odd placed there. I think it is more appropriate for the discussion or for the intro part on SCFD1.

      Many thanks to the reviewer for pointing this out. We simplified that paragraph to describe the relationship between SCFD1 and SEC22B.

      • I am confused on Fig. 5A/B. The labels in the blots show that 390-528 (without UR) does not bind sec22 or scfd1, but the 368-529 does? Or I guess, judging by the MW seen in the middle blots, that there's some error in the labelling?

      Many thanks to the reviewer for noticing this, which was clearly a labelling error. We corrected this accordingly in Figures 5A and B. We apologise for this oversight.

      also, the IP efficiency of the MWT mutant in the panel A blot is quite low, still sec22 seems to be very efficiently pulled down. Can the authors comment on that please? Would co-IPing against endogenous sec22 and scfd1 would work (so you don't need to rely on HaloTag+ligand?)

      We know that the MWT residues of ACBD3 are important for recruiting ACBD3 to the Golgi (Figure 1C and F). We also know that ACBD3 interacts with SEC22B and SCFD1 (Figure 3B and 4A) and that SCFD1 is important for ACBD3 Golgi recruitment. Therefore we initially speculated that ACBD3 interacts with SEC22B and SCFD1 through the MWT residues. However, as the reviewer points out, Figure 5 shows the opposite. Mutating MWT residues makes the interaction of ACBD3 with SEC22B and SCFD1 stronger. For this reason, we hypothesised that another player(s) also contributes to ACBD3 recruitment through interactions with the MWT residues. We have shown that the second recruitment factors are the 2 golgins, golgin-45 and giantin (Figure 6C). In short, whilst we agree that the IP efficiency is low, the binding is actually stronger, supporting our conclusions. No interaction of ACBD3 with endogenous SEC22B could be detected due to a lack of a sufficiently sensitive antibody (we tried Abcam ab181076 and ProteinTech 14776-1 AP).

      • I really like the experiment 6B. Have the authors tested whether SEC22 is also recruited to mitochondria in those conditions? But not SCFD1?

      We thank the reviewer for the positive comment. We have performed the suggested experiment and are now including this as an additional figure (Figure S3). Ectopic expression of golgin-45 targeted to the mitochondria is not sufficient to redistribute SCFD1-HaloTag or HaloTag-SEC22B to the mitochondria (Figure S3A and B, respectively). We, therefore, speculate that the fraction of ACBD3 that gets redirected in Figure 6B must be the small fraction of ACBD3 that is spontaneously in an open conformation and compatible for interaction with golgin-45.

      • The results shown in Fig 7 might show a partial depletion in the interactions, but to be fully trusted they would need to be quantified and a statistical test used to compare the values. I think this part is important to show very clearly, because even with low binding to golgins (remember, single knockouts do not prevent Golgi localization of ACBD3), one could expect that ACBD3 still localized to the Golgi but it does not in the absence of SCFD1 as shown in this paper. A prediction of the proposed model is that in cells depleted of the two Golgins, SCFD1 and ACBD3 should still bind to one another, right? Did the authors test this?

      We fully agree with the reviewer. As discussed in the replies to reviewer 1, we have repeated this experiment, including both sets of KO. This was not trivial, as a double transient KO is technically challenging and involves validation with qPCR and switching cell types (HEK cells to HeLa). The new data supports our current model and suggests some additional regulatory mechanisms at play.

      • The model presented here (fig 8) seems to suggest that only the conformational variation of ACBD3 that binds Golgins is able to recruit (bind) PI4KIIIb. Is this known, or is there any experimental evidence for that?

      HDX-MS experiments show that the ACBD and GOLD domains undergo conformational changes in the presence of 3A proteins (McPhail et al. 2017). Demonstrating this would require a complicated reconstitution experiment which is technically very challenging and would involve purifying various complex proteins, including SNAREs, SM proteins and golgins. This could perhaps be the subject of several future studies.

      • Have the authors thought about testing the FKE mutant in the experiemnts shown in Fig. 5?

      As mentioned above, since the FKE residues are not making any contact with the protein 3A and since the loss of ACBD3 recruitment to the Golgi is not statistically significant (Figure 1F), we haven't tested the FKE mutant for the binding to SEC22B and SCFD1. We do, however, agree with the reviewer that there might be something interesting happening here. We would like to experimentally interrogate this in future studies and develop more sensitive assays to test if there is a significant effect with the FKE mutant.

      In general, I think the title might be a bit misleading because of the use of PI4Kiiib. I understand what the authors mean, but because they have not thoroughly tested PI4Kiiib recruitment in their experiments, I think they should focuse rather on the mechanism of recruitment of ACBD3 the authors have found.

      We thank the reviewer for their advice regarding the manuscript title, and this is something that we have discussed internally. We chose that title as it highlights the key mechanistic impact of our findings and note that we did include a figure on the recruitment of PI4KIIIβ. However, we remain open to discussing this with advice from the journal editorial team.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      I think, as said above, that this is potentially an important paper for the field of membrane trafficking and membrane biology. Most of the experiments are in general well performed and well controlled, and the paper is clearly written and follows a logical line.

      We once again thank the reviewer for their comments and overall thoughtful and considered review. We believe that the suggestions here have improved the manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Stalder and colleagues report experiments designed to identify interactors of the Golgi-localized protein ACBD3 (a.k.a. GCP60), and to delineate mechanisms that allow ACBD3 to localize at Golgi compartments. ACBD3 is a 528aa protein with diverse previously reported interactions and functions, both in normal physiology and as a host factor in viral assembly processes. Stalder et al. first map which domains of ACBD3 are required for Golgi localization in HeLa cells, concluding that residues 368-528 are sufficient for localization. This region includes a GOLD (GOLgi Dynamics) domain previously reported to interact with Golgin tethering proteins. Alanine scanning identifies the motif MWT just upstream of the GOLD motif as necessary for Golgi localization. Acute CRISPR knockout identifies two Golgins, Golgin45 and Giantin, as necessary for ACBD3 Golgi localization, and IP indicates that the MWT motif breaks this interaction. These data are a bit scattered around the paper but taken together are reasonably persuasive, particularly when viewed in context with published work. This reader would have found the manuscript easier to follow had the Golgin and MWT motif data been presented en bloc.

      We thank the reviewer for these comments and have considered presenting and rewriting the data as the reviewer suggested. On reflection, we have decided to present it in the original order. We feel that this allows us to highlight the two independent mechanisms individually, bringing them together at the end. In addition, as the experiments were performed in the order presented, it allows for more appropriate controls for each experiment rather than trying to combine them. We hope the reviewer accepts our preferred order.

      In a second set of experiments, IP-mass spec is used to identify ACBD3 interactors that might assist in the protein's localization. The MS data presented are filtered to exclude proteins not already identified as Golgi-localized. This is, I think, a mistake. Even if the authors choose to focus on known Golgi interactors as candidates for a localization function, the biological functions of ACBD3 are far from fully understood, and the full dataset would be of value to both cell biologists and virologists.

      We agree with the reviewer that there are many interesting mysteries surrounding ACBD3 and have therefore included an additional table (table S1) in the revised manuscript, showing the dataset of newly identified ACBD3 interactors before applying the Golgi localisation filter.

      Hits in the filtered dataset include the R-SNARE Sec22B, and the SNARE chaperone Sly1/SCFD1. Acute CRISPR inactivation of Sec22 decreases ACBD3 localization to the Golgi and SCFD1 inactivation more or less abolishes localization. Co-IP experiments are used to argue that ACBD3 interacts with the N-terminal regulatory Longin domain of SEC22B, as well as with SCFD1. The Sec22 data are more detailed and persuasive. No experiments with purified proteins are presented to establish that the detected interactions are direct rather than mediated through a bridging factor or factors. Importantly, SCFD1 is likely to have multiple different client SNARE complexes that operate at different stages of ER and Golgi traffic. Hence its inactivation is likely to be pleiotropic and consequently phenotypes arising must be interpreted with caution.

      We completely agree that studying membrane trafficking in an interconnected system is challenging. We also agree that direct binding experiments in reconstituted systems would be key to proving our model. Our data uses multiple different experimental approaches, including co-localisation, co-immunoprecipitation, CRISPR-KO, and biochemistry, to support our model. In the future, we agree full reconstitution would be necessary to examine this further, and we hope that either ourselves or others can do this in further studies.

      Lastly, the authors perform IP experiments which show that ACBD3-Golgin co-IP efficiency is lower in cells with acute inactivation of SCFD1. This epistatic relationship is used to argue for a sequential model of recruitment with SCFD1 and perhaps client SNARE proteins operating upstream of ACBD3-Golgin interaction. This argument is not persuasive because we do not know whether SCFD1 and its downstream activities increase the rate of ACBD3-Golgin complex asssembly, or alternatively stabilizes ACBD3-Golgin complexes, decreasing the rate of their dissociation.

      We agree with this weakness in our original submission, and it is a comment shared among all reviewers. Overall, we feel that we have chosen the model that best summarises our data. We, of course, accept that there are still components of this pathway that need clarification and are open for further study. This includes the issue raised here by the reviewer, as well as the intriguing observation that both golgins are transcriptionally upregulated upon SCFD1 KO in HeLa cells. In the revised manuscript, we have more clearly laid out the weaknesses of our model in the discussion and suggested future experiments to help clarify some of these issues. We have also modified the model to reflect some of these potential additional regulatory mechanisms.

      In general the methods are fairly clear but that there is room for improvement. The "high throughput" imaging pipeline is not clearly described.

      We agree with the reviewer, and apologise for not clearly explaining this. We feel that this unbiased approach of quantification is particularly rigorous and we have clarified this in the methods section of the updated manuscript.

      Each figure legend should specify the microscopy methods used, and for each result the number of biological replicates and cells analyzed should be specified.

      We agree with the reviewer and have included these details appropriately in the revised manuscript.

      The statistical methods (Student, Tukey, etc.) used for each experiment should be specified. Saying that statistics were calculated using Python 3.7 is useless without additional details. e.g. at least the libraries and codebase used should be indicated or deposited.

      We agree with the reviewer and have updated the manuscript accordingly. In short, all comparisons were made using either Student's t-test or Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD, FWER=0.05. These were conducted in Python 3.9 using pandas, matplotlib, seaborn and scipy. We used the MultiComparison function in scipy, and the comp.tukeyhsd for the post-hoc adjustment.

      Many figure labels (e.g. Fig. 2) use absurdly small fonts.

      We apologise for this. We believe that this is because we submitted it with in-line formatting. Our resubmission has full-page figures, and we feel the text is clearer now.

      The mass spec hits obtained should be provided both with and without exclusion of non-Golgi-localized proteins.

      We agree with the reviewer. Please see the new Table S1.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance):

      In general I think this is a useful and well controlled set of experiments producing useful insights. However, the interpretations need to be more carefully considered, and alternative interpretations must laid out as clearly as possible. Specifying the limitations of the study will make it more, not less, useful to the field. If the authors want to make the case more robustly that the interactions described are mediated through direct binding, or that the operation of SCFD1 and Golgins operate sequentially to recruit ACBD3, additional wet bench work will be required which will of course take time to complete.

      We once again thank the reviewer for the thoughtful and critical comments. These have helped to strengthen the manuscript. We have performed the additional bench work requested by the reviewer, which has further supported the paper and our model.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Stalder and colleagues report experiments designed to identify interactors of the Golgi-localized protein ACBD3 (a.k.a. GCP60), and to delineate mechanisms that allow ACBD3 to localize at Golgi compartments. ACBD3 is a 528aa protein with diverse previously reported interactions and functions, both in normal physiology and as a host factor in viral assembly processes. Stalder et al. first map which domains of ACBD3 are required for Golgi localization in HeLa cells, concluding that residues 368-528 are sufficient for localization. This region includes a GOLD (GOLgi Dynamics) domain previously reported to interact with Golgin tethering proteins. Alanine scanning identifies the motif MWT just upstream of the GOLD motif as necessary for Golgi localization. Acute CRISPR knockout identifies two Golgins, Golgin45 and Giantin, as necessary for ACBD3 Golgi localization, and IP indicates that the MWT motif breaks this interaction. These data are a bit scattered around the paper but taken together are reasonably persuasive, particularly when viewed in context with published work. This reader would have found the manuscript easier to follow had the Golgin and MWT motif data been presented en bloc.

      In a second set of experiments, IP-mass spec is used to identify ACBD3 interactors that might assist in the protein's localization. The MS data presented are filtered to exclude proteins not already identified as Golgi-localized. This is, I think, a mistake. Even if the authors choose to focus on known Golgi interactors as candidates for a localization function, the biological functions of ACBD3 are far from fully understood, and the full dataset would be of value to both cell biologists and virologists. Hits in the filtered dataset include the R-SNARE Sec22B, and the SNARE chaperone Sly1/SCFD1. Acute CRISPR inactivation of Sec22 decreases ACBD3 localization to the Golgi and SCFD1 inactivation more or less abolishes localization. Co-IP experiments are used to argue that ACBD3 interacts with the N-terminal regulatory Longin domain of SEC22B, as well as with SCFD1. The Sec22 data are more detailed and persuasive. No experiments with purified proteins are presented to establish that the detected interactions are direct rather than mediated through a bridging factor or factors. Importantly, SCFD1 is likely to have multiple different client SNARE complexes that operate at different stages of ER and Golgi traffic. Hence its inactivation is likely to be pleiotropic and consequently phenotypes arising must be interpreted with caution.

      Lastly, the authors perform IP experiments which show that ACBD3-Golgin co-IP efficiency is lower in cells with acute inactivation of SCFD1. This epistatic relationship is used to argue for a sequential model of recruitment with SCFD1 and perhaps client SNARE proteins operating upstream of ACBD3-Golgin interaction. This argument is not persuasive because we do not know whether SCFD1 and its downstream activities increase the rate of ACBD3-Golgin complex asssembly, or alternatively stabilizes ACBD3-Golgin complexes, decreasing the rate of their dissociation.

      In general the methods are fairly clear but that there is room for improvement. The "high throughput" imaging pipeline is not clearly described. Each figure legend should specify the microscopy methods used, and for each result the number of biological replicates and cells analyzed should be specified. The statistical methods (Student, Tukey, etc.) used for each experiment should be specified. Saying that statistics were calculated using Python 3.7 is useless without additional details. e.g. at least the libraries and codebase used should be indicated or deposited. Many figure labels (e.g. Fig. 2) use absurdly small fonts. The mass spec hits obtained should be provided both with and without exclusion of non-Golgi-localized proteins.


      In general I think this is a useful and well controlled set of experiments producing useful insights. However, the interpretations need to be more carefully considered, and alternative interpretations must laid out as clearly as possible. Specifying the limitations of the study will make it more, not less, useful to the field. If the authors want to make the case more robustly that the interactions described are mediated through direct binding, or that the operation of SCFD1 and Golgins operate sequentially to recruit ACBD3, additional wet bench work will be required which will of course take time to complete.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This is a very interesting and potentially important paper for the field of membrane biology and membrane trafficking, in which the authors have studied the molecular mechanisms by which ACBD3 (and consequently PI4KIIIb) is recruited to the cis-Golgi membranes. The authors suggest that this recruitment is based on a two-step process, mediated by interactions to, on the one hand, SCFD-1 (SLY1) and, on the other hand, two redundant golgins (golgin-45 and giantin).


      • Pg.1 : arfaptins, as far as I know, have not been shown to be involved in intra-golgi trafficking but rather in Golgi export (see e.g. ref. 12)
      • Pg. 1: reigon --> region
      • Arf1 also recruits PI4KIIIb right?
      • Fig. S1: the information about the number of cells per experiment is missing. Also, please add the information about what exactly is represented in the box plots (is it the distribution of the mean value of R per experiment? or the total distribution on a cell-by-cell basis of a representative experiment?)
      • The definition of Avg. Golgi int/avg. cell int. (a.u.) in Fig 1E,F is a bit difficult to understand to me. If I understand correctly, the total fl. int in the Golgi mask was computed and divided by the area of the Golgi mask (this is the av. Golgi intensity). A similar computation is done for the entire cell (including the Golgi), i.e., total fl. intensity in the cell mask is computed and divided by the area of the cell mask. Then the two av. intensities are divided (ratio = av. Golgi int / av. cell int.). This ratio, for a protein that is enriched in the Golgi area, should be larger than 1. For a protein that is equally distributed all over the cell, it should be 1, and for a protein that is excluded from the Golgi area, smaller than 1. Then to this value, the authors subtract the value of the ratio found for an inert construct (GFP of Halo alone), which I imagine should have an original ratio value of the order of 1, and hence, after this subtraction, norm. ratio values larger than 0 mean that they are more enriched at the Golgi area than GFP/HaloTag themselves. Is this correct? In principle, I don't see anything entirely wrong with this way of thought, but I just found it a bit difficult to understand, and in general one has to be careful when computing rations (quotients) and then subtract another ratio. Also, the units are not a.u., the value is dimensionless, what is "arbitrary" is the definition of 0 value and the based on this definition, also the actual value. I think it would probably be much clearer for the readers to compute somthing like the relative enrichment in the Golgi area as compared to the rest of the cell (excluding the Golgi area). That is, a value r'=(Int. Golgi mask / Area Golgi mask) / [(Int. Cell mask - Int. Golgi mask)/(Area cell mask - Area Golgi mask)]. This can be computed directly or defining a mask that is the cell mask - the Golgi mask. Also, some maths (unless I made a mistake) give that this r'= r (1-aG)/(1-r aG); where r is the ratio (before subtraction) defined by the authors, and aG=Area cell mask/Area Golgi mask. In any case, I'd suggest the authors to either adopt this other quantitation (without subtraction of the GFP/HAloTAG), which gives directly the fold-enrichment in the intensity density in the Golgi area with respect to the rest of the cell; or explain in more detail the maths of the value they are plotting now.
      • Fig. 1C&F: Besides the MWT mutant, the FKE mutant also seems to have a somewhat compromised Golgi localization. Have the authors followed on that, or what is the reason that they have just focused on the MWT mutant?
      • Very minor point, and without wanting to sound pedant at all, but I think (I might be wrong of course, so apologies if I am) that the plural of apparatus in latin is not apparati, but apparatus (fourth declination). So, I'd change the word in page 2 (or just rephrase the sentence: e.g. "resulting in Golgi fragmentation"). But of course, I'd leave this to the authors' discretion.
      • Fig. 3A: have the authors tried or been able to perform IF of the endogenous SCFD1 protein?
      • Similarly to what has been done for other panels, could you quantify Fig. 3C? Are PI4KIIIb protein levels affected upon the different KOs?
      • The last paragraph of the "SCFD1 and ACBD3 interact upstream of PI4KIIIβ recruitment<br /> to the Golgi apparatus" section reads a bit odd placed there. I think it is more appropriate for the discussion or for the intro part on SCFD1.
      • I am confused on Fig. 5A/B. The labels in the blots show that 390-528 (without UR) does not bind sec22 or scfd1, but the 368-529 does? Or I guess, judging by the MW seen in the middle blots, that there's some error in the labelling? also, the IP efficiency of the MWT mutant in the panel A blot is quite low, still sec22 seems to be very efficiently pulled down. Can the authors comment on that please? Would co-IPing against endogenous sec22 and scfd1 would work (so you don't need to rely on HaloTag+ligand?)
      • I really like the experiment 6B. Have the authors tested whether SEC22 is also recruited to mitochondria in those conditions? But not SCFD1?
      • The results shown in Fig 7 might show a partial depletion in the interactions, but to be fully trusted they would need to be quantified and a statistical test used to compare the values. I think this part is important to show very clearly, because even with low binding to golgins (remember, single knockouts do not prevent Golgi localization of ACBD3), one could expect that ACBD3 still localized to the Golgi but it does not in the absence of SCFD1 as shown in this paper.
      • A prediction of the proposed model is that in cells depleted of the two Golgins, SCFD1 and ACBD3 should still bind to one another, right? Did the authors test this?
      • The model presented here (fig 8) seems to suggest that only the conformational variation of ACBD3 that binds Golgins is able to recruit (bind) PI4KIIIb. Is this known, or is there any experimental evidence for that?
      • Have the authors thought about testing the FKE mutant in the experiemnts shown in Fig. 5?
      • In general, I think the title might be a bit misleading because of the use of PI4Kiiib. I understand what the authors mean, but because they have not thoroughly tested PI4Kiiib recruitment in their experiments, I think they should focuse rather on the mechanism of recruitment of ACBD3 the authors have found.


      I think, as said above, that this is potentially an important paper for the field of membrane trafficking and membrane biology. Most of the experiments are in general well performed and well controlled, and the paper is clearly written and follows a logical line.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This manuscript describes molecular mechanisms by which ACBD3 is recruited to the Golgi complex. ACBD3 recruits PI4KIII which is required to generate PI4P, a phosphoinositide which is key for the recruitment of essential Golgi proteins and hence is key to Golgi identity. The authors have used a combination of mass spectrometry, high quality fluorescence imaging, transient CRISPR knockdowns, and biochemical approaches such as IPs to identify the key determinant for recruitment of ACBD3 to the Golgi complex. They map the interaction between ACBD3 and the Golgi as a unique region (UR) upstream of its GOLD domain, identifying, in particular, an MWT motif as key for this recruitment. Using mass spectrometry they identify several novel interactors of ACBD3 as well as some established binding partners. Knockdown of these interactors reveal a key role for the SNARE, SCFD1, where reduced levels lead to complete loss of ACBD3 localisation to the Golgi without apparent disruption of Golgi structure. They further validate this interaction and that of another SNARE (Sec22b), which is part of the same SNARE complex as SCFD1, mapping the interaction to the longin domain of Sec22b. Surprisingly however they demonstrate that the UR domain does not mediate the interaction between ACBD3 and these SNAREs suggesting an alternative mechanism of recruitment. Previously identified ACBD3 interactors, Golgi proteins giantin and golgin-45 were also identified in the mass spectrometry screen and the authors demonstrate that these two proteins can recruit ACBD2 to the Golgi and this is dependent on the MWT motif identified in the UR domain. By knocking down SCFD1, they show reduced recruitment of ACBD3 leading them to propose a model of sequential recruitment of ACBD3 by SCFD1 followed by interactions with the golgins.

      Major points:

      This study is a well-executed and rigorous study of the molecular requirements for the recruitment of ACBD3 to the Golgi. The experimental approaches are state-of-the-art and the data are clean and convincing. The only caveat, raised by the authors themselves, is their interpretation that there are two sequential steps for Golgi recruitment of ACBD3. While they show that loss of SCFD1 reduces the interaction of ACBD3 with giantin and golgin 45, their model depends on doing the reverse experiment, i.e. assessing the effects of knocking down either giantin or golgin-45. This is especially relevant given the demonstration that golgin-45 is sufficient to recruit ACBD3 to mitochondria. It may well be that recruitment involves a tripartite complex, which is not uncommon in vesicular transport mechanisms Giantin is not an essential protein do it should be feasible to perform this experiment. The authors are equipped in the quantitative fluorescence microscopy which would be required and which would help resolve whether sequential or redundant mechanisms are required for ACBD3 recruitment.


      PI4P is a phosphoinositide that is important for the recruitment of Golgi proteins. As with most PIs it is likely to act by coincidence detection in that Golgi associated proteins will recognise PI4P as well as other factors on Golgi membranes. This results in different local membrane environments which will be specific for particular functions. PI4KIII is key for PI4P production although the absolute levels of PI4P are likely to be determined by a balance of lipid kinases and phosphatases. However, since ACBD3 is key for the recruitment of PI4KIII it is important to understand the molecular mechanisms by which it is recruited. The manuscript thus makes a significant contribution to understanding one of the underlying mechanisms for PI4KIII recruitment although, as indicated above, stops short of establishing a clear model for the roles SCDF1 and Sec22b versus golgin 45 and giantin. For the future it will be of interest to determine why either a sequential or a redundant mechanism is required for the recruitment of ACBD3 as a scaffold protein.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We would like to thank all reviewers for taking the time to evaluate our manuscript fairly and critically. Many helpful suggestions and discussion points were raised. One important group of comments raised concerns whether our proposed timer and counter models were the appropriate conceptual framework to discuss nuclear multiplication in schizogony, whether they were mutually exclusive, and whether other alternatives should be considered. These comments were instrumental for us to uncover some inconsistencies in our previous modeling approach. In the new manuscript, we now define the counter and timer models much more rigorously in the context of Plasmodium cell division. Based on these refined models we now provide a new statistical analysis that goes beyond the previous analysis, significantly improving the statistical support for our conclusions. Details are given in the following individual replies.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):


      Malaria parasites replicating in human red blood cells show a striking diversity in the number of progeny per replication cycle. Variation in progeny number can be seen between different species of malaria parasites, between parasite isolates, even between different cells from the same isolate. To date, we have little understanding of what factors influence progeny number, or how mechanistically it is controlled. In this study, the authors try to define how the mechanism that determines progeny number works. They propose two mechanisms, a 'counter' where progeny number is determined by the measurement of some kind of parasite parameter, and a 'timer' where parasite lifecycle length would be proportional to progeny number. Using a combination of long-term live-cell microscopy and mathematical modelling, the authors find consistent support for a 'counter' mechanism. Support for this mechanism was found using both Plasmodium falciparum, the most prominent human malaria parasite, and P. knowlesi, a zoonotic malaria parasite. Of the parameters measured in this study, the only thing that seemed to predict progeny number was parasite size around the onset of mitosis. The authors also found that during their replication inside red blood cells, malaria parasites drastically increase their nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio, a cellular parameter remains consistent in the vast majority of cell-types studied to date.

      Major Comments

      It is stated a few times in this study that P. knowlesi has an ~24 hour lifecycle, and while this is the case for in vivo P. knowlesi, it was established in the study when P. knowlesi A1-H1 was adapted to human RBCs (Moon et al., 2013) that this significantly extended the lifecycle to ~27 hours, which should be made clear in the text. As much of this study revolves around lifecycle length and timing, the authors should consider some of their findings with the context that in vitro adaption can significantly alter lifecycle length.

      The reviewer raises an important point that we didn’t discuss for P. knowlesi. We now mention this directly in the introduction chapter (line 67) and in the discussion (lines 470ff). We are aware that P. knowlesi takes about 27 hours in the lab, which was also communicated by the Moon lab. We now cite relevant studies again in this context. We further address the issue of modified cell cycle time in vitro in the discussion in the sense that absolute values must be taken with caution and the focus of this study is about the relative ratio and correlation between the different cell cycle metrics.

      • The dichotomous distinction between 'timer' and 'counter' as mutually exclusive mechanisms seems to be a drastic oversimplification. Considering the drastic variation we see in merozoite number across species, between isolates, and between cells, it seems much more likely that there are factors controlled by both time-sensed and counter-sensed mechanisms that both influence progeny number.

      The study of progeny regulation in malaria parasites is very much in the early stages. We can agree that our models are simplifications, as is the case with all models. Our choice of just the two models timer and counter was driven by the number of cellular parameters we measure, i.e., duration of division phase and progeny number. These data essentially allow us to test the two competing models we presented. As we quantify more and more cellular parameters, based on the quantitative live cell imaging protocols established here, we will be able to test more complex cell cycle models. With our current data, we believe more complex models are not warranted.

      However, this valuable criticism, in conjunction with related remarks by other reviewers, made us reevaluate the constraints of our model more precisely. We noticed that the criteria used in the previous version in the manuscript contained unnecessary additional assumptions. Briefly, the previous counter model also required that final merozoite number was tightly controlled, while the previous timer model required the growth rate to be tightly controlled. These side assumptions were not made explicit in the manuscript and could bias the support towards one or the other model.

      We now improved the modeling approach substantially by removing implicit side assumptions, and clearly defining timer and counter models in terms of their correlations. The refined formulation of the timer posits that between individual parasites the target duration and the nuclear multiplication rate vary in a statistically independent way; while in a counter, target number and nuclear multiplication rate are statistically independent. We now explain this extended analysis in more detail in the introduction (lines 86ff). We also now more clearly state the dichotomous nature of the model (line 488). A new results paragraph (lines 213ff) and an entirely new Fig. 2 (and Fig. S4) contains the model predictions and statistical comparison between the models.

      This more rigorous treatment showed that including the variance of the multiplication rate was critical to allow a clean discrimination between the models. Also, with the sole exception of P.knowlesi H2B, where no model was clearly favored (Fig. 2G-H,K), the timer model was found to be inconsistent with the data, while the counter was clearly favored. Our new goodness-of-fit analysis also showed that although the counter is strongly simplified, it produced adequate fits, demonstrating that potential model refinements would need to be justified by new, more extensive data.

      It is also important to consider that the degree of variation in merozoite number could rather be an expression of varying growth conditions and does not directly predict which of the proposed models are true. For instance, a counter where the target merozoite number varies strongly depending on growth conditions, would be consistent with all available data. It is an interesting question for future work whether a counter would indeed describe growth across different isolates.

      The biological reality of growth regulation is certainly complex, and the counter model will likely need to be refined in the future, which we acknowledge in a corresponding statement in the discussion (lines 491ff). Nevertheless, we find it encouraging that a simple model can explain the vast majority of our data very well.

      Additionally, the only parasite parameter measured in this study, size at time of first nuclear division, explained only a small proportion of the variance observed in merozoite number.

      It is indeed the case that amongst the measured parasite parameters i.e. schizont stage duration, nuclear volume, and cell size we only found the latter to correlate with the final progeny number. We did not aim to imply that all variation in progeny number is explained by cell size. It is likely that a putative counter relies on a set of factors, which are somehow linked to cell size. In addition, intrinsic stochasticity in nuclear growth is likely to contribute to final merozoite number variability, which is included in our models via a variable growth rate. Defining the actual limiting factor or combination of factors will be an exciting challenge for the future studies building on this one.

      • For modelling of a timer-based mechanism, the designation of t0 is subjective. The authors chose the time of first nuclear division as their t0. It is possible that a timer-based mechanism could not be supported based on this model the chosen t0 differs from when the "parasite's timer" starts. For example, t could also have been designated as the time from merozoite invasion (t0) to egress (tend). It would be unreasonable to suggest the authors repeat experiments with a longer time-frame to address this, but this possibility should be discussed as a limitation of the model. It may also be possible to develop a different model where t0 = merozoite invasion and tend = egress, and test this model against the data already collected in this study.

      This is a valid point. We indeed, considered the time point of invasion as the other relevant time point in the IDC for a possible timer. Due to necessary compromises in imaging protocols between acquisition length, temporal, and spatial resolution we have not been able yet to combine full-length IDC measurements with quantification of progeny number. Given the choice, however, between time point of invasion and the onset of nuclear division as starting point for a potential timer we would still favor the latter: An argument can be made that a timer that regulates offspring number would be more accurate when activated at the moment of the relevant cellular events rather than “running” for a very prolonged growth phase before any “decision” concerning parasite replication. We are still convinced that the entry into the schizont stage, which we analyze here, marks an important cell cycle transition point that has been highlighted in many different studies. As suggested, we now discuss the limitations of our selection of t0 in the text (lines 146ff).

      • The calculation of the multiplication rate is confusingly defined. In Figure 1 it is stated that it is "...based on t and n", which would imply that the multiplication rate is the number of merozoites formed per hour of schizogony, which would give an average value of ~2 for P. falciparum and ~1.5 for P. knowlesi. The averages rate values shown, however, are in the range of 0.15-3. The authors should clarify how these values were determined.

      Thank you for pointing out the need for more clarity. Since the nuclear multiplication, similar to e.g. cell population growth, follows an exponential law, the multiplication rate used (lambda) is in fact a logarithmic growth rate. Therefore, it occurs in the exponent (not as a coefficient) in the exponential growth function ( ), which explains the range. We now mention this more explicitly in the results (lines 163ff).

      • In Figure 2, the time from tend until egress is calculated, and this is interpreted as the time required for segmentation. In the Rudlaff et al., 2020 study cited in this paper, it is shown that segmentation starts before the final round of nuclear divisions are complete. Considering this, the time from tend until egress is not an appropriate proxy for segmentation time. The authors should consider rewording to something akin to "time from final nuclear division until egress" to more accurately reflect these data.

      Thank you for indicating our imprecise use of the nomenclature. Indeed, some essential segmentation-associated structures such as rhoptries and subpellicular microtubules are clearly forming before the last division. We were referring to “segmentation” as the time window where actual ingression of the plasma membrane occurs between nuclei with the concurrent formation of more prominent IMC-associated sub-pellicular microtubules between nuclei (as in Fig. 1A last panel). We can, however, agree that consistently using the term “merozoite formation” is more adequate here. We have now corrected the terminology according to the suggestions of the reviewer (lines 271ff).

      • There is a significant discrepancy between the data in Figure 5 and Supplementary Figure 8. In Supplementary Figure 8, the authors establish that culturing parasites in media diluted 0.5x has a marginal effect on parasite growth, with no discernible change in parasitaemia over 96 hours. By contrast, in Figure 5a the parasitaemia of parasites cultured in 0.5x diluted media is approximately 5-fold lower than those in 1x media. The authors should explain the significant discrepancy between these results.

      The reviewer correctly points out a difference in parasitaemia between two parasite culture experiments, shown in Figs 5a (now 6A) and S8 (now S11), respectively. There were several differences in the experimental setup used in the two experiments that could explain this discrepancy. In Fig. 5a the parasites were synchronized to early ring stages while in Fig. S8 we used asynchronous cultures (maybe with a slight majority of late stages). One could speculate that by the time the synchronized ring stage culture reached egress the effect of nutrient depletion, which started at t = 0 h is more pronounced. This effect could have been exacerbated by the more frequent media change of 24 h in Fig. 5a vs 48h in Fig. S8. Lastly, the starting parasitemia was differently set being higher at around 0.5% in the Fig. 5a while only 0.2% in Fig. S8. Possibly a lack of nutrient is “felt less” by the culture at lower parasitemias. Generally, in Fig. S8 we were more focused on highlighting the difference between 1x/0.5x and the more diluted conditions on the long-term culture and to show that continuous culture is actually possible in 0.5x medium. We have now expanded the legends to highlight those differences more clearly.

      • In Supplementary Figure 4, the mask on the cell at t0 shows two distinct objects, but it seems very unlikely that they are two distinct nuclei as they vary approximately 5-fold in diameter. The authors should provide more detail on how their masking was performed for their volumetric analysis. Specifically, whether size thresholds were also applied during object detection.

      Thank you for requesting clarification here. Fig S4 (now S7) shows only one z-slice (not a projection) of the entire image stack, to illustrate how the thresholding approach was performed on every single image slice. The two objects in the shown cell are indeed two nuclei, but because they are not in the same z-plane appear to be of different size. In particular, only a slice of the upper part of the nucleus on the lower right is visible in the shown slice. Throughout the study, volume determination was realized by adding up the individual slices, as is explained in detail in the Materials and Methods sections. We have now added a more explanation in the figure legend to clarify the procedure.

      Minor Comments

      • Line 45-48 mentions that merozoite number influences growth rate and virulence, but the corresponding reference (Mancio-Silva et al., 2013) only discusses the relationship between merozoite number and growth rate, not virulence.

      We thank the reviewer for requesting this distinction. Merozoite number and virulence have not been correlated in vivo so far. Certainly, because one can’t retrieve late-stage P. falciparum parasites from patients, but maybe partly because merozoite number has not gotten significant attention as a metric in the previous decades. Even if merozoite number is intuitively connected to growth rate which might causes higher parasitemia which is in turn linked to more severe disease outcome it is important to emphasize that those are certainly not equivalent. We have therefore removed the statement about virulence (line 48).

      • Line 59 states that a 48 hour lifecycle is a baseline from which in vitro cultured parasites deviate. Clinical isolates also show variation in lifecycle length and so it is more accurate to just say that 48 hours is an average, rather than a baseline.

      The word “baseline” has been changed to “average” (line 61).

      • Line 63 cites a study for the lifecycle length of P. knowlesi (Lee et al., 2022), but there seems to be no mention of lifecycle length in this reference

      This reference was meant to serve as an introductory review article to research in P. knowlesi. Actually, to the knowledge of the authors, there is no study presenting quantitative data showing that the in vitro cycle of P. knowlesi is actually around 27 h. Our lab experience is however coherent with a 27 h cycle, which was confirmed by personal communication by the Moon lab. We now also cite in the next sentence the inaugural P. knowlesi adaptation publication (Moon et al. 2013) showing some time course data indicating the duration of the IDC to be around ~27h (lines 67ff).

      • If I am interpreting Figure 3B correctly, this is essentially a paired analysis where the same erythrocytes are measured twice, once at t0 and once at tend. If this is the case, this data may be better represented with lines that connect the t0 and tend values.

      Yes, these are the same erythrocytes measured twice. We have modified Figure 3 (now Fig. 4) accordingly.

      • Figure 3A seems to imply that to calculate diameter of the erythrocytes, three measurements were made and averaged for each cell. I think this is a nice way to get a more accurate erythrocyte diameter, but if this is the case, it should be specified in the figure legend or methods.

      This is already described in the figure legend (line 305).

      • In Figure 4I it is shown that in P. falciparum merozoite number doesn't correlate with nucleus size, but for P. knowlesi in Supplementary Figure 7c, a significant anticorrelation is observed. The authors should state this in the text and discuss this discrepancy.

      Contrary to all other graphs, visual inspection of the distribution of data points in Fig. S10C shows that it contains two outlier data points at the bottom right. Those two specific points are also responsible for the significant anticorrelation. We did not filter or remove any quantification results but also didn’t have sufficient confidence in this data distribution (which is further based on the segmentation of the Histone2B not on an NLS mCherry signal) to make substantial claims about anticorrelation. Because we considered it informative we still decided to show it in the supplements. We now briefly mention the issues with the data set and its interpretation in the text (lines 350ff).

      • The authors show that merozoite number roughly correlates with cell size at t0 but it would be interesting to see whether cell size at tend also corresponds with cell size at t0. This might help answer whether the cell is larger because it has more merozoites, or whether it has more merozoites because it is larger.

      Plotting parasite cell volume at t0 against cell volume at tend (as well as between t-2 and tend) indeed shows a positive correlation (see below). While it is an interesting thought we concluded after some discussion that no convincing causal relationship between cell size and merozoite number can be inferred based on this analysis. Since we consider the possible statement that cells that are bigger in the beginning are also bigger in the end unavailing, we decided not to include the data.

      • I don't feel that "nearly identical" is an appropriate summary of erythrocyte indices in Supplementary Figure 9, considering there is a statistically significant increase in mean cell volume. I think it is unlikely that this change is consequential, and performing these haematology analyses is a nice quality control step, but this change should be stated in the text.

      In the modified text we now express the significant change in MCV in terms of percentage, which is around 1.2% (line 381).

      • In Supplementary Figure 8, parasitaemia only increases ~2-fold compared to >5-fold the previous two cycles. It seems likely that at the final timepoint on this graph the parasites are starting to crash, and therefore it may be best to end the graph with the 96 hour timepoint.

      The reviewer suggests that cultures at those parasitemias might not be in perfect health. Our Giemsa stains did not show signs of an unhealthy culture and kept growing. It was, however, important for us to show that cultures can be maintained in culture over a prolonged period of time in 0.5x medium, even when resulting in reduced growth, while this was not possible with lower dilutions. Therefore, we would like to keep the data point. We have added a cautionary comment in the legend.

      • The error bars in Figure 5C aren't easily visible, moving them in front of the datapoints may help their visibility.

      Error bars were moved in front of the data points.

      • In Figure 6D & E, the y-axis labels should be changed to whole integers as all the values in the graph are whole numbers.

      We have changed the y-axis labels accordingly.

      • My interpretation of Figure 6 C-E, is that these are the same cells measured at three time points (t-2, t0 and tend). If this is the case, 6C is missing the cell that has a merozoite number of 8, which is presumably why the y-axes are not equalised for the three graphs.

      It is correct that the same cells are displayed in all three plots, with the exceptions of three cells in 6C (for the timepoint t-2), which are missing for the following reasons: 1) it was not possible to determine the volume at this respective timepoint due to technical issues or 2) the cell was already just before t0 at the start of the movie so that t-2 had already passed. We now note this in the figure legend and have also equalized the y-axes (now Fig. 7C-E).

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      In the asexual blood-stage of their lifecycle, malaria parasites replicate through a process called schizogony. During schizogony an initially mononucleated parasite undergoes multiple asynchronous rounds of mitosis followed by nuclear division without cytokinesis, producing a variable number of daughter nuclei. Parasites then undergo a specialised cytokinesis, termed segmentation to where nuclei are packaged into merozoites that go on to invade new host cells. While nucleus, and therefore merozoite, number are known to be varied between cells, across isolates, and across species, little is known about the mechanisms regulating merozoite number. In this study, the authors use live-cell microscopy to understand how parasites determine their progeny number. They suggest that parasites regulate their progeny number using a 'counter' mechanism, which would respond to the size or concentration of a cellular parameter, as opposed to a 'timer' mechanism. Long-term live-cell microscopy experiments using malaria parasites are extremely technically challenging, and the authors should be commended for their efforts in this regard. While I agree that the data generated from these experiments are technically sound, I have some reservations expressed above about the interpretation of some of these results. I would strongly encourage the authors to consider rewording some of their interpretations taking into account some of the caveats listed above. I would also consider fitting/testing an additional mathematical model where the time-frame proposed for the 'timer' mechanism begins following merozoite invasion.

      We thank the reviewer for the appreciation of our work and hope we have sufficiently reworked the manuscript based on the comments listed above. Furthermore, we think the improved model statement and analysis improves the clarity of our conclusions. Indeed, we would like to test additional models including the full IDC once, as mentioned above, we are technically able to generate these data.

      This work is of specific interest to anybody who grows malaria parasites, as the dynamics of their growth is obviously important to understand. Further, this work is of interest more generally to cell biologists who study the regulation of progeny number or cell size. I have no experience with the application of mathematical modelling to understand biological systems, and so I cannot comment on the interest of this work to that field.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      This is a solid study that further characterises the dynamics of nuclear division in Plasmodium falciparum and P. knowlesi. Of two, among potentially several, models for how the number of daughter nuclei, and thus parasites - (called merozoites in this genus), are one that posits nuclei divide until a fixed timer ends, and one that posits that nuclei divide to reach a fixed number that is defined by a cellular counter. I find some practical difficulties in definitive measurement of either model, one issue with the former is that experimental definition of the start of the timer is problematic - we may define the starter's gun (eg by the first nuclear division) but it isn't necessary that the cell is using that same start time.

      We are pleased that the Reviewer found our study ‘solid’. Concerning the timer model, we agree that the selection of the starting point is a critical aspect of this study, as also Reviewer 1 pointed out. We selected this particular “t0” because the entry into the mitotic phase marks an important cell cycle transition. Several studies have suggested a “schizogony entry checkpoint” might be active just before (Matthews et al, 2018; Voß et al, 2023; van Biljon et al, 2018; McLean & Jacobs-Lorena, 2020). Once cells are committed to the schizont stage they are less responsive to stimuli. Alternatively, the timepoint of erythrocyte invasion could be a legitimate starting point. Due to necessary compromises in our imaging protocol between acquisition length, temporal, and spatial resolution we have not been able yet to combine full-length IDC measurements with quantification of progeny number, and therefore we leave exploration of an earlier timer start for future work. Within the confines of the model comparison in the current study, we think the selected t0 is already highly informative. We now explain the selection and limitations more explicitly in the text (line 144ff).

      Additionally, as the authors confirm here, being sure when that first nuclear division has occurred is particularly tricky with Plasmodium parasites, in part because the first few nuclei seem to clump together, preventing one from unambiguously calibrating the first division.

      The Reviewer is concerned about difficulties with precise reporting of the time point of first nuclear division. We suspect there was a misunderstanding here. In the text (line 137) we had written the following:

      “Although separating individual nuclei after the first two rounds of division was challenging due to their spatial proximity, the improvements in resolution and 3D image analysis allowed us to count the final number of nuclei routinely and reliably at the transition into the segmenter stage.”

      To clarify, when analyzing 3D image stacks produced by the LSM900 Airyscan the first nuclear division can consistently and unambiguously be detected. In anaphase the nuclei are pushed apart quite substantially before getting a bit closer together afterwards (see e.g. Fig. 1B and C). Hence the precision of the detection is only limited by the 30 min interval of the time lapse. Later, at the four nuclei stage, crowding makes distinction more difficult. In the final segmenter stage, the reorganization and condensation of nuclei makes reliable counting possible again. We have now reformulated the quoted sentence for more clarity (lines 137ff).

      Furthermore, getting decent replicate numbers is hard because of the difficulties of time lapse microscopy, and most Plasmodium studies (including this one) suffer from low enough numbers that it isn't always clear whether the numbers support one model over another.

      The reviewer points out the difficulty of obtaining enough replicates in Plasmodium time-lapse studies. We agree that depending on technology, sufficient replicates can be challenging. In the present study we obtained Ns between 25 and 35 for all conditions in P. falciparum and P. knowlesi from three independent replicas. To gain confidence in the conclusions from a limited, but not austere, data, it is essential to 1) reduce model complexity to a minimum and 2) perform stringent statistical analysis including accounting for small-sample variation. Motivated by this concern of the Reviewer and a similar point raised by Reviewer 1, we have revisited our modeling approach in the revised manuscript. This led us to a corrected, more rigorous definition of what precisely we mean by ‘counter’ and ‘timer’ models: The timer posits that between individual parasites the target duration and the nuclear multiplication rate and vary in a statistically independent way, while in a counter target number and nuclear multiplication rate are statistically independent. With no further adjustable parameters, the two models are thus both mutually exclusive and minimal. Although biological reality is likely to be more complex, we feel that these minimal models are adequate for the amount and resolution of our current, state-of-the art data. The general result remained the same: The counter model is strongly preferred in almost all our experiments data (new Fig. 2), with the sole exception of P. knowlesi H2B, where indeed more data may be needed to come to a clear conclusion. Furthermore, we have taken care to scrutinize these conclusions accounting for goodness-of-fit for the respective sample size N. This analysis showed, surprisingly, that the counter model was sufficient to account for the data: the real dataset was as similar to the counter prediction as synthetic, counter-generated data. We hope that this improved statistical analysis can help the reader judge the robustness of our conclusions.

