- Dec 2023
aarhusuniversitet-my.sharepoint.com aarhusuniversitet-my.sharepoint.com
open-minded, imaginative, and resourceful.
Slut overblik over model
Dual focus on theory and practice
Det kan vi godt lide 😉
The educational design research proc
Start design process; overblik over design proces
Chapter 4analysis and exploration
of all three forms.
slut definition
n the same way that engineering
Definition if EDR
- Nov 2023
link-springer-com.ez.statsbiblioteket.dk link-springer-com.ez.statsbiblioteket.dk
- Jan 2023
demo.hedgedoc.org demo.hedgedoc.org
- Jul 2022
www.oecd.org www.oecd.org
OECD. (2019). OECD Learning Compass 2030. A series of concept notes. OECD: Project Future of Education and Skills 2030. http://www.oecd.org/education/2030-project/contact/OECD_Learning_Compass_2030_Concept_Note_Series.pdf
- Jun 2022
aarhusuniversitet-my.sharepoint.com aarhusuniversitet-my.sharepoint.com
not sure still relevant
- Apr 2022
projekter.au.dk projekter.au.dk
Piger klarer sig gennemsnitligt bedre i testen af computer- og informationskompetence end drenge og lige så godt i testen af datalogisk tænkning
- Nov 2021
meefen.github.io meefen.github.io
Further readings
A suggestion: Haider, Jutta, & Sundin, Olof (2019). Invisible Search and Online Search Engines: The Ubiquity of Search in Everyday Life. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429448546 A wonderful book, also building on Star. Olof Sundin has been working with an educational take on the issue of "invisible search" for at least 10 years. A new book by Haider and Sundin is forthcoming.
infrastructural agency
Haider & Sundin (2019) write about "infrastructural meaning-making" (esp. page 18, chapter 5). I see a lot of convergence between your ideas and theirs, although you work mainly in 'design mode', while they work mainly in 'analytic mode'.
- Feb 2021
www.ucviden.dk www.ucviden.dk
Kunne vi foreslå dette afsnit som udgangspunkt?
- Nov 2020
www.retsinformation.dk www.retsinformation.dk
et dannelsesperspektiv med vægt på elevernes udvikling af personlig myndighed. Eleverne skal derfor lære at forholde sig reflekterende og ansvarligt til deres omverden: medmennesker, natur og samfund samt til deres udvikling
De skal opnå fortrolighed med at anvende forskellige arbejdsformer og opnå evne til at fungere i et studiemiljø, hvor kravene til selvstændighed, samarbejde og sans for at opsøge viden er centrale.
Selvstændighed og samarbejde er begge afgørende for at opsøge viden
- Sep 2020
sway.office.com sway.office.com
- Apr 2020
aisel.aisnet.org aisel.aisnet.org
Ret fint artikel, som bestemt giver mening til at bruge. Til en "educational" studie ville jeg også inddrage Educational Design Research (mere i denne præsentation
Jarvinen, P., “Action Research is Similar to Design Science, Quality & Quan-tity
Bestemt relevant, men for MIL ville jeg inddrage Educational Desing Research
- Feb 2020
libraryfaqs.cu-portland.edu libraryfaqs.cu-portland.edu
[Video file]
In APA 7th, just [Video]
- Nov 2019
Local file Local file
der mangler noget!!
drive.google.com drive.google.com
kommentar i Hypothesis
- Aug 2019
www.projectinfolit.org www.projectinfolit.org
tester protocols
The link is not working. A copy of the document seems available at https://guidelines.raterhub.com/searchqualityevaluatorguidelines.pdf
- Jun 2018
reason.com reason.com
Crossing the Divide
Establishing dialogue with people whose views differ from ours: why it is difficult
- Apr 2018
faculty.education.illinois.edu faculty.education.illinois.edu
Critical Thinking’s claim is, at heart, to teach how to think critically, not how to think politically; for Critical Pedagogy, this is a false distinction.
false distinction or tension-space?
