14 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2021
    1. Rasa dingin sampai menggigil ketika suhu tubuh meningkat atau demam sebenarnya cara alami tubuh membantu Anda pulih lebih cepat.

      Demam itu baik

    1. Limit yourself to four squares per day and avoid eating chocolate late into the evening because cocoa does contain a small amount of caffeine.  

      Hindari coklat saat malam, karena itu mengandundung sedikit kafein.

    2. Include these foods in your diet, do some daily exercise, keep well hydrated, get 7-8 hours’ sleep each night and you’ll be well ahead of the game for getting optimum exam results

      Hal sederhana yang perlu diperhatikan saat ingin belajar.

    3. For healthy snacks throughout the day, have a pot of mixed seeds near to hand, especially pumpkin and sunflower. Seeds make for healthy snacks that are high in the minerals magnesium, potassium, zinc and selenium; these are essential for good concentration, memory and keeping us calm. Magnesium can help with insomnia – vital for those suffering from lack of sleep during exams.

      Snack terbaik saat belajar ialah biji bunga matahari dsn labu.

    4. Oats are one of the best breakfasts you can choose to fuel the brain, and are one of the few cereals that haven’t been meddled with by the food industry – just plain oats made with water or milk and a little honey, some berries and crushed seeds will give you the brain boost you need.

      Oats adalah makanan terbaik pada pagi hari

    1. If you need a sugar boost, the naturally occuring sugars in fresh fruit are going to be much more useful than a chocolate bar or two. Darker colored fruits, such as blueberries, are thought to contain more antioxidants, but you'll feel the benefits of eating any fruit, whether it's a banana, an orange or even a slice of melon.

      Buah juga bagus sebagai pengganti coklat sebagai sugar boost.

    2. If you'd rather have porridge in the morning instead of eggs, try mixing some peanut butter into your morning bowl, a delicious way to start the day. Nuts, in general, are also an extremely good brain food, so stock up on snacking packs before your next trip to the library or study session

      Kacanh bagus sebagai pengganti telur untuk memaksimalkan pmbljran .Walau hanya sedikit.

    3. Kale, chard, spinach, broccoli: the list of healthy dark leafy greens is a long one, and they're a vital source of vitamins in the run-up to exams. All dark greens are packed with vitamin K, which helps build pathways in the brain, as well as naturally occurring nitrates and antioxidants. You'll also get a healthy amount of B6 and B12 from some of these vegetables, which are associated with improvements in alertness and memory.

      Sayuran hijau sangat bagus untuk pembelajaran

    4. They're a great way to start the day, and are more likely to leave you feeling full than sugary cereals or pastries. Just one egg contains vital nutrients, 6g of protein, vitamin B12 (which helps convert glucose into energy) and less than 100 calories - depending on how you cook it.

      Telur bagus untuk sarapan

    1. This is what the 80/20 rule is about —80% of the effects in asituation come from 20% of the causes. This phenomenon wasfirst discovered by Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian Economist who foundthat 20% of the people in Italy controls 80% of the wealth and land.He first observed the principle when gardening and noticing that20% of his peapods in his garden yielded 80% of the total harvestedpeas.


    2. oday I am going to share with you the power of applying the 80/20principle in your life. Even though I initially used it in my work, I laterrealized its presence in all aspects of our life (from relationships topersonal goals) and the power of applying this principle

      Ini saya coba annotate web ini yah



  2. Mar 2021
    1. . What happened in 1985 was the birth of the idea that creation of software was a political act. And that when the creation of software was motivated by politics, it should be called free software to differentiate it from software created

      merdeka belajar

    2. k then), and in order to encourage people to use our offerings and pay us for renting computer time and disk space and network bandwidth, we curated a collection of software libraries that customers could freely use. We called it the P


    3. ation, I worked at a cloud services company (only we called it “timesharing” back then), and in order to encourage people to use our offerings and pay us for renting computer time and disk space and network bandwidth, we curated a collection of software libraries that customers could freely use. We called it the

      ini sangat bagus dan efisien