      Nonetheless, several recent studies, particularly a study from the same institute (Klaus et al., 2022) employing timelapse imaging of nuclei, and timing the nuclear division of parasites, finds poor correlation between the duration of "schizogeny" (although perhaps using a different definition to the one used by the parasite) and the final number or merozoites. They therefore argue that there is poor evidence for a timer, and conclude by elimination that a counter must exist instead. A review by some of the authors of that study and some of this current study (Voß et al 2023), also concludes that the data from Klaus and colleagues "strongly support" a counter model. This current study also concludes that a counter model controls final nuclear/merozoite number in P. falciparum and P. knowlesi. This much at least is not particularly novel given the recent work on this topic, although the addition of the P. knowlesi data is interesting and consistent with the prior P. falciparum work.

      Our present work, indeed, does confirm the previous report of a counter over a timer, through a more targeted approach. While Klaus et al. used timing data of first nuclear cycle vs. the full duration, we now provide, thanks to an improvement microscopy setup and protocol, simultaneous measurements of timing and final progeny number, i.e. counting of merozoites/nuclei. While the preference for a counter model is not fundamentally novel, the additional information that the counter model holds in different strains, conditions and species is, in our opinion, not trivial and points to some degree of evolutionary conservation. We also demonstrate here that the counter model is not only preferred over the timer, it also fits the data adequately, so that it can be considered ‘correct’ at this level of complexity. Another, possibly more important, value of this study lies in the quantitative and time-resolved assessment of multiple important parasite metrics such a cell volume and nuclear volume together with merozoite number at the single cell level. Although descriptive, this has not been achieved in Plasmodium until now.

      As above, the authors concede that it is difficult to determine with strong confidence when the first nuclear division has occurred, so it may well be that there is substantial noisiness in the time that they define schizogeny to commence. If that were the case, this would contribute to the poor correlation observed between schizogeny duration and number of merozoites produced, so this could be an important confounding experimental factor. This deserves some more discussion by the authors.

      Concerning the confidence with which we identify the first nuclear division we could hopefully clarify in the section above that our precision is only limited by the time resolution of the acquired time-lapse. Therefore, the uncertainty about the start time is not particularly high, and moreover, can expected to affect timer and counter (via the growth rate) to a similar degree. We see no unfair advantage for the counter for this reason.

      Alternative methods to count absolute DNA content (rather than trying to count individual nuclei) might be useful ways of independently confirming this phenomenon. Alternative possibilities for what constitutes the "start" of a possible timer are also warranted - it could be for example, the first division of one of the other organelles.

      This is an interesting suggestion. Next generation fluorogenic DNA dyes have been used by us and the Ganter group (Simon et al. 2021, Klaus et al. 2022, Wenz et l. 2023) to assess DNA content of single cells over time. Our experience shows that there are some caveats to using these Hoechst based dyes, some of which we discussed in the aforementioned publications. While they allow some reasonable absolute quantification of DNA content for the very first S-Phase (and subsequent nuclear division), in later stages only relative quantification can be achieved. One underlying reason is the apparent increase of dye permeability, and therefore higher intensity, at late schizont stages. This issue is exacerbated by the asynchronous DNA replication of multiple nuclei. Further, nuclear division itself can be delayed or even inhibited when increasing the concentration of the dye, which suggest an impact on cell physiology (well documented for Hoechst based dyes in other organisms). When reaching the segmenter stage, the resulting variance in fluorescent intensity would make it challenging to assign a reliable number of nuclei required for analysis, a problem that does not occur when counting individual nuclei. Taken together, unfortunately, all these confounding factors make DNA content analysis in live single cells for the entire schizont stage unachievable at this point.

      These and previous authors in any case conclude that a counter model must exist through exclusion of a timer model. I am less convinced that the evidence discounting the timer is conclusive, and that a straight counter model is the only alternative. Indeed I am unconvinced by the suitability of this strictly dichotomous two-model system to categorise the division of unicellular eukaryotes, and these theories are not universally held to be sufficient to describe division.

      We thank the Reviewer for this insightful comment. As already detailed above, we have clarified and corrected our model definitions in the revised manuscript. Further, we want to make the important distinction between organisms, including unicellular ones that undergo binary fission and the ones like Plasmodium that use schizogony. Our model, although inspired by model organisms, is tailored to a multinucleated division mechanism, and clearly defined within those boundaries. The timer and counter models we consider are defined by their correlation structures. They are at two extremes of a continuum of models which could be characterized, for instance, by the ratio of correlations (growth rate - nuclear number) vs. (growth rate – duration) as an additional parameter. As the reviewer points out, excluding the timer model is not equivalent to proving the counter model, and indeed a partially correlated model, or a more complex model entirely, could yield a better fit. However, within the realm of models without additional parameters, and which are testable with the available data, only timer and counter remain, as different timer start points are not experimentally accessible. Importantly and somewhat surprisingly, the counter model also gave a fit that is as good as can be reasonably expected for the experimental sample size (new Fig. 2). So, we maintain that within the current experimental constraints, the counter model is the only viable option for almost all our tested conditions. The observation that in H2B-GFP expressing P. knowlesi parasites no clear distinction can be made between the models, indeed, suggest that the reality of multiplication rate regulation is more complex and may be limited by different constraints in different growth regimes. We now state these limitations and the room for further model adjustments with more data in the Discussion section.

      Nonetheless, if a counter exists, what is being counted that determines the final number? The authors consider that this might be a physical object or resource inside the parasite, or an extrinsic/extracellular resource. They investigate this by comparing the final cell number to a number of factors. First, the authors investigate the size of the RBC (by musing the diameter as an indicator)- little information is given about the source of the blood used, but it appears to be from a single donor of unknown age, who has approximately typical variance in RBC diameter (at least, after manipulation and storage). The authors observe little correlation between these variables.

      We share the curiosity of the reviewer about what might be “counted” by the parasite. This shall be the subject of future studies, and our present study provides the necessary basis for asking this question and defines a framework to investigate it. Concerning the size of the host cell, the blood used was from a different donor for each of the replicas, which we now specify in the figure legend (line 302). No significant difference between the RBC diameters between the donors was observed. A correlation between RBC diameter and progeny number was indeed not observed.

      Second the authors measure parasite size at the onset of schizogeny, and find that bigger parasites result in more daughter merozoites early in schizogeny (perhaps not surprising, given the earlier mentioned technical problems with measuring the first few steps of schizogeny), but that this different initial cell size doesn't result in a different final merozoite number, or as they describe it "not quite significant anymore". Previous p values were taken as cause for rejecting the timer hypothesis and the timer model. In this case the authors instead interpret the data as suggesting "that the setting of the counter might correlate with parasite cell size". This is inconsistent statistical and analytical handling, and highlights the earlier potential pitfall of rejecting timer-based models based on not gathering data that statistically show a correlation. This needs reworking to highlight that these data are inherently noisy, difficult to measure accurately, and aren't necessarily going strongly reveal a trend even where one biologically exists, and that this ought not be used as grounds for confident rejection of a model.

      The Reviewer raises concerns about the consistency of the statistical interpretation of our data. We care deeply about the well-foundedness of our conclusions and hope to eliminate these concerns in the following. First, we hope that the issue about the “technical problems” in measuring the first division has been solved in our response to previous comments. Next, to clarify an apparent misunderstanding: As stated in the text (lines 329ff) and shown in now Fig. 5D-E, cell size at onset of nuclear division or 2 hours prior does significantly correlate with final merozoite number. The lack of significant p-value (0.08) only pertains to the correlation of cell size at the end of the schizont stage (tend) with merozoite number (now Fig. 5F). We have removed the unfortunate wording “not quite significant anymore” in that context. Finally, regarding potential mechanisms, a potential counter must be set before the first nuclear division is completed because only that way it can be set independent of the speed of nuclear multiplication. This observation gives the statistically significant correlation of volume at the onset of division and progeny number its relevance. We have reformulated the marked sentence for more clarity (lines 331ff). Furthermore, we point out that our rejection of the timer is now based on a revisited statistical analysis (Fig. 2), which is no longer based on a simple correlation between final number and duration, as detailed above.

      Finally, the authors grow the parasites in dilute media, and find that they produce fewer daughter parasites. This is anecdotally unsurprising, as most Plasmodium laboratories are aware that sub-optimal growth conditions result in less healthy schizonts with fewer viable merozoites (and lower magnitudes of single-cycle expansion), but is nonetheless an important result that highlights explicitly how much this occurs in the specific conditions of dilute media. Given the lack of investigation of exactly which nutrient, carbon source, or combination thereof leads to the reduced merozoite number, it is unclear if or how much this is relevant to the scenario of a natural infection and realistic levels of that nutrient in a human or primate parasite environment.

      As rightfully pointed out by the reviewer suboptimal growth conditions affecting parasite growth and multiplication rate have been shown in many instances. The number of studies that actually quantify a reduction in merozoite number under different growth conditions is certainly much lower (Brancucci et al. 2017 (lipids), Mancio-Silva et al. 2017 (calorie-restriction in mice), Tinto-Font et al. 2022 (temperature) come to mind). What our study adds to this body of literature is to which extent duration of the schizont stage and cell volume are affected in relation to progeny number at the single cell level. Importantly, we wanted to test whether the counter model still holds under these more adverse conditions, which we found to be the case. Along the lines of the work on calorie restriction and the likely implication of isoleucine in the process investigated in the laboratory of Maria Mota, it will be exciting to identify a “limiting factor” in future studies. Indeed, any study done in complete RPMI culture medium can be questioned regarding its physiological relevance and we added a sentence addressing this aspect in the discussion (lines 514ff). Yet, our medium dilution experiments suggest that at least to some degree an extracellular resource is implicated, which makes sense from a biological function point-of-view.

      Minor issues

      The manuscript confuses the terms "less" and "fewer". Fewer should be used for countable nouns (fewer daughter cells, fewer nuclei, fewer merozoites), less for uncountable nouns (e.g. less speed, less volume).

      Thank you for pointing this out. The words have been replaced accordingly.

      I didn't understand lines 93-95; "This excluded a timer and thereby confirmed a counter as the mechanism regulating termination of nuclear multiplication (Klaus et al., 2022). A direct correlation between duration of schizont stage and merozoite number is, however, still missing." If I understand the first sentence concludes that there ought not be a direct correlation between schizont duration and merozoite number, but the second sentence, says that that correlation is "however" missing. Isn't this expected? Perhaps reword for clarity?

      Thank you for requesting clarification here. The exclusion of the timer by Klaus et al. 2022 was based on the correlation between duration of the first nuclear division cycle and the total duration of all nuclear replication phases. At no point did Klaus et al. count merozoites in live single cells, which was mainly due to lower spatial resolution of their images (M. Ganter, personal communication). Therefore, they could not directly assess the relation between progeny number and schizont stage duration, which we now report for the first time. The sentence was supposed to convey that this type of data was missing and was now reformulated for more clarity (line 114).

      Lines 104

      "We further uncover that throughout schizogony P. falciparum infringes on the otherwise ubiquitously constant N/C-ratio (Cantwell and Nurse, 2019)" This seems obvious to me, and not something uncovered by this study. In most of the numerous apicomplexans that divide by endoschizogeny, the cells achieve a near final size considerably before the final rounds of nuclear division so the N/C ratio must not remain constant - this is a direct corollary of many previous descriptions and not a novel finding of this study, and this claim here should be made more modest.

      We understand the point raised by the reviewer but still think that our claim is justified due to several aspects. There are examples of eukaryotic cells that undergo multinucleated stages during division were the N/C-ratio is constant (Dundon et al. 2016, Cantwell and Nurse, 2019), while we are not aware of any counter-example in the literature. Studies have also shown that e.g. certain mutant yeast that fail to undergo cytokinesis will increase their volume by factor of up to 16 alongside the still replicating and growing nucleus maintain the N/C-ratio (Neumann et al. 2007, Jorgensen et al. 2007). This demonstrates the tremendous plasticity that cells can reveal with respect to nucleus and cell size regulation. Until the contrary was shown, it was conceivable that nuclear compaction, which does occur (Fig. 5H), compensates for the increase in nuclear number while the cell volume is only increasing slightly. Importantly, we are not aware of any literature where nuclear volume has been quantified for blood stage Plasmodium. Cell volume quantifications remain limited to modelling and the study by Waldecker et al., which provides a few datapoints throughout the IDC. Whether this finding is expected or not, formally speaking, our claim is justified, but for more clarity we replace “uncover” with “demonstrate”. We also introduce the N/C-ratio as cellular parameter in P. falciparum pointing out another divergent aspect of its biology and might in the future understand the functional implication of this usually constant ratio, which is still unclear.

      Dundon SE, Chang SS, Kumar A, Occhipinti P, Shroff H, Roper M, Gladfelter AS. Clustered nuclei maintain autonomy and nucleocytoplasmic ratio control in a syncytium. Mol Biol Cell. 2016 Jul 1;27(13):2000-7.

      Neumann FR, and Nurse P. Nuclear size control in fission yeast. J. Cell Biol. 2007; 179: 593–600. pmid:17998401

      Jorgensen P, Edgington NP, Schneider BL, Rupeš I, Tyers M & Futcher B Molecular Biology of the Cell 18 (2007) The size of the nucleus increases as yeast cells grow.

      Helena Cantwell, Paul Nurse; A homeostatic mechanism rapidly corrects aberrant nucleocytoplasmic ratios maintaining nuclear size in fission yeast. J Cell Sci; 132 (22)

      I lack specialist statistical knowledge to comment on the statistical analyses performed on the correlation data, and in particular, whether the high p values for t-Tests for correlation are sufficient to support the argument that there is not a correlation, and whether these observations are sufficiently powered to robustly test that hypothesis.

      We are confident that our reworked model analysis, as explained above, now sufficiently supports our hypotheses.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      The manuscript purports to find a counting mechanism that determines parasite merozoite numbers, and that this coutner is set by an externally provided and diffusible resource. Many nutrients are in excess in normal culture media, but not all. If that counted nutrient(s) were normally in excess in the bloodstream, it could hardly be said to be the factor that is counted and that therefore defines merozoite number. Conversely, if the amount of that nutrient were increased in normal media, would parasites make even more merozoites? Further, if the "counted" item is a freely diffusible compound in the media, it should be equally accessible to each parasite in a culture condition, and isn't a reasonable explanation for the variable merozoite numbers in the normal media conditions. To me, it is unsurprising that parasites that are healthy and well fed are able to produce more merozoites, but I don't see this as being the same as support for a counter model where the parasite senses and counts a set number of merozoites to produce in response to a specific external counter. I think the shoehorning of this phenomenon into a paradigm used to describe some other eukaryotes may not be appropriate, and that the rejection of one overly simplistic timer model should not automatically lead to us dichotomously accepting a simple counter method as the alternative. The authors need to do more to either identify a countable input whose gradual increase leads to a predictable and gradual increase in merozoite number, to show that they do use a counter, or provide substantially more caveats to their argument that the parasites are using a counter based on an externally provided resource to determine merozoite number.

      The reviewer comments on the feasibility of a counter mechanism based on an externally provided and diffusible resource. In fact this is a limited view of how a counter may arise and not the one we subscribe to. Rather, while a resource may be diffusible in the medium, it would need to be consumed during schizogony, and insufficiently replenished, in order to enable counting by dilution in the host cell. Furthermore, the reviewer has doubts that the fact that “healthy and well fed […] produce more merozoites” implies “support for a counter model”. We fully agree, and we argue in the manuscript that it is the correlations between schizogony durations and merozoite counts that support a counter model.

      As we have argued above, the two alternative models we consider are inspired by paradigm from other eukaryotes, but their definitions in the present context are simple enough for them to be considered natural minimal models of schizogony. As the simplest imaginable phenomenological models of multiplication control, we find it natural to compare them, and we hope our new introductory section introduces them appropriately now. Naturally, we hope to expand on this simple model in the future and identify more precisely the limiting resources and describe a more direct response.

      Audience - relatively specialised - likely interested audience would combine apicomplexan cell biologists, as well as theorists of cell division mechanism

      Advance - limited - confirms phenomenon also described by other researchers in their institute, and extends to another related organism.

      We would like to add that the present data are the first quantitative joint measurements of schizogony dynamics and outcome in P.falciparum and knowlesi. They allowed for the first time a direct correlation of duration and merozoite number, thereby accessing the question of growth control head on. Further they provide a quantitative reference of several key cellular parameters for anybody studying asexual blood stage parasites.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):


      Stürmer and colleagues used super-resolution time-lapse microscopy to probe the mechanism regulating the number of merozoites produced by a single cell in Plasmodium falciparum and P. knowlesi. The authors conclude the followings-

      1. P. knowlesi has similar duration of schizont stage to P. falciparum, although having a 24 h intraerythrocytic developmental cycle (IDC) to 48 h of P. falciparum.
      2. Nuclear multiplication dynamics suggests a counter mechanism of division- which is further suggested by a significant relation of merozoite numbers with schizont size at the onset of division.
      3. Nutritional deprivation caused increase in nuclear volume and decrease in merozoite number. For the most part, the experiments that are presented in this manuscript support the conclusion of the authors. The data are presented in a concise and clear manner. However, some clarification and a couple of experiment (listed below) would improve this manuscript.

      Major comments:

      1. The authors generated at least 3 transgenic lines for this study, But the did not present any genetic validation of the lines in the manuscript. For completeness, I recommend to provide genetic validation (either pcr genotyping or whole genome sequencing) of the lines that were generated and used in this study in the supplement.

      Our study exclusively used episomal expression of the respective fluorescent reporter (H2B-GFP, NLS-mCherry, and cytoplasmic GFP). As is customary in the field resistance to selection drugs and distinct fluorescent signals are assumed to sufficiently validate the presence of the plasmids. We now added the schematic maps of the plasmids in a new Fig. S1 to make our approach more visually clear.

      1. In the H2B-GFP lines, the authors episomally GFP-tagged histone 2B to label the nuclear chromatin for both P. falciparum and P. knowlesi. This provides a very useful parasite line which enables the live time-lapse microscopy. Using these parasite lines, the authors first show that despite having a 24 h IDC in P. knowlesi vs 48 h in P. falciparum, both these parasites have a similar duration of the schizont stage (8.s vs 9.4 h). My concern here is whether this GFP-tagging is influencing the growth dynamics as in slowing down the P. knowlesi parasites. However, if that was the case authors should have seen that for P. falciparum too. Also, for the P. falciparum parasites that episomally express cytosolic GFP and Nuclear mCherry have a higher number of merozoites compared to the H2B-GFP P. falciparum and the authors speculate this is probably because of not tagging Histone 2B. Given this, it is important to show that none of the H2B-GFP parasites show any significant fitness cost due to GFP tagging of histone. I recommend a simple experiment to compare the multiplication rate of H2B-GFP lines to the parental lines in identical growth conditions. This suggested experiment was described in PMID: 35164549 to determine fitness cost of knockout lines. This experiment is vital for validation of the H2B-GFP lines and subsequent interpretation of the data that were presented in this manuscript.

      We thank the reviewer for this excellent suggestion. To validate our lines further we now have carried out multiplication rate measurements similar to the one described in the designated publication for all the used lines alongside their parental strains (Fig. S2). We found no significant differences in between the wild type and the episomally expressing parasite lines (lines 131ff), which gives us confidence that episomal expression of tagged proteins do not significantly alter growth dynamics in these cases.

      1. The authors used the microtubule live cell dye SPY555-Tubulin in P. falciparum to validate the findings presented in 1D and 1E. They did not do that for P. knowlesi. If there is no unsurmountable technical difficulty, I suggest doing the same with P. knowlesi. This will also address the concern that I have pointed out in #1.

      Thank you for this suggestion. We have now generated the requested data with P. knowlesi, added it to what is now Supplemental Figure 3 and included it in our new analysis (Fig. 2I-J). The numerical values align well with the observations made when measuring schizont stage dynamics with the H2B-GFP expressing P. knowlesi line (line 158). A notable difference is that the Tubulin data strongly support the (refined) counter model, while the H2B data alone allow no distinction.

      1. The data in Figure 3 shows that merozoite number does not depend on host cell diameter. My question here is, were these data collected using different donor blood? Or were this measured from different biological replicate? These are not clear from the writing. I am not sure about whether blood from various donor would have on the data, however, different preparation of the cells across various biological replicate will have some effect on host cell diameter hence on data. State if these were collected from independent biological replicates and about the donor blood.

      The data results where indeed collected from three independent biological replicates using different donor blood batches. This is now stated in the figure legend. The batches displayed no difference in RBC diameter.

      1. It is interesting to see that nutrient-limited conditions increase average nuclear volume but less merozoite numbers. In this experiment, as I understand, complete media was diluted 0.5x, which basically diluted every component of the media by half. From this experiment I can see nutritional deprivation as a whole having an effect and supports the counter mechanism, it would be intriguing to see if there is any effect of a particular nutrient have any effect on progeny division. For example, parasites can be grown in amino acid deprived media (except isoleucine) which makes the parasites fully dependent on host cell amino acids. This sort of specific nutrient deprivation will probably allow the authors to probe for specific nutrients that plays role as counter mechanism factor.

      This is indeed a very exciting direction we would like to investigate in more detail in follow-up studies. Our aim for this study was to confirm that nutrient deprivation actually affects “counting” and to provide a workflow to investigate individual nutrients. In the meantime the Mota group, in a study we now cite in the discussion (lines 507ff), actually reported that isoleucine (and possibly methionine) levels are linked to progeny number. A follow-up on this topic using our strains and methodology is certainly worthwhile but requires more detailed analysis in the future.

      Minor comments:

      1. P. knowlesi is sometimes just written as knowlesi. Please, write P. Knowlesi.

      Has been corrected.

      1. Supplemental figure 1D, missing x-axis label.

      We added the x-axis label.

      1. In line 105, define N/C.


      1. In line 205, I assume the authors mean episomally, not episomally.

      Thank you for pointing this out. We have replaced “ectopically” with “episomally” throughout the text.

      1. In line 275, Duration of Schizont stage was slightly....

      Has been corrected.

      1. All 'ml' or 'µl' should be 'mL' or 'µL'.

      Changes have been made.

      1. Define iRPMI.

      We added a definition (line 610).

      1. In line 475, replace 'as' with 'and'.


      Reviewer #3 (Significance):

      The factors that regulate the number of progenies in malaria parasites remain unknown. While there are few previous studies attempting to answer the question, those studies were done on fixed stained cells. In this study, the authors used genetically modified fluorescent P. falciparum and P. knowlesi parasites that enable live microscopy. These parasites coupled with super-resolution time-lapse microscopy the authors attempt to investigate the mechanism(s) at play in regulating progeny division. This manuscript provides data to suggest that external resources might have some role in progeny division and supports the counter mechanism. More careful validation of the transgenic lines that were used to collect data presented needs to be more systematic and rigorous.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Stürmer and colleagues used super-resolution time-lapse microscopy to probe the mechanism regulating the number of merozoites produced by a single cell in Plasmodium falciparum and P. knowlesi. The authors conclude the followings:<br /> - a. P. knowlesi has similar duration of schizont stage to P. falciparum, although having a 24 h intraerythrocytic developmental cycle (IDC) to 48 h of P. falciparum.<br /> - b. Nuclear multiplication dynamics suggests a counter mechanism of division- which is further suggested by a significant relation of merozoite numbers with schizont size at the onset of division.<br /> - c. Nutritional deprivation caused increase in nuclear volume and decrease in merozoite number.<br /> For the most part, the experiments that are presented in this manuscript support the conclusion of the authors. The data are presented in a concise and clear manner. However, some clarification and a couple of experiment (listed below) would improve this manuscript.

      Major comments:

      1. The authors generated at least 3 transgenic lines for this study, But the did not present any genetic validation of the lines in the manuscript. For completeness, I recommend to provide genetic validation (either pcr genotyping or whole genome sequencing) of the lines that were generated and used in this study in the supplement.
      2. In the H2B-GFP lines, the authors ectopically GFP-tagged histone 2B to label the nuclear chromatin for both P. falciparum and P. knowlesi. This provides a very useful parasite line which enables the live time-lapse microscopy. Using these parasite lines, the authors first show that despite having a 24 h IDC in P. knowlesi vs 48 h in P. falciparum, both these parasites have a similar duration of the schizont stage (8.s vs 9.4 h). My concern here is whether this GFP-tagging is influencing the growth dynamics as in slowing down the P. knowlesi parasites. However, if that was the case authors should have seen that for P. falciparum too. Also, for the P. falciparum parasites that episomally express cytosolic GFP and Nuclear mCherry have a higher number of merozoites compared to the H2B-GFP P. falciparum and the authors speculate this is probably because of not tagging Histone 2B. Given this, it is important to show that none of the H2B-GFP parasites show any significant fitness cost due to GFP tagging of histone. I recommend a simple experiment to compare the multiplication rate of H2B-GFP lines to the parental lines in identical growth conditions. This suggested experiment was described in PMID: 35164549 to determine fitness cost of knockout lines. This experiment is vital for validation of the H2B-GFP lines and subsequent interpretation of the data that were presented in this manuscript.
      3. The authors used the microtubule live cell dye SPY555-Tubulin in P. falciparum to validate the findings presented in 1D and 1E. They did not do that for P. knowlesi. If there is no unsurmountable technical difficulty, I suggest doing the same with P. knowlesi. This will also address the concern that I have pointed out in #1.
      4. The data in Figure 3 shows that merozoite number does not depend on host cell diameter. My question here is, were these data collected using different donor blood? Or were this measured from different biological replicate? These are not clear from the writing. I am not sure about whether blood from various donor would have on the data, however, different preparation of the cells across various biological replicate will have some effect on host cell diameter hence on data. State if these were collected from independent biological replicates and about the donor blood.
      5. It is interesting to see that nutrient-limited conditions increase average nuclear volume but less merozoite numbers. In this experiment, as I understand, complete media was diluted 0.5x, which basically diluted every component of the media by half. From this experiment I can see nutritional deprivation as a whole having an effect and supports the counter mechanism, it would be intriguing to see if there is any effect of a particular nutrient have any effect on progeny division. For example, parasites can be grown in amino acid deprived media (except isoleucine) which makes the parasites fully dependent on host cell amino acids. This sort of specific nutrient deprivation will probably allow the authors to probe for specific nutrients that plays role as counter mechanism factor.

      Minor comments:

      1. P. knowlesi is sometimes just written as knowlesi. Please, write P. Knowlesi.
      2. Supplemental figure 1D, missing x-axis label.
      3. In line 105, define N/C.
      4. In line 205, I assume the authors mean episomally, not ectopically.
      5. In line 275, Duration of Schizont stage was slightly....
      6. All 'ml' or 'µl' should be 'mL' or 'µL'.
      7. Define iRPMI.
      8. In line 475, replace 'as' with 'and'.


      The factors that regulate the number of progenies in malaria parasites remain unknown. While there are few previous studies attempting to answer the question, those studies were done on fixed stained cells. In this study, the authors used genetically modified fluorescent P. falciparum and P. knowlesi parasites that enable live microscopy. These parasites coupled with super-resolution time-lapse microscopy the authors attempt to investigate the mechanism(s) at play in regulating progeny division. This manuscript provides data to suggest that external resources might have some role in progeny division and supports the counter mechanism. More careful validation of the transgenic lines that were used to collect data presented needs to be more systematic and rigorous.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This is a solid study that further characterises the dynamics of nuclear division in Plasmodium falciparum and P. knowlesi. Of two, among potentially several, models for how the number of daughter nuclei, and thus parasites - (called merozoites in this genus), are one that posits nuclei divide until a fixed timer ends, and one that posits that nuclei divide to reach a fixed number that is defined by a cellular counter. I find some practical difficulties in definitive measurement of either model, one issue with the former is that experimental definition of the start of the timer is problematic - we may define the starter's gun (eg by the first nuclear division) but it isn't necessary that the cell is using that same start time. Additionally, as the authors confirm here, being sure when that first nuclear division has occurred is particularly tricky with Plasmodium parasites, in part because the first few nuclei seem to clump together, preventing one from unambiguously calibrating the first division. Furthermore, getting decent replicate numbers is hard because of the difficulties of time lapse microscopy, and most Plasmodium studies (including this one) suffer from low enough numbers that it isn't always clear whether the numbers support one model over another.

      Nonetheless, several recent studies, particularly a study from the same institute (Klaus et al., 2022) employing timelapse imaging of nuclei, and timing the nuclear division of parasites, finds poor correlation between the duration of "schizogeny" (although perhaps using a different definition to the one used by the parasite) and the final number or merozoites. They therefore argue that there is poor evidence for a timer, and conclude by elimination that a counter must exist instead. A review by some of the authors of that study and some of this current study (Voß et al 2023), also concludes that the data from Klaus and colleagues "strongly support" a counter model. This current study also concludes that a counter model controls final nuclear/merozoite number in P. falciparum and P. knowlesi. This much at least is not particularly novel given the recent work on this topic, although the addition of the P. knowlesi data is interesting and consistent with the prior P. falciparum work. As above, the authors concede that it is difficult to determine with strong confidence when the first nuclear division has occurred, so it may well be that there is substantial noisiness in the time that they define schizogeny to commence. If that were the case, this would contribute to the poor correlation observed between schizogeny duration and number of merozoites produced, so this could be an important confounding experimental factor. This deserves some more discussion by the authors. Alternative methods to count absolute DNA content (rather than trying to count individual nuclei) might be useful ways of independently confirming this phenomenon. Alternative possibilities for what constitutes the "start" of a possible timer are also warranted - it could be for example, the first division of one of the other organelles.

      These and previous authors in any case conclude that a counter model must exist through exclusion of a timer model. I am less convinced that the evidence discounting the timer is conclusive, and that a straight counter model is the only alternative. Indeed I am unconvinced by the suitability of this strictly dichotomous two-model system to categorise the division of unicellular eukaryotes, and these theories are not universally held to be sufficient to describe division. Nonetheless, if a counter exists, what is being counted that determines the final number? The authors consider that this might be a physical object or resource inside the parasite, or an extrinsic/extracellular resource. They investigate this by comparing the final cell number to a number of factors. First, the authors investigate the size of the RBC (by musing the diameter as an indicator)- little information is given about the source of the blood used, but it appears to be from a single donor of unknown age, who has approximately typical variance in RBC diameter (at least, after manipulation and storage). The authors observe little correlation between these variables. Second the authors measure parasite size at the onset of schizogeny, and find that bigger parasites result in more daughter merozoites early in schizogeny (perhaps not surprising, given the earlier mentioned technical problems with measuring the first few steps of schizogeny), but that this different initial cell size doesn't result in a different final merozoite number, or as they describe it "not quite significant anymore". Previous p values were taken as cause for rejecting the timer hypothesis and the timer model. In this case the authors instead interpret the data as suggesting "that the setting of the counter might correlate with parasite cell size". This is inconsistent statistical and analytical handling, and highlights the earlier potential pitfall of rejecting timer-based models based on not gathering data that statistically show a correlation. This needs reworking to highlight that these data are inherently noisy, difficult to measure accurately, and aren't necessarily going strongly reveal a trend even where one biologically exists, and that this ought not be used as grounds for confident rejection of a model.

      Finally, the authors grow the parasites in dilute media, and find that they produce fewer daughter parasites. This is anecdotally unsurprising, as most Plasmodium laboratories are aware that sub-optimal growth conditions result in less healthy schizonts with fewer viable merozoites (and lower magnitudes of single-cycle expansion), but is nonetheless an important result that highlights explicitly how much this occurs in the specific conditions of dilute media. Given the lack of investigation of exactly which nutrient, carbon source, or combination thereof leads to the reduced merozoite number, it is unclear if or how much this is relevant to the scenario of a natural infection and realistic levels of that nutrient in a human or primate parasite environment.

      Minor issues

      The manuscript confuses the terms "less" and "fewer". Fewer should be used for countable nouns (fewer daughter cells, fewer nuclei, fewer merozoites), less for uncountable nouns (e.g. less speed, less volume).

      I didn't understand lines 93-95;<br /> "This excluded a timer and thereby confirmed a counter as the mechanism regulating termination of nuclear multiplication (Klaus et al., 2022). A direct correlation between duration of schizont stage and merozoite number is, however, still missing."<br /> If I understand the first sentence concludes that there ought not be a direct correlation between schizont duration and merozoite number, but the second sentence, says that that correlation is "however" missing. Isn't this expected? Perhaps reword for clarity?

      Lines 104<br /> "We further uncover that throughout schizogony P. falciparum infringes on the otherwise 105 ubiquitously constant N/C-ratio (Cantwell and Nurse, 2019)" This seems obvious to me, and not something uncovered by this study. In most of the numerous apicomplexans that divide by endoschizogeny, the cells achieve a near final size considerably before the final rounds of nuclear division so the N/C ratio must not remain constant - this is a direct corollary of many previous descriptions and not a novel finding of this study, and this claim here should be made more modest.

      I lack specialist statistical knowledge to comment on the statistical analyses performed on the correlation data, and in particular, whether the high p values for t-Tests for correlation are sufficient to support the argument that there is not a correlation, and whether these observations are sufficiently powered to robustly test that hypothesis.


      The manuscript purports to find a counting mechanism that determines parasite merozoite numbers, and that this coutner is set by an externally provided and diffusible resource. Many nutrients are in excess in normal culture media, but not all. If that counted nutrient(s) were normally in excess in the bloodstream, it could hardly be said to be the factor that is counted and that therefore defines merozoite number. Conversely, if the amount of that nutrient were increased in normal media, would parasites make even more merozoites? Further, if the "counted" item is a freely diffusible compound in the media, it should be equally accessible to each parasite in a culture condition, and isn't a reasonable explanation for the variable merozoite numbers in the normal media conditions. To me, it is unsurprising that parasites that are healthy and well fed are able to produce more merozoites, but I don't see this as being the same as support for a counter model where the parasite senses and counts a set number of merozoites to produce in response to a specific external counter. I think the shoehorning of this phenomenon into a paradigm used to describe some other eukaryotes may not be appropriate, and that the rejection of one overly simplistic timer model should not automatically lead to us dichotomously accepting a simple counter method as the alternative. The authors need to do more to either identify a countable input whose gradual increase leads to a predictable and gradual increase in merozoite number, to show that they do use a counter, or provide substantially more caveats to their argument that the parasites are using a counter based on an externally provided resource to determine merozoite number.

      Audience - relatively specialised - likely interested audience would combine apicomplexan cell biologists, as well as theorists of cell division mechanism

      Advance - limited - confirms phenomenon also described by other researchers in their institute, and extends to another related organism.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Malaria parasites replicating in human red blood cells show a striking diversity in the number of progeny per replication cycle. Variation in progeny number can be seen between different species of malaria parasites, between parasite isolates, even between different cells from the same isolate. To date, we have little understanding of what factors influence progeny number, or how mechanistically it is controlled. In this study, the authors try to define how the mechanism that determines progeny number works. They propose two mechanisms, a 'counter' where progeny number is determined by the measurement of some kind of parasite parameter, and a 'timer' where parasite lifecycle length would be proportional to progeny number. Using a combination of long-term live-cell microscopy and mathematical modelling, the authors find consistent support for a 'counter' mechanism. Support for this mechanism was found using both Plasmodium falciparum, the most prominent human malaria parasite, and P. knowlesi, a zoonotic malaria parasite. Of the parameters measured in this study, the only thing that seemed to predict progeny number was parasite size around the onset of mitosis. The authors also found that during their replication inside red blood cells, malaria parasites drastically increase their nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio, a cellular parameter remains consistent in the vast majority of cell-types studied to date.

      Major Comments

      • It is stated a few times in this study that P. knowlesi has an ~24 hour lifecycle, and while this is the case for in vivo P. knowlesi, it was established in the study when P. knowlesi A1-H1 was adapted to human RBCs (Moon et al., 2013) that this significantly extended the lifecycle to ~27 hours, which should be made clear in the text. As much of this study revolves around lifecycle length and timing, the authors should consider some of their findings with the context that in vitro adaption can significantly alter lifecycle length.
      • The dichotomous distinction between 'timer' and 'counter' as mutually exclusive mechanisms seems to be a drastic oversimplification. Considering the drastic variation we see in merozoite number across species, between isolates, and between cells, it seems much more likely that there are factors controlled by both time-sensed and counter-sensed mechanisms that both influence progeny number. Additionally, the only parasite parameter measured in this study, size at time of first nuclear division, explained only a small proportion of the variance observed in merozoite number.
      • For modelling of a timer-based mechanism, the designation of t0 is subjective. The authors chose the time of first nuclear division as their t0. It is possible that a timer-based mechanism could not be supported based on this model the chosen t0 differs from when the "parasite's timer" starts. For example, t could also have been designated as the time from merozoite invasion (t0) to egress (tend). It would be unreasonable to suggest the authors repeat experiments with a longer time-frame to address this, but this possibility should be discussed as a limitation of the model. It may also be possible to develop a different model where t0 = merozoite invasion and tend = egress, and test this model against the data already collected in this study.
      • The calculation of the multiplication rate is confusingly defined. In Figure 1 it is stated that it is "...based on t and n", which would imply that the multiplication rate is the number of merozoites formed per hour of schizogony, which would give an average value of ~2 for P. falciparum and ~1.5 for P. knowlesi. The averages rate values shown, however, are in the range of 0.15-3. The authors should clarify how these values were determined.
      • In Figure 2, the time from tend until egress is calculated, and this is interpreted as the time required for segmentation. In the Rudlaff et al., 2020 study cited in this paper, it is shown that segmentation starts before the final round of nuclear divisions are complete. Considering this, the time from tend until egress is not an appropriate proxy for segmentation time. The authors should consider rewording to something akin to "time from final nuclear division until egress" to more accurately reflect these data.
      • There is a significant discrepancy between the data in Figure 5 and Supplementary Figure 8. In Supplementary Figure 8, the authors establish that culturing parasites in media diluted 0.5x has a marginal effect on parasite growth, with no discernible change in parasitaemia over 96 hours. By contrast, in Figure 5a the parasitaemia of parasites cultured in 0.5x diluted media is approximately 5-fold lower than those in 1x media. The authors should explain the significant discrepancy between these results.
      • In Supplementary Figure 4, the mask on the cell at t0 shows two distinct objects, but it seems very unlikely that they are two distinct nuclei as they vary approximately 5-fold in diameter. The authors should provide more detail on how their masking was performed for their volumetric analysis. Specifically, whether size thresholds were also applied during object detection.

      Minor Comments

      • Line 45-48 mentions that merozoite number influences growth rate and virulence, but the corresponding reference (Mancio-Silva et al., 2013) only discusses the relationship between merozoite number and growth rate, not virulence.
      • Line 59 states that a 48 hour lifecycle is a baseline from which in vitro cultured parasites deviate. Clinical isolates also show variation in lifecycle length and so it is more accurate to just say that 48 hours is an average, rather than a baseline.
      • Line 63 cites a study for the lifecycle length of P. knowlesi (Lee et al., 2022), but there seems to be no mention of lifecycle length in this reference
      • If I am interpreting Figure 3B correctly, this is essentially a paired analysis where the same erythrocytes are measured twice, once at t0 and once at tend. If this is the case, this data may be better represented with lines that connect the t0 and tend values.
      • Figure 3A seems to imply that to calculate diameter of the erythrocytes, three measurements were made and averaged for each cell. I think this is a nice way to get a more accurate erythrocyte diameter, but if this is the case, it should be specified in the figure legend or methods.
      • In Figure 4I it is shown that in P. falciparum merozoite number doesn't correlate with nucleus size, but for P. knowlesi in Supplementary Figure 7c, a significant anticorrelation is observed. The authors should state this in the text and discuss this discrepancy.
      • The authors show that merozoite number roughly correlates with cell size at t0 but it would be interesting to see whether cell size at tend also corresponds with cell size at t0. This might help answer whether the cell is larger because it has more merozoites, or whether it has more merozoites because it is larger.
      • I don't feel that "nearly identical" is an appropriate summary of erythrocyte indices in Supplementary Figure 9, considering there is a statistically significant increase in mean cell volume. I think it is unlikely that this change is consequential, and performing these haematology analyses is a nice quality control step, but this change should be stated in the text.
      • In Supplementary Figure 8, parasitaemia only increases ~2-fold compared to >5-fold the previous two cycles. It seems likely that at the final timepoint on this graph the parasites are starting to crash, and therefore it may be best to end the graph with the 96 hour timepoint.
      • The error bars in Figure 5C aren't easily visible, moving them in front of the datapoints may help their visibility.
      • In Figure 6D & E, the y-axis labels should be changed to whole integers as all the values in the graph are whole numbers.
      • My interpretation of Figure 6 C-E, is that these are the same cells measured at three time points (t-2, t0 and tend). If this is the case, 6C is missing the cell that has a merozoite number of 8, which is presumably why the y-axes are not equalised for the three graphs.


      In the asexual blood-stage of their lifecycle, malaria parasites replicate through a process called schizogony. During schizogony an initially mononucleated parasite undergoes multiple asynchronous rounds of mitosis followed by nuclear division without cytokinesis, producing a variable number of daughter nuclei. Parasites then undergo a specialised cytokinesis, termed segmentation to where nuclei are packaged into merozoites that go on to invade new host cells. While nucleus, and therefore merozoite, number are known to be varied between cells, across isolates, and across species, little is known about the mechanisms regulating merozoite number. In this study, the authors use live-cell microscopy to understand how parasites determine their progeny number. They suggest that parasites regulate their progeny number using a 'counter' mechanism, which would respond to the size or concentration of a cellular parameter, as opposed to a 'timer' mechanism. Long-term live-cell microscopy experiments using malaria parasites are extremely technically challenging, and the authors should be commended for their efforts in this regard. While I agree that the data generated from these experiments are technically sound, I have some reservations expressed above about the interpretation of some of these results. I would strongly encourage the authors to consider rewording some of their interpretations taking into account some of the caveats listed above. I would also consider fitting/testing an additional mathematical model where the time-frame proposed for the 'timer' mechanism begins following merozoite invasion.

      This work is of specific interest to anybody who grows malaria parasites, as the dynamics of their growth is obviously important to understand. Further, this work is of interest more generally to cell biologists who study the regulation of progeny number or cell size. I have no experience with the application of mathematical modelling to understand biological systems, and so I cannot comment on the interest of this work to that field.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Summary:<br /> In this original article from Mutscher et al., the authors developed a compartmentalized dissociated mouse myelinating SC-DRG coculture system to investigate the distinct roles of Schwann cells in axon protection and degeneration after injury. The innovation of this approach relies on (i) the use of mouse SCs and mouse DRGS neurons instead of rat cells; (ii) the use of microfluidic chambers, seeded by axons and SCs in different compartment; (iii) the possibility to perform a traumatic injury in vitro. While this novel approach offers new ways to study peripheral nerve regeneration and SC-axon interaction, and technical the study is robust, the paper is currently limited by the exploration of their model.

      Major points:<br /> Reviewer 1. It is unclear is this approach will ever lead to the identification of key mechanism or key candidates. This is a major miss in the current manuscript form. In short: the authors should demonstrate that their in vitro system can lead to significant leap in our understanding of peripheral nerve regeneration by identifying novel targets/pathways or mechanisms.

      Author response: We agree with the reviewer that cell culture approaches have limitations however we would disagree that it is not a viable approach given that a number of seminal studies in the field have already helped identified key cellular and molecular steps using rat SC-DRG cocultures or using mouse DRGs and rat SCs in combination with in vivo study. We have added the following to the introduction to highlight this point in more detail:


      Dissociated myelinating SC-DRG cocultures from rats were first developed by the Bunge laboratory in the 1980’s to investigate PNS myelination in a more dynamic way (Bunge et al, 1989; Eldridge et al, 1987)__. These cultures have been used to make seminal discoveries in uncovering the cellular and molecular mechanisms of SC myelination alongside in vivo investigation. These include how the inner SC membrane (mesaxon) advances to myelinate axons, and the role of b__-neuregulin-1 (__b__NRG1) and polarity proteins in SC myelination (Bunge et al, 1989; Shen et al, 2014; Chan et al, 2006; Taveggia et al, 2005)__. Similarly, SC-DRG cocultures have been useful in demonstrating how SCs proliferate after axon injury, transfer metabolites, such as pyruvate, to delay axon degeneration, how placental growth factor (Plgf) regulates axon fragmentation by SCs and how SC JUN promotes axon outgrowth after injury (Arthur-Farraj et al, 2011; Babetto et al, 2020; Vaquié et al, 2019; Salzer & Bunge, 1980)__. The use of a coculture system to study axon-SC interactions during axon degeneration and regeneration offers some advantages over in vivo approaches as both neurons and SCs can be genetically manipulated separately and live imaged with ease.


      Most importantly SCs and DRG neurons from various transgenic mice can be used to perform in vitro analysis to complement findings from in vivo transgenic mouse studies.