datasociety.net datasociety.net
Develop a coherent understanding of the media environment
Coherent understanding of the media environment
Develop curricula for addressing action in addition to interpretation. With the increased use of social media, literacy efforts need to be able to address user behavior in addition to interpretation
addressing action in addition to interpretation
Improve cross-disciplinary collaboration. Media literacy is often seen as a narrow, pedagogical field. But work from other disciplines – social psychology, political science, sociology – is producing new research and findings that could greatly benefit media literacy
Cross disciplinary collaboration
Local file Local fileA1
Theworking hypothesis for this paper is that DL ought tobe defined and ana-lysed not only in terms of individual competences that a person possesses, but ra-ther as the development of dispositions and competences for participation in pro-cesses where ‘dialogism’ is primarily a property of a ‘discursive space’ (Wegerif, 2013) -a ‘space’ that educational interventions can contribute in shaping
'dialogism' as property of discursive spaces
Local file Local fileA1
I have argued that it is this pro-cess of, in a sense, ‘becoming dialogue’, through identifying with relationships with others that underlies whatit means to learn to think and that could be called the ultimate literacy. But this ultimate literacy, dialogic literacy, is not really just an-other literacy, it is about raising our attention from particular practices to see the larger context of literacy which is responsive relationship to others and to other-ness
Wegerif's definition of "dialogic literacy"
ikit.org ikit.org
We will define “dialogic literacy” as the ability to engage productively in discourse whose purpose is to generate new knowledge and understanding
Definition of "dialogic literacy"
vk.ovg.ox.ac.uk vk.ovg.ox.ac.uk
People who depend on herd immunity
Argument for vaccination campaigns
www.swaraj.org www.swaraj.org
Politics or stinginess Then, too, I was learning so many things while I taught. Forinstance, that others' problems are like mine. To come out of them together is goodpolitics. To come out alone is stinginess.
Definition of politics
Politics or stinginess Then, too, I was learning so many things while I taught. For instance, that others' problems are like mine. To come out of them together is good politics. To come out alone is stinginess.
Definition of politics
anafys.dk anafys.dk
Den beklæder det meste af kroppens overflade,
en.wikiquote.org en.wikiquote.org
Die fast unlösbare Aufgabe besteht darin, weder von der Macht der anderen, noch von der eigenen Ohnmacht sich dumm machen zu lassen. The almost insoluble task is to let neither the power of others, nor our own powerlessness, stupefy us.
Theodor W. Adorno (1974 [original: 1951]). Minima Moralia. Reflexions on a Damaged life. Trans. by E. Jephcott, § 34
- Jun 2017
journals.sfu.ca journals.sfu.ca
Most importantly, however, the immune system must be able to discriminate between
trying to see how Hypothes.is play with the journl
- Sep 2016
pages-tdm.au.dk pages-tdm.au.dk
new students joining the community
learning through teaching
I learned about object-oriented programming. When you’re first introduced to programming languages they seem very complicated because there’s a lot of different rules and syntax
Yes, it is a form of "conceptual change" when you come from traditional programming (e.g. Pascal)
- Aug 2016
www.letssingit.com www.letssingit.com
il suo sentiero
È il sentiero di Luigi Tenco
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Controlled tagging for groups
Do you mean proposing a list of tags from which group participants can choose? This would be VERY interesting both for teaching and research. Please tell me if I can try something or participate. And thank you for your tools!
- Jun 2015
dac.au.dk dac.au.dk
erindrings- og identitetsstudier, IT som redskab til sprog- og kulturindlæring og kognitiv lingvistik som redskab til sprogbeskrivelse, sprogundervisning samt sprogindlæring.
proposta: erindrings- og identitetsstudier, sprog- og kulturdidaktik samt kognitiv lingvistik som redskab til sprogbeskrivelse og sprogindlæring.
sprog, historie, samfundsforhold, litteratur og kultur
Proposta: sprog, samfundsforhold, kultur (intanto le specializzazioni sono sotto in "metode")
- May 2015
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
rebuke of "liberal bigotism"
Local file Local file
L ’ ope r a i o c onos c e 300 pa r ol e i l pa d r one 1000 pe r que s t o l ui è i l pa d r one
oversat til dansk?
- Mar 2015
ac.els-cdn.com.ez.statsbiblioteket.dk:2048 ac.els-cdn.com.ez.statsbiblioteket.dk:2048
n a typical peer review session, students would ideally develop the thinking skills necessary to effectively evaluate a paper
Can you see my comment?
www.lastampa.it www.lastampa.it
Che prima o poi arrivi un nuovo portatile della Mela con schermo Retina è fuori dubbio,
qui ci posso fare un commento