      Author response: Furthermore, as this is a methods paper, demonstrating novel molecular mechanisms is outside the scope of this article. However, we have already used this technique with a collaborator to study the role of cdk7 in myelination (see link to conference abstract below) and this manuscript is under preparation to be submitted soon. Additionally, we have ongoing projects within the lab using this technique to help characterise novel molecular targets in nerve injury. https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=uEtwAd8AAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=uEtwAd8AAAAJ:_Qo2XoVZTnwC

      Author response: Despite this, we have shown that the axo-protective effect of SCs is independent of myelination status, which is an advance on what is known in the literature.

      Author response: We have realised through all of the reviewers’ comments that the title and the aims of the manuscript were confusing. We have made this clearer by removing the word novel in the title changing the title to the following:

      A method for mouse myelinating Schwann cell-DRG neuron compartmentalised cocultures: myelination status does not influence the axo-protective effect of Schwann cells after injury.

      Author response: We have also made it much clearer what the purpose of our study is and where and how it fits in with the previous literature by adding the following paragraph to the introduction.


      Indeed there has only ever been one laboratory detailing convincing myelin formation in dissociated mouse myelinating SC-DRG neuron cocultures, however this was never published as a step by step detailed protocol (Stevens et al, 1998; Stevens & Fields, 2000)__. In the last twenty years, there have been no published studies demonstrating myelination in fully dissociated mouse SC-mouse DRG cocultures. This has largely prevented the use of cells, particularly SCs, from transgenic mice in cocultures and thus restricted the ability to study SC-axon interactions in a system that can be readily manipulated and live imaged and results directly applied back to in vivo findings in the same species.

      Reviewer 1. The use of embryonic DRG neurons or SC isolated from P2 animals are arguably physiologically not the same cells that are affected by traumatic nerve injury, which happen most often than not in adult. This is a problem in the long-term reliance on this approach to study axotomy peripheral nerve regeneration.

      Author response: We agree with the reviewer that one should always be cautious with the use of embryonic/neonatal cells to directly refer them to adult cellular mechanisms. We have added discussion of this point to the discussion:


      One limitation of our coculture model and indeed all coculture and cell culture models that are used to investigate cellular and molecular mechanisms in nerve injury is that the cells are obtained from embryonic or neonatal animals. This is an important caveat when applying results from cell culture to adult in vivo nerve injury. However, while we would argue that cell culture approaches should always be used in combination with in vivo study it is important to remember that nerve injury is not restricted to adults and brachial plexus injury secondary to birth trauma is unfortunately a significant clinical problem (Pondaag et al, 2007)__. Furthermore, neonatal SCs replicate many of key cellular and molecular mechanisms seen in adult SCs after injury, including JUN upregulation, myelinophagy, promotion of axon growth and expression of key repair program transcripts (Arthur-Farraj et al, 2012; Gomez-Sanchez et al, 2015; Arthur-Farraj et al, 2017; Parkinson et al, 2008)__. A future development would be to try to adapt this protocol to make a coculture model with adult mouse or even human cells.

      Author response: Additionally, we already know Schwann cells in P5 neonatal mice in vivo after nerve transection demyelinate in a similar way to Schwann cells in adult mice and that neonatal cells in vivo and in vitro require the transcription factor c-Jun to do so (Parkinson et al., 2008 JCB Fig.7).

      Moderate points:<br /> Reviewer 1"there are no established protocols in the field describing the use of mouse SCs with mouse DRG neurons in dissociated myelinating cocultures". The use of mouse cells is laudable, but it is not necessarily a technical innovation, or at least the current manuscript does not explain why their approach particularly suitable to mouse Schwann cells.

      Author response: We feel that a detailed working protocol for compartmentalised dissociated mouse myelinating cocultures showing convincing and extensive myelination has been missing from our field for a long time. We agree that it is an incremental technical advance, but it is an important one. We have modified the title as we explained above. We have explained this point more clearly in the introduction, results, and discussion with the following additions:


      Indeed there has only ever been one laboratory detailing convincing myelin formation in dissociated mouse myelinating SC-DRG neuron cocultures, however this was never published as a step by step detailed protocol (Stevens et al, 1998; Stevens & Fields, 2000)__. In the last twenty years, there have been no published studies demonstrating myelination in fully dissociated mouse SC-mouse DRG cocultures. This has largely prevented the use of cells, particularly SCs, from transgenic mice in cocultures and thus restricted the ability to study SC-axon interactions in a system that can be readily manipulated and live imaged and results directly applied back to in vivo findings in the same species.

      The consensus within the field is that inducing myelination in dissociated mouse SCs is challenging. Certainly, induction of myelin differentiation with cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) analogues or elevating agents, such as forskolin, is more difficult in mouse SC monocultures compared to rat SC cultures. This is because mouse SCs require additional exogenous b__-neuregulin-1 (__b__NRG1), plating on poly-L-lysine (PLL) instead of poly-D-lysine (PDL), and low concentration horse serum as opposed to foetal calf serum (Stevens et al, 1998; Arthur-Farraj et al, 2011; Päiväläinen et al, 2008)__.

      Author response: We have now explained more clearly that without plating on Matrigel and the regular addition of Matrigel to the myelination medium that mouse cocultures do not myelinate with ascorbic acid or indeed addition of NRG1 nor forskolin. Please see NEW DATA in Supplemental figure 1. We have added the following paragraph to the results section.


      Importantly, we found that L-ascorbic acid was insufficient to induce substantial myelination in our cultures, unlike in rat SC-DRG cocultures, and in the one previously published dissociated mouse SC-DRG protocol (Stevens et al, 1998)__. In fact, plating cocultures on laminin, adding ascorbic acid (50 m__g ml−1), b__NRG1 (10 ng ml−1) and forskolin (10 m__M) induced very few myelin sheaths (Supp. Fig. 1). Only when cultures were plated on Matrigel__â and further Matrigel__â was added to the myelination medium for each medium change, were we able to visualise robust reproducible myelination in our cocultures (Supp. Fig. 1).

      Author response: We have also added further discussion on how our protocol differs from the Stevens 1998 and other protocols in the discussion.


      Our protocol differs somewhat from the one used by Stevens et al., 1998 to induce myelination in dissociated mouse SC-DRG cocultures__, as they used ascorbic acid and 10% horse serum and presumably plated their cultures on laminin, though they do not explicitly detail this (Stevens et al, 1998)__. In our preliminary experiments we were unable to visualise much myelination with use of laminin, ascorbic acid or indeed if b__NRG1 and high concentration forskolin was added to the medium for up to four weeks. However, if we plated cocultures on Matrigel® and continuously added it to the myelination medium then we saw comparable levels of myelination in our mouse cocultures to that of rat cocultures (Eldridge et al, 1987)__. This approach of using Matrigel® to enhance myelination has previously been successfully employed in cultures of human iPSC sensory neurons with rat SCs and in non-dissociated mouse DRG explant cultures (Clark et al, 2017; Päiväläinen et al, 2008)__. Importantly, we used growth factor depleted Matrigel® as standard Matrigel® preparations contain substantial amounts of Transforming growth factor b (TGF__b__) which is a known inhibitor of myelination (Einheber et al, 1995)__. Additionally, the majority of rat and mouse coculture protocols plate cells on glass whereas we found cultures were healthier and myelinated better when cultured on plastic Alcar® coverslips.


      Furthermore, as this is a dissociated and compartmentalised purely mouse cell culture system, one can utilise the vast array of transgenic and knockout lines available to study neuron-SC interactions in more detail, without concern of contaminating endogenous SCs and other non-neuronal cells that remains a drawback of current mouse dissociated or non-dissociated DRG explant models.

      Reviewer 1: The figures in the paper are largely descriptive. They are very little quantitative measurement. Thus, the readers will have a hard to determine, if they replicate the proposed approach, whether their efficient is on par with the current authors.

      Author response: We have now added quantification of myelin segments per mm2, percentage of SCs that myelinate and quantification of the interperiodic distance of the myelin formed. This is all included in a new version of TABLE 1. We have discussed this data in the results section as follows.


      Quantifying the number of PRX positive myelin segments we found that there were 325.33 ± 12.3 sheaths per mm2, comparable to what has been originally described in rat SC/DRG cocultures and two fold more extensive myelination than recently described compartmentalised rat cocultures models (n=3; Table 1; Eldridge et al, 1987; Vaquié et al, 2019)__. Furthermore, 25.47 ± 1% of Schwann cells were myelinating in our cultures (n=3; Table 1). To confirm that cocultured myelinated SCs formed compact myelin we performed electron microscopy (EM), which revealed compact myelin formation with multiple myelin wraps and formation of readily visible major dense (MDL) and intraperiod lines (IPL; Fig. 2D). Additionally, we measured the periodicity, i.e., the distance between two adjacent major dense lines, to make sure myelin was compacted. Interperiodic distance was 12.16 ± 0.28 nm, in line with previous reports (n=3; Table 1; Boutary et al, 2021; Fernando et al, 2016; García-Mateo et al, 2018; Giese et al, 1992; Perrot et al, 2007)__.

      Author response: Interestingly, after we performed this analysis, we realised we have double the level of myelination in our mouse cultures (325.33 ± 12.3 per mm2) than in the compartmentalised myelinating rat cocultures in Vaquie et al., 2019 (147 ± 27 internodes per mm2 (n = 3)).

      Author response: We have also quantified the JUN upregulation after injury in both myelinating and aligned cocultures. See Fig. 3B-E).


      Additionally, we noted a strong upregulation of JUN protein in SCs 12 hours after axotomy (Fig. 3B and C). We also saw significant JUN upregulation 12 hours after axotomy in cocultures with aligned SCs (Fig. 3D and E).

      Author response: The above quantification is in addition to the quantification of the rate of axon degeneration in the presence and absence of aligned and myelinating Schwann cells in Fig. 4B. We have also quantified the % of Schwann cells that contained axonal debris after injury – this data is now quoted in the text as we removed Fig. 4E.

      We thank the reviewer for asking for additional quantification as this has improved the manuscript.

      Minor points:<br /> Fig.4B and E should show individual data points.

      Author response: We have added the individual data points to Fig.4B. We have removed Fig.4E and instead quoted the data in the results section as follows:


      When we quantified this phenomenon, we found that 97.84 ± 1.462% (n=2) of SCs in our cocultures contained mCherry-labelled axonal fragments.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      In addition, to the demonstration of feasibility of this in vitro approach, the main finding by the authors is that SCs have a role in neuronal protection and support is key for peripheral nerve regeneration. Thus while in vitro approach does not add key information that do not already exists in the field, it somewhat confirms that the effect is SC autonomous. Overall the approach is interesting and has potential, but the study currently lack a demonstration of its usefulness to the community.

      It would have been interesting to have the authors discuss the advantages of their approach in comparison to other innovative approaches to study SC-axon interactions that have been developed in the last decade (i.e., 3D environment, microfluidic approach, transwell systems). There is also a lack of citations about similar studies in the field.

      Author response: We direct the reviewer to the following paragraphs in the introduction and the discussion, which we have now elaborated on further post peer review. We discuss all relevant cocultures studies in mouse as well as all the relevant microfluidic studies and 3D coculture studies as well as the one human nerve organoid study. We found two additional studies, Numata-Uematasu 2023 using DRG mouse explant cultures and Park et al., 2021 using motorneuron-SC cocultures which we have now added to the discussion. We also briefly discuss transwell studies to assess migration as the reviewer requested.

      We also discuss in detail the two microfluidic coculture injury studies Babetto et al., 2020 and Vaqiue et al., 2019 extensively throughout the manuscript. We have added further discussion of the similarities and differences between theirs and our approach in the discussion.


      Protocols exist where endogenous mouse SCs are used to myelinate dissociated or non-dissociated DRG explant cultures. (Shen et al, 2014; Harty et al, 2019; Sundaram et al, 2021; Stettner et al, 2013; Numata-Uematasu et al, 2023)__. Furthermore, another protocol seeded exogenous SCs onto non-dissociated DRG explant cultures (Päiväläinen et al, 2008)__. Other laboratories seed cultured rat SCs onto dissociated mouse DRG axons (Taveggia & Bolino, 2018)__. Use of dissociated or non-dissociated DRG explants cultures preclude many experimental uses, such as using SCs from different transgenic animals and separate transfection of SCs and neurons with viruses for live imaging or genetic manipulation, and easy use of microfluidic chambers to allow injury studies and separate drug treatments to neurons or SCs. The reason for this is that antimitotics cannot be used in dissociated or non-dissociated DRG explant cultures as this depletes SCs, and the culture quickly becomes contaminated with other non-neuronal cell types, such as satellite cells and fibroblasts migrating out of the DRG. Furthermore, use of exogenous SCs in a non-dissociated DRG explant culture risks, after a period of antimitotic exposure, which was developed by Päiväläinen et al., 2008 still risks potential contamination from endogenous SCs and satellite glia migrating out of the DRG explant over time. This occurs because antimitotic treatment is unlikely to fully penetrate the whole DRG without prior dissociation. Additionally, a compartmentalised culture system cannot be readily used with non-dissociated DRG explant cultures (Päiväläinen et al, 2008)__.


      Furthermore, our protocol is complementary to the recently described 3D mouse myelinating SC-motor neuron coculture system using collagen hydrogels (Hyung et al, 2021; Park et al, 2021)__. It will be interesting in the future to up titrate the concentration of Matrigel®, which is similar to collagen hydrogels, in our cultures to see whether further increasing extracellular matrix viscosity and stiffness improves our myelination efficiency even further. While it is possible to study cell migration in microfluidic cell culture devices, transwell models offer significant advantages to study this cellular phenomenon (Negro et al, 2022)__. To date, there have been no published studies of successful myelination in human SC-neuron coculture systems. Despite this rat SCs have been shown to readily myelinate human-induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived sensory neurons and an iPSC-derived peripheral nerve organoid system which does contain myelinating SCs has recently been described (Clark et al, 2017; Van Lent et al, 2022)__.

      These findings confirm the observations of both Babetto et al., 2020 and Vaquié et al., 2019 who used rat SCs in similar microfluidic culture systems (Vaquié et al, 2019; Babetto et al, 2020)__. We have shown that the axo-protective observation seen by Babetto et al., 2020 does not rely on myelination status, which was an outstanding question from that study (Babetto et al, 2020)__. Furthermore, in an advance from previous studies, we have visualised the axo-protective and axon clearance phenomena in the same culture and shown that they are temporally separated, with axon fragmentation and debris clearance by SCs occurring at much later timepoints after axotomy. Several different culture and experimental conditions preclude direct comparison of our study with both those of Vaquié et al., 2019 and Babetto et al., 2020. These include the use of rat SCs in both prior studies and that Babetto et al., 2020 mixed rat SC with mouse DRG axons; length of time in culture, time points quantified after injury and distance from injury and site of analysis. Babetto et al., 2020 performed axotomy on relatively short term cocultures (6 days in vitro) whereas Vaiquié et al., 2019 cultured for at least 4 weeks and in our case 6 weeks prior to axotomy. Vaiquié et al., 2019 removed nerve growth factor (NGF) prior to laser axotomy and quantified proximally (though also imaged distally) whereas both our study and Babetto et al., 2020 kept NGF in the medium, performed axotomy with a scalpel and quantified more distally and in our case extremely distal, where only individual neurites and no axon bundles were visible. Vaquié et al., 2019 had SCs on both sides of the barrier in the microfluidic chambers whereas we seeded SCs only in the axonal/bottom compartment. Additionally, our cocultures had both forskolin and b__NRG1 added to help induce myelination, whereas these factors are not required in rat myelinating cocultures. Finally, it is important to permeabilise myelinated cultures with acetone after fixation__, as we did, to visualise the entire axon through heavily myelinated segments otherwise axon integrity cannot be reliably assessed in a quantitative manner (Vaquié et al, 2019; Babetto et al, 2020)__.

      Because of the lack of key novel mechanisms, and lack of discussion on what this approach is superior to others in vitro approach limits the impact of the study and the excitement of the reader, even from the SC-axon community.

      Author response: We have developed the first compartmentalised fully dissociated mouse myelinating coculture system in over twenty years. Thanks to the reviewer’s suggestions, we have now shown that myelination is comparable to the original rat cocultures from the Bunge lab, which is the gold standard in the field, and superior to recently described compartmentalised rat coculture system by Vaquie et al., 2019. We have provided a detailed step by step protocol to allow other researchers to use our technique.

      Additionally, thanks to the reviewer, we have now described in detail exactly how our protocol differs from others and why we succeeded to get mouse SCs to myelinate so robustly in a fully dissociated coculture (see previous answers). This is an incremental but important advance given that studies currently use a coculture system using entirely cells from rat, or where rat Schwann cells are seeded on mouse axons, or dissociated or non-dissociated mouse explant cultures are used which abrogates using neurons and SCs from different transgenic mice.

      As this is a methods paper, we did not intend to describe novel molecular mechanisms though our method is already being used for such purposes by ourselves and a collaborator as outlined above in prior answers. We did not make this clear and we hope the extensive revision of the manuscript now addresses this point. Despite this, we have shown that the axo-protective effect of SCs is independent of myelination status, which is an advance on what is known in the literature.

      Finally, in addition to myelination, we have demonstrated that one can study all the key components of the SC and axonal response to injury in a quantifiable way in addition to demonstrating that these cocultures can be live imaged and used for drug studies. None of the prior mouse studies looked at injury responses of axons nor SCs. We believe this will be of use to the community.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      In the manuscript entitled "Distinct axo-protective and axo-destructive roles for Schwann cells after injury in a novel compartmentalised mouse myelinating coculture system", Arthur-Farraj and colleagues detail a method of dissociated coculture of mouse-DRG neurons and Schwann cells in microfluidic chambers. In this system, neurons and Schwann cells harvested from the same or from different animals are grown in different compartments that are connected by microgrooves, thereby allowing for spatial and diffusive separation. Neurons are shown to extent their axons across the microgroove barrier to the glial compartment where Schwann cells align with the axons and myelination can be induced. Detailed analysis of myelination and axon injury/degradation are presented as use cases, including the capability to genetically and pharmacologically manipulate neurons and Schwann cells independently, which also enabled fluorescent life cell imaging. The authors then examine the effect of immature/premyelinating and myelinating Schwann cells on the rate of axon degeneration. Upon axotomy Schwann cells significantly delayed degeneration, with no difference between non-myelinating and myelinating Schwann cells. Finally, live imaging during axon degeneration with fluorescent proteins separately expressed in neurons and Schwann cells demonstrated that Schwann cells ingest axonal fragments.

      Major comment:<br /> In establishing a much needed in-vitro system for PNS myelination and injury research the paper represents a valuable contribution to the PNS community. However, I find the presentation of aspects concerning a protective/destructive role of Schwann cells somewhat inconclusive. That these roles exist has been known, as the authors discuss. Then what does this study contribute concerning the open question that was raised by the discrepancies between Babetto et al., 2020 and Vaquié et al., 2019, i.e. how Schwann cells contribute to axon survival/regeneration after injury? Essentially, the only significant conclusion in this regard is that myelinating and non-myelinating mouse Schwann cells do not differ in their capability to protect axons from degeneration. The manuscript, including the title, would benefit from focusing more on this aspect. In particular, the discussion of the factors that lead to the still remaining apparent discrepancies between Babetto et al., 2020 and Vaquié et al., 2019 and this study should be revised. The authors state that "The study by Vaiquié et al., 2019 quantified axon fragmentation proximally in the microgrooves at timepoints starting from 12 hours after axotomy." (Discussion). While this observation is accurate, Jacob and colleagues also show accelerated, obviously distal axon degeneration in the presence of Schwann cells (Figure 3C in Vaquié et al., 2019). It is therefore unlikely that the discrepancies stem from analysis of more proximal vs. more distal axons, or the timepoints of analyses. In my opinion, a further study (using the coculture system presented in this manuscript) that compares the role of Schwann cells from rats and mice, and that includes analysis of more proximal and distal axon degeneration as well analysis of axon regeneration is needed. In a rework of the manuscript, the authors may therefore elaborate more on the shortcomings of the present study, or alternatively soften the aims of the study in the first place.

      Author response: We thank the reviewer for their comments, and we agree that the title and the aims of the manuscript were confusing. We didn’t make it explicit that this was a methods paper, and that we didn’t intend to show entirely novel findings but instead thoroughly characterise our mouse system so that it is comparable to what has been done for rat cocultures. We have now made this clearer by removing the word novel in the title and changing the title to the following:

      A method for mouse myelinating Schwann cell-DRG neuron compartmentalised cocultures: myelination status does not influence the axo-protective effect of Schwann cells after injury.

      Author response: We have decided to focus the manuscript more on the comparison of myelinating versus non-myelinating cocultures, given that we have shown that the axo-protective effect of SCs is independent of myelination status, which is an advance on what is known in the literature. We have added further characterisation of our aligned cocultures with p75NTR immuno and EM images (Fig.1D and E). We have added the following summary of how our study relates to findings of Babetto et al., 2020 and Vaquie et al., 2019 in the discussion, in line with the reviewer’s suggestions.


      These findings confirm the observations of both Babetto et al., 2020 and Vaquié et al., 2019 who used rat SCs in similar microfluidic culture systems (Vaquié et al, 2019; Babetto et al, 2020)__. We have shown that the axo-protective observation seen by Babetto et al., 2020 does not rely on myelination status, which was an outstanding question from that study (Babetto et al, 2020)__. Furthermore, in an advance from previous studies, we have visualised the axo-protective and axon clearance phenomena in the same culture and shown that they are temporally separated, with axon fragmentation and debris clearance by SCs occurring at much later timepoints after axotomy.

      Author response: We have now added more in-depth discussion of the similarities and differences between Babetto et al., 2020 and Vaquie et al., 2019 and our approach in the discussion.


      Several different culture and experimental conditions preclude direct comparison of our study with both those of Vaquié et al., 2019 and Babetto et al., 2020. These include the use of rat SCs in both prior studies and that Babetto et al., 2020 mixed rat SC with mouse DRG axons; length of time in culture, time points quantified after injury and distance from injury and site of analysis. Babetto et al., 2020 performed axotomy on relatively short term cocultures (6 days in vitro) whereas Vaiquié et al., 2019 cultured for at least 4 weeks and in our case 6 weeks prior to axotomy. Vaiquié et al., 2019 removed nerve growth factor (NGF) prior to laser axotomy and quantified proximally (though also imaged distally) whereas both our study and Babetto et al., 2020 kept NGF in the medium, performed axotomy with a scalpel and quantified more distally and in our case extremely distal, where only individual neurites and no axon bundles were visible. Vaquié et al., 2019 had SCs on both sides of the barrier in the microfluidic chambers whereas we seeded SCs only in the axonal/bottom compartment. Additionally, our cocultures had both forskolin and b__NRG1 added to help induce myelination, whereas these factors are not required in rat myelinating cocultures. Finally, it is important to permeabilise myelinated cultures with acetone after fixation__, as we did, to visualise the entire axon through heavily myelinated segments otherwise axon integrity cannot be reliably assessed in a quantitative manner (Vaquié et al, 2019; Babetto et al, 2020)__.

      Author response: We would like to add that we showed Claire Jacob, senior author of the Vaquie et al., 2019 study, our manuscript prior to peer review and she offered helpful comments, which we incorporated into the manuscript, which is why she is acknowledged. We have also discussed our findings with Elisabetta Babetto as well.

      While it would be a great future study to compare both axon degeneration rates in rat and mouse cocultures this was not the original intention of our study. We believe we have included enough detail of our experimental procedures, including the distance from the barrier we imaged axon degeneration, a crucial bit of information missing from the other studies, should others want to perform a comparative study between rats and mice.


      Five images at a distance of between 1.2-1.4mm from the microgroove barrier (the most distal part of the culture that could be imaged) were quantified per culture, taken in comparable locations in each culture.

      Author response: I would add that one of our previous studies (Arthur-Farraj et al., 2012 Neuron, Fig5I) has already looked at axon outgrowth/regeneration in dissociated non-myelinating mouse SC-DRG co-cultures. We showed the presence of Schwann cells accelerates axon regeneration/outgrowth and this relies upon Schwann cell c-JUN.

      We have now added quantification of the extent of myelination in our cocultures and it is comparable to the original Bunge lab rat cocultures and more extensive than the Vaquie et al., 2019 coculture.


      Quantifying the number of PRX positive myelin segments we found that there were 325.33 ± 12.3 sheaths per mm2, comparable to what has been originally described in rat SC/DRG cocultures and two fold more extensive myelination than recently described compartmentalised rat cocultures models (n=3; Table 1; Eldridge et al, 1987; Vaquié et al, 2019)__. Furthermore, 25.47 ± 1% of Schwann cells were myelinating in our cultures (n=3; Table 1).


      To quantify the number of myelin segments per area, we counted the number of myelin segments for five areas per culture for three cultures and normalised this per mm2. To quantify the percentage of Schwann cells in myelinating cocultures that are actively myelinating, we quantified the number of myelin segments and the number of DAPI-positive nuclei for five areas per culture for three cultures.

      Minor comments:<br /> - Figure 2D: From the electron micrograph there is no doubt that compact myelin is formed, however to me it seems the compaction is not complete. A rough estimation with the aid of the provided scale bar resulted in an interperiodic distance of about 17 nm, which contrasts with the remarkably well reproduced values reported in multiple reports using conventional specimen preparation (like in this study), of which I am citing just a few: about 13 nm in rat ex vivo nerve (Peterson and Pease, J. Ultrastruct Res 1972; Fledrich et al., Nat Commun 2018), 12 nm (Giese et al., Cell 1992), 12.2 nm (Perot et al., J Neurosci 2007), about 12 (Fernando et al., Nat Commun 2016), about 13 nm (García-Mateo et al., Glia 2017) or about 13 nm in mouse ex vivo (Boutary et al., Commun Biol 2021), which was also reproduced with about 13 nm in rat in vitro (Taveggia and Bolino, Methods Mol Biol 2018). The authors should acknowledge this deviation and might discuss possible reasons.

      Author response: We have now provided a more representative EM image of our myelination (Fig. 2D). Additionally, thanks to the reviewer’s comments we have now quantified the interperiodic distance and find it is comparable to the studies the reviewer suggested. We have added the data to the new Table 1 and added the references the reviewer advised. Please see the additions to the methods and the results section regarding this new data below.


      To confirm that cocultured myelinated SCs formed compact myelin we performed electron microscopy (EM), which revealed compact myelin formation with multiple myelin wraps and formation of readily visible major dense (MDL) and intraperiod lines (IPL; Fig. 2D). Additionally, we measured the periodicity, i.e., the distance between two adjacent major dense lines, to make sure myelin was compacted. Interperiodic distance was 12.16 ± 0.28 nm, in line with previous reports (n=3; Table 1; Boutary et al, 2021; Fernando et al, 2016; García-Mateo et al, 2018; Giese et al, 1992; Perrot et al, 2007)__.


      To measure interperiodic distance, we measured at least 10 periods per myelinated fibre for at least three fibres per sample for three separate samples.

      • Figure 4A,B: The result of a slowed axon degeneration in coculture relies on the accurate assessment of continuity of the NFL staining. While the authors report that acetone permeabilization was necessary to afford complete penetration of the used antibodies in myelinating cultures, I cannot see why the authors have not used the same staining protocol for all cultures, as it is detailed in the method section. While I consider it unlikely that the staining conditions have led to an apparent delay of degeneration in coculture, experiments should generally be performed under identical conditions, unless there are good reasons not to do so. If this is not the case, it will be reassuring to see the same effect when identical staining conditions are employed. On the same note, do the compared cultures have the same age, i.e. have the neuron monocultures been in vitro for the same time as the cocultures?

      Author response: We thank the reviewer for picking up this inaccuracy in the manuscript. We can confirm that for the purposes of the axon degeneration experiment all cultures were stained using exactly the same staining protocol. Additionally, we were very careful to maintain all cultures for exactly the same time in culture – 6 weeks. Additionally, axon only cultures were maintained in myelination medium to make sure medium constituents were not responsible for the observed differences in degeneration rate. We have added the following elaboration to the methods section to clarify these points.


      Axon only cultures related to Figure 1 were permeabilised in PBS + 0.5% Triton (Merck) + 5% HS + 5% donkey serum (DS, Merck - D9663) at RT for 1 hour. For the purposes of quantifying the rate of axon degeneration (Figure 4) both axon only cultures and cocultures with SCs were permeabilised in 50% Acetone for 2 minutes, 100% Acetone for 2 minutes, 50% Acetone for 2 minutes (all at RT), and then blocked in PBS + 0.5% Triton + 5% HS + 5% DS at RT for 1 hour.


      All cultures (axon only, aligned SCs and myelinating SCs) were cultured for 6 weeks prior to axotomy experiments. To minimise the possibility that medium constituents were responsible for differences in axon degeneration rates, axonal compartments of axon only cultures were cultured in medium containing 10 ng ml-1 b__NRG1 and 10 m__M forskolin (axon only medium, extended methods section D6) once SCs were seeded on other cultures, and then switched into myelination medium (additional Matrigel__â and 50 m__g ml−1 L-Ascorbic Acid), 24 hours before axotomy. Bottom compartments of aligned SC cultures, 24 hours before axotomy, were switched into DRG/SC medium containing 10 ng ml-1 b__NRG-1, 10 m__M forskolin and 50 m__g ml−1 L-Ascorbic Acid, which is insufficient to induce myelination in mouse cultures. Bottom compartments of myelinating cocultures were medium changed into fresh myelination medium (Extended methods section D7) 24 hours prior to axotomy.

      • In several instances of the manuscript, the term "transfection" is used to refer to lentiviral gene transfer. I advise to use the more appropriate term "transduction" instead
      • I could not seem to find a meaningful reference to the microfluidic chambers that were used in the study. The protocol should contain details on the device and source of supply in order to enable potential readers to execute the protocol

      Author response: We thank the reviewer for this comment. We have replaced transfection with transduction throughout the manuscript. Please see the track changes manuscript for all instances.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      The paper presents a convincing establishment of a dissociated coculture derived exclusively from mouse that leads to robust myelination. As the manuscript correctly states, Schwann cell culture and especially coculture with neurons has been experienced difficult in the field, and by providing a detailed protocol as well as demonstrating how the coculture system can be used to address important questions of PNS myelination and repair, the paper fills an important gap. However, the experiments directed to the role of Schwann cells in axon degeneration do not clarify much, which should be better addressed in the discussion and also by modifying the title accordingly.<br /> The paper will be of high value for basic researchers that are interested in performing studies addressing cellular and molecular mechanisms of myelination and repair in the PNS. Importantly, the paper can pave the way to usage of transgenic or knockout mouse models in coculture. Thereby it might spark interest also in those researchers that use transgenic and knockout mouse models and who have so far refrained from using coculture models.

      Field of expertise of the reviewer: Cellular and molecular mechanisms of myelination and growth signaling in the PNS; in-depth experience with DRG coculture models from rats and mice

      Author response: We thank the reviewer for their kind comments. We have now modified the title, aims and discussion of the manuscript in line with the reviewer’s suggestions.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      SUMMARY<br /> The authors present a detailed protocol for co-cultures of mouse DRGs with mouse SCs using microfluidics. In this model, cells of interest grow in different compartments while allowing for axons to grow in between, thereby making them accessible to injury induction. Using this experimental system, the authors show that myelination occurs, myelin gets compacted and acquires nodal organization. The authors then show that such a system allows for compartment-specific lentivirus transduction and live imaging. Next, they perform physical and chemical axonal injury and show that at early time point pos- injury the presence of SCs protects from axonal degeneration regardless of the myelination status, and helps with clearing of damaged axons at later time points.<br /> Major comments:

      The novelty of the study is questionable.<br /> While the model is well described and appears to be useful for the proposed applications (live imaging, transduction, injury model), the arguments provided regarding its novelty are not fully convincing. The main argument from the authors of this paper is that there are no established protocols describing the use of mouse SCs with mouse DRG neurons in dissociated myelinating cocultures. However, this appears to be inaccurate, as the model described in Stevens et al., 1998 (cited in the paper) uses mouse DRG neurons dissected at E13.5 with mouse SCs dissected at P3 to study myelination. Also, in Päiväläinen et al., 2008, mouse DRGs and SCs are cultured from transgenic mice at different developmental ages, thereby arguing that coculture models have been previously successfully implemented. The main difference appears to be rather the compartmentalization of SCs and DRGs which appears to be a mouse adaptation of the rat model described by Vaquie et al,2019. Based on the above, it seems imperative for the authors to tone down the novelty aspect and provide a more thorough discussion on how the current novel differs from protocols in published study, highlighting advantages and caveats for each.

      Author response: We agree with the reviewer that we did not make the case clear enough for how our coculture model adds to what is currently described in the literature. We have now changed the title and removed the word novel. New title:

      A method for mouse myelinating Schwann cell-DRG neuron compartmentalised cocultures: myelination status does not influence the axo-protective effect of Schwann cells after injury.

      Author response: We have now added the following paragraph to the introduction:


      Indeed there has only ever been one laboratory detailing convincing myelin formation in dissociated mouse myelinating SC-DRG neuron cocultures, however this was never published as a step by step detailed protocol (Stevens et al, 1998; Stevens & Fields, 2000)__. In the last twenty years, there have been no published studies demonstrating myelination in fully dissociated mouse SC-mouse DRG cocultures. This has largely prevented the use of cells, particularly SCs, from transgenic mice in cocultures and thus restricted the ability to study SC-axon interactions in a system that can be readily manipulated and live imaged and results directly applied back to in vivo findings in the same species.

      Author response: Regarding the study by Päiväläinen et al, 2008_,_ they did not fully dissociate their DRGs (see Fig.1 which demonstrates a DRG explant) and thus it is a non-dissociated DRG explant model. While they demonstrated convincing myelination due to the use of Matrigel which we acknowledge them for, their model is not perfectly suited for the use of neurons and SCs from different transgenic animals as the use of a DRG explant, even with temporary use of an antimitotic, risks contamination by endogenous SCs and satellite glia over time, especially as their model is not compartmentalised. We discuss the caveats of their protocol and those using dissociated mouse explant cocultures in a revised paragraph in the introduction.


      Protocols exist where endogenous mouse SCs are used to myelinate dissociated or non-dissociated DRG explant cultures. (Shen et al, 2014; Harty et al, 2019; Sundaram et al, 2021; Stettner et al, 2013; Numata-Uematasu et al, 2023)__. Furthermore, another protocol seeded exogenous SCs onto non-dissociated DRG explant cultures (Päiväläinen et al, 2008)__. Other laboratories seed cultured rat SCs onto dissociated mouse DRG axons (Taveggia & Bolino, 2018)__. Use of dissociated or non-dissociated DRG explants cultures precludes many experimental uses, such as using SCs from different transgenic animals and separate transfection of SCs and neurons with viruses for live imaging or genetic manipulation, and easy use of microfluidic chambers to allow injury studies and separate drug treatments to neurons or SCs. The reason for this is that antimitotics cannot be used in dissociated or non-dissociated DRG explant cultures as this depletes SCs, and the culture quickly becomes contaminated with other non-neuronal cell types, such as satellite cells and fibroblasts migrating out of the DRG. Furthermore, use of exogenous SCs in a non-dissociated DRG explant culture risks, after a period of antimitotic exposure, which was developed by Päiväläinen et al., 2008 still risks potential contamination from endogenous SCs and satellite glia migrating out of the DRG explant over time. This occurs because antimitotic treatment is unlikely to fully penetrate the whole DRG without prior dissociation. Additionally, a compartmentalised culture system cannot be readily used with non-dissociated DRG explant cultures (Päiväläinen et al, 2008)__.

      Author response: We have also added further discussion on how our protocol differs from the Stevens 1998 and other protocols in the discussion.


      Our protocol differs somewhat from the one used by Stevens et al., 1998 to induce myelination in dissociated mouse SC-DRG cocultures__, as they used ascorbic acid and 10% horse serum and presumably plated their cultures on laminin, though they do not explicitly detail this (Stevens et al, 1998)__. In our preliminary experiments we were unable to visualise much myelination with use of laminin, ascorbic acid or indeed if b__NRG1 and high concentration forskolin was added to the medium for up to four weeks. However, if we plated cocultures on Matrigel® and continuously added it to the myelination medium then we saw comparable levels of myelination in our mouse cocultures to that of rat cocultures (Eldridge et al, 1987)__. This approach of using Matrigel® to enhance myelination has previously been successfully employed in cultures of human iPSC sensory neurons with rat SCs and in in non-dissociated mouse DRG explant cultures (Clark et al, 2017; Päiväläinen et al, 2008)__. Importantly, we used growth factor depleted Matrigel® as standard Matrigel® preparations contain substantial amounts of Transforming growth factor b (TGF b__) which is a known inhibitor of myelination (Einheber et al, 1995)__. Additionally, the majority of rat and mouse coculture protocols plate cells on glass whereas we found cultures were healthier and myelinated better when cultured on plastic Alcar® coverslips.

      Author response: We have added further discussion of comparable models in the literature in the discussion.


      Furthermore, our protocol is complementary to the recently described 3D mouse myelinating SC-motor neuron coculture system using collagen hydrogels (Hyung et al, 2021; Park et al, 2021)__. It will be interesting in the future to up titrate the concentration of Matrigel®, which is similar to collagen hydrogels, in our cultures to see whether further increasing extracellular matrix viscosity and stiffness improves our myelination efficiency even further. While it is possible to study cell migration in microfluidic cell culture devices, transwell models offer significant advantages to study this cellular phenomenon (Negro et al, 2022)__. To date, there have been no published studies of successful myelination in human SC-neuron coculture systems. Despite this rat SCs have been shown to readily myelinate human-induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived sensory neurons and an iPSC-derived peripheral nerve organoid system which does contain myelinating SCs has recently been described (Clark et al, 2017; Van Lent et al, 2022)__.

      Next, the authors emphasize the conflicting results of two articles, Babetto et al., 2020 and Vaquie et al., 2019, as the basis to use their newly developed model in the same species and testing two ages corresponding to distinct myelination states. However, both studies reach the same conclusion as the current study, that SCs have a protective role, although at two different developmental time points. As such, it is likely that multiple mechanisms may account for the protective effect of SC on axonal damage, and therefore the different studies do not seem conflicting but rather complementary. Yet, it is interesting that this manuscript shows that the myelination status of SCs does not impact their ability to slow down degeneration and yet it confirms that different timing after injury elicits different behaviors in SCs, as suggested by the studies of Babetto et al., 2020 and Vaquie et al., 2019. In other words, a more accurate description of the results of these two studies is needed and a better explanation of what the authors consider to be conflicting and why (there could be more differences than species and myelination, for instance, such as the method used for axotomy - laser vs cut with scalpel which tear and pull membranes).

      Author response: We would like to humbly correct the reviewer that the studies by Babetto et al., 2020 and Vaquie et al., 2019 do not reach the same conclusion that Schwann cells have a protective role. Instead, they describe axon protection (Babetto et al., 2020) and axon fragmentation (Vaquie et al., 2019). Our studies now visualise both phenomena in the same culture system. We have now made this point more explicit as well as highlighted the one conceptual advance our methods paper makes on the current literature, which is that myelination status does not influence the SC axo-protection, as the reviewer suggested.


      These findings confirm the observations of both Babetto et al., 2020 and Vaquié et al., 2019 who used rat SCs in similar microfluidic culture systems (Vaquié et al, 2019; Babetto et al, 2020)__. We have shown that the axo-protective observation seen by Babetto et al., 2020 does not rely on myelination status, which was an outstanding question from that study (Babetto et al, 2020)__. Furthermore, in an advance from previous studies, we have visualised the axo-protective and axon clearance phenomena in the same culture and shown that they are temporally separated, with axon fragmentation and debris clearance by SCs occurring at much later timepoints after axotomy.

      Author response: We have now added more in-depth discussion of the similarities and differences between Babetto et al., 2020 and Vaquie et al., 2019 and our approach in the discussion.


      Several different culture and experimental conditions preclude direct comparison of our study with both those of Vaquié et al., 2019 and Babetto et al., 2020. These include the use of rat SCs in both prior studies and that Babetto et al., 2020 mixed rat SC with mouse DRG axons; length of time in culture, time points quantified after injury and distance from injury and site of analysis. Babetto et al., 2020 performed axotomy on relatively short term cocultures (6 days in vitro) whereas Vaiquié et al., 2019 cultured for at least 4 weeks and in our case 6 weeks prior to axotomy. Vaiquié et al., 2019 removed nerve growth factor (NGF) prior to laser axotomy and quantified proximally (though also imaged distally) whereas both our study and Babetto et al., 2020 kept NGF in the medium, performed axotomy with a scalpel and quantified more distally and in our case extremely distal, where only individual neurites and no axon bundles were visible. Vaquié et al., 2019 had SCs on both sides of the barrier in the microfluidic chambers whereas we seeded SCs only in the axonal/bottom compartment. Additionally, our cocultures had both forskolin and b__NRG1 added to help induce myelination, whereas these factors are not required in rat myelinating cocultures. Finally, it is important to permeabilise myelinated cultures with acetone after fixation__, as we did, to visualise the entire axon through heavily myelinated segments otherwise axon integrity cannot be reliably assessed in a quantitative manner (Vaquié et al, 2019; Babetto et al, 2020)__.

      Author response: We would like to add that we showed Claire Jacob, senior author of the Vaquie et al., 2019 study, our manuscript prior to peer review and she offered helpful comments, which we incorporated into the manuscript, which is why she is acknowledged. We have also discussed our findings with Elisabetta Babetto as well.

      Overall, the title does not appear to be the most appropriate because the content rather proposes a detailed protocol and gives examples of applications, rather than focusing on the protective versus destructive role of SCs on axons. It also appears to be misleading, as "axo-destructive" appears to suggest a negative role of Schwann cells on axons, whereas SC are rather helpful in clearing degenerative axons, a step which facilitates regeneration.

      Author response: We have now changed the title and the focus of the manuscript in line with the reviewer’s comments. New title:

      A method for mouse myelinating Schwann cell-DRG neuron compartmentalised cocultures: myelination status does not influence the axo-protective effect of Schwann cells after injury.

      Author response: We have removed the phrase axo-destructive throughout the manuscript and instead referred to axon fragmentation and axon debris clearance roles of SCs in line with the reviewer’s suggestion. Please see track changes manuscript for all instances where this was modified.

      The number of biological replicates for each experiment is not always indicated, and if the "n=" represent cultures prepared independently/passaged or wells/cell. It is essential to be rigorous and clearly indicate the number of technical replicates and biological samples throughout the manuscript and provide a thorough description of them. One example is Fig. 4 E were only 10 cells from a single culture appeared to have been imaged. Is this accurate? This aspect is essential to evaluate reproducibility, especially in view of the technical and biological variability.

      Author response: We have now added quantification of myelin segments per mm2, percentage of SCs that myelinate and quantification of the interperiodic distance of the myelin formed. This is all included in a new version of TABLE 1. We have discussed this data in the results section as follows.

      Quantifying the number of PRX positive myelin segments we found that there were 325.33 ± 12.3 sheaths per mm2, comparable to what has been originally described in rat SC/DRG cocultures and two fold more extensive myelination than recently described compartmentalised rat cocultures models (n=3; Table 1; Eldridge et al, 1987; Vaquié et al, 2019)__. Furthermore, 25.47 ± 1% of Schwann cells were myelinating in our cultures (n=3; Table 1). To confirm that cocultured myelinated SCs formed compact myelin we performed electron microscopy (EM), which revealed compact myelin formation with multiple myelin wraps and formation of readily visible major dense (MDL) and intraperiod lines (IPL; Fig. 2D). Additionally, we measured the periodicity, i.e., the distance between two adjacent major dense lines, to make sure myelin was compacted. Interperiodic distance was 12.16 ± 0.28 nm, in line with previous reports (n=3; Table 1; Boutary et al, 2021; Fernando et al, 2016; García-Mateo et al, 2018; Giese et al, 1992; Perrot et al, 2007)__.

      Author response: We have discussed the number of cultures used for each quantification in the methods section. See below.

      Quantification of Myelination in cocultures

      To quantify the number of myelin segments per area, we counted the number of myelin segments for five areas per culture for three cultures and normalised this per mm2. To quantify the percentage of Schwann cells in myelinating cocultures that are actively myelinating, we quantified the number of myelin segments and the number of DAPI-positive nuclei for five areas per culture for three independently prepared cultures. To measure interperiodic distance, we measured at least 10 periods per myelinated fibre for at least three fibres per sample for three separate samples.

      Quantification of Degeneration

      Five images at a distance of between 1.2-1.4mm from the microgroove barrier (the most distal part of the culture that could be imaged) were quantified per culture, taken in comparable locations in each culture. A line was drawn across each image, and each axon crossing this line was either scored as degenerated or intact. Images were blinded prior to quantification. A minimum of three independently prepared cultures were assessed per timepoint for each condition.

      Author response: We have removed Fig.4E and instead quoted the data in the results section as follows:

      When we quantified this phenomenon, we found that 97.84 ± 1.462% (n=2) of SCs in our cocultures contained mCherry-labelled axonal fragments.

      Author response: We apologise as the n number for this experiment was 2 (not 10), with cells in 10 areas quantified throughout all imaging timepoints from each independently prepared culture. We have included the following description in the methods section:

      To quantify number of SCs with fragments, each cell was defined as a region of interest and checked for the presence of mCherry positive fragments at all timepoints. Two separate independently prepared cultures and cells in 10 areas per culture were analysed.

      Author response: Additionally for Fig. 4B we have now included individual data points from independently prepared cultures.

      N numbers are included in all figure legends and always refers to independently prepare cultures/biological replicates.

      We have added to the relevant figure legends (Fig.3 and 4 and Table 1) the phrase:

      n number refers to independently prepared cultures from separate litters of mice.

      Minor comments:

      • Does myelination reach axons in the microgrooves (it seems to from 2C, but up to where)? Where is axotomy performed and are axons myelinated where the cut was performed?

      Author response: Myelination occasionally reaches the beginning of the microgrooves. We didn’t visualise myelination in the DRG cell body compartment. We have added the following detail to the methods section:

      Traumatic axotomies were carried out by carefully removing the microfluidic chamber (SND150 and RND150, Xona Microfluidics__Ò__) from the Aclar__â coverslip using sterile forceps and severing axons with a surgical blade under a light microscope. Axotomies were carried out at the level of the microgroove barrier. To confirm all axons were severed, a second higher cut was performed and axons between the cut sites removed using the surgical blade.

      Author response: Given this, we cannot exclude that the odd proximal myelin segment is cut, but the vast majority of axons are not myelinated at the site of cut (lower cut).

      • Since the model allows for comparison of aligned vs myelinating SCs, and that both aligned and myelinating SCs seem to slow down degeneration, and that c-JUN is upregulated after in vivo injury, have the authors measured if c-JUN levels increase similarly in both myelinating vs aligned SCs?

      Author response: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have now quantified the JUN upregulation after injury in both myelinating and aligned cocultures as well as adding images of JUN upregulation in aligned cocultures. See Fig. 3B-E).

      Additionally, we noted a strong upregulation of JUN protein in SCs 12 hours after axotomy (Fig. 3B and C). We also saw significant JUN upregulation 12 hours after axotomy in cocultures with aligned SCs (Fig. 3D and E).

      Author response: We have decided to focus the manuscript more on the comparison of myelinating versus non-myelinating cocultures, given that we have shown that the axo-protective effect of SCs is independent of myelination status, which is an advance on what is known in the literature. In addition to changing the title, as we have mentioned previously, we have added further characterisation of our aligned cocultures with p75NTR immuno and EM images (Fig.1D and E).

      We have

      • On clarity:<br /> - In the step-by-step protocol, wording needs to be improved.

      Author response: We have substantially edited the step-by-step protocol. Please see track changes document for all specific changes in wording.

      • Temperatures for centrifugations are missing.

      Author response: We have added temperatures for all centrifugation steps. Please see track changes document

      • The MOI described for lentivirus is 2-10 in the protocol but 200 in the legend of Figure 3F.

      Author response: The MOI for DRGs was 2-10 and SCs was 200 in Figure 3F. This is described similarly in the extended methods section. DRGs are transduced much more easily than SCs.

      We have added the following sentence to the results section to emphasise this point:

      Importantly dissociated mouse SCs required a much higher multiplicity of infection (MOI) than dissociated mouse DRGs (see extended methods section).

      • Certain citations in the references list are incomplete (i.e. Babetto et al.; Catenaccio et al.,).

      Author response: We have updated the reference list.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance):

      The advance for the field proposed by this paper is mostly technical, as it details a new model to be used by the field, of mouse SCs-mouse DRGs in dissociating myelinating cultures. The tested applications allowed the authors to also confirm a protective role for SCs on axonal damage, which was independent from myelination status.

      Being a method paper, it is essential that the authors provide clear statements on the number of biological replicates, and technical repeats, as well as a very thorough and accurate description of the methodology.

      The model described has similarities with existing models in the field such as Stevens et al., 1998 and Vaquié et al., 2019. To place it in context in a more helpful way, the authors should emphasize on the novelty brought by their protocol compared to existing models. The authors compare their findings to results from Vaquié et al., 2019 and Babetto et al., 2020 that they describe as conflicting, when it seems they rather address different mechanisms of SCs in protection and repair, occurring at different time points.

      Audience might be interested in the detailed step by step protocol to use this in vitro model for the applications described, and investigate further why SCs myelination status does not influence their ability to protect from neurodegeneration early on or how to make use of this for neuroprotection studies.

      Author response: We have now rephrased the description of Vaquié et al., 2019 and Babetto et al., 2020 studies in line with the reviewer’s suggestions. We have now added further discussion of our model in the context of all other models in the field as we have outlined in detail in above responses.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors present a detailed protocol for co-cultures of mouse DRGs with mouse SCs using microfluidics. In this model, cells of interest grow in different compartments while allowing for axons to grow in between, thereby making them accessible to injury induction. Using this experimental system, the authors show that myelination occurs, myelin gets compacted and acquires nodal organization. The authors then show that such a system allows for compartment-specific lentivirus transduction and live imaging. Next, they perform physical and chemical axonal injury and show that at early time point pos- injury the presence of SCs protects from axonal degeneration regardless of the myelination status, and helps with clearing of damaged axons at later time points.

      Major comments:

      The novelty of the study is questionable.<br /> While the model is well described and appears to be useful for the proposed applications (live imaging, transduction, injury model), the arguments provided regarding its novelty are not fully convincing. The main argument from the authors of this paper is that there are no established protocols describing the use of mouse SCs with mouse DRG neurons in dissociated myelinating cocultures. However, this appears to be inaccurate, as the model described in Stevens et al., 1998 (cited in the paper) uses mouse DRG neurons dissected at E13.5 with mouse SCs dissected at P3 to study myelination. Also, in Päiväläinen et al., 2008, mouse DRGs and SCs are cultured from transgenic mice at different developmental ages, thereby arguing that coculture models have been previously successfully implemented. The main difference appears to be rather the compartmentalization of SCs and DRGs which appears to be a mouse adaptation of the rat model described by Vaquie et al,2019. Based on the above, it seems imperative for the authors to tone down the novelty aspect and provide a more thorough discussion on how the current novel differs from protocols in published study, highlighting advantages and caveats for each.

      Next, the authors emphasize the conflicting results of two articles, Babetto et al., 2020 and Vaquie et al., 2019, as the basis to use their newly developed model in the same species and testing two ages corresponding to distinct myelination states. However, both studies reach the same conclusion as the current study, that SCs have a protective role, although at two different developmental time points. As such, it is likely that multiple mechanisms may account for the protective effect of SC on axonal damage, and therefore the different studies do not seem conflicting but rather complementary. Yet, it is interesting that this manuscript shows that the myelination status of SCs does not impact their ability to slow down degeneration and yet it confirms that different timing after injury elicits different behaviors in SCs, as suggested by the studies of Babetto et al., 2020 and Vaquie et al., 2019. In other words, a more accurate description of the results of these two studies is needed and a better explanation of what the authors consider to be conflicting and why (there could be more differences than species and myelination, for instance, such as the method used for axotomy - laser vs cut with scalpel which tear and pull membranes).

      Overall, the title does not appear to be the most appropriate because the content rather proposes a detailed protocol and gives examples of applications, rather than focusing on the protective versus destructive role of SCs on axons. It also appears to be misleading, as "axo-destructive" appears to suggest a negative role of Schwann cells on axons, whereas SC are rather helpful in clearing degenerative axons, a step which facilitates regeneration.

      The number of biological replicates for each experiment is not always indicated, and if the "n=" represent cultures prepared independently/passaged or wells/cell. It is essential to be rigorous and clearly indicate the number of technical replicates and biological samples throughout the manuscript and provide a thorough description of them. One example is Fig. 4 E were only 10 cells from a single culture appeared to have been imaged. Is this accurate? This aspect is essential to evaluate reproducibility, especially in view of the technical and biological variability.

      Minor comments:

      • Does myelination reach axons in the microgrooves (it seems to from 2C, but up to where)? Where is axotomy performed and are axons myelinated where the cut was performed?
      • Since the model allows for comparison of aligned vs myelinating SCs, and that both aligned and myelinating SCs seem to slow down degeneration, and that c-JUN is upregulated after in vivo injury, have the authors measured if c-JUN levels increase similarly in both myelinating vs aligned SCs?
      • On clarity:
      • In the step-by-step protocol, wording needs to be improved.
      • Temperatures for centrifugations are missing.
      • The MOI described for lentivirus is 2-10 in the protocol but 200 in the legend of Figure 3F.
      • Certain citations in the references list are incomplete (i.e. Babetto et al.; Catenaccio et al.,).


      The advance for the field proposed by this paper is mostly technical, as it details a new model to be used by the field, of mouse SCs-mouse DRGs in dissociating myelinating cultures. The tested applications allowed the authors to also confirm a protective role for SCs on axonal damage, which was independent from myelination status.

      Being a method paper, it is essential that the authors provide clear statements on the number of biological replicates, and technical repeats, as well as a very thorough and accurate description of the methodology.

      The model described has similarities with existing models in the field such as Stevens et al., 1998 and Vaquié et al., 2019. To place it in context in a more helpful way, the authors should emphasize on the novelty brought by their protocol compared to existing models. The authors compare their findings to results from Vaquié et al., 2019 and Babetto et al., 2020 that they describe as conflicting, when it seems they rather address different mechanisms of SCs in protection and repair, occurring at different time points.

      Audience might be interested in the detailed step by step protocol to use this in vitro model for the applications described, and investigate further why SCs myelination status does not influence their ability to protect from neurodegeneration early on or how to make use of this for neuroprotection studies.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the manuscript entitled "Distinct axo-protective and axo-destructive roles for Schwann cells after injury in a novel compartmentalised mouse myelinating coculture system", Arthur-Farraj and colleagues detail a method of dissociated coculture of mouse-DRG neurons and Schwann cells in microfluidic chambers. In this system, neurons and Schwann cells harvested from the same or from different animals are grown in different compartments that are connected by microgrooves, thereby allowing for spatial and diffusive separation. Neurons are shown to extent their axons across the microgroove barrier to the glial compartment where Schwann cells align with the axons and myelination can be induced. Detailed analysis of myelination and axon injury/degradation are presented as use cases, including the capability to genetically and pharmacologically manipulate neurons and Schwann cells independently, which also enabled fluorescent life cell imaging. The authors then examine the effect of immature/premyelinating and myelinating Schwann cells on the rate of axon degeneration. Upon axotomy Schwann cells significantly delayed degeneration, with no difference between non-myelinating and myelinating Schwann cells. Finally, live imaging during axon degeneration with fluorescent proteins separately expressed in neurons and Schwann cells demonstrated that Schwann cells ingest axonal fragments.

      Major comment:

      In establishing a much needed in-vitro system for PNS myelination and injury research the paper represents a valuable contribution to the PNS community. However, I find the presentation of aspects concerning a protective/destructive role of Schwann cells somewhat inconclusive. That these roles exist has been known, as the authors discuss. Then what does this study contribute concerning the open question that was raised by the discrepancies between Babetto et al., 2020 and Vaquié et al., 2019, i.e. how Schwann cells contribute to axon survival/regeneration after injury? Essentially, the only significant conclusion in this regard is that myelinating and non-myelinating mouse Schwann cells do not differ in their capability to protect axons from degeneration. The manuscript, including the title, would benefit from focusing more on this aspect. In particular, the discussion of the factors that lead to the still remaining apparent discrepancies between Babetto et al., 2020 and Vaquié et al., 2019 and this study should be revised. The authors state that "The study by Vaiquié et al., 2019 quantified axon fragmentation proximally in the microgrooves at timepoints starting from 12 hours after axotomy." (Discussion). While this observation is accurate, Jacob and colleagues also show accelerated, obviously distal axon degeneration in the presence of Schwann cells (Figure 3C in Vaquié et al., 2019). It is therefore unlikely that the discrepancies stem from analysis of more proximal vs. more distal axons, or the timepoints of analyses. In my opinion, a further study (using the coculture system presented in this manuscript) that compares the role of Schwann cells from rats and mice, and that includes analysis of more proximal and distal axon degeneration as well analysis of axon regeneration is needed. In a rework of the manuscript, the authors may therefore elaborate more on the shortcomings of the present study, or alternatively soften the aims of the study in the first place.

      Minor comments:

      • Figure 2D: From the electron micrograph there is no doubt that compact myelin is formed, however to me it seems the compaction is not complete. A rough estimation with the aid of the provided scale bar resulted in an interperiodic distance of about 17 nm, which contrasts with the remarkably well reproduced values reported in multiple reports using conventional specimen preparation (like in this study), of which I am citing just a few: about 13 nm in rat ex vivo nerve (Peterson and Pease, J. Ultrastruct Res 1972; Fledrich et al., Nat Commun 2018), 12 nm (Giese et al., Cell 1992), 12.2 nm (Perot et al., J Neurosci 2007), about 12 (Fernando et al., Nat Commun 2016), about 13 nm (García-Mateo et al., Glia 2017) or about 13 nm in mouse ex vivo (Boutary et al., Commun Biol 2021), which was also reproduced with about 13 nm in rat in vitro (Taveggia and Bolino, Methods Mol Biol 2018). The authors should acknowledge this deviation and might discuss possible reasons.
      • Figure 4A,B: The result of a slowed axon degeneration in coculture relies on the accurate assessment of continuity of the NFL staining. While the authors report that acetone permeabilization was necessary to afford complete penetration of the used antibodies in myelinating cultures, I cannot see why the authors have not used the same staining protocol for all cultures, as it is detailed in the method section. While I consider it unlikely that the staining conditions have led to an apparent delay of degeneration in coculture, experiments should generally be performed under identical conditions, unless there are good reasons not to do so. If this is not the case, it will be reassuring to see the same effect when identical staining conditions are employed. On the same note, do the compared cultures have the same age, i.e. have the neuron monocultures been in vitro for the same time as the cocultures?
      • In several instances of the manuscript, the term "transfection" is used to refer to lentiviral gene transfer. I advise to use the more appropriate term "transduction" instead
      • I could not seem to find a meaningful reference to the microfluidic chambers that were used in the study. The protocol should contain details on the device and source of supply in order to enable potential readers to execute the protocol


      The paper presents a convincing establishment of a dissociated coculture derived exclusively from mouse that leads to robust myelination. As the manuscript correctly states, Schwann cell culture and especially coculture with neurons has been experienced difficult in the field, and by providing a detailed protocol as well as demonstrating how the coculture system can be used to address important questions of PNS myelination and repair, the paper fills an important gap. However, the experiments directed to the role of Schwann cells in axon degeneration do not clarify much, which should be better addressed in the discussion and also by modifying the title accordingly.

      The paper will be of high value for basic researchers that are interested in performing studies addressing cellular and molecular mechanisms of myelination and repair in the PNS. Importantly, the paper can pave the way to usage of transgenic or knockout mouse models in coculture. Thereby it might spark interest also in those researchers that use transgenic and knockout mouse models and who have so far refrained from using coculture models.

      Field of expertise of the reviewer: Cellular and molecular mechanisms of myelination and growth signaling in the PNS; in-depth experience with DRG coculture models from rats and mice

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this original article from Mutscher et al., the authors developed a compartmentalized dissociated mouse myelinating SC-DRG coculture system to investigate the distinct roles of Schwann cells in axon protection and degeneration after injury. The innovation of this approach relies on (i) the use of mouse SCs and mouse DRGS neurons instead of rat cells; (ii) the use of microfluidic chambers, seeded by axons and SCs in different compartment; (iii) the possibility to perform a traumatic injury in vitro. While this novel approach offers new ways to study peripheral nerve regeneration and SC-axon interaction, and technical the study is robust, the paper is currently limited by the exploration of their model.

      Major points:

      It is unclear is this approach will ever lead to the identification of key mechanism or key candidates. This is a major miss in the current manuscript form. In short: the authors should demonstrate that their in vitro system can lead to significant leap in our understanding of peripheral nerve regeneration by identifying novel targets/pathways or mechanisms.

      The use of embryonic DRG neurons or SC isolated from P2 animals are arguably physiologically not the same cells that are affected by traumatic nerve injury, which happen most often than not in adult. This is a problem in the long-term reliance on this approach to study axotomy peripheral nerve regeneration.

      Moderate points:

      "there are no established protocols in the field describing the use of mouse SCs with mouse DRG neurons in dissociated myelinating cocultures". The use of mouse cells is laudable, but it is not necessarily a technical innovation, or at least the current manuscript does not explain why their approach particularly suitable to mouse Schwann cells.

      The figures in the paper are largely descriptive. They are very little quantitative measurement. Thus, the readers will have a hard to determine, if they replicate the proposed approach, whether their efficient is on par with the current authors.

      Minor points:

      Fig.4B and E should show individual data points.


      In addition, to the demonstration of feasibility of this in vitro approach, the main finding by the authors is that SCs have a role in neuronal protection and support is key for peripheral nerve regeneration. Thus while in vitro approach does not add key information that do not already exists in the field, it somewhat confirms that the effect is SC autonomous. Overall the approach is interesting and has potential, but the study currently lack a demonstration of its usefulness to the community.

      It would have been interesting to have the authors discuss the advantages of their approach in comparison to other innovative approaches to study SC-axon interactions that have been developed in the last decade (i.e., 3D environment, microfluidic approach, transwell systems). There is also a lack of citations about similar studies in the field.

      Because of the lack of key novel mechanisms, and lack of discussion on what this approach is superior to others in vitro approach limits the impact of the study and the excitement of the reader, even from the SC-axon community.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      In this manuscript the author is presenting a deep-learning model used to predict the development stage of zebrafish embryo. A robust method that can accurately classify a zebrafish into different development stages is highly relevant for many researchers working with zebrafish and hence the importance in developing methods like this is high.

      The manuscript is overall ok. However, more data is needed to convince the reader that the method is robust enough to work with other samples in other labs. This would greatly improve the impact of the publication.

      We agree with the reviewer and have included in our revised manuscripts additional test data that was acquired at a different laboratory to the training data (Figures 5 - 7).

      Page 6.<br /> - How is the data acquired?

      Images used to do initial model training are the same as those used in a previous study - the details of image acquisition are contained in the relevant publication (doi: 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.18313.1). However, we have now added “Zebrafish Husbandry” and “Live Imaging” for newly-acquired images. We have added a table (Table 1) listing details of all image data used in the study.

      Page 8.<br /> "This indicates that whileKimmelNet can be used successfully with noisier test data than that on which it was trained,there is an upper limit to how noisy the data can be."<br /> - This is an obvious statement there will always be an upper limit on noise.

      We agree with the reviewer that this statement is not terribly informative. This section (“KimmelNet’s prediction accuracy is not significantly impacted by moderate levels of additive noise”) has been removed from the revised manuscript in favour of incorporating a section detailing testing of the model on newly-acquired images (“KimmelNet can generalise to previously unseen data”).

      Page 9.<br /> - Are only wildtype embryos used? How would this work on different mutants. To evaluate the robustness of the method this it would be valuable to test on some mutant line with known developmental difference from the wild type.

      We agree with the reviewer that testing on a mutant line would lend more weight to our findings. For example, the p53-/- zebrafish has a reported, published developmental delay, but we did not have access to that line. However, the developmental delay reported for the p53-/- mutant is virtually indistinguishable from that effected by a temperature change. We therefore focussed our efforts on developmental delay affected by altering incubation temperature only.

      Image data.<br /> - I would strongly suggest that the author should include a description of the data in the manuscript. A description of how the data is acquired, microscope, different batches, type of embryos used.

      The image data used in the first draft of the manuscript is the same as that used in a previous publication (Jones et al. 2022), which contains all the relevant details the reviewer seeks. However, we have now added the relevant information for the newly-acquired image data.

      "Random160translation in the y-direction was avoided due to the aspect ratio of the images (width>161height) - any artifacts introduced by translation in the x-direction would be removed by the162centre crop layer, but this would not be the case for translation in the y-direction."<br /> - Could this be solved by using some border method reflection, repetition or fixed value?

      The reviewer is correct that some form of image reflection or repetition could be utilised. However, given the nature of our images, if an embryo is located close to the image boundary, reflection/repetition can result in some odd artefacts, so we minimised the use of such fill methods (also used by the random zoom augmentation layer). We could instead use an arbitrary fixed value, as the reviewer suggested, but finding a value suitable for all images is difficult.

      Page 10.<br /> Addition of Noise to Image Data<br /> - This should be added in the training phase. This would probably improve the robustness of the network and also improve the results on the test data.

      We agree with the reviewer and have now added a random Gaussian noise layer for data augmentation purposes during model training (see Figure 1).

      • Supplementary 3 images with high noise. It is worrying that the network is not able to handle the noise in this figure. Looks like the features that is used to distinguish the developmental stage of the embryo is still clearly seen with this high noise level? Retrain the model with noise as an augmentation to improve this.

      As the reviewer suggested, addition of random noise is now incorporated into model training. The new version of the manuscript does not include the same supplemental figures, but instead includes additional testing on newly-acquired data instead.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      The development of methods like this is highly relevant in the zebrafish community. Staging and evaluating the developmental stage for zebrafish is common and is of interest to the broad community. A lot of this work today is done manually, limiting the throughput, and adding human bias.

      The limit of this study is the dataset used for training and evaluation. Firstly, it is not clear about the structure of the data and how it is acquired, different types of fish or imaging setup etc. For a method to be useful to the community it needs to be robust enough to handle different types of fish (transgenic lines). The manuscript would be greatly improved by adding this to the training and evaluation.

      We have now added additional datasets for the purposes of evaluating the model.

      My expertise is image analysis and machine learning for quantification of biological samples, with focus on zebrafish screening.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Summary<br /> The paper "Automated staging of zebrafish embryos with KimmelNet" by Barry et al., presents a method to automatically stage developmental timepoints of zebrafish embryos based on convolutional neural networks (CNN). The authors show that a CNN trained on ~20k images can determine time post fertilization on test-image sets with an accuracy on the range of a few hours. This technique undoubtedly has the potential to become very useful for any zebrafish researchers interested in developmental timing as it eases analysis and removes potential subjective bias.

      Major comments<br /> In its current form the paper lacks sufficient graph annotations and method descriptions. This makes it hard in places to judge the validity of the claims. I do believe that the presented method can be useful and is likely valid but to be convincing, the authors need to spend more time expanding the methods, justifying their choices of analysis and clarifying figure annotations.

      We believe that we have addressed the reviewer’s concerns in this revised manuscript, as detailed in response to the specific points below.

      Specific points:<br /> 1) The annotation of the training data is not described and specifically it is unclear how valid the staging of the training data itself is. The authors state in the introduction "the hours post fertilization (hpf) [...] provides only and approximation of the actual developmental stage". It is therefore critical to know how this was accounted for in the annotation of the training data. Since the quality of the training data will ultimately limit the best-case quality of Kimmel Net. The authors need to go into some detail here even though the training data appears to be from another published dataset.

      The reviewer raises a valid point – two individual zebrafish embryos that are x hours post-fertilisation are not necessarily at the same developmental stage. However, we believe it is reasonable to assume that two populations of embryos x hours post-fertilisation are, on average, at the same developmental stage and it is this assumption that forms the basis for our approach. Given the inherent variability the reviewer refers to, we are not suggesting that our model would be particularly accurate for staging individual embryos. However, we are very confident (and we believe the data in the manuscript supports this) that given a population of embryos, our model will provide an accurate rate of development. We have added a paragraph (lines 131-141) to address this point.

      2) Why were "test predictions fit to a straight line through the origin". On the one hand this makes sense (since the slope would indicate the correspondence) but it should be clarified why an intercept was omitted in the fit. After all it is unclear if Kimmel net correctly identifies 0Hpf embryos.

      The reviewer makes a valid point – we do not know what predictions KimmelNet would produce for images of embryos closer to 0 hpf. However, we felt an equation of the form y=mx was a reasonable choice for two reasons. First of all, it matches the form of the Kimmel equation, which, despite its flaws, we are using as a benchmark of sorts – the absence of a y intercept makes comparisons with the Kimmel equation straightforward. Secondly, a “perfect” model would produce a straight line fit with y=x, so the lack of a y intercept seemed a reasonable constraint to impose. We have added some brief text (lines 103-105) to clarify this choice.

      3) The methods do not list how the mean of the absolute error was calculated from 3B/C. I think this should be the mean of the absolute error (not the mean of the error) but in that case the numbers listed in the text appear rather small given the histograms in 3 B/C. A clear statement in the methods would clarify this issue.

      We have now added a “Statistical Analysis” section under Materials & Methods to detail exactly what was used to calculate the values given for error analysis. We have calculated the mean of the error, not the mean of the absolute error, as we wish to illustrate that the mean is close to zero. We have used the standard deviation of the errors to illustrate that there is a significant spread in the error values, as depicted in Figure 3C and D.

      Minor comments<br /> 1) The Y-axis in Figure 2B is simply labeled "Loss" - what is the unit of this loss? HPF? Or HPF^2? This is important for judging the quality of the fit

      We thank the reviewer for drawing our attention to this omission. The loss is hpf2 (mean squared error) and we have updated the plot to reflect this.

      2) Figure 3 B. I would suggest changing the labels of the confidence intervals in the legend. "Inner and outer" is already clear from the figure itself, so labels that state that these are derived from n=100 vs. n=20 test image sized samples would be more useful to the reader

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion – we have updated the figure legend accordingly.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I concur with comments issued by the other reviewers. I think it will be especially important to address the comments related to testing the method on mutants (Reviewer #1) and training the model in the presence of noise to increase its robustness (Reviewers #1 and #3) as well as addressing the overall annotation/generation of the training data (Reviewers #1 and #2).

      We believe we have now addressed all of these concerns. The model has been retrained with additional data augmentation incorporating random noise, tested on newly-acquired data and we have added tables summarising the details of all image data used in this study.

      I think these points will be critical to make the paper useful by increasing transparency and ensuring reproducibility in other labs with different imaging conditions, strains, mutants, etc.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      Developmental delay is a common occurrence that can be caused by genetic and environmental background effects. It is therefore highly desirable to properly quantify this variable. The work presented here makes an important step in this direction, by allowing to quantify developmental timepoints independent of subjective staging. This speeds up analysis, increases reproducibility and enhances rigor. However, as my comments above indicate, the significance also depends on the ability of potential users to judge the quality of the work. Once those issues have been addressed, I think the work will be of broad interest to the developmental biology community, first and foremost labs utilizing the zebrafish model. However, as the authors state, the presented model architecture could be trained with the data from other species as well.

      Expertise: Zebrafish, quantitative analysis, behavior, neuroscience

      We thank the reviewer for their positive feedback.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):


      Properly staging embryos of zebrafish embryos is important, yet provides challenging since it can depend on many factors, such as temperature, water quality, fish population density, etc. Here, the authors provide a deep-learning-based model called KimmelNet that allows the prediction of the age of zebrafish embryos, using 2D brightfield images. The technique is robust to weak measurement noise and can also be used to identify developmental delays from a very small number of experimental data.

      The code is accessible to the reader, open-source and should be useable by experimentalists without huge effort.

      Major comments:

      I suggest retraining the model and application of the model to additional data for the following reasons:<br /> • Why did the authors not train for (high) measurement noise and heterogeneous background illumination? Would that not make the model more robust? In principle, creating training should not be considerably harder than before, since the manipulation of the images has been already shown in the manuscript and the authors just need to run it again on the HPC cluster. If there are no technical or administrative constraints (access to the cluster, computational effort, high costs, etc.), the authors should retrain their model.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. As detailed in Figure 1, with a view to making the model more robust, we have now added several more layers of data augmentation, including the addition of random noise, and retrained our model.

      • For Fig. S2 and S3 it is not clear if there is such a strong deviation from the Kimmel equation due to measurement noise or due to the background illumination. The saliency maps appear as if they are mainly affected by the illumination, and maybe less by the noise. Would it be possible to apply the model to a case without artificial noise, but with heterogeneous background illumination to identify what has a bigger impact?

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have now replaced the “artificial” examples used in the previous version of the manuscript with newly-acquired data (Figure 5), which exhibits different characteristics to that used for training.

      Additionally, the authors need to clarify what exactly they are comparing in this manuscript and rework their interpretation of their findings:<br /> • When comparing the predictions between KimmelNet and the Kimmel equation, the authors use an equation of the form y=mx. Could the authors please elaborate on why they introduce the constraint of y(0)=0? It might be naturally given by the so-called Kimmel equation, but by looking at Fig 3a, it seems like an equation of the form y=mx+a would be more appropriate and it appears like KimmelNet introduces an offset of around a=2h for 25 Celsius. The authors need to discuss this.

      The main rationale for using an equation of the form y=mx is to be consistent with the Kimmel equation (see lines 103-105). The reviewer is correct that an equation of the form y=mx+c may well produce a better fit to the data, but omitting a y intercept makes comparison with the Kimmel Equation trivial.

      • In lines 5-8 the authors say that developmental stage progression does not only depend on temperature, but also on population density, water quality etc. and they explain that usually not only hpf, but also staging guides based on morphological criteria are used! If that is true, how good is their training data set that only uses hpf and not the other important guides? How did the authors test that these factors have no impact on their training data?

      We have now added a paragraph (lines 131-141) to address this point.

      Since this tool has the potential to have a big impact on zebrafish research, it would be nice to provide some examples of how exactly this could be achieved:<br /> • Could the authors discuss how exactly their tool is useful to experimentalists? Is it the idea that if an experimentalist wants to investigate an embryo of a particular stage, they apply KimmelNet to images of embryos to identify the stage of the embryo and only then undertake their planned experiment? Is that a realistic undertaking?

      As is evidenced by the errors presented in Figure 3C & D, testing KimmelNet on individual images of embryos may well result in a large error in the predicted hpf. As such, it is not appropriate to use the tool in such a manner. However, to modify the example provided by the reviewer, should an experimentalist have a population of embryos they wished to stage, then yes, KimmelNet would certainly be an appropriate tool for doing so.

      • Would it be possible to provide a tutorial (or even video tutorial if such skills are available in the group of authors) that provides real examples of how to apply the technique? This would make it easier for people without advanced Python/Deep-Learning skills to use the tool, hence improving the impact of KimmelNet.

      A lack of user-friendly interfaces for applying deep learning methods in biology is well-documented – basic knowledge of python and tools like jupyter notebooks are often necessary (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-023-01900-4). However, we have endeavoured to make the running of KimmelNet as easy as possible for new users. A jupyter notebook instance can be run on Binder with absolutely no set-up required. To run KimmelNet on their own data, biologists just need to download the Git repo and replace the test images with their own data. We have updated the landing page on the GitHub repo to provide more specific step-by-step instructions for each of these tasks. We will also endeavour to upload our model to the BioImage Model Zoo (https://bioimage.io/#/) to further increase accessibility.

      I am very critical towards equation 1. Please note that I don't think this has any impact on the quality of the technique provided in this manuscript and the significant flaws can already be found in Kimmel 1995 (which is not under review here). That is why I suggest rewriting of this manuscript to not support an over-interpretation of this equation.<br /> • I do not think that the Kimmel equation is an established term. At least a Google Scholar Search for "Kimmel equation" only gives one result: the preprint of this manuscript.<br /> • The equation has no mathematical meaning regarding its units (subtracting temperature and a unitless value). I also very rarely see equations with Degrees Celsius and not Kelvin.<br /> • Additionally, the equation provides a linear relationship between the development time and temperature h(T) and in Kimmel et al, it is shown that this is only true for 25-33 Celsius. Such a linearisation is not very surprising for a small temperature range, but I am not sure how true it is for higher temperature differences. Hence, I feel that it is very bold to give a specific name to such an equation, giving it an importance that it does not deserve.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s concerns and have removed explicit references to “The Kimmel Equation”, without substantively changing the content of the manuscript.

      Minor comments:

      • For the measurement noise cases it would be nice to have some example images of fish with the specific noise levels in Fig S1 and Fig S2.

      We have now removed the “synthetic” additive noise test data, previously depicted in Figures S1-3, in favour of newly-acquired images in Figures 5-7.

      • Could the authors hypothesize why they predict a slower dynamic for 25 Celsius than predicted by the Kimmel equation?

      Referring to Figure 2 in Kimmel et al (1995), it is apparent that the straight lines are by no means perfect fits to the datapoints. In Fig 2A in particular, some datapoints for the 25C data fall well below the line fit. While the published equation suggests a rate of development 80.5% of the rate at 28.5C, according to Fig 2A, an alternative line fit could give a developmental rate as low as 70-75%, which would be in agreement with our data.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance):

      Strengths of the study:

      An easy-to-use method to automatically stage zebrafish embryos and identify differences in the developmental stage is very important for the zebrafish community and the technique in this manuscript definitely novel. The tool is can be used without large effort and the authors suggest that it can also find applications beyond zebrafish embryos. Hence, it is not only interesting to the zebrafish community, but to a broader developmental biology audience.

      Weakness of the study:<br /> The main weakness of the manuscript is in the training data used for the deep-learning model and the apparent large impact of heterogeneous background illumination. If that is not solved, it is unclear if this technique will find an application in the zebrafish community.

      We believe this weakness has now been addressed by incorporating additional data augmentation measures in the training process and testing the model on newly-acquired data.

      Field of expertise of the reviewer: Image Analysis, Mathematical Modelling, Biological Physics. While I have limited experience in deep learning, I cannot evaluate the specific details of the network architecture. I also have no experience in zebrafish research.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Properly staging embryos of zebrafish embryos is important, yet provides challenging since it can depend on many factors, such as temperature, water quality, fish population density, etc. Here, the authors provide a deep-learning-based model called KimmelNet that allows the prediction of the age of zebrafish embryos, using 2D brightfield images. The technique is robust to weak measurement noise and can also be used to identify developmental delays from a very small number of experimental data.

      The code is accessible to the reader, open-source and should be useable by experimentalists without huge effort.

      Major comments:

      I suggest retraining the model and application of the model to additional data for the following reasons:<br /> - Why did the authors not train for (high) measurement noise and heterogeneous background illumination? Would that not make the model more robust? In principle, creating training should not be considerably harder than before, since the manipulation of the images has been already shown in the manuscript and the authors just need to run it again on the HPC cluster. If there are no technical or administrative constraints (access to the cluster, computational effort, high costs, etc.), the authors should retrain their model.<br /> - For Fig. S2 and S3 it is not clear if there is such a strong deviation from the Kimmel equation due to measurement noise or due to the background illumination. The saliency maps appear as if they are mainly affected by the illumination, and maybe less by the noise. Would it be possible to apply the model to a case without artificial noise, but with heterogeneous background illumination to identify what has a bigger impact?

      Additionally, the authors need to clarify what exactly they are comparing in this manuscript and rework their interpretation of their findings:<br /> - When comparing the predictions between KimmelNet and the Kimmel equation, the authors use an equation of the form y=mx. Could the authors please elaborate on why they introduce the constraint of y(0)=0? It might be naturally given by the so-called Kimmel equation, but by looking at Fig 3a, it seems like an equation of the form y=mx+a would be more appropriate and it appears like KimmelNet introduces an offset of around a=2h for 25 Celsius. The authors need to discuss this.<br /> - In lines 5-8 the authors say that developmental stage progression does not only depend on temperature, but also on population density, water quality etc. and they explain that usually not only hpf, but also staging guides based on morphological criteria are used! If that is true, how good is their training data set that only uses hpf and not the other important guides? How did the authors test that these factors have no impact on their training data?

      Since this tool has the potential to have a big impact on zebrafish research, it would be nice to provide some examples of how exactly this could be achieved:<br /> - Could the authors discuss how exactly their tool is useful to experimentalists? Is it the idea that if an experimentalist wants to investigate an embryo of a particular stage, they apply KimmelNet to images of embryos to identify the stage of the embryo and only then undertake their planned experiment? Is that a realistic undertaking?<br /> - Would it be possible to provide a tutorial (or even video tutorial if such skills are available in the group of authors) that provides real examples of how to apply the technique? This would make it easier for people without advanced Python/Deep-Learning skills to use the tool, hence improving the impact of KimmelNet.

      I am very critical towards equation 1. Please note that I don't think this has any impact on the quality of the technique provided in this manuscript and the significant flaws can already be found in Kimmel 1995 (which is not under review here). That is why I suggest rewriting of this manuscript to not support an over-interpretation of this equation.<br /> - I do not think that the Kimmel equation is an established term. At least a Google Scholar Search for "Kimmel equation" only gives one result: the preprint of this manuscript.<br /> - The equation has no mathematical meaning regarding its units (subtracting temperature and a unitless value). I also very rarely see equations with Degrees Celsius and not Kelvin.<br /> - Additionally, the equation provides a linear relationship between the development time and temperature h(T) and in Kimmel et al, it is shown that this is only true for 25-33 Celsius. Such a linearisation is not very surprising for a small temperature range, but I am not sure how true it is for higher temperature differences. Hence, I feel that it is very bold to give a specific name to such an equation, giving it an importance that it does not deserve.

      Minor comments:

      • For the measurement noise cases it would be nice to have some example images of fish with the specific noise levels in Fig S1 and Fig S2.
      • Could the authors hypothesize why they predict a slower dynamic for 25 Celsius than predicted by the Kimmel equation?


      Strengths of the study:

      An easy-to-use method to automatically stage zebrafish embryos and identify differences in the developmental stage is very important for the zebrafish community and the technique in this manuscript definitely novel. The tool is can be used without large effort and the authors suggest that it can also find applications beyond zebrafish embryos. Hence, it is not only interesting to the zebrafish community, but to a broader developmental biology audience.

      Weakness of the study:

      The main weakness of the manuscript is in the training data used for the deep-learning model and the apparent large impact of heterogeneous background illumination. If that is not solved, it is unclear if this technique will find an application in the zebrafish community.

      Field of expertise of the reviewer:

      Image Analysis, Mathematical Modelling, Biological Physics. While I have limited experience in deep learning, I cannot evaluate the specific details of the network architecture. I also have no experience in zebrafish research.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The paper "Automated staging of zebrafish embryos with KimmelNet" by Barry et al., presents a method to automatically stage developmental timepoints of zebrafish embryos based on convolutional neural networks (CNN). The authors show that a CNN trained on ~20k images can determine time post fertilization on test-image sets with an accuracy on the range of a few hours. This technique undoubtedly has the potential to become very useful for any zebrafish researchers interested in developmental timing as it eases analysis and removes potential subjective bias.

      Major comments

      In its current form the paper lacks sufficient graph annotations and method descriptions. This makes it hard in places to judge the validity of the claims. I do believe that the presented method can be useful and is likely valid but to be convincing, the authors need to spend more time expanding the methods, justifying their choices of analysis and clarifying figure annotations.

      Specific points:

      1. The annotation of the training data is not described and specifically it is unclear how valid the staging of the training data itself is. The authors state in the introduction "the hours post fertilization (hpf) [...] provides only and approximation of the actual developmental stage". It is therefore critical to know how this was accounted for in the annotation of the training data. Since the quality of the training data will ultimately limit the best-case quality of Kimmel Net. The authors need to go into some detail here even though the training data appears to be from another published dataset.
      2. Why were "test predictions fit to a straight line through the origin". On the one hand this makes sense (since the slope would indicate the correspondence) but it should be clarified why an intercept was omitted in the fit. After all it is unclear if Kimmel net correctly identifies 0Hpf embryos.
      3. The methods do not list how the mean of the absolute error was calculated from 3B/C. I think this should be the mean of the absolute error (not the mean of the error) but in that case the numbers listed in the text appear rather small given the histograms in 3 B/C. A clear statement in the methods would clarify this issue.

      Minor comments

      1. The Y-axis in Figure 2B is simply labeled "Loss" - what is the unit of this loss? HPF? Or HPF^2? This is important for judging the quality of the fit
      2. Figure 3 B. I would suggest changing the labels of the confidence intervals in the legend. "Inner and outer" is already clear from the figure itself, so labels that state that these are derived from n=100 vs. n=20 test image sized samples would be more useful to the reader

      Referees cross-commenting

      I concur with comments issued by the other reviewers. I think it will be especially important to address the comments related to testing the method on mutants (Reviewer #1) and training the model in the presence of noise to increase its robustness (Reviewers #1 and #3) as well as addressing the overall annotation/generation of the training data (Reviewers #1 and #2).

      I think these points will be critical to make the paper useful by increasing transparency and ensuring reproducibility in other labs with different imaging conditions, strains, mutants, etc.


      Developmental delay is a common occurrence that can be caused by genetic and environmental background effects. It is therefore highly desirable to properly quantify this variable. The work presented here makes an important step in this direction, by allowing to quantify developmental timepoints independent of subjective staging. This speeds up analysis, increases reproducibility and enhances rigor. However, as my comments above indicate, the significance also depends on the ability of potential users to judge the quality of the work. Once those issues have been addressed, I think the work will be of broad interest to the developmental biology community, first and foremost labs utilizing the zebrafish model. However, as the authors state, the presented model architecture could be trained with the data from other species as well.

      Expertise: Zebrafish, quantitative analysis, behavior, neuroscience

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript the author is presenting a deep-learning model used to predict the development stage of zebrafish embryo. A robust method that can accurately classify a zebrafish into different development stages is highly relevant for many researchers working with zebrafish and hence the importance in developing methods like this is high.

      The manuscript is overall ok. However, more data is needed to convince the reader that the method is robust enough to work with other samples in other labs. This would greatly improve the impact of the publication.

      Page 6.<br /> - How is the data acquired?

      Page 8.<br /> "This indicates that whileKimmelNet can be used successfully with noisier test data than that on which it was trained,there is an upper limit to how noisy the data can be."<br /> - This is an obvious statement there will always be an upper limit on noise.

      Page 9.<br /> - Are only wildtype embryos used? How would this work on different mutants. To evaluate the robustness of the method this it would be valuable to test on some mutant line with known developmental difference from the wild type.

      Image data.<br /> - I would strongly suggest that the author should include a description of the data in the manuscript. A description of how the data is acquired, microscope, different batches, type of embryos used.

      "Random160translation in the y-direction was avoided due to the aspect ratio of the images (width>161height) - any artifacts introduced by translation in the x-direction would be removed by the162centre crop layer, but this would not be the case for translation in the y-direction."<br /> - Could this be solved by using some border method reflection, repetition or fixed value?

      Page 10.<br /> Addition of Noise to Image Data<br /> - This should be added in the training phase. This would probably improve the robustness of the network and also improve the results on the test data.

      • Supplementary 3 images with high noise. It is worrying that the network is not able to handle the noise in this figure. Looks like the features that is used to distinguish the developmental stage of the embryo is still clearly seen with this high noise level? Retrain the model with noise as an augmentation to improve this.


      The development of methods like this is highly relevant in the zebrafish community. Staging and evaluating the developmental stage for zebrafish is common and is of interest to the broad community. A lot of this work today is done manually, limiting the throughput, and adding human bias.

      The limit of this study is the dataset used for training and evaluation. Firstly, it is not clear about the structure of the data and how it is acquired, different types of fish or imaging setup etc. For a method to be useful to the community it needs to be robust enough to handle different types of fish (transgenic lines). The manuscript would be greatly improved by adding this to the training and evaluation.

      My expertise is image analysis and machine learning for quantification of biological samples, with focus on zebrafish screening.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements

      The authors greatly appreciate Review Commons’ innovative approach to scientific review and publishing. We thank the reviewers for their kind words regarding the manuscript overall quality and for highlighting the quantitative approach and reproducibility of this work. We further thank the concerns raised and suggestions made that have contributed to improving the manuscript. Below is a point-by-point response to the reviewers, organized into sections that discriminate the alterations already made and plans for further experiments and revisions. We hope that they appropriately address the reviewers' concerns.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Reviewer #2: Figure 6 in particular, the number of analyzed embryos is small, given the fact that there is a lot of inter-individual heterogeneity in this process it could well be that the authors got, by chance, two embryos out of three having the same pattern of Hairy1 expression.

      R: The authors appreciate the concern raised by Reviewer#2. This experiment is very time consuming and difficult to execute, which is why the number of samples is limited. Overall, we analyzed 7 embryos and 5 recapitulated the pattern of gene expression. We were particularly interested in the occipital somites and, in this time window, 3 out of 4 showed the same expression pattern. Nevertheless, further experiments will be performed to increase the number of analyzed individuals. We are confident this will contribute to strengthening the conclusions of our work.

      Reviewer #2: I believe that an additional shorter time point (+15 or 30 min) with a different pattern of the oscillatory gene would also add to the characterization of the dynamics (same for Fig 5c). This is particularly true given that the domain of expression of Hairy 1 analyzed in Figure 6 is localized quite rostral which might be interpreted as a phase 1 or a phase 2 as well (as initially described in Palmeirim et al 1997).

      R: We thank Reviewer#2 for this suggestion. We have preliminary data (20-40 min) evidencing different patterns of expression and will perform more experiments to complement these results. Figures will be modified to include samples incubated for shorter time intervals, to evidence different expression patterns obtained in these conditions.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Reviewer #1 | Major points:

      1. In the RESULTS session, "Occipital somites are formed faster than cervical and trunk somites," the authors argue that the occipital somites form with greater temporal variability than the neck and trunk somites. Judging from Figures 3C and 3D, I feel it is the case. However, the authors should demonstrate it through statistical analysis.

      2. In the RESULTS session, "Anterior-posterior length of rostral somites," the authors concluded that "the large variability in measurements of somites 17-20 most probably results from the rotation of the embryo body in these developmental stages." Probably they mentioned data of the length of #17-#20 somites in Table1. They should demonstrate it through statistical analysis to show the large variability in the specific area. I understand that embryo rotation could be a reason for the variability. The authors should show evidence. Or they should discuss various possibilities from a broad perspective.

      R: The authors thank Reviewer#1 for suggesting a statistical approach to better characterize the data variability obtained. We performed a Brown-Forsythe test and found that, indeed, there is a statistically significant difference between the temporal variability (period) of somites 1-7 and 8-20 (P-value = 0.02319). Application of the Brown-Forsythe test also found a non-equal variability in the length of the somites #17-20 (P-value = 0.005403). A new Supplementary Figure 4 was added, displaying these results.

      The Brown-Forsythe test is a statistical method used to assess the equality of variances in a dataset across different groups, in this case, the period or the length of early and late somites. It is a robust alternative to the traditional Levene's test, particularly useful when the assumption of homogeneity of variances is not met, such as when the data distributions are skewed or contain outliers (which is the case with our data). It calculates the absolute deviations of individual observations from their respective group medians, which makes it less sensitive than the Levene's test to extreme values. By comparing these deviations between groups, the Brown-Forsythe test helps determine whether the variance differs significantly across the groups. We are confident that this result confers robustness to our claims, and hope that it appropriately addresses the reviewer's concerns.

      Regarding the reasons underlying the variability in the length of #17-#20 somites, we believe it is mainly due to technical constraints. In early developmental stages the chicken embryo is flat, and measurements are easily performed along the anterior-posterior (A-P) somite axis. When somites 17-20 are formed, the embryonic axis starts undergoing rotation, meaning that in some cases we may be measuring along a rotated somite axis. In our work somite length is determined as soon as the posterior intersomitic cleft is formed, so an alternative explanation could be that each somite is formed with a variable length, that is soon after consolidated, resulting in the characteristic consistent metameric organization of somites along the embryo body axis. This is highly unlikely because the length of somites 17-20 long after they are formed (Herrmann et al., 1951) is within the same value range we observed.

      The manuscript has been altered to include the above-mentioned information, as follows:

      • Methods section, under Statistical analysis (Line 153): “To assess the homogeneity of variances between early and late somites, we applied the Brown-Forsythe test on both the period and length measurements. This method involves computing the absolute deviations of individual observations from their respective group medians, rendering it less sensitive to extreme values (outliers). Through the comparison of these deviations across groups, the Brown-Forsythe test aids in determining the statistical significance of variance disparities.”
      • Results section, under Anterior-posterior length of rostral somites (Line 201): “A larger variability was obtained for measurements of somites 17-20 (Supplementary Figure 4A), although this most probably results from the rotation of the embryo body in these developmental stages, hindering precise length measurements of the somite A-P axis.”
      • Results section, under Occipital somites are formed faster than cervical and trunk somites (Line 216): “Remarkably, there is substantial variability in the time of formation of the early-most somites (Figure 3C; Supplementary Figures 3), which gradually stabilizes until somite 8 onwards, where both somite formation time and variability is equivalent to that observed for somites 15-20 (Figure 3C, D; Table 1; Supplementary Figure 4B).”
      1. The authors do not describe the expression patterns of hairy1 in the PSM in the manuscript, but they merely judged whether they are different or the same (recapitulate). The description of the expression pattern needs to be revised totally. The authors should describe the expression patterns of hairy1 in the PSM of each sample carefully and in detail. Fortunately, the previous report (Pourquie and Tam, Developmental Cell, 1, 619-620, 2001) categorized the expression patterns of the EC genes into three phases. The authors should at least categorize each sample according to the criterion by Pourque and Tam. If arrows of brackets indicate the area of expression, it is reader-friendly.

      R: A thorough characterization of segmentation clock gene expression (including hairy1) in the PSM of early somitogenesis chick embryos has been previously described (Rodrigues et al, 2006). For this reason, the authors focused mainly on a comparative analysis of the hairy1 expression patterns obtained in explants incubated for different periods of time. The authors acknowledge, however, the need for further description of the expression patterns obtained in early gastrulation stages, which haven’t been previously documented. Overall, the following alterations were made to the manuscript text:

      Line 231: “The regions with greater variability of hairy1 expression included the neural plate, anterior to the node, the epiblast posterior to the node encompassing the precursors of the paraxial mesoderm (Psychoyos & Stern, 1996) and the caudal-most epiblast. hairy2 expression was also very dynamic along the embryo A-P axis (n=20) (Figure 4B), evidencing chevron-like expression domains, that appear at different levels of the primitive streak, as previously described by Jouve and collaborators (Jouve et al., 2002).”

      Line 245: “As somitogenesis takes place, hairy1 and hairy2 expression patterns retain their dynamic properties in the PSM (Figure 5A, B), as previously described (Rodrigues et al., 2006).”

      The authors further thank Reviewer#1’s suggestion to include brackets indicating the areas of hairy1 expression. Figures 4, 5 and 6 have been altered accordingly, which, indeed, makes figure interpretation more reader-friendly. The gene expression phases presented in Palmeirim et al (1997) and then by Pourquié and Tam (2001) mean to summarize a dynamic expression, with continuous intermediate phases, making it difficult to clearly categorize each pattern obtained. Since our purpose was to evaluate if the entire expression pattern was recapitulated (irrespective of the specific phase), we believe that categorizing each sample in phases is not paramount for result interpretation.

      Reviewer #1 | Minor points.

      1. In the RESULTS session, "Anterior-posterior length of rostral somites," the authors described that the average length of somites ranges from 118 - 191 μ__m. But according to Table-1, the lowest length of somite is 115.92 μ__m (__∼__116 μ__m). So, the lower limit should be corrected here.

      R: The authors thank the reviewer for pointing this out. The text has been appropriately modified in Line 199 of the revised manuscript.

      1. In the DISCUSSION section, the authors mentioned that they presented a thorough characterization of the size and time of formation of the first ten somites in the chicken embryo. But based on the tables and figures, it will only be the first nine somites, not the ten.

      R: The authors agree with the reviewer’s comment. The text has been appropriately modified in Lines 128, 176 and 279 of the revised manuscript.

      1. In the GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT, if the color of the oscillation line is the same as the corresponding somites, it is intuitive.

      R: The authors thank the reviewer for this suggestion and have modified the graphical abstract accordingly. We employed multiple shades of the same color (corresponding to different positions along the body axis) to represent different embryos.

      1. It would be helpful if the manuscript contained both page and line numbers.

      R: Page and line numbers were added to the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #2

      Minor comment: In 5 c similar patterns and newly formed somites should be pointed out by arrows on the figure to help the readers.

      R: We thank Reviewer#2 for this suggestion. Arrows and brackets have been added to the figure to highlight the newly formed somites and gene expression domains, respectively.

      Minor comment: To be more specific the term segmentation clock should be used instead of embryonic clock as I believe there are other embryonic clocks (cell cycle, circadian, etc..)

      R: The authors appreciate the suggestion of Reviewer#2 regarding the term used to identify the molecular oscillator in our work. The term “segmentation clock” or “somitogenesis clock” is commonly used to refer to oscillations in hairy1/2 gene expression because their discovery and subsequent study has mainly focused on the somitogenesis process. Oscillations of hairy1/2 expression (Hes1/7 in mouse), however, have also been described in cells and developmental stages that are not associated with somite formation, and herein we describe dynamic expression in epiblast regions containing precursors that don’t give rise to segmented structures. As discussed in our recent paper (Carraco et al., Front. Cell Dev. Biol, 2022), the broader term Embryo Clock may be used to refer to molecular oscillations in embryonic cells, controlled by negative feedback regulation, that play a role in temporally controlled morphogenetic processes and/or cell fate specification.

      In the beginning of our manuscript (Line 75), we clearly state that we are referring to the embryo clock operating during somitogenesis: “(…) somitogenesis embryo clock (EC), comprising genes with cell-autonomous oscillatory expression in the PSM driven by negative feedback loops (reviewed in Carraco et al., 2022)”, so we believe that the term used will be clearly perceived by the reader. For further clarification, however, the subtitle The Embryo Clock in early somitogenesis in the Discussion section has been modified to (Line 321): “The Embryo Segmentation Clock in early somitogenesis”

      Reviewer #3 | Minor comments:

      The authors did not consider the fact that the first formed somite is the second somite. After the formation of the second somites, the real first somite forms anterior to the second somite. Furthermore, the real first and the third somite seems to be formed simultaneously. It is worthy for the authors to re-examine the data, whether the real first somite and the third somite are formed at the same time. And to check whether the first somite was counted to the segmented region. And this point should be at least discussed.

      R: The authors thank Reviewer#3 for the opportunity to clarify this important issue in our manuscript. It was previously described that the first morphological somite formed is, in fact, the second somite, while the “real” first somite is formed later, anteriorly to this one (Hamburger and Hamilton, 1951). This rostral-most somite-like structure is not anteriorly delimited by a fissure and has thus been termed an “incomplete” or “rudimentary” somite (Hinsch & Hamilton, 1956). Since the methodology used in our work relies on measuring the length between the rostral-most and the posterior-most intersomitic clefts, the “rudimentary” somite is not included in our data, and we considered somite #1 as the first somite delimited both anteriorly and posteriorly by intersomitic clefts. This was stated in the Methods section, under Embryo measurements, and has now also been made explicit under Somite nomenclature (Line 120): “Only structures delimited both anteriorly and posteriorly by intersomitic clefts were counted as somites.”

      We, indeed, observe the formation of the “rudimentary” somite anteriorly to somite #1, when somites 3-4 and formed. This information was included in the Discussion section, under Spatio-temporal properties of the rostral somite segmentation (Line 311): “Note that our analysis did not consider the “rudimentary somite”, as defined by Hinsch and Hamilton (Hinsch & Hamilton, 1956) since it does not possess an anterior somitic cleft. We found that this structure becomes clearly visible, rostrally to somite 1, as somites 3-4 are formed.”

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment: The results are not conceptually new or surprising. However, their careful quantitative analysis is informative and worthwhile to be published because it has yet to be done in the early somite formation. In this manuscript, the authors focused on the early stage of somitogenesis. It will be more informative if they complete this analysis for the whole somite area including the end of somitogenesis.

      Reviewer #3 | Referees cross commenting****

      I find all criticisms are justified. The most advance, as stated by other both reviewers, is the quantitative assay of the somite formation, since this is no yet done previously. As suggested by the first reviewer, it will be more informative if the authors complete this analysis for all regions. For all somites would be too much work, but they can select some representative somites of each region in addition to occipital region, such as 3 somites for one region, including the cervical, thoracic, lumbal, sacral and caudal region. Thus, the dynamic of the temporal somite formation of the whole embryo can be analysed using the same method. This will provide much more impact for this work.

      R: The authors thank the Reviewers #1 and #3 for the kind words and for highlighting the quantitative approach taken. Regarding completing the analysis for the whole somite area including the end of somitogenesis, the authors agree that this would be interesting for the community. The focus of this work, however, was a detailed understanding of early somite segmentation, where measurements of somites 14-20 were performed for validation purposes alone of the technical approach developed, since their time of formation has been previously well established. Characterization of somite formation dynamics along the entire embryonic axis, while informative, would entail significant technical challenges, which are beyond the focus of this work. Briefly, we performed live imaging using the EC culture system (Chapman et al, 2001). This appropriately reproduces in ovo development of early embryos but imposes significant constraints on embryo development in older developmental stages, including the ones corresponding to the formation of the last somites. A possible alternative to perform these measurements would be to apply the tissue explant culture system developed by Palmeirim et al., 1997 to different portions of the embryo body, and optimize it for real-time imaging. However, we believe that the time and effort required are beyond the scope of this work and would not significantly contribute to elucidating the main questions addressed in this manuscript.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Somites form consecutively along the anterior to posterior (AP) axis. The time of the formation of a somite is controlled by the segmentation clock, oscillation of cyclic genes in the presomitic mesoderm. The length of an oscillation cycle differs between species and should also differ between the axial levels. In chicken embryos, one cycle for a trunk somite requires 90 minutes, while it is much slower (150 minutes) for a posterior-most somite. Is this quicker or slower for an anterior-most somite? Andrade' group addressed this question and measured the time of the formation of each occipital somites (somite 1-5). They found that the formation of an occipital somite requires only 75 minutes, while somites from somite 6 onwards takes as long as the trunk somites (about 90 minutes). The faster formation of occipital somites is correlated with the time of the cyclic expression of hairy1 and hairy2.

      Major comments:

      The conclusion is well supported by the data. The measurement of the length increments of the segmented region and then assay using algorithm are well established. Thus, the data are well reproducible.

      Minor comments:

      The authors did not consider the fact that the first formed somite is the second somite. After the formation of the second somites, the real first somite forms anterior to the second somite. Furthermore, the real first and the third somite seems to be formed simultaneously. It is worthy for the authors to re-examine the data, whether the real first somite and the third somite are formed at the same time. And to check whether the first somite was counted to the segmented region. And this point should be at least discussed.

      Referees cross commenting

      I find all criticisms are justified. The most advance, as stated by other both reviewers, is the quantitative assay of the somite formation, since this is no yet done previously. As suggested by the first reviewer, it will be more informative if the authors complete this analysis for all regions. For all somites would be too much work, but they can select some representative somites of each region in addition to occipital region, such as 3 somites for one region, including the cervical, thoracic, lumbal, sacral and caudal region. Thus, the dynamic of the temporal somite formation of the whole embryo can be analysed using the same method. This will provide much more impact for this work.


      Significance: The measurement of the length increments of the segmented region and then assay using algorithm are the novelty and strengths of this study. So, the data are reproducible and objective.

      The results of this study extend our understanding about the dynamic process of the somitogenesis. Especially, the most interesting point is that based on this result, we can see that the segmentation clock runs faster in the head region, and then slow down gradually along the AP axis.

      Audience: specialized, basic research<br /> The developmental biologist will be interested in this topic.

      My expertise is the somite development, somite differentiation, mesoderm development.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study, Maia-Fernandez et al used time-lapse imaging of chicken embryos to analyze the formation of the first formed somite, by doing in situ hybridization, they checked the dynamic nature of well-known segmentation clock genes during this process. They found that the segmentation clock period is faster for the formation of the first five somites (most anterior) and that this process is underlain by dynamic/cyclic expression of Hairy 1 and Hairy 2 as it has been described for more posterior somites.

      • I believe that there few issues that should be addressed to strengthen the conclusions of the manuscript:<br /> Figure 6 in particular, the number of analyzed embryos is small, given the fact that there is a lot of inter-individual heterogeneity in this process it could well be that the authors got, by chance, two embryos out of three having the same pattern of Hairy1 expression.
      • I believe that an additional shorter time point (+15 or 30 min) with a different pattern of the oscillatory gene would also add to the characterization of the dynamics (same for Fig 5c). This is particularly true given that the domain of expression of Hairy 1 analyzed in Figure 6 is localized quite rostral which might be interpreted as a phase 1 or a phase 2 as well (as initially described in Palmeirim et al 1997).

      Minor comments:

      In 5 c similar patterns and newly formed somites should be pointed out by arrows on the figure to help the readers.<br /> To be more specific the term segmentation clock should be used instead of embryonic clock as I believe there are other embryonic clocks (cell cycle, circadian, etc..)


      In this study, the authors address the question of the formation of the first-formed somites using bird a model system; this is a conceptual advance in the sense that our knowledge of the dynamics of these critical morphological events is minimal. The technical advances (time-lapse, image analysis, dissection) made by the authors are quite remarkable and allow for filling the gap of knowledge the community has in this particular domain. The article is well written, data are well presented and it is interesting for a large community of developmental biologists.

      My expertise is in cell and tissue morphogenesis of amniote embryos

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Maia-Fernandes et al. investigated somite formation dynamics in the chick embryo's early stage in this manuscript. They found that the cranial most somites (1-5) form faster than the trunk. They also show that the oscillatory expression pattern of hairy1, regarded as the somitogenesis embryo clock (EC), is coupled to the somite segmentation in the occipital somites. The results are not conceptually new or surprising; they merely show what has been widely believed. However, their careful quantitative analysis is informative and worthwhile to be published because it has yet to be done in the early somite formation. To improve the manuscript, I have several concerns to be addressed.

      Major points.

      1. In the RESULTS session, "Occipital somites are formed faster than cervical and trunk somites," the authors argue that the occipital somites form with greater temporal variability than the neck and trunk somites. Judging from Figures 3C and 3D, I feel it is the case. However, the authors should demonstrate it through statistical analysis.
      2. The authors do not describe the expression patterns of hairy1 in the PSM in the manuscript, but they merely judged whether they are different or the same (recapitulate). The description of the expression pattern needs to be revised totally. The authors should describe the expression patterns of hairy1 in the PSM of each sample carefully and in detail. Fortunately, the previous report (Pourquie and Tam, Developmental Cell, 1, 619-620, 2001) categorized the expression patterns of the EC genes into three phases. The authors should at least categorize each sample according to the criterion by Pourque and Tam. If arrows of brackets indicate the area of expression, it is reader-friendly.
      3. In the RESULTS session, "Anterior-posterior length of rostral somites," the authors concluded that "the large variability in measurements of somites 17-20 most probably results from the rotation of the embryo body in these developmental stages." Probably they mentioned data of the length of #17-#20 somites in Table1. They should demonstrate it through statistical analysis to show the large variability in the specific area. I understand that embryo rotation could be a reason for the variability. The authors should show evidence. Or they should discuss various possibilities from a broad perspective.

      Minor points.

      1. In the RESULTS session, "Anterior-posterior length of rostral somites," the authors described that the average length of somites ranges from 118 - 191 μm. But according to Table-1, the lowest length of somite is 115.92 μm (∼116 μm). So, the lower limit should be corrected here.
      2. In the DISCUSSION section, the authors mentioned that they presented a thorough characterization of the size and time of formation of the first ten somites in the chicken embryo. But based on the tables and figures, it will only be the first nine somites, not the ten.
      3. In the GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT, if the color of the oscillation line is the same as the corresponding somites, it is intuitive.
      4. It would be helpful if the manuscript contained both page and line numbers.


      General assessment: The results are not conceptually new or surprising. However, their careful quantitative analysis is informative and worthwhile to be published because it has yet to be done in the early somite formation. In this manuscript, the authors focused on the early stage of somitogenesis. It will be more informative if they complete this analysis for the whole somite area including the end of somitogenesis.

      Advance: Previously no one provided quantitative data for somite formation. In this viewpoint, this manuscript has an advantage.

      Audience: Their data could be helpful in the generation of mathematical models.

      My field: Developmental Biology

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1:

      1. The authors claim PA-induced mTORC1 activation is dependent on acetyl-CoA derived from mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. Using isotope tracing to determine the contribution of PA to acetyl-CoA, would improve.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this valuable comment. As suggested, we measured the contribution of PA to the total cellular acetyl-CoA pool using metabolic flux assays. The results showed that the incorporation of 13C from [U-13C16]-palmitate into acetyl-CoA was exceeding 60% (Page 40, Figure 4D in the revised version), indicating that exceeding 60% of the acetyl-CoA pool was PA derived. Likewise, we also found that the incorporations of 13C from [U-13C16]-palmitate into 6:0-CoA, 8:0-CoA, 10:0-CoA and 12:0-CoA were all exceeding 50% (Page 40, Figure 4D in the revised version). Thus, these results suggested that a large portion of the PA was used for fatty acid oxidation upon entering the cell. Moreover, we found that fatty acid β oxidation blocked by perhexiline maleate inhibited PA-induced increase of acetyl-CoA, suggesting that the induction of acetyl-CoA content was largely dependent on the fatty acid oxidation of PA. Furthermore, we also demonstrated that inhibition of mitochondrial fatty acid β oxidation by pharmacological inhibitor or genetic knockdown abrogated PA-induced activation of mTORC1. However, using sodium acetate treatment to elevate cellular acetyl-CoA levels rescued impaired mTORC1 activity induced by the inhibition of fatty acid β oxidation under PA condition. Together, these results revealed that PA-induced mTORC1 activation is dependent on acetyl-CoA derived from mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation.

      1. They showed PA increases fatty acid oxidation related gene expression and acetyl-CoA level, while OA and LA could not. why only PA could increases fatty acid oxidation and acetyl-CoA level, considering both of these lipids could be oxidation in mitochondria? Is there any differences in mitochondria among treatment of PA, OA and LA? It is better to monitor fatty acid oxidation in real time using seahorse. And add discussions.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this constructive question. As suggested, we performed the seahorse real-time cell metabolic analysis and the results showed that PA treatment enhanced mitochondrial OCR and elevated maximal oxygen consumption rates compared with OA or LA treatment in fish myocytes (Page 37, Figure 3B in the revised version). Likewise, we also found that PA-induced increase of fatty acid oxidation-related gene expressions was more robust than OA or LA in vivo and in vitro. Thus, these results indicated that the induction of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation by pa treatment was stronger than OA or LA treatment.

      In this study, using LC–MS, we showed that PA treatment increased the contents of short/medium-chain acyl-CoA and acylcarnitine in comparison with OA or LA treatment. Thus, these results suggested that although all three fatty acids can be oxidation in mitochondria, PA may be preferred to enter the mitochondria for fatty acid β oxidation, compared with OA or LA. Previous studies have found that OA is more inclined to synthesize triglycerides to induce the formation of lipid droplets than PA (Chen et al., 2023; Plötz et al., 2016). Likewise, we also found that OA significantly increased the contents of 18:1-CoA in comparison with PA. Thus, we speculate that, after entering the cell, OA is more preferentially synthesized to triglyceride for storage than fatty acid oxidation. Moreover, LA is considered to be a precursor of arachidonic acid, and can be converted to a myriad of bioactive compounds called eicosanoids (Whelan & Fritsche, 2013). Similarly, we found that LA markedly elevated the contents of 18:2-CoA/18:3-CoA. Thus, we conjecture that LA preferentially synthesizes functional lipids compared to entering mitochondria for fatty acid oxidation. Together, differences in the levels of acetyl-CoA produced by these three fatty acids may be related to their metabolic pathway preferences.

      There may be two reasons for why PA prefers to enter mitochondrial for fatty acid oxidation. On one hand, due to differences in the structure of PA, OA and LA, the substrate affinity of CPT1B to these fatty acyl-CoAs may be different, that may contribute to the different rates of fatty acid to enter into mitochondria. On the other hand, in contrast to the β-oxidation of SFAs, the β-oxidation of UFAs requires the involvement of 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (You et al., 1989), and thus the β-oxidation of SFAs may be more efficient.

      At present, the understanding of differences in fatty acid oxidation between SFAs and UFAs is insufficient, so more studies are needed in the future to further explore the underling mechanisms behind these differences. The reviewers have raised a very important direction for research, and so we will continue to address this issue in future.

      We have expanded this section of the Discussion (Page 14, line 388-412 in the revised version).

      1. The authors present lots of western blot images, suggest to provide quantification data of these blots.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for their careful assessment of our study. We apologize for not providing quantification data for western blot images in our initial manuscript. To support our conclusions, we have now added a densitomentric and statistical analysis of all western blots in the revised version (Page 33, Figure 1 in the revised version; Page 35, Figure 2 in the revised version; Page 37, Figure 3 in the revised version; Page 40, Figure 4 in the revised version; Page 43, Figure 5 in the revised version; Page 45, Figure 6 in the revised version; Page 47, Figure 7 in the revised version; Page 51, Figure S1 in the revised version; Page 53, Figure S2 in the revised version; Page 54, Figure S3 in the revised version; Page 56, Figure S4 in the revised version; Page 57, Figure S5 in the revised version).

      1. It is better to discuss the relationship between fatty acid oxidation and mTOR signaling.

      Response: The reviewer’s comments are very valuable. We apologize for not discussing enough for the relationship between fatty acid oxidation and mTOR signaling in our initial manuscript. We have now expanded this section of the Discussion (Page 13, line 366-387 in the revised version, see below).

      Growing lines of evidence suggested a strong link between mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation and mTORC1 signaling (Ricoult & Manning, 2013). As a central regulator of anabolism, mTORC1 is considered to inhibit fatty acid β oxidation pathway for energy storage or ketogenesis (Aguilar et al., 2007). Several studies revealed that restrained mTORC1 by rapamycin induced fatty acid β oxidation in rat hepatocytes through increasing expression of fatty acid β oxidation related enzymes (Brown et al., 2007; Peng et al., 2002). Likewise, mice with whole-body knockout of S6K1 showed enhanced fatty acid β oxidation and increased expression levels of CPT1 in isolated adipocytes (Um et al., 2004), and S6K1/S6K2 double-knockout mice also exhibited elevated fatty acid β oxidation of fatty acids in isolated myoblasts by activating AMPK (Aguilar et al., 2007). Furthermore, a recent study has established that FOXK1 can mediate the inhibition of fatty acid β oxidation by mTORC1 (Fujinuma et al., 2023). Thus, these collective data revealed that fatty acid β oxidation was restrained by mTORC1. However, conversely, the role of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in the regulation of mTORC1 is still controversy. A study in prostate cancer cells suggested that inhibited fatty acid β oxidation by etomoxir reduced mTORC1 activity (Schlaepfer et al., 2014), and another study found that deleting CPT1B specifically in skeletal muscle of mice suppressed mTORC1 by provoking AMPK activation (Vandanmagsar et al., 2016). Consistent with these studies, our results showed that acetyl-CoA derived from mitochondrial fatty acid β oxidation induced mTORC1 activation under PA treatment, indicating that acetyl-CoA may be a novel insight linking fatty acid β oxidation and mTORC1 signaling. Paradoxically, unlike other studies, a recent study found that mice with heart-specific CPT2-deficient exhibited induction of mTORC1 pathway. Thus, the effects of fatty acid β oxidation on mTORC1 pathway are complicated and may differ under variable physiological and pathological conditions. Further studies are needed to determine the sophisticated mechanisms underlying the regulation of fatty acid β oxidation on mTORC1 signaling.

      Reviewer #2:

      Major comments:

      Initial experiment: Among several fatty acid-rich diets, fish were fed a palmitic acid (PA) rich (PO) diet for 10 weeks, and the PO diet significantly raised fasting blood glucose levels compared to control diet (fish oil of equal lipid content). The PO diet also impaired the fish's glucose and insulin tolerance. The PO diet also led to decreased phosphorylation levels of AKT, which regulates glucose metabolism. Therefore, the researchers initially concluded that a palmitic acid-rich diet leads to systemic insulin resistance in fish.

      1. I have a couple of questions on this initial experiment on which all the subsequent studies are based. In Figure 1A, the body weight was identical in control and PO group. Don't you expect PO feeding lead to obesity in fish, as HFD induces obesity in mice?

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this constructive question. In our study, we found that dietary PO diet for 10 weeks failed to affect the body weight of fish, compared with CON diet. Similar to our results, a study in human also found that there was no significant differences in the body weight and body mass index (BMI) between saturated fat diet and monounsaturated fat diet (Vessby et al., 2001). Unlike high-fat diet, the lipid content level of PO diet was not elevated, but only the fatty acid composition was altered, with palmitic acid composition being significantly increased in comparison with CON diet (Page 60, Table S1). Thus, this may be the reason of why the PO diet did not induce weight gain.

      Although accumulating evidence showed that the onset of insulin resistance was often accompanied by weight gain and obesity (Kahn & Flier, 2000; Shoelson et al., 2007), some studies also found that insulin resistance occurred without obesity. A recent study found that mice with liver knockout of Lpcat3 exhibited improved insulin sensitivity without a change in the body weight (Tian et al., 2023). Moreover, another study in mice showed that dietary phenylalanine-rich diet induced insulin resistance, but had no effects on the body weight (Zhou et al., 2022). Likewise, our study also found that dietary PO diet provoked systemic insulin resistance, while did not affect the body weight in fish. Thus, these studies indicated that the development of insulin resistance may not always be entirely accompanied by obesity.

      1. Figure 1G and 1H show glucose and insulin tolerance after PO feeding for 10 weeks. The area under curve (AUC) should be compared to determine if GTT and ITT were statistically different. The ITT curve is particularly interesting as the control fish did not seem to respond to insulin, while the PO-fed fish responded more robustly. The only difference is the initial glucose level. Are the GTT and ITT done after fasting? How long is the fasting? The curves suggest that even though PO increased (fasting) blood glucose levels, it improved insulin sensitivity - therefore the premise that PO induces insulin resistance is not supported here. The lack of insulin induced response in the control group is worrisome. I suggest that the measures should be retaken, and AUC should be used to support if there are any differences in GTT and ITT.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this valuable comment. We apologize for making this confusion in the initial manuscript and we thank the reviewer for providing this opportunity to correct our manuscript. As suggested, to further investigate whether dietary PO could cause impairment of insulin sensitivity, we have re-performed the GTT and ITT assays. Considering that fish have a poor capacity to utilize glucose, we extended the assay time to 8 h. To make the results more accurate, we also added the biological replicates. Moreover, before injection of glucose or insulin, fish were fasted for 24 h. Furthermore, we added area under curve (AUC) of GTT and ITT, and performed statistical analyses of the AUC data.

      Our results showed that dietary PO diet reduced glucose tolerance and insulin tolerance in fish (Page 33, Figure 1G and 1H in the revised version). Moreover, compared with CON diet, the AUC of GTT and ITT were significantly increased in PO diet (Page 33, Figure 1G and 1H in the revised version). Similarly, we found that dietary PO diet elevated fasting blood glucose levels and plasma insulin concentrations. Furthermore, we showed that dietary PO diet decreased the phosphorylation levels of AKT in the liver and skeletal muscle. In addition, we also demonstrated that PA treatment could induce cellular insulin resistance in fish myocytes and C2C12 myotubes. Thus, in our opinion, the above results could indicate that dietary PO induced insulin resistance in fish.

      1. Based on the assumption that PO induces IR (which needs to be confirmed based on the previous comments), the researchers attempted to understand how PA triggers IR through a series of experiments, predominantly western blot analysis. All the Western blots should be quantified. The model is that PA activates FAO in mitochondrial that elevates cytosolic acetyl-coA, which acetylates Rheh to activate mTORC1. mTORC1 on one hand alters IRS1 phosphorylation and on the other hand inhibits transcriptional activity of TFEB to reduce Irs1 mRNA level. Together reduces IRS1 leads to Insulin Resistance.

      Response: The reviewer’s comments were very important to verify the validity of our findings. We have now added a densitomentric and statistical analysis of all western blots in the revised version (Page 33, Figure 1 in the revised version; Page 35, Figure 2 in the revised version; Page 37, Figure 3 in the revised version; Page 40, Figure 4 in the revised version; Page 43, Figure 5 in the revised version; Page 45, Figure 6 in the revised version; Page 47, Figure 7 in the revised version; Page 51, Figure S1 in the revised version; Page 53, Figure S2 in the revised version; Page 54, Figure S3 in the revised version; Page 56, Figure S4 in the revised version; Page 57, Figure S5 in the revised version).

      1. Figure 1. PA reduces basal and insulin stimulated AKT phosphorylation in fish liver and muscle, as well as in culture fish and murine myocytes (Fig. 1I-M). The results appear to be solid but need to be quantified.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this kind suggestion. We have now added a densitomentric and statistical analysis of all western blots in Figure 1 (Page 33, Figure 1 in the revised version).

      1. Figure 2 shows that PA provoked hyperactivation of mTORC1 (indicated by elevated phosphorylated S6K levels. This effect was abolished by Rapamycin treatment (an mTORC1 inhibitor) and also abolished by insulin stimulation (2F). Again, the western blots should be quantified.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this excellent suggestion. We have now added a densitomentric and statistical analysis of all western blots in Figure 2 (Page 35, Figure 2 in the revised version).

      1. Figure 6: the researchers measured the effect of PA treatment on IRS1 phosphorylation in order to understand the mechanism of insulin resistance induced by mTORC1 activation under PA treatment. A PO diet intensified S636/S639 phosphorylation in fish muscle. In fish myocytes and C2C12 myotubes, PA treatment elevated S636/S639 phosphorylation but decreased the Y612 phosphorylation of IRS1 in a dose-dependent manner. Treatment of fish myocytes and C2C12 myotubes with an mTOR inhibitor blocked increased IRS1 S636/S639 phosphorylation levels under PA treatment. Also, PA specifically reduced mRNA levels of Irs1. This indicates that PA-induced, mTOR-dependent alteration of IRS1 phosphorylation and transcription may have contributed to insulin resistance. It is unclear how mTORC induces either increase or decrease in IRS1 phosphorylation depending on the residuals.

      Response: We appreciate the reviewers for this important question. In fact, previous studies have clearly explored how mTORC1 pathway affects S636/S639 phosphorylation of IRS1. On one hand, as a kinase complex, mTORC1 could directly induce S636/S639 phosphorylation of IRS1 in vitro (Ozes et al., 2001). On the other hand, mTORC1 could activate S6K to promote S636/S639 phosphorylation of IRS1 (Shah & Hunter, 2006; Um et al., 2004). In addition, considering that the serine/threonine phosphorylation status of IRS has been shown to affect its tyrosine phosphorylation and protein degradation (Copps & White, 2012), we speculate that the decrease of Y612 phosphorylation of IRS1 is dependent on the induction of IRS1 S636/S639 phosphorylation.

      In this study, we found that PA could induce S636/S639 phosphorylation of IRS1 in a mTORC1-dependent manner. Considering that previous studies have explored the mechanism by which mTORC1 induced IRS1 S636/S639 phosphorylation, we did not conduct further studies on this issue. Notably, we found that mTORC1 could also regulate the transcription of IRS1, so we subsequently investigated the mechanism by which mTORC1 inhibited IRS1 transcription.

      1. Figure 7 shows that PA inhibits nuclear translocation of TFEB to suppress IRS1 transcription. The EMSA in 7D is not convincing.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this valuable comment and we apologize for providing unclear blots in the initial manuscript. To support our conclusions, we have now re-performed the EMSA assays. The results suggested that TFEB can directly bind to the IRS1 promoter at these two sites (Page 47, Figure 7D in the revised version).

      Minor comments:

      1. Some data appears to weaken the results and/or contradictory. For example, the paper initially showed reduced AKT phosphorylation to support PA induced IR, but shouldn't a lower level of pAKT reduces mTORC activation? But then the rest of the manuscript explores how PA activates mTOR. Part of the IR is manifested by impaired mTORC1 activation, yet the PA activates mTORC1. The authors should present the rationale and flow of the ideas in a better way.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this excellent suggestion. We appreciate the points that in some insulin resistance conditions, as a downstream of the insulin pathway, mTORC1 activity is manifested to be inhibited. However, mTORC1 activity showed different under other insulin resistance conditions.

      In fact, multiple negative feedback signals exist in cells to maintain cellular homeostasis under diverse environmental challenges and stimulations (Kearney et al., 2021). However, aberrant of negative feedback can lead to impaired intracellular signaling pathway and induce a variety of diseases (Nguyen & Kholodenko, 2016). Similarly, numerous negative feedback mechanisms also exist in insulin signaling to prevent the development of cancers that may be induced by hyperactivation of insulin pathway. The negative feedback of insulin pathway is mainly mediated by mTORC1, which has been found to inhibit insulin signaling transduction by directly or indirectly affecting IRS1 phosphorylation (Copps & White, 2012; Shah & Hunter, 2006; Um et al., 2004). However, under some pathological or stress conditions, mTORC1 is over-activated, resulting in the amplification of the negative feedback of insulin pathway and the development of insulin resistance. A recent study found that imidazole propionate, a metabolite produced by the gut microbiota, provoked insulin resistance through inducing mTORC1 activation and phosphorylation of IRS1 (Koh et al., 2018). Other studies also showed that elevated abundance of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) or branched-chain α-keto acid (BCKA) could cause insulin resistance by boosting mTORC1 pathway (Zhou et al., 2019). Thus, mTORC1 activation induced-negative feedback inhibition of insulin pathway may be a critical factor in the development of insulin resistance.

      Consistently, our study found that PA could activate mTORC1 in an acetylation modification-dependent manner. Moreover, activation of mTORC1 inhibited the phosphorylation of AKT and caused insulin resistance by affecting the phosphorylation and transcription of IRS1.Indeed, AKT is considered to activate mTORC1 in multiple manners, and inhibition of AKT results in the reduction of mTORC1 activity. However, mTORC1 activity is not only affected by AKT, but is also regulated by a diverse set of upstream signals (Saxton & Sabatini, 2017). Thus, we considered that the activating effect of PA on mTORC1 activity is higher than the negative effect of mTORC1 activity produced by AKT inhibition. This also led to the fact that mTORC1 remained in an activated state despite the inhibition of AKT in PA condition.

      1. There are also many run-on sentences and grammar issues, making it very hard to read. The writing can be improved.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this valuable comment and we apologize for these grammar mistakes in the initial manuscript. Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we have invited native speaker to guide the English writing and carefully corrected these run-on sentences and grammar issues. We thank the reviewer for this careful evaluation of our manuscript.

      Reviewer #3:

      Major issues affecting the conclusions:

      1. The conclusions are supported by the data. However, I suggest to perform a densitomentric and statistical analysis of western blots, especially when the authors report a representative blot, showing samples loaded in single.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this excellent suggestion. We agree that it would be important to verify the validity of our findings and we apologize for not providing quantification data for western blot images in our initial manuscript. We have now added a densitomentric and statistical analysis of all western blots in the revised version (Page 33, Figure 1 in the revised version; Page 35, Figure 2 in the revised version; Page 37, Figure 3 in the revised version; Page 40, Figure 4 in the revised version; Page 43, Figure 5 in the revised version; Page 45, Figure 6 in the revised version; Page 47, Figure 7 in the revised version; Page 51, Figure S1 in the revised version; Page 53, Figure S2 in the revised version; Page 54, Figure S3 in the revised version; Page 56, Figure S4 in the revised version; Page 57, Figure S5 in the revised version).

      1. The methods are clear and reproducible. The authors should better explain how they have dissolved all the powders (i.e. fatty acids) to obtain the stock solutions next diluted (from what concentration?) in the media

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this valuable comment. We apologize for not explaining how to dissolved all the powders in the media. As suggested, we have now provided a detailed explanation of how to dissolved all the powders to obtain the stock solutions in the Methods (Page 19, line 537-586 in the revised version, see below).

      For PA, OA or LA in vitro treatment, fatty acid free BSA (Equitech-Bio, USA) was dissolved in FBS-free DMEM at room temperature according the ratio 1:100 (1 g fatty-acid free BSA: 100 ml FBS-free DMEM). 500 mg PA (Merck, Cat#P0500), OA (Merck, Cat#O1008) or LA (Merck, Cat#L1376) was dissolved in 10 ml ethanol to obtain PA, OA or LA stock solution respectively. Then PA, OA or LA stock solution was blow-drying with nitrogen gas and was dissolved in 0.1 M NaOH and warming at 75°C until clear to obtain 100 mM PA, OA or LA solution. Subsequently, 100 mM PA, OA or LA solution was added to 1% BSA solution according the ratio 1:100 (100 mM PA:1% BSA, v/v) at 50°C. Finally, the mixture was filtered using a 0.45 μM filter and stored at -20°C. For insulin in vitro treatment, insulin powder (Merck, USA) was dissolved in hydrochloric acid (pH=2) to obtain 1 mg/ml stock solution. For rapamycin or Torin1 in vitro treatment, rapamycin (Med Chem Express, #HY-10219, USA) or Torin1 (Med Chem Express, #HY-13003, USA) was dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, Solarbio, China) to obtain 1 mM stock solution respectively. For MHY1485 in vitro treatment, MHY1485 (Med Chem Express, #HY-B0795, USA) was dissolved in DMSO (Solarbio, China) to obtain 10 mM stock solutions.

      For etomoxir or perhexiline maleate in vitro treatments, etomoxir (Med Chem Express, #HY-50202, USA) or perhexiline maleate (Med Chem Express, #HY-B1334A, USA) was dissolved in DMSO (Solarbio, China) to obtain 50 mM stock solution respectively. For BMS-303141 treatment, BMS-303141 (Med Chem Express, #HY-16107, USA) was dissolved in DMSO (Solarbio, China) to obtain 25 mM stock solutions. For sodium acetate treatment, sodium acetate (Merck, #S2889, USA) was dissolved in ultrapure water from a Milli-Q water system to obtain 5M stock solution. For C646, spermidine or MB-3 treatment, C646 (Med Chem Express, #HY-13823, USA), spermidine (Med Chem Express, #HY-B1776, USA) or MB-3 (Merck, #M2449, USA) was dissolved in DMSO (Solarbio, China) to obtain 50 mM stock solution respectively. For MG149 treatment, MG149 (Med Chem Express, #HY-15887, USA) was dissolved in DMSO (Solarbio, China) to obtain 150 mM stock solution. For TFEB activator 1 treatment, TFEB activator 1 (Med Chem Express, #HY-135825) was dissolved in DMSO (Solarbio, China) to obtain 10 mM stock solution.

      1. Anova analysis should be performed to analyze western blot densitometries.

      Response: The reviewer raises an important point and we appreciate this comment. As suggested, we have now added statistical analyses of all western blot densitometries in the revised version. The data are presented as the means ± SEM and were analyzed using independent t-tests for two groups and one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s test for multiple groups (Page 33, Figure 1 in the revised version; Page 35, Figure 2 in the revised version; Page 37, Figure 3 in the revised version; Page 40, Figure 4 in the revised version; Page 43, Figure 5 in the revised version; Page 45, Figure 6 in the revised version; Page 47, Figure 7 in the revised version; Page 51, Figure S1 in the revised version; Page 53, Figure S2 in the revised version; Page 54, Figure S3 in the revised version; Page 56, Figure S4 in the revised version; Page 57, Figure S5 in the revised version).

      Minor comments:

      Prior studies are referenced appropriately, text and figures are clear. I suggest to add in the abstract all the model systems used. HEK293 also should be inserted in the description of the results. Please add the reference to figure 8 in the text. Please, describe cell origin.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this careful assessment of our study. We apologize for not making this clearer in our initial manuscript. We have now added all the model systems used in the Abstract (Page 2, line 24-28 in the revised version, see below).

      Here, using a croaker model, we report that dietary palmitic acid (PA), but not oleic acid or linoleic acid, leads to dysregulation of mTORC1 signaling which provokes systemic insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. Mechanistically, using croaker primary myocytes, mouse C2C12 myotubes and HEK293T cells, we show that PA-induced mTORC1 activation is dependent on mitochondrial fatty acid β oxidation.

      Moreover, we have now added the description of HEK293T cells in the Results (Page 10, line 261-265 in the revised version; Page 11-12, line 309-315 in the revised version, see below).

      To further investigate whether the regulation of mTORC1 by Tip60 is dependent on the acetylation of Rheb, the interaction between Tip60 and Rheb was analyzed via co-immunoprecipitation assays, and the results showed that Tip60 can interact with Rheb in HEK293T cells (Figure 5E). Moreover, overexpressed Tip60 reinforced the acetylation of Rheb and phosphorylation levels of S6K in HEK293T cells (Figure 5F).

      Dual luciferase experiments in HEK293T cells showed that TFEB had the strongest ability to elevate the luciferase activity of the IRS1 promoter among the crucial downstream transcription factors of mTORC1 (Figure 7A). Moreover, TFEB enhanced the promoter activity of IRS1 in a dose-dependent manner (Figure 7B) and mutations of the predicted TFEB binding site 4 and site 6 in the IRS1 promoter significantly reduced the promoter activity of IRS1 in HEK293T cells (Figure 7C). Furthermore, ChIP and EMSA experiments in HEK293T cells verified that TFEB can directly bind to the IRS1 promoter at site 4 and site 6 (Figures 7D and 7E).

      As suggested, we have added the reference to figure 8 in the Discussion (Page 17, line 483-487 in the revised version, see below).

      In summary, our work unveils an evolutionarily conserved mechanism by which mitochondrial fatty acid β oxidation flux of acetyl-CoA induces mTORC1 activation through enhancing Tip60-mediated Rheb acetylation under PA condition. Subsequently, hyperactivation of mTORC1 boosted serine phosphorylation of IRS1 and inhibited TFEB-mediated transcription of IRS1, leading to insulin resistance (Figure 8).

      As suggested, we have added the description of cell origin in the Methods (Page 19, line 526-527 in the revised version; Page 19, line 533-534 in the revised version, see below).

      Mouse C2C12 myoblast cells were obtained from the Cell Bank of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Shanghai, China).

      HEK293T cells were obtained from the Cell Bank of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Shanghai, China).

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Zhao et al aimed to elucidate the mechanisms by which palmitic acids drives insulin resistance. The authors performed experiments in croaker, fish myocytes and mouse differentiated C2C12. They manage in vivo metabolic assays, enzymatic assays, immunoblot procedures, double luciferase assays, RNA analysis, pharmacological inhibitions and genetic knockdown. By using these model systems and procedures, the authors demonstrate that palmitic acid, but not oleic and linoleic acids, induces systemic and cellular insulin resistance through the hyper activation of mTORC1. They show that palmitic acid stimulates the mitochondrial fatty acid β oxidation, increasing the acetyl-CoA levels which enhances the acetylation of Rheb, a well known activator of mTORC1, by Tip60. Moreover, the authors show that mTORC1, beside reinforcing IRS1 phosphorylation, inhibits nuclear translocation of TFEB, thus preventing IRS1 transcription.

      Major issues affecting the conclusions:

      The conclusions are supported by the data. However, I suggest to perform a densitomentric and statistical analysis of western blots, especially when the authors report a representative blot, showing samples loaded in single.<br /> The methods are clear and reproducible. The authors should better explain how they have dissolved all the powders (i.e. fatty acids) to obtain the stock solutions next diluted (from what concentration?) in the media<br /> Anova analysis should be performed to analyze western blot densitometries.<br /> Minor comments:<br /> Prior studies are referenced appropriately, text and figures are clear. I suggest to add in the abstract all the model systems used. HEK293 also should be inserted in the description of the results. Please add the reference to figure 8 in the text. Please, describe cell origin.

      Referee Cross-commenting

      All reviewers have requested densitomentric (and statistical) analysis of western blot to prove the strength of the results. This is the major point to be addressed. Other points should also be only discussed.


      The study extends the knowledge in the field of fatty acids-induced insulin resistance, that is a field studied by many researchers from many years, but with a lot of unclear mechanisms yet. Thus, the nature of the advance is conceptual and mechanistic. The only limitation is the lack of evidence in human samples/cells.

      Basic researchers and experts in translational medicine will be interested by this research.<br /> This is the point of view of a basic researcher, mainly interested in the molecular mechanisms underlining type 2 diabetes/obesity and cancer.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The goal of this study was to investigate how saturated fat induce insulin resistance through activating mTOR. More specifically, the researchers show that palmitate (saturated fat) activates mTORC1 to induce insulin via transcriptional and posttranslational suppression of IRS1. Specifically, the researchers show that PA stimulates FAO to raise cytosolic acetyl-coA levels, promoting Tip60-mediated acetylation of Rheb to activate mTORC1 activity. To study the relationship between mTORC1 activity, fatty acid stimulation and insulin resistance, the researchers decided to conduct their study in fish, as fish are known to be glucose intolerant by nature, making them an appropriate model organism for studying insulin resistance. Mouse C2C12 cell line and fish primary myocytes were also used to validate key results.

      Major comments:

      Initial experiment: Among several fatty acid-rich diets, fish were fed a palmitic acid (PA) rich (PO) diet for 10 weeks, and the PO diet significantly raised fasting blood glucose levels compared to control diet (fish oil of equal lipid content). The PO diet also impaired the fish's glucose and insulin tolerance. The PO diet also led to decreased phosphorylation levels of AKT, which regulates glucose metabolism. Therefore, the researchers initially concluded that a palmitic acid-rich diet leads to systemic insulin resistance in fish.

      I have a couple of questions on this initial experiment on which all the subsequent studies are based. In Figure 1A, the body weight was identical in control and PO group. Don't you expect PO feeding lead to obesity in fish, as HFD induces obesity in mice?<br /> Figure 1G and 1H show glucose and insulin tolerance after PO feeding for 10 weeks. The area under curve (AUC) should be compared to determine if GTT and ITT were statistically different. The ITT curve is particularly interesting as the control fish did not seem to respond to insulin, while the PO-fed fish responded more robustly. The only difference is the initial glucose level. Are the GTT and ITT done after fasting? How long is the fasting? The curves suggest that even though PO increased (fasting) blood glucose levels, it improved insulin sensitivity - therefore the premise that PO induces insulin resistance is not supported here. The lack of insulin induced response in the control group is worrisome. I suggest that the measures should be retaken, and AUC should be used to support if there are any differences in GTT and ITT.

      Based on the assumption that PO induces IR (which needs to be confirmed based on the previous comments), the researchers attempted to understand how PA triggers IR through a series of experiments, predominantly western blot analysis. All the Western blots should be quantified. The model is that PA activates FAO in mitochondrial that elevates cytosolic acetyl-coA, which acetylates Rheh to activate mTORC1. mTORC1 on one hand alters IRS1 phosphorylation and on the other hand inhibits transcriptional activity of TFEB to reduce Irs1 mRNA level. Together reduces IRS1 leads to Insulin Resistance.

      Figure 1. PA reduces basal and insulin stimulated AKT phosphorylation in fish liver and muscle, as well as in culture fish and murine myocytes (Fig. 1I-M). The results appear to be solid but need to be quantified.

      Figure 2 shows that PA provoked hyperactivation of mTORC1 (indicated by elevated phosphorylated S6K levels. This effect was abolished by Rapamycin treatment (an mTORC1 inhibitor) and also abolished by insulin stimulation (2F). Again, the western blots should be quantified.

      Figure 3: PA treatment increases mRNA expression levels of fatty acid beta oxidation genes in fish myocytes and C2C12 myotubes, and subsequent suppression of CPT1B and CPT2 (rate-limiting enzymes of FAO) inhibited mTORC1 activity and signaling in muscle, C2C12 myotubes and fish myocytes under PA treatment. This suggests PA-induced mTORC1 activation is dependent on mitochondrial FAO. Inhibition of CPT1 improved suppression of insulin stimulated phosphorylation of AKT under PA treatment in fish myocytes and C2C12 myotubes, indicating that mitochondrial FAO is heavily involved in PA-induced mTORC1 activation that contributes to insulin resistance.

      Figure 4: PO diet increases acetyl-CoA levels in muscle and PA treatment increases intracellular acetyl-CoA in a dose-dependent manner in fish myocytes. Inhibition of FAO by perhexiline maleate diminished induction of acetyl-CoA under PA treatment. In vivo dsRNA knockdown of ATP citrate lyase (ACLY, catalyze acetyl-CoA synthesis from mitochondrial citrate) decreased mTORC1 activity in muscle, and inhibition of ACLY in fish myocytes and C2C12 myotubes decreased induction of mTORC1 activity under PA treatment. This indicates that palmitic acid promotes mTORC1 activation through acetyl-CoA that is derived from mitochondrial FAO. PA treatment elevates acetylation of Rheb in a dose-dependent manner. Inhibition of FAO by perhexiline maleate attenuated PA-stimulated Rheb acetylation, while fish myocytes and C2C12 myotubes treated with sodium acetate (which can enhance acetyl-CoA) exhibited enhanced Rheb acetylation. The data indicate that acetyl-CoA produced by FAO activates mTORC1 signaling through increased Rheb acetylation. Phosphorylation of AKT were enhanced in muscle with dsACLY knockdown injection, and sodium acetate addition blocked recovery of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and phosphorylation levels of AKT by perhexiline maleate under PA treatment. ACLY inhibition promoted insulin stimulated phosphorylation of AKT under PA treatment. So, in terms of acetyl-CoA's role in PA-induced insulin resistance, the data suggest that acetyl-CoA derived from FAO mediates PA-induced mTORC1 activation and insulin resistance.<br /> Figure 5: Acetyl-CoA can activate lysine acetyltransferases, and the researchers found that mRNA expression of tip60 was elevated in fish myocytes and C2C12 myotubes under PA treatment. Cultured fish myocytes and C2C12 myotubes treated with a Tip60 inhibitor prevented the induction of mTORC1 activity under PA treatment. Tip60 knockdown also blocked PA-induced mTORC1 activation in C2C12 myotubes. The researchers then determined that Tip60 regulation of mTORC1 is dependent on the acetylation of Rheb by studying the interaction between the two via a CoIP assay, which indeed indicated that Tip60 and Rheb interact. Additionally, Tip60 knockdown impaired PA-induced acetylation of Rheb, supporting the notion that Tip60 mediates the acetylation of Rheb under PA treatment. Inhibition of Tip60 attenuated PA-induced suppression of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in C2C12 myotubes, and inhibition of Tip60 also restored insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of AKT under PA treatment. These data suggest that Tip60 mediates the regulation of Rheb acetylation under PA treatment and may be a novel therapeutic target for insulin resistance.

      Figure 6: the researchers measured the effect of PA treatment on IRS1 phosphorylation in order to understand the mechanism of insulin resistance induced by mTORC1 activation under PA treatment. A PO diet intensified S636/S639 phosphorylation in fish muscle. In fish myocytes and C2C12 myotubes, PA treatment elevated S636/S639 phosphorylation but decreased the Y612 phosphorylation of IRS1 in a dose-dependent manner. Treatment of fish myocytes and C2C12 myotubes with an mTOR inhibitor blocked increased IRS1 S636/S639 phosphorylation levels under PA treatment. Also, PA specifically reduced mRNA levels of Irs1. This indicates that PA-induced, mTOR-dependent alteration of IRS1 phosphorylation and transcription may have contributed to insulin resistance. It is unclear how mTORC induces either increase or decrease in IRS1 phosphorylation depending on the residuals.

      Figure 7 shows that PA inhibits nuclear translocation of TFEB to suppress IRS1 transcription. The EMSA in 7D is not convincing.

      Minor comments:

      Some data appears to weaken the results and/or contradictory. For example, the paper initially showed reduced AKT phosphorylation to support PA induced IR, but shouldn't a lower level of pAKT reduces mTORC activation? But then the rest of the manuscript explores how PA activates mTOR. Part of the IR is manifested by impaired mTORC1 activation, yet the PA activates mTORC1. The authors should present the rationale and flow of the ideas in a better way.

      There are also many run-on sentences and grammar issues, making it very hard to read. The writing can be improved.

      Referee cross-commenting

      Other than lacking quantification of western blots, my major concern is the ITT curve in Figure 1G, which does not support the conclusion that PO induces insulin resistance and therefore the rest of the study is based on a faulty premise. The curve shows that insulin reduced blood glucose much more robustly in the PO group than in the control group, suggesting PO increased insulin sensitivity. Area above curve should be calculated to quantify the difference.


      Overall, this research was trying to show that PA-induced IR is dependent on hyper activation of mTORC1. More specifically, acetyl-CoA induces mTORC1 activation under a palmitic acid diet, and this is achieved through Tip60-mediated Rheb acetylation, which ultimately leads to insulin resistance through IRS1 suppression. The study is very mechanistic and important for understanding IR that is associated with diets high in saturated fatty acids and could potentially leads to therapeutic targets for combating insulin resistance and glucose intolerance.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this work, the authors showed PA induces hyperactivation of mTORC1 and insulin resistance. They found acetyl-CoA derived from mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation is required for PA-induced mTORC1 activation and insulin resistance by increasing TIP60-mediated Rheb acetylation. They also showed PA induced mTORC1 activation enhances IRS1 phosphorylation and inhibits transcription of IRS1 by impeding TFEB nuclear translocation. Overall, the authors did a lot of experiments to prove that PA causes mTORC1 activation and insulin resistance. The results are generally convincing, and the finding is novel and instructive.

      1. The authors claim PA-induced mTORC1 activation is dependent on acetyl-CoA derived from mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. Using isotope tracing to determine the contribution of PA to acetyl-CoA, would improve.
      2. They showed PA increases fatty acid oxidation related gene expression and acetyl-CoA level, while OA and LA could not. why only PA could increases fatty acid oxidation and acetyl-CoA level, considering both of these lipids could be oxidation in mitochondria? Is there any differences in mitochondria among treatment of PA, OA and LA? It is better to monitor fatty acid oxidation in real time using seahorse. And add discussions.
      3. The authors present lots of western blot images, suggest to provide quantification data of these blots.
      4. It is better to discuss the relationship between fatty acid oxidation and mTOR signaling.


      The finding is interesting and significant.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The present manuscript presents a thorough description of the relative localization (in space and time) of a number of proteins of the early secretory pathway. To that aim, the authors used by their custom-made 3D live cell super-resolution microscope (SCLIM) and the yeast S. cerevisiae as a model system. The main claim of these data is that the early secretory pathway in S. cerevisiae is organized by maturation from a newly proposed yeast ERGIC compartment all the way to the trans-Golgi network (TGN).

      Major comments:

      I have two major comments regarding this manuscript:

      1. It is not clear to me how the presented data shows the existence of an ERGIC in the yeast S. cerevisiae. I understand, and appreciate from this text too, that a clear definition of ERGIC, even in a mammalian system, is unclear. For this reason, I would first suggest that the authors provide a clear definition of what ERGIC means to them. Next, the experiments herein presented are all based on a very careful, thorough and nicely organized spatio-temporal mapping of a large number of early secretory pathway proteins, including the ERGIC53 yeast "counterpart" Emp46 (it would help to add, even as a supplementary figure, an alignment/sequence comparison between the human ERGIC53 and the S. cerevisiae emp46). However, the data presented here does not clearly indicate to me that there is a bona fide ERGIC in yeast. Couldn't it just be that what the authors call ERGIC is a cis-Golgi cisterna? I understand that the BFA experiments show a different behavior for some proteins, which fits with what the authors previously names GECCO in plants, so why not calling this GECCO? Again, it will be important to provide definitions of these compartments for the audience. Next, my main concern here is that this is all based on SCLIM, which is a very nice technique, but the resolution is limited in both space and time (by the way, it would be nice to explicitly measure of quantify the spatial resolution in x-y-z). Hence, it is not possible to discern whether an "independent" ERGIC is formed as compared to cis-Golgi cisterna. Electron microscopy (possibly CLEM) could help somehow resolve that and massively increase the strength of the claims, but I do understand this might be difficult for this group and very time consuming, so it might be important to clearly state the limitation of the herein presented data. A possible alternative to test if protein that are seen segregated are within the same membrane (as claimed here) would be to do trapping experiments where a reagent induces dimerization between the two proteins (when tagged with specific tags, such as FKBP/FRB).
      2. I could not find any details (maybe I have missed them) about how many times experiments were replicated and the statistical significance of the findings herein reported. In most figures, examples of microscopy images/videos are shown, and selected lines profiles are presented. However, it is not clear how robust these experiments are. Some ideas:

      2.1.) The major source of quantification is the peak-to-peak time distance between two proteins. In Table S1 some stdev is presented, but not clear how it is find (it is the sted of all n number of puncta? or of the mean duration per cell? or of the mean duration per experiment? I would suggest that the authors provide the results shown in Table S1 plotted as a histogram or superplot (see e.g. https://rupress.org/jcb/article/219/6/e202001064/151717/SuperPlots-Communicating-reproducibility-and) and clearly explain how statistics is performed.

      2.2) Also, the time-lapse movies are acquired with a 5s gap between time points. How is this included in the incertainty of the peak-to-peak duration in Table S1?

      2.3) In pg. 7 the authors write "Although experimental variation was high, the two zones appeared to be spatially segregated". Can the authors provide quantitative and statistical support of this claim?

      2.4) It is not clear to me how the puncta for analysis are selected. For example, in Fig. 1C, the punctum shown already shows some initial co-localization (it could be e.g. that a peak value was prior or after the duration of the time lapse movie, thereby biassing the computation of the peak-to-peak duration). So, if one would consider those spots e.g., positive for Emp46 that do not contain Mnn9 signal, how often do you see conversion (that is, appearance of Mnn9 signal)? Along the same lines, in pg. 8 the authors write "... signal appeared first and then mnn9-mCherry came up". Details on how this quantification is done and statistical analysis would be needed, to my opinion, to support the claim.

      Minor comments:

      1. The color code for the 3 color microscopy images is nice, however, the use of green and red for the 2 color images is a bit unfortunate for some people (like myself) who suffer from color blindness. I'd suggest to use green and magenta instead.
      2. Pg. 8: have the authors tested Rer1 vs Emp46?
      3. Pg. 8: I was of the impression that GRASP65 (GORASP1) is considered to be a cis-Golgi protein (see e.g., Tie et al eLife 2018). Then, what the authors call "ERGIC" couldn't it simply be a cis-Golgi cisterna?
      4. pg. 13: "propose to define Grh1, Rer1, and Sed5 as yeast ERGIC/GECCO...". What about Emp46?
      5. The first part of the manuscript (up to mid page 13) is clearly focused on defining ERGIC in yeast, then the paper appears as a set of experiments aimed at adding more components in their spatio-temporal mapping. This is ok, but is should be clearly motivated and explained in the Title, abstract and intro.
      6. The visualization of colocalization according to the opacity (as said in the methods) is somehow confusing to me. Are the 3D images projections or 3D renderings (no axes are seen)? In e.g. Fig. 6G or 8L, regions where green and magenta (or green and red) are colocalized do not appear white (or yellow), which visually suggests to the inattentive reader that there is no colocalization, when there is.
      7. I have not understood what this sentence in pg. 18 means: Similar segregation patterns are also observed during the Golgi-TGN maturation process (Tojima et al., 2019). "We propose that the ERGIC, Golgi, and TGN can coexist as structurally and functionally distinct zones within a single, maturing cisterna." Are they referring to ERGIC, Golgi, and TGN steady state components (proteins) or the structures themselves?
      8. The introduction of new data (mammalian data) in the discussion is odd. It might be ok, but I would frame it within a results section and use it later in the discussion.
      9. Fig.9: the arrows should go from protein to protein (some seem to go from in between proteins, such as the bottom-most arrow with 87.8 s time duration. Also in panel B, bottom part, some proteins are missing (Erd2 ad Chs5).
      10. Fig. 1 and many other: in the line profiles the distance in the x axis has no units or labels. Please add this and the direction of the line profile (an arrowhead would suffice).


      General assessment:

      The experiments herein presented are based on a very careful, thorough and nicely organized spatio-temporal mapping of a large number of early secretory pathway proteins, including the ERGIC53 yeast "counterpart" Emp46. However, the data presented here does not convincingly show that there is a bona fide ERGIC in yeast. A major limitation is that the experiments are all based on a state-of-the-art, but still with a limited resolution, fluorescence microscopy technique. Ultrastructural data (e.g., CLEM) would massively help support or revisit the claims presented in this manuscript regarding the existence of an ERGIC compartment in yeast. Also, adding the information about the number of biological replicates and proper statistical analyses on the presented results would be needed to further support the claims.


      This manuscript builds on the authors' custom build 4D super-resolution microscope (SCLIM) and on previous results (e.g., Tojima et al., J. Cell Sci. 2019). The main novelty is in the study of a number of new early secretory pathway proteins and in the proposal of the existence of a non-stable, maturing ERGIC compartment in S. cerevisiae.


      This paper might be attractive for a broad audience of cell biologists, especially those interested in membrane biology, cell compartmentalization, and intracellular trafficking and secretion.

      Describe your expertise:

      I am an expert in membrane trafficking.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Tojima and colleagues present a very exciting 4D SCLIM analysis of 20 key-proteins controlling or occupying different stages of Golgi-mediated protein trafficking, taking the reader on a trip from the ER export sites to the ERGIC/GECCO, cis-, medial- and trans-Golgi towards the TGN/recycling endosome. The choice of molecular markers to be patiently time-resolved in 3D allowed the authors to assemble a temporal roadmap for the molecular players studied. This is most impressive.

      Major comments

      There is an enormous amount of patient systematic analysis packed in this paper, following a punctate organelle as it emerges from the dark, evolves over time (following a combination of 2 markers) with fluorescence peaks at specific time points, after which the signal disappears again. I am certain other cell biologists will be impressed, as I was, viewing the individual images and graphs presented, culminating ultimately in figure 9 that could go straight into a textbook to form a starting point for anybody who wishes to study a particular protein of interest and chose the most appropriate markers to compare it with. The authors propose that the ERGIC/GECCO/Golgi-remnants compartment is an evolutionary conserved structure even though it has a different subcellular distribution/morphology in different classes of eukaryotes. The data presented here and in earlier work seem to support this notion. In particular, the authors demonstrate that the yeast GRASP 65 homologue Grh1 is the earliest to appear closely followed by Ypt1 and Emp46. The fact that RER1 and ERD2 come slightly later is in line with a proposed gate-keeper function, because if they were instead to recycle continuously they should appear first in line. I agree with the authors that the simple model of ER-derived COPII vesicles fusing with each other and thus creating an ERGIC/GECCO de novo is probably too simplistic. The idea of a more permanent structure, pulsating between cargo-loading and cargo-releasing events, possibly associated with creating zones/subdomains within a single cisterna seems very attractive given the data shown here. This work is descriptive, but it is of very high importance to anybody engaged with experimental approaches to study protein sorting from the Golgi-apparatus back to the ER, or on to the plasma membrane or the lytic compartments. The 5 functional stages proposed for Golgi-maturation is an attractive starting point for future research, and I very much like the notion that ERGIC and cis-Golgi cisternae may start as zones/subdomains within a single cisternae, possibly formed via phase separations involving both protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions.

      Minor comments

      The title strongly focusses on the ERGIC and therefore the earliest sorting steps in the ER-Golgi system, but this manuscripts offers so much more. I was fascinated to learn that Ypt1 appears twice during cisternal maturation in yeast. This may be a yeast-specific phenomenon but it is very interesting. The same can be said about the proposal that Gea1 and Gea2 have different roles in the Golgi and act in different cisternae, and the localisation of AP-3 at the trans-Golgi rather than the TGN. The functional distinction between trans-Golgi and TGN and the differences in their origin are important points and it will be a shame if readers don't realise that this manuscript offers further insight into later steps in Golgi-mediated transport. There may be a case to add something to the abstract and/or modify the title accordingly, but then I also feel that long titles are not ideal and the ERGIC/GECCO portion is the more important take-home message. This is a case for the editorial team and the authors to make the most of the findings.

      Given the importance of ERD2 in sorting soluble proteins to be returned back to the ER, the authors may consider using the biological active XFP-TM-ERD2 fusion instead of ERD2-GFP, but this may be kept for future work. In plants, ERD2-GFP is mainly at the Golgi when overexpressed, its erroneous leakage to the ER is only observed at low expression or when K/HDEL proteins are co-expressed. The XFP-TM-ERD2 construct may be better confined to the ERGIC-GECCO and may have a different temporal pattern.<br /> The authors may consider citing Stornaiuolo et al., Mol Biol Cell 2003 Mar;14(3):889-902 who compared the trafficking of KDEL and KKXX pathways and concluded that KDEL proteins are retrieved prior to KKXX proteins....as this fits nicely into the current findings showing that ERD2 and RER1 appear sooner than COPI markers.


      The significance of the work is high because it basically allows to add facts to models. We use models to explain an elusive process because it escapes direct observation. Once we can observe directly, a model can become fact. In simple terms, the authors allow us to see things that we could only speculate about in the past. Therefore, the results present a very significant advance and will be highly relevant to the entire cell biology community. This paper is an important landmark and will help the field to formulate new experimental approaches and models to understand the origins of the Golgi apparatus, the core of the secretory pathway that defines being a eukaryote.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      It is generally believed that budding yeast does not have the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC). In this study, the authors attempt to prove the existence of the ERGIC. They measured the kinetics of a few Golgi markers involved in the early secretory pathway in live cell imaging and observed the recruitment of Grh1 precedes that of Mnn9, suggesting the presence of pre-early cisternae. The authors propose that the Grh1-positive cisternae, assembling at the ER exit site (ERES) and progressing to become the early Golgi cisternae, represent the equivalent of the mammalian ERGIC in yeast.

      Major comments:

      The concept of the ERGIC in mammalian cells was initially proposed based on the protein ERGIC-53 in the 1990s. However, recent nanoscopy imaging data from the Lippincott-Schwartz lab challenges the conventional view of ERGIC by revealing the "ERGIC" is a membrane domain of the ERES (Wegel et al., Cell, 2021; PMID: 33852913), suggesting it might not be appropriate to adopt this concept.

      The authors' observations could be interpreted differently. Since the ERGIC is not molecularly defined in their study, the authors cannot prove its existence in yeast unequivocally. Their data indicate the presence of Golgi cisternae, characterized by Grh1, that precede the earliest known cisternae. Although the authors refer to these Grh1-positive cisternae as the "ERGIC", they are essentially "pre-early" cisternae that progress to become the early Golgi cisternae. Nevertheless, their findings could extend the budding yeast Golgi cisternal progression unit further upstream to include the ERES as the starting point for Golgi cisternal maturation. To further explore this, it would be interesting to investigate the kinetics of COPII subunits in cisternal progression along with Grh1 or Mnn9 and to plot COPII components in the Figure 9 map.

      The second half of the manuscript appears to deviate from the main focus on identifying the ERGIC. This section primarily presents the Golgi localization of four Golgi proteins (Ypt1, Gea1, Gea2, and Alp6) deduced from kinetics. However, it lacks functional studies to substantiate the authors' claims on their cellular functions. As a result, this part of the study remains purely speculative and might not support the authors' claims. Given that Figure 9 provides a highly informative summary of all kinetics and localization data, I recommend the authors keep but significantly abridge this section.

      The manuscript also has a few major concerns.

      1. The analysis of only one fluorescent particle or Golgi cisternal punctate structure is insufficient for a Golgi marker, considering the substantial variation of Golgi cisternae. To improve statistical robustness, the authors should select multiple fluorescent particles from multiple cells, displaying plots with averaged intensities, error bars, and sample sizes (n).
      2. In Fig. 5A, the BFA-induced lumps positive for Grh1, Rer1, and Sed5 may potentially represent the ERES, as observed in mammalian cells (Ward et al., JCB, 2002; PMID: 11706049). To verify this, the authors should co-label these lumps with COPII subunits.
      3. The authors previously reported the "hug-and-kiss" model for cargo transport from the ERES to the early Golgi cisternae. As the current study is highly relevant to the "hug-and-kiss" model, it is disappointing that the authors did not provide further data and comment on it. The "hug-and-kiss" and "ERGIC" transport modes are two distinct ways for secretory cargo transport from the ERES to the early Golgi cisternae. The authors should verify the "hug-and-kiss" transport and report the relative frequency of the two transport modes.
      4. The current version has minimal background knowledge of ERGIC in mammalian and yeast cells. Therefore, the authors should provide a comprehensive introduction to ERGIC.


      General assessment:

      The data presented in the manuscript is novel and appears to be convincing. However, one of the major concerns is the lack of statistical robustness, which requires to be addressed. Furthermore, the manuscript's data could be interpreted differently, as elaborated in the major comments.


      While the interpretation of the manuscript's data requires reconsideration, it can contribute to our understanding of secretory trafficking at the Golgi. The manuscript could fill a crucial gap in our knowledge in this field by addressing the major comments.


      Cell biologists in the membrane trafficking field, particularly those working on the Golgi, would find the manuscript interesting.

      My expertise:

      My research focuses on membrane trafficking at the ER, Golgi, and endosome.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Unfortunately, this paper adds only a little to our understanding of uptake in to the flagellar pocket of trypanosomes. It tends to add only detail to information that has been well characterised elsewhere and indeed, as the authors themselves point out, (lines 92-98) it is rather incremental.

      We were disappointed that the reviewer was so unsupportive of the work presented here. It seems possible that the reviewer is partly objecting that the title - which emphasised the main finding of the paper - does not fully capture the content of the paper. We have therefore modified the title to emphasise that the paper is principally a characterisation of TbSmee1 rather than an investigation of the flagellar pocket, with the insight into cargo entry being the most notable finding.

      Not only has Tbsmee1 been studied before but this data in bloodstream forms is not particularly novel since it gives much the same information as the canonical hook protein TbMORN. This work follows the pattern of conclusions made previously with the protein TbMORN. It focusses on the protein TbSmee where RNAi mutants are interpreted to show flagellar pocket enlargement and impaired access by surface bound cargo. Unfortunately, there is little mechanistic or functional conclusion to the study in terms of how TbSmee operates naturally in the cell.

      This is deliberately downplaying the value of the work. TbSmee1 has not previously been characterised in bloodstream form cells, and neither TbMORN1 nor the hook complex are as well-characterised as other cytoskeletal components such as the flagellum and basal body. To criticise the paper for not providing a molecular mechanism of TbSmee1's function is unreasonable given the volume of work provided and the fact that this is a first characterisation of the protein in this life cycle stage. Expectation of a complete molecular mechanism is setting a very high bar for a first characterisation.

      It is also possible that the reviewer has not grasped the main thrust of the argument - when TbMORN1 was characterised it was the first protein shown to have this cargo entry defect. We show here that not only does TbSmee1 share this defect, but that it is in fact a previously-unacknowledged feature of all phenotypes of this type, exemplified by clathrin. We have modified the text to make this finding more clearly emphasised (see for example lines 654-661 in the tracked-changes version of the manuscript).

      There are other possible explanations for the phenotype. That would need to be studied. This large flagellar pocket phenotype is seen with RNAi mutants of many different types of proteins in the trypanosome and so pleiotropic effects are highly likely. Also, there are a good number of alternative possibilities to account for reduced access to the pocket in these mutants and this data could be usefully added.

      This is another statement that seems intended primarily to disparage the paper rather than attempt to improve it. It would have been extremely helpful if the reviewer highlighted what these other possible explanations are instead of making vague allusions. The widespread prevalence of this kind of phenotype means that our insight into restricted cargo access to the flagellar pocket is of general relevance in the trypanosome field.

      Specific points<br /> 1. The transient location for the TbSmee at the FAZ tip - or in this case the groove region - was seen in procyclics (Perry, 2018) so this bloodstream indication merely confirms that concept.

      The reviewer is again downplaying the value of the work rather than providing constructive criticism. While FLAM3 has been shown to be at the tip of the new flagellum in bloodstream form cells (Sunter et al., 2015), at the time of the preprint being published Smee1 was actually the first protein (besides the DOT1 antigen) shown to localise to the groove region in bloodstream form cells. It is also worth noting that procyclic form cells and bloodstream form cells are fairly different in this regard - in procyclic cells, there is an entire flagellar connector structure that is not present in bloodstream form cells, and so demonstrating that Smee1 was present in the groove region was an important experiment. Since this preprint was published, Smithson et al. have identified 13 additional proteins localising to the groove (Smithson et al., 2022) - we have modified the text to include these points (see lines 542-545 of the tracked-changes manuscript).

      1. The C terminal region required for targeting is a reasonable deletion analysis of regions of the protein. But can this data (line 228) be said to "mediate targeting" - or is it just required. For instance, targeting might be OK but it might be needed for stable association, etc etc.

      We have changed the text to say "required" for targeting instead of "mediating" targeting (line 312 of tracked-changes manuscript).

      1. This protein has already been shown to be phosphorylated and the sites and cell cycle possibilities have been mapped by Urbaniak. So that section adds little. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1008129

      The reviewer is again disparaging the significance of the work rather than critiquing it. This is after all only a single panel of a figure and ~15 lines of text, and therefore a minor but still noteworthy element of the manuscript. This also misunderstands what the Urbaniak study does and does not show - while that work showed that Smee1 is phosphorylated, it remained possible that other post-translational modifications were occurring. This experiment shows that the "fuzzy" appearance (variable electrophoretic migration) of TbSmee1 in gels can be solely attributed to phosphorylation as opposed to other post-translational modification. We contacted Dr. Urbaniak to confirm this - his answer is below.

      "__I think your approach to look at the fuzzy banding is actually rather elegant; our data shows that phosphorylation occurs but we did not look for any other PTMs that could influence migration on a gel and probably wouldn't see them without a different enrichment and analysis method. We often see a fuzzy pattern with glycosylation due to the heterogeneity, and I suspect other modifications will also results in a smear. Given that the band collapses to a single band after phosphatase treatment and not with an inhibitor present it is fair to conclude that phosphorylation is responsible for the fuzzy band, not other undefined PTMs like glycosylation.__"

      1. Essentiality in BS forms and pocket enlargement. This is not surprising. A very large number of cytoskeletal proteins show this in RNAi knockdown. Flagella mutants (extensive publications from many groups (Hill, Bastin, Gull, etc) over last 15 years show this very well and so this protein is just one more example.

      This appears to be another comment aimed at downplaying the value of the manuscript rather than providing constructive feedback. The fact that we have demonstrated something previously unobserved in a common phenotype makes the data of general interest to the community, we feel.

      1. I didn't find that the explanations for flagella pocket enlargement are soundly based. The experiments focus on endocytosis and uptake and ignore other plausible reasons and some evidence in literature.

      Again, the reviewer's feedback would be considerably more constructive if they had taken the time to specifically cite the evidence in the literature that they are alluding to, and present some of the "other plausible reasons" they are aware of. We have consulted widely in the community and have not been able to find anybody who knew what work the reviewer is referring to here.

      Lines 84/85. Enlarged pockets may be indicative of endocytosis failure. Presumably the rationale is that endocytosis fails, but exocytosis still occurs and the pocket membrane enlarges. What evidence is there that exocytosis of membrane still occurs? This simple concept might indeed operate in a clathrin mutant but is surface membrane/content exocytosis is maintained in these cytoskeleton mutants? There is good evidence for glycoconjugates within the flagellar pocket. Are these depleted or present still?

      The reviewer is correct that we have not specifically assayed for exocytosis, but the fact that we are able to make the same observations in both the clathrin RNAi (where exocytosis has been assayed - Allen et al., 2003) and the Smee1 RNAi means that this is not a problematic omission. The effect of the enlarged flagellar pocket phenotype on the glycoconjugates in the flagellar pocket is an interesting question but far outside the current focus of the paper.

      1. There are also a number of other publications indicating that clathrin pits are still present on the enlarged pockets of various mutants when viewed by EM. The authors have looked at the flagellar pockets by EM but the EM methods described have extensive washings and centrifugations before fixation. This is a very poor approach and will mean that endo and exocytic traffic is disturbed (extensive references in literature in other systems? This is not a useful approach for exo/endocytosos studies where flux of traffic demands fast chemical or freezing fix in media.

      The reviewer has misunderstood the aim of the experiments described in Figure 5D, which was to observe the morphological changes caused by depletion of TbSmee1. As the reviewer is no doubt aware, high-pressure freezing of trypanosomes gives much better morphological preservation than chemical fixing in media, so the choice of method is not "very poor" but tailored to the experimental aims. We have modified the text to make this point more clearly (lines 355-358 of tracked-changes version). Once again, the referee offers no citation to back up their assertion that endo- and exocytic traffic is disturbed by wash steps, either in trypanosomes or elsewhere.

      1. The EMs and Light microscopy does show that the mutant pockets are substantially abnormal in their cytoskeletal arrangement. They have multiple flagella profiles, flagella structures have not connected with the membrane and are sometimes in the cytoplasm (see a glance of the paraflagellar rod in the cytoplasm in FigS5C and internalised FAZ attachment plaques in Fig 4 D bottom right cell). Given these extensive (and expected) cytoskeletal abnormalities it is highly likely that these pocket abnormalities are a result of motility, cell division/developmental issues and the differential uptake phenotypes merely consequential.

      This is another misinformed argument that is seeking to disparage the data. The reviewer has apparently overlooked the fact that the same phenotype is seen in clathrin RNAi, when flagellar pocket enlargement precedes any downstream effects on cell division cycle progression. We have gone to great lengths (Fig 6) to demonstrate that the enlargement of the flagellar pocket almost certainly precedes the onset of the growth defect in the TbSmee1 RNAi, and it is therefore likely to precede the cytoskeletal abnormalities that the reviewer has highlighted. An effect on cellular motility is possible and would be interesting to investigate in future work.

      1. The authors speak about early phenotypes , but these are often at 15-24 hours. That is probably a couple of cell cycles and so not early.

      To be informative, the analyses of RNAi phenotypes have to be done as soon as possible after the onset of the growth defect, and we have gone to great lengths (Figure 5) to define this point as being at 21 hours. This is already difficult as the number of phenotypic cells at the onset of the growth defect will not be high. We have clarified the text to emphasise that "early" refers to soon after the onset of the phenotype (lines 388-389 of tracked-changes version).

      In relation to the above question of comparison to the same morphology produced by flagella mutants it would be good to know if these hook mutants produce motility phenotypes and whether these are manifest before the uptake phenotypes. There is evidence (cited here) that forward motility of the trypanosome directs material on surface into the pocket. If these cells have motility defects (primary or via failed division) then surely that would provide an alternative simple explanation for uptake differences.

      The reviewer is overlooking the observation that the surface-bound endocytic cargoes (ConA, BSA) are still being sorted/directed as far as the entrance to the flagellar pocket - what is interesting is that the cargo is apparently unable to enter the flagellar pocket. As noted above, it would certainly be interesting to look at motility effects in follow-up work.

      1. There is a general point that if studies are to have real relevance to uptake in the trypanosome then they need to deal with uptake of natural ligands rather than artificial surrogates such as dextran. Such tracers were used historically, but in the last decade a series of receptors and ligands for fluid phase and particularly membrane mediated endocytosis have been discovered. With the investment of a little time these important ligand / receptors such as haptoglobin, transferrin, etc would be much more relevant.

      Dextran is still state-of-the-art as it is an inert fluid phase marker. We are not aware - and have asked widely - of any readily-available alternative to dextran as a fluid phase marker, especially seeing as we have demonstrated in this study that BSA does not behave as a fluid phase marker in the experimental conditions used. The reviewer is also being disingenuous in suggesting that there is a panel of validated physiological reporters for trypanosomes that are readily available commercially - this is not the case. Transferrin is probably the only example, but the transferrin receptor is confined to the flagellar pocket and therefore not relevant to the question of how surface-bound material enters the flagellar pocket in the first place. As suggested by Reviewer 3 and endorsed by Reviewer 2, we have looked at the uptake of anti-VSG antibodies (which are a physiological cargo) in additional experiments and obtained evidence that the same effects are seen (Figure 9).

      **Referees cross-commenting

      this session includes comments from Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2.<br /> *

      Reviewer 2<br /> <br /> Dear Reviewers 1 and 3:<br /> I agree with many of the points with Reviewer 1 and our divergence is partly a matter of degree. While it is true that this manuscript is incremental in its contribution to our understanding of TbSmee1, it nonetheless adds to our understanding of the role of this protein in the bloodstream life stage and because of that I find value in the work. The fact that it mirrors what was seem in other protein knockdown studies (e.g. TbMORN) doesn't negate its contribution for me. Reviewer 1 makes an important point, however, when stating that this work does not add a mechanistic or functional conclusion as to how TbSmee1 operates and for me that is the biggest shortcoming of the work. Offering mechanistic insight is a high bar and while it would make for a much more exciting story it does not discount the value of the work as presented. What I do appreciate is the speculation about this observation that endocytosis is required for entrance of surface bound material into the pocket and although they are unable to show that this is not a side affect of other processes being disrupted it is and intriguing point. These observation have the potential of stimulating further investigations into crosstalk between the entrance to the pocket and endocytosis. I also agree that the use of ligands for known receptors like transferrin would be far more informative. While I assumed the transferrin receptor was in the pocket itself it would be interesting to see if the ESAG6/7 is also located outside the pocket and transiently binds cargo before being brought inside for endocytosis.<br /> I think that Reviewer 3 brings up a great point with the focus on VSG's. I think that examining VSG turnover in these mutants can add value to the analysis and inform our view of how affecting the hook complex alters VSG endocytosis.

      We appreciate Reviewer 2 taking the time to defend the value of the work, and we concur with Reviewer 2's assessment. Reviewer 2 is also correct that the transferrin receptor appears to be primarily or wholly confined to the flagellar pocket interior, making this likely less informative in this context. Concerning the uptake of anti-VSG antibodies highlighted by Reviewer 3 and endorsed by Reviewer 2, we have carried out these experiments and obtained similar results to those published in the first version of the preprint (Figure 9).

      Reviewer 1<br /> <br /> some fair comment and agreement. This is being sent to general cell biology journals.<br /> when one looks at this area in the round it is it is nearly 50 years (1975) since Langreth and Balber published their seminal work on protein uptake and digestion in bloodstream and culture forms of T. brucei. There has been 50 years intense study and the genome has been around for nearly 20 years as well. So, put simply - for both a general science audience and the wider parasite community - if this is a paper about one protein, TbSmee1,then it has surely has to say something functional about that protein. If it is a paper about uptake in trypanosomes (where mutants are one means of interrogation) then it surely has to say something about mechanisms of uptake of physiological relevant ligands. The days of dextran etc are past.

      Hence, my comment that this does neither and so is very incremental to what is known already. It is 2022 not 1975. Langreth and Baber published their seminal work in J Protozoology for very good reasons no doubt.

      It is striking that Reviewer 1 here extends their aggressive and uncivil approach to attack Reviewer 2's assessment, again substituting forceful wording for informed argument. Reviewer 1 again inexplicably and mistakenly criticises the use of dextran when no state-of-the-art alternative exists. They then go on to needlessly disparage the work done by Langreth & Balber when this work was produced in a totally different publishing landscape. They also appear to fundamentally misunderstand the Review Commons concept, which is to provide journal-independent preprint peer review; it is also worth noting that there are specialist journals such as PLoS Pathogens in the RevComm affiliates as well as general cell biology journals. Given that the mechanism of variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) switching has not yet been fully articulated despite the efforts of multiple labs and many projects over a decades-long time period, it seems extremely unreasonable to be making such demands of this paper.

      Reviewer 2<br /> Thank you for replying and I agree with the spirit of your critique. My only comment, which could result from my own naivete, is to say that despite the incredible work that has been done in dissecting endocytosis in T. brucei over these past 50 years, it appears that we still do not understand how many fundamental of aspects of this activity works in this parasite. Even basic questions regarding how cargo, e.g. transferrin, binding to surface receptors is sensed by the parasite remains unknown and the identity of the specific signaling components which transmit this information internally to initiate endocytosis have not been characterized. In many ways it seems that we don't even understand how the parasite partitions the end/exocytic pathways in the pocket and maintains membrane homeostasis. While we know that some kinases and traditional signaling components must be involved, a high resolution understanding of this process in T. brucei seems lacking. I only say all this to suggest that the field maybe isn't yet that advanced to reject work of this type as so many mechanistic unknowns still remain to be uncovered and maybe incremental advances and phenomenology still can add value to the field. However, I respect your opinion on the matter and my perspective could be due to a lack of a full appreciation of the literature on the subject.

      We completely agree with Reviewer 2's assessment here, which neatly summarises our rationale for the present work. Reviewer 2 is, if anything, being overly accommodating by suggesting that their perspective may be due to a lack of a full appreciation of the literature - on the contrary, Reviewer 2 appears to have a very sound grasp of the topic.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      Unfortunately, I did not find tis to be very significant. It covers old ground in terms of the phenotype described. Many groups have shown the differences between procyclic and bloodstream phenotypes in this enlarged pocket phenomenon. The work is rather incremental from these and other author's work on these hook proteins.<br /> There are alternative explanations for understanding the effect of flagella pocket structure and uptake of ligands into the pocket and trypanosome cell. These would need to be studied before one could see a functional, mechanistic link established.<br /> Other parts of this are of nicely done but do not move on our understanding (eg targeting/phosphorylation) from what has been done previously.

      As noted repeatedly, it appears that Reviewer 1's priority is disparaging the value of the work here and downplaying its significance rather than providing constructive feedback. The reviewer repeatedly makes unrealistic demands (a mechanistic model, use of non-standard reagents), misunderstands the aim of experiments (use of high-pressure freezing), makes vague allusions to other work in the literature but without citing anything specific to support their case, and makes strong and assertive statements that are factually incorrect (design of RNAi experiments, use of dextran). We find this approach unhelpful, uncivil, and unprofessional. It is desperately disappointing that we should have to spend the majority of our response rebutting Reviewer 1's comments rather than implementing constructive criticisms that would strengthen the manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Summary:<br /> In this manuscript the authors have advanced our understanding of the hook complex component TbSmee1 through a detailed analysis of this protein's role in the endocytosis of surface bound proteins via the flagellar pocket in bloodstream form Trypanosoma brucei. The TbSmee1 protein, previously identified using proximity labeling using TbMORN1 and TbPLK, and characterized in procyclic T. brucei, was confirmed to target to both the shank portion of the hook complex as well as the growing end of the new FAZ in replicating cells. The protein was also shown to likely be phosphorylated as had been suggested previously due to its association with the kinase TbPLK. A domain deletion analysis demonstrated that domains 2 and 3 are important for TbSmee1's proper localization to the hook complex. Loss of TbSmee1 using RNAi based knockdown resulted in a quick cessation of growth in the bloodstream form within 24 hours in contrast to what was seen previously in procyclic cells which had only a decreased growth rate. Loss of TbSmee1 also resulted in an enlargement of the flagellar pocket and in many ways mirrored the phenotype observed with knockdown of TbMORN1. Although prior work on TbSmee1 in procyclic T. brucei demonstrated that loss of this protein altered the morphology of TbMORN1, no such change was seen in bloodstream form cells and only an alteration in the morphology of TbLRRP1 was observed. In characterizing the effect of TbSmee1 depletion on endocytosis the authors showed that the fluid phase marker Dextran could enter into the flagellar pocket of TbSmee1 depleted parasites while the surface bound ConA and BSA remained outside of the flagellar pocket suggesting that TbSmee1 may play a role in allowing larger protein components into the pocket regions. Similar observations were also previously seen with TbMORN1 depletion. Importantly, a knockdown of clathrin recapitulated the TbSmee1 knockdown phenotype suggesting that endocytosis itself was required to allow material bound at the surface to enter into the flagellar pocket. In addition to adding to our understanding of hook complex components, this work raises some interesting questions regarding the role of the hook complex in facilitating endocytosis in this important human pathogen.

      Thank you for the positive assessment.

      Major Critiques:<br /> This is a superbly written manuscript with robust high-quality data that strongly support the major conclusions made by the authors. The flow the article is logical and easy to follow making it accessible to a wide array of readers.

      We are glad that the Reviewer appreciated the effort that went into writing the paper.

      Although I appreciate the brevity of the introduction and how the article gets straight to the point, additional background information on the components and function of the flagellar pocket collar protein could help contextualize the goals of the project. The way in which the flagellar collar structures are introduced to the reader is quite abrupt (beginning on line 75) and simply states the names of TbBILBO1, the centrin arm and hook complex as simple facts without much discussion about the background of these components/regions. A graphical representation of the centrin arm or hook complexes relative to other components like the pocket itself, FAZ or axoneme could make following the story much easier. An expansion of this background could also go a long way to convince readers of the importance of this region in the basic biology and virulence of T. brucei.

      Implemented. We have added more background details on the hook complex, flagellar pocket collar, and centrin arm and added a new schematic image to Figure 1 showing these structures as well as the FAZ (Figure 1A).

      On lines 84-86 the authors cite the way in which 'small' vs 'large' macromolecules enter into the pocket without defining what exactly is meant by these terms as they are relative in nature. Setting some boundaries of size could provide some context to the reader.

      Implemented. We have provided more detail on the approximate sizes in nm (lines 110-113 of tracked-changes manuscript).

      In the domain localization analysis beginning in Figure 4 there is a missed opportunity to also assess which portions of the TbSmee1 protein are important for overall function as well. By either an examination of dominant negative phenotypes resulting from overexpression of the truncated mutant or the expression of the truncated forms designed to be RNAi resistant in the TbSmee1 knockdown cell line, one could also assess which portions of this protein are essential for endocytic function in addition to targeting. Is there a reason this was not performed?

      This is a good point; we did actually investigate overexpression of the TbSmee1(161-766) construct which can target correctly but is missing the first folded domain, but did not observe any phenotypic effects. We have added this point to the results (lines 301-302 of tracked-changes version). We agree that it would be interesting to express the truncations in a TbSmee1 RNAi background in order to simultaneously assay for targeting and function, but this was (unfortunately, perhaps) not part of the original experimental design. To do so now would require generating a completely new panel of truncation constructs with recoded DNA (in order to make them RNAi-resistant) and then generating a new panel of cell lines. While this would be informative, we feel that it would be impractical at present.

      In the analysis of viability changes due to TbSmee1 depletion (lines 237) the authors state that at "72 h post-induction showed widespread lysis, ..." This phenotype seems inconsistent with other related endocytic defect mutants. There is no further mention of this lysis phenomenon here or in the discussion and considering how unique this seems it deserves either additional data to demonstrate or further discussion as to the basis of the phenotype. It seems, at least from this study of TbStarkey1 and prior studies which result in the enlarged flagellar pocket phenotype, that having an enlarged pocket is not the cause of lysis and doesn't even naturally lead to a growth defect.

      Widespread lysis is the usual outcome of bloodstream form cells with strong endocytic defects - we have observed this directly for the clathrin, TbMORN1, and TbSmee1 RNAi cell lines, and it has been documented in a number of other publications (see for example Natesan et al., 2010, Manna et al., 2017). We have clarified this point in the text (see for examples lines 359-341, 474-478 of tracked-changes manuscript).

      The authors do not comment on what is the source for the cessation in growth following TbSmee1 knockdown. Is it nutrient depravation like in other endocytic defect mutants?

      Implemented (see for example lines 359-361, 605-610 of the tracked-changes manuscript). The source of the growth defect is likely to be due to impaired cell division cycle progression due to the gross enlargement of the flagellar pocket and subsequent steric hindrance and imbalance of membrane homeostasis.

      In the end, one of the most interesting observations made by the authors is that loss of TbSmee1 inhibits endocytosis and this has the appearance of not allowing large molecule substrates like ConA and BSA to enter into the flagellar pocket. This appeared to have nothing to do with a gatekeeping type function of the hook complex/flagellar collar and instead, as shown through clathrin knockdown, was related to the ability of the parasite to endocytose. There are a lot of potential interpretations of this phenomenon with one being a simple perturbation of the normal membrane trafficking to and from the flagellar pocket being involved. An analysis of knockdown of exocytic components might reveal whether or not this inability to enter into the pocket is also seen when exocyst proteins are also depleted. It may be impossible to tease apart these two interrelated activities but it might eliminate one side of the equation if these proteins can still enter the flagellar pocket when exocytosis if perturbed although this reviewer understands that that dimension of T. brucei membrane trafficking is poorly understood relative to endocytosis.

      This is an interesting point, and the reviewer is also correct in highlighting that exocytosis is far less characterised than endocytosis in Trypanosoma brucei. The exocyst has been characterised in bloodstream form T. brucei (Boehm et al., 2017) and shown to also have a role in endocytosis, so teasing out the relative contributions of these pathways would undoubtedly be challenging. We would prefer not to go in this direction in this present study, but it is an obvious avenue for future work.

      An intriguing possibility that the authors allude to and which if answered would make this manuscript have a far broader appeal is to determine if loss of TbSmee1 alters the lipid kinase distribution and if this is the source of the negative impact on endocytosis. One important dimension of endocytosis in T. brucei which remains poorly understood is the role of signaling machinery in triggering endocytic events. It is possible that the hook complex serves as the gatekeeping or signaling platform that recruits signaling components (like lipid kinases) that identify and/or modify the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositols harboring cargo laden receptors thus marking them for endocytosis within the pocket. It still seems unclear when in the process of endocytosis is the decision made to pull things into the pocket but it seems that the assumption is that this occurs deep within the pocket. This data suggests that there is possibly another decision point prior to being allowed entrance into the pocket. It may be that this isn't a gatekeeping decision but rather a stop vs. go activity where once cargo laden membrane reaches the collar a choice is made to pull this material in or not there and not after material is already in the pocket.

      These are all really interesting ideas and would be fascinating topics for future work.

      This obvious enigma based on the observation that loss of hook complex components affect the spatially separated site of endocytosis support the idea that the actual endocytic signaling platforms are located at the hook complex and that this area may make the membrane modifications that mark membrane as being ready to be endocytosed via clathin coated vesicles at the bottom of the pocket. This would still allow for fluid phase small molecule entrance which does not require binding to surface proteins. The obvious problems of having both endo/exocytosis occurring in the same close proximity makes the dissection of this phenomenon difficult but it is worth potentially expounding on further in the discussion as this idea is very appealing and adds an important dimension to our understanding of endocytosis in this organism.

      Implemented (lines 722-727 of the tracked-changes manuscript). We have added some more detail to these points in the Discussion. We agree with the reviewer that there are some profoundly interesting questions concerning membrane identify and membrane protein uptake here.

      Minor Critiques:<br /> The authors commit significant time to the analysis of the phosphorylation of TbSmee1, but there is little stated about the role of TbPLK in this activity or the potential connection of TbSmee1 phosphorylation to the cell cycle. Would a knockdown of TbPLK using RNAi potentially demonstrate an altered migration of TbSmee1 due to a lack of phosphorylation? An analysis of radiolabeled TbSmee1 using p32 in vivo would likely support this claim as well. Has mass spectrometry identified potential phosphorylation sites to examine? Additionally, the loss of TbSmee1 has been shown to disrupt localization of TbPLK in procyclic cells and so why this was not also assessed in bloodstream form cells subjected to RNAi was not clear.

      Partly implemented. We have added some discussion of the possible role of TbSmee1 phosphorylation in the cell cycle to the Discussion (lines 562-565 of tracked-changes manuscript), and emphasised the identification of phosphorylation sites in previous phosphoproteomics work (citations of Nett et al., 2009, Urbaniak et al., 2013). Given that the strongest and earliest effect of TbSmee1 depletion was on endocytosis and cargo uptake, we chose to focus on this angle rather than exploring its contribution to the biogenesis of cytoskeleton-associated structures and its interaction with TbPLK. For that reason we would prefer not to carry out the experiments looking at the effects of TbSmee1 depletion on TbPLK or vice versa.

      In the results section (lines 104-108) a model of the protein structure as predicted for example by AlphaFold might be informative and complement the domain analysis work depending on the quality of the prediction.

      Implemented. The AlphaFold prediction is consistent with the predictions made by the other structural analyses, and we have noted this in the text (lines 145-148 and 551 of the tracked-changes version).

      There is an arrow in the Figure 1B Western blot but I can find no mention of what it is trying to highlight in the text.


      For Figure 1D there is no loading control or control for the distribution of the soluble fraction to validate the separation of the two compartments.

      Implemented. We have carried out additional experiments to show the partitioning of a cytoplasmic protein (the endoplasmic reticulum chaperone BiP) into the detergent-soluble fraction. These results are now displayed in the updated Figure 1.

      The authors fail to comment on the lack of changes in hook complex components they see to that observed by Perry et. al. 2018. This difference merits some minor comment or speculation.

      Implemented. We have added this commentary to the Discussion (lines 592-600 of the tracked-changes version).

      Line 228: domain should be capitalized.


      Line 230: FigS5C should have a space and period after Fig. and S5C.


      Line 244: "on" should be inserted in the sentence "...TbSmee1 protein depletion ON either side of the onset..."


      Line 400: the '...20/21 h post-induction...' is slightly confusing and may read better as 20-21 h.


      Line 463: a space is needed between '...2009).The...'.


      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      This manuscript advances our current conception of endocytosis in T. brucei. Although this model kinetoplastid parasite has been extensively studied with respect to endocytosis there is still a great deal we do not yet understand regarding how this process is regulated at a mechanistic level. This work has begun to connect previously unappreciated aspects of endocytosis in T. brucei by highlighting a potentially novel connection between the flagellar collar/hook complex and the physically separated endocytic events within the flagellar pocket itself. It may be that what appears as regulated entrance into the pocket is in fact the source of signaling that triggers the endocytic events carried out by clathrin. This is an interesting notion that no doubt requires further investigation which lies outside of the scope of this report. While this work appeals primarily to those studying kinetoplastids parasites it has the potential to provide insight into basic protozoan biology as well. Due to my related interest in kinetoplastid endocytosis, I find this work to be of high quality, conceptually interesting and employs many of the cutting-edge techniques currently available in the study of T. brucei.

      We are very happy that the Reviewer formed a favourable impression of the work.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      This manuscript begins to dissect the function of the hook complex protein SMEE1 in the mammalian infective form of T. brucei. The hook complex is a cytoskeletal structure associated with the flagellar pocket, the only site of endo/exocytosis in these cells. The authors demonstrate that SMEE1 is required for endocytosis in these cells and that this can occur with minimal change to the molecular make-up of the hook complex. The authors show that endocytosis is important for the access of large molecules e.g. ConA into the flagellar pocket.

      Major comments

      The key conclusion of this study are convincing and the data is generally well presented and clear. The interpretation of the figures matches well with the data presented - there are a few minor issues though that I have highlighted below in minor comments. The authors use a range of molecular cell biology approaches to define the role of SMEE1 and these are appropriate and are well controlled.

      Thank you.

      My major comment focuses on the use of different tracers to study endocytosis but the elephant in the room is what is happening to VSG as this is the surface protein that needs to rapidly removed from the cell surface and cleaned. Given the importance of removal of antibodies bound to the VSG - have the authors looked at this in the SMEE1 depleted cells? Do VSG-antibody complexes accumulate in this region? This is an important experiment as this would give key physiologically relevant data to this study. All the material should be readily available for this as there are a number of VSG antibodies.

      We agree with the Reviewer that the behaviour of these VSG-bound antibodies is a key test of the physiological relevance of the observations we have made using ConA and BSA, and have implemented this request - the results are in the new Figure 9. Although they sound simple, these assays turned out to be far from trivial and much more technically challenging than the other uptake assays, owing to the extremely fast kinetics (seconds) of anti-VSG uptake (Engstler et al., 2007) and the unexpectedly and incredibly high losses of bound antibodies during the assay. This might be due to shedding, as noted in the Discussion.

      Minor comments<br /> Perhaps I have been overthinking this but is surface-bound the right way to describe the cargo, as it clearly goes in both directions onto and off the surface and in fact the experiments in this manuscript are focussing on the removal of this material from the surface so is not surface-bound.

      We have clarified that "surface-bound" refers to material that binds to the surface glycoprotein coat of the trypanosomes and which is subsequently internalised, not material that is bound for (i.e being directed to) the cell surface (lines 77-78 of tracked-changes version). We hope this addresses the Reviewer's point?

      Have the authors investigated the structure of the protein using alphafold and if so how does that compare to the domain structure that was presented in this manuscript?

      Implemented (lines 145-148, 551 of tracked-changes version). We have checked the AlphaFold prediction of the three-dimensional structure of TbSmee1 and noted it in the Results; the prediction is consistent with the earlier bioinformatic analyses.

      The authors raised a number of antibodies to TbSMEE1 and TbSTARKEY1 but it was not clear in the figures which antibody was ultimately used for analysis by western and IF - could the authors clarify, as some looked to have a higher background than others. Line 150 states the same localisation was seen for all three antibodies and references S3C but I couldn't see that data presented.

      Implemented - the 304 antisera was used for most subsequent experiments and we have noted this in the M&M (lines 793-798 of tracked-changes version). Figure S3C shows that the Ty1-TbSmee1 recapitulates the localisation of the antibodies against the endogenous protein - we have clarified this point as well (lines 206-207 of tracked-changes version).

      Line 169 - can the authors provide more detail about the global correlation methodology as I was unable to follow the details in the methods? Is this a pixel per pixel correlation over the image or on a selected region over the area of potential signal overlap? In figure 2E it appears that BILBO1 signal correlates more closely with the SMEE1 signal than MORN and LRRP1 and from the images that would not seem to be the case. Have I interpreted this figure incorrectly?

      Implemented. The original analysis was a global correlation analysis that was determining whether the signals were correlated with each other regardless of spatial overlap, and we agree with the reviewer that these outputs were non-intuitive to interpret. In the revision, we have carried out a new analysis (and updated the accompanying text and M&M section), measuring the degree of spatial correlation between each pair of signals on a pixel-by-pixel basis over the area of each cell, with a total of 30 cells analysed in each pairing. We believe that this addresses the reviewer's point. See lines 223-243, 963-974 of the tracked-changes version).

      The authors have generated a number of different clones and performed experiments on these clones generally more than twice, which is clearly explained in the figure legends but in places the data is then put together and it is difficult to know which experiments/clones it comes from - for example 7C/7F what do those percentages represent? Is this the sum of all experiments? A representative experiment? How many cells per experiment were analysed?

      Implemented. We have double-checked all the figure legends and clarified this point where necessary. Quantifications were always made by compiling data from multiple independent experiments using multiple separate clones - see in particular lines 1323-1324, 1363-1365, 1380-1382 of the tracked-changes version.

      Line 200 - From the image it is not convincing that SMEE1 is slightly behind DOT1 - I agree it looks enveloped but would appear level with the distal end of the DOT1 signal.

      Implemented. We have adopted the Reviewer's wording for this text (line 271 of tracked-changes version).

      For the truncation experiments the authors should explain that these are performed with cells in which the endogenous SMEE1 will be expressed and this may influence the localisation of the truncations, especially as there is no information about whether SMEE1 forms complexes with itself or other proteins.

      Implemented (lines 296-298 of tracked-changes version).

      Figure 4D - should be 1 not T-

      We have relabelled this as "TbSmee1". The values in this column are the immunoblot signal intensities obtained for the endogenous TbSmee1 protein in the -Tet condition. We have also clarified this in the figure legend.

      Line 223 - given the low expression of constructs 2 and 9 I'm not sure it is possible to infer anything from the lack of localisation of these constructs as they appear unstable and would be unlikely to localise to a specific location.

      We have added this caveat to the text (lines 558-562 of tracked-changes version).

      Figure S7 - The images presented were not convincing that there was a reduction in the localisation of LRRP1 to the hook complex on depletion of either SMEE1 or MORN1. The difference looks particularly minor if present at all.

      Agreed, there was some debate in the group about these results. We have changed to text to fit the Reviewer's interpretation (lines 347-348 of the tracked-changes version).

      Line 264 - "implied that the lethal phenotype might be due to a loss of function" - this seems an odd thing to say as it doesn't provide any insight as of course the phenotype is due to a loss of function.

      We have clarified this point (lines 350-353 of the tracked-changes version). We would however disagree with the reviewer that RNAi phenotypes are exclusively due to a loss of individual protein's function(s) - when proteins are present in multiprotein complexes (as is often the case with cytoskeleton-associated proteins), then destabilisation of the complex due to loss of the entire protein can cause the observed phenotype, rather than the loss of the function performed by the individual protein within the complex (this may be a semantic point, however). A very good example of this is with the outer arm dynein complex component LC1 (Ralston et al., 2011) - RNAi against LC1 is lethal because the entire outer arm dynein complex is destabilised, whereas expression of non-functional mutants of LC1 produces viable cells with motility defects due to the specific loss of LC1 function.

      Line 412 - can the authors clarify what they mean by geometric problems?

      Implemented (lines 605-610 of tracked-changes version). We were referring to the fact that enlargement of the flagellar pocket will probably create difficulties for the progression of the cell division cycle.

      Throughout the manuscript can you use log scale for the growth curves.


      Line 756 - add citation

      Whoops! Implemented (line 1058 of tracked-changes version).

      Line 465/66 - the authors states that the ability of the fluid phase cargo being still able to enter the pocket is evidence that the channel lumen is still open; however, I would think that despite the close apposition of the cell membrane to the flagellar membrane in the flagellar pocket neck region this would be unlikely to impede fluid/soluble material from entering the pocket, as presumably VSG protein can move through this region. This does not alter the ultimate conclusion the authors are drawing but without microscopy evidence for the state of the channel lumen it is difficult to be sure of its status.

      Fair point. We have modified this statement (line 701 in tracked-changes version).

      Reviewer #3 (Significance):

      The flagellar pocket is the key portal into and out of the trypanosome cell and as such has a vital role to play in host-parasite interactions. The flagellar pocket is supported by a number of cytoskeletal structures including the hook complex and the role of these structures in flagellar pocket function are poorly understood. The flagellar pocket is particularly important in the bloodstream form of the trypanosome parasite which infects the mammalian host as it is the route for the surface protein VSG to get onto and off the surface. The VSG is required for antigenic variation and the removal of VSG-antibody complexes helps 'clean' the surface of the parasite. SMEE1 is a component of the hook complex and the manuscript here dissects its role in the mammalian infective parasite and shows that it is vital for the endocytosis of material off the surface. Intriguingly, a block in endocytosis causes a blockage of material outside of the pocket, suggesting a multi-step process in the regulation of uptake of material from the parasite's surface.<br /> This manuscript will be of specific interest to those researchers investigating the long-term persistence of these parasites in the mammalian host. There are potentially some insights into the control of membrane domains for endocytosis that are of interest to more general cell biologists as well.

      We are very grateful to the reviewer for the supportive comments and the constructive evaluation. Many thanks!

      Expert in molecular cell biology of trypanosomes and Leishmania.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript begins to dissect the function of the hook complex protein SMEE1 in the mammalian infective form of T. brucei. The hook complex is a cytoskeletal structure associated with the flagellar pocket, the only site of endo/exocytosis in these cells. The authors demonstrate that SMEE1 is required for endocytosis in these cells and that this can occur with minimal change to the molecular make-up of the hook complex. The authors show that endocytosis is important for the access of large molecules e.g. ConA into the flagellar pocket.

      Major comments

      The key conclusion of this study are convincing and the data is generally well presented and clear. The interpretation of the figures matches well with the data presented - there are a few minor issues though that I have highlighted below in minor comments. The authors use a range of molecular cell biology approaches to define the role of SMEE1 and these are appropriate and are well controlled.

      My major comment focuses on the use of different tracers to study endocytosis but the elephant in the room is what is happening to VSG as this is the surface protein that needs to rapidly removed from the cell surface and cleaned. Given the importance of removal of antibodies bound to the VSG - have the authors looked at this in the SMEE1 depleted cells? Do VSG-antibody complexes accumulate in this region? This is an important experiment as this would give key physiologically relevant data to this study. All the material should be readily available for this as there are a number of VSG antibodies.

      Minor comments

      Perhaps I have been overthinking this but is surface-bound the right way to describe the cargo, as it clearly goes in both directions onto and off the surface and in fact the experiments in this manuscript are focussing on the removal of this material from the surface so is not surface-bound.

      Have the authors investigated the structure of the protein using alphafold and if so how does that compare to the domain structure that was presented in this manuscript?

      The authors raised a number of antibodies to TbSMEE1 and TbSTARKEY1 but it was not clear in the figures which antibody was ultimately used for analysis by western and IF - could the authors clarify, as some looked to have a higher background than others. Line 150 states the same localisation was seen for all three antibodies and references S3C but I couldn't see that data presented.

      Line 169 - can the authors provide more detail about the global correlation methodology as I was unable to follow the details in the methods? Is this a pixel per pixel correlation over the image or on a selected region over the area of potential signal overlap? In figure 2E it appears that BILBO1 signal correlates more closely with the SMEE1 signal than MORN and LRRP1 and from the images that would not seem to be the case. Have I interpreted this figure incorrectly?

      The authors have generated a number of different clones and performed experiments on these clones generally more than twice, which is clearly explained in the figure legends but in places the data is then put together and it is difficult to know which experiments/clones it comes from - for example 7C/7F what do those percentages represent? Is this the sum of all experiments? A representative experiment? How many cells per experiment were analysed?

      Line 200 - From the image it is not convincing that SMEE1 is slightly behind DOT1 - I agree it looks enveloped but would appear level with the distal end of the DOT1 signal.

      For the truncation experiments the authors should explain that these are performed with cells in which the endogenous SMEE1 will be expressed and this may influence the localisation of the truncations, especially as there is no information about whether SMEE1 forms complexes with itself or other proteins.

      Figure 4D - should be 1 not T-

      Line 223 - given the low expression of constructs 2 and 9 I'm not sure it is possible to infer anything from the lack of localisation of these constructs as they appear unstable and would be unlikely to localise to a specific location.

      Figure S7 - The images presented were not convincing that there was a reduction in the localisation of LRRP1 to the hook complex on depletion of either SMEE1 or MORN1. The difference looks particularly minor if present at all.

      Line 264 - "implied that the lethal phenotype might be due to a loss of function" - this seems an odd thing to say as it doesn't provide any insight as of course the phenotype is due to a loss of function.

      Line 412 - can the authors clarify what they mean by geometric problems?

      Throughout the manuscript can you use log scale for the growth curves.

      Line 756 - add citation

      Line 465/66 - the authors states that the ability of the fluid phase cargo being still able to enter the pocket is evidence that the channel lumen is still open; however, I would think that despite the close apposition of the cell membrane to the flagellar membrane in the flagellar pocket neck region this would be unlikely to impede fluid/soluble material from entering the pocket, as presumably VSG protein can move through this region. This does not alter the ultimate conclusion the authors are drawing but without microscopy evidence for the state of the channel lumen it is difficult to be sure of its status.


      The flagellar pocket is the key portal into and out of the trypanosome cell and as such has a vital role to play in host-parasite interactions. The flagellar pocket is supported by a number of cytoskeletal structures including the hook complex and the role of these structures in flagellar pocket function are poorly understood. The flagellar pocket is particularly important in the bloodstream form of the trypanosome parasite which infects the mammalian host as it is the route for the surface protein VSG to get onto and off the surface. The VSG is required for antigenic variation and the removal of VSG-antibody complexes helps 'clean' the surface of the parasite. SMEE1 is a component of the hook complex and the manuscript here dissects its role in the mammalian infective parasite and shows that it is vital for the endocytosis of material off the surface. Intriguingly, a block in endocytosis causes a blockage of material outside of the pocket, suggesting a multi-step process in the regulation of uptake of material from the parasite's surface.<br /> This manuscript will be of specific interest to those researchers investigating the long-term persistence of these parasites in the mammalian host. There are potentially some insights into the control of membrane domains for endocytosis that are of interest to more general cell biologists as well.

      Expert in molecular cell biology of trypanosomes and Leishmania.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript the authors have advanced our understanding of the hook complex component TbSmee1 through a detailed analysis of this protein's role in the endocytosis of surface bound proteins via the flagellar pocket in bloodstream form Trypanosoma brucei. The TbSmee1 protein, previously identified using proximity labeling using TbMORN1 and TbPLK, and characterized in procyclic T. brucei, was confirmed to target to both the shank portion of the hook complex as well as the growing end of the new FAZ in replicating cells. The protein was also shown to likely be phosphorylated as had been suggested previously due to its association with the kinase TbPLK. A domain deletion analysis demonstrated that domains 2 and 3 are important for TbSmee1's proper localization to the hook complex. Loss of TbSmee1 using RNAi based knockdown resulted in a quick cessation of growth in the bloodstream form within 24 hours in contrast to what was seen previously in procyclic cells which had only a decreased growth rate. Loss of TbSmee1 also resulted in an enlargement of the flagellar pocket and in many ways mirrored the phenotype observed with knockdown of TbMORN1. Although prior work on TbSmee1 in procyclic T. brucei demonstrated that loss of this protein altered the morphology of TbMORN1, no such change was seen in bloodstream form cells and only an alteration in the morphology of TbLRRP1 was observed. In characterizing the effect of TbSmee1 depletion on endocytosis the authors showed that the fluid phase marker Dextran could enter into the flagellar pocket of TbSmee1 depleted parasites while the surface bound ConA and BSA remained outside of the flagellar pocket suggesting that TbSmee1 may play a role in allowing larger protein components into the pocket regions. Similar observations were also previously seen with TbMORN1 depletion. Importantly, a knockdown of clathrin recapitulated the TbSmee1 knockdown phenotype suggesting that endocytosis itself was required to allow material bound at the surface to enter into the flagellar pocket. In addition to adding to our understanding of hook complex components, this work raises some interesting questions regarding the role of the hook complex in facilitating endocytosis in this important human pathogen.

      Major Critiques:

      This is a superbly written manuscript with robust high-quality data that strongly support the major conclusions made by the authors. The flow the article is logical and easy to follow making it accessible to a wide array of readers. Although I appreciate the brevity of the introduction and how the article gets straight to the point, additional background information on the components and function of the flagellar pocket collar protein could help contextualize the goals of the project. The way in which the flagellar collar structures are introduced to the reader is quite abrupt (beginning on line 75) and simply states the names of TbBILBO1, the centrin arm and hook complex as simple facts without much discussion about the background of these components/regions. A graphical representation of the centrin arm or hook complexes relative to other components like the pocket itself, FAZ or axoneme could make following the story much easier. An expansion of this background could also go a long way to convince readers of the importance of this region in the basic biology and virulence of T. brucei.

      On lines 84-86 the authors cite the way in which 'small' vs 'large' macromolecules enter into the pocket without defining what exactly is meant by these terms as they are relative in nature. Setting some boundaries of size could provide some context to the reader.

      In the domain localization analysis beginning in Figure 4 there is a missed opportunity to also assess which portions of the TbSmee1 protein are important for overall function as well. By either an examination of dominant negative phenotypes resulting from overexpression of the truncated mutant or the expression of the truncated forms designed to be RNAi resistant in the TbSmee1 knockdown cell line, one could also assess which portions of this protein are essential for endocytic function in addition to targeting. Is there a reason this was not performed?

      In the analysis of viability changes due to TbSmee1 depletion (lines 237) the authors state that at "72 h post-induction showed widespread lysis, ..." This phenotype seems inconsistent with other related endocytic defect mutants. There is no further mention of this lysis phenomenon here or in the discussion and considering how unique this seems it deserves either additional data to demonstrate or further discussion as to the basis of the phenotype. It seems, at least from this study of TbStarkey1 and prior studies which result in the enlarged flagellar pocket phenotype, that having an enlarged pocket is not the cause of lysis and doesn't even naturally lead to a growth defect.

      The authors do not comment on what is the source for the cessation in growth following TbSmee1 knockdown. Is it nutrient depravation like in other endocytic defect mutants?

      In the end, one of the most interesting observations made by the authors is that loss of TbSmee1 inhibits endocytosis and this has the appearance of not allowing large molecule substrates like ConA and BSA to enter into the flagellar pocket. This appeared to have nothing to do with a gatekeeping type function of the hook complex/flagellar collar and instead, as shown through clathrin knockdown, was related to the ability of the parasite to endocytose. There are a lot of potential interpretations of this phenomenon with one being a simple perturbation of the normal membrane trafficking to and from the flagellar pocket being involved. An analysis of knockdown of exocytic components might reveal whether or not this inability to enter into the pocket is also seen when exocyst proteins are also depleted. It may be impossible to tease apart these two interrelated activities but it might eliminate one side of the equation if these proteins can still enter the flagellar pocket when exocytosis if perturbed although this reviewer understands that that dimension of T. brucei membrane trafficking is poorly understood relative to endocytosis.

      An intriguing possibility that the authors allude to and which if answered would make this manuscript have a far broader appeal is to determine if loss of TbSmee1 alters the lipid kinase distribution and if this is the source of the negative impact on endocytosis. One important dimension of endocytosis in T. brucei which remains poorly understood is the role of signaling machinery in triggering endocytic events. It is possible that the hook complex serves as the gatekeeping or signaling platform that recruits signaling components (like lipid kinases) that identify and/or modify the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositols harboring cargo laden receptors thus marking them for endocytosis within the pocket. It still seems unclear when in the process of endocytosis is the decision made to pull things into the pocket but it seems that the assumption is that this occurs deep within the pocket. This data suggests that there is possibly another decision point prior to being allowed entrance into the pocket. It may be that this isn't a gatekeeping decision but rather a stop vs. go activity where once cargo laden membrane reaches the collar a choice is made to pull this material in or not there and not after material is already in the pocket.

      This obvious enigma based on the observation that loss of hook complex components affect the spatially separated site of endocytosis support the idea that the actual endocytic signaling platforms are located at the hook complex and that this area may make the membrane modifications that mark membrane as being ready to be endocytosed via clathin coated vesicles at the bottom of the pocket. This would still allow for fluid phase small molecule entrance which does not require binding to surface proteins. The obvious problems of having both endo/exocytosis occurring in the same close proximity makes the dissection of this phenomenon difficult but it is worth potentially expounding on further in the discussion as this idea is very appealing and adds an important dimension to our understanding of endocytosis in this organism.

      Minor Critiques:

      The authors commit significant time to the analysis of the phosphorylation of TbSmee1, but there is little stated about the role of TbPLK in this activity or the potential connection of TbSmee1 phosphorylation to the cell cycle. Would a knockdown of TbPLK using RNAi potentially demonstrate an altered migration of TbSmee1 due to a lack of phosphorylation? An analysis of radiolabeled TbSmee1 using p32 in vivo would likely support this claim as well. Has mass spectrometry identified potential phosphorylation sites to examine? Additionally, the loss of TbSmee1 has been shown to disrupt localization of TbPLK in procyclic cells and so why this was not also assessed in bloodstream form cells subjected to RNAi was not clear.

      In the results section (lines 104-108) a model of the protein structure as predicted for example by AlphaFold might be informative and complement the domain analysis work depending on the quality of the prediction.

      There is an arrow in the Figure 1B Western blot but I can find no mention of what it is trying to highlight in the text.

      For Figure 1D there is no loading control or control for the distribution of the soluble fraction to validate the separation of the two compartments.

      The authors fail to comment on the lack of changes in hook complex components they see to that observed by Perry et. al. 2018. This difference merits some minor comment or speculation.

      Line 228: domain should be capitalized.

      Line 230: FigS5C should have a space and period after Fig. and S5C.

      Line 244: "on" should be inserted in the sentence "...TbSmee1 protein depletion ON either side of the onset..."

      Line 400: the '...20/21 h post-induction...' is slightly confusing and may read better as 20-21 h.

      Line 463: a space is needed between '...2009).The...'.


      This manuscript advances our current conception of endocytosis in T. brucei. Although this model kinetoplastid parasite has been extensively studied with respect to endocytosis there is still a great deal we do not yet understand regarding how this process is regulated at a mechanistic level. This work has begun to connect previously unappreciated aspects of endocytosis in T. brucei by highlighting a potentially novel connection between the flagellar collar/hook complex and the physically separated endocytic events within the flagellar pocket itself. It may be that what appears as regulated entrance into the pocket is in fact the source of signaling that triggers the endocytic events carried out by clathrin. This is an interesting notion that no doubt requires further investigation which lies outside of the scope of this report. While this work appeals primarily to those studying kinetoplastids parasites it has the potential to provide insight into basic protozoan biology as well. Due to my related interest in kinetoplastid endocytosis, I find this work to be of high quality, conceptually interesting and employs many of the cutting-edge techniques currently available in the study of T. brucei.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Unfortunately, this paper adds only a little to our understanding of uptake in to the flagellar pocket of trypanosomes. It tends to add only detail to information that has been well characterised elsewhere and indeed, as the authors themselves point out, (lines 92-98) it is rather incremental. Not only has Tbsmee1 been studied before but this data in bloodstream forms is not particularly novel since it gives much the same information as the canonical hook protein TbMORN.

      This work follows the pattern of conclusions made previously with the protein TbMORN. It focusses on the protein TbSmee where RNAi mutants are interpreted to show flagellar pocket enlargement and impaired access by surface bound cargo. Unfortunately, there is little mechanistic or functional conclusion to the study in terms of how TbSmee operates naturally in the cell. There are other possible explanations for the phenotype. That would need to be studied. This large flagellar pocket phenotype is seen with RNAi mutants of many different types of proteins in the trypanosome and so pleiotropic effects are highly likely.

      Also, there are a good number of alternative possibilities to account for reduced access to the pocket in these mutants and this data could be usefully added.

      Specific points

      1. The transient location for the TbSmee at the FAZ tip - or in this case the groove region - was seen in procyclics (Perry, 2018) so this bloodstream indication merely confirms that concept.
      2. The C terminal region required for targeting is a reasonable deletion analysis of regions of the protein. But can this data (line 228) be said to "mediate targeting" - or is it just required. For instance, targeting might be OK but it might be needed for stable association, etc etc.
      3. This protein has already been shown to be phosphorylated and the sites and cell cycle possibilities have been mapped by Urbaniak. So that section adds little. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1008129
      4. Essentiality in BS forms and pocket enlargement. This is not surprising. A very large number of cytoskeletal proteins show this in RNAi knockdown. Flagella mutants (extensive publications from many groups (Hill, Bastin, Gull, etc) over last 15 years show this very well and so this protein is just one more example.
      5. I didn't find that the explanations for flagella pocket enlargement are soundly based. The experiments focus on endocytosis and uptake and ignore other plausible reasons and some evidence in literature.<br /> Lines 84/85. Enlarged pockets may be indicative of endocytosis failure. Presumably the rationale is that endocytosis fails, but exocytosis still occurs and the pocket membrane enlarges. What evidence is there that exocytosis of membrane still occurs? This simple concept might indeed operate in a clathrin mutant but is surface membrane/content exocytosis is maintained in these cytoskeleton mutants? There is good evidence for glycoconjugates within the flagellar pocket. Are these depleted or present still?
      6. There are also a number of other publications indicating that clathrin pits are still present on the enlarged pockets of various mutants when viewed by EM. The authors have looked at the flagellar pockets by EM but the EM methods described have extensive washings and centrifugations before fixation. This is a very poor approach and will mean that endo and exocytic traffic is disturbed (extensive references in literature in other systems? This is not a useful approach for exo/endocytosos studies where flux of traffic demands fast chemical or freezing fix in media.
      7. The EMs and Light microscopy does show that the mutant pockets are substantially abnormal in their cytoskeletal arrangement. They have multiple flagella profiles, flagella structures have not connected with the membrane and are sometimes in the cytoplasm (see a glance of the paraflagellar rod in the cytoplasm in FigS5C and internalised FAZ attachment plaques in Fig 4 D bottom right cell). Given these extensive (and expected) cytoskeletal abnormalities it is highly likely that these pocket abnormalities are a result of motility, cell division/developmental issues and the differential uptake phenotypes merely consequential.
      8. The authors speak about early phenotypes , but these are often at 15-24 hours. That is probably a couple of cell cycles and so not early. In relation to the above question of comparison to the same morphology produced by flagella mutants it would be good to know if these hook mutants produce motility phenotypes and whether these are manifest before the uptake phenotypes. There is evidence (cited here) that forward motility of the trypanosome directs material on surface into the pocket. If these cells have motility defects (primary or via failed division) then surely that would provide an alternative simple explanation for uptake differences.
      9. There is a general point that if studies are to have real relevance to uptake in the trypanosome then they need to deal with uptake of natural ligands rather than artificial surrogates such as dextran. Such tracers were used historically, but in the last decade a series of receptors and ligands for fluid phase and particularly membrane mediated endocytosis have been discovered. With the investment of a little time these important ligand / receptors such as haptoglobin, transferrin, etc would be much more relevant.

      Referees cross-commenting

      This session includes comments from Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2.

      Reviewer 2

      Dear Reviewers 1 and 3:<br /> I agree with many of the points with Reviewer 1 and our divergence is partly a matter of degree. While it is true that this manuscript is incremental in its contribution to our understanding of TbSmee1, it nonetheless adds to our understanding of the role of this protein in the bloodstream life stage and because of that I find value in the work. The fact that it mirrors what was seem in other protein knockdown studies (e.g. TbMORN) doesn't negate its contribution for me. Reviewer 1 makes an important point, however, when stating that this work does not add a mechanistic or functional conclusion as to how TbSmee1 operates and for me that is the biggest shortcoming of the work. Offering mechanistic insight is a high bar and while it would make for a much more exciting story it does not discount the value of the work as presented. What I do appreciate is the speculation about this observation that endocytosis is required for entrance of surface bound material into the pocket and although they are unable to show that this is not a side affect of other processes being disrupted it is and intriguing point. These observation have the potential of stimulating further investigations into crosstalk between the entrance to the pocket and endocytosis. I also agree that the use of ligands for known receptors like transferrin would be far more informative. While I assumed the transferrin receptor was in the pocket itself it would be interesting to see if the ESAG6/7 is also located outside the pocket and transiently binds cargo before being brought inside for endocytosis.<br /> I think that Reviewer 3 brings up a great point with the focus on VSG's. I think that examining VSG turnover in these mutants can add value to the analysis and inform our view of how affecting the hook complex alters VSG endocytosis.

      Reviewer 1

      some fair comment and agreement. This is being sent to general cell biology journals.<br /> when one looks at this area in the round it is nearly 50 years (1975) since Langreth and Balber published their seminal work on protein uptake and digestion in bloodstream and culture forms of T. brucei. There has been 50 years intense study and the genome has been around for nearly 20 years as well. So, put simply - for both a general science audience and the wider parasite community - if this is a paper about one protein, TbSmee1,then it has surely has to say something functional about that protein. If it is a paper about uptake in trypanosomes (where mutants are one means of interrogation) then it surely has to say something about mechanisms of uptake of physiological relevant ligands. The days of dextran etc are past. Hence, my comment that this does neither and so is very incremental to what is known already. It is 2022 not 1975. Langreth and Baber published their seminal work in J Protozoology for very good reasons no doubt.

      Reviewer 2<br /> Thank you for replying and I agree with the spirit of your critique. My only comment, which could result from my own naivete, is to say that despite the incredible work that has been done in dissecting endocytosis in T. brucei over these past 50 years, it appears that we still do not understand how many fundamental of aspects of this activity works in this parasite. Even basic questions regarding how cargo, e.g. transferrin, binding to surface receptors is sensed by the parasite remains unknown and the identity of the specific signaling components which transmit this information internally to initiate endocytosis have not been characterized. In many ways it seems that we don't even understand how the parasite partitions the end/exocytic pathways in the pocket and maintains membrane homeostasis. While we know that some kinases and traditional signaling components must be involved, a high resolution understanding of this process in T. brucei seems lacking. I only say all this to suggest that the field maybe isn't yet that advanced to reject work of this type as so many mechanistic unknowns still remain to be uncovered and maybe incremental advances and phenomenology still can add value to the field. However, I respect your opinion on the matter and my perspective could be due to a lack of a full appreciation of the literature on the subject.


      Unfortunately, I did not find tis to be very significant. It covers old ground in terms of the phenotype described. Many groups have shown the differences between pro cyclic and bloodstream phenotypes in this enlarged pocket phenomenon. The work is rather incremental from these and other author's work on these hook proteins.

      There are alternative explanations for understanding the effect of flagella pocket structure and uptake of ligands into the pocket and trypanosome cell. These would need to be studied before one could see a functional, mechanistic link established.

      Other parts of this are of nicely done but do not move on our understanding (eg targeting/phosphorylation) from what has been done previously.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this manuscript, Kagermeier et al. present a novel and interesting study that attempts to model a severe neurodevelopmental disorder, pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 2a, using neocortical and cerebellar organoids. Brain organoids are an appropriate and promising approach to elucidate disease mechanisms in neurodevelopmental diseases. The authors show a reduction in the size of the organoids which is more pronounced in the cerebellar compared to neocortical organoids. While this finding is interesting and reminiscent of the clinical PCH2a phenotype, i.e., cerebellar hypoplasia, the study is very preliminary and the conclusions of the manuscript are not supported by the data. Additional information and further experiments are necessary to support the claims made.

      Major concerns:

      1. hiPSC lines show considerable inter- and intra-individual variability and therefore the size differences observed between these control and patient-derived organoids may arise from differences in the hiPSC lines used. While the data sufficiently demonstrates the pluripotency of the multiple novel hiPSC lines, major concerns remain as to the appropriateness of the control hiPSC lines. The manuscript should include a table describing the age and sex matching as well as mode of reprogramming for all control and patient lines. Patient and control lines should be matched as closely as possible. Furthermore, figure legends should clearly indicate which clones and lines are shown in the various figure panels.

      We agree with the reviewer that hiPSC variability is an important concern in the field. In order to minimize such effects, all iPSCs lines used in this study were generated following the same protocol in the same lab. All cell lines are derived from male donors, thus, eliminating sex-based variability. Further, there is no report of sex-based variance in the clinical phenotype of PCH2a children and this finding is further corroborated by a currently on-going natural history study in our research team. While it would be ideal to also have age-matched controls, this is not possible for ethical reasons as skin biopsies from healthy children cannot easily be obtained to match the pediatric PCH2a cases. However, based on the literature, we believe that epigenetic age is erased upon reprogramming (Strassler et al 2018, Studer et al 2015). Following the reviewer’s recommendation, we provide a table that clearly indicates the origin of all six cell lines used (see Methods section) and information of respective lines was added to the figure legends as suggested by the reviewer.

      As the hiPSC lines used are not isogenic, it is important that the authors characterise these lines further. This should include a quantification of the rates proliferation and apoptosis in all used hiPSC lines, as these might impact the growth rate of the embryoid bodies / organoids.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this concern. To address the variability of hiPSC lines, we performed an extensive characterization of pluripotency, proliferation and cell cycle dynamics of all six hiPSC lines through immunocytochemistry against pluripotency marker OCT4, proliferation marker Ki-67 and EdU incorporation experiments. We further assessed the apoptosis rate of hiPSCs by staining against apoptotic marker cCas3. These experiments were carried out in three consecutive passages of all iPSC lines providing statistical power to the analyses. All experiments did not result in significant differences between PCH2a and control iPSC lines (see Figure 2).

      The authors state that the hiPSC lines have been characterised by SNP arrays to show that no genomic / chromosomal aberrations have been accrued due to reprogramming. The manuscript should include information as to when the SNP array was performed (i.e., immediately after reprogramming, after initial passaging, etc) and also include the results of the SNP array as additional information. What passage were the hiPSC when the presented experiments were carried out?

      In agreement with this comment, we provide data of SNP arrays that were performed to ensure the chromosomal integrity of all cell lines (see supplement). Further, we added details on passages of the cell lines in the respective figure legends as suggested by the reviewer. In brief, all cell lines were kept below passage 20 and were subjected to pluripotency testing before differentiations were started.

      Given that TSNE54 is broadly and strongly expressed in the developing nervous system, the very limited staining of the organoids for TSNE54 in Figure 2 is surprising. Can the authors provide an explanation for the fact that TSNE54 is only expressed in a small subset of cells? Which cell types are these? Moreover, high-magnification images should be shown to demonstrate subcellular staining pattern of TSNE54. Quantification of TSNE54 protein levels by immunoblotting would also be beneficial.

      Related to this observation, it is puzzling that the large size differences that the authors observe in their organoids would be driven by such a small number of TSNE54-expressing cells. How do the authors explain this discrepancy?

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. We have carefully assessed human cerebellar development transcriptomic datasets which demonstrate that TSEN54 is in fact not strongly but moderately expressed in the human developing nervous system. Additionally, TSEN54 expression is expressed in various different cell types (not limited to a subset of cell types) (Aldinger et al 2021, Sepp et al 2021). We agree with this reviewer and reviewer 3 that Western Blotting or other types of quantification would be informative as well as investigation of the subcellular localization of the protein. However, these questions go beyond the scope of the current manuscript, which aims to present a disease model. We have therefore decided to remove the characterization of TSEN54 expression in organoids from our revised manuscript.

      The generated organoids need to be better characterised with a broader range of markers using both qPCR and immunostaining. At the moment, their identity as "cortical" and "cerebellar" organoids remain unconvincing. This is particularly true for cerebellar organoids, which are challenging to generate and are not widely used. The authors should include additional markers (for example, see PMIDs 25640179, 29397531, 32117945) and immunostaining should clearly show expected staining patterns.

      In Figure 5, it appears that some markers (e.g., SATB2) are expressed differently between control and patient lines, yet this is not commented on by the authors who conclude that control and patient lines show differentiation into organoids.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We performed further immunostainings using the markers that were used in other cerebellar organoid papers (Muguruma et al 2015, Silva et al 2020, Watson et al 2018) as the reviewer suggested. In detail, we added immunohistochemistry experiments on Day 30 and Day 50 of differentiation for early Purkinje cell markers OLIG2 and SKOR2. We also included ATOH1 as a marker for rhombic lip-derived granule cells. For the neocortical organoids, we believe that the performed characterization is sufficient since the protocol we used is well-established and widely used as also indicated by the reviewer. We agree that the cellular composition of the organoids should be investigated in detail (for instance using single-cell transcriptomics). However, we believe this is out of the scope of this manuscript, which describes the establishment of a brain-region specific model platform.

      The authors attempt to look into a potential mechanism for the size differences observed between control and patient organoids. However, only cleaved caspase-3 is used as a marker for apoptosis and no differences were observed. The authors should include further markers for potential cell death. In addition, immunostaining for proliferation markers (i.e., KI67) should be performed to evaluate whether the difference in organoid size could stem from decreased proliferation rather than increased cell death.

      We agree with the reviewer and included a quantification of the proliferation marker Ki-67 within the SOX2 positive population of cerebellar and neocortical organoids as well as the quantification of SOX2 positive areas within the organoids (Figure 6). We observed significant differences in proliferation between PCH2a and control cerebellar organoids. Moreover, we also analyzed the morphology of organoids and quantified the thickness and number of rosettes and find significant differences between control and PCH2a cerebellar organoids corroborating the notion that proliferation is altered in cerebellar organoids. Neocortical organoids do not show any significant differences in proliferation and Sox2+ structures. Only the thickness of the Sox2+ areas is slightly decreased in neocortical PCH2a organoids compared to controls. In order to deepen our analysis of a possible increased apoptosis in PCH2a organoids, we also quantified cCas3 in Sox2+ structures (Figure 5) as also suggested by Reviewer 2. These analyses did not show any significant differences between PCH2a and control organoids. We therefore suggest that at the early stages of differentiation studied here, proliferative differences are the main reason for the size differences between PCH2a and control organoids.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The authors present an innovative approach to study neurodevelopmental disorders using brain organoids and should be of interest to researchers and clinicians working on neurodevelopmental diseases. However, the data presented are too limited to support any conclusions about the phenotype observed. Furthermore, questions remain about the used methodology and more work is needed to demonstrate the successful generation of both cortical and cerebellar organoids.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Please find enclosed my recommendation for the paper submitted by Kagermeier et al entitled' Human organoid model of PCH2a recapitulates brain region-specific pathology'. It describes the development of a human model for PCH2a and its characterization. My overall assessment of the paper is 'Major revision' which is explained below.

      Although the paper is very well written and clearly interesting in that it describes the generation and initial analyses of a human organoid model for PCH2a it should be revised such that it will proof the points it is trying to make. The authors are meticulous in their studies combining cellular characterization and a thorough initial screen of organoid (both cerebellar as well as cortical) integrity, yet hardly any mechanistic data is provided. Nevertheless, if the authors are able to add additional experiments and are able to address the points raised, the reviewer may be willing to consider a more positive outcome.

      Major concerns

      1) The overall quality of the figures is poor. There is a lot of overexposure such that often cellular or tissue structures are blended. It starts with Figure 1 G and H but can be observed throughout the manuscript. Deconvolution would greatly enhance their results.

      We are thankful for this comment and we have improved the quality of all microscopy images.

      2) Especially figure 4 and 5 could have been complemented with quantitative data. It furthermore seems more supplemental figure as these are just proof-of-principle stainings. No conclusions can be drawn from the panels except that all markers are there in the various conditions. And while they are showing a neural rosette in Fig 4A, just tiny ones can be observed in 4B. It is also not clear what the whole mount IHC ads in comparison to the IHC on sections. It is also strange that there is still a lot of SOX2 in the CALB/MAP2-positive area, but again with this magnification hard to appreciate.

      We agree with the reviewer that so far we presented qualitative proof-of-principle stainings that demonstrate cerebellar and neocortical differentiation, respectively. In order to address the comment of the reviewer, we improved the quality of the images and also provided higher magnification and enhanced resolution. Additionally, we now provide detailed quantifications of SOX2+ and Ki67+ neural progenitor cells and show that differences observed between PCH2a and control cerebellar organoids may explain the size differences observed between organoids (Figure 6). Our study provides the basis for more in-depth analysis of differences in differentiation and cell type composition between PCH2a and control organoids in the future, for example through single-cell RNAseq.

      3) If the authors would like to proof the point that cerebellar/cortical development is hampered, more functional assays could have been done. Nothing is analyses on the fraction of progenitor cells present (such as the percentage of Tbr2+ IPC in VZ/CP). Furthermore, if there is a suspicion that the number of cells is affected (which is also not shown), proliferation/cell cycle exit experiments using BrdU/EdU should have been performed. Early cell cycle exit still cannot be rules out and should have been tested by the combination of Ki67-/EdU+ percentage of a certain faction of progenitor cells (eg PAX6+ pool).

      We thank the reviewer for this valuable suggestion and agree that it would be interesting to carry out respective experiments. In this study, we show the establishment of a brain-region-specific organoid platform as a disease model for PCH2a and are only at the beginning of deciphering the underlying mechanism. In the revised manuscript, we quantified Ki-67+/Sox2+ cells in proliferative zones in the organoids. We believe that future studies including BrdU / EdU incorporation assays as well as scRNA-seq will answer the questions raised here and decipher the disease-causing mechanism on both cellular and molecular levels but are beyond the scope of this manuscript.

      4) Instead the author chose to only perform a cCas3 staining. From the panels in Figure 6 it is hard to appreciate which cells are actually cCas3+. Also the analyses were performed on the total pool of cell while it might have been more interesting to look for cell death of the various progenitor pools (eg the SOX2+ pool).

      We agree with the reviewer that a more in-depth analysis of apoptotic cell populations is interesting and performed cCas3/Sox2+ quantification for cerebellar and neocortical organoids. We did not observe significant differences of cCas3 expression within the SOX2+ cell population. (Figure 5)

      Minor concerns

      1) It would greatly enhance the review process if line numbers are added

      We have added line numbers to the manuscript.

      2) On general concepts (such as the generation of organoids in the context of disease) more references could have been added

      We have added more references and discussed the topic of brain organoids as disease models as suggested by this reviewer (Eichmüller & Knoblich 2022, Khakipoor et al 2020, Velasco et al 2020).


      Fig. 1: In A, the square is clearly visible and not similar to B. An annotation of which is the control and which is the patient is missing in the figure. The arrows are hardly visibly, would make them slightly bigger and remove the black outer lining. Figure 1C can easily go to the Supplemental material. Fig 1 D is hard to appreciate the staining, a close-up with bright field microscope will help. E-I Most of the panels but especially G and H are overexposed. In J, it is hard to appreciate the TSEN54 staining. Maybe separate channels and a merge?

      We thank the reviewer for bringing these details to our attention. We have changed the arrows in the figure to enhance their visibility. Further we have adjusted the quality of the images overall. Lastly, we have made a comment in the figure legend clearly stating which scan came from which child. The described square was added to hide facial features of the imaged individuals hence they are not identical.

      Fig. 3: Usually go into the supplementals.

      Since organoid size is a major first readout when modeling a disorder that is characterized by a reduction of the volume of specific brain regions, we decided to keep this readout in the main text.

      Fig 4/5: Lack of quantitative data and poor quality of figures (overexposure).

      Fig 6: Many of the SOX2 panels are overexposed

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestions on the figures and addressed the concerns in the revised manuscript.


      I completely agree with reviewers #1 and #3. It is good to notice that we are overall on the same page.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The authors definitely made an excellent start to model PCH2a. Three controls and three patient lines are good to begin with but isogenic controls using one parental line and a patient line where the mutation is fixed would have been ideal. It is interesting that there seem to be a brain area specific pathology of the phenotype. Yet, more thorough analyses could have been performed such as proliferation and differentiation and cell cycle exit experiments. As for now the mostly descriptive data are only scratching the surface and little can be concluded on the molecular framework they are trying to solve.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      In this study Kagermeier et al. use human cerebellar and neocortical organoids to investigate the effects of the PCH2a-causing homozygous TSEN54c.919G>T variant on the neurodevelopment of different brain regions. They reveal a substantial growth defect in both neocortical and cerebellar regions with a more profound phenotype in the cerebellum. They continue to investigate major cell types of neurodevelopment in both regions and briefly potential mechanisms underlying the phenotypes. The study is well conceived and addresses the current gap of disease-modeling in cerebellar organoids; nevertheless, some major claims are not sufficiently substantiated in the current version. Below, I provide suggestions on how to improve the manuscript with some additional minor comments that might help with readability and accessibility of the work.

      Major comments:

      1. TSEN54 expression levels: The authors compare RNA and protein expression levels for TSEN54 to investigate the mutation's effect. For this the authors use qPCR on iPSCs and organoids of different age and immunostainings and conclude "we did not find differences in expression between cell and tissue types". There are some issues with this analysis as explained below:

      -The qPCR data (Fig. 2B) is first normalized to a housekeeping gene (GAPDH), however, then all organoid data are additionally normalized to the respective iPSC line. Thus, in case there is already a difference on iPSC level, this normalization might mask any difference in the organoids. It is unclear why this approach was chosen, and it seems more appropriate to show the data just normalized to GAPDH than additionally normalizing to the iPSCs, or at least to show first that iPSCs do not have differences in TSEN54 expression. Furthermore, even though apparently not statistically significant there seems to be a strong trend of lower TSEN54 levels in PCH2a in neocortical organoids, but even more so in cerebellar organoids. In my view this would fit very well with the study and should be further explored before concluding there is no statistical difference. Considering the high error bars of the cerebellar organoid samples, a higher N-number might be necessary to reach statistical significance in the difference in expression. Most importantly, it would be appropriate to show single data points where possible and to mark the different cell lines (as done in other figures), as otherwise it is not possible to judge whether there is a cell line bias in the data.

      -The evidence for protein expression of TSEN54 is immunofluorescence stainings for all conditions. As there is no quantification, the authors should not conclude differences, or the lack thereof, based on this qualitative data. Furthermore, in fact in the on example shown the PCH2a cerebellar condition (Fig 2D) seems to show lower expression levels compared with other conditions. This could be due to the selected image, as all other examples include large neural rosettes with strong staining in the center of the rosettes. Furthermore, it is unclear what cell line these stainings come from, even whether the PCH2a cerebellar and neocortical stainings come from the same cell line. Thus, the authors should select comparable examples for all conditions, and ideally provide staining examples (e.g., as supplementary data) for the other replicates to ensure expression in all replicates. If the authors want to comment on differences in protein expression, maybe a quantitative approach (e.g., quantitative western blot) would be more appropriate. Otherwise, the statements should be adjusted to not conclude whether TSEN54 protein levels differ or not.

      -Irrespective of the above comments the conclusion of the section "TSEN54 expression in cerebellar and neocortical organoids", that currently reads "we did not find differences in expression between cell and tissue types" should be changed, as the authors did not investigate whether there are cell type-specific differences of TSEN54 expression.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. We agree that the provided data is not suitable for quantitative analysis of TSEN54 expression. Please also see our related response to the similar concern raised by reviewer 1. Thanks to these suggestions, we have decided to exclude the TSEN54 expression data from the current manuscript as a detailed analysis should be part of an extensive future study.

      Organoid growth analysis:

      The organoid growth analysis in Figure 3 and supplementary Figure 2 shows the main phenotype of the study that seems to be very strong. The authors use unpaired t-tests to compare within the different timepoints. Unfortunately, I think this approach might not be appropriate as even though the Welch correction does not rely on similar SDs in the compared groups (Control vs. PCH2a), it still assumes that all data points within each group share the same variance. However, this is not the case, as e.g., the control condition includes three groups (Control-1 to -3), that between groups might have different variance as such not all datapoints are independent from each other. Potentially ANOVA analyses controlling for cell line and timepoint might be more appropriate. Or additionally, the authors could consider using the linear regression analysis in Supplementary Figure 2 to further investigate the difference in organoid growth by e.g., comparing the slope of the regression lines. This might be more appropriately reflecting the growth deficit over time than simply comparing each timepoint individually. Expanding on this analysis the regression analysis requires some more information on the fit (intercept, slope, R-squared of the model), which would help clarifying the growth dynamics in the different systems and conditions.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestions on statistical analysis and adjusted our approach accordingly. Briefly we performed 3-way-ANOVA analysis for the growth curves which revealed no significant differences between the different lines within the groups (Control or PCH2a) at different time points. Additionally, we added the linear regression model to the results (See Figure 3 and supplementary table 2, with the information on the curve fit).

      The growth ratio analysis (Figure 3D) is essential to the major claim of the paper that the organoids replicate the region-specific differences. As the authors performed all experiments with matching cell lines this could additionally strengthen the argument by generating the ratio of size differences for each cell line separately (instead of just for all PCH2a lines together). This would allow comparison of the same genetic background in both cerebellar and neocortical condition and further corroborate the region-specific severity of the phenotype. Potentially, this would also enable to test these differences statistically.

      We appreciate the suggestion to compare the differentiation protocols by line. Below we display the line-by-line analysis between the two differentiation protocols at D30 (A), D50 (B), and D90 (C). In order to visualize the differences in size between the two protocols more clearly, we have generated ratios of the average organoid sizes between neocortical and cerebellar organoids (D). The analysis corroborates our previous visualizations and statistics (3-way ANOVA) by showing that PCH lines produce neocortical and cerebellar organoids that differ in size more than those of control lines. The differences are most pronounced at D30 and D90. However, we believe that this analysis does not add additional value to our manuscript and have therefore decided not to include it in the revised version.

      Additionally, all growth analyses for the neocortical organoids (Figure 3C, Supplementary Figure 2B and C) seem to lack the PCH-1 cell line and only contain PCH-2 and PCH-3. This cell line should be added or commented on why it was excluded from the analyses.

      We agree with the reviewer. Unfortunately, we experienced contamination in that specific differentiation and therefore cannot provide the data. We have made a related comment in the manuscript. Since all differentiations were performed in parallel, adding this line at a later time point would add additional confounders and is therefore undesirable.

      Potential mechanism of the phenotype (apoptosis analysis):

      In Figure 6 the authors investigate the hypothesis that increased apoptosis contributes to the phenotypes. In the cleaved Caspase 3 staining there appear to be no differences. Unfortunately, the analysis apparently only includes one replicate (one organoid?) per cell line and condition. Considering the variability in the data shown this seems inappropriately low and should ideally contain ~3 replicates per cell line condition to judge technical and biological variability if the authors want to make the point that there is no "significant difference between PCH2a and control organoids at any time point in both cerebellar and neocortical organoids". Otherwise, this claim does not seem to be substantiated enough by the data.

      Finally, due to the absence of a phenotype related to apoptosis the authors conclude that the phenotypes may be due to "deficits in the proliferation of progenitor cells". Although this is mentioned in the introduction and the discussion, there is no evidence in the current study that supports this interesting idea. By adding relatively straight forward co-staining experiments for e.g., SOX2 (progenitors) and Ki67 (proliferating cells), the authors could provide further evidence for this hypothesis using existing organoid sections. This would support this speculative idea and could add a more mechanistic insight to the study, thereby making it more exciting.

      To address this concern, we have now added a table to the supplement that described in detail which organoids / batches / cell lines were used for which experiment (Supplementary table 3). In addition to our previous cCas3 quantifications, we performed the quantification of cCas3 within the population of SOX2-positive cells, which was suggested by Reviewer 2 (Figure 5).

      To assess the alternative hypothesis, that proliferation deficits account for the size differences observed between organoids, we also performed quantifications of SOX2-positive zones in the organoids at D30 and D50 of differentiation as well as quantifications of Ki-67 positive cells within the SOX2-positive population. For cerebellar organoids we found significant differences in these experiments (Figure 6). We believe that this data supports the hypothesis of aberrant proliferation in PCH2a cerebellar organoids explaining the size differences.

      Minor comments:

      • Cell line and quality control: The authors recruit three male patients with PCH2a and reprogram iPSCs. These cell lines are subjected to a well performed extensive quality control. However, it is unclear what cell lines the stainings (e.g., Fig. 1D to I) originate from. Furthermore, the supplementary qPCR analysis (Supplementary Figure 1) includes only the PCH-1 line, and additionally two cell lines that are not explained (F-CO and hESC-I3). It is unclear what the relevance of showing the qPCR of these cell lines is. To ensure proper QC for all used cell lines the authors should provide data for all cell lines (PCH-1 to -3 and control-1 to -3), or at least summarize (e.g., in a table) what QC metrics were applied to which cell line. Most importantly, this information is completely lacking for the control cell lines and the QC is just mentioned in the text. Unfortunately, it is unclear where the control cell lines originate from, and some basic information would be required to judge whether they are appropriate controls: are they iPSC or ESC, were they reprogrammed with a similar paradigm as the PCH2a cells, what is the gender of the control cell lines (all PCH2a cell lines are apparently male)?

      In line with a similar comment from reviewer 1, we have included a table that provides information on the origin of all six cell lines used in the revised manuscript (methods section). Further we provide SNP-Array data on all cell lines as supplementary material. We also performed detailed characterization of pluripotency, proliferation and cell cycle dynamics of all six hiPSC lines through immunocytochemistry against pluripotency marker OCT4, proliferation marker Ki-67 and EdU incorporation experiments (Figure 2). We further assessed the apoptosis rate of hiPSCs by staining against apoptotic marker cCas3. All experiments did not result in significant differences between PCH2a and control iPSC lines (see Figure 2). In line with the suggestion of this reviewer, we removed the qPCR analysis of iPSCs from the manuscript.

      • To make the study more approachable for a medical audience and to judge the variability in phenotype presentation among the recruited patients it would be appreciated if more information on the patients would be provided. The authors write: "We identified three individuals that display the genetic, clinical and brain imaging features previously described for PCH2a.". This information including age/date of birth, as well as other medically relevant information could be provided in the supplementary figure (e.g., is there a difference in disease burden among the different patients?). This would allow judging the recruited cohort better.

      We thank the reviewer for this insightful comment. We provided a table with detailed clinical information (supplementary table 1).

      • According to the method section the cerebellar and neocortical organoids were cultured in very different medium especially at later timepoints. While neocortical organoids were kept in a neural maintenance medium based on Neurobasal-A, cerebellar organoids were kept in a medium based on BrainPhys. These media contain very different levels of nutrients, especially of glucose (25mM vs 2.5mM, Bardy et al. 2015). This can have a strong phenotype on proliferation of progenitors and proliferative phenotypes (e.g., see Eichmüller et al. 2022). Especially as the authors claim that there is a difference in the PCH2a phenotypes between brain regions, it should be excluded that this is due to medium differences at later timepoints. When investigating the growth curves of Figure 3B and C it seems like the major difference in growth speed seems to be that neocortical organoids grow faster in early timepoints (We agree that media composition can greatly influence growth dynamics of cells in 2D and 3D. However, in this study we assess the differences between two groups: the PCH2a and control iPSC-derived organoids. The differences we describe are in relation to the respective control group and iPSCs were generated following the same protocol in the same lab. We believe that by following two protocols and comparing the three PCH2a to the three control lines within each protocol predominantly, we account for different media composition possibly changing growth dynamics.

      • Staining examples shown and presentation: In several figures the authors could improve the presentation of the staining examples with some changes:

      o Cell line information for images: as the authors only ever note the condition (PCH2a or Control) but not the cell line it is unclear if the stainings all come from one cell line or from multiple different cell lines. This prevents comparing the different differentiation conditions. Additionally, for major conclusions the authors should consider including supplemental stainings or further information on how reproducible the results shown are (how many cell lines and batches were used?).

      We thank the reviewer for these suggestions. We added information on cell lines and passages for all experiments shown in this study in the figure legends. Moreover, we also added a table providing information on n-numbers for all experiments (supplementary table 3).

      o Selection of examples: in several cases (Fig 2C/D, 4A, 6A/B) the selected images depict very different regions, e.g., one condition shows a large rosette, while in the other condition no rosette can be seen. It would be more appropriate to show matching examples where possible.

      We agree with the reviewer and have chosen matched regions of interest in the figure panels in the revised version of the manuscript. Please note that for cerebellar organoids we observed a significant difference in the timepoint of appearance of these rosette-like structures. Therefore, an exact matching of regions of interest was not possible due to biological differences between the samples, which we have also quantified (Figure 6).

      o Color code of stainings: Colors do not match throughout the manuscript in immunofluorescence images. E.g., Fig. 4 uses blue, green, red, magenta and Fig. 5 uses blue, green, magenta, cyan. It would be preferable to adhere to one color code. Considering significant fraction of the population is having red-green blindness, the latter color code seems more appropriate as it should ensure readability also for color-blind audiences.

      We are thankful for this comment. We changed the color code to make figures more widely accessible.

      • Small typos:

      o Figure 1 legend: last sentence "The" instead of "Th"

      o Supplementary Figure 1B: PCH-2 is named "PCH-22"

      o Supplementary Figure 2: As in the main figure for neocortical organoids the PCH-1 condition is missing (see comment on organoid growth curves). Additionally, the color/shape code of the plots in B does not always match the legend (e.g., size in left plot is different and color of PCH-3 in middle and left plot differs from legend and right plot).

      o It is unclear why the cortical organoids are referred to as "neocortical organoids" in the figures and the text. The methods and the reference in the methods as well as all major papers rather use the word "cortical".

      We addressed these suggestions and thank the reviewer for bringing these to our attention. Unfortunately, we could not include data on PCH-01 in neocortical differentiation due to a contamination in this batch. We made sure to run all the batches presented here in parallel so that all conditions are equivalent, preventing us from including a different batch at a later time point.

      We believe that in the context of our study, it is important to highlight cortical organoids as neocortical organoids, because we are also showing cerebellar organoids and there is also a cerebellar cortex.


      Bardy, C. et al. Neuronal medium that supports basic synaptic functions and activity of human neurons in vitro. Proc National Acad Sci 112, E3312 (2015).

      Eichmüller, O. L. et al. Amplification of human interneuron progenitors promotes brain tumors and neurological defects. Science 375, (2022).


      I agree with the comments of the other reviewers and as they are mostly matching, this reinforces the importance to improve certain aspects of the manuscript. As there are no deviating issues I do not comment specifically on any reviewer comments.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This work is using organoid technology to shed light on brain region-specific phenotypes in PCH2a. Brain organoids have drastically changed the way we study human neurological diseases (Eichmüller and Knoblich 2022), however, most brain organoid research has focused on cortical organoids. Cerebellar organoid protocols exist for some time (Muguruma et al. 2015, Silva et al. 2020, Nayler et al. 2021) but were not yet applied to uncover new disease biology. Especially considering the important role of human-specific cerebellar processes in specific developmental disorders (Haldipur et al. 2021) and cancer (Hendrikse et al. 2022, Smith et al. 2022), disease modeling in human cerebellar organoids holds great potential for understanding disease biology. The work by Kagermeier et al. demonstrates that human cerebellar organoids are recapitulating brain region-specific growth deficits and thus is an important step forward for disease modeling. Therefore, this work will be interesting to researchers working on brain development and disease modeling, especially in in-vitro systems. Nevertheless, the mechanistic insight of the study is limited, as is the insight into how human-specific processes might be involved in the pathogenesis of PCH2a. Therefore, it will be interesting how this disease model will be used in future to investigate the cell types and mechanisms involved in the PCH2a phenotype.

      Personal field of expertise: Brain organoids and disease modeling in organoids especially of neurodevelopmental diseases. Analysis of organoids with stainings, as well as sequencing techniques, and bioinformatics.


      Eichmüller, O. L. & Knoblich, J. A. Human cerebral organoids - a new tool for clinical neurology research. Nat Rev Neurol 1-20 (2022) doi:10.1038/s41582-022-00723-9.

      Haldipur, P. et al. Evidence of disrupted rhombic lip development in the pathogenesis of Dandy-Walker malformation. Acta Neuropathol 142, 761-776 (2021).

      Hendrikse, L. D. et al. Failure of human rhombic lip differentiation underlies medulloblastoma formation. Nature 609, 1021-1028 (2022).

      Muguruma, K., Nishiyama, A., Kawakami, H., Hashimoto, K. & Sasai, Y. Self-Organization of Polarized Cerebellar Tissue in 3D Culture of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Reports 10, 537-550 (2015).

      Nayler, S., Agarwal, D., Curion, F., Bowden, R. & Becker, E. B. E. High-resolution transcriptional landscape of xeno-free human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cerebellar organoids. Sci Rep-uk 11, 12959 (2021).

      Silva, T. P. et al. Scalable Generation of Mature Cerebellar Organoids from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells and Characterization by Immunostaining. J Vis Exp (2020) doi:10.3791/61143.

      Smith, K. S. et al. Unified rhombic lip origins of group 3 and group 4 medulloblastoma. Nature 609, 1012-1020 (2022).

      References by the authors

      Aldinger KA, Thomson Z, Phelps IG, Haldipur P, Deng M, et al. 2021. Spatial and cell type transcriptional landscape of human cerebellar development. Nat Neurosci 24: 1163-75

      Eichmüller OL, Knoblich JA. 2022. Human cerebral organoids — a new tool for clinical neurology research. Nature Reviews Neurology 18: 661-80

      Khakipoor S, Crouch EE, Mayer S. 2020. Human organoids to model the developing human neocortex in health and disease. Brain Res 1742: 146803

      Muguruma K, Nishiyama A, Kawakami H, Hashimoto K, Sasai Y. 2015. Self-organization of polarized cerebellar tissue in 3D culture of human pluripotent stem cells. Cell Rep 10: 537-50

      Sepp M, Leiss K, Sarropoulos I, Murat F, Okonechnikov K, et al. 2021.

      Silva TP, Fernandes TG, Nogueira DES, Rodrigues CAV, Bekman EP, et al. 2020. Scalable Generation of Mature Cerebellar Organoids from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells and Characterization by Immunostaining. J Vis Exp

      Strassler ET, Aalto-Setala K, Kiamehr M, Landmesser U, Krankel N. 2018. Age Is Relative-Impact of Donor Age on Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cell Functionality. Front Cardiovasc Med 5: 4

      Studer L, Vera E, Cornacchia D. 2015. Programming and Reprogramming Cellular Age in the Era of Induced Pluripotency. Cell Stem Cell 16: 591-600

      Velasco S, Paulsen B, Arlotta P. 2020. 3D Brain Organoids: Studying Brain Development and Disease Outside the Embryo. Annu Rev Neurosci 43: 375-89

      Watson LM, Wong MMK, Vowles J, Cowley SA, Becker EBE. 2018. A Simplified Method for Generating Purkinje Cells from Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cerebellum 17: 419-27

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: In this study Kagermeier et al. use human cerebellar and neocortical organoids to investigate the effects of the PCH2a-causing homozygous TSEN54c.919G>T variant on the neurodevelopment of different brain regions. They reveal a substantial growth defect in both neocortical and cerebellar regions with a more profound phenotype in the cerebellum. They continue to investigate major cell types of neurodevelopment in both regions and briefly potential mechanisms underlying the phenotypes. The study is well conceived and addresses the current gap of disease-modeling in cerebellar organoids; nevertheless, some major claims are not sufficiently substantiated in the current version. Below, I provide suggestions on how to improve the manuscript with some additional minor comments that might help with readability and accessibility of the work.

      Major comments: 1. TSEN54 expression levels: The authors compare RNA and protein expression levels for TSEN54 to investigate the mutation's effect. For this the authors use qPCR on iPSCs and organoids of different age and immunostainings and conclude "we did not find differences in expression between cell and tissue types". There are some issues with this analysis as explained below: -The qPCR data (Fig. 2B) is first normalized to a housekeeping gene (GAPDH), however, then all organoid data are additionally normalized to the respective iPSC line. Thus, in case there is already a difference on iPSC level, this normalization might mask any difference in the organoids. It is unclear why this approach was chosen, and it seems more appropriate to show the data just normalized to GAPDH than additionally normalizing to the iPSCs, or at least to show first that iPSCs do not have differences in TSEN54 expression. Furthermore, even though apparently not statistically significant there seems to be a strong trend of lower TSEN54 levels in PCH2a in neocortical organoids, but even more so in cerebellar organoids. In my view this would fit very well with the study and should be further explored before concluding there is no statistical difference. Considering the high error bars of the cerebellar organoid samples, a higher N-number might be necessary to reach statistical significance in the difference in expression. Most importantly, it would be appropriate to show single data points where possible and to mark the different cell lines (as done in other figures), as otherwise it is not possible to judge whether there is a cell line bias in the data. -The evidence for protein expression of TSEN54 is immunofluorescence stainings for all conditions. As there is no quantification, the authors should not conclude differences, or the lack thereof, based on this qualitative data. Furthermore, in fact in the on example shown the PCH2a cerebellar condition (Fig 2D) seems to show lower expression levels compared with other conditions. This could be due to the selected image, as all other examples include large neural rosettes with strong staining in the center of the rosettes. Furthermore, it is unclear what cell line these stainings come from, even whether the PCH2a cerebellar and neocortical stainings come from the same cell line. Thus, the authors should select comparable examples for all conditions, and ideally provide staining examples (e.g., as supplementary data) for the other replicates to ensure expression in all replicates. If the authors want to comment on differences in protein expression, maybe a quantitative approach (e.g., quantitative western blot) would be more appropriate. Otherwise, the statements should be adjusted to not conclude whether TSEN54 protein levels differ or not. -Irrespective of the above comments the conclusion of the section "TSEN54 expression in cerebellar and neocortical organoids", that currently reads "we did not find differences in expression between cell and tissue types" should be changed, as the authors did not investigate whether there are cell type-specific differences of TSEN54 expression.

      1. Organoid growth analysis: The organoid growth analysis in Figure 3 and supplementary Figure 2 shows the main phenotype of the study that seems to be very strong. The authors use unpaired t-tests to compare within the different timepoints. Unfortunately, I think this approach might not be appropriate as even though the Welch correction does not rely on similar SDs in the compared groups (Control vs. PCH2a), it still assumes that all data points within each group share the same variance. However, this is not the case, as e.g., the control condition includes three groups (Control-1 to -3), that between groups might have different variance as such not all datapoints are independent from each other. Potentially ANOVA analyses controlling for cell line and timepoint might be more appropriate. Or additionally, the authors could consider using the linear regression analysis in Supplementary Figure 2 to further investigate the difference in organoid growth by e.g., comparing the slope of the regression lines. This might be more appropriately reflecting the growth deficit over time than simply comparing each timepoint individually. Expanding on this analysis the regression analysis requires some more information on the fit (intercept, slope, R-squared of the model), which would help clarifying the growth dynamics in the different systems and conditions. The growth ratio analysis (Figure 3D) is essential to the major claim of the paper that the organoids replicate the region-specific differences. As the authors performed all experiments with matching cell lines this could additionally strengthen the argument by generating the ratio of size differences for each cell line separately (instead of just for all PCH2a lines together). This would allow comparison of the same genetic background in both cerebellar and neocortical condition and further corroborate the region-specific severity of the phenotype. Potentially, this would also enable to test these differences statistically. Additionally, all growth analyses for the neocortical organoids (Figure 3C, Supplementary Figure 2B and C) seem to lack the PCH-1 cell line and only contain PCH-2 and PCH-3. This cell line should be added or commented on why it was excluded from the analyses.

      2. Potential mechanism of the phenotype (apoptosis analysis): In Figure 6 the authors investigate the hypothesis that increased apoptosis contributes to the phenotypes. In the cleaved Caspase 3 staining there appear to be no differences. Unfortunately, the analysis apparently only includes one replicate (one organoid?) per cell line and condition. Considering the variability in the data shown this seems inappropriately low and should ideally contain ~3 replicates per cell line condition to judge technical and biological variability if the authors want to make the point that there is no "significant difference between PCH2a and control organoids at any time point in both cerebellar and neocortical organoids". Otherwise, this claim does not seem to be substantiated enough by the data. Finally, due to the absence of a phenotype related to apoptosis the authors conclude that the phenotypes may be due to "deficits in the proliferation of progenitor cells". Although this is mentioned in the introduction and the discussion, there is no evidence in the current study that supports this interesting idea. By adding relatively straight forward co-staining experiments for e.g., SOX2 (progenitors) and Ki67 (proliferating cells), the authors could provide further evidence for this hypothesis using existing organoid sections. This would support this speculative idea and could add a more mechanistic insight to the study, thereby making it more exciting.

      Minor comments: - Cell line and quality control: The authors recruit three male patients with PCH2a and reprogram iPSCs. These cell lines are subjected to a well performed extensive quality control. However, it is unclear what cell lines the stainings (e.g., Fig. 1D to I) originate from. Furthermore, the supplementary qPCR analysis (Supplementary Figure 1) includes only the PCH-1 line, and additionally two cell lines that are not explained (F-CO and hESC-I3). It is unclear what the relevance of showing the qPCR of these cell lines is. To ensure proper QC for all used cell lines the authors should provide data for all cell lines (PCH-1 to -3 and control-1 to -3), or at least summarize (e.g., in a table) what QC metrics were applied to which cell line. Most importantly, this information is completely lacking for the control cell lines and the QC is just mentioned in the text. Unfortunately, it is unclear where the control cell lines originate from, and some basic information would be required to judge whether they are appropriate controls: are they iPSC or ESC, were they reprogrammed with a similar paradigm as the PCH2a cells, what is the gender of the control cell lines (all PCH2a cell lines are apparently male)?

      • To make the study more approachable for a medical audience and to judge the variability in phenotype presentation among the recruited patients it would be appreciated if more information on the patients would be provided. The authors write: "We identified three individuals that display the genetic, clinical and brain imaging features previously described for PCH2a.". This information including age/date of birth, as well as other medically relevant information could be provided in the supplementary figure (e.g., is there a difference in disease burden among the different patients?). This would allow judging the recruited cohort better.

      • According to the method section the cerebellar and neocortical organoids were cultured in very different medium especially at later timepoints. While neocortical organoids were kept in a neural maintenance medium based on Neurobasal-A, cerebellar organoids were kept in a medium based on BrainPhys. These media contain very different levels of nutrients, especially of glucose (25mM vs 2.5mM, Bardy et al. 2015). This can have a strong phenotype on proliferation of progenitors and proliferative phenotypes (e.g., see Eichmüller et al. 2022). Especially as the authors claim that there is a difference in the PCH2a phenotypes between brain regions, it should be excluded that this is due to medium differences at later timepoints. When investigating the growth curves of Figure 3B and C it seems like the major difference in growth speed seems to be that neocortical organoids grow faster in early timepoints (<d30), but similar at later timepoints, which would exclude effects of the media at late timepoints. Nevertheless, considering the strong effect media glucose concentration can have the authors should investigate whether there is an effect at growth speed at later timepoints by comparing control organoids. This could also strengthen the region-specific phenotype due to PCH2a.

      • Staining examples shown and presentation: In several figures the authors could improve the presentation of the staining examples with some changes: o Cell line information for images: as the authors only ever note the condition (PCH2a or Control) but not the cell line it is unclear if the stainings all come from one cell line or from multiple different cell lines. This prevents comparing the different differentiation conditions. Additionally, for major conclusions the authors should consider including supplemental stainings or further information on how reproducible the results shown are (how many cell lines and batches were used?). o Selection of examples: in several cases (Fig 2C/D, 4A, 6A/B) the selected images depict very different regions, e.g., one condition shows a large rosette, while in the other condition no rosette can be seen. It would be more appropriate to show matching examples where possible. o Color code of stainings: Colors do not match throughout the manuscript in immunofluorescence images. E.g., Fig. 4 uses blue, green, red, magenta and Fig. 5 uses blue, green, magenta, cyan. It would be preferable to adhere to one color code. Considering significant fraction of the population is having red-green blindness, the latter color code seems more appropriate as it should ensure readability also for color-blind audiences.

      • Small typos: o Figure 1 legend: last sentence "The" instead of "Th" o Supplementary Figure 1B: PCH-2 is named "PCH-22" o Supplementary Figure 2: As in the main figure for neocortical organoids the PCH-1 condition is missing (see comment on organoid growth curves). Additionally, the color/shape code of the plots in B does not always match the legend (e.g., size in left plot is different and color of PCH-3 in middle and left plot differs from legend and right plot). o It is unclear why the cortical organoids are referred to as "neocortical organoids" in the figures and the text. The methods and the reference in the methods as well as all major papers rather use the word "cortical".

      References: Bardy, C. et al. Neuronal medium that supports basic synaptic functions and activity of human neurons in vitro. Proc National Acad Sci 112, E3312 (2015). Eichmüller, O. L. et al. Amplification of human interneuron progenitors promotes brain tumors and neurological defects. Science 375, (2022).

      CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS I agree with the comments of the other reviewers and as they are mostly matching, this reinforces the importance to improve certain aspects of the manuscript. As there are no deviating issues I do not comment specifically on any reviewer comments.


      This work is using organoid technology to shed light on brain region-specific phenotypes in PCH2a. Brain organoids have drastically changed the way we study human neurological diseases (Eichmüller and Knoblich 2022), however, most brain organoid research has focused on cortical organoids. Cerebellar organoid protocols exist for some time (Muguruma et al. 2015, Silva et al. 2020, Nayler et al. 2021) but were not yet applied to uncover new disease biology. Especially considering the important role of human-specific cerebellar processes in specific developmental disorders (Haldipur et al. 2021) and cancer (Hendrikse et al. 2022, Smith et al. 2022), disease modeling in human cerebellar organoids holds great potential for understanding disease biology. The work by Kagermeier et al. demonstrates that human cerebellar organoids are recapitulating brain region-specific growth deficits and thus is an important step forward for disease modeling. Therefore, this work will be interesting to researchers working on brain development and disease modeling, especially in in-vitro systems. Nevertheless, the mechanistic insight of the study is limited, as is the insight into how human-specific processes might be involved in the pathogenesis of PCH2a. Therefore, it will be interesting how this disease model will be used in future to investigate the cell types and mechanisms involved in the PCH2a phenotype.

      Personal field of expertise: Brain organoids and disease modeling in organoids especially of neurodevelopmental diseases. Analysis of organoids with stainings, as well as sequencing techniques, and bioinformatics.


      Eichmüller, O. L. & Knoblich, J. A. Human cerebral organoids - a new tool for clinical neurology research. Nat Rev Neurol 1-20 (2022) doi:10.1038/s41582-022-00723-9.

      Haldipur, P. et al. Evidence of disrupted rhombic lip development in the pathogenesis of Dandy-Walker malformation. Acta Neuropathol 142, 761-776 (2021).

      Hendrikse, L. D. et al. Failure of human rhombic lip differentiation underlies medulloblastoma formation. Nature 609, 1021-1028 (2022).

      Muguruma, K., Nishiyama, A., Kawakami, H., Hashimoto, K. & Sasai, Y. Self-Organization of Polarized Cerebellar Tissue in 3D Culture of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Reports 10, 537-550 (2015).

      Nayler, S., Agarwal, D., Curion, F., Bowden, R. & Becker, E. B. E. High-resolution transcriptional landscape of xeno-free human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cerebellar organoids. Sci Rep-uk 11, 12959 (2021).

      Silva, T. P. et al. Scalable Generation of Mature Cerebellar Organoids from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells and Characterization by Immunostaining. J Vis Exp (2020) doi:10.3791/61143.

      Smith, K. S. et al. Unified rhombic lip origins of group 3 and group 4 medulloblastoma. Nature 609, 1012-1020 (2022).

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Please find enclosed my recommendation for the paper submitted by Kagermeier et al entitled' Human organoid model of PCH2a recapitulates brain region-specific pathology'. It describes the development of a human model for PCH2a and its characterization. My overall assessment of the paper is 'Major revision' which is explained below.

      Although the paper is very well written and clearly interesting in that it describes the generation and initial analyses of a human organoid model for PCH2a it should be revised such that it will proof the points it is trying to make. The authors are meticulous in their studies combining cellular characterization and a thorough initial screen of organoid (both cerebellar as well as cortical) integrity, yet hardly any mechanistic data is provided. Nevertheless, if the authors are able to add additional experiments and are able to address the points raised, the reviewer may be willing to consider a more positive outcome.

      Major concerns

      1. The overall quality of the figures is poor. There is a lot of overexposure such that often cellular or tissue structures are blended. It starts with Figure 1 G and H but can be observed throughout the manuscript. Deconvolution would greatly enhance their results.
      2. Especially figure 4 and 5 could have been complemented with quantitative data. It furthermore seems more supplemental figure as these are just proof-of-principle stainings. No conclusions can be drawn from the panels except that all markers are there in the various conditions. And while they are showing a neural rosette in Fig 4A, just tiny ones can be observed in 4B. It is also not clear what the whole mount IHC ads in comparison to the IHC on sections. It is also strange that there is still a lot of SOX2 in the CALB/MAP2-positive area, but again with this magnification hard to appreciate.
      3. If the authors would like to proof the point that cerebellar/cortical development is hampered, more functional assays could have been done. Nothing is analyses on the fraction of progenitor cells present (such as the percentage of Tbr2+ IPC in VZ/CP). Furthermore, if there is a suspicion that the number of cells is affected (which is also not shown), proliferation/cell cycle exit experiments using BrdU/EdU should have been performed. Early cell cycle exit still cannot be rules out and should have been tested by the combination of Ki67-/EdU+ percentage of a certain faction of progenitor cells (eg PAX6+ pool).
      4. Instead the author chose to only perform a cCas3 staining. From the panels in Figure 6 it is hard to appreciate which cells are actually cCas3+. Also the analyses were performed on the total pool of cell while it might have been more interesting to look for cell death of the various progenitor pools (eg the SOX2+ pool).

      Minor concerns

      1. It would greatly enhance the review process if line numbers are added
      2. On general concepts (such as the generation of organoids in the context of disease) more references could have been added


      Fig. 1: In A, the square is clearly visible and not similar to B. An annotation of which is the control and which is the patient is missing in the figure. The arrows are hardly visibly, would make them slightly bigger and remove the black outer lining. Figure 1C can easily go to the Supplemental material. Fig 1 D is hard to appreciate the staining, a close-up with bright field microscope will help. E-I Most of the panels but especially G and H are overexposed. In J, it is hard to appreciate the TSEN54 staining. Maybe separate channels and a merge?

      Fig. 3: Usually go into the supplementals

      Fig 4/5: Lack of quantitative data and poor quality of figures (overexposure).

      Fig 6: Many of the SOX2 panels are overexposed

      Referees cross-commenting

      I completely agree with reviewers #1 and #3. It is good to notice that we are overall on the same page.


      The authors definitely made an excellent start to model PCH2a. Three controls and three patient lines are good to begin with but isogenic controls using one parental line and a patient line where the mutation is fixed would have been ideal. It is interesting that there seem to be a brain area specific pathology of the phenotype. Yet, more thorough analyses could have been performed such as proliferation and differentiation and cell cycle exit experiments. As for now the mostly descriptive data are only scratching the surface and little can be concluded on the molecular framework they are trying to solve.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Kagermeier et al. present a novel and interesting study that attempts to model a severe neurodevelopmental disorder, pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 2a, using neocortical and cerebellar organoids. Brain organoids are an appropriate and promising approach to elucidate disease mechanisms in neurodevelopmental diseases. The authors show a reduction in the size of the organoids which is more pronounced in the cerebellar compared to neocortical organoids. While this finding is interesting and reminiscent of the clinical PCH2a phenotype, i.e., cerebellar hypoplasia, the study is very preliminary and the conclusions of the manuscript are not supported by the data. Additional information and further experiments are necessary to support the claims made.

      Major concerns:

      1. hiPSC lines show considerable inter- and intra-individual variability and therefore the size differences observed between these control and patient-derived organoids may arise from differences in the hiPSC lines used. While the data sufficiently demonstrates the pluripotency of the multiple novel hiPSC lines, major concerns remain as to the appropriateness of the control hiPSC lines. The manuscript should include a table describing the age and sex matching as well as mode of reprogramming for all control and patient lines. Patient and control lines should be matched as closely as possible. Furthermore, figure legends should clearly indicate which clones and lines are shown in the various figure panels.
      2. As the hiPSC lines used are not isogenic, it is important that the authors characterise these lines further. This should include a quantification of the rates proliferation and apoptosis in all used hiPSC lines, as these might impact the growth rate of the embryoid bodies / organoids.
      3. The authors state that the hiPSC lines have been characterised by SNP arrays to show that no genomic / chromosomal aberrations have been accrued due to reprogramming. The manuscript should include information as to when the SNP array was performed (i.e., immediately after reprogramming, after initial passaging, etc) and also include the results of the SNP array as additional information. What passage were the hiPSC when the presented experiments were carried out?
      4. Given that TSNE54 is broadly and strongly expressed in the developing nervous system, the very limited staining of the organoids for TSNE54 in Figure 2 is surprising. Can the authors provide an explanation for the fact that TSNE54 is only expressed in a small subset of cells? Which cell types are these? Moreover, high-magnification images should be shown to demonstrate subcellular staining pattern of TSNE54. Quantification of TSNE54 protein levels by immunoblotting would also be beneficial. Related to this observation, it is puzzling that the large size differences that the authors observe in their organoids would be driven by such a small number of TSNE54-expressing cells. How do the authors explain this discrepancy?
      5. The generated organoids need to be better characterised with a broader range of markers using both qPCR and immunostaining. At the moment, their identity as "cortical" and "cerebellar" organoids remain unconvincing. This is particularly true for cerebellar organoids, which are challenging to generate and are not widely used. The authors should include additional markers (for example, see PMIDs 25640179, 29397531, 32117945) and immunostaining should clearly show expected staining patterns. In Figure 5, it appears that some markers (e.g., SATB2) are expressed differently between control and patient lines, yet this is not commented on by the authors who conclude that control and patient lines show differentiation into organoids.
      6. The authors attempt to look into a potential mechanism for the size differences observed between control and patient organoids. However, only cleaved caspase-3 is used as a marker for apoptosis and no differences were observed. The authors should include further markers for potential cell death. In addition, immunostaining for proliferation markers (i.e., KI67) should be performed to evaluate whether the difference in organoid size could stem from decreased proliferation rather than increased cell death.


      The authors present an innovative approach to study neurodevelopmental disorders using brain organoids and should be of interest to researchers and clinicians working on neurodevelopmental diseases. However, the data presented are too limited to support any conclusions about the phenotype observed. Furthermore, questions remain about the used methodology and more work is needed to demonstrate the successful generation of both cortical and cerebellar organoids.